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Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead
Which path will you take?
Table of contents

Previous publications in this series include:

 Pharmaceuticals                          Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences        Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences    Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

 Pharma 2020: The vision                  Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D                 Pharma 2020: Marketing the future    Pharma 2020: Challenging business models
 Which path will you take?*               Which path will you take?                Which path will you take?            Which path will you take?

 *connectedthinking        
 Pharma 2020: The vision             #    Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D            1

The founding paper in this series,       The second paper, “Pharma                Published in February 2009,          “Pharma 2020: Challenging
“Pharma 2020: The vision”,               2020: Virtual R&D”, launched             “Pharma 2020: Marketing the          business models”, published in
launched in June 2007, highlights        in June 2008, explores how               future”, discusses the key forces    April 2009, highlights the need for a
a number of issues that will have        pharmaceutical companies can             reshaping the pharmaceutical         more collaborative approach to the
a major bearing on the industry          dramatically improve the R&D             marketplace – including the          research, development and delivery
and outlines the changes we              process. We argue that new               growing power of healthcare          of medicines. It also evaluates the
believe will help pharmaceutical         technologies will enable them            payers, providers and patients       advantages and disadvantages
companies enhance the value              to virtualise large parts of their       – and the changes required to        of various business models and
they provide to shareholders and         R&D, while working more closely          create a marketing and sales         how each stands up against the
society in the future.                   with researchers, governments,           model fit for the 21st century.      challenges facing the industry.
                                         healthcare payers and providers          These changes will enable the
                                         will enable them to address the          industry to market and sell its
                                         changing needs of society more           products more cost-effectively, to
                                         effectively.                             create new opportunities and to
                                                                                  generate greater customer loyalty
                                                                                  across the healthcare spectrum.

“Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead” – the fifth report in our series of white papers on the future of the pharmaceutical and life sciences industry –
focuses on the opportunities and challenges from a tax perspective. It discusses how the political, economic, scientific and social trends currently
shaping the commercial environment, together with the development of new, more collaborative business models, will exert increasing pressure
on effective tax rates within the industry. It also shows how companies can adapt their tax strategies to support the provision of outcomes-based
healthcare and remain competitive.

All these publications are available to download at:
Table of contents

Introduction                                                                     2

Political and economic factors shaping the future taxation of Pharma             4
    • Soaring public deficits
    • Variations in effective tax rates
    • The prospect of “green” taxes
    • Competing tax incentives

Scientific, structural and social trends shaping the future taxation of Pharma   10
    • The changing product mix
    • The increasing importance of the emerging markets
    • The bifurcation of the supply chain
    • More demanding healthcare payers

The taxation of new business models                                              13
    • Six key tax issues to consider
    • The potential impact on effective tax rates

How the industry should respond                                                  17

Conclusion                                                                       19

Acknowledgements                                                                 20

References                                                                       21

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead
Table of contents

Introduction                               providing such services themselves.            will be new competitors keen to build
                                                                                          knowledge-based economies.
                                           These changes, together with the
We discussed many of the far-reaching      political and economic trends now           • Even so, the effective tax rates
changes influencing the pharmaceutical     shaping the general commercial                (ETRs) of most large pharmaceutical
and life sciences industry (Pharma) as     environment, will have major                  companies will rise, as their product
it approaches the second decade of         repercussions on the way in which             portfolios become more specialised
the new millennium in the previous four    Pharma is taxed. We anticipate that:          and they start offering healthcare
papers in the PricewaterhouseCoopers’
                                           • The corporate tax burden will               packages that comprise medicines
Pharma 2020 series. Our latest report
                                             rise significantly over the next 10         and supporting services – unless
focuses on the resulting opportunities
                                             years, as the governments of the            they actively pursue various
and challenges from a tax perspective.
                                             industrialised world struggle to repair     strategies to mitigate the impact.2
It builds on the fourth paper in the
series, “Pharma 2020: Challenging            public finances deeply damaged            For all these reasons, we think that
business models”, in which we argued         by the debts they have accrued in         pharmaceutical tax executives will have
that many companies will have to adopt       managing the global recession.            to play a much more strategic role in
a more collaborative approach.1            • Many governments will clamp down          the future. The industry will need tax
Most Big Pharma companies have               on the opportunities for minimising       professionals who are not only versed
traditionally done everything from           corporate taxes by shifting profits       in international tax law and transfer
research and development (R&D)               from countries with higher tax rates      pricing, but who also understand the
through to commercialisation                 to countries with lower tax rates.        broader business issues – people who
themselves. But we believe that this         By 2020, all multinationals will be       can help top management structure
model will alter over the next 10 years.     subject to much more stringent tax        its operations to support new ways of
If such companies are to prosper,            regulations, and the major powers         working.
they will need to improve their R&D          could impose trading restrictions on
                                                                                       In the next chapter, we shall examine
productivity, reduce their costs, expand     any traditional tax havens that still
                                                                                       the main political and economic trends
their presence in the emerging markets,      refuse to cooperate.
                                                                                       shaping the taxation of Pharma over
switch from selling medicines to
                                           • The tax authorities in most countries     the next decade. (Our analysis excludes
managing outcomes and embrace the
                                             will also work more closely with their    labour taxes, which will be covered in a
changes taking place in the broader
                                             counterparties in other territories,      future paper in the Pharma 2020 series.)
healthcare arena – activities that will
                                             reducing the ability to use hybrid        Thereafter, we shall look at the effect
require them to take one of two routes.
                                             instruments and entities in cross-        of the scientific, structural and social
They will either have to collaborate
                                             border transactions.                      changes taking place, including the way
with a wide range of organisations,
including academic institutions,           • Despite the need to replenish             in which healthcare delivery is evolving
hospitals, technology vendors and firms      depleted public coffers, the              (see Figure 1). We shall also explore the
offering compliance programmes, health       competition to attract companies          implications of using more collaborative
screening, physiotherapy, exercise           engaging in R&D will intensify. Some      business models and the key issues to
facilities and the like, or become fully     countries will offer generous tax         be considered for the purposes of tax
diversified conglomerates capable of         incentives and credits – and several      planning.

2                                                                                                         PricewaterhouseCoopers
Figure 1: The key trends driving change in Pharma

 Political & economic trends            Market trends                        Health & healthcare trends             Geographic trends

 • The governments of the               • Numerous blockbusters are          • Demand for personalised              • A growing amount of R&D is
   industrialised world will have to      going off patent                     medicine is increasing                 being performed in Asia and
   reduce their massive deficits.       • Pharma’s focus is shifting to      • Healthcare bills are soaring           other emerging areas
   They will target many of the           specialist medicines                                                      • The supply chain is becoming
   practices multinationals use to                                           • Healthcare payers & providers
                                        • The emerging markets are             are placing ever greater               more complex and more
   defer taxation or shift income to                                                                                  geographically dispersed
   lower-tax jurisdictions                becoming increasingly attractive     emphasis on wellness &
                                          places in which to do business       prevention
 • The competition to attract
   corporate capital will increase,                                          • Some payers are also piloting
   and the emerging countries will                                             value-based purchasing,
   play a bigger role in this battle                                           where payment for treatment is
   as they try to build knowledge-                                             contingent on outcomes
   based economies

 Tax incentives will become more        Pharma will target new areas of      Pharma will go “beyond the             Pharma’s operations will become
 critical if Pharma is to sustain its   growth                               medicine” to focus on outcomes         more complex

 • Corporate taxes could rise           • Pharma will engage in more         • Pharma will offer packages           • Pharma will perform more
 • Generous tax incentives and low        mergers, acquisitions and            of products and services, but          business activities in emerging
   corporate tax rates will become        in-licensing arrangements to         products and services are often        countries, some of which
   increasingly important factors in      replenish its pipeline               taxed differently                      may have less developed tax
   decisions about where to locate      • Pharma will expand its presence • Pharma will collaborate with              regimes.
   business activities                    in the emerging markets. Its       multiple service providers             • Pharma will form more
                                          sources of revenue and profit will and enter into profit-sharing            partnerships and alliances with
                                          shift accordingly                  agreements that have complex             payers and companies in other
                                                                             tax ramifications                        sectors.
                                                                             • Pharma will perform more             • Pharma will outsource much
                                                                               activities in its end markets,         of its high-volume, low-profit
                                                                               many of which are in higher-tax        manufacturing capacity in lower-
                                                                               jurisdictions, to provide services     tax locations and concentrate
                                                                               directly to patients                   on the production of specialised
                                                                             • Locating service provision in          medicines.
                                                                               multiple markets could trigger
                                                                               “permanent establishment”

                        More complex global tax arrangements & higher effective tax rates

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                                          3
Political and economic                              about 75% of gross domestic product          many different jurisdictions, including
                                                    (GDP) in 2008 to almost 110% by 2014         locations with low taxes. That, in turn,
factors shaping the                                 (see Figure 2). Should the situation         reduces their global tax bills, and the
future taxation of Pharma                           deteriorate, the level of debt could reach   overall effect of such arrangements
                                                    an even more eye-watering 140% over          can be substantial. According to a
                                                    the same period.5                            report recently published by the US
Soaring public deficits                                                                          Government Accountability Office, US-
                                                    But whether or not the recession ends        based multinationals paid an average
The global recession of the past                    relatively rapidly, one thing is clear:      US ETR of just 4% on the foreign-
two years has sent budget deficits                  many governments will be forced to           source income they earned in 2004 –
soaring, with the governments of the                raise taxes and cut public spending,         less than one-sixth of the 25.2% they
industrialised world borrowing heavily              including expenditure on infrastructure      paid on domestic income.6
to pump cash into faltering economies.              projects and R&D. They will almost
The US has earmarked more than                      certainly begin the first of these two       The comparison is an imperfect one
US$12 trillion for its economic bailout,3           tasks by focusing on companies and           because it excludes the impact of
                                                    industries that have enjoyed relatively      the foreign taxes these multinationals
while the European Union (EU) has
                                                                                                 paid on their foreign-source income.
committed $4 trillion.4                             low rates of taxation.
                                                                                                 However, it helps to explain why
The International Monetary Fund                     Multinational corporations – and many        President Barack Obama was initially so
predicts that, if this pattern continues,           pharmaceutical companies fall into           keen to change the tax regime. In May
the level of public debt in the 20 leading          this category – are one obvious target.      2009, he announced several proposals
economies (the G-20) could rise from                Multinationals commonly operate in           to reform “a tax code full of corporate

Figure 2: The projected level of public debt as a percentage of GDP

                    Public Debt                                                                                                 120


                                                                                                  economies                     80


                                                                                         Emerging and                           40
                                                                                      developing economies


                1970                        1980                      1990               2000                   2010       2014 0

Source: International Monetary Fund, “World Economic Outlook”, April 2009

4                                                                                                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers
loopholes” and generate an estimated                                      standards but have not yet signed the                     to look at country-by-country reporting
$200 billion in new taxes.7 He was                                        necessary international accords.9                         and the benefits…for tax transparency
forced to shelve his plans in October                                                                                               and reducing tax avoidance”.11
                                                                          Meanwhile, several international
2009, after extensive lobbying from the
                                                                          charities, including Christian Aid,                       Of course, any government that tries
business community. But aides say that
                                                                          are pushing for the introduction of                       to generate additional revenues by
the administration may include some of
                                                                          country-by-country reporting – where                      taxing multinationals – or, indeed, the
the measures he outlined in a broader
                                                                          companies would be required to                            people who lead them – more heavily
overhaul of the tax regime sometime
                                                                          publish country-specific information                      must be careful to ensure that it does
in 2010.8
                                                                          on their corporate income, assets,                        not preclude such companies from
Moreover, the US is by no means                                           investments, profits and taxes, rather                    competing on an equal footing in the
alone in wanting to close “corporate                                      than consolidating the data in a single                   global marketplace. Corporate income
loopholes”. During its 2009 summit in                                     global or regional figure. These charities                tax rates are already considerably higher
London, the G-20 pledged to crack                                         argue that country-by-country reporting                   in India, Japan, the US and Argentina
down on tax havens as part of its                                         would expose any multinationals that                      than they are in many of the other G-20
global plan for recovery and reform.                                      are using tax havens and enable the                       countries, although employer social
The Organisation for Economic Co-                                         governments of emerging countries to
                                                                                                                                    security costs and consumption taxes
Operation and Development (OECD)                                          identify the taxes they are fairly owed.10
                                                                                                                                    must also be factored into the equation
has now created a blacklist of non-                                       British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
                                                                                                                                    (see Figure 3).12
cooperative jurisdictions. It has also                                    and French President Nicolas Sarkozy
created a “grey list” of countries that                                   have also backed the initiative, with a                   All governments must likewise ensure
have agreed to adopt more transparent                                     joint declaration calling “on the OECD                    that they do not trigger a mass exodus

Figure 3: The highest marginal percentages at which different corporate taxes are
charged in 18 of the G-20 countries, 2009


                                        25        20                  15
                                                                               18       12.4
                   45                                                                                       5

                                       28.8       35      27         38.7                 12               13.7       15      13      10     6.3
             40                                                                                                                                     10
                                                                                                                                             7.7                 5.1
                                                                                30                                            7.4     12                   19           14
                                                                                                   26                 12.8                          14            9
             20                                                                                                                                                          1
                                                                                                            41                               36            12
                  34.4                                                                    42                                  32
                                        34       31.4     35
                                                                      28                                              28              30                          30    28
                             25                                                 20                 20                                              24.2





                                                                                                                                          li a































Source: The Forbes Magazine 2009 Tax Misery and Reform Index
Note: The chart shows the highestCorporate    Income Tax
                                    marginal percentage  at whichEmployer
                                                                  each tax isSocial Security
                                                                              charged in eachCosts         Value Added
                                                                                              locale. The countries on theTax/Sales
                                                                                                                           left of theTax
                                                                                                                                       chart have the harshest tax
regimes, while those on the right are the most tax-friendly.

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                                                               5
to more favourable tax jurisdictions.                     public finances, it is hard to see how the                our research suggests that some
Companies sometimes use the threat                        industrialised economies – and, indeed,                   companies could still be singled out for
of relocating as a bargaining tool, but                   some of the emerging economies – will                     higher taxation.
this is not always idle talk. A number of                 have any other choice.
                                                                                                                    We have calculated five-year average
companies in various industries have
                                                                                                                    ETRs for the top companies in the
already relocated to other countries,                     Variations in effective tax rates                         pharmaceutical, biotechnology, generics
specifically to protect or improve
                                                          A number of pharmaceutical companies                      and medical device sub-sectors. (We
their tax positions. British Chancellor
                                                          could prove especially vulnerable. A                      have classified any companies that
of the Exchequer Alistair Darling’s
                                                          study recently conducted by the US                        operate in more than one sub-sector
recent decision to tax high earners
                                                          Congressional Budget Office (CBO)                         according to their biggest source of
more heavily by raising the top rate of
                                                          shows that, between 2000 and 2006,                        revenue.) Our analysis shows that there
personal income tax to 50% – one of
                                                          Pharma’s average ETR was lower than                       are some substantial differences both
the highest in the G-20 – has elicited
                                                          that of all but two other sectors (see                    between companies in different sub-
similar warnings of a “brain drain”.13
                                                          Figure 4). The CBO warned that “all                       sectors and between companies in the
Nevertheless, we believe that, by                         other things being equal, a substantial                   same sub-sector (see Figure 5). Some
2020, many countries will have higher                     increase in the industry’s tax burden                     of these variations are attributable to
corporate tax rates and they will expect                  might slow growth in this investment                      the home countries in which individual
multinationals to foot a larger share                     by raising the industry’s cost of capital                 companies are based, the precise
of the bill. Given the dire state of their                and reducing its cash flow”.14 However,                   nature of their activities and their

Figure 4: Average effective tax rates for the pharmaceutical industry and other major US industries, 2001-2006 (percent)

                                                                                                                                                             Rates for
    Industry                                           2001              2002             2003             2004              2005             2006          2001-2006
    Mining                                              33.0             34.0             33.0              35.0             35.0             33.0               34.0
    Finance, Insurance & Real Estate                    34.0             33.0             33.5              33.0             33.0             34.0               33.5
    Manufacturing                                       32.0             33.0             32.0              33.0             33.0             33.0               33.0
    Wholesale & Retail Trade                            33.0             33.0             33.0              33.0             33.0             33.5               33.0
    Services                                            32.0             33.0             32.0              33.0             33.0             32.0               32.5
    Construction                                        31.0             32.0             32.0              32.0             33.0             32.0               32.0
    Information                                         31.5             30.0             32.0              33.0             34.0             35.0               32.0
    Pharmaceuticals                                     32.0             31.0             30.0              31.0             32.5             32.5               31.5
    Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities             32.0             31.0             29.0              32.0             31.0             31.5               31.0
    Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting            28.0             27.0             29.0              30.0             30.0             29.0               29.0

Source: Congressional Research Service
Notes: The average ETR for an industry is the ratio of its federal income tax liability after all tax credits, except the foreign tax credit, to its worldwide taxable
       income, expressed as a percentage.
       Pharmaceuticals includes manufacturers of generic and biologic drugs.

6                                                                                                                                             PricewaterhouseCoopers
Figure 5: Effective tax rates in the top pharmaceutical, biotech, generics and medical device companies

 Big Pharma                                                                          Top 10 Biotech Companies
 Company                                        Location            ETR (%)1         Company                                        Location            ETR (%)1
 Bayer                                                DE                29.30        Cephalon                                             US               39.19
 GlaxoSmithKline                                      UK                29.27        Genentech (pre-merger)                               US               36.87
 AstraZeneca                                          UK                28.21        Biogen Idec                                          US               31.60
 Wyeth (pre-merger)                                   US                26.26        Genzyme                                              US               30.00
 Roche                                                CH                25.83        Gilead Sciences                                      US               29.20
 Schering-Plough (pre-merger)    2
                                                      US                25.80        UCB                                                  BE               27.87
 Johnson & Johnson                                    US                25.02        CSL                                                  AU               26.38
 Bristol-Myers Squibb                                 US                24.24        Amgen                                                US               24.34
 Merck (pre-merger)    3
                                                      US                23.24        Celgene                                              US               24.00
 Pfizer (pre-merger)                                  US                18.21        Actelion                                            CH                12.26
 sanofi-aventis                                       FR                15.91        Average                                                               28.17
 Novartis                                             CH                14.44
 Average                                                                23.81

 Top 10 Generics Companies                                                           Top 10 Medical Device Companies
 Company                                        Location            ETR (%)  1       Company                                        Location            ETR (%)1
 Goldshield Group                                     UK              138.52         Cardinal Health                                      US                33.30
 Towa Pharmaceutical                                  JP                42.44        Stryker                                              US                30.50
 Sawai Pharmaceutical                                 JP                39.31        Covidien                                            BM                 30.00
 Mylan                                                US                37.80        Boston Scientific                                    US                29.22
 Watson Pharmaceuticals                               US                35.93        Becton, Dickinson & Co.                              US                27.57
 Nichi-iko Pharmaceutical                             JP                33.96        Siemens    5
                                                                                                                                          DE                24.86
 Teva Pharmaceuticals                                  IL               24.69        Medtronic                                            US                24.28
 Pharco Pharmaceuticals                               EG                12.61        Baxter International                                 US                20.32
 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories                              IN                5.53        Philips5                                             NL                19.06
 EastPharma   4
                                                      TR                 0.00        General Electric   5
                                                                                                                                          US                14.85
 Average                                                                37.08        Average                                                                25.40

Source: Annual reports and PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis.
Notes: (1). We have calculated the average ETR for each company using the annual ETR for the five most recent years. We have excluded any year in which a
company has made pre-tax losses from our calculations. (2). Schering-Plough’s ETR reflects the imposition of a valuation allowance on its tax assets. (3). Merck’s
ETR reflects the impact of a one-time gain in 2008. (4). EastPharma was established in August 2006 and has made a pre-tax loss in each subsequent year.
(5). The ETRs for Siemens, Philips and General Electric are those reported in the consolidated accounts for each group.

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                                                      7
geographical spread. But the big picture    energy efficiency by 20% and to ensure        revenues. And here Pharma holds
also reveals several features that cannot   that 20% of its energy consumption            some very powerful cards. The industry
be so easily explained.                     comes from renewable sources, all by          spent an estimated $75 billion on R&D
                                            2020. The US is currently exploring           in 2008,18 and an increasing number
First, companies in the biotech and
                                            various options, including a carbon tax;      of countries are vying for a slice of this
generics manufacturing sub-sectors
                                            the UK recently set legally binding targets   business.
typically have significantly higher ETRs
                                            for the reduction of carbon emissions, to
than those in the pharmaceutical and                                                      President Obama recently vowed to
                                            be measured on a four-year budgetary
medical device sub-sectors. Nine                                                          lift spending on scientific research in
                                            cycle; and several emerging economies
of the top 20 biotech and generics                                                        the US from 2.6% to 3% of GDP. The
                                            have been equally proactive.15
companies have average ETRs of more                                                       EU set itself the same goal in 2000,
than 30%, a rate matched by only            However, two other issues could               although the current level of investment
two medical device firms and not one        have an even bigger impact on the             is only 1.84%. But Japan already
pharmaceutical concern. Yet biotech         sector. The rules governing the use           spends nearly 4% of its GDP on R&D;
companies also engage in extensive          of chemicals are becoming much                South Korea spends 3.2%; and China’s
R&D and are therefore generally eligible    more stringent. In July 2007, for             investment has risen from 0.9% to 1.4%
for the same sort of R&D tax credits Big    example, the EU launched a new set            of GDP in less than a decade.19
Pharma can claim.                           of regulations on the registration,
                                                                                          Most developed countries offer tax
                                            evaluation, authorisation and restriction
Second, there are significant differences                                                 credits or deductions on eligible R&D
                                            of chemicals (REACH).16 There is also
between companies operating in the                                                        expenditure. The US offers a credit of
                                            a growing body of opinion that the
same home country and sub-sector.                                                         20% on qualifying expenditure that
                                            industry should be held accountable
The variation is especially marked in                                                     exceeds 16% of a company’s gross
                                            for the indirect environmental effects
the biotech sub-sector; seven of the                                                      receipts in the preceding four periods,
                                            of its products. Residual traces of
top 10 companies are based in the                                                         for example; Canada offers a credit of
                                            hormones and other medicines have
US, but their average ETRs range from                                                     35% on qualifying expenditure up to a
                                            been detected in drinking water
24% to nearly 39.2%, a span of 15.2                                                       maximum of CAN $3 million and 20%
                                            supplies throughout the world.17 Some         thereafter; and Japan offers a credit
percentage points.
                                            governments might respond by taxing           of between 8% and 10% on gross
In short, governments urgently in need      pharmaceutical manufacturers to fund          R&D costs, depending on the ratio of
of additional tax revenues may conclude     the development of more effective             R&D costs to sales. Similarly, Australia
that some sub-sectors are shouldering a     wastewater treatments.                        allows companies to deduct 125% of
smaller share of the burden than others.                                                  their eligible expenditure (and 175%
And they may pursue companies in            Competing tax incentives                      of their incremental expenditure, if that
such sub-sectors – particularly those                                                     expenditure increases by more than the
that appear to be paying much lower         That said, greater competition for
                                                                                          previous three-year average), while the
taxes than their peers – more vigorously.   companies engaging in R&D and
                                                                                          UK offers a deduction of 130%.20
                                            manufacturing might help Pharma to
                                            mitigate the effect of higher tax rates       However, several Asian countries are
The prospect of “green” taxes
                                            and new forms of taxation. R&D is             now pitching equally hard for a share of
The “Green” agenda could add to these       widely recognised as one of the main          the R&D market. China and Singapore
pressures. The EU introduced a carbon       engines of economic growth because            both offer “super deductions” of
trading scheme some years ago. It has       it creates not only jobs but also             150% on qualifying R&D expenditure.
also undertaken to reduce its greenhouse    intellectual property that can generate       Singapore offers eligible companies an
gas emissions by 20%, to improve its        long-term income streams and tax              additional deduction of up to 100%,

8                                                                                                             PricewaterhouseCoopers
subject to approval, together with              corporate income tax rates of 12.5%          recognised as “new, high-technology
generous capital allowances. And India          and 20%, respectively. But Asia is fast      enterprises”, although the simultaneous
offers various incentives, including            catching up here, too (see Figure 6).        abolition of many tax incentives and
a deduction of 100% of eligible                 Singapore offers a low flat corporate        the introduction of a 10% foreign
expenditure (whether revenue or capital,        income tax rate of 18% (falling to 17%       withholding tax on passive income
except expenditure on land) in the year         in 2010), and grants qualifying new          have complicated the picture.23 And
that the expenditure is incurred.21             companies full exemption from tax on         India grants tax holidays for locating
                                                the first $100,000 of annual profits for     manufacturing in certain states or
The competition to attract companies
                                                each of the first three consecutive tax-     economic development zones.24
setting up new manufacturing facilities
is also rising. Ireland and Puerto Rico         filing years.22 China recently reduced its   We believe that the battle to attract
have established particularly strong            corporate income tax rate from 33.3%         pharmaceutical companies will intensify
manufacturing bases, thanks to                  to 25% – or 15% for companies that are       over the next decade, as some of

Figure 6: Competing tax incentives

 With its 12.5% corporate tax rate and
                                                                                               China now produces many of the
 highly educated populace, Ireland has
                                                                                               active pharmaceutical ingredients used
 attracted numerous pharmaceutical
                                                                                               in pharmaceutical manufacturing. But a
 companies. It now has a strong base in                                                        growing number of multinationals are
 R&D and high-tech manufacturing. In May
                                                                                               also setting up R&D operations there
 2009, the government also introduced a
                                                                                               (e.g., GlaxoSmithKline’s neuroscience
 new tax incentive under which companies                                                       research centre in Shanghai).
 can write off the capital cost of acquiring
 certain intellectual property against income
 generated from exploiting that property.

 Puerto Rico’s low corporate
 tax rate and off-shore status                  India has emerged as a key territory for
 have stimulated a large                        manufacturing, thanks to a combination of      Singapore has introduced a low-tax
 pharmaceutical manufacturing                   low-cost raw materials and labour and          regime to attract pharmaceutical
 presence. Most of the big                      quality engineering. India is increasingly     manufacturing. It has also invested in
 players, including AstraZeneca,                moving up the value chain and several          educating the population and is
 GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson &                     domestic pharmaceutical companies have         becoming increasingly popular as an
 Johnson, Lilly, Merck & Co. and                R&D alliances with multinationals (e.g.,       R&D base (e.g., the Novartis Institute
 Pfizer have plants there.                      Ranbaxy with GlaxoSmithKline).                 for Tropical Diseases).

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                         9
Table of contents

the emerging nations attempt to               But translating the knowledge gleaned         substantially over the next decade.
build knowledge-based economies.              from mapping the human genome into            Again, in-licensing can have significant
Pharmaceutical tax executives will thus       safe, effective new medicines is proving      tax consequences, depending on
need to monitor the situation constantly,     difficult, and the industry leaders are       the structure of the contract and its
so that they can advise management            struggling to fill their pipelines. They      provisions for allocating losses and tax
on the best places in which to locate         have adopted several tactics for dealing      credits and for making payments.
new facilities – although no company          with the shortfall, each with its own tax
                                                                                            Many pharmaceutical companies are
will make such decisions on the basis         implications.
                                                                                            also forming increasingly complex
of tax incentives alone. It is also crucial   Not surprisingly merger and acquisition       relationships with other organisations
to bear in mind a country’s political         (M&A) activity has surged. Indeed, in         both inside and outside the industry – a
and economic stability, infrastructure,       the first quarter of 2009, the value of the   pattern that will become even more
attitude to intellectual property rights,     deals that took place was $166 billion        pronounced over the next 10 years.
the availability of its workforce and other   – 46% more than the $114 billion that         New technologies are facilitating the
such risks.                                   changed hands in the whole of 2008.25         collection of vast quantities of outcomes
                                              Some of this activity reflects two recent     data and the virtualisation of large parts
                                              mega-mergers (Pfizer-Wyeth and Merck          of the R&D process, as we explained in
Scientific, structural and                    & Co.-Schering Plough), but some of           “Pharma 2020: Virtual R&D”.29 But any
social trends shaping the                     it stems from the convergence of the          company that wants to capitalise on
                                              pharmaceutical and biotechnology sub-         these advances will have to collaborate
future taxation of Pharma                     sectors. In 2008, Big Pharma completed        with numerous other agencies,
                                              $33.5 billion worth of biotechnology          including hospitals, clinics, academic
The prospect of politically and               acquisitions in the US and Europe.26          institutions, bioinformatics firms and
economically motivated changes in                                                           technology providers. Moreover, some
                                              We anticipate that this trend will
taxation is not all that Pharma will have                                                   of the alliances it strikes are likely to
                                              continue for the foreseeable future
to consider. The industry’s research                                                        involve multiple entities, staggered
                                              and that many companies will
focus is altering, the emerging markets                                                     levels of profit-sharing and dissimilar
                                              therefore need to pay more attention
are becoming increasingly attractive,                                                       participatory rights between the parties
                                              to how such business combinations
the supply chain is bifurcating and                                                         – all factors that will add to the intricacy
                                              are taxed. Clearly, their individual
healthcare delivery is undergoing a                                                         of its tax arrangements.
                                              circumstances will determine the
huge transformation. All these trends
                                              precise impact. But, under the current
are dictating the need for new business                                                     The increasing importance of the
                                              M&A standards in some countries, the
models – and, since a company’s tax
                                              way in which a company accounts               emerging markets
strategy follows its business strategy,
                                              for acquisition-related items – such
an understanding of these shifts is                                                         Meanwhile, the purchasing power of the
                                              as deal costs, acquired valuation
essential.                                                                                  emerging economies is rising rapidly,
                                              allowances, deferred tax adjustments,
                                                                                            with a corresponding boom in demand
                                              income tax contingencies, income
                                                                                            for Western medicines. In 2008, global
The changing product mix                      tax indemnifications, contingent
                                                                                            pharmaceutical sales reached $773.1
A growing number of pharmaceutical            consideration and share-based
                                                                                            billion. Asia, Africa and Australia
companies are investing in the                compensation – can have a significant
                                                                                            accounted for nearly 12% of this sum,
                                              effect on its ETR.27
development of specialist therapies                                                         while Latin America accounted for 6%.
as the genomic sciences produce               In-licensing is likewise on the rise.         But IMS Health predicts that all four
new tools with which to make large            PAREXEL estimates that in-licensed            markets will increase at a compound
molecules that mimic naturally occurring      products currently account for                annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11-14%
molecules in the human body and               32% of the pipelines of the top 10            between 2009 and 2013.30 This is
generic manufacturers occupy an ever          pharmaceutical companies,28 and               broadly in line with the higher of the
larger part of the primary care space.        we think that percentage will grow            two forecasts we published in “Pharma

10                                                                                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers
Figure 7: The global pharmaceutical market by region, 2008 & 2020                                             manufacturing process. The global
                                                                                                              market for pharmaceutical contract
                                                                                                              manufacturing is expected to rise from
              2008                                                                      2020
                                                                                                              about $20.4 billion in 2008 to more than
                                                                                                              $31 billion by 2012, with much of the
                                                                                                              increase concentrated in Asia, where
                                                                                                              the market is growing at a CAGR of
       90.8                                North America                                       335.9          nearly 16%.32

                       311.8               Europe                                                             However, outsourcing to manufacturers
  76.6                                     Japan                        377.6                                 in the developing world carries some
                                                                                                              substantial operational risks. In 2008,
                                                                                                              for example, the US Food and Drug
                                           Latin America
                                                                                                425.5         Administration (FDA) banned imports of
         247.5                                                                  104.5
                                                                                                              more than 30 generic medicines produced
                                                                                                              by India’s Ranbaxy Laboratories, after
              US$bn                                                                 US$bn                     finding serious and extensive violations
                                                                                                              of good manufacturing practice at two
                                                                                                              Ranbaxy plants.33
Sources: IMS Health Total Unaudited and Audited Global Pharmaceutical Market by Region (2008); IMS
Health Market Prognosis (March 2009); and PricewaterhouseCoopers analysis.                                    Moreover, it is much more difficult to
Note: IMS Health has produced lower and upper projections for the growth of the global pharmaceutical
                                                                                                              manufacture and distribute biologics
market over the next five years. We have extrapolated from these projections to estimate the regional split   than chemical entities. Biologics
in 2020, using the midpoint between the upper and lower ranges.                                               are more vulnerable to impurities in
                                                                                                              the production process and more
2020: The vision”, where we estimated                  countries in which a company earns                     susceptible to damage from heat,
that the E7 markets – Brazil, China,                   an income and those in which it makes                  light and motion.34 The challenges
India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and                   a profit may also be different – and for               associated with making gene and
Turkey – could grow by between 10%                     the purposes of taxation, it is the latter             tissue-based therapies are even greater;
and 15% a year.31                                      that counts. Even so, it seems likely                  each sample must be individually
                                                       that a greater presence in the emerging                “manufactured”, and the final steps in
Given that the North American,
                                                       markets will boost the proportion of                   the process must be performed at a
European and Japanese markets are
                                                       the industry’s profits that is generated               location that is close to the patient.
growing much more sluggishly, the
                                                       in high-tax locations because some
Asian, African, Australian and Latin                                                                          We therefore believe that, by 2020,
                                                       of these countries have relatively
American markets will thus account for                                                                        most pharmaceutical companies
                                                       high tax rates. Further compounding
a much greater share of the industry’s                                                                        will adopt a two-pronged approach.
                                                       the challenges involved in ensuring
revenues by 2020. Indeed, we project                                                                          They will outsource the production of
                                                       compliance, most emerging nations
that they could collectively be worth                                                                         mass-market medicines to contract
                                                       have tax regimes that are less fully
about $571 billion – or nearly 40% of                                                                         manufacturers in low-cost, low-tax
the total market (see Figure 7).                       developed and less clearly articulated
                                                       than those of the industrialised                       jurisdictions, but they will manufacture
Clearly, some pharmaceutical                           economies.                                             and distribute complex specialist
companies may choose to serve                                                                                 therapies themselves. That, in turn,
certain countries by using independent                                                                        could have major ramifications for many
                                                       The bifurcation of the supply chain                    companies’ ETRs. Making specialist
intermediaries domiciled in other
jurisdictions. A company that wants to                 The emerging countries are not only                    therapies in end markets where tax
target Latin America might, say, use                   becoming more attractive places in                     rates may be higher could substantially
an agent based in Brazil to market its                 which to sell medicines; they are also                 increase the taxes they pay.
products throughout the region. The                    playing a more prominent role in the

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                                     11
Figure 8: Price controls in Pharma’s main markets

             Free Pricing             Direct Price Controls                                            Indirect Price Controls
                            International                   Cost-                                                      Price-
                                Price          Price        Benefit      Reference        Profit        Co-           Volume       Negative       Positive
 Country                    Comparisons       Ceilings     Analyses       Pricing        Controls     payments      Agreements      Lists          Lists
 France                          ¢               ¢             ¢             ¢                            ¢              ¢                           ¢
 Germany          ¢                                                          ¢                            ¢                            ¢
 Italy                           ¢               ¢             ¢             ¢                            ¢              ¢                           ¢
 Spain                           ¢               ¢             ¢             ¢                            ¢              ¢             ¢             ¢
 UK               ¢                                            ¢                            ¢             ¢                            ¢
 US               ¢                                                                         ¢             ¢              ¢                           ¢
 Canada                          ¢               ¢             ¢             ¢                            ¢                                          ¢
 Japan                           ¢               ¢                                                        ¢                                          ¢

Sources: Petra Laux & Jens Grüger, “Pricing and Reimbursement of Pharmaceuticals: A Political and Technical Perspective” (June 2007); Frost & Sullivan, “Drug
Approval Process in Europe: An Outlook” (December 2008); Valérie Paris & Elizabeth Docteur, “Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies in Canada” (2006).

More demanding healthcare                            Italy, France and Spain were only 40%                 Meanwhile, several countries with
payers                                               of those in the US, where free market                 socialised healthcare systems
                                                     pricing prevails.36                                   are going still further. The French
The dramatic changes currently taking                                                                      government recently introduced a
place in healthcare delivery will have               However, there are signs of a major
                                                                                                           bonus scheme for doctors who meet
an even bigger impact on the taxation                shift within the US, too. In June 2009,
                                                                                                           its generic prescribing targets in
of Pharma. The global healthcare bill                the member companies of trade
                                                                                                           seven pharmaceutical categories,39
is soaring, as the population ages,                  body Pharmaceutical Research and
                                                                                                           for example, while the British National
new medical needs emerge and the                     Manufacturers of America agreed to
                                                                                                           Health Service has launched a flexible
disease burden of the developing                     contribute $80 billion towards the
                                                                                                           pricing scheme under which the prices
world increasingly resembles that                    narrowing of the gap in Medicare
                                                                                                           of medicines can be lifted or lowered in
of the developed world. Healthcare                   prescription medication coverage over
                                                                                                           line with the results they deliver.40
payers almost everywhere are therefore               the next decade, partly by reducing
beginning to measure outcomes much                   the prices charged to senior citizens                 Some significant practical and
                                                     and government for all branded                        procedural issues still have to be
more carefully and to experiment with
                                                     medicines.37 And US Senate Finance                    resolved, if pay-for-performance is to
new pricing mechanisms.
                                                     Committee Chairman Max Baucus                         work widely, including: what factors
Use of direct and indirect price controls            recently introduced a bill to reform                  should trigger a price review; how
is already commonplace in the                        the healthcare system that includes                   to deal with products that deliver
industry’s main markets (see Figure 8).35            a provision to offset the costs by                    different value for different indications;
A number of countries have also                      imposing annual fees of $2.3 billion                  and how to treat revenues that could
established agencies specifically to                 and $4 billion on pharmaceutical                      be clawed back via rebates several
conduct pharmacoeconomic                             manufacturers and medical device                      years later, since it may take a while to
evaluations of new medicines, with                   manufacturers, respectively. The                      determine the real worth of many new
predictable consequences for the                     fees would be apportioned among                       medicines. Such clawbacks could have
industry’s returns. In one study of 150              the participants according to each                    considerable cash tax ramifications,
top-selling patented medicines, for                  participant’s relative market share of                depending on how and when a
example, ex-manufacturer prices in                   domestic sales for the preceding year.38              company has recognised the revenue

12                                                                                                                                 PricewaterhouseCoopers
and whether it has a net operating                  In the future many pharmaceutical                     on R&D productivity beyond an amount
loss.41 Nevertheless, we believe that, by           companies will generate revenues from                 anyone can deliver.”43
2020, pay for performance will be the               services as well as from products.
                                                                                                          As we explained in “Pharma 2020:
norm in many countries.                             And they will collaborate with a wide
                                                    range of organisations to supply such                 Challenging business models”, we
Most healthcare payers are also                                                                           expect that two principal models –
                                                    integrated product-service offerings.
beginning to emphasise the importance                                                                     federated and fully diversified – will
                                                    However, these two changes have huge
of health management, with even more                                                                      emerge. We have also identified two
                                                    tax implications, which we shall discuss
momentous consequences. As we have                                                                        variants of the federated model. In the
                                                    in the next chapter.
indicated in earlier papers, we anticipate
                                                                                                          virtual version, a company outsources
that the majority of pharmaceutical
                                                                                                          most or all of its activities; in the venture
companies will have to supplement the
medicines they make with supporting
                                                    The taxation of new                                   version, it manages a portfolio of
                                                                                                          investments (see Figure 9).
services, such as compliance                        business models
programmes, nutritional advice,                                                                           Seen from a tax perspective, these
physiotherapy, stress management                    The majority of Big Pharma companies                  models possess a number of common
and health screening. Several Big                   already recognise that they need                      characteristics:
Pharma companies have already started               new business models. When Pfizer
exploring this route, one example being             announced the $64 billion acquisition of              • They provide a framework for
Novartis, which is currently testing a              Wyeth, for example, chief executive Jeff                diversifying beyond a company’s
technology that inserts a tiny microchip            Kindler told Bloomberg News: “Once you                  core product offerings and supplying
into each pill and sends a text message             reach a certain size, if you are dependent              patients with integrated packages of
to patients who forget to take their                on one or two huge blockbusters to                      goods and services, wherever those
medicine.42                                         move the needle, you are raising the bar                patients reside.

Figure 9: The business models that are likely to prevail in 2020

                             Collaborative: Federated Model                                            Owned: Fully Diversified Model
                            • Network of separate entities                                             • Network of entities owned by one
                                                                                                         parent company
                            • Based on shared goals & infrastructure
                                                                                                       • Based on provision of internally integrated
                            • Draws on in-house and/or external assets
                                                                                                         product-service mix
                            • Combines size with flexibility
                                                                                                       • Spreads risk across business units

 Virtual Variant                                               Venture Variant
 • Network of contractors                                      • Portfolio of investments
 • Activities coordinated by one company                       • Based on sharing of intellectual property/
   acting as hub                                                 capital growth
 • Operates on project-by-project basis                        • Stimulates entrepreneurialism & innovation
 • Fee-for-service financial structure                         • Spreads risk across portfolio

Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                                        13
Table of contents

• The supply chains they use are               The introduction of live licensing –         taxed twice on the same income. Most
  more complex and responsive than             where new medicines are approved             double-taxation disputes involve inter-
  those that currently exist, because          subject to further testing to substantiate   company or intra-company allocations
  many specialist therapies must be            their safety and efficacy – could            – typically, pricing, royalty rates, interest
  delivered on demand.                         provide some relief, since the industry      payments, management fees, business
                                               would then be required to perform            expenses and gross revenues.45 With
• The intellectual property they
                                               extensive “in-life” studies in its end       more complex networks of alliances
  produce goes beyond legally
                                               markets, thereby giving it greater cash      involving more (and more varied)
  protected patents and R&D know-
                                               deductibility. However, scientific and       partners, the allocation of such items will
  how. It includes skills like the ability
                                               technological advances will ultimately       become very much more complicated.
  to capture, aggregate and analyse
                                               reduce the cost of such studies
  data, and to negotiate with payers                                                        In the US, where there is both federal
                                               dramatically.44 We therefore expect
  and joint-venture partners.                                                               and state taxation, the delivery of
                                               that many of those pharmaceutical
                                                                                            services directly to patients might
• The risks and rewards they create            companies which move into the service
  are spread among the member                                                               also be regarded as enough to create
                                               arena will see their ETRs rise.
  companies or respective business                                                          a “nexus” for the purposes of state
  units, where the entity is a                 2. Providing services will increase          taxation. Under the traditional definition,
  conglomerate.                                the risk of creating a “permanent            some sort of physical presence is
                                               establishment”, even where those             required; but a number of states
• The income they generate is                  services are delivered remotely.             have recently extended the concept,
  dependent on outcomes.                                                                    arguing that economic connections are
                                               The principle of “permanent
We think that these models will have                                                        sufficient to establish a nexus.46
                                               establishment” is critical in determining
a bearing on how pharmaceutical                where the income from the sale of            Such arguments are usually motivated
companies are taxed in six key ways.           goods and services is to be taxed. If a      by the desire to increase the tax take
                                               company sells goods or services in a         from out-of-state companies, but
Six key tax issues to consider                 country in which it does not have a fixed    they are by no means exclusive to
                                               place of business (including a place of      competing US states. The financial
1. Providing services will drive up
                                               management) or dependent contracting         difficulties many governments are
effective tax rates.
                                               agents, that country has no jurisdiction     currently experiencing, as they contend
The provision of integrated healthcare         to tax the resulting profits.                with the global recession, have already
packages that include services which                                                        eroded the international consensus on
                                               However, any company that delivers
must be supplied locally (such as drug                                                      the allocation of taxing rights between
                                               services will have to undertake – or
administration training, home delivery,                                                     residence and source countries. So
                                               manage – more business activities in its
physiotherapy, health screening and                                                         global companies with extended supply
                                               end markets, thereby making it harder
exercise facilities) will increase the                                                      chains are more likely to be caught in
                                               to prove that the company has not
proportion of income that is generated                                                      the crossfire and subjected to double
                                               created a permanent establishment.
in the industry’s end markets. That,                                                        taxation, even if they are in compliance
                                               This may increase the risk of failing
in turn, will make it more difficult for                                                    with the relevant tax treaty.
                                               to obtain double tax relief, as allowed
companies to assign profits legitimately
                                               under international tax treaties, and thus   3. Providing services will increase
from high- to low-tax jurisdictions – and,
                                               of being taxed on the same earnings          companies’ withholding tax liabilities.
since demand for such services is,
                                               in the home country and the country
initially at least, likely to be greatest in                                                The purpose of a cross-border
                                               where the services have been delivered.
the industrialised world, where corporate                                                   withholding tax is to facilitate the
income tax rates are often higher, the         The growing complexity of the supply         collection of tax on that part of the
effect could be very pronounced.               chain will compound the risk of being        profit which arises from the provision

14                                                                                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers
of goods or services in the taxpayer’s       4. Where services rather than goods are      income among related business entities
country. However, countries have             supplied, exposure to controlled foreign     via the pricing of intellectual property,
traditionally adopted a more diverse         corporation legislation will increase.       tangible goods, services and loans or
approach to the application of withholding                                                other financial transactions – enables
                                             Many developed countries – including
taxes to payments for services than                                                       multinationals to avoid double taxation.
                                             Australia, Canada, France, Germany,
they have to payments for goods. These                                                    But it is also open to abuse. It can be
                                             Italy, New Zealand, the UK, the US and
variations can result in substantial                                                      used to shift profits artificially from
                                             Japan – have enacted laws governing
differences in the way in which companies                                                 a high- to a low-tax jurisdiction, by
                                             the taxation of controlled foreign
are treated, producing yet more fodder for                                                maximising expenses in the former and
                                             corporations (CFCs). These laws usually
tax disputes.                                                                             income in the latter.
                                             provide that the profits of a CFC may
In the US, for example, the place in         be attributed to the holding company         Many tax authorities are therefore
which services are performed generally       and taxed immediately, rather than           clamping down where they suspect
determines the source (US or foreign) of     being taxed only when (and if) they are      that an organisation has manipulated
the income those services generate. But      repatriated.                                 its internal pricing arrangements to
the regulations governing international                                                   reduce the taxes it pays rather than
information reporting and withholding        CFC legislation often distinguishes
                                                                                          following the arm’s length policy
taxes are so intricate that many companies   between “passive” income (i.e.,
                                                                                          recommended by the OECD: namely,
find it difficult to comply with them.       interest, dividends, annuities, rents and
                                                                                          that a transfer price should be the same
                                             royalties), which is taxed, and “active
Compliance with multiple national                                                         as if the two companies involved were
                                             income (i.e., income from commercial
and regional regulations governing                                                        independent parties, not part of the
                                             activities), which is not taxed. But the
withholding taxes is already a major                                                      same group.49 We anticipate that this
                                             laws outline various exceptions.48 In
challenge. But the provision of direct-                                                   trend will continue and that, by 2020,
                                             the US, for instance, Subpart F of the
to-patient services – some of which                                                       the tax authorities in many countries
                                             IRS Code stipulates that “foreign base
must be delivered physically and some                                                     will cooperate more closely, making it
                                             company services income” – including
of which may be delivered electronically                                                  even more important that companies
                                             income generated from the performance
– will make it even more difficult for the                                                comply with the differing requirements
                                             of certain personal services outside a
industry to negotiate its way through                                                     of multiple tax jurisdictions.
                                             company’s home country – cannot be
the maze.                                    deferred. Similar rules apply in Germany,    However, as Pharma expands into new
Moreover, many multinationals may find       Japan and the UK. Some of the new            markets over the next decade, and the
it harder to claim credit for the foreign    healthcare services pharmaceutical           number, magnitude and complexity
taxes they have paid. In a recent speech     multinationals provide may fall into this    of the cross-border, inter-company
to the OECD, Internal Revenue Service        category, and the income they generate       transactions in which it engages grows,
(IRS) Commissioner Doug Shulman              from such services would thus be             this will become even more difficult.
announced that the amount of foreign         subject to immediate taxation in their       Many pharmaceutical companies will
tax credits claimed by US firms rose by      home countries.                              need to collaborate with numerous
71% between 2000 and 2007. He made                                                        organisations in numerous areas of
                                             5. The allocation of income among
it clear that policing the increasingly                                                   business and numerous countries.
                                             the participants in the supply chain
complex world of international taxation                                                   Measuring their respective contributions
                                             will become much more difficult,
is “a top agenda item” for the IRS.47                                                     – not only the goods and services, but
                                             compounding the challenges
And, as we have already noted, the                                                        the intellectual property, investment
                                             associated with the administration of
US is not alone in its determination to                                                   capital, advisory services and other
                                             transfer pricing for companies and tax
secure a larger share of the income                                                       such inputs they provide – and
                                             authorities alike.
domestic companies generate beyond                                                        allocating the income accordingly will
its borders.                                 Transfer pricing – i.e., the allocation of   be an enormous undertaking.

Pharma 2020: Taxing times ahead                                                                                                  15
6. Indirect taxes will become more           consequences for the purposes of VAT.       may be ameliorated with the negotiation
complex and more difficult to manage in      If it is regarded as an exempt medical      of additional free trade agreements. The
collaborative supply chains.                 service, no VAT will arise on the charge    original signatories to the Association
                                             to the consumer, but the supplier will      of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Lastly, providing integrated packages of
                                             be unable to recover its VAT on related     Free Trade Agreement aim to eliminate
products and services could increase
                                             inputs. This is akin to the situation in    almost all import duties on goods
the compliance costs and risks
                                             the financial services industry, where      originating within the area by 2010, for
associated with indirect taxes. Consider,
for example, the potential impact on         VAT-exempt services are an absolute         example, while the four more recent
VAT. Pharmaceutical companies can            cost that must be built into prices.        members (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
currently recover the VAT they pay – i.e.,   Treating entire healthcare packages as      and Vietnam) plan to do so by 2015.
the input VAT – on all the expenditure       VAT-exempt could even more seriously        Australia and New Zealand also signed
they incur in bringing products to           impair the recovery of input VAT in the     a free-trade agreement with ASEAN
market. In many tax regimes, patients        supply chain.                               in February 2009,50 and China is
also pay a lower rate of VAT on                                                          scheduled to join them in 2010.51 But
                                             Local regulators tend to have more
medicines than on most other kinds of                                                    managing a supply chain that involves
                                             settled views on products than services,
goods. This benefits both the industry                                                   multiple parties and spans multiple
                                             so there is considerable potential for
and patients.                                                                            jurisdictions in a way that capitalises
                                             national variations in the interpretation
                                                                                         on such agreements to minimise import
However, the delivery of bundled             of the VAT rules applicable to integrated
                                                                                         duties requires careful planning.
healthcare packages comprising               healthcare offerings. However, the
products and services could change           EU has adopted a VAT package that
that paradigm. Some VAT regimes may          should simplify the situation within the    The potential impact on ETRs
apply the appropriate rate of VAT to         27 member states and allow a greater
                                                                                         So how might the changes we have
each component, while others may treat       range of cross-border services to qualify
                                                                                         outlined affect the industry? Clearly,
them as part of a composite offering         as VAT-free, with effect from January
                                                                                         numerous factors determine a particular
and apply the rate of the principal          1, 2010. Other regions may yet adopt
                                                                                         company’s ETR, and it would be
element to the entire package.               similar frameworks.
                                                                                         impossible to predict the full gamut
Suppose, for instance, that the standard     The increasing importance of the            of possibilities. However, we have
rate of VAT is 20% and that the rate         emerging markets, evolving supply           quantified the potential impact of
of VAT on medicines is 10%. If a             chain and shift to services could           one major change – the generation of
healthcare package is considered a           also have a major bearing on the            revenues from the delivery of services –
combination and the principal element        customs duties and other trade-related      on a hypothetical pharmaceutical group
is a service, all the elements will be       tariffs pharmaceutical companies            to provide a very simple illustration
taxed at 20%. The industry will still be     incur. A number of countries levy           of how its ETR might alter. We have
able to recover its input VAT (via the       significant import duties on key active     assumed that the group is domiciled in
output VAT it charges on what it sells),     pharmaceutical ingredients and finished     the US (where the federal corporate tax
but patients will have to pay more for       products, and the valuation of combined     rate is currently 35%) and that it earns a
the medicines they buy.                      product-service offerings for customs       taxable income of $100m a year.
                                             purposes could prove complicated.
The characterisation of the service                                                      In our baseline scenario, the group
component may also have significant          Fortunately, some of these problems         only sells products. Fifty-five percent

16                                                                                                           PricewaterhouseCoopers
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