Rau 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbook

Page created by Danny Simpson
Rau 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbook
Rau 2021-2022
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Rau 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbook
       The mission of Rau Elementary School is to create a safe, positive, and challenging

       learning environment for all children so that they become lifelong learners.

                     PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK:
       This handbook is written for the purpose of providing information and guidance to
       students, both new and continuing, and their parents. It is your responsibility, as a stu-
       dent and parent to become familiar with its contents. This booklet contains the
       guidelines for school rules, regulations, and objectives.

       It is felt that this handbook will help students, parents, and staff. These rules affect the
       daily operation of the school. The Board has adopted this handbook as its guideline to
       the administration for use in daily operation of the school.

       The Rau School Student/Parent Handbook has been assembled with the collaboration
       of other Montana and surrounding area schools and handbooks.

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Table of Contents
2021-2022 Schedule ................................................................................................................... 26
Academic Honesty ................................................................................................................... 7
Academics .................................................................................................................................. 7-8
Accelerated Reader ................................................................................................................... 8
Accidents/Injuries ..................................................................................................................... 9
Administration Contacts ......................................................................................................... 6
Appointments with Staff Members........................................................................................ 9
Asbestos ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Attendance Policy ..................................................................................................................... 9-10
Band ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Board of Trustees ...................................................................................................................... 10
Board of Trustee List ................................................................................................................ 6
Bullying ...................................................................................................................................... 11-12
Bus Rules and Consequences .................................................................................................. 12-13
Buses and Bad Weather ........................................................................................................... 13
Common Courtesy ................................................................................................................... 13
Computer Usage ....................................................................................................................... 14-15
Daily Schedule .......................................................................................................................... 5
Discipline Policy ....................................................................................................................... 15-17
Discrimination. .......................................................................................................................... 18
Doctor’s Appointments/Early Pick-ups ................................................................................ 18
Dress Code ................................................................................................................................. 18
Drug Free Policy ....................................................................................................................... 18
Extra Shoes................................................................................................................................. 19
Fire and Disaster Drills ............................................................................................................ 19
Illness Policy .............................................................................................................................. 19

Immunization ............................................................................................................................ 19

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Library ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Lice .............................................................................................................................................. 20

Medications ............................................................................................................................... 20

Mission Statement .................................................................................................................... 2

Out of District Students ........................................................................................................... 20

Parent Involvement .................................................................................................................. 20

Parent Teacher Organization .................................................................................................. 21

Parties ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Prairie View Special Services .................................................................................................. 21

Prairie View Special Services List .......................................................................................... 6

Prayer ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Private Property ........................................................................................................................ 21

Purpose of Handbook .............................................................................................................. 2

Quick Reference Guide ............................................................................................................ 26

Richland County Transportation Service .............................................................................. 5

School Breakfasts/Lunches ...................................................................................................... 21

Searches ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Student Pick-up and Drop-Off ............................................................................................... 22

Student Records ........................................................................................................................ 22

Suspension and Expulsion ...................................................................................................... 23-25

Teaching Staff List .................................................................................................................... 6

Telephone Use ........................................................................................................................... 25

Toys/Games from Home ......................................................................................................... 25

Vison/Hearing Screening ......................................................................................................... 25

Visitors ....................................................................................................................................... 25

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Daily Schedule
               7:20 - 7:45        Breakfast & Morning Recess

               7:50               Classes Begin

               9:45 - 10:00       Morning Recess for Grades K-3

               12:00 - 12:25      Lunch for Grades K-3

               12:10 - 12:30      Lunch for Grades 4-6

               12:25 - 12:50      Noon Recess for Grades K-3

               12:30 - 12:50      Noon Recess for Grades 4-6

               2:00 - 2:15        Afternoon Recess

               3:55               Dismissal

               4:05 - 4:10        Buses Leave Rau

                 *Recesses and lunch times may change*

          Richland Country Transportation Service (RCTS)
Richland Country Transportation Service (the white activity bus) has extended hours
to get kids to and from after school activities. RCTS runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. M-F.
Special rates are available for students. Call 433-RIDE (7433) for more information,
reservations, and weekend hours. PLEASE NOTE: All changes in a student’s drop off
and pick up schedule need to be made personally with RCTS by calling 433-7433 di-

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Teaching Staff
             Jacklyn Johnson              Kindergarten              jjohnson@rauschool.net
             Kim Halvorson                  1st Grade              khalvorson@rauschool.net
                Julie Hill                 2nd Grade                  jhill@rauschool.net
              Janelle Leintz                3rd Grade                jleintz@rauschool.net
             Kristin Norgaard               4th Grade              knorgaard@rauschool.net
              Kassie Larson                 5th Grade              kdonahue@rauschool.net
              Kassie Larson                 6th Grade              kdonahue@rauschool.net
              Leif Halvorson            Music/Computers            lhalvorson@rauschool.net
            Vernette Torgerson             Title I Aide               title@rauschool.net

                    Prairie View Special Services

           Denice Ler           Special Education         dler@pvssmt.org           406-489-2546
  Johanna Cillo-Crosby         Speech Pathologist    johannamaecillo@gmail.com

               Cindy Hecker             Business Manager/Clerk        checker@rauschool.net
              Kim Halvorson               Supervising Teacher      rausupervisor@rauschool.net
               Jennie Brettin           Administrative Assistant       office@rauschool.net
               Taylor Baxter             Food Service Manager       foodservice@rauschool.net

                                  Board of Trustees
                        Kelly Alvstad                                Board Chair
                        Alvin Franzen                                  Trustee
                        Sarah Rachor                                   Trustee
                        Cindy Hecker                                    Clerk

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Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is a term that includes several behaviors but is not limited to cheating/electronic cheating,
plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, and/or other attempts to complete work, obtain grades or credit through
dishonest means.

Individual knowledge is best achieved if it is arrived at through one’s own effort or through a collaborative
effort in which two or more individuals share equally in the acquisition and understanding of the educational
material being studied. With respect to academic learning and integrity, the following definitions are
provided for clarification:

Cheating is anything that presents someone else’s efforts as your own. Cheating, regardless of the form,
includes giving or receiving unauthorized aid in academic work such as the use of another student’s
completed work; not contributing to the group in collaborative or cooperative group situations; looking at
another person’s work; providing another person with answers or completed assignments, or having another
person complete your work. (See Plagiarism)

Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s works, ideas or data without proper documentation. Students must
acknowledge the use of another person’s work through proper formatting, and/or referencing someone else’s
work when allowed.

Fabrication is the presentation of written or oral work/statements known by the student to be false.

Procedures for dealing with academic misconduct will vary with the infraction. In general, work completed
through dishonest means will be taken from the student/s and will be assigned a grade of zero with the
student having NO opportunity for making up the work, regardless of the assignment

**In all academic misconduct cases, a disciplinary report will be completed, and contact will be made home to
the parents regarding the misconduct. When necessary, a student/parent/teacher/admin meeting may take

                               Report Cards, Mid-Terms, & Conferences

Report cards will be issued four times each school year. Midterm reports will be sent at the discretion of
classroom teachers. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be scheduled as necessary with individual parents. If
parents wish to schedule a conference, please call the school and arrange a time for a meeting when the
teacher is not busy in the classroom.

                                            2021-2022 Quarters

                  First Quarter: August 18th—October 28th (P/T Conferences on October 29th)

                                Second Quarter: November 1st—January 13th

                      Third Quarter: January 17th—March 18th (April 1st P/T Conferences)

                                    Fourth Quarter: March 28th—May 27th

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Grading & Homework Policy

            97-100 A+         87-89 B+               77-79 C+             67-69 D+           59-0 F
             94-96 A           84-86 B               74-76 C              64-66 D
            90-93 A-          80-83 B-               70-73 C-             60-63 D-

            4 – Advanced            3 – Proficient                 2 – Basic           1 – Below Basic

Each classroom teacher will determine the amount of homework that is most beneficial to their class and will
establish their own homework policy.

Allowing corrections on daily work is at the discretion of the classroom teacher and may result in full or
partial credit on the assignment.

                                        Accelerated Reader
The ACCELERATED READER program is a reading incentive program available to students nearing the end
of Kindergarten through Grade 6. Students earn points for the books they have read by taking a
computerized test. Accelerated Reader books are designated in the library with an orange or green dot that
indicates reading level and number of points. Parents may read books to their child(ren) keeping in mind
they should not go too far above the child’s reading level. AR Points are accumulated throughout your
duration as a student and are carried over each year. AR points do not necessarily transfer to other schools.

Accelerated Reader tests are allowed to be taken during times allotted by Rau Staff. No student will be
allowed to take tests during non-school hours or on non-school days unless prior permission is obtained from
the student’s classroom teacher.

Prizes are awarded for points earned:

     5 points—Student Store                 10 points—AR Pencil                      15 points—AR Folder
      25 points—Bookmark                 50 points—Bobble head pen             75 points—King Size Candy
                                           1,000 points—DQ Gift                 1,500 points—Embroidered
           100 points—Book
                                                     Certificate                           Blanket
                                         2,500 points—Bookcase with             3,000 points—Amazon Gift
  2,000 points—Rau Sweatshirt
                                                      Plaque                                Card

  3,500 points—Scholastic Gift

After reaching 100 points, students in grades K-3 will earn an additional book every 50 points and students in
grades 4-6 will earn an additional book every 100 points.

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In the event of an accident, the primary concern shall be the welfare of the student. The first course of action
taken shall be to care for the student, following all first-aid procedures. Once the student has been cared for
and it is recognized that she/he is in no immediate danger, the teacher on duty shall escort her/him inside if the
student is ambulatory, or shall seek help if not.

Following the emergency care of the student, the teacher shall immediately fill out an accident report and
notify the Supervising Teacher if this has not already been done. This shall be done for legal and any insurance
purposes. It is recommended that the teacher keep a copy of the accident report for their own records.

The school district will not be liable for any accidents occurring between students or on the school grounds.

                          Appointments with Staff Members
As a courtesy to students and teachers, parents and legal guardians are required to make appointments to
discuss their concerns by e-mailing the teacher directly, or calling 482-1088. These appointments will be
scheduled with the classroom teacher from 3:45-4:00 p.m. unless other arrangements are made. Keep in mind
that concerns or questions related to specific students are only allowed to be discussed with that student’s
parent or legal guardian.

                            Asbestos Compliance Disclosure
Rau School in compliance with State regulations has a copy of the Asbestos Management Plan available for
your review in the office during regular office hours.

                                         Attendance Policy
The primary responsibility for good attendance for the students in Grades K-6 rests with the parents. Parents
are required under § 20-5-103, MCA, to assure that their children attend school regularly. The District
recognizes the importance of monitoring the parental responsibility for their child’s attendance. Further, the
District is committed to taking whatever action is necessary, up to and including legal action, to assure that
students attend school regularly. Advance makeup work is not required, but is encouraged. If you know that
you will be absent from school, please bring a note from parents or guardian to get the makeup work.

      Reporting Student Absences - When a student must be absent for illness or other unforeseen
       emergencies, parents must inform the school (482-1088 or checker@rauschool.net) of the reasons for the
       student’s absence by 8:30 A.M. on the day of the absence. If the student is not present, and the parent
       has not notified the school of the absence, the school will attempt to call the parent by the end of the
       day. The fact that the school will attempt to call the parent does not relieve the parent of the
       responsibility to call the school to report their child’s absence.

      Absence/Student Performance - Once the teacher observes that the student’s absences or tardiness are
       having an adverse effect on the student’s progress, he/she will make parental contact to express
       concern and to explain the problem. When a student has missed 10 or more days a semester a
       conference will be held between the supervising teacher, student, and parent. If the absences have been
       unavoidable because of illness, bereavement or other reasons, the teacher will request a meeting to
       develop a plan so that the absenteeism has minimal effect on the student’s academic success.

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Additionally, the teacher will not be required to provide make-up work. Absences may be a
       significant factor in decision of retention.

            o   If the above action fails to correct the truancy problem, the student shall be declared a habitual
                truant. The supervising teacher shall interview the student and his/her family and prescribe
                corrective action, which may include suspension for the current semester, expulsion, and/or
                filing a complaint against the parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care of the
                child in a court of competent jurisdiction.

      Mandatory Reporting - By state law, school professionals are required to report any cases of
       suspected child abuse, child neglect, or educational neglect to appropriate authorities. Reporting
       suspected incidents is not simply something that we are professionally obligated to do but also
       something that we are legally required to report to authorities. Failure, on our part to do so, is a crime
       subject to legal penalty. Reporting is not necessarily accusing, it is merely reporting a reasonable
       suspicion that abuse or neglect may have occurred that requires investigation.

            o   Absences, even with the approval of the parent(s)/ guardian(s), which are excessive and/ or
                interfere with the student’s educational program, will be interpreted as educational neglect
                and Child Protection Services may be notified.

It is mandatory for all Sixth grade students to participate in band. The student may use an instrument
provided by the school, or bring his/her own instrument.

Fifth graders will learn to play the ukulele during regular music class. The school provides a ukulele that will
not leave the school building. If it is damaged for any reason other than regular use the student will held
responsible for its repair or replacement.

Fourth graders will learn to play the recorder during regular music class. The school provides one recorder, if
it is misplaced or broken the student will be required to purchase another recorder from the school.

                                          Board of Trustees
Rau School is the only school in District #21 of Richland County. This district has three elected trustees.

The board meets in regular session on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the School Library.
Each meeting is governed by an agenda; if you wish to bring up an item of business, please ask a trustee or
the clerk to include you on the agenda at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. Please feel free to come and
observe at any time; you need not be on the agenda to observe and there is a time for public comment. The
board encourages you to attend the meetings and to keep in touch with your trustees. Board minutes will be
posted at the school office.

The first Tuesday in May of each year one trustee term will expire and a new trustee must be elected. The one
whose term expires may run again.

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In accordance with the Bully-Free Montana Act, Rau School strives to offer a bully free environment for its

Bullying means any harassment, intimidation, menacing, hazing, or threatening, insulting, or demeaning
gesture or physical contact, including any intentional written, verbal, or electronic communication or threat
directed against a student that is persistent, severe, or repeated and that:

       a. Causes a student physical harm, damages a student’s property, or places a student in reasonable
       fear of harm to the student or the student’s property;

       b. Creates a hostile environment by interfering with or denying a student’s access to an educational
       opportunity or benefit; or

       c. Substantially and materially disrupts the orderly operation of a school.

The term includes retaliation against a victim or witness who reports information about an act of bullying and
includes acts of hazing associated with athletics or school-sponsored organizations or groups.


        “District” includes District facilities, District premises, and non-District property if the student or
       employee is at any District-sponsored, District-approved, or District-related activity or function, such
       as field trips or athletic events, where students are under the control of the District or where the
       employee is engaged in District business.

        “Hazing” includes, but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental
       or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of
       attaining membership in or affiliation with any District sponsored activity.

       “Harassment” includes, but is not limited to, any act which subjects an individual or group to
       unwanted, abusive behavior of nonverbal, verbal, written, or physical nature.

       “Bullying” means any act that is used to treat abusively or to intimidate through language or

        “Intimidation” includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act intended to tamper with, damage, or
       interfere with another’s property, cause inconvenience, subject another to offensive physical contact, or
       inflict serious physical injury.

       “Menacing” is to act in a threatening manner.

All complaints about behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. Any student,
employee, or third party who has knowledge of conduct in violation of this policy or feels he/she has been a
victim of hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or menacing in violation of this policy is encouraged to
immediately report her/his concerns to the Principal or the Superintendent, who have overall responsibility for
such investigations. This report may be made anonymously. A student may also report concerns to a teacher
or counselor, who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate District official. Complaints against the
building shall be filed with the Supervising Teacher. Complaints against the Supervising Teacher shall be filed
with the Board.

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The complainant shall be notified of the findings of the investigation and as appropriate, that remedial action
has been taken.

Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to and
including expulsion. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.

Retaliation is prohibited against any person who reports or is thought to have reported a violation, files a
complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry. Such retaliation shall be considered a
serious violation of School policy, whether or not a complaint is substantiated. False charges shall also be
regarded as serious offense and will result in disciplinary action or other appropriate sanctions.

Anytime a school staff member has reasonable suspicion that a bullying incident constituted a crime, s/ he
shall report it to law enforcement. Also, nothing in this policy shall prevent a victim/ his/ her family from
seeking redress under state and federal law.

                               Bus Rules and Consequences
1. Driver may not answer phone while driving the route, please text IF you need to reach the driver, they
   will reply as soon as they safely can.

2. Driver is in charge of the pupils and the bus. Pupils must obey the driver promptly and cheerfully.

3. Pupils must be on time. The bus cannot wait beyond its regular schedule for those who are tardy.

4. Pupils should never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.

5. No tobacco or illegal drugs on the bus at any time.

6. Eating is permitted on the bus as long as there is no abuse of the privilege.

7. Unnecessary conversation with driver is prohibited.

8. Classroom conduct is to be observed by pupils while riding in the bus, except for ordinary conversation.
   Keep hands and feet to yourself. No horseplay, profanity, or abusive language allowed.

9. Pupils must not at any time extend arms or head out of bus windows.

10. Pupils must not try to get off the bus, or move about within the bus while it is in motion. Stay in seat
    until bus is stopped.

11. Pupils must observe instructions from driver when leaving bus.

12. Any damage to a bus by a student must be paid for by the student responsible for the damage.

13. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop near the home, or at school,
    unless by proper authorization from parent/teacher.

14. Please call the bus driver directly or Cless to resolve any concerns.


1ST OFFENSE— Warning and written incident report

2ND OFFENSE– 5 day’s bus suspension from bus privileges

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3RD OFFENSE– Suspension from bus privileges until next regular school board meeting. Possible bus
suspension for the remainder of the school year.

The Rau School Supervising Teacher, Rau School Board of Trustees, or the Bus Contractor may suspend a
student from bus privileges at any time for any behavior they deem inappropriate.

  Bus Video Policy-A concealed video camera may be used as a measure to control discipline on the buses.

                                     Buses & Bad Weather
Cless Karren, of KT Inc. in Crane, MT (406-488-6325) is our Transportation Director and will be providing bus
service again this school year. If your child will ride the bus, we ask that you review all bus related sections
thoroughly with your child!

Whether or not buses will run in bad weather will be up to Cless Karren in consultation with one of the Rau
School Board of Trustees. When they decide to make any change in the schedule, they will post on the
Facebook page and information will be sent through the Remind App. A general rule to follow is if it is –20
buses will not run. We will do our best to notify parents when weather causes a change in bus scheduling,
however, we sometimes are unable to reach every parent, so please sign up with Remind and check Facebook!
Generally, when it is storming, if Sidney buses leave early to take kids home for the day, so do Rau’s.

                                       Common Courtesy
The following shall be considered “common courtesy” behaviors. These behaviors will be enforced as school
policy. Infraction of these rules may result in classroom consequences or even suspension.

       1. Removal of hats or caps while in the school building will be enforced. Hats and caps will be
          removed upon entering the school building in the morning until school is dismissed.

       2. Rock or snowball throwing among willing or unwilling participants shall not be engaged in, on any
          school grounds.

       3. Staff members shall be addressed by titles as case may be (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.)

       4. Orderly conduct within the halls will be expected.

       5. Students will be expected to respond to reasonable requests from school adults.

       6. Students will be expected to “try” in every class. Continual class disruptions that impede the
          opportunities for her/him and others to learn will not be tolerated.

       7. Students will be expected to respect other people’s property (i.e. stay out of other people's backpack
          and personal belongings).

       8. Food or drink (other than water) in a classroom or hallway will need the approval of classroom
          teacher/administration and in compliance with our school health guidelines.

       9. Students will not wear sunglasses in the building unless proven necessary by a physician approved
          by the administration.

       10. During school programs and performances, students will be expected to adhere to a higher dress
           code policy i.e. no sweatpants, worn-out clothes, or graphic shirts.

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Computer Usage
Rau School Acceptable Use Policy

(All information below is also part of a sign-off sheet, located in the appendix of this hand book, to be
completed prior to a student being allowed to use the network and internet at school)

Computers and other electronic devices are used to support instruction and to enhance learning. Computer
networks allow people to interact with many computers. These networks connect our students, teachers, and
office personnel with each other. The Internet, a network of networks, allows people to interact with
hundreds of thousands of networks and computers. It is a general policy that all computers used through the
School Districts are used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.

Terms and Conditions of Acceptable Use

      Network Etiquette

            o   Every user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These
                include, but are not limited to the following:

                      Be polite.

                      Use appropriate language.

                      Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of any students or staff members.

      Safeguards

            o   Rau School will try to block, to the greatest extent possible, access to any Internet material the
                School deems inappropriate for school use. In addition, the Schools have installed network
                security software and an Internet filtering appliance, to help filter inappropriate web site
                addresses and block off all access to chat rooms.

      Access

            o   Students must meet three criteria before they may access the Network, E-mail, or Internet
                material from Rau School.

                      Turn in a signed Acceptable Use Agreement each year.

                       Obtain teacher permission prior to each incidence of access.

                      Work on the Internet only under the direct supervision of a teacher or administrator.

                                              Unacceptable Uses

1. Transmission of any material in violation of any national or state regulation is prohibited. This includes
   but is not limited to, copyrighted material and threatening or obscene material.

2. Using profanity, obscenity, or other language that may be offensive to other users.

3. Changing displays, sounds, etc. from those set by the instructor unless approved by the instructor.
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4. Changing computer files that do not belong to the user.

5. Sharing his or her password with anyone.

6. Using a password other than your own.

7. Downloading and installing files or apps without school consent.

8. Using any school computer without permission.

9. Playing games on the computer without prior authorization from a faculty member.

10. Bypassing the internet filter appliance.

11. Intentionally seeking out inappropriate material.


The Administration and Teachers will deem what is inappropriate use. Their decision is final. Also, the
system administrator may close an account at any time as required. Depending on the severity of a situation,
administration and faculty of Rau School may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend
the computer privileges of any user. If outside services are required to repair the computer system due to a
user’s vandalism, the user may also be responsible for the costs incurred by the School District.

      1st Offense- minor infraction-loss of computer use for 30 school days.
      2nd Offense- loss of computer use for 60 school days and possible in school suspension.
      3rd Offense- loss of computer use for 180 school days which may carry over into the next school year
       and suspension.

                                          Discipline Policy
The revised codes of Montana School Law states that: all pupils who may be attending public schools shall
comply with the regulations established in the required course of study and shall submit to the authority of
teachers of such schools. Continued and willful disobedience and open defiance of the authority of the
teacher and/or administrator shall constitute good cause of expulsion from school.

Each teacher will establish their own classroom rules and policies governing misbehaviors and consequences

Every teacher and/or administrator shall have power to hold every pupil to strict accountability in school for
any disorderly conduct on the way to or from school, or during intermission or recess and to suspend from
school any pupil for good cause. In any disciplinary situation, the parent of the student who has broken a rule
will be notified as to the nature of the problem and if any punitive actions are to be taken. Offenses or
infractions which are considered extremely serious may result in immediate suspension and possible
involvement of the Law Enforcement.


Listed on the next page are the probable specific consequences for violating specific school rules. The
classroom teacher/supervising teacher may CHOOSE from the options listed. The teacher has the
responsibility to determine the best way to bring about the desired change in student behavior and may, in

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LEVEL 1 OFFENSES:                LEVEL 2 OFFENSES:              LEVEL 3 OFFENSES:                   LEVEL 4 OFFENSES:
1. Disorderly conduct            1. Insubordination, Non-       1. Verbal Abuse/Assault             1. Possession of Illegal Drugs
                                 Compliance                                                         with Intent to Sell/Distribute/Use
2. Inappropriately dressed                                      2. Threat (direct or implied)
                                 2. Chronic Disruptive Be-                                          2. Possession of a firearm
3. “Horseplay” or                                               3. Physical fighting
“Roughhousing”                                                                                      3. Major Physical Assault
                                                                4. Endangerment to Person or
                                 3. Minor Vandalism
4. Disrespect towards other stu-                                Property                            4. Death Threats
dents or faculty                 4. Computer Misuse
                                                                5. Destruction of Property          5. Sexual Assault
5. Inappropriate comments/       5. Cell Phone or Electronic    (financial restitution also re-
                                                                                                    6. Felony Theft (> $500; financial
discussions                      Equipment Violation            quired)
                                                                                                    restitution also required)
6. Common courtesy violation     6. Cheating/Plagiarism (see 6. Misdemeanor Theft (< $500; fi-
                                                                                                    7. Bomb Threat (recommend per-
(see Common Courtesy section)    academic Honesty clause)    nancial restitution also required)
                                                                                                    manent expulsion)
7. Inappropriate public displays 7. Minor Bullying/Hazing       7. Use/Possession/Association of
of affection                                                    Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco
                                 8. Disrespect towards sub-
8. Other minor offenses as de-   stitute teacher                8. Sexual Harassment
termined by teacher or adminis-
                                 9. Pulling Fire Alarm False-   9. Encouraging, Inciting, Aiding,
                                 ly                             or Abetting Violence
                                 10. Profanity use              10. Deliberately harming or tam-
                                                                pering with hardware or software
                                 11. Crude behavior
                                                                of a school computer
                                                                11. Major Vandalism
                                                                12. Possession of non-firearm

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OFFENSE   STEP 1                       STEP 2                          STEP 3                           STEP 4

            LEVEL 1   Verbal Warning               Warning/Simple discipline       Logical consequence              Logical consequence and loss
                                                                                   matching misbehavior             of certain privileges matching
                                                   Possible removal from
                                                   learning environment (if        Removal from learning
                                                   disruptive)                     environment (if disruptive)      Removal from learning
                                                                                                                    environment (if disruptive)
                                                   Parents contacted, if necessary Parent contacted
                                                                                                                    Parent contacted
            LEVEL 2   Loss of privileges related   Possible ISS*                   ISS*                             Extended ISS/ OSS*
                      to misbehavior.
                                                   Loss of privileges related to   Loss of privileges related to    Loss of privileges related to
                      Warning of suspension        misbehavior.                    misbehavior.                     misbehavior.
                                                   Parent contacted                Contact parent                   Parent conference
                      Parents contacted

            LEVEL 3   ISS/OSS*                     Extended ISS/OSS*               OSS*                             OSS*

                      Counselor Referral           Loss of privileges related to   Contact Parent                   Recommend Expulsion
                      Loss of privileges related                                   Suspension from extra-           Contact Parent
                      to misbehavior.              Parent Conference               curricular activities for Rest
                                                                                                                    Conference with School Board
                                                                                   of Year
                      Contact Parent

            LEVEL 4   Call Police, Contact         N/A                             N/A                              N/A
                      Parent, Recommend
                      Expulsion, Conference

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                                               *ISS: In-school Suspension OSS: Out-of-school Suspension
special cases, select an option not listed. Built into each level is a “severe clause” whereby the classroom
teacher/supervising teacher may skip all steps and remove a student from the classroom if misbehavior is
severe enough to cause disruption to the learning atmosphere. Where several options are listed, the
administrator may CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the options:

No person who is employed by the District may inflict or cause to be inflicted corporal punishment on a
student. Corporal punishment does not include, and District personnel are permitted to use, reasonable force
as needed to maintain safety for other students, school personnel, or other persons, or for the purpose of self-

Rau School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in
providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

                       Doctor’s Appointments/Early Pick Up
Parents wishing to pick up their child prior to the end of the school day for any reason are asked to notify the
school and the classroom teacher as far in advance as possible.

Parents picking up their child must sign them out at the front office. If the child is not already waiting at the
office do not go     to the classroom to retrieve them.            If necessary, a school employee will notify the
classroom teacher.

                                              Dress Code
Students are reminded that their appearance significantly affects the way others respond to them. Matters of
dress remain the primary responsibility of students, in consultation with their parents or legal guardians.
Nevertheless, certain minimum standards shall be observed by all students at Rau. Please wear shorts/
leggings/bloomers under skirts. No super short shorts/skirts, tube tops or tops that reveal the belly button
please. Dressing appropriately can help ensure we have a focused learning environment for all students. The
administration shall establish procedures for the monitoring of student dress in school or while engaging in
extracurricular activities.

                                         Drug Free Policy
According to state law and in order to protect the health of students, staff, and the general public, provide a
healthy working environment, and promote good health for students, alcohol and drug use is strictly
prohibited in all district buildings, grounds, and vehicles, nor may a student, staff, or the general public be
under the influence of alcohol or drugs on school property or at a school-sponsored event. Consequences for
students who violate this rule are out-lined in our school progressive disciplinary plan. Staff members and/or
the general public will be immediately dealt with by the Administration. For Rau School’s purposes, our
“drug-free” schools definition also includes tobacco, other tobacco substitutes, or other harmful substances,
which the Administration and/or the Authorities deem potentially dangerous.

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Extra Shoes
During snowy, wet, or muddy weather, students who play outside should have a second pair of shoes that are
not their gym shoes to change into after entering the building or reporting to their classroom. Going barefoot
in the classroom is not acceptable because of health reasons.

                                      Fire & Disaster Drills
During a drill, walk quickly, without talking, to the exit assigned for your room. Teachers will give complete
directions to their classes. Be sure to locate your classmates and stand together with your teacher. Teachers are
to be the last one out of the room. Be sure all windows and doors are shut and the lights remain on, if they
were on already, when leaving the room. Teachers will take their grade books/registers with them.

Each student is required by state law to be fully immunized upon entering school. A current copy of their
immunization record is required for their file. At the request of the Richland County Health Department, Rau
will share: name, birthday, address, parent, and vaccination info.

                                             Illness Policy
Students who are ill, feeling ill, diagnosed as ill, or otherwise demonstrating symptoms of illness must not
come to school. Please do not send students to school to “try it.” Students who have a fever or are exhibiting
other signs of illness will be isolated in a designated area until such time as parents or caregiver may arrive at
the school to retrieve the ill student. Students must stay home when sick until at least 24 hours after they no
longer have a fever (temperature of 100.4 or higher), signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed
appearance, or sweating), or vomiting without the use of fever-reducing medicine (e.g. Tylenol). Students may
engage in alternative delivery of education services during the period of illness or be permitted to make up
work as arranged with the classroom teacher.

Parents, guardians, or caregivers of students who are ill, feeling ill, diagnosed as ill, or otherwise
demonstrating symptoms of illness must not be present at the school for any reason including but not limited
events or gatherings or to drop off or pick up students. To avoid exposing others to illness, parents or
caregivers who are ill must make arrangements with others to transport students to school or events, if at all
practicable. If not practicable, parents, guardians or caregivers must not leave their vehicle during pickup or
drop off.

The students will be given an opportunity to check out a maximum of two books from the school library at a
time. Each student has library weekly. They should be encouraged to remember to bring their books back by
the due date. We ask that students be very careful with ALL books. Any child who loses a book will be
charged the replacement cost. If any books are still checked out after the library closes in May, they are
considered lost and the student will be charged the replacement cost. Any outstanding fees forfeit a student’s
ability to participate in the end of year activities.

                                                                                                        Page | 19
Lice Policy
If you suspect your student has head lice please keep them home. Once they have received treatment they
must get checked by a nurse at the Richland County Health Department, or a Doctor’s office and bring in a
note declaring them lice free upon returning to school.

HB 396 allows students to carry and self-administer prescribed asthma medication provided the parent/
guardians complete and return a signature medication release page (available in the office). The law limits the
permission for self-administration to the school year in which the permission is granted. Permission must be
renewed for each subsequent school year.

                                  Out-of-District Students
Out-of-district students will be accepted into Rau on a case-by-case basis as approved by the Board of Trustees
and Supervising Teacher. Every nonresident student who attends Rau must reapply for admission the
succeeding school year by June 15th. Admission in one school year does not infer or guarantee admission in
subsequent years. Out-of-district students who have transferred away from Rau and wish to transfer back
must re-obtain approval from the Board of Trustees.

                                     Parental Involvement
Rau School believes that the best educational result for each student occurs when all three partners are doing
their best: Rau staff, the student’s parent, and the student. Such a partnership requires trust and much
communication between home and school. To strengthen this partnership, every parent is urged to

1. Encourage his or her child to put a high priority on education and commit to making the most of the
   educational opportunities the school provides.

2. Review the information in the student handbook with his or her child and sign and return the
   acknowledgment. A parent with questions is encouraged to contact the school.

3. Become familiar with all of the child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special
   programs offered in the school. Discuss with the staff any questions or concerns about the child. Monitor
   the child’s academic progress and contact teachers as needed.

4. Attend scheduled conferences and request additional conferences as needed.

5. Exercise the right to review teaching materials, textbooks, and other aids, and to examine tests that have
   been administered to his or her child.

6. Become a school volunteer.

7. If the need arises, follow the appropriate chain of command when addressing situations: Classroom
   teacher, Supervising Teacher, Board of Education.

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Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
The P.T.O. is a valuable service organization made up of parents, teachers, and persons from the
community who are interested in Rau School. Each year, the P.T.O. is involved in several special projects
including fund raisers which provide the funds for fun student activities during the year, and have assisted in
purchasing new playground equipment. P.T.O. sponsors the “Box Tops for Education” program each year
so please remember to collect your proofs of purchase/store receipts. All parents are welcome to attend
P.T.O. monthly meetings! We would love to have you join us!

Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom if the student’s family care to bring treats. It is requested that
the teacher be informed beforehand to ensure that the day’s schedule isn’t adversely affected.

Birthday party invitations may not be handed out at school unless the whole class or all the boys/ all the girls
are invited. Feelings are easily hurt when not everyone is invited.

                              Prairie View Special Services
Prairie View Special Services (406-377-5446) will provide screenings of new students and referrals. Those
needing on-going assistance will be referred with parental permission.

Each student has a right to individually, voluntarily, and silently pray or meditate in school in a manner that
does not disrupt instructional or other activities of the school. The school will not require, encourage, or
coerce a student to engage in or to refrain from such prayer or mediation during any school activity.

                                          Private Property
Rau Elementary School is Private Property. The school’s insurance does not cover damage done by motor
vehicles to the lawn and playground. Trespassing and Vandalism are against the law.

                                School Lunches & Breakfast
Hot lunches and breakfast will be provided at Rau for our students by the USDA grant for the 2021-2022
school year. The only costs to families will be for EXTRA milk (or milk to have with a cold lunch) and is 40
cents per half-pint. Adult meals are $3.25. We are no longer allowed to offer juice as an alternative to milk to
our students with allergies. If your child needs a milk alternative, due to dairy allergies please send it from
home for meal time at school.

Applications for free and reduced lunches are available. Please return completed form to the Rau office. A
deposit of $15.00 is required to the beginning of the year to open a lunch account. Checks for lunch should be
made out to: RAU SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM. Parents are always welcome to eat, but please let the office
know by 9:00 a.m. Thank you.

                                                                                                       Page | 21
To maintain order and security in the school, school authorities are authorized to conduct reasonable searches
of school property and equipment, as well as of students and their personal effects. This may include
inspection and searching of school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school (such as
desks), as well as personal effects left there by the student, without notice or consent of the student.

School authorities may also search the student and/or the student’s personal effects in the student’s
possession when there is a reasonable ground for suspecting that the search will produce evidence the
particular student has violated or is violating the law or the District’s student conduct rules. The search itself
must be conducted in a manner which is reasonably related to its objectives and not excessively intrusive in
light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction

                              Student Pick Up and Drop Off
Students should arrive no earlier than 7:20 am and no student should be on the school grounds after the
buses leave at approximately 4:10 p.m. Children left after 4:10 p.m. will not be supervised!

For Security reasons a teacher will be posted at the front door from 7:20-7:50 a.m. to allow students into the

All students must go directly to the black top and wait for their ride after school. Please pick up your child
and leave the parking area promptly. Children crossing the parking lot while buses are arriving pose a
serious safety concern. Please do not park in the yellow curb area designated for the buses or the blue
handicap spaces. Please do not drive through the loop in front of the building for safety of the bus and
handicap designated areas. Students who ride the bus will line up and wait to board the bus after school.
Students who are staying for the after school activities such as sports practice or to PTO meetings will be
released from the blacktop after buses have left.

Any Student that is dropped off or picked up during school hours, not including scheduled time, will need to
be signed in or out at the office. The adult signing the student in or out must stay in the waiting area by the
office. A staff member will assist the student to and from the classroom.

                                          Student Records
School student records are confidential, and information from them shall not be released other than as
provided by law. State and federal laws granted students and parents certain rights, including the right to
inspect, copy, and challenge school records. The information contained in school student records shall be kept
current, accurate, clear and relevant. All information maintained concerning a student receiving special
education services shall be directly related to the provision of services to that child. The District may release
directory information as permitted by law, but parents shall have the right to object to the release of
information regarding their child.

The supervising teacher shall implement this policy and State and Federal law with administrative
procedures. The supervising teacher or a designee shall inform staff members of this policy, and shall inform
students and their parents of it, as well as their rights regarding student school records.

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                          In-school-suspension shall be conducted as follows:

1. Students on in-school suspension will be placed in a supervised area separate from other students.

2. Students will be assigned their regular work plus one extra assignment per class, prepared by the teachers
   prior to the beginning of the each day of suspension. The student shall complete these assignments
   during the in-school suspension.

3. No talking or sleeping will be allowed. No computer will be allowed unless permission is granted by the
   Supervising Teacher and for class assignment purposes, only. No I-pods or electronic devices will be

4. In-school suspension students will either be taken to lunch by the Supervising Teacher or Classroom
   Teacher, or lunch will brought to the in-school suspension area.

5. The number of days on in-school suspension will be determined by the Supervising Teacher.

6. Students will not lose grades on work they missed when on in-school suspension, but must complete and
   turn in all of the regular assignments and the extra assignments while in suspension in order to receive
   the credit for the day.

                       Out-of-school-suspension shall be conducted as follows:

A student may be placed on suspension from one to ten days. Suspension can be imposed for any class or
activity. The nature of the suspension will be decided by the particular infraction per violation. Suspended
students will be excluded from all regular classes, activities, practices, rehearsals, as well as special/extra-
curricular activities including but not limited to field trips, parties, and/or other after-school activities.
Suspensions will be served out-of-school. An out-of-school suspension results in total exclusion from any
school function. Students are responsible for catching up on material they missed during their suspension,
but will not receive credit for any graded material given by the instructor of the classes missed during that


Only the Board of Trustees shall have the authority to impose expulsion as a disciplinary remedy where the
pupil involved is subject to compulsory attendance laws. The expulsion shall not be longer than one school

                                                Due Process


1. Before suspension, the student shall be provided a conference during which the charges will be explained
   and the student will be given the opportunity to respond to the charges.

2. A pre-suspension conference is not required and the student can be immediately suspended when the
   student’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to
   the educational process. In such cases, the notice and conference shall be provided within seventy-two
   (72) hours of her/his removal, not counting Saturdays or Sundays.

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3. Any suspension shall be reported to the student’s parent or legal guardian within 24 hours of the decision
   to suspend. A written notice of suspension shall state the reasons for the suspension, including any school
   rule which was violated, and a notice to the parent or guardian of the right to a review of the suspension.

4. Upon request of the parent or legal guardian, a review of the suspension shall be conducted by the
   supervising teacher. At the review, the student and parent or legal guardian may appear and discuss the
   suspension with the supervising teacher. After the meeting, the supervising teacher shall take such action
   as appropriate. That action is final.

5. Any student suspended for longer than ten (10) days may request and will be granted a hearing before the
   Board to refute the evidence against her/him or appeal the decision. The hearing will take place when
   possible after the request is made. The request must be made within ten (10) days of the suspension action.

6. The Board will hear the petitioner’s arguments or explanation, deliberate, and deliver its decision, in
   writing, to the Supervising Teacher within 5 school days of the hearing.


1. The student and parent or legal guardian shall be provided written notice of the Board hearing to consider
   the recommendation for expulsion, by registered or certified mail at least 5 (5) school days before the date
   scheduled for the hearing. The notice shall include the time and place of the hearing; information
   describing the process to be used to conduct the hearing in executive session unless the parent or legal
   guardian waives the student’s rights to privacy.

2. Within the limitation that the hearing must be conducted during the period of suspension, an expulsion
   hearing may be rescheduled by the parent or legal guardian by submitting a request showing good cause
   to the Board at least two (2) school days prior to the date of the hearing as originally scheduled. The Board
   shall determine if the request shows good cause.

3. At the hearing, the student may be represented by counsel, present witnesses and other evidence, and
   cross-examine witnesses. Formal rules of evidence are not binding on the Board.

4. The Board will hear the petitioner’s arguments or explanation, deliberate, and deliver its decision, in
   writing, to the Supervising Teacher within 5 school days of the hearing.

                   Procedures for Suspension & Expulsion of Students with Disabilities

The District shall comply with the provisions of the IDEA when disciplining students. No special education
student shall be expelled if the student’s particular act of gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation
of the student’s disability. Any special education student whose gross disobedience or misconduct is not a
manifestation of the student’s disability may be expelled pursuant to expulsion procedures, except that the
disabled student shall continue to receive education services as provided in the IDEA during such period of

A special education student may be suspended for ten (10) days of school per incident, regardless of whether
the student’s gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation of the student’s disabling condition. Any
special education student who has or will exceed ten (10) days of suspension may be temporarily excluded
from school by court order or by order of a hearing officer if the District demonstrates that maintaining the
student in the student’s current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or others.
The student shall continue to receive educational services in accordance with the IDEA during such period of

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