Qualitative study regarding the ethico-psychological implications on medically assisted human reproduction in Romania

Page created by Matthew Fleming
Rom J Leg Med [26] 447-452 [2018]
DOI: 10.4323/rjlm.2018.447
                                             MEDICAL ETHICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND
© 2018 Romanian Society of Legal Medicine 											                HUMANITIES

Qualitative study regarding the ethico-psychological implications on
            medically assisted human reproduction in Romania

Mihail Adeodatus Ungureanu1, Vasile Astărăstoae1,*

          Abstract: Infertility is a major public health issue, both in Romania and in Europe. The negative natural growth is also
determined by infertility. That is why we are witnessing a massive development of assisted human reproduction technology and
there arises a need to understand the complex psychological impact of such technologies on the couples, on the children born
using these procedures and on the society at large. This study is a qualitative research on infertile individuals. The lot comprised 8
women and 3 men diagnosed with infertility and a control group of 5 women who gave birth to children without medically assisted
human reproduction (MAHR). It was assessed that the diagnosis of infertility triggers psychological modifications (feelings of
helplessness, anxiety, fear, depression) both at the level of the individual and at level of the couple. While the recourse to treatment
using assisted human reproduction technology solves the problem of infertility, it fails to address all the psychological issues and
sometimes it creates feelings of culpability related to the use of such techniques.
          Key Words: Infertility, medically assisted reproduction, ethics, emotional conditions.

                     INTRODUCTION                                    know that the baby is not the couple’s, for fear of being
                                                                     stigmatized” [Van Balen, Gerrits, 2001]. Due to social
         There are numerous qualitative and quantitative             prejudice, infertility is considered to be a women’s, not a
studies regarding infertility in women, but very few of              men’s problem. Moreover, when the decision to call on a
them focused on the psychological problems related to                treatment center is taken, the tendency is that couple be
the diagnosis of infertility [Ranjbar, Moghadam et al.,              invited directly to in vitro fertilization (IVF), skipping the
2015]. Upon determination of the diagnosis of infertility            preliminary steps, that is the determination of the cause
in a couple, acceptance is hard, regardless whether it’s the         of infertility and the presentation of other treatment
woman or the man. It is shown that it is usually perceived           methods, leaving the IVF as the last resort. The people
as a collapse of all future plans. This is especially true in        taking part to the conception and birth of a child using
case of career women, who see their dream unfulfilled,               IVF form a group called “family complex”, a relational
meaning that although they have been successful                      system in which each child will ask, at a given moment,
professionally and materially, they failed on a personal             three questions: am I different? Whom do I belong to?
level, which leads to trauma. For infertile women,                   Who am I? [Van Balen, Gerrits, 2001]. These people
trauma is aggravated in Romania by the fact that they                experience strong emotional conditions of depression
are “excluded from social events and ceremonies, being               and anxiety, their personal difficulties affecting, in turn,
considered as “evil beings” They are blamed not only                 their extended families.
by their spouses, but by the entire family, as well. Some                     The progress of the medical technology also
of the men choose to leave their infertile wives. That is            raises ethical aspects related to what is just, what is good
why when the couple resorts to MAHR and donors, the                  and what is fair in the doctors’ and patients’ behaviors
secret must be kept strictly so that the world can never             as well as in the society. An individual’s fundamental

1) “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași, Romania
* Corresponding author: E-mail: astarastoae@gmail.com

Ungureanu M.A. and Astărăstoae V.				Qualitative study regarding the ethico-psychological implications

rights derive from the recognition of their human status,       attitudes that an individual usually hides. This research
dignity, inviolability of their life and from the fact that     is not to be seen as invasive when access is allowed
the individual was born free and will always be free. An        and when the individual has a genuine need for the
individual’s involvement or participation to the process of     information they wish to learn [Dafinoiu, 2002: 44]. The
decision taking regarding their own body or health need         complex questions the qualitative research addresses aim
to be recognized as universal rights [Carmi, 2007: 5-7].        at knowing, from the perspective of infertile people, the
The informed consent is a process by means of which             modalities to experiment and to act in relation to these
the investigator/researcher communicates to the patient/        new state of the art medical technologies. Compared to
subject relevant information on the clinical treatment/         social sciences, where the qualitative research is used
study they are invited to be part of and has become the         more frequently, in medicine this method is understated,
modern clinical practice of trust, following which the          which keeps certain crucial information unrevealed.
patient/subject expresses their consent or refusal to take      Failure on the part of infertile people to fully understand
part in the study. Furthermore, it is also an issue of social   the consequences of using these techniques can lead to
responsibility in medicine, which raises the problem of         psychic traumas that are hard to heal. The approach of
reforming the health system.                                    this subject is also motivated by the fact that the studied
                                                                phenomenon exists and the theme is of interest in the
      MOTIVATION AND PURPOSE OF THE                             scientific community to attract the attention of as many
                RESEARCH                                        specialists in the field as possible; furthermore, the theme
                                                                has deep implications for the society as well. The interview
         The purpose of the qualitative research is “to         method was used for this qualitative research, which was
study people in their natural environment, in their day-        described, as early as 1926, by the Swiss psychologist
to-day life. This research aims at finding out the way          Piaget who argued that the use of the clinical method
people live, talk and behave, as well as the things they        of the interview represents the “clinician’s art, which
enjoy and bother them; it aims especially at knowing the        consists not in triggering answers, but in encouraging
meaning their own words and behaviors have for people"          free speech and in discovering spontaneous tendencies,
[Agabrian, 2004: 18]. As far as this study is concerned,        instead of channeling or retaining them [Curelaru, 2007].
the purpose of the qualitative research is to gather            The clinical method in a Piagetian interpretation is based
information from each participant related to their special      on a free conversation where a theme directed by the
feelings associated with the diagnosis of infertility. The      interviewer is chosen, where the interviewer follows on
study looks for significant elements and analyzes the           the answers, asking the interviewed individual to justify
similarities and differences between then and determines        their words and explain the problem they are facing
the way these elements can fit into research categories,        [Curelaru, 2007].
seeking to “increase the comprehension of a phenomenon,                  Only part of the results is presented in this
to describe the data in as much detail as possible to allow     article. The type of standardized interview was used,
their subsequent transfer to other situations [Agabrian,        the number and order of questions are constant for the
2004: 54]. The reasons for a qualitative interview              study lot. The major advantage of this type of interview
regarding infertility are determined by the existence, in       is the “comparability of answers and content analyses
Romania, of a certain reluctance to call on reproduction        of maximum accuracy and validity [Curelaru, 2007].
techniques; many infertile people fail to resort to such        For this study we used the directed interview, where
techniques invoking religious reasons; there is also a          the “interview guide looks like an open-question
lack of information regarding the procedures of artificial      questionnaire, the difference being that the answers
insemination, in vitro fertilization, the effects of using      are oral and recorded as such. The operator cannot
the technique and the genetic risk related to them;             modify the form of the questions, their number or
mistrust in the clinics in Romania is prevalent, leading to     order [Curelaru, 2007]. In carrying out our study we
a phenomenon of “medical tourism”, that involves large          used the method of “research clepsydra” which consists
amounts of money.                                               in: general question – hypothesis – observations – data
                                                                analysis – results – conclusions. The hypothesis is a
       METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH                              “specific prediction statement that describes in concrete
                                                                terns what we expect to get from the study [Curelaru,
         If qualitative methods are a horizontal analysis       2007]. As the specialized literature in the field of
(the intention to find out the same things from a               investigation indicates, two types of reasoning are used:
large number of cases, which involves many people),             deductive and inductive reasoning.
quantitative methods involve a vertical analysis, using a                For this research we opted for the inductive
limited number of people, with the intention of finding         reasoning, which was used to find solutions to the
as many things as possible from each subject, capturing         problems identified in case of infertile individuals,
“significant information by identifying feelings and            since in the “inductive analysis the facts are observed

Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine 						                                                            Vol. XXVI, No 4(2018)

and recorded, then analyzed, compared and classified             bothering her. After she gave birth (experiencing huge
[Scarneci, 2007:17]. The inductive process by which the          traumas), she wants to be considered normal (as in giving
analytical categories are identified based on the data is        birth using normal means): “I want to live a normal life
known as grounded theory. The term starts from the idea          and to be treated normally." For subject 2, the sincerity
that hypotheses are formulated starting from the data            she displays when speaking about her desire to have
collected in the field [Cucu-Ciuhan, 2005: 82].The idea          children is obvious. There appears, however, a feeling of
is that theories should be based on empiric research, not        guilt and blaming of the self: " maybe it would have been
the product of abstract research [Cucu-Ciuhan, 2005:             better to get married sooner and have children right after
95]. The method is an approach oriented on the interest          marriage."
of an individual case [Scarneci, 2007: 34].The cases with                 The following question attempted to reveal
similar answers (similar behavior) are examined to see           the way in which the duration of infertility influences
the conditions they have in common to reach a correct            women’s psychology:
theory at the end of the analysis. The answers of the                     2. Did you try to have children in the first days
interviewed are important “due to the way aspects of             of the marriage or relationship with your partner of
reality are built” [Silverman, 2004: 115].                       opposite sex?
            RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS                                       (A) Yes, we tried in the first days of marriage or in
                                                                 the period right after marriage to have a child, because at
         This article introduces straightforward, profound       that time we were both ready to have a child, as a family.
question. This article introduces straightforward,               We had a 7 years’ relationship prior to the marriage, when
profound questions related to the problem of infertility         we completed our graduate and post-graduate studies,
for only two female subjects, one who gave birth using           focused on our professional development and didn’t want
IVF (A) and another one who is trying to give birth to           to have children.
children (B).                                                             (B) No. I was busy with getting a house, with my
         For the beginning, we wanted to find out how the        job…
diagnosis of infertility was perceived and how it modified                Analysis:
their lives. The question was:                                            For subject 1: The subject forgets too quickly
         1. Are you affected by the problem of infertility       the 7 years of relationship when the couple didn’t want
in your day-to-day life? What impact does fertility have         children (probably filled with abortions as well, that
on you?                                                          influence future conception). The answer is truly positive
         Answer:                                                 after they got married, meaning after seven years of
         (A) It doesn’t affect me at all in my day-to-day        sexual intercourse without the desire to have children
life. Only few people in my family know the facts and            because they were mainly focused on their “professional
the problem of my infertility. I didn’t want to make this        development”. For subject 2, one can also identify a
aspect of my life public to avoid being categorized by the       straightforward admission of the fact that the “house and
others or becoming a topic of interest. I want to live a         job” came first, not the children. The feeling of culpability
normal life and to be treated normally after I gave birth        is more obvious with subject 2.
using IVF.                                                                The desire to have children may appear later
         (B) The fact that I still don’t have children affects   in the couple’s life and is influenced by socio-economic
me. It makes me think about the past (maybe it would             factors.
have been better to get married sooner and have children                  3. If you believed you didn’t have to have children
right after marriage). It torments me sometimes to see           when you were younger, did you think that maybe, later,
mothers carrying their babies, when people ask me why I          it would be much harder to have children?
don’t have children or when I am going to have children.                  Answer:
I think I’m asking myself: why me? Why doesn’t any                        (A) I am 36 now. We first tried to have a baby
child want to choose me as a mother? Why doesn’t God             when I was 29. We had our baby when I was 34. At 29,
want me to have children? Rationally speaking, I think I         when we started trying to have a baby, I didn’t think
understand the situation and I would take measures as            it was too late and I didn’t expect it to be harder than
quickly as possible to adopt a child.                            when I was 24-25, when maybe we could have had a baby
         Analysis:                                               after having completed part of our studies. Now, with
         For both subjects, the diagnosis of infertility         hindsight, when I think about what we’ve been through
constituted a trauma they tried to hide. However, there          to have another child, maybe it would have been better
appear differences at a later stage. For subject 1 we            not to put professional experience and studies first and
can notice that when the treatment started, she was in           have children sooner.
a state of hostility towards people who were not close.                   (B) Yes. The battle of conceiving a child at a later
She was trying to hide the problem of infertility that was       stage is harder and takes longer.

Ungureanu M.A. and Astărăstoae V.				Qualitative study regarding the ethico-psychological implications

          Analysis:                                             for religious reasons allegedly, shows that she is not fully
          Both subjects show regret for not having              aware of the Church’s position on the matter (Orthodox
conceived children at an optimum age and focused on             Church – as the patient is Orthodox), which approves
other aspects, especially their career.                         the IVF, provided a maximum number of 3 embryos are
          Compliance based on the trust in the treating         conceived and taken to birth). Then, the fact that she is
doctor is an essential element in treating infertility. On      not familiar with the method of artificial insemination
the other hand, doctors should also adopt a responsible         makes us think that she was not given all the information
way of approaching the diagnosis and the treatment.             related to MAHR, which means that information should
          4. Have you considered the advice and therapeutic     be very well detailed.
measures recommended by the specialist                                    The individual responsibility towards the fate
          Answer:                                               of supplementary embryos was tested by means of the
          (A) Always. I followed all the doctor’s               following question:
recommendation regarding the investigations we had                        6. Do you know that using the IVF/ET technique
to do, I followed the treatment and reported for all            there remain several embryos? What is your decision in
the necessary appointments. In the period during the            this matter?
treatments I went to visits monthly. I respected all the                  Answer:
doctor’s indications because he is the only one able to                   (A) Following the first IVF there were 2 embryos
treat us and solve our problem.                                 left that we froze and than had them transferred during
          (B) Yes and no. Several years ago I went to a         another cycle. I didn’t get pregnant following this embryo-
doctor who recommended some very expensive tests I              transfer.
couldn’t have afforded, so I didn’t do them.                              (B) Yes. I know several oocytes are collected for
          Analysis:                                             insemination. And I know that only part of the embryos
          The first subject had a good relationship with        are implanted. First of all, I wouldn’t resort to such a
her doctor and understood that she needed to observe            technique. I wouldn’t want to have on my conscience the
the indications and also bear the costs. Undoubtedly,           souls of some babies experiments are being made with or
the doctor’s attitude influenced the patient’s behavior. In     who are reproduced in the lab to become organ donors.
case of the second subject there appears an uncertainty                   Analysis:
regarding the relationship with the doctor and the                        The first subject, using MAHR, accepted the
information and options communicated by him. The                cryoconservation of two redundant embryos, showing
“yes and no” answer shows that the patient was not fully        approval with this procedure. The fact that the embryos
satisfied with the information she received and then            didn’t survive after de-freezing tells us that many
showed her discontent about “very expensive” medical            embryos are destroyed during the process [Harper et
tests, hence the search for other solutions, among which        al. 2012], which is why their cryoconservation should
medical tourism in another country, with lower prices for       be avoided. Subject 2 confirms the fact that she fails to
such procedures.                                                resort to MAHR/IVF due to religious reasons, but she is
          The acceptability of medically assisted human         right when she states that embryos have souls and that
reproduction technologies varies and is influenced by the       experiments are conducted or they are conceived in the
social environment and culture.                                 lab as donors for “material” (bone marrow, for instance),
          5. Would you agree to use MAHR techniques to          as such cases were reported.
have children?                                                            A new question was used to analyze this issue in
          Answer:                                               more detail:
          (A) Yes. I passed all these stages and I managed                7. Would you donate your gametes to close
to remain pregnant only following the forth IVF with            relatives or friends?
ICSI.                                                                     Answer:
          (B) This technique involves several methods.                    (A) I don’t agree with this procedure, even if
There are some I completely disagree with (in vitro             they asked for it. I do not want to donate my genes or
fertilization, gamete transfer, intracytoplasmic injections).   my husband’s genes as genetic material for relatives or
There is one method, however (artificial insemination) I        strangers.
don’t know how I feel about.                                              (B) I wouldn’t do that.
          Analysis:                                                       Analysis:
          For subject 1, the positive nature of the “Yes”                 The sincerity and firmness of both answers is
answer shows that the patient experienced the complexity        worth noticing. These straightforward answers should
of the treatments and that “only” during the fourth cycle       be considered when a law is passed on the matter. Even
did she manage to procreate, being well-known that each         if secular bioethics uses excessively the principle of
cycle is very painful (ovarian hyperstimulation, etc.). For     permissiveness, the traditional Christian bioethics should
subject number 2, the fact that she avoids using IVF/ET,        be taken into account as well, which fails to approve with

Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine 						                                                           Vol. XXVI, No 4(2018)

the donation of gametes.                                                   10. Do you agree that the Romanian state should
          We stated from the beginning that trust in the         cover a part of the MAHR expenses so that you are able
treating doctor is a defining element in the treatment of        financially to conceive children using these techniques?
infertility.                                                               Answer:
          8. Do you trust the doctors from Romanian                        (A) Yes, the Romanian state should cover, in
maternity hospitals?                                             part or in whole, all the MAHR expenses. Not everybody
          Answer:                                                wants to go through these financially and emotionally
          (A) Yes, but not all of them. I have always asked      consuming procedures. Those who choose to walk this
recommendations for the doctors who treated me. My               way truly want children and should be supported by the
parents and doctors, my mother-in-law is a doctor and I          state.
have always had guidance from them.                                        (B) Well…people fall into two categories: those
          (B) Yes, I trust some doctors after thorough           who would resort to IVF and those who wouldn’t. The
research on the internet. The opinions are divided,              ones in the first category spend fortunes to have babies.
however. Although our country has state-of-the-art               Some even take bank loans to cover the treatment
medical equipment and our doctors are very well                  expenses or the procedure as such. Now, if the state
prepared, there are two big problems in the Romanian             covered some of these expenses, we would have a larger
mindset: the fact that Romanians question the doctor’s           number of people who would resort to this method
diagnosis and they will do anything possible to find out         but also a larger number of souls conceived in the test
a second and a third opinion to assure them they don’t           tube we would never find out about, etc. I would like
suffer from a serious disease.                                   the state to contribute in two directions: to cover the
          Analysis:                                              expenses for medical investigations (blood tests, surgical
          In case of both subjects one can notice a shade of     interventions) and to modify a little bit the adoptions law.
doubt regarding the relationship with the doctor, which                    Analysis:
shows a lack of complete information on the Romanian                       The first subject, who resorted to these medical
doctors and also on MAHR in Romania.                             techniques and was successful – after several attempts
          It is a lot more difficult when an opinion is sought   and high costs –suggests that the costs (or, at least, part
regarding the medical system.                                    of the costs) be supported by the state, an opinion the
          9. Do you think that the current medical system        legislator should take into account if they care about
in our country helps your problem?                               improving natality. For the second subject, there should
          Answer:                                                be a clearer stand, of the Church as well, that these
          (A) The private medical system in our country          reproduction techniques are not evil in themselves and
helped us in our problem. We had the possibility to              that all that needs to be done is to find a way to express
investigate and to have a child following multiple               the information in such a manner as to cast away the
interventions and treatments conducted in the private            fear in using them, of course, with the enforcement of
clinics of our country. The state medical system should          the traditional Christian and not secular bioethics. But
encourage the increase of natality by any means and to           the state, as subject 2 argues, should at least cover the
promote the MAHR procedures in vast programs to                  expenses for medical investigations (blood tests, surgical
allow infertile couples to have children.                        interventions) and to modify a little bit the adoptions law,
          (B) I don’t know.                                      this last law truly needing a revision.
          The first subject makes the difference between                             CONCLUSIONS
the private and state medical systems in our country. She
shows that the private system solved her problem, while                   This study shows that infertile women who
the state system, as the subject argues, “should encourage       request treatment are confronted with several psycho-
the increase of natality by any means and to promote the         emotional problems with great effects on the mental
MAHR procedures in vast programs to allow infertile              condition and welfare of infertile individuals and couples,
couples to have children”. For subject 2, this “I don’t          while infertility is often treated as a biomedical problem,
know” is indicative for the doubt regarding MAHR in our          without taking into account the patients’ mental,
country, proving the necessity for a complete information        emotional, social, and cultural aspects. The results have
guide related to assisted reproduction, both in the private      also shown that one of the major causes of psychological
and the state system.                                            stress is social pressure of the community’s members.
          The medically assisted human reproduction              According to the results, while the medical advertisements
requires a financial effort from the couple. This effort         (paid by various more or less legal clinics) for treating
sometimes exceeds the couple’s possibilities. That is why        (avoiding) infertility is tempting, its mental, emotional,
social responsibility in the field of health should also be      socio-cultural and political aspects are still neglected or
considered in relation to this aspect.                           underestimated. Due to the fact that the treatment of

Ungureanu M.A. and Astărăstoae V.				Qualitative study regarding the ethico-psychological implications

infertility involves high costs, a difficult challenge for             is opted for, it is understandable why the destruction
people from social classes with low income, who cannot                 of embryos is encouraged, as they are considered as
afford the costs with the psychological counseling,                    mere cells and not as incipient life from the moment of
this study suggests that it would be a good idea to hire               conception (fertilization). Similarly, the state should truly
professional social assistants as complementary assistants             support the people who resort to MAHR to conceive
in infertility clinics to manage the problem of infertility            children, because natality is decreasing and steps should
under all its aspects. This professional assistance would              be taken to eradicate the negative natural growth. We
answer not only the needs of infertile individuals, but also           believe that a clear and useful legislation is an emergency,
the needs of the social system in which infertile people               to support infertile people. Furthermore, for specialized
live. In this perspective, the social assistants can advocate          clinics, it is mandatory to create a guide comprising
the rights and needs of infertile people as a means to                 very important information from scientific researches,
plan the development by the political decision factors,                with the purpose of honestly and concretely assess all
so that infertility can be seen as a bio-psychic social                the data related to the emotional conditions and the
phenomenon.                                                            medium and long term adverse effects of these medically
          The infertile people who use modern medical                  assisted human reproduction techniques. Therefore, the
technologies should be informed and counseled                          top medical technologies in assisted reproduction should
before, during and after the use of these reproductive                 consider the mother’s welfare, as well as the children’s best
technologies, as they can cause a lot of sufferance and can            interest and the protection of embryos, who are turning
lead to psychic or sometimes medical disorders, both on                into people, therefore being alive.
themselves and on the children resulted from the use of
such technologies. More efforts should be made in this                          Conflict of interest. The authors declare that
light, especially regarding the counseling of people who               there is no conflict of interest.
use state-of-the-art medical techniques in the field of                         Acknowledgement. We would like to express our
reproduction. The ethical aspects related to the embryos               sincere gratitude for the women diagnosed with infertility
resulted following these procedures should also be                     who agreed to take part to this study, generously sharing
communicated to the patients, who will decide on their                 their time and energy to help us complete the qualitative
situation, but care should be paid to what kind of ethics              interviews.
should be applied. If an ethic unrelated to Christianity

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