Pensions Round-Up MARCH 2021 - DLA Piper
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PENSIONS ROUND-UP Contents Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 The Pensions Regulator and The Pensions Ombudsman������������������� 4 HM Treasury and Legislation�������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Department for Work and Pensions ������������������������������������������������������� 9 Other news���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 On the horizon��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Contact details��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 2
DLAPIPER.COM Introduction • HMRC: a Managing Pension Welcome to the latest edition of DLA Piper’s Pensions Schemes service newsletter; and a Round-Up newsletter in which we provide an countdown bulletin about the end of contracting-out. overview of developments in pensions legislation and • Pensions dashboards: regulatory guidance. guidance from the Pensions Administration In this edition we look at key developments from Standards Association. March 2021 including the following. • Work and Pensions Committee: the publication of the Committee’s • The Pensions Regulator: • Legislation: the publication report in relation to its inquiry on the publication of the Regulator’s of the Finance (No. 2) pension scams. corporate strategy; a consultation Bill; and regulations in relation • Public service pension schemes: on a draft policy in relation to the to the upper limit of the the response to the October 2020 investigation and prosecution automatic enrolment qualifying consultation about indexation of of new offences in the Pension earnings band. Guaranteed Minimum Pensions. Schemes Act 2021; a consultation • Department for Work and on the first phase of the • On the horizon: a timeline Pensions: the response to the Regulator’s work on its single of some of the key future December 2020 consultation code of practice; and an updated developments in pensions to on changes to the general levy; version of the FCA and Regulator’s help employers and trustees a consultation about regulations guide for employers and trustees plan ahead. to be made under the provisions on providing support with of the Pension Schemes Act 2021 financial matters. If you would like further information on Contribution Notices and the about any of the issues raised in • The Pensions Ombudsman: Regulator’s information gathering this edition of Pensions Round-Up, the publication of information powers; a consultation on please get in touch with Cathryn about TPO’s approach to the performance fees and the charge Everest or your usual DLA Piper provision of factual information cap; and a Call for Evidence on pensions contact. Contact details in respect of independent consideration of social risks and are at the end of this newsletter. financial advisers. opportunities by occupational pension schemes. 3
PENSIONS ROUND-UP The Pensions Regulator and The Pensions Ombudsman Reporting duties – to the discussion paper and the security (savers’ money is secure); a reminder final version of the strategy – TPR value for money (savers get good In April 2020, the Regulator Strategy: Pensions of the future – value for their money); scrutiny introduced easements in relation which establishes the Regulator’s of decision-making (decisions to reporting requirements commitment to put the pension made on behalf of savers are in including that, in recognition of saver at the heart of its work. their best interests); embracing the challenging environment for The strategy analyses different innovation (the market innovates to employers, it asked providers and groups of savers by generation, meet savers’ needs); and bold and trustees to report late contribution looks at the pensions landscape and effective regulation (TPR is a bold payments at 150 days late, rather how it will evolve, and sets out five and effective regulator). than the 90 days set out in its strategic priorities. codes of practice. From 1 July 2020, Alongside the strategy, the Regulator reporting requirements resumed The Regulator reports that published a blog post by its Chief as normal, but this easement changes made to the strategy Executive which notes that these continued in relation to late payment following roundtable discussions high level priorities indicate its of contributions (other than deficit and responses to the discussion core areas of focus and that, repair contributions). In September document include: (1) a firmer underpinning each, will be 2020, the Regulator updated recognition of savers’ keen interest regulatory action which looks to its guidance to state that, from in investment decisions consistent improve outcomes for savers. 1 January 2021, it was asking DC with their values, ESG and climate The blog post states that the detail schemes and providers to revert change, which will drive a greater behind the Regulator’s day-to-day to reporting payment failures that demand for stewardship; (2) a work will be set out via three-year are 90 days, rather than 150 days, greater emphasis on protecting and corporate plans. However, it provides outstanding. The Regulator stated enhancing outcomes for all savers, some examples including that: that it expected all schemes to in addition to clearer recognition (1) under security, the Regulator will return to 90 day payment failure of the impact of protected continue to focus on DB outcomes reporting as soon as possible after characteristics such as disability, and do all it can to stop scammers in 1 January 2021, but acknowledged gender, age and ethnicity on saver their tracks by working with partners that this change would have an outcomes; and (3) a commitment to across Project Bloom; and (2) impact on systems and processes. move quickly on value for money, on value for money, the Regulator It therefore allowed up to 1 starting with work with the FCA will work with the FCA to bring about April 2021 for schemes that may to assess what represents value a consistent framework to assess need the extra time to make for savers. not just costs and charges, but value the necessary adjustments and for savers. The response to the work with employers to bring any In relation to the Regulator’s discussion document also includes outstanding contributions up to commitment to put the pension that the Regulator will shortly launch date. However, 90 day reporting saver at the heart of all that it a first discussion paper on the topic became mandatory for all providers does, the strategy includes that: of value for money. from 1 April 2021. (1) savers who are building their pension pots can expect it to Consultation on draft Corporate Strategy enhance the quality of their savings policy on new powers In the October 2020 edition of outcomes; and (2) savers that have The Pension Schemes Act 2021 Pensions Round-Up (page 5), we built up pension pots and are in contains provisions introducing new reported on the publication by the or approaching retirement can powers for the Regulator, including Regulator of its provisional 15 year expect it to protect the money that two new criminal offences which are corporate strategy for discussion they have saved. The strategy sets expected to come into force in the with stakeholders. On 10 March the out five strategic priorities and a autumn: the offence of avoidance Regulator published its response strategic goal in relation to each: of employer debt and the offence 4
DLAPIPER.COM of conduct risking accrued scheme The new draft code represents an effective system of governance benefits. On 11 March the Regulator the Regulator’s ambition to create which is proportionate to the size, published a consultation on a draft a single point of consistent and nature, scale and complexity of the policy setting out its proposed up to date information for all activities of the scheme. The scheme approach to the investigation and pension scheme governing bodies. governance module in the new prosecution of these new offences. A key aim for the new code is to code includes information on this You can read more about the draft create consistency in expectations requirement. It provides links to policy in our Pensions Alert dated 18 between different scheme types, other modules which an effective March 2021. subject to the different legislative system of governance should cover, requirements placed on different with these modules relating to the Single code of practice schemes according to their type, topics of management of activities, nature or size. organisational structure, investment BACKGROUND matters, and communications and The Occupational Pension Schemes The new code is designed to be a disclosure. The draft module also (Governance) (Amendment) web-based product. The Regulator contains information about regular Regulations 2018 (Regulations) has broken down the themes internal review of the elements of transposed certain provisions of from its current codes of practice the effective system of governance. the IORP II Directive in relation to form 51 shorter, topic-focused to pension scheme governance modules, with each module setting OWN RISK ASSESSMENT into national law. The Regulations out its expectations in relation The Regulations set out certain replaced the statutory requirement to a topic. The 51 modules are matters which the code must cover, for trustees to establish and divided into five main subject which include the carrying out and operate internal controls with areas: the governing body; funding documentation of an “own-risk a requirement to establish and and investment; administration; assessment” (ORA) of the system of operate “an effective system of communications and disclosure; governance by trustees of schemes governance including internal and reporting to the Regulator. which have 100 members or more. controls” which is proportionate The Regulator notes that most of This is therefore an area where the to the size, nature, scale and the expectations are already in draft code includes new content. complexity of the activities of the the current codes and, unless an Points of note in the draft code in scheme. The Regulations provide for expectation is new, schemes should relation to the ORA include that: the detail of this new requirement to therefore already be meeting the (1) it is an assessment of how well be set out in a code of practice to be provisions set out in the new code. governance systems are working issued by the Regulator. In July 2019 The Regulator also makes it clear and the way potential risks are the Regulator published its Single that setting out its expectations in managed; (2) the governing body code of practice statement, reporting lists does not mean that they are should carry out an ORA that is that it will be reviewing its codes of ‘tick-box’ governance requirements. proportionate to the size, nature practice to reflect the Regulations and complexity of the scheme; and that it expects that this will Annex 2 to the consultation (3) the governing body should involve combining the content of its identifies the relevant existing prepare and document its first 15 current codes to form a single, code content relating to each ORA within one year of the new shorter code. On 17 March 2021 the of the draft modules in the new code coming into force; and (4) Regulator published a consultation, code. Draft modules which are each subsequent ORA should be which runs until 26 May, on the first identified as new content include carried out and documented within phase of this work. those relating to the remuneration 12 months of the last. The module policy, scheme governance, own risk also sets out information about STRUCTURE OF THE NEW CODE assessments, stewardship, climate documentation of the ORA and the This first phase of the Regulator’s change and cyber controls. areas that should be covered when work brings 10 of the current carrying out an ORA. 15 codes together as one, with EFFECTIVE SYSTEM OF the Regulator noting that, while GOVERNANCE NEXT STEPS consolidating these 10 codes, it has As set out above, the Regulations The existing codes that the draft reduced the number of pages introduce a requirement for single code does not yet cover by nearly half (though the PDF trustees to establish and operate are those relating to: notifiable version still stands at 149 pages). 5
PENSIONS ROUND-UP events; funding defined benefits; over suspected scams following having regard to the circumstances modification of subsisting rights; a concerning long-term drop in of the case and the Regulator’s circumstances in relation to reporting”. It states that data from statutory objectives. The policy the material detriment test; Action Fraud shows a steady fall in states that examples of settlement and authorisation and supervision pension scam reports, from 1,788 in might include an acceptable cash of master trusts. The Regulator 2014 to 358 in 2020. The Regulator sum in a Contribution Notice case states that modules representing also states that, while there has or an undertaking not to act as the content of these codes will been a slight rise in reporting so far a trustee in a prohibition case. It be added in future phases, and in 2021, it is calling on industry to includes some other examples notes that the modules relating be on high alert and to sign up to of settlement options, as well as to DB funding are expected to be its Pledge campaign to help combat information on subjects such as ready for consultation at the end pension scams. It notes that, so far, general principles, settlement of 2021. The Regulator will also more than 200 organisations have discussions, settlement offers, be adding content relating to the signed up to the Pledge campaign, engaging external stakeholders, Pension Schemes Act 2021 and which is designed in part to decisions on settlement, after other forthcoming legislation as it encourage better reporting. settlement is agreed and becomes ready. At this stage, the consequences of settlement. Regulator is not adopting into the Settlement policy new code any of the findings from On 25 March the Regulator Cross-border schemes its recent consultation on the future published its Settlement policy which In the February 2021 edition of of trusteeship; it states that events sets out the approach it will take Pensions Round-Up (page 5), over the past year have delayed this when negotiating and concluding we reported that the Regulator work and it will be recommenced in settlements of its regulatory or had updated its guidance on due course. civil enforcement action, and Cross-border occupational pension what it expects from those who schemes: arrangements following the The consultation states that a come to it with a proposal. The end of the Brexit transition period. project to review the Regulator’s policy is for employers, trustees or On 31 March the Regulator made guidance in line with the new anyone else who is a target of, or further changes to this guidance code will start later in 2021. It also directly affected by, the Regulator’s to update the information about notes that: (1) in time, the new regulatory or civil enforcement automatic enrolment duties. code has the potential to bring the action. This approach will not apply The updated information includes Regulator’s codes, guidance and to certain listed issues including that: (1) since the end of the Brexit the Trustee Toolkit together; (2) full criminal proceedings, judicial review transition period, the rules for using integration will require an audit proceedings and enforcement of EU/EEA-based schemes to meet and review of around 200 pieces of automatic enrolment duties under automatic enrolment duties have existing guidance, across various the Pensions Act 2008. changed; (2) whether employers can phases of the development of continue using their EU/EEA scheme the new code; and (3) there will For the purposes of the policy, for automatic enrolment purposes therefore be a period when the the Regulator defines settlement after 1 January 2021 will depend new code and guidance are not as as “where the target of potential on whether it is an ‘automatic closely related as will eventually be or ongoing enforcement action enrolment scheme’ or a ‘qualifying the case. offers something in return for scheme’; and (3) employers should The Pensions Regulator (TPR) check whether they are still able Pension scams agreeing not to pursue or continue to use their EU/EEA scheme to On 25 March the Regulator the action”. The Regulator states satisfy their automatic enrolment published a press release stating that its high level aim for any obligations and consider taking that the “pensions industry is settlement is that it should offer their own independent legal advice being called on to raise the alarm a fair and appropriate outcome where appropriate. 6
DLAPIPER.COM Joint FCA and Statement also notes that the The Pensions Regulator guide FCA has “added guidance on the Ombudsman In June 2020 the Financial Conduct information employers and trustees PANELS AND INDEPENDENT Authority (FCA) published a might want to give members to help FINANCIAL ADVISERS consultation on guidance about them understand the relationship On 18 March, The Pensions what it expects from firms when between the transfer value and the Ombudsman (TPO) published Panels advising on pension transfers. DB scheme income, if they decide to and Independent Financial Advisers The consultation also sought views give a transfer value”. which provides “generic information on an updated version of the FCA and guidance” that outlines its and Regulator’s joint guide for REFERRING MEMBERS FOR “approach to the provision of employers and trustees about REGULATED ADVICE factual information in respect of providing support to members The Guide notes that the FCA independent financial advisers”. on financial matters. On 30 March knows that some employers or It provides some information the FCA published its finalised DB trustees are worried that they about the FCA’s view on the issue transfer guidance for advisers, and could be considered to be making of providing members with a list the FCA and Regulator published arrangements with a view to of advisers, and also states that the updated version of Guide for transactions if they refer members careful consideration should be employers and trustees on providing for regulated advice. On this given as to the criteria under which support with financial matters issue, the Guide includes that a the IFA firms are to be selected without needing to be subject to FCA one-off exercise of identifying and retained or replaced over time. regulation (Guide). In this article suitable advisers, such as providing TPO also states that consideration we provide a brief overview of a list of advisers that scheme should be given to the inclusion of two of the subjects considered by members may like to use, is by specified information in any factual the Guide. itself unlikely to be considered information provided to members to be making arrangements with about potential IFAs. TPO’s TRANSFER VALUES a view to transactions ‘by way document also notes some of the One of the issues considered by of business’. It also states that factors that would generally mean the Guide is providing transfer arranging for scheme members that a scheme administrator or values to DB members. The FCA’s to get independent advice on a other person would be in a stronger Feedback Statement on its June broad range of pension products position in relation to any complaint 2020 consultation includes that they can transfer to is likely to fall submitted against it to TPO some respondents asked for more outside the regulated activity of regarding its listed IFAs, although it guidance on providing a member making arrangements with a view notes that TPO would assess each with a transfer value that they to transactions. However, it states complaint on its own facts. TPO have not asked for. The Feedback that for these purposes, it may be states that a scheme establishing Statement includes that employers harder for a restricted advice firm an IFA panel should, where and trustees “can give guaranteed to satisfy the requirement to give appropriate, seek professional transfer values that members have independent advice. advice before proceeding. requested” and they “may also give transfer values if the member hasn’t Employers and trustees should FACTSHEETS asked for them”. However, the Guide consider reviewing whether In March, TPO also published: includes that they “should consider any changes are needed to the (1) a factsheet which explains whether giving an unsolicited information that they provide to that, before it will investigate a transfer value is likely to result in members in light of the updated complaint, the applicant must have good outcomes for members”, Guide. In relation to the provision first tried to resolve matters with and that some members “may of information on advisers, the party or parties that they think misunderstand how a seemingly they should also note The are at fault, and provides some large transfer value is equivalent Pensions Ombudsman’s recent information about how to do this; to the level of scheme benefits on publication, which is referred and (2) a factsheet about its Early offer”. The Feedback to below. Resolution Service which includes information about what the service is and how it operates. 7
PENSIONS ROUND-UP HM Treasury and Legislation Budget designing the remedy to address Finance Bill On 3 March the Chancellor the age discrimination found in the The Finance (No.2) Bill was delivered the Budget 2021. 2015 public service pension reforms. published on 11 March. Following In relation to pensions, the Budget the announcement in the Budget document includes the The update document also states about the freezing of the standard following announcements. that the government will be Lifetime Allowance (LTA), the Bill reviewing the appropriate taxation includes a clause stating that • The government will maintain framework for DB superfunds. specified provisions of the Finance the Lifetime Allowance at its HM Treasury states that: (1) this work Act 2004 relating to indexation of the current level of GBP1,073,100 in relation to the taxation framework standard LTA do not apply for the tax until April 2026. will proceed alongside the work years 2021/22 to 2025/26. It states under way on the development of that the amount of the standard LTA • The government will issue a the appropriate regulatory regime; for each of those tax years remains consultation on whether certain (2) this is an innovative area and it at the amount for the tax year costs within the DC charge cap should not be assumed that the 2020/21, which is GBP1,073,100. affect pension schemes’ ability tax regime that currently applies to invest in a broader range of to entities and transactions in the The Bill also contains provisions assets. It states that this is to superfund structure or the pension which set out the tax treatment ensure that pension schemes schemes that have transferred to the of collective money purchase are not discouraged from such superfund will remain unchanged; arrangements and benefits. investments and are able to offer and (3) the government’s approach The Explanatory Notes to the Bill the highest possible returns will be informed by the features of include that these amendments for savers. It also states that the permanent regulatory regime. “ensure that the unique nature of the DWP will “come forward those benefits can operate within with draft regulations to make GMPs Part 4 [of the Finance Act 2004] it easier for schemes to take The Guaranteed Minimum Pensions without creating unintended up such opportunities within Increase Order 2021 was made on unauthorised payments charges”. the charge cap by smoothing 1 March and came into force on certain performance fees over 6 April 2021. The Order specifies Automatic enrolment a multi-year period”. The DWP 0.5% as the increase to apply to The Automatic Enrolment subsequently published a the part of Guaranteed Minimum (Earnings Trigger and Qualifying consultation on performance Pensions (GMPs) attributable to Earnings Band) Order 2021 fees and the charge cap on earnings factors for the tax years was made on 15 March and 19 March. Further information on 1988/89 to 1996/97. came into force on 6 April 2021, the consultation is on page 10 of implementing the increase in the this newsletter. The Social Security Revaluation upper limit of the qualifying earnings of Earnings Factors Order 2021 band from GBP50,000 to GBP50,270. Tax policies and was made on 8 March and also As reported in the January 2021 consultations came into force on 6 April 2021. edition of Pensions Round-Up On 23 March the government This Order is made to ensure that (page 8), the lower limit of the published a series of tax documents earnings factors relating to National qualifying earnings band will remain and consultations. HM Treasury’s Tax Insurance contributions for historic at GBP6,240 and the qualifying policies and consultations document tax years, used in the calculation of earnings trigger will remain at includes that the government will additional State Pension and GMPs, GBP10,000. The Order also sets out make technical updates to pension maintain their value in line with the rounded figures for the earnings tax rules to remove certain issues increase in average earnings. thresholds for pay reference periods identified during the process of of less than 12 months. 8
DLAPIPER.COM Department for Work and Pensions General levy supervisory focus continues to be 75 deficit. In relation to stage 3, In the December 2020 edition on such schemes. The regulations the consultation states that the of Pensions Round-Up (pages 8 setting out the 2021, 2022 and Regulator would put forward an to 9), we reported on the DWP’s 2023 increases were also laid before argument on materiality particular consultation on proposals for Parliament on 4 March and came to the facts of the case, as is changes to the structure and rates into force on 1 April 2021. currently done with the material of the general levy on occupational detriment test. and personal pension schemes Consultation on PSA from April 2021, 2022 and 2023. 2021 regulations It is also worth noting that the The general levy recovers the On 18 March the DWP published consultation states that meeting funding provided by the DWP in a consultation (which closed on the ‘employer resources test’ will respect of the core activities of the 29 April) seeking views on the not automatically mean that a CN Pensions Regulator, the activities of proposed drafting of two sets of will or should be issued, and that the Pensions Ombudsman and part regulations relating to provisions the Regulator must show that it of the activities of the Money and of the Pension Schemes Act 2021 is reasonable to impose a CN on Pensions Service. The consultation (PSA 2021) concerning the Pensions the target. explained that: (1) between 2013 Regulator’s powers. and 2018, the cumulative surplus INFORMATION GATHERING in the levy reduced; (2) since 2018, CONTRIBUTION NOTICES The PSA 2021 includes provisions the cumulative balance has moved The PSA 2021 introduces two new which expand the Regulator’s to deficit; and (3) the DWP estimates grounds for issuing a Contribution interview and inspection powers. that, if levy rates were to remain Notice (CN), both of which are It also provides the Regulator with unchanged, there would be a deficit subject to a statutory defence. new powers to issue fixed and of around GBP230 million at the One of these new grounds is the escalating civil penalties for non- end of 2023/24. The consultation ‘employer resources test’ which compliance with these provisions set out three options that the DWP would be met in relation to an act or with a written notice issued considered for changes to the or failure to act if the Regulator under its existing powers requiring general levy. is of the opinion that: it reduced information to be provided. the value of the resources of the The second set of draft regulations On 4 March the DWP published employer; and that reduction was relate to these provisions and cover the government response to the a material reduction relative to issues including: (1) the minimum consultation which reports that, the estimated section 75 debt. information which must be included following consideration of the The consultation proposes that, in an interview notice; (2) proposed responses to the consultation, it has in relation to this new test, the modifications to the inspection decided to proceed with the option ‘resources of the employer’ be power to set out how it applies to that was stated to be the preferred determined as normalised profits of multi-employer schemes; and (3) option in the consultation. This the employer before tax. the levels of fixed and escalating option includes: (1) the introduction penalties. It is proposed that the of separate sets of levy rates for The consultation also sets out the level of the fixed penalty will be DB schemes, DC schemes other proposed process for determining, GBP400 and that, where the person than master trusts, master trusts calculating and verifying the value is an individual, the level of the and personal pension schemes; (2) of the resources of the employer escalating penalty will be GBP200 for increases in the levy for 2021/22 which, in summary, involves: (1) each day that the non-compliance of 10% for DB schemes and DC calculating normalised annual continues. In the case of escalating schemes other than master trusts profit before tax (NAPBT) of the penalties imposed on those other and 5% for master trusts and employer absent the “act”; (2) than individuals, it is proposed that personal pension schemes; and (3) calculating the change to the NAPBT the rate will be GBP500 for the first larger levy rate increases for DB attributable to the “act”; and (3) day and will increase cumulatively schemes, as against other scheme comparing the difference between on each subsequent day by that types, given the relative complexity the pre-act NAPBT and the adjusted amount until, after 20 days, the daily of DB schemes and the fact that the NAPBT to the scheme’s section rate is GBP10,000. 9
PENSIONS ROUND-UP Performance fees and potential barrier to investment in supply chains, workforce conditions the charge cap alternative asset classes, particularly and diversity and inclusion; Following the announcement venture capital and growth equity. (2) company products and selling made at the Budget on 3 March The June 2021 response will also practices, which includes factors (reported on page 8 of this include a summary of responses such as product quality and safety newsletter), on 19 March the received and next steps on and consumer protection; and (3) DWP published a consultation this issue. companies in the community, which entitled Incorporating performance includes factors such as community fees within the charge cap. Social factors – Call engagement and impact on local This consultation, which closed on for Evidence businesses. The Call for Evidence 16 April, contains the government On 24 March the DWP published also sets out: some resources which response to the performance fee a Call for Evidence entitled provide data and information about section of the DWP’s September Consideration of social risks and social factors; and some of the 2020 consultation (reported on opportunities by occupational ways in which social factors may page 6 of that month’s edition of pension schemes, which runs be financially material, including Pensions Round-Up) and consults until 16 June 2021. By way of regulatory risks, litigation risks on consequential draft regulations. background, regulations relating and reputational risks. In relation to occupational pension schemes to financial materiality, it states The March 2021 consultation and investment require Statements that social factors can also be reports that, given that the of Investment Principles to include opportunities, with the information consensus emerging from the the trustees’ policies in relation to on opportunities including that September 2020 consultation financially material considerations higher standards on social factors was that introducing the option including environmental, social and may be a commercial advantage. of smoothing performance fee governance (ESG) considerations. payments over multiple years The Ministerial foreword to the The Call for Evidence also looks would reduce the risk of a charge Call for Evidence notes concern at how trustees can take social cap breach and could increase that social factors are not well factors into account. It states that investment in illiquid assets, the understood. The Minister states there is no single “right” way to government is bringing forward that he wrote to 40 of the largest consider social factors but notes regulations. The draft regulations schemes in February 2021, several distinct approaches available aim to supplement the two existing seeking information about their including screening, tilted funds, permitted methods for calculating ESG policies and their stewardship voting and engagement. In relation the scheme’s charges, with an policies and practices, and found to stewardship, the Call for Evidence option to include a five year moving “performance to be mixed”. reports that the government is average for performance fees. The Call for Evidence builds on this, closely considering the following The consultation includes illustrative seeking views on the effectiveness recommendations made by the examples to provide guidance on of occupational pension scheme Asset Management Taskforce in how a multiple year smoothing trustees’ current policies and November 2020: (1) UK pension approach would work in practice. practices in relation to social schemes should be required to The government aims to publish a factors. It also seeks to assess how explain how their stewardship response to this consultation and trustees understand social factors policies and activities are in scheme to the remainder of the September and how they seek to integrate members’ best interests, and the 2020 consultation, including final considerations of financially material Pensions Regulator should issue draft regulations and final statutory social factors into their investment related guidance on how trustees guidance, in June 2021. The and stewardship activities. might evidence this; and (2) a government’s intention is that the dedicated council of UK pension regulations on performance fees will The Call for Evidence sets out some schemes should be established come into force in October 2021. of the social factors that investors to promote and facilitate high may wish to consider. The factors standards of stewardship of The March 2021 consultation are divided into the following three pension assets. also seeks views on the current areas: (1) practices within a company position on look-through in relation and its supply chain, which includes to charge cap compliance, as a factors such as health and safety in 10
DLAPIPER.COM A separate section in the Call for lead to proposed changes in assess and make recommendations, Evidence about social factors policy”. It states that any changes as an interim step, on ways to as opportunities notes that the in policy would be subject to tackle deferred, small pension pots. government is already undertaking public consultation. In the December 2020 edition substantial work to understand and of Pensions Round-Up (page 9) address some of the barriers to Pension scams we reported on the publication of trustees investing in private markets In a January 2021 evidence session a report by the Small Pots Working including venture capital. It goes on before the Work and Pensions Group which set out a number of to state that the government wants Committee, one of the issues recommendations. On 24 March “to understand whether there are discussed by the Minister for the Pensions and Lifetime Savings similar misunderstandings about Pensions and Financial Inclusion Association (PLSA) published a the availability and viability for was sharing data in relation to press release reporting that a new schemes of investment products pension scams. On 11 March the industry co-ordination group (the that see social factors as financially DWP published a news story which Small Pots Co-ordination Group) has material opportunities for investors reports that, since then, the Pension been established to take forward to make a return”. It also states Scams Industry Group has been the recommendations of the Small that: a further possibility for receiving a steady stream of new Pots Working Group. The press investment opportunities focuses on applicants. However, the news release includes that the new group, developing and emerging markets; story goes on to state that around which was jointly convened by the the government believes these 90 large schemes still do not share PLSA and the Association of British investments are not as common for data and the Minister has written Insurers, will: (1) direct relevant work occupational pension schemes; and to those schemes calling on them across the industry, focusing on it would like to understand why. to do so in order to create a clearer the administration processes that picture of the scale of the issue. will underpin a future long-term The Call for Evidence seeks to The news story includes the text of consolidation model in the interests understand what the government the Minister’s letter. of savers; (2) examine existing could do to ensure that trustees data-matching requirements, are able to meet their legal Small pension pots common data standards and the obligations in relation to social In September 2020 the DWP requirements for a low-cost transfer factors. However, the DWP notes announced that the government process for mass consolidation; that it is an information gathering had launched a cross-sector and (3) publish a progress report in exercise which “may or may not working group with industry to the summer. 11
PENSIONS ROUND-UP Other news HMRC newsletter Pensions dashboards or supplier, to understand the On 16 March HMRC published On 2 March the Pensions options available and begin work a Managing Pension Schemes Administration Standards on the best solution. The blog post service newsletter which includes Association (PASA) published also notes that the PDP is keen to an update on migration of pension guidance for pension schemes, speak to providers or individual schemes from the Pension Schemes trustees and providers on how to pension arrangements which may Online service to the Managing start getting ready for pensions wish to participate in the voluntary Pension Schemes service. This dashboards. The guidance includes onboarding phase. update includes that: (1) later this that, as early as possible in 2021, year, scheme administrators will schemes and providers should make Data Management be able to view a list of pension a plan to ensure that their data is Plans schemes they need to migrate on ‘dashboard compliant’. The guidance On 22 March the Pensions the Managing Pension Schemes is structured around three areas: Administration Standards service; (2) in spring 2022, scheme (1) accessibility of pension records, Association (PASA) published administrators will have the ability with action points including that guidance on Data Management to select schemes from the list and schemes and providers should Plans (DMPs). PASA states that provide up to date information on conduct an exercise to ascertain if developments in legislation them; and (3) once the required they have any non-digital records and regulation (such as GMP information has been submitted, and, if so, load these on to their equalisation and pensions this will migrate the pension main admin system so that they dashboards) have “pushed data scheme to the Managing Pension are accessible digitally; (2) accuracy quality and management to the top Schemes service. An Appendix to of personal data items, with action of the agenda for both the trustees the newsletter lists the information points including to determine which of pension schemes and their that will be required so that scheme personal data items they will match employers”. The guidance states administrators can prepare for this. against and consider how they can that the purpose of a DMP is for assess and continually ensure these trustees to formalise their approach Countdown bulletin data items are always accurate; to managing and improving their On 25 March HMRC published and (3) availability of accrued pension scheme data. It also sets Countdown Bulletin 54 in relation pension amounts. As the Pensions out a high level description of the to the end of contracting-out. Dashboards Programme (PDP), DWP, information which may be included HMRC reports that there were no FCA and Regulator publish more in a DMP. This is divided into four significant delays to its proposed information, PASA will issue updated sections: (1) understanding pension timeline of issuing final data cuts versions of its guidance. scheme data; (2) documenting by the end of July 2020, but it processes for receiving, transferring was unable to issue data cuts to On 12 March the PDP published and managing pension scheme schemes with nil output or where a blog post entitled Building an data; (3) measuring data quality, it has been unable to trace the onboarding strategy. In the blog implementing a data improvement scheme administrator. The bulletin post, the PDP recommends that: plan and documenting process and states that administrators should (1) organisations continue to control strengthening measures; and contact HMRC if their scheme has work on their data, so that it is in (4) maintaining a record of decisions not received its final data cut and the best shape possible ahead of and version control. However, PASA they were appointed administrator connection to pensions dashboards; notes that the information that it of a scheme before 31 July 2020. and (2) providers which have not has suggested should be included The bulletin provides an email yet begun to identify a strategy is not exhaustive and should be address to use for this purpose for connecting to the dashboard tailored for each pension scheme to and states that the deadline for ecosystem, should work with their be appropriate and proportionate requesting the final data cut is system team or provider and/or relative to its needs, objectives and 31 July 2021. their pension administration team ongoing activities. 12
DLAPIPER.COM Work and legislation should be published under the Public Service Pensions Pensions Committee within 18 months of the regulations Act 2013 in relation to the period In July 2020 the Work and Pensions being operational. It states that, 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. Committee announced that it will be if there are any concerns about conducting a three part inquiry into the operation of the policy, this will GMP INDEXATION the impact of the pension freedoms allow legislative changes to be made The removal of the Additional and the protection of pension during this Parliament. State Pension when the new State savers. On 28 March the Committee Pension system was introduced published its report in relation to the Money and on 6 April 2016 also removed the first part of the inquiry which looked Pensions Service mechanism that fully indexed and at pension scams. The Committee’s On 18 March the Money and equalised most public service report includes that: “More than five Pensions Service (MaPS) published pension payments for members years on from the introduction of the a press release reporting that it with Guaranteed Minimum Pensions pension freedoms, the Government plans to launch a single offering for (GMPs). On 1 March 2016 the and the regulators are still putting consumers called MoneyHelper. The government announced that, as an in place the necessary support press release includes that: (1) since interim solution, it would continue framework to tackle scams” and MaPS was formed, it has operated its with the previous practice for public that its report “calls on them to act consumer services under the three service pensioners reaching State quickly and decisively to protect legacy brands of the Money Advice Pension age after 5 April 2016 and pension savers”. Service (MAS), The Pensions Advisory before 6 December 2018 and fully Service (TPAS) and Pension Wise; (2) index their GMPs earned in public The Committee’s report sets out MoneyHelper will bring these brands service. This was subsequently a number of recommendations and services together in one place; extended to those reaching State including that: (1) Action Fraud and (3) Pension Wise will continue Pension age on or after 6 December should make it clear that the as a named service under the 2018 and before 6 April 2021. industry should make reports MoneyHelper umbrella. MaPS states of scam activity to it, and should that, from June 2021, it will begin In the October 2020 edition of provide clear guidance and an rolling out the new MoneyHelper Pensions Round-Up (page 9), we effective tool for the industry to do brand and website. reported that HM Treasury had so; (2) Project Bloom should facilitate published a consultation on the industry intelligence sharing and Public Service approach to take for members the government should legislate Pension Schemes who will reach State Pension age to require industry participation after 5 April 2021. On 23 March HM INCREASES AND REVALUATION in intelligence sharing at the next Treasury published the government The Pensions Increase (Review) opportunity; and (3) the Pensions response to the consultation Order 2021 was made on 8 March. Regulator should monitor and report which reports that: (1) the majority It provides for an increase of 0.5% twice annually to the Committee on of respondents favoured the from 12 April 2021 for all official the effectiveness of its pledge to permanent extension of full pensions, except for those which combat pension scams. indexation for those public servants have been in payment for less than with a GMP reaching State Pension a year, which will receive a pro-rata The Committee notes that the age from 6 April 2021, which was in increase. The Public Service Pensions Pension Schemes Act 2021 will allow line with the preferred stated policy Revaluation Order 2021 was also the member’s statutory right to of public service pension schemes; made on 8 March. This Order transfer to be restricted where there and (2) the government has decided specifies the annual percentage are signs of a pension scam and to make full GMP indexation the change in prices and earnings that regulations are expected to be permanent solution for public to be applied for the purpose of in place later this year. The report service pension schemes. revaluation required by schemes recommends that a review of the 13
PENSIONS ROUND-UP On the horizon DATE DEVELOPMENT Unknown In February 2020 the Regulator published the response to its July 2019 consultation on the future of trusteeship and governance. Action points that the response identifies include that the Regulator will review and update its code of practice on Trustee Knowledge and Understanding, review the Trustee Toolkit and establish and lead an industry working group to find ways of supporting schemes to take steps to improve trustee diversity. Following the publication of its October 2020 Statement of Policy Intent entitled Stronger Nudge to Pensions Guidance, the DWP is expected to publish a consultation on draft regulations to implement its proposals. 2021 In April 2019 the DWP published guidance on GMP conversion which notes that the government is considering changes to this legislation to clarify certain issues. The GMP Equalisation Working Group plans to publish guidance on GMP conversion by the end of April 2021 and examples on anti-franking in the second quarter of 2021. The Group also plans to publish guidance on communications during the implementation stage and on GMP equalisation and past transfers. 2021 Regulations to implement provisions of IORP II in relation to governance came into force in 2019 with the detail of the new requirements to be set out in a code of practice. On 17 March the Regulator published a consultation on the first phase of its work to combine its current codes to form a single, shorter code. The consultation closes on 26 May 2021. 2021 Following the government’s March 2019 response to its consultation on Collective DC schemes, a framework for such schemes is included in the Pension Schemes Act 2021. The DWP plans to consult on regulations in early summer 2021. Second half The Regulator’s second consultation on its DB funding code, which will focus on the draft code itself, is expected of 2021 to be published in the second half of 2021. Autumn The Pension Schemes Act 2021 includes provisions which amend the Regulator’s powers and introduce new 2021 powers. The aim is for the powers to be available to the Regulator by autumn 2021. In relation to the duty to give notices and statements to the Regulator in respect of certain events, the DWP will consult on the draft regulations later this year, for commencement as soon as practical thereafter. Early In August 2017 the government confirmed that it will proceed with proposals to limit the statutory right to autumn transfer in order to tackle pension scams. Regulation-making powers are included in the Pension Schemes Act 2021 2021. A consultation on draft regulations is expected in early summer 2021, with the regulations coming into force in early autumn. October The Pension Schemes Act 2021 includes provisions on climate change risk which set out powers to make regulations 2021 imposing requirements on trustees in relation to governance and disclosure. The DWP has published a consultation on draft regulations and statutory guidance and it is proposed that the regulations will come into force on 1 October 2021. October Annual Reports produced on or after 1 October 2020 have to include implementation statements. The information 2021 to be included in these statements depends on whether the scheme is a relevant scheme or a DB scheme. The first report for DB schemes and certain information for relevant schemes must be published by 1 October 2021. October In September 2020 the DWP published a consultation on proposals to improve outcomes for DC members 2021 which looks at issues including assessing value for members, consolidation and the charge cap. The consultation closed on 30 October and it is proposed that the regulations will come into force on 5 October 2021. 2021 The DWP is expected to publish a consultation on a mandatory approach to simpler annual benefit statement templates for DC schemes used for automatic enrolment. 2021 Provisions in relation to pensions dashboards are included in the Pension Schemes Act 2021. An indicative timeline published by the Pensions Dashboards Programme in October 2020 estimates that phase 4 of the 2023 development of pensions dashboards, which will be the phase in which schemes will begin to be compelled by law to connect to the dashboards ecosystem, will run from 2023. The DWP aims to consult on proposed regulations for the pensions dashboard later in 2021. 14
DLAPIPER.COM Contact details Cathryn Everest Ben Miller Andrew McIlhinney Senior Professional Support Head of Pensions Partner, Leeds Lawyer, London +44 (0)151 237 4749 +44 (0)113 369 2141 +44 (0)20 7153 7116 Tamara Calvert Matthew Swynnerton Megan Sumpster Partner, London Partner, London Professional +44 (0)20 7796 6702 +44 (0)20 7796 6143 Support Lawyer, London +44 (0)20 7153 7973 Joel Eytle Amrit Mclean Partner, London Head of Pensions De-risking +44 (0)20 7796 6673 +44 (0)20 7796 6613 15
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