Item Presentation in Primers - An Analysis Based on Acquisition Research - An Analysis Based on ...
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Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) Item Presentation in Primers - An Analysis Based on Acquisition Research Kay Berkling Cooperative State University Karlsruhe, Germany Abstract these are Phonological Awareness (PA) 1 and Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) 2 . Over the It is known that children have difficul- first years of acquisition one can observe a grad- ties with correct spelling of orthographic ual shift from PA to RAN as a predictor, with regularities in German (’liebe’, ’kennen’). By looking at instruction material in first PA being important for a longer period of time grade, this work is a first step of an ongoing in deeper orthographies 3 . PA can be shown to study to understand how children’s spelling contribute to individual variance in literacy devel- in German is affected by their method of opment across languages (Moll et al., 2014). In instruction. A major influence on spelling several studied languages, PA was the best pre- and reading acquisition is the input chil- dictor of reading accuracy and spelling whereas dren receive during the initial phase. It RAN was the best predictor of reading speed. is therefore important to analyse the read- ing material and understand how these re- Beginning reading and spelling acquisition late to research-based knowledge of acqui- therefore depends on phonological awareness sition. We show that there is a substantial and the ability to manipulate phonemes and difference between popular primers (first graphemes in the process of phonological recod- grade material to teach reading) on how ing of new words in orthographies of all depths. they present material to first graders. It This holds true also for German. can also be seen that none of the modern Self-teaching theory (Share, 1995) is currently primers seem to emphasize item presen- the most plausible model to explain the process of tation with regularities that help students learn to generalize to new words. These reading and spelling acquisition and the training findings are important because the differ- of these relevant cognitive skills. It is based on the ences have a potential major effect on read- idea that children rely and build on phonological ing and orthography acquisition that remain decoding skills to learn novel words. The combi- mostly unknown and unstudied. nation of contextual inference, usage of inner lex- icon and phonological recoding is then accompa- 1 Introduction nied by the self-teaching strategy as a mechanism There are a number of widely accepted theories 1 Phonological awareness involves the detection and ma- in the community regarding the acquisition of or- nipulation of sounds within words - not necessarily involving thographic and reading skills, though most agree the written word. 2 A task that measures how quickly individuals can name that acquisition, especially in the crucial phase of reaching rapid word recognition is still not per- aloud an object shown in a picture, including letters. 3 Orthographic depth relates to the amount of context nec- fectly understood. Compounding the issue, is the essary in order to identify the correct phoneme-grapheme difficulty in understanding how any findings gen- correspondence. For example ’Sp’ vs. ’Sn’ needs the fol- eralize across languages (Share, 2008). lowing letter to determine correct choice of phoneme /S/ vs. While there are differences, researchers agree /s/. Depth can depend on syllable, word-level or even sen- tence level and is language dependent. A flat orthography that cognitive predictors are common across all such as Finish does not need context. In contrast English languages, albeit to differing degrees (Ziegler and and French (’aimait’ vs. ’aimaient’, ’aimé’ vs. ’aimer’) are Goswami, 2005; Caravolas et al., 2012). Among deep orthographies. 50
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) to grow the reader’s orthographic lexicon (Ehri, quisition across languages (Caravolas et al., 2001; 2005; Share et al., 1984; Jorm et al., 1984; Cun- Caravolas and Volin, 2001; Martinet et al., 2004; ningham et al., 2002; Bowey and Muller, 2005). Ziegler et al., 2014; Cunningham, 2006). Given this theory of self-teaching, the presen- As a consequence of this, model item selec- tation of items to a learning reader is an important tion for reading material, especially in primers, consideration in first grade texts (called primers for both reading and spelling acquisition may be from here on). To our knowledge, these have not of great importance. ”Self-teaching opportunities been examined in detail. In our previous work we afforded by phonological recoding represent the showed that children’s orthography skills lack re- ”cutting edge” of reading development not merely garding highly frequent, regular German spelling for the beginner, but throughout the entire ability patterns (such as ’liebe’, ’kennen’) (Berkling and range.”(Share, 1995, p.155). Therefore, the items Lavalley, 2015). Unfortunately, the data for that must be sequenced, and must either present a self- study did not emphasize the relation to the teach- teaching or practice event for the student. ing methods and motivated the need for further The goal of this section is to create the argu- study and corpora. Indeed, we found that first ment for item selection criteria that presents items grade primers indicated a lack of progression re- in such a way as to build on the child’s previous garding these same regularities that students were skills and produce the highest quality lexical en- having problems with (Berkling et al., 2015). tries in order to prepare for second grade reading The work presented here catalogues criteria skill acquisition to build on. based on literature in the field of spelling and The following principles for item selection in reading acquisition across disciplines and ap- primers are supported by literature findings as we plies these in an analysis of various well-known will argue below. They are interdependent: primers. Correlating the effect of item presenta- tion with student orthographic abilities or read- 1. Train PA through phonological recoding ing proficiency is beyond the scope of this paper while supporting natural sensitivity for regu- but represents a clear next step resulting from a larities deeper understanding of how teaching materials 2. Provide pressure for lexical restructuring should be constructed. through progression (presenting successfully The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Sec- more difficult words) tion 2 will compile the latest research results to create the theoretical foundation of the evaluation 3. Take care with words that don’t generalize criteria; the tools for taking a critical look at pri- mary materials used to teach reading and writ- 2.1 Training PA within Patterns ing. Section 3 lists the primers that have been Phonological Awareness Through Manipula- analyzed. Section 4 describes the system to au- tion: tomatically analyze the texts. Section 5 then dis- Phonological awareness is trained by providing cusses how the primers perform with respect to a network of graphemes and phonemes in var- some of the criteria and Section 6 draws some ious combinations to allow the student to train conclusions and outlines some of the next steps grapheme-phoneme correspondence and blending in this research. which does not happen through repeating words but through presenting many words with the same 2 Theory structure (’hat’, ’cat’, ’rat’ provides more learn- Self-teaching theory (Share, 1995) states that ing than ’hat’, ’hat’, ’hat’). According to (Melby- children are able to establish specific ortho- Lervag and Hulme, 2010), training children to graphic knowledge through reading experience. manipulate phonemes in unfamiliar words im- Translating letter strings into phonological code, proves phonemic manipulation and serial recall of called phonological recoding, is then also used in those words. spelling productions. This has become a widely Regularities: accepted model for both reading and spelling ac- Regularities are taught through phonics (Pinnell 51
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) et al., 1998), the method of scope and sequencing 2.2 Lexical Restructuring and Progression learning material in stages of complexity accom- Input hypothesis (Krashen, 1981) states that panied by explicit teaching of the material and learning moves in stages, where only one new phenomena that are introduced with each step. item is presented at a time, building the learn- Recently, this was confirmed by a meta study on ing material from simple to more complex items. this topic (Galuschka et al., 2014). Duncan shows This should be taken into account when selecting that phonics instruction increased explicit sylla- items for the reader. A word like ’Weihnachts- ble and rime awareness as well as phonological mann’ would therefore not be in the ’i+1’ scope 4 awareness (Duncan et al., 2013). The effective- of a beginning reader and can not serve as an input ness of teaching through patterns has been widely item for self-teaching. Ability to read begins with studied, including their effect on both reading and simplest conventions at the beginning (Treiman spelling (Ehri, 1987; Cunningham, 2006; Castles and Cassar, 1997) and expands to more complex and Nation, 2006; Pacton et al., 2001; Anderson ones later on (Pacton et al., 2002), as has been and others, 1977). shown in English and French, supporting the idea Children are very sensitive to the orthographic of allowing for a progression from simple to more regularities of their writing system from an early complex in reading materials. age (Ouellette and Senechal, 2008; Pacton et al., Lexical restructuring is a result of self-teaching 2001) and produce spellings that conform to the opportunities at well designed steps of progres- orthographic conventions of their writing system. sion. Lexical quality hypothesis (Perfetti and In French, general orthographic knowledge of Hart, 2002) states that words vary in the qual- regularities influences the recall of newly learned ity with which different aspects of their form and orthographic representations (Pacton et al., 2014; meaning are represented in memory. As the form Pacton et al., 2013; Sobaco et al., 2015). Read- relates to phonology, morphosyntax and orthog- ers learn about spelling patterns that recur in dif- raphy, items should provide these kinds of pres- ferent words, these larger units are then used sure for lexical restructuring and generalization to form connections to remember words (Bhat- (by providing new combinations of letters with tacharya and Ehri, 2004). Thus students create slowly increasing difficulty, not promoting mem- patterns based on reading input items that they orization). Improving the inner lexicon but also apply both in reading fluency and spelling skills. supporting emerging phoneme awareness is based Conversely, this also means that showing wrong on reading input in a similar manner across lan- patterns will result in wrong generalizations, such guages (Ziegler and Goswami, 2005; Ziegler and as is the case with the use of the letter in Goswami, 2005; Mann and Wimmer, 2002; Dun- German children’s spelling for /i:/ (Berkling and can et al., 2006). Lavalley, 2015) as in ’Tiger’. Having seen a larger Ignoring Progression: number of first items in a primer that end in the Acquisition of more difficult words when the letter , such as ’Oma’, ’Mama’, ’Lula’, ’lila’ mapping between phonemes and graphemes is and ’Tiger’ or ’Igel’, a child might be inclined still unstable may lead to shallower learning to apply the trained pattern and generalize to a and weaker orthographic representation and are new word /li:b5/ and spell it as ’liba’ instead of prone to disappear in the long term (an example ’lieber’. might be ’Fahrrad’ spelled as ’Farhad’). Children There are two key insights towards practice: more sensitive to the frequencies of phoneme- grapheme mappings are better able to detect in- consistencies and memorize these for novel irreg- • Children generalize rapidly from presented ular words (Biname and Poncelet, 2016). The items towards patterns. study emphasizes the importance for children to master phonological recoding during the first • This process has been proven in several lan- 4 ’i+1’ relates to the next unlearned step that is within the guages, regardless of orthographic depth. grasp of a student given the current knowledge. 52
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) years of school in order to establish their ortho- 2.4 Summary graphic learning abilities for the large number of The points discussed above are highly interre- words to come in further years of study. Only af- lated. Important considerations are the continu- ter learning patterns (’gehen’, ’wehen’), students ous training of phonological awareness through become sensitized to nuances in orthographic de- recoding within patterns and then moving on to tail (for example ’drehen’, ’dehnen’) (Cunning- new patterns as the preceding ones have been ham, 2006; Share, 2004). Words perceived mastered. These steps provide practice and lexi- as irregular effect both reading and writing. cal restructuring in a controlled manner. As learn- Wang (Wang et al., 2012) shows that irregular ing takes place rapidly, item selection is of crucial words are not only decoded less accurately but importance in the beginning. also encoded less well. The rest of the paper will examine a number There are two key insights towards progres- of German primer texts with respect to these cri- sion: teria. As the texts are examined, it is important to keep in mind that the first-grade materials are • Security in a lower level of acquisition not limited to the text in the primers. Therefore, makes the next level of difficulty possible. this analysis is only an approximation of the input that children receive in first grade teaching envi- • Ignoring sequences can lead to problems ronments. with recall in spelling and reading. 3 Corpus 2.3 High Frequency Words A selection of well-known primers was taken that One exception to perceived irregularities are high represent different ideologies regarding item pre- frequency words (HFW). HFW have a regularity sentation. at the text level in that they appear very frequently Syllabic Method: This methods assumes that (40-50% in a normal text) and are often function reading is best taught starting with the sylla- words. According to Gough (Gough, 1983), these ble. Therefore, the book starts with teaching words are predicted 40% of the time. They tend syllables instead of letters in isolation. Usually, to be 1-Syllable words and often do not follow this method also distinguishes stressed from un- spelling patterns (for example ”ihn”). Accord- stressed syllables (’Mutter’). An example of such ing to (Ehri, 2005), any word that is read suffi- a primer is ’ABC der Tiere’ (Handt et al., 2010). ciently often is a sight word. Many studies show The first words in one of the versions consists of that orthographic information is acquired fairly one page repeating the word ’mu’. Both letters rapidly (Manis et al., 1993; Reitsma, 1983a; Re- are learned in the context of the syllable and not itsma, 1983b) and the child will recognize these in isolation. frequent words visually. Therefore, HFW do not Analytic-Synthetic Method: This method as- represent a self-teaching event to acquire en/de- sumes that there is more or less a 1-1 correspon- coding patterns for generalization to new words. dence between phoneme and grapheme with some There are two key insights to emphasize re- more nuances that are postponed to a later stage, garding the use of HFW in item selection: without following a phonics approach. Examples tending in this direction to varying degrees are • Learning around 100 of these HFW will help ’Kunterbunt’ (Bartnitzky, 2009), ’Jo-Jo’ (Namour a beginning reader to quickly be able to read et al., 2011), and ’Tinto’ (Anders and Urbanek, almost half of the occurring words in any 2004). It is assumed that after introducing let- text, providing positive feedback. ters ’Ii,Aa,Oo,Nn,Mm,Ll,Tt’, the student can read ’Tina’, ’Oma’, ’Ali’, ’Ana’, ’Lila’ by sounding • These words do not provide practice for self- out the letters. (The ensuing difficulty for chil- teaching orthographic principles to support dren to decode (read) ’lieber’ or encode (write) learning future unknown words. /li:b@/ with these training samples may be under- 53
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) estimated.) Software modules form the basis for analyzing The Whole Word Method: This method ex- the primers’ texts building on the one described tends the previous with extensive practice at the in (Berkling et al., 2015). The system proceeds word level. ’Tobi’ (Metze, 2002) shows a ten- in three steps. First, the pronunciation of each dency in this direction. The text has since been item is obtained with speech synthesis supporting adapted to include syllables. tool Balloon (Reichel, 2012). Given a text, Bal- Phonics Method: The phonics approach em- loon returns pronunciation, morpheme and sylla- phasizes regularity (’lieber’, ’Diener’, ’bieter’) ble boundaries. In a second step, this output en- over simplification (’lila’, ’oma’). There are old ables the construction of the correct grapheme se- primers from the turn of the century that exem- quence 5 . plify this method, such as what will be called ’Alte Fibel’ (Stöwesand, 1903) in this paper. Pat- Word Type Description Self-Teaching terns are important and treated differently from or Example Event ’HFW’. There is a clear progression from what HFW 100 most memorized the author deems ’easy’ to ’difficult’ in relation to frequent words patterns in typically German words. = %45 of all words 1-syllable Bett yes 4 System short vowel (1Sv) In order to analyze the texts with respect to the 1-syllable saust, lieb yes criteria established in Section 2, a means of cat- long vowel (1SV) egorizing items (words) used in the primers is 2 syllables Sonne, Wonne yes needed. The goal is to study the use of regularities short vowel (Betten) in presented items because these support learning one consonant and generalizing from seen items to new words. 2 syllables fester, Äste yes Table 1 lists the most important categories of short vowel (besten) words, distinguishing regular spelling patterns in two consonants German from other categories of words. The reg- 2 syllables Nadel, geben yes ular word occurrences in learner texts are impor- long vowel (beten) tant to identify because they support self-teaching complex Klasse, klapper yes events at the beginner level. In its simplest onset form, there is the 2-syllable trochee (stressed/un- other Lulu, Lala, not stressed ’Betten’) and the 1-syllable form that de- Auto generalizable rives its spelling from the latter (’Bett’). The aa,oo,eh, Boot exception other listed categories include low-frequency ex- ceptions (these do not help to generalize), high ck, tz, ng Bäcker exception frequency words (these are quickly memorized as too long Weihnachten too whole-word image and support reading but not Sommerferien difficult generalization) and longer words (’Handschuh’, ’vergehen’), regular but very difficult for the early Table 1: List of identified ’Word Categories’ for stages. A hypothesis yet to be studied is that the purpose of this study. complex onset may prove difficult for children to learn, a reason to distinguish this additional cat- Finally, the graphemes can be assigned to al- egory. Finally, the category ’other’ encompasses lowed positions in the regular German syllable as word structures that inherently do not generalize shown in Table 1. K1, K2 etc. are column names 5 Examples of grapheme assignment difficulties are ’a-n- to other German words as they do not conform to German orthography. Together, these categories ||-n-eh-m-en’ /nn/ vs. ’a-nn-e’ /n/ depends on the morpheme boundary provided by Balloon; ’W-e-s-p-e’ contains /sp/ vs cover items seen in the text. The automated clas- ’g-e-sp-ie-l-t’ /Sp/; ’n.äh.r.en’ vs. ’n.ä.h.en’. Graphemes in sification algorithm needed to process large quan- this context are letter sequences used for teaching purposes tities of words is described in this section. (sp, nn, h, sch,...). 54
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) for each of the allowed positions of graphemes. The output of this algorithm produced a se- Depending on how these columns are filled, the quence of categories, one for each word of the en- words are then classified into the proposed cate- tire text. This sequence is then analyzed regarding gories (Berkling et al., 2015). regularities it item presentation of any text. By Regular words can be categorized according inspection, few words are misclassified and the to the table above. When position K(shortV ) is small number of mis-classifications do not affect filled, the vowel must be short. When the Rime is the overall analysis results. An example of word not filled, it is a 1-syllable word. The following classification output of this system is given below: are some examples: sein (HFW) sind (HFW) 1. 2-syllable, long vowel: K1-V-K1-Rime (’b- ist (HFW) e-t-en’) fest (1− S y l l a b l e s h o r t vowel ) reist (1− S y l l a b l e l o n g vowel ) 2. 2-syllable, short vowel with one conso- saust (1− S y l l a b l e l o n g vowel ) nant phonemes: K1-v-K(shortvowel)-K1- alt (1− S y l l a b l e s h o r t vowel ) Rime (’B-e-tt-en’), because K(shortvowel) klapper ( Comlex o n s e t ) and K1 after the syllable boundary are a sin- nudel (2− S y l l a b l e l o n g vowel ) sonne (2− S y l l a b l e s h o r t vowel ) gle grapheme (indicated by ’!’) ente (2− S y l l a b l e s h o r t vowel ) 3. Short vowel with two consonant phonemes: K1-v-K(shortvowel)-K1-Rime (’b-e-s-t-e- n’) Words in category ’other’ are identified, when graphemes occur in non-allowed positions. They are not typically German words and do not gen- eralize. Examples are ’Auto’, ’Mama’,’Lula’, where ’a’ and ’o’ are not allowed vowels in the second, unstressed syllable. Further, high frequency words (’HFW’) are distinguished in a separate category (Quasthoff and Richter, 1998), the list of words used to se- lect this set are statistically those 100 words that make up the top 45% occurrences in normal Ger- Figure 1: System of splitting graphemes into allowed man texts. syllable slots. Words that do not fit into the 1- or 2-syllable category and are ’too long’ (for primers), in- 5 Results cluding prefix or composites (’vergehen’, ’Weih- nachtsmann’ or ’Handpuppe’) are listed in a sep- 5.1 Practice and Patterns arate category. They are easily identified by their Practice can be achieved at the level of phonemes, number of syllables. syllables (patterns) or words. Spellings that follow German structure but ex- At the phoneme level, Table 3 (see Appendix) hibit irregular graphemes in consonants (such as lists the letters and their frequency of usage within ’ck’) or vowels (such as ’oo’) are categorized sep- the patterns of trochee mentioned in Section 4 arately according to vowel and consonant excep- over the first 1300 words for the example of ’Alte tions. Fibel’. It is more or less representative of all other Complex onsets, when columns K1 and K2 are primers. At this level of practice there is no visi- both filled in the first syllable, are categorized ble difference. Regarding practice at the syllable separately in ’complex’, regardless of whether and word level, Table 2 lists the lexical diversity they have one or two syllables. and syllable diversity after the first 1300 word in 55
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) each of the primers. Most of the primers are more or less similar. The outlier is ’Alte Fibel’ with a much larger lexical diversity. At the same time, the number of total used syllables is lower, indi- cating the use of shorter words. Looking at the syllable diversity, it can be seen that the reader is presented with a significant larger number of syllables than in any of the other readers (769 syl- lables, the runner up being ’Tinto’ with 610). At the syllable level, the learner has been exposed to a larger number of self-teaching opportunities both at syllable and word level. Figure 2: % distribution of word category usage for Title LD # Syllables SD regular patterns and HFW. ABC der Tiere .39 1951 .24 JoJo .32 1999 .21 Tinto .45 1938 .31 Kunterbunt .37 1979 .26 Tobi .41 1937 .28 Alte Fibel .62 1784 .43 Table 2: Statistics for each of the analyzed primers after the first 1300 words. LD=Lexical Diversity (Types/Tokens). SD=Syllable Diver- sity, using counts for types and tokens at syllable level. High diversity means more practice on new words/syllables. Figure 3: % distribution of word category usage for 5.2 Progression regular patterns and HFW. Being exposed to a larger number of self-teaching opportunities may be difficult if these are not tak- words). ’Alte Fibel’ is the only primer that shows ing place within known patterns. This presup- a very clean separation in time for all different poses a progression at the pattern level. patterns. Starting the reader off with HFW and 1- Figures 2, 3 and 4 depict the percentage of syllable words of both long and short vowel types, ’word category’ usage in the text seen up to a 2-syllable words are introduced much later, one given point in time (marked by the number of pattern at a time, only then moving on to words words seen so far on the y-axis). ’Tobi’ exhibits that include complex onset. a natural combination of word categories in use from the start. ’Tinto’ has a slightly manipu- 5.3 Function Words (HFW) and lated higher frequency of HFW and 1-syllable Non-Pattern Words words. ’Kunterbunt’ starts with a large proportion of HFW with all other patterns appearing in equal High Frequency Words: The natural occur- measure. ’Jo-Jo’ has a very low number of both rence frequency of HFW in a normal text is HFW and regular words in the beginning. Both around 40-45%. By the end of the text, all primers ’ABC der Tiere’ and ’Alte Fibel’ are different reach about the level of 30-45%. It is interesting from the other primers. ’ABC der Tiere’ exhibits to note that ’Alte Fibel’ de-emphasizes HFW in a very high usage of 1-syllable words and a late favor of self-teaching events that help students to but strong start of HFW (also usually 1-syllable generalize to new words. Figure 5 will show that 56
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) Figure 4: % distribution of word category usage for Figure 5: Progression of word type % that make up regular patterns and HFW. This graph includes ’other’ the text as seen until word n. ’Alte Fibel’ and ’ABC and ’complex onset’. der Tiere’ exhibit a clear contrast in approach dur- ing the first thousand item presentations while looking similar at the end. ’Alte Fibel’ has almost no words of this is a temporary condition in the beginning of category ’other’. the book before moving to above 30% towards the end of the book. in this category and shows their distribution over Irregular Words: Irregular words are those the top most frequent words. What we would like that do not conform to the German spelling sys- to see is a large number of repetitions and few tem, that is their patterns do not generalize to words of this type to prevent pattern formation new words that are frequent in German. Their across many self-teaching events and encourage use not only does not generalize but may induce visual recognition. ’Jo-Jo’ and ’Tobi’ show this self-teaching events that will create patterns that profile while ’Kunterbunt’ has a large number of are false. Since learning takes place with very ’other’ words with low frequency count of each few examples, these self-teaching events can af- as do ’ABC der Tiere’ and ’Tinto’. fect further reading ability because the student Irregular spellings that are part of the German fails to generalize to be able to read new words orthographic system like ’ck’ instead of ’kk’ or that have a different pattern from the ones learned ’oo’ in ’Boot’ do not appear in the first items for in the beginning. It also has an effect on spelling both ’ABC der Tiere’ and ’Alte Fibel’ while they as discussed in Section 2. It is therefore interest- appear in all other primers. Irregular spellings are ing to see if and how ’other’ words (not conform- rare but have a low frequency and so do not neces- ing to the German spelling system, like ’Auto’ or sarily move into visual recognition automatically ’Oma’) are used in the beginning. The percentage for readers. They may or may not confuse the of ’other’ words in the text is plotted over time in learner in the early pattern construction phase. terms of words seen (x-axis) in Figures 6 and 7. It is interesting to note that ’Alte Fibel’ has virtually 5.4 Summary none of these types of words. ’ABC der Tiere’ has a consistent 20% of such words in the beginning The theoretical background on what is known (plotted in Figure 4). All primers exhibits a fairly about reading and spelling acquisition in the con- high % of words that do not generalize to the reg- text of the self-teaching theory provides guide- ular patterns that appear in the German language. lines for a structured approach towards analyz- The percentage is especially high in the first pre- ing the selection of items presented to beginning sented items. Many of these words may be names readers. Primers are an indicator of the order in and introduce the people in the story. In order to which these are presented to children in the class- see whether these words become HFW through room. high usage, Figure 8 plots the number of words In theory, practice, patterns, progression after 57
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) Figure 6: % distribution of word type usage for irreg- Figure 8: Distribution of 10 most frequent non-regular ular and more difficult patterns. words. Word list differs for each book. 6 Conclusions The main contributions of this paper are twofold: • An overview of theoretical background to es- tablish criteria for reading and writing teach- ing materials • followed by an automated quantitative anal- ysis of primers based on automated speech and text processing technology. Given the theoretical background on what is known about reading and spelling acquisition, Figure 7: % distribution of word type usage for irreg- several points for evaluation of input items have ular and more difficult patterns. been motivated through the literature and various primers were analyzed with respect to these cri- teria. It was shown that there are very different mastery and careful use of items that do either not approaches for item presentation. It is also impor- provide a self-teaching event (’HFW’) or provide tant to note that the input items are not restricted a wrong self-teaching events (’other’) can be used to the primers. However, the chosen method to analyse the texts. will most likely extend to the additional materi- In all accounts, practice, patterns, clear pro- als. These different methods for item presenta- gression and careful use of ’HFW’ and ’other’, as tions will have an effect on spelling and reading well as special attention to irregularities in Ger- ability and this effect needs to be studied and un- man orthography, ’Alte Fibel’ outperformed to- derstood in more detail. The presented analyses days’ primers. Other primers exhibit partial as- provide a small window on the learning mate- pects in which they adhere to theoretical proposi- rials with imperfect automated tools. It is well tions on presenting items. known that context effects are important in self- Research tells us that learning takes place teaching events. These have not been addressed quickly given the correct presentation of items. in the present analysis. Also, generalizability of There is a clear need to study what the effect is on items to new items can be quantified and will be reading and spelling depending on item selection part of future work in this area. The next step is that places more emphasis on ’other’ especially in to correlate orthographic skill acquisition with the the first items that are presented. quality of teaching material. 58
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016) Appendix K1v K1v K2v K2v V V vK1 vK1 K1e K1e K2e K2e Rime 89 147 e 52 102 64 155 207 h 21 w 21 a 43 l 20 g 26 l! 16 en 96 sch 20 r 15 o 29 n 18 d 21 l 14 e 60 s 15 m 11 ei 20 l! 16 t 18 n! 13 er 26 d 13 l 9 i 15 n! 13 s 15 n 5 el 21 v 11 n 8 ü 10 t! 12 t! 12 m! 4 te 2 st 11 ie 10 s! 11 s! 11 m 3 ern 2 sp 9 u 9 m! 4 f 9 t 1 et 2 f 8 ä 6 ch 4 b 8 ten 1 b 6 äu 5 f! 3 z 6 es 1 g 3 ö 5 s 3 ch 5 k 2 au 5 m 1 k 4 z 2 eu 2 p 1 h 4 p 1 p! 1 f! 3 f 1 p 2 t 1 ß 2 p! 1 Table 3: Distribution of letters and their occurrence frequency for ”Alte Fibel”. The other primers have similar distributions.(! denotes a letter in a double consonant, like ”bit!t!er”.) References ers Read and Spell Words. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37(4):331–348. Linda Anders and Rüdiger Urbanek. 2004. Tinto blau: [Lesen- und Schreibenlernen im offenen Florence Biname and Martine Poncelet. 2016. The Anfangsunterricht]. Cornelsen, Berlin, 1. aufl., development of the abilities to acquire novel de- [nachdr.] edition. tailed orthographic representations and maintain them in long-term memory. Journal of experimen- Richard C. Anderson et al. 1977. Instantiation of tal child psychology, 143:14–33. Word Meanings in Children. Technical Report. Horst Bartnitzky. 2009. Kunterbunt / Fibel. Klett, Judith A. Bowey and David Muller. 2005. Phono- Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1 edition. logical recoding and rapid orthographic learning in Kay Berkling and Rémi Lavalley. 2015. WISE: third-graders’ silent reading: a critical test of the A Web-Interface for Spelling Error Recognition self-teaching hypothesis. Journal of experimental Description and Evaluation of the Algorithm for child psychology, 92(3):203–219. German. In International Conference of the M. Caravolas and J. Volin. 2001. Phonologi- German Society for Computational Linguistics cal spelling errors among dyslexic children learn- and Language Technology, GSCL, pages 87–96. ing a transparent orthography: the case of Czech. Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie and Computer- Dyslexia (Chichester, England), 7(4):229–245. linguists. Markéta Caravolas, Charles Hulme, and Margaret J. Kay Berkling, Rémi Lavalley, and Uwe Reichel. Snowling. 2001. The Foundations of Spelling 2015. Systematic Acquisition of Reading and Ability: Evidence from a 3-Year Longitudi- Writing: An Exploration of Structure in Didac- nal Study. Journal of Memory and Language, tic Elementary Texts for German. In Interna- 45(4):751–774. tional Conference of the German Society for Com- Marketa Caravolas, Arne Lervag, Petroula Mousikou, putational Linguistics and Language Technology, Corina Efrim, Miroslav Litavsky, Eduardo GSCL, pages 87–96. Gesellschaft für Sprachtech- Onochie-Quintanilla, Nayme Salas, Miroslava nologie and Computerlinguists. Schoffelova, Sylvia Defior, Marina Mikulajova, A. Bhattacharya and L. C. Ehri. 2004. Graphosyl- Gabriela Seidlova-Malkova, and Charles Hulme. labic Analysis Helps Adolescent Struggling Read- 2012. Common patterns of prediction of literacy 59
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