Power to save. Helpful tips for lower bills - actewagl.com.au/save-energy

Page created by Roberta Harper
to save.
Helpful tips for lower bills.

Start saving
     Understanding your energy bill                              1
     Knowing what makes up your bill will help you understand
     your energy usage—and discover potential savings.

     The components of your 2020–21                             2
     ACT electricity price
     Our chart explains the elements that make up your
     ACT residential electricity price—there’s more to it
     than you may think.

     Your energy bill checklist                                 3
     Identify factors which may be contributing to a
     higher-than-usual energy bill.

     Track your energy use                                      5
     Upgrade your electricity meter to make informed
     choices about how and when you use your appliances.

     The home energy you get for $4                             7
     For the cost of a takeaway coffee, you can energise
     your home for the day (and more).

     Tips to reduce your energy bills                           9
     Simple tips to waste less and save more.

     Appliance upgrade offers                                   11
     Say goodbye to power-hungry appliances.

     Access support                                             12
     From short-term support to an ongoing arrangement,
     we have a range of programs to assist you through life’s
     ups and downs.

ii                                                                   iii
Understanding                                                                                                     The components
    your energy bill                                                                                                  of your 2020–21 ACT
    Knowing what makes up your bill will help you understand your energy
    usage—and discover potential savings.
                                                                                                                      electricity price*

    Your bill contains important information about your energy account, usage, charges and discounts.
                                                                                                                     This chart explains the elements that make up your ACT residential
    PAGE ONE                                                                                                         electricity price.
       •   Your account details (account number, address, payment amount and due date) are at the
           top of the page.
       •   If your bill was calculated based on an estimated meter reading, you’ll see this information next.
       •   The account summary section includes information about your current and previous bill,
           including any adjustments.
       •   Below you'll find any savings you've made on the account.
                                                                                                                      34.2%                                                                                                                       33.5%
       •   Read over the banner at the bottom of the page, which may be promoting new ActewAGL                        Wholesale                                                                                                                 Network costs
           discounted plans, products or services.                                                                    electricity                                                                                                             To operate, maintain
                                                                                                                    The cost to buy                                                                                                             and upgrade the
                                                                                                                      electricity.                                                                                                               electricity grid.
       •   The graph shows your average daily energy consumption for the last five months.
       •   You may have another graph comparing your average daily consumption with other households
           in the area. For more comparisons visit energymadeasy.gov.au
       •   Below you’ll find a breakdown of your charges and the ways you can pay your bill.

       •   Page two or three may contain any credits, rebates, discounts, adjustments and previous payments.
                                                                                                                  1.7%                                                                                                                           ACT Government
                                                                                                                Fees, energy                                                                                                                        schemes
               POWER TO CHOOSE                                                                                   losses, and                                                                                                                     Costs to meet the
               Are you on the best energy plan for you? Compare our bestselling plans at                        contracting                                                                                                                      ACT Government’s
                                                                                                                    costs                                                                                                                        renewable energy
               actewagl.com.au/plans                                                                                                                                                                                                              target plus taxes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and levies.

               PAY YOUR WAY                                                                                                    12%
                                                                                                                         Retail services
               Stay on top of your bills and better manage your budget with our convenient direct debit                                                                                                                National green
                                                                                                                    Operating costs, the Energy
               payment options. With EvenPay, the cost of your annual energy bill is smoothed over smaller,      Efficiency Improvement Scheme                                                                           schemes
               predictable payments. Think of it as an easy, regular payment plan. You’ll always know how        and the Australian Energy Market                                                                The Federal Government
                                                                                                                  Commission’s Power of Choice                                                                   renewable energy target.
               much you need to pay, and when. Set up your direct debit at my.actewagl.com.au
                                                                                                                         (metering) costs.

              BILL HELPLINE 13 12 93                                                                                 *Based on cost elements from the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s final decision on 2020–21 prices.
              Connect with a local energy expert 8am–6pm, Monday–Friday.

1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2
Your energy
    bill checklist
    Use this checklist to identify factors which may be contributing to a
    higher-than-usual energy bill.

               Which of your energy bills seems higher than usual—electricity or gas?

    IS IT SEASONAL?                                      DO YOU HAVE ANY OUTSTANDING
                                                         COSTS ON YOUR ENERGY ACCOUNT?
      •   The capital region’s legendary seasons
          could be contributing to an increase             •   If you didn’t pay your previous bill in full,
          in your heating, cooling, hot water and              the remaining amount would have been
          clothes dryer use.                                   added to your current bill. If so, you’ll
                                                               see it as an extra charge on page one.
      •   Compare your energy use to the same
          period last year. Check by logging in to
          your account at my.actewagl.com.au             DID YOUR ENERGY PLAN CHANGE?
                                                           •   If you were previously on a discounted
    WHO’S HOME?                                                plan, the benefit term may have expired.

      •   If you’ve been working from home, had            •   Compare our latest discounted plans
          visitors staying or been spending time               and select a new one that works
          inside with a new baby, you may see a                for you at actewagl.com.au/plans
          spike in your energy consumption.
      •   If you were on holidays during the             ARE YOUR ELIGIBLE FOR A
          previous billing period, your new bill         CONCESSION REBATE?
          may appear higher.
                                                           •   Check that your card information is
                                                               up to date on your account at
    IS IT TIME FOR AN APPLIANCE CHECK?                         my.actewagl.com.au
      •   Old appliances can have low energy                                                                   BE ENERGY AWARE
          ratings and require more power to run.
                                                         IS YOUR METER READING CORRECT?
      •   Similarly, if you’ve noticed your appliances                                                         Follow these simple steps to better understand how and when you use the
                                                           •   If you have an old or faulty meter, organise
          are running inconsistently or making
                                                               for a meter upgrade so your usage is
                                                                                                               most power in your home:
          strange noises, they may not be running
                                                               accurately recorded. Find out more about
                                                               the benefits of a new meter on page 5.          1. Take a reading of your meter at the same time each day for at least a week.
      •   Take time to check your appliances for                                                               2. Record which appliances you used each day.
                                                           •   To avoid an estimated meter reading and
          obvious issues, such leaking hot water
                                                               ensure you’re billed correctly, you can
          systems or loose seals on your fridge
                                                               send us a photo of your meter and we’ll         3. At the end of the week, analyse your findings to understand which appliances may
          doors.                                                                                                  be using the most energy in your home.
                                                               adjust your bill accordingly. Find out how
      •   Consider whether you’ve recently bought              at actewagl.com.au/meterselfread
                                                                                                               4. Borrow a ‘do-it-yourself’ Actsmart Home Energy Action Kit from an ACT library to
          new appliances that are now adding to
                                                           •   You can also get ahead of your upcoming bill       conduct an audit of your energy consumption.
          your regular energy consumption.
                                                               with a bill estimate at my.actewagl.com.au

3                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
Track your
    energy use
    Upgrade your electricity meter to make informed choices about how and
    when you use your appliances—and unlock potential savings.

    A new meter will record your actual usage at regular intervals throughout the day, putting you in control.

    Currently there are no upfront charges to have a new meter installed. However if any additional work
    is needed onsite before the installation can be finalised, we’ll let you know if there will be extra costs.

       •   Track your daily electricity usage at              TIME-OF-USE PLAN
           my.actewagl.com.au anytime, without                The cost of electricity is highest during peak
           waiting for your next bill (allow up to            periods and cheapest during off-peak periods.
           48 hours for recent usage information              You can save money by changing your habits
           to be available).                                  and aiming to use your appliances during
       •   New meters are digital and can be read             shoulder and off-peak periods throughout the
           remotely. Currently, most homes and                day (this is known as time-shifting).
           small businesses have traditional
                                                                 •   By time-shifting appliances such as your
           analogue meters, which require a visit
                                                                     dishwasher, clothes dryer and washing
           from a meter reader.
                                                                     machine you can save on your energy bill.
       •   Switch to a new electricity pricing
                                                                 •   Use timers on appliances like dishwashers
           plan and change the way you’re billed.
                                                                     and pool filters, so they only run out of
                                                                     peak periods.
    HOW PRICING WORKS                                            •   Set your heating/cooling to a more
    Once your new meter is installed, you’ll                         energy-efficient temperature. For winter,
    be placed on a time-of-use pricing plan.                         aim for between 18–20°C and in summer
    Time-of-use pricing plans are a way to save                      keep the thermostat between 23–25°C.
    money by taking advantage of different
    electricity prices during peak, shoulder, or
    off-peak periods across the day. The timing                          Upgrade to a new meter at
    of these pricing periods depends on whether                          actewagl.com.au/new-meter or
    you’re a residential or business customer,                           call 1300 815 815
    and if you’re located in the ACT or NSW.

5                                                                                                                 6
For the cost of your
                  daily takeaway
                  coffee, you get ALL
                  this home energy.
                                                          MOBILES         PRINTER
                                                                5 full    450 pages
                                                          2 for
                                                      10 hours
                                           10 hours

      7.5 hours

       3 rooms
    for 4 hours

                              GAMING         TV         KETTLE           COFFEE       WASHING
                               4 hours     4 hours       6 cups           6 cups       2 loads
                                                          of tea         of coffee
                                              MICROWAVE                                          For the complete appliance, wattage and usage time assumption and calculation
                                                  2 lunches                                        breakdown got to: www.actewagl.com.au/beyond-energy/blog/home-usage

7                                                                                                                                                                           8
Tips to reduce
    your energy bills
                                                                                                               •   Wash your clothes in cold water. Washing        Pool pumps and filters
                                                                                                                   with hot (or warm) water can increase              •   Set a timer so they only run when needed,
                                                                                                                   your energy costs by up to 90%.                        and change the timer to suit the season.
                                                                                                               •   Switch to a water-efficient shower              Screens and small devices
                                                                                                                   head and make short showers a habit.
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Switch off TVs and gaming consoles at the
                                                                                                                   A typical family uses about 75% of hot
                                                                                                                                                                          wall when not in use.
                                                                                                                   water for showers.
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Don’t leave laptops and phones attached
    Giving you the power to waste less                    •   Keep furniture away from heaters as this
                                                                                                            ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES                                         to chargers after they’ve reached 100%.
    and save more.                                            will reduce efficiency.
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Use the ‘sleep’ function to save battery life.
                                                                                                            The star rating found on appliances compares
                                                          •   Instead of heating your bedroom, consider
    Our region’s energy is an important resource                                                            their energy efficiency—more stars means less          Cooking
                                                              an electric blanket or hot water bottle.
    we all share. ActewAGL and our predecessors                                                             running costs. So the more stars, the better!             •   Heat or steam food with a microwave
    have been committed to the Canberra region                                                                                                                            when possible as it uses about 80% less
                                                         COOLING                                            Clothes dryer
    for over 100 years so we understand your                                                                                                                              energy than your stove or oven.
    energy needs better than most.                        •   Keep your air conditioner set between            •   Clothes dryers are the fourth-biggest
                                                              23–25°C. Every degree lower can add 10%              energy consumer in the home. Aim to                •   When cooking on the stove, put lids on
                                                              to your electricity bill.                            time-shift this appliance.                             pots to reduce energy use by up to 70%.
                                                          •   The most effective way to keep your              •   Dry your washing either outside in                 •   Use appropriately sized pots with flat
    Space heating accounts for more than half of                                                                   the sunshine or positioned under                       bottoms and tight fitting lids.
                                                              home cool during the day is to stop the
    your annual energy costs—so small changes                                                                      ducted heating vents to avoid using
                                                              sun’s rays from hitting windows and walls.                                                              •   Make sure oven doors close tightly and
    here can add up to big savings.                                                                                the clothes dryer.
                                                              Awnings, blinds, curtains and reflective                                                                    seals are in good condition.
       •   Every degree you lower the thermostat              window tints all help reduce the load on         •   If you need to use the dryer, try quick         Lighting
           will save up to 10% on your heating bill.          your air conditioner.                                consecutive loads to benefit from the
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Replace halogen with LED bulbs, especially
           Aim to keep the temperature set between        •   At night, place a fan near an open window.           warmth of the previous load.
                                                                                                                                                                          in your most frequently used areas. Quality
           18°–20°C.                                          It will blow hot air out of the room,            •   Add a small dry towel to your load to                  LED bulbs last 5–10 times longer than
       •   Set auto timers on your heater. By using           replacing it with cold air from outside.             reduce drying time by up to 25%.                       halogen bulbs and can save you up to 88%
           your heater one hour less each day,                Opening another window elsewhere will                                                                       on your lighting costs.
                                                              encourage a cross breeze.                        •   Aim to time-shift this appliance.
           you’ll save up to 90 hours of heating costs
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Choose fluorescent tubes, rather than
           over winter.                                                                                     Refrigerator/freezer
                                                                                                                                                                          ordinary bulbs. They use a quarter of
       •   Minimise the space you heat. Only heat        WATER HEATING                                         •   Check your temperature settings aren’t
                                                                                                                                                                          the electricity and last around eight times
           the rooms you’re using—close all doors         •   Reduce the temperature setting of your               too low. Fridges should be 3-5°C and
           to rooms such as the laundry, bathroom             hot water system to 60°C (instead of                 freezers between -15°–-18°C. Every degree
                                                                                                                   lower uses 5% more energy.                         •   Choose the lowest wattage bulb needed
           and spare bedrooms. Keep all windows               70°–80°C) to save up to 10% on water
                                                                                                                                                                          to light each room.
           shut and check curtains are drawn to               heating. If you have an instantaneous            •   Check that the fridge/freezer door seals
           contain the heat.                                  system, check that your thermostat is set            are tight. You can check this by closing the       •   Install motion detectors to control lighting
                                                              no higher than 50°C.                                 door on a piece of paper, then pulling it. If          in less frequently used areas like your
       •   Keep more heat inside by sealing any
                                                                                                                   the paper slips out easily, then it’s time to          garage and outdoor areas.
           gaps and cracks around windows and             •   Insulate hot water tanks and pipes to limit
           doors and ensure the insulation in your            heat loss.                                           replace your seals.                                •   Clean lamps and fittings regularly as dirt
           roof and walls is adequate. Ceiling batts                                                           •   Getting rid of a second fridge could save              reduces their lighting output.
                                                          •   Ensure there are no leaks from your hot
           should be about 20cm thick or R4.1                                                                      you up to $200 a year in electricity costs.
                                                              water system.                                                                                           •   Light switch dimmers save energy and
           (or above).                                                                                             Find out more about our Fridge Buyback                 can extend the life of bulbs.
                                                          •   Consider upgrading your hot water                    Program on page 11.
       •   Efficient gas space heaters and reverse-
                                                              system if it’s older than 10 years. A hot                                                               •   When installing lighting in a large open-
           cycle air conditioners are cheaper to                                                            Dishwasher
                                                              water heat pump suitable for Canberra                                                                       plan space, divide the switches into zones.
           run than standard electric heaters.
                                                              winters is an excellent alternative to an        •   Only run your dishwasher when it’s a                   This way you can restrict your lighting to
           While portable electric heaters may be
                                                              electric element system. Find out more               full load and use the economy cycle.                   only the area you’re using.
           inexpensive to buy, they are more costly
                                                              about our appliance upgrade offers on            •   Aim to time-shift this appliance.
           to run. Find out about our appliance
                                                              page 11.
           upgrade offers on page 11.

9                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10
Contact financial
                                                                                                                                                                                            support partners

     Appliance                                                                                                  Access support                                                              ACTSMART
                                                                                                                                                                                            Your one-stop-shop for ACT Government
                                                                                                                                                                                            programs and assistance that help

     upgrade offers
                                                                                                                                                                                            Canberrans to save energy and water,
                                                                                                                                                                                            reduce waste and cut greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                From short-term support to an ongoing arrangement,                          02 6234 7408 or 13 22 81
                                                                                                                we have a range of programs to assist you through
                                                                                                                life’s ups and downs.                                                       ENERGY SAVER NSW
                                                                                                                                                                                            Rebates and discounts for energy
                                                                                                                                                                                            efficiency programs available to NSW
                                                                                                                We know that life doesn’t always go to plan. That’s why, in collaboration   residents to help cut back on energy use
     Say goodbye to power-hungry appliances.                                                                    with government and local community organisations, we have a range          and save on power bills.
                                                                                                                of initiatives to assist you to keep your lights on.                        resourcesandenergy.nsw.gov.au
     With ActewAGL Energy Saving Solutions, we can support you to upgrade your inefficient appliances,
     like heaters, air conditioners and hot water systems, to the latest energy-efficient models—so you’ll
     get year-round comfort.
                                                                                                                REBATES AND CONCESSIONS                                                     assistance

                                                                                                                ActewAGL manages various rebates and concessions on behalf                  AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT
     Not only will upgrading to a newer system reduce your power running costs, you could also get
                                                                                                                of the ACT and NSW Governments. These include concessions                   DEPARTMENT OF THE
     a discount off the cost and installation of your new unit and a credit on your ActewAGL quarterly
                                                                                                                on your energy account, medical and life support rebates. If you’re         ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY
     electricity bill. Plus we have interest-free, quick and convenient payment plans available for approved
                                                                                                                a concession card holder, you may be eligible for a rebate or               Practical advice for households
     ActewAGL customers.                                                                                                                                                                    and businesses to reduce your
                                                                                                                concession. Find out more at actewagl.com.au/rebates
                                                                                                                                                                                            energy bills and learn about the
                                                                                                                                                                                            government’s priorities.

                                                            ENDING IN 2020                                      PAYMENT PLANS AND BILL EXTENSIONS                                           energy.gov.au
                                                                                                                To make seasonal bills more manageable, there are a couple of
     WATER UPGRADES                                         Fridge Buyback
                                                                                                                                                                                            ENERGY RATING
                                                                                                                things you can set up yourself at my.actewagl.com.au. Once you’ve
     Upgrade from ducted gas heating to ducted              Have you got an old fridge or freezer lying                                                                                     Information about the Equipment
                                                                                                                logged in to your account, you can switch your payment plan to              Energy Efficiency Program to standardise
     reverse-cycle air conditioning                         around that’s on ‘The List’ for your next clean
                                                                                                                EvenPay or request a payment extension. With EvenPay, the cost of           energy efficiency ratings for appliances.
                                                            up? Not only will ditching it save you in energy
     Replace your old ducted gas heater with a                                                                  your annual energy bill is smoothed over smaller, predictable fortnightly
                                                            costs (up to $200 a year), through our Fridge                                                                                   energyrating.gov.au
     highly-efficient ducted reverse-cycle system                                                               or monthly payments. Think of it as an easy, regular payment plan.
                                                            Buyback program we’ll pick it up for free, ensure
     to ensure year-round comfort. You can save up                                                              You’ll always know how much you need to pay, and when.
                                                            it’s responsibly recycled and give you $30*                                                                                     CARE INC
     to $2000* off the cost and installation of your                                                                                                                                        A community organisation that ensures
                                                            credit on your ActewAGL electricity bill.
     new unit and ducts plus a credit of $250* on                                                               STAYING CONNECTED PROGRAM                                                   low income consumers are treated fairly
                                                                                                                                                                                            and have support to overcome debt.
     your ActewAGL quarterly electricity bill for           Big Business Light Switch
                                                                                                                Our Staying Connected program is how we work with you when                  02 6257 1788 or 1800 007 007
     two years.
                                                            Upgrade your business to LED lights and             you’re experiencing financial hardship. Once accepted in the Staying
     Upgrade from a flued gas heater to reverse-            save up to 88% on your annual lighting              Connected program, together we’ll develop personal and practical            THE SALVATION ARMY MONEYCARE
     cycle air conditioning                                 costs. Our expert team will seamlessly swap         solutions to help keep your electricity and/or gas supply connected,        Qualified financial counsellors provide
                                                            your existing lights for energy efficient LED                                                                                   free and confidential information and
     An all-in-one solution for your heating and                                                                as well as work with you to tailor a flexible payment plan that suits
                                                                                                                                                                                            support to help individuals, couples
                                                            alternatives for free*.                             you, because no two situations are the same. Find out more at
     cooling needs. Save up to $1000* off the cost                                                                                                                                          and families through a range of financial
     and installation of your new unit and receive                                                              actewagl.com.au/stayingconnected                                            situations, from helping to set up a
                                                            *ACT only. T&Cs apply - see website.                                                                                            budget to assisting with debt collectors
     a credit of $125* on your ActewAGL quarterly                                                                                                                                           and repayment plans.
     electricity bill for two years.                                                                            POSITIVE PARTNERSHIPS
                                                                                                                                                                                            13 72 58
                                                                      Find out more about appliance             We draw on the skills and experience of Care Financial, Salvation Army
     Upgrade your hot water system to a
                                                                      upgrade offers at actewagl.com.           Moneycare, St Vincent de Paul Society, Actsmart, Lifeline, LegalAid,        ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY
     hot water heat pump
                                                                      au/energysavingsolutions                  Domestic Violence Crisis Service, St John’s Care, Companion House           An organisation that’s been providing
     Hot water heat pumps use the available heat in                                                                                                                                         assistance to people going through
                                                                                                                and our partners in business to provide ongoing training and feedback.      tough times in the Canberra/Goulburn
     the air to heat water—even if it’s freezing outside.
                                                                                                                                                                                            region for 166 years.
     They can be two to three times more efficient
     than conventional water heaters. Upgrade                                                                   VULNERABILITY ACTION PLAN                                                   02 6282 2722 or 13 18 12
     your water heater to an innovative Stiebel hot                                                             You can also read more about our commitment to looking out for our
     water heat pump suitable for Canberra winters,                                                                                                                                         DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CRISIS
                                                                                                                community and connecting with customers that need extra support
     and get $750* off the cost and installation.                                                                                                                                           SERVICE (DVCS)
                                                                                                                in our Vulnerability Action Plan at actewagl.com.au/VAP                     DVCS provides support and advice to
                                                                                                                                                                                            victims of domestic violence, including
                                                                                                                                                                                            emotional, psychological, financial,
                                                                                                                                                                                            sexual or other types of abuse.
                                                                                                                                                                                            02 6280 0900 or
11                                                                                                                                                                                          1800 RESPECT
Customer enquiries
Call 13 14 93

Postal address
ActewAGL GPO Box 366 Canberra ACT 2601

Language assistance

13 14 50
24 hours

ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841 a partnership of AGL ACT Retail Investments Pty Ltd
ABN 53 093 631 586 and Icon Retail Investments Limited ABN 23 074 371 207.
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