Predictors of Hospitalization and Superinfection in Viral Respiratory Tract Infections Between Influenza and Paramyxoviruses: The SUPERFLUOUS Study

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Predictors of Hospitalization and Superinfection in Viral Respiratory Tract Infections Between Influenza and Paramyxoviruses: The SUPERFLUOUS Study
The Journal of Infectious Diseases

Predictors of Hospitalization and Superinfection in Viral
Respiratory Tract Infections Between Influenza and
Paramyxoviruses: The SUPERFLUOUS Study
Benoit Lemarie,1 Ghilas Boussaid,2 Elyanne Gault,3 Helene Prigent,4 Sebastien Beaune,5 Frederique Moreau,3 Jennifer Dumoulin,6 Marion Pepin,7

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Segolene Greffe,8 Pierre De Truchis,1 and Benjamin Davido1,
 Maladies Infectieuses, Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, Garches, France, 2Université Paris-Saclay, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, Equipe de Recherche Paramédicale sur le HAndicap Neuromoteur,
Versailles, France, 3Virologie, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré, AP-HP, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 4Exploration Fonctionnelles Respiratoires, Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, AP-HP, Garches, France, 5Service
d’Accueil des Urgences, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, AP-HP, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 6Pneumologie, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, AP-HP, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 7Gériatrie, Hôpital Ambroise Paré,
AP-HP, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, and 8Médecine Interne, Hôpital Ambroise Paré, AP-HP, Boulogne-Billancourt, France

   Background. Viral respiratory tract infections (VRTIs) are among the most common diseases, but the risks of superinfection for
different virus species have never been compared.
   Methods. Multicenter retrospective study conducted among adults who tested positive for VRTIs with reverse-transcription pol-
ymerase chain reaction. We compared characteristics between influenza (A or B) and paramyxoviruses (respiratory syncytial virus,
parainfluenza virus types 1 and 3, and human metapneumovirus) and identified predictors of superinfection and hospitalization.s
   Results. Five hundred ninety patients had VRTI, including 347 (59%) influenza and 243 paramyxovirus infections with
comparable rates of superinfections (53% vs 60%). In multivariate analyses, the predictors of superinfections were age >75 years
(adjusted odds ratio, 2.37 [95% confidence interval, 1.65–3.40]), chronic respiratory disease (1.79 [1.20–2.67]), and biological ab-
normalities, including neutrophil count >7000/µL (1.98 [1.34–2.91)], eosinophil count 0.25 ng/mL (2.8 [1.65–4.73]). The predictors of hospitalization were age >75 years old (adjusted odds ratio, 3.49 [95% confi-
dence interval, 2.17–5.63]), paramyxovirus infection (2.28 [1.39–3.75]), long-term use of inhaled corticosteroids (2.49 [1.13–5.49]),
and biological abnormalities, including neutrophil count >7000/µL (2.38 [1.37–4.12)] and procalcitonin level >0.25 ng/mL (2.49
[1.23–5.02]). Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed that influenza-infected patients had a higher mortality rate than those with par-
amyxovirus infections (8.9% vs 4.5%, respectively; P = .02).
   Conclusions. Our study revealed a high rate of superinfection (56%), not related to viral species. However influenza virus was
associated with a poorer prognosis than paramyxoviruses, pleading for a broader and large-scale vaccination of individual at risk of
   Keywords. Bacteria; influenza; respiratory tract infections; Superinfection; Viruses.

Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are among the most                                       epidemics and the recent pandemic of coronavirus dis-
common infections in adults and among the largest burdens                                           ease 2019 (COVID-19) illustrate the capabilities of viruses.
on health systems. World Health Organization estimates pneu-                                        Templeton et al [3] estimated that the rate of microbiological
monia is responsible for about 2.5 million deaths each year                                         documentation in LRTIs has increased from 49.5% with usual
worldwide [1]. Considering its serious consequences on an in-                                       techniques to 76% with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in
dividual scale, pneumonia has also a major economic impact,                                         the last decade.
with an annual cost in developed countries estimated at €10 bil-                                       Viral infections can represent 40%–56.3% of community-
lion in Europe [2].                                                                                 acquired pneumonia [4]. Seasonal influenza was responsible
   Historically, pneumonia was deemed to have a bacterial or-                                       for 3.8% of all admissions for respiratory failure between
igin . Nowadays, viruses are also recognized as microorgan-                                         2003 and 2009 in North America [5]. A better approach to
isms capable of causing LRTIs. Indeed, annual influenza                                             viral respiratory tract infections (VRTIs) considers the inter-
                                                                                                    actions between viruses and bacteria inside the lower respi-
                                                                                                    ratory tract. The concept of superinfection is well known and
   Received 23 June 2021; editorial decision 6 October 2021; accepted 8 October 2021; published     illustrates the fact that a VRTI can facilitate the onset of a
online 12 October 2021.
                                                                                                    bacterial pneumonia. Superinfections have been associated
   Correspondence: Benjamin Davido, Raymond Poincare Hospital, 104 boulevard Raymond-
Poincaré, 92380 Garches, France (                                          with a large majority of deaths during the Spanish flu pan-
The Journal of Infectious Diseases®  2021;XX:1–9                                                    demic [6] and with epidemiological correlations between
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
                                                                                                    annual influenza epidemics and an increased incidence of
of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:                                                              pneumococcal pneumonia [7]. Beyond epidemiological

                                                                                                     Bacterial Superinfection Among Viruses • JID 2021:XX (XX XX) • 1
evidence, the mechanisms of interactions between influenza          Laboratory Findings
and Streptococcus pneumoniae have already been studied [8].         The patient cohort was extracted from the virology laboratory
Indeed, the virus can promote a superinfection in many ways:        GLIMS database. Reverse-transcription PCR was originally a
by altering passive defenses of the lung and innate immunity,       homemade technique, developed by the virology laboratory of
by inhibiting or diverting adaptive immunity, or by directly        Ambroise-Paré Hospital [14]. It was based on the simultaneous
promoting bacterial virulence and invasiveness [9, 10]. In ad-      realization of 3 triplex PCRs: one each for influenza A and B
dition, there is evidence of synergism between bacteria and         and RSV; for PIV-1, PIV-3, and hMPV; and for Mycoplasma
influenza virus, but also with other respiratory viruses, such as   pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and a positive control
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus            using albumin. This technique was replaced during night shift
(hMPV), and rhinoviruses [11, 12].                                  or the weekend by a CEPHEID kit test, testing exclusively for

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   However, the prevalence of superinfection in a given pop-        influenza virus and RSV. To clarify findings, viruses were clas-
ulation according to the viral species remains unclear. To our      sified according to their species: influenza viruses (influenza A
knowledge, it has only been described in hospitalized patients      and B) and paramyxoviruses (RSV, hMPV, PIV-1, and PIV-3).
with noninfluenza VRTI by Chen et al [13], and it has not re-
                                                                    Data Collection and Definitions
vealed any specificity for any viral species. Tackling this sub-
ject better might lead to a more appropriate use of antibiotics     For every patient, we collected epidemiological data: sex, age,
by reducing their prescription, especially during the fall-winter   underlying conditions (including Charlson comorbidity index
season. The aim of the present study was to characterize the rate   [CCI] and the presence of immunosuppression, defined as the
of superinfection among adults according to viral species and to    presence of active cancer within the last 5 years, HIV infec-
determine whether there are particular factors associated with      tion, or immunosuppressive therapy, including corticosteroids
superinfection and their outcomes.                                  at >5 mg/d), smoking and vaccination status, the presence of
                                                                    bacterial bronchial colonization, and long-term use of inhaled
                                                                    corticosteroids (ICSs) or azithromycin. We also collected data
METHODS                                                             concerning the current infectious episode, including date of
Patient Characteristics                                             symptom onset; categorization as community acquired, hos-
We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study in the        pital acquired or care related (defined as a situation of regular
hospital group of the Paris-Saclay Ile-de-France University,        ambulatory hospital care, such as day hospital or hemodialysis);
France, from October 2016 to June 2018. Data from the vi-           need for hospitalization and length of stay; outcomes at days
rology laboratory were obtained to identify all adult patients      7, 30, and 90 after testing; biological, microbiological, and ra-
who had PCR evidence of a respiratory tract infection (RTI)         diological findings, and Fine score. Finally, we collected data
and were positive for any of the following viruses: influenza A     on therapeutics used (antibiotics and antiviral agents, such as
or B virus, RSV, hMPV, and parainfluenza virus (PIV) type 1         oseltamivir) and the duration of therapy.
(PIV-1) or 3 (PIV-3).
                                                                    A certain superinfection was defined as a viral episode asso-
Hospital Setting                                                    ciated with documented bacterial infection (documented by
This retrospective study was conducted in the Paris-Saclay          blood or sputum culture, antigenuria, or intracellular bacterial
hospital group, which is composed of teaching hospitals,            PCR) requiring antimicrobial therapy. A possible superinfection
including 2 main acute care facilities (Hôpital Raymond-            was defined as a viral episode without bacterial documenta-
Poincaré and Hôpital Ambroise-Paré, with 255 and 399                tion, but for which antibiotic treatment was maintained beyond
beds, respectively) and a 55-bed geriatrics acute care facility     48 hours, based on clinical data and complementary results.
(Hôpital Sainte-Périne). Since November 2012, a remote in-          A viral episode, or an excluded superinfection, was defined as a
fectious disease specialist consultant, working part time be-       viral episode managed without antibiotics.
tween both hospitals, has been specifically devoted to promote         The primary end point was the superinfection rate compar-
antibiotic stewardship. In addition an Anti-Infective Drug          ison between influenza and paramyxovirus groups, including
Committee promotes good use of antimicrobials through ed-           certain and possible superinfections. Secondary end points
ucational sessions for physicians and elaboration of antibiotic     were the need for hospitalization and the occurrence of death,
administration protocols, based on local recommendations            censored beyond day 90 after PCR testing.
that are available in a pocket guide for residents (also on the
intranet). The consultant also performs postprescription anti-      Statistical Analysis
biotic review based on e-mail alerts generated on day 3 by the      Outcomes and patient characteristics were compared according
pharmacist, leading to revaluation of broad-spectrum anti-          to viruses. For purpose of analysis, PIV-1 and PIV-3 were gath-
biotics in particular.                                              ered in order to increase the statistical strength. Descriptive

2 • JID 2021:XX (XX XX) • Lemarie et al
statistics are presented as numbers and percentages or means                         and 11 cases of influenza virus and paramyxovirus coinfection,
and standard deviations, with skewed continuous data summar-                         we gathered a total of 590 cases (Figure 1). The mean (SD) pa-
ized as medians and interquartile ranges. For quantitative and                       tient age was 71.0 (18.3) years, with a male-female sex ratio of
qualitative variables, paired Student t tests were used to com-                      0.91. The majority of patients were tested in the emergency
pare 2 groups, and McNemar and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon                                 department (79.2% [n = 467]), and the remaining tests were
tests to compare >2 groups.                                                          performed in outpatient care (eg, consultation, hemodialysis,
   Factors associated with superinfection were identified using                      day hospital, 10.9% [n = 64]) or during hospitalization (10%
multivariate logistic regression. Potential factors included were                    [n = 59]).
sex, age, and factors that had a P value
Table 1.        Patient Characteristics According to Type of Infection at Baseline

                                                                                                          Patients, No. (%)

Characteristic                                        Total Population (N = 590)                Influenza Virus (n = 347)                     Paramyxovirus (n = 243)               P Valuea

Age, mean (SD), y                                            71.0 (18.3)                               69.61 (19.46)                               72.88 (16.27)                       .03b
Male sex                                                      281 (48)                                    174 (50)                                   107 (44)                          .17
Underlying respiratory disease                                184 (31)                                     82 (24)                                   102 (42)
LRTIs and superinfections, by virus species, is detailed in                                        Admission
Figure 2.                                                                                          After first medical evaluation, patients were discharged (19.5%
   Multivariate analysis (Table 2) revealed that superinfections                                   [n = 115]), hospitalized (57.5% [n = 339]), or admitted to the
were not associated with the viral species (P = .33). Conversely,                                  intensive care unit (23% [n = 135]) (Figure 1). Among hospi-
advanced age (P < .001), underlying respiratory disease                                            talized patients, the mean (SD) length of stay was 9.4 (11.5)
(P = .004), neutrophil counts >7000/µL (P < .001), eosin-                                          days for influenza infections, compared with 13.4 (14.5) days
ophil counts 0.25 ng/mL (P < .001) were factors independently asso-                                     risk factors for hospitalization showed that paramyxovirus RTIs
ciated with superinfections.                                                                       were at higher risk for hospitalization (P = .001) (Table 3). In
                                                                                                   the same way that individuals with neutrophil counts >7000/µL

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from by guest on 26 November 2021
Treatment                                                                                          (P = .002) or with abnormal PCT values (P = .02) were at signif-
Among influenza-infected patients, 41% (n = 143) were treated                                      icantly higher risk of superinfection and admission. However,
with oseltamivir, compared with 2.8% (n = 7) of those infected                                     lymphopenia and eosinopenia were not predictors of hospital-
with paramyxovirus. Among superinfections (n = 332), the                                           ization. While chronic respiratory disease was not associated
prescribed antibiotics included amoxicillin-clavulanate acid                                       with hospital admission, long-term use of ICSs was (P = .02).
in 51% (n = 167), other injectable β-lactams in 25% (n = 80),
combination therapy (eg, a third-generation cephalosporin                                          Outcomes
plus macrolide) in 13% (n = 41), and monotherapy in 11%                                            Ultimately, death occurred for 52 patients (8.8%). After ex-
(amoxicillin in 4% [n = 14], macrolides in 3.7% [n = 12], and                                      cluding 10 sudden deaths unrelated to RTI (eg, from metastatic
quinolones in 3.4% [n = 11]). The mean (standard deviation                                         cancer), we observed 31 deaths (8.9%) in the influenza and 11
[SD]) duration of treatment was 7.03 (3.91) days.                                                  in paramyxovirus group (4.5%). Kaplan-Meier survival curves

Table 2.        Potential Predictors of Superinfection

                                                                                  Univariate Model                                                        Multivariate Model

Variable                                                        OR (95% CI)                             P Valuea                            aOR (95% CI)                               P Valuea
Age >75 y                                                     2.12 (1.47–3.10)
Table 3.     Potential Predictors of Hospitalization

                                                                              Univariate Model                                                             Multivariate Model
Variable                                                      OR (95% CI)                               P Value                             aOR (95% CI)                               P Valuea

Age >75 y                                                    2.79 (1.62–4.8
1.0                                                                  + Censored


                            Survival Probability, %


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                                                            0   10        20            30             40             50            90
                                                                                     Time, d
                                                                 Group         Influenza              Paramyxovirus

Figure 3.   Kaplan-Meier survival curves by viral species during 90-day follow-up.

   While our work highlighted a high proportion of                                        Conversely, we observed that influenza-infected patients,
superinfections that could be disputed, we believe this is close                       although less often hospitalized, had significantly worse prog-
to real-life practice, often with widespread use of antibiotics                        noses (Figure 3). This result may seem surprising, given that
[23]. Nevertheless, the mean duration of treatment (7 days) was                        patients with influenza were younger and had fewer comorbid
shorter than the durations reported in the literature, about 10                        conditions with the same rate of superinfections. One hypoth-
days for the same indication [24].                                                     esis is that the intrinsic virulence of the influenza virus over-
   Our univariate analysis also supports the favorable impact of                       comes the frailty of paramyxovirus-infected patients.
influenza vaccination in the prevention of superinfections, as al-                        Influenza is deemed to be a severe RTI, with a high burden of
ready reported [25], which could not be confirmed in the multivar-                     650 000 deaths each year [27] requiring millions of vaccinations
iate analyses owing to several noninfluenza infections. Although                       every year around the world [28]. This supports the need to ex-
antipneumococcal vaccination is also recognized as effective for                       pand indications of influenza vaccination to collectively protect
such indications [26], it could not be studied in our cohort because                   patients at risk, as shown during the current vaccination cam-
of too many incomplete data. Of note, high CCIs and Fine scores                        paign against COVID-19 [29]. Therefore, we need to develop
were also found to be predictors of superinfection or admission                        new vaccines against other respiratory viruses, including RSV,
but were not selected in the multivariate models owing to a corre-                     which is in our study the second-deadliest virus, after influenza.
lation between other variables used in these scores. Likewise, pa-                        Nevertheless, our work has some limitations. First, owing to
tients with normal chest radiographic findings were not included                       the in-hospital setting of this study (with 80.5% of admissions),
in the analyses, as radiographic abnormalities were already a con-                     we could not extrapolate our findings to outpatients. Moreover,
founding factor for initiation of antimicrobial therapy.                               the retrospective nature of the study led to possible collection
   Interestingly, predictors of superinfection share some simi-                        bias and may have reduced the power of some statistical asso-
larities with those associated with hospital admission. Indeed,                        ciations. However, because the majority of our cohort required
age >75 years, neutrophil count >7000/µL, and elevated PCT                             hospitalization, we were able to collect reliable data, reducing
level were found in both models. However, these variables                              this bias to a minimum. Second, superinfections were com-
should be analyzed in the light of clinical pictures to draw con-                      posed mainly of possible cases, with only a few categorized as
clusions. Indeed, use of ICSs appeared as a risk factor for ad-                        certain (n = 62 [23%]), owing to the lack of appropriate tools
mission, but chronic lung disease did not, possibly because the                        to confirm bacterial infections in real practice. Third, we also
use of ICSs reflect the impact of severity of obstructive lung                         regret that our study was able to focus on only a small panel of
disease. Interestingly, paramyxoviruses were associated with an                        6 viruses. We thereby excluded other respiratory viruses of sig-
increased probability of admission. This could be explained by                         nificant weight, such as rhinoviruses or common coronaviruses,
the fact that the many individuals in this group had impaired                          which could have played a role and are now tested routinely in
general conditions (Table 1).                                                          our hospital group since the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, our

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