Physiology and regulation of biological rhythms in laboratory animals: an overview

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Physiology and regulation of biological rhythms in laboratory animals: an overview
Laboratory Animals (1989) 23, 107- 125                                                                         107

Physiology and regulation of biological rhythms in laboratory
animals: an overview

Northwestern University, Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Summary                                                          cycles per second (e.g. neuronal activity, heart
Biological rhythms have been observed in                         rate) up to one cycle per year {e.g. seasonal
practically all groups of laboratory mammals                     rhythms). Although many biological rhythms are
and at every level of physi.ological and be-                     related to external environmental cycles, such as
havioural organization. Biological rhythms are                   the daily light-dark cycle or seasonal changes in
classified according to their period as ultradian                day length and temperature, most of them persist
( < 24 h), circadian (- 24 h), infradian ( > 24 h),              in the laboratory, even under highly standardized
and seasonal or circannual rhythms ( -1 year).                   conditions. Knowledge of biological rhythms and
This review outlines what is known about the                     their consideration in experimental design can
neurobiology of biological rhythms in mammals                    help to reduce the variability of quantitative
and describes the hierarchical order in which                    measurements in laboratory animals.
ultradian, circadian and infradian rhythms are                      Over the past 30 years research has been
related to each other. The article does not                      focused mainly on biological rhythms that are
attempt to catalogue every physiological variable                synchronized to the environmental 24-h cycle,
showing rhythmical fluctuations in laboratory                    and investigators have tried to determine whether
mammals. Rather, it focuses on the basic                         these rhythms reflect only a passive reaction to
concepts of circadian rhythms and recent advances                periodic stimulations from the environment
made in our understanding of the physiology of                   {exogenous rhythms) or whether they are an
the internal clock controlling circadian and other               intrinsic property of the organism {endogenous
biological rhythms.                                              rhythms). Most of the daily fluctuations in
                                                                 behavioural and physiological variables were
Keywords: Ultradian; Circadian; lnfradian;                       found to be truly endogenous since they persist
Seasonal, and Circannual Rhythms; Photo-                         even when no external time cues are present.
periodism                                                        However, without a synchronizing 'zeitgeber'
                                                                 (time giver) the rhythm will slightly deviate from
                                                                 the 24-h period and eventually 'free-run' with an
Many characteristics of laboratory animals vary                  intrinsic natural period. Halberg (1959) intro-
more or less regularly with specific periods.                    duced the name 'circadian' rhythms {circa diem,
These temporal variations are called biological                  L. ::; about one day) for these endogenous
rhythms and can be observed not only in the                      rhythms, and the remaining spectrum of biological
whole organism but also in single organs, tissues                rhythms has hence been divided into 'ultradian'
or even isolated cells. Biological rhythms cover                 rhythms with periods shorter than 24 h and
a wide range of frequencies, from one or several                 'infradian' rhythms with periods longer than 24 h
                                                                 (Halberg eta/., 1965). Some seasonal rhythms,
*Present address: Dr Franziska Wollnik, Universitiil Konstanz,   as well, have been found to persist under
Fakultiit fiir Biologie, Postfach 55 60, 0-7750 Konstanz I,      constant laboratory conditions. Because their
                                                                 period is approximately 1 year they are classified
Received 3 March 1988,· accepted 8 July 1988                     as 'circannual' rhythms.
108                                                                                                                          Wollnik

Circadian rhythms
Circadian rhythms are ubiquitous in animals.                                                                   FREE-RUN U~ER
They have been documented for practically every                                                           .    CONSTANT DARK !DOl
laboratory species and at every level of organ-
                                                            10                                       -==..     -r=24,5 hr
ization within an organism, from physiological                                                            -: CONSTANT LIGHT (LL)
to biochemical and behavioural processes. In                                                               ·T =2S,Ohr
mammals, birds, and several invertebrates in-
vestigators have actually been able to find the                                                               ENTRAINMENT TO A
                                                                                                              ZEITGEBER T=24,0 hr
location of a circadian clock and have discovered
some of the underlying physiological mechanisms
that generate circadian rhythms.                                                                               PHASE SHIFT
                                                                                                               OF ZEITGEBER
Functional properties
To investigate the mechanisms generating cir-
                                                                                                      .=ENTRAINMENT TO A
cadian rhythms one could, in principle, study any
                                                                                                      =        ZEITGEBER     T:23.2Shr

behavioural or physiological variable. However,             60
some phenomena have more precise rhythms                                                                       POSTENTRAINMENT
                                                                                              sm E             FREE-RUN
than others and, thus, are more likely to give
reproducible results. Commonly investigated
                                                           100   ~
                                                                              = e :PULSf
                                                                             .:::::::::::S I IIUUS
                                                                                                          -;:PHASE ADVANCE
circadian rhythms are those of wheel-running
activity or overall locomotor activity of small            110            ~G~E
laboratory animals such as hamsters, rats and
rruce. Spontaneous locomotor activity not only                       -
                                                                     - = STIH IA.US           =-               PHASE DELAY
represents the overall physiological status of an
animal (Aschoff, 1962) but it is also a convenient
feature to study, because it can be continuously                 0                      21.                   46
measured for many days using automatic re-
                                                        Fig. 1. Idealized dahl from a hypothetical experiment designed
cordin_g equipment with little disturbance to the       to show period cllanges of a free-running rhythm caused by
animal.                                                 internal (age, hormones) or external Oight, temperature)
   Figure 1 shows results of some standard              stimuli, entrainment by a strong zeltgeber, and phase shifts
                                                        in response to a single pulse stimulus. The data are presented
experimental procedures used to determine               as a double plot, a format commonly used for the recordings
functional properties of circadian rhythms. It is       of locomotor activity, where the horizontal axis covers a 48-h
based on an idealized experiment originally             period and successive days arc plotted from top to bottom.
                                                        The black horizontal bars represent the physiological variable
presented by Enright (1981). The data are               under investigation, for example wheel-running activity or
presented in a 'double plot' , a format which is        food intake. A vertical sequence of these bars represents a
commonly used for recordings of locomotor               rhythm with a period of 24 h. A diagonal sequence represents
                                                        a free-running rhythm with a period longer or shorter than
activity but could also be applied to other             24 h. The upper portion of the record shows a free-running
behavioural or physiological variables. The first       rhythm with periods of r=24·S h and r=lS h. Such a
part illustrates a free-running circadian rhythm        lengthening of the free-running period can be observed, for
                                                        example, after transferring the animal from continuous dark
after elirrunation of all external time cues. In such   (DO) to constant light conditions (LL) o r after changing the
an experiment, the animal would be kept in a            hormonal status of the animal. The middle portion shows
soundproof chamber under conditions of con-             entrainment to a zeitgeber with a period of T =24 ·0 h (i.e.
                                                        a light-dark cycle}, entrainment to a phase shift of the
stant illumination or darkness and constant             zeitgeber, and entrainment to a zeitgeber with a period of
temperature, with food and water available ad           T =23 · 25 h. The lower portion of the reco.r d shows the effect
libitum. The period of the free-running rhythm          of single-pulse stimuli on the circadian rhythm. The first
                                                        stimulus caused a phase advance, the second a phase delay.
(r) depends on intrinsic factors, such as the           The times at which the phase-shifting stimuli were given are
physiological status of the individual animal             indicated by asterisks. (Adapted from Enright, 1981.)
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                                            109

(e.g. age, hormone levels), and its genetic
background (e.g. diurnal or nocturnal species),
and on external factors, such as environmental                 2
conditions (e.g. light intensity, temperature)
and the experimental history of the animal
(e.g. breeding conditions, previous experiments)
(reviewed in: Aschoff, 1979a,b; Pittendrigh             ~      or-,-~~~~~----~------~~
& Daan, 1976a). Nonetheless, the internal               .,
clock is remarkably stable (Pittendrigh &               (/)

                                                        ~ -1
Calderola, 1973). With the exception of light           n.
intensity, these factors have only small effects
on the average free-running period. Changes in
light intensity have a dramatic effect on the
free-running period. Under constant darkness                       0         6           12         18         24
(DO) T tends to be longer than 24 h in many                                  Circadian time (hours)
diurnal mammals and shorter than 24 h in
nocturnal species. With an increase in light            Fig. 2. Phase-response curve (PRC) illustrating the phase-
                                                        shifting effe,ct of 60-min light pulses on the wheel-running
intensity under constant light (LL) T lengthens         activity rhythm of golden hamsters. The timing of the light
in both diurnal and nocturnal mammals (Aschoff,         pulses is expressed as circadian time (CT) relative to activity
1979a,b).                                               onset ( = CT 12). Phase advances are plotted as positive phase
                                                        shifts, phase delays as negative phase shifts. Each point
   In the presence of a 24-h environmental cycle,       represents the mean phase shift of 6 animals; vertical bars
for example a light-dark (LD) regime, the free-         indicate ±SD (from Takahashi & Zatz, 1982; ©Copyright
running rhythm adjusts to this zeitgeber and                                 1982 by the AAAS).
exhibits a period of exactly 24 h. This adjustment
is called ' synchronization' or •entrainment' and
is represented in the second part of Fig. 1. To         circadian clock can be entrained by a zeitgeber
verify the entrainment one usually demonstrates         is limited. In mammals this range is relatively
that the rhythm follows a phase shift, i.e. a single    narrow (20-28 h; Aschoff & Pohl, 1978) and
displacement of the zeitgeber along the time axis.      depends on the strength (amplitude) of the
The development of a steady-state (i.e. stable)         zeitgeber as well as the strength of the endogenous
phase relationship between the external zeitgeber       circadian system of the organism. If the 'range
and the internal rhythm usually requires several        of entrainment' is exceeded, the circadian rhythm
cycles. After termination of entrainment the free- _    will free-run with a period close to that observed
run must always start at a reproducible J:!hase rela-   under constant conditions. Even then, the
tive to that seen during prior entrainment              signals of the zeitgeber can still modulate the
(Enright, 1981). The strongest zeitgeber for most       free-running pattern by periodically entraining
animals is the light-dark cycle. Other environ-         the rhythm, a phenomenon called 'relative
mental factors that can entrain circadian rhythms       coordination'.
are temperature cycles (Aschoff & Tokura, 1986;            It should be emphasized that measurements of
Tokura & Aschoff, 1983), food availability              circadian rhythms such as locomotor activity or
(Boulos & Terman, 1980), and social cues, which         hormonal profiles do not directly represent the
in primates and humans seem to be as important          state of the internal pacemaker system, since the
for the entrainment of circadian rhythms as the         pacemaker signal can be subject to many internal
light-dark cycle (Wever, 1982).                         and external modifications. The genuine status
   Although entrainment of the free-running             of the pacemaker system is described only by the
rhythm is not restricted to periods of exactly          period length under free-running conditions
24 h, the range of periods to which the internal        and the steady-state phase under entrainment
110                                                                                               Wollnik

(Pittendrigh, 1981). In Fig. I, the last part of the   Herkenham, 1981) thus providing clues as to
data represents a common experiment used to            which neural mechanisms might be involved in
examine the effects of light or other stimuli, such    the generation and entrainment of circadian
as hormones, neurotransmitters, and drugs, on          rhythms.
the circadian clock. If an animal that has been
kept in constant darkness is exposed to a light        Neuronal organization of biological
pulse of 1-60 min, the timing of the activity onset    rhythms in mammals
will be permanently modified, so that its free-        The location of the circadian clock in mammals
running rhythm will show a 'phase-shift'.              was first discovered by Richter (1967). After
Depending on the time of day at which it is            removing various endocrine glands and lesioning
applied the light pulse may induce an advance          specific parts of the rat brain he concluded that
or a delay of the activity onset or have no effect     a circadian clock must be located near the
at all. The time of the light pulse is usually given   'ventral median nucleus' of the hypothalamus.
in 'circadian time' relative to the activity onset.    Further studies in the J970s determined the
In nocturnal species the activity onset is defined     primary location more specifically in the supra-
as circadian time 12 (CT 12); the animal is active     chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus
during its 'subjective night' (CT 12-24) and is        (Moore & Eichler, 1972; Stephan & Zucker,
inactive during its 'subjective day' (CT 0-12).        1972a).
The magnitude and direction of the phase shift           The SCN are bilaterally symmetrical nuclei
is plotted in a 'phase response curve' (PRC) as        located near the third ventricle and directly above
a function of the circadian time at which the          the optic chiasm (Fig. 3a). The SCN of rodents
stimulus was given. PRCs to light pulses have the      have an oval shape, those of cats and monkeys
same general shape as shown in Fig. 2 for both         are more irregularly shaped (Lydic el a/., 1982).
nocturnal and diurnal animals (reviewed in Daan        In rats, each nucleus is about 300 J.tffi in
& Pittendrigh, 1976). If the light pulse is given      transverse diameter and 600 ~-tm in length and
during the late subjective night (CT 18- 24) the       contains about 8000 neurons organized in
rhythm will be advanced; if it is given during the     recognizable subpopulations (Van den Pol,
early subjective night (CT 12-15) the rhythm will      1980). So far, two specific substances, the
be delayed. If the light pulse is given during the     peptides vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal
subjective day (CT 0-12), little or no phase shifts    polypeptide (VIP), have been identified as being
occur. The PRC also predicts the repeated daily        produced by SCN neurons, although they are
adjustments necessary to synchronize the endo-         only found in less than half of all neurons
genous free-running period (r) to the period (D        (Sofroniew & Weindl, 1982). Other neuro-
of the external light-dark cycle. Consequently,        peptides and neurotransmitters, such as somato-
a phase delaying light pulse causes a temporary        statin, serotonin, corticotropin-releasing factor,
lengthening of the period, and a phase advancing       avian pancreatic polypeptide, neuropeptide Y,
light pulse causes a temporary shortening of the       and gamma-aminobutryc acid (GABA) have
period. Under conditions of entrainment the            been found in afferent nerve fibres to the SCN
daily phase shift A ¢ is equal to the difference       (Card & Moore, 1982; Groos, 1982; Sofroniew
between the entraining period T and the free-          & Weindl, 1982; Van den Pol & Tsujimoto,
running period r: t:. ¢ = T- r (Daan & Pitten-         1985).
drigh, 1976; Pittendrigh, 1981). The PRC                  The primary input into the SCN is the
approach has been used in mammals to describe          retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) through which
how light or administration of various drugs and       the entraining signals of the external light-dark
neurotransmitters can alter the phase and period       cycle reach the internal clock (Hendrickson et a/.,
of the circadian clock (Turek, 1985, 1987; Zatz,       1972; Moore & Lenn, 1972). The RHT is
1979; Zatz & Brownstein, 1979, 1981; Zatz &            common to all mammals studied so far. It leaves
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                                                     Il l









                                                             12               24             12              24              12
Fig. 3. Effect of a ~:o mplete SCN lesion on the wheel-ru nning activity pattern of a laboratory rat. (a) Coronal section through
the intact midbrain (60 J.Lm thick, thionin staining). The arrows indicate the bilateral SCN. (b) Coronal section as in (a) after
complete SCN lesi on. The arrows indicate the site of the lesion. (c) Double ploLted wheel-running activity record of a female
LEW/Ztm rat maintained under a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h dark. Day time hours and the light-dark schedule
are indicated below the record. Numbers to the left denote the day o f the experiment. Each raster mark in the record represents
a certain number of wheel revolutions over 15 min. The upper portion illustrates the wheel-running activity pattern normally
seen in LEW /Ztm females. The days of oestrus are indicated by small arrows on the right hand side of the record; the oestrous
cycle was monitored by vaginal smears. Note the oestrous correlated changes in the onset, level and pattern of the wheel-
     running activity. Rhythmicity disappeared completely after the SCN was Jesioned on day 36 of the expe~iment.

the optic nerve at the optic chiasm and terminates                 1982; Rusak, 1982; Sofroniew & Weindl, 1982;
in the SCN (Moore, 1978). In mammals, both                         Moore & Card, 1985). In addition to the direct
blinding and bilateral transection of the optic                    visual input through the RHT, the SCN receive
nerve between retina and optic chiasm totally                      indirect visual input via the ventral lateral
eliminate ent rainment of circadian rhythms to                     geniculate nuclei (Swanson eta/. , 1974; Card &
Jjght, while transection of the optic tract beyond                 Moore, 1982; Harrington eta/., 1987; Pickard ,
the optic chiasm does not disturb entrainment                      RaJph & Menaker , 1987), which are part of the
in an obvious manner (Stephan & Zucker , 1972b;                    central visual system. Another indirect visual
Moore & Klein, 1974; Moore, 1978). However,                        input might reach the SCN through serotonergic
more detailed physiological and anatomical                         fibres from the raphe nuclei (Ajika & Ochi, 1978)
studies have reveaJed that some information can                    which themselves receive a retinal input (Foote
reach the SCN through other pathways (Groos,                       er a/., 1978). Neural inputs from the septum,
112                                                                                                Wollnik

hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus and                     1979). This indicates that circadian rhythms in
midbrain as well as commissural connections                 neuronal activity originate in the SCN. The
between the bilateral SCN have also been                    neural circadian rhythms in the SCN showed
demonstrated (Pickard, 1982). Efferent                      characteristic properties (e.g. a free-running
projections of the SCN terminate in other                   period) expected of an endogenous circadian
hypothalamic nuclei (paraventricular nucleus,               osciUator (Inouye & Kawamura, 1982; Inouye,
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus), in the                   1984). The SCN seem to maintain a
thalamus (paraventricular thalamic nucleus) and             neural or hormonal circadian rhythm even
in the midbrain (Swanson & Cowan, 1975; Berk                in vitro (Green & Gillette, 1982; Shibata et
& Finkelstein, 1981; Stephan et a/., 1981;                  a/., 1984; Earnest & Sladek, 1987). Using
Sofroniew & Weindl, 1982).                                  2-deoxyglucose autoradiography, researchers
   The following experiments indicate that the              have also found that in a wide range of
SCN play an important role in the normal                    species glucose consumption follows a cir-
expression of circadian rhythms:                            cadian rhythm in the SCN (Flood & Gibbs,
(I) SCN lesions: A variety of behavioural and               1982; Schwartz, Reppert, Eagan & Moore-
    physiological circadian rhythms, including              Ede, 1983). SCN metabolic activity is high
    locomotor activity, feeding, drinking, body             during the subjective day and low during the
    temperature, synthesis and/or secretion of              subjective night in both nocturnal and
    several hormones, and the sleep-wake cycle,             diurnal animals (Schwartz eta!., 1983). In
    can be severely disrupted or completely                 rats the circadian rhythm of glucose uptake
    abolished by complete bilateral SCN lesions             in the SCN can be detected as early as several
    or isolation of the SCN from other neural               days before birth, prior to the arrival of any
    structures (reviewed in: Moore, 1978, 1983;             retinal projections (Reppert & Schwartz,
     Rosenwasser & Adler, 1986; Rusak &                     1983, 1984).
    Zucker, 1979; Turek, 19B5). An example is           (3) Electrical and chemical stimulations: In
    given in Fig. 3c which illustrates the effect           hamsters and rats, short electrical stimul-
    of complete SCN lesions on the wheel-                   ation of the SCN has a similar phase-shifting
     running activity pattern of laboratory rats.           effect on the circadian rhythm as light
    Follow-up studies on rats whose SCN had                 (Rusak & Groos, 1982). Timed injections of
    been lesioned immediately after birth have              pharmacological agonists or antagonists of
    shown that the function of the SCN were not             neurotransmitters found in SCN cells and
    taken over by other parts of the brain                  axons have been shown to mimic or block
    (Mosko & Moore, 1978). SCN lesions also                 the phase-shifting effect of light (reviewed in:
    disrupt oestrous cyclicity and photoperiodic            Turek, 1985, 1987; Rosenwasser & Adler,
    time measurement, two components of the                 1986). For example, photic stimulation in-
    reproductive process that depend upon the               creases the concentration of acetylcholine in
    circadian system for temporal information               the SCN (Murakami et a/. 1984).
    (Rusak & Morin, 1965; Stetson & Watson-                    Intracerebroventricular injections of car-
    Whitmyre, 1976; Turek eta/., 1980).                     bachol, an acetylcholine agonist, mimic
(2) Demonstration of intrinsic oscillations: Cir-           the phase shifting effect of light (Zatz &
    cadian rhythms in multi-unit neuronal activity          Herkenham, 1"981; Earnest & Turek, 1983),
    have been recorded in the SCN and several               whereas mecamylamine, a cholinergic antag-
    other regions of the rat brain. After surgical          onist, blocks the phase-shifting effect of light
    isolation of the SCN within a 'hypothalamic             (Keefe et a/., J987). This suggests that
    island'. circadian firing patterns persist in the       acetylcholine may be involved in the trans-
    SCN but can no longer be recorded in other              mission of light-dark information to and
    parts of the brain (Inouye & Kawamura,                  within the circadian clock.
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                              113

(4) SeN-Transplantation: Only recently has the         exposing the animals to long-term bright light
    pacemaker function of the SCN been demon-          conditions or SCN lesions (Rusak, 1977; Earnest
    strated in the most direct way. By trans-          & Turek, 1982). In other species splitting has also
    planting fetal neural tissue containing the        been observed after long-term exposure to
    anlagen for the SCN into arrhythmic SCN-           constant dark (Hoffman, 1971), administration
    lesioned hamsters and rats circadian               of pharmacological substances (Wirz-Justice,
    rhythmicity of locomotor activity has been         Groos & Wehr, 1982), and manipulations of the
    restored (Kawamura & Nithonmatsu, 1985;            endocrine system by gonadectomy and hormone
    Aguilar-Roblero e/ a/., 1986; Lehman el at.,       replacement {Morin, 1980; Morin & Cummings,
     1987). It remains to be shown whether             1982). ln hamsters, splitting disappears rapidly,
    pacemaker properties such as phase and             when the animals are transferred into constant
    period of the donor can also be transferred.       darkness (Earnest & Turek, 1982). The splitting
    This would demonstrate that the trans-             phenomenon has led to the assumption that at
    planted tissue actually generates the restored     least two mutually coupled oscillators underlie
    rhythm rather than simply having a permis-         the circadian locomotor activity rhythm (Pitten-
    sive effect. The specificity of transplanting      drigh & Daan, 1976b). Because of the splitting
    SCN tissue has been questioned lately after        phenomenon and the fact that even the un-
    it was observed that circadian rhythms could       disturbed, non-split activity rhythms of many
    also be restored by transplanting fetal            mammalian species display quite complex pat-
    cortical tissue into the lesion site (Garcia-      terns made up of two or more activity components
    Hernandez et a/., 1987).                           (Aschoff, 1962), it is widely accepted today that
   The circadian system of mammals is thought          the circadian clock of mammals is a multi-
to consist of multiple circadian oscillators which     oscillatory system.
are coupled to each other in both a hierarchical          Although multiple circadian oscillators are
and non-hierarchical (mutual) manner (reviewed         assumed to lie in the SCN, there is also evidence
in: Pittendrigh, 1960, 1974; Rusak, 1979; Rosen-       for the presence of oscillators outside the SCN.
wasser & Adler, 1986). While these oscillators         For example, not all circadian rhythms disappear
normally are synchronized in order to generate         after complete SCN lesions. In hamsters, both
a single pacemaker signal, certain conditions can      circadian and ultradian rhythms in wheel-
cause their desynchronization.                         running activity have been reported to persist in
  The most prominent example of desynchroniz-          individual animals (Rusak, 1977). In rats,
ation is 'splitting', the dissociation of the          periodic feeding can entrain food-anticipatory
circadian rhythm into two or sometimes even            rhythms in a number of physiological parameters
more distinct components (reviewed in: Pitten-         (reviewed in: Boulos & Terman, 1980; Aschoff
drigh, 1974; Pittendrigh & Daan, 1976b; Turek          et a/., 1983), and those rhythms persist after
eta/., 1982; Rosenwasser & Adler, 1986). A             SCN lesions showing the same characteristics as
characteristic feature of splitting is the temporary   before (Krieger et a/., 1977; Stephan et at.,
free-run of the two components with di fferent         1979a,b; Stephan, 1982, 1984). These results
periods. The two components often resynchronize        indicate that the food entrainable pacemaker is
after reaching a 180° phase-relation and sub-          functionally and anatomically independent from
sequently free-run with identical periods. Splitting   the 'classical', i.e. light entrainable, circadian
has been reported for a number of mammalian            system within the SCN (Gibbs, 1979; Boulos et
species, including hamsters (Earnest & Turek,          a/., 1980). The search for the food entrainable
1982; Turek et at., 1982), rats (Boulos & Terman,      pacemaker has focused on the ventromedial
1979; Cheung & McCormack, 1983), tree shrews           nucleus of the hypothalamus because destruction
(Hoffman, 1971) and monkeys (FuJJer et at.,            of this nucleus can abolish the food-anticipatory
1979). In hamsters it has been evoked by               rhythms (Krieger, 1980; Inouye, 1982). Recently,
114                                                                                                 Wollnik

the circadian locomotor actlV!ty rhythm of               Hegmann, 1980) as well as in the circadian phase
completely arrhythmic SCN lesioned rats could            and period of body temperature (Connolly &
be restored by chronic administration of meth-           Lynch, 1981, 1983). Furthermore, a positive
amphetamine in the drinking water (Honma et              genetic correlation was found between the phase
a/., 1987). Since the rhythm was obviously not           and the period of the circadian rhythms of food
generated by the SCN nor entrained by the light-         intake and water consumption, which suggests
dark cycle, one m'\Jst assume that the meth-             that both parameters are regulated by a common
amphetamine activated an endogenous oscillatory          physiological mechanism and would respond to
mechanism outside the SCN that is probably               natural selection as a single circadian complex
identical with the food-anticipatory pacemaker           under common gene control (Possidente &
system.                                                  Hegmann, 1980). In hamsters, strain differences
                                                         have been demonstrated for the free-running
Genetic determination                                    period, the circadian phase of activity onset and
A number of characteristic properties of circadian       splitting (Hotz & Turek, 1987). Recently, a
rhythms have been shown to be genetically                spontaneous hamster mutant has been isolated
determined. To investigate the genetic back-             that has a remarkably short free-running period
ground of circadian rhythms in mammals                   of only 20 h (Ralph & Menaker, 1987). In rats,
quantitative genetic methods of variance and             strain differences have been demonstrated for the
covariance analysis (Hegmann & Possidente,               free-running period and the daily pattern of
1981) have been applied to inbred strains of small       spontaneous locomotor activity (Buttner &
laboratory animals like mice, hamsters and rats          Wollnik, 1984). Two inbred strains of rats,
(Table l). In mice, there are significant dif-           BH/Ztm and LEW /Ztm, showed an unusual
ferences between strains in the free-running             bimodal and trimodal, respectively, activity
period of wheel-running activity (Ebihara eta/.,         pattern. A classical genetic analysis revealed that
1978) and food and water intake (Possidente &            the trimodal activity pattern of the LEW /Ztm
                                                         strain has a recessive single-gene mode of
                                                         inheritance (Wollnik eta/., 1987).
Table 1. Inbred strains of laboratory mammals used for
         genetic analyses of biological rhythms             Another approach to investigate the genetic
                                                         background of circadian rhythms is to study
Mice        BALB/CBYJ  Possidente & Hegmann (1980)       strains with known mutations in the visual or
            BALB/clbg  Connolly & Lynch (1981)
            C3H/HeJ    Possidente & Hegmann (1980)       central nervous system. Mutations which in early
            C3H/21bg   Connolly & Lynch (1981, 1983)     development modify retinal pigment and visual
            C57BL/6J   Connolly & Lynch (1981, 1983)     pathways also modify developmental and func-
                       Ebihara el a/. (1978)
            C57BL/10Sn Ebihara el a/. (1978)             tional properties of circadian rhythms. For
                       Possident e & Hegmann (1980)      example, the free-running circadian period of
            C58/ J     Possidente & Hegmann (1980)       both albino and pinkeye-dilute mice is shorter
            DBA/IBG    Connolly & Lynch (1981)
            DBA/IJ     Possidente & Hcgmann (1980)       than that of pigmented mice (Possidente et a/.,
            DDK        Ebihara eta/. (1978)              1982). Mice of an anophthalmic strain (ZRDCT-
            MOL-A      Ebihara eta/. (1978)              An) with varying degrees of hypogenesis of the
Rats        ACI / Ztm   J   Biiuner & Wollnik (1984)     mediobasal hypothalamus and SCN that showed
            LEW/Ztm         Wollnik et at. (1987)
                                                         a partially or completely arrhythmic wheel-
            AS/Ztm      ]                                running activity pattern had less than one third
            BH/Ztm          Biittner & Wollnik (1984)

            BS/Ztm                                       of the typical number of cells in the SCN
Golden      CB                                           (Scheuch et al., 1982). A strain of laboratory rats
 hamsters                                                with a genetic inability to produce vasopressin
            LSH             Hotz & Turek (1987)
            MHA                                          (Long Evans, Brattleboro strain) showed no
            PD4                                          obvious alterations or deficits in their circadian
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                           115

rhymicity (Peterson el a/., 1980) indicating that   is often necessary to use elaborate recording and
the circadian clock does not involve the vaso-      analysing techniques, such as periodogram and
pressin neurons of the SCN. Inbred strains of       power spectrum analyses (Van Cauter, 1981;
laboratory animals with genetically fuced modifi-   Wollnik & Dohler, 1986).
cations of the circadian system would provide a        Since many ultradian rhythms are related to
good test case for SCN transplantation exper-       metabolic processes (e.g. food intake, hormone
iments, since the transfer of characteristic        secretion, urinary excretion) and sometimes even
properties of a clock mutant could easily be        show an allometric correlation between period and
verified.                                           body weight (Daan & Slopsema, 1978; Gerkema
                                                    & Daan, 1985), several authors have suggested
Ultradian rhythms                                   that digestive functions are involved in the
Ultradian rhythms are defined as biological         generation of ultradian rhythms (reviewed in:
rhythms with a period significantly shorter than    Aschoff, 1962; Daan & Aschoff, 1981). However,
24 h, ranging from 1 to 12 h (Halberg et a/.,       it is now well established that their most likely
1965). Typical examples of ultradian rhythms are    site of generation is the nervous system (reviewed
the repetition of rapid eye movements (REM)         in Schulz & Lavie, 1985). Two general models
every 90 min during sleep in humans and some        for the generation of ultradian rhythms have
mammalian species and ultradian rhythms in          been proposed. The first assumes the existence
physiological parameters associated with REM        of an ultradian pacemaker system that is
sleep (reviewed in Schulz & Lavie, 1985). Other     anatomically and functionally independent from
examples are episodic secretion patterns of         the circadian system. It was developed by
various hormones, such as luteinizing hormone       Kleitman (1961, 1982) and is based on data on
(peaks every 0· 5-3 h), growth hormone (peaks       the 90-min sleep-wake cycle in humans. This
every 3 h), and corticosterone (reviewed in Van     independent ultradian pacemaker system can
Cauter & Honinckx, 1985), and short-term            either be a periodic oscillatory system or a
behavioural rhythms in locomotor activity or        homeostatic renewal process (Gerkema & Daan,
food intake of small mammals (Gerkema &             1985). The second model views ultradian rhythms
Daan, 1985; Honma & Honma, 1985a). Ultradian        as a result of desynchronization of several
rhythms are more difficult to investigate than      circadian oscillators that are coupled to each
circadian rhythms for the following reasons.        other in different phase relations (Pittendrigh,
First, ultradian rhythms include a wide range of    1974). Considering the broad variety of ultradian
rhythmic phenomena which do not necessarily         rhythms it is not surprising that results have been
share common properties. For example, some          reported in support of both models.
ultradian rhythms are true periodic processes          For example, an independent ultradian oscil-
with a consistent period, whereas others are        lator appears to generate the feeding and
rather episodic with variable time lags between     locomotor activity rhythms in the common vole
single events (Aschoff & Gerkema, 1985).            (Daan & Slopsema, 1978; Daan & Aschoff,
Second, unlike circadian rhythms, which have         1981). In this species a total lesion of the SCN
evolved in adaptation to the 24-h fluctuations of   completely abolished the circadian rhythm but
the environment, ultradian rhythms do not           did not affect the ultradian rhythmicity (Gerkema
correspond to any known physical cycle in the       & Daan, 1985). Similarly, complete SCN lesions
environment, and a general functional significant   in rats did not disrupt the pulsatile pattern of LH
like that of circadian rhythms has not been         release (Soper & Weick, 1980) suggesting that
demonstrated yet (Gerkema & Daan, 1985).            ultradian and circadian rhythms in hormone
Third, in order to detect ultradian rhythms in      release are generated by different neural centres.
raw data and to discriminate truly rhythmic         In both cases, investigators identified the arcuate
phenomena from random stochastic processes it       nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus as a possible
116                                                                                            Wollnik

candidate for the ultradian pacemaker system        ultradian rhythms in the adult LEW /Ztm rats
(Gerkema & Daan, 1985; Knobil & Hotchkiss,          depends on the hormonal status of the animals;
1985). The same neuronal site has also been         high serum levels of oestrogen suppress ultradian
suggested as the location of a pacemaker for        rhythms in both male and female rats (Woilnik
ultradian rhythms in growth hormone release         & Dohler, 1986). Since similar effects of hor-
in rats (Eikelboom & Tannenbaum, 1983).             mones on the coupling between circadian oscil-
However, even if ultradian rhythms are gen-         lators have been demonstrated for hamsters
erated by an independent ultradian pacemaker        (Morin, 1980) and mice (Daan et a/., 1975),
they can still be modulated by the circadian        ultradian rhythms in locomotor activity may be
system. Such a modifying influence of the           the result of the combination of several circadian
circadian system has been found in the pulsatile    oscillators coupled to each other in various phase
patterns of hormone release (reviewed in Turek      relations.
& Van Cauter, 1988) and the behavioural                The diversity of ultradian rhythms is also
ultradian rhythms of voles (Gerkema & Daan,         apparent in the domain of their functional
1985).                                              relevance. For example, the normal reproductive
   Behavioural activity patterns of small labor-    function of humans and primates depends on a
atory mammals that show short-term fluctuations     specific ultradian timing of the release of
are also often referred to as ultradian rhythms     gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the hypo-
(reviewed in: Aschoff, 1962; Daan & Aschoff,        thalamus and luteinizing hormone by the pituitary
1981). In laboratory rats, behavioural ultradian    (Knobil & Hotchkiss, 1985). In voles, the
rhythms appear prior to circadian rhythms           ultradian feeding and activity rhythms are
during early developmental stages (Honma &          essential for providing optimal timing of food
Honma, l985b). They are also prominent during       intake and digestive pauses as well as inter-
aging (Albers eta/., l981a) and under long-term     individual social synchrony among conspecifics
exposure to constant light (Albers eta/., 1981a;    in order to reduce the predator risk for the
Honma & Honma, I985a) when the circadian            individual animal (Daan & Slopsema, 1978;
rhythmicity fades or disappears. These findings     Daan & Aschoff, 1981).
have even led to the suggestion that ultradian         Ultradian rhythms often have periods of 3, 4,
rhythms may be the underlying time pattern from     4·8, or 6 h. Since these periods are subharmonics
which circadian rhythms are then derived by         of the circadian period, one must verify that
frequency and ampUtude modulation (Honma &          they are clearly detectable in the raw data and
Honma, 1985a,b).                                    not mere artifacts of the statistical method
   The following observations on behavioural        used for data analysis. The predominance of
ultradian rhythms in laboratory rats, however,      integer ratios of the circadian period can be
do not support the existence of an independent      interpreted both as a result of the desynchroniz-
ultradian pacemaker. First, ultradian activity      ation of a multi-oscillatory circadian pacemaker
rhythms in adult laboratory rats have so far been   system and as a sign for independent ultra-
described only for particular animals (Stephan,     dian oscillators that have evolved during the
1983) or specific inbred strains, e.g. LEW /Ztm     evolutionary process because they could maintain
(Buttner & Wollnik, 1984), and may thus not be      a constant phase relationship with the circadian
characteristic for the normal temporal organiz-     rhythm (Broughton, 1985). Organisms with ultra-
ation of rat behaviour. Second, since complete      dian rhythms of 3, 4, 4 · 8 or 6 h periods should
SCN lesions in the inbred strain LEW /Ztm           have significant advantages over organisms with
abolished both ultradian and circadian rhythms      ultradian rhythms of, for example, I· 7, 5 or 7 h
of wheel-running activity, the SCN is apparently    periods, since the latter would never stay in phase
involved in the control of both rhythms (Wollnik    with each other and the major environmental
& Turek, 1987). Third, the expression of            periodicities.
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                               117

  Although there is no doubt today that many           phase. On the days following ovulation, activity
behavioural and physiological events follow an         starts later and shows a bi- or trimodal pattern.
ultradian temporal pattern, no other class of          By looking at continuous recordings of locomotor
biological rhythms is characterized by such a          activity one can easily predict the day of
diversity of rhythmic phenomena, generating            ovulation. Changes in the onset, intensity and
mechanisms, and biological functions. There-           pattern of wheel-running activity are almost as
fore, caution is warranted when results from           reliable a marker of the oestrous cycle as vaginal
observations of one ultradian phenomenon are           smears (Sridaran & McCormack, 1977).
being generalized to other ultradian rhythms.             The oestrous cycle is an endogenous rhythm
                                                       that depends on various components of the
lnfradian rhythms                                      neuroendocrine system located in the ventro-
Infradian rhythms are defined as biological            medial arcuate region and the preoptic supra-
rhythms with a period significantly longer than        chiasmatic area of the hypothalamus (reviewed
1 day, but less than 1 year (Halbert eta/., 1965).     in Mahesh, 1985). A striking feature of the
In mammals, many infradian rhythms are related         oestrous cycle is the circadian timing of many
to functional changes in the ovary and can             oestrous related events. For example, ovulation
therefore be observed only in females of spon-         and the LH surge on the day of proestrus
taneous ovulatory species. Oestrous is induced         maintain a constant phase relation with the
by changes in the levels of the pituitary hormones     external light-dark cycle and follow a phase shift
luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating      of this zeitgeber (Alleva et al., 1968; Stetson &
hormone (FSH) (reviewed in Mahesh, 1985) and           Gibson, 1977; Gallo, 1981). Even in the absence
occurs at regular intervals characteristic for each    of external time cues, the oestrous cycle is closely
species (mice, rats, hamsters: once every 4-5          associated with the circadian system. For example,
days, guineapigs, sheep, goats: once every 13-20       the oestrous cycle of hamsters and rats free-runs
days). The resulting physiological changes in the      with a period 4 or (in some rats) 5 times that of
ovaries include fluctuations of oestrogen and          the circadian activity rhythm (Fitzgerald &
progesterone secretion which in turn influence         Zucker, 1976; Albers et a/., 198lb). Female
behavioural parameters such as spontaneous             hamsters whose activity rhythm was split after
locomotor activity, food intake, aggression and        exposure to constant light show two LH surges,
sexual behaviour (reviewed in Campbell &               each occurring 0-4 h before the onset of one
Turek, 1981}.                                          activity component (Swann & Turek, 1985).
   The period of behavioural heat on or around            The circadian timing of the oestrous cycle
the day of ovulation is characterized by an            seems to be controlled by the SCN. Bilateral
increased level of activity (rats: Albers et at.,      lesions of the SCN not only abolish the
1981 b, mice: Guttman et a!., 1975, hamsters:          preovulatory LH surge and thus impede ovulation
Finkelstein eta/., 1978). In hamsters and rats,        but also cause a state of persistent oestrous in
activity starts earlier on the day of oestrous         hamsters and rats (Stetson & Watson-Whitmyre,
resulting in a 'scalloping' of the activity onset in   1976). Since the preovulatory LH surge is
intervals of 4 or 5 days (Albers et a/., 1981 b;       normally triggered by an increased secretion of
Morin et a/., 1977; Sridaran & McCormack,              gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from
1977). Furthermore, the activity pattern under-        the mediobasal hypothalamus (Levine & Ramirez,
goes complex changes during the oestrous cycle         1982) the SCN must somehow be coupled to
(Takahashi & Menaker, 1980). Figure 3c shows an        those GnRH neurons. However, it is not clear
example of oestrous-correlated modulation of           yet which pathways and neurotransmitters are
wheel-running activity in a laboratory rat. On the     involved in the transmission of the circadian
day of ovulation activity starts earlier and retains   timing signal to the mediobasal hypothalamus
a constant high level throughout the activity          (reviewed in: Turek & Van Cauter, 1988).
118                                                                                                Wollnik

   Except those infradian rhythms associated            manipulated using different light- dark cycles
with the oestrous cycle only few others have been       (reviewed in: Hoffmann, 1981; Keefe & Turek,
reported. For example, in dormice kept under            1985). Much of our understanding of the
various laboratory conditions infradian rhythms         neuroendocrine events involved in the photo-
with a period of about 2 months have been               periodic control of reproduction is derived from
demonstrated for several physiological functions,       studies on three mammalian species: the golden
such as body weight, food and water intake, and         hamster and the Djungarian hamster (both long-
weight of liver, testis, and adrenal and sal vary       day breeders) and the sheep (a short-day
gland (Mrosovsky eta/., 1980). Another example          breeder). In sheep, long photoperiods (more than
is the weekly, or circaseptadian, rhythm of             13 h light per day) induce reproductive quiescence,
enzyme activity in the rat pineal (Vollrath, 1982).     whereas short photoperiods (less than 12 h light
Since this weekly rhythm was only found in              per day) stimulate gonadal reactivation and
animals that had been kept under normal                 reproduction; in hamsters the effect is just the
laboratory conditions and had not been demon-           opposite. However, the photoperiod induced
strated to free-run with a period of about 7 days,      changes are not permanent. In hamsters, for
it is likely that it is an example of an exogenous      examples, the short-day induced gonadal quies-
rhythm induced by periodic events in the                cence persists only for about 18 weeks. After 18
laboratory environment, such as work schedules          weeks gonadal reactivation may occur even if the
of animal care personnel, heater operation, street      animal remains exposed to short days (Turek eta/.,
noise, etc.                                             1975). Before gonadal quiescence can be induced
                                                        by short photoperiods again, the hamsters would
Seasonal and circannual rhythms                         have to be kept under long day conditions for
Many biological activities and reproductive             several weeks (Stetson et a/., 1977).
functio~s are restricted by environmental con-             Photoperiodic animals can measure the length
ditions such as temperature, day length, or food        of day very precisely. In early work on the
availability to a time of the year when they are        mechanisms of photoperiodic time measurement
most likely to be successful. In addition, many         it was assumed that animals determine the total
behavioural, physiological and morphological            duration of light and darkness by some sort of
processes undergo annual fluctuations that are          ' hourglass' mechanism or interval timer (Farner
directly or indirectly related to seasonal variations   et al.,, 1953). Since then several experiments using
in the environment (reviewed in Gwinner, 1981).         unu~uallight-dark cycles ('resonance', 'T' and
These seasonal rhythms may be referred to as            'night interrupt' experiments) have revealed, that
'circannual' rhythms only if it is has been             animals measure the length of day by comparing
demonstrated that they persist with a period            the external light-dark cycle against an endo-
of about 1 year for at least two cycles under           genous circadian rhythm of light sensitivity
constant environmental conditions. Annual               (reviewed in Keefe & Turek, 1985). In those
rhythms of body weight or reproductive func-            experiments light was presented only for short
tions that can be observed in many mammals              periods under otherwise constant darkness. The
under natural conditions have been confirmed            animal interpreted as either long or short days
as a circannual rhythm only in a few species, such      only those light pulses that were applied during
as ground squirrels (Pengelty & Asmundson,              a certain phase of the circadian photosensitivity
1974).                                                  rhythm.
   In many seasonal breeding animals, seasonal             An important part of the photoperiodic time
changes in reproductive functions are not ob-           measurement seems to be the circadian system
served under constant laboratory conditions.            in the SCN. Bilateral lesions of the SCN abolish
Their reproductive state is a direct result of the      photoperiod induced changes in the reproductive
day length, or 'photoperiod', and thus can be           status; lesioned animals retain their gonadal
Biological rhythms in laboratory animals                                                           119

function regardless of the light-dark cycle          two reasons. First, they allow an optimal timing
(hamsters: Rusak & Morin, 1976; Stetson &            of biological activities within the context of
Watson-Whitmyre, 1976; ewes: Domanski eta/.,         physical environmental cycles. Circadian and
1980). The neural information about day length       circannual rhythms serve as biological clocks that
is transferred to the endocrine hypothalamic-        enable the organism to anticipate periodic events
pituitary-gonadal axis via t he pineal organ         in its environment so that it can initiate slow
(Reiter, 1980a,b). Using anatomical and physio-      processes on time. Second, biological rhythms
logical techniques the following pathway between     provide an internal framework for the temporal
the SCN and the pineal organ has been discovered     organization of physiology and behaviour thus
(reviewed in Keefe & Turek, 1985). SCN efferents     contributing to the maintenance of a balanced
project to regions of the paraventricular nuclei     internal milieu.
of the hypothalamus (Klein et a/., 1983;                Biological rhythms are classified according to
Pickard & Turek, 1983; Lehman et at., 1984;          their period as circadian, ultradian, infradian,
Inouye & Turek, 1986). The paraventricular           and seasonal or circannual rhythms. In recent
nuclei project to the intermediolateral nuclei of    years, researchers have discovered some of the
the spinal cord (Swanson & Kuypers, 1980) which      underlying pacemaker systems and physiological
innervate the superior cervical ganglia (Rando et    mechanisms involved in the generation, entrain-
at., 1981). A beta-adrenergic input from the         ment and coupling of biological rhythms .
superior cervical ganglia controls the activity of   Circadian rhythms are generated by a multi-
pineal N-acetyltransferase, thereby regulating the   oscillator system located in the SCN and are
melatonin synthesis in the pineal organ (Zatz,       synchronized to the external24 h light-dark cycle.
1981; Klein, 1985). In a number of photoperiodic     Ultradian rhythms can be generated by a variety
species, pinealectomy prevents the short-day         of different neural pacemaker systems and are
induced gonadal regression (reviewed in Hoffman,     characterized by the diversity of their rhythmic
1981).                                               phenomena. Many infradian rhythms are the
   The SCN regulates the rhythmic timing of          result of changes in gonadal hormone levels
production of melatonin so that melatonin levels     during the oestrous cycle and can only be
are high at night and low during the day             observed in female animals. Many annual
(Goldman, 1983; Goldman & Darrow, 1983).             rhythms are correlated with changes in the
Recent studies on both Djungarian hamsters and       reproductive functions over the year. Photo-
sheep suggest that the duration of high night-time   periodic changes of reproductive functions are
levels in circulating melatonin determines whether   controlled through complex interactions between
the photoperiod will be interpreted as a long or     the SCN, the pineal, and the hypothalamic-
a short day (Carter & Goldman, 1983a,b;              pituitary-gonadal axis. Frequency and amplitude
Bittman & Karsch, 1984). It is not known yet         of ultradian rhythms are often modulated on a
how melatonin alters hypothalamic-pituitary          circadian time scale. The circadian system must
functions and how the signal of melatonin            be considered the most important biological
duration is transformed into a change in             clock since it affects the regulation of all other
neuroendocrine gonadal activity.                     biological rhythms. Many key events within the
                                                     oestrous cycle are timed by the circadian system,
Conclusion                                           and the photoperiodic control of seasonal
Biological rhythms have been observed in             rhythms involves the circadian clock for
practically all groups of laboratory animals and     measuring day length.
at every level of physiological and behavioural         Most, if not all, physiological systems are
organization even under standardized laboratory      affected by biological rhythms, and laboratory
conditions. Biological rhythms are important for     animal science should take this into account in
the health and wellbeing of the organism for         designing experimental schedules. For example,
120                                                                                                                    Wollnik

contradictory results from different laboratories                  of methodological or other constraints, exper-
might be due simply to differences in the daily                    imenters should at least provide information
schedules in which experiments are being per-                      about their experimental time schedule and the
formed. Different findings on the periodicity of                   light-dark cycle of their animals in order to allow
ultradian rhythms, such as episodic hormonal                       others to reproduce or compare their results.
fluctuations, might be due to different sampling
intervals. Such pitfalls can be avoided by                         Acknowledgments
scanning the unknown rhythmicity of the in-                        I am grateful to Professors Fred W Turek and
vestigated variable with repeated experiments                      Joe S Takahashi for their continuing en-
performed at several time points in the cycle of                   couragement and helpful advice. My thanks also
a rhythm in order to determine characteristic                      go to Andreas Herrmann, Amy Jetton, Janet E
phase points, such as the daily peak or low of                     Joy, Jill J Milette, RickS Smith, and Beth E F
a circadian rhythm. These should serve as                          Wee for their suggestions and comments on an
reference points when selecting the times to                       earlier draft of this manuscript. Preparation
perform the real experiments. If this chrono-                      of this article was supported by Deutsche
biological approach cannot be taken because                        Forschungsgemeinschaft (11 02-WO 354/2-1).

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