PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield

PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield
Police Crime Bulletin
                 Crime Prevention Bureau
 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500
               January 9, 2023 – January 15, 2023

                      Chief of Police
                      Elvin V. Barren
                                                             Prepared by
                                                             Mark Malott
                                                             Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield
Commercial Burglaries:
        Date/Time              Address (block range)               Method of Entry                         Description/Suspect Information
None Reported:
    Do not display valuable items in windows when closed for business
    Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free security inspection (248) 796-5409

Home Invasion:
        Date/Time              Address (block range)               Method of Entry                         Description/Suspect Information
01/11/2023                   25000 Shiawassee Rd.                 The apartment              Victim states she was in the 25000 Block of
12:00pm                      (Apartments)                         door was kicked            Shiawassee, in her Apartment when she began to
                                                                  numerous times             receive text messages from her ex-boyfriend. After a
                                                                  causing damage.            while of messaging him back and forth she realized
                                                                  Entry was not              that he was outside of her apartment door when he
                                                                  made.                      began to shout and bang on the door. At some point
                                                                                             he said he is going to shoot the door down if she does
                                                                                             not open it up. He then began to kick it, so much so
                                                                                             that it caused damage to the door frame. Once he
                                                                                             realized that R/P was calling 911 he left the scene.
                                                                                             Victim advised they have not been dating in years.
                                                                                             They have one child in common that was not present
                                                                                             during this incident. A Southfield Police Evidence
                                                                                             Technician took photographs of the damage done to
                                                                                             the door. It was later learned that the suspect sent
                                                                                             victim a picture of her vehicle with a boot print on the
                                                                                             door. This was also documented with photos.
                                                                                             Suspect has been identified and incident is under
01/12/2023                   29000 Leemoor Dr.                   A board that                R/P (Insurance Adjuster) came to the residence on
9:36am                                                           secured the                 01/12/2023 at 9:36am and discovered forced entry
                                                                 residence was               into residence. R/P believes that some boxes with
                                                                 pried out allowing          unknown items may have been taken.
                                                                 entry.                      Note: The residence was damaged throughout due to
                                                                                             a recent fire. No suspect information.

From: 01/14/2023             21000 Eight and Half                Residence was               Victim states she and her child’s father had left the
1:30am                       Mile Rd.                            left unlocked.              residence to go to the store. Sometime on
To: 01/14/2023                                                                               01/14/2023 between 1:30am- 2:00am someone
2:00am                                                                                       entered the unlocked residence and stole a laptop
                                                                                             and a small TV.
                                                                                             Note: The female R/P later changed her story and
                                                                                             stated she was not with her child’s father, and she
                                                                                             rode her bike to the store. Unknown why she was not
                                                                                             truthful about this?

    Let trusted neighbors know if you are not going to be at home
    Be cautious about who you let in your home for service and repairs
    Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free home security inspection (248) 796-5409
     Date/Time     Address (block range)       Year, Make, Model                             Details
01/09/2023       23000 Essex Way Ct.       Status I - Information        Victim states her 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee
7:45am           (Apartments)              Manufacturer JEEP             was parked in the 23000 Block of Essex Way
                                           Model Grand Cherokee
                                           Year 2017                     Ct. (Apartment Complex)
                                           Body Style 4D - 4 Door        Sometime on 01/07/2023 between
                                           Description 2017 Jeep Grand   12:01am- 12:00pm someone broke out
                                           Cherokee                      window on vehicle and went through the
                                                                         vehicle. Victim does not believe that
                                                                         anything was taken. The center console of
                                                                         the vehicle cover had been removed
                                                                         exposing wires Victim was unable to
                                                                         provide any suspect information for this
                                                                         incident. Victim stated that there was a
                                                                         second incident that occurred on
                                                                         01/09/2023 at approx. 7:45am. Victim’s
                                                                         boyfriend heard the vehicles car alarm
                                                                         going off in the parking lot. He stepped
                                                                         outside & noticed a silver Chrysler 300 with
                                                                         dark window tints speeding away from the
                                                                         immediate area of where their Jeep Grand
                                                                         Cherokee was parked. He inspected the
                                                                         Jeep and noticed the rear passenger side
                                                                         window had been busted out.
                                                                         Nothing was taken from the vehicle. Victim
                                                                         believes the two incidents are related.
01/10/2023         20000 Fenmore      Status RS – Recovered Stolen   Southfield Detectives were conducting a
1:33pm                                Manufacturer DODGE             follow up investigation in the 20000 Block of
                                      Model CHALLENGER
                                      Vehicle Year 2017              Fenmore in Detroit when they observed a
                                      Description Gray Dodge         Dodge Challenger parked in the driveway.
                                      Challenger                     The VIN on the Challenger came back stolen
                                                                     out of Dearborn Heights on 11/26/2022.
                                                                     The license plate and VIN plate were still
                                                                     intact. The Challenger was impounded.
                                                                     A LEIN message was sent to Dearborn
                                                                     Heights PD with recovery information.
                                                                     There was also a stolen BMW in the
                                                                     backyard of the home. The BMW was stolen
                                                                     out of Troy and Troy Police were on scene
                                                                     handling the recovery of the BMW.
                                                                     There was also a third vehicle that was
                                                                     impounded that was believed to be stolen
                                                                     but had not been reported yet.
                                                                     Investigation is on-going.

From: 01/10/2023   20000 Lahser Rd.   Status S - Stolen/Etc.         Victim states she parked her 2020 Red Kia
4:00am             (Apartments)       Manufacturer KIA               Optima in the parking lot in the 20000 Block
                                      Model OPTIMA
To: 01/10/2023                        Color RED - Red                of Lahser Rd. (Apartment Complex)
3:00pm                                Vehicle Year 2020              Sometime on 01/10/2023 between 4:00am-
                                      Description: 2020 Kia Optima   3:00pm someone stole the vehicle.
                                                                     No suspect information.
From: 01/11/2023   20000 S Greenway St.   Status S - Stolen/Etc.       Victim states he parked his 2007 White
6:00pm                                    Manufacturer CHRYSLER        Chrysler 300 in the 20000 Block of S.
                                          Model 300
To: 01/11/2023                            Color WHI - White            Greenway St. Sometime on 01/11/2023
10:30pm                                   Vehicle Year 2007            between 6:00pm- 10:30pm someone stole
                                          Description Chrysler 300     the vehicle. No suspect information.

From: 01/11/2023   26000 Berg Rd.         Status S - Stolen/Etc.       Victim parked his 2018 Gray Dodge Charger,
9:30pm             (Apartments)           Manufacturer DODGE           in the 26000 Block of Berg Rd. (Apartments)
                                          Model CHARGER
To: 01/12/2023                            Color GRY - Gray             Sometime between 01/11/2023 9:30pm
4:50am                                    Vehicle Year 2018            and the following morning at 4:50am
                                          Body Style 4D - 4 Door       someone stole the vehicle.
                                          State MI License Year 2022   No suspect information.
                                          Description Dodge Charger
01/13/2023   22000 Avon Ln.             Status S - Stolen/Etc.          R/P (victims’ sister) advised that her sisters
12:55pm                                 Manufacturer TOYOTA             2020 White Toyota Rav4, was parked in the
                                        Model RAV4
                                        Color WHI - White               driveway in the 22000 Block of Avon.
                                        Vehicle Year 2020               Sometime between 01/12/2023 8:00pm
                                        Description: White RAV 4        and the following morning at 12:45am
                                                                        someone stole the vehicle.
                                                                        No suspect information.

01/11/2023   28000 Franklin River Dr.   Status SR - Both Stolen And     Victim parked his 2018 Gray Dodge Charger
10:25am      (Apartments)               Recovered                       R/T, in the parking lot in the 28000 Block of
                                        Manufacturer DODGE
                                        Model CHARGER R/T               Franklin River Dr. (Apartments)
                                        Color GRY - Gray                Sometime between 01/10/2023 8:00pm
                                        Vehicle Year 2018               and the following morning at 8:45am
                                        State MI License Year 2023      someone broke out driver’s side window
                                        Description Gray Dodge
                                        Charger RT                      and stole the vehicle.
                                        Recovered Date/Time             The vehicle was recovered on 01/11/2023
                                        01/11/2023 10:00pm              at 10:00pm in Detroit. Vehicle has heavy
                                        Location Detroit                front end damage. The plate was not
                                        Notes: Gray Dodge Charger RT
                                        w/Hemi Dent on passenger rear
                                                                        attached, and the VIN was not intact.
                                        fender, should have a broken    No arrests were made. The license plate
                                        window on driver's side of      that registers to the vehicle was not with
                                        vehicle.                        the vehicle. It was reentered into Lein as
01/14/2023   25000 Southfield Rd.     Status S - Stolen/Etc.         Victim states he parked his 2005 Chevy
3:04pm       (Condo’s)                Manufacturer CHEVROLET         Silverado in the parking lot in the 25000
                                      Model SILVERADO
                                      Color BLK - Black              Block of Southfield Rd. (Condo’s).
                                      Vehicle Year 2005              Sometime on 01/14/2023 between 2:00am-
                                      Body Style-PK Pick Up          3:00pm someone stole the vehicle. There
                                      Description 2005 Black Chevy   was broken glass evident where the vehicle
                                                                     was parked. No suspect information.

01/14/2023   25000 Northwestern Hwy   Status R – Recovered Stolen    Officer was on routine patrol in the 25000
4:13am       (Hotel)                  Manufacturer KIA               Block of Northwestern (Hotel) when he
                                      Model SPORTAGE
                                      Vehicle Year 2018              located a 2018 Kia Sportage with a window
                                      Description 2018 Brown Kia     broken out parked in the lot. Lein check
                                      Sportage                       revealed that the vehicle was reported
                                                                     stolen out of Dearborn PD. The vehicle was
                                                                     confirmed stolen and impounded.
                                                                     Dearborn PD was notified of recovery.
                                                                     No suspect info.
From: 01/14/2023   25000 Shiawassee Rd.       Status- A- Attacked                Victim advises that his 2008 Pontiac G6 was
12:00am            (Apartments)               Manufacturer PONTIAC               parked and locked in the 25000 Block of
                                              Model G6
To: 01/14/2023                                Color BLU - Blue                   Shiawassee Rd. (Apartment Complex)
1:40pm                                        Vehicle Year 2008                  Sometime on 01/14/2023 between
                                              Notes: Passenger window            12:00am- 1:40pm someone broke out
                                              broken out, stereo & air vents     window on the vehicle and attempted to
                                              removed but left inside vehicle,
                                              steering column & ignition         steal the vehicle. The steering column and
                                              damaged.                           ignition were damaged and the stereo and
                                                                                 air vents on the driver’s side were removed.
                                                                                 No suspect information.

From: 01/13/2023   23000 Village House Dr N   Status A – Attacked                Victim advises that his 2017 Kia Forte was
8:00am             (Condo’s)                  Manufacturer KIA                   parked in the 23000 Block of Village House
                                              Model FORTE
To: 01/14/2023                                Color WHI - White                  Dr. N (Condo’s)
12:00pm                                       Vehicle Year 2017                  Sometime between 01/13/2023 8:00am-
                                              Description: White Kia Forte       01/14/2023 12:00pm someone broke out
                                                                                 passenger side rear window, entered the
                                                                                 vehicle and attempted to steal the vehicle.
                                                                                 There was damage to the steering column
                                                                                 and ignition. No suspect information.
From: 01/15/2023             20000 Rampart Cir.                 Status S - Stolen/Etc.         Victim parked his 2014 Gray Dodge Charger
7:00pm                       (Apartments)                       Manufacturer DODGE             in the 20000 Block of Rampart Circle.
                                                                Model CHARGER
To: 01/16/2023                                                  Color GRY - Gray               (Apartment Complex)
6:45am                                                          Vehicle Year 2014              Sometime between 01/15/2023 7:00pm
                                                                Body Style 4D - 4 Door         and the following morning at 6:45am
                                                                Description: Gray 2014 Dodge   someone stole the vehicle.
                                                                                               No suspect information.

From: 01/14/2023             25000 W Twelve Mile Rd.            Status S - Stolen/Etc.         Victims 2012 White Chrysler 300C was
4:00pm                       (Apartments)                       Manufacturer CHRYSLER          parked in the 25000 Block of W. Twelve
                                                                Model 300C
To: 01/16/2023                                                  Color WHI - White              Mile Rd. (Apartment Complex).
6:45am                                                          Vehicle Year 2012              Sometime between 01/14/2023 4:00pm-
                                                                Description:                   01/16/2023 6:45am someone stole the
                                                                White Chrysler 300             vehicle. No suspect information.

    Never leave your vehicle running unattended
    Park in areas where your vehicle is viewable if possible
    Use commercially available security devices

    Date/Time   Address (block range)               Item Taken                                    Details

01/10/2023      25000 Shiawassee        Status S - Stolen/Etc.                  Officers responded to the 25000 Block of
11:34pm         (Apartments)            Description: iPhone, Dell HP Pavilion   Shiawassee (Apartments) as an AOD for a
                                        laptop, and wallet with victims ID.
                                                                                domestic follow-up that occurred in the City
                                                                                of Detroit.
                                                                                Officers arrived on scene and contacted
                                                                                female that was involved in earlier domestic
                                                                                in Detroit. The female stated she was there
                                                                                looking for the male suspect from incident
                                                                                in Detroit because she knew he would come
                                                                                back to his vehicle that was parked at the
                                                                                Apartment Complex in Southfield. She
                                                                                pointed out the male’s vehicle a Chevrolet
                                                                                Impala. The female stated that the male
                                                                                was last seen running into Apartment
                                                                                Complex one east of where his vehicle was
                                                                                parked. Officers located the male walking in
                                                                                front of the Apartment Complex. The male
                                                                                stated he was sitting in his vehicle at
                                                                                Apartment Complex where his vehicle is
                                                                                currently parked when the female that
                                                                                Officers talked to, and two other females
                                                                                came after him with a baseball bat and tried
                                                                                running him over with their vehicle. He fled
                                                                                on foot until he saw the police.
                                                                                The male also stated that he received a text
                                                                                from female stating that she took his old
                                                                                iPhone, Dell HP Pavilion laptop, and wallet
with his ID in it. The male said the items
                                                                             were left on the front seat of his vehicle in a
                                                                             laptop bag because he was trying to get
                                                                             away from the three females.
                                                                             The male subject was turned over to DPD
                                                                             who wanted him in reference to their
                                                                             earlier incident. When Officers went to talk
                                                                             to the females involved in incident in
                                                                             Southfield, they were all gone. Note: It
                                                                             appears that the male is a victim of F/A/ F/A
                                                                             with a motor vehicle and Larceny in the
                                                                             Southfield incident. Two of the three
                                                                             females were identified, and incident is
                                                                             under further investigation.

01/12/2023   16000 Lamplighter Ct. Status S - Stolen/Etc.                    Victim states his 2002 Buick LeSabre was
2:38am       (Apartments)             Description: Catalytic Converter was   parked in the 16000 Block of Lamplighter Ct.
                                      taken from 2002 Buick LeSabre.
                                                                             (Apartment Complex)
                                                                             Witness (neighbor) states on 01/12/2023
                                                                             2:38am he observed an unknown male
                                                                             subject, skinny build, wearing a black
                                                                             hoodie cutting the catalytic converter off his
                                                                             neighbor's vehicle. The suspect left in a dark
                                                                             gray or black Hyundai Elantra, and he was
                                                                             confident that this was the vehicle they left
01/13/2023         24000 Telegraph Rd.    Status S - Stolen/Etc.                   On 01/13/2023 around 2:44pm Victim
2:44pm             (Commercial- Food      Description 12" display/control screen   parked his 2022 Ram 1500 in the business
                   Service)               from dashboard was taken.
                                                                                   parking lot in the 24000 Block of Telegraph
                                                                                   Rd. and discovered his rear driver side
                                                                                   window was broken out and the 12" screen
                                                                                   was removed and taken from the
                                                                                   dashboard. He advised security, who
                                                                                   reviewed CCTV footage. The footage
                                                                                   showed a Grey Dodge Durango with dark
                                                                                   tinted windows enter the parking lot and
                                                                                   park next to his vehicle. The suspect vehicle
                                                                                   is then seen leaving the parking lot shortly
                                                                                   after. The license plate was not visible due
                                                                                   to a tinted plate cover.

From: 01/12/2023   29000 Northwestern     Status S - Stolen/Etc.                   Victim states he parked his 2008 Saturn
8:00pm             (Commercial- Lounge)   Description: Handgun was taken from      Aura in the parking lot in the 29000 Block of
                                          unlocked vehicle.
To: 01/12/2023                                                                     Northwestern (Lounge).
10:00pm                                                                            Sometime on 01/12/2023 between 8:00pm-
                                                                                   10:00pm someone entered his unlocked
                                                                                   vehicle and took his handgun that was left
                                                                                   under the front seat.
                                                                                   No suspect information.
From: 01/11/2023   22000 Civic Center Dr. Status S - Stolen/Etc.                     Victims 2012 Chrysler Town & Country was
2:15pm             (Retirement Apartments)   Description: Wallet Containing:         parked in the 22000 Block of Civic Center.
                                             5 Credit Cards, vehicle registration,
To: 01/11/2023                               ID. Cash, Ring & Beats Earphones        (Retirement Living Apartments)
3:30pm                                       were taken.                             Sometime on 01/11/2023 between 2:15pm-
                                                                                     3:30pm someone entered the vehicle and
                                                                                     took victim’s wallet containing several
                                                                                     No suspect information.

                                                                                     Citizens should never leave anything of
                                                                                     value in their vehicles!!!

01/13/2023         23000 Park Place Dr.      Status S - Stolen/Etc.                  Victim came into the front desk to report
2:50am             (Apartments)              Description:                            that her Michigan License Plate was taken
                                             Michigan License Plate was taken
                                             from 2021 Chevy Silverado.              from her 2021 Chevy Silverado. Victim
                                                                                     stated she was informed by a coworker
                                                                                     when she was leaving work that her plate
                                                                                     was missing. Unknown where her
                                                                                     workplace is located or where the vehicle
                                                                                     was when the plate was taken. Victim lives
                                                                                     in the 23000 Block of Park Place Dr.
                                                                                     (Apartment Complex) in Southfield.
From: 01/13/2023   26000 Telegraph Rd.   Status S - Stolen/Etc.                Victim states he parked his 2020 Dodge
2:00pm             (Office Building)     Description:                          Ram P.U/ Truck in the 26000 Block of
                                         12" Display/Control Screen taken from
To: 01/13/2023                           the dash. 2020 Dodge Ram 1500.        Telegraph Rd. (Office Building)
3:00pm                                                                         Sometime on 01/13/2023 between 2:00pm-
                                                                               3:00pm someone broke out the rear
                                                                               passenger window and then stole the in-
                                                                               dash 12” Display screen.
                                                                               Possibly related to similar incidents
                                                                               involving a Grey Dodge Durango with dark
                                                                               tinted windows.

From: 01/09/2023   23000 Northwestern    Status S - Stolen/Etc.                Victim states he parked his company owned
1:30pm             (Office Building)     Description Black Samsung S22 Ultra   vehicle in the parking lot in the 23000 Block
                                         New in the Box.
To: 01/09/2023                           >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              of Northwestern (Office Building)
2:30pm                                   Status S - Stolen/Etc.                On 01/09/2023 between 1:30pm- 2:30pm
                                         Description Direct TV Box             someone entered his unlocked vehicle and
                                         >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             stole a Samsung Cell Phone and a Direct TV
                                                                               Box which was left on the passenger side
                                                                               floorboard. No suspect information.
From: 01/13/2023   24000 Telegraph Rd.       Status S - Stolen/Etc.                 Victim states he parked his 2020 Dodge
12:30pm            (Office Building)         Description:                           Ram P.U. Truck at his office building in the
                                             Navigation System was taken from the
To: 01/13/2023                               dash, and a wholesale box of 68        24000 Block of Telegraph Rd. Sometime on
2:00pm                                       Samsung Cell phones were taken.        01/13/2023 between 12:30pm- 2:00pm
                                                                                    someone broke out the passenger side rear
                                                                                    window, entered the vehicle and took the
                                                                                    In-dash Navigation System and a box of 68
                                                                                    Samsung Cell Phones. Victim is a cell phone
                                                                                    wholesaler. This incident is possibly related
                                                                                    to several other similar incidents that
                                                                                    occurred on Telegraph Rd. Possible suspect
                                                                                    vehicle is a Grey Dodge Durango with dark
                                                                                    tinted windows.

From: 01/13/2023   29000 Northwestern        Status S - Stolen/Etc.                 Victim parked his 2021 Dodge Ram P.U.
1:00pm             (Multi Office Building)   Description:                           Truck in the 29000 Block of Northwestern.
                                             12" Display/Control Screen was taken
To: 01/13/2023                               from 2021 Dodge Ram P.U.               (Multi Office Building)
3:00pm                                                                              Sometime on 01/13/2023 between 1:00pm-
                                                                                    3:00pm someone broke out the passenger
                                                                                    side rear window, entered the vehicle and
                                                                                    took the In-dash 12” Display Screen.
                                                                                    No suspect information.
From: 01/13/2023             15000 Shelley St.              Status S - Stolen/Etc.                Victim states his 2018 Chevy Silverado was
6:30am                                                      Description Vehicle Registration,     parked in the 15000 Block of Shelly St.
                                                            Unknown amount of change in a
To: 01/14/2023                                              Crown Royal Bag, & some misc. mails   Sometime between 01/13/2023 6:30am-
5:10am                                                      were taken.                           01/14/2023 5:10am someone had gone
                                                                                                  through the vehicle and taken some misc.
                                                                                                  items and some coin change.
                                                                                                  No suspect information.

     Ensure your vehicle is locked at all times and valuables are out of sight.
     Thieves wait for the right time and will move quickly
     Even if playing sports at a park ensure your vehicle is locked
Armed Robbery:
        Date/Time            Address (block range)                   Item Taken                                      Details
01/13/2023                  16000 North Park Dr.            Nothing was taken.                  Several Southfield Officers responded to the
6:01pm                      (Apartments)                                                        16000 Block of North Park Drive (Apartments)
                                                                                                regarding a shooting with a victim sustaining a
                                                                                                gunshot wound to the back.
                                                                                                Officers met with the victim near the main lobby.
                                                                                                Officers placed a "chest seal" over the wound on
                                                                                                victims back. When a Southfield Life unit arrived,
                                                                                                the victim was asked to remove his shirts while
                                                                                                inside the ambulance. Following the removal of
                                                                                                his shirts, Officers were able to see the victims’
                                                                                                injuries. The victim was transported to a local
                                                                                                Hospital for further treatment.
                                                                                                A Southfield Police Evidence Technician
                                                                                                processed a White Dodge Ram P.U that was
                                                                                                involved in the shooting. Evidence was recovered
                                                                                                from the vehicle.
                                                                                                The victim stated he was an Uber driver and a
                                                                                                subject shot him in the back after telling him to
                                                                                                put all his belongings in the center console.
                                                                                                The suspect description was a b/m, 6'-3”, thin
                                                                                                build with a light beard, ski mask and all black
                                                                                                clothing. Investigation is on-going.

    Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police.
    If something doesn’t appear right or someone looks like they are up to no good, call the police immediately
    Trust your intuition
Unarmed Robbery:
01/13/2023   26000 W Carnegie Park Attempted Strong Arm   Victim states she parked her vehicle in the 26000
10:06pm      (Apartments)          Robbery, nothing was   Block of W. Carnegie Park Dr. (Apartments)
                                   taken.                 She pushed her infant daughter in her stroller to
                                                          her apartment building. She unlocked and
                                                          opened her front door. As she did so, an
                                                          unknown suspect approached her from behind.
                                                          The suspect pushed her against the wall inside
                                                          the apartment entryway. Officers observed
                                                          damage to the wall where victims body had
                                                          struck it. The suspect placed both hands around
                                                          her neck for approx. 15-20 seconds. The suspect
                                                          told victim to give him all her money and to give
                                                          him everything she had. Victim was gasping for
                                                          air and was briefly unable to breathe. Victim told
                                                          the suspect she had a gun, and the suspect ran
                                                          away. It is believed the suspect had arrived and
                                                          left on foot as victim did not observe any vehicles
                                                          in the area.
                                                          Victim described the suspect as a black male,
                                                          dark complexion, wearing all black clothing, a
                                                          black ski mask, and a black beanie hat. Victim
                                                          estimated the suspect to be 6'4''- 6'5'' in height
                                                          with a thin build. No weapons were seen or
                                                          implied. The suspect did not take any of victim’s
                                                          property. A Southfield Police Evidence Technician
                                                          responded to the scene for processing.
                                                          Information was later developed that the suspect
                                                          may be staying in one of the storage units on site
                                                          at the apartment complex. Officers located a
                                                          storage unit that appeared that someone was
living in. Several items were collected, and
                                                                                               photos were taken of the storage unit.
                                                                                               Investigation is on-going.

    Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police
Be on the Look Out Highlights:                          Arrests by SPD Officers:
Special Attention: CSC IV                               OWI= Operate While Impaired
01/12/2023 10:40am                                      OUIN= Operate Under Influence Narcotics
16000 Block of W Nine Mile Rd.                          LFA= Larceny from Auto
(Hospital)                                              R&C= Receiving & Concealing Stolen Property
On January 12, 2023, around 10:40am female R/P          DWLS= Driving with Suspended License
was delivering a package at 16001 W Nine Mile in        A&B= Assault & Battery
the City of Southfield. R/P reports that the security   CSC= Criminal Sexual Conduct
guard who was escorting her around the hospital,        CCW/CPL= Carrying Concealed Weapon
described as a black male, in his 50's, light           NOLOP= No Operator License on Person
complexion with short hair, made sexual advances        R/A= Robbery Armed
towards her and ended up touching her                   RNA= Robbery Not Armed
inappropriately in her lower back.                      PWID= Possession with Intent to Deliver
A Southfield Police Detective conducted follow up       PPO= Personal Protection Order
investigation and spoke to the victim. Additional       PBT= Preliminary Breath Test
information was obtained that the security person       R/P= Reporting Party
asked her personal questions like “Are you married”,    VCSA= Violation Controlled Substance Act
“Do you have any children” and he asked for her
phone#. The suspect later apologized to victim, and
she recorded the conversation.
Investigation is on-going.
Larceny from Auto- This past week we had               Possession of Cocaine/ Narcotics Paraphernalia/
several Dodge Ram Pick Up Trucks attacked              FTA- 1- Arrest
and the 12” Display/Control Screens were               01/10/2023 8:31am
removed from the dashboard.                            23000 Block of Telegraph Rd.
                                                       Officer was on routine patrol at hotel in the 23000 Block of
                                                       Telegraph Rd. Officer observed a White Chevy Cruze barring Michigan
1) 29000 Block of Northwestern
(Multi Office Building)                                plate parked on the west side of the parking lot. The vehicle was
Sometime on 01/13/2023 between 1:00pm- 3:00pm          occupied one time in the driver's seat. The registered owner is a
someone broke out the passenger side rear window,      known narcotics user and officers confirmed that he had a warrant out
entered the vehicle and took the In-dash 12” Display   of Southfield. Officers approached the vehicle and identified the
Screen.                                                occupant as the suspect wanted. Officers requested the suspect get
                                                       out of the vehicle and observed a suspected crack pipe and lighter in
2) 24000 Block of Telegraph Rd.                        his lap. He tried to push it under his leg as he exited the vehicle. The
(Office Building)                                      suspect was taken into custody for the warrant w/o incident. During
01/13/2023 between 12:30pm- 2:00pm someone             the vehicle inventory Officers located a small pink backpack in the rear
broke out the passenger side rear window, entered      driver side seat of the vehicle. A search through the front pocket of the
the vehicle and took the In-dash 12” Navigation        backpack revealed a small bag of Marijuana and two small white rocks
System Screen and a box of 68 Samsung Cell Phones.     consistent with crack cocaine.
Victim is a cell phone Rep.                            A Southfield Police Evidence Technician Field Tested a sample of the
                                                       suspected cocaine. It tested positive for possible presence of cocaine.
3) 26000 Block of Telegraph Rd.                        Additional charges were filed for Possession of Cocaine.
(Office Building)
Sometime on 01/13/2023 between 2:00pm- 3:00pm
someone broke out the rear passenger window and
stole the In-dash 12” Display Screen.

4) 24000 Block of Telegraph Rd.
(Commercial- Food Service)
On 01/13/2023 around 2:44pm Victim parked his
2022 Ram 1500 in the parking lot (24000 Block of
Telegraph Rd) and after returning to his vehicle he
discovered his rear driver side window was broken        R&C Stolen Vehicle/ DWLS-            1- Arrest
out and the 12" screen was removed and taken from        01/12/2023 2:55pm
the dashboard. He advised security, who reviewed         Evergreen Rd. & Civic Center Dr.
CCTV footage. The footage showed a Grey Dodge            Officers were on routine patrol when they observed a White Chrysler
Durango with dark tinted windows enter the parking       300 with a temporary tag and dark window tint at 10 Mile Rd and
lot and park next to his vehicle, then leave the         Evergreen. The vehicle was traveling approx.15 mph over the posted
parking lot shortly after.                               speed limit of 35mph. Officers initiated a traffic stop and the vehicle
                                                         stopped w/o incident. Officers contacted the driver and requested his
These four incidents all occurred around the             drivers license, registration & insurance for the vehicle. The driver
same time frame and appear to be related.                responded that he did not have his driver’s license or any information
Suspect Vehicle: Grey Dodge Durango with                 for the vehicle. He stated he had just purchased the vehicle. The
dark tinted windows. There is a tinted cover             subject verbally identified himself and when ran through lein he came
                                                         back with a suspended drivers license. The Temp Tag that was in the
over the license plate.                                  back window of the vehicle came back no record. Officers ran the vin
                                                         on vehicle, and it came back as a stolen vehicle out of Livonia.
                                                         The driver was handcuffed and placed in the back seat of Officers
LFA Catalytic Converter: Suspect Information             Southfield Police Dispatch confirmed the vehicle was stolen with
16000 Block of Lamplighter Ct.                           Livonia PD. A key fob was recovered with the vehicle, but it was not
(Apartments)                                             the original Chrysler Key Fob. The Michigan Plate that registers to the
Victim states his 2002 Buick LeSabre was parked in       vehicle was not recovered with the vehicle. The driver was taken into
the 16000 Block of Lamplighter Ct. (Apartments)          custody for R&C Motor Vehicle and DWLS.
Witness (neighbor) states on 01/12/2023 2:38am he
observed an unknown male subject, skinny build,
wearing a black hoodie cutting the catalytic
converter off his neighbor's vehicle. The suspect left
in a dark gray or black Hyundai Elantra.
Special Attention: Larceny from Vehicles
How to prevent this from happening to you!

-Citizens should never leave anything of value inside
their vehicle. (Especially Handguns, Purses, Wallets,
Cash & Cell Phones!)

- If you have a garage, you should park your vehicle
in the garage and lock the garage.

- Wheel Locks are a deterrent but do not leave the
wheel lock key in the interior of your vehicle,
especially the center console or glove box. This is
the first place they will look for the wheel lock.

-After parking your vehicle turn your wheels all the
way to the right or the left. This will make it difficult
to get the lug nuts off the front wheels.

-If you do not have a garage, try to park your vehicle
as close to your residence as possible.

-If you hear any loud noises near where your vehicle
is parked, especially during the late night or early
morning hours, attempt to look outside without
alerting anyone and if someone is tampering with
your vehicle immediately calls 911, (Do Not
Approach or Scare the Suspects Away) give Police
Dispatchers as much information about the
suspect(s) and suspect vehicles as you can. Stay on
the phone with Dispatchers until the Police arrive.

-Lots of lighting around the area(s) that you park
your vehicles is also very beneficial. Criminals do not
like to work in well lighted areas. They prefer to work
in darkness because it is difficult to see them.

Special Attention:
Larceny of Packages that were ordered and
delivered via Common Carrier.
How to prevent this from happening to you!
Citizens continue to have packages that were
delivered to their residences and apartments stolen
prior to them retrieving the packages.
Citizens can prevent this from happening by
scheduling a specific time to have the package
delivered and be waiting for the package.
Citizen can also schedule the package to be picked
up by themselves at the common carrier facility.
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