PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

Page created by Justin Fuller
PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

    WELCOME                                                                  3

    SCHOOL AIMS AND ETHOS                                                    4

    TERM DATES                                                               5

    COMMUNICATIONS                                                           6

    THE SCHOOL DAY                                                           8

    PASTORAL CARE                                                            11

    ILLNESS                                                                  14

    CURRICULUM MATTERS                                                       15

    CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES                                                 18

    PERSONAL ORGANISATION                                                    20

    UNIFORM                                                                  21

    POLICIES                                                                 23

    FEES                                                                     23

    SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD & THE SCHOOL                                       24

    CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PUPILS                                               26

Please note: This handbook is intended as a guide for parents and is updated annually.
            It does not form a part of the school's contract with parents.

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School
We are delighted to welcome you as parents of Bromley High Senior School. This year, as part of your child's
induction into the life of the Senior School, parents will be invited to take part in a series of online and live
events designed to inform you about your child's life at school and to welcome you into the school community.
We will ensure that you have the opportunity meet your child's Form Tutor and get to know other parents
in your child's form as well as discovering more about the academic curriculum.

The Parent Portal which is accessed via the school's VLE, Firefly, will enable you to retrieve information about
your child's timetable, her record of her attendance and academic reports. School letters, the school calendar,
lunch menus, recordings of concerts and other useful information can also be found on Firefly. Information
about sports fixtures will also be available on the School Sports website and SOCS calendar. The fortnightly
school e-newsletter will keep you informed of school events and we would encourage you to follow the school
on Twitter @bromleyhs, Facebook and Instagram to witness your child’s adventures through school as they

During your child’s first term, you will have two opportunities to come to school to meet your child’s tutor
and teachers. The first is a Curriculum Evening in September where you will find out more about the core
subjects your child will be studying during her first three years at Bromley High. This is followed by a Parents’
Evening, usually in November, when you will be given more detailed feedback on how your daughter has
settled into academic life at the school. This is followed by a brief academic report at the end of the first term
designed to give an overview of her academic achievements. There is a full written report at the end of Year

Should you have any questions or concerns about your child's academic progress or wellbeing, please contact
your child's Form Tutor in the first instance or her Head of Year, Miss Higgins.

We hope that you will enjoy the many performances and concerts throughout the school year and will take
the opportunity to support your child in sports fixtures. We hope you will feel equally welcome and valued in
the wider school community and we look forward to working with you to support your child at this exciting
stage of her life.

Hilary Elkins
Deputy Head Pastoral

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School
Email is the preferred method of communication for routine matters. As a general rule, school staff email
addresses are (e.g.

Key pastoral staff:

 Head of Year 7                       Miss J Higgins              

 Head of Year 8                       Mrs C Pradic                

 Head of Lower School                 Mrs T Hathway               

 Head of Upper School                 Mr N Mahoney                

 Head of Year 11                      Mrs L Garlick               

 Deputy Head of Sixth Form            Mrs E Flower-Pettman        

 Head of Sixth Form                   Mrs C Bird                  

 School Office                                                    

 Admissions Registrar                 Mrs Lisa Clarke             

 Reporting an absence                                             

For academic concerns, please direct questions initially to the relevant Head of Department; for pastoral
issues, please contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year. For general queries, please contact the School
Office using and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff.

On occasion, we also send messages home via text message. If you are not receiving messages or letters,
please inform the School Office. Copies of all school letters may be found on the Parent Portal.

School Office
The School office is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm each weekday during term time (9.00am to 4.00pm in the
school holidays). Outside these times, messages may be left on the answerphone on 020 8781 7000.

The fortnightly school newsletter is supplemented by frequent updates on Twitter (@bromleyhs), Instagram
and Facebook.

Change of Address
Please inform the school immediately, in writing, of any change of address or contact telephone number so
that our records can be kept up to date. It is of utmost importance that we have daytime, evening, and mobile
contact numbers, as well as e-mail details in case of emergency.

Firefly Parent Portal
The Parent Portal, Firefly is a portal used to communicate to both students and parents. Firefly, can be assessed

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School
Consent for use of photographic and video images and information about pupil activities
Pupils are regularly photographed in school for a variety of reasons. We will take photographs of our pupils
to identify them in our school records, and we may also take photographs or record video during lessons,
presentations or school trips where this supports delivery of our school curriculum. At times we may wish to
use some of these images in publications or on social media.

In order to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations we seek your express
consent to the use of your child’s photographic image and/or information about her activities and achievements
in School for publicity or GDST alumnae-related activities. You should be aware that declining your consent
means that we will not be able to include any information about your child’s activities and achievements in any
school publication or social media activity. This would mean, for example that were she on a school trip, a
member of a sports team or a participant in a music or drama performance she would be excluded from

A link to the Photograph and Video Consent Form can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Please note that for students in Years 7 to Year 11 both the parent and pupil are required to complete the

We will only divulge personal data to the extent necessary for the purposes concerned. We will not include
the full name (first name and surname) of any pupil together with her image, without good reason. For
example, we may include the full name of a competition prize-winner if we have their (or their parent’s
consent) or we may use the full name of pupils whose significant personal achievement has placed their name
in the public domain. In addition, we will not disclose address, telephone, email, any other contact details or
any sensitive personal data without appropriate explicit consent, unless the disclosure is strictly necessary to
protect your child’s vital interests.

Parents and family members may continue to take photographs and videos at school events for purely personal
use e.g., during a school production, but they should not be uploaded to social media.

The consent form does not cover photographs taken by third parties such as the press. If the school agrees
to a press photographer taking photographs, parents and students will be made aware in advance, and we
would encourage parents and students to discuss any concerns they have.

Please note:

    •   “Personal data” means any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or
        indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier.
    •   “Sensitive personal data” specifically includes genetic data, and biometric data where processed to
        uniquely identify an individual.
    •   “School” means Bromley High School.
    •   “GDST” means the Pupils’ Day School Trust.
Full details of the GDST Privacy Notice can be found at

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School

Registration     8.35am

Assembly         8.45am

Period 1         9.00am – 9.50am

Period 2         9.50am – 10.40am

Break            10.40am – 11.05am

Period 3         11.05am – 11.55am

Period 4         11.55am – 12.45pm

Lunch            12.45pm – 1.50pm

Registration     1.55pm – 2.05pm

Period 5         2.05pm – 2.55pm

Period 6         2.55pm – 3.45pm

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School
Arrival and Departure
Pupils should arrive for morning registration by 8.20am. School opens at 7.30 am. Older pupils may go directly
to their form rooms and Sixth From to their Common Room. Pupils from Years 7-9 who are not involved in
early morning clubs are supervised in the Dining Room and may go to their lockers and form rooms at 8.15am.

Lessons end at 3.45pm but pupils are often involved in activities after school. Pupils not involved in activities
may not remain in classrooms unsupervised, but the Library is open for quiet study until 5.30pm. Should your
child need to leave the school at any point during the day this must have been notified to us in advance. In this
instance only, pupils are asked to go to Reception where their planned absence will be checked and where
they will need to sign out. No pupil will be allowed to leave without confirmation that prior agreement between
home and school has been notified.

Pupils must register in form rooms with their tutors at 8.35am and 1.55pm each day. A register is also taken
at the start of each lesson and activity.

If your child is ill or likely to be late for school, please inform the school on each day of absence by telephoning
0208 781 7000 or emailing Excellent attendance and punctuality are expected of all
pupils. Attendance below 90% is reported to Bromley Education Care and Health Services.

The school does not expect routine medical and dental appointments during school time. We ask that these
are made during holidays and at weekends to avoid missing essential learning.

Religious Observance
We request that parents make us aware if their child wishes to observe religious festivals that involve fasting
so that we can make provision for this.

PARENTS' HANDBOOK 2021-2022 - SENIOR SCHOOL - Bromley High School
Exceptional Requests for Term Time Absence
School term dates are published at least a year in advance and provide for generous holiday time. As such, it
is not school policy to grant absence during term time for holidays. Requests for exceptional absence for
significant family events, etc. should be made in writing to the Headmistress, Mrs Drew.

Please note that there will be NO authorised absence granted in the final week of every term.

The school follows the expressed wish of the council of the GDST that school assemblies shall be Christian in
character but non-denominational. The content is intended to provoke reflection on cultural, moral and social
issues and to promote fundamental British values. Parents of other faiths may withdraw their childs from
assembly and are asked to write to the Headmistress accordingly. Pupils not attending the religious part of an
assembly wait quietly in the dining room and then go into the hall to hear the day’s notices.

Food and Catering
The school’s new catering supplier from September 2021 is Holroyd Howe.

School meals are compulsory and are included in your annual fees. There is a wide variety of hot and cold
healthy food options available in the dining room at lunch time each day. The menu for the week is posted on
Firefly and also displayed in the dining room.

Any special medical dietary needs can be catered for but these should be notified to the Nurse and stated
clearly on the medical form so that provision can be made. The form can be found on the induction 2021

As we do not provide single use plastic items, we ask pupils to bring in a refillable water bottle and to replenish
it at the various water stations round school.

ParentPay is used for payment of school trips, extra activities, equipment and for our cashless catering service.
The ParentPay website can be found here.

Biometric Consent
Biometric data is used for the cashless catering system. This takes an image of your child’s fingerprint and
converts this to a digital code which is then stored and used to identify her at the till. The fingerprint image is
destroyed. We seek consent for the use of your child’s biometric data and give our assurance that the security of that
biometric date is robustly managed.

The consent form can be found on the induction 2021 website.

We believe that the pastoral care of each individual pupil is of paramount importance and all members of the
community are expected to act with due consideration for the happiness and well-being of others.

All pupils are under the immediate care of their Form Tutor who is charged with the day-to-day welfare of
everyone in his/her form. Pupils would normally discuss any problem, whether pastoral or academic, with
their Form Tutor but should feel able to approach any member of staff who will refer to colleagues, as
necessary. The Form Tutor plays a central role in helping your child to develop sound study habits and skills,
monitoring her progress and reviewing your child’s attendance, punctuality, and academic progress on a formal
basis. Please contact your child’s tutor if you have any concerns. Form Tutors are supported by Heads of Year
and Mrs Hilary Elkins, Deputy Head (Pastoral), has overall responsibility for the Pastoral Care in the school.

Mrs Elkins and Heads of Year wish to promote an atmosphere that enables pupils to express problems, if
they arise, freely and openly, so that they may be dealt with swiftly. All staff are regularly trained in
important pastoral issues such as safeguarding and child protection. Pupils may use a confidential referral
system to disclose problems, anonymously if they wish, by using the “Confide” button on the Pupil Portal
and writing a message which will be reviewed by Mrs Elkins.

The excellent pastoral care that we offer is a partnership between school and parents; please help us to
support your child by keeping us informed if her home circumstances change or there is anything you feel
we need to know.

Positive Schools Project
Bromley High’s Pastoral Teams collaborate with the Positive Group to deliver a bespoke pastoral programme
designed to build self-esteem and promote positive attitudes to life and learning. Firmly rooted in neurological
and psychological research, this unique programme helps pupils to develop healthy cognitive and behavioural
patterns as pupils progress from childhood to adolescence. The programme runs from Reception to Sixth
Form with students developing increasing self-awareness and emotional literacy skills as they explore their
understanding of themselves and their relationships with others. With an emphasis on understanding how the
mind interacts with the emotions, the Positive Project helps youngsters adapt to change, develop greater
mental resilience and embrace challenge at school and beyond.

School Counsellor
Bromley High School already has an excellent pastoral system to anticipate and respond to our pupils’ needs
and to strengthen it further, we access the services of a professional Counsellor through Bromley Well Being.
Liz Pattinson will be available to Senior School pupils on a Wednesday. Sessions take place in the Counselling
Room, near the Nurse’s room on the lower corridor of the main building. Pupils can either request an
appointment through their form tutor, Head of Year or through Mrs Elkins. Anyone wishing to see the
counsellor needs to complete a confidential referral form (available on the pupil portal) in advance of the first

Please let Mrs Elkins know either by phone or in writing if you would rather your child did not have access to
this service, and she is under 16 years old. Equally if you would like your child to see Liz at any point, please
also contact Mrs Elkins and she will arrange this for you.

Please be aware that apart from quite exceptional circumstances, information shared between the Counsellor
and the student will be confidential.

Houses and Forms
The four school Houses are named after the original school buildings in Bromley: Elmfield, Fernbank, Oakdene
and Speldhurst. The House system promotes broad participation in a wide range of competitions where pupils
earn house points for the House Cup. House Captains organise fundraising events for an individual House
Charity chosen by the members of the house.

In Year 7, pupils are taught primarily in their form group. In Year 8, pupils remain in the same form for
registration and house activities, but subjects are increasingly taught in general teaching groups to encourage
the pupils to mix socially.

School Council
Each form elects a representative to take the form’s views and ideas to the School Council, which is chaired
by the Head Pupil Team. The School Council provides a forum for pupils to raise issues of general concern
and make proposals for changes or innovations that they believe will improve the life of the members of the
school. Minutes, agendas and other information can be found on the School Council page of the pupil portal.
Occasionally, smaller research and planning groups are elected from the representatives to look into particular
initiatives and drive forward change. The School Council reviews the Pupil Code of Conduct and Behaviour
Management procedures on an annual basis.

Student Leadership
Leadership opportunities are offered throughout the school – Eco and Charities Representatives, Form
Captains, Team Captains and Digital Leaders. The pinnacle of student leadership is the Head Pupils’ Team
which consists of the Head Pupil, her Deputies and the Senior Prefects. The Head Pupils’ Team, House
Captains, Sports Captains and other prefects are appointed in the Spring Term. Sixth formers are attached to
tutor groups to act as mentors to younger pupils. The Big Sister Programme is designed to enable Sixth
Formers to support younger pupils with their studies, primarily at GCSE.

Contact details: Mrs Debra Hemingway: 0208 781 7012,

Medical treatment
The school nurse, Mrs Hemingway, is available from 8.30am to deal with pupils’ health whilst they are in school.
She will liaise with parents when necessary. The nurse also delivers some aspects of health care in the
curriculum. Pupils may visit the Nurse (for non urgent treatment) during surgery hours only with a medical
treatment form from their subject teacher. Should a pupil be too unwell to remain in school, the school nurse
will call home and will ensure that the child is collected and will be looked after once home. Under no
circumstances is a pupil herself to arrange to be collected.

Administration of medicines
Prescribed medicines may be administered by the school nurse or designated person provided a completed
“Administration of Medicines” form has been submitted. Paracetamol may be administered by the school nurse
or qualified first aider only, for minor ailments, if permission had been granted by parents on the Medical Form
which can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Please ensure you complete and return this form prior to your child starting at Bromley High. The nurse must
be notified of any changes to health or medications so that we can provide the correct medical care when
needed. Parents are required to update medication kept in school (such as inhalers and epipens) when they

Nut Allergies
For those with nut allergies, exposure to nuts may be life-threatening. The school is therefore a nut-free
environment. No product containing nuts or lupin may be taken on school visits or brought into school.

The nurse is responsible for collecting and collating pupils’ health records and passing on relevant information,
i.e. asthma or nut allergies, to staff. In accordance with her professional obligations, medical information about
students is kept confidential unless the Nurse considers it in the best interests of the child to share.

We place importance upon the notion that teaching and learning processes are as significant as curriculum
content in determining pupils’ progress and achievement. Learning should be enjoyable, challenging, rewarding
and confidence-building.

We provide a breadth of experience; aesthetic and creative, human and social, linguistic and literary,
mathematical, moral, physical, scientific, spiritual, citizenship and technological.

The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the most able and to support those who may have additional
needs. As part of an extensive careers programme, informed guidance is given to pupils selecting GCSE and A
level options.

Personal, Social Health and Economic Education
PSHE is delivered in one 50-minute period per fortnight supplemented by additional workshops and activities.
Form teachers lead explorations of personal development topics during form time.

Relationship and Sex Education
Relationships and sex are considered important areas of knowledge. The curriculum for sex education is
delivered through teaching of Philosophy, Theology, Science and PSHE at an appropriate level for the target
age group. The School Nurse and Pastoral Staff support the delivery of this subject. Please refer to the school's
Relationships and Sex Education Policy so that you are aware of the wide variety of topics that will be covered
during your child's senior school career.

As you will know, society is putting increasingly heavy pressure on young people with regard to human
relationships, choices and moral issues and at Bromley High School members of staff are committed to giving
pupils information to enable them to face these pressures with knowledge and self-confidence. We also
encourage exploration of values and, through discussion, try to foster a strong sense of moral responsibility
towards themselves and others. We invite specialist speakers and agencies into school where appropriate.

From September, your child will study two modern languages in Years 7, 8 and 9: French, German or Spanish.
In Year 10 she will be able to study either or both to GCSE.

Please indicate your preferences for these languages by ranking your choices in order of preference on the
Modern Foreign Languages option form which can be found on the induction 2021 website. All pupils will be
guaranteed their first choice of language.

Whilst the second of language is not guaranteed, we will try to take preferences into account. If you have a
strong preference for your second choice of language, please give any supporting information (such as length
and level of previous study or family connections).

Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting to Parents
Pupils are assessed by their subject teachers both formally and informally throughout the school year. Formal
reporting is carried out by issuing grades and reports and parents’ evenings or academic reviews (which are
primarily pupil - led reviews of progress) up to twice a term. Grading includes an effort grade (A – E) and an
attainment grade (1 to 4 in Year 7; 1-5 in Year 8; 1-6 in Year 9). Pupils whose effort is deemed to be below
expectations are monitored closely by Heads of Year and the Deputy Head (Academic). Publication dates for
grades and reports are available in the calendar.

Parents’ Evenings
All parents are invited to the school to meet their child’s tutor and subject teachers at least once during the
year. Parents’ evenings run from 5:00pm until 8.00pm and are held in the School Hall. Booking will be
completed online by parents at least one week prior to the event.

SEND and English as an Additional Language
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are supported whenever they are identified. The Special Educational
Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Maxine Bowles who can be contacted at
Please notify the school of any existing learning or additional language needs.

The EAL policy can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Homework is a vital part of schoolwork and is used to consolidate or extend work done in class. Pupils keep
a copy of the published homework timetable in their planner. Generally, three subjects are set per evening.
Timings vary, but we advise that if a pupil spends longer than allocated for a task, they make a note to show
the extra time spent. This way we can monitor progress more easily. If you have concerns about the amount
of time your child is spending on homework, please contact the form tutor.

                                Indicative Approximate Homework Timings
                              Y7 and 8             1 to 1½ hours each evening
                              Y9                   1½ hours
                              Y10                  1½to 2 hours
                              Y11                  2 hours

In the Sixth Form, students are expected to supplement time working at home by making effective use of
study periods.

Pupils should have a suitable environment in which to work; a warm, well-lit room away from noise. Written
work needs to be completed at a table or desk to keep work neat. Distractions such as television, mobile
phones and computers should be switched off or removed during time set aside for homework so that time
is spent productively and effectively. Please encourage your child to plan their time carefully to avoid leaving
all tasks until the night before they are due.

The School Librarians, Mrs Murrell and Mrs Dowie, are always happy to help your child choose books and
other materials to help with work and leisure reading. The library has recommended reading lists for pupils
and Mrs Murrell organises a reading challenge for each year group in Years 7 to 9.

As well as books, the library contains online resources/printers/scanners, daily newspapers, periodicals and
specialist journals. There are networked computers which will allow your child access to the internet and a
photocopier and printer available for use.

The Library is open before and after school, at break and at lunchtime and is a silent study area.

Co-curricular activities operate before school, at lunchtime or between 4.00pm and 5:30pm and are overseen
by the Assistant Head, Organisation, Mr Paul Isted.

The Director of Sport, Mrs Victoria Clemens, oversees an extensive programme of
clubs, practices and fixtures.

The Director of Music, Ms Caroline Daniel, is responsible for curricular and co-
curricular Music. The Music Secretary, Mrs Alex Jackman, may be contacted at

Music, Singing and Theory Lessons
Instruction is available in: Piano, Violin, Viola, ‘Cello, Double Bass, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn,
Recorder, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Harp, Singing and Percussion. Lessons are
delivered by a variety of visiting teachers who will provide a written report during the year.

Fess are payable per ten week term. Notice of increase of fees will be given in writing a term in advance.
(Please note that all peripatetic staff are self-employed and require payment for each termly session in advance.)

Lessons are given on a weekly basis. In Years 7-9 these are arranged on a rota to avoid missing the same lesson
each week. In Year 10 and above, music lessons take place outside academic lesson time.

If you would like your child to have individual or shared tuition, please complete the Additional subject request
form - Music & Music Theory form which can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Pupils should provide their own instruments which must be insured. (The school insurance does not cover
instruments brought into school). All instruments brought into school must be left in the appropriate music
cupboard and the case named clearly. There are some school instruments available for hire. Please apply in
writing to Ms Daniel.

Speech and Drama
The Director of Drama, Mr Simon Graham, is responsible for curricular and co-curricular Drama.
Pupils are prepared for the grade examinations in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and the
English Speaking Board. A term is based on ten 30-minute lessons. Lessons are given on a weekly basis. In
Years 7 to 9 these are arranged on a rota to avoid missing the same lesson each week. In Year 10 and above,
drama lessons take place outside academic lesson time.
(Please note that all peripatetic staff are self-employed and require payment for each termly session in advance.)

If you would like your child to have individual or shared tuition speech and drama lessons, please complete
the Additional subject request form – Speech & Drama form which can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Co-curricular clubs and societies
The school offers a wide range of clubs, activities, teams and subject clinics run by staff and sixth formers. A
timetable of activities is published in the autumn term. Some clubs will work towards completion of a project
such as a competition, performance or concert.

A Societies Fair is held in the first month of Year 7 to let pupils see what is on offer and form tutors encourage
everyone to get involved in activities ranging from debating to robotics. Most Year 7 pupilss join the Year 7
Choir and they perform at Christmas to a packed auditorium. Clubs are a wonderful opportunity to broaden
experiences, meet new people and develop interests.

Trips and Visits
These form part of the School’s outward-looking policy. Visits can be local or further afield; some are subject
related, e.g. field trips and outing days, and some are fun activities. We try to publish dates for trips at the
start of the year so that parents can decide which non-essential trips they would like their child to take part
in and plan accordingly.

When planning an activity, the group’s safety is paramount and all trips and visits are organised in adherence
to strict school policy. If the School has concerns about the behaviour of a particular pupil and the effects this
might have on others, it reserves the right to exclude them from the activity. Pupils who do not behave in
an appropriate way may be sent home from a trip at the parents’ cost. In such cases we expect the parents
to collect the child.

As part of the settling-in process for our Year 7 pupils, we organise a residential trip. There will be many
events and activities which ensure that the exciting transition to secondary school life is smooth and successful
for all our pupils but PGL is perhaps the one where they have most fun.

The PGL form can be found on the induction 2021 website.

Pupil Planners
At the start of each year, pupils are issued with a planner. In this, pupils should record all homework tasks,
merits, detentions, interim grades and parents’/teachers’ comments. Parents are asked to review at and sign
this planner weekly to ensure homework is being completed. It may also serve as a means of communication
between home and school.

Personal Property
All property and clothes, including games kit brought into school must be clearly and permanently marked
with the owner’s name. No responsibility will be accepted for articles which are unmarked. General lost
Property should be sent to and collected from Mrs Elkins. Items of sports kit and equipment should be placed
in the receptacle outside the PE office. Large sums of money, valuable or precious items to school should not
be brought to school.

Mobile Phones for Pupils
Whilst the school accepts that these are a useful means of communication, phones must remain in lockers
during the school day. Should parents or pupils need to make contact during the school day this must be via
the school office. The Anti-Bullying and Online Safety policies and our cyber-bullying advice consider text and
phone bullying to be a serious issue. These policies can be found on the Policies page of our website.

Stationery and Equipment
Please make sure your child brings the following items, clearly named, to school in September:

Sketching pencils set (B to 6B)
Sharpie Pen (permanent marker)
An A4 sketchbook will be given to pupils in their first lesson. The cost will be charged via Parent Pay

Calculator - Casio FX85GT

Fountain pen, writing pen or Biro
HB pencils and pencil sharpener (with container)
Colouring pencils, felt tip pens or fine liners
Ruler, protractor and compass
Large glue stick
Highlighter pen
See-through Pencil Case (for exams)

Two padlocks (roughly twice the size of a suitcase padlock) are required – for your child’s book
locker and sports locker. It is important that she has these available to use on the first day of term.

Please ensure your child hands a named spare key to her form tutor.

Small in-ear earphones should be brought in for personal use in lessons which require the use of IT

Our pupils are ambassadors for Bromley High in the wider community and as such are expected to be correctly
dressed at all times on the journey to and from school as well as when in school. Although they are permitted
to remove their blazer during lessons they are required to wear it around the site. If the weather is particularly
warm, school will decide if this rule can be suspended temporarily.

Skirts must be knee length or longer; pupils whose skirts are shorter than this will be required to buy a new
one. The parents’ association organises sales of previously owned uniform.

Below the Sixth Form, we do not permit pupils to wear jewellery, other than a watch and one pair of plain
stud earrings (in the lobe of the ear). Make up is not permitted until Year 9 when it must be subtle. Hair should
not be dyed. We ask all parents to support a school environment where pupils can develop the self-confidence
to reject commercial pressure to believe that expensive or ostentatious ‘enhancements’ are required to the
natural appearance of teenage pupils. More information about our dress code can be found in the Pupil Code
of Conduct in this Handbook.

The school’s uniform suppliers are Billings and Edmond. For the convenience of parents, a uniform shop is
provided     in   the   school      grounds      to  complement      the    online    ordering    service

To book an appointment please click here.

The school uniform shop will operate for extended hours over the summer holidays. Please refer to their
website or call the shop for details of the extended opening hours (telephone: 020 8295 6189, email:

Uniform list
Our full list of uniform is available on our website.

Mouthguards are compulsory for pupils playing hockey. Whilst the PE staff will train pupils in the correct use
of hockey sticks to avoid injury to others, the Trust cannot be held responsible for injury when pupils are not
wearing the recommended protective equipment.

Shin pads must be worn whilst playing hockey, again for their safety. Whilst the staff will take every reasonable
step to ensure that all teaching situations are safe, the responsibility for the wearing of personal protective
equipment must be recognised by each pupil. All school goalkeepers are fully equipped with the latest in
personal protective equipment.

Please ensure that your child has a correctly fitting mouthguard and shin pads for the first day
at Bromley High School.

A list of our policies are available on our website. Parents are sent login details for the school website in the
first week of term.

Safeguarding (Child Protection)
The School has a duty to observe all appropriate child protection legislation. As such all staff who have access
to children (whether teaching, support staff or volunteer) have undergone an enhanced DBS check and are
trained in child protection recognition and referral.

Mrs Hilary Elkins, Deputy Head (Pastoral), is the Designated Safeguarding Lead in the Senior School.

ICT for pupils
All pupils are given access to the internet and the school’s own network. This is an essential aid for learning,
and some lessons are delivered using one of the school’s ICT suites or bank of Chromebooks and iPads. All
senior school pupils have an email account at school, which they are encouraged to use. Pupils are expected
to follow the Acceptable Use Agreement for use of email, internet and the network when in school. Any pupil
not doing so may lose the right to have access to the network in their own time.

Cyber bullying is a concern for both parents and pupils. Please be aware that the use of the internet and
pupils’ own websites can be hurtful and cause distress. We ask that parents monitor their child’s use of social
media gaming sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok outside school time. We try,
where possible, to send communications home electronically (newsletters and other information) and ask you
to keep us informed if your email address changes.

If you have any queries over any aspects of ICT use in the school please contact the ICT Operations Manager,


Fee levels for the following year are set by the GDST before the start of the Summer Term. These will be
communicated to parents by the GDST. All fee related queries should be directed to the Fees Department
of the Trust Office.

Any non-fee related questions about Finance should be directed to Mr Richard Taylor, Director of Finance
and Operations;


Over the summer
  • Understand that your child might be feeling anxious, just as you may be.
  • Encourage personal organisation such as tidying their room or rearranging their bookshelf.
  • Increase independence by allowing your child to organise activities.
  • If planning to use public transport in September, practice the route with your child then allow them to
      try alone.
  • Come to as many school functions prior to starting at Bromley High.
  • Keep school information readily available as a reference for any questions they may have.
  • Foster friendships made on induction day by inviting new classmates over.

Once school starts
  • Make sure your child goes to bed early, particularly in the first few weeks.
  • Help them manage their time by supervising or reviewing homework and ensuring they are not doing
      too many extra-curricular activities.
  • Ensure your child packs their bag each evening with the books and equipment they needs for the next
  • Encourage them to share news; show an interest in what they do and ask questions.
  • Focus on their effort, not attainment grades, and don’t compare their achievement with others’.
  • Be tolerant if they are grumpy – they are probably tired.

In the teenage years to come
    • Trust that the school has your child’s best interests at heart. The teenage years can be tricky and to
        support your child through those years, we need your full and unequivocal backing. We may make
        minor mistakes and we may not always resolve a particular situation in the way that an individual
        parent or child might have preferred, but we ask parents to respect that our intention is to make
        Bromley High School a safe, supportive and happy place for all our pupils and staff.

Divorced or Separated Parents
Following the Children Act of 1989, the school is bound to comply with the law by communicating, if
requested, with any person having parental responsibility for a child. In practice, this means that the school is
bound to send school reports, termly date lists and similar information, to the divorced or separated parent
with whom the child is not residing, if that parent requests us to do so. Under the law, it is possible for one
parent to apply to the Court for the other parent's rights to be restricted (eg restricting involvement in school
activities). However, the school will assume that both parents have unrestricted parental rights unless either
parent informs us that this is not the case.

Parents’ Association
The Bromley High Parents’ Association (BHPA) is an exceptionally successful organisation for social events
and fund raising and is run by the BHPA committee. All parents are very welcome to join and may contact
the BHPA via email

A BHPA information leaflet and membership form are available on the induction 2021 website.

Old Pupils’ Association
Pupils are automatically admitted to the Bromley Old Pupils’ Association on leaving the school. Alumnae
also join the GDST Alumnae Network (a GDST-wide organisation of more than 70,000 alumnae) which
continues to offer pupils exciting career networking opportunities long after they leave school. If you were
previously a pupil at Bromley High School, please contact Ms Nancy Messih who manages the Old Pupils’
Association: or, if you attended another GDST school:

GDST Network
All Sixth Formers gain a lifelong membership of the GDST Alumnae Network of over 70,000 women in
every profession, many of whom are in eminent positions. This network often provides work experience
opportunities and professional contacts later in their career. They are also invited to join GDST Life, an
online community to connect with fellow GDST Sixth Formers. And afterwards, for all GDST alumnae, you
find and connect with each other, share experiences, join groups, find mentors and more. In effect, our own
‘social network’.


1. General Behaviour
Pupils are expected to behave sensibly and responsibly. Courtesy, respect, consideration for others and
concern for the environment are all-important in a happy and purposeful community. It is expected that
everyone will work hard to make the most of her own abilities and to respond positively to all the
opportunities offered by the school. All school rules apply to pupils on school premises or off site on a trip or

2. Bullying
Bromley High School does not tolerate bullying and has a strict anti-bullying policy which is published on the
school website. This is based on mutual respect and underscores the unacceptability of any form of bullying.
Pupils who are found to be bullying may be suspended.

3. Attendance
Pupils are not allowed to be absent, without permission from the Headmistress, for any reason except illness
or emergency; parents should write to the Headmistress well in advance if leave of absence is required for a
special reason. Permission is unlikely to be given for family holidays during term time.

Pupils should aim to make routine appointments with dentists etc during school holidays or out of school
hours. Those leaving for appointments must sign out at the school office.

No-one may leave the school premises during the school day without permission from the SLT. In case of
illness pupils may only be sent home by the Nurse once onward care has been assured. Under no
circumstances are pupils to arrange to go home themselves.

A note explaining the reason for absence should be brought in on return to school after absence. A doctor’s
note or similar will be required for 5 continuous days’ absence or more. Pupils should aim for 100% attendance
and parents will be informed when attendance dips below 95%.

School opens at 7.30am and the registers taken at 8.35am. Unless attending supervised activities or clubs on
site, pupils may leave at 3.45pm: the school coaches leave from the junior school at 3.55pm. Senior school
pupils (Y7-9) arriving from 7.30am have access to the Dining Room only. They may go to their form room at
08.15. Older pupils may go directly to their form room. Afternoon registration is at 1.55pm.

4. Personal Appearance
Correct uniform is to be worn at all times. In the 6th form, pupils wear business attire and should accessorise
accordingly. PE kit is only to be worn for PE lessons, clubs and fixtures. PE kit must not be worn to academic
lessons except to periods 5 and 6 for those departing for an away match before 3.45.
Below Year 12, no jewellery, other than a watch, may be worn unless it is of specific religious significance and
then it must be unobtrusive. In this way, no pupil may discriminate against another or be discriminated against
on grounds of religion.

Pupils with pierced ears are allowed to wear one plain stud, in each ear lobe, (NB: all jewellery should be
removed for safety reasons during every PE activity). Other jewellery will be confiscated.
Discreet make up is permitted from Year 9. Nail varnish and nail extensions are not allowed below the Sixth

Hair must be tied back in accordance with health and safety regulations in laboratories and for all practical
lessons. Hair extensions are not allowed. A photograph is taken of the pupils in the first week of Year 7; we
do not expect the colour of hair to deviate from this below the Sixth Form.
The school reserves the right to decide whether a pupil’s appearance is suitable for school.

5. Personal property
Everyone should respect her own and each other's property at all times; borrowing is not encouraged.
Everything brought into school should be clearly named. Tippex, aerosols, chewing gum, valuable items and
personal electronics may not be brought into school. Below the Sixth Form, mobile phones must be kept
securely in lockers. They are not to be seen or heard during school hours; if they are, they will be confiscated.
Money is to be carried on the person at all times: amounts greater than £10 should be deposited in the office.
Watches and purses removed for physical education must be placed in the box provided.

The school does not accept responsibility for pupils' personal property which is lost, stolen or
damaged on school premises, unless negligence by the Trust can be proved. Unmarked,
unclaimed lost property is disposed of at the end of each term.

Equipment belonging to pupils, which is brought into school, is not covered by our School Insurance. Separate
insurance is required and should be organised by parents. This is particularly important in connection with
musical instruments.
Theft: We believe in respect for one another and of each other’s property, hence we consider theft to be a
very serious matter and sanctions will be imposed to reflect this.

6. Prohibited items
The introduction of weapons, alcohol, drugs or other illegal substances into a Trust school, or the supply or
use during a school trip or exchange visit, is regarded as very serious misconduct and will, in most cases, lead
to expulsion, even if a police prosecution does not follow. The policy of the Council of the GDST is that any
pupil or pupils concerned should automatically be suspended and the police notified. The Smoke Free Premises
policy at Bromley High School applies to all pupils, staff and visitors.

7. Homework
Serious attention is paid to homework which is to be completed regularly in accordance with the homework
timetable. In case of absence, all work has to be caught up.

8. Assembly
All pupils are to attend assembly unless excused by the Headmistress on religious grounds after a written
request from parents.

9. Environment
Pupils are expected to care for the general environment, both inside and outside, and keep the school free of
litter. Form rooms should be kept clean and tidy and notice boards should have well-planned displays.

10. Rewards and Sanctions
Our system is proactive, with rewards (merits) for good work and behaviour, and provides incentives for
pupils to work hard and achieve. If rules are broken or in case of other misdemeanour warranting detention,
this will be set after school, at least 24 hours’ notice having been sent to parents. In the interests of good
discipline, other punishments may be set as deemed appropriate by the Headmistress. A pupil may be
suspended for serious or continuous contravention of the school rules. In the case of suspension, parents will

be invited to school to discuss the situation with the Headmistress or member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Suspension could in some cases lead to expulsion if an offence is repeated. (Please refer to the Behaviour
Management Policy for details of procedures).

11. Safety
Everyone must check the emergency evacuation procedures and learn the procedures for evacuating the
building or lockdown. Safety regulations for all practical lessons, including the wearing of protective clothing
and goggles, are to be observed. Pupils are not allowed in laboratories, pool area or workshops, near the
pond, in the copse or on the stage without staff supervision. Pedestrians must use the side gates and keep to
the footpaths and zebra crossings. Pupils should not run in corridors or play on staircases. Anything potentially
dangerous must be reported immediately to the Bursary.

ALL ACCIDENTS MUST BE REPORTED, and pupils should read the accident procedure notices in the School.
Fire and First Aid procedures are clearly outlined throughout the building. Pupils feeling unwell should report
to the Nurse. Any medicines that have to be taken during the school day must be clearly named and handed
to the Nurse with the appropriate ‘Administration of medicines’ form.

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