POULTRY GUIDEBOOK Kent County Youth Fair

Page created by Corey Reeves
POULTRY GUIDEBOOK Kent County Youth Fair
Kent County Youth Fair
                                 POULTRY GUIDEBOOK
                      Name: _________________________________________
                     Showmanship Class:       Intermediate_____      Senior_____
    Years in Poultry Project: _____       Club Name: _____________________________________

                               Place photo of exhibitor with project here.

       Exhibition birds, turkeys and waterfowl are divided into many breeds and varieties. The
       American Poultry Association (APA) publishes a book called the American Standard of
       Perfection. It breaks down the breeds and varieties and gives important information about
       each breed.
Select what you are showing:    hen___ pullet___ cock___ cockerel___
What breed do you show? _____________________________________________________________
What does it weigh? ______________
What variety do you have? _____________________________________________________________
What is your breed used for? Meat___        Egg Layer___       Fancy___      Other_________________
POULTRY GUIDEBOOK Kent County Youth Fair
Birds are divided into classes. Select your class.
Standard birds are divided by where they originated.
                       American___ Asiatic___ English___ Mediterranean___
                             Continental___ All other Standard Breeds___
Bantam breeds are divided by type.
           Game Bantams___ Single Comb Clean Legged___ Rose Comb Clean Legged___
                          All other Comb Clean Legged___ Feather Legged___
POULTRY GUIDEBOOK Kent County Youth Fair
Each breed has different traits that are described in the Standard of Perfection.
Can you list some traits that describe your breed?

The Standard of Perfection also lists disqualifications and defects. A defect is described as anything
short of perfection. Disqualifications are more serious. They disqualify the bird from receiving an
Can you list defects specific to your breed?       Do you know some disqualifications for your breed?
___________________________________                    __________________________________
___________________________________                    __________________________________
___________________________________                    __________________________________

List three egg laying breeds.                          List three fancy breeds.
___________________________________                    __________________________________
___________________________________                    __________________________________
___________________________________                    __________________________________
 List two duck breeds.                                List two turkey breeds.
___________________________________                    __________________________________
___________________________________                    __________________________________

    Ducks are divided into heavy, medium, light and bantam classes. Geese are divided into heavy,
medium, and light classes. There are eight turkey breeds and three guinea fowl breeds.
Find your favorite duck, geese, turkey or guinea breed and do some research on them. List some of
what you have learned.
POULTRY GUIDEBOOK Kent County Youth Fair
Care and maintenance of your flock is essential for healthy birds.
How many birds do you have? __________________
What do you feed your birds? __________________________________________________________
How do you house your birds?

All birds should be treated for parasites several times prior to fair. Please explain the following.
What are lice?
Where do you find lice?
How do you treat lice?
What are mites?
Where do you most often find mites on your birds?
How do you treat mites?

It is important to watch for disease. What are some of the signs of a sick bird?
What are the symptoms of Pullorum?
What is Marek’s disease and how do you treat it?
What would you do if your flock has coccidiosis?
There are a variety of combs unique to different breeds.
Single Rose Pea Cushion Strawberry V-shape Walnut Buttercup
What comb does your bird have? _________________

There are several types of feather patterns.
Select the feather pattern of your showmanship bird.         Penciled___     Spangled___   Barred___
Mottled ___ Single Lace___       Solid____

What is molting? ____________________________________________________________________
How can you tell when your bird is molting?
It is important to bring clean birds to fair. How do you clean your birds?
Egg production is an important industry in our area.
How many days does it take for eggs to hatch for each species?
  Chicken: _____ Duck: _____ Turkey: _____ Quail: _____ Muscovy: _____ Guinea Hen: _____
At what percentage level of humidity should an incubator for chicken eggs be? _______
What should the temperature be? ______
How do you tell how many eggs your hen has laid in her life?
Raising meat birds to show at fair is a fun rewarding project however it takes a lot of work.
What should you feed your market birds?
How many weeks does it take to raise market birds to be ready for market? _________________
How old is a turkey when it is ready for market? ________________________
Name three important things in caring for a market bird project.
What are the hardest things about owning poultry?
Summarize your showmanship bird’s good qualities?
What would you change about your bird to make it better?
What are your favorite things about poultry?
What did you learn?

          Thank you for your participation in the Kent County Youth Fair Poultry Department!
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