Overview of the UNFCCC Electoral Process

Overview of the UNFCCC Electoral Process
Overview of the
UNFCCC Electoral

                   © 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, LA-PPT04, 1 July 2020.
                                                         The Bureau and Constituted Bodies                                       SBSTA/SBI Bureau
                                                                                                                                 Convention bodies
                                               of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement                             Kyoto Protocol bodies
                                                                                                                                 Paris Agreement bodies

                                                         SBSTA Bureau*¶                   SBI Bureau*¶                Adaptation Fund Board*
        COP/CMP/CMA Bureau*¶
                                                             2 officers                      2 officers               16 members & 16 alternates
                      11 Officers
                                                    (Vice Chair & Rapporteur)      (Vice Chair & Rapporteur)

         Adaptation Committee*                       CTCN Advisory Board*        Consultative Group of Experts*        CDM Executive Board
                    16 members                          25 representatives                  24 experts                10 members & 10 alternates

         Katowice Committee of                     Least Developed Countries                   LCIPP                  Compliance Committee
               Experts*¶                                 Expert Group*             Facilitative Working Group          Enforcement Branch
                    14 members                             13 members            14 representatives & 14 alternates   10 members & 10 alternates

             Paris Committee on                     Standing Committee on            Technology Executive*            Compliance Committee
             Capacity-building*                            Finance*                       Committee                     Facilitative Branch
                    12 members                            20 members                       20 members                 10 members & 10 alternates

                                                   Committee referred to in         Supervisory body for the
      WIM Executive Committee*                                                                                        JI Supervisory Committee
                                                       Article 15.2                  Article 6.4 mechanism
                    20 members                                                                                        10 members & 10 alternates
                                                    12 members & 12 alternates         Membership: TBD
* This body also serves the Paris Agreement.                                                                                       Total 343 positions
¶ This body also serves the Kyoto Protocol.
Chair of the Consultations on the UNFCCC Elections

Summaries of these consultations are available on the UNFCCC Elections page.

The secretariat supports the Chair during those consultations and provides
background information and nomination forms to Chairs and Coordinators of
regional groups and constituencies.
Chairs and Coordinators of Regional Groups and UN/UNFCCC constituencies

                 African States                                   Asia-Pacific States
         Mr. Tanguy Gahouma-Bekale(Gabon)                    Mr. Muhammad Irfan Tariq (Pakistan)

      Eastern European States
 and Annex I EIT Parties constituency                   Latin American and Caribbean States
           Ms. Bianca Moldovean (Romania)                     H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Costa Filho (Brazil)
               Ms. Sara Pavkov (Serbia)

Western European and Other States and
     Annex II Parties constituency                          Least Developed Countries
             Ms. Federica Fricano (Italy)                    Mr. Sonam Phuntsho Wangd (Bhutan)
            Ms. Marianne Karlsen (Norway)

     Small Island Developing States                      Non-Annex I Parties constituency
 H.E. Mr. Walton Alfonso Webson (Antigua and Barbuda)             H.E. Mr. Aly Diané (Guinea)

       Annex I Parties constituency
             Ms. Federica Fricano (Italy)
           Ms. Marianne Karlsen (Norway)
           Ms. Bianca Moldovean (Romania)
               Ms. Sara Pavkov (Serbia)
UNFCCC Electoral Process – Step
       by Step Guide
Useful questions and answers
                                                                                                                                                           Q A
     What positions are open for election?
                                                    The list of positions open for 2018 elections is available on the UNFCCC Elections page.

Am I eligible for election to any of these posts?
                                                     The criteria for membership of each body will be available shortly on the UNFCCC Elections page.

When and where can I submit my nomination?          As soon as possible. Contact your National Focal Point to discuss and submit your nomination for election as early as

  Should I submit my CV with my nomination?
                                                    For nominations to the CDM Executive Board, yes. For all other bodies, please contact your National Focal Point.
What is the deadline to submit nominations for
                   election?                         The deadline for nominations for the 2021 elections will be communicated in due course.
Where can I get information on the nominations
         that have been submitted?                   The list of nominations expected for 2021 will be communicated in due course.
 Where can I get information on the nominees         Information on the members and alternate members elected at the last Climate Change conference is available on the
              who were elected?                      membership chart.
What if there is no agreement on candidate(s) to     If no agreement, the current member remains in office until the nomination is received by the secretariat.
  be nominated by the time of the election?          For the AFB and Compliance Committee the position remains vacant until the secretariat receives the nomination.

Who transmits the nominations for the election? Chairs and Coordinators of regional groups and constituencies transmit in writing the nominations for their respective
                                                    group or constituency.

            When are elections held?                 Elections are held at the commencement and close of sessions of the governing and subsidiary bodies, after the
                                                     conclusion of the consultations on the nominations.

   How can Parties achieve gender balance?          Parties to prioritize the nomination of eligible women for election. Information on gender composition of UNFCCC
                                                    bodies is available here.
Useful background information

                                          Regional groups and constituencies    Rules of procedures or modalities of
      Membership Information                                                    UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol bodies
                                          ●   United Nations Regional Groups
●   Current members of all bodies         ●   Small Island Developing States    ●   COP
●   Historical membership of all bodies   ●   Least Developed Countries         ●   AC, CGE, CTCN AB, KCI, LCIPP FWG
●   Membership rules of all bodies        ●   Annex I Parties and Non-Annex I   ●   PCCB, SCF, TEC, WIM Excom
                                              Parties to the Convention         ●   AFB, CDM EB, Compliance
                                                                                    Committee, JISC

                                          Rotation agreements concluded by
    Summary of Presiding Officer’s            Chairs and Coordinators of               Gender Balance Goal
        consultations with                      groups/constituencies
      Chairs and Coordinators             ●   COP Rapporteur
                                          ●   CTCN Advisory Board               ●   COP decision 3/CP.23
                                          ●   CDM Executive Board               ●   Gender composition of all bodies
●   Past summaries
                                          ●   WIM Executive Committee
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