Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services

Page created by Darren Patton
Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
                                                Croydon Health Services
                                                                NHS Trust

                                              Quality Report
Excellent care for all        Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
Quality Report 2020/21

    PART 1 - Information about this Quality Report                                                         4
    Statement on quality from the Chairman and Chief Executive of Croydon Health
    Services NHS Trust (CHS)
    Executive Summary                                                                                      7
    Trust Objectives                                                                                       8
    Our Vision and Values                                                                                  9

    PART 2 - Priorities for improvement and statement of assurance from
    the Trust Board
    Priorities for Improvement                                                                            13
    Progress against our 2020/21 Priorities                                                               13
          •    Patient Safety                                                                             13
          •    Clinical Effectiveness                                                                     14
          •    Patient Experience                                                                         15
    Quality Priorities for 2021/22                                                                        18
          •    Patient Safety                                                                             18
          •    Clinical Effectiveness                                                                     18
          •    Patient Experience                                                                         19
          •    Quality Improvement                                                                        19
    Statements of Assurance 2020/21                                                                       22
          •    Review of Services                                                                         23
          •    Executive Structure Chart                                                                  24
          •    Information on Participation in National Clinical Audits (NCA) and National
               Confidential Enquiries (NCE)
          •    Patient Led Assessment in the Care Environment (PLACE) Audit                               25
          •    Participation in Clinical Research and Development                                         26
          •    Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)                                           30
          •    Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection and Quality Improvement Programme                 31
          •    Data Quality                                                                               33
          •    Information Governance Assessment Report                                                   34

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Quality Report 2020/21

         • Mortality Reviews and Learning from Deaths                                               35
         • Clinical Standards for seven-day hospital services                                       40
         • Health and Safety Executive Incidents                                                    41
         • Reporting against Core Indicators                                                        42
         • Staff Survey                                                                             44
         • Staff and public engagement                                                              48

    PART 3 - Other Information                                                                      52

    Overview of Quality Care offered by CHS                                                         53
         •    Patient Safety Incidents                                                              53
         •    Never Events                                                                          53
         •    Duty of Candour                                                                       54
         •    Infection Control                                                                     55
         •    PALS and Complaints                                                                   59

    CHS Performance against relevant indicators                                                     61
         •    Referral to Treatment (RTT) Waiting Times Performance 2020/21                         62

         •    Volunteers                                                                            62
         •    Freedom to Speak up Guardians (FTSU) and Whistleblowing                               63
         •    Emergency Department Performance                                                      65
         •    Cancer and Macmillan                                                                  68

    Annex 1 - Statements of Assurance                                                               71

    Annex 2 - Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Activity                                           73

    Annex 3 - Statements from External Stakeholders                                                 81
    Annex 4 - National and Local Clinical Audit Participation                                       84
    Annex 5 - Glossary                                                                              87

                                         Excellent care for all        Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
Quality Report 2020/21

    PART 1
    Information about Quality Report

              Excellent care for all        Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
Quality Report 2020/21

What is a Quality Report?
It is an annual report that providers of NHS
healthcare services must publish to inform the
public of the quality of the services they
provide. This is so you know more about our
commitment to provide you with the best
quality healthcare services. It also encourages
us to focus on and to be completely open
about service quality and helps us develop
ways to continually improve.

Why has CHS produced a Quality Report?
CHS is statutorily required to publish a Quality Report.
This is the ninth year that we have done so; all of our
Quality Reports are published on our website:

What does the CHS Quality Report include?
We collect a large amount of information on the quality of
all our services within three areas defined by the
Department of Health and Social Care: patient safety,
clinical effectiveness and patient experience.

We have used this information to look at how well we have
performed over the past year (2019/20) and to identify
where we could improve next year. We have defined three
main priorities for improvement based on our Quality
Strategy 2019 to 2021.

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Quality Report 2020/21

    Statement on Quality from the Chairman and Chief
    Executive of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (CHS)
    A key pillar in our annual objectives, and by far      involved in Croydon Quality Improvement
    the most important aspect of our work is the           (CQI), we’re empowering teams to take charge
    delivery of high quality care for every patient in     of change in their own areas.
    the right place, at the right time.
                                                           To date, almost 300 staff have been trained in
    The publication of our last Quality Account            quality improvement and over 135 peer led
    came shortly after the first wave of the COVID-        improvement projects have been registered,
    19 pandemic, the greatest health crisis that the       which demonstrates the enthusiasm of our
    NHS has ever faced. Now as we look at the              colleagues to truly make Croydon the safest
    publication of the 2020/21 report, we are in           and most compassionate, professional and
    recovery from an even more significant second          respectful place for our patients to be treated
    wave of the virus.                                     and our staff to work.
    Despite the events of this year, our commitment        Whilst we have seen progress towards our
    to the quality of care we deliver to our patients      ambitious targets across all six of our quality
    has never wavered.                                     priorities, as can be expected in the cycle of
                                                           continuous improvement, there is still more for
    The launch of our Patient Experience,                  us to do. This includes our ambition to reduce
    Engagement and Involvement Strategy for                the total number of falls incidents, through
    2020/23 is perhaps the most exciting step              initiatives like our ‘bay watch’ scheme, and the
    forward in our quest to improve our care for the       roll out of the Croydon Accreditation,
    people of Croydon, giving us the tools to              Recognition and Exemplar Scheme to all adult
    harness the experiences of those we have               inpatient wards, to drive quality improvement in
    treated and to listen and learn from them,             relation to patient safety and care.
    adapting our services to the needs of patients,
    relatives and local residents, in our ambition to      Throughout 2020/21, the focus of our clinical
    provide excellent health and care for all.             teams was rightly on treating those affected by
                                                           the COVID-19 pandemic and keeping our staff
    A key strand of this work is our focus on              and our patients safe.
    reducing health inequalities in our community.
    Whilst work had already started in this area, the      Now, as we look ahead to our recovery plans,
    COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated an ever             we have a unique opportunity to transform our
    increasing need to grow our understanding of           approach to quality, embedding the actions
    these issues and the steps that we need to take        outlined in our priorities into the Trust’s
    to tackle them, to ensure every local resident         recovery plans.
    receives the best possible support to stay well,
    access services when they need them and have           This year’s Quality Account details some of this
    their voices heard.                                    work and we are pleased to share this with you
                                                           as we continue our journey of improvement in a
    While this isn’t simply a quality priority but an      post-COVID world.
    overarching Trust priority, our commitment to
    improving the quality of demographic data we
    collect to support improvements will play a vital
    role in identifying trends, evidencing where
    change is required and helping to develop
    action plans aimed at reducing inequalities and
    make the Croydon’s health and care system as           Matthew Kershaw                 Mike Bell
    inclusive and accessible as possible.
                                                           Trust Chief Executive &          Chairman
    We are also learning from the experiences of           Place Based Leader for
    our staff and the vital work of frontline teams
    who deliver our services every day. With               Health
    marked improvements in the Trust’s annual
    staff survey results and even more staff getting

                                         Excellent care for all         Professional
                                         Home | Community | Hospital    Compassionate
6                                                                       Respectful
Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
Quality Report 2020/21

    Executive Summary

    All NHS Trusts are required to produce and publish an annual Quality Report setting out the quality
    performance for the preceding financial year.

    In this report, from page 12 onwards, we describe and our progress against our quality priorities for
    2020/21 and from page 18 onwards, our key quality priorities for 2021/22. We are required to include
    specific data that we have reported externally to National Bodies such as the Care Quality
    Commission (CQC) and the Health and Social Care Informatics Centre and these are set out at Annex
    5, page 89.

    The report has been shared with Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Croydon Council’s
    Scrutiny Heath and Social Care Sub-Committee and Healthwatch Croydon; with statements from
    these groups included at Annex 3, page 82. We have explained our acronyms and terms in the main
    text and there is also a full glossary at the end of the report.

    Croydon is a hugely diverse borough with a growing population and we play an important role in
    keeping our community well and healthy.

    To ensure that this report is accurate, robust and properly reflects the services the Trust provides, it
    was reviewed and approved by the Trust’s Quality and Audit Committees and the Trust Board prior to

    Croydon Health Services employs more than 4,000 staff and provides integrated NHS services to care
    for people at home, in schools, and health clinics across the borough, as well as at Croydon University
    Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital.

    Croydon University Hospital, in the north of the borough, provides more than 100 specialist services
    and performs over 400,000 outpatient appointments every year. We also perform more than 250,000
    planned procedures annually, either inpatients or day cases. The hospital is also home to the
    borough’s only Emergency Department, supported by three GP hubs. It also provides 24/7 maternity
    services; including a labour ward, midwifery-led birth center and the Crocus home birthing team.

    Purley War Memorial Hospital (PWMH), in the south of the borough, offers outpatient care which
    includes diagnostic services and physiotherapy, as well as ophthalmology services run by Moorfields
    Eye Hospital, alongside an onsite GP surgery.

    Our experienced district nursing teams, Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and community matrons
    look after people of all ages across Croydon, and our Children’s Hospital at Home cares for children
    with long-term conditions without them having to come to hospital.

    Our emergency care doctors and nurses have also teamed up with local GPs to run a seamless
    network of urgent care services across the borough, including booked appointments with a GP
    available seven days a week.

    For more information about our services visit www.croydonhealthservices.nhs.uk

                                        Excellent care for all          Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

    Trust Objectives

    Well led organisations have, among other attributes, a clear set of objectives that explain the priorities
    for the organisation to its staff, partners and other key stakeholders.

    Our objectives, detailed below, are the result of engagement with our workforce and ongoing planning
    with partner organisations.

    Simply put, the strategic priorities for the Trust are to:

            •   Improve health and reduce inequalities
            •   Provide high quality care
            •   Support our staff
            •   Sustainable finances
            •   Develop our leadership

    Setting this out means our staff can understand the priorities for the Trust and importantly the role they
    all play in working together to deliver excellent care for people in Croydon and help to improve the
    health and wellbeing of our population.

    Underpinning all of this are our Trust values that shape everything we do. Our values determine the
    behaviours our colleagues can expect of each other and importantly, what our patients and local
    population can expect of the Trust.

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Quality Report 2020/21 - NHS Croydon Health Services
Quality Report 2020/21

    Our Objectives

                     Excellent care for all        Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

      Our Vision and Values

      “Excellent care for all and helping people in Croydon live healthier lives”

      Rooted in our community through our hospitals and clinics across the borough, we always strive to
      provide excellent care for all.

      Our local population is also growing rapidly in size. We have the youngest population of any London
      borough, with almost a third of our residents aged under 25 and, at the same time, people are living
      longer. Croydon is a great place to live and work, but some people in our borough face the challenges
      of poverty, poor housing or other environmental factors that can contribute towards poorer health.

      This means we have to do much more to prevent ill-health and help people in Croydon to stay well.
      We must do this at the same time as providing rapid access to diagnostic services and medical
      expertise when and where it is needed.

      Collaboration is the key. Only by working well together with our partners in the borough, can we
      connect the services available to give people more coordinated and person-centerd care which will
      deliver real benefits for our patients and service users in the years to come.

     A patient at CHS extremely pleased with her kindle to use during the pandemic;
     Our senior leaders, Matthew Kershaw and Mike Bell, going round serving our colleagues hot drinks, fruit and biscuitson one of
     our weekly ‘Thirst Responders’ events. Senior Leaders Caring for colleagues

                                              Excellent care for all                Professional
                                              Home | Community | Hospital           Compassionate
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Quality Report 2020/21

     Our Values
     We want local people to feel confident in our care, and for our staff to feel proud to work here. Our
     values shape everything we do, every single day. They determine our behaviour and the experience of
     those we look after.

     We will always be Professional, Compassionate, Respectful and Safe.

                                        Excellent care for all         Professional
                                        Home | Community | Hospital    Compassionate
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Quality Report 2020/21

     PART 2
     Priorities for improvement and statement of assurance
     from the Trust Board

                    Excellent care for all        Professional
                    Home | Community | Hospital   Compassionate
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Quality Report 2020/21

     Priorities for Improvement

     The Trust is required by the Health Care Act 2009, to submit the annual Quality Report to the Secretary
     of State, through upload to the NHS website by 30th June each year.

     In order to continuously improve quality and the safe and effective delivery of high quality services, the
     Quality Account acts as an opportunity for us to outline our quality objectives for the coming year and
     renew our progress against those we set ourselves the previous year.

     The operational pressure of responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, has impacted the ability to deliver
     the Quality Priorities for the financial year 2020/21, as such;

              • 7 (50%) have been fully met
              • 3 (21%) have been partially met
              • 4 (29%) have not been met

     Those priorities which have not been fully met have been reviewed and carried over to the priorities for

     Progress against our 2020/21 Priorities

     This section demonstrates the Trust’s achievement on the quality priorities identified for 2020/21. To
     provide an at a glance view of performance we are using, a colour coded system as set out below:

     Patient Safety

     Priority one: Continue to improve and grow our safety culture and develop a learning

                     Target to be met                     Rag Rating           Progress in 2020/21
                                                                        Recording of pressure ulcers has
     Implement effective systems for the monitoring,
                                                                        been       reviewed       in     the
     reporting and validation of pressure ulcer data to
                                                                        implementation of Datix CLOUDIQ
     enable a reduction of pressure ulcers sustained
                                                                        to improve the quality of data. Year
     (or deteriorating) due to a lapse in patient care
                                                                        to date figures are 587 against the
     delivered by Croydon Health Services.
                                                                        previous year of 709.

                                         Excellent care for all          Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

                      Target to be met                      Rag Rating         Progress in 2020/21
                                                                         Croydon             Accreditation,
                                                                         Recognition     and     Exemplar
     Develop ward based reporting metrics to drive
                                                                         Scheme pilot has developed ward
     continuous and quality improvement in
                                                                         based metrics and is in place on
     relation to patient safety and care.
                                                                         Wandle 2, Purley 1 and Queens 2.

     Priority Two: Ensure the level of preventable harm remains below the 5% national average.

                      Target to be met                      Rag Rating         Progress in 2020/21

     To ensure that our Year to Date (YTD) internal                      The YTD 20/21 figure was 73.99%
     reporting of harm free care remains at or above                     against the previous YTD of 75%
     95%.                                                                19/20.

     Clinical Effectiveness
     Priority Three: Deliver a programme of quality improvement within the Trust and wider health
     and care system.

                     Target to be met                       Rag Rating         Progress in 2020/21

     Implement and deliver a programme of quality
     improvement     using     Continuous      Quality                   135 Registered projects and
     Improvement (CQI) methodology, ensuring all                         moving to an online register to
     quality improvement projects are registered,                        enable improved visibility of
     monitored and reported in line with the Terms of                    projects.

     Deliver quality improvement training to staff in the                YTD 282 people have received
     wider health and care system, utilising CQI                         some form of CQI methodology
     methodology.                                                        training.

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     Priority Four: Improve how we provide and evidence delivery of high quality care in
     accordance with best practice and nationally recognised outcomes across our services.

                       Target to be met                    Rag Rating          Progress in 2020/21

     Implementation of applicable NICE guideline                        By end of March 2021, 209
     recommendations.                                                   guidelines were received from
                                                                        NICE of which 174 were
                                                                        completed, 21 were overdue and
                                                                        14 were in progress.

     National audit.                                                    To date there have been 64
                                                                        eligible national audits which we
                                                                        have completed or are on track to
                                                                        complete. There have been 32
                                                                        national      outcome      reports,
                                                                        however, a number of these
                                                                        remain outstanding.

     Patient Experience
     Priority Five: Achieve and sustain improvement in patient as well as staff engagement and

                       Target to be met                    Rag Rating          Progress in 2020/21

                                                                        Patient Experience, Engagement
                                                                        and      Involvement      Strategy
     Implementation of the Patient Experience,                          Approved and being delivered in
     Engagement and Involvement Strategy 2020-23 in                     line with plan. Will be monitored
     line with the delivery plan.                                       through     Patient    Experience,
                                                                        Engagement      and   Involvement
                                                                        Group and Integrated Quality
                                                                        Assurance Group.

                                                                        The Trust’s staff engagement plan
                                                                        was developed in August 2019 and
                                                                        since then there has been
                                                                        continued progress:
                                                                             More staff completed the
     Progress and implementation of the Trust Staff                           annual staff survey with early
     Engagement Plan.                                                         results              showing
                                                                              improvements                 in
                                                                              communication        between
                                                                              senior staff and their teams
                                                                              and leadership visibility (see
                                                                              page 44).

                                          Excellent care for all        Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

                     Target to be met                     Rag Rating           Progress in 2020/21
                                                                       •   We have increased our support
                                                                           for the Trust’s staff network
                                                                           forums to celebrate diversity and
                                                                           inclusion within the Trust, with
                                                                           events for disabilities and Black
                                                                           History Month
                                                                       •   To       keep     staff    informed
                                                                           throughout       the     COVID-19
                                                                           pandemic, we have increased
                                                                           the       pace       of      internal
                                                                           communications. An average of
                                                                           200 staff attend our twice weekly
                                                                           webinars to hear the latest
                                                                           headlines and have questions
                                                                           answered from           the Trust
                                                                           executive and clinical leaders
                                                                           alongside weekly email briefings
                                                                           and a CEO blog to give a direct
                                                                           line and a view from Matthew.
                                                                       •   We have also increased our
                                                                           mental health and wellbeing
                                                                           support for staff during COVID-
                                                                           with 1-2-1 staff counselling,
                                                                           ‘wobble rooms’ so that staff can
                                                                           escape the pressure for a
                                                                           moment and lifestyle support,
                                                                           including food deliveries.
                                                                       •   To      increase     reward      and
                                                                           recognition     for     staff,    the
                                                                           MyLifestyle portal was launched
                                                                           in Nov 2019 offering deals and
                                                                           discounts for NHS
                                                                       •   However, PDR rates have fallen
                                                                           during the pandemic and other
                                                                           projects including mentoring to
                                                                           support career development had
                                                                           to be paused due to the COVID
                                                                           response. These and other
                                                                           priorities in our engagement
                                                                           plan will now be restarted

                                                                       Surveys have been developed and
     Develop and implement a complainant survey to
                                                                       the first sets of surveys were sent
     understand and learn from the experience of our
                                                                       out in December 2020. The
     patients, their families and carers given cause to
                                                                       response has been poor and more
                                                                       work is required in this field.

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                       Target to be met                     Rag Rating          Progress in 2020/21
                                                                          FFT was placed on hold nationally
       Improve Friends and Family Test (FFT) response                     from April to November 2020, as
       and recommendation rates.                                          such there has not been data to
                                                                          support improvement work. Work
                                                                          is underway to re-procure our FFT
                                                                          provider, and with a specification
                                                                          which will support mix modality
                                                                          collection of data to improve
                                                                          response rates.

     Priority Six: Continuously improve performance against mandatory NHS constitutional
     standards including CQC regulations.

                      Target to be met                      Rag Rating          Progress in 2020/21

      Deliver the actions within the Quality
                                                                         63% of actions identified year to
      Improvement Plan in line with the agreed
                                                                         date have been completed and
      implementation timescales for CQC ‘must do’ and
      ‘should do’ actions.

                                                                         Year to date response rate is 34%
                                                                         against the previous year of
                                                                         30.51%. This is likely in part due to
                                                                         impacts of COVID-19. The Patient
      Ensure 95% of complaints receive a response
                                                                         Experience team          has been
      within the agreed timescales
                                                                         restructured to support case
                                                                         working and increase support to
                                                                         directorates in responding to and
                                                                         managing complaints.

      Reduce the number of complainants who remain                       Year to date there are 57 re-
      unsatisfied with their complaint response resulting                opened complaints compared to
      in re-opened complaints.                                           59 for the previous year.

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Quality Report 2020/21

        Quality Priorities for 2021/22

      The following priorities are recommended for 2021/22:

      Patient Safety
      Priority One: Continue to improve and grow our safety culture and develop a learning

                                      Action                                            Comment
      Reduce the number of open action plans and actions relating to internal   New action for 21/22
      and serious incident root cause analysis investigations

      Reduce the total number of falls incidents, with a focus on reducing      New action for 21/22
      unwitnessed falls

      Reduce healthcare acquired infections including nosocomial COVID          New action for 21/22
      infection, MRSA, C. Diff

      Improve the recording of demographic information for patient incidents    New action for 21/22

     Priority Two: Ensure the level of preventable harm remains below the 5% national average.

                                     Action                                              Comment
      Improve harm free care ratios toward the year to date (YTD) target of     Previous     action     not
      95%, with a minimum of 80% achieved.                                      achieved in 20/21 - carried
                                                                                over and amended

       Clinical Effectiveness
       Priority Three: Improve how we provide and evidence delivery of high quality care in
       accordance with best practice and nationally recognised outcomes across our services.

                                 Action                                                  Comment
      Reduce the number of NICE guidelines overdue for review to below          Previous     action     not
      80%.                                                                      achieved in 20/21 - carried
                                                                                over and amended

      Increase the number of Fully Compliant NICE guidelines to above 95%.      Previous     action     not
                                                                                achieved in 20/21 - carried
                                                                                over and amended

      Improve the systems for registering and managing internal audits with     New action for 21/22
      the deployment of Datix CLOUDIQ

                                         Excellent care for all          Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

     Patient Experience
     Priority Four: Achieve and sustain improvement in patient as well as staff engagement and

                                      Action                                              Comment

      Continue to deliver the Patient Experience, Engagement and                 Continued from 20/21
      Involvement Strategy 2020-23 as per the delivery plan.
                                                                                 Continued from 20/21 with
      Reduce the number of complainants who remain dissatisfied with their
                                                                                 an a new target of 5% or
      complaint response, reducing re-opened complaints to below 5% of
      total complaints.

      Improve the recording of demographic information for complainants and      New action for 21/22
      the subject of complaints.
                                                                                 Previous     action     not
      Improve response rates toward the year to date (YTD) target of 95%
                                                                                 achieved in 20/21 - carried
      with a minimum of 80% achieved.
                                                                                 over and amended
                                                                                 Not achieved in 20/21 and
      Improve Friends and Family Test (FFT) response and recommendation
                                                                                 carried over

     Quality Improvement

     Priority Five: Continuously improve performance against mandatory NHS constitutional
     standards including CQC regulations.

                                     Action                                              Comment
     Roll out the Croydon Accreditation, Recognition and Exemplar Scheme         New action for 21/22
     to all adult in-patient wards and complete accreditation processes for at
     all wards
     Deliver the actions within the Quality Improvement Plan in line with the    Continued from 20/21
     agreed implementation timescales for CQC ‘must do’ and ‘should do’

     Priority Six: Deliver a programme of quality improvement within the Trust and wider health
     and care system.

                                     Action                                              Comment
      Develop and implement a quality improvement strategy.                      New action for 21/22

      Deliver quality improvement training to staff in the wider health and      Continued from 20/21
      care system, utilising CQI methodology.

                                          Excellent care for all          Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

     Achievements in Quality

                                            CHS specialist midwife for     CHS deputy general manager
       Dr Nnenna Osuji, Medical           vulnerable and marginalized      for therapies, Dee Kapfunde,
        Director at CHS has been           women Memuna Sowe was            has been shortlisted in the
      selected as one of London’s            one of the four midwives        National Health and Care
     most inspiring black leaders, as     chosen from London to meet       BAME awards in the Inspiring
      part of the NHS Black History        the Prime Minster as part of    Diversity and Inclusion Lead –
           Month celebration              the NHS Black History Month          Role model category.

      CHS respiratory, nursing and                                          CHS has been shortlisted for a
       critical care outreach team                                              Patient Safety Award for
      has been shortlisted for the      CHS and the borough’s GP lead,        innovative “Star Trek” tech
       2021 Excellence in Patient          Dr Agnelo Fernandes, was               instrumental in early
        Care Awards to recognise        presented with “Grand Saviours       pandemic in the annual HSJ
        and reward dedication to        Award” for our compassion and       Awards, which recognizes the
       healthcare during times of         outstanding services during        outstanding contributions of
         exceptional crisis or an            COVID-19 pandemic.                  health and social care
           emergency incident.                                                  organisations across the

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20                                                                    Respectful
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     Achievements in Quality

                                            Christina Clynes Our Head of
                                          Communications and Fundraising        Dr Mayank Agarwal was
                                          was awarded Outstanding Young        named the nation’s “Top
        Dr. Linda Vaccari and her            Communicator at the CIPR            Doc” in The Sun’s “Hail
       team at CHS awarded the                   Excellence awards.            Your Heroes” awards for
     “The Most Publishable Work”                                               helping CHS to safely care
     presentation Award at the 5th          Throughout the pandemic and
                                                                                for thousands of people
     joint conference of the British        beyond, the Trust’s incredible
                                                                                   needing emergency
      HIV Association (BHIVA) and          communications team has been
                                                                                  treatment during the
       the British Association for         working solidly to keep Croydon
                                                                                     COVID-19 crisis.
      Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH)            safely and successfully in the
                                             headlines and they kept staff
                                           informed through twice-weekly

      CHS Infection Control Lead,             CHS ward sister, Nichole            Team Croydon was
     Juliana Kotey, was one of the         Beason, was one of the two of         recognized and highly
       two of only 20 healthcare               only 20 healthcare staff
     staff selected from across the                                            praised for Patient Safety
                                              selected from across the         and for ground-breaking
      country to be invited by the          country to be invited by the       Croydon partnership and
      Prime Minister to personally          Prime Minister to personally
     thank her for her exceptional                                                 support with the
                                           thank her for her exceptional        OneCroydon Alliance at
         contribution during the               contribution during the          the annual HSJ Awards
                pandemic.                             pandemic

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21                                                                   Respectful
Quality Report 2020/21

     Statements of Assurance 2020/21

     This section comprises the following:

            • Review of our services
            • Executive structure chart
            • Information on participation in National Clinical Audits (NCA) and National
               Confidential Enquiries (NCE)
            • Patient Led Assessment in the Care Environment (PLACE) Audit
            • Participation in clinical research and development
            • Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)
            • Care Quality Commission (CQC) Performance
            • Data Quality
            • Information Governance Assessment Report
            • Learning from Deaths
            • Clinical Standards for seven-day hospital services
            • Health and Safety Executive Incidents
            • Reporting against core indicators
            • Staff survey
            • Staff and Public engagement

                       Team Croydon was highly commended in 2 out of 3 HSJ awards for patient safety and joining up health
                       & care through the One Croydon alliance

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22                                                                            Respectful
Quality Report 2020/21

     Review of Services

     Throughout 2020/21 we have been privileged to continue to provide services to the people of
     Croydon, whether in their own home, at one of our community facilities, or at one of our

     Activity for 2020/21                                Q1           Q2           Q3          Q4         TOTAL

     Planned Care - Outpatient Appointments            87,821       122,430      134,421   137,052        481,724

     Planned Care - Inpatients                           64          590          736          423         1,813

     Planned Care - Day cases                          1,322         5,101        6,649       6,108       19,180

     Maternity - Deliveries                             918          887          789          783         3,377
     Maternity - Babies Born (includes multiple         896          867          769          777         3,309

     Maternity - Home Births                              2           11           9           12           34

     Emergency Attendances - Main ED & UTC             21,563       29,146       27,901       25,661      104,271

     Emergency Attendances - GP hubs                   6,668        12,491       13,039       12,852      45,050

     Emergency Admissions                              28,231       41,637       40,940       38,513      149,321

     Ambulance Arrivals                                7,200         8,391        8,049       7,429       31,069

     Occupied Bed days (General & Acute)               29,111       34,801       37,679       38,204      139,795

     Beds Open                                         35,263       37,223       39,464       39,891      151,841

     Bed Occupancy                                     82.55%       93.49%       95.48%    95.77%         91.82%

     There are three Clinical Directorates within the Trust and each Directorate reviews service provision
     through Quarterly Quality and Performance meetings with the Chief Operating Officer and reports to
     the Quality Committee, monthly Quality Boards and Clinical Governance meetings.

     The Trust reviews quality indicators using a monthly integrated quality & performance dashboard
     (IQPR) and reports so that performance can be analysed on a monthly basis. This enables services to
     identify priorities and actions needed to deliver improvements and highlight areas that are performing

                                           Excellent care for all             Professional
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Quality Report 2020/21

     Executive Structure Chart

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Quality Report 2020/21

     Information on Participation in National Clinical Audits (NCA) and
     National Confidential Enquiries (NCE)

     The Trust’s participation in National Clinical Audits and National Confidential Enquiries enables us to
     benchmark the quality of the services that we provide against other NHS Trusts. It also highlights best
     practice in providing high quality patient care and drives continuous improvement across our services.

     Local clinical audits are selected on the basis of national requirements, commissioning requirements
     and local evidence that has emerged from themes from incidents or complaints.

     During 2020/21 The Trust participated in 64 national clinical audits. All of the national audits were in
     the NHS England Quality Report listed audits that the Trust was eligible to participate in.

     The list of national audit reports reviewed and a summary of some of the key actions planned or
     undertaken are detailed in Annex 4 (page 85).

     The National Clinical Audits and National Confidential Enquiries that the Trust participated in, and for
     which data collection was completed during 2019/20, are listed in Annex 4. Also included are the
     number of cases submitted to each audit or enquiry as a percentage of the number of registered cases
     required by each audit or enquiry. Some areas have been marked as ‘in progress’ which means that
     the data is currently being submitted, including data gathered during the period of 2019/20.

     Patient Led Assessment in the Care Environment (PLACE) Audit

     The PLACE programme was initially deferred at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequent
     guidance issued on 10/09/2020 by NHS England confirmed that the regular national PLACE collection
     would not be going ahead in 2020, given the risk to patient assessors and staff in undertaking the full
     assessment programme while the Covid-19 pandemic continued. Latest update to confirm this period
     of pause still in place was received 26/03/2021

     NHS Digital is considering a number of adjustments to the programme which may facilitate some form
     of national assessment but given the huge amount of present uncertainty and pressures on the NHS,
     this is being kept under review for the time being.

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Quality Report 2020/21

     Participation in Clinical Research and Development

     Clinical Research Participation 2020/21
      The past year has proven to be difficult for                 has also come to the forefront: helping to explore
      healthcare as well as for research. This was the             why certain ethnic groups and certain members
      direct result of many of our staff absent, either            of those groups have more severe illness
      due to being ill with COVID, or being placed into            compared to others: so far 7 gene regions have
      shielding, or being redeployed to take care of               been identified, with 2 leading to the development
      COVID patients. This affected the continuation of            of tailored therapies entering clinical trials.
      research studies being carried out at the Trust,
      as trials offices and the Trust were locked down
      and management of studies was very limited. It
      led to the start of the NIHR pause for all clinical
      research, and the adoption of the urgent public
      health studies into COVID.

      That said, it enabled us to highlight the
      importance of the role research has in improving
      healthcare and patient outcomes even within a
      pandemic. There were many unknowns as to
      how the COVID virus acted and how best to treat
      patients with this illness. The Trust has taken     PLACE programme was initially deferred at the
      in a series of studies investigating beginningthese CHSofDr. Ashok
                                                                       the were
                                                                              COVID       pandemic
                                                                                     on BBC London TV newsthentalking
                                                                                                                  on about
      unknowns: RECOVERY1, REMAP CAP2,             10/09/2020 NHS England confirmed      Genomics that the regular
      ISARIC3, SIREN4 and GENOMICCs project5.      national This
                                                              PLACE    collection
                                                                     year             would not
                                                                            we recruited       1,172 be participants
                                                                                                         going aheadinto   in
      From the data obtained by Croydon and2020.     other Given    the risk
                                                             research           to patient
                                                                          studies,    this wasassessors
                                                                                                  a rise ofand40.6%stafffrom
      Trusts, a vast amount of data was collected       on last year.
                                                   undertaking            Theassessment
                                                                   the full      COVID studies        contributed
                                                                                               programme       while54.9%the
      potential treatments of patients. ThisCovid-19  has (644/1,172)        of  recruits.  From    our  current
                                                               pandemic continued. Latest update to confirm        National
      provided a significant improvement in outcomes,        Institute
                                                   this period   of pausefor still
                                                                              Health     Research
                                                                                   in place  received(NIHR)       portfolio,
      as well as reflecting on what does not work, and there was a drop in recruitment due to the
      resources could be redirected to more useful suspension of studies for a several months and
                                                   NHS Digital
      therapies. The initial research data highlighted            is considering
                                                             restrictions    on patienta number
                                                                                              flow of    adjustments
                                                                                                      into  the hospital. to
      the effect of corticosteroids, Remdesivir and These studies contributed 528 recruits (45.1%ofof
                                                   the   programme        which      may   facilitate    some    form
      Tocilizumab having a significant contributionnational
                                                         to ourassessment       but givenAthe
                                                                   total recruitment).           largehuge   amount
                                                                                                          majority        of
                                                                                                                     of the
      improving patients’ recovery and reducing    present    uncertainty
                                                       the year’s             and was
                                                                       recruits      pressures
                                                                                            due on  to the
                                                                                                         a NHS,
                                                                                                             large this
                                                                                                                      scale is
      severity of disease. It also highlightedbeing   thatkept  under review
                                                             Radiology              for thetrial
                                                                             research        time being.
                                                                                                    (MIDI6) with 398
      hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma recruits.
      had limited effectiveness in the treatment of
      COVID. These results, therefore, steered the
      treatment of COVID patients and has reduced the
      pressures on the NHS due to less people
      requiring long term admission to hospital. The
      studies conducted have also shown the
      effectiveness of the vaccines at reducing the
      spread of the virus and severity of the infection.
      These studies are still ongoing and studies such
      as the SIREN trial will further examine the long
      term effects on participants that had COVID
      infection or were vaccinated and monitor the
      chances of re-infection. The GENOMICCs project
                                                                 Comparing monthly recruitment into research trials in 2020/21
                                                                                       with 2019/20

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Quality Report 2020/21

                                                                 on resuming the NIHR portfolio studies, as part
                                                                 of the restart program, that were suspended and
                                                                 plan for how to approach recruitment of
                                                                 participants with the new normal that we face,
                                                                 with increasing virtual appointments and
                                                                 reduction in face to face contacts. To date, only
                                                                 2 projects have not restarted and formal closure
                                                                 of these 2 projects is expected, as a direct result
                                                                 of the effect of COVID on the trial management.

                                                                 We have also had a significant uplift to our CRN
                                                                 funding of almost 13.5% for the coming year.

           Top recruiting research studies in 2021/22

     In 2020-21, 67 research studies were being
     conducted at the Trust; of which, 43 studies                    Terms in graph:
     were supported by the NIHR, with 30 concluding
     recruitment by 31st March 2021. 75% of NIHR                     WILL: When to Induce Labour to Limit risk in
     portfolio studies concluded with their target                   pregnancy hypertension
     recruitment achieved. Over the course of the
     year. 22 studies were approved, of which 50%                    REMAP CAP: A Randomised, Embedded, Multi-
     were NIHR portfolio badged.                                     factorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-
     69 clinical staff members participated in
     research approved by the Research Ethics                        TRUENTH Global registry: An international registry
     Committee at Croydon University Hospital                        for men with prostate cancer
     during 2020-21. These covered over 18 different
     research specialties.                                           OPTIMISE II: Optimisation of Peri-operative
                                                                     CardIovascular Management to Improve Surgical
     We are 8 months into an EU funded research                      outcome II
     project (HEIR) working with 17 partners spread
     over 10 countries. The project aims to develop a                PANCOVID: Pregnancy And Neonatal outcomes for
     cybersecurity platform to help protect healthcare               women with COVID-19
     data and computer infrastructure from intrusion
     and malware.                                                    GenOMICC: Genetics Of Mortality In Critical Care

     We are also submitted for an NIHR grant looking                 RECOVERY: Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19
     at management of heart failure (Safe study) as                  Therapy
     well as working with Kingston University in one
     Innovate approved study (5G Connect                             ISARIC: International Severe Acute Respiratory and
     ambulance). A further 2 more grant submissions                  Emerging Infection Consortium
     are in progress.
                                                                     SIREN: Sarscov2 Immunity & Reinfection Evaluation
     In the last 3 years, 47 publications have resulted
     from our involvement in Research. Of these 29                   MIDI: MR Imaging Abnormality Deep Learning
     articles originated from studies that were                      Identification
     supported by NIHR.

     As the COVID outbreak eases, we will be
     vigilant to see if the infection returns and will
     continue recruiting into the current COVID
     studies, as well as look to open Long COVID
     studies that examine the health of post COVID
     infection patients. In the meantime, we will focus

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Quality Report 2020/21

     CHS Learning and Development Program 2020/21

     Statutory and Mandatory                                                       Kickstart Programme®
                                              Wider Training offer

     With the start of the pandemic        Outside of our statutory and           Following the introduction of the
     we quickly followed national          mandatory training core skills         Kickstart    scheme     by    the
     guidance and stood down our           requirements we have also              government in 2020 CHS signed
     face to face core skills offer to a   offered a range of courses             up and promoted this across the
     predominately virtually delivered     available to all. The majority of      Trust in December 2020. The
     programme,         including    our   these have been delivered              original intention was to partner
     corporate induction. This virtual     virtually or through self-learning     with Croydon Council to support
     programme has been running            methods. The offer has included        individuals through the scheme
     successfully over the past year       a number of webinars that NHS          but local changes saw the
     with the only training modules        Elect have offered on team             withdrawal of the Council and
     remaining face to face being our      leadership      and      resilience    the Trust meeting with Croydon
     practical manual handling and life    specifically aimed at supporting       College     as   an    alternative
     support skills courses for our        through the pandemic, and some         provider. Desire to support
     clinical staff. By end March 2021     Mental Health First Aid courses        remains fairly low across the
     compliance achieved stood at          provided through MHFA London.          Trust as other priorities have
     73% against a target of 95%.          Where possible the L&OD team           taken over but we remain
                                           have continued to support local        committed to supporting this
                                           level teams with bespoke               scheme in the future with a more
                                           interventions like 360-degree          joined up approach to the
                                           feedback, coaching, reverse            opportunities we can offer
                                           mentoring and our customer             through our recruitment planning
                                           service programme “Be the              cycles.
                                           difference”. Virtual sessions on
                                           effective      appraisals       and
                                           performance management have
                                           been made available using the
                                           national e-learning offer. The
                                           only courses run previously that
                                           we have temporarily stood down
                                           due to the pandemic were the
                                           bespoke HR led courses as these
                                           do not lend themselves easily to
                                           a virtual environment due to the
                                           practical nature of the content. In
                                           accordance       with     national
                                           guidance all non-mandatory and
                                           statutory trainings were stopped
                                           and have not moved to on-line.

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Quality Report 2020/21

                                                                                        Lev       Team /
Apprenticeship Programme                                Name of apprenticeship                                     Number
                                                                                         el     Department
                                                      Pharmacy Services Assistant        2    Pharmacy Team            1
                                                      Business Admin                     3    Cancer Services          1
                                                      Installation electrician /              Engineering
                                                      maintenance electrician            3    Maintenance              1
                                                      Pharmacy Technician                3    Pharmacy Team            2
                                                      Science Manufacturing
                                                      Technician                         3    Pharmacy Team            1
                                                      Team Leader / Supervisor,          3    various
     Over the past year we have grown the
     number of individuals completing an              Level 3                                                          3
     active apprentice programme from 21 to           Cyber security technologist        4    ICT                      1
     59 individuals Trust wide, a 281%
                                                      Data Analyst                       4    Patient Safety           1
     increase. These individuals are spread
     across a number of programmes and                                                        Ward - Rupert
     levels and teams as seen from the details        Health Play Specialist             5    Bear                     1
     on the table. For us to maximise our
                                                      Nursing Associate (NMC
     annual levy pot our aspiration is to
     achieve c83 people on a programme at             2018)                              5    Nursing                 6
     any one time. As part of our plans for           Nursing Associate                  5    Nursing                 24
     2021-2022 we are developing career               Operations or Departmental         5    Pod 2 -
     programmes that support a wider range            Manager                                 Respiratory &
     of apprenticeships at all levels and will be
     setting a set of recruitment principles to
     support managers to identify where roles                                                 Care
     can be converted to allow us to adopt
     Annex 21 principles by recruiting brand                                                  Clinical
     new, external apprentices to the Trust, as       Academic Professional              7    Applications             1
     well as continuing to offer additional           Senior Leader Master's
     opportunities to our existing colleagues.        Degree Apprenticeship MBA
                                                      or MSc                             7    Various                 14
                                                      Total                                                           59

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Quality Report 2020/21

     Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)

     National Health Commissioners hold a budget for the Croydon population to spend on health care
     services in both the hospital and community setting, e.g. services provided by Croydon Health Services
     NHS Trust. A proportion of this budget each year is reliant on the Trust meeting annual improvement
     goals set by Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England. This system is called the
     Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework. The aims of the CQUIN goals
     are to achieve improvements in quality and innovation which will support health gains for patients and

     As a result of the COVID19 pandemic, there have been no reporting requirements against the CQUIN
     indicator specifications, with 100% income being allocated to all Trusts. Even though there has been no
     requirement to report on the above CQUINS, the Trust has Leads identified for each of the indicators
     and work has been ongoing to meet targets.

     The National CQUINS for 2020/2021 are listed below, but were suspended for the entire period April
     2020 to March 2021:

             •   Appropriate antibiotic prescribing for UTI in adults aged 16+ - Achieving 60% of all antibiotic
                 prescriptions for UTI in patients aged 16+ years that meet NICE guidance for diagnosis and

             •   Cirrhosis and fibrosis tests for alcohol dependent patients - Achieving 35% of all unique
                 inpatients (with at least one-night stay) with a primary or secondary diagnosis of alcohol
                 dependence who have an order or referral for a test to diagnose cirrhosis or advanced liver

             •   Staff flu vaccinations - Achieving an 90% uptake of flu vaccinations by frontline staff with
                 patient contact

             •   Recording of NEWS2 score, escalation time and response time for unplanned critical care
                 admissions - Achieving 60% of all unplanned critical care unit admissions from non-critical
                 care wards of patients aged 18+, having a NEWS2 score, time of escalation (T0) and time
                 of clinical response (T1) recorded

             •   Screening and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patients listed for major elective blood
                 loss surgery - Ensuring that 60% of major elective blood loss surgery patients are treated in
                 line with NICE Guideline NG24

             •   Treatment of community acquired pneumonia in line with BTS care bundle - Achieving 70%
                 of patients with confirmed community acquired pneumonia to be managed in concordance
                 with relevant steps of BTS CAP Care Bundle

             •   Rapid rule out protocol for ED patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction
                 (excluding STEMI) - Achieving 60% of Emergency Department (ED) admissions with
                 suspected acute myocardial infarction for whom two high-sensitivity troponin tests have
                 been carried out in line with NICE recommendations

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     Care Quality Commission (CQC)
     Inspection and Improvements Put into Place

     The focus of CQC inspections is the experiences people have when they receive care and the impact
     the care has on their health and wellbeing.

     The last CQC inspection completed in the Trust found that all areas required improvement as can be
     seen in the table below. An additional Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R)
     improvement notice on Croydon Health Service radiology department was served.

           Core service          Safe                                           Responsive                      Overall core
                                            Effective domain   Caring domain                 Well led domain
            inspected           domain                                           domain                        service rating

                                Requires       Requires          Requires        Requires                        Requires
      Urgent & emergency      improvement    improvement       improvement     improvement                     improvement
      services                    →←              ↓                 ↓               ↓                               ↓
                                                                                                Feb 2020
                                Feb 2020       Feb 2020          Feb 2020        Feb 2020                        Feb 2020

                                Requires       Requires          Requires        Requires       Requires         Requires
      Medical care (inc.      improvement    improvement       improvement     improvement    improvement      improvement
      older people’s care         →←              ↓                 ↓              →←             →←               →←
                                Feb 2020       Feb 2020          Feb 2020        Feb 2020       Feb 2020         Feb 2020
                                                 Good              Good           Good            Good             Good
      Surgery                 improvement
                                               Feb 2018          Feb 2018       Feb 2018        Feb 2018         Feb 2018
                                Feb 2018
                                                 Good              Good           Good            Good             Good
      Critical care                               ↑                 ↑              ↑              ↑↑                ↑
                                               Feb 2020          Feb 2020       Feb 2020        Feb 2020         Feb 2020
                                Feb 2020
                                                Good              Good           Good            Good             Good
      Maternity               improvement
                                               Oct 2015          Oct 2015       Oct 2015        Oct 2015         Oct 2015
                                Oct 2015
      Services for children                     Good              Good           Good            Good             Good
      & young people                           Oct 2015          Oct 2015       Oct 2015        Oct 2015         Oct 2015
                                Oct 2015
                                 Good                              Good           Good            Good             Good
      End of life care                       improvement
                               Feb 2018                          Feb 2018       Feb 2018        Feb 2018         Feb 2018
                                               Feb 2018
                                 Good                              Good           Good                             Good
      Outpatients                                 N/A                                         improvement
                               Feb 2018                          Feb 2018       Feb 2018                         Feb 2018
                                                                                                Feb 2018
                                                                                                Requires         Requires
                                                                   Good           Good        improvement      improvement
      Diagnostics             improvement         N/A
                                                                 Feb 2020       Feb 2020        Feb 2020         Feb 2020
                                Feb 2020
                                Requires         Good              Good          Requires       Requires         Requires
                              improvement      Sep 2018          Sep 2018      improvement    improvement      improvement
      Community - adults
                                Sep 2018                                         Sep 2018       Sep 2018         Sep 2018

                                Requires       Requires            Good          Requires       Requires         Requires
      Community –
                              Improvement    improvement         Sep 2018      Improvement    improvement      improvement
      children & young
                                Sep 2018       Sep 2018                          Sep 2018       Sep 2018         Sep 2018
                                Requires       Requires          Requires        Requires       Requires         Requires
                              improvement    improvement       improvement     improvement    improvement      improvement
      Overall Trust rating        →←             →←                 ↓              →←             →←               →←
                                Feb 2020       Feb 2020          Feb 2020        Feb 2020       Feb 2020         Feb 2020

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Quality Report 2020/21

     Following the findings of the CQC inspection                      complied with. These visits also improve local
     Croydon Health Services put in place the Quality                  service provision, understanding and offer
     Improvement Programme to actively monitor and                     opportunities to discuss service developments.
     put in place changes for improvement.
                                                                       On visiting a ward for an internal assurance visit
     A total of 343 actions were highlighted by the CQC                the panel are looking for the following Key Lines of
     report for the Trust to improve services. Of the                  Enquiry (KLoE):
     initial 343 action 154 have been completed and are
     having a positive impact on the quality of services                        •   Incidents
     provided by Croydon Health Services. The                                   •   Safeguarding
     remaining 189 actions are progressing with regular                         •   Patient Risk
     meetings to ensure that these are completed.                               •   Patient Flow
                                                                                •   Staff Levels (Nursing and Medical)
                                                                                •   Staff training and education
                 Status of actions following CQC
                                                                                •   Medication
                       Inspection 2019-20
                                                                                •   Records
                                                                                •   Infection Control
       Must do
                                                                                •   Environment & Equipment
                 0     20      40       60     80     100        120
                                                                                •   Evidence based care and treatment
                            Number of CQC Actions                                   and patient outcomes
                                                                                •   Nutrition
                      Progressing        Completed
                                                                                •   Pain Relief
                                                      Progres                   •   Compassionate care
                                                        sing                    •   Consent, Mental Capacity Act and
                                          72                                        DOLs
     Must Do                                                                    •   Service delivery to meet the needs of
                                    (20.9% of total                                 local people
     An essential change               actions)             87
     that needs to be made                                                      •   Learning      from   complaints    and
                                     (45% of the                                    concerns
     to    better   patient
     outcomes                       total must do                               •   Governance, risk management and
                                       actions)                                     quality measurement

     Should Do                            82                           IRMER Improvement Notice

     Suggested                       (23% of total                     Croydon Health Services (CHS) NHS Trust
     improvements to be                actions)                        received an IRMER Improvement Notice on 9th
     made in order to offer                             102            October 2019. Immediate remedial actions were
                                     (44.5% of the                     taken by CHS.
     the best experience
     and health outcomes            total should do                    An IRMER inspector closer letter was received on
     of patients.                       actions)                       12th May 2020, with the recommendation that the
                                                                       IRMER inspector would be taking a closer look at:
     Internal Assurance Visit                                                  • Compliance arrangements in Cardiac
                                                                                  Catheter Laboratory
     Internal Assurance Visits have been undertaken by                         • Optimisation of patient radiation dose
     the Trust as part of a rolling internal quality                              levels
     assurance programme to assess the core services,                          • Optimisation of patient radiation dose
     as defined by the Care Quality Commission                                    levels
     (CQC). The purpose of quality assurance visits is                         • Introduction of x-ray equipment quality
     to assure that all fundamental standards are being                           assurance programme

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     Improvements in radiation safety continue Trust-wide, both within the Radiology Department and in
     other areas e.g. Cardiology. This is demonstrated by staff receiving additional radiation safety training,
     updating procedural documentation and auditing radiation doses.

     The Radiology Department does recognise that there are still areas where more work is required,
     however, with the assistance of the Medical Physics Team there is a robust governance process
     within the Radiology Department that supports a continuous improvement programme.

     The Radiology Department would like to acknowledge that appropriate actions are being agreed and
     delivered at Trust board level e.g. x-ray equipment replacement programme.

     The Radiology Management Team would like to provide reassurance to the Trust from this report that
     safe practices of ionising radiations are being carried out to ensure patient, general public and staff
     safety by local compliance with the statutory requirement of Ionising Radiations Regulations (2017)
     and Ionising Radiation (Medial Exposure) Regulations 2017.

     Data Quality

     The trust is focused on improving the quality of our data. High quality, timely data is essential to
     support decision making within the organisation, whether that be clinically or corporately. In 2020/21,
     the trust has focused on the improvement of data quality, with the Data Quality Improvement Group
     initiated in Q4 to provide oversight and coordination of data quality improvement work.

     The below indicates the Trust’s position against the Data Quality Maturity Index (DQMI). The DQMI is
     published by NHS Digital and provides healthcare data submitters with timely and transparent
     information about their data quality. It is a data quality value index based on the completeness, validity,
     default values and coverage of core data items. These include NHS number, date of birth, gender,
     postcode, specialty and consultant.

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Quality Report 2020/21
     Information Governance Assessment Report

     Data Security and Protection Toolkit                      the Trust in response to the incident.
     (DSPT)                                                 3. The third incident was due to a system
                                                                change that exposed certain test results to
     Annually the Trust completes the Data Security             staff at the Trust who would not normally have
     and Protection toolkit, an online self-assessment          access to those particular test results. Whilst
     of its performance against the national data               there was no record of inappropriate access
     security standards. The Trust submitted a                  the test results should not have been
     comprehensive improvement plan in September                available on the system. The weakness has
     2020 to support the annual toolkit submission (as          been addressed through technical changes
     it has done in previous years), however, the Trust         and the risk eliminated. The ICO took no
     was awarded ‘standards not met’ due to the                 action against the Trust.
     number of elements that remained to be                 4. The fourth incident resulted from a former
     completed to achieve full compliance. The Trust            member of staff at the Trust, who claimed to
     will continue to be transparent and detailed in its        have access to patient contact details despite
     toolkit submission and is committed to obtaining a         having left the Trust. The staff member
     high standard of compliance on its journey to full         subsequently confirmed that they did not
     compliance at standards met. The Trust                     unlawfully retain any patient information and
     anticipates achieving a similar result in the              the ICO took no action against the Trust as a
     forthcoming submission in June 2021, namely                result of this incident.
     ‘standards not met’. The aim is to achieve
     standards not met ‘plan approved’ the following        The Trust continues to monitor, improve and
     year and full compliance the year after.               implement advice and lessons learned from
                                                            reported breaches and incidents. The intention is
     Reported Data Protection and Security                  to minimise the occurrence of similar repeated
     Incidents                                              incidents and reduce the impact and likelihood of
                                                            serious incidents.
     The Trust continues to promote and encourage
     data protection incident reporting to support and      Freedom of         Information      Act     (FOIA)
     build secure systems and processes. The Trust          Requests
     self-reports breaches categorised as potentially
     capable of causing harm (level 2 incidents) to         The Trust’s compliance rate measured by the
     NHS digital using the Data Security and                percentage of requests completed within twenty
     Protection toolkit reporting facility. The total       calendar days (as required by the Freedom of
     number of incidents reported for the year is eight.    Information Act) was 68% for the year (April 2020
                                                            to March 2021). This represents a decrease of
     Four of these incidents were identified as             11% on the previous year. The number of
     breaches that met the threshold for notifying to the   requests received decreased by 111 from the
     Information Commissioner Office (ICO) as               previous year representing a decrease of 16%.
                                                            Subject Access Requests
     1. Personal information was sent to an incorrect
        email account in error. The ICO took no             The Trust continues to respond to individuals’
        further action. The Trust identified the root       requests for their health records. The compliance
        causes of the error and took steps to raise         rate measured by the percentage of requests
        staff knowledge and understanding to                completed within the statutory time frame was
        minimise the risk of similar incidents. Actions     98% for the year. The number of requests
        taken included updates to policies and              received was 2348 which was slightly lower (less
        relevant communications on best practice.           than 1%) than the number of requests received in
     2. The     second      incident   was     due    to    the previous year.
        misinformation being received from another
        organisation resulting in the Trust legitimately
        sharing a residential address causing
        unintended safeguarding concerns. These
        concerns were appropriately addressed at the
        time by the organisations involved and no
        action was taken by the ICO which was
        satisfied with the remedial actions taken by

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