OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

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OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020.
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Our Future Plans: How We Have Developed Them ...................................................................................... 5
       Two Distinct Roles ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
       Background & Creation .............................................................................................................................................. 5
       18 Months of Community Engagement & Research .................................................................................................. 7
       Researching our response to the Airport Expansion Consultation ............................................................................. 8
The Next Phase for the HCEB....................................................................................................................... 9
   The Core Questions ................................................................................................................................ 9
       Who? .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
       What? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
       Why?........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
       How?........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Organisational Structure....................................................................................................................... 10
       The HCEB Independent Forum ................................................................................................................................. 10
       Independent Monitoring & Research ....................................................................................................................... 12
       Community Liaison Group (CLG) .............................................................................................................................. 12
       Our Existing Structures ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Strategic Plan: 2020 .................................................................................................................................. 14
       Strategic Objective One – our ACC Objective ........................................................................................................... 14
       Strategic Objective Two – our CEB Objective ........................................................................................................... 14
       Strategic Objective Three - our Proposed Expansion Objective ............................................................................... 15
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

                                                     While these two funcZons are oben
                                                     complementary, that is not always the case. An
                                                     Airport ConsultaZve Commi]ee is generally
                                                     described as a “criZcal friend” to its airport, with
                                                     airlines and passengers playing and important
                                                     role, whereas the focus of a Community
                                                     Engagement Board is seeking the views of local
                                                     communiZes, championing their needs and giving
                                                     them a voice. Our plans for the coming year
                                                     explicitly recognise the dual roles, seeking to
                                                     ensure that we deliver effecZvely on both.

                                                     We have spent the last eighteen months building
                                                     relaZonships, understanding the perspecZves of
                                                     the local communiZes and other stakeholders and
                                                     providing plaforms for debate and discussion.
                                                     Our key acZvity has been preparing our
                                                     substanZal response to Heathrow’s consultaZon,
FOREWORD                                             based on a large body of evidence we gathered
                                                     independently. I am proud of what we have
I was appointed as independent Chair of the          achieved, and we are building on our successes
Heathrow Community Engagement Board almost           with our future plans. Our flagship project for this
two years ago and since that Zme, I have been        year will be establishing our new Independent
working hard with my team to ensure that the         Forum, held in public to provide open and
voices of local communiZes and stakeholders are      transparent monitoring and challenge of
increasingly influenZal in the decision-making
                                                     Heathrow’s day-to-day operaZons and plans for
process at Heathrow Airport. From the start, lack    the future. This is parZcularly important as
of trust and anger about previous broken             Heathrow are likely to submit their applicaZon for
promises cast a long shadow on the relaZonship       a third runway to the Planning Inspectorate later
between the airport and some of its closest          this year.
neighbours. Whilst fully recognising the impact of
this, we have been keen to build bridges and         You can read more about our plans in this report
create opportuniZes for construcZve dialogue to      and, as ever, if you have any comments or
address concerns and minimise conflict.               feedback you can contact us at info@hceb.org.uk

Our posiZon is a challenging one - we are an         Thank you for reading.
organisaZon with a dual role. We retain the
funcZon of our predecessor body, as an Airport
ConsultaZve Commi]ee, the established structure
that most UK airports use to fulfil their legal
obligaZon to consult their local communiZes and
stakeholders. However, we also have the new and
unique funcZon to ensure communiZes are              Rachel Cerfontyne
acZvely engaged in the decision-making process       Chair HCEB
for the proposed Heathrow expansion.
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

                                                    Commission1 identified that there was a
OUR FUTURE PLANS: HOW                               marked lack of trust between HAL and local
WE HAVE DEVELOPED THEM                              communities. The Commission stated that this
                                                    must be addressed and recommended the
                                                    creation of a Community Engagement Board
                                                    (CEB), under an independent chair. Drawing
                                                    on the models successfully in operation at
TWO DISTINCT ROLES                                  Schiphol and Frankfurt Airports, it was hoped
                                                    that the CEB would have real influence over
As highlighted by our chair in her                  spending on compensation, noise insulation,
introduction, the HCEB is both an Airport           community support and the airport’s
Consultative Committee and a Community              operations. It should also work effectively in
Engagement Board. At the time the decision          concert with local authorities and an
was taken to set up the HCEB in place of the        independent aviation noise authority, where
previous Heathrow Airport Consultative              appropriate.
Committee (HACC), concerns were raised
about whether the two roles were fully              The Airports Commission’s vision was that “it
compatible with one another. While there is         is most important that the structure of a CEB
much overlap between these two roles, they          is one that facilitates decision taking and
are not always in harmony and balancing the         delivery. A strong, independent Chair will be
two has been a challenge over the last 18           important
                                                    in this respect.”2 This followed the example of
To ensure that the responsibilities of both are     Schiphol Airport, where there is a strongly-led
properly discharged, distinction needs to be        inclusive body, the Alderstafel, which seeks
made between them in how the HCEB                   consensus through dialogue.
operates. In this document, you will find the
steps we are taking to ensure that both are         The role of the HCEB to date has been
properly structured and resourced, with a           strongly shaped by the Commission’s initial
developed Organisational Structure and the          recommendations.
practical steps we will be taking over the next
year to discharge all of our responsibilities in        •   To overcome doubts that HAL would
our Strategic Plan for 2020.                                deliver on its compensation and
                                                            mitigation commitments, the Airports
                                                            Commission proposed providing the
                                                            new CEB with oversight and
BACKGROUND & CREATION                                       enforcement of the overall
                                                            compensation package, and giving
The HCEB was set up in 2018 to increase                     the CEB the power to arbitrate where
community and stakeholder participation in                  there was disagreement. This was
planning and decision-making around                         intended to provide assurance to local
Heathrow Airport’s operations and expansion.                communities and increase local trust
We work directly with local people to provide               in the airport, and the fairness with
challenge to, and scrutiny of, the airport’s                which the proposed new runway could
day-to-day operations and future                            be delivered.
development.                                            •   The Commission also saw the CEB as
                                                            having an important role in information
Though funded by Heathrow Airport Limited                   provision and community support. It
(HAL), we are completely independent of HAL                 stated that access to reliable
and of the Government. We have no affiliation               information from a trusted source
with any campaigning groups and, while we                   would be increasingly important,
actively engage with people with strong views               noting that on sensitive and
and interests relating to the airport, we are               controversial issues, information
impartial and do not take sides. Agreed terms               provided by HAL, and even the Civil
of reference and a funding agreement are in                 Aviation Authority (CAA), was not
                                                            taken at face value by local
place which ensures the HCEB’s operational                  communities.
                                                        •   It highlighted that some local
In the course of its consultation to consider               communities might struggle to
increasing airport capacity, the Airports                   manage the large amount of detailed

 Airports Commission Final Report 1 July 2015       2
                                                     Airports Commission Final Report, p302,
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/governme   paragraph 14.88
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

          information that would become                           Government’s response went on to say that it
          available. In particular, it noted that                 believed that “the HCEB will be well placed to
          some groups might find it difficult to                  lead engagement on behalf of local
          understand their entitlements to                        communities with an applicant before, during
          compensation and mitigation, to                         and beyond any planning process.”5 The
          navigate through the planning process                   Government also expected that, as the
          and to contribute more widely. These                    promoter of the expansion, HAL would
          were groups who might also want                         “engage constructively with HCEB to develop
          easily accessible and comprehensive                     and deliver a strong community engagement
          information on the potential effects of                 strategy that ensures local communities will
          changes to aviation noise or other                      be able to engage effectively and influence
          factors that could have a significant
          impact on their lives. Furthermore, it                  the development of the scheme.”6
          noted that the Compulsory Purchase                      The HCEB superseded the Heathrow Airport
          Order (CPO) process and the
          voluntary purchase schemes were                         Consultative Committee (HACC), an
          likely to be stressful, particularly to                 independent committee first convened in
          vulnerable members of local                             1948. It was incorporated as a company
          communities, and recommended that                       limited by guarantee, to emphasise its
          additional consideration be given to                    independence from Heathrow Airport, and
          this.                                                   structures were put in place so that
                                                                  communities could be better represented
                                                                  within the HCEB and play a part in its
The Government’s Airports National Policy                         operations.
Statement endorsed the Airports
Commission’s proposal. It stated: “A                              The HCEB was set up to fulfil two roles. The
community engagement board will be                                first was as a community engagement board,
developed at Heathrow Airport to help to                          as set out in the ANPS, and the second to act
ensure that local communities are able to                         as an Airport Consultative Committee (ACC).
contribute effectively to the delivery of                         These are distinct roles.
expansion, including to consultations and
evidence gathering during the planning                                    •   An Airport Consultative Committee is
process.”3 It also recognised that there were                                 primarily concerned with the ongoing
already a number of stakeholders                                              monitoring and scrutiny of an airport’s
representing local Heathrow communities, as                                   operations today, as well as its future
well as engagement forums that had                                            plans for development. Most Airport
developed over time in response to emerging                                   Consultative Committees discharge
needs. These, it stated, were consistent with                                 this responsibility through quarterly
the Government’s view that, in principle, it                                  meetings of a representative
encourages collaborative local solutions.                                     committee which are open to the
In its report on the draft Airports National                              •   A Community Engagement Board is
Policy Statement in March 2018, the                                           primarily concerned with ensuring that
Transport Select Committee had                                                communities and stakeholders are
recommended that “a condition of approval                                     properly engaged in the decision-
be included in the NPS which requires the                                     making process at the airport and are
scheme proponent to develop a strategy                                        able to engage effectively and
outlining how it intends on supporting local                                  influence the development of the
                                                                              expansion scheme proposed by HAL
communities during and in the extended                                        and currently going through the
periods after the planning process is finished.                               planning process.
This should be developed in consultation with
the communities affected as well as the
relevant local authorities.”4
In responding to the Select Committee’s
report, the Government agreed with the
importance that the Select Committee placed
on effective community engagement and that
engagement would continue to be necessary
throughout the life of the airport. The

3                                                                 5
 Airports National Policy Statement 5 June 2018                     Government Response to the Transport Committee Report on the
 House of Commons Transport Committee, Airports National Policy   revised draft Airports National Policy Statement, Moving Britain
Statement, 19 March 2018, Para 21, page 8                         Ahead June 2018, [Cm 9624], page 25, para 1.111

OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

18 MONTHS OF COMMUNITY                                     students and young people in the
                                                           conversation about the future of
ENGAGEMENT & RESEARCH                                      Heathrow Airport and the surrounding
Since we started operating, we have
                                                       -   undertook work to help facilitate
undertaken a range of community                            responses from communities
engagement activities and in 2019, drawing                 (particularly seldom heard groups) to
on initial engagement, we set the following                the Airport Expansion Consultation
strategic objectives for the HCEB:
                                                       -   held an independently facilitated event
      1. Maximise the depth and diversity of               at Hounslow House with a range of
         responses to Heathrow Airport’s                   stakeholders on the topic of trust –
         expansion consultation                            specifically in the context of
      2. Procure and publish information about             stakeholder and community
         Heathrow Airport’s current operations             relationships with Heathrow Airport.
         and promote open & effective
         communication about the impact on
         local communities, stakeholders and        A recurring theme throughout this activity has
         users of the airport                       been the issue of trust. In addition to
      3. Improve the experience and the             undermining any efforts to effectively consult
         quality of support provided to local       on future plans, the lack of trust from the
         residents.                                 community towards the airport sours any
                                                    conversation about Heathrow Airport’s current
                                                    operations – a critically important part of our
To fulfil these objectives, we have:                role.

      -   established new groups and
          structures to reach a broader group of
          the stakeholders and communities          It should be noted that the lack of trust in
          impacted by Heathrow Airport than         Heathrow expressed by many local residents
          our predecessor body could                is a widespread issue in the aviation sector as
      -   attended a number of events including     a whole – not just in the UK, but further afield
          Colnfest, the Mela festival in Southall   as well. The Head Commissioner of the newly
          and the Indian Independence               created Independent Commission of Civil
          Celebration in Greenford                  Aviation Noise (ICCAN) refers to trust
      -   met with Friends of the Great Barn and    between the industry, regulators and
          attended events at the Great Barn         stakeholders as being in “a negative place”7
      -   run a number of events including two      and ICCAN’s first strategic objective is to
          forums, a question time and a             increase trust, transparency and clarity in the
          community celebration of culture          aviation noise debate.
      -   given local communities the
          opportunity to meet and directly
          engage with senior decision makers,
          including two Government Ministers        We have looked at best-practice examples of
          for Aviation                              community engagement, monitoring and
      -   reached over three quarters of a          scrutiny in the UK and internationally. In the
          million people with targeted social       UK, we have visited a number of Airport
          media advertising, posted surveys         Consultative Committees such as Luton,
          and local adverts                         Gatwick, London City, Manchester and
      -   commissioned a large body of              Stansted and we have also engaged with our
          rigorous independent research into        equivalent organisation for Vienna
          community attitudes and needs for the     International Airport, the Vienna Dialog
          future                                    Forum. These have helped inform and shape
      -   undertaken a survey to find out what      our plans for the future, drawing on practical
          matters most to those affected by         real-world examples of how meaningful
          Heathrow Airport and sought views         engagement, monitoring and scrutiny takes
          from the community about HAL’s            place at other airports.
          consultation on airspace, the findings
          of which were presented to John
          Holland-Kaye, CEO of HAL, and his
          team in April 2019
      -   partnered with student engagement
          experts Campus Industries to involve

    ICCAN Corporate Strategy 2019 – 2021, page 2
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

This year has seen us commission a large
amount of expert research to help us
formulate a robust, evidence-based response
to the formal Airport Expansion Consultation
(AEC). We submitted our response to the
consultation in September 2019 and this has
been published on our website.8

This research included over 50 in-depth
interviews with members of the communities
on the perimeter of Heathrow Airport, a range
of focus groups with a representative cross-
section of communities, and regular
engagement events with the business
community. We met with our Strategic
Advisory Groups to hear their views on the
consultation and read responses from the
relevant local authorities and communities. A
summary of findings from this work has been
published on our website.

OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

THE NEXT PHASE FOR THE                           The Core Questions
As outlined above, the HCEB has undertaken       WHO?
a huge amount of important engagement
work over the last 18 months, establishing       We are independent of Heathrow Airport
itself as a trusted independent body.            Limited and Government with an independent
However, now that the statutory consultation     Chair, set up to be the Airport Consultative
on the proposed expansion of Heathrow            Committee and the Community Engagement
Airport has closed, we are looking to the next   Board for Heathrow Airport. Our values are
phase of both the application process and of     independence, impartiality, inclusivity,
our continued development as an important        transparency and integrity.
organisation for the stakeholders and
communities impacted by Heathrow Airport.
We need to move beyond the narrative of
historic broken promises and positively          WHAT?
reshape the relationship that Heathrow Airport   We aim to publicly hold HAL accountable to
has with the stakeholders and communities
                                                 the stakeholders and communities who are
who are impacted by its operations – with        impacted by the airport’s operations and
honest and transparent monitoring and            ensure that we facilitate engagement in
scrutiny at its core, supported by ongoing       decision-making at Heathrow Airport.
community and stakeholder engagement.
We have drawn on the sum of the in-depth
engagement which we have undertaken over
the last 18 months to formulate a more           WHY?
developed purpose, as both an ACC and a
                                                 To encourage decision-making and
CEB, with some practical changes that we will
be implementing over the coming months to        communication by HAL which can be trusted
deliver on those responsibilities. The next      by the stakeholders and communities who are
                                                 impacted by the airport’s operations.
steps are at the end of this document in our
Strategic Plan for 2020.                         To ensure that there is a clear and accessible
                                                 process for any issues raised by stakeholders
                                                 and communities to be addressed quickly
                                                 and fairly by HAL in a transparent and
                                                 accountable way.
                                                 To ensure fairness and transparency for the
                                                 stakeholders and communities who are
                                                 impacted by the airport’s operations.

                                                 We independently facilitate a clear,
                                                 transparent and honest dialogue between
                                                 stakeholders, communities and HAL, to
                                                 provide monitoring and scrutiny of current
                                                 airport operations and plans for the future and
                                                 proactively engage communities and
                                                 stakeholders in decision-making at Heathrow
                                                 Airport. We also communicate, encourage
                                                 and facilitate participation of local
                                                 communities in the planning and delivery
                                                 process for the proposed expansion of
                                                 Heathrow Airport.
OUR FUTURE PLANS JANUARY 2020 Review of 2019 and strategic plan for 2020 - OUR FUTURE PLANS | 1 - Heathrow Community Engagement ...

Organisational Structure                           THE HCEB INDEPENDENT FORUM

To fulfil one of our core objectives of ensuring   Role & Purpose
Heathrow Airport is accountable to the
stakeholders and communities that it impacts,      The Forum will be the primary mechanism for
we will establish a new HCEB Independent           the public monitoring and scrutiny of HAL,
Forum (hereafter referred to as the Forum).        other key decision-makers, and the HCEB
This new Forum will enrich the role of the         itself – aiming to hold all of them publicly
HCEB’s existing groups and structures, giving      accountable to the stakeholders and
them a clear purpose and regular opportunity       communities that they impact. The Forum will
to engage in the decision-making process as        exist within the HCEB structures. It will meet
well as provide public monitoring and scrutiny     quarterly, with the final meeting of each year
of HAL.                                            being an expanded HCEB Annual
We will also establish and resource an
independent monitoring service, which will         Membership & Attendance
review information provided by Heathrow
Airport and third parties, and also commission     Chaired by the Chair of the HCEB, the Forum
its own independent research to ensure that        will have a formal membership which will
the Forum is well informed, can draw on            reflect the stakeholders and communities
independent data sources and has access to         impacted by Heathrow Airport. This will
all of the information it needs. This would also   include representatives for:
act as a shared resource to facilitate a more
joined-up approach to the monitoring and               •   local residents
scrutiny of Heathrow Airport’s targets and             •   airlines & operators
                                                       •   local authorities
                                                       •   airport employees
                                                       •   those impacted by noise & other
                                                           environmental factors
                                                       •   passengers, and
                                                       •   local businesses.

                                                   The Airports Commission advised that UK
                                                   community groups would prefer an inclusive
                                                   membership model, such as that adopted by
                                                   the Alderstafel at Schiphol. We continue to
                                                   believe this is an effective model for
                                                   The CEO of HAL will be expected to attend
                                                   each meeting of the Forum and to present a
                                                   quarterly performance report, to be circulated
                                                   ahead of the meeting. The Forum will spend
                                                   time questioning the CEO on aspects of the
                                                   Government bodies, such as the Department
                                                   for Transport (DfT) and the CAA, and other
                                                   key decision-makers will also be invited to
                                                   Meetings of the Forum will be open to the
                                                   public and members of the press will be
                                                   invited. Our intention is to live-stream Forum
                                                   meetings on the HCEB website and on social
                                                   This Forum must be effective, forward-
                                                   thinking and respectful. Much like the Vienna
                                                   Dialog Forum, the Forum will operate under a
                                                   set of agreed principles, which will describe

what is expected of members in terms of           actions and HAL’s responses to them for the
conduct and behaviour.                            HCEB annual conference.
The terms of appointment and terms of             The HCEB will also retain its ability to make
reference for the Forum will be developed in      formal recommendations to HAL as required.
due course.                                       Formal recommendations represent the final
                                                  step in the scrutiny purpose and will therefore
                                                  only be used where preliminary measures
                                                  have failed to achieve the desired outcome.
Meeting Format & Content
The Forum will hear directly from HAL and the
HCEB, with a set of standing reports agreed       HCEB Annual Conference
annually at the HCEB annual conference.
These reports should include visual displays      In the final quarter of each year, the HCEB will
of performance highlights (and lowlights),        hold its annual conference. This will fulfil all
presented in a clear and easily understood        the functions of a Forum meeting but also act
format. This is because while technical           as an annual general meeting. It will set the
experts will be present and able to advise, the   direction and agenda for the HCEB for the
majority of the Forum will be ‘lay’ members       coming year, review the structure of the
without technical expertise in aviation.          organisation’s groups and their memberships,
                                                  and appoint new members to any relevant
The HCEB will continue to commission a large      committees. Guest speakers will be invited to
amount of independent engagement and              share best practice from other airports or
research work, which will be presented to         infrastructure projects around the world.
each meeting of the Forum, to fulfil its core
value of transparency. The HCEB will also
present its plan for the period until the next
meeting of the Forum.                             Having a voice in Heathrow’s Expansion
The Forum will also hear from its own
members throughout each meeting through           As part of the proposed expansion of
participatory discussion with wider feedback,     Heathrow, HAL has also consulted on plans
but also through specific agenda items. The       to create a new independent scrutiny body,
HCEB will proactively invite stakeholders and     and associated governance structure, that
communities to speak if the Forum is due to       would oversee and facilitate the sustainable
discuss a topic relevant to their group.          growth of the airport. This structure would
                                                  have overall responsibility for monitoring and
                                                  enforcing the requirements of any
                                                  Development Consent Order (DCO) that
Actions and Formal Recommendations                authorises expansion. This means it will have
                                                  an overview of HAL’s plans for future growth
The Forum will have the ability to agree
                                                  and ensuring the outcomes of growth remain
actions for the HCEB to take forward. They
will be recorded and reviewed at each             within strict environmental limits.9 We are
meeting as a standing item on the agenda.         engaging with HAL and other interested
These actions will be the primary way in          stakeholders (such as local authorities and
which the Forum will monitor and scrutinise       Government) about the development of this
HAL. They will provide a clear and structured     new future scrutiny body and the HCEB
opportunity to question Heathrow Airport’s        Independent Forum, to ensure they operate in
day-to-day activity and plans for the future,     a complementary way to engage
with the assurance of an answer.                  communities and hold Heathrow Airport to
HAL will be expected to respond to all
actions, in writing, by the next meeting of the
Forum unless otherwise specified. All actions
and their responses will be published by the
HCEB on its website. The HCEB will produce
an annual summary of all of the Forum’s

 See Environmentally Managed Growth – Our         https://aec.heathrowconsultation.com/wp-
Framework for Growing Sustainably, Airport        content/uploads/sites/5/2019/06/Environmentally-
Expansion Consultation document, Heathrow         Managed-Growth.pdf
Airport Limited, June 2019.

                                                    We are currently in discussions with HAL’s
It is important that all scrutiny of HAL is based   Community Engagement Team to better
on solid and consistent information which           understand and, where appropriate,
communities can trust and understand.               constructively challenge their plans for
                                                    establishing new and improved structures for
We will provide an independent monitoring           ongoing dialogue with the local communities
service as a core part of the HCEB’s future         who are impacted by the operations of the
operations which will scrutinise data about         airport. One element of this new structure is
the airport and commission its own research         the establishment of a network of Local
where required, to provide the Forum with           Liaison Groups (LLGs), whose membership is
independent and reliable information and            open to all community organisations within a
build trust with communities and                    small geographical area. Each LLG will elect
stakeholders. The service will have two             an independent Chair from within its
primary functions:                                  membership. Above those groups sits a
                                                    Community Liaison Group (CLG), which
Independently reviewing reports from HAL            brings together the Chairs of the LLGs.

HAL will produce regular reports for the
Forum in the same way that it currently does
for the HCEB. The service will draw on              HCEB has welcomed these proposals and
independent expert advice, as necessary, to         has stated that it is happy to independently
test the veracity of information produced by        facilitate the CLG – provided its remit, and the
HAL and third parties                               remit of the LLGs which feed into it, are self-
                                                    determining and not limited to issues of
                                                    expansion. Operations today are a critically
Commissioning independent research
                                                    important part of any conversation about
The HCEB will continue to commission                future plans and in building a mutual trust
independent expert research on any matters          among communities and Heathrow Airport.
as required by the HCEB in line with its
strategic objectives.
                                                    If established as presented here, our intention
A public resource                                   is to invite the independent Chair of the CLG
                                                    to sit on our Strategic Advisory Group:
All research will be published in a publicly        Communities and Stakeholders (SAGCS), the
accessible online resource. This will also          Forum and the Board of Directors.
enable other organisations working in this
space (such as the Heathrow Strategic
Planning Group (HSPG), Heathrow Area
Transport Forum (HATF), ICCAN, etc) to work
from the same independently commissioned

OUR EXISTING STRUCTURES                            Passenger Services Group (PSG)

Board of Directors                                 The Passenger Services Group (PSG) is an
                                                   element of continuity from the HCEB’s
The HCEB Board of Directors will continue to       predecessor organisation, the HACC, and
discharge their role as the ultimate               continues to operate well – representing the
accountable body for Heathrow Community            needs of passengers and holding HAL to
Engagement Board Limited. This will include        account on matters relevant to the passenger
all matters relating to the governance of the      community.
limited company, staffing (including the
appointment of the independent Chair) and          The Chair of the PSG will have formal
finance.                                           membership of the SAGCS, the Forum and
                                                   the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will delegate its
responsibilities to provide monitoring and
scrutiny of HAL to the Forum. The Board of
Directors will remain ultimately responsible for   Transport, Environment and Noise Advisory
delivering the HCEB’s obligations as an ACC        Group (TENAG)
and for meeting the objectives defined in the
NPS.                                               The Transport, Environment and Noise
                                                   Advisory Group (TENAG) was setup by the
                                                   HCEB to advise the independent Chair and
                                                   the Board of Directors on matters falling
HCEB staff                                         within that remit. This group continues to
                                                   operate well, with a structure allowing it to
We are currently looking at the roles and          draw on a panel of technical experts as
responsibilities within the team to ensure that    required as well as holding HAL to account
we can provide an effective and efficient          on matters relating to its remit.
secretariat to the Forum. Executive directors
will support the Chair on the Forum and all        The Chair of the TENAG will have formal
staff members will be present to deal with any     membership of the SAGCS, the Forum and
queries directed at them.                          the Board of Directors.

HCEB staff will remain an impartial resource,
committed to their day-to-day work in meeting
with community groups and providing support
to residents.

Strategic Advisory Groups (SAGEM &
During the transition to the Forum, our two
Strategic Advisory Groups (SAGs) for Elected
Members and Communities & Stakeholders
will continue to exist with their current
membership and format. The way these
groups were formed and are constituted
means that they are representative of large
sections of the stakeholders and communities
who are impacted by Heathrow Airport. For
that reason, all current members of our SAGs
will be invited to have formal membership of
the Forum. The roles and functions of the two
SAGs may need to be reviewed once the
Forum is firmly established. We will reassess
their purpose with their members during the
course of next year.

STRATEGIC PLAN: 2020                             STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ONE – OUR
                                                 ACC OBJECTIVE
The HCEB fosters constructive relationships
with HAL and its key stakeholders, taking a      To increase the effectiveness and visibility
collaborative approach to resolving current      of scrutiny of HAL’s operational
issues and developing future plans. It           performance and future development
provides opportunities for:
   •   dialogue and debate                       We will do this by:
   •   scrutiny and challenge
   •   learning from best practice, and             •   establishing a quarterly HCEB
   •   independent research and expertise.              Independent Forum (the Forum), held
                                                        in public, with a supporting network of
                                                        subgroups and an annual conference
Recognising power and resource inequality           •   ensuring airport users, local
amongst the parties, HCEB seeks to support              authorities, local communities and
and empower local groups, in particular                 businesses are represented on the
residents and small businesses, by the                  Forum in accordance with DfT
provision of resources, expertise and specific          Guidelines for Airport Consultative
engagement platforms.                                   Committees
                                                    •   strengthening partnership working
We have shaped our strategic objectives                 with other organisations, in particular
around our two roles as both an Airport                 ICCAN, HSPG, HATF, and other ACCs
Consultative Committee (ACC) and a                      and their international counterparts
Community Engagement Board (CEB).                   •   improving co-ordination and impact of
Strategic Objective One is how we will fulfil           the variety of bodies playing a role
our responsibilities as an ACC. Strategic               and/or exercising a function relating to
Objective Two is how we will fulfil our                 Section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act
responsibilities as a CEB. Strategic Objective          1982 (as amended)
Three acknowledges that 2020 will be the            •   providing an independent monitoring
year that HAL submits its DCO application for           service to commission research and
the proposed third runway.                              procure expertise to provide
                                                        independent evidence as required
                                                    •   meeting regularly with senior officials
                                                        from HAL and DfT to maintain
                                                        constructive working relationships and
                                                        ensure appropriate information
                                                    •   increasing the knowledge base of
                                                        policy and best practice, learning from
                                                        others and sharing experiences and
                                                        new developments, and
                                                    •   publishing quarterly HAL performance
                                                        data in a meaningful, accessible and
                                                        transparent format.

CEB OBJECTIVE                                    PROPOSED EXPANSION OBJECTIVE

To strengthen local residents’ and local         To engage proactively in the DCO
businesses’ active participation in shaping      process, making an informed, evidence-
plans for their communities and securing         based contribution and ensure local
investment to meet local need.                   communities are able to engage
                                                 effectively and influence the
We will do this by:
                                                 development of the scheme.
   •   funding initiatives to build capacity     We will do this by:
       and promote engagement, such as
       workshops and training programmes
                                                    •   planning events to ensure the widest
   •   using a wide variety of participation            possible participation in HAL’s
       platforms e.g. online, focus groups,             forthcoming consultations
       surveys, community events
                                                    •   engaging proactively with HAL’s new
   •   attending local events, e.g. residents’          Community Liaison Group (CLG) and
       meetings, voluntary sector and                   other relevant HAL teams to fulfil our
       community groups, business forums;               requirements under the ANPS as part
       and raising issues with HAL as                   of the planning process
                                                    •   ensuring our own knowledge is
   •   continuing the Sustainable                       sufficiently comprehensive and in-
       Communities Initiative                           depth, including learning from other
   •   developing an effective and                      DCO experiences
       appropriate working protocol with            •   maintaining an ongoing relationship
       HAL’s community engagement team                  with the Planning Inspectorate
   •   strengthening relationships with local       •   ensuring that communities and
       Chambers of Commerce, local                      stakeholders are fully prepared for the
       authorities, unions and other relevant           DCO process, including by providing
       organisations with knowledge and                 workshops and training events on how
       understanding of local                           to engage with the process
       businesses, skills and employment
                                                    •   procuring specialist advice, including
   •   continuing to provide information and            on legal and planning matters, as
       signposting                                      necessary
   •   facilitating constructive dialogue           •   undertaking a thorough review of all
       between key partners to identify and             material relating to the expectations of
       help meet the needs of communities               HAL and HCEB in this process, in
       and stakeholders, and                            particular the ANPS and the Select
   •   having a key role in the development             Committee reports, with Government
       and allocation of a community                    responses
       investment fund.                             •   preparing and implementing a plan to
                                                        ensure delivery of our role and
                                                        responsibilities in relation to the
                                                        above, and
                                                    •   holding HAL to account for the
                                                        commitments that it has made as part
                                                        of the DCO process.

                          Find us online at www.hceb.org.uk
        or on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @HeathrowCEB

 The Heathrow Community Engagement Board is an independently chaired body cons:tuted to provide the func:ons of an
 airport consulta:ve commi=ee for Heathrow Airport (in accordance with Sec:on 35 of the Civil Avia:on Act 1982) and the
func:ons of the Heathrow Airport community engagement board (as set out in the Airports Na:onal Policy Statement). The
Heathrow Community Engagement Board Ltd is registered in England. Company No: 11412280. Registered Office: c/o Suite 9, 30
                                           Bancroft, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1LE
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