PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten

Page created by Barry Mcdonald
PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten

WELCOME ............................................................................................................................................ 3
DIRECTORY & CONTACT DETAILS ......................................................................................................... 4
OUR PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................................ 5
COMMUNITY KINDER ........................................................................................................................... 5
KINDERGARTEN CURRICULUM............................................................................................................. 6
  Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework......................................................... 6
  National Quality Framework ............................................................................................................ 6
OUR LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................... 6
 Outdoors........................................................................................................................................... 7
 Indoors.............................................................................................................................................. 7
OUR PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 8
 Daily program ................................................................................................................................... 8
What to Bring to Kinder ....................................................................................................................... 9
 Snack & Lunch Requirements........................................................................................................... 9
3 YEAR OLD PROGRAM: BLUE WRENS ............................................................................................... 10
  Overview......................................................................................................................................... 10
  Incursions ....................................................................................................................................... 11
4 YEAR OLD PROGRAM: KING PARROTS............................................................................................. 12
  Overview......................................................................................................................................... 12
  Incursions and Excursions .............................................................................................................. 12
YOUR CHILD’S PROGRESS – 3 AND 4 YEAR OLD CLASSES ........................................................................ 14
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT – 3 AND 4 YEAR OLD CLASSES ....................................................................... 15
KINDERGARTEN A - Z .....................................................................................................................16-22
POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................23-31
PARENT DIRECTORY ......................................................................................................................32-34

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
Welcome to East Beaumaris Kindergarten!
                                                       This    handbook      provides    important
Situated in landscaped gardens in a quiet location
                                                       information about the operation of the
adjacent to Illaroo Reserve in Beaumaris, our
                                                       kindergarten and what is expected of you as
kindergarten enjoys a safe, peaceful and natural
                                                       a parent. Should you require any further
setting for your child to begin their education        information or have any questions about
journey.                                               the content of this handbook, please do not
                                                       hesitate to speak to a staff member or a
The reserve and its playground are a natural           member of the committee.
extension of the kinder and are the perfect place to
make and foster new friendships before or after a      Kindergarten is an important part of your
kinder session. This is where the kinder experience    child’s education, and we are looking
meets the community and where our children first       forward to working with both your child and
practice the skills and lessons they have learnt in    you to make it a rewarding and fun year.

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
60 Wells Road, BEAUMARIS, VIC 3193                                          King Parrots Group
(03) 9584 9574

Emergency Phone
0434 901 192                                                                Blue Wrens Group
Note: The Emergency phone number is only to be used for urgent
issues relating to the kinder group that is currently in session, all
other calls are to be made to the regular kinder phone number.


Weekly Timetable
    MONDAY                      TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY               FRIDAY

                               4 YEAR OLD                     3 YEAR OLD              4 YEAR OLD           3 YEAR OLD

                               King Parrots                    Blue Wrens             King Parrots          Blue Wrens

                           8:30am – 4:00pm                8:30am – 12:30pm          8:30am – 4:00pm      8:30am – 12:30pm

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
We view our kindergarten as an extension of the family, and as such look at the whole child and their needs,
in particular their social and emotional wellbeing

Children                                               Families
• All children are unique and are capable              • Children learn and develop through their
  contributors to their own learning.                    experiences with their family, extended family
                                                         and their community.
• Children need a balance between active and
  quiet play.                                          • All families are unique and have their own
                                                         culture and heritage. We value the richness
• Outdoor play is essential for children’s
                                                         that this diversity brings to the program.
  development. All children should have
  opportunities to test their limits and take risks
  in a safe and protected environment.

• East Beaumaris Kindergarten is committed to          • We believe that lifelong learning is important
  providing a child-safe environment where               for all.
  children not only feel safe but are safe. Staff
  ensure that the children’s voices are heard          • Educators are supported to access a wide
  regarding decisions that affect their lives.           range of professional learning incorporating
  Particular attention will be paid to the cultural      current research.
  safety of Aboriginal children and children from
  culturally and/or linguistically diverse             Community
  backgrounds, as well as the safety of children
  with disabilities.                                   • We are proud to acknowledge the People of
                                                         the Kulin Nation as traditional owners of the
Education                                                land and waters. We do so through our symbol
                                                         of the tree which is significant to the traditional
• A quality, play-based program leads to                 owners.
  children becoming confident learners.
                                                       • We respect and care for our environment, both
• A quality program is purposefully planned              living and non-living
  based on the individual needs and interests
  of each child and the group.                         • We believe in the importance of healthy
                                                         lifestyles including eating healthy food and
• A quality program incorporates                         active play.
  intentional/planned teaching to fully
  support children’s learning and

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten

East Beaumaris Kindergarten is a community run kindergarten in council owned premises. We are a non-
profit organisation managed by a voluntary committee of management (the Committee). The Committee is
comprised of

Executive Committee
President, Vice President, Treasurer / Grants and Secretary

General Committee
Enrolment Officer, Maintenance Coordinator, Technology Officer, Communications Officer, Rebuild
Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator (with sub-committee of 4-6 people) and General Committee
Representatives (2-3 positions). There is also a Purchasing Officer and Sustainability Officer that are non-
committee roles.

The Committee plays an important role in the functioning of the kindergarten and we encourage your
involvement. The Committee is not the only way to make your contribution. From time to time the
kinder may set up separate sub- committees for specific projects. If this is something of interest to you,
then you are welcome to participate.

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
Victorian    Early  Years
Learning and Development
Framework                                              National Quality Framework
(Victorian Framework)                                  In December 2009, all Australian Governments
The Victorian Framework covers children from           agreed to a new National Quality Framework for
birth to eight years. It recognises that during this   Early Childhood Education and Care. This means
period children experience more rapid brain            all Australian children, will get the best possible
development and acquire more skills and                start in life through high quality early childhood
knowledge than in any other period in their lives.     education and care and school age care services.
It provides teachers with common principles to         It raises quality and drives continuous
guide practice and identifies the following five       improvement and consistency.
                                                       As a result the kinder has a working document
Identity: children have a strong sense of identity     that shows our strengths and areas for
Community: children are connected with and             improvement. This is called our Quality
contribute to their world                              Improvement Plan and is something we are
Wellbeing: children have a strong sense of             continually updating and revisiting.
Learning: children are confident and involved          In 2017 East Beaumaris Kindergarten underwent
learners                                               assessment under the National Quality
Communication: children are effective                  Framework. As we exceeded five out of seven
communicators                                          areas of the National Quality Framework we
                                                       received an overall result of “Exceeding.”
The Victorian Framework identifies eight practice
principles for Learning and Development, which
describe the most effective ways for early
childhood professionals to work together and with
children and families to facilitate learning and

Committed to child safety
All children who come to East Beaumaris
Kindergarten have a right to feel and be safe. The
welfare of the children in our care will always be
our first priority and we have a zero- tolerance
approach to child abuse. We aim to provide a
child-safe and child-friendly environment where
children feel safe and have fun.

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten

Outdoors                                                 Indoors
We place great emphasis on the benefits of outdoor       East Beaumaris Kindergarten has spacious
play and are proud of our spacious playground,           indoor facilities with two large rooms; one main
which offers flexibility for a constantly changing and   classroom and one multi-purpose room that is
challenging      environment.         The     outdoor    used for meal times and drop-off and collection.
environment provides many unique opportunities to        The main classroom is large and has north facing
develop and extend children’s learning and skills        windows that look out onto the playground and
through:                                                 Illaroo Reserve and let the winter sun stream
       • exploration and the development of a            through. It is light and bright and decorated with
          relationship with the natural environment      the children’s creations throughout the year. The
       • gaining a sense of freedom and self             furniture and layout of the room allow for
          exploration                                    flexibility, ensuring the children have a familiar
       • learning the skills of self–managed risk        place to learn but one that can change and grow
          (eg. climbing, balancing etc)                  to provide new experiences. There is a reading
A variety of spaces have been created that allow         corner, a home corner, a large variety of wooden
children opportunities to engage in different            building blocks, painting easels, and a
experiences and types of play. There are large           continually changing use of indoor resources to
open areas where children can run, jump and climb        provide the children with new opportunities for
as well as calm nooks and a cubby where                  learning and development.
children can explore or engage in dramatic play.
                                                         The multi-purpose room allows additional space
                                                         for the children to play indoors and for a variety
We have been fortunate in the past couple of
                                                         of different activities to be set up if required. This
years to receive a special visit from
                                                         room also has a parent information corner,
Murrundindi, an Aboriginal elder of the
                                                         which includes a parent library, kinder duty
Wurundjeri clan. He examined our beautiful
                                                         rosters, a secure black box for payment of fees
River Red Gum Tree and estimated it to be
                                                         and information on fundraising activities, social
more than 300 years old! It is a native tree and it
                                                         a n d c o u n c i l a n d c o mm u n i t y activities.
was rare to have a tree such as this in the area.
In the past, this area would have been
swampland with an abundant supply of fish and
shellfish, game to be had and food from native
plants. Murrundindi said his ancestors would
have camped around this area to catch fish,
eels, crayfish and ducks. The knobs on the
outside of the tree would have been cut off the
side of the tree with a stone axe and the inside
would have been carved out to make bowls for
water or hand bowls. We know this tree is
special and love having it as a central part of
our outdoor space.
Our outdoor space also includes:
  • open grassed area and vegetable patch
  • large digging patch and sand pit
  • designated climbing area and swings
  • mud kitchen
  • cubby house
  • sensory garden
PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
Daily program
East Beaumaris Kindergarten’s classes each have a play-based curriculum. We allow for open-ended
activities where the children are free to explore at their own personal level, where they can think and
express themselves freely and where they can focus on the process of what they are doing rather than
on the end product.

The program includes:
  • opportunities for children’s interests to be         • cultural celebrations
     guided and extended                                 • time for active play and discovery and for rest
  • observations and evaluations of children’s             and quiet reflection
     play to discover what it is children are            • opportunities to participate in cooking
     learning and to then help shape and extend            experiences
     this learning
  • challenges through varying activities,
     materials and situations
  • exploration of the natural environment, its
     plants and creatures and seasonal changes
  • opportunities and support for children who
     exhibit skills and interests outside the usual
     developmental range
  • sensory experiences: play dough, finger
     paint, water and sand
  • unstructured experiences: painting, collage,
     drawing, puzzles, building with blocks,
     manipulative games and dramatic play
  • multicultural equipment, experiences and
  • the freedom for children to make
     independent choices about what they
     would like to do, where they would like to
     play and who they would like to pay with
  • routines within a session to teach children
     that as we are all part of a group we are all
     responsible to help each other with
     routines such as packing away, hanging up
     smocks, wiping tables and being responsible
     for our own belongings
  • special family days: Grandparents and
     Special Friends Day, Mothers’ Morning Tea
     and Fathers’Morning
  • explorations of ourselves and our families
  • opportunities for family involvement: visits
     from parent’s with special skills or interesting

PARENT HANDBOOK 2021 KING PARROTS BLUE WRENS - East Beaumaris Kindergarten
What to Bring to Kinder

 Each child should bring a bag packed with the following to each session:
   • change of clothes
   • kinder hat in term 1 and term 4
   • drink bottle filled with water
   • healthy snack for snack time: could include fresh or dried fruit, vegetables, cheese, dried biscuits,
     a sandwich, yoghurt etc. Note King Parrots will need a morning snack, lunch and an afternoon
   • Your child needs to bring their lunch in a labelled lunch box
   •   Lunch suggestions:
   •   a sandwich with some protein such as cheese, turkey, chicken, ham or tuna and salad.
   •   cheese or a small tub of yoghurt
   •   fruit or vegetables
   •   dried savoury biscuits
       Please do not include chocolates, sweets or roll ups.

 Please note:
   • We do not refrigerate children’s snack or lunch boxes, therefore, we advise parents to include an ice
     pack with their child’s food if perishable items are included in their snack or lunch box.
   • All items that come to kinder with your child to need to be clearly named.
   • Our No Nuts Policy means that no nuts or derivatives of nuts are permitted on the premises. Please
     have your children wash their hands at home prior to coming to kinder in the event they have been
     eating or have come into contact with nuts or raw egg.

 Snack & Lunch Requirements

         MONDAY           TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY           FRIDAY
                          King Parrots         Blue Wrens          King Parrots        Blue Wrens
                         morning snack            snack           morning snack           snack

                             Lunch                                     Lunch

                        Afternoon Snack                          Afternoon Snack


Overview                                           Typical day: A morning or afternoon at
                                                   kindergarten is a very busy time. On arrival, the
Your child’s first experiences in the Blue Wrens   children are free to take part in a wide range of
group may be their first away from home and        activities and experiences before helping to pack
their carers.                                      away all the materials the children have been
                                                   playing with. As a group, we then sit on the mat
Children usually find this new experience a        for songs, games, stories and short discussions,
wonderful and exciting time - a time to discover   before eating a snack together at the tables.
new things and make new friends. On the other      After this, the children play outside until it is time
hand, some children may find this time quite       to come together on the mat for a farewell song
daunting. Either way, all children need a lot of   and discussion before the children are collected
support and understanding from those around        to go home.
them to create a truly positive start to
kindergarten. Knowing this, we aim to provide a    Initial nerves and goodbyes: Your child may take a
nurturing, secure and stimulating environment      little time to relax and feel comfortable in a new
that will promote happiness and a desire to        environment. Plan to stay with your child for a
learn.                                             short time, read a story or complete a puzzle
                                                   together. Then when it is time to go, have a
A major focus of a three year old kindergarten     cuddle and kiss, and say good-bye. Be prepared
program is the development of children’s social    that your child might be hesitant and reluctant
skills. Our play- based curriculum allows          when the time comes for you to leave. Always
children to practice and extend what they          let us know if your child is feeling this way and
already know by sharing, talking, taking turns,    we will help. Please don’t leave without your
exercising self-control and cooperating in         child knowing.
groups. Children will discover which social
approaches work and which don’t, therefore         Punctuality: Please bring your child into the
learning how to maintain relationships. Play       room, so they can be welcomed by their friends
also helps children develop a positive self-       and teachers. It is important to arrive on time, as
image; when children feel confident, they are      it can be quite overwhelming for a child to enter
happy to experiment with new materials and         a busy room full of children already playing and
situations and learn that it is okay when things   working. At the end of the session, if you are
don’t go to plan.                                  running late, please call us to let us know or if you
                                                   have made other arrangements for the
                                                   collection of your child.

                                                   Toilet training: Children also learn to become
                                                   independent in their own toileting; using toilet
                                                   paper correctly, flushing the toilet, washing and
                                                   drying their hands correctly. Please note there is
                                                   an expectation that children are toilet trained
                                                   before they commence kindergarten.

Visitors are invited to our kindergarten to
enhance our 3 year old educational program.
Incursions will vary depending on the children’s
interest. Below are some examples:
                                                     •   Drama Tool Box: Drama incursions for
•   Rain Hayne and Shine Animal Farm: a mobile           Preschool to Year 6 that are linked to the
    farm comes to the kinder where the children          Australian Curriculum requirements.
    can hold, pat and feed the animals. Animals          Including costumes, drama, puppets, props, role
    included are a calf, goat kids, lamb/sheep,          playing, music, movement and dance, helps
    piglet, rabbits, guinea pigs, hens, ducks,           enhance retention and meet the needs of visual,
    turkey, goose, pet rats and a tortoise (in the
                                                         auditory and kinesthetic learners.
    warmer months).
                                                     •   Seaweed Sally: SeaweedSally isamobile pre
•   Henny Penny Hatching Program: a thrilling
                                                         school program where the marine life is
    educational experience, bringing the joy of
    watching eggs hatching, and chicks emerging          brought to you. A great way to learn about the
    from their shells.                                   marine environment and save on transport
                                                         costs. The program is unique, fun and a “hands
•   Hey Dee Ho Music Program:a fortnightly               on” experience into the mysterious world of
    program run by a professional music                  marine life - the animals, their environment and
    educator to deliver a focused music program          how to preserve and protect them.


When the children enter into four year old kindergarten many have had some sort of experience in three
year old kindergarten or day care and as a result children generally settle quickly into the classroom setting.
We aim to ensure that every child receives a year full of educational achievements, positive personal growth
and importantly fun through a high quality kindergarten program that fosters all aspects of learning and
development. We also recognise how important active play is so the children will be involved in a number
of experiences that develop fine and gross motor skills and really encourage the children to be physically
active both in structured games and unstructured activities.
The kindergarten program will vary each year as it reflects the children’s interests, particular learning needs and
events in their world, which hold meaning to them. Children need time, opportunity and practice to reach
optimum performance levels and this is what we offer children in four year old kindergarten.

Incursions and Excursions
In addition to the regular kinder curriculum the 4 year old children also participate in a number of programs
to further develop their learning. Incursions and excursions will vary each year depending on the children’s
interests and the kindergarten budget. Below are some examples of what could be offered:
Incursion examples include:
•    Hey Dee Ho Music Program: a fortnightly
     program run by a professional music
     educator to deliver a focused music
•    PALS Social Skills Program: this program
     teaches children simple social skills such as
     greeting others, listening, sharing, taking
     turns, dealing with fear, sadness and anger,            Excursions:
     and solving problems. PALS runs on a weekly             •    Rickett’s Point: In the first few weeks of
     basis for a full term and uses puppets, songs,               kinder we meet at Rickett's Point to have a
     play situations and short videos to enhance                  picnic together, to meet other families and to
     the children’s learning during each session.                 go rock pool rambling looking for treasures.
•    Henny Penny Hatching Program: a thrilling               •    Chesterfield Farm: we travel to the farm on
     educational experience, bringing the joy of                  the bus and once at the farm we enjoy a
     watching eggs hatching, and chicks emerging                  hayride, holding and feeding animals, milking
     from their shells.                                           a cow and watching sheep dogs at work.
    Responsible Pet Ownership: educating                    •    Footy Clinic: the children love to put on their
     children and their parents about safety with                 footy gear and run around the reserve
     dogs.                                                        learning a few new footy skills. The footy
    Murrundindi Visit: Murrundindi is an                         clinic is usually run by interested parents and
     Aboriginal elder of the Wurundjeri clan and                  is always lots of fun at the end of Term 3.
     shares his cultural heritage with the children
     through storytelling, drawing, music and

King Parrots Children’s Borrowing Library - the
Children’s Borrowing Library commences in Term
2. Children borrow books and take them home
to share them with their families – make the time
to read these stories with your child it not only
encourages      reading       but     ownership,
independence and responsibility.

Communication: a questionnaire called 'All            Group Journals: (4YO) Each group has a journal
About Me' will be given to families to complete to    that is displayed in the foyer for families to read
assist educators in gaining an insight into your      at any time. In here you will view some of the
child’s home life and favourite activities. From      learning that has been taking place in the group
this information we will be able to plan              that is linked to the Victorian Framework
experiences which we know will interest and           learning outcomes. You will also find a ‘What
engage your child at the start of the                 Next?' section that describes thoughts and
kindergarten year. We have an open door policy        ideas for future planning.
at our kindergarten and encourage all families to
discuss their child’s progress or raise any           Transition    Learning    and     Development
concerns you may have with us at any time             Statements (4YO): These are prepared for each
throughout the year. You will be able to talk with    child attending school the next year to support
us over the phone, in person and/or make              them in making a successful transition from
arrangements to meet before or after a kinder         kindergarten to school. The statement has two
session. Please keep in mind that anything you        parts to be completed, one for the family and
discuss with us is kept confidential.                 one for the early childhood educator. The
                                                      educator is required to include information
Documenting & Reporting: we carefully observe the     about each child’s strengths across a number of
children and document their interests, their          learning areas while the other section is
strengths and areas that may need support. If         completed by families and asks for information
you have any questions or concerns about how          about your family, child’s background, their
your child is progressing, please ask, and we will    interests and what they are looking forward to
make a time for discussion. In the four year old      at school.
classes your child’s educators observe the
children on a regular basis, documenting the
children at work and play. In-depth observations
are taken of four or five children over a period of
a few weeks and after discussing what has been
observed educators will plan individual
objectives for these children, highlighting their
interests, strengths and areas for support.

Individual portfolios: to celebrate your child’s
year of kindergarten we will collate a portfolio of
collected works, photographs and reflections of
your child’s experiences through the year. We
know this will become something you treasure
together as the years go by.

Reflections: (3YO) children are not always able to
articulate what they have been doing at kinder.
Brief information (usually with photos) of what
the children have been up to at kinder are
regularly displayed near the sign in book – we
encourage you to look at these for insight into
your child’s kinder experiences.

Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology             Preschool Field Officer Service: Preschool Field
Screening Program: The kindergarten offers            Officers are a team of highly experienced and
families the opportunity to have their child          trained kindergarten educators who provide a free
participate in an Occupational Therapy or Speech      service to children enrolled in a funded 4 year old
Pathology screening during the year at kinder. The    kindergarten program and 3 year old kindergarten
idea behind this is to identify those children who    programs in fourth term. Preschool Field Officers
might be having difficulty in some areas of their     help families and educators understand a child’s
development and to provide information or             development, provide strategies for home and
develop strategies for the child, their parents and   kindergarten and the necessary support to
their educators to assist them in these areas         implement them and, if necessary offer
before they become issues that impact on their        alternative options of support for families and
learning, participation and friendships.              children.

Educational Leader: We have an additional staff
member who does not run a class but is a support
for teaching staff to draw on. The skills and
expertise our Educational Leader brings to the team
include a background in early intervention and this
can be drawn on as required. Should you have
concerns about your child’s development, their
progress at kindergarten or their ability to start
school, your child’s educator will work together
with the Educational Leader to put together
options and support.


All children must be accompanied to and from kindergarten by an adult. Please complete the Daily
Attendance Book, both at drop off and pick up entering who is dropping off and collecting your child.

Please try to ensure that children arrive at kindergarten on time to commence the session. Carers must
not leave the kinder until their child has entered the classroom for the start of the session or until staff
have come outside to commence a session. Unless in the care of staff they must be attended by a

It is important that all children be picked up punctually at the end of each day, as it is very upsetting for a
child to be left after the others have gone. If you cannot collect your child from kinder, please contact us
to let us know who will be taking him/her home.

We are delighted to celebrate your child’s birthday. You might like to come and join in the celebration as
well or do duty on that day.

You are welcome to send in food for special occasions however, due to allergies to various foods we ask
for your assistance and request that you discuss your plans with your teacher in advance. If food has
been commercially purchased, please provide it in its original packaging so that we can check the list
of ingredients. If it is home made, please provide a list of ingredients and give these to your teacher.
Please do not send lolly bags for selected children or all children at the kindergarten as it is difficult to
ascertain the ingredients in individual lollies for those children with allergies. This will assist us to
provide a safe environment for all children.

It is often difficult and unnecessary to invite all members of your child’s group to a birthday celebration.
However, little children can feel very hurt if they sense they are excluded and for this reason we ask that
you please distribute any party invitations discreetly.

    Kinder Emergency Phone Number
    If you are calling with an urgent issue related to the current kinder session, please call the kinder
    Emergency Phone Number: 0434 901 192. Please program this number into your mobile phone. The
    teachers on duty will answer the mobile phone during the session and assist you. During kinder
    sessions our main phone number is switched to the answering machine to avoid unnecessary phone
    calls that interrupt sessions.

    To ensure parents receive timely and up-to-date information you will receive regular emails from both
    the teachers and Committee. Communications will be sent to your nominated email address so
    please check your inbox regularly.

    Each child has their own notice pocket and the teachers and Committee will place information into
    the pockets on a regular basis. Please check your notice pocket at the end of each session.

SMS Reminders
    SMS messages are sent as reminders to classes or to the whole kinder community.

    This is positioned above the sign in book. It needs to be read at every session as it will have up to date
    information for that day and reminders for the next session.

    Each term, a newsletter is produced and is circulated by email. This contains important information for
    the kindergarten community.

    Your details
    Please ensure that the kinder has your current email, phone and mailing address so that you don’t
    miss important communications.

Please leave your dog outside the kinder gate and ensure dogs are on a leash near or within the reserve

We participate in Bayside Council’s Central Registration system, which aims to provide children in the Bayside
area with equal access to high quality preschool education.

The criteria and process are outlined in the “Kindergarten Central Registration Information Brochure”
available on the Council’s website. For queries or further information regarding Central Registration please
contact Bayside Council’s Children’s Services team on 9599 4733.

For enrolments outside the Bayside Council Central Registration System please contact our enrolment officer.

Fees for term 1 are due on the day of the kindergarten’s annual general meeting Wednesday 18th
November 2020.
Term 2 Fees are due on 1st April 2021
Term 3 fees are due on 25th June 2021.
Term 4 fees are due on 17th September 2021.

Fees must be paid by the due date to ensure that your child is able to attend for the following term.
Further information can be found in our ‘Fees Policy’later in the handbook and on the ‘Fee Notice’ you will
receive each term via email.

Please ensure you only let your own child/children (or children whose parents have given
you authority to take their child out of kinder grounds) out of the gate and take care that other
children are not following you.

It is important that all children attend kindergarten regularly. However, to ensure the safety of other
children and to keep infections to a minimum throughout the year, we ask that you keep your
children at home if they are suffering from any of these infections /conditions:
   • Cold and / or cough
   • Cold sores
   • Eye infections
   • Gastric upsets
   • Green/yellow runny
   • Head lice
   • Infected sores
   • Ringworm
   • Sore throat
   • Threadworms
Please notify the kindergarten if your child is ill or away for more than a day.

If your child is “off colour”, please keep them at home for observation. The kinder has details of periods of
isolation for all infectious diseases if you are unsure how long to keep your child at home.

In addition to the above conditions please also refer to the Dealing with Infectious Diseases Policy on Page
26 of this handbook.

    If your child has asthma, it is vital you provide the kindergarten with an ‘Action Plan’ that is signed
    by your doctor. If your child requires Ventolin during a session, please give the Ventolin to staff to
    store safely; please do not leave it in your child’s bag. Your child will not be able to attend kinder
    until the Action Plan has been provided.

    If your child suffers severe allergic reactions, it is vital you provide the kindergarten with an ‘Action
    Plan’ that is signed by your doctor and includes a photo of your child. All medication is to be clearly
    labelled with your child’s name and handed directly to staff. Your child will not be able to attend kinder
    until the Action Plan has been provided.

    Medication Procedure
       • Medication cannot be administered by staff without the written consent of the child’s parent
         or guardian on the appropriate Administration of Medication Form.
       • Medication must be given directly to the teacher and not left in the child’s bag.
       • A record of all medication administered will be kept and parents will be informed if any
         unusual reaction is noted.
       • Only prescription medication displaying the child’s name, and in the original container, is able
         to be administered by staff.
       • Please also refer to the parent responsibilities in the policy section below.

The Victorian Government introduced “No Jab No Play” legislation into Parliament and this law came into
effect on 1st January 2016. In order for enrolment to be confirmed, parents/carers will need to provide us
with an Immunisation History Statement that shows their child:
- Is up to date with vaccinations for their age, OR
- Has a medical condition preventing them from being fully vaccinated.
- Immunisation History statements can be requested at any time by contacting Medicare on 1800 653 809.
  Enrolment is not confirmed unless we have the required documents in relation to immunisation.

Parent/guardian involvement is essential for the efficient and effective running of the kinder. Anyone
wishing to volunteer is required to provide a Working with Children Check (WWCC). It is free and lasts for 5 years. Apply
    The kinder duty helper is of great assistance to the educators and is an essential and traditional
    part of the kinder program. Whilst on duty you will have the opportunity to enjoy activities with
    the children. The kindergarten duty helper also assists with the running and tidying up of the class.
    Please refer to the parent help duty sheet in the kitchen. Kinder duty can be performed by any
    adult representative from a child’s family. Often a parent will attend duty but grandparents,
    aunts or uncles or special friends capable of undertaking the basic tasks of kinder duty are
    welcome to attend.

    It is expected that each family will undertake two kinder duty sessions per term. Parents are asked
    to place themselves on the roster during kindergarten orientation and prior to the beginning of
    each term.

    If you can no longer attend your duty session, please arrange to swap with another parent in your
    group and amend the roster accordingly. If you are unable to arrange for a replacement you must
    notify a teacher as soon as possible.

    Please ensure you sign into the visitor book together with the names of any siblings in
    attendance. This is a legal requirement and ensures that everyone is accounted for should an
    emergency evacuation be necessary. We understand that it is often not possible to attend duty
    without younger siblings, however you are responsible for their welfare and safety at all times.

    Working Bees
    Working Bees are held throughout the year to assist with the maintenance of the building,
    grounds and equipment that the children use. Families are asked to participate in at least two
    working bees per year. They are a great way for parents to meet each other and of course, the kids
    love to come along and help make their kindergarten a better and tidier place. Your working bee
    attendance can also be measured in other ways. If you can contribute skills such as carpentry,
    painting, plumbing, building, window cleaning, gardening etc to improve the kindergarten,
    please discuss this with the maintenance officer, as there may be projects that the kindergarten
    is undertaking that you can help out with on a more professional basis.

    Every family will be asked to assist, once or twice during the year, with the washing of tea towels,
    smocks, hand towels etc. Please return washing within a week. There may be additional
    items at the end of each term such as dress-ups, dolls clothes, bedding etc.

Please dress your child suitably for our various kinder activities. Warm outer garments - coat and/or hat,
and sturdy boots or shoes are necessary during winter. If your child is wearing gumboots, please send
shoes to change into when inside. In summer, please wear clothing that protects the children’s shoulders
from the sun. We strongly recommend children wear good quality shoes that offer support to their feet
and ankles. Thongs, Crocs, or strappy sandals are not appropriate as they inhibit active movement.

We do lots of painting and other messy activities both indoors and out and whilst we try to ensure that
your child will wear a painting smock when doing “busy work”, clothing may become soiled, so please
dress your child appropriately.

There is a kindergarten uniform for purchase, which the children love to wear and which saves soiling
special clothing at kinder. Please see our fundraising committee for more information.

Please clearly label all clothing and food containers. Any lost items are placed in the lost property box
located in the multi-purpose room.

There is a secure black box for payment of fees or fundraising activities located in the shelves in the
parents’ corner in the multi-purpose room. It is important that you place payment in a sealed envelope
clearly marked with your name and what the payment is for. It is requested that large amounts of cash
are not placed in the black box and are handed directly to staff, the Treasurer or Compliance Officer.

Throughout the year a parent information night will be conducted. Topics of interest or relevance are
selected and professional speakers are sourced to share their insight into important issues dealing with
preschool aged children. Should you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to speak to the
teacher or a Committee member.

It is preferable that children do not bring their own belongings or toys from home to play with at
kindergarten. There is always that chance that these toys could become lost or broken, which is very
disappointing for the child. Should your child have something of interest to share with the whole group,
it is preferable that this is presented to the teacher and it be shared during mat time and then put away.

Individual and class photographs are taken annually by professional photographers. You will be notified
in advance when photo day will be. Parents may purchase photos directly from the photographer.

We use our digital camera extensively to document what children do at kindergarten. We ask that you
sign our Permission Form in order that we comply with privacy information requirements.

We have a parent library located in the parents’ information corner for your use. It contains useful
resources and we welcome you to borrow items. Should you have any need for resources outside our
parent library or suggestions for inclusion in our parent library, please do not hesitate to speak to your

Each class has a social representative who will organise social activities for your class – coffee mornings,
pizza nights, parents’ dinners etc. They are always lots of fun and a great way to meet other families. For
the whole kinder there is a welcome event at the beginning of Term 1 and an end of year function at
the end of Term 4. There is also usually one major social fundraising event held during the year, the
format varies from year to year and is determined by the Fundraising Committee.

It is an expectation that all children are toilet trained prior to commencing kindergarten, however we do
understand that accidents do happen. Please ensure that you include a change of clothes in your child’s
kinder bag. If you have any concerns, please discuss them with your teacher.

U & V - UV
East Beaumaris Kindergarten has a Sun Protection Policy and for term 1 and term 4, there are four things to
remember: Slip, Slop, Slap, Shade.

        Clothing: when outside, children are required to wear loose fitting clothing that covers as much
        skin as possible. Clothing made from cool, densely woven fabric is recommended. Tops with
        elbow length sleeves, and if possible, collars and knee length or longer style shorts and skirts are

        Sunscreen: parents are required to apply SPF 30+ sunscreen to your child prior to coming to
        kindergarten. We will provide Cancer Council approved sunscreen, which your child will re-apply
        at kinder under staff supervision during the ‘full day’ sessions. Sunscreen is applied at least 20
        minutes before going outdoors and reapplied every two hours if outdoors.

        Hats: our policy is “no hat, no outdoor play”, which is in line with other kindergartens, preschools
        and schools. You will be provided a kindergarten hat with the East Beaumaris Kindergarten logo on
        commencement (at a cost of $10).

Your trash is our treasure!! Please bring in any old boxes, paper, bottle tops, material, corks, ribbon, lace,
wood (soft wood) and other odds and ends for the children to use. Please do not bring in toilet rolls, egg
cartons and boxes or containers that held food with nuts, as these are unsuitable for our use.

For some children, kindergarten is the first time away from parents. Some children might feel anxious or
uncomfortable being left on their own for the first time in a new environment. A suggested strategy to
assist with this situation is:
•   Spend some time with your child during the first few sessions, ensure you stay for long enough so
    your child feels comfortable in the new environment (maybe up to ½ an hour)
•   settle your child down at an activity
•   when you are ready to leave, say goodbye and say you will be back at the end of the session to collect
    them – one kiss, one hug and then go. Please do not prolong the farewell, as this can make it worse.

Please do not hesitate to ask the advice of the teacher or assistant during this time of settling in, or to
phone to be reassured that they are ok.

    We value your views and are open to any feedback. Please speak to a staff or Committee member
    if you would like to pass anything on.

    An annual parent survey of the kindergarten is conducted in term 3. The Committee values your
    feedback and need it to assess how the kindergarten is performing so please take the time to
    complete this.

    Committed to child safety

    All children who come to East Beaumaris Kindergarten have a right to feel and be safe. The welfare of the
    children in our care will always be our first priority and we have a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse. We aim
    to provide a child-safe and child-friendly environment where children feel safe and have fun.

Below is a summary of important East Beaumaris
Kindergarten policies. To view full policies please email

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy
This policy outlines procedures to be followed when obtaining written authorisation from a parent/guardian or person authorised and named in the
enrolment record and when refusing written authorisation from a parent/guardian or person authorised and named in the enrolment record.
Note the Committee of Management at East Beaumaris Kindergarten has determined that an authorised nominee cannot be under the age of 18

Kindergarten staff are responsible for:
• ensuring that an attendance record is maintained to account for all children attending the service
• keeping a written record of all visitors to the service
• ensuring staff allow a child to participate in an excursion only with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian
• ensuring staff allow a child to depart from the service only with a person who is the parent/guardian or authorised nominee
Parents/guardians are responsible for:

• completing and signing the authorised nominee section of their child’s enrolment form before their child commences at the service
• signing and dating permission forms for excursions
• signing the attendance record as their child arrives at and departs from the service

Administration of First Aid Policy
This policy will provide guidelines for the administration of first aid at East Beaumaris Kindergarten.

The Kindergarten is responsible for:
  •     ensuring that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children at the service from harm and hazards that are likely to cause injury
  •     assessing the first aid requirements for the service.
  •     ensuring that at least one educator with current approved first aid qualifications is in attendance and immediately available at all times that
        children are being educated and cared for by the service

  •     appointing an educator to be the nominated first aid officer.
  •     advising families that a list of first aid and other health products used by the service is available for their information, and that first aid kits
        can be inspected on request

  •     providing and maintaining an appropriate number of up-to-date, fully-equipped first aid kits that meet Australian Standards, and also a
        portable first aid kit for excursions

  •     ensuring that parents are notified within 24 hours if their child is involved in an incident, injury, trauma or illness at the service and
        recording details on the Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Record
  •     ensuring a resuscitation flow chart (refer to Definitions) is displayed in a prominent position in the indoor and outdoor environments of the service
  •     keeping up to date with any changes in procedures for administration of first aid

  •     ensuring that the prescribed educator-to-child ratios are met at all times
  •     monitoring the contents of all first aid kits and arranging with the kindergarten for replacement of stock, including when the use-by date has
        been reached

  •     practicing CPR and administration of an auto-injection device at least annually

Parents/guardians are responsible for:

  •     providing the required information for the service’s medication record
  •     providing written consent (via the enrolment record) for service staff to administer first aid and call an ambulance, if required being
        contactable, either directly or through emergency contacts listed on the child’s enrolment record, in the event of an incident requiring the
        administration of first aid.

Administration of Medication Policy
 This policy will clearly define the procedures to be followed when a child requires medication while attending. It covers the administration of both
 prescribed and non-prescribed medication at, including during offsite excursions and activities.

 Medication (including prescription, non-prescription, over-the-counter and homeopathic medications) must not be administered to a child at a service
 without the authorisation of a parent/guardian or person with the lawful authority to consent to the administration of medical attention to the child.
 In the case of an emergency, it is acceptable to obtain verbal consent from a parent/guardian, or to obtain consent from a registered medical
 practitioner or medical emergency services if the child’s parent/guardian cannot be contacted. In the case of an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency,
 medication may be administered to a child without authorisation following the direction of the child’s medical management plan.
 A medication record1 must be completed with various information (refer policy for details):

 The Kindergarten is responsible for:
    •     ensuring that medication is not administered to a child being educated and cared for by the service unless it is authorised, and the
          medication is administered in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Regulation 95

    •     ensuring that a medication record that meets the requirements set out in Regulation 92(3) is available at all times for recording the
          administration of medication to children at the service (Regulation 92).

    •     ensuring that the parent/guardian of the child and emergency services are notified as soon as is practicable when medication has been
          administered in an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency

    •     ensuring that medication is not accessible to children and is stored in a childproof container (including in the refrigerator for medications
          requiring refrigeration)
    •     being aware of children who require medication for ongoing conditions or in emergencies, and ensuring that the medical management plans are
    •     completed and attached to the child’s enrolment form, and displayed for use by those caring for children

    •     ensuring that each child’s enrolment form provides details of the name, address and telephone number of any person who has lawful authority to
          request and permit the administration of medication to the child

 Parents/Guardians are responsible for:
    •     ensuring that any medication to be administered is recorded in the medication record kept at the service premises
    •     providing a current medical management plan when their child requires long-term treatment of a condition that includes medication, or
          their child has been prescribed medication to be used for a diagnosed condition in an emergency

    •     ensuring that the details of authorised persons are kept up to date in the child’s enrolment form
    •     ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at the service are provided in their original container with the label intact, bearing the
    •     child’s name, dosage, instructions and the expiry date (Regulation 95(a)(i))

    •     ensuring that prescribed medications to be administered at the service are within their expiry date
    •     physically handing the medication to a staff member and informing them of the appropriate storage and administration instructions for the
          medication provided

    •     clearly labelling non-prescription medications and over-the-counter products (for example sun block and nappy cream) with the child’s name. The
    •     instructions and use-by dates must also be visible
    •     ensuring that no medication or over-the-counter products are left in their child’s bag or locker

    •     taking all medication home at the end of each session/day

    •     informing the service if any medication has been administered to the child before bringing them to the service, and if the administration of
          that medication is relevant to or may affect the care provided to the child at the service

    •     ensuring that their child’s enrolment details are up to date and providing current details of persons who have lawful authority to request or
          permit the administration of medication.

Nut-Free Guidelines (refer Anaphylaxis Policy, Attachment 5)
We would like to advise all parents and guardians of children enrolled at East Beaumaris Kindergarten, that as of the 10th June 2003, the East Beaumaris
Kindergarten Committee of Management ratified the formalising of our Kindergarten being a 'nut free zone'.

What does it mean for me and my family?
It means that you are not able to send your child/children to kindergarten with any nuts or foods containing nuts (or any of their derivatives) in their
snack or lunch.

But if my child does not have an allergy and the sharing of food is not allowed, why ban nuts altogether?

Food allergies are mainly a problem of early childhood. Between 5% and 8% of children less than 5 years of age have a food allergy. Most grow out
of their food allergies by primary school years. Peanut and other nut allergies are, however, least likely to fade with age. Severe peanut allergy can
be life threatening.

The only prevention is avoidance of foods that contain the allergen - this can take considerable effort, especially as a child allergic to nuts does not
have to ingest them to have a reaction. Merely sharing the same toys or being touched by another who has come into contact with nuts can be
enough to create a life or death situation (anaphylaxis).

Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction - and can cause obstruction to breathing and low blood pressure or shock - it can be fatal unless
treated quickly. Usually the more severe reactions appear rapidly within minutes of exposure but can occasionally come on after several hours.

What foods may contain nut products or derivatives?
Some basic foods to avoid bringing to kindergarten:
  •       Peanut Butter
  •       Nutella (or any hazelnut spread)
  •       Raw, roasted or any sort of nut
  •       Any sort of nut biscuit (i.e. peanut macadamia, peanut butter, almond, etc)
  •       Anything with satay sauce
  •       Cakes with walnuts or other nuts
  •       Any food with peanut or other nut oil
  •       Some muesli bars (please check ingredients)

Please note!
The ultimate aim of these guidelines is to provide a nut free and therefore safe environment for nut allergic children, however this may not always
be achievable.
It is not always possible for parents/guardians to analyse all foods which come onto the Kindergarten premises and to therefore guarantee the safety
of 'nut allergic' children. However, it is hoped that through implementing this policy and providing awareness to parents of the policy and its
implications, that all steps are being taken to provide a safe playing and healthy environment for all children whilst at the Kindergarten.

Complaints and Grievances Policy
This policy will provide guidelines for receiving and dealing with complaints and grievances at, and for procedures to be followed in investigating
complaints and grievances.

The Kindergarten is responsible for:
      •    identifying, preventing and addressing potential concerns before they become formal complaints/grievances
      •    responding to all complaints and grievances in the most appropriate manner and at the earliest opportunity
      •    treating all complainants fairly and equitably
      •    providing a Complaints and Grievances Register

Parents/guardians are responsible for:
      •    raising a complaint directly with the person involved, in an attempt to resolve the matter without recourse to the complaints and
           grievances procedures
      •    communicating (preferably in writing) any concerns relating to the management or operation of the service as soon as is practicable
      •    raising any unresolved issues or serious concerns directly with the President, via the Nominated Supervisor/educator or through the
           Grievances Subcommittee/investigatormaintaining complete confidentiality at all times

      •    co-operating with requests to meet with the Grievances Subcommittee and/or provide relevant information when requested in relation to
           complaints and grievances.
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