Page created by Jamie Wilson
Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                    Saturday, August 17, 2019                                                          Pages 8, Price 2.00 NFA

 President Isaias Holds talks with                                                                                       Eritrea hosts CECAFA under-15
                                                                                                                             football tournament
        Japanese Delegation                                                                                                The first Central and Eastern Confederation of African Football Association
                                                                                                                         (CECAFA) under-15 football tournament was officially opened yesterday, 16
                                                                                                                         August at the Asmara Stadium here in the capital.

                                                                                                                           At the opening ceremony, high government officials, Secretary General
                                                                                                                         of CECAFA Mr. Nicholas Musonye, and Executive of the CECAFA under-
                                                                                                                         15 tournament Ms. Doris Petra as well as heads of Sports Commissions and
                                                                                                                         national sports federations took part.

                                                                                                                           During the opening match of the tournament, the Kenyan Soccer Team
                                                                                                                         defeated the Somali National Team 3-1. In a second match conducted between
                                                                                                                         the national teams of Eritrea and Burundi, the Burundi national team defeated
                                                                                                                         the Eritrean team 2-1.

                                                                                                                           At the 1st CECAFA Under-15 tournament national soccer teams from 10
                                                                                                                         Central and Eastern African countries including Eritrea, Burundi, Kenya,
                                                                                                                         Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania are
                                                                                                                         participating and the tournament will continue until August 30.

                                                                                                                           It is to be recalled that Eritrea hosted the 2010 CECAFA under-20

  President Isaias Afwerki met          that Eritrea values the role of and      International Cooperation for African
and held talks on 15 August with        encourages investment by private         Development - TICAD Summit in
Japanese delegation led by His          Japanese companies that enhance          that will be held towards the end of
Excellency Mr. Tetsuro Yano, Special    bilateral programmes of partnership.     this month in Yokohama, Japan.
Envoy of Prime Minister Shinzo            President Isaias and the Japanese
Abe and President of Association of     delegation also discussed on potential     At the meeting the Minister of
African Economy and Development         cooperation grounds between the          Foreign Affairs, Mr. Osman Saleh
(AFRECO) and His Excellency             two countries in the sectors of          was present.
Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura,           education, fisheries, water and other
Ambassador for Tokyo International      infrastructure.

                                                                                    Eritrea Festival 2019 commences
Conference on African Development
(TICAD.                                   The Japanese envoy on his
                                        part reiterated Japan’s readiness
  During the meeting conducted at       to promote and consolidate                 President    Isaias    Afwerki          The opening ceremony held at          and a number of nationals from
State House, President Isaias Afwerki   development cooperation with             officially opened the 2019              the Expo Compound was attended          all the regions of the country.
underlined Japan’s important role       Eritrea and the region as a whole.       Eritrea Festival yesterday, 16          by senior Government and PFDJ
in African development & the
Horn of Africa in these auspicious        The two sides also exchanged
                                                                                 August under the theme “Cultural
                                                                                 Resilience for Higher Progress”.
                                                                                                                         officials as well as members of the
                                                                                                                         Diplomatic Corps, invited guests        continued on page 6
times. President Isaias also stated     views on the 2019 Tokyo

  Meningitis vaccination to be
    conducted nationwide
  The Ministry of Health announced that preparations are underway for
a new anti-Meningitis vaccination program nationwide in the coming
months of November and December.

  The comment was made at a meeting organized by the National
Vaccination Program of the Ministry of Health. The meeting was
attended by health representatives and administrators of the sub-zones
of Teseney, Golij, Haykota, Forto Sawa and Gogne.

  According to Mr. Tedros, Head of National Vaccination Program at
the Ministry of Health, Meningitis is prevalent in 26 African countries
bordering the equator and that the disease is rarely witnessed in some
parts of Eritrea as part of the country is located around the Equator.

                    continued on page 6
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                             Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                          2

 CECAFE U15: Africa’s Future Stars
         Natnael Yebio W.

  The first of its kind under-15
football tournament officially
kicked off in Asmara Eritrea
yesterday with Host nation Eritrea
taking on Burundi.

   Participating national teams
begun counting down the days
to their first set of international
matches as early as May when
it was officially announced that
Eritrea was going to host the
tournament. During his May visit,
General Secretary of CECAFA,
Mr. Nicholas Musonye, said he           that has helped for many years on      world class football stars.           Gachango and Andrew Waswa              tournament.
was already looking forward to the      abridging and creating friendship                                            Waliaulah gave Kenya a win on
tournament in clean and perfect         among different peoples and              The first game of the tournament    their first game. Somalia got their       The second and official curtain
Asmara.                                 nations. Over the course of the        was between Kenya and Somalia         goal near the end of the game via a    raiser game saw hosts Eritrea take
                                        entire tournament football will        at Asmara Stadium, saw four           penalty kick.                          on Burundi. With the full stadium
  It was at this summer’s AFCON         take center stage and prove once       goals scored, perfect opening.                                               of fans supporting the hosts Eritrea,
nation’s cup in Egypt that this         again that our gathering is another    The crowed were entertained as          After the game Kenya Coach           Burundi showed that they weren’t
region for the first time in history    testament of how the people’s          Kenya came out on top with a          Sagar said he was proud of the way     going to be rattled as they took the
witnessed the participation of four     game can transcend borders and         3-1 convincing win over their         his team played and added that his     lead inside the second minute when
nations. It is on this remarkable       bring 10 nations of our East Africa    opponents. According to      team is here to play possession        Interiteka Florien outran his marker
progress then that CECAFA has           together for a healthy competition     Kenya coach Sagar Lakhani stated      football and that they showed it       on the right hand side and slotted
chosen to kick start the first under-   of football.                                                                                                        the ball past Eritrean goalkeeper
15 tournament in Eritrea.                                                                                                                                   Essey Tesfazghi, Eritrea captain
                                          In a time when Eritrea is working                                                                                 Naod Habtom calling for calm as
  “These are our future stars. They     hard towards the development of                                                                                     his team was getting ready to restart
are all here to get the experience      football in the country and region,                                                                                 the game. This was not the start the
they need”, said Petra Dorris, Head     hosting two friendlies against                                                                                      host were hoping for. As the first
delegation of CECAFA, during a          South Sudan and Tanzania, this                                                                                      half progressed, the Red Sea camels
Press Conference held a day before      competition couldn’t have come at                                                                                   started to find their foot in the
the opening.                            a better time.                                                                                                      game albeit on the wide hand side.
                                                                                                                                                            Burundi on the other hand seemed
  Football is a universal language         It cannot be disputed that the                                                                                   to have done their homework. It
                                        future belongs to the youth. This                                                                                   is evident that Eritrean clubs and
                                        rings true with football also.                                                                                      national teams of various ages like
                                        Nurturing talent from a young age                                                                                   to play the ball from the back and
                                        has always been key to the success                                                                                  work their way up the field; it was
                                        of any football club and nation.                                                                                    the same with this one. However
                                        Look at Barcelona’s dominance          that he was confident that his team   today. While Somalia coach Osei-       Burundi kept pressing Eritrea on
                                        and Spain’s world cup winning          was going to give a positive show.    Fosu Ignatius reminded that this was   their half of the field when they
    Published Every                     team of 2010, most were academy        As expected his team dictated the     his team’s first international match   have possession and kept forcing
    Published  Every                    developed and nurtured players.        game from the get go. With kevin      and they improved immensely on         them out wide. This left the
   Saturday & Wednesday
    Published   Every                   However, there is no golden rule on    Wangaya Injehu and Odera Joseph       the second half.                       Eritrean midfield stretched and
   Wednesday & Saturday                 how to develop young players into      Munala pulling the string down          The first match was off to a         their playmakers isolated, making
   Saturday & Wednesday
                                        the football stars of tomorrow. This   the middle. Kenya never struggled     good start. Kenya showed they          it easier for the Burundi players to
       Acting Editor                    is not a bad thing, on the contrary,   throughout the game. Goals from       mean business. Their team led by       mark and intercept any ball played
       Acting Editor
      Amanuel Editor                    this allows for flexibility: what      Andreas Odhiambo Murage, James        Sagar is one to look for during the    to the Eritrean midfielders.
      Amanuel Mesfun
      Amanuel Mesfun                    works for one, doesn’t always work                  for another. So too is important to                                                                                    Second half started with Eritrea
                                        engage with new ventures which                                                                                      on the front foot and with a different
          P.O.Box:   247
          P.O.Box: 247
                                        come to market and to explore                                                                                       game plan. This time Eritrea’s game
          Tel:                          the unexplored, allowing for the                                                                                    was direct with more emphasis on
          Tel: 11-41-14
                11-41-14                application of their own models,                                                                                    long balls and it wasn’t long before
          Fax: 12-77-49
                12-77-49                culminating in a synthesis of the                                                                                   they tested Irankunda Osana, the
               E-mail:                  new and the old.                                                                                                    Burundi goalkeeper. A long ball
        profile@                                                                                                                              from the back found Eritrea’s
   Advertisement: 12-50-13
                      12-50-13            This tournament in a way is one                                                                                   forward Ahmed Awad one on one
                                        form of youth development project.                                                                                  with the goalkeeper, while his
             Layout                     This is where they learn to be                                                                                      first touch was excellent, his shot
             Layout                     professionals. For young players,                                                                                   on goal was magnificently saved
      Azmera Berhane
      Azmera Berhane
             Berhane                    one goal is shared above all, to
        Aida Alem
        Sara Johar
             Alem                       learn the foundations and master
                                        the technique in order to become                                                                                    continued on page 6
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                           Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                            3

   Women’s Participation in the National
      Service and Nation-building
       Kesete Ghebrehiwet              sacrifice for the common cause,”       activities, literacy programs
                                       Ms. Askalu said.                       and administrative tasks among
   Eritrean women have fought                                                 others.
for the respect of their rights.         Eritrean women got organized
They demonstrated excellence in        in various associations -- workers,      There was a rise in women’s
various fields. Their participation    processionals,      scholars    and    participation in the national service
in the struggle for independence       students-- in rural and urban          staring from the 20th round of
is a strong evidence of their          areas in the liberated areas as well   National Service. The opening of
capabilities as fighters and leaders   as in the areas that were under        Warsay-Yekealo Senior Secondary
in all areas of work that had been     colonial control. This was a new       School and Sawa Vocational
traditionally dominated by men.        development in the rural areas.        Training Center in Sawa played
They gained independence in all        Their determination in the fight       a role in raising the number of
socio-economic activities and          against the colonial power and         women. By extension, these
secured their rightful place in        EPLF’s commitment to respect           developments have also increased
all domains. The EPLF’s strong         women’s equal rights enabled           women’s enrollment in higher
principle of respecting women’s        Eritrean women to secure their         education. In 2004, out of a total of   in all sectors, including all tasks of   achievements. There is no doubt
rights and its strong support for                                                                                     national service, has enabled them       that the more they are trained
their participation in all socio-                                                                                     to have their own say. They have         and educated the more their
economic activities ensured their                                                                                     secured their equality through           contribution will be. As members
equity. The EPLF understands                                                                                          pragmatic works both during the          of the national service, they have
that women make up 50% of the                                                                                         struggle for independence and in         been working as combatants,
Eritrean population and sustainable                                                                                   the post-independence period,”           teachers, doctors, administrators,
development could not be realized                                                                                     Ms. Askalu said.                         engineers and operators of
without their participation.                                                                                                                                   machines.
                                                                                                                        The opportunities created for
  How does women’s participation                                                                                      them and their determination has           Ms. Askalu said that the
in the struggle for independence                                                                                      been the reason for sustaining the       National Service Program has
correspond to their participation                                                                                     rightful place they have secured.        boosted women’s physical and
in the National Service Program                                                                                       Through the national service,            psychological     strength     and
in the last 25 years? Ms. Askalu                                                                                      they got chances to upgrade their        reinforced their confidence. So,
Menkerios, Minister of Tourism,                                                                                       knowledge and skills. This in turn       the national service has double
recently gave a seminar in Sawa                                                                                       gives the society strength.              benefit at individual and national
in connection with the 25th
anniversary of the launching of
the National Service Program. At       rightful place. Thus 11% of the        5000 students at Eritrea Institute
the seminar, the Minister made         women fighters were elected as         of Technology, 1100 were women.
comparison between women’s role        members of the leadership. In          Today, women make up 40 % of
during the struggle for independence   1997, all associations of Eritrean     the students in colleges.
and their role after independence      women inside the country and
in the National service and their      abroad participated at a congress        Around 85% of women members
contribution in safeguarding the       to found the National Union of         of the National service have
national sovereignty and in nation     Eritrean Women (NUEW).                 completed their secondary school
building.                                                                     and above 12% are at a tertiary
                                         The establishment of NUEW            level. This academic status shows
  “Eritrean women have realized        paved a way for the reinforcement      the journey so far traveled in
their equality through hard            of women’s participation. Women        educating Eritrean Women.
work, determination and selfless       started to participate in political      “Participation of Eritrean women

                                                                                                                         Their participation in the            level.
                                                                                                                      struggle for independence and in           Through her briefing Ms.
                                                                                                                      the National Service Program is          Askalu highlighted that Eritrean
                                                                                                                      evident in the transfer of experience    women are still securing their
                                                                                                                      from generation to generation.           rights through equal participation
                                                                                                                      Women members of the national            in all sectors. They are benefitting
                                                                                                                      service have become commanders,          through their hard work.
                                                                                                                      pilots, divers and professionals in
                                                                                                                      various sectors. They have acquired        “Women’s participation in
                                                                                                                      skills that boost their confidence.      schools,   public     institutions,
                                                                                                                      A good foundation has been built         women’s and youth associations
                                                                                                                      for them to make contributions to        need to be reinforced. The more
                                                                                                                      the national economy.                    we travel together the more our
                                                                                                                         Eritrean women in the national        achievements will be,” Ms. Askalu
                                                                                                                      service have made remarkable             emphasized.
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                               Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                            4

  Selam Vogue & peers fashion zeitgeist of their Generation
         Natnael Yebio W.                                                                           collaboration        passion. It is a symbol of what we      Abiel all played a cameo.
                                                                                                    of five up           as Eritreans feel every day.
   When I first met Selam, it was                                                                   and      coming                                                  As mentioned above, if artists
clear that she was ambitious, “I                                                                    young fashion           “I wanted to organize an event       are the medium through which
want to leave my mark” she said                                                                     designers,           where designers can present             the creator expresses one of his
to me. In life there are the wishful                                                                Selam, Semhar,       our culture and identity through        attributes in the physical worlds,
thinkers and the doers. It was                                                                      Rutha,       Judi    their eyes, all of which have a         then they should give serious heed
evident she was bold from the get                                                                   and Saron, and       brash of modernity. I came up           to their call or vocation and pass
go. It speaks in the way she carries                                                                four different       with the idea of fashion show           the ‘aesthetic message’ in its purest
herself. Proud where she comes                                                                      m a k e u p          collaboration between designers,        form. They should never take their
from and eager to always represent                                                                  artists,   Suzi,     musicians, photographers and            work lightly and should consider
her identity in her designs, it is                                                                  Saba, Makda          make-up artists because art is a        themselves as endued with a divine
with that same vigor she does                                                                       and      Haben.      strong representation of a person’s     power to change the hearts of
her work. Selam who has already                                                                     Renowned for         identity. “It can be both cultural      humankind
successfully held four fashion                                                                      their culture-       and personal, and it is something
shows in such a short period started                                                                driven events,       many people are interested in, so          Art is not something that money
designing when she was in the fifth                                                                 West-End             I thought this would be a perfect       produces, or something that is
grade, but it wasn’t until 2017 that           1 Selam Tesfai:”I want to leave my mark.”            hosted the show      opportunity for all of us artists out   supposed to produce money. Art
she chose to fully concentrate on                                                              under the roofs and       there to have fun while displaying      is an inspiration accompanied
it coming up with the brand name                                               the dimly lit ambiance covered with       our cultures,” said Selam when          by a lot of perspiration. It needs
Selam Vogue for her products. Her          Now, I have always said that        white fabric.                                                                     detachment from all that is related
latest show and one she had been        the artist works out of sheer             The       brains                                                               to money, fame and the baser
planning for quite some time was        inspiration rather than necessity,     behind the show,                                                                  appetites of life.
held last week.                         and after gods they are the real       Selam Tesfai,
                                        creators of the physical world. It is  driven by her                                                                        Art is creation, from nothingness.
  Friday, 9th August, might have        true. Designers are artists; they get  ambitions         to                                                              It demands bold experimentation,
been the start of the new Premier       inspired by their surroundings and     leave her mark                                                                    the probing of the human spirit,
League season, which might have         in return they inspire and influence   in her country,                                                                   the delving into the spiritual and
got the attention of the younger        what is around them.                   said “we have                                                                     physical needs of mankind. Real
generation to stay put in their                                                to complement                                                                     art should be able to talk to the
houses and watch last year’s               Here, our designers are the         each other rather                                                                 heart and to the soul with the aim
runners up Liverpool take on newly      physical embodiment of an              than compete.”                                                                    of changing attitudes, thoughts,
promoted side Norwich but inside        Eritrean character. When we talk       The air in the                                                                    and feelings for the better.
the compounds of Expo-West-             about being Eritrean, the first that   room had the
End, there was a highly anticipated     comes to mind is that we are very      same sentiment,                                                                      What I saw from the designers
Fashion show about to take place.       proud of our identity. We are hard     each designer                                                                     was the creation of a manifestation
For the last decade or so, I haven’t    workers, we strive to achieve our      was there to                                                                      of the mentality of the Eritrean
missed a single opening game of         dreams and we take what is ours;       complement the                                                                    youth and Identity. There seemed
the English Premier league; it has      we neither wait for nor accept         other, all with                                                                   to be a story behind every design, a
sort of become a ritual. However,       handouts. When we talk about the       their romantic,                                                                   romantic attachment. Every outfit a
Selam Vogue and peers had a show        Eritrean designer, it is with that     yet empowered                       2 Designed by: Sari-Trends                    bookmark and resemblance of our
that was a must attend.                 same Eritrean work ethic that they     and aesthetic originality                                                         culture and undoubtedly our city.
                                        go about doing their day to day        to their collection with so much of       she first told me about the show a
  Fashion is an industry, with the      work. Throughout our history we        the Eritrean identity woven into their    month ago.
creative expression of designers,       [Eritreans] had to earn what was       outfits. It was remarkable to see that
fashion houses, and brands. It’s        ours. We have never had anything       these were Eritrean products. Yet I          The night not only
an international business with a        handed to us; we literally had to      wasn’t surprised a bit. The current       bears witness to a
worldwide presence and the ability      take what was ours. Our designers      generation of Eritrean youngsters         fashion show but it was
to cause economic waves. Take           are doing the same.                    are trendsetters.                         also accompanied by
France, for example. Fashion is so                                                                                       up and coming young
important to the country socially          The demands with which the field                                              new musicians. Seare
and economically that the industry      comes, ours [Eritrean Designers]          Tradition is passed down in the        performed Melke’eya
is regulated and supported quite        embrace it. Each design is modern      creation and construction of our          Amele’ya        roughly
heavily by the government.              in terms of cuts but with local and    clothes. The way things are made,         translated to “Beautiful
                                        traditional fabrics. With almost no    the materials and the process are         and         Seductive”,
  In Eritrea, the fashion industry is   retail or manufacturing industry to    all embedded into our communities         Merry who writes
in its infant stages. With no retail    back up their ideas, our designers     and cultures. The collection I saw        and composes her
or manufacturing industry to back       choose to get acquainted with local    on that night kept shades of the          own music from her
up the outpour of fashion ideas         tailors. Each design is Eritrean       Tigre fabric on short skirts and          own room performed
and designs, designers have to be       made, the idea, the fabric and the     elegant black dresses, the pattern        a single from her
creative in expressing themselves       final product.                         and styles of the Tigrigna Zuria          upcoming EP, while
whilst trying to find a market for                                             with a modern twist; evident of           musicians Hannibal,
their merchandize.                         The Friday’s show saw the           strength, optimism, boldness and          Ermias Teklezghi and guitarist        3Designed by: Selam Vogue
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                          Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                        5

   A Glimpse of Adi-Keyh Sub-Zone
     Habtom Tesfamaichael                                                   made reference to an important                                               are some inscriptions in ancient
                                                                            ancient town named Koloe. Its                                                Ge’ez, made up of 79 words, the
  Adi-keih, 110 km to the south                                             importance in the ancient world                                              longest yet found in Ge’ez.
west of Asmara, is one of the 12                                            during this time is obvious. A few
administrative districts of the                                             ancient chronicles record that                                                  According to the administrator
Debub region. It is 2470 meters                                             Kohaito was still flourishing in                                             of the sub-zone, Mr. Habtay
above sea level and is bordered                                             the 6th century AD. However, like                                            Tesfazghi, there are other
with Senafe in the north, May                                               Adulis and Metera, it vanished                                               unexcavated sites in the area.
Ayni in the west, Segheneiti in                                             very suddenly in the next one or                                             Domestic and international
the north and Foro sub-zone in                                              two hundred years.                                                           visitors come to this area for
the east. Currently, around 62                                                                                                                           different reasons including
thousand people, mainly Tigrigna                                              Kohaito, which lies at a high                                              research and to visit historical
and Saho ethnic groups, live in                                             altitude of 2700 mts, is believed to                                         sites. Some service rendering
the sub-zone of Adi-keyh.                                                   have served as a kind of summer                                              institutions are striving to be able
                                                                            retreat for the rich merchants                                               to better utilize these resources for
   The total area of the sub zone is         Mr. Habtay Tesfazghi           from nearby towns. The traces of               Mr. Eyob Amnuel               tourism. To improve their quality
around 7161.45 km², out of which                                            cultivated areas found between                                               of service, the administration
7000 hectares of land is currently     conservation          campaigns,     the buildings have led to the             About a kilometer to the north     of the sub-zone, in cooperation
used for agriculture in addition       community and student summer         belief that Kohaito was once a         of the ruins of Mariam Wakiro         with the Ministry of Tourism and
to the around 2000 hectares of         programs and food for work           garden city. Kohaito’s impressive      lies a tomb discovered in 1894        others, organizes training and
reserve areas. It is one of the        projects. These initiatives have     ruins are spread over a large area,    nicknamed ‘Meqabir Ghibtsi’ or        supervision.
mountainous regions of Eritrea.        proven to be effective resulting     2.5 kms wide and 15 kms long.          the Egyptian tomb because of its
The higher areas of Adi-Keyh           in a significant amount of land      As much as 80 to 90% of the            impressive size. The tomb faces          From the onset of the country’s
are moderate, with temperature         getting reforested in the last       ruins remain unexcavated.              east, overlooking the Hedamo          independence, the government of
generally not exceeding 35°C and       years.                                                                      River. Rectangular in shape and       the state of Eritrea has worked on
rainfall ranging from 400 mm to                                               A short walk from Kohaito takes      built with large blocks of stones,    improving the living standards
more than 700 mm in the summer.          The      livestock     resources   you to the edge of a vast canyon       its most distinctive features are     of the population and providing
In general, rainfall is not reliable   department conducts routine          that drops away dramatically.          the two flower-shaped crosses         basic social services. Water
in most of the areas in the region.    surveillance activities and gives    The views of the surrounding           carved on the inside walls.           is a precious natural resource
More than 82% of the people            vaccinations periodically. The       mountains       from      Kohaito,                                           which is vital to sustain life and
live on farming and pastoralism        sub-zone is rich in livestock        including Mt. Embasoira (3013m)          Safira Dam, 67 mts long and         important for economic and
and other related activities in the    and milk production. The MoA         to the south, are stunning. Far        16 mts deep constructed using         social development. Therefore,
sub-zone. The most commonly            is working to expand modern          below, you can make out the            large rectangular blocks of stone     various       water        reservoir
grown crops are maize, sorghum         farming in the sub-zone. Currently   terraced fields and the seemingly      that are close to 1 m by 0.5 m,       infrastructures have been made,
and wheat. Agro-pastoralists also      there are unions of milk and meat    inaccessible Saho settlement.          is Kohaito’s greatest claim to        and they are contributing to the
raise cattle, goats, sheep and         producers and bee farmers.                                                  fame. The masonry is quite            water security of the sub-zone.
camels.                                                                        Among       Kohaito’s     most      beautifully dressed, one of the       The town of Adi-Keyh, the center
                                         The sub-zone of Adi-Keyh           important ruins is the Temple of       reasons perhaps for the dam’s         of administration, gets its water
  Mr. Eyob Amanuel from the            is known for its archeological       Mariam Wakiro that was built           incredible longevity. For around      supply from its locality through
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)          and historical places such as        on a rectangular plan on a solid       1000 years, it has served the local   an integrated network of water
in the sub-zone says due to the        Kohaito, Tekondae, Hishmele,         platform, and may have been            Saho people as the main source        lines laid. The main water project
mountainous land scape and             Keskese, Der’a, Aba-Selama,          the site of a very early Christian     of water. According to a recent       implemented to enhance the water
deforestation the soil has been        and Mealewya. According to           church or even a pre-Christian         investigation, this water cistern     supply of the sub- zone was the
exposed to erosion. The MoA in         archeological studies, in the 2nd    temple. In the local language this     dates back to around 1 Century        2009 JICA project funded by the
the sub-zone, in cooperation with      century AD, the famous Egyptian      site has long been referred to as      AD and even before this period.       government of Japan. Today safe
departments of the MoA in the          geographer Claudius Ptolemy          ‘abode of the prestigious one’.        On one of the walls inside the dam    drinking water is made available
sub-zone such as the vegetation                                                                                                                          to all the residents of the town
and livestock resources, water and                                                                                                                       through permanent pipes. Extra
soil conservation and forest and                                                                                                                         storage tanks were constructed so
wild life, is working to reclaim                                                                                                                         that there are sufficient quantities
the deforested lands and engage                                                                                                                          all the time.
in soil and water conservation
activities to enhance agricultural                                                                                                                         Water is pumped from a distance
productivity. The MoA and its                                                                                                                            that stretches up to 10 km up a
departments are staffed with                                                                                                                             hill of Adi-Keyh to be distributed
experts who graduated from                                                                                                                               by gravity to consumers. Modern
institutions such as Hamelmalo                                                                                                                           pumping equipment was installed
Agricultural College and are                                                                                                                             in all the boreholes and this has
making a difference in all of                                                                                                                            enabled the pumps to operate
the departments. Through the                                                                                                                             throughout the year.
extension program of the MoA
they are assigned to each of                                                                                                                               Mr. Habtay says there is no
the local administrations to                                                                                                                             shortage of water supply unless
monitor agriculture and wild life                                                                                                                        there is power cut, which was
development.                                                                                                                                             the main problem in the sub-
                                                                                                                                                         zone until last year when a new
  The people of the sub-zone
participate in soil and water                                                                                                                            continued on page 6
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                         Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                        6

        local news                                                                             A Glimpse of ...
                                                                                           continued from page 5
      Eritrea Festival 2019 . . .
  continued from page 1
    Upon arrival at the Expo Compound, President Isaias and the invited guests were
  awarded warm welcome by the nine ethnic groups of the country accompanied by
  traditional dances and music.

    President Isaias also observed various sections of the festival including regional
  villages, innovation and talent show, paintings and sculptures, products by various
  institutions, children’s entertainment programs, displays by ministries as well as
  books display.

    The national festival will stay open until 22 August featuring traditional villages
  depicting the cultures and traditions of the various ethnic groups in the country,
  cultural and music performance and competitions, innovation and talent show,
  photo, paintings and sculptures exhibition, folklores, display of products by various
  institutions, children’s educational and entertaining programs, books display among
  others.                                                                                  power plant was installed to replace the            sub-zone. The number of students who are
                                                                                           old generators. In the remaining local              making it to the higher levels of education

 Meningitis vaccination to be . . .
                                                                                           administrations, the people get potable             is increasing.
                                                                                           water through generators, drills, hand-
                                                                                           pumps and solar energy.                               Adi-Keyh is located along the main

  continued from page 1                                                                      Mr. Habtay said that the health service
                                                                                                                                               route to Ethiopia through Senafe, and the
                                                                                                                                               transportation service is fairly good for the
                                                                                           in the sub-zone meets the demands of the            population along the main road links. The
  Mr. Tedros further stated that, to contain the disease that frequently outbreaks         people and ensures the health safety of             local administrations which are far away
  in neighboring countries, the Ministry of Health will conduct the nationwide             the population. The remaining areas are             from the main road are linked through
  vaccination program and expects to cover about 3 million nationals aged 1-30.            villages and parts of the town located in           seasonal roads which are prone to damages
                                                                                           the escarpments are served through foot             in the summer. Harat Transport Company
    Indicating that the vaccination program is expected to last two weeks in two           medics. A plan is underway to resettle              serves the people by providing permanent
  phases, Mr. Tedros said that it will begin with Northern and Southern Red Sea            these communities in a central place so             buses.
  regions and continue in the remaining regions.                                           that basic social services can be provided
                                                                                           with ease. There are two hospitals and                Harat Transport Company requires paved
    Pointing out that the program will also be conducted in public places including        four health centers in the sub-zone. The            road to guarantee public service. The
  colleges, military camps, islands, as well as on those nationals that lead               contribution of the health institutions has         communities along the seasonal roads often
  nomadic lifestyle, Mr. Tedros called on the public and stakeholders to enhance           been immense in ensuring the safety of              renovate their road links through community
  participation.                                                                           the population in general and in reducing           campaigns in order to get transportation
                                                                                           child and mother mortality, raising the             service. The telecommunication coverage
    Mr. Birhane Abraha, Head of health services for community and family affairs           health awareness of the population and              and mobile service users is increasing in
  at the Ministry of Health branch in the Gash Barka region on his part indicated          reducing common health problems. There              the sub-zone.
  that vaccination coverage has increased thanks to the awareness raising campaigns        is a plan to open health institutions in the
  conducted throughout the country called for integrated effort for the success of the     local administrations which are located far           Though there are areas where the electric
  program.                                                                                 from the closest health institution in their        grids are not extended, the power supply
                                                                                           vicinity and thereby meeting the goal to            problem of the sub-zone was solved with
    Meningitis is an infectious bacterial or viral disease that usually causes an          provide health service within a five km             the installation of the new power plants,
  inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.             radius.                                             ending four years of power shortage. A plan
                                                                                                                                               is underway to expand the power supply

     Training on international                                                               Mr. Habtay says there are schools in all
                                                                                           the local administration ranging from pre-
                                                                                                                                               network to the remaining administrative
                                                                                                                                               localities. The project to link the subzone

       Health-related Laws
                                                                                           school to secondary school level. There             with the national grid is being completed
                                                                                           are 11 pre-schools, 21 elementary, nine             and is set to give full service in the coming
                                                                                           Junior and three secondary schools in the           few years.

    The Ministry of Health branch in the Southern Red Sea region organized two-day
  training on the objectives of international health-related laws.

    A number of representatives from various partner institutions participated at the
  two-day training which was conducted from 9-10 August in Assab, focusing on
                                                                                               CECAFE U15: Africa’s . . .
  registration, health and sanitation certification, qualification of equipment, on the
  diseases that transmit from animals to humans and means to prevent them, as well         continued from page 2                               much better. Towards the end the Eritrean
                                                                                                                                               players threatened the Burundi defence with
  as on the significance of integrated work.                                                                                                   no end result. Game ended 2-1 in favour of
                                                                                           by the tall goal keeper. Barely had Burundi’s       Burundi who were the more clinical in front
    Mr. Humed Sur Ali, Director General of Social Services in the Southern Red Sea         backline recovered from that scare, Ahmed           of goal than their counterparts.
  region indicating the significance of the training in the prevailing new era of peace    Awad once again found himself in the Burundi
  and cooperation, called on participants to practically apply what they have learned      penalty area, this time he made no mistake and        The football displayed during both matches
  in their daily tasks.                                                                    buried his shot into the back of the net, Eritrea   was explosive and high quality. Kenya showed
                                                                                           one, Burundi one.                                   their experience and professionalism with a
    Mr. Asefaw Negasi, head of the Ministry of Health branch in the region on his                                                              convincing 3-1 win over Somalia, while host
  part stated that the training that was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of       However the age old saying that ‘you are          nation Eritrea were left to rue their missed
  Health and partners and aims at preventing transmission of diseases at this global       at your most vulnerable when you have               chances in front of goal against Burundi.
  age when movement of peoples and animals is posing huge health challenges.               scored’ proved to be true when Burundi got
                                                                                           a rather controversial free-kick at the edge of       The tournament will continue later today
    At the training, Quarantine experts from the Ministry of Health gave extensive         the penalty area and substitute Nduwimana           with Uganda taking on Ethiopia in the early
  briefing on mechanisms of quarantine in ports, airports as well as borders.              Patrick sent one past the wall and into the net.    kick-off while Rwanda takes on South Sudan
                                                                                           Goalkeeper Essey Tesfasghi could have done          later on.
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                           Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                            7

    THE STATE OF ERITREA                                                        SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT
     PROGRAMME (NAP)                                                                          SPN No 06.2/009/ST/2019
                                                                                                         The State of Eritrea, Ministry of Agriculture
  INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)                                                     National              Agricultural             Project             (NAP)

                                                                                Agricultural Sector
                                                                                Supply of Plastic Honey Container and Value added Product

                                                                                IFAD Grant No. DSF- 8107 -ER
         The Government of ERITREA has received a Grant
     from the International Fund for Agricultural Development                   ICB No. 06.2/009/FP/ICB/NAP/IFAD/GRANT/DSF-8107-ER/AED/
     towards the cost of National Agricultural Project(NAP) and                 ST/2019
     it is intended that part of the proceeds of this Grant will be
     applied to eligible payments under the contract for the :-Lot.1
     Supply and Fencing for Automatic Weather Station and                       The state of Eritrea (SOE), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has received
     Lot.2 Supply of Foot pump 					                                            a grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development, (IFAD)
                                                                                toward the cost of the National Agricultural Project, (NAP) and it intends
                                                                                to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for
       1    The Eligible bidders should have a renewed License                  Supply of Plastic Honey Container and Value added Product
     for a year of 2019 appropriate for these supplies.

       2    Bid shall be Valid for a Period of 120 days after Bid               Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive
     opening, and must be accompanied by a bid Security of                      Bidding ICB as specified in the IFAD’s Procurement guidelines.
                                                                                Bidders shall submit a bid security of 2% from the total amount of
     2% at any Eritrean Bank and delivered to Procurement and                   bid price.
     Supplies Management Unit Office on or before 19/09/2019
                                                                                Eligible bidders shall be quote the price or submit the bid offer for
     local hours 14:30 PM and will be opened on the same date
                                                                                the complete lots, quotation for partial lot shall be rejected as non
     at 15:00 PM Local hours in the presence of the Bidders or                  responsive.
     Bidders’ Representatives who wish to attend.
                                                                                Eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the
                                                                                bidding document from the Procurement and supplies Management Unit
         4. Eligible bidders shall bid for a complete lot.                      of the MOA at the address below during office hours Monday through
                                                                                Friday 07:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 Asmara local time.

                                                                                Bid shall be Valid for a Period of 120 days after Bid opening, and
        5. A complete set of bidding documents may be collected
                                                                                delivered to Procurement and Supplies Management Unit Office on
     by any interested Eligible bidder From the address below.                  or before _September 19 , 2019 local hours 14:30 PM and will be
      Ministry of Agriculture, Procurement and Supply                           Opened On the same date at 15:00 PM Local hours in the presence
                                                                                of the Bidders or Bidders’ Representatives who wish to attend.
     management Unit, Sawa Street,
      Tel: 189266 Fax: 181415, P.O.Box:1048, Asmara, Eritrea.                   Procurement and supplies Management Unit (PSMU)
                                                                                Ministry of Agriculture
                                                                                P.O.BOX 1048, Tel: 00291-1-189266/00291-1-180699
        6. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’                      Fax: 00291-1-181415
                                                                                E-mail: or
     representatives who choose to attend at 3:00 Pm Local Time                 Asmara, Eritrea
     hrs on September 19, 2019.
                                                                                The Ministry of Agriculture reserves the right to accept or reject this bid
                                                                                fully or in part if it finds any option better than this IFB without needing
            The Ministry of Agriculture reserves the right to accept            to justify the grounds for it doing so and compensation which the bidder
     or reject this bid fully or in part if it finds any option better          may incurred in preparing its bid.
     than this IFB without needing to justify the grounds for it
     doing so and Compensation which the bidder may incurred
     in Preparing its bid.

                Ministry of Agriculture
Eritrea Profile, Saturday, August 17, 2019                                                     Vol. 26 No. 49                                                                                                     8

 “Our genuine and concept-driven movies embrace the ancient history
  as background, making a big impact on screen” Mahlet Ogbe, sound
                    engineer and film maker.
        Billion Temesghen

  Thank you for your time. Let us                                                                                                                                           based on our skill and our culture
start with a brief introduction of             Meet Mahlet Ogbe Habte, an Eritrean filmmaker and sound engineer, living in Norway. She has taken                            in order to reflect and present our
you.                                         up several projects making a name for herself and her productions. Mahlet, through arts, documents                             identity. On the other hand, for six
                                             social traits amongst other things. She successfully participated in several important Art events such as                      consecutive years Eritrean movies
   My name is Mahlet. I was born             India First Biennial, Gothenburg Biennial and China Triennial. She also held exhibitions in Tokyo, Italy,                      have won the Remi award of the
in Asmara. After my high school              Germany, Kenya and other African countries and several in Norway. The research she conducted on                                Houston Texas International Film
diploma in Accounting at Galileo             traditional folk songs of Eritrea has made her popular among Eritrean artists.                                                 Festival. Generally speaking, this
Galilei Italian School in Addis                                                                                                                                             means there is a great potential
Ababa, I lived in Rome for five years.                                                                                                                                      in Eritrean filmmaking. The
Because of this background, I had an                                                                                                                                        high standard films made using
option during my stay in Italy to study    Russia and Finland all the way up                                                    to conduct and fulfill the project          sophisticated equipment all over
professional cooking at the “Cordon        to Japan. The tradition of the icon                                                  smoothly. In India my main challenge        the world are being confronted with
Bleu” Cucina Culinaria di Firenze.         painting changed style according to                                                  was that it took me a lot of time just      low- budget movies. In my view, our
I trained to be a chef/cook in Italian     the local features of each culture.                                                  to understand the culture and find the      movies are out there to compete and
cuisine through a one-year program.        As part of this research I visited and                                               right way to communicate.                   win because they are fully charged
This was for me another form of art.       studied icon paintings in Greece,                                                                                                with our rich culture and the fantastic
As it was very difficult in Italy to       Romania, and Czechoslovakia. As I                                                                                                ability of our actors and actresses. It
continue with any other education,         met and interviewed people, I also                                                    How did you get in touch with the          is obvious that this is a big advantage.
I moved to the USA and studied for         became interested in stories and                                                     Asmara summer film workshop?                All this is a good package and gives a
one year a short course in Business        people related to more contemporary                                                                                              sense of freshness and novelty to the
Administration at the San Francisco        issues such as how they practice                                                       I was contacted by Issayas                judges at the film festival. It is quite a
UC Berkeley Extension because              their culture in exile. This eventually                                              Tesfamariam. I didn’t know him but          challenge to impress, but what makes
I planned to make a business out           led me to face and start dealing with                                                he explained to me how he found             the story unique is who is making
of my cooking course. But destiny          my own background and story. The                                                     out that I was doing my Master’s in         it. Our genuine and concept-driven
brought me to Norway. In 1999 I was        result of all the travel I have done now                                             Film Directing and he invited me to         movies are embracing the ancient
accepted into the Rogaland School of       serves as inspiration for collecting                                                 participate at the workshop.                history as background, which can
Art. Subsequently from 2002 up to          all the interviews and doing my first      the 2005 World Expo of Japan and                                                      make a big impact on screen. A
2006 I attended the Bergen National        documentary. Also this was shaping         two years earlier, in 2003, I presented                                               land with many years of civilization
Academy Department of Fine Arts            my work more toward the digital            “Heimat”, a 7-minute video in Museo         How would you explain your                makes the Eritrean story content
for the Norwegian Master’s program.        media and film. The knowledge              Revoltella, Trieste, Italy. Besides,      experience in the workshop?                 still full of fragments of subtle but
In 2016 I took another Master’s in         from my research has imbued my             I am just finishing a documentary I                                                   interesting details that you don’t find
Directing at the Met Film School           further work with meaning, leading         made in 2005 about the Byzantine             To participate in the workshop           anywhere else. This might contribute
of London. Now I work and live             me closer to what I want to express,       icon painting and on how they spread      has been really fantastic. I have           to the sense of originality of the
in Norway as a visual artist and a         by journeying inward to recognizing        their faith in diaspora through Icon      been teaching and participating in          winning films. The film industry is
filmmaker.                                 my own emotional and mental status,        painting. I documented it following       other workshops in Africa and South         all about processes. We don’t have a
                                           expressing and exhibiting it by a new      their footsteps all the way to the Far    America, but in Eritrea it is different.    strong structure or style yet and this
  And so how did you get into your         artistic means.                            East, travelling to Japan, Hong Kong      Whenever I come to Asmara it’s              might be an advantage. At this stage
current profession?                                                                   and Indonesia.                            always a load of joy. First of all, to be   it’s very easy to shape it in order
                                             Which are some of your biggest                                                     with my fellow citizens in person, to       to come out with an organic and
   When I found myself alone in            projects?                                   Which one did you enjoy the              spend time together, discuss things         authentic style for our film industry.
Norway, painting was some kind of                                                     most and why?                             and share the love we have for each            Moreover, we can showcase
light to the sad room or situation I was      My biggest is the Kochi Muziris                                                   other is a real blessing. I would           Asmara, a UNESCO heritage, as
living in. Finally, with all the pieces    India First Biennial “Trading Good            The one I have enjoyed most was                                                    the best African city in terms of
                                                                                                                                like to put it in this way-- I don’t
I had been painting, I was accepted        Trading”, Buying and Cooking               the one I made in Sweden in the                                                       architecture. Such a dream city, the
into the Rogaland School of Art.                                                                                                come to Asmara to teach really but
                                           Market Performance.                        Gothenburg International Biennial         to share my knowledge because the           stunning Eritrean landscape, clean
There, I received a basic education                                                                                                                                         sea and islands, and Eritrean actors/
                                              This was the first biennial for India   even though my project in India           Eritrean artists and filmmakers are
in art. Those two years allowed me                                                                                                                                          actresses who are talented and
to keep painting and develop, but I        in 2012 where 88 artists participated,     was the most successful of all, with      already brilliant, and the learning is
                                           40 Indian Artist and the rest from all                                                                                           graceful all can contribute a lot to the
wanted to get more education. I was                                                   vast media coverage by almost all         mutual. This is the most meaningful         screen.
happy to be accepted at the Bergen         over the world. I was the only one         mainstream media outlets in India.        experience for me that fills me with
National Academy of the Arts.              representing Scandinavia. And I got        It was also streamed direct online by     a lot of satisfaction and inspires me         Would you take any projects in
The creativity has held me in good         a lot of appreciation from Indian          Google. It also happened to be the        to do more and more for the film            Eritrea?
stead, overcoming the sense of drift,      Minister of Culture. This was also         first of its kind for Google to stream    industry in Eritrea to the extent that
displacement and exile.                    the most challenging and at the            live such a big event in India.           right now I just want to concentrate          Yes, indeed.
                                           same time most rewarding project              The biennial was held from             only on this aim.
  At the Academy, I chose to work          I have ever accomplished. Among            12th December 2012 to the end                                                           And what are your future plans?
with the Icon painting, finding            other places, I have exhibited big         of March 2013 and was seen by               What are your observations
that it was interesting and calming        projects in Gothenburg International       almost 700,000 visitors. However,         regarding how films are made in               There are many plans to be
to work with at the time. As part          Biennial in the year 2011. In 2008,        for me, the Gothenburg one was less       Eritrea?                                    fulfilled in the near Future, with the
of this, I carried out research on         I participated in an exhibition held       stressful. The curators hosting the                                                   help of God.
the tradition and history of Icon          in China for the 3rd Guangzhou             biennial were very organized, and           I believe there is still a long way to
paintings, tracing the great history       Triennial, the web-based project           since it was held in Scandinavia,         go and the progress depends on many           The first step is to move back
of the Byzantine Empire, fascinated        “Pool of Possibilities”. In 2006 I         where the culture is similar to that      facts: budget and deep knowledge            home.
by the interaction with new cultures       participated in Bergen Exhibition at       of the Norwegians, which I know           about the whole craft of film making
caused by Greek missionaries’              USF Verftet, Sound Installation. I         quite well, it was easier for me to be    taking into consideration that it takes      Well, we will be delighted to
icon painting, through the Balkans,        presented a 10-minute video during         well acquainted with the local people     time to build a solid film industry         welcome you back!
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