Pain control by vagus nerve stimulation : from animal to man and back

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Acta neurol. belg., 2005, 105, 62-67

    Pain control by vagus nerve stimulation : from animal to man… and back

                                             Sylvie MULTON1 and Jean SCHOENEN1,2
                         Neuroanatomy laboratory, Research Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology and
                             Headache Research Unit, Department of Neurology, University of Liège, Belgium


Abstract                                                               ness in chronic pain syndromes. We will summa-
   Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), already used as a                    rize here some of the experimental data obtained in
treatment for refractory epilepsy, has also been assessed              animals with acute stimulations of the cut vagal
for its analgesic effect. Numerous studies report that                 nerve, the pioneer algometric and clinical studies
electrical stimulation of vagal afferents inhibits spinal              that have been performed with implantable VNS
nociceptive reflexes and transmission. However, results                and results obtained in rats in our laboratory with
are partly contradictory, showing that the VNS effects                 the same VNS device.
depend on the stimulation parameters. Clinical data
have been collected from VNS-implanted epileptic
patients in whom pain thresolds were measured and the                   Vagal afferent stimulation and nociception in
VNS effect on co-existing headaches was assessed. In                                       animals
addition, in 2 pilot studies of a few patients, VNS was
used to treat resistant chronic headaches and migraines.                  An anti-nociceptive action of VNS is reported in
Taken together these clinical studies tend to confirm the              numerous behavioral studies which describe for
analgesic effect of VNS and to suggest its potential util-             instance inhibition of the nociceptive digastric
ity in chronic headache patients.                                      reflex induced by intense tooth-pulp stimulation in
   In order to better define the nature of neuronal and                cat (Maixner et al., 1989, 1991 ; Bossut et al.,
behavioural changes induced by VNS with devices used
in humans and to determine the most adequate stimula-
                                                                       1992) or latency increase of the tail-flick response
tion stimulation protocols, we have used a commercial-                 to noxious radiant heat in rats (Randich and Aicher,
ly available stimulator (NCP-Cyberonics®) for pro-                     1988 ; Ren et al., 1988, 1989 ; Aicher et al., 1991 ;
longed VNS in rats. Our results show a clear antinoci-                 Thurston and Randich, 1991). However, pro-
ceptive effect of VNS in models of acute or inflammato-                nociceptive effects have also been reported in the
ry pain with different stimulation protocols including the             tail-flick test in rats (Ren et al, 1991a). These
one used in epileptic patients. Using immunocytochemi-                 discrepancies can be explained by differences in
cal methods, we find that activity changes in spinal                   stimulation parameters : low intensity stimulations
trigeminal nucleus neurons could underlie at least part                of vagal afferents facilitate, while high intensity
of the VNS-induced analgesia.                                          stimulations inhibit nociception (Randich and
Key words : Vagus nerve stimulation ; pain ; analgesia ;               Gebhart, 1992 ; Ren et al., 1993). According to
migraine ; headache.                                                   Ren et al. (1993), the analgesic effect of VNS
                                                                       seems to depend on a critical stimulation intensity
                                                                       that activates C-fibers. More heterogenous results
   Studies on the role of vagal afferents in the mod-                  were found in electrophysiological studies investi-
ulation of nociception have been conducted in ani-                     gating VNS modulation of the response of spinal
mals for more than 20 years. The effects of vagoto-                    neurons to noxious stimuli. Whereas neurons from
my with or without stimulation of the cut nerve                        lumbar and thoracic segments are in majority
were studied acutely on neuronal and behavioral                        inhibited (Ammons et al., 1983 ; Thies and
responses to painful stimuli and the overall conclu-                   Foreman, 1983 ; Hobbs et al., 1989 ; Ren et al.,
sion was that under certain conditions vagal affer-                    1991b), more contrasted effects are observed on
ent stimulation had an analgesic potential. The                        cervical and trigeminal levels with a predominant
development of an implantable and portable vagus                       neuronal inhibition (Chandler et al., 1991 ; Bossut
nerve stimulator (NCP-Cyberonics®), now in use                         and Maixner, 1996 ; Takeda et al., 1998) or excita-
for the treatment of refractory epilepsy in man, has                   tion (Fu et al., 1992, Chandler et al., 1996, 1998,
opened new perspectives for the study of the anal-                     2002 ; Zhang et al., 2003). Ren et al. have
gesic properties of chronic vagus nerve stimulation                    described a stimulus intensity-dependent effect on
(VNS) in animals and its potential clinical useful-                    neuronal response as well at lumbar spinal cord
PAIN CONTROL BY VAGUS NERVE STIMULATION                                                63
                                                               Table 1
                                      Synopsis of clinical results obtained on pain after VNS
Studies         Subjects / experimental conditions         Results                                       Authors
                8 subjects                                 ↓ heat pain thresholds                        Ness et al., 2000
                epileptic patients, VNS
                10 subjects                                ↑ mechanical pain threshold                   Kirchner et al., 2000
Algometric      epileptic patients, VNS                    = heat pain thresholds
studies         5 subjects                                 ↓ thermal wind-up pain                        Ness et al., 2001
                epileptic patients, VNS
                30 healthy subjects                        ↑ heat and laser induced pain thresholds  Sedan et al., 2005
                gastric distention                         = mechanical pain threshold and summation
                1 subject with chronic                     ↓ frequency of headaches                      Kirchner et al., 2000
                tention-type headaches
                epilepsy co-morbidity, VNS
Case reports    1 migraineur                               ↓ frequency of migraine attacks               Sadler et al., 2002
                epilepsy co-morbidity, VNS
                4 migraineurs                              ↓ frequency and intensity of headaches        Hord et al., 2003
                epilepsy co-morbidity, VNS
                7 subjects with chronic daily headaches,   ↓ frequency of headaches in 1/7 subjects      Klapper et al., 2003
                VNS                                        ↑ quality of life in 4/7 subjects

Pilot studies   2 subjects with chronic cluster            ↓ frequency of headaches in 4/6 subjects      Mauskop, 2005
                3 subjects with chronic migraine
                1 subject with basilar migraine

level in the tail-flick test in rat (Ren et al. 1988,                    epilepsy and experimental pain studies have been
1989). By contrast, this relationship between VNS                        conducted in implanted patients. Like the VNS
intensity and facilitatory/ inhibitory effect was not                    effects in animals, these clinical data showed con-
found after tooth-pulp stimulations in trigeminal                        tradictory results for pain thresholds. In one study,
neurons of cats (Bossut and Maixner, 1996). With                         VNS induced a significant decrease of thermal pain
an other approach, Evans et al. (1994) have shown                        threshold with stimulation intensity of 33, 66 and
that VNS attenuated noxious heat-induced c-fos                           100% of that used to control seizures (compared to
expression used as a marker for neuronal activity in                     when generator is turn off) (Ness et al., 2000)
rat lumbar spinal cord.                                                  (Table 1). On the contrary, in another study, VNS
   Vagotomy studies demonstrate that vagal affer-                        produced an increase in mechanical pain threshold
ent integrity is essential to the efficacy of different                  (tonic pressure and train of short impacts) but no
analgesic treatments like morphine (see Randich                          change of heat pain thresholds, and this, indepen-
and Gebhart, 1992, for review). Furthermore, sub-                        dently of the ON-OFF cycles (Kirchner et al.,
diaphragmatic vagotomy decreases the threshold                           2000). However, both teams seem to agree with the
for mechanically induced hind paw withdrawal in                          existence of VNS mediated central pain inhibitory
rats (Khasar et al., 1998a ; Janig et al., 2000),                        mechanism affecting wind-up effect in response to
increases sensitivity to various noxious lesions                         repeated noxious stimuli, independently of the
(Miao et al., 2001) and enhances hyperalgesia                            acute cycle of the stimulator (Ness et al., 2001).
induced by the potent inflammatory mediator                              Pain perception has also been assessed in healthy
bradykinin (Miao et al., 1994 ; Khasar et al.,                           human volunteers after vagal afferent activation by
1998b). However, vagotomy also prevents the estab-                       a rapid filling of the stomach with water (Sedan et
lishment of kainic acid-induced hyperalgesia in                          al., 2005). Heat pain threshold and pain threshold
mice (Tien et al., 2003) and reduces nociception in                      to laser noxious stimulation were increased after
the formalin test in male rats (Khasar et al., 2001).                    such gastric distension while mechanical pain
Several authors underline that the effects of vagoto-                    threshold and sensitivity to mecanical temporal
my depend on gender and sex hormone status                               summation were not significantly altered.
(Khasar et al., 2001, 2003a, Bereiter et al., 2002).
                                                                                      b) HEADACHE CASE REPORTS
 Vagus nerve stimulation and pain in humans
                                                                            Besides clinical research on acute pain, recent
                a) ALGOMETRIC STUDIES                                    reports mention reduction in headache frequency
                                                                         and intensity after the initiation of VNS treatment
  More recently, cervical vagal nerve stimulators                        in epileptic patients also suffering from headache
have been implanted in humans to treat refractory                        or migraine. Kirchner et al. (2000) mention the
64                                          S. MULTON AND J. SCHOENEN

case of a patient with chronic tention-type                cord neurons in segments below C3 but excites C1-
headaches since more than 10 years. After receiv-          C3 neurons led to the hypothesis that propriospinal
ing a vagal nerve stimulator for epilepsy, the             neurons from high cervical segments could be an
patient had a 80% reduction in headache activity.          important component of vagally mediated antinoci-
Similar relief is reported in a migraineur, in whom        ception in distant spinal segments (Zhang et al.,
the frequency of migraine attacks dropped from 2.7         1996, 2003 ; Chandler et al., 2002). Central termi-
to 0.2 per month after 2 months of VNS (Sadler et          nals of primary vagal afferents are also largely
al., 2002). Concomitant nausea, photophobia,               found in the nucleus of the solitary tract (Beckstead
sonophobia and vomiting are also decreased, while          and Norgren, 1979 ; Kalia and Sullivan, 1982 ;
he had only a very modest improvement in seizure           Berthoud and Neuhuber, 2000 ; Henry, 2002)
control. Hord et al. (2003) described 4 patients suf-      which may be the initial relay for vagal afferent
fering from migraine without aura detected in an           inhibition of pain (Beckstead et al., 1980 ; Ren et
investigation about concomitant chronic pain in            al., 1990a ; Randich and Gebhart, 1992).
27 persons who received VNS therapy for                    Experiments using local anesthesic blockade of
intractable epilepsy. Current pain measurements            nucleus tractus solitarius but also raphe magnus,
were compared to VNS pre-implantation by using             locus ceruleus and periaqueductal gray suggests
Global Pain Relief Rating Scale. All patients with         that these structures mediate part of the inhibitory
migraine reported reductions in headache frequen-          effects of VNS (Randich and Aicher, 1988 ;
cy and intensity with VNS : 1 patient reported com-        Randich et al., 1990 ; Ren et al., 1990b ;
plete pain relief, 2 patients reported substantial         Nishikawa et al., 1999). Stimulation of vagal affer-
pain relief and 1 patient reported slight pain relief.     ent fibers has been reported to affect the basal
                                                           activity of raphe magnus neurons (Blair and Evans,
      c) CLINICAL PILOT STUDIES IN HEADACHE                1991 a and b ; Thurson and Randich, 1992 ; Evans
                                                           and Blair, 1993). Furthermore, positron emission
   In addition to these case reports, 2 pilot studies      tomography during VNS in epileptic patients
have been conducted on non-epileptic patients in           showed changes in activity of structures belonging
which a vagus nerve stimulator was implanted with          to the “pain network” such as thalamus and hypo-
the purpose to relieve headache. The 1st study             thalamus (Ring et al., 2000 ; Van Laere et al.,
showed a rather beneficial effect of VNS in                2000 ; Vonck et al., 2000 ; Henry et al., 2004).
7 chronic daily headache patients (Klapper et al.,            Different neurotransmitter systems have been
2003, personal communication) unresponsive to at           implicated in VNS-induced analgesia, in particular
least 3 of the standard preventive drug treatments         serotonin (Meller et al., 1990 ; Evans et al, 1994 ;
for migraine. After 6 months of VNS, 1 out of              Tanimoto et al., 2004), noradrenaline (Ren et al.,
7 patients experienced a greater than 50% relief in        1988) and opioïds (Randich and Maixner, 1984 ;
headache occurrence, duration and severity and             Takeda et al., 1998). GABA was found increased in
4 patients reported a 75% or greater improvement           the cerebrospinal fluid of epileptic patients treated
on the MIDAS scale which measures disability               with VNS (Ben-Menachem et al., 1995). Vagal
related to headache. A 2nd study of VNS was per-           afferent impulses could also modulate pain percep-
formed in 2 patients with disabling chronic cluster        tion via an indirect activation of the paraventricular
headache, 3 with chronic migraine and 1 with basi-         nucleus, which in turn modifies adrenaline release
lar migraine unresponsive to classical treatments          from the adrenal medulla (Khasar et al., 2003).
(Mauskop, 2005). Excellent results were obtained           Finally, VNS is able to increase plasma levels of
in 2 subjects with chronic cluster headache and in         ACTH and corticosterone (Hosoi et al., 2000)
2 with chronic migraine who were able to return to         which could mediate some of its antinociceptive
work. There was no effect in the other 2 patients.         and anti-inflammatory effects.
One patient did not tolerate VNS because of dis-
abling nausea. Both these open studies suggest
therefore that VNS may be effective in chronic                 VNS (NCP-Cyberonics ®) in animal pain
headaches, but a controlled trial has not been per-               models : personal contribution
formed yet.
                                                              Before specifically applying VNS in the treat-
         The neural mechanisms of VNS                      ment of refractory pain, its efficiency ought to be
                                                           determined in animal experiments under conditions
   The exact mechanisms by which VNS may                   applicable in humans, i.e. use of the implantable
reduce pain and headache remain to be determined.          devices employed in epilepsy, search of the most
The central projections of the vagus nerve suggest         efficient and best tolerated stimulation protocol,
that the upper cervical spinal cord could be               identification of the pain types that respond to the
involved (McNeill et al., 1991 ; Hobbs et al., 1992 ;      treatment. Such studies in animal models are also
Chandler et al., 1996, 2000 ; Qin et al., 2001). The       suitable to better understand the underlying neu-
observation that vagal stimulation inhibits spinal         ronal mechanisms involved.
PAIN CONTROL BY VAGUS NERVE STIMULATION                                      65

   We have therefore developed in our laboratory a             diaphragmatic branches. Brain Res., 1991, 542 :
model to study the effects of chronic left cervical            63-70.
VNS in rat using the commercially available device       AMMONS W. S., BLAIR R. W., FOREMAN R. D. Vagal affer-
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description in Bohotin et al., 2003a). The model               neurons. J. Neurophysiol., 1983, 50 : 926-40.
                                                         BECKSTEAD R. M., NORGREN R. An autoradiographic
allows to perform prolonged vagal nerve stimula-               examination of the central distribution of the
tions (up to several days) in the awake state which            trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal
contrasts with the vagal afferent stimulations of              nerves in the monkey. J. Comp. Neurol., 1979,
previous animal experiments in which short-term                184 : 455-72.
preparations and electrodes tightly fixed around a       BECKSTEAD R. M., MORSE J. R., NORGREN R. The nucleus
desheathed or cut vagal nerve were used under light            of the solitary tract in the monkey : projections to
anesthesia. We have tested 2 types of experimental             the thalamus and brain stem nuclei. J. Comp.
pain models : the hind paw hot water test (acute               Neurol., 1980, 190 : 259-82.
pain) and the orofacial formalin test (trigeminal        BEN-MENACHEM E., HAMBERGER A., HEDNER T.,
inflammatory pain). The analgesic effect of two                HAMMOND E.J., UTHMAN B. M. et al. Effects of
different stimulation protocols was examined, one              vagus nerve stimulation on amino acids and other
                                                               metabolites in the CSF of patients with partial
with a stringent duty cycle (20s ON/ 18s OFF) and              seizures. Epilepsy Res., 1995, 20 : 221-7.
one with the duty cycle used in epilepsy (30s ON/        BEREITER D. A., BEREITER D. F., RAMOS M. Vagotomy
5 min OFF). The more stringent duty cycle applied              prevents morphine-induced reduction in Fos-like
for 24 hours reduces significantly formalin-evoked             immunoreactivity in trigeminal spinal nucleus
nociceptive behaviour (Bohotin et al., 2003a).                 produced after TMJ injury in a sex-dependent
Furthermore, VNS attenuates the increase of c-fos              manner. Pain, 2002, 96 : 205-13.
expression in trigeminal nucleus caudalis induced        BERTHOUD H. R., NEUHUBER W. L. Functional and
by the painful stimulation which suggests that                 chemical anatomy of the afferent vagal system.
activity changes in secondary trigeminal nocicep-              Auton. Neurosci., 2000, 85 : 1-17.
tors may play a role in VNS analgesia. With the          BLAIR R. W., EVANS A. R. Responses of medullary
same protocol, we also observed that VNS increas-              raphespinal neurons to coronary artery occlusion,
                                                               epicardial bradykinin, and cardiac mechanical
es heat pain tolerance in both hind paws as soon as            stimuli in cats. J. Neurophysiol., 1991a, 66 : 2095-
2 hours after turning on the stimulator (Bohotin et            106.
al., 2003b). When the less stringent duty cycle used     BLAIR R. W., EVANS A. R. Responses of medullary
in epilepsy is applied, VNS first decreases heat tol-          raphespinal neurons to electrical stimulation of
erance after 2h, but then produces an antinocicep-             thoracic sympathetic afferents, vagal afferents,
tive effect starting 24 hours after stimulation onset          and to other sensory inputs in cats. J. Neuro-
(Bohotin et al., 2003b). The neuronal activity and             physiol., 1991b, 66 : 2084-94.
transmitter changes which are associated with the        BOHOTIN C., SCHOLSEM M., MULTON S., MARTIN D.,
analgesic effect induced by VNS are currently                  BOHOTIN V., SCHOENEN J. Vagus nerve stimulation
under study. Taken together, our results demon-                in awake rats reduces formalin-induced nocicep-
strate a clear antinociceptive effect with both VNS            tive behaviour and fos-immunoreactivity in
                                                               trigeminal nucleus caudalis. Pain, 2003a, 101 : 3-
stimulation protocols including the one that should            12.
be best tolerable by patients.                           BOHOTIN C., SCHOLSEM M., BOHOTIN V., FRANZEN R.,
                                                               SCHOENEN J. Vagus nerve stimulation attenuates
                   Conclusions                                 heat- and formalin-induced pain in rats. Neurosci.
                                                               Lett., 2003b, 351 : 79-82.
   To conclude, outcomes from investigations in          BOSSUT D.F., WHITSEL E. A., MAIXNER W. A parametric
animals and humans are promising, suggesting that              analysis of the effects of cardiopulmonary vagal
VNS may be effective to alleviate pain and partic-             electrostimulation on the digastric reflex in cats.
ularly useful in head and facial pain syndromes.               Brain Res., 1992, 579 : 253-60.
However, VNS remains an invasive procedure               BOSSUT D. F., MAIXNER W. Effects of cardiac vagal affer-
which can only be considered in pain syndromes                 ent electrostimulation on the responses of trigem-
                                                               inal and trigeminothalamic neurons to noxious
refractory to other available non-traumatic treat-             orofacial stimulation. Pain, 1996, 65 : 101-9.
ments. Before considering its clinical application in    CHANDLER M. J., ZHANG J., QIN C., YUAN Y.,
pain, further studies are thus clearly needed to bet-          FOREMAN R. D. Intrapericardiac injections of algo-
ter define its indications, limitations and mecha-             genic chemicals excite primate C1-C2 spinothala-
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