Petrology and Cooling Rates of the Valhalla Complex, British Columbia, Canada
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JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME S7 NUMBER 4 PAGES 733-765 1996 FRANK S. SPEAR*1 AND RANDALL R. PARRISH* 'DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TROY, NY 12180, USA "GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, 601 BOOTH STREET, OTTAWA, ONT., KIA 0E«, CANADA Petrology and Cooling Rates of the Valhalla Complex, British Columbia, Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Canada Rocks from the Valhalla metamorphic core complex, British INTRODUCTION Columbia, Canada, have experienced granulite Jades Cooling rates of metamorphic terranes can serve as a metamorphism at conditions of 820±30°C, 8±1 kbar. Peak useful constraint on the unroofing history because, in metamorphism was accompanied by dehydration melting of general, the more rapidly an area is denuded, the muscovite, but not biotite, followed by minor back reaction more rapidly it will cool. Geochronology, in which of garnet + K-feldspar + H20- sillimanite + biotite+plagio - minerals with different closure temperatures are close.' At conditions very near those of the peak, extensive analyzed, has been used extensively to infer cooling shearing produced s-c (schistositS-cisaillement) fabrics, ribbon rates in metamorphic terranes (here called geochro- quartz and grain size reduction of garnet at several locations. nologic cooling rates). Cooling rates can also be Gamet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange thermometry yields tempera- determined from analysis of diffusional zoning in tures that range from 580 to 1051°C Low temperatures are metamorphic minerals (here called petrologic calculated from biotite modified dominantly by Fe-Mg cooling rates). Few systematic studies have been exchange with garnet; high temperatures are calculated from Fe-published comparing petrologic with geochronologic rich biotites produced from the above retrograde reaction. Geo- cooling rates. Such a comparison is critically thermometry is useless in these rocks to estimate peak tempera-important because petrologic cooling rates rely on ture a priori, but is very useful to help constrain the complex extrapolations of diffusivities determined in the reaction history of biotites. Geochronology on monazite, zircon,laboratory over many orders of magnitude, and it is allanite, titanite, hornblende, muscovite, biotite and apatite has important to evaluate the internal consistency of been used to constrain the timing of the metamorphic peak at cooling rates determined by the two methods. 67—72 Ma and the average cooling rate to 24 ± 6°C/Ma. Dif- The application of diffusion theory to the deter- fusion modeling of Fe-Mg exchange between biotite inclusions mination of petrologic cooling rates has been dis- and host garnet yields cooling rates of either 3-80°C/Ma or cussed extensively (e.g. Dodson, 1973, 1986; Lasaga 200-2500° C/Ma, depending on the choice of diffusion coeffi- et al., 1977; Onorato et al., 1979, 1981; Tracy & cients. The former value is consistent with the average cooling Dietsch, 1982; Lasaga, 1983; Ozawa, 1983; Wilson rate of 24° C/Ma for the complex determined from geochronol- & Smith, 1984, 1985; Munrill & Chamberlain, 1988; ogy, but the faster rate cannot be ruled out and may indicate Spear, 1991; Spear & Florence, 1992; Ehlers et al., initial very rapid cooling by thrusting of the complex onto cooler 1994), and procedures based on the shape of zoning basement It is suggested that cooling rates determined from profiles have been presented. Most of this work has geochronologic vs petrologic methods may not be directly com- focused on zoning in garnet, and the closure tem- parable because petrologic methods sample near-peak nuta- perature of the garnet-biotite thermometry is one of morphic cooling rates whereas geochronologic methods sample the most frequently used approaches. post-peak to ambient cooling rates. In this paper, a slight variation on the garnet- biotite closure temperature method is presented in which closure temperatures of biotite inclusions KEY WORDS geothermometry; geodavnology; gartut diffusion; cooling raits; Valhalla compUx within garnet are modeled as a function of biotite •Corresponding author. Telephone (518) 276-6101 But: (518) 276-8627. e-mail: HTTP://www.geai^ebHi/laat»fl7ipear/v»lha]]a/va]ha]la.ritml © Oxford University Pros 1996
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 size. The method is applied to rocks from the Val- morphosed at sillimanite + K-feldspar grade and the halla complex, British Columbia, and compared typical matrix assemblage found in metapelites is with cooling rates determined from geochronology. garnet + biotite + sillimanite + K-feldspar + plagio- The Valhalla complex is an excellent area in which clase + quartz + ilmenite ± rutile. Very little chlorite to compare petrologic with geochronologic cooling is present and retrograde muscovite has only been rates because the geology and structure are well observed in one thin section. characterized, thermal history is relatively simple, Textures and compositional zoning for the five and geochronologic cooling rates have been samples of paragneiss used in this study are presented examined in considerable detail (Carr et al., 1987; in Figs 3-8; compositions of selected minerals are Parrish */a/., 1988). listed in Table 1. Garnets range from 1 to 6 mm diameter, are typically rounded and embayed, and locally show reaction zones on the rims of biotite ± Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 GEOLOGICAL SETTING sillimanite (e.g. Fig. 3a, upper right corner of white The Valhalla complex is located in the southeast box; Fig. 6, left side of large garnet). Included within corner of British Columbia, Canada (Fig. 1, inset). It garnet are biotite, quartz, plagioclasc (rare), silli- is one of a number of exposures of fault-bounded, manite (rare) and rutile (ilmenite ± rutile is found in high-grade metamorphic core complexes that make the matrix). up the Shuswap complex (Armstrong, 1982; Brown & Read, 1983). Garnet is zoned from core torim.Xcn [part (b), Figs 3-7] is low in the cores (O-035-0-O76) and Figure 1 shows geologic relations of the Valhalla increases slightly (generally
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Columbia River fault zone Lower Arrow Lake 87-52, V6[- Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 V7 Pas more paragneissji Valkyr extensional shear zone% 49°15' Valhalla Complex Hanging wall of Slocan Lake and Valkyr extensional faults Paleocene-Early Eocene Middle Eocene leucogranitic rocks Coryell syenite 100-110 Ma Late Cretaceous granodiorite gneiss plutonic rocks Metamorphic rocks of Middle Jurassic upper amphibolite facies, plutonic rocks age uncertain Metamorphic rocks of mainly greenschist facies, Figure 1 Late Pafeozoic-Early Mesozoic in age Geochronological and petrological samples Fig. 1. Geologic map of the Valhalla complex, British Columbia. Inset shows location of Valhalla complex in western North America. Numbers refer to sample numbers discussed in text. Slocan Lafce 10 fault 10 5 5 SL SL -5 204B- -5 km 121B-84&529-83 8 7 - 5 2 , Passmore, km G w i l l i m Creek V 6 , V 7 , V8 shear zones Mulvey gneiss Paleogene granitoids Q granitoids Late Cretaceous Paragneiss Focenc Corvoll svenitf Jurassic granitoids and Fig. 2. Schematic east-west cross-section at latitude 49°45'N of central Valhalla complex with geochronological and petrological sample localities projected into the section. Locality for sample V9 is not shown because it is uncertain where it resides relative to Gwillim Creek shear zone owing to the probable absence of Mulvey gneiss at the latitude of ~ 49°3OTSJ. 735
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER AUGUST 1996 • 7 s l Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 4 (a; Fig. 3. Sample V6A. (a) Photomicrograph showing large garnet with thin reaction zone in upper right corner. Foliation is composed of sillimanite ± minor biotite. (Note the numerous small garnet crystals elongated in the foliation plane.) Width of field is 8 mm. White box shows area of (b)-(d). (b) and (c) X-ray composition maps showing distribution of Ca and Fe/(Fe + Mg) in upper right part of garnet in (a). Ca is higher near the rim (Jfg,, = 0-053) than the core (X^, = 0-045). Fe/(Fe + Mg) is practically unioned in the core (0-742-0-748), and increases slightly near the rim where late biotite is present, (d) Sketch of garnet showing values of Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet (filled circles: numbers range from 0-742 to 0-792) and biotite (filled squares: numbers range from 0-494 to 0-403). Numbers in boxes are temperatures calculated from garnet—biotite Fe—Mg thermometry using either the garnet core composition [Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0-748] plus biotite indicated by the arrow or the garnet-I-biotite pair indicated by the two arrows. Numbers in parentheses refer to analytical spots listed in Table 1. Plagiodase analyses 100 and 103 from Table 1 are out of the figure area. inspection will reveal that there is a correlation garnet host. These data will be used below to infer between biotite Fe/(Fe + Mg) and biotite size: petrologic cooling rates. smaller crystals have lower Fe/(Fe + Mg). This Biotite Fe/(Fe + Mg) and Ti contents are a observation is consistent with the interpretation that function of location in the sample. The lowest Fe/ the Fe—Mg zoning in garnet, as well as the dis- (Fe + Mg) values are observed in biotites that are tribution of biotite Fe/(Fe + Mg), is the product of included in garnet, and the lowest values are associ- diffusion in response to gradients caused by Fe—Mg ated with the smallest crystal inclusions (see Fig. 6d). exchange between biotite inclusions and adjacent The highest Fe/(Fe + Mg) is generally observed in 736
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND CXDOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX • * • • , * $ , - Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 (b) X(Grs) (c) Fe/(Fe+Mg) Fig. 3. Qmtamti. matrix biotite. The TiO2 contents of biotites range One distinctive feature of several samples is a from 1-5 to 5-5 wt%. The highest TiO 2 content is strong planar fabric, as shown in Fig. 8 (sample found in biotites that are included within quartz or V6E). The foliation is defined by aligned biotite and plagioclase grains (e.g. V6A analysis 92: 5-56 wt%). sillimanite, and ribbons of quartz. Sillimanitc in the Locally, relatively high TiO 2 contents are found in foliation has been pulled apart; garnet has experi- biotites included within garnet (e.g. V7D analysis enced grain size reduction and many crystals are 165: 517 wt%), although in general, biotites now lozenge shaped with well-defined pressure included within garnet have TiO 2 contents that are shadows. Some garnets have been deformed into between 3 and 5 wt%. Matrix biotites have TiO 2 sigmoid-shaped crystals. This texture is interpreted contents that range from 1-5 to 4 wt%. In one as a high-temperature shear fabric. sample (V9C) two grains of biotite were found P-T conditions during shearing are constrained by included within garnet with TiO 2 contents of 007 the nature of the reactions that are observed. Pro- wt%. duction of biotite in pressure shadows adjacent to Minimum and maximum X/^ contents of plagio- garnet occurred by reaction (1), which consumes clase are listed in Table 1. Plagioclase is very nearly garnet and K-feldspar. Zoning in garnet character- homogeneous in samples V6A and V7D, and Xf^ istically shows an increase in Fe/(Fe + Mg) towards varies
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER • AUGUST 1996 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 (b) X(Grs) Fig. 4. Sample V6B. (a) Photomicrograph; (b) and (c) X-ray composition maps; (d) iketch ihowing Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet (filled circlet) and biotite (filled squarei), and• calculated garnet—biotite temperaturei unrig indicated pain. (See Fig. 3 for diicuuion of labels. Note that thii lample does not show the ihear fabric evident in samples V6A, V7C, V7D and V6E.) transfer reaction (1). Most importantly, the sym- be made based on phase equilibria and geothermo- metry of the zoning profiles around garnets, and the barometry. Geobarometers applicable to the pelitic absence of truncated zoning profiles (Fig. 8b), gneisses include garnet + plagioclase + sillimanite requires that at least some of the diffusion that + quartz (GASP), garnet + plagioclase + biotite + occurred in response to reaction (1) occurred after quartz (GPBQ), and garnet + rutile + sillimanite grain size reduction, otherwise grain reduction + ilmenite (GRAIL). Figure 9 shows the array of P— would have truncated the zoning profiles. That is, T conditions calculated from these equilibria using reaction (1) probably occurred during and following calibrations of Hodges & Crowley (1985: GASP), deformation. Finally, the absence of late muscovite Hoisch (1991: GPBQ) and Bohlen et al. (1983: gTowth indicates that hydration must have occurred GRAIL). Slopes of both garnet + plagioclase equi- above the stability of muscovite + quartz. Therefore, libria are similar and give an array of pressures that the strain recorded by these rocks must have span ~ 3 kbar (i.e. ±1*5 kbar) at a single tem- occurred very near the metamorphic peak. perature. At temperatures above muscovite breakdown, the minimum pressure inferred from garnet + plagioclase equilibria is 7 kbar. GRAIL equilibria intersect garnet + plagioclase equilibria Peak metamorphic pressures providing a consistent estimate of pressure of 8 ± 1 An estimate of the peak metamorphic conditions can kbar at 800°C. 738
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Avg Grt core: 0.736 Fig. 4. Coniijuui. In the above calculations, unzoned garnet core occurred. The amount of HjO present in micropores compositions were used with matrix plagioclase. It is rocks at these conditions is probably much less should be noted that most samples contain only a than 0-5 vol. % and could not produce this much restricted range of plagioclase compositions, which is partial melt. why the equilibria cluster fairly tightly. Only one The absence of muscovite and the presence of the sample (V6B) contains inclusions of plagioclase that assemblage sillimanite + K-feldspar + quartz requires can be used to provide a constraint on the pressure temperatures in excess of muscovite + quartz evolution. A plagioclase inclusion in garnet in breakdown by the reaction sample V6B has a composition of An^ (see Table 1; Fig. 4), which, when used in conjunction with the muscovite + plagioclase + quartz garnet core composition, gives a pressure that is ~ 2 = sillimanite + K-feldspar + liquid (r>700°C). (2) kbar higher than the pressure obtained from the garnet rim and matrix plagioclase (see dashed line in Furthermore, a pegmatite at location V8 contains Fig. 9). The implication of this result is that the the assemblage corundum + K-feldspar + plagio- prograde may have involved earlier higher clase + biotite (+ minor retrograde muscovite), pressures, or nearly isobaric heating. It should be which constrains the P-T conditions to lie above the noted that kyanite has not been reported anywhere reaction from the Valhalla complex, providing an upper limit muscovite on the pressure. = corundum + K-feldspar + H2O (r>800°C). (3) Peak metamorphic temperatures: Prograde development of garnet + K-feldspar most dehydration melting probably occurred by the vapor-absent melting Peak temperatures of the Valhalla complex are best reaction constrained by dehydration and vapor-absent biotite + sillimanite + plagioclase + quartz melting reactions (Fig. 9). Abundant migmatite = garnet + K-feldspar + liquid (7">750°C). (4) testifies to an episode of partial melting in these rocks and the volume of leucosome in some samples (5- Finally, the absence of orthopyroxene requires that 20%) suggests that dehydration melting has the vapor-absent melting reaction 739
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME S7 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 • B t " Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Grt i (a) (b) X(Grs) Fig. 5. Sample V7C. (a) Photomicrograph; (b) and (c) X-ray composition maps; (d) sketch showing Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet (filled circles) and biotite (filled squares), and calculated gamet-biotite temperatures using indicated pairs. (See Fig. 3 for discussion oflabels.) 740
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Grt core + 956 Grt core + 1002 ,784I12> * .641 393 |123) Grt core + 929 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Avg Grt core: 0.645 Grt core + 678 V7C Fig. 5. Continued. biotite + quartz pair is unjustified. To illustrate this point, diagrams = orthopyroxene + K-feldspar + liquid( T< 84O°G) depicting the array of Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet and (5) biotite and temperatures calculated by Fe-Mg exchange thermometry between garnet and biotite has not been crossed (see Appendix for details of the are shown for each of the samples in Figs 3—7. [In calculation of this reaction for variable XFc in this discussion, the garnet—biotite Fe—Mg exchange biotite). Together, these reactions constrain the peak thermometer calibration of Hodges & Spear (1982) P-Tconditions to be 820±30°C, 8± 1 kbar. has been used to obtain temperature. This cali- A constraint on the timing of the partial melting bration corrects for effects of Ca on Fe and Mg relative to fabric development can be gained from activities in garnet, and yields similar results to cali- examination of the orientation of sillimanite inclu- brations based on Berman's (1990) garnet model. sions in garnet. The topmost part of the large garnet Application of the model of Patifio Douce et al. in Fig. 3 (V6A) contains numerous sillimanite inclu- (1993), which also corrects for the effects of Ti and sions that are oriented in an arc that parallels the Al6 in biotite, yields results that are 20-40°G lower outline of the top of the crystal, and some of these than those reported here, but does not change any of inclusions are oriented 90° to the dominant fabric in the stated conclusions of this work.] The total range the matrix. Of particular note is that all of these of garnet-biotite temperatures is 580-1051°C and inclusions are contained in the part of the garnet rim the range of garnet core + matrix biotite tempera- that has slightly higher grossular (Fig. 3b). The tures is 730—1051 °C. This wide array of computed interpretation is that the high-grossular garnet rim temperatures is a function of the reaction history of was produced by reaction (4), and that the garnet the sample and the fact that both biotite and garnet produced by this reaction overgrew a preexisting sil- preserve aspects of their prograde and retrograde limanite fabric that was at high angle to the present chemical changes: garnet through chemical zoning matrix fabric. and biotite in the variability of compositions in dif- ferent textural settings. Geothermometry: a guide to the reaction The textural and chemical heterogeneity of bio- history tites can be used to help understand the reaction Geothermometry using Fe-Mg exchange between history of each sample, if the peak temperature is garnet and biotite cannot be used to infer peak tem- known, which in this case it is. Based on their tex- peratures because the a priori assumption of equi- tural positions, the earliest formed biotites are those librium between any particular biotite and garnet that are included within garnet. Most of these bio- 741
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 \ Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 ; * * (a) V7D Fig. 6. Sample V7D. (a) Photomicrograph; (b)-(d) X-ray composition maps. Numbers in (c) show Fe/(Fe + Mg) for garnet rim and core. White box in (c) shows location of map in (d). (d) Fe/(Fe + Mg) in biotite inclusions (gray) within garnet (black). [Note the correlation between biotite composition and size: small biotite inclusions have lower Fe/(Fe + Mg).] Garnet is zoned from 0723 to 0-806 towards large biotite inclusion. Width of field: 12 mm for (a); 2-8 mm for (d). tites have reequilibrated during cooling by Fe-Mg between the highest and lowest values in the sample. exchange with garnet (discussed in detail below), but When used in conjunction with the garnet core there are a few grains that are found included within compositions, these biotites yield temperatures of plagioclase or quartz grains that are themselves ~870°C (see Fig. 3d, analysis 92). Assuming that included within garnet. These biotites have the these biotites have not changed composition since highest TiC>2 contents of any grains in the suite (e.g. they were included during prograde metamorphism, sample V6A, analysis 92, Table 1: TiO 2 = 5-56 the only explanation for the calculated temperature wt%) and values of Xyc that are intermediate of ~870°C is that the garnet core composition must 7*2
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 (b) X(Grs) £-0.330 0.336 Grt core: 0.723> 0^325 °- 3 5 2 . 0.313 0.34a Grt: 0.317, 0.806 0.277^ 0.347 (d) Fe/(Fe+Mg) 0.339 ., J 0.316 Fig. 6. Continued. have shifted towards lower Fe/(Fe + Mg) since the (assuming P is constant) as are the changes in com- biotites were included. Reactions (1) and (4) both positions of all other minerals, so that the value of result in a shift in biotite and garnet towards lower the equilibrium constant is continuously adjusted to Fe/(Fe + Mg) with progress to the right. Moreover, values appropriate for the 7* and P. At the end of the the amount of progress on reaction (1) can be quan- simulation, the biotite composition is constrained to tified using differential thermodynamics (the Gibbs match that of the inclusion, and the calculated com- Method; e.g. Spear & Peacock, 1989) in the fol- positions of all other minerals reflect equilibrium lowing manner. Garnet, biotite and plagioclase with that of biotite. The change in temperature compositions assumed to be representative of the necessary to achieve this model equilibrium is only metamorphic peak (820°C) are used to define a 10°C, indicating that the inclusion of biotite within reference value for the equilibrium constant for garnet occurred very near the metamorphic peak. reaction (1). The Fe/(Fe + Mg) of biotite is then used [It might be wondered why the change in tem- as an independent monitor variable and incremented perature required to achieve equilibrium with until the value matches that of the included biotite. included biotites is not 50°C, reflecting the difference At each step, the change in temperature is calculated between the peak temperature (820°C) and the 743
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME S7 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 (b) X(Grs) i Fig. 7. Sample V9C. (a) Photomicrograph; (b) and (c) X-ray compoiition raapi; (d) iketch showing Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet (rilled circles) and biotite (filled squares), and calculated garaet-biotite temperatures using indicated pairs. (See Fig. 3 for discussion oflabels.) 744
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Kg. 7. Continual. calculated garnet core + biotite inclusion tem- biotites far from garnet in this sample should perature (870°C). The answer is that the difference therefore reflect peak metamorphic compositions. in calculated garnet + biotite temperatures depends Finally, temperatures computed from matrix only on the Fe-Mg exchange reaction whereas biotite and garnet core compositions in samples reaction (1) is a continuous net transfer reaction that V6A, V6B, V7C and V7D record temperatures from displays a relatively large shift in Fe/(Fe + Mg) with 900 to 1050°C. These anomalously high tempera- temperature.] tures may be explained by noting that progress of Matrix biotites display variable Fe/(Fe + Mg) and reaction (1) in the retrograde hydration sense (i.e. TiC>2 contents. Biotites touching garnet typically from right to left) results in biotite and garnet with have the lowest TiO 2 and Fe/(Fe + Mg) of matrix progressively higher Fe/(Fe + Mg). Garnet is con- biotites. When used with garnet rim compositions, sumed, and garnet rim has higher Fe/(Fe + Mg) than these biotites yield apparent temperatures of 587- garnet core, producing a composition gradient that 650°C. These are interpreted as closure temperatures is modified by diffusion. In addition, matrix biotite in response to Fe-Mg exchange between biotite and produced or equilibrated with reaction (1) during adjacent garnet during cooling. Slightly higher TiO2 cooling will have a higher Fe/(Fe + Mg) than biotite contents and Fe/(Fe + Mg) are observed in matrix at the metamorphic peak and will yield anomalously biotites not touching garnet (e.g. 3—4 wt %; Table high temperatures when used for thermometry with __X). Temperatures computed with these biotites and garnet core (Robinson et al., 1982; Robinson, 1991). garnet rims that are not directly in contact with Spear & Florence (1992) have found that this biotite are 688-750°C. It is probable that Fe-Mg mechanism could readily produce apparent gar- exchange occurred between these garnet rims not net + biotite temperatures that were 100°C in excess directly in contact with biotite, and matrix biotite. of the metamorphic peak. However, based on observations of minimal zoning It is informative to compute the amount of in garnet adjacent to biotite inclusions (discussed reaction progress along reaction (1) required to shift below), it is inferred that this exchange was minor. garnet Fe/(Fe + Mg) from the core values to the Therefore, these temperatures (688-750°C) are observed rim values, which can be achieved using interpreted as the temperatures at which retrograde differential thermodynamic modeling (the Gibbs net transfer reaction (1) ceased. Interestingly, Method; Spear & Peacock, 1989). As before, the sample V9C does not contain sillimanite so reaction inferred compositions at the metamorphic peak (1) could not have operated in this sample. Matrix were used to define reference values for all equi- 745
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 k - i. Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 (a) V6E (b) Fe/(Fe+Mg: Grt (c)Fe/(Fe+Mg):Bt Fig. 8. Sample V6E. (a) Photomicrograph showing well-developed shear fabric (white lines) in garnet + tillimanite + biotite + K-feldspar +quartz+ plagiodase assemblage. Shear fabric is produced by alignment of sillimanite and biotite crystals and shape of garnet crystals. (Note the ligmoidal shape of garnet crystal outlined by foliation bands.) White box shows location of X-ray maps in (b) and (c). (b and c) X-ray composition maps enhanced to show Fe/(Fe + Mg) zoning in gamet (b) and biotite (c). (Note absence of zoning in garnet except where in contact with biotite and increase in Fe/Mg in biotite approaching garnet.) Width of field: 14 mm for (a); 2-4 mm for (b). librium constants in the peak mctamorphic assem- (Fe + Mg) owing to the retrograde progress of blage. The value of Fe/(Fe + Mg) in garnet was reaction (1). When these model biotite compositions then incremented sequentially (at constant P) until are used for thermometry in conjunction with the value matched that of the garnet rim. The garnet core compositions, the calculated tempera- change in temperature required to achieve a match tures are 100-200°C higher than the peak tem- with the garnet rim was 50-100°C, with the net perature. Inasmuch as retrograde progress of transfer reaction shutting down at ~700°C, con- reaction (1) consumes HjO, the total reaction pro- sistent with the matrix biotite + garnet rim tem- gress is probably limited by H2O availability. The peratures of 70O-750°C. At the end of the maximum amount of water required to drive simulation, matrix biotite has a higher Fe/ reaction (1) the observed amount is ~2 vol. %, 746
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX Table 1: Selected analyses of garnets, biotttes andplagioclasefrom the Valhalla complex Selected garnet analyses Sample no.: V6A V6A V6B V6B V7C V7C V7D V7D V9C V9C Comments: Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim Core Rim Analysts noj 1 9 2 67 1 12 185 8 131 101 Wt%oxkhs SiO 2 38-22 38-50 38-00 37-79 38-91 36-81 38-51 3802 38-23 38-20 AbO, 21-94 22-15 21-89 21-65 22-28 21-08 22-17 21-79 21-67 21-75 MgO 6-16 5-02 6-38 3-12 8 86 6-01 7-25 436 5-78 4-32 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 FoO 32-64 3404 31-92 34-28 28-67 32-44 29-55 33-33 31-49 32-22 MnO 0-61 0-64 0-57 1-58 0-46 0-90 0-65 1-22 2-29 3-32 CBO 1-63 1-91 1-63 223 2-34 2-74 2-52 2-72 1-28 1-42 Total 101-11 102-26 100-39 100-63 101-52 98-96 100-55 101-44 100-71 101 -24 Cttlontper 12 oxygens SI 2-980 2-986 2-978 3-005 2-968 2-961 2983 2-984 2-998 3-004 Al 2-017 2-025 2022 2030 2-004 1-999 2024 2-016 2-003 2-016 Mg 0-716 0-580 0-745 0-370 1-007 0-600 0-837 0-510 0-675 0-506 Fo 2+ 2-128 2-208 2092 2-280 1-829 2-182 1-914 2-188 2-065 2-119 Mn 0-034 0-042 0-038 0-105 0030 0-061 0-036 0081 0-152 0-221 Ca 0-136 0-159 0-137 0-190 0-191 0-236 0-209 0-229 0-106 0-120 Fa/(Fe+Mg) 0-748 0-792 0-737 0-860 0-645 0-784 0-696 0-811 0-754 0-807 Pyrope 0-238 0-194 0-247 0-126 0-329 0-195 0-279 0-170 0-225 0-171 Almandine 0-706 0-739 0-695 0-774 0-598 0-709 0-639 0-727 0-689 0-714 Spessaitlna 0-011 0-014 0-013 0036 0010 0-020 0012 0-027 0-051 0076 Granular 0-045 0-053 0-045 0-065 0-062 0-O77 0070 0-076 0-035 0-040 (continued on nextpaga) which may have exsolved from melts produced by decompression with heating to the peak conditions. (2) during crystallization. The absence of early kyanite limits the amount of Sample V9C is the only sample that records a decompression to
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 Table 1: continued Selected biotite analyses' Sample no.: V6A V6A V6B V6B V7C V7C we V7D V7D V9C V9C Analysis no.: 92 94 79 71 84 99 92 165 182 36 67 Comments: IncQtz Matrix Matrix Matrix IncGrt Matrix Matrix IncGrt Matrix IncGrt Matrix HIT1 HiTi LowTl LowTi HITI LowTl HIT1 LowTl Wl % oxides SiO2 35-61 35-84 35-32 34-15 36-97 36-70 36-57 37-33 35-68 3609 35-89 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 AI2O3 1803 18-27 18-90 19-33 18-37 1807 18-98 18-12 18-64 1802 17-95 TIO2 5-56 3-36 4-01 1-62 3-95 3-73 2-38 5-17 4-06 1-85 3-36 MgO 10-02 11-56 9-16 9-28 16-25 11-67 12-75 1403 10-13 11-71 10-61 FeO 17-43 17-56 18-69 19-63 12-10 15-95 14-91 11-67 18-58 18-39 17-48 MnO 0-00 002 0-06 006 003 008 0-05 0-07 0-11 0-14 0-19 CaO 0-00 002 000 0-02 000 0-10 0-00 0-00 0-O4 006 0-04 Na 2 0 0-29 0-32 0-20 0-78 0-53 0-11 0-20 0-27 0-15 0-26 0-O9 KjO 9-15 8-79 9-10 8-73 8-82 9 48 9-49 9-46 9-32 9-11 9-73 Total 96-00 95-74 95-43 93-50 9602 94-89 95-33 96-11 98-71 96-63 95-34 Cttions per 22 oxygens (tnhydrous) Si 2-657 2-682 2-671 2-656 2685 2-688 2-716 2-707 2-661 2-720 2-710 Al* 1-343 1-318 1-329 1-344 1-315 1-312 1-284 1-293 1-339 1-280 1-290 Af 0-248 0-294 0-356 0-428 0-258 0-292 0-378 0-256 0-300 0-321 0-308 Ti 0-313 0-189 0-228 0089 0-216 0-211 0-133 0-282 0228 0-105 0-191 Mg 1-118 1-289 1032 1076 1-651 1-309 1-411 1-616 1-126 1-315 1-194 Fe1* 1-091 1099 1-182 1-277 0-735 1-004 0-926 0-708 1-159 1-159 1-104 Mn 0-000 0001 0-O03 0004 0002 0-005 0-O03 0004 0-O07 0009 0012 XOctahedral 2-770 2-872 2-801 2-874 2-862 2-821 2-851 2-766 2-820 2-909 2-809 Ca 0000 0002 0000 0002 0000 0-008 0000 0000 0003 0005 0003 Na 0042 0047 0030 0-117 0074 0016 0-029 0038 0-021 0038 0013 K 0-874 0-839 0-878 0-866 0-817 0-911 0-899 0-875 0-887 0-876 0-937 ZAslte 0-916 0-888 0-908 0-985 0-891 0-935 0-928 0-913 0-911 0-919 0-953 Fe/(Fe+Mg) 0-494 0-460 0-534 0-543 0-308 0-434 0-336 0-318 0-507 0-468 0-480 Compositions of selected plaglodase Sample no.: V6A V6A V6B V6B V6B V7C V7C V7C V7D V7D V9C V9C Analysisna: 103 100 83 86 87 127 103 123 1 5 137 141 Core/rim: core rim (1) core rim rim (2) rim (3) Matrix Matrix Matrix Min/lnt/Max Min Max Min Int Max Min Int Max Min Max Int Max X*n 0-35 0-38 0-22 0-33 0-44 0-41 0-50 0-55 0-39 0-41 0-28 0-33 # F and Cl values from frve samples range from 0-08 to 0-2 w t % . ( 1 ) Inclusion within garnet (2) Touching gamet in a reaction zone on the rim. (3) Included within biotite in a reaction zone on the gamet rim. Analytical procedures are identical to those described by Kohn etal. ( 1 9 9 3 ) . Universal Transverse Mercator zone 11 coordinates; V 6 , 5 4 6 9 1 1 ; V7, 541 869; V 9 , 4 7 2 925. 748
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX 14 I I I Valhalla Complex Peak P-T conditions 12 10 Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 500 600 700 800 900 T°C Fig. 9. P-T diagram for the Valhalla complex. Gray area ihowi peak P-7" condition! as inferred from phue equilibria and geobarometry. Arrowi ihow inferred P-T path. GRAIL equilibria after Bohlen it al. (1983). Gamet-plagioclaie barometry after Hodga & Crowley (11985) and Hoisch (1991). Dashed line is equilibrium curve for a plagiodase inclusion within garnet Dehydration melting reactions from Huang & Wyllie (1973, 1974) and Vielzeuf & Clemens (1992). Isopleths of JTpe(biodte) for the reaction phlogopite + quartz = enstatite + K-feldspar + liquid were calculated as described in the Appendix. Numbers in parentheses refer to reactions discussed in text. rates) has been discussed by a large number of 1994). Most typically, an attempt is made to match workers (e.g. Dodson, 1973, 1986; Lasaga tt al., the zoning profile in a mineral such as garnet by 1977; Lasaga, 1983; Wilson & Smith, 1984, 1985; varying the cooling rate. It is assumed that the Spear, 1991; Spear & Florence, 1992; Ehlers et al., driving force for diffusion is the change in garnet rim 1994). The method is based on the assumption that composition in response to changing temperature the observed zoning i3 diffusion controlled where the and constrained by the distribution coefficient for diffusion is driven by compositional changes at the Fe-Mg exchange between garnet and biotite. Biotite rim of the mineral. These compositional changes are is typically assumed to diffuse rapidly compared with assumed to be known functions of temperature, and garnet; this assumption is supported by the generally hence time, for a specified cooling rate. In most small or nonexistent zoning profiles in biotites from studies a 'forward modeling' approach is adopted many rocks. With these assumptions, it is possible to whereby zoning profiles are computed, usually by compute an apparent temperature or closure tem- numerical methods, for a specified set of initial and perature .based on the composition of biotite boundary conditions. (assumed to be homogeneous) and garnet, as a One application that has received considerable function of position in the garnet. Spear (1991), attention is the modeling of garnet zoning profiles Florence & Spear (1991) and Spear & Florence where garnet is in contact with biotite (e.g. (1992) have explored implications of various dif- Thompson & England, 1984; Spear et al., 1990; fusion models on the interpretation of thermobaro- Spear, 1991; Spear & Florence, 1992; Ehlers et al., metric results and P-T paths. Alternatively, it is 749
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 possible to examine closure temperature at the (a) Snufl BJotile Inchoion (b) Large Btottst Inclusion garnet core as a function of garnet radius and Final Garnet cooling rate (e.g. Spear, 1991; Ehlers etal., 1994). Although the modeling is straightforward, there is a major problem with application of any method that uses zoning on the rim of garnet in concert with matrix biotite as a basis to infer pctrologic cooling Initial Final rates. Specifically, it is difficult at best, and impos- Buttle sible at worst, to be sure of the reactions that govern the rim (boundary) composition of the garnet. Blot it* Inasmuch as the above methods require that only Fe—Mg exchange is operative between garnet and Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 biotite, any other reactions, and especially net transfer reactions, will render the results completely incorrect. Robinson et al. (1982), Robinson (1991), Spear & Florence (1992) and Florence & Spear (c) (1993) have discussed the implications for geother- Bkxitetize- mometry of systems in which net transfer reactions Fig. 10. Schematic illustration of garnet-biotitc diffusion profiles are operative during cooling. as a function of biotite inclusion size, (si) Small biotite inclusion; To circumvent this limitation, the method used (b) large biotite inclusion; (c) plot of T«p vi biotite size. Dotted lines show initial (peak metamorphic) compositions; here utilizes only biotite inclusions within garnet. continuous lines show final compositions. Gray shaded regions are For an inclusion, there is little possibility that net constrained by mass balance to be equal areas. (Note that transfer reactions can occur without reaction pro- T'.ppmrcm is calculated from homogeneous biotite and unmodified ducts being optically visible. Moreover, biotite sur- garnet core.) rounded by garnet has a great likelihood of maintaining Fe—Mg exchange equilibrium during (Fe + Mg) in biotite is a function of the size of the cooling. biotite inclusion: smaller crystals change composition Chemical zoning in garnet surrounding biotite more than larger ones. In Fig. 10, the mass balance inclusions
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX taking an 'eyeball' average of the diameter in grains Model calculations that display no obvious cleavage and low birefrin- Comparison of the biotite inclusion apparent tem- gence. This simple measure of biotite size is justified perature data with model calculations has been done on theoretical grounds if diffusion out of the biotite using a finite difference model for diffusion in a obeys a cylindrical geometry because for a cylin- variety of geometries (Fig. 11). A cylindrical biotite drically symmetrical flux, the biotite mass is a geometry was chosen because it most closely corre- function only of the area of its circular cross-section: sponds to what is believed to be the anisotropy of nr2. Of course, the greatest difficulty lies in the esti- diffusion in biotite. A spherical geometry was also mation of the size of a three-dimensional crystal in a tried, and it was found that the final results were not two-dimensional thin section. Care was taken to use especially sensitive to the geometry assumed so long only those grains that showed near-vertical contacts as the model geometry was consistent with the mea- with host garnet. Moreover, large grains near garnet surement of biotite size. Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 rims were not used because of the possibility that these might have been in communication with the In the model, diffusion is permitted in both garnet matrix during cooling. Because of these difficulties, host and biotite inclusion. The finite difference grid the Iff error on the measurement of biotite diameter is set up such that the spacing of the grid is smallest is assumed to be on the order of a factor of two [log at the gamet-biotitc interface, and coarsens with (error) = ±0-3] and the error of the apparent tem- distance from the interface. The minimum grid perature is estimated to be ± 30°C (Kohn & Spear, spacing is calculated as an exponential function of 1991). temperature by using the largest diffusion coefficient D A plot of apparent temperature vs log of biotite maximum* diameter is shown in Fig. 11. Even with these con- maximum siderable errors, a broad correlation can be seen to with a lower cutoff to ensure at least four grid points exist between biotite size and apparent temperature. in the smallest grain. The remainder of the grid is A regression line through the data for samples V6 calculated as a logarithmic function of grid point (i) and V7 (filled circles) gives Tc = 486 + 93-7 log (d) with the empirical relationship with 7^ = 0-5 and a regression line for sample V9C yields Tc = 538 + 58-5 log ( 800 large saving in time because of the greatly reduced i number of grid points that are required to describe the profiles. &£^--'"Z. - An explicit finite difference scheme is used to solve CIO . "^ .-- cu. the diffusion equation ..--' (1M5) • dC cod Oi 1.0 13 ID I.S 10 Log(dlameter) (urn) where r is the radius (for cylindrical and spherical geometries) and co is a constant that depends on the Fig. 11. Plot of apparent temperature, calculated from gamet geometry (co = 0 for linear geometry, co = 1 for core + biotite induiion thermometry, vs biotite siie (log diameter of long axii) for lampla from the Valhalla complex. Filled circles cylindrical geometry and co = 2 for spherical geo- are from sample locations V6 and V7 ~ 7 km west of the Slocan metry) with curvatures calculated from Lake normal fault. Triangles are from location V9 ~ 1 4 km west of the fault. Continuous lines are model results calculated as &C _ C,-+i Ax,- - C,(Ax, + C.-i discussed in text using diffusion coefficients of Chakraborty & Ganguly (1992: C&G, 1992); dashed lines are model results calcu- 5x? ~ 0.5 Ax, Ax,+1 (Ax, + Ax,+1) lated using diffusion coefficients of Cygan & Lasaga (1985: C&L, 1985). [see equation (A-7) of Spear & Florence (1992)]. To 751
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER • AUGUST 1996 ensure uniform numerical precision, time steps are solution increases with the number of phases and computed as more than three phases would require a non-linear equation solver. V ^minimum/ **• = 0-2* D Diffusion coefficients where Ajfmjnimun, is the minimum grid spacing (at the A number of values for diffusion of Fc and Mg in rim) and R is a stability factor (.ft < 0-5 for stability garnet have been published (Lasaga et al., 1977; of the explicit finite difference algorithm). Typically, Cygan & Lasaga, 1985; Loomis et al., 1985; Chak- problems are run with R = 0-1—0-3. raborty & Ganguly, 1989, 1990, 1992). Of these, an The boundary condition at the contact of the upper and lower limit of Fe-Mg binary diffusion is garnet and biotite is defined by partitioning equi- provided by the values proposed by Cygan & Lasaga Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 librium and mass balance. Partitioning equilibrium (1985) and Chakraborty & Ganguly (1990, 1992), requires that the equation respectively, with the values at 600-700°C differing by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Because of this large (Mg/Fe) garnet difference, model calculations have been run with (6) both sets of diffusion coefficients. Cygan & Lasaga (1985) measured only tracer diffusion for Mg in is satisfied. A"D is a function of temperature and garnet, so it was assumed that D^ig = D^c (alter- pressure, and the calibration of Ferry & Spear natively, that Mg diffusion is rate limiting). Chak- (1978) of the equilibrium has been used: raborty & Ganguly (1990, 1992) published values _ [-12454-0 + 4-662 r ( K ) - 0 0 5 7 P ( b ^ ) ] for tracer diffusivities of both Fe and Mg, and so the binary Fe-Mg interdiffusion coefficient was calcu- ~ (3)(8-3144)7~(K) lated from (Lasaga, 1979) Mass balance (or flux balance) requires that the flux across the garnet-biotite interface is equal: Jgimct Jbio For both sets of data D M 8 and Dpc arefirstcom- or puted from the Arrhenius relationship A^activation •+• Vactivation ( ' (ban) U « I — -^biotite I ~rT~ I *i = D*Oi exp " / garnet V*/biotite RT(K) In the finite difference approximation, this becomes using the values in Table 2. Biotite diffusivities are unknown, but assumed to be faster than those of p. / ^ r i m L Ax. Equation (6) can also be written in terms of C^m: Table 2: Values of Do (at 1 bar) and [0 "" £rim)/Crim] ct (6a) "-"^ « ^ diffusion modeling where C^m is now defined as Fe/(Fe + Mg) in the CyganftLasaga Chakraborty & Ganguly (1992) respective phase. Simultaneous solution of equations (1985) (6a) and (7) results in a quadratic that can be solved Mg Mg Fe for Crim (Crim-i ' s known) in one phase and then back substituted to obtain Cnm in the other. This Do 9-8x1(r* 1-1 X1CT3 6-4x10^ method can readily be extended to solve for any 284500 275408 AfacthaUc „ 238060 number of phases in simultaneous partitioning equi- «, 0-47 053 0-56 librium and flux balance, although the order of the 752
SPEAR AND PARRISH PETROLOGY AND COOLING OF VALHALLA COMPLEX can be seen, the slope of the model curves is broadly small. Values of biotite/gamet diffusivity of 1, 10, consistent with the positive correlation seen in the 100 and 1000 result in model closure temperatures of data. Indeed, the curve regressed from the data has 713, 707, 702 and 700°C, respectively (biotite dia- very nearly the same slope as the model curves, in meter 100 (im, cooling rate 100°C/Ma). The reason support of the assumed mechanism of biotite-garnet for the small sensitivity is that by the point that reequilibration. Before discussing the implications of -DbiotJte/^g.mrt-10. ^ diffusion process is rate these results, the sensitivity of the model to select limited by diffusion in garnet, so further increases in input parameters will be addressed. biotite diffusion coefficient effect little change in the result. Effect of starting temperature on model results The initial temperature (7";^^,]) used in the model Effect ofmechanism ofbiotite reequilibration Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 calculations affects the calculated closure tem- perature most strongly for models involving rapid A critical assumption of the method is that the only cooling, and for large inclusions. The peak meta- mechanism of Fe-Mg reequilibration in biotite and morphic temperature for the Valhalla samples is garnet is Fe-Mg exchange. As mentioned above, this believed to be ~820°C (Fig. 9) and the models assumption is generally not valid for garnet rim- shown in Fig. 11 are calculated using this tem- matrix biotite pairs because of the distinct possibility perature as the starting value. For comparison, of net transfer reactions affecting the composition of models run with T^^ of 920°C and 720°G arc matrix biotite and consuming garnet. Restricting the compared with those of Fig. 11 in Fig. 12. The analysis to only biotite inclusions within garnet curves are coincident for small biotites and diverge minimizes the possibility of net transfer reaction but with increasing biotite size to become asymptotic to does not eliminate it. the initial temperature. A possible mechanism that could affect the results shown here is the reequilibration of biotite by a reaction that produces ilmenite: Effect ofchoice ofbiotite diffusion coefficient The value of Fe-Mg interdiffusion in biotite is not Mg-Fe—Ti biotite = Mg biotite + ilmenite. known, but is suspected to be faster than that in garnet. The model calculations in Fig. 11 were per- It is not clear how this reaction should be balanced, formed with Z)0(biotite) -2D0(garnct): that is, but petrographic evidence of small inclusions of biotite diffuses twice as fast as garnet. If a faster oxides in biotite is common. Precipitation of ilmenite biotite diffusivity is assumed, then the model closure renders the product biotite poorer in Fe and results temperature decreases, because less Fe is con- in a lower apparent garnet-biotite temperature. centrated at the biotite core. However, the effect is Similar observations have been reported by Hickmott et al. (1984) and Spear it al. (1990). dameter (IOTI) To estimate the magnitude of the effect of ilmenite 15.8 100 158 1000 1000 precipitation on the calculated temperatures, biotite compositions have been reconstructed using an Effect of Tugrf THtJdCQ . assumed peak metamorphic Ti content. The highest on model apparent temperature Ti contents in the sample suite are 0-28-0-31 cations ^ 920 p per 22 anhydrous oxygens and come from select inclusions within garnet, quartz or plagioclase. Con- 3 e versely, Ti contents of most biotite inclusions within | garnet range from 015 to 0-25 cations. If it is a assumed that Ti and Fe exchange from biotite in £ eoo - stoichiometric proportions to make ilmenite, then a the difference between the measured Ti content and the inferred peak metamorphic Ti content provides a ~ i i i i i i i i i ii 1 1 1 1 1 measure of the amount of Fe that has been removed. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2-5 3.0 Incorporation of this Fe into the biotite provides a Log(cflameter) (pm) new estimate of the Fe/(Fe + Mg) and hence the Fig. 12. Plot of apparent temperature vi biotite lize showing effect closure temperature. of choice of assumed starting conditions on diffusion model results. Closure temperatures calculated using biotites Model cooling rate is 100°C/Ma. Diffusion coefficients of Chakra- borty & Ganguly (1992). At large biotite sizes, apparent tempera- adjusted for assumed Ti contents are higher than tures become asymptotic to Ti those calculated using measured Fe/Mg. The shifts in 753
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 37 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 1996 apparent temperature range from 0 to 60cC with a GEOGHRONOLOGIG COOLING meanof21±14°C. RATES A measure of whether this correction improves the Previous geochronological studies in the Valhalla accuracy of the method is whether the correction complex have been concerned mainly with dating results in a substantial improvement in the scatter of rock units both within (Parrish, 1984, 1995; Parrish the data about a line. The value of r2 for the uncor- et al., 1988), and above (Parrish, 1992) the complex, rected data is 0-49 compared with a value of 045 for and with determining the chronology of fault motion the Ti-corrected data, suggesting that the correction and subsequent lower-temperature cooling (Carr et procedure results in little improvement to the scatter al., 1987; Parrish et al., 1988). These studies of the data. document cooling ages which record argon closure in the temperature range of ~530°C to ~300 c C. The Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Discussion of model results higher-temperature metamorphic and cooling To facilitate evaluation of cooling rates based on the chronology, inferred by U-Pb dating of zircon, diffusion modeling, the model results can be plotted monazite, allanite and titanite, is the subject of this for a single biotite size as a function of cooling rate, section. Results will be presented in two U-Pb con- as shown in Fig. 13. The data were projected onto cordia diagrams and a T~tfiguresummarizing all of this figure using the linear regression for each set the chronological data for the complex. calculated at a biotite diameter of 100 /an. For samples V6A, V7C and V7D the apparent tem- Analytical methods for geochronology perature (at 100 fim) is 673±4°G, and for sample U-Pb age determinations presented below follow V9G it is 655 ± 6°C. The center of each box was procedures outlined by Krogh (1982), Parrish plotted on each set of model curves with an assumed (1987), Parrish & Krogh (1987), Roddick et al. error in apparent temperature of ± 30°C, which cor- (1987) and Parrish et al. (1992); these include air responds to an error in the cooling rate of log (dT/ abrasion on zircon, 5small233 capsule 35 mineral dis- dt) ~ ± 0-5. The cooling rate inferred from the solution, a mixed 2° Pb- U- U tracer, multi- model results depends on the diffusion coefficients collector mass spectrometry and numerical error used. The diffusivity of Cygan & Lasaga (1985) propagation. Analyses presented here were con- requires a cooling rate of between 200 and over ducted over a number of years, and reflect variable 2500°C/Ma whereas the coefficients of Chakraborty amounts of Pb and U blanks, with ranges of 30-4 pg & Ganguly (1992) imply a cooling rate of 3-80°C/ and 5-0 pg, respectively. Results are presented in Ma. Table 3. Constants used for age calculations are those recommended by Steiger & Jager (1977). dT/dt ("C/Ma) Age of thermal peak during 10 100 metamorphism © eoo Tc versus cooling rate V6A* In the southern part of the Valhalla complex (Fig. biotite diameter = 100 urn V7Ct V7D "^"^ 1), a pelitic paragneiss near the village of Passmore contains an array of monazite LT—Pb compositions which have been described by Parrish (1990) and Heaman & Parrish (1991). The positions of this and ..-V9C other samples are projected into a cross-section of the d Valhalla complex, as indicated in Fig. 2. These monazite grains were mainly detrital in origin, with initial crystallization ages of ~ 14 Ga corresponding 1.0 15 20 25 to the upper intercept of a discordant array on a Log(dT/dt) CC/Ma) concordia diagram. Most isotope dilution analyses Fig. 13. Plot of apparent temperature vi log (cooling rate) in °C/ are 79-95% discordant, this Pb loss being attributed Ma for a model biotite diameter of 100 fun. Results using diffusion to diffusional loss during a thermal-metamorphic coefficients of Chakraborty & Ganguly (1992: C*G, 1992) and event 75 ±5 Ma ago, the lower intercept and uncer- Cygan & Laiaga (1985: C&L, 1985) are shown for comparison. tainty of the array of points. The degree to which Boxes show apparent temperatures for two sample suites from Fig. 11, in which average apparent temperature at a biotite these grains are composed of older cores and younger diameter of 100 fim was calculated from regression of the data overgrowths is uncertain, indicating that the 79— and plotted on the curve of C&G (1992). Error in apparent 7" is 95% discordancy in the grains is a maximum assumed to be ±30*C, which translates to in error in inferred cooling rate of log (dT/d/) ~ ±0-5. estimate for the degree of individual Pb loss in single 754
Table 3: U-Pb analytical data J06pbd 2»pb. 20«pbf 207pbf 207pbf 207 Ph8 Fraction* Wt* U Pb° Pho- Corr. 235 2»pb (Ma) (Ma) (mfl) (p.p.ra) (p.p.m.) ^Pb to) ^Pb u coef. «Pb ( ^ Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2022 Mutvay Gneiss. 727-848 (UTMzone 77.4535O0E.5575400N) zircon 1.+149 0-424 808-1 12-80 2576 126 0-18 0-0150010-20 0-0997010-22 0048201008 96-010-4 96-510-2 0-93 109-113-6 2.+149 0-658 812-3 12-78 3087 163 0-18 0-0149410-20 00992310-21 0048171007 95-610-4 96-110-2 0-94 107-413-4 3,-149 0-102 844-2 13-40 1403 59 0-18 0-0150210-20 0-0998910-24 0-0482210-12 96-110-4 96-710-4 0-87 110-115-6 4,-149 0-169 885-1 13-94 1847 76 0-20 0-0147110-20 0-0974910-23 00480610-10 94-210-4 94-510-4 0-91 102-014-6 5,-105 0-271 797-8 12-51 1735 116 0-19 0-0147210-20 0-0981210-23 0-0483510-11 94-210-4 95-010-2 0-89 116-215-0 tflintte A-3,+149 1-134 199-5 35-93 30 13200 19-1 0-0103212-8 006632160 0-0466015-1 68-213-7 65-217-6 0-54 281250 A-4,+149 0-233 629-6 35-29 45 3574 5-3 0-0101410-19 0-0647212-3 0-0462912-2 65-010-2 63-712-9 0-81 131107 ttouvte T-3,+149 2-818 101-6 0-903 49 5165 0-13 0-00873910-26 0-0575812-2 004779120 56-110-3 56-812-4 0-64 89197 T-4,+149 1001 91-87 0-858 34 3493 0-15 0-00907410-36 006355140 0-0507913-8 58-210-4 62-614-9 0-79 2321175 Midvey Gnaist, 529-83 (UTMzone 7 7,466200E, 5574480N) aHanita A-1,+149 1-494 480-7 42-76 42 21400 801 0-0732312-8 0-0113310-60 0-0468712-6 72-610-9 71-813-9 0-41 421130 n A-2,+149 0-162 411-8 32-89 41 1996 7-22 0-0705512-9 0-0110910-19 0-0461512-8 71-110-3 69-213-9 0-67 51135 o tftsnfto o T-1,-149 1007 403-8 4-538 87 3589 0-32 0-00956510-18 0-0628311-1 004764110 61-410-2 61-911-4 0-61 81149 T-2.-149 2-511 442-7 4-824 88 9387 0-32 0-00928010-15 0-0609910-98 0-0476610-91 59-510-2 60-111-1 0-56 82143 KinniM Gneiss. 58-84 (UTM zone 7 7.450700E. 5463900N) zircon A.+149,6 0051 933-7 15-14 7369 7 006 0-0169610-12 0-116910-13 00500110-08 108-310-2 112-210-3 0-90 195-512-6 B,+149,5 0037 899-8 15-66 5307 7 006 0-0181710-11 0-125510-13 0-0501210-08 116-110-3 120-110-3 0-90 200-512-7 C+149,6 0-017 780-9 13-36 2385 6 005 0-0180610-10 0-120810-14 0-0485110-08 116-410-2 116-810-3 0-83 124-413-7 n O D.+149.6 0-015 1291 17-59 2816 6 004 00146210-11 00974710-14 00483610-09 93-810-2 94-410-2 0-78 116-714-0 E.-105 0050 730-8 12-98 1046 41 007 0-0184810-54 0-125610-57 00493010-14 118-011-3 120-211-3 0-97 162-316-4 F.-105 0034 542-3 8-281 2370 8 005 001611 10-14 0-107610-16 0048411009 103-010-3 103-710-3 0-82 119-214-4 (continued on next ptge)
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