Prevent Damage to Beehives with an Energized Fence - files

Page created by Nancy Barrett
Prevent Damage to Beehives with an Energized Fence - files
Prevent Damage to Beehives with an
Energized Fence
   A  beekeeper's guide to developing                                      a   cost-effective,
   energized fence to protect beehives                                     from black bears.

                                    electrical grounding system, 3.             • Energizers may be attached to
                                    proper wire and post spacing. and            the outside of a hive or hidden
         each year, the Minne-
                                    4, monitor ing of fence status with          in a false h ive. Some D-cell
          sota Departme nt of
                                    a vo lt met er.                              chargers may be hung direct ly
         Natural Resou rces
                                                                                 from the fence wire.
(D NR) receives complaints
                                    1. Energizer
from beekeepers whose bee-
                                     • A high vo ltage , low impedance          • Batteries must be insulated
hives have been damaged by
                                       energizer delivers a short                from the ground.
black bear!.. Kill ing bears that
                                       (.0003 secon d ), painful, but
cause damage does not pro-                                                      • The fence must always be
                                       safe shock to bears. The short
tect the beekeeper from                                                           energized. The energizer and
                                       pulse will not set fire to grass
financial loss nor does it                                                       grounding system should be
                                       contacting the wires, nor will it
prevent subsequent losses                                                        installed and operational prior
                                       injure humans or animal s.
from other bears. By contrast,                                                   to installing posts and wire. All
energized fence designs have                                                     fe nce wi r es should be ener·
been tested and proven effec-                                                    g i zed.
tive in preventing bear damage
to beehives. Energized fences                                                   • Coated underground cable
should be considered for                                                         may be buried as a lead out
protection of all beehives in                                                    wire from the energizer t o the
areas that have the potential                                                    fence and from the energizer
for bear damage.                                                                 to the ground rods.

                                                                                • Remember, the shocking
                                                                                  power of the fence deters the
Fence Design                                                                     bear. The posts and wires are
   A basic fence design is                                                       the delivery system: it is not a
shown in the illustration on                                                     physical barrier, and will not
page 3. The four critical com-        • Energizers may be powered by             be effective unless It is con-
ponents to an effective ener·           a 6 or 12·volt battery, D-cell           stantlyenergized.
                                        alkaline batteries, or II O·volt
gized fence are: I. a high
                                       AC current.                             2. Grounding
voltage. low impedance ener-
gizer capable of delivering a                                                   • Use a minimum of three 6 foot
                                      • Deep cycle marine or gell cell
minimum of 4,000 volts under                                                     ground rods. Additional or
                                        batteries are recommended
all conditions, 2. an adequate                                                   longer ground rods may be
                                        for 12-volt energizers.
Prevent Damage to Beehives with an Energized Fence - files
necessary on sandy soils or           treated wood or 7 to B-foot          Maintenance
  during dry conditions. Ground         long, 1 1/ 4-inch diameter               Monitor voltage weekly.
  rods should be driven into the        fiberglass rod. Place the wide       Charge or change batteries as
  ground so that approximately          end of the wooden post Into          required. usually every 3 to 4
  3 inches remain above the             the ground. Angle corner pOSts       weeks. Some energizers may
  surface to attach the cable           slightly away from the corner.       be equipped with solar panels
  from the energizer.                   In light or sandy Sail, longer       to recharge the battery. Veg-
                                        corner posts or an anchor post       etation must not contact the
 • Ground rods should be galva-         may be necessary. You will           fence. Mowing, weed whip-
   nized steel ; avoid copper.          need about 4 feet of post            ping. herbicides or soil ster-
                                        above the ground.                    ilants may be used to control
 • Ground rods should be placed                                              vegetation on an 18-inch wide
   10 feet apart.                      • Use high density plastic or         strip under the fence. Apply
                                         porcelain insulators with           herbicides according to label
3. Wire and Posts                        wooden corner posts. Avoid          instructions.
 • Fiberglass, plastic, or wooden        wraparound and tube insula-             Fences around beeyards
   posts with insulators are
                                         tors.                               that have hives only in the
   recommended. Steel posts with
                                                                             summer should be taken down
  insulators may leak voltage
                                      4. Voltmeter                           dUTIng winter months to
  and should not be used .             • A voltmeter is critical for         reduce wear. Corner posts may
                                         monitoring voltage and for          be left in the ground over
 • Seventeen gauge, smooth steel
                                         trouble shooting. Voltmeters        winter. Ear tags used by cattle
   wire, poly wire or light gauge
                                         are available from energized        farmers to control face flies
   steel cable may be used. Many
                                         fence manufaclUrers.                may be placed in the energizer
   growers prefer steel cable. Poly
                                                                             to reduce ant nest building.
   wire is not as durable as steel
                                                                             With proper care, fences
  wire or cable. Do not use
  barbed wire.
                                      Other Considerations                   should last 10 or more years.
                                          Baiting the wire is not gener-         For further details, trouble·
 • Wire tension is adjusted by        ally recommended. Baiting may          shooting information. or if you
   hand-pull i ng to tighten , and    serve as an attractant where bears     have questions contact your
   held with knots on the end.        have not been a problem.                local DNR wildlife manager.
   Spring-type gate handles also          Spring loaded gate handles
   serve to maintain tension. Use     may serve as the entrance to the
   small tension springs with         beeyard. The width of the gate         Safety
  light gauge steel cable.            may be customized to each                 Safety is a primary concern
                                      operator's needs. Some operators       when using energized fenCing
 • Place in-line posts 10 feet        may prefer more than one gate. As      systems. The beekeeper is
   apart. It is important to main·    an alternative, all fence wires may    responsible for protecting
   tain the wire spaci ng shown in    be attached to a single fiberglass     others from injury. Use ener-
   the illustration on page 3.        or plastic rod so all wires may be     gized fence warning signs and
                                      opened simultaneously.                 an unaltered energizer, listed
 • If skunks are an additional            Locate hives at least 3 feet       with a qualified electrical
   problem, an extra energized        inside the wires. If hives are close   testing laboratory, to protect
   wire may be added 4 inches         to the wire, a bear may reach          yourself and others. Always
  above the ground.                   through and tip the hive over.         follow the manufacturer safety
                                          Locate the hives away from         recommendations.
 • Corner posts may be 8·foot
                                      over hanging trees and large
   long, 4·inch diameter, pressure
Prevent Damage to Beehives with an Energized Fence - files
Illustration of Energized Fence- Modified New York Design
                                                       (not to scale)

                                                               Porcelain InSulators

          'P' Springs are
                                                               are ·wlre tied"
          used to matlnain                                     to the corner posts.   l.,....\-.
          wire tension
          when uSing galvan-



                                       PVC pipe fits
                               Slake   over stake.
                                       Wire loop on                                                 I
                                       pOst holds
                                       PVC pipe
                                                        -----\Jtud,ods---                   Energizer and grounding
                                       ,n place.                                            system location art
                                                                                           determined by Slit
                                                                                           conditions. Shown in front
  Spring type gale handles                                                                 for damy only. They can
  can also be used for                                                                      be hidden in a modified
  Individual wires.                                                                         hive,

                   Materials List for Energi zed Fence - Modified New York Design
                                        (See illu s tra tion a bove)
             Materials list and price estimate (2003) for a 20' by 30' energized enclosure to exclude bear:

  Quantity         Sou rce         Des cription                                Unit Cost                Tot a l Cos t
   I                G             Energizer (at least.7 Joule)                 $1 \ 0.00                Sl10.00
   3                G             6' galvanized ground rods with clamps           10.00                   30.00
                    G             Digital voltmeter                               60.00                   60.00
   4                F             8' x 4" round treated posts                       7.00                  28.00
   1/2 Ib,          F             Galvanized fence staples                          0.50                   0.50
   125'             F              12.5 or 14 gauge steel wire to attach
                                  porcelain Ins ulators to wood posts                                       4.00
   24               G             Porcelain doughnu t insulators                    0.30                    7.20
  As    needed      G             12.5 gauge insulated underground cable (6S')    24.00                    24.00
  8                 F             3/8" x 48" fiberrod posts                         0.80                    4.80
  48                F             3/8" post clips                                   0,25                    9.00
  4                 G             Fence warning signs                               2.00                    8.00
   2                G             Poly wire (655' roll)                           16.00                    32.00
                    F             3/4" x 36" stake                                  4,00                    4.00
                    F              , · 1/4" x 4" schedule 80 pvc                    4,00                    4.00
                    G             MaxiShock steel cable (optional wire)           46.00                    46 .00'
  6                 G             "f>" springs (necessary with "Maxi5hock")         3,20                   19.20'

  Source: G·Ene rgi zed fence su pplie r  F-Farm s uppl y s tore       Es timated tota l cos t           S32S.50
                            ·optional wire and springs were not figured in total cost
Fence Material Sources                                For more in forma ti o n ca ll:
                                                         (651) 296·61 57 (Metro Area)
UAP Great Lakes                                          1·888·646·6367 (MN TolI·free)
                           Kencove Farm Fence Supplies
POBox 143                                                Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
                           344 Kendall Road
101 South Chestnut                                       (65 I) 296·5484 (Metro Area)
                           Blairsville, PA 15717·8707
laCresenl. MN 5S947                                      1·800·657·3929 (MN TolI·free)
                           (BOO) 536·2683
(SOl) 895·21 03            www,kencQve,(oro              () CoPyri9ht 2003, State of Minnesota, Department
                                                         of Natural Resources.
Shepard's Hill Farm        Midwest Fence
Dave Deutschlander         5201 St. Paul Rd.             Equal opportunity to participate In and benefit from
Rt. 4, Box 43              Medford, MN 55049             programs of the Minnesota Department of Natural
Pine City, MN 55063        (507)4$1-8657                 Resources is available to all individuals regardless of
(320) 629·2 744                                          race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex,
                           Eikmeier livestock Systems    marital status, status with regard to public assis·
K·Fence Systems            48737 237th St.               tance, age, sexual orientation or disability, Discrimi·
RI. 1 Box 195              Pipestone, MN 56164           nation inquiries should be sent to' MN/DNR, 500
Zumbro Falls, MN 55991     (605) 997·2022                Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155·4049; or the
(507) 753·2943                                           Equal Opportunity Office, Department of the Interior,             Waconia Farm Supply           Washington, DC 20240.
                           801 S. Hwy. 284
Premier I                  Waconia, MN 55387             This information Is available in an alternative fo rm at
2031 300th St.             (9S2) 442·2126                upon request.
Washington, IA 52353       (888) 741·3276
(SOD) 282·6631              listing of company names Is for the readers conve·                                 nience and Is nOI considered comprehensive. The
                           David Mciver                  State of Minnesota neither recommends nor en·
                           15624 340th Avenue            dorses specific products or companies.
                           Farwell, MN 56372              f t Printed on recycled paper containing a
                           (320) 283·5776                " . , minimum of 10% post·consumer waste.

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