OTAGO Education for Practice 2020 - WellSouth

Page created by Norman Alexander
Education for



“Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”

This booklet outlines the training opportunities that are available in 2020 for current and future Healthcare Workforce
staff via the Southern DHB Otago Practice Development Unit. The booklet is designed to assist you in making informed
   education choices to meet both mandatory education requirements and your own professional development. An
            electronic copy of this booklet can be found on the Otago Practice Development SharePoint site.

    Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information included in this booklet at the time of
printing. However scheduled sessions may change so please check the electronic version of this book on the Otago
                                     Practice Development SharePoint site.


 Venues for education sessions are stated on each programme outline and are governed by room availability so take
careful note of the designated location. Some sessions have a maximum number of participants so it is important that
 you register through the appropriate contact person as per the details on the programme outline. Each programme
                                     outline indicates the suitable target audience.

  To register, follow the required processes in your practice area i.e. discuss with or register through your manager.
  If, at a later date, you are unable to attend, please contact the course facilitator and your line manager as soon as
   possible so that you can withdraw from the course and allow for others to fill the space. You may be offered an
alternative date by the facilitator if sessions are oversubscribed. Additional sessions may also be scheduled according
                                                         to demand.

 Each programme outline indicates if there is a cost involved. On the whole there is no charge for education in 2020.

                                                MENTAL HEALTH ONLY
  Mental Health Addictions and Intellectual Disability Services publish the 2020 District Training Calendar for both
                      Invercargill and Dunedin on their SharePoint site at the following link:


The Excel Training Planner is located at our SharePoint site and outlines events for the entire year with details on how
                                          to book into the relevant workshops.
     You may navigate to it by selecting ‘Useful Links District’ from the Pulse main page      SharePoint Services
           Mental Health Education and Training         Shared documents all DHB Staff       Training Planner
     (Excel spread sheet).

                         “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
WORKSHOP                                                                     PAGE
Introduction                                                                      1
Workshop Chronological List                                                      3-7
Advanced Care Planning Workshop                                                   8
Advanced Cardio-Respiratory Workshop                                             9-10
Advanced CVAD Workshop                                                           11
Blood SPOT (Short Programme of Transfusion) – Study Day                          12
Cardio Respiratory Workshop                                                     13-14
Combined Fisher and Paykel and ResMed Study Day – NIV hands on                   15
Cultural Competencies Work Shop 2                                                16
CVAD Workshop                                                                    17
Deteriorating Patient Workshop                                                   18
Evac Chair                                                                       19
Health of the Older Person Study Day                                             20
Immediate Life Support Practical                                                 21
Immediate Life Support Instructor Workshop                                       22
Kā Huruhuru Kea- Person-Centred Care and Understanding Behaviour                 23
Male Catheterisation Course                                                      24
Mandatory Training Programme                                                     25
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day                                                   26
Newborn Life Support Course                                                      27
NZRC CORE Advanced Rescuer Course                                               28-29
PDRP Dates for 2020                                                              30
PDRP Assessor Education Workshop (District)                                      31
PDRP Portfolio Workshop – “Getting it right the first time”                      32
Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training (PROMPT)                         33
Queen Mary Mandatory Training Day                                                34
Stroke Study Day                                                                 35
Telemetry Training                                                               36
Tikaka and Kawa, Tiriti o Waitangi Workshop 1                                    37
Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT and Compression Competency)                     38-39
Wound Care Implications and Treatments Study Day                                 40

                         “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
WORKSHOP TOPIC               DATE                  WORKSHOP TOPIC                           DATE

Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 23rd            NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course       Thurs 16th +
                                                                                                    Thurs 30th *
New Born Life Support (NZRC)         Weds 29th


Cardio-Respiratory Workshop          Tues 25th             PDRP Drop In Session                     Tue 25th

Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 18th             PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago      Weds 5th, Mon
                                                                                                    10th + Thurs 13th
Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 5th + Weds       Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional   Fri 28th
                                     12th                  Training (PROMPT)
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day       Fri 14th              Wound Care Implications and              Mon 10th
(2019 Catch-up day)                                        Treatments
New Born Life Support (NZRC)         Weds 26th

NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer          Thurs 13th + 27th *

Blood SPOT                           Weds 17th             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course       Thurs 12th

Deteriorating Patient Workshop       Thurs 19th            PDRP Portfolio Workshop – ‘Making it     Weds 11th
Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 10th             PDRP Drop In Session                     Weds 25th

Kā Huruhuru Kea: Patient-centred     Thurs 12th            PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago      Thurs 5th
care and understanding behaviour
Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 4th + Weds       Telemetry Training                       Tues 31st
Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 26th            Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT          Mon 9th
                                                           and Compression Competency)
New Born Life Support (NZRC)         Weds 25th


Advanced Cardio-Respiratory          Tues 7th              PDRP Assessor Workshop (DISTRICT)        Mon 2nd
Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 1st + Weds       PDRP Drop In Session                     Weds 30th
Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 23rd + Thurs    Queen Mary Mandatory Training            Fri 3rd
                                     30th                  Workshop
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day       Fri 24th              Wound Care Implications and              Mon 13th
NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer          Thurs 2nd + Thurs
Course                               30th *

                         “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”

Cardio-Respiratory Workshop             Tues 5th             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course    Thurs 21st

Immediate Life Support Practical        Tues 5th             PDRP Drop In Session                  Wed
Kā Huruhuru Kea: Patient-centred        Thurs 28th           PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago   Tue 5th,
care and understanding behaviour                                                                   Thu 7th +
                                                                                                   Tue 12th
Mandatory Training Programme            Weds 13th + Weds     Queen Mary Mandatory Training         Fri 15th
                                        27th                 Workshop
Male Catheterisation Course             Thurs 28th           Queen Mary Mandatory Training         Tues 19th
                                                             Workshop (Alexandra)
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day           Fri 1st             Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT       Mon 11th
                                                             and Compression Competency)
New Born Life Support (NZRC)            Weds 27th


Deteriorating Patient Workshop          Thurs 11th           PDRP Drop In Session                  Tue 30th

Immediate Life Support Practical        Tues 9th             PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago   Mon 8th

Mandatory Training Programme            Weds 10th + Weds     Queen Mary Mandatory Training
                                                                                                   Fri 12th
                                        24th                 Workshop
Male Catheterisation Course             Thurs 18th           Stroke Day                            Fri 5th

Midwifery Emergency Skills Day          Fri 5th              Telemetry Training                    Tues 9th

NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer             Thurs 4th + 18th     Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT
                                                                                                   Mon 8th
Course                                                       and Compression Competency)

Immediate Life Support Practical        Tues 7th             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course    Thurs 16th + 30th

Mandatory Training Programme            Weds 8th + Weds      PDRP Drop In Session
                                                                                                   Thurs 30th
Male Catheterisation Course             Thurs 9th + 23rd     Queen Mary Mandatory Training
                                                                                                   Fri 17th
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day                               Wound Care Implications and
                                        Fri 3rd + Fri 31st                                         Mon 13th
New Born Life Support (NZRC)            Weds 22nd


Cardio-Respiratory Workshop             Tues 4th             New Born Life Support (NZRC)          Thurs 27th
Deteriorating Patient Workshop          Thurs 20th           NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course    Thurs 13th * +
                                                                                                   Thurs 27th
                                   “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 4th             PDRP Drop In Session                     Tue 25th

Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 5th + 19th      PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago      Weds 5th + Mon
Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 6th            Queen Mary Mandatory Training            Fri 7th

Combined Fisher and Paykel and       Tues 22nd            Midwifery Emergency Skills Day           Thurs Sept 3rd
ResMed Study Day – NIV hands on
Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 8th             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course       Thurs Sep 10th +
                                                                                                   Sep 24th

Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 2nd + Weds      PDRP Drop In Session                     Tue 29th

Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 10th + Thurs   Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional   Fri 25th
                                     24th                 Training (PROMPT)


Advanced Cardio-Respiratory          Tues 6th             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course       Thurs 8th * +
Workshops                                                                                          Thurs 22nd
Blood SPOT                           Weds 7th             PDRP Portfolio Workshop – ‘Making it     Thurs 15th
Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 13th            PDRP Drop In Session                     Tue 27th

Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 14th            PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago      Tues 13th

Male Catheterisation Course          Thurs 15th           Queen Mary Mandatory Training            Fri 23rd
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day       Fri 9th              Telemetry Training                       Tues 27th

New Born Life Support (NZRC)         Weds 28th            Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT          Mon 5th
                                                          and Compression Competency)

Cardio-Respiratory Workshop          Tues 3rd             Midwifery Emergency Skills Day           Fri Nov 27th
Deteriorating Patient Workshop       Thurs 19th           New Born Life Support (NZRC)             Weds 11th

Immediate Life Support Practical     Tues 3rd             NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course       Thurs 12th * +
Kā Huruhuru Kea: Patient-centred     Thurs 12th           PDRP Portfolio Assessment Day Otago      Weds 4th, Mon
care and understanding behaviour                                                                   9th, Thu 12th +
                                                                                                   Tue 17th
Mandatory Training Programme         Weds 11th + Weds     Queen Mary Mandatory Training            Fri 13th
                                     25th                 Workshop

                         “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
Male Catheterisation Course             Thurs 5th          Wound Care Competency Day (NPWT      Mon 9th
                                                           and Compression Competency)
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day           Fri Nov 6th


Immediate Life Support Practical        Tues 8th           New Born Life Support (NZRC)         Weds 9th

Mandatory Training Programme            Weds 9th           NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course   Thurs 10th

Male Catheterisation Course             Thurs 10th         Queen Mary Mandatory Training        Fri 11th
Midwifery Emergency Skills Day           Fri Dec 4th       Wound Care Implications and          Mon 14th

                                   “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
Advance Care Planning (ACP): Level 1A One Day Workshops

 Desired Learning Outcomes:
        an in depth understanding of ACP and the legal framework, and how to use it
        the ability to take part in uncomplicated ACP conversations
     the ability to capture a patient’s voice through conversations and documentation
Workshop Content:
        sharing experiences of ACP
        clarifying legal framework
        case discussions
        practicing and documenting ACP conversations
        ACP in practice

             Dates                18th February 2020
                                  4th November 2020
                                  WellSouth Cargill House
             Venue                333 Princes Street
             Start Time &
             Duration             08:30 – 15:30

             Additional           Course pre-requisite: ACP e-learning needs to be completed before
             Information          attending the workshop. https://acp.elearning.ac.nz

             Target Audience      This course is available to all Registered Health Care Professionals

             Facilitator          Helen Sawyer (CNS, Palliative Care, SDHB)
                                  Viv Williams (Care Plan Coordinator, WellSouth)
             Bookings                    Please complete the application process by registering at
                                             Information regarding venues/times on this link

                            “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
Advanced Cardio-Respiratory Workshop

Aims / Purpose:
The aim of this workshop is to provide Nurses’ with advanced knowledge in Cardiology and Respiratory Nursing.
The workshop is divided into two 3 and a half hour sessions.
The Cardiology workshop is in the morning and a Respiratory workshop in the afternoon.

Desired Learning Outcomes:
The Cardiology workshop will provide more advanced skills and builds on top of the Cardio-Respiratory Workshops.
Cardiogenic shock, temporary and permanent pacing, cardiac catheterisation and intra-aortic balloon pumps will be
discussed along with more advanced cardiac anatomy and physiology.

The Respiratory afternoon session will discuss spirometry, blood gas interpretation, management of breathlessness,
palliation and case studies.


ECG Workshop                                                Respiratory Workshop
   - Advanced cardiac anatomy and physiology.                  - Non-invasive ventilation (minimal).
   - Understanding cardiogenic shock.                          - Spirometry.
   - Temporary and permanent pace making.                      - Blood gas interpretation.
   - Cardiac catheterisation, intra-aortic balloon             - Management of breathlessness/palliation
      pumps.                                                   - Case Studies

Day                                     Dates                                    Venue

Tuesday                                 7th April 2020                           Fraser Room A
Tuesday                                 6th October 2020                         Fraser Room A

                                        Nurses and Allied Health.
Target Audience
                                        Hospital and community based health professionals.

Start time & Duration                   08:45 hours – 8 hours

Facilitator                             Jo Robertson-Smith – Cardiology Workshop
                                        Debbie Hannah – Respiratory Workshop
Additional Information                  Participants are welcome to attend the full workshop or just the morning or
                                        afternoon session.
                                        Please make this clear when enrolling.

                               “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
Bookings                Employee Connect

                                            Jo Robertson-Smith – internal 58436 or
                        Name & Phone
                                            Debbie Hannah

           “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Advanced CVAD Workshop

Desired Learning Outcomes: Registered nurses will develop skills in problem solving CVAD complications in order to
restore functionality of the device. Registered nurses to become competent in accessing and de-accessing ports.

 Evidence of Level Two CVAD competency is a pre-requisite for this workshop.

 Content Description:   Revision of vein anatomy & physiology
                                Indications for CVAD
                                Complications & troubleshooting
                                Restoring patency of CVAD by using Alteplase
                                Port accessing and de-accessing
                                Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT)

 Day                     Date                                Venue


 Target Audience         Registered Nurses

 Start    Time     and 09:00 – 1630hrs

 Attendee Limit          12

 Facilitator             Ellen Jones & Derek Smith

 Additional              Reading material handed out on the day

 Cost                    No charge
                                             Ellen Jones (IV CNS) 0272255032

                                             Set up on Employee Connect as ‘Advanced CVAD workshop’

                                 “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Blood SPOT (Short Programme of Transfusion) – Study Days

Desired Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the study day participants will:
     • Have gained an appreciation of the vein to vein nature of blood transfusion

      • Understand the appropriate and safe use of blood products

      • Have gained ‘blood’ translation skills to improve the transfusion experience for recipients

Content Description:

This study day aims to provide participants with an opportunity to learn and question the application and significance
of blood transfusion in current practice. Topics covered include pathophysiology of blood, anaemia, blood safety,
haemovigilance, serology testing, haemostasis, warfarin and NOAC reversal, massive transfusion and fractionated
blood products.

        Day                   Date                     Venue

        Wednesday             17th March 2020          Octagonal Room, First Floor, Dunedin Hospital

        Wednesday             7th October 2020         Octagonal Room, First Floor, Dunedin Hospital

                              Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Registered Anaesthetic Technicians
        Target Audience
                              and Enrolled Nurses

        Start Time and
                              0830 – 16:30 (7.5 hrs)

        Attendee Limit        20 maximum

        Facilitator           Suzi Rishworth, NZ Blood Service (Dunedin Hospital)

        Cost                  No charge

                                                 Suzi Rishworth
                              Register via       Ext 59368 or DDI 03 470 9368 or 0275 577 534 e-mail:
                              email only         suzi.rishworth@nzblood.co.nz

                          “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Cardio-Respiratory Workshop

Aims / Purpose:
The aim of this workshop is to improve Nurses’ fundamental Cardiology and Respiratory knowledge.
The workshop is divided into two 3 and a half hour sessions.
The Cardiology workshop is in the morning and a Respiratory workshop in the afternoon.

Desired Learning Outcomes:
The ECG workshop will provide an introduction to a number of areas: achieving a good quality 12 lead ECG recording,
understanding the conduction cycle (a basic understanding of cardiac anatomy and physiology is assumed), and the difference in
ischaemia and infarction with basic ECG recognition.
By the end of the respiratory afternoon session nurses will appreciate the importance of thorough respiratory assessment and
underrated the difference between asthmas and COPD and have gained an awareness of the fundamentals of disease
management and the role of inhaled therapies.


ECG Workshop                                                     Respiratory Workshop
    - Taking a 12 lead ECG and trouble shooting.                     - Respiratory assessment.
    - Understanding the electrical cardiac cycle and ECG             - Basic asthma and COPD pathophysiology.
    - Rhythm recognition (e.g. sinus rhythm, ectopic heart           - Fundamentals of disease management.
       beats, basic heart block and AF).                             - Practice in inhaler use.
    - Infarction and ischaemia on ECG.

Day                           Dates                            Venue

Tuesday                       25th Feb 2020                    Fraser Room A
Tuesday                       5th May 2020                     Fraser Room A
Tuesday                       4th Aug 2020                     Fraser Room A
Tuesday                       3rd Nov 2020                     Fraser Room A

Target Audience
                              Registered and Enrolled Nurses.
                              Hospital and community based health professionals.

Start time & Duration         08:30 hours

Facilitator                   Jo Robertson-Smith – Cardiology Workshop
                              Debbie Hannah – Respiratory Workshop

Additional Information        Participants are welcome to attend the full workshop or just the
                              morning or afternoon session.
                              Please make this clear when enrolling.

Bookings                      Employee

                                  “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Jo Robertson-Smith – internal 58436 or
  Name & Phone
                 Debbie Hannah

“Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Combined Fisher and Paykel and ResMed Study Day – NIV hands on

Aims / Purpose:
A respiratory study day for Nurses who work with ResMed Stellar 150 BiPAP and other Fisher & Paykel respiratory
products such as Airvo and CPAP humidified bases. Theory is presented and there will be hands on practical sessions
after some theory in the morning.

Desired Learning Outcomes:

   -   Participant will be aware of the reason for using different respiratory devices and understand its benefits and
   -   Become familiar with the devices and utilising different settings.
       The afternoon incudes lengthy hands on with the ResMed Stellar 150 BiPAP device.
   -   Understand the respiratory system and assessment
   -   Understand humidity and its role in the respiratory tract.
   -   Understand the physiology of oxygen and pressure delivery in detail.

           Day                             Dates                         Venue

           Tuesday                         22nd Sept 2020                Fraser Room A

                                           Nurses and Allied Health.
           Target Audience
                                           Hospital based health professionals.

           Start time & Duration           08:45 hours – 8 hours

           Facilitator                     Jo Robertson-Smith

           Additional Information

           Bookings                        Employee

                                           Name &           Jo Robertson-Smith – internal 58436 or
                                           Phone                                      0275910959
                                           Email            Joanne.robertson@southerndhb.govt.nz

                                “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Cultural Competency Workshop 2

Desired Learning Outcomes:
   • Understand the difference between ‘Cultural Safety’ and ‘Cultural Competency’
               - Participants are able to show their practice reflects Tikaķa best practice guidelines
               - Can articulate where in their practice this frame work fits;

Content Description:
      •   Review of the Treaty of Waitangi and Māori cultural values and beliefs from works shop 1
                 -   Increase knowledge of cultural safety (competences 1.2 &1.5) and cultural competency within the
                     heath workforce including principals of the treaty of Waitangi- partnership, protection, and
                 -   To increase knowledge and understanding of Tikaķa Best Practice Guidelines, polices and the role
                     this has within practice through an ‘equity health care Māori health framework’

Day                          Date                                      Venue

                             13th Māehe (March)                        Fraser B
                             8th Mei (May)                             Fraser B
                             17th Takurua (July)                       Fraser B
                             11th Hepetema (September)                 Fraser B
                             20th Noema (November)                     Fraser B

                                                                       PDU 1st Floor Fraser Building

Target Audience              All Registered and Non Registered staff. Inclusive of PHO and NGO.

Start Time and Duration      09:00 to 16:00 (7hrs)

Attendee Limit               12 person min. 20 person maximum.

Facilitator                  Graeme Thompson Service Manager Māori Health Directorate Otago

                             Placement available for non-Southern DHB staff on application to facilitator. Southern DHB
Additional Information
                             staff will have priority. Tea and Coffee provided.

Bookings                     Otago                   SDHB employees – please book via Employee Connect or contact your
                                                     manager or educator who will book you
                                                     Non SDHB employees please contact
                                                     Graeme Thompson, ext. 55553 or DDI 03 4769553, or
                                                     e-mail graeme.thompson@southerndhb.govt.nz

                          “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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CVAD Workshop
Desired Learning Outcomes: Registered Nurses will be introduced to evidence based theory and best practice guidelines
when caring for the patient with any type of CVAD device in-situ.

Content Description:     Vein anatomy & physiology
                                Types & indications for CVAD
                                CVAD insertion techniques
                                CVAD maintenance
                                Blood sampling and blood cultures
                                Complications and troubleshooting
                                CVAD removal
                                Practical demonstrations throughout the day

      Day                      Date                                  Venue

                                TBC                                  TBC

      Target Audience          Registered Nurses

      Start    Time      and 0830 – 1630hrs

                               35 (Southern DHB)
      Attendee Limit
                               15 (Otago Trust Hospitals/External Services)

      Facilitator              Ellen Jones

      Additional               Reading material handed out on the day

      Cost                     No charge

                                                   Ellen Jones (IV CNS) 0272255032
      Bookings                 Otago

                                                   Set up on Employee Connect as ‘CVAD workshop’

                                 “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Deteriorating Patient Workshop

Aims / Purpose:
“Learning meets experience”
This study day has been designed to increase your confidence around the core elements of early detection and
management of those who are at risk of deteriorating, or who are deteriorating. Elements such as physical
assessment, ISBAR and Early Warning Score. These tools will assist to hone your skills and explore how to apply them
in situations where your patient’s need you to aim for optimal outcomes.

Desired Learning Outcomes:

   -   Recognise importance of early detection of deterioration in patients
   -   Advancing clinical judgement using standardised clinical tools and assessment
   -   Understand the importance of vital signs
   -   Know what is normal for the individual patient and therefore what is abnormal for that patient


               -   Case scenario presentation
               -   Discussion: why patients deteriorate
               -   EWS/ISBAR – escalation skills
               -   Skill stations
               -   Reflection and application

            Day               Dates                               Venue

            Thursdays         19th March                          Fraser Room A or B/ Skills lab
                              11th June
                              20th August
                              19th November
                              Registered Nurses, proficient or expert in practice.

            Start time        08:00hours

            Facilitator and    Bronwyn McGuire

                              DDI: 03 4709671
            Bookings          Via Employee Connect

                         “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Evac Chair Training
Desired Learning Outcomes:
Participant will be aware of the reason for use and understand its benefits and limitations
Be aware of the Evac Chairs location within Dunedin Hospital

Review Dunedin Hospital’s evacuation plans, fire exits and meeting points
Become familiar with the technique to use the Evac Chair.
Complete documentation related to attendance and participation certificate
‘Train the trainer’ certified participants will be able to train people in their own areas.

Aims/Purpose: To provide structured training in the use of the Evac Chair in the evacuation of disabled and mobility
impaired persons from the Dunedin Hospital.
Sessions require 2-3 people to attend only.
Can be ‘Train the trainer’ (90 minutes) or sessions for trainees (60 minutes).

            Dates                  Generallly Thursday 12-1pm, but in negotiation with Jo (Trainer)

            Venue                  West Stairwell – Starting on the 7th Floor

            Start Time &           One Hour (trainee) 90Minutes (train the trainer)

            Facilitator            Jo Robertson-Smith

            Bookings               Jo Robertson-Smith, Clinical Nurse Educator 7th Floor
                                   phone: 58436 or 0275910959

                                  “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Health of the Older Person Study Day
Desired Learning Outcomes:
     To improve knowledge and skills in caring for the older person
     To discuss current issues and exchange ideas in caring for the older person

Workshop Content:
     TBC- sessions will be relevant and current in regards to caring for the older person
     Sessions will be delivered by a variety of health professionals who specialise in care of the older person (Gerontologists,
       NPs, CNS etc).

           Dates                  TBC

           Venue                  TBC

           Start Time &           0830-1630hrs


           Target Audience        Health professionals working across a variety of settings who care for older

           Facilitator            Kate Frame CNE
                                  027 836 7136

           Bookings               Please book via Employee Connect or contact your manager or educator who
                                  will book you in

                          “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Immediate Life Support Practical

Desired Learning Outcomes:
Yearly update to ensure our staff are prepared for cardiac arrest and choking.

Workshop Content:
     Immediate life support for adult, child and infant.
     Choking algorithm for adult, child and infant.

       Day                   Date

       Tuesdays              18th Feb
                             10th Mar
                             5th May
                             9th June
                             7th July
                             4th August
                             8th September
                             13th October
                             3rd November
                             8th December

       Venue                 Skills Lab, Fraser Building or Fraser D (check your email)

       Target Audience       All staff who does not have an SDHB Approved Instructor/Assessor in their
                             area of work

       Start Time and        10:00 – 11:30

       Attendee Limit        Min 5

                             Max 12

       Facilitator           Resuscitation Coordinator- Bronwyn McGuire

       Additional            Complete the appropriate Quiz before attending. You can access this from
       Information           Employee Connect.

                               “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Immediate Life Support Instructor Workshop

Desired Learning Outcomes:
The Workshop is designed to create approved Immediate Life Support Assessor / Instructors which will enable local
practical CPR updating and revalidation for staff in individual areas – promoting high quality Immediate Life Support
and maintaining that quality to a consistent standard across the district with support from the Resuscitation

Workshop Content:
•   Resuscitation theory and ANZCOR guidelines

•   Practical skills and assessment of Immediate Life Support practices

•   Critiquing and teaching and assessing strategies

•   Networking and resources

    Dates                   Tues 11th Feb, Tues 12th May, Tues 11th August

    Venue                   Fraser Room A or D, 1st Floor Fraser Building (Check your email)

    Start Time &            09:00-15:00

    Additional                  • Email with pre-reading and resources sent to enrolled participants one
    Information                 week prior to workshop. A resource folder is given on the day
                                •   Maximum attendance – 8
                                • Resuscitation information and resources for Immediate Life Support
                                Assessor / Instructors can be found on the PDU SharePoint site via the SDHB
                                Pulse Homepage with additional and resource information available via
                                • Refresher for this 3 yearly.
    Target Audience
                            This workshop is not limited to health professionals. Anyone keen to enhance
                            and maintain Immediate Life Support practices in their area can choose to be an
                            approved Assessor / Instructor; registered nurses, registered midwives, allied
                            health personnel, administrators, health care assistants, etc.

    Facilitator             Resuscitation Coordinator

    Bookings                Enrol via Employee Connect or contact the Resuscitation Coordinator Bronwyn
                            McGuire: bronwyn.mcguire@southerndhb.govt.nz
                            A reminder email is sent to enrolled participants three days prior to workshop.

                        “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Kā Huruhuru Kea: Patient-centred care and understanding behaviour

Aims / Purpose:
To provide participants with the core knowledge and practical skills in protecting oneself and others when faced with
an unexpected client response, confrontation, personal threat or other crisis situation (Nursing council competency

Desired Learning Outcomes:
          Clear knowledge of Delirium (acute confusional state) vs Neurocognitive Disorder (e.g. Alzheimers’ disease or
           traumatic brain injury)
          Have a clear understanding of the ABC framework to identify the triggers which supersede undesirable
          Apply the TA-DA approach
          Improve communication skills by understanding the effect that body language and your communication style
           plays in de-escalation
          Building self-awareness and building resiliency

          Person-centred care
          How to de-escalate an unexpected client or family/ whanau response
          How to assess for delirium
          Enablers and restraint
          How to document
          Keeping ourselves safe
          Resilience and burnout

              Day                             Dates 2019                    Venue

              Thursday                        March 19th                    Helensburgh House, Ground
                                              June 18th                     Floor meeting room, Wakari
                                              November 12th                 Hospital

              Target Audience                 Southern DHB staff working in all clinical areas- max 20

              Start time & Duration           0830-0430hrs

              Facilitator                     Helen Paton- Clinical Psychologist

              Additional Information           Workbook handed out on the day

              Bookings                        Employee

                                              Name & Phone        Kate Frame CNE

                                              Email               katherine.Frame@southerndhb.govt.nz

                                   “Te Mahi Ngatahi O Akoranga – The Partnership of Learning”
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Male Catheterisation Course

Desired Learning Outcomes:
Standardisation of care for the safe insertion (procedure) of urinary catheters in males, incorporating Best Practice.
Safe and consistent care of those with a urinary catheter

Content Description:
Pre-reading and Workbook:
    1. Catheter Care (I hour education). Also suitable for ENs.
    2. Male Urethral Catheterisation. (2 hours and the 2 hour practical).

           Day                   Date                                    Venue

           Thursday              23 January          23 July             Student area next to Skills lab,
           afternoons            26 March            6 August            2nd floor Fraser Building, DPH
                                 23 April            10 September
                                 30 April            24 September
                                 28 May              15 October
                                 18 June             5 November
                                 9 July              10 December

           Target Audience       RNs (preferably PDRP Level 3+), Doctors and Medical Students.
                                 Otago Area
           Start Time and        13:00-15:00 for the practical session

           Attendee Limit        6 max

           Facilitator           Allison Lang

           Additional            Bookings Essential. Pre-reading/workbooks will be sent out for
           Information           completion prior to the practical session.

           Cost                  No charge

           Bookings              Essential, to book contact:
                                 Allison Lang, Urology CNS, Dunedin Hospital. Ext 58917

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Mandatory Training Programme

Desired Learning Outcomes:
Participants will fulfil annual and triannual organisational and legislative requirements related to key educational
topics. The programme consists of 3 Hours of Face to Face presentations and an additional 5 hours of On-line learning.
An outline of the frequency of these programmes can be found on the Otago PDU SharePoint Site.

Face to Face training:
Organisational Values, Maori Health Update, Violence Intervention Programme, Infection Prevention and Control, and
Occupational Health and Safety.

Self-directed learning (HealthLearn) and on-line quizzes (Employee Connect):
Health Information and Privacy, Consent, Falls Prevention, Lippincott, Restraint Minimisation and Safe Practice, Early
Warning Score, Health & Disability Consumer Rights, Manual handling, and Clinical calculations (if applicable)

        Day                         Date                                         Venue

        Wednesdays                  5th February            22nd July            Fraser Room A,
                                    19th February           5th August           Practice Development Unit.
                                    4th March               19th August          1st Floor Fraser Building,
                                    18th March              2nd September        Dunedin Public Hospital.
                                    1st April               16th September
                                    29th April              30th September
                                    13th May                14th October
                                    27th May                11th November
                                    10th June                25th November
                                    24th June                9th December
                                    8th July
        Target Audience             Clinical & Non–Clinical Staff

                                    Face to Face Session: 12:30 – 17:00
        Start Time and Duration     Online Modules: 13:00 – 15:30

                                    Bronwyn McGuire – Mandatory Training Coordinator
        Contact Person              Bronwyn.mcguire@southerndhb.govt.nz

                                    Tea and coffee available
                                    Attendees will receive a confirmation email at enrolment as well as an
        Additional Information      email reminder 1week prior to attending the day
                                    Additional handouts will be given on the day

        Bookings                    Employee Connect

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Midwifery Emergency Skills Day
Desired Learning Outcomes:
Core and LMC Midwives will be updated and upskilled in Obstetric emergencies
Core and LMC Midwives will feel confident and competent when attending Obstetric emergencies

Workshop Content for 2020:
Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH), Shoulder dystocia, Breech, Pre-Eclampsia
PM – CPR including Maternal Collapse, and 2hr new born resuscitation update

             Dates                          Friday February 14th – catch up for 2019 Emergency Days Alexandra
                                                                      Friday - April 24th
                                                                       Friday - May 1st
                                                                       Friday - June 5th
                                                                       Friday - July 3rd
                                                                       Friday - July 31st
                                                                 Thursday – September3rd
                                                                    Friday – October 9th
                                                                   Friday - November 6th
                                                           Friday – November 27th - Alexandra
                                                                   Friday – December 4th
                                                                     Quennell Room
             Venue                                                      2nd Floor
                                                                  Dunedin Public Hospital
          Start Time &                                                    08:30-4:30
     Additional Information                        A email will be sent out to participants a month prior so
                                   Pre - Reading and CPR Quiz can be either picked up or sent out as requested beforehand

         Attendee Limit                                  6 participants to 1 facilitator – 12 maximum

        Target Audience                                         Midwives both Core & LMC

           Facilitator                               Wendy Munro – Midwifery Educator and Assistant

            Bookings                                                 Wendy Munro
                                                                   Midwifery Educator
                                                                    Extension 58736

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New Born Life Support Full Day Workshop (NZRC)
Desired Learning Outcomes:
That the participant can demonstrate effective airway management of the neonate, and can effectively demonstrate
ventilations and chest compressions.
Workshop Content: Pre and Post course Quiz, pre – reading, 3 power points covering Physiology, Resuscitation at
birth, and Special cases. Discussion.
Resuscitation Skills covering the algorithm sequence, Airway skills, Bag & mask ventilation. Practice with scenarios
putting it all together.
Practical Assessment

Dates                     Wednesday - 29th January
                          Wednesday - 26th February
                          Wednesday - 25th March
                          Wednesday - 27th May
                          Wednesday – 22nd July
                          Thursday – August 27th Alexandra
                          Wednesday - 28th October
                          Wednesday – 11th November
                          Wednesday - 9th December
                          Wednesday - 27th January 2021
                          Quennell Room
Venue                     2nd floor
                          Main ward block
Start Time &              08:30 – 4:15
Additional Information Our administrator will email out to participants the time table for the day, a pre course quiz
                       and a link to the NZRC website for pre reading:
Target Audience           LMC Midwives, Core midwives, NICU nurses, Medical teams working with newborns
Rotational Facilitators   Wendy Munro, Lynette Will, Mel Rackham, Liza Edmonds, Mary Fahey, Juliet Manning,
                          Yvonne Mosley Martin, Kylie Fraser
Attendee Limit            6 Participants to 1 facilitator – 12 maximum – 6 minimum
Bookings                  Adri Pieterse Administrator in NICU

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NZRC CORE: Advanced Rescuer Course 2020

Aims / Purpose:
Registered participants will learn and demonstrate resuscitation-related clinical and non-clinical skills at the “Advanced” level
required to be certified by the New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC)

Desired Learning Outcomes:
To be certified to the level of “Advanced Rescuer” at the standard required by the New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC)

     Skill Station learning, practice and testing:
            o Adult, child and infant collapse
            o AED management in an emergency
            o Manual defibrillation and cardiac rhythm recognition
            o Airway management
            o Basic trauma management

         Knowledge Quiz: 25 questions multiple choice. 80% required for pass
         Scenarios: group work focussing on effective communication and team work in emergencies

Day                               Dates                           Venue

Thursdays                         Jan 16* Jan     July 16         The Otago Clinical Skills Laboratories, Fraser Building, Floor
                                  30              July 30         2
                                  Feb 13          Aug 13*
                                  Feb 27*         Aug 27
                                  March 12                        *indicates the course has a minimum of 10 Trainee Interns
                                                  Sep 10
                                  April 2*                        already registered for the course
                                                  Sep 24
                                  April 30        Oct 8*
                                  May 21*         Oct 22
                                  June 4          Nov 12*
                                  June 18         Nov 26
                                  July 2*         Dec 10
                                  Doctors, Registered Nurses and Registered Anaesthetic Technicians working in
Target Audience
                                  acute areas inside or outside of the hospital – participants from outside the Dunedin
                                  Hospital (Southern DHB) will incur a fee for the course – Dunedin Hospital staff in
                                  acute areas and College requirements take priority over all other applicants –
                                  including external participants
Start time & Duration             This is an 8 hour course
                                  START: 0800 (participants must be registered and seated before the start time)
                                  FINISH: 1600 (approximately)
Facilitator                       Paul Medeiros, OCSL Operations Coordinator

Additional Information            These officially NZRC accredited courses get fully booked up at least 6 months in
                                  advance – book well in advance to avoid disappointment – short notice requests for
                                  enrolment are rarely actioned. We will accommodate requests as we are able.
                                  Acute hospital area staff take priority when enrolments are requested and booked

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Once successfully registered, the participant will be sent an official registration
           confirmation and then a further email with detailed course information 3-4 weeks
           prior to the course.
           The course follows a strict cancellation and DNA policy:
                  Registered participants cancelling within the minimum 3 weeks of the
                   course (as required by the NZRC) may not be able to be re-registered for
                   another course for a minimum of 6 months
                  Registered participants that do not arrive (DNA) as scheduled may not be
                   able to be re-registered for another course for a minimum of 12 months
           All cancellations and DNAs are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
           Any individuals arriving to the course that have not been formally registered will not
           be accepted.
           Registered participants cannot pass their registration to someone else. If a
           registrant cannot attend a registered course they should email the course
           coordinator immediately to allow the standby system to be utilised if appropriate.
           Local participants may be loaned a NZRC Advanced Rescuer manual for the course
           by the OCSL. If not local, access to the resource manual is essential to enable the
           course to be completed
           “External” participants must complete the required fee transaction prior to course
           All participants must have a good ground-level understanding of resuscitation and
           be at least certified to the level of “Basic or Immediate Rescuer” to be enroled onto
           the course.

Bookings                    Course enrolment requests are made through the OCSL Operations
                            Coordinator. Requests are accepted through the requesting
                            department Manager or Educator only - unless an external applicant.
                            There is a maximum of 14 participants per course – this will not be
           Employee         exceeded
           Connect          Of the 22 planned courses, 8 are dedicated to Trainee Interns as part
           (SDHB            of the Critical Care Module (indicated by *). A maximum of 4
           participants)    additional participants can be enroled onto the Trainee Intern courses
                            SDHB Hospital employee participants:
                            12 hours is recorded for successful completion of this course.
                                   8 hours: for the course itself
                                   4 hours: for pre-reading
           Name             Paul Medeiros

                            Southern DHB: paul.medeiros@southerndhb.govt.nz

                            University of Otago:Paul.medeiros@otago.ac.nz

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2020 - PDRP Portfolio Submission
1 February                                               Otago portfolio submissions to:
                                                         Richelle Fogarty (PDRP Coordinators)
1 March
                                                         PDRP Coordinator
1 May                                                    Practice Development Unit
                                                         1st Floor Fraser Building
1 June
                                                         Dunedin Hospital
1 August
1 October
1 November
Otago Portfolio Assessment Days: 2019                    Portfolios can be assessed on Otago or Southland sites
Venue: Room D                                            dependant on assessor availability
Fraser Building
Dunedin Hospital

Otago site Assessor dates booked
February -5th 10th and 13th
March - 5th
May – 5th 7th and 12th
June – 8th
August – 5th and 10th
October – 13th
November – 4th 9th 12th and 17th
Otago PDRP Drop-in Sessions: 2pm – 4pm                   Bookings are not required for drop in sessions, simply turn
Room D                                                   up with your questions any time between 2 and 4pm
Fraser Building
Dunedin Hospital

February 25th                                            July 30th
March 25th                                               August 25th
April 30th                                               September 29th
May 27th                                                 October 27th
June 30th

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PDRP Assessor Workshop (District)

Course Overview:
This workshop aims to provide the PDRP Assessor with knowledge and practical
simulation that encompasses PDRP regional documentation, issues and concerns
around assessments, what quality evidence is, how to determine if appraisals
and self-assessments meet requirements,
and provide cultural education.

Desired Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the workshop participants will:

        •   Understand regional and district documentation and processes
        •   Understand the requirements of quality initiatives and quality evidence
        •   Be able to determine if an appraisal/senior nurse/peer or self-assessment meets programme
        •   Be confident in Treaty of Waitangi and Cultural Safety evidence in relation to PDRP
        •   Undertake assessment and moderation exercises in a confident and competent manner
        •   Understand the integral improvement processes within PDRP - including moderation.

 Date                                                            Venue
                                                                 Seminar B
 Monday, 2 April 2020                                            Practice Development
                                                                 Learning and Research Centre
                                                                 Southland Hospital

 Target Audience             Limited to PDRP Assessors associated with the Southern DHB PDRP

 Time and Duration           0830 to 1630hrs

 Attendee Limit              30 participants

 Facilitators                Nicola Dowling, Julie Symons, Richelle Fogarty - PDRP Coordinators

                             Annual PDRP Assessor workshop location alternates between Southland and
 Additional                  Otago sites.
 Information                 The 2021 PDRP Assessor workshop will be held in Dunedin.
                             Tea and coffee will be available.

 Cost                        No charge

 Bookings                    SDHB Employees – Please book via Employee Connect
                             Non SDHB Employees – Please contact Julie Gorrie, ext 47920, DDI 03 2148920,
                             or e-mail julie.gorrie@southerndhb.govt.nz

PDRP Portfolio Workshop – ‘Making it easy’

Course Overview:
This workshop aims to provide participants with knowledge regarding
submission requirements for all PDRP levels.

As part of this workshop all participants will have significant time to work
on Self-Assessment, Peer-Assessment and/or appraisal with support from
the PDRP Co-ordinators.

 Desired Learning Outcomes:
 On completion of the workshop participants will:
      Have started their own portfolio
      Understand the requirements for a Competent (Level 2) portfolio
      Understand the requirements for a Proficient (Level 3) and Expert/Accomplished (Level 4) portfolio and what
         constitutes quality evidence for these
      Be able to write self-assessment examples which meet NCNZ and PDRP requirements
      Be able to provide appropriate feedback to peers
     *Additional workshop outcomes can be tailored to participants on the day

 Dates                                                            Venue
                                                                  Practice Development Unit
 Wednesday 11th March 2020                                        Fraser Building Room D for AM and Ground
 Thursday 15th October 2020                                       floor IT room for PM
                                                                  Dunedin Hospital

 Target Audience           Registered and Enrolled Nurses wanting to complete a PDRP portfolio

 Time and Duration         0830 to 1630hrs

 Attendee Limit            5 min - 12 max

 Facilitator               Richelle Fogarty (PDRP Coordinator)

                           You are welcome to bring your own laptop (especially if you are not a SDHB
 Additional                member)
 Information               Load PDRP documents (appraisal / self-assessment and workbook) prior to
                           arrival so you can save them and work on them in the afternoon session.

 Cost                      No charge

 Bookings                  SDHB Employees – Please book via Employee Connect
                           Non SDHB Employees – Please contact Alice Morris ext. 59552,
                           DDI 03 474 59552 or, e-mail alice.morris@southerndhb.govt.nz

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PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training - PROMPT
 Desired Learning Outcomes:
 Understanding the importance of working as a Team in reducing morbidity and mortality for mothers and
 babies. Understanding that teamwork includes excellent clear communication, Leadership and identified
 roles in an emergency, and situational awareness.

Dates               28th February 2020
                    25th September 2020
                    Quennell Room 2nd Floor Main ward Block
                    Ante –Natal Clinic for scenarios
Start Time &        07:45 – 14:30

Additional          Cost involved
Information         $230 for those outside the DHB
                    $130 for those working for the DHB
                    Pre reading Manual included in cost
Target Audience     Multi Professional
                    Medical Staff
                    Anaesthetic Technicians
                    Nurses from all areas
                    St John
Facilitator         Consultant Celia Devenish and a group of Multi Professional Trainers
                    passionate about simulation and PROMPT to improve outcomes and
                    responsiveness to emergency situations
Bookings            Lyn Crosbie – Service Administrator
                    Women’s Health

Queen Mary Mandatory Training Workshop
Desired Learning Outcomes:
Midwives and NICU Nurses will learn about and understand issues they may come across when working with
breastfeeding women. Midwives and NICU nurses will be confident in assisting breastfeeding women to
problem solve these issues.
Midwives and LMC’s will understand the importance of going ‘back to basics’ and the need to refresh on
tasks we do every day.
Workshop Content:
AM: Lactation Consultants presentations around topical issues affecting the breastfeeding population we
PM: Back to Basics for Core & LMC Midwives – Topics yet to be confirmed

      Dates                                        Friday- April 3rd
                                                  Friday - May 15th
                                           Tuesday - May 19th - Alexandra
                                                   Friday – June 12th
                                                    Friday - July 17th
                                                   Friday - August 7th
                                                 Friday - October 23rd
                                                Friday - November 13th
                                                Friday - December 11th
                                                    Quennell Room
      Venue                                           2nd Floor
                                                     Main Hospital
   Start Time &                                      08:00 – 4:30
                                    Reading Material may be handed out on the day
 Target Audience                               Midwives & NICU Nurses
   Facilitators                  AM - Lactation Consultants & PM - Midwifery Educator

    Bookings               Lactation Consultants – lactation.consultants@southerndhb.govt.nz

                        Wendy Munro – Midwifery Educator Wendy.Munro@southerndhb.govt.nz
                                                 Extension 58736

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Stroke Study Day

Desired Learning Outcome:
To improve participants knowledge of stroke and management options, while increasing understanding of
the interdisciplinary team role in the stroke pathway to encourage improved clinical outcomes (in which to
apply to clinical practice).
 Workshop Content: (content subject to change)
     Thrombolysis updates
     Clot retrieval & CT perfusion
     NIHSS screening
     Dysphagia screening
     Stroke Rehab strategy & future implications
     Community stroke perspective

   Dates                5th June 2020

                        Fraser Room B

                        PDU, 1st Floor
                        Fraser Building
   Start Time &         0830 - 1600

   Target Audience
                        Registered Nurses & Enrolled Nurses, Allied Health

   Facilitator          Olivia Deaker – CNE 8med & Viv Wilson – Stroke CNS

   Bookings             Employee connect or contact Olivia Deaker on 0211903977 or

Telemetry Training
Aims / Purpose:
The aim of this 30 minute education session is to provide information on the Phillips IntelliVue
(MX40) telemetry monitoring system used in Dunedin Hospital.
Trouble-shooting will also be discussed.

Desired Learning Outcomes:
           Understanding how telemetry works, monitoring criteria, and when it is not indicated.
           Care and responsibilities of the telemetry monitoring system.
           Skills to trouble shoot.

     Overview of the telemetry monitoring system
     How to set up and use the telemetry monitoring system

    Dates                       Tuesdays: 31st March, 9th June, 27th October

    Venue                       John Hunter Memorial Room 7th Floor (besides public lifts)

    Target Audience
                                Healthcare professionals who work with the telemetry
                                monitoring system in Dunedin Hospital

    Start time & Duration       14:30 – 15:00 (30 minutes).

    Facilitator                 Carolyn Proctor and Jo Robertson-Smith

    Additional Information      If anyone would like telemetry education in their area we are
                                happy to facilitate this.

    Bookings                                    Joanne Robertson-Smith: 58436
                                Name and

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Tikaka and Kawa, Tiriti o Waitangi (Workshop One)

Desired Learning Outcomes:
 • Able to articulate:
          - Partnership, Participation, Protection and how they apply in the practice of health care delivery
          - Working in a culturally safe practice is not defined by health professionals but by the recipients of care
          - Historical, social, economic and political processes that have contributed to the inequalities and
          disparities in Māori health

 Content Description:
 • Treaty of Waitangi and the impact on Māori Health
          - Reducing health inequalities, understanding Maori cultural values and beliefs and the diversity of our
          communities, organisational values
          - Cultural competency in accordance with legalisation
          - Increase knowledge of cultural safety (competences 1.2 &1.5) and cultural competency within the
          heath workforce including principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
          - To increase knowledge and understanding of Tikaka Best Practice Guidelines, polices and the role
          this has within practice through an ‘equity health care Māori health framework’ and Strategic Health

 Day                       Date                                   Venue

                                                                  Fraser B
                           7th Pēpere (February)
                                                                  Fraser B
                           17th Āpereira (April)
 Friday                                                           Fraser B
                           12th Hune (June)
                                                                  Fraser B
                           7th Here o Pipiri (August)
                                                      Fraser B
                           16th Rima o Hieinga-a-nuku
                           (October)                  PDU 1st Floor, Fraser Building

 Target Audience           All Registered and Non Registered staff. Inclusive of PHO and NGO.

 Start Time and             09:00 to 16:00 (7hrs)

 Attendee Limit            12 person min. 20 person maximum.

 Facilitator               Graeme Thompson Service Manager Māori Health Directorate Otago

 Additional                Placement available for non-Southern DHB staff on application to
 Information               facilitator. Southern DHB staff will have priority. Tea and Coffee provided

 Bookings                  Otago               SDHB employees – please book via Employee Connect
                                               Non SDHB employees please contact
                                               Graeme Thompson, ext. 55553 or DDI 03 4769553, or
                                               e-mail graeme.thompson@southerndhb.govt.nz

Wound Care Competency Day 2020 (NPWT and Compression Competency)

Aims / Purpose: This study day is intended for nursing staff (RN and EN) who are required to gain competency in Negative
Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) and Compression Bandaging for practice. Sessions on Pressure Injury Prevention,
Wound Assessment and making the right dressing selection will also be provided.

Desired Learning Outcomes: Those attending this study day will complete the required theory and practice for the
application of NPWT and compression bandaging. Nurses will also extend their skills in comprehensive wound assessment
and responsible decision making regarding dressing choice and how to prevent pressure injury.

1. Negative Pressure wound treatment (NPWT) When? How? and Why?
2. Appropriate use of compression bandaging in the treatment and management of leg ulcers.
3. Prevention of Pressure Injuries
4. Wound Assessment and Choosing the Right Dressing
5. Theoretical and Practical Assessment of competencies for 1 and 2

Day                               Dates                           Venue

Mondays                           9th March                       Fraser Rm B
                                  11th May
                                  8th June
                                  5th October
                                  9th November

Target Audience
                                  RN’s and EN’s who require competency in NPWT and
                                  compression bandaging.

Start time & Duration             0830-1630

Facilitator                       Emil Schmidt/ Andrea Dorne

Additional Information            How to Register and compete preparation prior to day Staff
                                  who work for the SDHB
                                            Contact your Nurse Educator or CNM for approval
                                             and be enrolled on Employee Connect for the
                                             particular day you wish to attend
                                            Log on to MIDAS and access Self-directed Learning
                                             Packages for completion prior to the day:
                                             Compression Bandaging MIDAS 46960 / NPWT
                                             MIDAS 81539
                                            Pre-reading and self-learning packages will also be
                                             sent via work email to participants 2 weeks prior to
                                             the study day.

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Staff not working for the SDHB
                Register with Andrea Dorne, 4th Floor Clinical Nurse
                   Educator, via email
                Self- learning packages with pre-reading
                   requirements sent via email
Bookings   Employee        Set up on Employee Connect as:
           Connect         Wound Care Competency SD
                           (25 attendees max)
           Name        & Emil Schmidt 021 477059
                           Andrea Dorne Ext 58413

           Email           emil.schmidt@southerndhb.govt.nz

Wound Care Implications and Treatments
Aims / Purpose: This study day is intended for nursing staff (RNs and ENs) who undertake wound care as part of their

Desired Learning Outcomes: Nurses will extend their skills in comprehensive wound assessment; responsible decision
making regarding dressing choice; how to prevent skin injury (Pressure Injury, IAD, Skin Tears); and management of a
variety of wounds.

Workshop Content:
   1. Wound Assessment and Choosing the Right Dressing
   2. Wound Debridement
   3. Burns
   4. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy overview
   5. SSKIN Prevention of pressure injuries/IAD prevention
   6. Staging Pressure injury
   7. Leg Ulcers
   8. Skin Tears
   9. Small Group exercises – assessment, staging, right dressing choice
Day                              Dates                           Venue

Mondays                          10th February                   Fraser Rm B
                                 6     April
                                 13th July
                                 14th December

Target Audience                  RNs and ENs

Start time & Duration            0830-1630

Facilitator                      Emil Schmidt/ Kate Frame

Additional Information           How to Register
                                         Contact your Nurse Educator or CNM for approval and be
                                          enrolled on Employee Connect for the particular day you
                                          wish to attend
                                 Staff not working for the SDHB
                                       Register with Kate Frame, ATR Educator
Bookings SDHB Staff              Employee          Set up on Employee Connect as:
                                                   Wound Care Implications & Treatments SD (25
                                                   attendees max)

                                 Name & Phone      Emil Schmidt 021 477059
                                                   Kate Frame 0278367136

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You can also read