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THE RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS SUMMIT EUROPE 2020 26-28 MAY 2020 | NOVOTEL WEST – LONDON How to Lead the Decade of Action Finance | Adaptation | Collaboration TODA SECU YOUR RE PL AC Y&S E AVE #RBSEU £600 750+ 150+ 10+ 5+ 70% CEOs, ESG investors Speakers Workshops Tracks of the Fortune 500 and sustainability leaders Climate Adaption ESG Gone Making Sustainability Build the 21st Century Leadership: Mainstream: THE Future Blueprint Supply Chain: Build regenerative and resilient Hear from leading investors on for Business: Utilise new technologies, strategies that deliver market- how ESG is being utilised as a Proving the ROI of sustainability partnerships and procurement level change on key climate guide to the movement and embedding within all strategies and transform to risks and opportunities of capital business units a clean, circular and positive impact value chain RETURNING FOR THE 19th YEAR The world’s leading event shaping the future of responsible business Hector Sally Uren Douglas Rebecca Henrik Gorosabel CEO Lamont Marmot Anderson CEO CEO Chief Sustainability CEO Officer Chris Silcock Magnus Billing Namita Vikas Ryan Gellert Ryan O’Keefe Executive Vice CEO Senior Group President General Manager Managing Director President and Chief & Global Head, Climate – EMEA Operating Officer, Strategy & Responsible Customer and Banking Commercial Be part of the change JOIN 750+ OF WORLD’S LEADING SUSTAINABLE BUSINESSES FOR 3 DAYS OF IN-DEPTH DISCUSSIONS AND NETWORKING. SECURE YOUR PLACE TODAY AND SAVE £600 www.ethicalcorp.com/rbs
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What we need to do now is develop a strategy for partnership and funding, just as we do with [plastic] waste,” Helias says, promising a big announcement on water next year. “We want to show the same kind of leadership [as with plas- tics] and be the catalyst on water stewardship.” This sits a bit uneasily with the latest report from CDP on the preparedness of consumer goods companies for the low-carbon transition (see ‘Companies aren’t moving fast enough on the circular economy’), which ranked P&G second last among household goods firms. Asked in an email about the CDP report, Helias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part change is a key priority for P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme significant efforts under way. This includes driving View online progress against our science-based goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions LIV OEIAN/SHUTTERSTOCK in half, achieving 100% renewable electricity, and helping consumers reduce We can only square up to climate their own emissions by providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- mance in cold water. We have significant and comprehensive efforts underway change by going circular. So why to address Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. But what is P&G doing to address deforestation, the issue highlighted by are we only 9% of the way there? Greenpeace in its 2014 stunt at P&G’s headquarters? While P&G reports to CDP on its energy and water risk, earning B and B-, respectively last year, it does not report on its efforts to address deforestation Angeli risk in itsMehta supply opens chain.ourButcircular economy it is notable that inissue by looking its Moment at the of Truth report last corporates, year Greenpeace investors praisedand P&Gcountries as one that are setting of eight big brandsthe pace – andlist its to publicly what palm oil more needsall suppliers, toof bethem doneRSPO-certified. Helias points out that no consumer goods company is going to meet S triking schoolchildren commitments havelion climate activists steps to get have scientists there,been from over to end deforestation and we telling 100 countries in supply us we have are working chains by and Extinction 2020, “but weRebel- a climatetoemergency. with suppliers warn that just 12 years remain to us to start slashing [P&G] make sure theyAnd The deluge of declarations setting targets have zero deforestation.” carbon She emissions. talks enthusiastically about a P&G programme teaching 2,000 small- on plastics Yet from holder palmgovernments oil farmers inwe’re hearing Malaysia morelittle. Are there any sustainable more hopeful agriculture signs techniques, recycling is that which business understands has resulted the imperative? in a 30%-50% increase in yields with far less fertil- welcome. But iserCertainly use. Thethere projectare plenty will beofexpanded announcements to reachonup transitioning to 10,000 to renewable farmers over we have to go energy, Terry Slavin is editor of the nextreducing five years. emissions and cutting water use. The deluge of declarations much further Ethical Corporation and setting targets It’s the kindon of plastics recycling thing Helias clearlyandrelishes: eliminating usingwaste P&G’sis welcome. Butwith relationship we a former correspondent have to go much thousands further.and billlions of consumers to try to do some good in of suppliers for Guardian Sustainable A big dent in global emissions could be made by transitioning the world, or at least less harm. As she said in a recent TED Talk after the to a circular Business. economy. How is that different from business as usual? launch of the Head & Shoulders beach plastic bottle: “These products have Across the globe, our terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com consumption been part of the follows problem;a straight we want line:them things getpart to be made, of thebought and discarded. solution.” n @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to Transitioning to aaa circular to economy will circular economy circular willform will be aa key be akey component component key atatat component Download the Download the full full The Responsible Transform 2019 Business Summit Europe 2020 evnt brochure 19 event brochure hee here 26-28 May,| 2020 Amsterdam 16-17 October
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER Growth “What is we the need only aim, to doand now the istoll develop we take a strategy on the planet through the consump- tion for partnership of resourcesand andfunding, the resulting just pollution as we do– be withit greenhouse gas emissions, or [plastic] the particulates waste,” Helias that stick says, in ourpromising lungs – aaren’t big factored into prices. Nor is the announcement damage we’re on doing water to nextecosystems, year. “We as want willtobe highlighted next week by the show Intergovernmental the same kind of Panel leadership for Biodiversity [as with and plas-Ecosystem Services. tics] Inand the be circular the catalyst economy onthe water aimstewardship.” is to eliminate waste and keep resources in useThis for as sits longa as bitpossible, uneasilywith withmaterials the latest recovered report and reused at the end of life. fromA few CDPcompanies, on the preparedness like Renault, discoveredof consumer some years ago that such a strategy goods companies boosts sales forandthecutslow-carbon resource transition use. But most have yet to investigate its (seepotential. ‘Companies Last year,aren’t Circle movingEconomy fast enough on BALU/SHUTTERSTOCK produced the circularits economy’), first analysis which of therankedstate P&G second of lastglobal amongcircularity householdand goods concluded firms. Asked in an that emailwe’re aboutjust the 9% CDPofreport,the way Helias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part there. The change message is a key was priority simple: for we P&G haveand we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme to significant “stop effortsextracting,under stopway. This wasting, includes driving optimise progress againstwhat we ouralready science-based have, and goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions recycle in half, achieving more and 100% better.”renewable electricity, and helping consumers reduce their The own circular emissions economyby providing is saiddetergents to that deliver outstanding perfor- offer mancehuge in coldeconomic water. We have benefits: significant in and comprehensive efforts underway Europe to address alone Scope some1, 2€500bn and 3 emissions. over 10 years, But according what is P&G to doing the Ellen to address MacAr- deforestation, the issue highlighted by thur Greenpeace Foundation. in its 2014 stunt at P&G’s headquarters? The WhileEnergyP&G reports Transitions to CDPCommis- on its energy and water risk, earning B and B-, sion respectively estimates last that year, ait does morenot circular report on Scientists its effortswarntothat we havedeforestation address just 12 years to start slashing emissions economy risk in its supply could reduce chain. But CO2 itemissions is notable that in its Moment of Truth report last year Greenpeace from the plastics, praised P&G as one steel, aluminium andofcement eight big brands to industries by publicly list its 40% globally, palmby and oil 56% suppliers, all of them in developed RSPO-certified. economies like Europe by 2050. So it should be Helias points out that no consumer goods company is going to meet a no-brainer. commitments But dig deeper to endanddeforestation it’s more complex, in supply chains to according byLéon 2020, “but we global Wijnands, [P&G] have steps head to get there, of sustainability and webanking at Dutch are working with suppliers and financial services togroup make ING. sure they ‘We’re have zero deforestation.” “Externalities don’t have a price. If we would have a global price on carbon talking about She talks dioxide enthusiastically emissions and waterabout use, athatP&Gwouldprogrammehelp.” teaching But he adds:2,000 “We’re small- systematic holder palm talking aboutoil farmerschanges, systemic in Malaysia not more just the sustainable nature of one agriculture business techniques, but of the changes, which value entire has resulted chain.” in a 30%-50% increase in yields with far less fertil- not just the iserUrgently use. The projectare needed willnewbe technologies, expanded to reach business up and to 10,000 farmers financial models over to nature of one Terry Slavin is editor of the next keep five in things years. use for longer. There are examples already in the business-to- business, but Ethical Corporation and It’s thesector: business kind ofCisco,thing HP Helias clearly relishes: Enterprise using P&G’s and Rolls-Royce, relationship to name with a few. More of thecorrespondent a former entire thousands recently, of suppliers and billlions Netherlands-based Floow2 has of consumers developedto antry to do some platform asset-sharing good in value for Guardianchain’ Sustainable thebusinesses for world, or attoleast shareless harm. As equipment andshe said inOn services. a the recent TED Talk consumer after side, the Berlin- Business. launch Grover based of the Head offers &a Shoulders subscription beachserviceplastic bottle: devices, for digital “These products have while another terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com been part Dutch of the problem; company, Mud Jeans, we leases want them to be partjeans. and recycles of the solution.” n @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Download the full The Responsible Transform 2019 Responsible Business Business Summit Europe Summit West 2020 2019 event brochure here 26-28 May, Amsterdam San Diego | 2020 16-17 9-10 | October October 19 19 4
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Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What In 2008, weRenault need tocreated do now ais specialised develop a strategy subsidiary to take control of auto- motive for partnership waste materials and funding, and justparts, as recycling we do with copper, steel, aluminium and plastics from [plastic] waste,” end-of-life Helias vehicles. says, promising A plant outside a big Paris refurbishes tens of thousands of engines announcement on water andnextgear-boxes year. “We eachwant year, todelivering energy, water and chemical show the savings same kind of 80% of leadership and generating [as with more plas- MARIORDO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS than and tics] $500m be the in revenues catalyst on for water the company stewardship.” annu- ally,This Renault sits says. a bit uneasily with the latest report fromAppleCDP is pioneering on the preparedness new recyclingofprocesses consumer to enable goods companies valuable materials for the low-carbon to go back into transition the same‘Companies (see products. Itsaren’t goal moving is eventuallyfast enough to mineon none the circular of the economy’), earth’s resources. which ranked Establishing P&G second such circular last amongsupply household chains isgoods key. firms. Asked in an email INGaboutand the publicCDP andreport, privateHeliassector “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part said:partners are working change is a tokey develop prioritya European for P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme accelerator programmeefforts significant that will under help way. makeThis the business includes case driving for circularity progress againstand ourconnect science-based supply chain goal partners. to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half, Some achieving policy is 100%taking shape: renewable The electricity, most recent and helping consumers reduce iteration their ownofemissions the EU’s circular by providing economy detergents package that deliver outstanding perfor- includes mance inrevised cold water.targetsWeon haverecycling significant upwards; a Renault is recyling and comprehensive effortsmaterials underway from end-of-life vehicles binding to address landfill Scope target; 1, 2 and and an 3 emissions. EU-wide strategy for But plastics, what is including, P&G doing most to recently, address deforestation, a target to eliminate the issue single-use highlighted plas- by tics. Greenpeace An eco-design in its 2014 directive stunt at means P&G’scircularity headquarters? principles must be embedded in product While P&G design. reports(See to The CDPbattle on itstoenergy turn theandtide water on risk, the e-waste earning B epidemic) and B-, But respectively governments last year, could it does makenot report procurement on its efforts decisions to address that deforestation would help driveincircular risk its supply solutions. chain. But it is notable that in its Moment of Truth report last yearNew Greenpeace recycling technologies praised P&Gthat as oneensure of eight materials big brands keep their to publicly inherent list value, its as well palm oilas suppliers, recyclingallinfrastructure of them RSPO-certified. are badly needed everywhere. “You can’t Helias pointsjust out buildthata plastics no consumerrecyclinggoods plant overnight,” company issays going Janeto Bevis, meet chair of the UK’s commitments to endOn-Pack deforestation Recycling in supply Label (OPRL) chains by scheme. 2020, “but “However, we [P&G] the wholesteps have conversation to get there, around and extended we are workingproducerwithresponsibility suppliers to make and the surechan- they ‘Most countries cellor’s have zeroconsultation deforestation.” [on a tax to encourage a minimum recycled content] are have a landfill beginning She talks to enthusiastically create the market about conditions a P&G thatprogramme make it teaching look a more 2,000commer- small- tax but the UK’s cially viable holder palmoption.” oil farmers in Malaysia more sustainable agriculture techniques, draft waste which Richardhas Kirkman, resulted in UKa chief30%-50% technology increaseandininnovation yields with officer far less at Veolia, fertil- and resources thinks iser use.theThe UK’s project draft willwaste be andexpanded resourcesto reach strategy up to “is 10,000 leadingfarmers edge. Mostover strategy is Terry Slavin is editor of countries the next five have years. a landfill tax, but this is really creating conditions for circular creating Ethical Corporation and economy.” It’s the kind The of question, thing Heliashowever, clearlyis “will relishes: they using go through P&G’swithrelationship it?” Veolia with is conditions a former correspondent writing design thousands of suppliers guides and and working billlionswith of consumers industry. to try to do some good in for circular for Guardian Sustainable theKirkman world, or has at recently least less noticed harm.aAs bigshe change, said inwith a recent brandsTED employing Talk after teamsthe economy’ Business. of graduates, launch of the all Headlearning & Shoulders how to designbeach plastic for a circular bottle: economy. “These products Taxing virgin have terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com materials, been part of asthe proposed problem;inwe last want October’s them to budget, be part ofwillthebesolution.” enough n to tip the @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020 Download the full Transform 2019 19 5 event brochure here 26-28 May,| 2020 Amsterdam 16-17 October
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Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER WINNOW balance, “What he we suggests. need to do“People now is develop are asking a strategy us already, for partnership and we and don’tfunding, even have justthe astax weyet.” do with [plastic] There’swaste,” no shortage Helias ofsays, entrepreneurs promising with a big brilliant announcement ideas and on water promising next year. solutions “We want but to they showneed the same finance. kind of leadership [as with plas- tics] “Theand circular be the catalyst economy oniswater bothstewardship.” a challenge andThis an opportunity sits a bit uneasily for investors: with the an latest opportu- report nity fromtoCDP rethink on the theway preparedness value is created of consumer in the economy,” goods companies suggestsforJamie the low-carbon Butterworth,transition chief executive (see ‘Companies of Edinburgh-based aren’t movingprivate fast enoughequity on firm, the circular Circularity economy’), Capital.which His firm ranked hasP&Graisedsecond a £60m last amongpot from household institutionalgoods investors firms. Asked who see in an the email potential about the of CDP a circular report,approach, Helias said: and“Climate has Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part identified change is aa “good key prioritynumber for ofP&G companies and we at haveWinnow of thehas cutcircular Loop food waste in half scheme packaging in commercial kitchens a significant genuine efforts growthunder stageway.…. This [that includes are] abledriving to outperform progress against their our linear science-based counterpartsgoal by tobeing cut our more greenhouse efficient with gas emissions resources or in half, [have] achieving identified 100% specific renewable challenges electricity, in theandcircular helping economy consumersand reduce are dealing their own withemissions those.” by providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- mance One in example cold water. is UK-based We have significant Winnow, which and comprehensive is helping to close effortstheunderway loop on food to address waste Scopein the catering 1, 2 andindustry. 3 emissions. Its technology has cut food waste by 50% on But average whatacrossis P&G100 doing sites, to says address Butterworth, deforestation,and thattheinevitably issue highlighted has a posi- by tive Greenpeace impact on in profitability its 2014 stunt in aatsector P&G’swhereheadquarters? margins are tight. He While points P&Gto reports a huge to shift CDP in onimpact its energyinvesting, and waterfromrisk, environmental, earning B and social B-, and respectively governance last criteria year, it does to saying: not report “we wanton its[an]efforts investment to address returndeforestation plus a posi- tive risk inimpact its supply and climate chain. But mitigation. it is notable We wantthat in our itscake Moment and of eatTruth it. CEreport [circular last economy] year Greenpeace is a good praised example P&G of as where oneyouof eight can get bigthat.” brands to publicly list its palmButoilthere suppliers, are challenges all of them forRSPO-certified. the financial sector: the notion of product as a service Helias (Seepoints The cutting out thatedge no in consumer circular) will goods havecompany cash-flowisimplications going to meet and credit commitments risks. Financiers to end deforestation have to get in to supply grips with chains bothbynew 2020,technologies “but we [P&G] and new havebusiness steps to modelsget there, at and the same we aretime. working with suppliers to make sure they haveThat’s zerowhy deforestation.” ING, ABN Amro, Rabobank and other members of the FinanCE working She talks group enthusiastically have developed about a seta ofP&G guidelines programme on what teaching constitutes 2,000 small- circu- larity, holderwhich palm oil theyfarmers hope in will Malaysia evolve more to besustainable used widely. agriculture The wider techniques, FinanCE collaboration which has resulted brings together in a 30%-50% financialincrease institutions,in yields academia withandfar non-profits less fertil- Angeli Mehta is a former BBC current affairs from iser use. the CE100 The project programme will beofexpanded the Ellen MacArthur to reach up Foundation. to 10,000 farmers over producer, Terry Slavin with a research is editor of the next “What fiveweyears. tried to do was develop a common language,” says Wijnands PhD. She Ethical now writesand Corporation of ING. It’s the “If kind you’re of working thing Helias with multiple clearly relishes: parties, using there’sP&G’s a big relationship advantage of with all about a formerscience, and has correspondent speaking thousandsthe of same suppliers language and billlions and using of consumers the same definitions.” to try to do some good in a particular for Guardianinterest in Sustainable theIfworld, investors or at canleastlearn lessto harm. speak As theshe same saidlanguage, in a recent canTED consumers, Talk afterbusi- the the environment and Business. nesses launch of and thegovernments Head & Shoulders do the beach same? plastic Then the bottle: circular “These economy products mayhaveget sustainability. terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com the been traction part ofitthe urgently problem; needs. we wantn them to be part of the solution.” n @AngeliMehta @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Download the full The Responsible Transform 2019 Responsible Business Business Summit Europe Summit West 2020 2019 event brochure here 26-28 May, Amsterdam San Diego | 2020 16-17 9-10 | October October 19 19 6
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What we need to do now is develop a strategy for partnership and funding, just as we do with [plastic] waste,” Helias says, promising a big announcement on water next year. “We want to show the same kind of leadership [as with plas- tics] and be the catalyst on water stewardship.” This sits a bit uneasily with the latest report from CDP on the preparedness of consumer goods companies for the low-carbon transition (see ‘Companies aren’t moving fast enough on the circular economy’), which ranked P&G second last among household goods firms. Asked in an email about the CDP report, Helias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part change is a key priority for P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme View online significant efforts under way. This includes driving 9DREAM STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK progress against our science-based goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions From refilling and sharing to recyclable in half, achieving 100% renewable electricity, and helping consumers reduce their own emissions by providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- thin film: the cutting edge in circular mance in cold water. We have significant and comprehensive efforts underway to address Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. But what is P&G doing to address deforestation, the issue highlighted by Angeli Greenpeace Mehta in looks its 2014 at stunt technology at P&G’s and policy innovations in the push- headquarters? back against While P&G single-use reports to CDP packaging on its energy and water risk, earning B and B-, respectively last year, it does not report on its efforts to address deforestation O nce risk in year they its upon supply Greenpeace containers a chain. that they palm oil suppliers, time, people returned praised But it isgot to be washed allgot P&G as their milk notable andonerefilled; back RSPO-certified. of them delivered that in its Moment theybig of eight paid in glass a deposit brands bottles, of Truth reportwhich on soft drinks to publicly on return. Those quaint practices were ditched last list its In February, France became the second with the coming Helias points ofout cheap thatandno extremely consumerusefulgoodsplastic. company is going to meet nation after the It made sense commitments to end – plastic was strong deforestation and light, in supply saving chains on energy by 2020, “but wefor trans- [P&G] UK to launch a port, avoiding have steps breakages to get there, and andwe cutting food waste. are working But it became with suppliers to make ubiquitous, sure they plastics pact and havecarelessly discarded. We now know our disregard for its destination has zero deforestation.” doneShe profound damage to ourabout talks enthusiastically environment, and maybe teaching a P&G programme even to ourselves. 2,000 small- Nowpalm holder the pendulum oil farmershas in swung Malaysia themore othersustainable way. agriculture techniques, A broad which swathe ofinbusiness has resulted a 30%-50% has signed increaseup in to commitments yields with farthat lesswillfertil- see an iserend use. to The single-use projectplastics, will be and in Europe expanded that will to reach upbe tounderpinned 10,000 farmers by legis- over Terry Slavin is editor of lation the next fromfive2021. years.A global commitment to eliminate plastics waste by 2025 Ethical Corporation and by It’s ensuring the kind all of packaging thing Heliascan clearly be reused, recycled relishes: usingorP&G’s composted has been relationship with a former correspondent signed thousands by 250 organisations. of suppliers and billlions of consumers to try to do some good in for Guardian Sustainable theInworld, February,or atFrance least lessbecameharm.theAssecond she said nation in a (after recenttheTEDUK)Talk to launch after the a Business. plastics launch of pacttheandHead has&additionally committed Shoulders beach to have plastic an“These bottle: averageproducts of 30% recy- have terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com cled beenplastic part ofinthe packaging problem;by we2025. want them to be part of the solution.” n @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020 Download the full Transform 2019 7 19 event brochure here 26-28 May,| 2020 Amsterdam 16-17 October
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What we need to do now is develop a strategy for The global commitment partnership and funding, just is led as we by do the with Ellen MacArthur [plastic] waste,” Helias Foundation, which will says, promising a big monitor progress announcement annually. on water It says next year. “We that want to effortsthe show so same far “do kindnotoftruly match [as leadership the withscaleplas- 30 SECOND READ of the tics] andproblem, particularly be the catalyst on waterwhen it comes stewardship.” • Circle Economy‘s 2018 analysis of the state of to This elimination sits a bit of uneasily unnecessary with the itemslatestand report global circularity concluded we’re just 9% there. innovation from CDP towards on the re-use models.”ofMoving preparedness consumer In February, France launched a plastics pact from commitment goods companies for to action is crucial,transition the low-carbon the committing to an average of 30% recycled plastic foundation (see says. aren’t moving fast enough on ‘Companies in packaging by 2025. The UK government wants theJim Brisby, circular commercial economy’), whichdirector ranked P&G at foodsecond to incentivise producers to design better pack- producer last amongCranswick, household says goodshis firms.company’s Asked in an aging and provide clear labelling on what can and view isabout email that the thenumber of polymers CDP report, Helias said:should be “Climate Virginie cannotHelias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part be recycled. simplified, change is and a key is urging priority the for rest P&Gofand the we foodhave • ofNext the Loop year, circular a plant inpackaging Ohio will scheme start producing recy- industry toefforts significant help. Our underjobway. shouldThisbe makingdriving includes it cled polypropylene, found in food packaging, easier foragainst progress the next ourperson in the chain. science-based goalLookto cut our greenhouse gasand kitchen utensils emissions medical equipment. The plant’s at half, in the plastic achieving polymers 100% that are most renewable simple and helping electricity, consumers total production reduce is booked for the next 20 years. for recyclers their to recycle own emissions by… and for consumers providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- • Brands and retailers will be piloting the Loop to recycle.” mance in coldConsumers, water. We have adds Brisby, and significant alsocomprehensive platformefforts developedunderway by TerraCycle. Hundreds of need to clear Scope address instructions 1, 2 and on3 what emissions. packaging products will be delivered to customers in reus- theyButcan recycle. what is P&G doing to address deforestation, the ableissue highlighted and recyclable by packaging. Meanwhile, Los The UK in Greenpeace government’s its 2014 stuntdraft at P&G’swaste and headquarters? Angeles firm Replenish has developed a refillable resources While P&G strategy, reports now out for to CDP onconsultation, its energy and water‘pod’ risk,ofearning B andcleaning concentrated B-, products to which wants to incentivise respectively last year, producers it does not to report make betteron its efforts to addressadd consumers deforestation water. packaging risk design in its supply choices. chain. But itAn approved is notable listin its Moment that of Truthand • Peer sharing report lastschemes are gaining leasing of packaging year Greenpeace would “provide praised P&G the as one basis for big brands of eight ground.toIKEApublicly list its leasing out furniture, is exploring clear oil palm unambiguous suppliers, alllabelling of what pack- of them RSPO-certified. while its new London store is offering workshops aging can points Helias and cannot be recycled.” out that no consumer goods company is going in upcycling to meet and repairs. Jane Bevis,tochair commitments of the On-Pack end deforestation Recy- chains by 2020, “but we [P&G] in supply cling steps have Label toscheme get there, (OPRL), and wealso are wants workingtowith suppliers to make sure they see packaging have labelled either as recyclable or zero deforestation.” not,She“But it’s easier talks said than about enthusiastically done,”ashe P&G admits. “For some programme materials teaching 2,000the jury small- ‘Our job should is still out.” holder palm oil farmers in Malaysia more sustainable agriculture techniques, be making it OPRL which hashasn’t done in resulted a full mapping exercise a 30%-50% increase yet,inand wants yields to see with far the lessoutputs fertil- easier for the fromuse. iser members The projectof the will UK’s bePlastics expanded Pact to (of reachwhich up Cranswick is one), over to 10,000 farmers that next person in Terry Slavin is editor of will next the helpfivedrive the market. Already, says Bevis, some supermarkets are years. the chain. Look Ethical Corporation and using It’s the kindlabelling matrix, of thing Helias which clearly sets out the relishes: usingrecyclability of hundreds P&G’s relationship with at the plastic a former correspondent of combinations thousands of packaging of suppliers elements and billlions – as a guide of consumers to trytotowhich do some materials good to in polymers for Guardian Sustainable opt world, the for if theyor at could. least OPRL is also less harm. Aslooking she said at providing in a recentinformation TED Talk after on what the that Business. are most happens launch oftothe packaging after it’s recycled, Head & Shoulders beach plastic or whether it ends bottle: “These upproducts being used to have simple to terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com produce been partenergy. of the problem; we want them to be part of the solution.” n recycle’ @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Responsible Business Download the full Transform The 2019 Responsible Business Summit Europe Summit West 2020 2019 event brochure here 26-28 San May, Diego Amsterdam | 2020 | October 16-17 9-10 October 8 19
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What A lot ofweCranswick’s need to do now packaging is develop is PET a strategy (the stuff drinks bottles are made from): for partnership easy for recyclers and funding, to identify just asand wesort, do with and so more valuable. Vacuum packs and [plastic] waste,” shrink-wraps, Helias says, on the promising other a big CRANSWICK hand, are madeonfrom announcement water different next year. layers “Weofwant to polymer. show the These same kind are ofkeyleadership to their [as func-with plas- tionality, tics] and be butthe difficult catalysttoonrecycle. water stewardship.” “We’re pushing This sits our asuppliers bit uneasily … with but we the don’t latest report want food from CDPwaste,”on thesays preparedness Brisby. of consumer goods Cranswickcompanies has for alsothe committed low-carbon to transition halving (see ‘Companies the weightaren’t of itsmoving packaging fast andenough on reusing the circular all its economy’), own internal which materials: ranked P&G one second challenge last amongis household to find an goods alternativefirms.toAsked the in an flimsy about email plasticthe aprons, CDP report, glovesHelias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part and sleeves used onis the change a key production priority for line.P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme Different sites are trialling significant efforts under differentway. solutions, This includes and driving they’ll share progress against theouroutcomes science-based with goal otherto cut our greenhouse gas emissions companies: in half, achieving “Normally 100% renewable we’re trying electricity, to and helping consumers reduce createown their competitive emissions by advantage, providing but detergents we that deliver outstanding perfor- need mance toinwork coldtogether water. We tohave influence significant supplyand comprehensive efforts underway chains,” to addresssays Scope Brisby. 1, 2 and The3 emissions. company is working But what “at ispace” P&G anddoingBrisby to address is confi- deforestation, the issue highlighted by dent Greenpeace that it will in its get2014 70%stunttowardsat P&G’sits 2025 headquarters? goalWhileof having P&G reportsall packaging to CDP on recyclable its energy and Cranswick waterisrisk, aiming to simplify earning packaging B and B-, to make recycling easier within a year.last year, it does not report on its efforts to address deforestation respectively riskSince in its China’s supply chain. ban onBut theit import is notable of waste, that inthe its Moment UK has foundof Truthother report takers: last Malaysia year Greenpeace is one of praised the biggest,P&Gbut as the onecountry’s of eight infrastructure big brands toispublicly overwhelmedlist its and dumping palm oil suppliers, and all burning of them areRSPO-certified. on the increase. Creating a circular economy An Ohio mustHeliassurely points meanout taking thatresponsibility no consumer for goods our waste company at homeis –going somethingto meet the company environment secretary, commitments to end deforestation Michael Gove, in supply has acknowledged. chains by 2020, The “but Energy weTransi- [P&G] that will start tions steps have Commissionto get there, recommends and we are thatworking carbon withtaxessuppliers at least toasmake high as sure landfill they producing taxeszero have should deforestation.” be imposed on plastics incineration to drive recycling. recycled She talks enthusiastically about a P&G programme teaching 2,000 small- polypropylene holder palminnovation Recycling oil farmers in Malaysia more sustainable agriculture techniques, next year has which has resulted Polypropylene is found in ina everything 30%-50% from increase food in yields with packaging andfar less uten- kitchen fertil- its production iser to sils use. The project medical equipment will be andexpanded cars, but little to reach up to –10,000 is recycled and evenfarmers then over only booked for the Terry Slavin is editor of the next into five years. low-value items. Next year, a recycling plant in Ohio will start producing next 20 years Ethical Corporation and It’s thepolypropylene recycled kind of thing with Helias clearly colour, relishes: odour using P&G’s relationship and contaminants removed. It with has a former correspondent thousands claimed of suppliersperformance near-identical and billlionsto oftheconsumers to try thanks virgin material, to do someto an good innova- in for Guardian Sustainable the world, tion by oneorofatProcter least less harm. As & Gamble’s she saidJohn scientists, in a Layman. recent TED Such Talkis after demand the Business. launch that theofplant, the Headbeing& built Shoulders beach plastic by PureCycle bottle: “These Technologies, already products has its havetotal terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com been part ofbooked production the problem; for thewe next want them to be part of the solution.” n 20 years. @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020 Download the full Transform 2019 19 9 event brochure here 26-28 May,| 2020 Amsterdam 16-17 October
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 1000 WORDS/SHUTTERSTOCK TWITTER “What we need to do now is develop a strategy for partnership and funding, just as we do with [plastic] waste,” Helias says, promising a big announcement on water next year. “We want to show the same kind of leadership [as with plas- tics] and be the catalyst on water stewardship.” This sits a bit uneasily with the latest report from CDP on the preparedness of consumer goods companies for the low-carbon transition (see ‘Companies aren’t moving fast enough on the circular economy’), which ranked P&G second last among household goods firms. Asked in an email about the CDP report, Helias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part The pendulum change is aiskeyswinging backfor priority to theP&Gdaysand of refillable we have bottles of the Loop circular packaging scheme significant efforts under way. This includes driving progress Earlieragainst this year,our Dutch science-based companygoal to cut Ioniqa our greenhouse Technologies gas emissions announced it had in half, the raised achieving capital100% renewable to build its firstelectricity, 10,000-tonne and helping plant, consumers reduce which will recycle their own emissions PET waste into the raw by providing materials neededdetergents that deliver to make outstanding food-grade PET. Itsperfor- tech- mance in nology cold water. means the PET We can havebe significant recycledand comprehensive infinitely. Takers forefforts underway the output are to address again Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. guaranteed. But what is P&G doing to address deforestation, the issue highlighted by Greenpeace What about in its 2014 stunt at P&G’s headquarters? re-use? While Earlier P&G this reports year, someto ofCDP on its energy the world’s biggestand waterand brands risk,retailers earning–Bincluding and B-, ‘This is respectively P&G last year, and Unilever it does not report – announced that theyon its willefforts to address be piloting a new deforestation waste-free totally new. risk in its supply platform, Loop, chain. developed But itby is notable New Jersey that inrecycling its Moment of TruthTerraCycle. company report last It’s moving year Greenpeace Hundreds praised of products, fromP&Gdeodorants as one of eight to icebig brands cream, willtobe publicly list its delivered to from linear palm oil suppliers, customers in reusableall ofand them RSPO-certified. recyclable packaging, for which they’ll pay a small to circular; HeliasInterestingly, deposit. points out that manyno consumer products won’t goods company be wrapped is goingbut in plastic, to glass, meet cleaning and commitments stainless steel to andend deforestation aluminium. In some in supply cases, chains by 2020, the refilling “but has revolution we [P&G] led to filling. We have haveproduct new steps toinnovations get there, and thatwe willare cutworking water use. with suppliers to make sure they a lot to learn’ have zero deforestation.” Virginie Helias, vice president, global sustainability at Procter & Gamble, toldShe talksCorporation Ethical enthusiastically that about a P&G programme early studies suggest the teaching Loop system 2,000issmall- more holder palm than sustainable oil farmers in Malaysia single use after five more cyclessustainable agriculture of refilling. “We hope techniques, there will which be more,hasbutresulted that’s whatin awe 30%-50% increase need to reach.” in yields also Consumers withneedfar less fertil- to order a iser use. The minimum project of three items will to bemake expanded the serviceto reach viable.up to 10,000 farmers over Terry Slavin is editor of the“We nextneed five years. to make sure we have a functional business model – I mean this Ethical Corporation and It’s thenew. is totally kindInofterms thingofHelias clearlychain, [the] supply relishes: it’s using movingP&G’s relationship from linear with to circular; a former correspondent thousands cleaning andof filling, suppliers and billlions we have never done of consumers before. Weto try a have tolot dotosome learn.”good in for Guardian Sustainable theUnilever world, or at least several is putting less harm. As she into deodorants saidthe in ascheme, recent TED Talk aftersteel in a stainless the Business. launch of with container the Head & Shoulders an expected lifespan beach plastic of eight years,bottle: and“These products the potential have to avoid terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com been up to part of the problem; 100 packs being thrown we wantaway. them to be part of the solution.” n @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Download the full The Responsible Transform 2019 Responsible Business Business Summit Europe Summit West 2020 2019 event brochure here 26-28 May, Amsterdam San Diego | 2020 16-17 9-10 | October October 19 19 10
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 TWITTER “What All the we brands needwillto dobe nowable is todevelop test outatheirstrategy usage assumptions when online pilots for partnership get under and way funding, later thisjust yearasinwe New doYorkwithand Paris. They will then be trialled atwaste,” [plastic] supermarkets Heliasinsays,the UK, promising the US and a France. big announcement Other companies on water are nextinnovating year. “We withwantrefilltosystems: Los Angeles firm Replenish, show the same for example, kind of leadership has developed [as with a reusable plas- bottle for cleaning prod- ucts.and tics] On be thethe premise catalyst that on about water stewardship.” 90% of the products we buy are made of water, Thisconsumers sits a bit uneasily can add this with atthe latest report LOOP home CDP from and all on that’s the preparedness needed is a of consumer refillablecompanies goods “pod” of concentrate, for the low-carbonso transition packaging (see ‘Companies volumes aren’t and transport moving fast enough on emissions the circularare economy’), cut. which ranked P&G second lastWillamongconsumers household adoptgoods the Loopfirms. Asked in an approach email about fasttheenough CDP report,to scale it? said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part Helias Helias says change is a P&G key priority has had P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme formore registrations significant efforts in both underParisway. Thisandincludes driving New Yorkagainst progress than itour expected. science-based The goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions company in half, achieving is playing 100% to consumer renewable electricity, and helping consumers reduce desires: their own“One emissions of the by strategies providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- at manceP&Gin is cold to water. makeWe responsible have significant and comprehensive efforts underway consumption to address Scope irresistible, 1, 2 andso 3 emissions. even theBut people what is whoP&Gare doingnot togreen address deforestation, the issue highlighted by just Greenpeace want the in its beautiful 2014 stunt stainless at P&G’s headquarters? steelWhilebottle.” P&G reports to CDP on its energy and water risk, earning B and B-, respectively last year, it does not report on its efforts to address deforestation risk in as ‘Stuff its a supply service’ chain. But it is notable that in its Moment of Truth report last year Greenpeace Loop users won’tpraised ever own P&Gthe as one of eight big brands to publicly list its palm oil suppliers, container – and that all ofconcept them RSPO-certified. is Helias getting pointsacross traction out that of Loop goods no consumer a range is working in partnership company with to is going brands meet to produce packaging that commitments industries, fromtofurniture and cars incustomers end deforestation return toby supply chains be refilled 2020, “but we [P&G] have to jeans stepsandtomusic. get there, and we are working with suppliers to make sure they have The zero deforestation.” concept of “power by the hour” was pioneered by Rolls-Royce in 1962, She talks offering enthusiastically its corporate customers about “a acomplete P&G programme engine and teaching accessory2,000 small- replace- HP says its holderservice ment palm oil onfarmers in Malaysia more sustainable a fixed-cost-per-flying-hour basis”, aagriculture model thattechniques, continues instant ink which has today; Dutch resulted lightingin manufacturer a 30%-50% Philips increaseoffersin yields “lightwith as afarservice”: less fertil- its service has iser use. The customers don’t project own the will light be expanded bulbs, andto reachpromised they’re up to 10,000 farmers efficiency over savings. decreased Terry Slavin is editor of theHP next five its says years. Instant Ink service – whereby customers automatically get a the carbon Ethical Corporation and refillIt’s thewhen sent kind supplies of thing Helias clearly are running lowrelishes: using P&G’s – has decreased the relationship with carbon footprint footprint of ink a former correspondent thousands of ink purchase of suppliers and disposal and billlions by 84%.ofThoughconsumers to try to do that assumes some good customers wouldin purchase and for Guardian Sustainable the world, have drivenortoat least the collect lessreplacement harm. As she said in a recent TED Talk after the cartridge. disposal Business. launch of the Head HP recycles the &plastic Shouldersfrom beach plastic bottle: its cartridges, as well “These products as recycled have bottles by 84% terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com been hangers and part of thesoproblem; that 80% we want of its theminkto cartridges be part of the nowsolution.” containn 45-70% @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020 Download the full Transform 2019 19 11 event brochure here 26-28 May,| 2020 Amsterdam 16-17 October
??? Circular economy briefing EthicalEthical Corporation Corporation | August | 2019 2014 ZEVECA KIRKEZ/SHUTTERSTOCK TWITTER “What we need to do now is develop a strategy for partnership and funding, just as we do with [plastic] waste,” Helias says, promising a big announcement on water next year. “We want to show the same kind of leadership [as with plas- tics] and be the catalyst on water stewardship.” This sits a bit uneasily with the latest report from CDP on the preparedness of consumer goods companies for the low-carbon transition (see ‘Companies aren’t moving fast enough on the circular economy’), which ranked P&G second last among household goods firms. Asked in an email about the CDP report, Helias said: “Climate Virginie Helias with Tom Szaky of TerraCycle – P&G is part change is a key priority for P&G and we have of the Loop circular packaging scheme significant efforts under way. This includes driving progress against our science-based goal to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half, achieving 100% renewable electricity, and helping consumers reduce their own emissions by providing detergents that deliver outstanding perfor- The average mance power in cold drill will water. Webehave used significant for just 13 minutes of its life and comprehensive efforts underway to address Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. But what is P&G post-consumer content.doing to address Indeed, using deforestation, recycled PET plastic the issue highlighted rather by than virgin Greenpeace plastic has cut in its water2014 use stunt at P&G’s by 38%, totalheadquarters? energy use by 63%, and carbon foot- While print by anP&G reportsofto42%. average CDPHowever, on its energy andclear it’s not water whyrisk, HPearning doesn’tB refill and theB-, respectivelywhich cartridges, last year, would it does not report presumably on its allow it efforts to treadtofar address more deforestation lightly. But it risk inmean does its supply chain. But the company it is notable is using that in its less materials andMoment has taken of Truth on the report costslastof year Greenpeace recycling its products. praised P&G as one of eight big brands to publicly list its palm oil suppliers, Through all of them HP’s “device asRSPO-certified. a service” offering for business customers, With the Helias monitor analytics points device out that no consumer health, so potential goods problems company is going are detected to meet in advance average car commitments and “HP manages to end deforestation all hardware in supplymigration and software chains byand 2020, “but we [P&G] decommissioning, in use just 4% have steps which to get includes there, andparts refurbishing, we are working re-use, andwith suppliersrecycling, responsible to make ultimately sure they of the time it have zero driving deforestation.” circularity,” according to UK managing director George Brasher. makes sense She talksitems Sharing enthusiastically amongst peers about maximises a P&G programme the useful teaching life of2,000 small- a product. for Renault and holder palm According tooilthefarmers Edinburgh in Malaysia Tool Library,morethe sustainable average power agriculture techniques, drill gets used for Volkswagen to which 13 has resulted minutes during itsinlife, a while 30%-50% the RAC increase estimates in yields that the with far less average carfertil- is in launch electric iser just use use.4% Theofproject the time. will be expanded to reach up to 10,000 farmers over car sharing Terry Slavin is editor of theSonext five years. it makes sense for car-makers like Renault and Volkswagen to launch schemes Ethical Corporation and It’s the kind electric-car of thing sharing schemesHeliasin clearly denselyrelishes: populated using P&G’s cities like relationship Berlin, Paris withand a former correspondent thousands Madrid. of suppliers Renault alreadyand billlions leases of consumers its electric to try to do vehicle batteries some to its good in customers: for Guardian Sustainable the world, these can be or reused at leastinless harm. As renewable she said energy in a recent distribution TED Talk networks afterasthe as well in Business. launch and offices of the Head &and industry, Shoulders eventually beach Renaultplastic saysbottle: all the“These material products componentshave terry.slavin@ethicalcorp.com been are part of the problem; we want them to be part of the solution.” n recycled. @tslavinm Transitioning Transitioning to to aa circular economy will circular economy willform be a akey keycomponent componentatat The Download the full The Responsible Transform 2019 Responsible Business Business Summit Europe Summit West 2020 2019 event brochure here 26-28 May, Amsterdam San Diego | 2020 16-17 9-10 | October October 19 19 12
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