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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                                                 ISSN:00333077

Ahmad1, Teguh Setiawan Wibowo2, Kisno3, Nur Agus Salim4, Ahmad Tohir5, Azlin Atika Putri6,
Widayat Mintarsih7, M. Sobry8, Abdul Mufid9
 Universitas Islam Indragiri Riau, Indonesia 2STIE Mahardhika Surabaya, Indonesia 3Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro,
Indonesia 4Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda, Indonesia 5STKIP Al Islam Tunas Bangsa, Indonesia 6Universitas
Lancang Kuning, Indonesia 7UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia 8UIN Mataram, Indonesia 9Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam
Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to measure the influence of hard skills and soft skills on teacher of early childhood education
through organizational learning as a mediating variable. This study used quantitative methods. Data were collected by distributing
questionnaires to all teachers in early childhood schools.Data were collected by using simple random sampling via electronic to theof
early childhood education teacher in Jabodetabek. The number of returned and valid questionnaires was 300 respondents. Data
were processed by using SEM with SmartPLS 3.0. The results of the study concluded that hard and soft skills had positive and
significant influence on teacher innovation capability, both directly and indirectly through a mediating effect of organizational
Hard skills, early childhood education, organizational learning, soft skills, teacher innovation capability
Article Received: 18 October 2020, Revised: 3 November 2020, Accepted: 24 December 2020

INTRODUCTION                                                           their work, but teachers must also be supported by
Improving the quality of human resources in this                       good soft skills, otherwise it's no wonder that after
case is that teachers are very urgent and need to be                   decades of work, a teacher's achievement has not
done in a planned, directed and sustainable                            improved. Very different from those who have
manner in order to improve their abilities and                         good soft skills, their achievements will gradually
professionalism. The goal of developing the                            continue to climb to reach a higher level.The
quality of human resources is to improve the                           ability of teachers' hard skills is the infrastructure
operational performance of office holders in                           and the soft skills of teachers are superstructures.
carrying out government tasks, in this case the                        A building is said to be complete if the
teacher is tasked with improving the quality                           infrastructure and superstructure exists. Therefore,
(output) of students, educating students, and                          the main point in this case is the ability to unify
having noble character as provisions for the next                      hard skills and soft skills of teachers for the
generation. a nation that will assume the life of the                  continuity and success of a professional teacher as
state and religion. In addition, the high quality of                   an educator.Apart from the two intelligences
teacher resources will lead to the birth                               above, a teacher is also expected to have a
of a strong commitment in completing routine                           Spiritual Skill or Spiritual intelligence. Spiritual
tasks according to their respective responsibilities                   Skill is a person's ability to face and solve
and functions more efficiently, effectively and                        problems that are attached to a broader and richer
productively.                                                          meaning and value. Spiritual intelligence gives a
                                                                       person the ability and perspective to see positive
       Teachers are expected not only to have                          values in every problem and wisdom to deal with
hard skills or technical and academic expertise in                     problems based on heart or heart.With the three

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                              ISSN:00333077

components above (hard skills, soft skills and           communication, and human relations. Therefore,
spiritual skills), it is hoped that they can motivate    this intrapersonal competence is very important
a teacher to carry out their work and                    for teachers.Soft Skills is an implementation of a
responsibilities. This needs to be addressed             person's emotional intelligence which is a
because in the future the problems and challenges        requirement of a job. Teachers must have soft
to be faced will be even more severe and complex.        skills in two categories, namely the ability of
For this reason, it requires reliable employee           teachers to organize themselves (intrapersonal
resources, who have high work motivation in              skills) and the ability of teachers to relate to other
anticipating various problems.                           people (interpersonal skills) which are included in
                                                         interpersonal skills, namely communication skills,
       Hard skills are skills that can produce           motivation skills, leadership skills, charismatic,
something visible and immediate. The notion of           presentation skills , political awareness, exploiting
hard skills is often interpreted as determining the      diversity, service orientation, empathy, conflict
size of an individual in terms of technical              management        and     teamwork.      Meanwhile,
abilities which can be seen from the evidence            intrapersonal skills consist of character
they have, such as certificates, awards, etc. This       transformation, belief transformation, change
means that hard skills are obtained by someone           management,        stress      management,        time
through educational institutions to obtain the           management, creative thinking processes, setting
abilities that support them in solving them. Hard        goals and life goals, self-confidence, assessment
skills are often used as a measure of a person's         of traits, self and preferences, emotional
ability or the expertise of the quality of               awareness, feasibility and proactivity.Soft skills
employees owned by agencies in society.                  will appear when someone is performing, such as
Therefore, it is imperative for teachers to have         speaking ability that reflects ideas and
good hard skills with the aim that what is the           information, or explaining a topic clearly, easy
hope that exists in the community can provide a          understanding of unfamiliar topics, being able to
positive value to the educational institution. This      interact and work cooperatively in groups.
means that educational institutions or schools           Teachers with good quality softs kills will reflect
want to demonstrate that teachers and employees          abilities that exceed their capacity as educators.
have competence in knowledge and technology              This ability arises because the person concerned is
and are able to respond to a changing                    able to independently move internal processes to
environment.                                             continue learning, trying, and finding something
Soft skills are the ability or emotional intelligence    that benefits his work or self-development.
of a person, which is built in two parts, namely         An organizational environment that provides
intrapersonal and interpersonal competences. Hard        excitement at work is an important factor of
skills are professional competences that a person        teacher innovation capability (Bani-Melhem,
must have, namely the ability of teachers to carry       Zeffane&        Albaity,2018).Honeycutt        (2000)
out their work professions. Meanwhile, soft skills       explained that knowledge management is a
are intrapersonal competencies, namely the ability       discipline that manages intellectual capital from
to understand and control oneself.This                   managed assets. Basically, the concept of
intrapersonal       competence       consists      of:   knowledge management develops from the fact
understanding of success, self-evaluation, self-         that in the present and future, the main assets of an
image, goal setting, self-motivation. Interpersonal      organization to be able to compete are intellectual
competence is our competence to socialize and            assets rather than physical assets. In general,
interact with others, this competency consists of:       knowledge management carried out by
emotional control, self-confidence, intensive            organizational learning is a way to manage

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                            ISSN:00333077

knowledge in organizations to create value and         METHODS
increase competitive advantage. Organizational
learning as a mediating variable plays a role                 This study used quantitative methods. Data
between hard skills, soft skills, and organizational   were collected by distributing questionnaires to all
innovation. In addition, this process has been         teachers in early childhood schools. This study used
considered a system where knowledge and skills         6 items to measure hard skills by Hendarman &
are input, organizational learning is the main         Cantner (2017). This study used 4 items to measure
process, and organizational innovation is an           soft skills by Hendarman & Cantner (2017).
important output (Nouri & Ghorbani, 2017;              Organizational learning by Jimenez-Jimenez and
Chang, Liao & Wu , 2017). Based on the                 Sanz-Valle (2011) was measured by using 5 items.
explanation above, there are hypotheses as             Teacher innovation capability by Lee & Choi (2003)
follows:                                               was measured by using 5 items. This study uses
H1: Hard skill has a direct effect on teacher          close-ended       questionnaires      except       for
innovation capability                                  questions/statements about the identity of
H2: Soft skill has a direct effect onteacher           respondents in the form of semi-open
innovation capability                                  questionnaires. Each closed question/statement item
H3: Hard skill has a direct effect on organizational   has five answer options, namely: strongly agree (SS)
learning                                               with a score of 5, agree (S) with a score of 4, fairly
H4: Soft skill has a direct effect on organizational   disagree (KS) with a score of 3, disagree (TS) with a
learning                                               score of 2, and strongly disagree (STS) with a score
H5: Organizational learning has a direct effect on     of 1. Data were processed by using the PLS method
teacher innovation capability                          with SmartPLS version 3.0 software. The
H6: Hard skill has an indirect effect on teacher       population in this study wereearly childhood
innovation capability through a mediating effect       schoolsteachers in Jakarta, the questionnaire was
of organizational learning                             distributed electronically with a simple random
H7: Soft skills has an indirect effect on teacher      sampling technique. The number of returned
innovation capability through a mediating effect       questionnaires was 300.This method alse
of organizational learning                             conducted by Cahyono (2020); Nico (2019);
                                                       Fahmi (2020);Vizano (2020) ; Pramono (2020) ;
                                                       Dezky (2020); Asbari (2020); Bernarto (2020);
        HS                                             Sartika (2020); Suheny (2020); Supriadi (2020)
                                                       ;Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020); Cahyono (2020);
               OL          TIC                         Kartika (2020) ;Asbari (2020) ;Wibowo ( 2020);
                                                       Nugroho (2020) and Purwanto (2020)


             Figure1. Research Model

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                                     ISSN:00333077

                                          Table 1.Respondents Description
                                          Criteria                       Total
                      Age                            < 30 years old       108
                                                     30 - 40 years old    92
                                                     > 40 years old       100
                      Work Experience                < 5 years            106
                                                     5-10 years           100
                                                     > 10 years           94
                      Educational level               0.5 (Ghozali,                      Kartika (2020) ;Asbari (2020) ;Wibowo ( 2020);
2014). Based on the PLS model estimation results                    Nugroho (2020) and Purwanto (2020)
in the figure above, all indicators had a loading                   The value of items loadings, Cronbach's alpha,
factor value above 0.5 so that the model met the                    composite reliability and AVE of each construct
convergent validity requirements. Apart from                        can be seen in Table 2:
looking at the loading factor value of each
indicator, convergent validity was also assessed

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                                                ISSN:00333077

                                                             Cronbach’s      Composite
                       Varables           Items   Loadings                                      AVE
                                                               Alpha         Reliability

                       Hard Skills        HS1      0.766       0.875           0.832            0.586
                          (HS)            HS2      0.678
                                          HS3      0.765
                                          HS4      0.794

                       Soft Skills        SS1      0.746       0.756           0.953            0.775
                          (SS)            SS2      0.675
                                          SS3      0.876
                                          SS4      0.654

                     Organizational       OL1      0.543       0.987           0.874            0.675
                          (OL)            OL2      0.653
                                          OL3      0.653
                                          OL4      0.765

                  Innovation Capability   TIC1     0.676       0.812           0.832            0.575
                         (TIC)            TIC 2    0.654
                                          TIC 3    0.765
                                          TIC 4    0.789

 Table2. Items Loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability, and Average Variance Extracted
                                                                 Variables      HS         OL            SS        TIC

      A discriminant validity test is carried out to                HS         0.875
                                                                   OL          0.652       0.775
ensure that each concept of each latent variable is
                                                                    SS         0.678       0.675        0.886
different from the other latent variables. The
                                                                   TIC         0.636       0.746        0.564      0.725
model has good discriminant validity if the AVE
squared value of each exogenous construct (the
value on the diagonal) exceeds the correlation                               Table3.Discriminant Validity
between the construct and other constructs (values
below the diagonal) (Ghozali, 2014). The results               The results of the discriminant validity test in
of the discriminant validity test by using AVE                 Table 3 showed that all constructs had the AVE
squared values or by looking at the Fornell-                   square root value above the correlation value with
Larcker Criterion Value can be seen in Table 3:                other latent constructs (through the Fornell-
                                                               Larcker criteria) so that it can be concluded that
                                                               the model met the discriminant validity.Construct
                                                               reliability can be assessed from the value of
                                                               Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability of each
                                                               construct. The recommended composite reliability
                                                               and Cronbach's alpha values are more than 0.7.
                                                               (Ghozali, 2014). The reliability test results in table
                                                               2 above showed that all constructs had composite
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                                                   ISSN:00333077

reliability and Cronbach's alpha values of greater      not discussed in this study.This test method also
than 0.7 (> 0.7). So it can be concluded that all       conducted by Cahyono (2020); Nico (2019);
constructs met the required reliability. . This test    Fahmi (2020);Vizano (2020) ; Pramono (2020) ;
method also conducted by         Cahyono (2020);        Dezky (2020); Asbari (2020); Bernarto (2020);
Nico (2019); Fahmi (2020);Vizano (2020) ;               Sartika (2020); Suheny (2020); Supriadi (2020)
Pramono (2020) ; Dezky (2020); Asbari (2020);           ;Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020); Cahyono (2020);
Bernarto (2020); Sartika (2020); Suheny (2020);         Kartika (2020) ;Asbari (2020) ;Wibowo ( 2020);
Supriadi (2020) ;Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020);           Nugroho (2020) and Purwanto (2020)
Cahyono (2020); Kartika (2020) ;Asbari (2020)            Table 5 shows T Statistics and P-Values which
;Wibowo ( 2020); Nugroho (2020) and Purwanto            show the influence between variables
(2020)                                                             Table5. Hypotheses Testing
                                                        Hypotheses   Relationship     Beta    SE      T Statistics V-Values   Decision

                                                           H1        HS ->TIC         0.284   0.043       6.652      0.000    Supported
Hypothesis testing
                                                           H2        SS ->TIC         0.126   0.040       3.198      0.001    Supported
                                                           H3        HS -> OL         0.371   0.037       9.957      0.000    Supported
    Hypothesis testing in PLS is also called the           H4        SS -> OL         0.478   0.035      13.822      0.000    Supported
inner model test. This test includes a test of the         H5        OL ->TIC         0.511   0.047      10.955      0.000    Supported
significance of direct and indirect effects and            H6        HS -> OL ->TIC 0.190     0.029       6.440      0.000    Supported
measurement of the influence of exogenous                  H7        SS -> OL ->TIC   0.244   0.026       9.327      0.000    Supported
variables on endogenous variables. To know the
influence of tacit knowledge and hard skills            H1: Hard skill has a direct effect on teacher
sharing on organizational learning and teacher          innovation capability
innovation capability, a direct influence test is       Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table
needed. The direct effect test was performed by         5 above, it can be concluded that Hard skill has a
using the t-statistic test in a partial least squared   direct effect on teacher innovation capability. This
(PLS) analysis model with SmartPLS 3.0                  is evidenced by the t-statistics value of 6.652
software. By using the bootstrapping technique, R       greater than 1.96 and the p-value of 0.000 less
Square values and significance test values were         than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is accepted.
obtained as follows:                                    These findings are in line with and in accordance
                                                        with the results of previous studies by Kadiyono
             Table4. R Square Value                     (2020);Zena (2020); Cahyono (2020) which
                      R Square     R Square Adjusted

       TIC             0.667             0.653
                                                        states that Hard skill has a direct effect on teacher
       OL              0.578             0.525
                                                        innovation capability.
                                                        H2: Soft skill has a direct effect on teacher
                                                        innovation capability
      Based on Table 4 above, the value of R
                                                        Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table
Square of OL was 0.578 which means that
                                                        5 above, it can be concluded that Soft skill has a
organizational learning (OL) was explained by
                                                        direct effect onteacher innovation capability. This
hard skills (HS) and soft skills (SS) variables by
                                                        is evidenced by the t-statistics value of 3.198
57.8%, while the remaining 42.3% was explained
                                                        greater than 1.96 and the p-value of 0.000 less
by other variables not discussed in this study.
                                                        than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is accepted.
Meanwhile, the value of R Square of teacher
                                                        These findings are in line with and in accordance
innovation capability (TIC) was 0.667 which
                                                        with the results of previous studies by Wibowo (
means that the teacher innovation capability
                                                        2020);      Nugroho     (2020)      and     Purwanto
variable was explained by hard skills, soft skills
                                                        (2020)which states that Soft skill has a direct
and organizational learning by 66.7%, while the
                                                        effect onteacher innovation capability
remaining 39.8% was explained by other variables
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                            ISSN:00333077

H3: Hard skill has a direct effect on                   (2020) which states that Organizational learning
organizational learning                                 has a direct effect on teacher innovation capability
Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table     .
5 above, it can be concluded that Hard skill has a      H6: Hard skill has an indirect effect on teacher
direct effect on organizational learning. This is       innovation capability through a mediating
evidenced by the t-statistics value of 9.957 greater    effect of organizational learning
than 1.96 and the p-value of 0.000 less than 0.050.     Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table
That is, the hypothesis is accepted. These findings     5 above, it can be concluded that Hard skill has an
are in line with and in accordance with the results     indirect effect on teacher innovation capability
of previous studies by Kadiyono (2020);Zena             through a mediating effect of organizational
(2020); Cahyono (2020); Kartika (2020) ;Asbari          learning. This is evidenced by the t-statistics value
(2020) ;Wibowo ( 2020); Nugroho (2020) and              of 6.440 greater than 1.96 and the p-value of
Purwanto (2020); Cahyono (2020); Kartika                0.000 less than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is
(2020); Fahmi (2020); Sartika (2020) and Vizano         accepted. These findings are in line with and in
(2020)which states that Hard skill has a direct         accordance with the results of previous studies by
effect on organizational learning                       Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020; Nugroho (2020)
H4: Soft skill has a direct effect on                   and Purwanto (2020); Cahyono (2020); Kartika
organizational learning                                 (2020); Fahmi (2020); Sartika (2020) and Vizano
Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table     (2020) which states that Hard skill has an indirect
5 above, it can be concluded that Soft skill has a      effect on teacher innovation capability through a
direct effect on organizational learning. This is       mediating effect of organizational learning.
evidenced by the t-statistics value of
13.822greater than 1.96 and the p-value of 0.000        H7: Soft skills has an indirect effect on teacher
less than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is             innovation capability through a mediating
accepted. These findings are in line with and in        effect of organizational learning
accordance with the results of previous studies by      Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table
Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020); Cahyono (2020);            5 above, it can be concluded that Hard skill has an
Kartika (2020) ;Asbari (2020) ;Wibowo ( 2020);          indirect effect on teacher innovation capability
Nugroho (2020) and Purwanto (2020); Cahyono             through a mediating effect of organizational
(2020); Kartika (2020); Fahmi (2020); Sartika           learning. This is evidenced by the t-statistics value
(2020) and Vizano (2020) which states that Soft         of 9.327 greater than 1.96 and the p-value of
skill has a direct effect on organizational learning.   0.000 less than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is
H5: Organizational learning has a direct effect         accepted. These findings are in line with and in
on teacher innovation capability                        accordance with the results of previous studies by
Based on statistical calculations with PLS in Table     Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020; Nugroho (2020)
5 above, it can be concluded that Organizational        and Purwanto (2020); Cahyono (2020); Kartika
learning has a direct effect on teacher innovation      (2020); Fahmi (2020); Sartika (2020) and Vizano
capability. This is evidenced by the t-statistics       (2020) which states that Hard skill has an indirect
value of 10.955 greater than 1.96 and the p-value       effect on teacher innovation capability through a
of 0.000 less than 0.050. That is, the hypothesis is    mediating effect of organizational learning.
accepted. These findings are in line with and in
accordance with the results of previous studies by      DISCUSSION
Kadiyono (2020);Zena (2020; Nugroho (2020)                   Based on the results of the study, hard skills
and Purwanto (2020); Cahyono (2020); Kartika            sharing had positive and significant influence on
(2020); Fahmi (2020); Sartika (2020) and Vizano         teacher innovation capability, both direct effects

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                            ISSN:00333077

and mediating effects of organizational learning.       there is a positive and significant effect on
This shows that the better hard skills possessed by     employee performance. The results of the
teachers, the teacher innovation capability of          regression test on the hypothesis can also be
individuals in a school will also increase. This is     concluded that assault skills have a positive and
in line with a study on business organizations by       significant effect on employee performance, with
Perez-Luno et al (2018), Terhorst et al (2018),         a significant value less than 0.05 using the SPSS
Boadu et al (2018), Che et al (2019). Soft skills       version 21 program.Hard skills describe explicit
had a significant and positive influence on teacher     behaviors and skills. Hard skills are skills that can
innovation capability, both direct effects and the      produce something that is visible and direct. Hard
mediating effect of organizational learning. This       skills can be assessed from technical tests or
shows that the better soft skills possessed by          practical tests. The elements of hard skills can be
teachers, the teacher innovation capability will        seen from the intelligence quotient thinking that
also increase. In addition, it can be concluded that    has indicators namely, counting, analyzing,
organizational learning was a mediator between          designing, comprehensive knowledge, modeling,
teacher soft skills and teacher innovation              and critical thinking. Hard skills are related to
capability.Eni F. & Rahayu W (2014) The                 mastery of science, technology, and technical
Influence of Hard Skills, Soft Skills and Spiritual     skills. Teachers must have skills in opening
Skills on Lecturer Work Productivity in Malang.         lessons, managing classes, designing group
Using statistical data analysis techniques. Data        discussions, organizing classrooms, and writing
analysis to determine the effect of independent         well (Muqowim, 2012). Hard skills are relatively
variables on related variables by using multiple        easy to measure. Widoyoko divided hard skills
linear regression analysis which was processed          into two, namely academic and vocational skills.
through the SPSS computer program. The results          Academic skills are the ability to master various
of testing the first hypothesis show that               concepts in the field of study, such as skills to
simultaneously both hard skills (X1), soft skills       define, calculate, explain, describe, classify,
(X2) or spiritual skills (X3) have an effect on         identify, predict, analyze, compare, differentiate,
lecturer work productivity (Y).. Razid.Z.,              and draw conclusions from various concepts,
Tewel.B., & Kojo.C. (l 2018) The Influence of           data, and facts related to a subject(Widoyoko,
Hard Skill and Soft Skill on Employee                   2009).Good organizational learning will be more
Performance of Perum Damri Manado. From the             resilient to crises (Starbuck, 2017). Dimensions
results of the regression test on the first             such as desire, discipline, decision making, and
hypothesis that hard skills and soft skills have a      alignment are presented as important elements of
positive effect on employee performance, with a         organizational learning (Wetzel & Tint, 2019;
significant value less than 0.05, it means that         Urban & Gaffurini, 2018). Organizational
there is a positive and significant effect. effect on   learning is an important performance indicator to
employee performance, with the t-count value of         evaluate overall organizational performance (Qi
each variable, namely hard skills (X1) 6,200 and        & Chau, 2018) that can build the necessary
soft skills (X2) 2,014. Akhmad J. & Wahyuni             knowledge resources and maintain school growth
(2017) The Effect of Soft Skills and Hard Skills        and continuity. The ability to access knowledge is
on Employee Performance at the Education                a distinguishing factor between one school and
Office of South Sulawesi Province. From the             another. The success of the school strategy is very
results of the regression test on the first             significant related to the solid knowledge base
hypothesis that hard skills have a positive and         that is owned by every individual in a school.
significant effect on employee performance with a             Several studies concluded that soft skills had
significant value less than 0.05, it means that         a greater influence on innovation than hard skills

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                              ISSN:00333077

(Ibrahim, Boerhannoeddin & Bakare, 2017;                 that providing skills training is much easier than
Albandea & Giret, 2018; Viviers, Fouche &                character building This shows that hard skills are
Reitsma, 2016; Escrig-Tena et al, 2018).                 an important factor in work, but a person's success
However, this study showed that hard skills had a        at work is usually more determined by good soft
greater influence on teacher innovation capability.      skills. Today's work world requires skilled
Based on the results of the study, organizational        resources, as a student. Hard skills are required to
learning had positive and significant influence on       have high hard skill skills, hard skills are the
teacher innovation capability. Organizational            expertise of how the final grades of students /
learning was mediating the influence of hard             academic grades (GPA) of these students are a
skills and soft skills on teacher innovation             requirement to fulfill the administration in
capability. This is in line with a study by              applying for a company, besides having to have a
Martinez-Costa (2018). This study also concluded         high GPA in this era of intense competition as
that a school can manage past experiences to be          well. We are required to have soft skills, namely
combined with the current hard skills and soft           someone's skills in dealing with other people
skills of teachers. In essence, organizational           (interpersonal skills), skills in managing himself
learning could provide positive conditions in the        (intrapersonal skills). Both hard skills and soft
process of knowledge creation in the 4.0 era.            skills are a prerequisite for the success of a scholar
     Hard skills are very important to be                in life after completing his education. aim. As
developed, because a person's ability to do a job        explained above, hard skills are emphasized on
properly and correctly depends on how hard the           cognitive aspects and special skills according to
skills he has. There was no way a person could           certain scientific disciplines, while soft skills are
make a useful tool if he did not know how it was         personal behaviors and interpersonal skills needed
made, its purpose, and its use. or it is impossible      to develop and optimize the performance of a
for someone to fix something if he does not know         human.
what he is fixing. Even before applying for a job,            Soft skills are personal and interpersonal
higher education graduates (students) should pay         behaviors that develop and maximize performance
attention to the job they will accept with their         such as building communication teams, decision
abilities. It's a good thing to compare abilities with   making, and initiatives. Soft skills do not include
the work to be done. For that students need to           technical skills such as computer assembling skills,
prepare themselves by developing hard skills as a        but soft skills include the understanding of non-
basis for applying for jobs and balanced with soft       technical skills, which can complement the
skills as a basis for doing work. Because almost all     academic abilities and abilities that everyone
companies today require an appropriate                   should have, regardless of the profession they are
combination of hard skills and soft skills,              engaged in. Professions such as doctors, teachers,
regardless of the position of the employee. For          police, accountants, traders, farmers, nurses and
employee recruitment for companies, the hard skill       fishermen must have soft skills. Teachers must
approach alone has now been abandoned. It's              have strong soft skills because soft skills are skills
useless if hard skills are good, but soft skills are     in dealing with other people (interpersonal skills)
bad. This can be seen in the job advertisements of       and skills in managing themselves (intrapersonal
various companies which also require soft skills,        skills) that are able to develop to work optimally.
such as team work, communication skills, and             Based on this definition, soft skills are personal
interpersonal       relationships, in their job          qualities that are inward and outward. If we have
requirements. Companies tend to choose                   these various qualities then we will become great,
candidates who have better personalities even            advanced and successful human beings.
though their hard skills are lower. The reason is        Interpersonal skills are important abilities to have

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 5052-5076                                             ISSN:00333077

which include the ability to communicate, warm           able to put themselves.
relationships, build constructive relationships, use
diplomacy and techniques to dissolve tense               CONCLUSIONS
situations and use styles that can strengthen            Hard skill has a direct effect on teacher innovation
friendship. Thomas and Diane (1990) distinguish          capability, Soft skill has a direct effect onteacher
between       impersonal     communication        and    innovation capability,Hard skill has a direct effect
interpersonal communication. In interpersonal            on organizational learning, Soft skill has a direct
communication, each person understands each              effect on organizational learning,Organizational
other, but there is no emotional involvement, while      learning has a direct effect on teacher innovation
interpersonal communication has a much higher            capability,Hard skill has an indirect effect on
quality of closeness than impersonal. Interpersonal      teacher innovation capability through a mediating
skills are the ability to build relationships with       effect of organizational learning, Soft skills has an
other people. Apart from soft skills, the abilities      indirect effect on teacher innovation capability
that a person must have are hard skills. Hard skills     through a mediating effect of organizational
can be assessed from a technical test or practical       learningTeacher training in each section of the
test. We can see the element of hard skills from         school is a necessity with a level of intensity and
intelligence quotation thinking with indicators in       context that is adjusted to the key performance
the form of the ability to count, design, analyze,       indicators of each teacher.. This study had several
broad knowledge and insights, make models and            limitations. First, this study analyzed the influence
be critical. Meanwhile, soft skills refer to             of hard skills and soft skills on teacher innovation
indicators of creativity, sensitivity and intuition      capability of teachers, both direct and indirect
that lead to personal qualities behind one's             through organizational learning variables. Because
behavior. Soft skills that must be possessed by a        there will be several other variables that influence
teacher and nurse profession include being honest,       teacher innovation capability, the researchers
responsible, working hard, having commitment,            strongly recommend to find, explore and analyze
being willing to continue to learn, being able to        them. Secondly, this study was conducted in a
work together, respecting others, being able to          school environment and may not be generalized to
adapt, and being humble. However, when it comes          other industries. Therefore it is highly
to hard skills, the two professions require different    recommended that further studies can be
qualities. A teacher must have the skills to open        performed on this topic in other industries.In
lessons, design lessons, manage classes, organize        increasing teacher work motivation, there needs to
discussion groups, and write well. These skills do       be efforts that encourage teachers to be initiative,
not need to be possessed by nurses because a nurse       creative, and innovative. With the hope that the
only requires mastery of technical skills, for           principal can provide opportunities for every
example how to inject patients. After we know the        teacher to further improve their profession so that
difference between hard skills and soft skills, pay      learning outcomes can be of higher quality. 2.
attention to the greatness of people who have high       Hard Skills, Soft Skills and Spiritual Skills must
soft skills. In a study conducted by Philip (2002),      be continuously improved and possessed by the
almost all leaders in the world have good                teacher so that their work motivation will
interpersonal skills. One proof of this is their         improve, so that the enthusiasm for carrying out
ability to maintain longstanding relationships with      their duties and obligations will improve and
colleagues, friends and partners. People who do          increase in the hope of producing maximum
well in their fields on average also have good           student output. Teachers must be willing to open
interpersonal skills. They are able to respect others,   up themselves on the insight and development of
keep their agreement, keep their feelings, and are       science and technology to increase work

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