Patience and "good" institutions: Predicting Real Interest Rates and Institutional Quality?

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Patience and "good" institutions: Predicting Real Interest Rates and
Institutional Quality?*

                                      Atin Basuchoudhary**
                               Department of Economics and Business
                                     Virginia Military Institute
                                      Lexington, VA 24450
                                       Phone: 540 464 7450

                                            John David
                                 Department of Applied Mathematics
                                     Virginia Military Institute
                                       Lexington, VA 24450

                                           Chap Michie
                                 Department of Applied Mathematics
                                     Virginia Military Institute
                                       Lexington, VA 24450

Abstract: The folk theorem suggests economic institutions that support coordination in markets
based in specialization should be quite common as long as people are patient. We test and find
supporting evidence for this hypothesis using non-parametric data driven approaches. These
approaches suggest that institutions are quantifiably good predictors of real interest rates, even after
controlling for the vagaries of monetary policy. This suggests that real interest rates may potentially
serve as a proxy for good institutions.

                                                    *Very rough draft. Please do not quote without permission.
                                                                                     **Corresponding author.


The public choice literature has long acknowledged the tension between predation and beneficial

trade in the context of classic coordination games (Mueller, 1989, pp. 9 - 25). This literature looks

towards a social contract, the state as it were, that moves individuals from the predatory to the

mutually beneficial Pareto improving outcome (Buchanan, 1975). Moreover, this social contract

itself is a public good and a matter for public choice. Nevertheless, the public choice literature

analyzing the role of the evolution of this social contract has hitherto focused on the size of the

community, reliance on formal sanctions, and police enforcement of this social contract (Mueller,

1989). On the other hand, Folk theorems for infinitely repeated games suggest that that all feasible

payoffs that payoff dominate the individually rational payoff vector can be supported as payoffs of

sub-game perfect equilibria using trigger strategies as long as discount rates are sufficiently close to 1

(Fudenberg & Maskin, 1990). This suggests that cooperation should be quite common as long as

people are patient. In other words, the sort of cooperation implied by a social contract that reduces

free riding and predation and moves society towards a productive Pareto improving equilibrium is

more likely when people are patient, i.e. interest rates are low. In fact, a recent paper

(Basuchoudhary & Razzolini, 2013), outlines a formal theory relating the evolution of cooperation

and patience.

        However, it has been hard to find evidence of cooperation among humans when

experimental designs simulate institutions by manipulating patience through game termination rules (

(Dal-Bo & Frechette, 2011). Part of this problem may be attributed to faulty experimental design

that does not take into account patience endogeneity (Basuchoudhary, et al., 2012; Basuchoudhary,

et al., 2010). Of course, evidence for cooperation abounds in the natural world (Nowak & Highfield,

2011). Popular writers ranging from Diamond (2005) to Wright (2001) trace the evolution of

cooperation as an institutional matter that follows the arc of history. Greg Clark (2007, p. 167, and

2005), points to coordination between technology, institutions, and people as the proximate cause

for the end of Malthusian economies. In fact, he notes that interest rates fell quite precipitously in

England during this transition from a Malthusian to a modern economy (Table 9, Clark, 2007). The

literature in economic growth also suggests that patience is critical for growing economies (Romer,

2001). All of this suggests that the Folk Theorem is indeed at work in generating wealth. Therefore,

as a matter of empirical fact, low real interest rates ought to be associated with good institutions. We

investigate this link in this paper.

        Interest rates are a consequence of how people feel about the future and as such arise out of

some psychological process that links the availability of money and interactions between people, the

institutions that envelop their lives and the evolution of the these very institutions. Then, any

attempt to link real interest rates to institutions is fraught with endogeneity problems. Thus, any

parametric approach is open to criticism from two fronts. First, there is the risk that a regression

based approach misses a variable that explains both institutional evolution and real interest rates.

Second, even if good instruments are available to address the first problem, economists tend to use

regression based tools to increase in sample fit rather than predictive power. Our non-parametric

approach eliminates both problems and can predict real interest rates much better than a simple

average. Thus, our approach provides an empirical link between real interest rates and institutions

that eliminates many of the theoretical problems that arise from investigating a dataset that may not

be distributed in way that adhere to all the assumptions required for a scientifically plausible

statistical investigation (Einav & Levin, 2013). Moreover, our ability to use institutional variables to

predict real interest rates provides for the first time some real evidence on the role of interest rates

as an important factor that links good institutions and the evolution of Pareto improving social

contracts. Further, if institutional variables are good predictors of real interest rates then interest

rates could potentially serve as a proxy for institutional variables in an observable way.

In what follows we try to predict real interest rates using money growth and indices of

institutions thought to matter for economic growth. We suggest that if institutional variables can

predict real interest rates then institutions generate patience – possibly by reducing uncertainty about

the future (cite North). We run a horse race among many prediction techniques and find that

ensemble based decision tree analysis provides the most accurate predictions. We then use that

technique to find the institutional variables that matter the most for predicting interest rates. Thus,

our paper introduces two innovations. First, we find some empirical evidence for the theoretical link

between institutions and interest rates. Second, we use atheoretical data mining techniques to

investigate whether institutional data can predict real interest rates.1

        We describe our data in Section 1. We spend a considerable amount of time describing our

scientific methodology in Section 2. Results are described in Section 3. Section 4 concludes.

Section 1. Data.

We get the data for real interest rates from the World Bank and our institutional variables from the

International Country Risk Guide (ICGR).2 Our dataset includes 37 countries(reported in Table 1 in

the Appendix) for which we have complete annual data from 1984 to 2007.

        A set of 22 components, categorized as political, financial, and economic factors proxy

institutional health. These components were chosen to give an accurate assessment of the different

atmospheres of first and third world nations. Every component within the model is assigned a

numeric value, with the lower values indicating high risk and higher values meaning lower risk. This

data is then adapted into risk points for all the factors on the basis of a consistent pattern of

evaluation. The political risk assessments used in my thesis are produced through subjective analysis

1 We note here that at Susan Athey, a recent winner of the John Bates Clark medal in economics, made an
impassioned ple for using data mining techniques to improve the predictive power of economic analysis at a
plenary session at the 2013 Southern Economic Association meetings in Tampa, Florida.
2 International Country Risk Guide Methodology

of the existing information. ICRG also provides the information and data on which the ratings for

the individual risk components are determined, together with its interpretation of that information

or data. This allows users of the model to weigh their own interpretation of the information and

data against the ICRG staff.

                                   Table 1. Variable Descriptions3
    Variable Name                    Description                                                  Point

    Real Interest Rate (RIR)         An interest rate that has been adjusted to remove the        N/A. The
                                     effects of inflation to reflect the real cost of funds to    informati
                                     the borrower, and the real yield to the lender. The          on is
                                     real interest rate of an investment is calculated as the     provided
                                     amount by which the nominal interest rate is higher          by World
                                     than the inflation rate.                                     Bank. 4

                                     Real Interest Rate = Nominal Interest Rate -
                                     Inflation (Expected or Actual)

                                     The real interest rate is the growth rate of purchasing
                                     power derived from an investment. By adjusting the
                                     nominal interest rate to compensate for inflation, you
                                     are keeping the purchasing power of a given level of
                                     capital constant over time.

    Government Stability             This is an assessment both of the government’s               12
                                     ability to carry out its declared program(s), and its
                                     ability to stay in office. The risk rating assigned is the
                                     sum of three subcomponents, each with a maximum
                                     score of four points and a minimum score of 0
                                     points. A score of 4 points equates to Very Low Risk
                                     and a score of 0 points to Very High Risk.

                                      The subcomponents (of equal weight) are
                                               ● Government Unity
                                               ● Legislative Strength
                                               ● Popular Support

    Socioeconomic Conditions         This is an assessment of the socioeconomic pressures 12
                                     at work in society that could constrain government

3 Descriptions are from International Country Risk Guide Methodology at

action or fuel social dissatisfaction. The risk rating
                     assigned is the sum of three subcomponents, each
                     with a maximum score of four points and a
                     minimum score of 0 points. A score of 4 points
                     equates to Very Low Risk and a score of 0 points to
                     Very High Risk.

                     The subcomponents (of equal weight) are
                              ● Unemployment
                              ● Consumer Confidence
                              ● Poverty

Investment Profile   This is an assessment of factors affecting the risk to   12
                     investment that are not covered by other political,
                     economic and financial risk components. The risk
                     rating assigned is the sum of three subcomponents,
                     each with a maximum score of four points and a
                     minimum score of 0 points. A score of 4 points
                     equates to Very Low Risk and a score of 0 points to
                     Very High Risk.

                     The subcomponents (of equal weight) are
                               ● Contract Viability/Expropriation
                               ● Profits Repatriation
                               ● Payment Delays

Internal Conflict    This is an assessment of political violence in the      12
                     country and its actual or potential impact on
                     governance. The highest rating is given to those
                     countries where there is no armed or civil opposition
                     to the government and the government does not
                     indulge in arbitrary violence, direct or indirect,
                     against its own people. The lowest rating is given to a
                     country embroiled in an on-going civil war. The risk
                     rating assigned is the sum of three subcomponents,
                     each with a maximum score of four points and a
                     minimum score of 0 points. A score of 4 points
                     equates to Very Low Risk and a score of 0 points to
                     Very High Risk.
                     The subcomponents are:
                          Civil War/Coup Threat
                          Terrorism/Political Violence
                          Civil Disorder

External Conflict   The external conflict measure is an assessment both         12
                    of the risk to the incumbent government from
                    foreign action, ranging from non-violent external
                    pressure (diplomatic pressures, withholding of aid,
                    trade restrictions, territorial disputes, sanctions, etc)
                    to violent external pressure (cross-border conflicts to
                    all-out war).
                    External conflicts can adversely affect foreign
                    business in many ways, ranging from restrictions on
                    operations to trade and investment sanctions, to
                    distortions in the allocation of economic resources,
                    to violent change in the structure of society.
                    The risk rating assigned is the sum of three
                    subcomponents, each with a maximum score of four
                    points and a minimum score of 0 points. A score of
                    4 points equates to Very Low Risk and a score of 0
                    points to Very High Risk.
                    The subcomponents are:
                          War
                          Cross-Border Conflict
                          Foreign Pressures

Corruption          This is an assessment of corruption within the              6
                    political system. Such corruption is a threat to
                    foreign investment for several reasons: it distorts the
                    economic and financial environment; it reduces the
                    efficiency of government and business by enabling
                    people to assume positions of power through
                    patronage rather than ability; and, last but not least,
                    introduces an inherent instability into the political
                    The most common form of corruption met directly
                    by business is financial corruption in the form of
                    demands for special payments and bribes connected
                    with import and export licenses, exchange controls,
                    tax assessments, police protection, or loans. Such
                    corruption can make it difficult to conduct business
                    effectively, and in some cases may force the
                    withdrawal or withholding of an investment.
                    Although our measure takes such corruption into
                    account, it is more concerned with actual or potential
                    corruption in the form of excessive patronage,
                    nepotism, job reservations, 'favor-for-favors', secret
                    party funding, and suspiciously close ties between
                    politics and business. In our view these insidious
                    sorts of corruption are potentially of much greater

risk to foreign business in that they can lead to
                       popular discontent, unrealistic and inefficient
                       controls on the state economy, and encourage the
                       development of the black market.
                       The greatest risk in such corruption is that at some
                       time it will become so overweening, or some major
                       scandal will be suddenly revealed, as to provoke a
                       popular backlash, resulting in a fall or overthrow of
                       the government, a major reorganizing or
                       restructuring of the country's political institutions, or,
                       at worst, a breakdown in law and order, rendering
                       the country ungovernable.

Military in Politics   Higher ratings The military is not elected by anyone.        6
                       Therefore, its involvement in politics, even at a
                       peripheral level, is a diminution of democratic
                       accountability. However, it also has other significant
                       The military might, for example, become involved in
                       government because of an actual or created internal
                       or external threat. Such a situation would imply the
                       distortion of government policy in order to meet this
                       threat, for example by increasing the defense budget
                       at the expense of other budget allocations.
                       In some countries, the threat of military take-over
                       can force an elected government to change policy or
                       cause its replacement by another government more
                       amenable to the military’s wishes. A military takeover
                       or threat of a takeover may also represent a high risk
                       if it is an indication that the government is unable to
                       function effectively and that the country therefore
                       has an uneasy environment for foreign businesses.
                       A full-scale military regime poses the greatest risk. In
                       the short term a military regime may provide a new
                       stability and thus reduce business risks. However, in
                       the longer term the risk will almost certainly rise,
                       partly because the system of governance will be
                       become corrupt and partly because the continuation
                       of such a government is likely to create an armed
                       In some cases, military participation in government
                       may be a symptom rather than a cause of underlying
                       difficulties. Overall, lower risk ratings indicate a
                       greater degree of military participation in politics and
                       a higher level of political risk.

Religious Tensions          Religious tensions may stem from the domination of 6
                            society and/or governance by a single religious group
                            that seeks to replace civil law by religious law and to
                            exclude other religions from the political and/or
                            social process; the desire of a single religious group
                            to dominate governance; the suppression of religious
                            freedom; the desire of a religious group to express its
                            own identity, separate from the country as a whole.
                            The risk involved in these situations range from
                            inexperienced people imposing inappropriate policies
                            through civil dissent to civil war.

Law and Order               Law and Order are assessed separately, with each           6
                            sub-component comprising zero to three points. The
                            Law sub-component is an assessment of the strength
                            and impartiality of the legal system, while the Order
                            sub-component is an assessment of popular
                            observance of the law. Thus, a country can enjoy a
                            high rating – 3 – in terms of its judicial system, but a
                            low rating – 1 – if it suffers from a very high crime
                            rate of if the law is routinely ignored without
                            effective sanction (for example, widespread illegal

Ethnic Tensions             This component is an assessment of the degree of       6
                            tension within a country attributable to racial,
                            nationality, or language divisions. Lower ratings are
                            given to countries where racial and nationality
                            tensions are high because opposing groups are
                            intolerant and unwilling to compromise. Higher
                            ratings are given to countries where tensions are
                            minimal, even though such differences may still exist.
Democratic Accountability   This is a measure of how responsive government is          6
                            to its people, on the basis that the less responsive it
                            is, the more likely it is that the government will fall,
                            peacefully in a democratic society, but possibly
                            violently in a non-democratic one.

Bureaucracy Quality         The institutional strength and quality of the              4
                            bureaucracy is another shock absorber that tends to
                            minimize revisions of policy when governments
                            change. Therefore, high points are given to countries
                            where the bureaucracy has the strength and expertise
                            to govern without drastic changes in policy or
                            interruptions in government services. In these low-
                            risk countries, the bureaucracy tends to be somewhat

autonomous from political pressure and to have an
                                    established mechanism for recruitment and training.
                                    Countries that lack the cushioning effect of a strong
                                    bureaucracy receive low points because a change in
                                    government tends to be traumatic in terms of policy
                                    formulation and day-to-day administrative functions.

Section 2. Computational Techniques.

Data Mining is a large area in science, engineering and mathematics. It is receiving an increasingly

large amount of attention in both the technical and general literature, particularly as the amount of

available data has rapidly increased. In fact, it was the 2012 topic of Math Awareness Month. While

there are many techniques in this field and an abundance of literature on the subject, we will focus

on two techniques: artificial neural networks (ANNs) and decision trees (DTs).

        An ANN is a mathematical model inspired by the way the human brain processes

information. It can also be thought of as a generalized nonlinear multivariate regression. See Hand

(2001), Alpaydin (2010), Kononenko (2007) and Bishop (2006) for an introduction to neural

networks and data mining in general. The fundamental building block of an ANN is the artificial

neuron. An artificial neuron is simply a composition of mathematical functions operations.

Assuming the input from the previous layer is denoted by a vector,                                , the

artificial neuron outputs,   , have the form,


where g is the generally nonlinear transfer function,   , are the weights and    are the biases. An

ANN consists of an interconnected collection of artificial neurons. For example a two layer ANN

with linear transfer functions in the second layer would take on the form,

                                                                                            10 | P a g e
∑           (∑               )

where the superscript indicates the layer in which the weight is used and      denotes the transfer

function for the kth neuron.

        The data is split into 3 categories when finding the optimal weights for these networks, i.e.

training the networks. The training data is the portion of the data in which the optimization

algorithm uses to find the weights. The validation data is the portion of the data that is used to

determine when to stop training to avoid overfitting. The testing data is the portion of the data that

has no effect on training and is used to validate the model.

        There is a large number of decisions one has to make when using these networks, including

the number of layers, number of neurons, how to portion the data into the various classes,

optimization routine and types of transfer functions. We experimented with a large number of these

options but ultimately settled on using feedforward backpropagation newtworks, with 2 hidden

layers, 8 neurons in the first layer and 6 in the second, tan-sigmoid transfer functions in the first two

layers and linear in the third, the Levenberg-Marquardt training routine was used and the data was

partitioned into training, validation and testing randomly at percents 70%, 15%, and 15%

respectively. The Matlab ANN toolbox was used to perform the computations in this work.

        In general, a decision tree (DT) is a graph which takes options and weighs them by

observations to most properly group them. A decision tree groups these final outcomes by

classification, where a regression tree groups them by specific numbers. A very simple regression

tree would be one to help you decide how much to tip. For example, if your service was very fast

(waited less than 15 minutes for your food) and the waiter kept your glass filled (more than 2 refills)

you may want to give a good 20 % tip. For example if your service was slow (waited more than 15

                                                                                             11 | P a g e
minutes for your food) and your drink was empty often (less than 2 refills) you may want to give a

low 10 % tip. All the possible results for this regression tree can be seen in Figure 1.

                                                 Figure 1

    Figure 1. A simple example of a DTT designed to predict tip amounts at a restaurant.

The process used for decision and regression trees consists of using an algorithm that starts the top,

analyzes the data, and chooses the best variable on which to split the data. To create the split,

regression trees start by analyzing all input data and every possible split it could make. The split is

chosen to minimize the MSE of the prediction compared to the training data. This process is

repeated for every node until a decision is made. The decision is made when the mean square error

(MSE) of the node is less than the MSE for the entire data multiplied by the tolerance on quadratic

error per node, where the default tolerance is 10-6 (Matlab 2012). The Matlab statistics toolbox was

used for the calculations in this work.

        In general these models are trained, i.e. the optimal weights are determined or DT structure

and assigned value found, by finding the weights or structure that makes the prediction algorithm

most closely match the training set. Several measures of can be used including absolute error,

squared error and mean square error amongst others. Unlike linear regression where explicit

formulas for the weights can be determined, determining the weights or structure for even a mildly

complex ANN or DT is often a complicated nonlinear optimization problem. There are a variety of

                                                                                              12 | P a g e
methods to solve this problem, including steepest descent, conjugate gradient, quasi-Newton

methods and our choice the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, a method designed to utilize the best

parts of steepest descent and Newton based methods. A more expansive treatment of nonlinear

optimization can be found in Kelley (1999). As the relationship between the statistics and the point

differential is potentially highly nonlinear we need a reasonably sized ANN or DT to capture this

relationship. However the problem with complex networks is they can tend to overfit, i.e. fit the

data they are trained on very well at the expense of having little predictive capability. In addition as

the number of weights or size of tree to estimate increases the probability of finding a local

minimum greatly increases.

          In order to overcome these difficulties people often use ensemble methods or a combination

of different learning algorithms. A common technique is to train many networks on random

portions of the total data set and then evaluate the individual algorithms by their ability to make

predictions on data they have never seen before. Using this one can avoid overfitting the training

data and having a single network with suboptimal weights. There are a large number of issues related

to how to assemble an ensemble of machines such as how many machines to use, whether the

individual machines have the same basic architecture, how do you eliminate less predictive machines

and how to combine the machine’s prediction once a final committee is chosen. We will not attempt

to discuss all these issues here but we will refer the reader to these surveys of methods for

combining networks into committees, as well as other related topics in Sharkey (1999) and Moreiraa


Section 3. Results.

First, we use ANN’s and DTs to predict real interest rates. We used the following process:

                                                                                             13 | P a g e
   Calculate the mean RIR from all training data. Predict this as the RIR for all of our

               test data. This is the simplest possible technique, in some ways similar to a

               continuous version of flipping a coin.

              Linear regression of our 13 ICRG variables in a year to predict the RIR in the same


              An ANN of our 13 ICRG variables in a year to predict the RIR in the same year.

              A DT of our 13 ICRG variables in a year to predict the RIR in the same year.

We report the prediction accuracy of each method relative to a simple mean in this process in Table

1. We then use ensembles of ANN’s and DTs to predict real interest rates using the following


              Ensembles of 30 ANNs or DTs of our 13 ICRG variables in a year to predict the

               RIR in the same year.

              Ensembles of 30 ANNs or DTs using ICRG data from the current and previous 2

               years and the RIR from the previous 2 years as well. This created the largest inputs

               to our machine learning techniques for a total of 41 input variables.

           In order to evaluate these techniques we used 80% of our data to build our models and a

       final 20% to evaluate their predictive performance. We then looked at the mean absolute

       error, the median absolute error and correlation between the predicted real IR and the actual

       real IR. We then repeated this experiment 30 times and averaged each of these measures of

       predictive ability.

               Table 1 contains the predictive ability of each technique. Single model techniques,

       including linear regression, ANNs and DTs performed poorly. In terms of mean and median

       absolute error, they all performed worse than our simple benchmark prediction technique of

       predicting the mean IR of the training data set. The ensemble techniques performed a good

                                                                                          14 | P a g e
deal better, lowering all measures of error and increasing the correlation between the model

predictions and actual RIR data. The techniques that used ensemble techniques along with

the ICRG data and RIR from the past 2 years was the most predictive method, with the

ensemble of DTs being more accurate than the ANNs by a substantial amount.

                                                                                 15 | P a g e
Table 2. : Summary of the various measures of predictive accuracy of all machine learning
              Mean over      Mean         Linear        ANNs            DTs
               30 trials    (simple    Regression
              Mean Abs.         6.72           7.42           7.53           7.43

               Median           3.45           4.75           4.53           3.77
              Abs Error

             Correlation          0            0.29           0.28           0.43

Table 3. Summary of the various measures of predictive accuracy of all machine learning
techniques (ensembles).
         Mean over         Ensemble        Ensemble          Ensemble         Ensemble
          30 trials        of ANNs          of ANNs           of DTs            of DTs
                                          (using past 2                      (using past 2
                                             years of                          years of
                                              data)                              data)
          Mean Abs            5.68             5.43             5.28                4.81
         Median Abs           3.40             3.13             2.85                2.45
         Correlation          0.60             0.60             0.62                0.66

              The ensemble of DTs, which used both ICRG data and RIR rates from the previous

       2 years, was the most predictive model. We therefore attempted to analyze the factors this

       technique considered most important in making this prediction. As accurate DTs are

       generally quite large and we are using ensembles of these we will not attempt to show a

       picture of one of our DTs. Rather we will use a common technique in determining which

       variables are most important in the prediction of a DT. To analyze the importance of each

                                                                                           16 | P a g e
of our inputs for the DTs we permute the input variable with each other input variable and

average the increase in mean square error averaged over all DTs in the ensemble. Thus, if a

branch in a decision tree that was originally based on an important predictor is switched with

a decision based on an unimportant predictor we would expect the accuracy to decrease and

the mean square error to increase (Matlab 2012).

                                                                                  17 | P a g e
'Money Growth-2'''
                      'Government Stability'''
                    'Government Stability-2'''
                          'Religion in Politics'''
                           'Ethnic Tensions-1'''
                             'Law and Order-1'''
                       'Religion in Politics-1'''
                    'Government Stability-1'''
                                 'Law and Order'''
                               'Ethnic Tensions'''
                       'Religion in Politics-2'''
                     'Bureaucracy Quality-1'''
                       'Bureaucracy Quality'''
                             'Money Growth-1'''
                             'Law and Order-2'''
                       'Investment Profile-2'''
                           'Ethnic Tensions-2'''
               'Democratic Accountability-1'''
                           'Internal Conflict-1'''
                     'Bureaucracy Quality-2'''
                        'Military in Politics-1'''
                           'Internal Conflict-2'''
                        'Military in Politics-2'''
                 'Democratic Accountability'''
                 'Socioeconomic Conditions'''
                              'External Conflict'''
                           'Military in Politics'''
                               'Internal Conflict'''
               'Socioeconomic Conditions-2'''
               'Socioeconomic Conditions-1'''
                          'Investment Profile'''
                       'Investment Profile-1'''
                          'External Conflict-2'''
               'Democratic Accountability-2'''
                                 'Money Growth'''
                          'External Conflict-1'''
                                       'Real IR -2'''
                                       'Real IR -1'''
                                                        0   0.5   1          1.5

Figure 2. Variable importance of all input variables in our ensemble of DTs ranked from
least important to most important.

                                                                                   18 | P a g e
We tabulate the relative importance of each variable, with two lags (the numbers in the

variable names refer to the lag length) in Figure 2. Notice that last year’s real interest rates are the

most important variable for predicting real interest rate. In a statistical sense this suggests a great

deal of autocorrelation. Normally this is a weakness of a statistical study and requires correction to

get statistically efficient and consistent results. But our atheoretical predictive technique turns this

weakness into predictive strength. Having said that, our ability to rank the other, institutional,

variables in order of importance as far as drivers of the real interest rate is concerned clearly suggests

that variability in institutions can be captured by real interest rates. Thus, while clearly money growth

matters for real interest rates, so does democratic accountability (with a two-year lag) and external

conflict (with a one year lag). First, of all the “institutional” variables included in our data, external

conflict is most important in predicting real interest rates. Conflict has a way of making life uncertain

and people impatient. On the other hand, democratic accountability matters as well if at a somewhat

slower rate since democratic accountability from two years ago is the next best variable for

predicting interest rates. An entrenched political leadership who can therefore be fearlessly

capricious presumably increases uncertainty and reduces patience; connecting democracy to interest

rates. At any rate, the reader will note here that we can establish a hierarchy of institutional variables

that help predict real interest rates. This directly fits with the idea that institutions that reduce free

riding and predation and move society towards a productive Pareto improving equilibrium are linked

with patience.

Section 4. Conclusion.

There is a significant theoretical literature that suggests that patience can resolve social free rider

problems that can lead to the evolution of Pareto improving cooperative equilibria. Another skein of

inquiry has looked at the effect of social and political institutions on economic growth. Taken

                                                                                                19 | P a g e
together the two strands of literature suggests that the sorts of institutions that help generate the

secular growth trend seen since the industrial revolution and societal patience levels – as expressed

in real interest rates – ought to be related. Indeed, we find that indices of institutional quality do

seem to predict real interest rates with a level of accuracy greater than a simple average. Of course, a

significant amount of the variation in real interest rates remains unexplained by the institutional

indices chosen by us in a limited data set of countries. However, we suggest that our study provides

a baseline for future work in this area. Adding more data would be extremely useful. Moreover, it

would be useful to look at the role of individual institutions in their effect on real interest rates. Last,

if institutions are good predictors of real interest rates then we suggest that real interest rates can

serve as a proxy for institutions. As a practical matter a business, for example, deciding to invest in a

country and trying to figure out the degree of institutional quality might compare the real interest

rate there relative to some OECD benchmark to help get some information in a less costly way than

that collected by the ICRG.

        At the same time, we suggest that modern data mining techniques abstract away from many

of the endogeneity and data structure problems faced by a purely statistical analysis of the

relationship between interest rates and institutions. More generally, our methodological approach

might improve the problem of predictability in the social sciences.

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                                                                                        21 | P a g e

           Table 1. List of Countries.
              Bahamas, The
              Costa Rica
              Gambia, The
              Papua New
              Sierra Leone
              South Africa
              South Korea
              Syrian Arab
              Trinidad and
              United Kingdom
              United States
              Venezuela, RB

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