Page created by Sheila Long
Program part A. Information

                                    13TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS

                                        OSLO 2022
                       Health economics for sustainable welfare systems

                                                              5-8 July 2022

                                                              Photo: Francesco Saggio/UiO

      Hosted by the Department of Health Management and Health
      Economics (HELED) at the University of Oslo and the Frisch Centre

Overview Schedule
Tuesday 5th July
       08:00-15:00 Registration desk (GSH1.Foy)
       09:00 Pre-conference workshops 1
       12:00 Lunch for pre-conference participants (Frederikke)
       13:00 Pre-conference workshops 2

      16:00-18:30 Registration desk (University of Oslo city centre building Domus Media)
      18:00 Reception (Oslo City Hall)
Wednesday 6th July
      08:00-18:00 Registration desk (GSH1.Foy)
      08:30 Opening and First plenary session (GSH1.Aud1)
      10:00 Break
      10:30 Parallel sessions 1
      12:00 Lunch (Frederikke)
      13:00 Parallel sessions 2
      14:30 Short break
      14:40 Parallel sessions 3
      16:10 Break
      16:40 Parallel sessions 4
      18:20 EuHEA assembly (GSH1.Aud1)
Thursday 7th July
       08:00-18:00 Registration desk (GSH1.Foy)
       08:30 Parallel sessions 5
       10:00 Break
       10:30 Parallel sessions 6
       12:00 Lunch (Frederikke) and Poster session (GSH1.Foy)
       13:00 Second plenary session (GSH1.Aud1)
       14:00 Short break
       14:15 Parallel sessions 7
       15:45 Break
       16:15 Parallel sessions 8
       19:00 EuHEA 2022 evening event (Oslo Opera House)
Friday 8th July
        08:00-16:00 Registration desk (GSH1.Foy)
        09:00 Third plenary session (GSH1.Aud1)
        09:45 Short break
        10:00 Parallel sessions 9
        11:30 Lunch (Frederikke)
        12:30 Parallel sessions 10
        14:00 Short break
        14:15 Closing plenary session (GSH1.Aud1)
        15:35 Light refreshment

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Table of Contents

                                             Overview Schedule 2
                                               Table of content 3
                                                      Sponsors 4
                                                      Welcome 5
                               Local Organizing Committee (LOC) 6
                                                  Support staff 6
                                           Scientific Committee 7
                                       EuHEA board of directors 7
                                                       About us 8
                                            General information 9
                                          Food and beverages 11
                                             Travelling to Oslo 12
                                                Local transport13
                                               Social Program 14
                                        Guidelines for sessions 16
       Download the                          Plenary speakers 17
          Oslo 2022 app                    Tourist information 19
    from the Webpage:                               Floorplans 20
                                               Important links 25


                                                Oslo 2022 | 3

The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
The Research Council works to promote research and innovation of high quality and relevance and to
generate knowledge in priority areas to enable Norway to deal with key challenges to society and the
business sector.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health
The Directorate of Health shall improve the health of the citizens and the community as a whole through
targeted activities across services, sectors and administrative levels. The Directorate shall do so by virtue of
its role as an executive agency, as a regulatory authority and as an implementing authority in areas of health

Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan is a world-class publisher of books and journals with more than 175 years’ experience in
the Humanities and Social Sciences. Now part of Springer Nature, the world’s largest academic book
publisher, Palgrave Macmillan continues its commitment to ground-breaking academic content, as well as
research and innovation to remain at the forefront of book publishing. As a global publisher of Economics
books we specialise in textbooks, research books, major reference works, videos and of course, Open
Access. At EuHEA 2022 we are actively looking to connect with authors and academics – please feel free to
stop by to browse our range of books, say hello or discuss your next book idea.

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Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure for the European Health Economics Association and the local
organizing committee to welcome you to the EuHEA Conference 2022. It
has been a long journey.

We started to plan for the EuHEA Conference 2020 back in 2018. There
were many submitted abstracts, but due to the pandemic, we had to scale
down to a one-day digital conference in July 2020. The 2022 conference
was planned to be in Vienna. Thanks to flexibility of the organizing
committee in Vienna, we are the organizers of the 2022 conference, and the conference in Vienna is
postponed to 2024.

The University of Oslo and the Frisch Centre are happy to be the local hosts of the event. The local
organizing committee also has members from UiT The Arctic University of Norway, NTNU – Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, University of Bergen, and National Institute of Public Health. In this
respect, the conference has also made it possible to strengthen the collaboration between Norwegian
health economics research units.

An aging population, a rising prevalence of chronic health conditions and rapid development in health care
technologies increase the demand for health care. Economic uncertainty and a smaller proportion of the
population employed creates fierce competition for resources between health care and other sectors.
During the previous two and a half years we have also been reminded that pandemics have devastating
effects for health and economic development. This year’s theme is “Health economics for sustainable welfare
systems”. The theme highlights how health economics can contribute to good decisions in a situation with
tensions between a growing demand for health care and a limited amount of resources available. Both the
keynote speeches and the contributed presentations mirror well the conference theme.

There are two social events. The opening reception takes place in the Oslo City Hall and is hosted by the City
of Oslo. After the reception, there is a guided tour of Oslo City Hall. The evening event takes place in the
foyer of the Oslo Opera House. Both places are among the country's iconic buildings.

We hope you will enjoy your stay in Oslo, and not least that you will enjoy the conference’s scientific and
social programs.

Tor Iversen
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

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Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
        Tor Iversen, University of Oslo

Executive committee
        Geir Godager, University of Oslo
        Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Frisch Centre
        Oddvar Kaarbøe, University of Bergen
        Kristi Brinkmann Lenander, University of Oslo
        Eline Aas, University of Oslo

LOC Members
        Gudrun Maria Waaler Bjørnelv, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
        Emily Annika Burger, University of Oslo
        Thea Cecilie Engelsen, University of Oslo
        Jørg Michael Gjestvang, Frisch Centre
        Sverre Ole Grepperud, University of Oslo
        Jonas Minet Kinge, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and University of Oslo
        Hilde Lurås, Akershus University Hospital and University of Oslo
        Jan Abel Olsen, University of Tromsø and Norwegian Institute of Public Health
        Knut Reidar Wangen, University of Oslo
        Bernice Yamoah, University of Oslo
        Henning Øien, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and University of Oslo

Support staff
        Julian Pollmann
        Matthias Sieke
                                                                           Download the
                                                                             Oslo 2022 app
                                                                     from the Webpage:


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Scientific Committee
     Oddvar Kaarbøe, University of Bergen
     Geir Godager, University of Oslo
     Pedro Pita Barros, Nova School of Business & Economics

SC Members
     Michael Gerfin, Universität Bern
     Lara Gitto, University of Messina
     Mickaël Hiligsmann, Maastricht University
     Ismo Linnosmaa, University of Eastern Finland
     Paula Lorgelly, University of Auckland
     Ceu Mateus, Lancaster University
     Laia Maynou, Universitat de Barcelona
     Anne Sophie Oxholm, Danish Centre for Health Economics
     Clas Rehnberg, Karolinska Institutet
     Julie Riise, University of Bergen
     Lauri Sääksvuori, University of Turku
     Harald Tauchmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
     Marcel Bilger, Vienna University of Economics and Business
     Edel Doherty, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics
     Carine Franc, INSERM

EuHEA board of directors
Presidency and Secretary
     President (2020-2022): Dorte Gyrd-Hansen
     President Elect (2020-2022): Mathias Kifmann
     Past President (2020-2022): Lise Rochaix
     Executive Secretary (2020-2023): Stefan Boes

Other Members
     Carine Franc, France (2020-2023)
     Bruce Hollingsworth, UK (2020-2023)
     Ruth Puig Peiró, Spain (2017-2023)

Financial Committee
     Aleksandra Torbica, Italy (2020-2022)
     Ciaran O’Neill, Ireland (2020-2022)

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About us

The Department of Health Management and Health Economics (HELED) conducts research and teaching in
the fields of health economics, health policy, health systems, quality of care, and health management.
HELED has built strong multi-disciplinary research community that includes economists, political scientists,
and physicians.

Over the years, academic staff have served on a number of Norwegian government consultative and
advisory committees. Many research projects are carried out in close collaboration with international
researchers and professionals working in the health services. The department is responsible for three
master programs in health economics and health management.

Frisch Centre
The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research is an independent research institution founded by the
University of Oslo and operational from 1 January 1999. The Frisch Centre conducts economic research in
co-operation with the University of Oslo.

Research at the Frisch Centre covers a wide range of topics, mainly within four major areas: Labour market
and education, Environment and energy, Public economics and productivity and Health economics.
Most projects are co-operative work involving the Frisch Centre and researchers in other domestic and
foreign research institutions. The close ties with the Department of Economics reflect the policy of the
Frisch Centre of linking applied and academic research. Doctoral students at the Frisch Centre are enrolled at
the doctoral programme at the Department of Economics, and students are engaged part-time on specific
projects to write their Master Thesis or to assist research.

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General information
Registration desk
Participants can collect conference materials at the registration desk in the foyer of the Georg Sverdrup hus
(GSH1.Foy) at most times, or at Domus Media at the city centre campus of the University of Oslo before the
opening reception.
The registration desk is open at the following times:
         Tuesday 5th July 08:00-15:00 GSH1.Foy
         Tuesday 5th July 16:00-18:30 University of Oslo city centre building Domus Media
         Wednesday 6th July 08:00-18:00 GSH1.Foy
         Thursday 7th July 08:00-18:00 GSH1.Foy
         Friday 8th July 08:00-16:00 GSH1.Foy

Name badges
Participants are requested to wear the official conference name badges at all conference events. A
replacement fee will be charged for lost badges. Additional name labels to tag your possessions are
provided in the registration material.

WiFi/Internet Access on Campus
During the conference you can access the internet in all campus buildings through the university’s wifi
If you have an Eduroam account from your home institution, you should be able to connect automatically to
the SSID “eduroam”. Participants can also access the network using the SSID “conferences” with a
password you will receive as part of your conference materials.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance during the conference as part of the conference

First aid
If you need first aid, please contact the persons at the registration desk. The emergency phone number is
112. You can call this number free of charge from any phone, including foreign mobile phones, without any
area code.

By registering at the conference, participants agree that the organizing committee does not assume any
responsibility for damage or injuries to persons or property during the conference. Participants are advised
to organize their own health, travel and personal insurances.

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The conference venue is University of Oslo, Blindern Campus. The Blindern Campus is easily accessible by a
20-minute tram ride from the city centre (see local transport). The metro station Blindern is closed for
maintenance (see details on page 13).

All sessions will take place at
           Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH), or
           Helga Engs hus (HEH)
Lunches will be served at
Please see the campus map on the next page.

All suggested
conference hotels are in
the city centre.

The Opening reception
is in the Oslo City Hall,
Tuesday 5th July 2022,
18:00-19:30, close to
the Nationaltheatret
metro station (see page
14 for details)

The EuHEA Oslo 2022
Evening Event is in the
Oslo Opera House,
Thursday 7th July 2022,
19:00-23:00, close to
the Oslo S metro
station (see page 15 for

Registration will take
place on campus at
GSH, except prior to the
reception on Tuesday
5th July where the
registration desk will be
available at the
University of Oslo city
centre building Domus
Media from 16:00 –

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Food and beverages
Norwegian tap water is safe to drink. You will receive water bottles with the lunches. Please refill these as
needed from the taps shown on the floor plans. Name your bottle using the labels included in the
registration material.

Coffee breaks
Coffee and snacks will be served during the main breaks in both conference buildings, Georg Sverdrups hus
(GSH1.Foy) and Helga Engs hus (HEH1).

Please proceed to the house where you will attend the next session and collect your coffee there.
Coffee will also be available before each morning session.

Lunches will be served at
the Frederikke building on
campus. Please use the
main entrance and proceed
up the main staircase to
join one of the queues.

Allergy or dietary requirements
There will be a separate queue with named lunch boxes for those who have preregistered allergies or
dietary requirements. Please use the upper /northern entrance to the Frederikke building. Those who have
not registered any
requirements must
use the main queue.
All food will be

Fast track
Weather permitting,
there will be a fast
track lunch tent on
the main university
square in front of
the Frederikke

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Travelling to Oslo
Travel by air
Oslo Airport is the main airport for Oslo. The airport is located at Gardermoen, 47 km north of Oslo. There
are several transportation options from the airport to the City Centre. Trains are usually fastest. Schedules
can be found in the Avinor app or webpage.

Airport express train
19 minutes travel time from the Airport to the City Centre of Oslo. The fastest alternative. NOK 210,-. There
are two stations centrally located in Oslo, Oslo Central Station and the National Theatre Station. The train
departures every 10 minutes from Oslo Airport.

All VY Regional Trains that run between Skien, Oslo, Lillehammer and Trondheim stop at Oslo Airport. VY
Local Trains on the Kongsberg - Eidsvoll line also stop at the Airport. Cheaper than the Airport express train.
NOK 114,-. Tickets can also be bought from the local transport company app Ruter and will include local
connection within Oslo by bus, tram or tube.

Airport Express Coach
The travel time between the city centre and the airport is approximately one hour.
Tickets bought in advance are cheaper than tickets bought on the bus. You can buy your ticket at
www.flybussen.no or from ticket machines at the airport. On the bus you can buy tickets with a credit card
or cash (in NOK).

Depending on the traffic, a taxi ride will take approximated 45 minutes. Taxi is the most expensive
alternative and not the fastest. Taxi costs approximately NOK 750 - 1400 depending on the company and
time of day. If you are going to take a taxi from the airport, we recommend that you go to the Taxi booking
machine located in the Avinor Information Centre in the Arrivals Hall. There you will be able to book taxis.
Normally the taxi will arrive within 3 to 5 minutes.

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Local transport

Getting to the Blindern Campus
Unfortunately, the Blindern Metro
station is closed for maintenance
during the conference. We advise
using the Tram instead, but allow
20 minutes for the tram trip in
addition to walking time at both
ends (about 5 minutes from the
tram stop to the GSH building).

Trikk (Tram)
Tram lines 17 and 18 take you from
several stops in the city centre to
the Universitetet Blindern stop.
Remember to activate your ticket or
buy it in the Ruter app beforehand.

T-banen (Tube/Metro)
The metro system is efficient, but because of maintenance work the nearest metro station is Majorstuen.
Get any westbound line from the central stations Jernbanetorget, Stortinget or Nationaltheatret. Remember
to activate your ticket or buy it in the Ruter app beforehand.

From Majorstuen there is a 18 minutes walk to
the main building GSH at the Blindern Campus,
see map. Alternatively, but no faster, you can
get the replacement buses line 4B or 5B or the
ordinary bus 25 to the John Collets plass stop.

There are also many other bus lines, see the
maps and information at ruter.no.

Getting around in Oslo
Visit Oslo has an overview of the transport
system on their web pages

Planning your journey and buying your ticket is easy to do in the Ruter app from the local transport
company. You need to enter credit card information in the app. Local tickets cost NOK 39,- and must be
activated or bought beforehand in the app. Route planning is also available in the app and is more updated
than Google maps.

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Social Program
Opening reception in the
Oslo City Hall,
Tuesday 5th July 2022,
The opening reception will take place
in the Oslo City Hall (Oslo rådhus)
where we are greeted by the Mayor
of Oslo, Marianne Borgen. After the
reception, there is a guided tour of Oslo City Hall.                               Photo: Didrick Stenersen

                                                            Inaugurated in 1950, Oslo City Hall is the city's
                                                            administrative body and the seat of the City
                                                            Council. Oslo City Hall is one of the country's
                                                            most iconic buildings. The architects Arnstein
                                                            Arneberg and Magnus Poulsson had a clear
                                                            idea of what they wanted the building to
                                                            represent, and artists helped to substantiate
                                                            the architects' vision. The building has been
                                                            decorated by Norwegian art from 1900-1950,
                                                            with motifs from Norwegian history, culture
                                                            and working life.
                                 Photo: Didrick Stenersen

You will receive an
invitation by email for
entering the city hall.
The registration desk
will be available at
Domus Media at the city
centre campus of the
University of Oslo
before the reception
from 16:00 on Tuesday
5th July.

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Evening event in the
Oslo Opera House,
Thursday 7th July
2022, 19:00-23:00

The event takes place in the foyer
of the Opera House.

There will be drinks and a buffet of Norwegian inspired tastes.                        Photo: Didrick Stenersen

                                                           Since the opening in 2008, pictures of the angular
                                                           architecture seemingly arising from the waters of
                                                           Oslo Fjord have become known around the world
                                                           and today are considered the keystone signature
                                                           of the Oslo Opera House. This was precisely the
                                                           intention of the firm of architects behind this
                                                           iconic design, Snøhetta, which wanted to make
                                                           the roof a platform accessible to all and in so
                                                           doing create a new public space in the centre of
                                                           Oslo. A parallel wish was to create a new
                                                           landscape that would draw together the natural
                                                           beauty of Oslo Fjord and the city. In the foyer, we
                                                           are met by a light, open space with a large,
                                                           undulating oakwood wall.

                                     Photo: Mae&Many

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Guidelines for sessions
Uploading presentations
On July 1, each speaker will receive an email from Nettskjema with instructions and a personalized link for
uploading their presentation slides. Speakers should upload their slides no later than Monday 4 July. Slides
can be in PDF format (recommended) or Powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx) format, preferably with necessary fonts
embedded. We do not recommend linking to external media in presentations. Please note that you will not
be able to use your own laptop computer to present.

Oral presentations
Each presenter will have 15 minutes followed by 7 minutes for discussion, and most oral sessions are 1
hour and 30 minutes long. If you are part of an organized session, the session organizer and session chair
might give you different guidelines or duties, please contact them if you have any questions..

Chair duties
All oral sessions have a chair indicated in the program. The last presenter will typically acts as chair. The
chair is asked to
         • Preside at the sessions
         • Carefully manage time use of the session. Limit each presenter strictly so that the final presenter
         is not short-changed, and use left over time for discussion or questions from the floor
         • Notify the room staff if any problem should arise during the session (lights, noise, etc.)
         • Thank all of the presenters and participant
Chairs should go to the session room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and introduce
themselves to the presenters, check the facilities, slides, projection, etc. If there are any issues to resolve,
notify the room staff or congress desk.

Poster presentations
The posters are exhibited in the Foyer on Level 1 of Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH1.Foy).
Poster sessions will take place during lunch from 12:00 to 13:00 on Thursday 7th July. The presenters are
asked to be present by their poster during the Poster viewing hour on Thursday in order to respond to
questions from the audience.
We recommend that posters fit within a 84,1 x 118,9 cm area (DIN A0 format). We encourage making use of
visuals as far as possible, rather than having extensive text. You can mount your poster from Wednesday
evening but please do so before Thursday 10:00 and do not remove them before Friday.

Plenary sessions
All plenary sessions will take place in Auditorium 1 on level 1 of Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH1.Aud1).
To avoid congestion plenary sessions will also be screened in Auditorium 2 in Georg Sverdrups hus
(GSH1.Aud2) and in Auditorium 1 in Helga Engs hus (HEH1.Aud1) and be streamed on Zoom, with a link
available in the The EuHEA Oslo 2022 App or at the venue. If you want to comment or ask questions, please
attend in GSH.Aud1.

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Plenary speakers
                        Sherry Glied, New York University
                        First plenary: "What the COVID pandemic taught us about the US health care
                        system" Wednesday 6th July 8:30

                        Sherry Glied is Dean of New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of
                        Public Service. From 1989-2013, she was Professor of Health Policy and
                        Management at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. She was
                        Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management from 1998-2009. On
June 22, 2010, Glied was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at
the Department of Health and Human Services, and served in that capacity from July 2010 through August
2012. She had previously served as Senior Economist for health care and labor market policy on the
President’s Council of Economic Advisers in 1992-1993, under Presidents Bush and Clinton, and
participated in the Clinton Health Care Task Force. She has been elected to the National Academy of
Medicine, the National Academy of Social Insurance, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and served
as a member of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking. She was the 2021 recipient of the
William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research from the Association of University Programs in Health

                        Steinar Holden, University of Oslo
                        Second plenary: "Optimal policies for the corona pandemic" Thursday 7th July 13:00

                        Steinar Holden Is Professor and Head of Department of Economics at the University
                        of Oslo. His main research areas are macroeconomics, wage setting and labour
                        markets. Steinar Holden has been Head of several public commissions in Norway,
                        on various topics within macroeconomics and labour markets, and also member of
                        the Swedish Fiscal Council. From 2001 to 2005, he was Editor of the Scandinavian
                        Journal of Economics. During the corona pandemic, Steinar Holden was Head of an
expert group assigned to evaluate the effects of Nonpharmaceutical interventions. The group submitted five
reports evaluating the health, economic and welfare effects of corona policies. Steinar Holden has also
written background reports for the Swedish and Norwegian corona commissions.

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Dorte Gyrd-Hansen (EuHEA President), University of Southern Denmark
                               Third plenary: Presidential address, Friday 8th July 09:00

                               Dorte Gyrd-Hansen is Professor of Health Economics at the Department of
                               Public Health, University of Southern Denmark and leads the Danish Centre
                               for Health Economics (DaCHE). Previous positions include professorships at
the University of Queensland and Copenhagen Business School, and a position as Director of Research at
the Danish Institute of Health Services Research. Gyrd-Hansen’s research focuses mainly on experimental
health economics and behavioural economics. She has 165 peer-reviewed publications in international
journals including Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, New England
Journal of Medicine, and Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization. She has successfully supervised 22
PhD students on a broad range of topics within the area of health economics. She has been an associate
editor of Health Economics since 2016 and is now an editor. Gyrd-Hansen has participated in several large-
scale European projects and is also engaged in influencing national health policy. She is a member of the
Danish Medicines Council and the Danish Scientific Council of Prevention.

                         Mathias Kifmann, University of Hamburg
                         Closing plenary: “Sustainable financing of the welfare state: the case of social
                         health insurance”, Friday 8th July 14:10

                         Mathias Kifmann is Professor of Economics at the Department of Socioeconomics
                         of the University of Hamburg and a member of the Hamburg Center for Health
Economics. He is director of the M.Sc. program “Health Economics and Health Care Management”. Before
joining the University of Hamburg, he was Professor of Public Economics and Social Policy at the University
of Augsburg and a Lecturer at the University of Konstanz where he obtained his doctorate in Economics in
2001. Kifmann’s research is focused on the design of social health insurance systems, the use of financial
incentives in health care and the political economy of health care. His scientific work has been published in
peer-reviewed journals such as Health Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Public
Economic Theory, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and Public Choice. Mathias has been an editor of the
Journal of Health Economics since 2018. Together with Friedrich Breyer and Peter Zweifel he has written
the textbook Health Economics. He belongs to the founding members of the German Health Economics
Association and is its current president. He has been involved in the organization of the European Health
Economics Workshop, serving as organizer and member of the scientific committee.

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Tourist information
If you and/or your companions would like to explore Oslo further you will find a lot of useful information on
visitoslo.com/en/. An Oslo Pass may be a good investment.

Norway uses Norwegian Krone (NOK). The exchange rate fluctuates but has recently been very close to
1 EUR = 10 NOK. You will not need to withdraw cash, credit cards are accepted almost everywhere.

July in Oslo is usually warm but not hot. Maximum temperatures are usually between 20 and 30 °C while it
could be 10 °C cooler at night. Average rainfall is 87mm in July, but varies a lot. Yr.no/en has a local weather

You would not go to Oslo for a beach holiday but there is actually a popular beach right next to the Oslo
Opera House, the Operastranda. Expect temperatures around 20 °C.

Main sights
Among the most popular sights in the city centre are the Akershus Fortress, the Oslo Opera House (where
we are having our Thursday evening event), The Royal Palace, the recently relocated Munch Museum and
the even more recently opened National Museum.

A Short distance by boat from the keyside in front of the City Hall to Bygdøy you will also be able to visit the
Fram Museum, the Kon Tiki Museum and the Norsk Folkemuseum – Norwegian Museum of Cultural

If you take a metro, tram or bus you can also reach the Holmenkollen Ski Jump and Museum, the Natural
History Museum, the Vigeland Sculpture Park or the TusenFryd Amusement Park.

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Overview of rooms used

      Abbreviated                                    Number     Internal
      room name            Full room name            of seats   number
Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH)
Level 0
      GSH0.Low             Lower level hall                       U401
Level 1 (entrance level)
      GSH1.Foy             Foyer with registration                1401
      GSH1.Aud1            Auditorium 1                  456      1501
      GSH1.Aud2            Auditorium 2                   76      1511
Level 2
      GSH2.Sm              Stort møterom                  50      2531
Level 3
      GSH3.Ur1             Undervisningsrom 1             48      3511
      GSH3.Ur2             Undervisningsrom 2             48      3512
      GSH3.Ur3             Undervisningsrom 3             48      3513
      GSH3.Gr1             Grupperom 1                    26      3521
      GSH3.Gr4             Grupperom 4                    32      3524
      GSH3.Gr7             Grupperom 7                    32      3527
Helga Engs hus (HEH)
Level 0
      HEH0.U30             Seminarrom U30                 50       U30
      HEH0.U31             Seminarrom U31                 50       U31
      HEH0.U35             Auditorium U35                 50       U35
      HEH0.U36             Seminarrom U36                 50       U36
Level 1 (entrance level)
      HEH1.Aud1            Auditorium 1                  236       160
      HEH1.Aud2            Auditorium 2                  150       155
      HEH1.Aud3            Auditorium 3                  150       165
Level 2
      HEH2.234             Seminarrom 234                 50       234

                                                                           Oslo 2022 | 20
Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH)

                            Oslo 2022 | 21
Georg Sverdrups hus (GSH)

                            Oslo 2022 | 22
Helga Engs hus (HEH)

                       Oslo 2022 | 23
Helga Engs hus (HEH)

                       Oslo 2022 | 24
Important links

                                The                 Oslo 2022 app


             The Ruter local transport app


                                       The Visit Oslo web site:


             HELED, University of Oslo


                                                  The Frisch Centre


                                                                   Oslo 2022 | 25
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