PLEAN CHORPARÁIDIGH 2014 2019 - Louth County Council
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MISSION STATEMENT “ “ To provide leadership and deliver high quality, citizen focused, responsive and effective services 2 SECTION TITLE
Table of Contents Introduction by Cathaoirleach & Chief Executive Socio- Economic Profile of County Louth About Louth County Council Our Responsibilities Mission Statement Core Values Strategic Objectives Customer Care Housing & Community Development Infrastructure Operations, Marine and Water Environment & Sustainable Energy Economic Development Regional Cross Border and European Union Arts, Culture & Leisure Local Democracy Resource Management SECTION TITL E 3
INTRODUCTION BY CATHAOIRLEACH & CHIEF EXECUTIVE We are delighted to introduce this, our first Corporate already achieved considerable success through the remit of the Council and the multitude of services for which Plan since the huge transformation to our system of local Louth Economic Forum under the banner of the County we are responsible. Ireland, along with much of the world, is government which took place in June 2014. The most Development Board. During the next five years we will be still moving out of one of the worst economic recessions in obvious change was the dissolution of our town councils and seeking to consolidate and build on that success, working living memory. The Council faces, and is likely to continue to the establishment of a new District Tier below the County with our partners to bring much needed employment to the face throughout this plan period, very considerable financial Council. These Districts, which are centred round our main county. The new Local Economic and Community Plan, to challenges. Our greatest challenge continues to be delivering towns of Dundalk, Drogheda and Ardee, will focus in the be developed during the course of 2015, will be another key the best possible service to the people of Louth in the most main on local development and local services, while the document, guiding the work of the Council and many other effective and efficient way within the decreasing budget County Council will take the lead on strategic issues such as stakeholders during the Corporate Plan period. available to us. Budgets and County Development Plans. Our new Corporate Plan, finalised following extensive The Local Government Reform Act 2014 gives Councils consultation within the Council and the County, as well Our Mission Statement is ‘to provide leadership and deliver an expanded role in relation to economic development as further afield, sets out our Core Values and the High high quality, citizen focused, responsive and effective and local community development. For County Louth Level Business Objectives to be achieved over the next five services.’ We accept that challenge with pride and this the economic development role was nothing new, having years. The Plan clearly demonstrates the very wide-ranging Corporate Plan is the roadmap by which success in delivering on that Mission Statement can be measured. Joan Martin Cllr. Oliver Tully Chief Executive Cathaoirleach IN TROD U CTION 5
SOCIO - ECONOMIC PROFILE OF LOUTH County Louth possesses a significant and diverse range of economic, social and cultural strengths and opportunities. These provide a strong basis for the future successful development of the county and its main towns. County Louth is characterised as an important and busy County Louth is a medium-sized Local Authority area whose The main areas of population in County Louth are Drogheda county in a prime location on the eastern seaboard between population of 122,897 represents 2.7% of the State population. and Dundalk comprising 76,394 persons (62% of County total) Belfast and Dublin, the two main cities in Ireland, north and It is in the top half of the table by size and it has grown by 10.5% with Ardee comprising 4,927 (4% of County totals) and smaller south respectively. In terms of area, County Louth is actually from 2006 to 2011, somewhat greater than the State rate of towns, villages and hamlets accounting for the remaining 34%. the smallest with an area of 826 square kilometres. The new, 8.2%. improved road and motorway networks place the County one hour from Belfast and Dublin, while most major towns and Approximately 63% of Louth’s population lives in urban centres cities in Ireland can be reached in three hours or less. It is also while 37% are defined as living in rural parts of the County, forty-five minutes from Dublin Airport, just over an hour from just marginally higher than the State urban: rural ratio. The Belfast City and International Airports and is well-served by train 2011 Census places Louth as the third largest county for urban and bus to destinations on the eastern seaboard and to all other concentration of its population outside of the cities and Dublin destinations. Local Authorities. Population Breakdown 4% 34% Ardee Smaller Towns & Villages 34% 3RD LARGEST 826 SQ KM Ç10.5% 62% Dundalk & Drogheda Louth is the 3rd Largest Louth is the smallest Population has grown by county for urban county in Ireland 10.5% from 2006 - 2011. 62% concentration of its population.* 4% *2011 census SOCIO-ECON OM IC PROF IL E OF L OU TH 7
ABOUT LOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL Louth County Council is the single local authority for County Louth. The second tier of Local Government includes: MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BOROUGH DISTRICT OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF ARDEE DROGHEDA DUNDALK Louth County Council has 29 elected Councillors, who simultaneously represent the citizens on three Municipal Districts, from the four electoral areas of Ardee, Drogheda, Dundalk Carlingford and Dundalk South. The role of the Councillors is to provide civic leadership, formulate policy, represent the interests of their constituents and electoral areas and to ensure that the views of the people of Louth are reflected in the decisions that the County Council take and the way that their services are delivered. The day-to- day management of Louth County Council is the responsibility of the Chief Executive. A BOU T L OU TH COU N TY COU N CIL 9
• Financial Services • Corporate Services Directorate of • Information Technology & Organisational Finance Health and Safety • Customer Services • Meetings Administration • Social Media Development Municipal • Land Bank Management Borough District of Drogheda Directorate of • European Office Cross Border and • EU Networks • Identification of EU Funding Programmes European • Town Twinning/Partnerships Relations & • Cross Border Funding Sustainable Energy • Memorandum of Understanding • Peace Programme / Cross Border Projects Programme • Promotion of Cross Border Strategy Directorate of Operations and • Water Services • Road Maintenance • Coastal Protection County Council Local Services • Cleansing Municipal • Parks and Landscaping • Wardens (Community, Litter, Dog District and Traffic) of Dundalk • Libraries and Emergency Services Directorate of • Social Housing Programme Housing and • Local Community Development Committee • Louth Looking Good Initiatives Community • Age Friendly • Sports Development • Civil Defence • Major Emergency Management Municipal Municipal • Roads Disttrict Directorate of • Marine of Economic • Planning Development, • Enforcement ( (Planning and Environmental Ardee compliance) Infrastructure and • Arts, Heritage and Conservation Compliance • Veterinary Services • Local Enterprise Office • Economic Development 10 SECTION TITLE
OUR RESPONSIBILITIES We are responsible for key services such as: ê Housing provision and maintenance social housing, ê Support for the Arts, Tourism Economic To meet these responsibilities, we spend approximately €150 affordable housing and Traveller accommodation development, Heritage and Conservation million each year and directly employ nearly 700 people. ê Road design, construction, maintenance and improvements ê Libraries, museums, archives and heritage The principal sources of funding available to the Local and road safety. Authorities are direct government grants from the Department ê Higher Education Grants. ê Water services, including water supply, effluent and treatment of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The other in association with Irish Water. ê Equality, Ethics & Access funding sources are from commercial rates, property tax and charges for services. ê Promotion of Economic Development in the interests of Job ê Veterinary Services & food hygiene Creation, income growth & overall wellbeing of the county ê Parks and recreational facilities Louth County Council operates on the basis of an integrated and its residents. Committee system and policy development is processed ê Traffic management, car parking, road safety and through four Strategic Policy Committees. ê Land use, forward planning, and Development control public lighting ê Environmental monitoring and enforcement ê Coastal protection, management and maintenance ê Emergency Services, Fire Service, Civil Defence, Major of piers, harbours and beach amenities Emergency Management and Water Safety. ê Motor tax collection DIRECTLY EMPLOYING NEARLY ê Support the objectives of the Memorandum of 700 PEOPLE ê Customer Care Services Understanding. ê Support Functions ê Have a central role in the oversight and planning of local and • Corporate Services community development programming, while maintaining a • Finance key role for local development entities in frontline delivery • Human Resources • Information Technology & Systems OU R RESPON SIBIL ITIES 11
COUNTY COUNCIL 29 Members AUDIT COMMITEE CORPORATE POLICY GROUP 2 Elected & 3 External Members Catharoirleach & SPC Chairs MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF ARDEE BOROUGH DISTRICT OF DROGHEDA MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF DUNDALK 6 Members 10 Members 13 Members SPC SPC SPC SPC Economic Development Planning & Environment Housing Community & Infrastructure, European, & Enterprise Support Emergency Service Cross Border & Sustainable Energy LOCAL POLICING FORUM JOINT POLICING COMMITEE Municipal Distric Level STEERING GROUP 12 O U R R E S P O N S IB ILIT IE S
CORE VALUES The following core values of Louth County Council are fundamental to the planning and delivery of all our services. Democracy, Integrity, Openness and Accountability A recognition of the democratic legitimacy of local government and a commitment to transparent decision-making and good communications 1 4 7 Meeting Customer Needs Partnership Respect for All A commitment to meet and respond to the A commitment to operate in a framework of Meet the commitment to show respect for all in the customer’s needs by delivering a high quality service partnership and collaboration with staff, communities, transaction and delivery of services. to meet the diverse and changing needs of our business and other agencies to deliver an integrated customers with the assistance of CRM. strategy for County Louth. 2 5 Consultation, Participation and Community Our Staff Development A commitment to value the contribution and skills of A commitment to ongoing recognition of the staff and provide a rewarding work environment which importance of effective consultation with the allows staff to develop to their full potential. Support wider community and their active participation in systems and network, reliability, residence, DR. the development, delivery and review of effective 6 and responsive services - Social Media, Web Continuous Improvement Developments and Surveys. A commitment to continually strive for improvements in all that we do and effectively embrace digital 3 Countering Poverty, Social Exclusion, platform and systems to support the improvement. Inequality and Accessibility Support Services as above. A commitment to prioritising and targeting resources to the areas and communities in greatest need. Standard Service provision, web developments, social media. CORE VA L U ES 13
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Louth County Council Housing in Communities & Emergency Services Environment & Sustainable Engergy Facilitate sustainable communities through the provision of To provide for timely high quality water and waste services accommodation that responds to the needs of all through a in conjunction with Irish Water to cater for the development process of community planning. needs of the County while promoting the use of sustainable energy resources and systems. Infrastructure Economic Development To maintain and develop a high quality road network that That Louth is acknowledged as the location of choice supports and facilitates a modern transportation system that for economic development, cultural and educational is accessible, safe, smart and integrated and which responds opportunity supported by modern and sophisticated to the needs of the people of the county. infrastructure providing ease of access for all. 14 S T R AT E G I C O B JE C T IVE S
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Regional Gateway Local Democracy Resource Management Place Dundalk and Drogheda at the heart of the Support, promote and enhance the Provide integrated value for money public regional gateway of the eastern corridor. democratic, civic and leadership role services through innovative and adaptive of Louth County Council. approaches to local governance. Arts Culture & Leisure Customer Care Broadband Access Arts, Culture & Leisure will underpin the quality That the people of Louth are provided Support the objectives of of life for individuals and communities within the with an accessible and responsive public ‘Connecting Communities’ County. service that demonstrates empathy, and facilitate the roll out of through caring, listening that is delivered Broadband services across the in professional and cost effective manner. County. STRATEG IC OBJ ECTIV ES 15
ALWAYS WORKING FOR YOU Conservation Economy Cleansing Customers Maintenance Civil Defence Social Media peace programme Care Future Finance Arts Libraries Veterinary Services Sustainable Energy EU Networks Parks Community Plan Leisure roads Parks Education Meetings Business Cleansing operations Infrastructure community Housing Development Wardens Enterprise Planning planning Local Enterprise Office Emergency peace programme Marine Libraries Management MOU Sport water Tourism Infrastructure Organise Management Conservation SME Strategic Care housing Care Emergency Town Twinning Veterinary Services Social Finance Fire Age Friendly Finance cross border Future Education SME Marine Technology SME roads SME Strategic Plan Enterprise Care Social Parks Libraries planning Strategic Future Arts 16 C U S T O M E R C A RE
CUSTOMER CARE Louth County Council That the people of Louth have access to a responsive public service, that demonstrates empathy through caring and listening and is delivered in a professional cost effective manner. ê Our service to be inclusive and demonstrate respect for all. ê To develop the Service and Local Indicators are relevant to the customer. ê Develop promote and support a culture of Customer Service excellence. ê Make our organisation more accessible through the use of technology, Embrace the social media opportunities to enhance this ê Ongoing development of Customer Service interfaces in person and virtually CU STOM ER CA RE 17
HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Facilitate sustainable communities through the provision of accommodation and supports that respond to the needs of all. Similarly develop a safe community, while at the same time ensuring that there is a robust and available emergency service. Housing Community Emergency Services ê Provide the full range of all social housing supports. ê Support the LCDC structure and deliver the LECP Plan. ê Maintain a resilient and well trained Fire Service. ê Assist the marginalised through the delivery of the Traveller ê Support the Public Participation Network. ê Deliver a comprehensive Community Fire Safety Strategy. Accommodation Programme 2014-18, North East Homeless ê Develop a Community Safety Strategy. ê Deliver the national ‘Keeping Communities Safe’ Fire Strategy. Action Plan 2014-17, and develop a Strategy for Housing Persons with a Disability. ê Support the Tidy Towns Network in developing their ê Ensure an adequate Major Emergency Management communities. Structure is maintained in place. ê Develop a new Anti Social Behaviour Strategy ê Support communities and estates in their development ê Develop Civil Defence Service to its full potential. ê Maintain our stock in a planned and systematic manner. needs. ê Assist the developing needs of all citizens by means of the various grant schemes. ê Develop updated Sports and Recreation Strategy to reflect current needs and develop Community Sports Activities. ê Continue the development and implementation of the Age Friendly County Strategy. ê Facilitate the Comhairle na nOg programme ê Provide a modern responsive library service that meets the community’s needs and delivers on ‘Opportunities for All’ strategy H OU SIN G & COM M U N ITY D EV EL OPM EN T 19
INFRASTRUCTURE To maintain a high quality transportation network that is accessible, safe, smart and integrated and continue to deliver modern and sophisticated infrastructure providing ease of access for all the citizens of the County. Transportation Marine ê Maintain and improve the road network throughout the ê To fully use our ports to increase the contribution of the port County. sector to the local economy. ê Progress the delivery of key projects including; Narrow Water ê To recognise our ports as centres of great historical, cultural, Bridge, Ardee Bypass, Drogheda Port Access Route. social and recreational importance ê Design, maintain and improve footpaths, parking, open ê To work in partnership with our ports to ensure interaction spaces and other facilities to ensure that they are responsive between the ports sector and the planning and development to the needs of citizens through the county. systems to ensure continued and sustainable development of the ports sector. ê To implement a Road Safety Programme appropriate to changing needs. ê Support and implement the National Ports Policy ê Work in partnership with the Department of Education to ê Continue to work with the OPW to deal with the threat from develop and deliver the school building programme. coastal erosion and rising tidal levels. ê Deliver a Public Sector Campus at Fair Street offices in Drogheda. ê Seek to promote and progress town/village regeneration. IN F RA STRU CU TRE 21
OPERATIONS, MARINE AND WATER To maintain a high quality transportation network that is accessible, efficient, safe, smart and integrated and which responds to the needs of the people of County Louth; In conjunction with Irish Water to provide for timely high quality water and waste water services to cater for the development needs of County Louth. Transportation Marine Water ê Maintain and improve the transportation network ê Support and maintain developed ports and harbours and in ê Work with Irish Water to ensure the continued supply of safe throughout the County. particular those in the ownership of the Council. and secure drinking water in adequate quantities to provide for the development needs of County Louth. ê Implement the recommendations of the County ê Support the recommendations arising from the Greater Transport Audit through an integrated public sector Dundalk Area Flood Study and any other studies undertaken ê Implement a water conservation programme to minimise response. during the life of this plan. water losses from the distribution network in collaboration with Irish Water. ê Seek to deliver the key objectives of the National Smarter Travel Policy. ê Provide for adequate waste water treatment and collection systems, in collaboration with Irish Water, to comply with the ê Design, maintain and improve Cycle ways, Footpaths, requirements of the River Basin Management Plans. Parking, Parks, Playgrounds, Roads and other facilities meeting the needs of the people of Louth. ê Implement a Road Safety Programme appropriate to changing needs. OPERATION S, M A RIN E & WATER 23
ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY To provide for a timely high quality water and waste service to cater for the development needs of the County while protecting and enhancing the environment. Environment Sustainable Energy ê In association with Irish Water, ensure the continued supply ê Promote Environmental Awareness and support the of safe and secure drinking water adequate quantities to objectives of the Waste Management Plan. provide for the development needs of the County. ê Promote the use of sustainable energy sources and ê Continue to resource a water conservation programme in systems. order to minimise water losses from the distribution system. ê Improve the energy use and efficiency Council building ê Provide for adequate waste water treatment and collection and facilities. systems to comply with the requirements of river basin management plans made under the Water Framework ê Support and promote new energy savings initiatives in Directive. the business sector. ê Continue to implement national water pricing policy. ê Develop an expertise in sustainable energy management as a resource for Council and other sectors. ê Maintain the effective enforcement of Environmental legislation. ê Develop Louth County Council as an exemplar in energy efficiency. ê Action energy saving initiatives within the organisation and the wider community. EN V IROM EN T & SU STA IN A BL E EN ERG Y 25
FDI able D Co DN n tai rgy rri do s ne E r Su Bro Indus ous try adb n Indige and Louth Economic Development T itage Busin g rism Doin er ess u &H o ge re A ltu e s Bu -Frie rie u sin nd gric ish es ly A &F s Education od & Training Fo 26 SECTION TITLE
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT That County Louth is the location of choice for economic development, cultural and educational opportunity supported by modern and sophisticated infrastructure that takes account of the economic needs of current and future generations. ê Provide leadership and support to deliver the actions of the ê Work in partnership with local educational institutions to ê Develop Town Action Plans for Drogheda, Dundalk and Louth Economic Forum. support entrepreneurship and business startups. Ardee. ê Deliver easily accessible, high quality business advice that ê Explore the opportunities that The Táin concept offers. ê Continue to encourage the development of Rural Enterprise attracts inward investment, supports and encourages new as a means of supporting and sustaining rural communities. start ups leading to growth of small and medium enterprises. ê Maximise the newly integrated Local Enterprise Office (LEO) structure. ê Ensure environmental policies are integrated into all strategic (SME’s) and operational. ê Develop the role of the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) to ê Develop Town Centre Revitalisation Strategy for Dundalk, Drogheda and Ardee. ê Promote and encourage the prevention, reuse and recycling support SME’s. of waste in line with EU and National Policy. ê Maximise our tourism opportunities, encouraging investment ê Provide a consistent and professional approach in terms of in arts and cultural heritage. Future Planning and pre-planning services for the public. ê Continue to develop tourism destinations in Boyne Valley & ê Work to deliver a County Development Plan that promotes Cooley/Mourne/Gullion. sustainable economic development and employment growth. ECON OM IC D EV EL OPM EN T 27
Belfast Eastern Corridor Dublin Louth 28 SECTION TITLE
REGIONAL CROSS BORDER & EUROPEAN UNION Place Dundalk and Drogheda at the heart of the Regional Gateway of the Eastern Corridor. ê To pursue the concept of Dundalk /Newry /Drogheda as the North East Gateway. ê Promote the role of Dundalk and Drogheda as key locations for the development of the county. ê Develop a centre of excellence and best practice in regards to European funding opportunities as a resource to all directorates. ê Support the development and renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding in conjunction with our cross border partners. Memoran du ê Support the sustainable development of facilities of regional scale in the respective towns. m of Und between N ersan tan didng M emnor Dow Disan dum Mourn Drst ewry andof Unde ing trict CounMourneeDis istric Coun tricttCo cil, uncil, y and ci l between Newr and Louth Co th Coun unty Co ty uncil un cil and Lou Co uncil Down District Co COMHAIR LE AN IÚIR AGUS MHÚRN NEWRY AND DISTRICT MOURNE COUNCIL COMHAIRLE AN IÚIR AGUS MHÚRN NEWRY AND MOURNE L DISTRICT COUNCI REG ION A L CROSS BORD ER & EU ROPEA N U N ION 29
supporting trade heritage tourism & hospitality intrests throughout the county 30 SECTION TITLE
ARTS, CULTURE & LEISURE Arts, Culture & Leisure will underpin the quality of life for individuals and communities within the county. ê The Council will give demonstrative expression to Arts, Culture and Leisure in county life through exercising its leadership role supporting all interests within the county. ê Develop a cohesive Arts and Libraries Plan. Find us ok on Facebo ê Develop and co - ordinate a Programme of Events and Activities that optimises our Theatres, Galleries, Libraries, Museums and Archives facilities. ê Implement the Louth Sports Partnership Strategy. ê Progress phase 2 & 3 of the Tholsel Building Development. A RTS, CU LTU RE & L EISU RE 31
LOCAL DEMOCRACY Support, promote and enhance the democratic, civic and leadership role of Louth County Council. ê To resource the ongoing work and development of the democratic role of council and their committees. ê Foster a culture of corporate identity both internally and externally. ê Support and embed the two tier local government structure county wide. ê To improve the efficient operation of Council, its committees and links with other bodies. ê To embed the role of the Audit Committee with best practice principles of good governance. ê Develop Participatory democracy by improving the use of Peoples Participation Network (PPN) ê Our service to be inclusive and demonstrate respect for all. L OCA L D EM OCRA CY 33
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Provide integrated value for money public services through innovative and adaptive approaches to local governance. ê The organisation will strive to position itself to respond to the changing needs of the public and the environment that prevails. ê Strive to review on a continual basis the delivery of all services with a view to maximising efficiencies and deliver value for money. ê Use performance management tools to deliver high quality outcomes. ê Identify the key competencies for posts, upskill where necessary and apply in the workplace to respond to the needs of the public. ê Foster a Health and Safety awareness culture to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace and public areas. ê Continue to operate through the ethos of Workplace Partnership. RESOU RCE M A N A G M EN T 35
APPENDIX ONE: ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS Tom Cunningham Colm Markey Pearse McGeough Paul Bell Tommy Byrne Kevin Callan Frank Godfrey Imelda Munster Sinn Féin Fine Gael Sinn Féin Labour Fine Fáíl Non Party Non Party Sinn Féin Dolores Minogue Liam Reilly Jim Tenanty Alan Cassidy Richie Culhane Kenneth Flood Pio Smith Oliver Tully (Cathaoirleach) Fine Gael Fianna Fáil Non Party Sinn Féin Fine Gael Sinn Féin Labour Fine Gael ARDEE DROGHEDA 36 APPENDICES
APPENDIX ONE: ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS Edel Corrigan Mark Dearey John McGahon Connor Keelan Jim Loughran Peter Savage Green Party Fine Gael Fine Fáil Sinn Féín Fianna Fáil Sinn Féin Declan Breathnach Maria Doyle Jennifer Green Kevin Meenan Tomás Sharkey Maeve Yore Marianne Butler (Leas Cathaoirleach) Fianna Fáil Fine Gael Sinn Féin Sinn Féin Sinn Féin Non Party Green Party DUNDALK A PPEN D ICES 37
APPENDIX TWO: SERVICE INDICATORS Corporate Finance Waste/Environment Planning Fire Service Roads Housing Water Economic Development Youth / Community Library / Recreation Services 38 SECTION TITLE
SERVICE INDICATORS C CORPORATE H4 Housing Maintenance Cost R ROADS C1/C2 Total Number of WTEs (whole time equivalent staffing H5 Private rented sector inspections R1 Ratings in Pavement Surface Condition Index Numbers) / Working Days lost to Sickness H6 Long-term Homeless Adults ê Regional Road Surface C3 No. of page visits lo LA website ê Local Primary Road Surface C4 Overall Cost of ICT provision per WTE J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ê Local Secondary Road Surface J1 No. of jobs created ê Local Tertiary Road Surface E WASTE / ENVIRONMENT R2 Percentage of motor tax transactions conducted online E1 Number of Waste Facilities authorised by the LA L LIBRARY/RECREATION SERVICES This data will be obtained directly from the Vehicle E2 No./% of Households with access to a 3 bin service L1 Library Visits Registration Unit E3 No. of Waste complaints lodged with the EPA Office of L2 Cost of operating a Library Service Environmental Enforcement W WATER E4 Percentage of other environmental pollution M FINANCE W1 Unaccounted for Water as a percentage of total volume complaints closed M1 5 Year summary of Revenue Account balance of water supplied under LA Schemes E5 Percentage of LA area within the 5 levels of M2 5 Year summary of % collection levels for major W2 Percentage of drinking water in compliance with litter pollution revenue sources statutory requirements This data will be obtained directly from the EPA F FIRE SERVICE P PLANNING F1 Cost per Capita of the Fire Service P1 New Buildings Inspected Y YOUTH / COMMUNITY F2 Service Mobilisation P2 No./% of Planning decisions confirmed by An Bord Y1 Participation in Comhairle na n-Óg scheme F3 Percentage of attendances at scenes Pleanála Y2 No. of Gateway participants employed as % of target P3 Percentage of Planning Enforcement cases closed as Y3 % of nominees to LCDC membership via the PPN H HOUSING resolved structures from the most marginalised SICAP groups H1/H2 Social Housing Stock / Housing Voids P4 Cost per Capita of the Planning Service Y4 Number progressing to FT, PT or self-employment H3 Average Re-letting Time and Cost within 6 months of receipt of a Goal 3 employment support A PPEN D ICES 39
APPENDIX FOUR: CUSTOMER CHARTER In our dealings with the customers and Our Commitment to you clients of Louth County Council, we will To deliver an efficient quality service to the people of Louth adhere to the following core values Courtesy and Consideration Choice Confidentiality We will deliver services We will We will ê Efficiently and in an effective courteous and friendly, helpful ê Provide choice, where feasible, in service delivery, including ê Ensure information received from a customer will only be manner. payment methods, location of contact points, and opening used for local authority purposes, and as permitted by law. ê With due regard to privacy and confidentiality. hours. ê Use available and emerging technologies to ensure Meaningful Consultation Equality, Openess and Impartiality maximum access to choice of service delivery. We will We will ê Seek out, listen to, value, and consider carefully all views ê Recognise the right to equal treatment established by Accountability expressed and where possible, and in a realistic timescale, equality legislation. We will agree a way forward. ê Deal with you in a fair and open manner. ê Set standards for timely delivery of services. ê Provide a comment card system inn all of our main offices to ê Explain how a decision was reached. ê Monitor compliance and complete annual reviews of facilitate development of our services. standards and performance. Physical Access ê Publish details and performance achieved against service We will indicators across the range of council services in our Annual ê Provide clean, accessible public offices that ensure privacy, Report. and comply with occupational and safety standards. ê Facilitate access for people with disabilities and special needs. A PPEN D ICES 41
APPENDIX FIVE: DEVELOPING THE CORPORATE PLAN Louth County Council in formulating the Corporate Plan Louth County Council recognises in particular the contributions from : in accordance with Section 134 of the Local Government ê Ms. Louise Phelan, Vice President, Global Operations EMEA – PayPal Act, 2001 did consult widely with its stake holders. ê Chief Superintendent Pat McGee, An Garda Síochána ê Mr. Padraic White, Louth Economic Forum Draft Plans were considered by the Corporate Policy Group together with the full ê Mr. Paddy Malone, PRO, Dundalk Chamber of Commerce Membership of Council, Oireachtas Members, State Agencies and local service providers. ê Mr. Willie Duffy, Tidy Towns Together In excess of ninety organisations and individuals were engaged with during the development phase. 42 APPENDICES
Louth County Council County Hall Millennium Centre Dundalk County Louth A91 KFW6
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