Page created by Wallace Smith
YOUR 2020/2021

Achieve your goals with The Open University       3

Five reasons why you should choose us             4

What you need to get started                      5

What you can study                                6

Learn in a way that suits you                     7

Welcome to psychology and counselling             8

Boost your confidence with an Access module      10

How you build your qualification                 12

How long your qualification will take            14

Fees and funding                                 16

Undergraduate courses                            19

Postgraduate courses                             40

Other useful information                         45

Get in touch                             BACK COVER
Whatever your ambition –
whether you want the ability

                                                                                                   EXPLORE THE OU
to interpret complex behaviour
or better understand human
interactions – we’re here to help
make it happen.

We’re pioneers in distance learning. Since we
were founded, we’ve helped more than two million                       78%
                                                                       of FTSE 100 companies
people realise their potential. Our unique approach                    have sponsored
to learning means you don’t have to put your life                      employees on
on hold to get the qualification you want.                             OU courses

We will:                         You can expect:
‒ help you get a qualification   ‒ materials that are designed
  to suit you and your goals       with you in mind
‒ provide you with the           ‒ continuous innovation – we’ve
  teaching and learning            been leading the way in distance
  resources you’ll need            learning for over 50 years,
                                   ensuring education is accessible,
‒ offer a flexible learning
                                   whatever your circumstances
  experience based around
  you and your life              ‒ access to world-class resources,
                                   whenever you need them
‒ use technology and teaching
  methods that enhance your      ‒ qualifications that are respected
  study experience                 by employers the world over.
‒ be there to support you
  every step of the way.

         WHY YOU
                                 We’re open to you.
       CHOOSE US                 We make learning
                                 available to all,
                                 regardless of
                                 background, age
                                 or additional
                                 learning needs.

      You can study
                                 We guarantee
      around your existing       outstanding value
      commitments. We’re         and a high-quality
      experts in helping         education at a
      people fit their studies   competitive price.
      around their busy lives.

      Our qualifications
                                 You get more than
      enable you to put          a highly respected
      what you learn into        qualification. You’ll be able
      practice immediately.      to show you’re dedicated
                                 and committed – personal
                                 qualities that are valued
                                 in the workplace.

Where you start in life               You can do it                            What you need
shouldn’t limit where you             The main reason we’re called             There are just a couple of
                                      The Open University is that we’re        things that you’ll need to
go. If you’re determined              open to everyone. Every year,            be able to study with us.
to succeed and prepared               we help thousands of people
                                                                               ‒ A computer with internet access.
to work hard, we can help             achieve extraordinary things.
                                                                                 But don’t worry if you haven’t
you get started.                      ‒ There are no formal academic             got access to one right now
                                        entry requirements for most              – you could receive financial
The next few pages will tell you        of our undergraduate courses.            support to help you buy one.
more about how studying with            For some qualifications,
                                                                               ‒ A good grasp of the English
The Open University works, the          you may need to be in
                                                                                 language. We teach all our
courses you can study, the funding      relevant employment.
                                                                                 courses in English. If you’re not
available to you, and how long your
                                      ‒ We helped over 24,000 students           sure your English is at the right
qualification will take.
                                        with disabilities and additional         level, go to
                                        needs last year alone.                   englishlanguage for help
                                                                                 and guidance.
                                      ‒ Our students are diverse. Of our
                                        new undergraduate students,
                                        34% are under 25. Our oldest
                                        students are in their nineties.

                                         Have you studied before?
                                         If you’ve studied at higher education level before, you might be
                                         able to count it towards your OU qualification. This can cut down
                                         the modules you’ll need to study, saving you time and money.
                                         If you tell us what you’ve done, we’ll do the rest.
                                         Go to

    We offer over 200 highly respected qualifications to help you reach your goals.
    You can study towards a degree or start with a certificate or diploma of higher
    education and build on your studies as you go.

    Undergraduate                           Postgraduate                          We’ll give you:
    Named degree                            Masters degree                        ‒ the flexibility to fit study
    Complete modules in a specific          Study modules towards an                around your other
    subject to earn an honours degree       internationally respected               commitments
    and open doors to a new interest        qualification while gaining
                                                                                  ‒ the opportunity to
    or career.                              specialist academic,
                                                                                    improve your career
                                            professional or technical skills.
    Open degree
                                                                                  ‒ freedom to follow your
    Design an honours degree from           Postgraduate diploma
                                                                                    passions in depth.
    across a mix of subjects to suit        Work towards a widely recognised
    your needs and interests.               qualification. A postgraduate         To find out more about how you
                                            diploma is equivalent to two-thirds   build your qualifications and how
    Diploma of higher education
                                            of a masters degree.                  long it takes, see pages 12–15.
    Expand your knowledge
    and improve your skillset               Postgraduate certificate
    in a specialised area.                  Ideal for professional and career
                                            development, this is the first step
    Foundation degree
                                            towards a masters degree as well
    Focus on a subject area related
                                            as being a valuable qualification
    to what you’re doing now, in
                                            in its own right.
    either a work or voluntary setting.
    Certificate of higher education
    Get a general grounding or improve
    your understanding of a subject area.

                                                                                     Find the course to
                                                                                     match your ambition
                                                                                     If you don’t know which
                                                                                     type of course is right for
                                                                                     you, discover more about
                                                                                     the qualifications we offer
                                                                                     on our website. Go to

You’ll have the flexibility             Pioneering technology                  Do you have additional
                                                                               study needs?
to fit study around the                 We’ve been using innovative
                                        technology to connect with             We’re committed to helping
other things going on                   our students since we first            students with disabilities and
in your life, whatever                  started. Examples include our          additional needs. We’ll give you
they may be.                            online tutorials and module            the tools to help overcome
                                        forums. We’ll make sure that           obstacles that could stand
                                        you always have what you               in the way of your learning –
Distance learning                       need, and feel connected.              whatever your needs may be.
with the OU
We’ve designed our learning             Connect with                           Disabled Students’ Allowance
experience to combine flexibility       other students                         (DSA) – UK residents only
and regular contact. We’ll give you     You can use our module discussion      A DSA can help you with study
the help you need to learn in the       groups to talk about subjects,         costs that result directly from
best possible way. You’ll get regular   course work or study methods.          your disability or specific learning
support from tutors and access to                                              difficulty. They’re not means-tested
all the materials and resources         You can also connect with us
                                                                               and can go towards specialist
essential to your course.               on social media or join one of
                                                                               equipment (such as an adapted
                                        the many informal Facebook
You’ll also have access to student                                             computer), non-medical study
                                        groups set up by students.
support teams, who’ll be there to                                              support (e.g. a dyslexia support
help you on your learning journey.                                             worker) or other related expenses.
                                        Students association                   You can also apply for help with
How you’ll be assessed                  You’ll become a member of our          study-related travel costs that
                                        active students association when       result directly from your disability.
You could be assessed in a              you register. You can help influence
variety of different ways                                                      For more information, go to
                                        University decisions, meet fellow
depending on your choice of                                          
                                        students and develop new skills.
course. We use a combination                                                   or call us on 0300 303 5303.
of written assignments, oral or         Find out more at
practical assessments, projects,
examinations, dissertations             Or join the conversation on
and portfolios.               
Your assessments will occur   
at set points during your course.
For more information on how
you’ll be assessed, go to

                                           What’s it like to study with The Open University?
                                           To find out more about distance learning, the OU study experience
                                           and how we’ll support you throughout your studies, go to

    Open your mind
    What makes us who we are? What influences how we feel, think and act,
    and how we relate to others? Psychology developed as a discipline that focuses
    on the scientific study of the human mind, behaviour, and people in social contexts.
    You’ll be introduced to various approaches to psychological research, including
    experiments, observations, and interviews, and you'll learn both qualitative
    and statistical analytic techniques.

    Why study with us?                        Members of the School work in close     You can study psychology in
    The Open University’s School              collaboration with psychologists in     combination with another subject,
    of Psychology and Counselling,            the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education     for example, in our BA (Hons)
    part of the Faculty of Arts and           and Language Studies, and the           Criminology and Psychology
    Social Sciences, is Europe’s largest      Faculty of Science, Technology,         and BA (Hons) Philosophy
    provider of university-level              Engineering and Mathematics,            and Psychological Studies.
    education in psychology.                  which means that you’ll benefit from
                                                                                      We also offer a Diploma of
                                              expertise across different faculties,
    Psychology at the OU has a strong                                                 Higher Education in Psychology,
                                              and receive as well-rounded an
    tradition of critical psychology that                                             a Foundation Degree in Counselling
                                              education as possible.
    draws attention to how psychological                                              – which is also available as a
    states are always in interaction with                                             Diploma of Higher Education
                                              Undergraduate                           in Counselling – and a Certificate
    society and culture, and in adopting
                                              At undergraduate level, we offer        of Higher Education in Psychology.
    methods that can capture that
                                              a range of certificates, diplomas,      Diplomas and Certificates of Higher
    complex reality. It also has a strong
                                              a foundation degree and                 Education are also available for
    tradition of applied psychology,
                                              honours degrees.                        some subject combinations, such
    addressing real-world issues that
    include those in social, forensic                                                 as the Diploma of Higher Education
                                              Four of our qualifications are the
    and counselling psychology.                                                       in Criminology and Psychology.
                                              single honours psychology degrees:
    We offer undergraduate and                ‒ BSc (Hons) Psychology
    postgraduate qualifications, and our
                                              ‒ BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology
    research is recognised internationally.
                                              ‒ BSc (Hons) Social Psychology
                                              ‒ BSc (Hons) Psychology
                                                with Counselling.

                                                                               The Open University
                                                                               has been completely
                                                                               life-changing for me;
                                                                               without it, I’d never
                                                                               have been able to study
                                                                               psychology to such an
                                                                               advanced level, nor to
                                                                               become a chartered
                                                                               psychologist and associate
                                                                               fellow of the British
                                                                               psychological Society.
                                                                               The Open University has
                                                                               given me a professional
Professional accreditation             Postgraduate
                                                                               identity and I’m truly
Four of our undergraduate degrees      At postgraduate level, we offer the     grateful for all the
are accredited by the British          MSc in Psychology which includes        opportunities it
Psychological Society (BPS)            cognitive, social, forensic and
to provide Graduate Basis for          counselling psychology and the          has offered me.
Chartered Membership. These are        MSc in Forensic Psychological
                                                                               Dr Martin Treacy,
the BSc (Hons) Psychology, BSc         Studies, where you’ll examine
(Hons) Psychology with Counselling,    real life criminal cases as you learn
BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology         about a broad range of forensic
and BSc (Hons) Social Psychology.      psychology topics. In addition,
Achieving Graduate Basis for           we have a Postgraduate Certificate
Chartered Membership is the            in Social and Psychological Inquiry
first step towards achieving the       which can be the starting point for
professional qualifications required   either of these masters degrees.
to become a Chartered Psychologist.
While studying BPS-approved            Beyond graduation
Psychology qualifications you can      There are eight specialist areas
become a BPS student member,           in which it is possible to complete
which can be invaluable for            further training to become
keeping up to date with changes        a professional psychologist.
within the profession and for          They are clinical psychology,
networking opportunities.              counselling psychology,
The Diploma of Higher Education        educational psychology, forensic
or Foundation Degree in Counselling    psychology, health psychology,
will prepare you to become a           neuropsychology, occupational
professional counsellor. By the end    psychology, and sport
of your studies, you should be able    and exercise psychology.
to apply for accreditation with        Other career options with a
a number of professional bodies        psychology qualification include
                                                                               MORE ONLINE
such as the British Association        assistant psychology positions,         Learn more about
for Counselling and Psychotherapy.     mental health and community             our psychology and
You can also use this qualification    support roles, guidance advisory        counselling qualifications,
as a staging post for further          roles and working in human              and register for your
professional development,              resources, marketing, public            chosen course
including the possibility of           relations, the media and the
‘topping up’ to an honours degree.                                             Visit openuniversity.
                                       third sector.
     An Access module is a                   An Access module builds                   Your Access module materials
                                             your confidence by                        are a blend of printed and online
     great place to start if you             helping with things like:                 resources. You’ll engage with the
     want a gentle introduction              ‒ refreshing your study skills
                                                                                       materials to complete tasks such
     to Open University study.                                                         as online quizzes and tutor-marked
                                             ‒ using computers                         assignments. At the end, you’ll
     It can also help you find out                                                     demonstrate your learning
                                             ‒ introducing you to a range
     more about your interests                 of subjects related to your             by completing a final written
                                                                                       assignment. There’s no exam.
     and where you want your                   area of interest
     learning to take you.                   ‒ finding out if OU study                 Access modules start every
                                               suits you and your life.                February and October and last
     We’re different to other universities                                             for 30 weeks. Each week requires
     because we’re open to people                                                      around nine or ten hours of study
                                             How it works
     based on their potential rather                                                   and it’s up to you how you organise
     than their prior qualifications. Our    You’ll have a dedicated tutor,            that time, giving you the flexibility
     students come from a diverse range      who’ll provide academic support           to fit study around your life.
     of academic backgrounds, so we          via email and regular one-to-one
     offer a choice of starting points       telephone tutorials. Your Student         What you need
     depending on how confident you          Support Team will be on hand to
                                             help with everything else, including      We’ll set you up with access to your
     are in your study skills. You can                                                 module website and make sure
     either dive straight in with an OU      careers advice, fees and funding,
                                             administrative support, and               your books and other printed
     level 1 module, or you might prefer                                               materials are posted out to you.
     a gentler start with some extra         study-related guidance.
                                                                                       All you need is:
     preparation, in which case,
     an Access module is ideal.                                                        ‒ a phone
                                                                                       ‒ a computer with
                                                                                         internet access.

        What you can study                     People, work and society                 prepare you for further study on
                                               Access module (Y032)                     a wide variety of OU qualifications.
        The following Access module
        will prepare you for the               Get compelling insights into a wide      We offer two other Access
        qualifications we offer in             range of areas, including childhood      modules, which are more
        psychology and counselling.            and youth studies; social science;       relevant to other subject areas:
                                               psychology; health; business; and
                                                                                        Arts and languages
                                               law. This module will help you to
                                                                                        Access module (Y031)
                                               improve your subject knowledge
                                               in those areas particularly, but also    Science, technology and
                                                                                        maths Access module (Y033)

Do you qualify for a free Access module?
You can study an Access             How much does an                              Students who start
module for free if you:             Access module cost?                           with an Access module
‒ live in the UK (excludes          If you don’t qualify to study                 are more likely to be
  Channel Islands and Isle          for free, the cost depends
  of Man) or have a British         on where you live.                           SUCCESSFUL
  Forces Post Office address                                                      when they advance
                                    ‒ In England, the Channel Islands
‒ are studying the module             and the Isle of Man it’s £774.              to OU level 1 study
  as part of an OU qualification
                                    ‒ In Northern Ireland, Scotland
  (this doesn’t apply if you
                                      and Wales it’s £258.
  live in Scotland)
‒ have a household income           You can pay up front by debit or
  (or, in Scotland, a personal      credit card, or by bank transfer.
  income) of £25,000 or less, or    Or spread the cost with an Open
  you receive qualifying benefits   University Student Budget Account
                                    – see page 17 for more information.
‒ have completed less
  than one year of a full-time      If you’re studying an Access module
  undergraduate programme           as part of an OU qualification and you
  at FHEQ or CQFW level 4/          live in England, Wales or Northern
  SCQF level 7 or above, and        Ireland, you could cover the cost
  not completed 30 credits          with a student loan – see page 16
  or more of OU study.              for more information.

The Access module really helped equip
me with the skills and confidence I needed
to go on and study at degree level.
                                                                             NEXT STEPS
Tim Walker,                                                                  Order an Access
Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LLB                                                  Modules Prospectus
                                                                             or speak to our Student
                                                                             Recruitment team
                                                                             Visit openuniversity.
                                                                             Call 0300 303 0069

     Undergraduate students
                                                                          Access module
     You’ll need to build up a set number                           An optional module to build
                                                                    your confidence and prepare
     of credits to gain your qualification.                             you for further study.
     Here’s how it works.
     Stages                                                          To complete Stage 1, you’ll
     ‒ Complete one stage for a certificate of higher             need 120 credits, studying modules
       education, two stages for a diploma of higher                    worth 30 or 60 credits.
                                                        Stage 1
       education or foundation degree, and three
       stages to gain an honours degree.
     ‒ To complete each stage, you must build                                120 credits
       up a set number of credits.

                                                                  Certificate of higher education
     ‒ You need 120 credits to complete
       each stage.
     ‒ You need a set number of credits
                                                                     To complete Stage 2, you’ll
       to gain your chosen qualification
                                                                  need a further 120 credits, studying
       e.g. you need 360 credits to gain
                                                                   modules worth 30 or 60 credits.
       an honours degree.
                                                        Stage 2

     ‒ You gain credits by successfully
       completing modules.                                                   240 credits

                                                                   Diploma of higher education
     ‒ With each module you successfully
                                                                      or foundation degree
       complete, you’ll earn a set number
       of credits, either 30 or 60.
     ‒ Modules are either compulsory or
       selected from a choice of options.
                                                                     To complete Stage 3, you’ll
     ‒ You choose the modules you want                            need a further 120 credits, studying
       to study, year by year.                                     modules worth 30 or 60 credits.
                                                        Stage 3

                                                                             360 credits

                                                                          Honours degree

Postgraduate students
You gain a postgraduate
qualification by building
up a set number of credits.
Credits                                           MSc in Forensic Psychological Studies,
You need:                                                  MSc in Psychology
‒ 60 credits to gain a postgraduate certificate      60 credits at postgraduate level.
‒ 180 credits to gain a masters degree.
You gain credits by successfully                       Postgraduate certificate
completing modules.

‒ With each module you successfully                A further 120 credits at postgraduate
  complete, you’ll earn a set number                      level – total 180 credits.
  of credits, usually 60 or 120 for
  psychology modules.
‒ Modules are either compulsory
  or selected from a choice of options.                     Masters degree

‒ You choose the modules you
  want to study, year by year.

Getting started                                              MA or MSc Open
All you need to do is choose which
                                                     180 credits at postgraduate level.
qualification you want to study and
register on a module that counts
towards that qualification. You can
find out more about the postgraduate                        Masters degree
qualifications we offer in psychology
and counselling from page 40.

     We give you the flexibility to choose the amount you want to study each year.
     This way, you get the qualification you want in a timeframe that’s right for you.

     Undergraduate qualifications
     Most of our students study part time, taking 60 credits a year. That’s like studying
     at half the rate of a full-time course at a traditional university. If you want to
     complete your study at a full-time rate, you’ll need to study 120 credits per year.

       Part time | 60 credits a year | 16–18 study hours a week

                  Certificate of higher
                education (120 credits)

                    Diploma of higher
                  degree (240 credits)

                        Honours degree
                           (360 credits)

                                              0                1              2               3               4   5   6

                                                                                      Years to complete

       Full time | 120 credits a year | 32–36 study hours a week

                  Certificate of higher
                education (120 credits)

                    Diploma of higher
                  degree (240 credits)

                        Honours degree
                           (360 credits)

                                              0                1              2               3               4   5   6

                                                                                      Years to complete

     Some qualifications follow a different pattern of study. See individual descriptions for more information.

Postgraduate qualifications

                                                                                                                                             EXPLORE THE OU
                                                                                                     Find out more
The time it will take to complete your qualification depends on
how it’s structured and the number of credits required. All of our                                   For more information on
postgraduate courses are offered as part-time study and the usual                                    finding time to study, and to
timescales for individual module completion are shown below.                                         use our time planner tool, go to
‒ 60 credit module – typically nine months.
‒ 120 credit module – typically twelve months.

  Part time | 20 study hours a week

                  MSc in Forensic
             Psychological Studies,
                MSc in Psychology              60 credit module               120 credit module
                      (180 credits)
                                         0                                1                              2                        3

                                                                                 Years to complete

  Part time | 60 credits a year | 16–20 study hours a week

                   MA or MSc Open
                       (180 credits)
                                               60 credit module               60 credit module               60 credit module

                                         0                                1                              2                        3

                                                                                 Years to complete

  Part time | 60 credits a year | 20 study hours a week

               Certificate in Social
             Psychological Inquiry             60 credit module
                        (60 credits)
                                         0                                1                              2                        3

                                                                                 Years to complete

Some qualifications follow a different pattern of study. See individual descriptions for more information.

     We believe cost shouldn’t                      Funding – England                               Funding – Northern Ireland
                                                    and Wales
     be a barrier to achieving                                                                      You could be eligible for a Part-Time
                                                    The best way to fund your studies,              Fee Grant of up to £1,230 a year to
     your potential. That’s                         regardless of age or income,                    help towards your fees. The amount
     why our tuition fees                           might be with a student loan                    depends on your household income
     are among the most                             from Student Finance England                    and the rate at which you study.
                                                    or Student Finance Wales. It’s                  If you’re not eligible for the grant,
     competitive in the UK.                         the most popular way to pay.                    or if it doesn’t cover the full cost
     And we’ll always help you                                                                      of your tuition fees, you can pay in
                                                    Key facts                                       full or in part using an alternative
     find a way of paying that                      ‒ Repayments only start                         payment method, such as a
     suits your circumstances.                        when your salary exceeds                      Part-Time Tuition Fee Loan.
                                                      the income threshold
                                                      (£26,575 from April 2020).                    Funding – Scotland
     For undergraduate
                                                    ‒ Repayments are deducted                       If your personal income is £25,000
     You’ll pay on a module-by-module                 automatically from your salary.               or less, or you’re on certain benefits,
     basis, rather than for your whole              ‒ You can pay off the loan                      and you’re studying at least 30
     qualification up front. See below                early without any penalties.                  credits, you could qualify for a
     to get an idea of costs.                       ‒ Any balance outstanding after                 Part-Time Fee Grant and top-up
                                                      30 years will be written off.                 funding to cover 100% of your
                                                                                                    course fees. It isn’t a loan and you
         CREDITS                       COST             EXAMPLE REPAYMENT AMOUNTS                   won’t need to pay any of it back.
         EACH YEAR                     PER YEAR1
                                                        INCOME EACH                    MONTHLY
         30                            £1,548           YEAR BEFORE TAX                REPAYMENT3   Study support and
                                                        Up to £26,575                  £0
                                                                                                    discretionary funds
         60                            £3,096
                                                                                                    If your annual income is less than
         120                           £6,192           £28,000                        £10.68       £25,000, you might be eligible for
                                                        £34,000                        £55.69       additional means-tested funding for
     2020/21 prices; fees normally increase                                                         study-related costs, such as travel,
     annually in line with inflation and the            £49,000                        £168.19      childcare and internet access.
     University’s strategic approach to fees.

     In England, the cost for a 360-credit          3
                                                        Repayments are based on what you            Self-funded study
     honours degree based on today’s                    earn, not what you owe. You’ll repay
     prices is £18,576.
                                                        9% of what you earn over £26,575.           You can pay using a debit or credit
                                                        For example, if you earn £28,000,
                                                                                                    card, or by bank transfer. Or spread
                                                        you’ll repay £128.25 that year (9% of
         LIVING IN NORTHERN IRELAND,                    £1,425). That’s just over £10 per month.    the cost with an Open University
         SCOTLAND OR WALES                                                                          Student Budget Account – see
                                                    Already have a degree?                          opposite for more information.
         CREDITS                       COST
         EACH YEAR                     PER YEAR2    You might still qualify for a student
                                                    loan. You need to be living in                  Get sponsored
         30                            £516         England or Wales and looking                    See whether your employer
         60                            £1,032       to study an eligible qualification.             would help you learn and
                                                                                                    develop. It’s always worth asking.
                                                    For more information, go to
         120                           £2,064
         2020/21 prices (exceptions apply); fees
         normally increase annually in line with    Maintenance
         inflation and the University’s strategic
         approach to fees.
                                                    support – Wales
                                                    New students in Wales studying                  MORE ONLINE
     In Northern Ireland, Scotland
     and Wales, the cost for a typical              part time towards a qualification               Find out more about
     360-credit honours degree based                can also apply for maintenance                  undergraduate fees
     on today’s prices is £6,192.                   grants, worth up to £4,500 a                    and funding
                                                    year, to help with living costs.
                                                                                                    Visit openuniversity.
                                                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303

For postgraduate                           Key facts                                 Get sponsored
                                           ‒ The support is made up of               See whether your employer would
You pay for postgraduate
                                             grants and loans and is                 want to help you learn and develop.
qualifications module by module.
                                             worth up to £17,489.                    It’s always worth asking.
Please go to our website to see the
total fee listed for your qualification.   ‒ All eligible students will receive
                                             a non-repayable grant of £1,000,
                                             rising to a maximum of £6,885,
Funding – England
                                             depending on household income.
You could be eligible for a                ‒ Loan repayments only start when
maintenance loan of up to £11,222                                                    MORE ONLINE
                                             you earn more than the income
from Student Finance England.                threshold (currently, £21,000).         Find out more about
To be eligible you must:                   ‒ You’ll repay 6% of your income          postgraduate fees
                                             over the threshold – so, for example,   and funding
‒ be under 60 years old
                                             if you earn £25,000, you’ll repay       Visit openuniversity.
‒ be resident in England
                                             only £240 that year (6% of £4,000). 
‒ be studying a masters degree               That’s just £20 a month.                Call 0300 303 5303
  that can be completed in
  no more than three years
                                           Funding – Northern
‒ not currently have a masters             Ireland and Scotland
  degree or equivalent                                                                  Open University
                                           You could be eligible for a fee
‒ be studying your qualification                                                        Student Budget
                                           loan of up to £5,500 from Student
  from the beginning.                                                                   Accounts Ltd
                                           Finance Northern Ireland or the
Key facts                                                                               (OUSBA)
                                           Student Awards Agency Scotland.
                                                                                        When you enrol with us, you’ll
‒ Repayments only start when               To be eligible you must be:
                                                                                        be offered the opportunity
  you earn more than the income
                                           ‒ resident in Northern                       to pay your fees through a
  threshold (currently, £21,000).
                                             Ireland or Scotland                        loan from OUSBA.
‒ You’ll repay 6% of your income           ‒ studying for an eligible                   OUSBA will pay your fees to
  over £21,000 – so, for example,            postgraduate qualification.                The Open University, and you
  if you earn £25,000, you’ll
                                           Key facts                                    repay OUSBA either in a single
  repay only £240 that year (6% of
                                                                                        sum before your course starts –
  £4,000). That’s just £20 a month.        ‒ Repayments only start
                                                                                        in this case there’s no interest
‒ Payments are deducted                      when you earn more than the
                                                                                        – or in monthly instalments
  automatically from your salary.            income threshold (currently,
                                                                                        of up to a year – in this case,
                                             £18,935 in Northern Ireland
‒ Any balance outstanding after                                                         interest does apply.
                                             and £18,330 in Scotland).
  30 years will be written off.            ‒ You’ll repay 9% of your income             The interest rate is fixed for
                                             over the threshold – so, for example,      the duration of the course
Funding – Wales                              if you earn £20,000 and live in            (representative APR 5.1%).
New postgraduate students can                Scotland, you’ll repay only £150.30        If you’re worried about
apply for financial support, made            that year (9% of £1,670). That’s           affordability or a poor credit
up of non-repayable grants and               less than £13 a month.                     history, you can apply for a
top-up loans.                              ‒ Payments are deducted                      joint loan application with
To be eligible you must be:                  automatically from your salary.            a third party e.g. partner,
                                                                                        sibling, friend, etc.
‒ resident in Wales                        Self-funded study
                                                                                        Find out more about OUSBA at
‒ studying for a masters degree            You can pay using a debit or credit
‒ under 60 years old.                      card, or by bank transfer. Or spread
                                           the cost with an Open University             As a responsible lender,
                                           Student Budget Account – see                 OUSBA carries out
                                           right for more information.                  affordability checks as part
                                                                                        of the application process.

I AM...
     Elizabeth left school with   I’d always regretted not studying for    I was determined to complete
                                  a degree, and I wanted to prove to       my degree as I wanted to make
     good A levels, but wasn’t    myself that I could do it. Being         my family proud of me. I also felt
     able to go to university     a parent and foster parent with          that I was a positive role model for
     due to family financial      a full-time job meant that I couldn’t    the two girls we were fostering as
                                  attend a brick university, so I turned   I managed to balance work, foster
     constraints and cultural     to the OU.                               caring and studying. I wanted to
     reasons. Later in life she   I’d always been interested in
                                                                           instil in them the belief that if they
                                                                           have a dream, and are willing to
     regretted her decision       how the human mind works and
                                                                           commit to it, they can achieve it.
     not to go to university      how early childhood experiences
                                  affect children and young people.        I think studying with the OU has
     and wanted to prove to       When my husband and I started            made me a more positive person.
     herself she was capable      fostering, my interest in psychology     I no longer take things at face value
                                  heightened. I wanted to know why         and question and challenge things
     of getting a degree.         the children we were looking after       more. Studying also helped me
                                  behaved as they did.                     with my self-confidence and
                                                                           self-esteem too.
                                  Time management was my
                                  biggest challenge. I had a full-time     For anyone thinking of starting
                                  job, two grown up sons, and two          an OU course, I’d say go for it!
                                  foster daughters. Trying to balance      If you never try, you will never
                                  work, study and home life was            know what you could achieve.
                                  difficult at times. Finding a quiet
                                                                           Elizabeth Barnard,
                                  place to study could be hard.
                                                                           BSc (Hons) Psychology
                                  I found it useful to download my
                                  study materials onto my Kindle so
                                  I could then read them anywhere.
You can register for the                  DEGREES WITH BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL
2020/2021 academic                        SOCIETY ACCREDITATION
year for undergraduate
qualifications from                       BSc (Hons) Psychology (Q07)                            20

18 March 2020.                            BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology (Q82)                   22

We’ve based the                           BSc (Hons) Social Psychology (Q83)                     24
qualification start dates
                                          BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling (Q84)           26
on the first module(s)
you can study as part                     OTHER QUALIFICATIONS
of your qualification.                    THAT INCLUDE PSYCHOLOGY
                                          BA (Hons) Social Sciences (Psychology) (R23)           28

What is British                           BSc (Hons) Computing & IT and Psychology (Q67)         30
Psychological Society
accreditation?                            BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology (Q98)             32
The British Psychological Society
(BPS) sets out requirements for           BA (Hons) Philosophy and Psychological Studies (Q43)   34
psychology degrees that it accredits
                                          Foundation Degree in Counselling (X09)/
as the first part of training to become                                                          36
                                          Diploma of Higher Education in Counselling (W09)
a professional psychologist. These
include specific subject areas that
must be studied, training in research
                                          OPEN DEGREE
methods and the completion
                                          BA/BSc (Hons) Open (QD)                                38
of independent empirical work
at OU level 3.
If your career plans include becoming
a professional psychologist, which
may require further training at
postgraduate level, then you should
choose a BPS-accredited degree.
Otherwise you can choose either
a BPS-accredited qualification or
a non-BPS-accredited qualification.



     As psychology is the study and science of human behaviour, it touches every
     aspect of our lives. This degree explores key questions around why we do the
     things we do and how we interact with others.
     You’ll explore how psychologists     Why choose this                    Accreditation
     use research evidence to             qualification?                     This degree is designed to deliver
     contribute to debates on
                                          ‒ Build your knowledge and         the requirements for the Graduate
     forensic science, mental health,
                                            understanding of a broad range   Basis for Chartered Membership
     relationships, child development,
                                            of core topics in psychology.    (GBC) of the British Psychological
     employment and much more.
                                                                             Society (BPS). To be eligible for GBC
     You’ll gain knowledge and            ‒ Focus on your own areas
                                                                             you must achieve a 2:2 or higher.
     understanding of different areas       of interest such as child
     of psychology, develop valuable        psychology, counselling,
     analytical and communication           forensic psychology, mental
     skills, and enhance your ability       health, or sports psychology.
     to work both independently and
                                          ‒ Gain valuable analytical and
     collaboratively. This will put you
                                            communication skills that help
     in a strong position when it comes
                                            to enhance your employability.
     to employment opportunities.
                                          ‒ Develop your ability to
                                            work both independently
                                            and collaboratively.
                                          ‒ Can be the first step towards
                                            professional accreditation
                                            as a psychologist.
                                                                              Related qualifications
                                                                              Diploma of Higher Education
                                                                              in Psychology (W45)
                                                                              Certificate of Higher Education
                                                                              in Psychology (T22)

                      Qualification structure                                                                     AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Option            Course code               Q07
                       Introducing the social sciences
                                                                                                Compulsory        Total credits             360
                       (DD102) (60 credits)                                                     modules
Stage 1 120 credits

                                                                                                                  Start dates
                       Introduction to childhood studies and child psychology                                     Oct 2020
                       (E102) (60 credits)                                                      Awarded
                                                                                                                  Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                  Feb 2021
                                                                                                                  Register by 14 Jan 2021

                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                 Entry requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)                                                                       No specific requirements

                                                                                                                  Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                  ‒ Tutor-marked
                       Certificate of Higher Education in Psychology (T22)                                          assignments
                                                                                                                  ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                    marked assignments
                                                                                                                  ‒ End-of-module
                                                                                                                  ‒ Examinations

                       You’ll choose 60 credits from a selection of psychology                                    Study duration
Stage 2 120 credits

                       modules, go to                                                    Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                  Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                  Mode of study
                                                                                                                  The learning materials
                                                                                                                  provided are a balance
                                                                                                                  of print and online
                       Investigating psychology 2
                       (DE200) (60 credits)                                                                       Electronic versions
                                                                                                                  of printed materials
                                                                                                                  available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                                  Disc-based media
                       Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology (W45)                                            (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                  Online forum

                                                                                                                  Collaborative work

                       You’ll choose 60 credits from a selection of psychology
Stage 3 120 credits

                       modules, go to

                       Investigating psychology 3
                       (DE300) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                 Find out more about this
                                                                                                                 course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                 and how to register
                       BSc (HONS) PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                 Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                     Call 0300 303 5303
     What makes people harm others? What is a psychopath? How can victims
     of crime be helped? Forensic psychology explores these and other relevant
     questions relating to psychology, crime and justice.
     This degree begins by providing      Why choose this                         Accreditation
     a broad understanding of the core    qualification?                          This degree is designed to deliver
     areas of psychology and progresses
                                          ‒ Covers key concepts, theories,        the requirements for the Graduate
     through a range of applied
                                            methods and debates in                Basis for Chartered Membership
     psychology topics before focusing
                                            forensic psychology.                  (GBC) of the British Psychological
     on counselling and forensic
                                                                                  Society (BPS). To be eligible for GBC
     psychology. You’ll also have         ‒ Gives you an appreciation of
                                                                                  you must achieve a 2:2 or higher.
     the opportunity to undertake a         different perspectives within
     forensically orientated research       psychology and the ability
     dissertation in the final module.      to evaluate them critically.
     By completing this degree, you’ll
                                          ‒ Builds advanced analytical
     gain a practical understanding of
                                            and communication skills and
     psychology and advanced analytical
                                            enhances your employability.
     and communication skills, and
     enhance your ability to work both    ‒ Relevant to careers in the criminal
     independently and collaboratively.     justice system, the care and
     All of which will prove invaluable     resettlement of offenders, victim
     to your career development.            support, crime prevention and
                                            social justice.
                                          Please note that to practise
                                          as a forensic psychologist requires
                                          postgraduate-level training.
                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory       Course code            Q82
                                                                                                Awarded          Total credits             360
                       Introducing the social sciences
                                                                                                                 Start dates
Stage 1 120 credits

                       (DD102) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Oct 2020
                                                                                                                 Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module
                                                                                                                 ‒ Examination

                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary
                                                                                                                 Study duration
                       (DD210) (60 credits)
Stage 2 120 credits

                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                                                                                                                 of print and online

                       Investigating psychology 2
                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                       (DE200) (60 credits)                                                                      of printed materials
                                                                                                                 available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                                 Disc-based media
                                                                                                                 (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                                                                                                                 Collaborative work
                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime                                  Compulsory

                       and therapy
Stage 3 120 credits

                       (DD310) (60 credits)

                       Investigating psychology 3
                       (DE300) (60 credits)

                                                                                                                MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                       BSc (HONS) FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303
     In this degree you’ll consider how social psychology can be applied to contemporary
     life. You’ll explore psychology more broadly, gaining insights into people's behaviour.
     Why do good people do bad             Why choose this                       Accreditation
     things? What does it mean to          qualification?                        This degree is designed to deliver
     be a good citizen? What role do
                                           ‒ Explore how social psychologists    the requirements for the Graduate
     digital technologies play in our
                                             study people as social beings       Basis for Chartered Membership
     relationships? How have gender
                                             in different contexts.              (GBC) of the British Psychological
     identities changed? And has
                                                                                 Society (BPS). To be eligible for GBC
     globalisation made people across      ‒ Investigate the connections
                                                                                 you must achieve a 2:2 or higher.
     the world more similar, or do old       between individual lives
     differences persist? You’ll examine     and social problems.
     these and many other important
                                           ‒ Gain an appreciation of different
     psychological questions about the
                                             perspectives within psychology
     relationship between individual
                                             and the ability to evaluate
     psychology and the complex
                                             them critically.
     social world.
                                           ‒ Prepare for a wide range of
     The Open University has a
                                             career opportunities including
     long-standing reputation for
                                             social justice, public policy,
     cutting-edge research in social
                                             media and communications.
     psychology. You’ll draw on this
     research strength to consider
     debates on a wide range of
     social issues including equality,
     prejudice, migration, and
     happiness and well-being.
     And you'll learn how psychology
     is critical to understanding
     employment, mental health,
     and relationships.

                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory       Course code            Q83
                                                                                                Awarded          Total credits             360
                       Introducing the social sciences
                                                                                                                 Start dates
Stage 1 120 credits

                       (DD102) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Oct 2020
                                                                                                                 Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module
                                                                                                                 ‒ Examination

                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary
                                                                                                                 Study duration
                       (DD210) (60 credits)
Stage 2 120 credits

                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                                                                                                                 of print and online

                       Investigating psychology 2
                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                       (DE200) (60 credits)                                                                      of printed materials
                                                                                                                 available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                                 Disc-based media
                                                                                                                 (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                                                                                                                 Collaborative work
                       Advancing social psychology
                       (DD317) (60 credits)
Stage 3 120 credits

                       Investigating psychology 3
                       (DE300) (60 credits)

                                                                                                                MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                       BSc (HONS) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303
     Psychological therapies are rooted in psychological understanding, so this
     degree combines a strong foundation in psychology with a specific focus
     on how counselling works and how it can help people change.
     You’ll consider how counsellors     Why choose this                         Accreditation
     and psychologists use research      qualification?                          This degree is designed to deliver
     evidence to contribute to debates
                                         ‒ Covers the key concepts,              the requirements for the Graduate
     on different counselling
                                           theories, methods and debates         Basis for Chartered Membership
     approaches, mental health
                                           in psychology and counselling.        (GBC) of the British Psychological
     conditions, diagnosis and
                                                                                 Society (BPS). To be eligible for GBC
     treatment options. And how          ‒ Gives you an appreciation of
                                                                                 you must achieve a 2:2 or higher.
     psychology is critical to             different perspectives within
     understanding mental health,          psychology and the ability to
     relationships, education              evaluate them critically.
     and employment.
                                         ‒ Explains how psychological
                                           theories and research are
                                           applied, particularly within
                                           counselling practice.
                                         Please note: completion of this
                                         degree does not qualify you to
                                         practise as a counselling or clinical
                                         psychologist, psychotherapist or
                                         counsellor, as further training is
                                         required to work therapeutically
                                         with clients.

                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Option           Course code            Q84
                       Introducing the social sciences                                          Compulsory       Total credits             360
                       (DD102) (60 credits)                                                     modules

                       OR                                                                       Awarded
                                                                                                                 Start dates
Stage 1 120 credits

                       Science and health: an evidence-based approach                                            Oct 2020
                       (SDK100) (60 credits)                                                                     Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module
                                                                                                                 ‒ Examination

                       Exploring mental health and counselling
                                                                                                                 Study duration
                       (D241) (60 credits)
Stage 2 120 credits

                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                                                                                                                 of print and online

                       Investigating psychology 2
                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                       (DE200) (60 credits)                                                                      of printed materials
                                                                                                                 available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                                 Disc-based media
                                                                                                                 (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                                                                                                                 Collaborative work
                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime                                  Compulsory
                       and therapy
Stage 3 120 credits

                       (DD310) (60 credits)

                       Investigating psychology 3
                       (DE300) (60 credits)

                                                                                                                MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303

     This flexible degree                     Why choose this                      ‒ Gain the ability to evaluate
                                              qualification?                         evidence and communicate
     combines the study of                                                           specialist ideas to different
     interdisciplinary social                 ‒ Specialise in psychology within      audiences.
                                                a broad interdisciplinary social
     science and sociology                      sciences degree.                   ‒ Opens up employment
     with psychology.                                                                opportunities in private,
                                              ‒ Explore topical real-world           public and voluntary
                                                problems to understand               sector organisations.
     You’ll gain a firm grounding in
                                                the behaviours of individuals
     knowledge and ideas central to
                                                and groups.                        Please note that this degree
     the social sciences and sociology.
                                                                                   is not accredited by the British
     This will be complemented by an          ‒ Option to focus on                 Psychological Society.
     exploration of psychology through          investigating crime and
     a range of real-world issues               therapy or social psychology.
     including love, sexuality and
     artificial intelligence, before opting
     to study either social psychology
     or counselling and forensic
     psychology. On completion of
     this degree, you’ll be able to apply
     psychological and social theories,
     data analysis and analytical
     techniques to a variety of topics
     that affect individuals and society.

                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory       Course code               R23
                                                                                                Option           Total credits             360
                       Introducing the social sciences                                          Awarded
                                                                                                                 Start dates
Stage 1 120 credits

                       (DD102) (60 credits)                                                     qualification
                                                                                                                 Oct 2020
                                                                                                                 Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module

                                                                                                                 Study duration
                       Understanding digital societies
                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                       (DD218) (60 credits)
Stage 2 120 credits

                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                                                                                                                 of print and online

                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary                                 of printed materials
                       (DD210) (60 credits)                                                                      available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                                 Disc-based media
                                                                                                                 (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime                                  Collaborative work
                       and therapy
                       (DD310) (60 credits)
Stage 3 120 credits

                       Advancing social psychology
                       (DD317) (60 credits)

                       Making social worlds
                       (DD308) (60 credits)

                                                                                                                MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                       BA (HONS) SOCIAL SCIENCES (PSYCHOLOGY)
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303
     This degree combines computing & IT with psychology. You’ll divide
     your time equally between modules in the two subjects. Combining
     these subjects will help you examine issues such as the social impact
     of computing and IT developments.
     You’ll learn how psychological         Why choose this
     research addresses real-life issues.   qualification?
     For example, how psychology has
                                            ‒ 50:50 split between computing
     both learned from and informed
                                              & IT and psychology.
     the development of artificial
     intelligence and how people            ‒ Focus options within the
     interact in online environments.         computing and IT strand.
     This will complement the skills
                                            ‒ Accredited by BCS, The Chartered
     and knowledge you’ll develop in
                                              Institute for IT.
     computing and IT. And you’ll pick
     a computing and IT focus that          ‒ Quality assured by the European
     fits your needs and interests.           Quality Assurance Network for
     Combining the study of these             Informatics Education (EQANIE).
     popular and important disciplines      Please note that this degree
     will equip you for a wide range        is not accredited by the British
     of possible careers.                   Psychological Society.
                                                                                 Related qualifications
                                                                                 Diploma of Higher Education
                                                                                 in Computing & IT and
                                                                                 Psychology (W42)
                                                                                 Certificate of Higher Education
                                                                                 in Computing & IT and
                                                                                 Psychology (T13)

                      Qualification structure                                                                     AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory        Course code               Q67
                       Introduction to computing and information technology 1                   modules
                       (TM111) (30 credits)                                                     Intermediate      Total credits             360
Stage 1 120 credits

                                                                                                                  Start dates
                       Introduction to computing and information technology 2                   modules
                                                                                                                  Oct 2020
                       (TM112) (30 credits)                                                     Awarded
                                                                                                                  Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                  Feb 2021
                                                                                                                  Register by 14 Jan 2021

                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                 Apr 2021
                       (DE100) (60 credits)                                                                       Register by 11 Mar 2021

                                                                                                                  Entry requirements
                                                                                                                  No specific requirements
                       Certificate of Higher Education in Computing & IT
                       and Psychology (T13)                                                                       Assessment
                                                                                                                  Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                  ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                  ‒ End-of-module
                       You’ll choose a computing & IT focus area, studying 60 credits                             ‒ Examinations
                       in: computer science; communications and networking;
Stage 2 120 credits

                       software development; or web development. For more
                                                                                                                  Study duration
                       information, go to
                                                                                                                  Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                  Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                  Mode of study
                                                                                                                  The learning materials
                                                                                                                  provided are mostly
                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary                                  online with some print
                       (DD210) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                  Electronic versions
                                                                                                                  of printed materials
                                                                                                                  available (e.g. PDF)
                       Diploma of Higher Education in Computing & IT
                                                                                                                  Disc-based media
                       and Psychology (W42)
                                                                                                                  (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                  Online forum
                       You’ll complete your studies in your computing & IT focus area,
                       choosing one from a selection of 30-credit modules. For more                               Collaborative work
                       information, go to                                           Optional
Stage 3 120 credits

                       Advancing social psychology
                       (DD317) (60 credits)
                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime
                       and therapy
                       (DD310) (60 credits)

                       The computing and IT project                                                              MORE ONLINE
                       (TM470) (30 credits)
                                                                                                                 Find out more about this
                                                                                                                 course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                 and how to register
                       BSc (HONS) COMPUTING & IT AND PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                 Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                     Call 0300 303 5303
     Criminology and psychology help make sense of crime, criminalisation,
     criminals and victims. This qualification will provide you with a critical
     understanding of both subjects.
     It will enable you to question        Why choose this                        Please note that this degree
     and develop your own beliefs          qualification?                         is not accredited by the British
     and understandings about crime                                               Psychological Society.
                                           ‒ Helps you understand how
     and harm. You’ll consider criminal
                                             criminology makes sense of
     acts and human motivations,
                                             crime, harm, criminal justice
     but also look beyond them by
                                             and criminalisation.
     examining the social conditions
     in which crime occurs, the exercise   ‒ Shows how psychology
     of power in response to crimes,         explains human interaction
     the nature of conflicts when people     and conflict and interprets
     interact (individually, in groups       crime and victimisation.
     or as nations) and how and why
                                           ‒ Takes a distinctive and original
     societies determine what they
                                             approach to teaching criminology
     will and won’t tolerate.
                                             and psychology.
                                           ‒ Enhances your employability in
                                             areas such as the criminal justice
                                             system and social services.

                                                                                   Related qualification
                                                                                   Diploma of Higher
                                                                                   Education in Criminology
                                                                                   and Psychology (W57)

                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory       Course code               Q98
                                                                                                Intermediate     Total credits             360
                       Introduction to criminology
Stage 1 120 credits

                       (DD105) (60 credits)                                                                      Start dates
                                                                                                                 Oct 2020
                                                                                                                 Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module
                       Understanding criminology                                                                 ‒ Examinations
Stage 2 120 credits

                       (DD212) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Study duration
                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary                                 of print and online
                       (DD210) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                                                                                                                 of printed materials
                                                                                                                 available (e.g. PDF)

                       Diploma of Higher Education in Criminology                                                Disc-based media
                       and Psychology (W57)                                                                      (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                                                                                                                 Collaborative work

                       Crime, harm and the state
Stage 3 120 credits

                       (DD311) (60 credits)

                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime
                       and therapy
                       (DD310) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303

     Philosophy and psychology seek to answer profound questions about ourselves,
     our minds, our behaviour, and our place in the social and physical universe.
     This degree addresses a range of         Why choose this                     Please note that this degree
     philosophical questions, including       qualification?                      is not accredited by the British
     questions about ethics, politics,                                            Psychological Society.
                                              ‒ Investigate profound
     science, religion, art, and the self.
                                                questions about human
     It covers core approaches in social,
                                                minds and behaviour from two
     cognitive and developmental
                                                complementary perspectives.
     psychology, and applied aspects
     of professional practice. You’ll learn   ‒ Develop clear, logical thinking
     to read and understand scientific          and communication skills.
     and philosophical texts, use
                                              ‒ Learn to construct and analyse
     different research methods,
                                                informed, reasoned arguments.
     communicate clearly and logically,
     and work and think independently.        ‒ Understand and use a range
                                                of research methods.

                                                                                   Related qualification
                                                                                   Diploma of Higher Education
                                                                                   in Philosophy and Psychological
                                                                                   Studies (W63)

                      Qualification structure                                                                    AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                Compulsory       Course code               Q43
                                                                                                Intermediate     Total credits             360
                       Discovering the arts and humanities
Stage 1 120 credits

                       (A111) (60 credits)                                                                       Start dates
                                                                                                                 Oct 2020
                                                                                                                 Register by 10 Sep 2020

                                                                                                                 Feb 2021
                                                                                                                 Register by 14 Jan 2021

                                                                                                                 Entry requirements
                       Investigating psychology 1                                                                No specific requirements
                       (DE100) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                                 ‒ Tutor-marked
                                                                                                                 ‒ Interactive computer-
                                                                                                                   marked assignments
                                                                                                                 ‒ End-of-module
                       Exploring philosophy                                                                      ‒ Examinations
Stage 2 120 credits

                       (A222) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Study duration
                                                                                                                 Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                                 Full time: 3 years

                                                                                                                 Mode of study
                                                                                                                 The learning materials
                                                                                                                 provided are a balance
                       Living psychology: from the everyday to the extraordinary                                 of print and online
                       (DD210) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                 Electronic versions
                                                                                                                 of printed materials
                                                                                                                 available (e.g. PDF)

                       Diploma of Higher Education in Philosophy                                                 Disc-based media
                       and Psychological Studies (W63)                                                           (e.g. DVD)

                                                                                                                 Online forum

                                                                                                                 Collaborative work

                       Key questions in philosophy
Stage 3 120 credits

                       (A333) (60 credits)

                       Advancing social psychology
                       (DD317) (60 credits)
                       Counselling and forensic psychology: investigating crime
                       and therapy                                                                              MORE ONLINE
                       (DD310) (60 credits)
                                                                                                                Find out more about this
                                                                                                                course, fees and funding,
                                                                                                                and how to register
                                                                                                                Visit openuniversity.
                      Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification structure
                      are subject to change.                                                                    Call 0300 303 5303
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