Prospective Evaluation of Health Outcomes in a Nationwide Sample of Aeromedical Evacuation Casualties: Methods From a Pilot Study - Oxford ...

Prospective Evaluation of Health Outcomes in a Nationwide Sample of Aeromedical Evacuation Casualties: Methods From a Pilot Study - Oxford ...
MILITARY MEDICINE, 00, 0/0:1, 2021

    Prospective Evaluation of Health Outcomes in a Nationwide
  Sample of Aeromedical Evacuation Casualties: Methods From a
                            Pilot Study
           Lauren E. Walker, MSSW*; Cameron T. McCabe, PhD†,‡; Jessica R. Watrous, PhD†,‡;

                                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
                   Eduard Poltavskiy, PhD*; Jeffrey T. Howard, PhD§; Jud C. Janak, PhD∥;
           Lt Col Laurie Migliore, PhD*; Lt Col Ian J. Stewart, MD¶; Michael R. Galarneau, MS‡

           Although retrospective analyses have found that combat-injured service members are at high risk for mental and
           physical health outcomes following injury, relatively little is known about the long-term health of injured service
           members. To better understand long-term health outcomes after combat injury, a large, prospective observational
           cohort collecting both subjective and objective health data is needed. Given that a study of this nature would be
           costly and face many logistical challenges, we first conducted a pilot to assess the feasibility of a larger, definitive

           Materials and Methods:
           We ran a prospective, observational pilot study of 119 combat-injured service members and veterans who completed
           (1) at least one set of laboratory measurements (blood and urine sample collection and vitals measurements) at Clinical
           Laboratory Improvement Amendment of 1988 compliant laboratory locations and (2) at least one online assessment for
           the Wounded Warrior Recovery Project (WWRP), a 15-year examination of patient-reported outcomes among service
           members injured on combat deployment. We recruited the pilot study cohort from WWRP participants who met eligibil-
           ity criteria and indicated interest in additional research opportunities. We collected laboratory values and patient-reported
           outcomes at baseline and again 1 year later, and obtained demographic, injury, and military service data from the Expe-
           ditionary Medical Encounter Database. The David Grant USAF Medical Center Institution Review Board (IRB) and the
           Naval Health Research Center IRB reviewed and approved the study protocols.

           During recruitment for the pilot study, 624 study candidates were identified from WWRP. Of the 397 candidates we
           contacted about the pilot study, 179 (45.1%) enrolled and 119 (66.4%) of those who enrolled completed the first year
           of participation. The second study year was suspended due to the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. At the time of
           suspension, 72 (60.5%) participants completed follow-up laboratory appointments, and 111 (93.3%) completed second-
           year WWRP assessments. Participants in the pilot study were predominately male (95.0%) and non-Hispanic White
           (55.5%), with a median (interquartile range) age of 38.3 (34.1-45.4) years.

           Collection of patient-reported outcomes and laboratory samples in a geographically dispersed cohort of combat-injured
           service members is possible. While significant challenges exist, our pilot study results indicate that a larger, longitudinal,
           cohort study is feasible.

    * Clinical Investigation Facility, David Grant USAF Medical Center,
                                                                                or employee of the U.S. Government as part of that person’s official duties.
Fairfield, CA 94535, USA                                                        This report was supported by the U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
    † Leidos, San Diego, CA 92106, USA
                                                                                under work unit no. 60808 and the U.S. Air Force (USAF) Headquarters,
    ‡ Medical Modeling, Simulation, and Mission Support Department, Naval
                                                                                Office of the Surgeon General. The views expressed in this article are those
Health Research Center, San Diego, CA 92106, USA                                of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position
    § Department of Public Health, University of Texas San Antonio, San
                                                                                of the Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, Department
Antonio, TX 78249, USA                                                          of Defense, or the U.S. Government. The study protocols were approved by
    ∥ Bexar Data, San Antonio, TX 78210, USA                                    the Naval Health Research Center Institutional Review Board and the David
    ¶ Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health       Grant USAF Medical Center Institution Review Board in compliance with all
Sciences, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA                                               applicable Federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects.
    An oral presentation of part of this work was delivered at the Military     Research data were derived from an approved Naval Health Research Cen-
Health System Research Symposium in Kissimmee, FL, on August 21, 2019.          ter, Institutional Review Board protocol number NHRC.2009.0014 and from
    Authors LM, IJS, and MRG are service members or employees of the            a U.S. Air Force Surgeon General-approved Clinical Investigation Number
U.S. Government. This work was prepared part of official duties. Title 17,      FDG20170020H.
U.S.C. §105 provides that copyright protection under this title is not avail-        doi:
able for any work of the U.S. Government. Title 17, U.S.C. §101 defines              Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of
a U.S. Government work as work prepared by a military service member            Military Surgeons of the United States 2021. This work is written by (a) US
                                                                                Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021                                                                                                               1
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

INTRODUCTION                                                         outcomes and blood samples from veterans of recent con-
More than 53,000 U.S. service members have been wounded              flicts exist;24–26 however, currently, only one is specific to
in action, and more than 7,000 have died as a result of Over-        combat-injured service members.26 Results from this study
seas Contingency Operations since October 2001.1 Although            have not yet been reported and participation is limited to male
prior work has found that combat-injured service members             service members from the UK injured in Afghanistan. Other
are at high risk of physical and mental health outcomes,2–13         large, prospective, cohort studies collecting patient-reported
both the mechanisms by which risk is conferred and the long-         outcomes on combat-injured service members, such as the

                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
term health of service members living with traumatic injuries        WWRP, have yet to combine subjective data with prospective
remain unclear. To better understand the long-term health of         objective health data. To date, no studies have reported results
combat-injured service members, a large, prospective, obser-         of longitudinal, prospectively collected objective and subjec-
vational cohort with both objective (e.g., vitals and laboratory     tive health measures in a geographically dispersed population
values) and subjective (e.g., patient-reported outcomes) health      of combat-injured U.S. veterans from recent conflicts.
measurements is needed. Combining these prospectively col-               A large, prospective study of objective and subjective
lected data with Department of Defense (DoD) administrative          health measures would provide opportunities to study long-
data on military service, injury, and treatment factors will pro-    term outcomes of specific subsets of injured veterans. For
vide a more comprehensive view of injured service members’           example, service members who undergo aeromedical evacu-
health years after the initial insult and could identify potential   ation (AE) following traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be at
prevention and intervention targets for optimizing health out-       particular risk for adverse cognitive and mental health out-
comes. Due to the heavy logistical burden and cost of such a         comes. In prior models of TBI in rats, animals that were
study, a smaller pilot study is first needed.                        exposed to simulated AE via hypobaria had worse cognitive
    Retrospective analyses suggest that combat-injured ser-          function, more depressive behavior, and hippocampal neu-
vice members are at high risk of chronic diseases, including         ronal loss when compared to animals with TBI who were
hypertension, chronic kidney disease, coronary artery dis-           not exposed to hypobaria.27 This is particularly concerning
ease, and diabetes mellitus,4,7,12,13 and that the risk of these     given that widespread exposure to blasts in current conflicts
diseases escalates with injury severity.12,13 In one large, ret-     has resulted in high rates of TBI and polytrauma in service
rospective study, severely injured service members were at           members. In samples of severely injured combat casualties,
more than twice the adjusted risk for subsequent hyperten-           reported prevalence of moderate or severe TBI ranges between
sion and more than four times the risk for diabetes mel-             31.6 and 56%.2,28 Results from these animal models have not
litus and coronary artery disease when compared to their             been validated in combat casualties and may not be gener-
non-injured, combat-deployed counterparts.13 In addition to          alizable to adults with concussions.29 However, these results
chronic diseases, injured service members are at high risk           suggest that additional investigation is warranted for long-
of mental health diagnoses, including posttraumatic stress           term health outcomes of service members who underwent AE
disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety,2,7,14–18 with preva-       following injury.
lence in retrospective analyses of injured cohorts ranging               In this pilot study, we assess the feasibility and character-
from 38 to 64%2,3,7 , 27 to 45%,3 and 37 to 39%,2 respec-            ize the challenges involved in recruitment and data collection
tively.19 Data from the Wounded Warrior Recovery Project             for a larger, definitive study combining patient-reported out-
(WWRP), an ongoing longitudinal examination of patient-              comes, laboratory values, and DoD administrative records
reported outcomes of deployment-injured service members,             of U.S. service members who underwent AE from Iraq or
show similar rates of PTSD and depression, with approx-              Afghanistan. A large-scale study of this nature, while essen-
imately 38-45% screening positive for PTSD and 43-48%                tial to a more comprehensive understanding of the long-term
screening positive for depression.20,21 Given the elevated risk      effects of combat injury, would be costly and face many logis-
that combat-injured service members face, as well as the             tical and regulatory challenges. Here, we report the methods
often-comorbid relationships between mental and physical             and success of enrollment and participation from our 2-year
health outcomes,7,22,23 an examination of both subjective and        pilot study of 119 AE casualties.
objective measures from injured service members is essential
to understand the long-term effects of injury and the potential
pathways to increased risk.                                          METHODS
    Although retrospective analyses provide a description of         Study protocols were reviewed and approved by the David
service members’ outcomes in the years following injury,             Grant USAF Medical Center Institutional Review Board
they are also limited to using administrative data and lack          (IRB) and the Naval Health Research Center IRB. The sub-
information on sub-clinical symptoms. Since diagnosis is             jects’ voluntary, informed consent in this pilot study were
contingent on interaction with the healthcare system, these          obtained as required by 32 CFR 219 and DODI3216.02
studies may be biased toward individuals who are more likely         AFI40-402, Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence
to seek care and subsequently receive a diagnosis. A lim-            to Ethical Standards in Air Force Supported Research. The
ited number of prospective studies collecting patient-reported       Travis Air Force Base IRB approved a Waiver of Written

2                                                                               MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

Informed Consent and all pilot study participants provided         Informed Consent Document, and the contact information for
verbal consent over the phone. The pilot study protocol            their preferred laboratory location.
was registered on on November 9, 2018,             Participants visited Clinical Laboratory Improvement
under ID NCT03736356 (         Amendment of 1988 compliant laboratory locations within
NCT03736356).                                                      the USA for blood and urine samples and vitals measure-
                                                                   ments (height, weight, and blood pressure). Tests performed
                                                                   on patient samples included: complete blood count, compre-

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
                                                                   hensive metabolic panel, lipid panel, A1C, cystatin C, high
We identified eligible candidates for this pilot study from        sensitivity C-reactive protein, B-type natriuretic peptide, and
the WWRP, an ongoing, web-based longitudinal examina-              microalbumin/creatinine ratio. Participants completed labo-
tion of patient-reported outcomes of injured service members       ratory work within 4 months of the date that their contact
that is being conducted by the Naval Health Research Center        information was received by our study staff at DGMC. Fol-
and has enrolled more than 6,300 participants since Decem-         lowing enrollment, we called or emailed participants no more
ber 2012.30,31 Individuals were eligible for our pilot study if    than three times to remind them of their participation cutoff
they (1) participated in the WWRP, (2) selected “yes” to a         date. If participation was not completed by the required date,
WWRP item assessing interest in additional research opportu-       we removed the participant from the study and contacted new
nities, and (3) had record of AE in the Expeditionary Medical      candidates for enrollment. Following completion of labora-
Encounter Database (EMED) due to combat injury in Iraq             tory sample collection, participants received a $50 electronic
or Afghanistan during or after October 2001. The EMED              gift card research incentive by email.
includes medical encounters of deployed service members               Eligibility for the second-year laboratory visit occurred
beginning in 2001.32 To control for the possible effects of        between 9 and 14 months following a participant’s first labo-
injury severity,12,13 we grouped participants into quartiles       ratory collection date. Our research staff called participants to
based on the distribution of Injury Severity Scores (ISS) in the   assess any change in contact information, review study pro-
overall WWRP cohort (≤3; 4-8; 9-12; >12). The ISS is a vali-       cedures, and confirm participation. Following confirmation
dated measure of injury severity that ranges from 1 to 75, with    of the participants’ availability, study staff sent a confirma-
higher scores indicating more severe injury.33 We enrolled no      tion email with the participant’s laboratory order and preferred
more than 30 participants per ISS quartile at a time.              laboratory location.

Enrollment and Participation                                       Data Elements
Patient-reported outcomes data came from participants’             We obtained demographic (age, sex, race/ethnicity, mari-
WWRP assessment measures. Briefly, WWRP participants               tal status, and education), military service (service branch,
are identified via EMED and recruited to complete assess-          rank, and active duty or National guard/Reserve status), and
ments every 6 months for 15 years. Multiple contact methods        injury (ISS, injury mechanism, and TBI history) data from
are used to recruit participants, who then visit the WWRP          EMED and patient-reported outcomes from WWRP assess-
website, provide informed consent, and complete assessment         ments. Validated measures currently used in the WWRP
measures on mental health, quality of life, and health behav-      have been described previously.31 Depressive symptoms were
iors. More detailed information about WWRP methodology             measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire-8,34 with a
has been previously reported.31 This pilot study used assess-      positive screen of depression defined using an established cut-
ments completed between September 2018 and January 2019            off score of ≥10. Symptoms of PTSD were assessed with
as baseline measures, as well as follow-ups 1 year later.          the PTSD Checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
    Beginning in September 2018, a survey item assessing           Mental Disorders, 5th Edition,35 with a positive screen of
WWRP participants’ interest in additional research opportu-        PTSD defined as a score of ≥33. Quality of life was mea-
nities was included in all WWRP assessments. If WWRP par-          sured using the Short Form Health Survey and established
ticipants indicated interest in additional research and met all    subscale scores were calculated for the Physical Component
inclusion criteria for the pilot study, their contact informa-     Score and Mental Component Score. The TBI history was
tion, ISS, and date of birth were securely sent to clinical        evaluated using a self-report item assessing TBI symptoms
research staff at David Grant USAF Medical Center (DGMC).          and timing (while deployed vs. nondeployed). Alcohol use
We then conducted pilot study enrollment from the list of          over the past 30 days was assessed using three items adapted
study candidates in the order in which they completed their        from the National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
WWRP surveys, via phone call, with no more than three con-         and included the number of drinking days, average number of
tact attempts per candidate. Interested candidates enrolled in     drinks consumed on drinking days, and whether the partici-
the study by providing verbal consent after telephonic review      pant engaged in heavy episodic drinking, defined as five or
of all study procedures. Once enrolled, we emailed pilot study     more drinks within a 2-hour period for males or four or more
participants an electronic copy of their laboratory order, the     drinks for females. Hazardous alcohol use was determined

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021                                                                                      3
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

 TABLE I. Comparison of Study Candidates Identified through                                        TABLE I. (Continued)
Wounded Warrior Recovery Project (WWRP) and the Pilot Study                   Depression                                                  .512
                         Cohort                                                (screening)
                                                                               Positive           211 (41.8)          46 (38.7)
                        Candidates         Participants                        Negative           292 (57.8)          73 (61.3)
    Characteristics     (n = 505)          (n = 119)          P Valuea         Missing            2 (0.4)             0 (0.0)
                                                                              PTSD (severity)     24.0 (10.0-44.0)    25.0 (11.0-40.0)    .985
    Age, years          37.0 (33.4-42.5)   38.3 (34.1-45.4)   .032
    Sex                                                       .383            PTSD                                                        .533

                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
      Male              488 (96.6)         113 (95.0)                          (screening)
      Female            17 (3.4)           6 (5.0)                             Positive           188 (37.2)          41 (34.5)
    Race/ethnicity                                            .197             Negative           313 (62.0)          78 (65.5)
      Black/African     23 (4.6)           7 (5.9)                             Missing            4 (0.8)             0 (0.0)
        American                                                              Hazardous                                                   .009
      Hispanic/         49 (9.7)           13 (10.9)                           alcohol useb,c
        Latino                                                                 Positive           81 (16.0)           9 (7.6)
      Non-Hispanic      304 (60.2)         66 (55.5)                           Negative           249 (49.3)          72 (60.5)
        White                                                                  Missing            175 (34.7)          38 (31.9)
      Other             12 (2.4)           7 (5.9)                            Cigarette use                                               .020
      Missing           117 (23.2)         26 (21.8)                           (current)c
    Marital status                                            .116             Yes                90 (17.8)           11 (9.2)
      Married           202 (40.0)         57 (47.9)                           No                 409 (81.0)          108 (90.8)
      Unmarried         303 (60.0)         62 (52.1)                           Missing            6 (1.2)             0 (0.0)
    Education                                                 .420          Abbreviations: PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; TBI, traumatic brain
      Less than high    5 (1.0)            0 (0.0)                          injury.
        school                                                              Median (interquartile range) reported for all continuous outcomes; No. (%)
      High school or    434 (85.9)         100 (84.0)                       reported for all categorical outcomes.
        equivalent                                                          a Mann–Whitney U test or chi-square difference test.
      College           58 (11.5)          19 (16.0)                        b Items restricted to nondependent, past-month drinkers.
        diploma or                                                          c Self-report items from WWRP assessment.
      Missing           8 (1.6)            0 (0.0)
    Service branch                                            .058          with a score of ≥8 on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification
      Air Force         2 (0.4)            3 (2.5)                          Test.36 Current cigarette use was assessed using a single item:
      Army              386 (76.4)         93 (78.2)                        ‘do you smoke cigarettes?’ Participants who provided an affir-
      Marine Corps      101 (20.0)         22 (18.5)
                                                                            mative response to this item were coded as current smokers,
      Navy              16 (3.2)           1 (0.8)
    Rank                                                      .743          whereas those who identified as previous smokers or as having
      Junior enlisted   219 (43.4)         53 (44.5)                        never smoked were coded as nonsmokers.
      Senior enlisted   208 (41.2)         46 (38.7)
      Officer           45 (8.9)           13 (10.9)                        Statistical Analyses
      Missing           33 (6.5)           7 (5.9)
    Military status                                           .999          Descriptive statistics and nonparametric bivariate compar-
      Active duty       85 (16.8)          20 (16.8)                        isons were obtained using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.
      National guard    13 (2.6)           3 (2.5)                          Mann–Whitney U tests and chi-square difference tests were
      Separated/        405 (80.2)         96 (80.7)                        used to examine bivariate differences between pilot study
                                                                            participants and candidates identified through WWRP on con-
      Missing           2 (0.4)            0 (0.0)
    Injury Severity     6.0 (4.0-11.5)     9.0 (4.0-13.0)     .507          tinuous and binary or multicategorical variables, respectively
      Score                                                                 (Table I). In addition, median tests between independent
    Injury                                                    .216          groups and chi-square difference tests were used to exam-
      mechanism                                                             ine bivariate differences between pilot study participants and
      Blast             392 (77.6)         94 (79.0)
                                                                            nonparticipants on continuous and binary or multicategorical
      Gunshot wound     99 (19.6)          19 (16.0)
      Other             12 (2.4)           6 (5.0)                          variables, respectively (Table II). The significance threshold
      Missing           2 (0.4)            0 (0.0)                          was set at 0.05.
    TBI screening                                             .418
      Deployed and      143 (28.3)         26 (21.8)
        nondeployed                                                         RESULTS
      Deployed only     282 (55.8)         75 (63.0)
      Nondeployed       37 (7.3)           7 (5.9)                          Enrollment and Participation
      No TBI history    40 (7.9)           11 (9.2)
                                                                            Figure 1 presents the total number of candidates, enrollees,
      Missing           3 (0.6)            0 (0.0)                          and participants throughout each stage of the study. In total,
    Depression          8.0 (3.0-13.0)     8.0 (3.0-13.0)     .928          624 pilot study candidates were identified from WWRP.
      (severity)                                                            Of the 397 study candidates DGMC clinical research staff
                                                              (continued)   attempted to contact, 179 (45.1%) enrolled in the pilot study,
4                                                                                       MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

                                      TABLE II. Comparison of Pilot Study Participants and Nonparticipants

                                                       Enrolled, did not          Passive decline
  Characteristics           Participants (n = 119)     participate (n = 60)       (n = 189)              Decline (n = 29)      P Valuea

  Age, years                38.3 (34.1-45.4)           37.1 (33.8-43.8)           37.0 (32.9-41.5)       36.8 (29.4-41.9)      .625
  Sex                                                                                                                          .185
   Male                     113 (95.0)                 60 (100.0)                 184 (97.4)             29 (100.0)
   Female                   6 (5.0)                    0 (0.0)                    5 (2.7)                0 (0.0)

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
  Race/ethnicity                                                                                                               .640
   Black/African            7 (5.9)                    3 (5.0)                    8 (4.2)                0 (0.0)
   Hispanic/Latino          13 (10.9)                  6 (10.0)                   18 (9.5)               2 (6.9)
   Non-Hispanic White       66 (55.5)                  38 (63.3)                  114 (60.3)             21 (72.4)
   Other                    7 (5.9)                    1 (1.7)                    6 (3.2)                0 (0.0)
   Missing                  26 (21.8)                  12 (20.0)                  43 (22.8)              6 (20.7)
  Quality of Life, PCS      42.8 (36.2-50.5)           44.4 (37.5-50.6)           42.0 (32.8-49.7)       41.8 (31.6-50.4)      .454
  Quality of Life, MCS      43.2 (28.7-53.1)           39.2 (31.3-53.6)           39.9 (28.3-52.1)       45.3 (35.1-52.2)      .486
  Depression (screening)                                                                                                       .600
   Positive                 46 (38.7)                  23 (38.3)                  81 (42.9)              9 (31.0)
   Negative                 73 (61.3)                  37 (61.7)                  107 (56.6)             20 (69.0)
   Missing                  0 (0.0)                    0 (0.0)                    1 (0.5)                0 (0.0)
  Depression (severity)     8.0 (3.0-13.0)             8.0 (3.0-12.0)             8.0 (4.0-13.0)         7.0 (3.5-11.5)        .811
  PTSD (screening)                                                                                                             .330
   Positive                 41 (34.5)                  23 (38.3)                  77 (40.7)              7 (24.1)
   Negative                 78 (65.7)                  37 (61.7)                  110 (58.2)             21 (72.4)
   Missing                  0 (0.0)                    (0.0)                      2 (1.1)                1 (3.5)
  PTSD (severity)           25.0 (11.0-40.0)           25.0 (8.3-43.8)            27.0 (11.0-44.0)       20.5 (10.0-35.0)      .661
  Heavy episodic                                                                                                               .759
   Yes                      18 (15.1)                  10 (16.7)                  34 (18.0)              5 (17.2)
   No                       55 (46.2)                  33 (55.0)                  78 (41.3)              12 (41.4)
   Missing                  46 (38.7)                  17 (28.3)                  77 (40.7)              12 (41.4)
  Hazardous alcohol Useb                                                                                                       .006
   Yes                      9 (7.6)                    15 (25.0)                  32 (16.9)              1 (3.5)
   No                       72 (60.5)                  32 (53.3)                  90 (47.6)              16 (55.2)
   Missing                  38 (31.9)                  13 (21.7)                  67 (35.5)              12 (41.4)
  Cigarette use (current)                                                                                                      .057
   Yes                      11 (9.2)                   11 (18.3)                  39 (20.6)              6 (20.7)
   No                       108 (90.8)                 49 (81.7)                  148 (78.3)             22 (75.9)
   Missing                  0 (0.0)                    0 (0.0)                    2 (1.1)                1 (3.4)
Abbreviations: MCS, Mental Component Score; PCS, Physical Component Score; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.
Median (interquartile range) reported for all continuous outcomes; No. (%) reported for all categorical outcomes.
a Median test for independent groups or chi-square difference test; missing cases excluded pairwise.
b Items restricted to nondependent, past-month drinkers.

29 (7.3%) declined to participate, and 189 (47.6%) passively                  participants completed the first year’s WWRP assessments
declined (were unreachable or unable to set up a time to                      between September 2018 and January 2019.
discuss the study). We met our target enrollment before con-                      The second year of laboratory collection began in Septem-
tacting the remaining 227 study candidates. Reasons given for                 ber 2019 and was suspended in March 2020 due to the coron-
declining participation varied among pilot study candidates,                  avirus disease-2019 pandemic. Before study suspension, 72
and the most frequent reasons given included (1) too much                     (60.5%) participants completed follow-up laboratory sam-
time or effort to participate (e.g., travel time to nearest labo-             ples, 11 (9.2%) were lost to follow-up, and 11 (9.2%) declined
ratory location or other scheduling conflicts; n = 12), and (2)               to participate again. At the time of the study’s suspension, 8
lack of interest in the topic or procedures of the study (n = 6).             (6.7%) participants had confirmed plans to go to their near-
Among the 179 pilot study enrollees, 54 (30.2%) did not com-                  est laboratory for specimen collection while the remaining 17
plete participation by the required date (no reason given) and                (14.3%) participants had not been reached. Of the 119 par-
6 (3.4%) contacted a coordinator to withdraw from the study                   ticipants, 93.3% (n = 111) completed their 1-year follow-up
before participating, leaving a cohort of 119 participants who                WWRP assessments between September 2019 and January
completed laboratory tests in the first year. All pilot study                 2020.

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021                                                                                              5
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

                                                                            a median (IQR) ISS score of 9.0 (4.0-13.0). Most partici-
                                                                            pants reported experiencing TBI symptoms while deployed
                                                                            (84.9%), with just 9.2% of the cohort reporting no TBI
                                                                            history. When compared to all study candidates, pilot study
                                                                            participants were slightly older at the date of their most
                                                                            recent WWRP assessment (38.3 [34.1-45.4] years vs. 37.0
                                                                            [33.4-42.5] years; P = 0.032). Hazardous alcohol use and

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
                                                                            cigarette use were less prevalent among pilot study partici-
                                                                            pants compared to candidates (7.6% vs. 16.0%, respectively;
                                                                            P = 0.009 and 9.2% vs. 17.8%, respectively; P = 0.020).
                                                                            There were no other significant differences between the
                                                                            two groups on patient characteristics or patient-reported out-
                                                                                Table II presents a comparison of select demographics
                                                                            and patient-reported outcomes for participants in the pilot
                                                                            study, those who enrolled and did not participate, those who
                                                                            passively declined (were unable to be reached or discuss
                                                                            the study), and those who declined to participate. Partici-
                                                                            pants were slightly older (38.3 [34.1-45.4] years) than those
                                                                            who enrolled and did not participate (37.1 [33.8-43.8] years),
                                                                            those who passively declined (37.0 [32.9-41.5]), or those who
                                                                            declined to participate (36.8 [29.4-41.9] years) although this
                                                                            difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.625). A pos-
                                                                            itive screen for hazardous alcohol use was most prevalent in
                                                                            the group that enrolled and did not participate (25.0%), com-
                                                                            pared to participants (7.6%), those who passively declined
                                                                            (16.9%), or those who declined (3.5%; P = 0.006). Current
                                                                            cigarette use was least common in the participant group
                                                                            (9.2%) compared to those who enrolled and did not participate
                                                                            (18.3%), those who passively declined (20.6%), and those
                                                                            who declined (20.7%), although this difference was not sig-
FIGURE 1. Flowchart of eligible study candidates, enrollees, and partici-
                                                                            nificant (P = 0.057). There were no other significant differ-
                                                                            ences between the two groups on patient-reported outcomes
                                                                            or participant characteristics.
   We enrolled participants from 37 states and Puerto Rico,
with the largest numbers of participants residing in Texas
(n = 14), Washington (n = 9), North Carolina (n = 8), and
California (n = 7) at enrollment time. Figure 2 displays the
                                                                            Results from our pilot study indicate that collecting patient-
number of participants residing in each state at their enroll-
                                                                            reported outcomes and biological samples in a geographically
ment, as well as the estimated location of laboratories selected
                                                                            dispersed cohort of combat-injured service members is fea-
by participants (based on the first three zip code digits).
                                                                            sible and could reasonably be scaled to a larger study. Pilot
                                                                            study participants were generally similar to the pilot study
Study Cohort                                                                candidates identified from WWRP, although pilot study par-
Table I presents a comparison of participants in our pilot study            ticipants were slightly older than both study candidates and
(N = 119) with all other study candidates identified through                all groups of nonparticipants. Hazardous alcohol use was
WWRP (n = 505) on demographic, military service, and                        also less common in pilot study participants when compared
injury characteristics, and select patient-reported outcomes.               to both study candidates and most nonparticipant categories.
Pilot study participants were predominately male (95.0%)                    Although sample sizes were small in the current study, these
and non-Hispanic White (55.5%), with a median (interquar-                   findings are similar to prior work identifying younger age and
tile range [IQR]) age of 38.3 (34.1-45.4) years. Most were                  chronic alcohol use as predictors of attrition or nonresponse
enlisted (vs. officers) at the time of injury (83.2%), served in            in longitudinal follow-up.37 Consistent with previous find-
the army (78.2%), and were retired or separated from mili-                  ings from all WWRP participants,20,21 pilot study participants
tary service (80.7%) at the time of participation. Injuries in              reported high rates of positive screens for PTSD (34.5%) and
the study cohort were primarily blast-related (79.0%), with                 depression (38.7%).

6                                                                                      MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

                                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from by guest on 04 December 2021
FIGURE 2. Geographic representation of the cohort. The map key displays the total number of participants residing in each state or territory at the time
enrollment. Dots represent unique laboratory locations selected by study participants for the first year of sample collection.

    Although a larger study could face unique logistical chal-               suspension. Between September 2019 and January 2020,
lenges, enrollment and participation rates from the current                  111 (93.3%) participants completed 1-year follow-up WWRP
study may provide insight into the potential timeline of a                   assessments. Additional retention strategies, such as text mes-
large, longitudinal study of combat-injured service members.                 sage reminders and using a study website, could improve
Enrollment and participation primarily occurred during the                   laboratory data collection rates in a larger study.38 Many of
first 3 months of the pilot study’s start date, with 120 individu-           these retention strategies, including a study website and a
als enrolled within the first 7 weeks and 60 laboratory samples              combination of postal, email, and text reminders, are currently
collected within 11 weeks. After meeting the initial goal of                 being successfully used by WWRP.
120 enrollees, we conducted enrollment on an as-needed basis
following attrition. Applying the pilot study’s 33.5% with-
drawal rate, a study of 1,000 combat-injured participants is                 Challenges and Next Steps
possible by enrolling 1,505 individuals; an enrollment rate                  While this pilot study demonstrated that collecting biological
of 120 participants per 7 weeks would enable the enroll-                     samples and patient-reported outcomes in a geographically
ment goal to be met within 88 weeks, or roughly 1 year and                   disperse population of combat casualties is feasible, it also
10 months. Using additional study staff and other recruitment                revealed challenges that may exist in a larger study. Our study
strategies, such as multiple contact methods, would likely                   was strengthened by the wide availability of laboratory facili-
increase the enrollment rate, allowing a larger study to reach               ties and the option for participants to choose their preferred
its participation goals more quickly.                                        location, which made it possible for participants to enroll
    We retained a high percentage of our sample during the                   from 37 states and Puerto Rico. However, laboratory loca-
second year of data collection, indicating that maintaining a                tions were generally less available in rural areas and none
larger cohort through multiple years is achievable. Our sec-                 were available in Hawai’i. Participants from these areas either
ond year of laboratory data collection was suspended early                   traveled a greater distance from their homes or provided sam-
due to the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic, resulting in 25                ples while traveling for other reasons to areas that had eligible
participant withdrawals; however, initial results were promis-               laboratory locations, although for some candidates, inade-
ing, with 72 (76.6%) of 94 eligible participants completing                  quate laboratory availability deterred participation. Partnering
follow-up laboratory appointments before the pilot study’s                   with multiple Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment

MILITARY MEDICINE, Vol. 00, Month/Month 2021                                                                                                          7
Combat Casualties Longitudinal Pilot Study Methods

laboratories for a future study, while a greater administrative                    6. Hoge CW, Auchterlonie JL, Milliken CS: Mental health problems,
burden, may allow for more widespread enrollment for service                          use of mental health services, and attrition from military service
                                                                                      after returning from deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. JAMA 2006;
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in reported measurements. Future work could involve a sub-                            hypertension risk after combat injury. Hypertension 2018; 71(5):
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                                                                                   8. Koren D, Norman D, Cohen A, Berman J, Klein EM: Increased PTSD
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                                                                                  10. Grieger TA, Cozza SJ, Ursano RJ, et al: Posttraumatic stress disor-
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                                                                                  14. Cameron KL, Sturdivant RX, Baker SP: Trends in the incidence of
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USAF Medical Center clinical research team. We also thank Kristen Bra-                tal health diagnoses and utilization of VA non-mental health medical
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