Rain Forest Islands in the Chilean Semiarid Region: Fog-dependency, Ecosystem Persistence and Tree Regeneration

Page created by Alex Pierce
Rain Forest Islands in the Chilean
    Semiarid Region: Fog-dependency,
     Ecosystem Persistence and Tree
 Ek del-Val,1*à Juan J. Armesto,1,2,3 Olga Barbosa,1 Duncan A. Christie,1,2
       Alvaro G. Gutiérrez,2 Clive G. Jones,3 Pablo A. Marquet,1 and
                           Kathleen C. Weathers3

   Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity, Departamento de Ecologı́a, Facultad Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile; 2Centro milenio para Estudios Avanzados en Ecologia e Investigación
en Biodiversidad (CMEB), Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago,
                         Chile; 3Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Millbrook, New York 12545, USA.

Tree presence in semiarid ecosystems is generally                         edges (WE), leeward edges (LE), and the interior
constrained by insufficient annual rainfall. How-                         (center) of rainforest patches varying in area from
ever, in semiarid Chile, rainforest patches domi-                         0.2 to 22 ha. Mean fog-water input was estimated
nated by Aextoxicon punctatum are unexpectedly                            from passive collectors over 1 year in WE and LE of
found on coastal mountaintops (450–600 m) at                              patches. Tree regeneration was greater in the WE
30S, surrounded by a xerophytic vegetation ma-                           and forest interior (FI) and decreased toward the LE
trix that receives only 147 mm of annual precipi-                         of patches, following a marked pattern of decline in
tation. It has been proposed that these forests                           fog inputs. Older trees and coarse woody debris
persist as a result of fog-water inputs. If so, then                      were concentrated in the FI and LE of patches. Tree
because fog-water deposition is spatially heteroge-                       regeneration and patch structure appear to be lar-
neous and shows strong edge effects, the potential                        gely controlled by fog-input direction and edge ef-
environmental gradient created by the direction of                        fects. We propose that forest patches may be slowly
fog input should determine forest structure and                           growing toward the incoming fog edge, while dying
tree regeneration patterns. To investigate this                           at the opposite edge.
hypothesis, we measured fog inputs, forest struc-
tural attributes (age and size distribution, basal                        Key words: Aextoxicon punctatum; edge effects;
area, and coarse woody debris), and tree regener-                         forest structure; tree regeneration; mortality; water
ation in three different habitats: the windward                           limitation; Chile.

*Corresponding author; e-mail: ek@ekdelval.com
                                                                          Trees are generally considered to be excluded from
 Current address: FORECOS, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad   semiarid regions by insufficient rainfall (Grace
Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile                            1997). For example, in the steppe–forest border of
 Current address: Centro de Estudios Ecosistemas, inversidad Nacional
tutónoma de México, Ap. 27–3, Santa Maria de guido Morelia, Michoa-
                                                                          southern Patagonia, trees are replaced by shrubs
cán, México, 58089                                                      when rainfall is less than 400 mm per year (Veblen
Fog-dependent Forests in Semiarid Chile

and Markgraf 1988). Worldwide, shrubs replace           Cortés and López 2004), and coincidently Olivillo
trees in semiarid regions when precipitation is less    forests are restricted to this altitudinal range in this
than 300–400 mm (Holdridge 1947). In the semi-          northern location. Recent experimental studies
arid region of Chile (30S), where annual precipi-      using stable isotopes indicate that Olivillo trees
tation (150 mm, López-Cortés and López 2004) is      obtain a major part of their water from fog (P.
well below that usually associated with tree            Vidiella and T. E. Dawson unpublished data). Fog
growth, temperate rainforest patches nonetheless,       occurrence and fog water deposition are not
persist on coastal mountaintops, surrounded by a        homogeneous in the coastal landscape. Fog-water
matrix of xerophytic vegetation (Squeo and others       deposition depends on fog frequency, liquid water
2004). The ecological and historical factors that       content, wind speed and direction, and most
could explain the persistence of these isolated         importantly, on the presence of plant surfaces
rainforest patches in this northern outpost have        capable of intercepting fog (Weathers and others
long been a subject of inquiry among botanists,         1992, 2000). To be a source of water for plants,
ecologists, and biogeographers (Philippi 1884;          wind-driven fog droplets must be intercepted by
Muñoz and Pisano 1947; Skottsberg 1948). Despite       the tree canopy (for example, Azevedo and Morgan
their improbable location, these forests bear a         1974; Dawson 1998; Schemenauer and Cereceda
striking floristic similarity to Valdivian temperate    1994). ‘‘Captured’’ fog-water is then redistributed
rainforests found 1,000 km to the south (Villagrán     by the stems and leaves of trees. Although fog-
and Armesto 1980), where rainfall far exceeds           water can be taken up by leaves (Burgess and
2,000 mm per year.                                      Dawson 2004), it also drips from the canopy and is
   These rainforests are dominated by the tree Aex-     routed to the forest floor via throughfall and
toxicon punctatum (Olivillo), the only member of the    stemflow (Hutley and others 1997; Dawson 1998).
endemic family Aextoxicaceae. Evergreen Olivillo        In addition, fog-water deposition is spatially het-
forests are distributed continuously along the          erogeneous; where edges exist, it has been shown
ocean-facing slopes and deep ravines of the Coastal     to decrease predictably from the windward (WE) to
mountain range from about 33–43S, but isolated,        the interior of forests because of interception by
remnant patches occur north of 33S, on coastal         trees (Beier and Gunderson 1989; Erisman and
mountaintops in the semiarid region, where coastal      others 1997; Weathers and others 1995, 2000;
fogs are prevalent (Kummerow 1966). Within this         2001).
broad latitudinal range, annual rainfall varies from       Based on the above, we hypothesized the exis-
2,657 mm at the southern limit of Olivillo distri-      tence of a ‘‘fog shadow’’ associated with distinct
bution (Isla Guafo 4340¢ S) (Smith-Raminez et al       rainforest patches such that the windward forest
2005), to less than 147 mm at Fray Jorge National       edges would receive greater fog inputs that would
Park (FJNP) (3040’ S) (Armesto and others 1996;        impact a wide range of other patterns in this
López-Cortés and López 2004).                        landscape. Because the trees in these forest pat-
   In this northern outpost, Olivillo forests consist   ches may largely depend on fog as a water source,
of a mosaic of small, isolated patches found only       we propose that the forest would create a wind-
on coastal mountaintops. A number of in-                ward-to-leeward environmental gradient orien-
vestigators have proposed that Olivillo trees are       tated toward the fog-input direction, and that this
able to exist in a semiarid area where rainfall is      gradient may be one of the main factors deter-
insufficient for tree growth and survival by using      mining patch structure as well as tree regeneration
water from frequent coastal fogs, thereby enabling      and mortality patterns within these forest patches.
the persistence of an associated rich assemblage of     We tested three specific hypotheses about the
rainforest species (Philippi 1884; Looser 1935;         correlation between fog inputs and forest patch
Muñoz and Pisano 1947; Skottsberg 1948;                structure in this northern outpost of temperate
Schmithusen 1956; Kummerow 1966; Villagrán             rainforest and predicted that (1) fog-water depo-
and Armesto 1980).                                      sition is heterogeneous between patches and
   Fog moves inland from the Pacific Ocean on           higher at the WE than at the legward edge (LE) of
westerly winds – the prevailing wind system along       forest patches; (2) tree regeneration is concen-
the west coast of southern South America since the      trated toward the edge of the incoming fog,
Holocene (Heinz 1998; McCulloch and others              whereas basal area, tree mortality, and coarse
2000). Fog is frequent between 500- and 700-m           woody debris increase away from it; and (3) dif-
elevation on the ocean-facing, coastal mountains of     ferent tree species are distributed within forest
the semiarid region of Chile (Rundel and Mahu           patches in relation to their different drought tol-
1976; Cereceda and Schemenauer 1991; López-            erances.
E. del-Val and others

                                                                                 Figure 1. Location of study
                                                                                 site showing the rainforest
                                                                                 patch mosaic in Fray Jorge
                                                                                 National Park. Modified
                                                                                 from Novoa-Jerez and others

STUDY SITE                                             facing the ocean, thus having a larger zone of fog
                                                       influence (Figure 1). It is important to note that fog
The study was carried out at Fray Jorge National       is patchy and that due to the complex topography,
Park (FJNP), (3040¢S, 7130¢W), the northernmost      delivery of fog is not uniform across the landscape.
location of Olivillo forest. Here, a mosaic of 180     In large patches, fog can follow different directions
rainforest patches, ranging in size from 0.1 to 22     as it moves down ravines, for example. The re-
ha, occurs on the summits of coastal mountains         gional climate is characterized as mediterranean-
(450–660 m a.s.l.) within a matrix of semiarid scrub   arid with hot-dry summers and cool winters (Di
vegetation (Novoa-Jerez and others 2004). Smaller      Castri and Hajek 1976). Mean annual temperature
patches tend to be located on the mountain pla-        is 13.6C and mean annual precipitation is 147 mm
teau, whereas larger patches are on steeper slopes     (from 21-year records, 1983 – 2003) (López-Cortés
Fog-dependent Forests in Semiarid Chile

and López 2004), falling mostly (around 95 % of          two passive fog collectors (PFC) outside five of the
annual rainfall) in the austral winter, between           patches sampled for structure (Table 1). The PFC
June and August. There is a substantial interannual       measured fog-water inputs to the WE (facing
variability in rainfall coefficient of variation          approximately west) and LE (facing approximately
(CV = 81%), with wet pulses every 3–5 years,              east) edges of each patch. Each PFC had a cylin-
associated with positive phases of El Niño–South-        drical capturing surface made of dark plastic mesh
ern Oscillation (ENSO), and dry periods associated        (shade cloth), with 5-mm square openings, to en-
with negative phases (Jaksic 2001; Montecinos and         able fog collection from all directions. The captur-
Aceituno 2003; López-Cortés and López 2004).           ing surface was 50 cm in height by 15-cm in
   In addition to Olivillo trees (Aextoxicon punctatum,   diameter and was placed 1.5 m from ground level,
Aextoxicaceae), the rainforest patches contain            on top of a 15-cm–wide funnel, connected by a
other broad-leaved evergreen trees—namely, Myr-           plastic tube to a 10-L lidded storage bucket con-
ceugenia correifolia (Myrtaceae), Drimys winteri          taining mineral oil to prevent evaporation. Water
(Winteraceae), Rhaphithamnus spinosus (Verbena-           volume captured was measured monthly for a
ceae), and Azara microphylla (Flacourtiaceae).            period of 12 months from September 2003 to Au-
Woody vines such as Griselinia scandens (Cornan-          gust 2004, by emptying the storage bucket at the
ceae), Sarmienta repens and Mitraria coccinea (both       end of each sampling period. Water captured by
Gesneriacae), and epiphytic ferns (for example,           PFC was the sum of fog-water plus rainwater, but
Polypodium feullei) are frequent components of the        rainwater was restricted to a few days between
forest canopy (Muñoz and Pisano 1947; Villagrán         June and August 2004 (see Figure 2). Fog-input
and Armesto 1980; Squeo and others 2004).                 data were expressed as the volume of water col-
Understory plants are generally small herbaceous          lected (millimeters per collector per month) con-
species such as Peperomia fernandeziana, and P. co-       verted to millilimeters of precipitation equivalents
quimbensis (Piperaceae), and shrubs such as Adeno-        by dividing the volume collected by the PFC cap-
peltis serrata (Euphorbiaceae), and Ribes punctatum       turing-surface area.
(Saxifragaceae). In addition, tree trunks are cov-
ered by a dense coat of mosses, lichens, and liver-       Tree Regeneration
worts, evidence of the high internal humidity of
                                                          In each of the six patches, we set up three parallel
forest patches.
                                                          transects, one per habitat, oriented approximately
                                                          from north to south and perpendicular to fog-input
METHODS                                                   direction. Transects were separated from each other
In August 2003,we sampled vegetation and patch            by at least 10 m in small patches, and by 25 m in
structural attributes (tree regeneration, tree age        larger patches. We distributed ten sampling points
and size distribution, basal area, tree density, and      separated by 20 m intervals along each transect line
coarse woody debris) in six forest patches above          (200 m long). At each sampling point, we deter-
500 m (0.2 – 22 ha), (Table 1) representing the           mined the density and diameter of canopy trees
heterogeneity of patch sizes found in FJNP (Squeo         and the abundance of saplings and seedlings. The
and others 2004). We defined the following habi-          density, basal area, and composition of canopy
tats in each patch: (1) WE, mostly facing the wes-        trees (stems more than 1.3 m in height and more
terly winds and therefore first to receive incoming       than 5 cm in diameter at breast height [dbh]) was
fog; (2) forest interior (FI), located under closed       estimated using the point-centered quarter method
canopy at the center of each patch and at least 50 m      (Cottam and Curtis 1956). At each point, we re-
away from any edge in large patches and 15 m              corded the distance from the four nearest trees to
away in small patches; and (3) LE, opposite to the        the sampling point, their identities and dbh. The
fog-receiving edge, mostly facing east. It is impor-      densities of seedlings (stems less than 1.3 m in
tant to note that because of local topography (Fig-       height) and saplings (stems more than 1.3 m in
ure 1) the wind does not always blows from west to        height but less than 5 cm dbh) were estimated
east; hence, wind direction varies slightly with          within 1-m2 quadrats for seedlings and 2-m–radii
forest patch location.                                    circular plots for saplings. Nomenclature of species
                                                          followed Marticorena and Quezada (1985).
Fog Inputs
To assess the relationship between fog-input
                                                          Tree Ages
direction (that is, edge effects) and structural          To assess the current minimum age of canopy-
attributes of forest patches (Figure 1), we set up        dominant Olivillo trees inside the patches, we col-
E. del-Val and others

Table 1.    Tree Species Abundance and Presence of Fog Collectors in Different Patches
Fragment                                                             Abundance                         Fog
size (ha)                           Species                      (individuals/0.1 ha)                collector

0.2                         Aextoxicon punctatum                          24                            Yes
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                      202
                            Drimys winteri                                 0
                            Azara microphylla                              0
                            Rhaphithamnus spinosus                         1
0.3                         Aextoxicon punctatum                          51                            Yes
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                       78
                            Drimys winteri                                 0
                            Azara microphylla                             19
                            Rhaphithamnus spinosus                         4
2                           Aextoxicon punctatum                          68                            Yes
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                       58
                            Drimys winteri                                 0
                            Azara microphylla                              8
                            Rhaphithamnus spinosus                        12
3.9                         Aextoxicon punctatum                         312                            Yes
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                       20
                            Drimys winteri                                10
                            Azara microphylla                             11
                            Rhaphithamnus spinosus                         3
14.2                        Aextoxicon punctatum                          55                            Yes
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                        3
                            Drimys winteri                               279
                            Azara microphylla                             11
                            Raphithamnus spinosus                         13
22                          Aextoxicon punctatum                         195                            No
                            Myrceugenia correifolia                        1
                            Drimys winteri                                49
                            Azara microphylla                              7
                            Rhaphithamnus spinosus                         0

lected increment cores at breast height (1.3 m) from     direction (that is, from WE toward LE) in each patch.
98 individuals. The largest trees found along the        Transect lines were extended 50 m on each side
three transects sampled for forest structure were        beyond the edge of the forest patches to assess the
selected for coring. At least three trees were sampled   presence of woody remains outside the present
in each transect. Cores were processed according to      patch area. Data are expressed as the volume of
Stokes and Smiley (1968). When tree cores did not        CWD present within transects and in each habitat
reach the center, whenever possible the number of        type. Habitat types for CWD were defined as follows:
missing rings was extrapolated following the geo-        WE, from 50 m outside the patch edge to the
metric procedure described by Duncan (1989).             beginning of the area of continuous canopy inside
Incomplete ages are reported for trees with rotten       the patch; FI, completely under continuous canopy;
centers (13% of the total). Cores with less than 25%     and LE, from where the continuous canopy ended
of the radii present were discarded (n = 21).            extending 50 m outside the back edge.

Coarse Woody Debris                                      STATISTICAL ANALYSES
We determined the spatial distribution of coarse         The volume of water captured by PFC during 2003–
woody debris (CWD) (snags or logs more than 10 cm        2004 was separated by position (WE and LE) for
in diameter)—an indicator of tree mortality patterns     each forest patch (n = 5 patches). Volume of water
and disturbance legacies in temperate rainforest         collected in the PFC was converted to milliliters of
landscapes (Carmona and others 2002) — from a 2-         water (that is, precipitation equivalents) and ana-
m–wide transect that followed the main fog-input         lyzed by a nested analysis of variance (ANOVA),
Fog-dependent Forests in Semiarid Chile

                                                            windward edge
                                                            leeward edge
                               70                           rain

                 mm of water   60




                               20                                                                                     *

                                    Sept-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04

                                                                                                         rain + fog

Figure 2. Accumulated millimeters of water captured by fog collectors over a 12-month period in windward and leeward
edges of five forest patches. Mean volume of water captured (mm, precipitation equivalents) per month ± 1 SE and
precipitation records (rain + fog) from Quebrada Las Vacas meteorological station, Fray Jorge (J. R. Gutiérrez and F. López
unpublished) are shown. Asterisk indicate average precipitation from the closest three meteorological stations (Romeral,
Doca, and Lilen), La Serena (approximately 70 km from Fray Jorge National Park) (http://www.ceaza.cl/Ceaza-Met/
index_html). Note that between June and August 2003 water captured by fog collectors contained a larger proportion of

using position, month, and position · month                                   of water collected throughout the year of study).
interaction as explanatory variables, nested by                               The lowest fog-water capture values (2%) were
forest patch and by month.                                                    obtained in early winter, May 2004 (F(11,44) = 15.3,
   Tree regeneration (seedling and sapling densi-                             P <
E. del-Val and others

                                 250   a
 Annual fog capture (mm)





                                 16    b
       Seedlings * m-2




                                 0.8   c
     Saplings * m -2




   Tree basal area (m2/ 0.2ha)

                                 2.5   d

                                   1                                                    Figure 4. Distribution of tree abundance and regenera-
                                 0.5                                                    tion in relation to fog-input direction for five different tree
                                   0                                                    species. a Seedling density (individuals per m2); b Sapling
                                                                                        density (individuals per m2); c Adult tree basal area (m2/
                                 120   e                                                0.2 ha). Doted bar indicates Aextoxicon punctatum, Vertical bar
   Minimum age (years)

                                                                                        indicates Azara mycrophylla, empty bar indicates Drymis
                                                                                        winteri, hatched bar indicates Myrceugenia correifolia, Filled
                                 60                                                     bar indicates Rhaphithamnus spinosus.
                                                                                        significant for seedlings of A. punctatum (F(2,10) = 1.94,
                                                                                        P = 0.19), A. microphylla (F(2,10) = 0.86, P = 0.45),
    Cwd volume (m3 / 100m2)

                                 12    f                                                D. winteri (F(2,10) = 2.5, P = 0.13), and M. correifolia
                                  8                                                     (F(2,10) = 1.33, P = 0.3). Seedlings of R. spinosus were
                                  6                                                     rare and present only in the FI (Figure 4a).
                                  4                                                        Sapling densities within patches showed the
                                  2                                                     same trend as seedling in relation to fog-input
                                  0                                                     direction (Figure 3c), although differences between
                                       windward edge   forest interior   leeward edge
                                                                                        edges and interior were not statistically significant
Figure 3. Forest structural attributes associated with fog-                             (F(2,10) = 1.34, P = 0.3). As a main effect, fog-input
input direction. a Total water captured by fog collectors                               direction was not significantly different for sapling
(mean mm ± 1SE); b total seedling density per m2                                        distributions of individual species (P > 0.05); but
(mean ± 1 SE); c Total sapling density per m2 (mean ± 1                                 after collapsing factor levels (WE + FI versus. LE),
SE); d Live tree basal area (m2) per transect (mean basal                               we found that A. punctatum saplings were concen-
area ± 1 SE); e Minimum tree ages for Olivillo (mean ± 1
                                                                                        trated in the WE and FI transects (F(1,5) = 11.4,
SE), n = 77; f Volume of coarse woody debris (m3 per 100
                                                                                        P = 0.02), whereas A. microphylla saplings were
m2) in different transects inside the forest (mean ± 1 SE).
                                                                                        concentrated at the WE (F(1,5) = 8.2, P = 0.03)
                                                                                        (Figure 4b).
F(2,10) = 5.3, P = 0.03). Seedling distribution for
                                                                                        Adult Tree Densities and Basal Areas in
most individual species tended to be concentrated
toward the WE or FI (Figure 4a); but because of the
                                                                                        Relation to Fog Input
low seedling densities and high spatial variation of                                    For A. punctatum (F(2,10) = 0.75, P = 0.5), A. micro-
seedlings between forest patches, the effect was not                                    phylla (F(2,10) = 1.12, P = 0.36), D. winteri
Fog-dependent Forests in Semiarid Chile

(F(2,10) = 1.32,    P = 0.31)    and    R.    spinosus    der closed canopy, mortality seems to be due pre-
(F(2,10) = 0.88, P = 0.44), adult tree densities did      dominantly to canopy shading on small trees.
not vary significantly with transect position relative    Further, as indicated by the minimum-age esti-
to fog-input direction (Figure 4c). However, adult        mates, patches located on the summit plateau of
trees of M. correifolia were more frequent in patch       the coastal range may be growing in the direction
edges than in the FI (F(2,10) = 5.52, P = 0.02),          of the incoming fog, and hence ‘‘moving’’ across
(Figure 4c).                                              the landscape as they track the fog inputs growing
   Although the total basal area of adult trees ten-      towards the front and dying at the back of the
ded to be higher in the FI, it did not differ statisti-   patch. The pattern of greater fog incidence during
cally among transect positions with respect to fog        dry-summer months is of critical importance for
direction (F(2,10) = 0.75, P = 0.49) (Figure 3d).         the persistence of the forest because evergreen,
Adult tree biomass was strongly dominated by A.           broad-leaved trees could be subjected to extreme
punctatum in all transects and forest patches (that is,   water stress during months of zero rain precipita-
more than 88%, of the basal area).                        tion. Consequently, fog becomes the only hydric
                                                          source sustaining this forest during dry annual
Tree Ages                                                 periods (October to April). This pattern of greater
                                                          fog inputs in summer seems to be consistent among
Minimum ages of Olivillo trees in each patch dif-
                                                          years (P. Vidiella unpublished data). Cereceda and
fered significantly among transects (F (2,74) = 4.4,
                                                          others (1997) have documented that fog is more
P = 0.02). Older trees were concentrated toward
                                                          abundant during the austral summer in northern
the LE of forest patches (WE + FI versus. LE: F
                                                          Chile because the altitude of the Pacific inversion
(1,75) = 8.92, P = 0.003; Figure 3e).
                                                          layer is higher in summer than winter, conse-
                                                          quently promoting the movement of fog toward
Coarse Woody Debris                                       the continent, where it encounters the Coastal
Although the overall trend across all three positions     mountain range during summer (where forest
with respect to fog input was unrelated to CWD            patches are present), whereas the inversion layer
volume (F(2,10) = 2.82, P = 0.11), when combined          stays close to the sea surface in winter.
FI + LE was compared to WE there was a significant
difference in CWD volume (one-way ANOVA,                  Edge Effect and Fog Shadows
F(1,11) = 6.1, P = 0.03). This indicated that cover
                                                          Studies of forests influenced by cloud-water inputs
and volume of snags and logs was greater in the FI
                                                          in other regions of the world have also documented
and LE of the forest patches than in the edge facing
                                                          enhanced water interception at windward forest
the fog (WE) (Figure 3f).
                                                          edges compared to FI (Beier and Gunderson 1989;
                                                          and others Erisman and others 1997; Weathers and
DISCUSSION                                                others 1992, 1995, 2000, 2001). The pronounced
                                                          fog-shadow effect documented for the patches in
Relationship between Fog and Forest                       Fray Jorge is very similar to previous findings
Structure                                                 showing that most water gets intercepted in the
Our results indicate strong correlations between          first few meters of the WE of the patch, declining
the areas of a forest patch that first receive fog-       steeply toward the opposite edge.
water inputs (WE) and measures of forest structure
and regeneration. All forest patches had new tree         Estimates of Fog-Water Input
establishment concentrated in the WE (or fog-             Our estimates of fog-water inputs, using artificial
receiving edge), where oceanic fog inputs are             PFC, when converted to millimeters of rainfall,
three-times higher than in the opposite edges, thus       suggest that trees may be receiving an additional
providing a suitable microhabitat for seedling and        input of approximately 200 mm of water annually.
sapling growth. In contrast, tree mortality was           It is important to note that the PFC used here do
largely concentrated in the patch center and par-         not mimic actual forest structure and are unlikely
ticularly in the edges opposite to fog-input direc-       to accurately estimate total fog-water deposition to
tion (LE), where the oldest trees in the patch are        these forests (even though their use enabled us to
found. Our data suggest that reduced fog-water            standardize collection surfaces and to compare
interception in the LE of patches may explain why         fluxes between WE and LE locations). The pro-
higher mortality and reduced tree regeneration            jected surface area per unit ground area of the PFC
occur there. In the central portion of patches, un-       is likely to be substantially less than that of the
E. del-Val and others

actual vegetation, in which case our estimate of          2002). Under the present extreme aridity of FJNP,
approximately 200 mm of extra water input per             these new constraints should be reflected in tree
year probably underestimates fog capture by these         growth patterns and in the present forest patch
forests. If this estimated value of fog interception is   structure.
used, the combined water inputs (147 mm rain +
200 mm fog) result in a total water input com-            Tree Species Distribution within Patches
mensurate with that usually required for tree             Differences in distribution within patches among
growth and survival (that is, 300–400 mm).                tree species presumably reflect their differential
                                                          tolerances to canopy shading and moisture avail-
Fog Inputs and Ecosystem Persistence                      ability. The most hygrophilous species, D. winteri,
                                                          which has an extended southern distribution in
Fog subsidies to total water inputs, especially in the    wet temperate forests reaching 55S (Villagrán and
WE of patches, may be sufficient to explain, at least     Armesto 1980), tends to be aggregated in the
in part, the unexpected persistence of this rainfor-      interior of larger forest patches and did not occur
est in the Chilean semiarid region, where the re-         in small patches. On the other hand, adult indi-
gional climate would otherwise prevent it.                viduals of Aextoxicon punctatum and Azara micro-
Conditions of strong aridity, as found today, began       phylla occur only in the edge directly receiving fog
in this region during the late Tertiary, becoming         influx, as well as in the FI. Finally, M. correifolia
more intense during the interglacial periods of the       was generally associated with patch edges,
Pleistocene, whereas glacial periods were more            regardless of fog input direction. Myrceugenia cor-
humid and presumably favored the transitory               reifolia may be the most drought resistant tree
expansion of Olivillo forests to lower elevations         species in this rainforest assemblage, as is common
(Villagrán and others 2004). Olivillo forests would      in patch edges, and it is also distributed mainly in
have persisted through the long, dry interglacial         the mediterranean-climate region of central Chile
using fog-water subsidies, as they do now during          and not in southern rainforests at higher latitudes
shorter intervals of severe drought associated with       (Villagrán and others 2004). These observations
the negative phases of ENSO (Jaksic 2001; Mon-            are also consistent with leaf carbon–nitrogen (C:N)
tecinos and Aceituno 2003). As little as 2.2 mm of        ratios reported for tree species in Fray Jorge forests
rainfall in 1 year have been recorded during La           by Pérez (1996). Carbon–nitrogen ratios are used
Niña episodes in the Fray Jorge area (Meserve and        as an index of sclerophylly and tolerance to
others 2003), underscoring the key role of incom-         drought because a higher ratio represents greater
ing fog for forest persistence.                           leaf mass, higher crude fiber contents, greater leaf
   Because ecosystem development at this latitude         hardness, and lower rates of water loss (Loveless,
is constrained primarily by the limited supply of         1961). Higher indices of sclerophylly have been
rainwater to plants, current tree regeneration            reported for A. punctatum and M. correifolia, wheres
should be constrained to zones with greater fog-          D. winteri and R. spinosus had less sclerophyllous
water capture and retention. This pattern of              leaves (Pérez 1996).
regeneration contrasts with that found in the                Our results show that the persistence of the
southern range of Olivillo forests, where tree            mosaic of forest patches in FJNP depends on the
regeneration is generally limited by light availabil-     continuity of fog presence in the region. In general,
ity (Veblen and others 1981; Armesto and Fuentes          our data lend support to the idea that Fray Jorge
1988). Examples of such switches from light limi-         forest structure and regeneration patterns reflect
tation to water limitation of tree growth have been       the present climate and are not declining, as pre-
documented for Nothofagus pumilio at its north-           viously suspected by other authors (Gajardo and
eastern distribution limit in the Andes (Heinemann        others1984; Gajardo and Grez 1990), because tree
and others 2000) and for Austrocedrus chilensis in the    regeneration is occurring in all patches, there are
forest–steppe boundary in northern Patagonia              trees across age classes to 200 years old, and we
(Kitzberger and others 2000). In the Patagonian           found no indication of an overall decline in tree
semiarid ecotone, Austrocedrus can germinate only         density within forest patches.
under nurse shrubs, which provide moist micro-
sites (Kitzberger and others 2000). These examples
illustrate how rainforest trees that evolved in light-
limited environments may have been forced to              This work was supported by Fondo de investiga-
adapt in recent times to increasing aridity (Villag-      ción Avanzada en Areas Prioritarias FONDAP –
rán and Varela 1990; Maldonado and Villagrán            FONDECYT 1501-0001 Centro de Estudios Avan-
Fog-dependent Forests in Semiarid Chile

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