PARENT & FAMILY HANDBOOK - Waldo Middle School
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WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 019 -2 02 0 PARENT & FAMILY HANDBOOK Manual del Padre de Familia TRICIA NELSON, Principal JOE VALENCIA, Assistant Principal 2805 Lansing Avenue NE | Salem, Oregon 97301 Main Office: 503-399-3215 | Student Attendance: 503-399-3488 |
OFFICE INFORMATION Waldo Middle School 2805 Lansing Ave NE Salem, OR 97301 503-399-3215 FAX: 503-391-4070 Attendance Line: 503-399-3488 Office Hours 7:15a.m to 3:45p.m Monday - Friday Supervision Parents, please understand that unless students are working with a teacher in PM school or athletics, we must insist they leave the campus no later than 2:50p.m. At that time we do not have staff to supervise. PARENT CLUB MEETINGS All meetings are held in the Waldo Middle School Library. Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 PM and conclude at 8:15.
CONTENTS ACADEMIC INFORMATION Attendance and Academic Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 STUDENT & PARENT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Student Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 School Closures & Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CCR WORK-HABITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Summary of Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Students' Rights and Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Staff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 1
ACADEMIC INFORMATION ATTENDANCE PHONE 503-399-3488 ATTENDANCE AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS enrolled. Please contact the office with There is a strong correlation between students’ academic success any questions. in school and their attendance. Waldo’s attendance system provides students and parents with an expectation of good AUTOMATED ATTENDANCE CALLING attendance and encourages students to attend their classes daily. It is very important that students be in every class each day. If Attendance correlates to students’ grades because grades are multiple period or full-day absences occur, parents will receive based upon performance and academic achievement. If students a telephone call with an automated message. We are looking miss class because of an absence, they miss the opportunity to forward to working with you to ensure good attendance through demonstrate performance or academic achievement. Attendance good communication. is also reflected in the student’s CCR Work-Habits grade each grading period. Salem-Keizer Public Schools expects regular LATE ARRIVALS attendance of all students. Students are required by Oregon Students arriving late to school must check in at the Attendance law to regularly attend school. Salem-Keizer Public Schools’ office with their parent or have a note, signed by the parent, expectation for regular attendance is no more than 8 half day excusing their tardiness. Excuses such as “alarm clock did not go absences or 4 full day absences in any four-week period, or a off ”, “student overslept”, “student missed bus”, or “student had combination of half and full day absences. Excused absences to walk” will not be accepted. By law (ORS 339.065) schools need an acceptable written or verbal explanation within three can only accept an excuse for tardiness as previously stated. (3) days of the student returning to school. EXCUSED ABSENCES: ACADEMIC EDUCATION DURING ABSENCE (written or verbal notification of one of the specific reasons below is required): Students who are ill and unable to attend school are allowed to • Days when a student is ill make up homework. If a student is absent for three or more days, • Serious family illness parents may call to request make-up homework. If a student is • Medical appointment which cannot be scheduled after school absent for fewer than three days, the student should meet with • Authorized religious holidays the teacher upon returning to school to get make-up work. If • Approved pre-arranged absences you are aware in advance of an absence, please contact your • Other absences approved by the district student’s teacher to request assignments. Contact the teacher UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: directly (see page Waldo’s web-site with staff e-mail addresses • Those not falling in the excused category at ). • Skipping school Please allow one full school day (24 hours) for your homework • Failure to bring a proper excuse request to be filled. The main office is open from 7:15 a.m. to • Baby-sitting younger brothers or sisters 3:45 p.m. for homework to be picked up. If you would like • Waking up late/missing bus homework to go home with another student, please let the office know and the student will be notified to pick up the homework 10-DAY ABSENCES in the office. It is important to remember that not all work The State of Oregon Revised Statute on attendance states that that goes on in class can be made up. For instance, lab work, when a student is absent 10 consecutive days, the school must class discussions and group assignments are all an integral place the student’s schedule on hold and the parent must bring part of the learning process and often cannot be made up the student in for re-enrollment. Parents will be sent a letter in through homework. the event of this occurrence. 10/10 RULE VACATION ABSENCES Waldo has a 10/10 Rule. This means that students will not be Please notify the Attendance Office if your student will be absent allowed out of class to go to their locker, restroom, etc. for the due to vacation. Extended trips may result in the student being first ten minutes of class and the last ten minutes of class. dropped from school. Upon their return, students will be re 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 3
STUDENT & PARENT INFORMATION CHECK-IN PROCEDURES DURING THE SCHOOL DAY on file with the Salem/Keizer School District. Forms may be Whenever a student arrives at school late or returns from an picked up in the main office of our school. If you are unsure if appointment, he/she must check in at the Attendance Office. you have a form on file, you may call 503-399-3215 or stop in He/She must present a written excuse from a parent, a signed the main office check. check-out slip, or a parent/guardian may accompany the student to the Attendance Office to sign them in. DISCIPLINE The goal of Waldo Middle School discipline plan is to create CHECK-OUT PROCEDURE DURING THE SCHOOL DAY an environment that is orderly, safe, and fosters academic and social-emotional growth. Discipline is a process leading to If a student needs to leave the building for an appointment, appropriate, responsible behavior and not just punishment for parents must send written permission indicating the name of inappropriate behavior. the student, date, reason, and time of check out. If a student is ill, the parent/guardian will be called for permission to send the The belief at Waldo Middle School is that we focus on the student home. It is required that a student check out in the office academic, behavioral, and emotional success of students in each whenever leaving campus before dismissal time. Attendance is classroom and community. Staff members work as a team with important, so we ask that student appointments be made after students, parents, and administration to guide student’s success school hours whenever possible. Students leaving school during Waldo students and staff are expected to treat one another with school hours without permission will be considered truant and dignity, courtesy, and respect. Our role as a staff is to model will be penalized accordingly. and encourage students to make appropriate behavior choices. Behavior which disrupts the classroom will not be tolerated and CLOSED CAMPUS will be dealt with as a discipline matter. A student’s behavior Waldo Middle School has a closed campus. Students are to in class will also be recorded in the CCR Citizenship grade. remain on school grounds from the time they arrive in the morning until their regular dismissal time. Students are not DISCIPLINE OPTIONS allowed to go off campus at any time without prior approval Detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and from parents and building staff. Students may go out to lunch expulsion from school are sometimes necessary for infractions with their own parents but may not go with another student’s of school rules and regulations. Occasionally these actions are parent unless prior parent permission had been received and necessary for a student’s own good, for the protection of others, to approved by the building administration. Unless students are maintain a learning environment, and their opportunity to learn. involved in a supervised after school activity, they must leave the campus by 2:50 pm. P.A.S.S. ROOM DETENTION (Positive Alternative to Student Suspension) BUS PASSES FOR SCHOOL BUSES Students who violate school rules that would normally warrant If your student needs to ride a different bus, he/she needs to go suspension from school are often placed in the PASS Room for a to the Main Office BEFORE school starts to pick up a one-day part of, or the entire day (in-school suspension) instead of being emergency bus pass. Students must have a signed and dated sent home (out-of-school suspension). An instructional assistant note from their parent or guardian giving permission for will supervise the students in the PASS Room. Classroom this bus change. teachers will assign lessons for students to study during this time. While in the PASS Room students will: VISITORS • Complete all assignments. Parents of Waldo students are always welcome at Waldo. Visitors • Read. MUST check in at the main office and pick up a visitor’s badge. • Not talk or visit with other students. Student visitors are not allowed. Any exception to this policy • Not eat (except for lunch). must have administrative approval at least one day prior to • After School Detention the visitor’s arrival at the school. After school detention may be assigned for a variety of reasons; including but not limited to: academic support, behavior VOLUNTEERS infractions, and tardies. After School Detention time is 2:30–3:30 Parent/community volunteers are an integral part of Waldo pm. If students are late to detention, there will be additional Middle School. Volunteer activities include office help, classroom consequences. Talking is not allowed during detention time. help, tutoring, reading with students, library help, field trips, Students will remain seated and work on school assignments. music trips, meetings, activity fairs, fund raising, chaperoning, Students must have enough school work or reading material to timing and scorekeeping, and much more. Please contact Waldo last the entire hour they are assigned detention. If rules are not at 503-399-3215 if you wish to volunteer. To be able to volunteer followed, students will serve the remainder of the detention plus in schools a person MUST have a cleared background check one additional day. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange student’s transportation home by working with the school. 4 WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
DETENTION behaviors. Parents are notified for their student’s positive actions Students whose behavior is inappropriate or disruptive may or behaviors. be assigned to lunch detention and/or after school detention. LOCKERS Students serve detention in the PASS Room. Students chronically tardy to class may receive detentions also. The lockers are the property of the school district. Lockers are assigned to students as a convenience for storage of books, CAMPUS SUPERVISION/AUTHORITY lunches, and backpacks during the school day. Since lockers Waldo Middle School provides adult supervision between the are not completely safe, money and other valuables should not hours of 7:00am – 2:50pm. All adult employees (custodians, store, in them. instructional aides, secretaries, teachers, counselors, campus STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING monitors, bus drivers, kitchen staff, and administrators) of our LOCKERS INCLUDE: school have the authority to enforce school rules. Students who • To keep the locker clean and in good shape. defy the authority of school employees face logical consequences. • TO KEEP THE COMBINATION A SECRET. The school This also applies to school-sponsored events such as dances, is not responsible for thefts from any locker. concerts, sports events, etc. Additional supervision is provided • To use only the locker assigned to the student. beyond 2:50 for students in PM School, clubs, athletic, or other school sponsored events. • The student assigned to the locker is responsible for any items found in the locker during locker inspections. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • To use the locker to store only materials and supplies appropriate for school. TEXTBOOKS Lockers may be inspected periodically by school officials for Textbooks are purchased by Waldo Middle School and neatness, overdue books, and when school personnel suspect loaned to students. Records are kept of books assigned the storage of illegal materials or items that violate school rules. to individual students. All books are to be returned after the course is completed. STUDENTS WILL BE BACKPACKS REQUIRED TO PAY FOR REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR Students will leave backpacks in OF ALL TEXTBOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, AND lockers during the school day. SCHOOL MATERIALS CHECKED OUT TO THEM Students will be allowed 4 REGARDLESS OF THE REASON OR CAUSE OF ANY minutes passing time between LOSS OR DAMAGE. classes to accommodate the need to obtain materials for classes. COUNSELING No backpacks will be carried in The Counseling Program at Waldo Middle School is a the halls or to classroom or to district-adopted program. Our counselors work with students the commons during the day. In regarding personal, interpersonal, and educational concerns; addition, no large athletic bags lead groups to help develop decision-making skills; and design or large purses will be carried activities and programs aimed at identifying and responding during the day. Girls may carry to the special needs of students. Counseling services include a small purse with them to classes. providing educational information and working with parents and staff to improve student performance. Students may make PHYSICAL EDUCATION an appointment to see the counselors or sign up with them or P.E. LOCKERS schedule appointments by calling 399-3215. P.E. Lockers are loaned to students when enrolled in P.E. The WALDO POSITIVE RECOGNITION School is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Waldo students are recognized by staff for positive actions/ GENERAL INFORMATION ENROLLMENT FORM IMMUNIZATION The Enrollment Form is to be completed by the parent/guardian Oregon State Law requires that students entering a public at the beginning of the school year and updated throughout school for the first time must be immunized against diphtheria, the year if changes occur. Registration forms can be completed whooping cough, tetanus, measles, and polio. All 7th grade and online or by paper copy. 8th grade students need the addition of Hepatitis B series, a second dose of measles vaccine and a varicella immunization. If your student has had chicken pox, the varicella immunization will not be necessary. 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 5
PICTURES or video taped while at school, please send a written notice to All students will have their picture taken during Taking your child’s school office as soon as possible after registering your Care of Business Day (August 15th). Students who child. If there is no written notice on file, the school will assume wish to purchase pictures must pay for the pictures the it has the right to photograph or video tape your child. day they are taken. Makeup photos will be taken on MEDICATION September 12th and retake day is on October 17th. The 8th grade class may have a class picture taken in the spring. Prescription and non-prescription medications may be given at school only by trained staff. Parents are responsible for bringing SPECTATOR CONDUCT AT WALDO SANCTIONED the medication to the school office and completing the blue EVENTS Daily Medication Administration Record form. Medication The middle school principal, coach and other responsible officials WILL NOT be administered unless accompanied by written of each member school shall take all reasonable measures to parental consent and appropriate instructions. Verbal requests ensure that the school’s coaches, players, students and supports to change medication amounts, frequency, or administration maintain a sportsmanlike attitude toward all events so that events times cannot be accepted. may be conducted without unreasonable danger or disorder. Students may carry their inhaler as long as they have a All cheers, comments and actions shall be in direct support of doctor’s note giving permission. This note along with the one’s team. Asthma Treatment Plan form filled out by a parent will be No cheers, comments or actions shall be directed at one’s opponent kept in the office. or at contest officials. Derogatory and/or unsportsmanlike language is not allowed. No players may be singled out by HIPAA number, name or position with negative comments of any kind. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Disclosure) A. All cheers, comments and actions shall be in direct support Salem-Keizer Public Schools may be required by law to disclose of one’s team. No cheers, comments or actions shall be protected health information regarding students. We may directed at one’s opponent or at contest officials. Some disclose your students protected health information to state examples of inappropriate conduct or actions that are not and federal agencies that regulate us as required by law. For permitted are: turning backs, holding up newspapers or example: Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Department jeering at cheerleaders during opposing team introductions; of Human Services, Oregon Medical Assistance Programs, disrespecting players by name, number or position; negative United State Department of Education under the Individuals cheers or chants; throwing objects on the floor. with Disabilities Act also known as IDEA. B. Spectators are not permitted to have signs or banners (larger than 8½ by 11 inches), confetti, balloons or glass STUDENT INSURANCE containers. “Fathead” type items are considered signs and School time accident insurance and dental insurance are offered as shall not be larger than 8½ by 11 inches. Spectators are options which parents can purchase for their children. A brochure required to wear shirts. is available in the school office which explains available protection C. Spectators are not permitted to have artificial noisemakers. options and related costs. Checks are payable to be the insurance Some examples of artificial noisemakers are Thunder Stix, company. Please keep in mind that all students participating in cowbells, clappers and air horns. school sports activities are required to be covered by a medical insurance plan BEFORE they may participate. D. Spectators shall not be permitted to use vulgar/ offensive or racially/ culturally insensitive language. Spectators ATHLETIC DISTRICT POLICIES shall not be permitted to engage in any racially/ culturally insensitive action. Middle school athletes are expected to observe all District Policies. Policies involving the use of tobacco products, alcohol E. Spectators who fail to comply with Association or site and other drugs apply from the first day the athlete begins management spectator conduct expectations may be expelled participation in a sport(s) and continues throughout the school from the contest. year and all following years of athletic participation in Salem- Keizer schools. This policy is in effect 24 hours a day, through STUDENT ID CARDS the end of each school year. Athletes who violate these policies Student I.D. card will be issued when the student has his/her will face the same consequences as student who do not participate Fall picture taken. I.D. cards expedites the lunch service and in sports, in addition to being immediately suspended from a are necessary for attendance at after school events. maximum of three weeks for sports competition, and will undergo an online drug assessment upon first offense. PHOTOS/VIDEO EXCLUSION Students that have more than one D or F will be attending PM Salem-Keizer Public Schools often take photos or video of school school or after school study hall until the grade is raised. This activities or events in which students are featured. These photos or process will take precedence over athletic play. See Student- videotapes are frequently used as promotional items for the school Athlete Agreement Statement for all guidelines. district. Parents – if you do not want your child photographed 6 WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
SCHOOL CLOSURE & DELAYS In the event of bad weather, district officials will make the decision by 5:15 a.m. that day to close all or selected schools or to delay the start of school. First information is sent to the Emergency Messages website linked to below, then specific news media listed below are notified of the closures and delays. If no announcement is made it’s safe to assume that the district is operating as usual. Radio KXL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 AM KWIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 880 AM KWBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) LaPantera 940 AM KEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190 AM KPJC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220 AM KMUZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 1230 AM KYKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430 AM KBZY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1490 AM KOPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.5 FM KSND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Español) 95.1 FM KYCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.1 FM KKRZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.3 FM KRSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.1 FM Television KATU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel 2 KOIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel 6 KGW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel 8 KPTV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel 12 WEB Emergency Closures/Delays Newspaper Social Media 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 7
8 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS RUBRIC 4 Exceeding 3 Meeting 1. 95% Attendance 1. 90% Attendance 2 Developing 1 Attempting 1. 85% Attendance 1. Below 85% Attendance Personal 2. 99% Promptness 2. 95% Promptness 2. 90% Promptness 2. Below 90% Promptness Management 3. Complete projects early 3. Complete projects on-time 3. Completes most projects on-time 3. Does not complete most projects 4. Takes initiative and innovates 4. Focused and on-task 4. Focused and on-task with on-time 5. Always arrives prepared 5. Arrives prepared prompting 4. Requires intervention for focus and 5. Nearly always prepared on-task 6. Always professional attire 6. Always meets school dress code 6. Nearly always meets school dress 5. Arrives unprepared code 6. Requires intervention for dress code 1. Clear, honest, and early 1. Clear communication with all 1. Clear communication with most 1. Clear communication with Communication communication with all 2. Regularly communicates for 2. Practices communication for prompting (Verbal & Non-Verbal) 2. Always communicates for the situation and audience situation and audience 2. Attempts communication for situation and audience 3. Regularly welcomes and/or 3. Occasionally accepts and/or situation and audience or with 3. Actively welcomes, provides, provides constructive critique or provides critique or feedback prompting and responds to constructive feedback 3. Responds negatively or provides critique and/or feedback unclear critique or feedback CCR WORK-HABITS 1. Submits work of highest 1. Submits quality work that may 1. Submits incomplete work or needs 1. Most work incomplete, missing or Accountability standard and quality need revision revision needs revision and Productivity 2. 5HÀHFWVDQGFRUUHFWVWRH[FHHG 2. Accepts and corrects issues to 2. Accepts and corrects issues with 2. Requires intervention to accept standards meet standards prompting responsibility 3. Responsibly follows and models 3. Follows rules 3. Occasionally follows rules with 3. Requires intervention to follow rules 4. Professionally maintains focus some prompting rules 4. Professionally models focus and and effort during worktime 4. Maintains focus and effort with 4. Requires intervention for focus effort prompting and/or effort 1. ([HPSOL¿HVWHDPZRUN 1. Works as teammate 1. Accepts role; participates with 1. ,QHI¿FLHQWWHDPPHPEHU Collaboration 2. Promotes and models respect 2. Recognizes, respects and prompting 2. Recognizes, respects and includes and inclusivity for all includes others 2. Recognizes, respects and includes others with intervention 3. 0RGHOVFRQÀLFWUHVROXWLRQWR 3. ,QFRUSRUDWHVFRQÀLFWUHVROXWLRQ others with prompting 3. &RQÀLFWUHVROXWLRQUHTXLUHV enhance outcomes to achieve outcomes 3. 5HVROYHVFRQÀLFWZLWKSURPSWLQJ intervention WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
SUMMARY OF DISCIPLINE (The full text of the District Policies and Procedures on Discipline, can be found in every district office or on the district website.) These policies and procedures are designed to protect the safety, rights and responsibilities of students, parents and employees. These apply to student conduct which occurs while a student is: 1. On school premises before, during, or after normal school hours. 2. At a school-sponsored event before, during, or after normal school hours, including field trips and school-sponsored tours and activities in another city, state or country. 3. Traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored event. 4. On school premises at any other time when the school is being used for a school-sponsored event. 5. Enrolled in summer school and/or intersessions. 6. Off school premises when such conduct involves threats or harm to students, staff and/or district property. In addition, the student may be referred to a school counselor, the CARE Team, the Youth Services Team or Threat Assess- ment Team. The following list is not comprehensive of all behaviors that may require discipline, but it calls attention to some examples for illustrative purposes. PROGRESSIVE SEQUENCE OF CONSEQUENCES OFFENSE Any level of consequences may be administered for any offense taking into consideration the age of and the past behavior of the student. Assault, Physical – To intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly • A student who physically assaults another person will not be cause physical injury and/or cause substantial pain to another returned to the classroom until their assigned consequence person. has been completed and may be reassigned to another class, Aggressive Behavior – Physical behaviors directed toward classroom, or school. another person, including, but not limited to, kicking, hitting, • Contact with parent. biting, shoving, tripping, slapping, or attempting to injure. • Suspension for up to 10 school days. For students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Restitution. • Referral to law enforcement. • Continuing suspension and recommendation for expulsion. • Evaluation (mental health, counseling) at parent’s expense. Threat – To place another person in fear of imminent physical • Contact with parent. injury by word (written or verbal) or conduct. • Conflict management meeting. Bullying, Harassment & Intimidation – Any act that sub- • In-school suspension with a special project. stantially interferes with a person’s educational opportunities • Suspension for up to 10 school days, with a special project. For or performance, that takes place on school property, at any students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: school-sponsored activity, on school-provided transportation or Students INS-P028. at any official school bus stop; and that has the effect of know- • Referral to law enforcement. ingly placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm or • Conference with parent prior to return of student to school. reasonable fear that damage may occur to the person’s property; • Continuing suspension with recommendation for expulsion. or creates a hostile educational environment which serves to • Evaluation at parent’s expense. distress, threaten, demean, annoy or torment another person. Sexual Harassment – Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature that unreasonably interferes with a person’s education and/or a person’s participation in school activities, or that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive school-related environment. Discriminatory Harassment – The belief that members of one race are superior to members of another race or ethnic group and the use of words, and/or actions to carry out those beliefs. Insubordinate Behavior – Behaviors which are defined as • Removal from classroom or any district activity. insubordinate may include, but are not limited to: disobeying • Contact and conference with parent. or defying the authority of district personnel; verbal, physical, • Detention, in-school suspension. and/or profane or rude behaviors; disrupting any classroom, • Suspension for up to 10 school days, with a special project or school or district-sponsored activity; behavior that constitutes in-school suspension with a special project. For students in a safety risk to the student or others and/or multiple referrals grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students for insubordinate behaviors. Unsafe behaviors during bus rides INS-P028. to and from school or school sponsored events. • Continuing suspension and a recommendation for expulsion. 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 9
PROGRESSIVE SEQUENCE OF CONSEQUENCES OFFENSE Any level of consequences may be administered for any offense taking into consideration the age of and the past behavior of the student. Weapons – Possessing, transmitting, selling, or in any way dis- • Confiscation of item related to offense. playing any weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, • Contact and conference with parent. firearm, illegal explosive, or other implement, which could rea- • Referral to law enforcement authority. sonably be considered or used as a weapon, or attempted to be • Continuing suspension with recommendation for expulsion. used as a weapon, or threatened to be used as a weapon, or is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury and/ or which is of no reasonable or educational use to the student. Look-alike Weapons – Possessing, transmitting, selling, or in • Confiscation of item related to offense. any way displaying any device, instrument, material or substance, • Contact and conference with parent. or other implement which could reasonably be considered a • In-school suspension. weapon, as defined in policy and/or which is of no reasonable • Suspension for up to 10 school days. For students in grade 5 or or educational use to the student. below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Referral to law enforcement. • Continuing suspension and recommendation for expulsion. Alcohol and Other Drugs – Possessing, buying, use of, or being • Confiscation of item(s) related to offense. under the influence of an alcoholic beverage; inhalants, including • Contact and conference with parent. solvents and other dangerous substances; or of any other drug as • Referral to law enforcement authority. defined by but not necessarily limited to the Uniform Controlled • Suspension, in or out of school, for up to 10 school days. For Substance Act, ORS 475.005; possession of paraphernalia, pos- students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: session of look-alikes being represented as being a controlled Students INS-P028. substance and/or misuse of prescription or non-prescription drugs. • Continuing suspension and a recommendation for expulsion. For students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Alcohol and Other Drugs – Selling, distributing or possession Students INS-P028. with the intent to sell alcoholic beverages, inhalants, including • Possible recommendation for diversion. solvents and other dangerous substances; or any other drug as defined by, but not necessarily limited to, the Uniform Con- trolled Substance Act, ORS 475.005, including look-alikes being represented as being a controlled substance and/or misuse of prescription or non-prescription drugs. Tobacco or Tobacco Products – Smoking, possessing, selling, • Confiscation of any item(s) related to the offense. buying, transmitting, distributing, or otherwise using tobacco or • Contact and conference with parent. tobacco products. This applies to look-alike tobacco and tobacco • Special project as assigned by administrator. products and to those substances represented as being tobacco • Suspension, in or out of school for up to three (3) days. For and tobacco products (such as e-cigarettes and their contents). students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Referral to law enforcement authority. Attendance - Unauthorized absence – Any unauthorized ab- • Contact with parent. sence from class without prior permission from parent or person • Development of attendance contract to be determined by in parental role. school administrator. • Detention or in-school suspension. • Referral to law enforcement authority. • Retention/failure to receive credit for course work. Attendance - Tardiness – Any unauthorized absence from class • Contact with parent. without prior permission from parent or person in parental role. • Development of attendance contract to be determined by school administrator. • Detention or in-school suspension. • Retention/failure to receive credit for course work. Firesetting – Any act or attempted act of firesetting. • Confiscation of item related to offense. • Contact and conference with parent. • Referral to law enforcement authority. • Restitution. • Removal from participation in school activities until restitution is made. • Suspension for up to 10 school days. For students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Continuing suspension and recommendation for expulsion. 10 WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
PROGRESSIVE SEQUENCE OF CONSEQUENCES OFFENSE Any level of consequences may be administered for any offense taking into consideration the age of and the past behavior of the student. Computer Network and Internet – Any misuse or use of any • Contact with parent. network and/or internet system to threaten damage to district • Suspension or revocation of system privileges for minimum of 30 property or personnel or in any way sabotages or modifies dis- calendar days. trict programs, the district’s computer networks and/or internet • In-school suspension. system, as defined in District policy INS-A004. • Suspension for up to 10 school days. For students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Permanent revocation of system privileges. • Referral to law enforcement. • Continuing suspension and recommendation for expulsion. Property Damage and Theft – Deliberate or intentional dam- • Contact with parent. age to any district facility and property and/or theft of property • Restitution. belonging to the district or to another individual, including, but • In-school suspension. not limited to, improper care of books, locker and lock. • Suspension for up to 10 days. For students in grade 5 or below, refer to section 3.3.3 of Discipline: Students INS-P028. • Removal from participation in school activities until restitution is made. • Continuing suspension and recommendation for expulsion. • Referral to law enforcement authority. • Evaluation at parent’s expense. Nonpayment of fees, fines, and/or restitution for damaged • Contact with parent. or lost property. • Referral to collection agency and/or law enforcement. A student who has been recommended for expulsion will receive SUSPENSION a hearing before a hearing officer; the hearing will be conducted pursuant to ORS 332.061 and in accordance with district policy and Suspension is the temporary removal of a student from all school procedures as may be directed by the Superintendent. building(s)/property and from participation and/or attendance in or at school activities or district-sponsored events and or activities, A student may be represented by legal counsel or other person at the including athletics and access to school transportation, for not more student’s expense. The student, parent or other person in parental than ten school days. relationship shall be permitted to inspect, in advance of the hearing, any affidavits or exhibits, which the district intends to submit at the A student, parent, or other person in parental relationship shall have hearing. The student shall be permitted to introduce evidence by two school days from the school administration’s decision to suspend, testimony, writings, or other exhibits. The case shall be determined in which to appeal the decision to the Superintendent or designee. solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The hearing officer The Superintendent or designee will review the written record and/ shall render a decision in writing within 24 hours of the hearing. or may conduct an informal hearing, and render a written decision Within five school days of the receipt of the hearing officer’s initial within three (3) school days from the notice of the appeal. A student, decision, or seven calendar days if the expulsion decision occurs parent, or other person in parental relationship shall have the right to after school ends in June, the parent, other person in parental appeal the Superintendent or designee’s decision to the Board within relationship, or the student if 18 years of age or over may request a two (2) school days from the receipt of said decision. Board review of the decision on a Notice of Appeal form developed by the Superintendent’s Office. The appeal shall be filed with the EXPULSION Office of the Superintendent. Any student who violates district policies and procedures may be subject to expulsion. Expulsion is the removal by the School Board DIVERSION or its designee of a student from school building(s)/property, school Upon recommendation of the school administrator, a student who transportation, and from participation in school activities for not has violated district weapons or drug/alcohol policy or rule may be more than one calendar year. given the option to participate in the District’s Diversion Programs. If students with disabilities and/or students who have current special education evaluations pending have committed an offense for which ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION expulsion is a suggested disciplinary consequence, prior to this change of placement, a determination will be made as to whether Students who have been expelled from the district will be notified the student’s misconduct is caused by the student’s disability or an of alternative educational programs designed to provide a variety of inappropriate placement. environments, times, structures and/or methods of instruction that they can participate in during the time they are expelled. 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 11
STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSEMBLY OF STUDENTS COMPLAINT PROCESS (ADM-A005) Salem-Keizer School District recognizes the constitutional right of Salem-Keizer School District is committed to resolving complaints in students to assemble. However, it should be noted that many schools a timely manner, by direct, informal discussions, beginning with the are crowded, limiting the availability of space. Student assembly school or department involved. Communication is essential during should be related to the school program, should not disrupt classes, this process so that the involved parties may better understand the and should not cause a hazard to persons or property. Requests for reasons behind each other’s position. Whenever possible, complaints student assembly shall be made in advance to the principal, and should be submitted and addressed at the school or department, students will be notified of the decision within a reasonable time. and through the recognized channels of communication as outlined in the District’s Complaint Procedure (ADM-P008). The complaint BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS & SCOOTERS procedure is available on the district’s website. Salem-Keizer School District policy forbids reprisal or retaliation against any person acting Any student may ride a bicycle to school. However, students riding in good faith in a complaint process. bicycles to school must know and practice the safety rules and demonstrate good riding habits. The following guidelines are in CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES addition to the regular rules for safe bicycling: 1. Oregon bicycle helmet law ORS 814.485 requires any child up Students who use district transportation do so in accordance with to 15 years of age to wear an approved bicycle helmet when District Procedure TRN-P036. Continued use of district transportation riding in any place open to the general public - streets, roads, is contingent upon student observance of District Discipline Policy sidewalks, and parks. and Procedures. 2. Bicycles are not to be ridden on the school grounds during school hours or during the hours of after-school activities. CUSTODIAL AND NON-CUSTODIAL 3. Riding double on a bicycle is not permitted. PARENT RIGHTS 4. Penalties for unsafe bicycle conduct or failure to follow the rules may be made by the principal, school staff, or parents. The district will give full rights under procedure INS-P022, Student Records, to either parent, or other persons in a parental relationship, 5. Students are advised to securely lock bicycles to the racks. unless the district has been provided with written evidence that there While every effort is made to provide a secure place for is a court order, state statute, or legally binding document relating bicycles during the school day, students should realize that to such matters as divorce, separation, or custody that specifically they bring their bicycles at their own risk. revokes these rights. Non-custodial parents should furnish the school Any student may ride a skateboard or scooter to school. However, with their address to which school materials should be sent. students riding skateboards or scooters to school must know and ORS 107.154(1) and (4) provides that unless otherwise practice the safety rules and demonstrate good riding habits. The ordered by the court, an order of sole custody to one parent shall not following guidelines are in addition to the regular rules: deprive the other parent of the following authority: 1. Oregon skateboard and scooter rider helmet law ORS 814.600 • To inspect and receive school records and to consult with requires riders to wear protective head gear. school staff concerning the child’s welfare and education, to the 2. Skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden on the school same extent as the custodial parent may inspect and receive grounds at any time. Upon arriving on district property, the such records and consult with such staff. rider must carry the board and walk. • To authorize emergency medical, dental, psychological, 3. Skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden around school psychiatric or other health care for the child if the custodial buses. parent is, for practical purposes, unavailable. 4. Penalties for unsafe rider conduct or failure to follow the rules may be made by the principal or school staff. A student will not be released to a person claiming legal custody of a student unless that person is listed on student records by the custodial parent or can provide personal identification and a legal CLOSED CAMPUS custody order issued by the State of Oregon. Salem-Keizer School District restricts students to the school grounds during the school day with certain exceptions. All students shall DRESS CODE POLICY (INS-A025) remain on the school grounds from the time they arrive in the morning until their regular dismissal time at the end of the school Salem-Keizer Public Schools expects that all students will dress in a day. This attendance requirement includes the noon hour period with way that is appropriate for the school day or for any school-sponsored the following exceptions: to go to and from their home for lunch as event. Student dress choices should respect the intent to sustain requested by parents; to run an errand or keep an appointment as a community that is inclusive of a diverse range of identities. The requested by parents; and to carry on a planned program of the school, primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides with the student such as work study. Students seeking to leave the campus during the and their parent(s) or guardian(s). school day must obtain permission from the school administration. The school district is responsible for seeing that student attire does An open campus (INS-P024) or unrestricted lunch period for students not interfere with the health or safety of any student, that student attending Salem-Keizer high schools is a privilege that is annually attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for determined based on application by the student body of the school any student, and that dress code enforcement does not reinforce or and action of the high school level director. increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, 12 WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, FOOD SERVICE MEAL PROGRAM religion, cultural observance, household income, or body type/size. Salem-Keizer School District participates in the National School Any restrictions to the way a student dresses must be necessary to Lunch and Breakfast programs. Both programs are regulated by the support the overall educational goals of the school and must be United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.). The U.S.D.A. has explained within this dress code. For more detailed information, established guidelines for students that participate in either the lunch please refer to Administrative Policy INS-A025 on our district website. or the breakfast programs. For lunch, students are encouraged to take all food components (grain, meat/meat alternate, fruits, vegetables, ELECTRONIC DEVICES and milk) of the meal that is offered, but under U.S.D.A. guidelines, are only required to take 3 out of the 5 food components, one Electronic devices can be disruptive and distracting to the learning being at least a 1/2 cup fruit or vegetables. For breakfast, students and school environment. These devices include, but are not limited are required to take 3 out of 4 items offered comprised of 3 food to: cellular phones, pagers/beepers, watches, audio equipment, or components (grain with an option of meat/meat alternate allowed, electronic games and devices that serve no reasonable educational fruits/vegetables, and milk). USDA/ODE Statement: This institution value or foreseeable use to the educational process. Students who is an equal opportunity provider. carry or wear these devices may be asked to surrender them to the office where they will be held. Parents will be notified to pick FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION (INS-A029) up the item. Cellular phones may be carried in the backpack with parental permission as long as they are not disruptive in the school Salem-Keizer Public Schools recognizes that every student has the environment. right of free expression and encourages the exercise of this right. Students also have a responsibility to assist in maintaining orderly ELECTRONIC RESOURCES AND THE school operations. INTERNET (INS-A004) School officials have a duty to prevent the distribution of libelous or obscene material or material that will clearly disrupt the educational A student under age 18 may use electronic resources, including the process. Student publications will be free from discrimination, Internet, in Salem-Keizer schools unless their parent or other person harassment, prejudice and racism. Therefore, publications and in parental relationship denies the student access through completion student speeches are subject to reasonable review and approval of an exclusion form (INS-F048). The district may suspend or revoke by the school administration. Such review will be made without access of a user to electronic resources and/or the Internet and may unnecessary delay. The school principal is the editor and publisher report the violation to law enforcement authorities if the user violates of all school publications. District Policy. GANG ORGANIZATIONS EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL STUDENTS (ADM-A009) A gang is defined as a group of three or more people whose members have a common name, symbol, or colors; and who engage in criminal It is the policy of Salem-Keizer School District that no student behavior as one of their activities. Such organizations will not be enrolled in the district shall, on the basis of age, disability, national tolerated in district schools. origin, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status Any student found using any manner or means in representing a gang, or financial ability be excluded from participation in, be denied the recruiting potential gang members, promoting gang membership benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any educational or activities, violating the District’s Code of Policy and Rules, or program or activity administered or authorized by the School Board. engaging in any criminal gang activity, will be subject to referral to Salem-Keizer School District staff shall make a continuous effort law enforcement authorities and will be subject to disciplinary action to provide an equal educational opportunity for students and to up to and including expulsion. eliminate those conditions which may cause discrimination. This is not intended to discourage the formation of, or membership EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT (ESSA) in, organizations and activities which are not criminal, antisocial, discriminatory or related to gang organization. In December 2015, the United States Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a legislation package that HAZING, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, updated a number of important notification opportunities and BULLYING,CYBERBULLYINGANDMENACING; requirements for parents and guardians of students enrolled in a STUDENT (INS-A003) school that receives federal funds under Title I, Part A of the act. If you are a parent or guardian of a student enrolled in a school Acts of hazing, harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying, receiving Title I funds, you have the right to request information cyberbullying and menacing will not be tolerated by student to regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) student, staff to student, or student to staff. Harassment, intimidation, and/or paraprofessional(s). and bullying may be based on, but not limited to, the protected class status of a person. Protected class is defined in Administrative If you wish to do so, please submit a written request for this information Policy INS-A003. Students are encouraged to report concerns by to your school’s principal. Submitted requests will receive a written completing a confidential student report form (INS-F030) located in response within ten (10) school days from the date of receipt. the school office, library, and counseling center. Parents, guardians, Information provided under this process is intended to strengthen and community members may file a complaint by meeting with the open and transparent communication established between the school administrator or by the procedure for resolving formal our schools and the students, parents, and communities they serve. complaints as outlined in the District’s policy (ADM-A005) and 2019-20 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 13
procedure (ADM-P008). A person may make an anonymous report NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT directly to the school principal. All reports will be investigated by the school administrator. A person may request a review of the actions Consistent with its Title IX obligation, the Salem-Keizer School taken by staff in responding and/or investigating a report by filing a District prohibits discrimination, including sexual and gender-based written request with the Superintendent. harassment and violence, on the basis of sex/gender in all of its programs and activities, including academics, employment, athletics, Students whose behavior is found to be in violation of this policy and other extracurricular activities. will be subject to disciplinary actions. Reprisal or retaliation against any person acting in good faith in a complaint process is a violation Furthermore, it is the policy of Salem-Keizer Public Schools that there of district policy. A student found to have falsely accused another will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups on as a means of reprisal, retaliation, or a means of hazing, harassment, the grounds of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national intimidation, bullying, cyberbullying or menacing, shall be subject origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation in any educational to disciplinary actions. programs, activities or employment. You may file a complaint by using the online reporting form HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS (INS-A014) (HUM-F033). You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). For more information about Title IX and the school district policies, High school athletes are expected to observe all District procedures, and resources, please see the information below. Policies. Policies involving the use of tobacco products, alcohol and other drugs apply from the first day the athlete begins Persons having questions about equal opportunity and participating in a sport(s) and continues throughout the school nondiscrimination should contact the following: year and all following years of athletic participation in Salem-Keizer schools. This policy is in effect 24 hours a day, through the end of John Beight, Title IX Coordinator/Executive Director of Human each school year. Athletes who violate these policies will face the Resources, 503.399.3061, same consequences as students who do not participate in sports, in addition to being immediately suspended for a minimum of three RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS TO AND weeks from sports competition, and will undergo a drug assessment FROM SCHOOL (INS-A001) upon first offense. The school is concerned for the safety and conduct of students on High school athletes are also required to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade the way to and from school and for the protection of neighboring point average on each progress report to be eligible to participate in property. All students on the way to and from school are subject all co-curricular athletic activities as written in Salem-Keizer School to the reasonable control of the school and the District Discipline District Policy INS-A014, relating to Student Athlete Expectations: Policy and Rule. High School. RIGHT TO REVIEW STUDENT RECORDS LOCKER & PERSONAL PROPERTY INSPECTION A parent or other persons in a parental relationship and also eligible Lockers and desks belong to the school district and are under control students as written in District Procedure INS-P022, have the right to: of the school administration with students permitted use of them as 1. Inspect and review the education records of the student. a convenience. The schools are concerned about the use of lockers 2. Request amendment to education records to ensure that they for storage of illegal items and are also concerned that lockers are are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the cared for properly. Based on the standard of reasonable suspicion, student’s privacy and other rights. personal property may be inspected and lockers may be opened 3. Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information at the discretion of the building administrator in a prudent way, at contained in student education records, except to the extent appropriate times, and in a reasonable manner. that this policy authorizes disclosure without consent. 4. Pursuant to the provision of Oregon Administrative Rule 581- MOTOR VEHICLES 021-0410, file with the United States Department of Education a complaint alleging that the district has failed to comply with High school students may drive motorized vehicles to and from the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. school. Certain school regulations, however, are necessary because 5. Obtain a copy of District Procedure INS-P022. The complete of insufficient parking, concern for safety, protection of property, and policy may be seen at each school, the Office of the interruption of the school program. Parking fees may be assessed by Superintendent and on the district’s web site. the district. No student vehicles will be permitted to leave the school grounds during the hours in which school is in session, including A parent or other person in parental relationship or an eligible the lunch hour, without the permission of the building principal. student who wishes to inspect education records shall submit their Permission to drive a motorized vehicle to school may be revoked at request to the building principal or their designee. any time for violation of any school regulation regarding vehicle use. No student attending a middle school shall be permitted to drive a motorized vehicle to school. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Salem-Keizer Public Schools is committed to providing a quality Parents are responsible to register motorized vehicles with the school education for all students. A strong correlation exists between the office before their student can drive to school. Students who are 18 student’s academic success in school and their daily attendance. A years old or emancipated must register their cars with the school. student is expected to be present in each of their classes during any Those students shall abide by the rules and regulations governing grading period in order to meet the goals and objectives of the class. the use of such vehicles during the time the student is under the direction of the school. 14 WALDO MIDDLE SCHOOL
You can also read