Probing Tasks Under Pressure - CEUR-WS

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Probing Tasks Under Pressure - CEUR-WS
Probing Tasks Under Pressure
                  Alessio Miaschi1,2 , Chiara Alzetta1 , Dominique Brunato1 ,
                               Felice Dell’Orletta1 , Giulia Venturi1
                 Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”, Pisa
                                 ItaliaNLP Lab –
                         Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa

                        Abstract                                for assessing the linguistic competence of a NLM?
                                                                Are probes the most effective strategy to achieve
    Probing tasks are frequently used to eval-
                                                                such goal? These questions fostered two comple-
    uate whether the representations of Neural
                                                                mentary lines of research. The first one is devoted
    Language Models (NLMs) encode linguis-
                                                                to modifying the architecture of the current prob-
    tic information. However, it is still ques-
                                                                ing models; the other one is focused on evaluating
    tioned if probing classification tasks really
                                                                the effectiveness of probing models. Both are still
    enable such investigation or they simply
                                                                not well investigated issues, although their impor-
    hint for surface patterns in the data. We
                                                                tance for advancing the research on the evaluation
    present a method to investigate this ques-
                                                                of NLMs linguistic competences has been widely
    tion by comparing the accuracies of a set
    of probing tasks on gold and automatically
    generated control datasets. Our results                        Among the first line of research, dealing with
    suggest that probing tasks can be used                      the design of probing classifiers, several works in-
    as reliable diagnostic methods to investi-                  vestigate which model should be used as probe
    gate the linguistic information encoded in                  and which metric should be employed to mea-
    NLMs representations.                                       sure their performance. With this respect, it is
                                                                still questioned if one should rely on simple mod-
1    Introduction                                               els (Hewitt and Manning, 2019; Liu et al., 2019;
                                                                Hall Maudslay et al., 2020) or complex ones
In recent years we saw the raise of a consistent
                                                                (Pimentel et al., 2020; Voita and Titov, 2020)
body of work dealing with the use of probing tasks
                                                                in terms of model parametrization. Specifically,
to test the linguistic competence learned by Neural
                                                                Voita and Titov (2020) suggest to design alterna-
Language Models (NLMs) (Conneau et al., 2018;
                                                                tive probes using a novel information-theoretic ap-
Warstadt et al., 2019; Hewitt and Liang, 2019; Mi-
                                                                proach which balances the probe inner complexity
aschi et al., 2020). The idea behind the probing
                                                                with its task performance.
paradigm is actually quite simple: using a diag-
nostic classifier, the probing model or probe, that                Concerning works facing the issue of investigat-
takes the output representations of a NLM as input              ing the effectiveness of the probing paradigm, He-
to perform a probing task, e.g. predict a given lan-            witt and Liang (2019) observe that probing tasks
guage property. If the probing model will predict               might conceal the information about the NLM rep-
the property correctly, then we can assume that                 resentation behind the ability of the probe to learn
the representations somehow encode that property.               surface patterns in the data. To test this idea, they
Studies relying on this method reported that NLMs               introduced control tasks, a set of tasks that asso-
representations do encode several properties re-                ciate word types with random outputs that can be
lated to morphological, syntactic and semantic in-              solved by simply learning regularities. Along the
formation.                                                      same line, Ravichander et al. (2021) test probing
   Despite the amount of work, there are still                  tasks by creating control datasets where a property
several open questions concerning their use (Be-                is always reported in a dataset with the same value,
linkov, 2021): which probing model should we use                thus it is not discriminative for testing the informa-
                                                                tion contained in the representations. Their exper-
     Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use per-
mitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 In-       iments highlight that the probe may learn a prop-
ternational (CC BY 4.0).                                        erty also incidentally, thus casting doubts on the
effectiveness of probing tasks.                         corresponding to the real values of the features in
   The scenario defined by the latter two works is      the corpus. In the other scenarios, we automati-
the one we deal with in this paper. Specifically,       cally altered the feature values at different control
we introduce a new approach to put increasingly         levels each corresponding to increasing degrees of
under pressure the effectiveness of a suite of prob-    pressure for the probing model, as discussed in
ing tasks to test the linguistic knowledge implic-      Section 2.4.
itly encoded by BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), one of         Our methodology will allow us to test whether
the most prominent NLMs. To achieve this goal,          the probing model really encodes linguistic com-
we set up a number of experiments (see Section 2)       petences or simply learns regularities in the task
aimed at comparing the performance of a regres-         and data distributions by checking the results ob-
sion model trained with BERT representations to         tained in the different scenarios. If the predictions
predict the values of a set of linguistic properties    of the probing model will be more similar to the
extracted from the Italian Universal Dependency         gold values than to the automatically altered ones,
Treebank (Zeman et al., 2020) and from a suite of       then we might assume that the information cap-
control datasets we specifically built for the pur-     tured by the probed feature is encoded in the rep-
pose of this study. We define a control dataset as a    resentations.
set of linguistic features whose values were auto-
matically altered in order to be increasingly differ-   2.1   Model
ent from the values in the treebank, referred to as
                                                        Our model is a pre-trained Italian BERT. Specif-
gold values. Our underlying hypothesis is that if
                                                        ically, we used the base cased BERT devel-
the predictions of the increasingly altered values
                                                        oped by the MDZ Digital Library Team, avail-
progressively diverge from the predictions of the
                                                        able trough the Huggingface’s Transformers li-
gold values, this possibly suggests that the corre-
                                                        brary (Wolf et al., 2020)1 . The model was trained
sponding probing tasks are effective strategies to
                                                        using Wikipedia and the OPUS corpus (Tiede-
test the linguistic knowledge embedded in BERT
                                                        mann and Nygaard, 2004). For the sentence-
representation We will discuss the results of our
                                                        level representations, we leveraged the activation
experiments in light of this hypothesis in Section
                                                        of the first input token [CLS]. The probing model
3. In Section 4 we will draw the conclusions.
                                                        is a linear Support Vector Regression model (Lin-
   Note that this is one of the few studies focused
on non-English NLMs. In fact, with the excep-
tion of (de Vries et al., 2020; Miaschi et al., 2021;   2.2   Data
Guarasci et al., 2021), the majority of research re-
lated to interpretability issues is focused on En-      Our experiments are carried out on the Italian
glish or, at most, multilingual models.                 Universal Dependencies Treebank (IUDT), ver-
                                                        sion 2.5 (Zeman et al., 2020), containing a total
Contributions To the best of our knowledge this         of 35,480 sentences. Due to the IUDT high vari-
is the first paper that (i) introduces a methodology    ability in terms of sentence length2 , we focused
to test the reliability of probing tasks by building    on a sub-set of sentences with a ±10 tokens vari-
control tasks at increasing level of complexity, (ii)   ation with respect to the median sentence length
puts under pressure the probing approach consid-        (i.e. 20 tokens). As a result, we selected 21,991
ering the Italian language.                             sentences whose length ranges between 10 and 30
                                                        tokens. This way our dataset is balanced, viz., the
2   Methodology
                                                        amount of sentences with exact same length con-
Our methodology seeks to investigate the effec-         sidered for the experiments is comparable. Specif-
tiveness of probing tasks for evaluating the lin-       ically, our dataset accounts for around 1,000 sen-
guistic competences encoded in NLM representa-          tences for each reported value of sentence length,
tions. To this aim, we trained a probing model (de-     which makes the results of our analyses reliable
scribed in Section 2.1) using BERT sentence rep-        and comparable.
resentations and then tested its performance when
predicting the values of a set of linguistic features
(see Section 2.3) in multiple scenarios. In one sce-       2
                                                             IUDT contains sentences ranging from 1 to 308 token
nario, the model shall predict gold values, thus        long.
Morphosyntactic information
  Distibution of UD POS
  Lexical density
  Inflectional morphology
  Distribution of lexical verbs and auxiliaries for inflectional categories
  (tense, mood, person, number)
  Verbal Predicate Structure
  Distribution of verbal heads and verbal roots
  Average verb arity and distribution of verbs by arity
  Global and Local Parsed Tree Structures
  Depth of the whole syntactic tree
  Average length of dependency links and of the longest link
  Average length of prepositional chains and distribution by depth
  Average clause length
  Relative order of elements
  Distribution of subjects and objects in post- and pre-verbal position
  Syntactic Relations
  Distribution of dependency relations
  Use of Subordination
  Distribution of subordinate and principal clauses
  Average length of subordination chains and distribution by depth
  Distribution of subordinates in post- and pre-principal clause position
                                                                              Figure 1: 2-dimensional PCA projection of the
Table 1: Linguistic features probed in the experi-                            feature values in the gold and control datasets. All
ments.                                                                        Swapped datasets overlap with the Gold one.

2.3    Linguistic Features                                                    2.4   Control Datasets

The probing tasks we defined consist in predict-                              We created two main types of control datasets, ob-
ing the value of multiple linguistic features, each                           tained by automatically altering gold feature val-
corresponding to a specific property of sentence                              ues. The first main type (hereafter referred to as
structure. The set includes 77 linguistic features                            Swapped) is built by shuffling the original val-
and it is based on the ones described in Brunato et                           ues of each feature across sentences; while the
al. (2020) modeling 7 main aspects of the struc-                              second type (Random) contains values randomly
ture of a sentence, which are reported in Table                               generated within the maximum and the minimum
1. They range from morpho-syntactic and inflec-                               value that each feature shows in the whole gold
tional properties, to more complex aspects of sen-                            dataset. To clarify, consider the following example
tence structure (e.g. the depth of the whole syn-                             involving the feature average link length,
tactic tree), to features referring to the structure                          which captures the average linear distance be-
of specific sub-trees, such as the order of subjects                          tween dependents and their syntactic head within a
and objects with respect to the verb, to the use of                           sentence. In the Swapped variant we simply swap
subordination.                                                                the feature values, thus a sentence which origi-
                                                                              nally showed an average link length of,
   We chose to rely on these features for two main                            e.g., 2.86 could be changed to 8.83. Note that both
reasons. Firstly, they have been shown to be                                  are real values extracted from our dataset. When
highly predictive when leveraged by traditional                               building the Random variant, all sentences consid-
learning models on a variety of classification prob-                          ered for the study show a feature value randomly
lems where the linguistic information plays a fun-                            generated between 1.33 and 9.78, which are the re-
damental role. In addition, they are multilingual as                          ported minimum and maximum average link
they are based on the Universal Dependency for-                               length values in the dataset, respectively associ-
malism for sentence representation (Nivre, 2015).                             ated to sentences with length 11 and 21.
In fact, they have been successfully used to pro-
                                                                                 Since the values of the considered features are
file the knowledge encoded in the language repre-
                                                                              strongly related to the length of the sentence, for
sentations of contextual NLMs for both the Italian
                                                                              each type of control dataset we built two sub-types
(Miaschi et al., 2021) and English language (Mi-
                                                                              of datasets. In a first sub-type (Bins), we grouped
aschi et al., 2020).
                                                                              sentences falling into the same predefined range
   In this study, the values of each feature acquired                         of sentence lengths (i.e., 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 and
from IUDT represent the gold dataset and they                                 25-30 tokens). In a second sub-type (Lengths),
have been automatically altered in order to gen-                              we included groups of sentences having exactly
erate additional control datasets.                                            the same length. This motivates the choice of
Figure 2: Average probing scores (as Spearman                    Figure 3: Error reduction rates reporting the dif-
correlation) obtained by the LinearSVR model                     ference between the probing scores obtained on
when predicting gold and control linguistic fea-                 the Gold dataset and each control dataset. Result
tures. Results are reported for each feature group               are reported for each feature group and on average
and on average (‘AVG’ column).                                   (‘AVG’ column).

sentences whose length ranges in an interval for
                                                                 NLM’s layer–wise scores as, for all datasets, we
which we have a reliable amount of instances (as
                                                                 observed small differences between the scores ob-
introduced in Section 2.2).
                                                                 tained across the 12 layers. We experimentally
   Note that the different data altering strategies
                                                                 verified that these differences were not significant
are conceived to represent increasingly challeng-
                                                                 by computing the slope of a linear regression line
ing testbeds to assess the effectiveness of our prob-
                                                                 between BERT layers and the scores of the gold
ing tasks. The Swapped control datasets are the
                                                                 dataset, obtaining -0.0017 as mean value consid-
most challenging ones as the swapped feature val-
                                                                 ering all features. Our intuition is that the small
ues might be quite similar to the gold ones, thus
                                                                 range of lengths of the sentences here consid-
possibly predicted with an high accuracy by the
                                                                 ered may have yielded such insignificant variation
probing model. Such intuition is confirmed by the
                                                                 across layers, which on the contrary Miaschi et al.
results of the 2-dimensional Principal Component
                                                                 (2021) showed to be significant on the whole set of
Analysis (PCA) reported in Figure 13 . As we can
                                                                 IUDT sentences. Namely, being highly related to
see, all the data points representing the feature val-
                                                                 the length of the sentence, the feature values have
ues contained in the Swapped datasets fully over-
                                                                 little variations. However, a more in-depth inves-
lap with the gold ones, thus confirming their simi-
                                                                 tigation of the underlying reasons of this outcome
larity. On the contrary, randomly generated values
                                                                 is one of the future directions of this work.
are progressively more distant being less plausi-
                                                                     Figure 2 shows the scores obtained on the
ble, even if the constraints of sentence length yield
                                                                 gold and the 6 control datasets, both for the 7
values that are closer to the gold ones.
                                                                 macro-groups of linguistic features and on average
3       Results                                                  (AVG). Additionally, in order to properly appreci-
                                                                 ate the differences between the results obtained on
For both gold and control datasets, probing scores               the gold and control datasets, in Figure 3 we report
are computed as a Spearman correlation between                   the error reduction rate for each control dataset
the feature values predicted by the probing model                computed as the difference between the scores ob-
and the values contained in each dataset. Such                   tained when predicting gold and altered features.
correlation values are computed by averaging the
     PCA is a classical data analysis method that reduces the    General Results. We can observe that on aver-
dimensionality of the data while retaining most of the vari-     age the highest probing scores are obtained on the
ation in the data set by identifying n principal components,
along which the variation of the data is maximal (Jolliffe and   gold dataset and that, accordingly, there is a great
Cadima, 2016).                                                   difference (i.e. almost 1.0, see Figure 3) between
the accuracy of the probing model when predict-            Dataset                       Spearman correlation
ing the authentic and altered feature values. This         Random                                        0.08
seems suggesting that the model is able to recog-          Random Bins                                 0.46 *
nize that the feature values contained in the con-         Random Lengths                              0.33 *
trol datasets have been altered, even when they are        Swapped                                      -0.15
not fully random but plausible, i.e. in the Swapped        Swapped Bins                                  0.05
datasets. As a consequence, we can hypothesize             Swapped Lengths                               0.06
that the model is relying on some implicit linguis-
tic knowledge when it predicts the authentic fea-       Table 2: Spearman correlations between the rank-
ture values, rather than learning some regularities     ings of features obtained with the Gold dataset and
possibly found in the dataset.                          the 6 control datasets. Statistically significant cor-
                                                        relations are marked with * (p-value < 0.05).
   However, if we take a closer look at the scores
obtained for the Random and Swapped datasets              Gold                   Random Bins            Swapped Lengths
when we constrain the length of the sentences, we         dep dist root          dep dist root          dep dist root
                                                          dep dist punct         avg max links len      avg max links len
can observe that the accuracy in predicting the fea-      upos dist PUNCT        max links len          max links len
                                                          xpos dist FS           xpos dist FB           avg max depth
ture values contained in the Swapped datasets is          upos dist ADP          avg token per clause   verbal head per sent
                                                          dep dist det           xpos dist FS           xpos dist FS
sightly higher than in the Random ones (see ‘AVG’         upos dist PROPN        n prep chains          avg links len
column in Figure 2). This is in line with our             upos dist DET          avg max depth          subord prop dist
                                                          xpos dist RD           verbal head per sent   avg subord chain len
starting hypothesis and shows that feature values         dep dist case          xpos dist RI           n prep chains
                                                          verbal head per sent   dep dist cop           subord post
artificially created simply by shuffling gold ones        xpos dist FF           xpos dist PC           subord dist 1
across sentences of the same lengths (or of the           xpos dist SP           dep dist conj          avg prep chain len
                                                          xpos dist E            xpos dist B            obj post
same range of lengths) are more similar to the gold       upos dist NOUN         xpos dist VA           avg verb edges
values and thus are predicted with higher accuracy
                                                        Table 3: 15 top-ranked Gold and control features
than randomly altered values. Nevertheless, their
                                                        (Random Bins and Swapped Lengths) predicted by
error rate, namely the difference from the accuracy
                                                        BERT sentence-level representations.
of gold predictions, is still quite high, i.e. about
0.80 (see the ‘AVG’ column, Figure 3).
                                                        racy, possibly making the results not significant.
Linguistic Features Analysis. Also when we
focus on the results obtained with respect to the       Features Correlations. Once we showed that
7 macro-groups of linguistic features, we can ob-       the probing tasks accuracy is very different if the
serve that the probing model is more accurate in        feature values are authentic or altered, in this sec-
the prediction of the gold values. Again, the scores    tion we compare the ranking of linguistic features
on the control datasets are slightly higher when        ordered by decreasing prediction accuracy in the
we constrain the values with respect to sentence        gold and control scenarios. As we can see in Ta-
length, since we narrow the range of possible val-      ble 2, which reports the Spearman correlations be-
ues. In particular, we see that the feature values      tween the rankings, the control rankings are al-
related to the sentence tree structure are those pre-   most not related to the gold one and the exist-
dicted most closely to the gold ones (see column        ing correlations in most cases are not even statis-
‘TreeStructure’, Figure 3). Note that these sen-        tically significant. The only exceptions are rep-
tence properties are the most sensitive to the sen-     resented by the rankings of values that were ran-
tence length, that BERT encodes with a very high        domly generated with sentence length constraints,
accuracy. This may suggest that in the resolution       which have a weak and moderate correlation. Note
of these tasks the probing model is possibly rely-      that however, as shown before, the probing scores
ing on some regularities related to sentence length.    are very low.
   Similar observations hold for the results               A more qualitative feature ranking analysis can
achieved in the resolution of the probing tasks         be carried out by inspecting Table 3 where we re-
related to the use of subordination, which heav-        port the first 15 top-ranked features predicted in
ily depends on sentence length. Interestingly, we       the gold and in the two most highly correlated
can note that the values of all the other groups of     Swapped and Random datasets. As we can see,
features contained in the control datasets are pre-     the gold ranking diverges from the rankings of
dicted by the probing model with a very low accu-       the altered values with respect to the majority of
top-ranked features. The most visible exception        Starting from this preliminary finding, a possible
is represented by the distribution of syntactic root   future investigation could focus on whether using
(dep dist root) that the probing model always pre-     longer or shorter sentences would also have an ef-
dicts with the highest accuracy. The result is quite   fect on the probing scores obtained with the con-
expected since this feature can be seen as a proxy     trol datasets.
of the length of the sentence, a linguistic prop-         In future work we also plan to investigate which
erty properly encoded by BERT. Similarly, other        features are more diagnostic of the linguistic com-
two features influenced by sentence length appear,     petence encoded by a NLM and which ones, on
as expected, on the top positions of all rankings,     the contrary, are more influenced by confounders,
namely the distribution of the sentence bound-         such as sentence length.
ary punctuation (xpos dist FS) and of verbal heads
(verbal head per sent).
4   Discussion and Conclusion                          Yonatan Belinkov.       2021.     Probing Classifiers:
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In this paper we described a methodology to test         tional Linguistics, pages 1–12, 10.
the effectiveness of a suite of probing tasks for      Dominique Brunato, Andrea Cimino, Felice
evaluating the linguistic competence encoded by          Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi, and Simonetta
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                                                       Alexis Conneau, German Kruszewski, Guillaume
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                                                         Lample, Loı̈c Barrault, and Marco Baroni. 2018.
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   As a general remark, it should be pointed out         guistics.
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                                                       Wietse de Vries, Andreas van Cranenburgh, and Malv-
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other hand excluded from the analyses the short-         ation for Computational Linguistics.
est and the longest sentences of IUDT. Our future
work will be devoted to replicate the probing task     Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
                                                          Kristina Toutanova. 2019. BERT: Pre-training of
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                                                         De Pietro, Hamido Fujita, and Massimo Esposito.
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