Plan for diabetes California's - our work in diabetes
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A coordinated plan to help guide our work in diabetess 2003-2007 California’s plan for diabetess Developed by the Diabetes in California Task Force
Table of Contents Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ■ The impact of diabetes in California ■ Contributing factors to a growing trend ■ Gaps in diabetes care California’s Plan for Diabetes: 2003-2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ■ Plan roadmap ■ Data collection and measurement ■ Using the Plan Plan Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ■ Goal 1: Increase access to care ■ Goal 2: Improve quality of care ■ Goal 3: Promote primary prevention ■ Goal 4: Guide public policy Call to Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
— John F. Kennedy
Summary recommended interventions, and expected outcomes when the interventions are implemented. Diabetes, a serious disease and major Importantly, we also suggested public health problem, is sweeping measurement or evaluation tools the country. California has approxi- that could be used to monitor mately two million people with progress and determine when we diabetes and a growing number have achieved our goals. When with pre-diabetes. Many excellent a draft of the Plan was complete, programs and initiatives exist in we posted it on the Internet and California to address diabetes, but took it on the road to gather input with major budget challenges and at ten community meetings held an exploding epidemic, it is essential in cities throughout California. that we work together to coordinate We wanted this five-year plan to be efforts and leverage our impact on realistic and achievable, and serve as this devastating disease. a useable guide for work in diabetes. California’s Plan for Diabetes Therefore, we did not address every (the Plan) was developed to help problem or concern in diabetes. organizations in their work to combat The Plan serves three primary pur- diabetes. The Plan belongs to the poses. First, it assists state and local people of California, as we are all organizations in meeting national objectives for diabetes, as defined “Diabetes is like a tsunami wave that by such initiatives as Healthy People has been developing force and 2010 and the National Diabetes Objectives established by the Centers is crashing down on California.” for Disease Control and Prevention. Second, the Plan is meant to guide impacted by diabetes. Many organizations in their chosen people throughout the state con- activities insofar as they address tributed to the development of the diabetes as a major health concern in Plan. Initially, a multi-disciplinary California. Finally, the Plan promotes group came together to identify collaboration between organizations broad topics or goals needed to be in order to strengthen their combined achieved in diabetes. Within each efforts in addressing diabetes. goal we identified priority areas, 2
Introduction compromise people’s quality of life, affect their ability to contribute to their communities and cost great The impact of diabetes amounts to manage and treat. in California Spending in the United States for Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes) is a diabetes was over $100 billion in prevalent and serious public health 1992, or $10,071 per person with concern, which has grown so rapidly diabetes, compared to $2,699 per in recent years that representatives person without diabetes6. California’s of the federal government call the share of this cost was approximately disease “a national epidemic1.” The $12 billion from all sources. Although disease affects more than 17 million California’s estimate is enormous, people nationwide, and approxi- it is probably a conservative one mately two million people have because lost wages, productivity, diabetes in the state of California2. nursing home care costs, and nonpre- In the 1990s, the prevalence of type 2 scription drugs are not included. Each diabetes in California increased by year there are over 300,000 diabetes- 33 percent overall, and 70 percent related hospitalizations in California, among people in their 30s3. The total at an annual cost of $3.4 billion7. number of people with diabetes in California is expected to double by Contributing factors the year 20204. to a growing trend The two major forms of diabetes are In addition to being the sixth leading called type 1 and type 2, and both cause of death in the United States5, cause similar kinds of complications. diabetes contributes to the serious Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) effects of other conditions. Diabetes is also an important form of diabetes is the leading cause of major medical with onset or first recognition during problems, including adult blindness, pregnancy. GDM complicates kidney failure, non-traumatic ampu- approximately 7 percent of all preg- tation of the lower limbs, and is nancies in the United States and is a significant contributor to heart a risk factor for later development disease and stroke. Furthermore, of type 2 diabetes8. Type 1 diabetes serious birth defects may occur in is caused by a failure of the pancreas the offspring of mothers with dia- to make insulin due to autoimmune betes. All of these complications destruction of the insulin producing 3
beta cells and accounts for about 5- of diabetes that has until recently 9 10 percent of all cases . Those with been diagnosed primarily in adults. type 1 diabetes must take insulin to Some recent reports indicate that stay alive and perform multiple daily 8–45 percent of children with newly blood glucose (sugar) tests to assist diagnosed diabetes have type 2 dia- with treatment decisions. Type 2 betes12. These children are typically diabetes, due to insulin resistance overweight, 10 years of age or older, and relative insulin deficiency, a member of a high-risk ethnic accounts for 90-95 percent of all group, and have a family history cases. Risk increases with age, obesity of type 2 diabetes. and a sedentary lifestyle. Weight Diabetes affects some populations reduction and physical activity have disproportionately, including African been shown to reduce the risk of Americans, American Indians/ developing type 2 diabetes and to Alaskan Natives, Asian and Pacific slow its progression. But obesity, one Islanders, Hispanics/Latinos, and the of the leading health indicators for elderly. With an aging population and over half of the state composed “Everyday we see the devastation that of high-risk ethnic populations, diabetes causes. But others may not see it. it is not surprising that diabetes is increasing rapidly in California. Diabetes is not contagious nor is it always Another trend is the growing visible. It’s hard to convince people that population of people with Impaired it’s serious, but it is.” Glucose Tolerance or Impaired Fasting Glucose, now called “pre- the Healthy People 2010 initiative, is diabetes,”who have higher than a significant problem in our country, normal blood glucose (sugar) levels with over half of the adult population and are expected to be diagnosed considered overweight or obese . In10 with type 2 diabetes within a decade. 2000, 15 percent of children under After finding that 16 million age 19 were considered obese, Americans between 40 and 74 years compared to 4-6 percent in 1974 . 11 old have this newly defined type 2 diabetes precursor, federal health As a result of this increase in obesity, officials and the American Diabetes more children and adolescents are Association recently issued guidelines developing type 2 diabetes—a form 4
recommending increased screening is known to be 13 for pre-diabetes . Pre-diabetes can effective in dia- lead to type 2 diabetes and increase betes care, and the risk of developing heart disease the care that is by 50 percent. However, lifestyle actually provided. changes such as moderate physical The reasons for activity and a more nutritious diet, this gap are can lead to moderate weight loss and multiple and may delay or prevent the onset of complex. They type 2 diabetes, if the condition is include: a frag- detected early. mented and Gaps in diabetes care confusing health Effective screening and treatment care delivery sys- methods exist for diabetes, yet many tem; increasing people do not receive appropriate numbers of unin- care. In an effort to improve the sured and under- quality of medical care and heighten insured Californians; limited public encourage populations to improve the level of awareness regarding resources for diabetes treatment and their lifestyle choices. Our societal basic health care requirements for prevention; overburdened primary influences do not support healthy those with diabetes, the Diabetes care physicians who are expected to lifestyle changes. Many people work Coalition of California, in collabora- deliver the majority of clinical man- long hours in sedentary jobs, live tion with the California Diabetes agement; and lack of incentives to in areas that have limited physical Prevention and Control Program, coordinate and improve systems of activity options, are surrounded by issued Basic Guidelines for Diabetes care. Complicating the issue further unhealthy food choices, such as an Care ( These is an increasingly obese and seden- overabundance of junk food and fast evidence-based guidelines, which tary population, creating more stress food restaurants, and face a growing serve as a framework for the on a system already failing to deliver acceptance of increased portion sizes. development of diabetes care pro- effective care in many instances. Overcoming these environmental bar- grams and strategies, are aimed at riers requires consistent commitment In addition to challenges within reducing the personal and societal and diligence, as well as valuable time the health care system, providers impact of diabetes. There is still and resources. are now struggling to assist and a gap nonetheless, between what 5
California’s Plan for risk for, dia- betes. The Plan does not outline Diabetes: 2003-2007 every possible solution, but Because diabetes is a large and primarily focuses on those interven- complicated health problem, there tions that are practical, achievable, is a need for a comprehensive action and realistic in the current California plan that promotes and advocates health care environment. for coordinated diabetes care in While all populations are considered California. Many organizations in for interventions, this Plan gives California are already doing excellent special attention to high-risk ethnic work in diabetes, yet these efforts groups, overweight children and frequently occur in isolation, with adolescents, older adults and the little interaction between other economically disadvantaged. The organizations that are doing similar Plan is grounded in current evidence or complementary work. California’s when proposing specific interven- Plan for Diabetes provides a frame- tions, and proposes measurable work for these organizations to objectives and outcomes that can mobilize around a single set of be expected upon implementation. common goals: to increase access This report is written for many “It is our duty to provide hope, types of entities, ranging from local community based organizations even though at times, (CBOs) to governmental agencies. diabetes seems hopeless.” The important aim of this Plan is the coordination of diabetes work to care, improve the quality of care, among organizations, providing enhance primary prevention and focus and promoting collaboration. guide public policy for diabetes. The goals were established by a task Plan roadmap force composed of key agencies and Just as diabetes affects multiple pop- organizations across the state that ulations in myriad ways, there are have identified diabetes as a clinical many interventions that can achieve or community priority. Community improved health in those with, or at input was gathered through a series 6
of meetings statewide, where local a sophisticated data collection of programs for high-risk populations, organizations provided feedback on system, but this should not preclude and implementation of health the Plan. In addition, the Plan was them from participating in outcomes improvement programs for persons available on the Internet for public measurement. An infrastructure for with diabetes. To assist organizations, comment. The goals defined through collecting, analyzing, and distributing the California Diabetes Prevention these meetings were: accurate data to relevant stakeholders and Control Program is offering its is absolutely essential in order to reporting tool (available at ■ Access: Identify and reach a larger number of Californians with, or at assess progress and make informed to facilitate the process. risk for, diabetes programmatic decisions. This tool can be used to report data on all six key measures. Patient ■ Quality Care: Promote guidelines The California Diabetes Prevention identifiers will not be collected and and strategies to improve care and Control Program has created delivery if desired, the submitting organiza- a reporting tool to help meet tion’s identity will not be disclosed. ■ Primary Prevention: Increase requirements in providing data Data can of course be collected in awareness, knowledge and action to the Centers for Disease Control any clinical or program area, but the regarding diabetes prevention and Prevention. The California tool focuses on the six key measures. ■ Policy: Guide public policy related Diabetes Prevention and Control We encourage you to report your to diabetes Program gathers information across data to the California Diabetes six key measures (National Diabetes Each goal is outlined below, including Prevention and Control Program Objectives): foot exams, eye exams, priority areas, proposed interventions, so it can be used in measuring influenza and pneumococcal vac- and the change that is expected upon California’s progress in meeting the cines, A1C tests, reduction of health implementation of interventions. National Diabetes Objectives. disparities through implementation A coordinated and integrated approach to improving diabetes care in California through the year 2007 is possible, and this Plan serves as a guide for all to accomplish that objective. Data collection and measurement For most organizations, collecting and analyzing data for diabetes activities is an ongoing challenge. It is understood that many organiza- tions in the state do not have
4. Select recommended interven- tions from the Plan that support priority areas. Select those that are realistic and achievable for your organization. Consider collabora- tions with other organizations to utilize outside resources and expertise. 5. Identify leadership and intended beneficiaries in your community. Create and imple- ment interventions that consider the needs of your community, as well as utilize local leadership Using the Plan 1. Review your organization’s to further goals. In order to accommodate the varying mission statement. Define or resources and needs of organizations, reconfirm which areas are of the 6. Create infrastructure for highest priority to your own measurement and data the Plan offers a host of areas for organization. collection. Using an internal potential focus, as well as numerous data collection system, and/or proposed interventions to begin or 2. Identify those goals from the the tool provided by California continue work in those areas. It is Plan that are most in alignment Diabetes Prevention and Control with your organization’s mission. understood that many entities are Program, collect appropriate Within the relevant goals, select already focusing their efforts in the data, collate it, and share the priority areas for your organization, defined priority areas, and instead data with the California Diabetes assigning timeframes to specific of taking on new program develop- Prevention and Control Program activities for the years 2003-2007. and other partners. ment, will opt for more guidance 3. Contact other community in aligning their work with other 7. Revisit progress on priority organizations in order to review California organizations. areas periodically and monitor and discuss their own priority outcomes, both internally, and areas. Create a community-wide This Plan was crafted with the under- with other organizations in the plan to ensure that key priority standing that most organizations community. Stay connected to areas are covered and duplication have limited time and resources. It community resources to ensure of effort is reduced. Then institute is recommended that you follow the delivering needed services. a communication mechanism next seven steps to maximize your for updating all organizations organization’s efforts in incorporating on progress. the Plan. 8
diabetes and work towards the elimination of disparities in health care. More Californians with, or at risk for, diabetes will be identified, and gain access to appropriate screening, treatment and education. As a result, fewer complications Critical tasks will result from inconsistent self- For myriad reasons, many people management, and undiagnosed with, and at risk for, diabetes do and under-treated diabetes. not receive appropriate care. This To measure these important changes is particularly true in high-risk ethnic use data sources such as: Behavioral populations, children and adoles- Risk Factor Surveillance Survey cents, pregnant women, older adults (BRFSS); California Health Interview and the economically disadvantaged. Survey (CHIS); California Cooperative The table below summarizes the Health Care Reporting Initiative priority areas and recommended (CCHRI); Bureau of Primary Health interventions to identify and reach Care (BPHC) Health Disparities a larger number of Californians with, Collaborative; U.S./Mexico Border and at risk for, diabetes. Diabetes Project; Medicare/MediCal; Evidence of Change and local county data. Successful implementation of this goal will lead to increased access to care for people with, or at risk for, “We know that people with diabetes do best with continuous care, but if they only have seasonal health coverage, the continuity of care is broken.” 9
PRIORITY AREAS RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1.A Identify specific ■ Use existing local and California data (i.e. ■ Increased use of local and state data to identify populations within California Diabetes Prevention and Control underserved populations. your own community Program County Fact Sheets) to find ■ Increased number of organizations collecting or organization with underserved populations with, and at risk data. increased diabetes for, diabetes. prevalence or high- ■ Begin process for collecting data for diabetes risk, and either poor if no local data exists. or no access to care. 1.B Promote better ■ Perform community assessment (e.g. ■ Community assessments are conducted, alignment of to determine existing services, needs and gaps are identified. services to needs, existing services and gaps in diabetes ■ Increased number of new and maintained at both local and prevention and treatment to clearly define collaborative partnerships established with state levels. population needs. Gaps may include community, state and national programs aimed discontinuity of care, lack of culturally at reducing health disparities for high-risk appropriate services, transportation/mobility diabetes populations. barriers, and lack of services for high-risk populations. ■ Increased use of self-management tools such as the Diabetes Health Record card. ■ Create plan for addressing gaps using collabora- tive approach and working with partners to ■ Chart transfer mechanisms for providers prioritize and fulfill remaining needs. are created. ■ Encourage use of self-management tools, ■ Tracking registries are developed. i.e., Diabetes Health Record card ■ Increased availability of culturally appropriate ( for patients to track services. their own medical care. ■ Programs throughout California plan and ■ Create mechanisms for doctors to transfer implement more targeted and effective charts when patients change care provider. programs, based on the needs and populations ■ Create registry that tracks care when patients identified. change plan or site of care. ■ Create services that are culturally appropriate. 1.C Promote broad ■ Educate clinicians and health care personnel ■ Increased number of clinicians and health care reaching access to about diabetes risk factors, prevention, personnel educated. diabetes services diagnosis and treatment. ■ Increased number of community health and tests through ■ Promote community health workers workers recruited, hired and trained. CBOs, health care participation in diabetes prevention and facilities, social ■ Increased number of people can effectively treatment programs. navigate through health care systems. services and community health ■ Publicize when, where and how to access workers. diabetes services. Table 1. Increasing Access to Care 10
Goal 2: Improve Evidence of Change Successful implementation of these interventions will result in increased quality of care system, provider and patient support for early diagnosis and coordinated Critical tasks care delivery strategies for diabetes Although evidence demonstrates that care that match the cultural needs there are effective means of deliver- of the population. There will be ing appropriate diabetes interven- greater adoption of team-based tions, many providers and patients approaches in clinical offices that are unaware of them. These missed use care guidelines, including the opportunities can be due to frag- use of self-management training, mented health care systems, inade- and better integration of community quate provider and patient training, resources as part of a total system or simply to the choices of providers of care. Widespread use of coordinat- and patients not to adhere to the ed care models will result in more most effective treatment plans. The patients receiving effective care. table below outlines the priority To measure these important changes areas in implementing guidelines and use data sources such as: BRFSS; strategies to improve care delivery, CHIS; CCHRI; BPHC Health with recommended interventions for Disparities Collaborative; each area. The table is separated into U.S./Mexico Border Diabetes three categories of interventions: Project; Medicare/MediCal; system, provider and patient. and local county data. “Developing treatment guidelines was key. We’ve done that. Now we’ve got to use them in health systems to create change.” 11
PRIORITY AREAS RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS EXPECTED OUTCOMES System ■ Conduct projects to evaluate effectiveness of ■ Evaluation projects conducted for coordinated interventions: coordinated delivery models of care. delivery models of care. 2.A Evaluate, critique ■ Create common measures across state to allow ■ Increased number of programs using and disseminate cross-sectional and longitudinal evaluations of coordinated delivery models of care. coordinated coordinated delivery models of care. ■ Increased number of providers aware of delivery models for ■ Develop and support community coordinated care delivery models through common California collaboratives to train and encourage providers web sites, community meetings and systems of care, such to use coordinated delivery models of care. presentations attended. as Individual Practice Associations (IPAs), ■ Research, catalog and share information about ■ Increased number of trainings conducted for Preferred Provider existing models of coordinated care via web health care professionals on coordinated care Organizations (PPOs), sites, community meetings and presentations. delivery models. large medical groups, (i.e. www.qualityhealth and ■ Increased number of academic institutions and community incorporating training on coordinated care clinics. ■ Conduct training and ongoing education on delivery models in curricula. effective coordinated care delivery models for ■ Mechanism developed for care coordination health care professionals. among providers. ■ Work with academic institutions to integrate ■ Increased number of people with diabetes effective coordinated care delivery models as receiving recommended A1C tests, eye a component of their training curricula. exams, foot exams, influenza and ■ Develop a mechanism to coordinate care pneumococcal vaccines. among providers when patients change medical providers. Provider ■ Promote the importance of diabetes risk ■ Increased number of people whose risk factors interventions: assessment and screening/diagnostic testing are assessed. 2.B Promote and in high-risk groups such as ethnic populations, ■ Increased number of people are referred for support earlier and the elderly, pregnant women, school age diagnostic testing. more frequent children and those who are overweight or obese. ■ Increased frequency of diagnostic testing for diabetes risk people at high-risk and 45 years or older. assessment and ■ Promote the use of the American Diabetes diagnostic testing. Association’s Risk Test (a paper risk assessment tool) to identify high-risk individuals ( Persons identified to be at high-risk should be referred for diagnostic testing. ■ Use alternate venues such as health fairs, schools and work sites to identify persons at risk for diabetes (Note: organizations using finger stick testing as a screening method must do so with a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) license, Those identified to be at risk should be referred for diagnostic testing. ■ Conduct and track diabetes screening/ diagnostic testing within health care delivery systems for those 45 years or older. For those at high-risk, screening should be done more frequently or at an earlier age. (continued on next page) Table 2. Improving Quality of Care 12
PRIORITY AREAS RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS EXPECTED OUTCOMES 2.C Identify and ■ Recruit and train culturally competent health ■ Increased number of culturally competent implement model care professionals. health care professionals. strategies to ■ Promote the use of clinical practice guidelines ■ Increased number of providers trained and address gaps in and education materials by providers in high- using clinical practice guidelines. quality of care. need areas. Combine with guideline training Gaps may include ■ Increased number of providers trained and for providers as necessary, to increase using coordinated care delivery models. lack of cultural knowledge of the essential diabetes tests competency, clinical and exams. ■ Increased number of providers receiving knowledge, or compensation for meeting diabetes continuity of care. ■ Conduct trainings with providers on performance measures. coordination of care strategies throughout health care systems. ■ Increased number of persons with diabetes receiving recommended A1C tests, eye exams, ■ Link to Integrated Health Care Association’s foot exams, influenza and pneumococcal (IHA) Pay-for-Performance Initiative to vaccines. promote diabetes tests/exams ( 2.D Promote a team- ■ Work with health plans, provider groups and ■ Increased number of health care delivery based approach to other health delivery systems to deliver systems using a team-based approach to diabetes care delivery messages and tools to enhance team-based diabetes care. that includes: care and to promote appropriate testing and ■ Increased number of nurse educators and ■ People with treatment. community health workers linking individuals diabetes and their ■ Utilize nurse educators based at schools or to health care systems and engaged with the families school districts and community health workers health care team. ■ Health care to link individuals to health care systems. ■ Increased number of people with diabetes administrators ■ Work with community groups, community receiving recommended A1C tests, eye exams, ■ Health care health workers, school personnel, people with foot exams, influenza and pneumococcal providers diabetes and their families to understand the vaccines. team concept and their role on the team. ■ Public health educators ■ Community health workers ■ School personnel Patient ■ Encourage patients to use self-management ■ Increased use of self-management tools such interventions: tools, i.e. Diabetes Health Record card as the Diabetes Health Record card. 2.E Empower (, to improve ■ Increased use of culturally and linguistically people with communication with health care providers appropriate educational materials. diabetes to during clinical encounters. ■ Increased number of patient trainings participate actively ■ Distribute culturally specific educational on self-management. in their care and materials at appropriate literacy levels about communicate diabetes self-management. ■ Increased number of consumer groups effectively with their promoting principles of active self- ■ Organize consumer groups consisting of management. health care team. people with diabetes who will promote principles of active self-care to others with ■ Increased number of non-medical sites diabetes, i.e. Diabetes Consumer Action promoting self-management. Groups ( ■ Increased number of people with diabetes ■ Utilize non-traditional sites such as schools, receiving recommended A1C tests, eye work sites and faith-based organizations to exams, foot exams, influenza and promote active self-management. pneumococcal vaccines. 13
Goal 3: and risk factors, in particular the link between obesity and type 2 diabetes. Awareness will also increase around Promote primary the steps needed to prevent type 2 diabetes, particularly among children prevention and adolescents, their parents and overweight individuals. Greater Critical tasks awareness among providers will lead With diabetes rates rapidly increasing, to clear and consistent prevention a surge in obesity, and the recent messages in the clinical setting and acknowledgement of pre-diabetes as the community. Greater participation a health priority, there is a need for among community organizations targeted primary prevention efforts. will encourage local policies that The table below summarizes priority recognize risk factors for type 2 dia- areas in increasing knowledge, betes, support healthy food choices awareness and action around type 2 and provide physical activity pro- diabetes prevention, with recom- grams in schools and communities. mended interventions for each area. To measure these important changes Evidence of Change use data sources such as BRFSS and Successful implementation of these CHIS. In addition, track media mes- interventions will result in messages sages and campaigns, peer educators’ being broadly disseminated that activities, primary prevention meth- describe how to prevent type 2 ods, and policy changes to improve diabetes. There will be increased healthy food consumption and awareness of diabetes prevention physical activity programs. “There needs to be a paradigm shift where healthy habits are rewarded in our health systems instead of reimbursements that only pay once someone is sick.” 14
PRIORITY AREAS RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS EXPECTED OUTCOMES 3.A Design/identify ■ Form partnerships to establish new or utilize ■ Increased number of partnerships formed and implement existing programs that promote wellness, to address chronic disease/type 2 diabetes diabetes prevention physical activity, weight control and healthy prevention. activities that focus eating for people at risk for chronic diseases ■ Increased media coverage about type 2 on the link between including type 2 diabetes. Encourage use of diabetes prevention and its link with obesity. obesity and these programs at work sites, schools, diabetes, particularly community centers, etc. ■ Talking points developed and distributed on targeting children and lifestyle modification, weight management, ■ Utilize general and ethnic media as well as healthy eating and physical activity. overweight, high-risk community resources to present messages to adults. the public about diabetes risk factors and prevention. ■ Develop talking points for teachers, clergy and parents to address issues of lifestyle modification, weight management, healthy eating and physical activity. 3.B Educate ■ Work with partner organizations involved ■ Increased number of projects implemented for providers to adopt in nutrition and physical activity to promote persons at risk for diabetes that are aimed at primary prevention simple, consistent messages that providers lifestyle modification, promotion of wellness, practices with high- can use with high-risk patients and families. physical activity, healthy nutrition and weight risk individuals. Incorporate behavior change methodology management. into messages. ■ Increased number of provider champions and ■ Find community provider champions to serve easy-to-use tools. as messengers; support through provision of ■ Increased number of diabetes prevention easy-to-use tools (i.e. talking points for collaboratives. provider-patient discussions about overweight, sedentary lifestyle, and nutrition). ■ Develop and support diabetes prevention collaboratives between communities and health care delivery systems. 3.C Change ■ Participate in policy changes and efforts to ■ Increased number of successful policies made community improve healthy food consumption and to support healthy food choices and physical environment to physical activity programs in schools and activity programs in schools and communities. support and promote communities. ■ Increased number of local partnerships created primary prevention ■ Form partnerships with local agencies to assess encouraging community change to support of type 2 diabetes. community environment and prioritize healthy lifestyles. changes needed to support healthy lifestyles. ■ Increased number of choices for physical activity and healthy food in neighborhoods, schools and work sites. Table 3. Primary Prevention 15
Goal 4: Guide Evidence of Change Successful implementation of these interventions will result in sustained public policy changes that support appropriate dia- betes prevention and treatment and Critical tasks discoveries that will lead to a cure. Effective diabetes prevention and To measure these important changes treatment requires a shift in policies use data sources such as BRFSS and that support population based CHIS. In addition, track enactment improvements. Scientific advances of legislation or policies that expand that result in improved treatment access to self-management training, methods and cures require policies funding, and research. that further these discoveries. The table below identifies the priority areas in influencing public policy around diabetes, with recommended interventions for each area. 16
PRIORITY AREAS RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS EXPECTED OUTCOMES 4.A Enhance ■ Collaborate locally to identify high-priority ■ Increased number of communities that legislative and community issues and advocate for targeted have action plans to address legislation and regulatory advocacy solutions. policy issues. at state and at local ■ Target specific legislators and identify specific ■ Increased contact with policy makers levels. action steps for policy interventions. and legislators. ■ Elicit testimonials, patient stories, and case ■ Increased number of people equipped studies from organizations, and share with to testify. policy-making bodies/committees. ■ Appropriate legislation and policies passed ■ Develop talking points for people affected and implemented. by diabetes and support advocacy training ■ Increased number of legislators who receive in the community. and acknowledge the Plan. ■ Request town hall meetings with elected officials for implementing priority areas. ■ Use the Plan as a communication tool with legislators and other key government leaders. 4.B Review, evaluate, ■ Review existing data on cost effectiveness/cost ■ More policies will be implemented to support and report cost savings. effective prevention/treatment interventions effectiveness/cost ■ Analyze data on diabetes costs using that are cost effective. savings associated appropriate methodologies. with effective diabetes prevention ■ Disseminate diabetes cost information to and treatment legislators and policy makers. interventions. 4.C Convey the ■ Identify existing evidence for effective diabetes ■ Increased evidence for effective diabetes self- impact of diabetes self-management training and conduct management training. services, including additional outcomes research to prove the ■ Increased evidence for effective primary self-management effectiveness of diabetes self-management prevention interventions. training, and primary training. prevention to ■ Increased reimbursement for diabetes ■ Identify existing evidence for primary self-management training. legislators and prevention interventions and conduct policy makers. additional research to test effectiveness ■ Funding established for methods of primary of interventions and facilitate their prevention. implementation. ■ Request town hall meetings with elected officials to develop strategies for improving federal and state reimbursement for diabetes self-management training and prevention. 4.D Promote ■ Advocate for funding of research to cure ■ Increased funding for diabetes research increased funding for type 1 diabetes. and programs. diabetes research ■ Advocate for funding of statewide and local ■ Increased variety of funding streams that and programs. diabetes treatment and prevention programs. support diabetes prevention and treatment ■ Formulate budget requests linked to specific programs. tasks and expected outcomes from the Plan. Table 4. Guiding Public Policy 17
Call to Action 4. Share data with the California Diabetes Prevention and Control Program to better monitor California’s Plan for Diabetes pro- diabetes in the state. vides a framework for organizations 5. Foster viable collaborations and to mobilize around a single set of partnerships at all levels. common goals: increase access to care, improve the quality of care, We believe that your action in enhance primary prevention and addressing diabetes for the next five guide public policy for diabetes. years will make a notable difference It will take your active involvement in the lives of those with, or at risk to assure that your community is for, diabetes in California. addressing priority areas in diabetes. Join us in action by taking the following steps: Conclusion An idea without a plan is a dream, 1. Make a commitment and become a partner with others in your com- but an idea with a plan promotes munity and with the California action. California’s Plan for Diabetes Diabetes Prevention and Control is the basis for organizations Program in addressing diabetes. throughout the state to coordinate their efforts in diabetes around “Numbers will give us power to common goals. Diabetes is a huge and growing problem that cannot prove that we need to have programs be solved by a single group. The in specific areas. We need to all Plan should help organizations and communities identify needs, set work on collecting data.” priorities, and develop objectives 2. Conduct interventions that best that can be accomplished. The sum meet the needs of your community. of these coordinated parts will add Use the Plan to guide intervention up to better results in addressing choices. diabetes in California. 3. Communicate your work in dia- betes by sharing your challenges and successes with the California Diabetes Prevention and Control Program and its partners. 18
References ADA The Expert Committee on 8 the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: Report of the Expert 1 Okie, S. ‘Pre-diabetes’ tests urged for Committee on the Diagnosis and overweight Americans. Washington Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Post. 3/28/02:A08. Diabetes Care, 26:S103, 2003. 2 Data from the California Diabetes 9 Data from American Diabetes Prevention and Control Program: Association: Basic diabetes information. Diabetes Data for California: Prevalence [ and Risk Factors. California application/commercewf?origin= Department of Health Services. *.jsp&event=link(B)] 1997. p. iv. 10 Data from Healthy People 2010. 3 Data from the California Diabetes Leading health indicators: overweight Prevention and Control Program: and obesity. Overview of Diabetes in California. [ 2002. p.1. document/html/uih/uih_4.htm#over 4 Data from the California Diabetes andobese] Prevention and Control Program: 11 Data from Centers for Disease Overview of Diabetes in California. Control, National Center for Health 2002. p.1. Statistics. Prevalence of overweight 5 Data from Centers for Disease among children and adolescents: United Control: National Center for Health States, 2000. Statistics. National Vital Statistics [ Report, Vol. 50 (16), September 16, pubs/pubd/hestats/overwght99.htm] 2002. p.8. 12 Data from American Diabetes 6 Data from Centers for Disease Association: Children and diabetes. Control. Diabetes: Disabling, Deadly [ and on the Rise. 2002. p.2. application/commercewf?origin=*.js p&event=link(B4_3)] 7 Data from the California Diabetes Prevention and Control Program: 13 Data from American Diabetes Overview of Diabetes in California. Association: Pre-diabetes. 2002. p.1. [ main/info/pre-diabetes.jsp] 19
Glossary California Health Interview Survey (CHIS): CHIS is the largest state health survey conducted in Healthy People 2010: A set of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant Coordinated care delivery model: the United States. The first survey— preventable threats to health, and A model of care that integrates CHIS 2001—collected information to establish national goals to reduce different components of the health from 73,821 individuals: 55,428 these threats. The objectives are care system, such as the providers, adults, 5,801 adolescents and administered through the U.S. community, and the patient, into 12,592 parents about a child. CHIS Department of Health and Human an integrated method of monitoring collects information on important Services and can be found at and managing patient care. One of health conditions such as diabetes, the most well known examples is cancer, and asthma. CHIS will bene- healthypeople/default.htm. the Chronic Care Model developed fit the health and health care needs by Ed Wagner and colleagues. Health Plan Employer Data and of California’s ethnically diverse Additional information about the Information Set (HEDIS): HEDIS population since it is enhanced by Chronic Care Model is available at is a set of standardized performance cultural adaptation and translation measures designed to ensure that in six languages: English, Spanish, change/model/components.html. purchasers and consumers have the Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and information they need to reliably Behavioral Risk Factor Khmer (Cambodian) and includes compare the performance of managed Surveillance System (BRFSS): large samples of African Americans, health care plans. The performance In California, this state-administered American Indians and Alaska Natives, measures in HEDIS are related to telephone survey is part of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders many significant public health issues surveillance effort conducted by and Latinos. CHIS will survey the such as diabetes, cancer, heart the California Department of Health state’s population every two years. disease, asthma, and smoking. Services and the Public Health Gestational Diabetes Mellitus HEDIS also includes a standardized Institute in cooperation with the (GDM): GDM is defined as any survey of consumers’ experiences Centers for Disease Control and degree of glucose intolerance with that evaluates plan performance Prevention. The emphasis of this sur- onset or first recognition during preg- in areas such as customer service, vey is on health-related behaviors in nancy. The definition applies whether access to care and claims processing. the adult population with a specific insulin or diet-only modification is HEDIS is sponsored, supported focus on behaviors related to disease used for treatment, and whether and maintained by the National and injury. The survey has been or not the condition persists after Committee for Quality Assurance ongoing in California since January pregnancy. It does not exclude the (NCQA). 1984. The annual sample size for possibility that unrecognized glucose this survey is approximately 4,000 intolerance may have pre-existed or interviews. may have begun during pregnancy. 20
Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG): areas for the IFG is also known as “pre-diabetes.” national diabetes IFG occurs when the fasting plasma program: glucose value is 110-125 mg/dL. (1) establish These glucose values are greater than measurement the level considered normal but less procedures to than the level (126 mg/dL) that is track program diagnostic of diabetes. success in reach- ing National Impaired Glucose Tolerance Objectives; (2) (IGT): IGT is also known as demonstrate suc- “pre-diabetes.” IGT occurs when the cess in achieving blood glucose level is higher than an increase in normal, but not high enough to be the percentage classified as diabetes. IGT is indicat- of persons with ed by a blood glucose level of 140- diabetes in your 199 mg/dl two hours after drinking state or jurisdic- the glucose solution in the oral tion who receive the recommended (7) demonstrate success in establish- glucose tolerance test (OGTT). foot exams; (3) demonstrate success ing useful programs for the promo- Individual Practice Association in achieving an increase in the per- tion of wellness, physical activity, (IPA): A network of individual centage of persons with diabetes in weight and blood pressure control, physicians or physicians in smaller your state or jurisdiction who and smoking cessation for persons groups. IPAs contract with individual receive the recommended eye with diabetes. physicians who see HMO members exams; (4) demonstrate success in Obesity: Obesity is defined as an as well as patients covered by other achieving an increase in the percent- excessively high amount of body fat types of health insurance in their age of persons with diabetes in your or adipose tissue in relation to lean own private offices. Physicians in an state or jurisdiction who receive the body mass. The amount of body fat IPA are paid on either a capitation or recommended influenza and pneu- (or adiposity) includes concern for a modified fee-for-service basis. mococcal vaccines; (5) demonstrate both the distribution of fat through- success in achieving an increase National Diabetes Objectives: In out the body and the size of the in the percentage of persons with 1999, the Division of Diabetes adipose tissue depots. Individuals diabetes in your state or jurisdiction Translation (DDT) at the Centers for with a Body Mass Index (BMI) who receive the recommended A1C Disease Control and Prevention, of 30 or more are considered obese. tests; (6) demonstrate success in established the following seven reducing health disparities for DDT National Objectives as priority obesity/defining.htm high risk populations and; 21
Overweight: Overweight refers to diabetes within 10 years, but this Secondary Prevention: Testing and increased body weight in relation to can be minimized through healthy treating people with an established height, when compared to some eating and physical activity. disease in order to prevent recurrent standard of acceptable or desirable events or disease progression. Prevalence: The proportion of per- weight. Individuals with a BMI of sons with a particular disease within Type 1 Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, 25 to 29.9 are considered overweight. a given population at a given time. previously known as juvenile diabetes, is usually diagnosed in obesity/defining.htm Primary Prevention: Include children and young adults. In type 1 efforts that protect individuals Preferred Provider Organization diabetes, the body does not produce against disease, and are aimed (PPO): Some combination of hospi- enough insulin due to autoimmune at keeping a population healthy. tals and physicians agree to provide destruction of the insulin producing health care services to a group of Risk Assessment: A planned pro- beta cells in the pancreas. people, perhaps under contract with gram to identify those at risk for a Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes a private insurer. The services may disease by assessing their risk factors. is a metabolic disorder resulting be furnished at discounted rates. For diabetes, the American Diabetes from the body’s inability to make Patients may incur expenses for Association has a Risk Test (a paper enough, or properly use, insulin. covered services they receive outside risk assessment tool) to identify Type 2 diabetes is the most common the PPO, if the charge from the high-risk individuals (www.dia- form of diabetes. non-PPO provider exceeds the Persons identified to be PPO reimbursement rate. at high-risk should be referred for diagnostic testing. Pre-diabetes: Pre-diabetes is the state that occurs when a person’s Screening/ Diagnostic Testing blood glucose levels are higher than for Diabetes: Involves checking normal, but not high enough for a an individual’s blood glucose level diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. This is in a medical setting to confirm the also referred to as Impaired Glucose presence or absence of diabetes. Tolerance or Impaired Fasting If using finger stick testing in a Glucose, depending upon whether screening program, there must be an oral glucose tolerance test or a a means of referring individuals fasting blood glucose test was used. with a positive test for follow-up People with pre-diabetes have a care. Finger stick testing requires 1 in 3 chance of developing type 2 licensure for laboratory testing. 22
Resources California HealthCare Foundation The following resources may be useful to organizations seeking Centers for Disease Control additional information about dia- and Prevention betes. Some of the resources also provide funding to selected agencies. Health Disparities Collaborative Please contact the organization directly for additional information. Improving Chronic Illness American Diabetes Association Care Program California Diabetes Integrated Health Care and Pregnancy Program Association Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation “The landscape of diabetes is changing for the better. But we’ve got a long way National Committee for Quality Assurance to go and we must keep working at it. Every person is important.” National Diabetes Education Program California Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The California Endowment 23
Acknowledgements Individuals from the following organizations contributed significant time and energy to the development of California’s Plan for Diabetes. Their feedback and support is great appreciated. Alameda County Health Care Services Agency American Diabetes Association Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations California Diabetes Prevention and Control Program CMRI - The California Quality Improvement Organization California Primary Care Association Community Health Councils, Inc. REACH 2010 Diabetes Coalition of California Health Net Lifescan, Inc. Project Dulce Special thanks to: Hull + Honeycutt Marketing and Design, Inc., who donated graphic design and layout services and the Diabetes Coalition of California, who funded the printing of the Plan. NAS Consulting and Samuels and Associates provided technical assistance for this project. Photography © Susie Fitzhugh, Seattle, Washington. We want to hear from you! Tell us what you think of California’s Plan for Diabetes. Check out our web-based reporting tool. Download valuable diabetes resources. Join our online mailing list. 24
To gather additional input for the Hill Physicians Medical Group, Inc. San Diego State University Plan, ten community meetings were Homeys Youth Foundation - California San Francisco Department held throughout California and a Home Instruction Program for Preschool of Public Health draft was posted on the California Youngsters Diabetes Prevention and Control San Mateo Community Health Services Program’s web site. Common Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Sharp Health Care themes were included in the Plan Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles from the following organizations: Sonoma Valley Community Kaiser Permanente, Northern California Health Clinic Alameda Alliance for Health Latino Community Diabetes Council Southwest Community Health Center Alameda County Public Health Department Los Angeles County Area Agency Stanford Patient Education on Aging Research Center American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Los Angeles County Department Stanford University of Health Services St. Mary’s Medical Center Asian Pacific Health Care Venture Los Angeles County DHS Children’s St. Johns Health Center Aventis Pharmaceuticals Health Initiatives Blue Cross of California State St. Vincent Medical Center Los Angeles County Office of Education Sponsored Programs St. Vincent Medical Center Los Angeles Metropolitan Medical Educational Services Brookside Community Health Center Center Bristol Myers & Squibb Summit Health Ministry Los Angeles County + University California Black Health Network of Southern California Health Care Sutter Health Family Practice Center California Diabetes in Pregnancy Network (LAC+USC Health Care Therasense Program Network) The Children’s Clinic California Heart Disease and Stroke Queen of Angels Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center— The Salvation Army Prevention Program, Department of Health Services Tenet Health System University of Southern California (USC) National Asian Women’s Health Advanced Biotelecommunications and California Hospital Medical Center Bioinformatics Center (ABBC) Organization (NAWHO) California Medical Association University of Southern California School Mini Pharmacy Charles R. Drew University of Science of Policy, Planning, and Development and Medicine/University of California, Multicultural Area Health Education Center U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Los Angeles Los Angeles District Children’s Hospital Oakland Northern California Center for Wellbeing Ventura County Medical Research Community Health Partnership Foundation Oakland Unified School District County of San Diego Ventura County Chronic Disease Pajaro Valley Community Health Trust Prevention Partnership Diabetes Amputation Prevention Foundation Por La Vida Ventura County Public Health Diabetes Society of Sonoma County Project Concern International California’s Plan for Diabetes is Redwood Community Health Coalition evolving as we continue our work Disetronic Medical Systems, Inc. in diabetes. We invite you to partici- Doheny Retina Institute Sansum Medical Research Institute pate in the implementation of the Fullerton College Student/PUENTE Santa Clara County Chapter of Plan and join the list of supporting American Association of Diabetes organizations. Gardner Family Health Network Educators (AADE) The Plan is available for download Health Promotion and Binational/Border Santa Clara County IPA at Continue Health, Health Education Program to check the web site as updates to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Health Trust the Plan are posted. Diabetes Center
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