PROGRAMMES AT A GLANCE: JANUARY 2019 - 7 Programmes updated - Sponsored by: Soldier Modernisation

Page created by Clyde Brooks
PROGRAMMES AT A GLANCE: JANUARY 2019 - 7 Programmes updated - Sponsored by: Soldier Modernisation
• 7 Programmes updated

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                 SoldierMod   1

      Country    Programme             Schedule           Contractor           Recent Procurement                       Notes
                    Name                                    Team                     Activity

    Australia   Land 53           Procurement of          L-3              L-3 awarded a contract worth
                                  night vision goggles,                    $208 million by the Australian
                                  helmet mounts and                        Defence Force under Phase
                                  other equipment                          1BR of the programme in
                                  approved.                                mid-November 2016. It will
                                                                           provide a range of systems,
                                                                           such as binocular night vision
                                                                           goggles and miniature laser
                                                                           The equipment is set to be
                                                                           delivered between 2017 and
                                                                           2023, with the final materiel
                                                                           release set for March 2023 and
                                                                           final operational capability to be
                                                                           declared in September of that
    Australia   Land 125          Phase 2 completed.      Includes Elbit   Craig International Ballistics       This phase is focused
                Phase 3           Phase 3 being           Systems,         has secured a major long-            on an upgrade of the
                                  acquired; 3A C4I,       Harris, Thales   term contract under Land 125         Austeyr F-88 bullpup
                                  3B Soldier Combat       & Selex.         Phase 3B to supply advanced          assault rifle to EF-88
                                  Ensemble and 3C is                       protective body armour to the        specification overseen
                                  Enhanced Austeyr                         Australian Defence Force.            by Thales, which is
                                  and STA.                                 The contract involves the            now in the process of
                                                                           manufacture of around 20,000         selecting suppliers for
                                                                           sets of body armour for the          a range of accessories
                                                                           Australian Army at a value of        that must fit the
                                                                           approximately $49 million. The       weapon’s STANAG 4694
                                                                           contract is for four years with a    rail system.
                                                                           three year extension option.
                                                                           The delivery of rifles and
                                                                           ancillary devices to North
                                                                           Queensland under phase 3C has
                                                                           been completed, and deliveries
                                                                           were scheduled for South
                                                                           Queensland for the second half
                                                                           of 2017.
    Australia   Land 125          To be managed           TBC              All personnel in Land 125-4 will     Strategy has not been
                Phase 4 (Army     by Diggerworks.                          already have L53-1BR - Night         fully scoped. Cost
                High Priority     Equipping the                            Fighting Equipment technology        estimated at A$500m-
                Capability Gaps   soldier after 2020.                      re-fresh L125-3B – Survivability     $1500m although
                - Next Soldier    Programme likely to                      – the Soldier Combat Ensemble        expected to be towards
                Enhancement)      be renamed.                              (Protection, Platform, Pouches,      the lower end. $7.5
                                                                           Packs) L125-3C – Enhanced F88        million of Phase 4
                                                                           with ‘open architecture’ Army        funding allocated to
                                                                           Minors, Force Protection Review,     new DMTC to develop
                                                                           Sustainment – F88SA2 and 3,          new technology.
                                                                           7.62mm MG, 7.62mm Marksman

2   Volume 22
Country      Programme                Schedule           Contractor      Recent Procurement                      Notes
                  Name                                       Team                Activity

Australia   Land 200               LAND 200 Tranche   Elbit Systems        LAND 200 Tranche 2 was       LAND 200 will undergo
                                   1 was endorsed                          endorsed by Government       its greatest challenge
            LAND 200 is made       by Government in                        in August 2013 and will      between 2013 and 2018
            up of phases from      November 2009. New                      continue with PMV and        in delivering a holistic
            three projects: Land   radios and systems                      G-Wagon installations,       Land Networking solution
            125, Land 75 and JP    commenced delivery                      as well as installation of   to two Army formations,
            2072.                  across Defence in                       radios and systems into      enabling Brigades, training
                                   May 2011.                               the M113AS4s, LAND 121       establishments, Special
                                   LAND 200 Tranche                        Medium Heavy Trucks,         Forces and other Services.
                                   has reached                             and PMV-Light.               LAND 200 Tranche 3,
                                   full operational                                                     planned for 2017 – 2021-22,
                                                                           Invisio S10 v and S60        will complete deliveries to
                                   capability with the                     ordered. Thales MBITR
                                   final delivery of all                                                the remainder of Defence
                                                                           and Harris Falcon II and     and provide technical
                                   equipment. Under                        111 ordered.
                                   this Tranche, Army                                                   refresh of equipment
                                   will receive digital                                                 previously delivered in
                                   Battle Management                                                    Tranche 1 and 2.
                                   Systems for the
                                   soldier, Protected
                                   Mobility Vehicles,
                                   Unimog and G
Austria     Soldat der Zukunft     90 Million Euro         Elbit Systems   Glock P80 Pistols
                                   investment. New                         ordered. OPS-Core Sentry
                                   visor system to be                      XP mid cut helmets
                                   evaluated.                              ordered. Radio Conrad
                                                                           PNR 500.

Austria     Soldat 2018            Combined with           Elbit Systems   Madritsch delivered first
                                   Soldat der Zukundt                      batch of its AG77 A1/
                                   procurement.                            ML40. Soldat 2018 CRC
                                                                           kits to be delivered by

Belgium     BEST                   Fielding is planned     Elbit           Selected Elbit Systems       The first joint purchase
                                   to begin in 2017.                       Smart Vest System.           under agreement between
                                   Combined Budgets                                                     Benelux countries has
                                   of €150 million.                                                     been made for under
                                                                                                        USD150 million contract
                                                                                                        for the provision of Elbit’s
                                                                                                        Smart Vest systems for the
                                                                                                        Benelux nation’s future
                                                                                                        solider programmes.
                                                                                                        These are Belgium’s
                                                                                                        BEST programme, the
                                                                                                        Netherlands’ VOSS
                                                                                                        programme, and
                                                                                                        Luxembourg’s COMPASS.
Brazil      Combatente             The project is          AMBINDE         $14m award for Harris        The contract involves the
            Brasileiro (COBRA)     expected to continue    Systems         Falcon II&III radios in      supply of radios to the
                                   until 2021. The         Integrator      RF-7800V in Feb. 2011.       Brazilian army´s center
                                   system will influence                   First 86 VBTP-MR Guarani     for communications and
                                   the decisions but                       6x6 IFVs delivered           electronic warfare. Both
                                   will not be copied                      requirement for 2130.        the RF-7800V and RF-7800S
                                   100,000 troops by                       Impec’s TPP-1400             systems are essential to
                                   2021.                                   ordered.                     the COBRA modernization
                                                                                                        program, as they will
                                                                                                        provide secure voice and
                                                                                                        high-bandwidth data
                                                                                                        applications, including
                                                                                                        video combat chat. There
                                                                                                        are a number of other
                                                                                                        types of equipment being
                                                                                                        supplied in the programme,
                                                                                                        such as the IA2 assault rifle.

                                                                                    SoldierMod               3

      Country    Programme            Schedule          Contractor Team               Recent                         Notes
                    Name                                                           Procurement
    Canada      Integrated         Rheinmetall          Rheinmetall            Rheinmetall Canada         Please see article on system
                Soldier System     Canada awarded                              is supplying the ISS       from Rheinmetall in this
                Project (ISSP)     a four-year                                 in cooperation with        issue
                                   contract in July                            Saab AB. The Canadian
                                   2015.                                       government has
                                   As of July 2017                             awarded Rheinmetall
                                   the qualification                           two major orders
                                   review for the                              for army technology,
                                   new system                                  whose total volume
                                   to ensure it                                could reach CAD 493
                                   meets army                                  million (about €350
                                   requirements had                            million). Serving as
                                   been completed.                             prime contractor,
                                   The government                              Rheinmetall Canada
                                   exercised its                               Inc.
                                   option for the                              Harris 7800s Radios
                                   production of                               And Invisio ear
                                   the first 1632                              protection ordered.
    Croatia     ‘Future Soldier’   EDA/LCG/1            Procurement            New uniform and load       New sniper rifles demo-ed:
                                   participation only   for Afghanistan        carriage procured.         Berta Projekt BP 08 M in .338
                                   on C4I.              deployment inc.        First 1000 VHS 5.56mm      Lapua and .300 Win Mag and
                                                        Motorola GP300,        assault rifle delivered.   Agencija Alan’s MACS M4
                                                        Kroko ballistic                                   12.7mm.
                                                        vest, Sestan Busch

    Czech       Voják 21 ‘V21’     V21 2004-6 single    VOP-026 led V21 and                               Plans to acquire 10,000 CZ
    Republic    or Soldier 21      demonstrator         ‘Sesedak’.                                        805 Bren assault rifles, 7,000
                                   Squad level                                                            CZ 75 Phantom pistols and
                                   ‘Sesedak’                                                              500 CZ Scorpion SMGs from
                                   experimentation                                                        2014-2020.
                                   in 2007-9.
    Denmark     ‘Danish Army       May procure          As equipment.          Tenders for CBRN           Contracted with Harris for
                Network            systems up                                  clothing, sensor           3500 SPRs with Invisio V60
                Enabled Soldier’   to 2020. Hard                               sytems for handheld,       ancillaries.
                (DANES)            systems by late                             headworn and weapon
                                   2018.                                       mounted optics, hand
                                                                               launched UAVs.
    Finland     Now known as       The system           TP2010 includes        Tactical Headgear          SAVOX has begun delivery
                Warrior 2020       should be fielded    Savox as integrator    for Operational            of THOR Headgear for
                                   by the end of        and Millog, Nethawk    Requirements (THOR)        FDF. The initial order is for
                                   2019.                and Insta.             has been adopted by        an undisclosed number
                                                        Elbit Systems has      the Finnish Defense        of THOR tactical combat
                                                        been selected to       Forces as the helmet       headgear systems destined
                                                        supply “soldier        component of their         for the FDF. These units will
                                                        systems” to            Soldier Modernization      go into acceptance testing
                                                        Finnish infantry       Program: Warrior 2020.     and approvals. The initial
                                                        commanders..           A multi-year contract      delivery is part of a rolling
                                                        This acquisition is    was recently let by        contract, which will see a
                                                        the first phase of     the Finnish Defense        steady ramping up of volume
                                                        a comprehensive        Forces Logistics           towards mass production
                                                        ISTAR (Intelligence,   Command, with initial      later this year, with further
                                                        Surveillance, Target   deliveries being used      options continuing for an
                                                        Acquisition and        for acceptance testing.    undisclosed number of
                                                        Reconnaissance)        Savox is the prime         years. The FDF procurement
                                                        program known as       contractor of the          has been handled by the
                                                        STAR.                  consortium behind          FDF’s joint procurement
                                                                               THOR, along with           organisation, the Finnish
                                                                               industry partners,         Defence Forces Logistics
                                                                               Millog Oy (night vision)   Command, which manages
                                                                               and Fy-Composites Oy       all contracts for the Finnish
                                                                               (ballistic protection).    Air Force, Army and Navy.

4   Volume 22
Country     Programme           Schedule           Contractor      Recent Procurement                        Notes
                 Name                                  Team                Activity

France       FELIN              The programme      Safran           FELIN V.13 is being
             (Fantassin à       is subject to an                    delivered.
             Equipements        upgrade with
             et Liaisons        more modern
             Intégrés)          equipment.
France       Arme               Procurement        Heckler & Koch   The tender called for a        The bid request required the
             Individuelle       for new assault                     total of 90,000 weapons to     AIF standard to be integrated
             Future (AIF)       rifle.                              be purchased, comprised        with the other aspects of
                                                                    of 45,000 assault rifles       France’s FELIN future soldier
                                                                    and 45,000 carbines, all       system modernisation
                                                                    chambered in 5.56 mm           programme.
                                                                    x 45 NATO ammunition.          Heckler & Koch’s HK416F was
                                                                    Under France’s Military        selected in September 2016
                                                                    Programming Law 2014-          to fulfill the requirement. This
                                                                    19, more than 100,000          marks the first time that a
                                                                    weapons – with the             France will acquire a standard-
                                                                    associated accessories,        issue rifle from a foreign
                                                                    ammunition and services        manufacturer.
                                                                    – will be delivered. A first
                                                                    batch of 400 rifles was
                                                                    received in May 2017.
Germany      ‘Gladius’          Rheinmetall        Rheinmetall      New Equipment to               Looking to equip a further 70
             IdZ-2/ES           formally                            reduce weight to 3.9kg         infantry platoons.
                                transferred                         by removing INS, new
                                its new IdZ-ES                      integrated tablet and
                                future soldier                      squad leader display and
                                system to                           upgrading C2 software.
                                the German                          New 30% more battery
                                Bundeswehr on                       capacity.
                                7 March 2013.
                                IdZ-ES is also
                                known as the
India        F-INSAS            Phase 1 2012     BEL expected to    Ordnance Factory Board         CANCELLED:
             (Futuristic        weapons, body    be prime.          (OFB) is reportedly            The Indian Army has decided
             Infantry Soldier   armour, clothing                    in the process of              to drop the F-INSAS program
             As a System)       and individual                      developing a weapon with       in favour of two separate
                                equipment                           interchangeable barrels        projects. The new program
                                Phase 2 ISTAR                       that would be capable of       will have two components:
                                2015. Phase 3                       firing 5.56mm, 7.62mm          one to arm the future infantry
                                C4I 2020.                           and 6.8mm caliber              soldier with the best available
                                                                    ammunition.                    assault rifle, carbines and
                                                                    The project is ongoing. In     personal equipment, such
                                                                    January, it was reported       as helmets and bulletproof
                                                                    that the army had issued       vests. The second component
                                                                    Requests for Information       is the Battlefield Management
                                                                    (RFIs) on software-defined     Systems. The program is
                                                                    radios.                        modeled on the US military
                                                                                                   Future Warrior system.

                                                                                  SoldierMod              5

      Country   Programme               Schedule            Contractor          Recent Procurement                       Notes
                   Name                                       Team                    Activity

    Israel      Israeli           First deliveries of     Elbit Systems       Elbit Systems’ Dominator          No new updates to IAS,
                Advanced          ‘Dominator’ system in   prime contractor.   scored a considerable             however,
                Soldier /         2009.                                       success as some of its            Israel’s Defense Ministry
                ’Shakhar’                                                     components are now part           announced that it had
                (Dawn)                                                        of programmes not only in         signed a $100 million,
                                                                              Israel, but Finland, Australia    15-year contract with
                                                                              and soon to be India.             Motorola Solutions
                                                                              The key element of the new        that will see the Israeli
                                                                              system is the Raptor, an all-     defence forces being
                                                                              in-one wearable computing         equipped over the
                                                                              unit specifically designed        next several years with
                                                                              for soldier use. Weighing         encrypted smartphones.
                                                                              only 285 grams the Raptor         These small, hand-
                                                                              features a 4.3-inch 800×480       held devices will offer
                                                                              resolution resistive touch        not only the ability for
                                                                              screen that can be operated       individual soldiers to
                                                                              with gloves and be read in        make encrypted calls
                                                                              sunlight up to 600 cd/m2.         and receive emails,
                                                                              It runs on an ARM Cortex          but they will also come
                                                                              A8 720MHz CPU and has             equipped with a built-in
                                                                              a 512MB DDR2 SDRAM,               GPS system and be
                                                                              storage coming in the             capable of sending
                                                                              form of a 16 GB SD card.          and receiving digital
                                                                              The Raptor supports both          media (the phone will
                                                                              Android and Linux operating       have an eight-mega-
                                                                              systems. It features a built-in   pixel camera) as well as
                                                                              GPS and a digital compass         navigation information.
                                                                              while two USB ports are
                                                                              available, radio interface
                                                                              being provided by two
                                                                              RS-232 synchronous and
                                                                              asynchronous ports.
    Italy       Soldato           Testing completed       Leonardo, Beretta   L3 warrior Sensor has             The Army’s new
                Futuro            of the ‘Precursor       & AeroSekur         been selected by the Italian      standard rifle, the
                                  systems’                                    Ministry of Defence (MoD)         Beretta ARX-160, was
                                                                              to provide fusion night           deployed successfully in
                                                                              vision goggles as part            Afghanistan.
                                                                              of the country’s soldier
                                                                              modernisation programme
                                                                              (Soldato Futuro).
                                                                              Fusion technology enables
                                                                              the soldier to switch from a
                                                                              thermal visual display to a
                                                                              traditional image-intensified
                                                                              display, or a combination of
                                                                              the two, without changing or
                                                                              adding a clip-on component
                                                                              to their goggle.
    Japan       ACIES             Evaluation complete.    Hitachi prime;
                                  Delivery of first       HMD by
                                  system in 2012-2019.    Shimadzu, NEC
                                                          IR camera and
                                                          power solution.
    Jordan      ‘Future Soldier   Completed Phase         Led by Army and     Selecting which items can be
                System’           I studies. Entered      KADDB. Selex and    developed produced locally
                                  Phase II.               Sagem amongst       or sourced internationally.
                                                          international       Trialled weapons optics
                                                          partners.           from Aselsan and Jels Polly &
                                                                              Norinco, Night Optics and
                                                                              STS. Also trialled gunshot
                                                                              location systems from
                                                                              QinetiQ, Raytheon and Ultra.

6   Volume 22
Country       Programme           Schedule        Contractor          Recent Procurement Activity                 Notes
                   Name                               Team

Malaysia      Future Soldier     To be advised     Sapura             The FSS comprises a wearable
              System (FSS)                                            computer mounted in a backpack,
                                                                      a tactical display unit (TDU), a
                                                                      head mounted monocular display,
                                                                      personal role radio (PRR), remote
                                                                      control unit (RCU), central energy
                                                                      unit, and a head-mounted video
                                                                      camera. The system – which is
                                                                      integrated via physical cables as
                                                                      opposed to wireless connection –
                                                                      has been developed by Malaysian
                                                                      company Sapura Defence.
                                                                      The core of the assembly is the
                                                                      backpack computer, which can be
                                                                      accessed via the RCU. The RCU also
                                                                      enables the user to operate the
                                                                      radio and camera, as well as control
                                                                      the flow of imagery over different
                                                                      communications systems.
                                                                      The TDU is a chest-mounted android
                                                                      tablet, displaying a cut-down version
                                                                      of Sapura’s battle management
                                                                      software. According to an army
                                                                      representative the central battery
                                                                      pack will provide four hours of
                                                                      operation with all the peripherals
                                                                      running, but this can be extended
                                                                      to eight hours if communications
                                                                      are restricted to voice only. The
                                                                      batteries are hot-swappable and can
                                                                      be recharged when the soldier is
                                                                      traveling in an armored vehicle.
                                                                      The PRR is the internet protocol
                                                                      (IP)-based Thales ST@RMille UHF
                                                                      software soldier radio, which weighs
                                                                      less than 380 g without a battery. It
                                                                      has an embedded GPS system and
                                                                      provides simultaneous voice, data,
                                                                      and tracking information. The system
                                                                      can be linked to other networks,
                                                                      including 3G communications and
                                                                      recently-acquired X-band mobile
                                                                      satellite communications system.
Netherlands   VOSS (Improved     Pre-Study Phase   Smart Vest,                                                 please see
              Operational        completed late    power Supply,                                               Belgium for
              Soldier System)    2010. Study       Load Carriage                                               updates.
                                 Phase passed      and Protection.
                                 in 2011 RFP for
                                 Smart Vest in
                                 Dec. 2011.
Netherlands   VOSS 2             Scoping           Includes                                                    please see above
                                 Requirements.     enhancement
                                                   for SF

New Zealand   Soldier                              Includes, BAE      Incorporates Australia’s Land 125
              survivability                        Elbit Systems,     Phase 3B contracts, which have been
              programme of                         Harris, Thales &   awarded to Bendigo-based Australian
              equipment (SSPE)                     Selex.             Defence Apparel (ADA) for the supply
                                                                      of load carriage equipment, including
                                                                      ballistic plate carriers, packs, basic
                                                                      pouches and equipment bags.

                                                                                 SoldierMod           7

      Country     Programme           Schedule           Contractor            Recent Procurement                    Notes
                     Name                                  Team                      Activity

    Norway        Nordic           Uniform             A number of          The NCU is a joint
                  Combat           deliveries are      contractors are      procurement between
                  Uniform          aimed to begin in   believed to be       Denmark, Finland, Sweden
                                   2021                interested in        and Norway, with the latter
                                                       the contract,        serving as lead nation in the
                                                       attending a          project. It is aims to provide
                                                       meeting with         an all-service combat uniform
                                                       representatives      system for male and female
                                                       from the four        soldiers. While this will be
                                                       countries in June    a joint procurement, it is
                                                       2016.                expected that differences will
                                                                            remain between the nations,
                                                                            in camouflage patterns for
    Norway        NORMANS                                                                                     COMPLETED
                  Modular Arctic
    Pakistan      Concept          TBC                 TBC but inc. POF     Not part of “Future Soldier”
                  phase                                on lethality.        Program, however, in July
                                                                            2013, QinetiQ North America
                                                                            in Waltham, MA received a
                                                                            $7.8 million sole-source, firm-
                                                                            fixed-price Pakistani contract
                                                                            for Talon IV robots external
                                                                            link, spares, and training. The
                                                                            Talon IV is used by US military
                                                                            EOD (explosive ordnance
                                                                            disposal technicians), using
                                                                            their remote cameras and
                                                                            robotic arm to investigate
                                                                            potential land mines.
    Philippines   ‘Future          Procurement         Various suppliers.   Under the programme
                  Soldier’         under AFP           Recently             in March 2014, sources
                                   Modernization       procured new         confirmed a purchase of
                                   Law and Battalion   GPS, Comms,          63,000 new Remington M4
                                   of Excellence       EOD Bomb Suits,      carbines and plans call for all
                                   programme.          AFVs and LMGs.       M4s issued to rifle platoons
                                                                            to be fitted with infrared
                                                                            laser aiming devices, and
                                                                            soldiers to receive image-
                                                                            intensified monocular devices
                                                                            that work with the lasers,
                                                                            plus handheld radios. The
                                                                            assault rifle procurement
                                                                            closely followed an order
                                                                            for 400 US-built Airtronic
                                                                            RPG-7 rocket launchers to
                                                                            replace obsolete M18 and
                                                                            M67 recoilless rifles. On the
                                                                            survivability front, an order
                                                                            for a reported 44080 force
                                                                            protection equipment sets is
                                                                            in the offing, each comprising
                                                                            a ballistic vest, plate inserts
                                                                            and a soft ballistic panel and
                                                                            weighing between six and
                                                                            seven kilograms (13–15 lb).
    Poland        Tytan/Polish     Three-phase R&D     Led by Bumar         Will use R35010 personal
                  Individual       stage began in      Group includes       radio and MSBS-5.56
                  Battlesystem     2011.               FB Lucznik, PCO,     weapons family.
                                                       PSO Maskpol,         A new NBC protection mask
                                                       Radmor, CNPEP        purposely developed for the
                                                       Radwar, OBRSM        Tytan programme has been
                                                       Tarnow, WB           developed by Maskpol.
                                                       Electronics and
                                                       ZM Tarnow.

8   Volume 22
Country       Programme               Schedule            Contractor        Recent Procurement                       Notes
                   Name                                       Team                  Activity

Portugal      Soldado do                                   TBC

Romania       Romanian           Initial trial with        TBC               Integrated with Romanian        Harmonised with
              Individual         demonstrator.                               C4I systems based on RF-        EDA CEDS. Using the
              Fighting System                                                7800S, M, R5800V& H.            Quandtum3D Expedition
              (RIFS)                                                                                         DI systems with VBS2.
Russia        RATNIK             Pursuing own Russian      Total of over     Added the new assault           Ratnik, Russia’s “soldier
                                 Technology after          80,000 units to   rifles, the AK-12 and the       of the future” system
                                 considering FELIN         be deployed by    AK-103-4, Kalashnikov           is expected to include
                                                           2019              Concern.                        about 40 items, including
                                                                             KRET is developing a            weapons, protection,
                                                                             battlefield identification      sighting, communication,
                                                                             system as part of the           navigation, and targeting
                                                                             Ratnik combat equipment         equipment. The second
                                                                             system. The new system          generation of the
                                                                             has been designed to            system is currently being
                                                                             completely eliminate the        delivered to the armed
                                                                             possibility of friendly fire.   forces in large numbers,
                                                                             The army will be fully          while work is underway
                                                                             equipped with the second        on the third generation.
                                                                             generation of the system
                                                                             by 2020, according to
Serbia        Vojnik             Demo Phase.               Yugoimport        M21BS-v10 5.56mm& M77           In June 2013, Serbian
              Buducnosti-10                                SPDR product/     7.62mm weapons, new             Yugoimport SPDR
              (Future                                      Serbian MoD.      PBB VB-10 body armour           Company offered
              Soldier-10)/ M21                                               and uniform.                    Azerbaijan direct sale or
                                                                                                             joint production of VB-10
                                                                                                             equipment. Currently
                                                                                                             the Azerbaijani military is
                                                                                                             studying this system.
Singapore     Advanced           Singapore reports         ST Engineering,
              Combat Man         three battalions fully    ST Electronics,
              System (ACMS)      equipped with the         ST Kinetics and
                                 Advanced Combat           DSTA.
                                 Man System (ACMS).
Slovakia      Prokrocily         Last ten man squad                                                          PIBS Programme in limbo
              Individualny       trials in 2009. Funding                                                     due to budget concerns.
              Bojovy System      halted after Concept
              (PIBS)             Development and
                                 Phase. Original plan
                                 was to equip brigade
                                 from 2012.
Slovenia      21st Century       Pre-study phase 1998.     Various           Not Participating in EDA
              Warrior or         Study phase 1999-         suppliers.        work.
              Slovenian          2005 procurement
              Warrior            from 2002.
South Africa African Warrior     Requirement               TBC                                               No progress due to
                                 Operational Capability                                                      budgetary concerns.
                                 was approved in
                                 1999 Functional
                                 User Requirement
                                 Statement and
                                 the Logistic User
                                 Requirement in 2003
                                 Project Study Report
                                 and the Customer
                                 Selection 2004. Now
                                 phased procurement.

                                                                                       SoldierMod              9

       Country       Programme             Schedule            Contractor        Recent Procurement                    Notes
                        Name                                     Team                  Activity

     South Korea   Future Soldier       Concept and          ADD led Applied    DSM Dyneema has              International R&D co-
                                        development          Research Phase;    been named to provide        operation sought in Energy
                                        phase.               June 2009-Dec.     the ballistic protection     Supply, Sensor Fusion and
                                        Acquisition from     2011. Concept      material and key solution    Virtual Simulation.
                                        2016 to field in     phase led by       for enhanced lightweight
                                        2020.                Samsung Thales.    armor for the Republic
                                                                                of Korea (South Korea)
                                                                                Army Multi-purpose
                                                                                Body Armor Program.
                                                                                The Multi-Purpose Body
                                                                                Armor Program is part
                                                                                of South Korea’s efforts
                                                                                in soldier modernization,
                                                                                seeking to equip
                                                                                defense personnel with
                                                                                lightweight armor that
                                                                                provides enhanced
                                                                                protection over a large
                                                                                area of the body, thus
                                                                                increasing protection and
     Spain         Combatiente                               Airbus (formerly                                Operational trials of
                   Futuro (COMFUT)                           Cassidian) prime                                prototypes started at the
                                                             contractor plus                                 end of September 2011
                                                             Indra Sistemas,                                 and May 2012. Due to
                                                             Iturri, Amopack                                 Spain’s economic woes, the
                                                             SL, Fedur and                                   programme is currently in
                                                             GMV.                                            limbo.
     Sri Lanka     Special Infantry                          Various            Requirement for
                   Operations Team                           suppliers.         additional NV sights and
                   (SIOT)                                                       navigation equipment per
                                                                                Team and two new under
                                                                                barrel GLs per team.
     Sudan         Future Soldier                                               The Sudanese military
                                                                                has selected the Chinese
                                                                                QBZ-97 bullpup for their
                                                                                Future Soldier System.
                                                                                The Sudanese military
                                                                                has been using Chinese
                                                                                weaponry for some time
                                                                                now including: Type 96
                                                                                main battle tank, HJ-8
                                                                                anti-tank missile, Type
                                                                                56 and Type 81 rifles, CQ
                                                                                rifle (copy of the M16A1),
                                                                                QJZ-89 50-cal heavy
                                                                                machine gun, M99 50-cal
                                                                                sniper rifle and the QLZ-
                                                                                87 automatic grenade
     Sweden        MARKUS               Plans finalised in   TBC                Acquired AeroVironment       RFIs submitted in for
                   Markstridsutrustad   2010. Integrated                        Puma AE SUAV in June.        Sweden’s IGR programme,
                   Soldat (Swedish      Capability for                          New small arms family        replacing/supplementing IGR
                   Project for          MARKUS V1                               planned from 2017.           1 the PRR, Motorola LMR and
                   Development and      from 2014. New                          The new Carl-Gustaf® M4      IGR 2 Harris 7800 SPR. The
                   Acquisition of       small arms                              multi-role weapon system     IGR comprises 17,000 group
                   Equipment for Foot   family from                             has been purchased from      radios and 8,000 platoon
                   Soldiers)            2017.                                   SAAB                         radios.

10   Volume 22
Country       Programme          Schedule        Contractor Team                 Recent                        Notes
                   Name                                                         Procurement
Switzerland   IMESS                              Airbus won a contract for   In July of 2014, Airbus   The next stage of the
              (Integriertes                      the prototype phase of      Defence and Space         project will see the Swiss
              Modulares                          the IMESS project from      has announced it          Army conduct field trials of
              Einsatzsystem                      defence procurement         has completed the         IMESS over two years, with
              Schweizer Soldat)                  agency Armasuisse in        development of the        Airbus Defence and Space
                                                 2007, then received a       Swiss Army’s planned      providing logistical support
                                                 CHF20 million (USD22        new future soldier        for the test phase.
                                                 million) advanced           system and it is now      Subsystems of the IMESS
                                                 production engineering      ready to enter serial     system include: the
                                                 contract from it in 2011,   production.               Kongsberg TacLAN tactical
                                                 which was completed                                   high-capacity radio system
                                                 on schedule in 2014.                                  (including the SR600 hand-
                                                 The latter contract also                              held and vehicle-mounted
                                                 included an option for                                VM600 short range
                                                 series production of                                  radios); and Sagem optics,
                                                 IMESS, valued at around                               including the Sword T&D
                                                 USD160 million.                                       (Thermal and Day) weapon
                                                                                                       sight, as used in the French
                                                                                                       FELIN system.
Thailand      SFT 21              Concept        TBC

United        Future Integrated                                                                        FIST 1a- COMPLETED
Kingdom       Soldier
              Technology (FIST)
              1a/ DCC Inc 1

United        DCCS/FIST 2         New home for   Currently Thales PCMO.      Major R&D thrust on
Kingdom                           FIST 1b from                               burden reduction
                                  2015.                                      Goal to reduce
                                                                             burden to 40Kg by
                                                                             In mid-March
                                                                             2013 Roke Manor
                                                                             Research Ltd, part
                                                                             of the Chemring
                                                                             Group, was awarded
                                                                             a three-year research
                                                                             contract under the
                                                                             Dismounted Close
                                                                             Combat Sensors
                                                                             (DCCS) Research
                                                                             Programme. Roke is
                                                                             leading a team that
                                                                             also includes SEA
                                                                             (Systems Engineering
                                                                             & Assessments) and
                                                                             QinetiQ to assess,
                                                                             mature and integrate
                                                                             innovative sensor
                                                                             technology for the
                                                                             dismounted close
                                                                             combat infantry

                                                                                  SoldierMod              11

       Country      Programme            Schedule    Contractor Team               Recent                        Notes
                       Name                                                     Procurement
     United        FIST 3/DCC Inc 3   Continuing                             Meggitt secures        FIST enhancements to 59
     Kingdom                          Procurements                           £13 million UK MoD     of the MoD’s 154 DCCTs
                                      and Contract                           small arms simulator   include three simulators: an
                                      awards.                                upgrade.               underslung grenade launcher
                                                                                                    sight, a thermal sight and a
                                                                                                    commander’s target locator,
      UPDATED                                                                                       for which Meggitt will provide
                                                                                                    associated ballistics and round
                                                                                                    effects for SA80/UGL rifle
                                                                                                    simulators, modifying them to
                                                                                                    accommodate new thermal
                                                                                                    35,000 sets of kit are expected
                                                                                                    to be bought and issued
                                                                                                    between 2015 and 2020. This
                                                                                                    equipment is designed to
                                                                                                    bring the British infantryman
                                                                                                    up to standards and link with
                                                                                                    new technology currently
                                                                                                    employed, including the new
                                                                                                    underslung grenade launcher
                                                                                                    for the SA80 and the deployed
                                                                                                    Bowman communications
                                                                                                    network. It is not intended
                                                                                                    that every soldier be equipped
                                                                                                    with FIST: instead unit
                                                                                                    commanders will request FIST
                                                                                                    kits as necessary and so they
                                                                                                    can be tailored to the situation
                                                                                                    and mission aims.
                                                                                                    As well as linking into the new
                                                                                                    technology for the soldier
                                                                                                    it is designed to link in with
                                                                                                    other new communications
                                                                                                    including Cormorant and
                                                                                                    Talon as well at the UK UAV
                                                                                                    project called Watchkeeper.
     United States Marine             Continuing     Looking at deploying                           The Gruntworks Squad
                   Expeditionary      Soldier as     up to 20,000 units by                          Integration Facility showcased
                   Rifle Squad        a System       end of 2018                                    its latest initiatives to lighten
                   (MERS) AKA -       approach.                                                     and streamline the individual
                   Gruntworks                                                                       loads Marines carry into
                                                                                                    combat during the Navy
                                                                                                    League’s 2015 Sea, Air, Space
                                                                                                    exposition in mid-April.
                                                                                                    On display was an advanced
                                                                                                    3-D body scanner, a
                                                                                                    sophisticated computer
                                                                                                    simulation program, and
                                                                                                    a state-of-the art medical
                                                                                                    device commonly used by
                                                                                                    professional sports teams to
                                                                                                    measure performance and
                                                                                                    stress on joints.

12   Volume 22
Country      Programme            Schedule            Contractor      Recent Procurement                    Notes
                  Name                                    Team                Activity

United        Nett Warrior     System Approved          ADS            Delivery of 7000            For the 2d Cavalry Regiment,
States                                                  Provides       ensembles delivered;        Nett Warrior played a major
                                                        PEO Soldier    futher 10,000 in            role during Saber Strike 18,
                                                        PM GS          production.Currently        a multi-national exercise,
                                                        ongoing        comprises chestmounted      located across four countries,
                                                        assistance     Samsung Galaxy S5           encompassing 19 allied and
 UPDATED                                                and support    EUD; data power cable;      partner nations. Through
                                                        for Nett       prc-14 RIFLEMAND radio,     map graphics, orders and
                                                        Warrior.       DAGR; Central processor     pinpoint location sharing,
                                                        ADS is a       and conformal battery.      the system allows for quick,
                                                        Prime on the   Additonaly Squad power      efficient communication
                                                        DLA SOE TLS    manager 5590.               from regiment to squadron
                                                        Contract,                                  command and staff teams all
                                                        allowing us                                the way down to the platoon
                                                        to provide                                 level.
                                                        PEO Soldier                                All 2CR tactical operations
                                                        PM GS with                                 centres had the opportunity
                                                        much of                                    for quick situational
                                                        the C4ISR                                  awareness of every sister unit
                                                        equipment                                  operation between Germany,
                                                        they require                               Czech, Poland and Lithuania.
                                                        to increase                                This situational awareness
                                                        mission                                    is a rare feat to accomplish
                                                        readiness.                                 and it adds accurate planning
                                                                                                   considerations for squadrons
                                                                                                   to include in their orders.
United        Land Warrior     Development                                                         COMPLETED
States                         complete.                                                           Future programme initiatives
                                                                                                   became Nett Warrior please
                                                                                                   see above.

United        Air Warrior                                                                          COMPLETED

United        Air Soldier      Strategy changed in      TBC            Air soldier goals: Reduce   Operational and Limited
States                         Dec 2011. Changed                       bulk and weight.            User Tests led by
                               from three to two                       Integrate Aviation Life     Operational Test Command;
                               increment approach.                     Support Equipment.          UH-60M and CH-47F aircrews
                               RFP issued in March                     Improved operations         from the 25th Combat
                               2012. Currently in EMD                  in degraded visual          Aviation Brigade evaluated
                               phase, procurement of                   environments. Increase      the Air SS including: LCE;
                               Sub-Inc 1a in FY2014                    operations in full          Improved flight helmet;
                               and Sub-Inc 1b in                       MOPP and extreme            Helmet Display and Tracking
                               FY2017.                                 temperatures.               System; Day/Night Helmet
                                                                                                   Mounted Displays; Enhanced
                                                                                                   HMD Symbology
United        PM Soldier       R&D and On-Going.        TBD            The Maneuver Center         Status Soldier Protection
States        Protection                                               of Excellence and U.S.      System (SPS) Soldier
PEO Soldier   and Individual                                           Army Natick Soldier         Protection System (SPS)
              Equipment                                                Research, Development       replaces the capability of
                                                                       and Engineering Center,     multiple current systems and
                                                                       are working together to     has achieved a 10% weight
                                                                       find “evolutionary and      reduction.
                                                                       revolutionary” approaches
                                                                       to lightening the Soldier

                                                                                   SoldierMod           13

       Country    Programme              Schedule          Contractor     Recent Procurement                        Notes
                     Name                                    Team               Activity

     United      Warrior Web                                             The Wyss Institute for          Wyss Institute will receive up
     States                                                              Biologically Inspired           to $2.9 million to continue
                                                                         Engineering at Harvard          development of its soft
     DARPA                                                               University announced            exo-suit
                                                                         that it has been awarded
                                                                         a first-phase $2.9 million
                                                                         follow-on contract by
                                                                         the Defense Advanced
                                                                         Research Projects Agency
                                                                         to continue development
                                                                         of its Soft Exosuit.
     United      Joint Effects      On Going.                            General Dynamics
     States      Model (JEM)                                             Information Technology
                 Increment 2                                             was awarded the Joint
     US Space                                                            Effects Model (JEM)
     and Naval                                                           Increment 2 contract
     Warfare                                                             by the Space and
     Systems                                                             Naval Warfare Systems
     Command                                                             Command (SPAWAR). JEM
                                                                         is the U.S. Department of
                                                                         Defense’s primary system
                                                                         for modeling the effects
                                                                         of chemical, biological,
                                                                         radiological and nuclear
                                                                         (CBRN) material releases.
                                                                         The cost plus fixed-fee
                                                                         award has a potential
                                                                         value of $23.5 million over
                                                                         five years if all options are
     United      Armored Multi-     On going               BAE Systems   The initial $382 million        At AUSA Global Conference,
     States      Purpose Vehicle                                         award, granted in               2015, April, Col. Mike Milner,
                 (AMPV)                                                  December 2015, called           the AMPV program manager,
                                                                         for BAE to deliver 29           said he expects 180 vehicles a
                                                                         vehicles in five variants in    year from BAE. That’s enough
                                                                         a 52-month engineering,         vehicles to modernize 1.3
                                                                         manufacturing and               armored brigades a year.
                                                                         development phase that          With 12 such brigades in the
                                                                         will lead to a contract to      Army, the last would replace
                                                                         replace all of the obsolete     its M113s in the “late 2020s”.
                                                                         2,897 M113 vehicles in the      BAE rolled out the first
                                                                         Army’s Armored Brigade          prototype AMPV to the US
                                                                         Combat Teams (ABCT)             Army in December 2016, the
                                                                                                         company stated
     United      Enhanced Night     The fully integrated   BAE Systems   The U.S. Army has               BAE Systems and DRS
     States      Vision Goggle      ENVG III/FWS-I                       awarded BAE Systems a           Technologies began
                 III and Family     solution is being                    five-year contract worth        providing the U.S. military
                 of Weapon          developed and                        up to $434 million for the      with the Enhanced Night
                 Sight-Individual   manufactured at the                  company’s integrated            Vision Goggle III (ENVG III)
                 (ENVG III/FWS-I)   company’s recently                   night vision and thermal        technology in summer 2015
                                    completed 47,000                     targeting solution, which       The long term-plan is to have
                                    square foot state-                   improves the speed and          18 soldiers per platoon with
                                    of-the-art facility                  accuracy of targeting by        the FWS-I and 24 soldier
                                    in Hudson, New                       dismounted soldiers.            per platoon with ENVG
                                    Hampshire                            The new offering helps          IIIs, over the course of the
                                                                         troops to rapidly and           programme
                                                                         covertly acquire targets
                                                                         in all weather and lighting
                                                                         conditions. In October
                                                                         2016 BAE Systems was
                                                                         awarded a $13.5 million
                                                                         order to begin producing
                                                                         the sights, which will cover
                                                                         100 units

14   Volume 22
Country    Programme          Schedule            Contractor     Recent Procurement                      Notes
                Name                                  Team               Activity

United      M88A1         The U.S. Army needs       BAE Systems   The U.S. Army has             Work on the contract is
States      HERCULES      to modernize the                        awarded BAE Systems           expected to begin in August
            Upgrade       36 M88A1 recovery                       a contract modification       by the existing workforce
                          vehicles to the M88A2                   worth $109.7 million          and will take place primarily
                          Heavy Equipment                         to convert 36 M88A1           at the company’s York,
                          Recovery Combat                         recovery vehicles to the      Pennsylvania, and Aiken,
                          Utility Lift Evacuation                 M88A2 Heavy Equipment         South Carolina, facilities.
                          Systems (HERCULES)                      Recovery Combat Utility       Deliveries were set to begin
                          configuration                           Lift Evacuation Systems       in November 2017 and
                                                                  (HERCULES) configuration      continue through August
United      Positioning   POSYDON aims              BAE Systems   Under DARPA’s POSYDON         Other members of BAE
States      System for    to replace current                      program, a BAE Systems-       Systems’ POSYDON team are
            Deep Ocean    navigational                            led team will create a        the University of Washington,
DARPA       Navigation    methods that pose                       positioning, navigation,      the Massachusetts Institute
            (POSYDON)     a detection risk for                    and timing system             of Technology, and the
                          undersea vehicles                       designed to permit            University of Texas at Austin
                          forced to surface                       vehicles to remain
                          periodically to access                  underwater by using
                          the space-based                         multiple, integrated, long-
                          Global Positioning                      range acoustic sources at
                          System (GPS), which                     fixed locations around the
                          cannot sufficiently                     oceans
                          penetrate seawater.
                          In addition, access to
                          above-water GPS may
                          be denied by hostile
                          signal jamming

                                                                              SoldierMod            15
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