Quantum Cascade Laser integrated with metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic antenna

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Quantum Cascade Laser integrated with metal-dielectric-metal
                       plasmonic antenna

    Dibyendu Dey, Ryan. M. Gelfand, John Kohoutek, Alireza Bonakdar and Hooman
                Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
                         Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA


          In the near field region, optical antennas can generate local hot spots with high energy density. It can be
very useful in increasing the photon-matter interactions for bio-sensing applications. There are several important
bio-molecules having signature frequency (vibrational resonance) matching the mid infrared region of the optical
spectrum. Thus mid-infrared antenna integrated with Quantum cascade laser (QCL) is highly desirable as it is
currently considered to be one of the most efficient mid-infrared laser sources with a huge gamut of commercial
applications. Here, we present a novel metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) based plasmonic nanorod antenna integrated
on the facet of a room temperature working Quantum Cascade Laser. Simulations showed that at an optimized SiO2
thickness of 20nm, the antenna can generate a local electric field with intensity 500 times higher than the incident
field intensity. Further, it can increase the number of regions with local hot spots due to a higher number of
geometrical singularities or sharp edges present in the MDM structure. This feature can be extremely useful,
especially for bio-sensing applications. All device structures have been optimized based on 3d finite-difference time-
domain (FDTD) numerical simulations. The antenna was fabricated on the facet of QCL using focused ion beam
(FIB). The integrated plasmonic QCL has been measured using an apertureless mid-infrared near field scanning
optical microscopy (a-NSOM). The measurement set-up is based on an inverted microscope coupled with a
commercially available Atomic Forced Microscopy (AFM). We have experimentally found that such integrated
nano antenna can generate a very narrow optical spot size, much below the diffraction limit, with high power density
that matches well with the simulation results.

Key words: Bio-sensing, Focused ion beam milling, Field enhancement, Near-field imaging, Optical antenna,
Plasmonics, Quantum Cascade Laser, Surface plasmon resonance.

                                                        1. INTRODUCTION
          At the interface between two mediums having opposing signs of dielectric susceptibility (eg. Metal-
dielectric), light can generate a collective motion of conductive electrons, called by surface plasmons (SP)1. The
principle of surface plasmons has been extensively applied in many novel applications for example extraordinary
optical transmission2,3,4, label-free measurements of bio-molecular sensing 5,6, drug discovery 7,8, surface plasmon
interference lithography 9and spectroscopic applications 10.
          By solving the Maxwell’s equation in a planar film, the SP dispersion relationship is found to be:

    hmohseni@ece.northwestern.edu, 1-847-491-5412; www.bisol.northwestern.edu

                 Laser Beam Shaping XI, edited by Andrew Forbes, Todd E. Lizotte, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7789,
                       77890L · © 2010 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/10/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.861451

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         Where, k is the wave vector of the electromagnetic field propagation parallel to the interface between metal
and dielectric, ω is the angular frequency of the incident field. εeff is the effective dielectric constant given by:


          Where, εm and εd represent the dielectric constants for metal and dielectric respectively.
          As formula (1) suggests, the angular momentum of SP is greater than the free space momentum of incident
photon and thus exciting SP at the metal-dielectric interface requires special care. Previously, it has been achieved
using two different coupling techniques – prism coupler 1 or grating coupler11.
          The familiar concepts of geometrical optics in the macroscopic world do not adequately describe light-
particle interaction when the particle size becomes comparable to the wavelength of the incident light. In such
condition, rigorous optical theories such as Mie theory 12 address the solution of Maxwell equation with full
complexity of light-particle interaction.
           Mie theory suggests that a collective charge oscillation i.e. SP gets induced when an incident
electromagnetic field interacts with the target nano particle. Moreover the oscillating frequency matches with the
frequency of incident field. For such small particle size, SP is dipolar13. It induces the charge accumulation process
at the two ends of the nano particle with opposite polarity. The accumulated charge generates strong electric field in
the near field region of the nano particle due to coulomb interaction. Such phenomena expand the realm of
geometric optics to focus radiant visible and infrared light down to nanometric length scale much smaller compared
to its wavelength.
          In the past decade, there has been considerable amount of research on optical antennas due to its novel
photonic application including chemical14,15 and thermal sensors16,17, near-field microscopy18,19, nanoscale
photodetectors20 and plasmonic devices21,22,23. Like RF antenna, optical antennas are resonant structures responding
to specific wavelengths through both the geometrical and material characteristics of the antenna as well as the
surrounding environments24,25,26. Though both optical and RF have fundamental application in controlling radiation
pattern, there do exist some basic differences. For example, radio frequency (RF) antenna designs27 wholly focus on
optimization of far-field characteristics in order to obtain better long distance transmission and reception
performance. In contrast optical antenna emphasize on the near field behavior because the enhancement decays
rapidly with distance. Further, the primary challenge of dimensional mismatch between the wavelength and the
emitter/receiver (e.g. molecules) for optical antenna is met by improvement in near-field coupling instead of using a
feed line as in the RF case.
          Significant works related to optical antenna in visible spectrum28 has been previously demonstrated.
Recently there has been an added interests in infrared (IR) optical antenna due to relatively ease of structural
fabrication compared to visible range, and more importantly the great technological need for its potential
applications in chemical spectroscopy, remote sensing, ultrafast IR and THz transient detection29,30. Many of the
demonstrated infrared optical antennas were designed based on an external IR laser source31,32,33. Integration of
optical antenna along with an IR source was far-reach for a long time due to the absence of any efficient laser source
in this optical regime (2-20 µm) till the field of Quantum Cascade Laser matured significantly in the last decade.
Since its first demonstration34 in 1994, QCL – a unipolar semiconductor laser35 which works on the principle of
intersubband transitions, showed watt level power performance at room temperature36. Group lead by Fredrico
Capasso at Harvard University, first demonstrated a fully integrated mid-infrared optical antenna based on QCL and
showed a strong near field localization37,38,39,40,41,42. Such optical antenna showed great promise in microscopic
application below diffraction limit. The usefulness can be extended further to chemical and bio sensing application if
composite material (multilayered) is used instead of single metal as optical antenna element as it paves the way to
functionalize different layers.
          Here, we demonstrate a metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) based nanorod antenna design, where surface
plasmon waves at two metal interfaces get coupled by the sandwiched dielectric medium. In comparison to a metal
nanorod antenna, such a design promises stronger light enhancement. Furthermore, as a result of higher number of
geometrical singularities or sharp edges present in the MDM structure, it can increase the number of regions with
local hot spots making it extremely useful for bio-sensing applications43,44. Moreover the design is superior to a

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single metaal nanorod beccause it opens up the possibility of use it foor many bio-seensing applicattions where diffferent
probe moleecules can be attached
                        a         to diffferent layers off the same nanoorod45.

                                                           2. SIMULATIO
                                                              S       ONS
         To analyze the performance
                           p              o our MDM anntenna comparred to metal naanorod antennaa, we first sim
                                          of                                                                         mulated
the structuure using comm mercially availaable 3d FDTD   D software, Lum merical. All maaterial data useed in the simuulation,
other than the laser regioon, is from ref 46.
                                           4 The refracttive index of thhe laser materiial is chosen too be 3.2, whichh is the
weighted average
           a        of the refractive indeex of the activee region,In0.44Al
                                                                         A 0.56As/In0.6Gaa0.4As. The sim
                                                                                                       mulated structuure has
a 100nm buffer silicon dioxide folloowed by the metal-dielectri
                                                            m            ic-metal antennna. A schemaatic diagram of    o the
simulated structure
            s        is shoown in the inseet of Figure 1. An optical TM   M polarized pllane wave withh central waveelength
around 5.997um and it is used
                          u     as the souurce for all perfformed FDTD simulations.

Figure 1 - (color onlinee) FDTD simu   ulation showiing the peak intensity
                                                                    i        enhaancement for varying the silicon
dioxide th
         hickness while keeping the total
                                      t     thicknesss of the structure to be 170n
                                                                                 nm. Inset: Sch
                                                                                              hematic diagrram of
the simulaation structuree, where the “A”
                                      “ representss the position of the samplin  ng point.

     At resonance, surfacce charge is acccumulated at thhe end of eachh nanorod and it i is maximizedd at the gap beetween
two closelly placed nano  orods due to capacitive couupling. The acccumulated chharge leads too large electricc field
intensity enhancement
           e             a its vicinity. Peak electric field enhanceement is plotteed against varrying lengths of the
nanorod anntenna (Figure 1). In the sim mulations, we varied
                                                         v                             m 0, 5, 10, 20,, 30 to 50 nm, while
                                                                 the SiO2 thickness from
                         ure thickness too be 170nm. It can be seen that by increaasing the SiO2 thickness from
keeping thhe total structu                                                                                           m 5 to
10nm, the average intenssity is enhancedd. It is maximiized at a thicknness of 20nm anda decreases at a an oxide thicckness
of 30nm.
     The physics behind the MDM sinngle nanorod design    d        can be well understoood by an anaalogous LC cirrcuit47,
where eachh metal layer isi represented by identical innductors (L) and a the sandwiiched dielectricc between them   m as a
capacitor (C).
           (   Also two ofo the nanorods create a capaacitor, Ca, outsiide the dielectrric region. In Figure
                                                                                                      F      2, a scheematic
diagram off the equivalen nt optical circuuit is shown. All
                                                         A the optical circuit elemennts are in paraallel and they form
                                                                                                                     f     a
coupled LC C circuit with a resonance freequency ω2 ~ (C+C
                                                         (      a)/L.C.Ca. When the inp
                                                                                      put signal frequuency is close to
                                                                                                                      t ω, a
strong resoonance occurs. With a fixed lasing
                                         l        frequenccy, as used in our
                                                                         o design, the thickness paraameters can bee tuned
with the reesonance frequeency, making thet device uniqquely different from the singlle metal nanorood antenna.

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Figure 2 - Schematic dia
                       agram showin
                                  ng the MDM single
                                             s      nanorod
                                                          d antenna and
                                                                      d the equivalen
                                                                                    nt optical circuit
for this strructure.

          A the resonantt lengths, L=2..0um for the MDM
          At                                            M        antennaa and L=2.05um  m for metal antenna,
                                                                                                    a          the abbsolute
value of electric field diistribution alonng as the z-diirection is plottted in Figure 3(a) - (b) resspectively. Thee local
electric fieeld enhancemennt can be a goood figure of meerit to comparee the plasmon coupling
                                                                                        c       efficiiency between single
metal and MDM design     ns. The MDM nanorod antennna has nearlyy 3 times highher enhancemeent at the top metal
surface as compared to thet single nanoorod antenna (Figure
                                                        (         3 (c)). This field enhhancement cann be attributed to the
increased plasmon
            p        coupliing efficiency in the presencee of the sandwiiched SiO2.

Figure 3 – (a) Schematiic diagram showing MDM (Au/SiO2/Au; 75/20/75nm) nanorod anteenna design an        nd the
        nding Ez field d distributionn at the top of the metal surface at a resonant len   ngth of 2.0umm. (b)
Schematicc diagram sho owing metal antenna
                                     a         design
                                                    n and the corrresponding Ez
                                                                             E field distrib
                                                                                           bution at the top
                                                                                                         t of
the metal surface at a reesonant length
                                      h of 2.05um.

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Figure 4 – Cross-sectionaal view of the MDM (Au/SiOO2/Au; 70-20-70                       esonant length of
                                                                 0nm)nanorod antenna at re
2um, wherre the color baar represents the
                                       t total E-field

     The loocal electric fieeld distributionn for the MDMM antenna at reesonant length of 2um is shoown in Figure 4.    4 The
picture shoows the simulatted hot spot reggions where thhe electric fieldd intensity gets enhanced.
     From the simulation   n, the first ordder resonant leength of the antenna
                                                                        a         is founnd to be L= (2.0±0.1) µm, which
correspondds to a half in nteger multiplee of the effectiive wavelengthh (λeff= λ0/neff).) At resonant condition, thee peak
            a the two endss of the antennna, is found to be ~ 500 timees the incident field intensityy. A dipolar behhavior
intensity, at
can still peersist away fromm resonant connditions but it is
                                                          i expected to show
                                                                          s     increasinngly asymmetriic field distribuution31
until chargge accumulation  n gets complettely faded.

                                                  3. EXPERIMENTALL SET-UP
     The reesolution of Fo ourier transform m infrared micrrocopy (FTIR) can’t exceed more m     than a feww micrometer due to
diffraction limitation. In  n contrast, apeertureless nearr-field scanninng optical miccroscopy (a-NS      SOM) offers spatial
resolution up to few ten    ns of nanometeers and indepeendent of any wavelength. The      T experimenntal set-up hass been
illustrated in Figure 5. The tip of an atomic force microscope
                                                           m             AFM) scans paarallel to the suurface normal of the
antenna in tapping mode. Local electromagnetic fieldd from the antennna structure is      i scattered by the AFM tip. Part
                                                                                                                         P of
it gets trannsmitted througgh the laser cavvity and collectted by a mercuury-cadmium teelluride (MCT)) detector afterr beam
     The sccattered signall possesses loccal field inform  mation. Howeever, there is alsoa     scattering from the canttilever
which prodduces a huge background
                           b             noiise. This backgground has beeen overcome byy modulating the    t distance beetween
the probe anda the samplee. At a small distance betweeen the probe annd sample, the apex signal geets hugely enhaanced.
There is allso a contributtion to the moddulated signal from many otther scattering centers along the probe shafft. But
the signal contribution of  o the more diistant ones cann be effectivelyy suppressed due    d to their raapid fading at larger
distance frrom the samplee48,49. Thus modulating the signal using AFM in tapping mode      m      and thenn demodulatingg using
a lock-in amplifier can giive an excellennt background suppressed
                                                           s            neaar-field signal.
     Due to selection ru   ule for intersubbband transitioon, QCL emitts TM polarizeed light50, whhere direction of the
electric fieeld is along thee growth directtion. The antennna structure iss integrated on the facet of thhe QCL such thhat the
antenna axxis coincides with
                           w the directioon of laser pollarization. Suchh condition maakes the antenna resonant wiith the
incident laser frequency and a enhances the  t near field. There
                                                           T      is also a perturbation effect
                                                                                          e      on the anntenna near-fieeld due
to the presence of probin  ng tip, but it caan be suppresseed by using dieelectric tip insttead of metal tiip as been suggested
in ref 51.

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                                                               AFM Laser
                                                                   L         AFM canttilever
                                                                             in tapping mode

                                        AFM detector
                                                                       Scattered light      Reference frrequency from AFFM
                                                          Au                                cantilever osscillation frequen
                                                                                  Lockk-in Amplifier

                                               Laser material
                                                      s                                     Input signal


                                                                                                           Apertureless NSOM
                                                                                                       for Plasmonic
                                                                                                           P         QCL devvice

Figure 5 - Apertureleess near-field optical microoscope (a-NSO
                                                             OM) to prob
                                                                       be near field intensity
                                                                                     i         of optical

Figure 6 – Optical imag
                      ge showing thee AFM tip scaanning the faceet of the QCL with integratted antenna.

          Thhe metal-dielectric-metal nannorods were faabricated on thhe facets of botth an injectorleess quantum caascade
(I-QCL) laaser and a con    nventional QCCL laser, workking at room teemperature. I-- QCL is baseed on In0.365Al0.635     0   As
/In0.66Ga0.34. The core deesign is similaar to an earlier letter52, but modified withh higher strainn (~3%) and doping    d
density. It had already beenb     reported that the I-QCL shows supeerior thermal performance
                                                                                         p              w approximaately 8
times loweer rise in core temperature
                            t            coompared to connventional QCL    L with injectorr53. Conventionnal QCL is bassed on
            A     0.6Ga0.4Ass with a core design
                                          d       as outlinned in a previous letter54. Thee results descriibed in this papper are
based on devices
           d         fabricatted on conventtional QCL. Allthough, the fuundamental phyysics of devicees based on I-Q     QCL is
expected too be identical, other than the dimensional difference
                                                           d          caussed by differennce in operationn wavelengths of the
two lasers.

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Thhe cleaved lasers were moounted on a c-mount and teested for currrent-voltage peerformance at room
temperaturre. After initiall characterizatiion to verify the
                                                         t operation of                o facet of the device was coated
                                                                       o the lasers, one                               c
with SiO2/Au/SiO
           /       2/Au (200/75nm/20n
                          (               nm/75nm) by ebeam evapooration using an Edwards FL           F 400. The single
nanorod anntenna designss were then fabbricated on thee coated facet of the lasers using
                                                                                       u      a Focuseed Ion beam (H Hellios
FEI). Usinng the gallium ion beam at hiigh voltage (300keV) and low   w current (48pA  A), a high preccision of millinng was
achieved. After
           A    the patterrning, current-vvoltage characteristics didn’tt incur any signnificant changees.

 Figure 7 – (a) SEM im
                     mage of the siide view of Au
                                                u-SiO2-Au (755/20/75nm) cooupled nanorood antenna (b
                                                                                                   b) Top
view of Au-SiO2-Au (75
                     5/20/75nm) sin ngle nanorod antenna. (c) Side view of Au-SiO2-Au (75/20/75nm)
                                                                                       (            single
nanorod antenna.

                                                          4. MEASUREM
                                                             M      MENT
          Exxperimentally,, nanorod on thhe laser facet was w located usiing AFM scannning. Under laaser in operatioon, the
AFM tip-scattered near-ffield response is     i recorded sim
                                                           multaneously with
                                                                          w the topogrraphy. When inn plane incidennt field
interacts with
           w the MDM    M nanorod, connduction electrrons in the meetal respond with      w generatingg a surface Plaasmon
wave. For composite maaterial based anntenna surface Plasmon wavees get generateed at each inteerface betweenn metal
and dielecttric.
          During  NSOM measurement,
                           m                  there are two components
                                                            c            off scattered electric field, Ex (inn-plane) and Ez (out-
of plane), interacts with h the oscillatinng AFM probe. Unlike in phase     p      dipole oscillation
                                                                                           o            as in Ex , the Ez field
componentts at opposite ends
                          e                                               w respect to each other by a relative anglee φ=π.
                                of the nannorod oscillate out of phase with
In Figure 8 (a) – (b), wee show the neaar field image of    o Au-SiO2- Au A (75/20/75nm   m) single nanoorod antenna , with a
length of L=2.0µm,
            L         inteegrated on the facet of room     m temperature working
                                                                            w         QCL. The simulateed dipolar patttern in
Figure 8 (cc) shows high near-field am      mplitude values at the rod exttremities and zero
                                                                                           z     amplitudee at the center and it
          w the experiimental result. The simulateed |Ez| componnent (Figure 8 (c)) and |Ex| of the electricc field
matches with
(Figure 3(bb)) shows cleaarly that we exxperimentally measure the Ez instead of Ex component of the electricc field.
Unlike inteerferometric NSOM
                         N                 , a-NSOM
                                             a         can’t selectively measure
                                                                         m          two diffferent componnents of E-fielld and
thus only the
            t significant component off the near fieldd is expected to      t be recordedd. As been described in ref 51,  5 the
electric fieeld componentt parallel to thee sample surfaace yields a reelatively weak scattering signnal compared to the
componentt perpendiculaar to it. It is duue to differencce between theeir effective poolarizability. Thus  T      probing out-of-
plane Ez coomponent ideallly suited for suuch measurement.
          W have found a more intense spot at the leeft corner of thhe nanorod com
          We                                                                               mpared to the right (Figure 8 (b)).
Similar observation has been
                           b     reported in ref 32 and it  i is due to unsuppressed bacckground noisee. The line sccans of
topographyy and near field d are shown inn Figure 8 (d) – (e). The imagge distortions, as  a seen Figure 8 (a) – (b), is due to
small sampple drift and it is because the long acquisitioon time (~ 1 hoour) for a-NSO    OM measuremeent.

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Figure 8 – (a) –(b) Top  pography and NSOM imagge of the Au-S    SiO2-Au singlee nanorod anttenna integratted on
the facet of
           o a room tem  mperature woorking quantu                                             t MDM nanorod
                                                     um cascade laaser (c) Simullated |Ez| for the
antenna. (d)
          ( – (e) Line scans for top   pography and NSOM measu     urement respectively (f) Coomparison beetween
the |Ez| neear field inten
                         nsity for singlle metal (170n
                                                     nm Au) and MDMM      nanorood antenna. Itt shows that MDM
antenna has > 3 times near
                        n     field inten
                                        nsity enhancem

                                                           5. DISCUSSI
                                                              D      ION
         During   the NSOOM measuremeent, the laser wasw operated at 1% duty cyclee near the thresshold voltage with  w an
average poower output of 100µW. The near-field
                                         n          imagges of the antennna were recorrded with high pixel resolutioon and
with a reduuced scan speeed of 0.1 line/ss. The NSOM images show excellent
                                                                       e          agreeement with thee z-component of the
simulated near field disttribution. The full widths att half maximum    m of the two peak
                                                                                        p     intensitiees at the edge of the
antenna were found to be b 550 and 600nm respectivvely (Figure 8)). The spot is naturally
                                                                                        n         conffined along thee short
direction of
           o the antennaa width of 1000nm. The generated power flux at each hot        h spot is callculated as thee total
operating laser
           l     power diivided by num mber of spots anda spot area. Neglecting anny incurred optical losses thee total
power fluxx is calculated to
                          t be approxim mately 0.8nW/nnm2 per hot spoot. Even at 1% of this value, there will be enough
optical powwer to have an               w single molecules58. The measured peaak intensities (F
                          n interaction with                                                            Figure 8) at thhe two
ends of thee antenna are different
                         d         becausse of possible non-uniformity
                                                        n              y of the top golld surface caused by FIB millling.

         Inn conclusion, we
                         w have demonnstrated near fieldf     scanning optical microsscopy of a singgle nanorod anntenna
integrated on to the faceet of a room teemperature woorking QCL. The   T presented composite maaterial based anntenna
designs caan generate a very
                         v     small optiical spot size with power fluux density in the t order of nW/nm
                                                                                                     n         . Simullations
have confiirmed that its multilayered
                         m             deesign can signiificantly increaase this intensiity enhancement. Such high power
densities combined
          c          with
                        h multiple hot spot location on the same antenna
                                                                       a         will ennable us to detect single moolecule
based on thheir unique vib
                         brational signatture.

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           This work was partially funded by NSF. The Focused Ion beam milling and SEM studies were
performed in the (EPIC) (NIFTI) (Keck-II) facility of NUANCE Center at Northwestern University. NUANCE
Center is supported by NSF-NSEC, NSF-MRSEC, Keck Foundation, the State of Illinois, and Northwestern
University. The Materials Research Center (MRC) cleanroom facility at Northwestern University was used for
ebeam evaporation.

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