Pimlico A local market review - CBRE Residential

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Pimlico A local market review - CBRE Residential
A local market review
Pimlico A local market review - CBRE Residential
Pimlico snapshot
Noted for its leafy garden squares,                 The area retains much of its original charm,
Regency architecture, and a                         has over 350 Grade II listed buildings and
                                                    has been partly designated a conservation
pioneering grid of streets, Pimlico                 area since 1972.
in London’s City of Westminster,
is a small, largely residential area                This idyllic blend of neighbourhood feel,
                                                    green leafy spaces, character and amenity
of central London. On the                           clusters, makes Pimlico a popular choice for
northern banks of the Thames,                       those seeking a good value, well located
the central position of the area                    area in central London.
means it is an impeccably                           The area is separated from Belgravia and
well-connected district of central                  bounded to the west by Victoria Railway
London, easily walkable to many                     Station, to the south by the River Thames,
of London’s major attractions,                      and to the east by Vauxhall Bridge Road.
                                                    The area is largely residential and still retains
universities, green spaces and                      a small neighbourhood and community feel
commercial areas.                                   with small boutique shops, restaurants and
                                                    other local amenities dotted around in
                                                    clusters amongst the largely residential
                                                    locale. The area is also home to many of
                                                    London’s original regency ‘squares’,
                                                    providing a green leafy background to the
                                                    Georgian terraces.

                                                                                University of Westminster                                    Chancery
                                    Paddington                                                                                                 Lane
                                                                                                        Tottenham   Royal Opera
                                                              Marble Arch
                                                                                       Oxford Circus    Court Road    House
                   Bayswater           Lancaster Gate                         Bond Street                                     London School
                                                                                                   Leicester Square            of Economics
                                                                                             Piccadilly Circus       Garden          Temple
                    Queensway                                                                                                      Kings College
    Notting Hill                                                                                                                      London
      Gate                                                                                                        National Charing Cross
                                                                                        Green Park                Gallery
                   Kensington                                                                                                                Waterloo
                     Palace       Royal College
                                     of Arts                                Hyde Park                                               London
                                                                             Corner                         St James’s
                                                            Knightsbridge                                                             Eye
        High Street                                                                       Buckingham        Park
        Kensington              Imperial College                                            Palace                       Big Ben
                                          Natural History                                                       Westminster                    North
                                            Museum                                                                Abbey
                     Gloucester Road
                                                                                   London Victoria
                                                                 Sloane Square
                                     South Kensington                                                          Chelsea College
                                                                                                               of Arts
       Earl’s Court
                                                                                                                     Tate Britain
                                                                 Gallery                                Pimlico
    West Brompton


     Broadway                                                                   Battersea Park
Pimlico A local market review - CBRE Residential
Local demographic and                           Connectivity
economic trends
                                                Due to its central location, Pimlico is well         Location based on nearby top-performing
The population of the City of Westminster       connected to the rest of London, both by             schools can also be a strong factor in local
currently stands at 242,300, an increase of     underground (Pimlico or Sloane Square                average house prices. Research has shown
10% or an additional 23,000 people since        stations), National Rail (Victoria Rail Station),    that homes located near top-performing
2011 census and 34% since 2001. It is           and above ground by car or on foot. From             schools can add anywhere from 16% – 28%
expected to grow by a further 6% to 256,800     Pimlico Underground station, Oxford Circus           to home values. There are six schools within
by 2021.                                        is just an 8 minute journey or 40 minute             one mile of Pimlico, including private
                                                walk, Liverpool Street is a 23 minute journey,       preparatory schools, academies and Church
Pimlico itself has a population of nearly       while South Kensington is 11 minutes on              of England, with nearby Westminster School
40,000 residents, which makes up                the Underground from Sloane Square.                  consistently ranking as one of the country’s
around 17% of the City of Westminster’s         Similarly, it is well connected to many of           top schools for educational performance.
total population.                               London’s top-class universities:

Westminster’s seemingly low employment          Travel times to London universities
level of 67.4% belies the true nature of        from Ebury Place, SW1                                Distance from London schools
economic activity in the borough, as its
unemployment rate is just 5.7%, slightly        Imperial College                    10 minutes*      Eaton House                         0.5 miles
below the London average of 6.0%.
Furthermore, with average earnings of           London School of Economics 27            minutes#    The Grey Coat Hospital              0.8 miles
£42,798, this is 29% higher than the wider      University College London          28 minutes+       Francis Holland School              0.4 miles
London average and the second highest
earnings of all the boroughs in London.         King’s College London               24 minutes#      Garden House School                 0.6 miles

                                                Central St Martins                 32 minutes+       Westminster School                    1 mile
The area attracts a young, professional, and
affluent demographic with 33% of residents      Chelsea College of Arts                 6 minutes*   Pimlico Academy                     0.5 miles
aged between 25 and 40, compared with           Royal College of Arts               18 minutes*      St Paul’s School                    4.5 miles
20% across the rest of the UK. As a result,
there is a high demand for privately rented     Cass Business School               29 minutes+       City of London School               3.1 miles
accommodation. This is revealed in the
                                                University of Westminster          24 minutes+       City of London School for Girl’s    3.7 miles
increased numbers of renters in the borough,
the proportion of which now accounts for        *by car   #via   Sloane Square   +via   Victoria
40% of all households, up from 32% a
decade earlier and reflecting an increase of
12,500 households. Meanwhile looking at
Pimlico in detail, there are an estimated
6,200 households privately renting, and a
further 5,600 households who own their
property. The private rented sector has again
increased dramatically in this area, up 42%
over the decade, equivalent to an additional
2,000 households.
Pimlico A local market review - CBRE Residential
London housing market overview                     Property prices in Pimlico and surrounding areas

London is one of a handful of global cities         Average flat prices in Pimlico have risen by              Flat prices in Battersea Park, slightly further
that attract the most affluent international        5.5% since 2010 and are currently £954,526;               afield and located on the south bank of the
buyers. As a result, London’s prime and             this is 25% below the City of Westminster                 Thames, are currently £1.1 million while in
super-prime prices are among the highest            average of £1,264,589 but more than double                Victoria, the area surrounding Victoria
in the world, up there with Hong Kong and           the London wide average of £466,300                       Railway Station and north and east towards
New York. The prime market steadied                 for a flat.                                               Pall Mall and Trafalgar Square, current
somewhat last year reflecting the uncertainty                                                                 average flat prices are 18% above the
of the election, but we expect some modest          When compared with prices in nearby                       Pimlico average.
growth to return this year.                         locations schemes, it is evident that
                                                    Pimlico is extremely good value considering               Average rents in Westminster are now
London attracts a multitude of buyers from          the location, ease of travel, and amenities.              £3,188pcm, an increase of 43% over the ten
all around the world with the desirability of       Neighbouring Chelsea posts current                        years to 2016, This is a nearly 85% over the
house prices continuing to see strong               averages of £1.7 million for a flat, while                average London rent of £2,102pcm, and
growth. According to the Land Registry,             flats in Belgravia, to the north of Pimlico,              reflects the centralised location of
house prices in London grew by 12.3%                average £2.1 million.                                     Westminster, thus reduced travel costs and
year on year in July, up from 14.5% in June.                                                                  the premium which people are willing to pay
The average price of a London home is                                                                         to live so centrally in London.
now £484,716.
                                                   Pimlico price comparison
Activity in the new build market remains
extremely strong and demand is high,
with 63% of the 62,036 new build homes                                    £2.5m

under construction already sold. This is
                                                Average apartment price

the highest absorption rate of new build                                  £2.0m
stock in recent years.




                                                                                  Nine Elms   Pimlico   Battersea     Victoria     Chelsea       Belgravia
House Price Growth forecast

During the first six months of 2016, a total
of 110 units have been sold in Pimlico, and                                                                                                                                 5 year growth
of these 91% consisted of apartments.                                                                                2016          2017      2018      2019      2020           2016–20*
The vast majority of transactions conducted
in the area pertain to second hand stock,                                       Prime Central London                     3%         3%        5%         6%       6%                   25%
with 94% of all transactions taking place
so far this year, falling into this category.                                   London                                   5%         2%        4%         6%       6%                   25%
However, of the very limited new build
stock that has changed hands, these                                             UK                                       3%         2%        3%         5%       5%                   19%
posted an 84% premium over their second
                                                                                                                                                                           * Cumulative growth
hand counterparts.

Despite an increasing population in this                   Average house price index
area, and resultant increase in households
and demand for homes, there has been
just an additional 3,811 new homes built in                                                   230
Westminster since 2010. This suggests a
                                                Average house price index (Base = Jan 2007)

chronic undersupply of housing, compared
with target levels. Demand for homes in                                                       190
Westminster hugely outweighs supply.
There are 34 schemes currently under
construction, providing 2,500 units;                                                          150

56% are already sold. Of these, just three
are located in Pimlico, offering a total of
74 private units.                                                                             110



                                                                                                    2007   2008   2009      2010      2011      2012      2013      2014        2015    2016

                                                                                                                         London           Inner London            Westminster            Base
Contacts               Jennet Siebrits                        Mark Collins                           Tom Bryant
                       Head of Residential Research           Chairman of Residential                Director
                       +44 20 7182 2066                       +44 20 7182 2264                       +44 20 7182 2562
                       jennet.siebrits@cbre.com               mark.collins2@cbre.com                 tom.bryant@cbre.com

Sources                CBRE, Land Registry, Molior, Office for National Statistics, Rightmove

Photography            Inside Page 1. Imperial College London: e X p o s e / Shutterstock.com

Disclaimer 2016 CBRE   CBRE Limited confirms that information contained herein, including projections, has been obtained from
                       sources believed to be reliable. While we do not doubt their accuracy, we have not verified them and make
                       no guarantee, warranty or representation about them. It is your responsibility to confirm independently their
                       accuracy and completeness. This information is presented exclusively for use by CBRE clients and
                       professionals and all rights to the material are reserved and cannot be reproduced without prior written
                       permission of CBRE. Images provided are computer generated. © 2016 CBRE Ltd.
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