Performance-Based Logistics Perspective - James Beggs

Page created by Sean Douglas

                  James Beggs

                  Benjamin Ertel

                  Mike Jones

Performance-Based Logistics

Performance-Based Logistics Perspective
Since 2000, the Department of Defense (DoD)                               solutions throughout the branch services has not trend-
has consistently directed that Performance-Based                          ed as quickly as was envisioned 5 years ago. In part,
Logistics (PBL) be the preferred acquisition and                          this is due to common barriers that prevent incorporat-
                                                                          ing a PBL solution for weapon system sustainment:
sustainment vehicle. It is widely believed that PBL
solutions offer the best overall construct for long-term                  ■   Regulation and practicality usually require a mix of
sustainment support of systems and subsystems.                                commercial and government support in the PBL con-
Put simply, ever-tightening constraints on budgets and                        struct. Aligning government and commercial organiza-
                                                                              tions under a PBL construct is difficult because work-
resources have forced reconsideration of traditional
                                                                              ing relationships that limit the PBL provider’s empow-
support models. The growing need has been to iden-                            erment to integrate the functional areas of support
tify support constructs that squeeze as much system                           (inventory management, maintenance management,
readiness as possible out of limited budgets.                                 and technical management) will limit the potential
                                                                              success of the PBL arrangement.
     As Exhibit 1 illustrates, the goal is to move the readi-             ■   (“Colors of Money”) Total system or subsystem sup-
     ness/cost ratio as close to the curve as possible. The                   port will often fall under more than one funding source.
     PBL construct is the preferred method for achieving
     that goal.                                                           ■   Systems are often supported by a number of original
                                                                              equipment manufacturers (OEM). Developing a PBL
     Although DoD directives have stipulated PBL as the                       construct with clear competency, accountability, and
     preferred acquisition construct, incorporating true PBL                  cost advantages versus transactional support con-
                                                                              structs may be difficult.
     Exhibit 1                                                            ■   PBL support may be radically different in approach
     Theoretical Curve for Any System
                                                                              and construct from traditional government support.
                                       i m al
                                                                              Traditional practices, processes, and support cultures
                                Opt r t Cur ve
                                  p p o                                       may require significant change to successfully incor-
      Readiness (%)

                                                   Moving toward the          porate PBL solutions.
                                                 optimal curve requires
                                     DoD                                  The structural and cultural impediments to more wide-
                                                 improving integration
                                                                          spread PBL incorporation can be overcome only with a
                         Cost ($)
                                                                          clear understanding of how PBL arrangements improve
                                                                          performance and promote better efficiency. Once clear
     Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

understanding exists, it will then be possible to focus on   PBL Definition
the critical issues that prevent success. The PBL value      PBL can be defined as follows (see Exhibit 2):
proposition is the same for any PBL support construct.       ■   Accountability versus control
                                                             ■   Incentives instead of specification
Incentive Alignment                                          ■   Performance management instead of transaction
■ A PBL support strategy must align the incentives of the
  support provider(s) with the performance requirements
  of the system. These incentives encourage integra-         PBL is shifting the active management of sustainment
  tion that rewards the support provider(s) for improving    from the organic acquisition/program manager to
  support efficiency while meeting system performance        the support provider. It is buying results or outcomes
  requirements—creating a “win-win” relationship.            instead of initiating and managing transactions. When
                                                             buying inventory management, maintenance services,
■   Support providers must be empowered to integrate.
                                                             or technical services transaction by transaction, the
    Organic partnerships, “in theater government sup-
                                                             decisions of what, when, and how to buy are left to the
    port,” and other areas outside the support provider’s
                                                             customer. Under a PBL, the support provider decides
    control must be carefully set up and managed to
                                                             the what, when, and how for weapon system support.
    ensure that empowerment to integrate is not hin-
                                                             In exchange for this management control, the provider
    dered. The government and support provider(s) have
                                                             is held accountable to the warfighter’s requirements
    an interest in ensuring strong partnerships.
                                                             and motivated to optimize costs and the overall logis-
                                                             tics footprint needed for achieving those requirements.
Competency Advantage
                                                             If costs and logistics footprint improve while the
■Support providers must be qualified and have a clear
                                                             warfighter’s requirements are met, the customer and
 competitive advantage for providing the support ele-
                                                             provider are successful together—“win-win.”
 ments and integration of the functional areas of sup-
 port: inventory management, maintenance manage-
 ment, and technical management.
■   Traditional support and PBL options must be thor-        Exhibit 2
                                                             Performance Management
    oughly explored and constructed before data analysis
                                                                                 �   Establish mission requirements
    can begin (done to ensure that the solution with the                                                                        Set
                                                                                     – Establish key performance metric
    greatest competency advantage is chosen).                                          drivers                             requirements
                                                                                     – Establish required performance

Shift to Performance Management                                                  �   Develop cost/performance analysis
■The success of PBL implementation must be moni-                                 �   Establish PBA with warfighter
 tored and refined. The Government’s oversight role                                  Develop alternative support             Facilitate

 becomes one of performance management rather                                        constructs
                                                                  Program                                                  requirements
                                                                                     Address barriers to integration       and manage
 than transaction management.
                                                                                 �   Conduct life cycle support planning   performance
                                                                                 �   Develop BCA of support alternatives
Critical Concepts for Successful PBL Incorporation                               �   Negotiate support agreements and
■PBL definition                                                                      contracts
■PBL value proposition: improved integration
                                                                                 �   Improve internal processes to
■Importance of integration                                                           maximize integration competency
■PBL constructs have an inherent integrative advantage            Support
                                                                                 �   Manage and improve partnerships         Provide
 Common PBL misconceptions                                                                                                   support
                                                                 Integrator      �   Maintain strong communication to
                                                                                     PM and warfighter regarding
■Keys to successful PBL implementation                                               performance impacting issues
■PBL implementation steps
                                                             Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

    A key point to consider and understand when explor-         Exhibit 3
                                                                PBL Value Proposition
    ing a PBL alternative is that it is a fundamental shift
    of management control away from the Government to
    the supplier. In exchange for this shift in control, the    integration
    Government is able to impose a much higher level of         through:
                                                                �   Aligning                  Performance
    performance accountability on the supplier than under           incentives                management
    traditional support constructs. The Government impos-       �   Ensuring                  �   Manage outcomes instead
                                                                    competency                    of transactions
    es output requirements instead of support criteria on           advantage                 �   Empower and hold
    the supplier. In short, the Government expects output       �   Managing                      suppliers accountable to
                                                                    performance                   integrate
    requirements, but it does not tell the supplier how
    those outputs will be achieved. This is the fundamental
    change from traditional logistic support constructs.            “Win-Win”                                                   Result
                                                                    �   Tie supplier                                            �Improved
    Some commonly heard supporting arguments for PBL                    profits with                  Optimizing                 readiness

    arrangements are that they incorporate commercial
                                                                        improving                 Logistics Support             �Reduced
                                                                        warfighter                                               logistic
                                                                        readiness at              through improved
    best practices, that PBLs provide better focus on what                                                                       footprint
                                                                        reduced cost                 integration                 Reduced cost
    matters for the weapon system, or that they remove

    “fluff” or non-value added effort and expense. These
    arguments, however, are vague and do not provide                                          Competency advantage
    insight as to how and why a PBL arrangement can be                                        �   Ensure an inherently
                                                                                                  efficient support construct
    more successful than traditional support. Why can’t                                       �   Ensure support provider(s)
    traditional support incorporate commercial best practic-                                      have technical and
                                                                                                  management competency
    es? Why can’t traditional support develop metrics that                                        advantages
    focus on what matters and that eliminate “fluff”? What
                                                                Source: Booz Allen Hamilton
    is the key value proposition of PBL?

                                                                example could be an advanced gas turbine airplane
    PBL Value Proposition: Improved Integration
                                                                engine. Gas turbine engines are technical marvels.
    The key advantage of a PBL construct is that it creates
                                                                These systems are composed of thousands of parts,
    an inherent incentive to integrate the functions that
                                                                many of which operate under extreme temperatures and
    support the weapon system. These incentives start with
                                                                pressures. The effective technical management of gas
    a support provider having a competency advantage to
                                                                turbines is complex and must be highly proactive. New
    integrate. The suppliers’ incentives are aligned with the
                                                                part manufacturing times can extend into years and
    needs of the weapon system. Finally, the Government’s
                                                                maintenance requirements can routinely take several
    role becomes a manager of performance, responsible
                                                                months. Clearly, efficient integration of the technical
    for monitoring outcomes and ensuring alignment
                                                                management, inventory management, and maintenance
    between the warfighter and the supplier. Exhibit 3 illus-
                                                                management of such a system is highly desirable.
    trates integration of the PBL value proposition.
                                                                As illustrated in Exhibit 4 (see page 4), the long-term
                                                                successful management of any of these elements is
    Importance of Integration
                                                                dependent on strong integration with the others.
    Systems or subsystems that lend themselves best to
    PBL support constructs are those whose support relies       Systems that are not technically advanced would not
    heavily on all three functional elements of support—i.e.,   benefit from the advantages of a PBL construct for
    highly complex systems. Because all three elements          sustainment support. A Jeep might be an example of
    are essential to system readiness, integration plays a      this. Once the design phase of a Jeep is completed,
    key role in developing and improving efficiencies. An       the parts supporting the Jeep will not undergo sig-
                                                                nificant technical change over time. This eases parts

Exhibit 4
Optimal Logistics Support

                                                                           The functional areas of
                                                                           logistic support are depen-
                                                                           dent on each other.
          (Repair/build capacity                    Management             Example: Priorities of             Note: A functional
        planning, process                           (New and repairable    technical management impact        support provider
           planning)                                       spare part      the what, when, and how to
                                                          management)      buy for inventory require-
                                                                                                              cannot be held
                                    Support                                ments. These technical             accountable to
                                                                           priorities also affect capacity,   metrics that are not
                                                                           cost, and “repair versus buy”      under its control.
                    Technical Management                                   decision making at the
                 (How to repair and build. Priorities for                  maintenance facility.
                       technical improvement/refresh)

Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

forecasting and obsolescence concerns, which are                          ply, and technical development. Integration supporting
further eased by relatively short repair and new part                     each weapon system gives way to decisions that best
manufacturing time. This is not to say that sound man-                    support the interests of the functional organization.
agement and good sourcing strategies are not needed                       The requirements of the weapon system cannot always
for the sustainment of Jeeps. It suggests only that a                     come first.
PBL construct does not have an inherent competency
                                                                          Under a traditional transactional approach, even the
advantage over a traditional support construct.
                                                                          contractor logistic support (CLS) elements of the over-
                                                                          all logistic solution are simply tasked with meeting
PBL Constructs Have an Inherent Integrative
                                                                          the criteria of the transactional requirement. These
                                                                          elements do not have a business interest in system
It is not impossible to create alignment, establish
                                                                          performance. Under PBL, carefully thought out metrics
competency advantage, and shift to performance
                                                                          that establish acceptable performance of the system
management through organic constructs; however,
                                                                          are combined with payment terms that reward the sup-
the profit/loss of a commercial contractor provides
                                                                          port provider for meeting the metric requirements of a
a means for the incentive to be powerful and to be
                                                                          successfully supported system.
sustained through the life cycle of a weapon system.
Furthermore, organic supply chain management and                          An example in which organic support does not natu-
product support organizations are responsible for mul-                    rally lend itself to integration is that each organiza-
tiple systems and report through separate and distinc-                    tion establishes an annual budget. The incentive is
tive command structures. Each reacts to the budget                        to provide support within the established budget (see
and initiative pressures of its own command. Over                         Exhibit 5 on page 5). If costs are low, managers are
time, these pressures create significant barriers that                    encouraged to seek investment opportunities regard-
prevent consistent incentives to integrate. In addition,                  less of whether they are needed. Coming below bud-
short-term funding constraints or focused initiatives                     get results in money being shifted to other programs
imposed on an organic provider supporting multiple                        that are short of funding. If costs are running high,
systems force that provider to prioritize support—favor-                  managers are motivated to postpone needed invest-
ing the needs of some systems over others. Over time,                     ment to the next funding year. Long-term thinking
prioritization—even if efficiently managed—will result                    about improving support efficiency gives way to short-
in a suboptimal investment in capability, capacity, sup-                  term constraints.

    Exhibit 5                                                                            exchange for service provider accountability and bet-
    Incentives to Integrate Under Traditional or PBL Approach                            ter cost predictability. Different contract types will vary
                                                                                         the amount of cost risk shifted to the provider; under
                           Incentives to Integrate        Incentives to Integrate        a true PBL construct, the support provider will assume
                           Under Traditional              Under PBL Approach
                           Approach                                                      more cost risk than under a traditional construct.
                           ■   Government manages         ■   Support provider man-
                               design change and              ages design change
                               overall engineering sup-       and overall engineering    Performance Contracts Mean PBL
        ■   Technical
                               port                           support                    There is no accurate record of how many PBLs have
            manage-        ■   Government provides        ■   Support provider           been implemented to date because the label PBL
            ment priori-       logistics support pro-         invests in changes that
            ties               viders funding to make         improve system readi-      has often been applied to traditional contracts with
                               changes                        ness or reduce cost
        ■   Implement
                                                                                         incentive clauses. Further, some PBL contacts are not
                               Support provider is            Support provider profit-
                                                                                         labeled as PBL (e.g., total systems support). A per-
                           ■                              ■
                               only required to meet          ability is tied to meet-
                               Statement of work              ing requirements speci-    formance contract alone (e.g., a nonintegrative cost
            Manage             (SOW)                          fied in the Statement

                                                              of Objectives (SOO)        reimbursable contract with incentives) is not a PBL. An
            across all     ■   Support provider is not    ■   Support provider is        example would be an inventory management contract.
            functional         accountable to down-           accountable to down-
                                                                                         The supplier is tasked with inventorying parts and
                               stream system perfor-          stream system perfor-
            areas              mance                          mance                      providing the parts as required. The supplier is reim-
                           ■   Support provider is not    ■   Support provider is        bursed for costs and is provided an incentive bonus
                               incentivized to inte-          incentivized to inte-
                               grate the supply chain         grate supply chain         if a customer wait time metric is met or exceeded.
    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton
                                                                                         The supplier is not empowered (nor is the supplier
                                                                                         tasked) to address technical management or main-
                                                                                         tenance repair issues that naturally affect inventory
    Organic PBL                                                                          planning. The supplier is not required to manage all
    Organic management of weapon systems can be and                                      the elements affecting customer wait time. The metric
    has been successful. It is possible to restructure                                   is attained only if other logistics elements meet their
    working relationships under support agreements                                       requirements, in which case the supplier will receive
    between organic support providers and achieve                                        the bonus simply for being lucky. This is not PBL.
    improved system performance. However, the con-
    structs must adequately address the core require-                                    PBL Support Cannot Apply to Subsystems
    ments of a successful PBL:                                                           Most major weapon systems are supported by several
    ■   Incentive exists for the support provider to integrate                           OEMs. It might not be possible for a commercial sup-
        the functional areas of support.                                                 port provider to develop a competency advantage over
    ■   The support construct must have a competency                                     the Government when managing several sub-vendors.
        advantage over alternative options.                                              Fortunately, total system support, albeit attractive, is
    ■   Overall management of system support must shift to                               not required. The Government can assume the role
        performance management.                                                          as product support integrator (PSI) as long as support
                                                                                         providers managing subsystems have enough control
    Common PBL Misconceptions                                                            to integrate the support of the subsystem. The inte-
    Government Accepts Higher Cost Risk Under a                                          gration of workload allocation can be to the system,
    PBL Structure                                                                        subsystem, or component level. Workload allocation to
    It is commonly believed that the Government assumes                                  the lower level could even be encouraged because it
    increased cost risk under PBL implementation; how-                                   becomes easier to foster competition and ensure the
    ever, in a true PBL arrangement, the opposite is the                                 competency advantage at these lower levels.
    case. There is confusion because under a PBL vehicle,
    the Government extends management control in

A PBL solution is not only possible but also the pre-        PBL provider. The Government must understand that
ferred alternative as long as—                               the more control it retains, the less ability the PBL pro-
                                                             vider will have to effect changes that improve system
■   The logistic support for a system or subsystem or
                                                             performance and reduce cost. Without empowerment,
    component can be integrated.
                                                             the support provider will be unwilling to accept the
■   The support construct has a competency advantage
                                                             level of accountability that translates to its acceptance
    over alternative options.
                                                             of greater risk.
■   Performance management can be imposed.
                                                             Title 10—Core Requirements, 50/50 rule, etc. Title
Keys to Successful PBL Implementation                        10 is specifically where most “barriers” to PBL
                                                             come in to play. Regulatory requirements specifying
Alignment of Supplier Incentives With Warfighter
                                                             “50/50,” “Core,” and “Battlefield” considerations
                                                             are called PBL barriers and constraints because they
As stated earlier, the most basic advantage of a well
                                                             are requirements of retaining government control
planned PBL implementation is alignment of the perfor-
                                                             over portions of the product support functions and
mance requirements of the system or warfighter with
                                                             processes. How the support provider and government
the incentives of the support provider. It starts with
                                                             relationships are structured is critical because these
a support construct that has an inherent competency
                                                             requirements limit the empowerment of the support
advantage for integration. The support provider is then
                                                             provider to manage integration.
motivated to leverage its competency advantage and
improve overall integration. Better integration is the key   Congress has enacted numerous statutes that
to improved system performance at reduced costs.             place controls on what actions the DoD can take in
                                                             using commercial sector maintenance capabilities.
Competency Advantage                                         Requirements are as follows:
The PBL support provider must have a clear and               ■   DoD must maintain core logistics capability to per-
demonstrated capability advantage that can deliver
                                                                 form maintenance and support of mission-essential
technical management, inventory management, and
                                                                 equipment (Title 10, Section 2464).
maintenance management more efficiently than the
alternative support constructs. Incentive without a          ■   Not more than 50 percent of the funds available to
competency advantage is useless. Typically, the com-             a military DoD agency in a fiscal year for depot-level
petency advantage in a PBL construct is the result of            maintenance and repair workload may be used to
superior engineering and technical knowledge of the              contract for performance of this workload by nonfed-
OEM or system integrator (thorough background and                eral government personnel (Title 10, Section 2466).
knowledge of design intent is a powerful advantage).         ■   Existing depot-level maintenance or repair workload
Integration is the key to a successful PBL arrange-
                                                                 valued at $3 million or more must be neither con-
ment, and the technical knowledge of the OEM is the
                                                                 tracted out nor moved to another depot-level activity
most difficult competency to duplicate. Consequently,
                                                                 without using public and private competition proce-
most successful PBL constructs include the OEM as
                                                                 dures or merit-based selection procedures (Title 10,
a major partner.
                                                                 Section 2469).

Empowerment of Support Provider                              Because maintenance is a critical aspect of support
Empowering the support provider means that the sup-          integration, the support provider’s ability to effective-
port provider makes decisions that the Government            ly work with organic depots is a key area of concern.
once made. Before selecting a PBL strategy, the              If the support provider cannot effectively partner
Government must make an honest assessment of how             with the depot, then the PBL construct cannot effec-
much control it is willing to and can relinquish to the      tively integrate.

    Regulation Under Title 10, Section 2474. This regulation     port. This leaves the possibility that the PBL supplier
    encourages public and private partnerships to meet           might be asked to assume management costs that are
    core and 50/50 requirements. The success of a PBL            not part of the comparative business case analysis
    largely depends on how well the partnerships facilitate      (BCA) because these costs fall under funding sources
    the support provider’s ability to integrate all the sup-     outside the government entity that is negotiating the
    port functions.                                              PBL contract. Alternatively, it leaves the possibility that
                                                                 key processes important to overall integration are left
    A true PBL construct empowers the provider to man-
                                                                 under traditional management and not partnered with
    age three functional elements of support: inventory
                                                                 the service provider. This issue must be addressed in
    management, maintenance management, and techni-
                                                                 the PBL construct and in warfighter metric development
    cal management (e.g., what gets repaired, what gets
                                                                 because support provider accountability to higher level
    replaced, how to repair, how to replace, and what
                                                                 system metrics could become impossible to establish.
    needs to be upgraded).

                                                                 Data Requirements for PBL Must Be Understood and
    Performance Management
    In managing a PBL construct, a key role of the pro-
                                                                 One of the most significant hurdles to overcome when
    gram manager is to act as the facilitator between the
                                                                 implementing PBL arrangements is establishing a gov-
    warfighter and supplier. The Government agrees to
                                                                 ernment support provider agreement on the projected
    an appropriate level of warfighter readiness, passes
                                                                 long-term support profile of the system (what the tech-
    on this requirement to the supplier(s), and becomes
                                                                 nical management, inventory management [e.g., spare
    a manager of performance rather than a manager of
                                                                 parts consumption], and maintenance needs of the
                                                                 system will be over the long term).

    Performance Management Requires Addressing Budget            Note that the data requirements and ongoing data
    Flexibility                                                  management required under a PBL arrangement are
    The operations and maintenance (O&M) budget is sub-          also needed under any support construct—traditional
    ject to increases and reductions annually. Performance       or otherwise. As a result of the contractual arrange-
    management is undermined because varying annual              ment between the Government and the support pro-
    budgets limit long-term investment decisions that opti-      vider, this data management task requires significant
    mize costs over time. Existing DoD budget realities,         rigor. The contractual agreement and incentives of the
    however, require optimizing costs in the current year.       PBL drive better and more thorough data management
    Under traditional organic support, program managers          requirements and data collection practices. The data
    with multiple system oversight and/or the commanders         itself (e.g., system performance data, maintenance
    of the major systems commands have the flexibility to        data, and cost data) is the basis for managing integra-
    reallocate money depending on the new O&M budget             tion, and the initial rigor of evaluating and then manag-
    and the unique demands of each system. PBL con-              ing data helps further the competency advantage of
    tracts limit that flexibility because PBL costs are driven   the PBL construct.
    by the performance demands of the weapon system—
                                                                 Without thorough data analysis and modeling as well
    not by the latest approved O&M appropriation.
                                                                 as good data collection and reporting practices over
                                                                 time, it is difficult to not only construct a successful
    Equal Comparison Between Traditional Support
                                                                 PBL arrangement but also effectively support the sys-
    and PBL (“Colors of Money”)
                                                                 tem under any support construct. Strong data analysis
    The funding sources that pay for all of a system’s
                                                                 is critical because it—
    support elements might not be considered in their
    entirety when transferring from organic to PBL sup-

■   Supports comparative BCA to identify constructs and              trol that is shifted to the PBL support provider and
    processes that have a competitive advantage over                 with developing and using a very different skill set.
    other support construct alternatives. The BCA can            ■   The shift in management focus brings about a shift
    also be the foundation for an agreement between
                                                                     in the business rules that dictate government proce-
    the support providers (including the PSI) and the
                                                                     dures concerning supplier management. The policies,
    Government (and between the program manager and
                                                                     procedures, and guidelines that dictate roles and
    the warfighter).
                                                                     responsibilities must change to reflect performance
■   Enables establishment of performance metrics that                management rather than transaction management.
    support system mission requirements at an afford-            ■   A commercial PBL support provider will have different
    able and predictable cost.
                                                                     expectations and will desire a much closer relation-
■   Is the basis for effective integration (e.g., prioritizing       ship with its organic partner than what is customary
    technical initiatives, make versus buy decisions, effi-          under the traditional construct. Organic management
    cient shelf inventory levels).                                   could resist the perceived threat to its autonomy. The
                                                                     key is to promote insight versus oversight on the part
A key part of the data analysis is to develop a shared
                                                                     of the organic base.
understanding of what is required to support the
system to ensure that the BCA compares apples to                 ■   The support provider has final authority on investment
apples. This shared understanding is also necessary to               decisions that affect durability. Again, this shift in
enable the effective negotiation of a performance-based              control might represent a significant culture shock to
agreement (PBA). If the necessary data is unavailable,               government support personnel who are accustomed
the PBL strategy should include a transition period in               to traditional transactional management.
which the data is developed and maintained.
                                                                 PBL Implementation Steps
The complexity and value of this step cannot be over-
                                                                 All steps are carried out with an eye to developing a
stated. Projecting the durability of any complex techni-
                                                                 support solution that—
cal system over several years requires sophisticated
modeling and simulation analysis. Effective data analy-          ■   Aligns the system requirements with the incentives of
sis and data collection practices are the foundation for             the support provider
optimizing system logistics support.                             ■   Has a competency advantage over alternative support
Change Management (i.e., Overcoming Cultural
Resistance to PBL)                                               ■   Incorporates performance management.
PBL approaches may bring about significant change.
                                                                 (The Defense Acquisition University [DAU] articulates a
How well that change is managed is critical to the suc-
                                                                 “PBL Implementation Model.” The DAU approach is not
cess of the PBL contract.
                                                                 inconsistent with the steps below.)
■   Shifting from transactional management to perfor-
    mance management could be a significant change in            Strategic Planning
    the job requirements of organic support personnel.           A thorough review of the traditional support construct
    Program managers often must shift their focus from           (what will change regardless of whether PBL will be
    managing the needs of systems and subsystems to              implemented) will provide the baseline.
    managing suppliers (and supplier relationships) and          ■   Conduct a thorough review of warfighter requirements
    performance outcomes. Furthermore, the program
                                                                     (identify the key metrics and level of performance
    office might be uncomfortable with the level of con-
                                                                     actually needed to meet mission requirements).

    ■   Construct and describe PBL options with a focus on    of each alternative. The BCA will include subjective
        competitive advantage and incentive alignment.        assessments, along with the quantitative analysis.
                                                              The BCA includes identification of entities, feasibil-
    ■   Establish warfighter-needed performance metrics
                                                              ity of approach, tangible/intangible benefits, and
        and desired support provider payment terms.
                                                              affordability. Decisions must incorporate a full appre-
        Negotiate program manager (PM) to warfighter PBA;
                                                              ciation and understanding of the assumptions and
        then, PM to PSI PBA(s); and finally, PSI to product
                                                              the subjective assessments.
        support providers’ PBAs.

    Thoroughly preparing for the correct approach to          Change Management Planning
    data analysis and BCA development is critical. It         Develop plans for addressing cultural and organizational
    should begin with establishing the comparative            issues arising from the shift to PBL performance man-
    model (usually the traditional transaction approach,      agement. This requirement is often viewed as “soft”
    a.k.a. baseline). The baseline should incorporate all     and not critical. It is, however, the most frequently
    intended organic changes. It makes little sense to        sighted concern of government employees undergo-
    compare a potential PBL construct with an outdated        ing a reorganization driven by PBL incorporation. The
    organic construct. The comparative model should           functions of the program office undergo dramatic
    include all cost elements that could be shifted to        change when PBL arrangement is fully implemented.
    PBL regardless of funding source. The warfighters’        Government support personnel must fully understand
    requirements should be explored for applicability to      their new roles and responsibilities.
    mission requirements. Metrics that support warfight-
    er’s requirements are then formulated. Concurrent         Negotiate PBL Contract
    to this effort, possible PBL constructs are explored      Negotiate the PBL contract with emphasis on promot-
    with emphasis on ensuring that the potential support      ing support provider and organic partnering. In addi-
    provider(s) has an expected competitive advantage.        tion, the contract must clearly define performance
    Integration constraint issues should be addressed         metrics and the terms and conditions of how perfor-
    with potential support provider(s) involvement. The       mance will be managed.
    BCA process should be performed iteratively through-
    out the acquisition life cycle and used as a tool to      Ongoing Management
    ensure sound business decisions.                          Proactively measure the expected performance of
                                                              the PBL construct against actual performance. This
    Life-Cycle Support Projection                             step verifies the competency advantage of the PBL
    A system support profile should be developed              arrangement and provides the foundation for a fair
    with potential support provider(s) participation.         and reasonable renegotiation when the contract
    Projections include forecasts of part consumption,        expires. If the actual performance does not meet
    maintenance capacity and capability needs, and            expectations, this step will provide the support for
    technical management resource requirements.               developing alternative support constructs. Note that
                                                              it is not intended that exit criteria or an off-ramp
    Business Case Analysis                                    strategy be necessary, but without a plan, the pro-
    Compare alternatives down to the management of            vider will have significant negotiating leverage and
    all required transactions and processes. The transac-     the Government will not have the option to pursue a
    tions are driven by the life-cycle support projection.    better support construct.
    Assumptions in the BCA must be clearly stated
    along with an assessment of the integrity of the sup-
    port data. The BCA must highlight the inherent risks

Conclusion                                                                    port elements and integrating inventory manage-
PBL implementation is a highly difficult task but con-                        ment, maintenance management, and technical
sidering the complexity of logistic support planning that                     management.
must take place anyway, incorporating even a small
                                                                            – Traditional support and PBL options must be
degree of PBL support in the overall logistics solution
                                                                              explored thoroughly and constructed before data
of a weapons system will have benefit.
                                                                              analysis can begin.
Key items to consider are as follows:                                   ■   Performance Management
■   Incentive Alignment
                                                                            – The Government’s role becomes that of manag-
    – A PBL construct must align the incentives of the                        ers of performance rather than managers of
      support provider with the requirements of the                           transactions. Although the Government is still ulti-
      warfighter or subsystem.                                                mately accountable for the warfighter, it meets this
                                                                              accountability by managing supplier performance.
    – Support providers must be empowered to integrate.
      Organic partnerships must be carefully developed                  If appropriate and implemented well, a PBL construct
      to ensure that integration is not hindered.                       will contribute to the continual optimization of the logis-
                                                                        tic support elements while meeting the warfighter’s
■   Competency Advantage
                                                                        required level of readiness.
    – Support providers must have a clear, competitive
      advantage for managing and providing the sup-

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