Organic Gardening Kentucky Master Gardener Manual

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Organic Gardening
Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 18
By Krista Jacobsen, assistant professor, Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky

                                                                                            rganic farming and gardening have grown in popularity
  In this chapter:                                                                          in recent years as consumers and producers have sought
                                                                                            alternatives to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in favor
  Planning Your Organic Garden......................278                          of biologically-based management. A 2008 survey by the National
  Organic Transplants and Seed Sources......281
                                                                                 Gardening Association found that 12% of American household
                                                                                 gardens (12 million households) use all-natural management tech-
  Pest Management: Weeds, Insects,                                               niques, an increase of 7% from 2004. This number is anticipated to
  Diseases.................................................................281   grow by as much as 42%, to 17 million, if other households follow
  Additional Resources........................................287                through on their plans to switch to all-natural methods.
                                                                                    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic
                                                                                 Program (NOP) defines the rules for USDA Certified Organic
                                                                                 production practices. (The label used to designate certified organic
                                                                                 products is shown in Figure 1. See the USDA-NOP website at
                                                                        for additional details).
                                                                                 This publication provides an overview of the principles and prac-
                                                                                 tices of organic agriculture for the home gardener, whether he or
                                                                                 she wants to grow a completely organic garden or adopt select
                                                                                 practices to lower input costs and build soil fertility. The fertilizer
                                                                                 and pest control strategies in this publication are consistent with
                                                                                 spirit of the USDA-NOP guidelines. However, gardeners who want
                                                                                 to meet the “letter” of those guidelines should explore the Organic
                                                                                 Materials Review Institute (OMRI) list of NOP-approved materi-
                                                                                 als at or look for the OMRI label when purchasing
                                                                                 garden supplies (Figure 2).
                                                                                    Organic gardening offers the gardener many benefits—a safe,
                                    Figure 1. USDA Certified                     low-chemical gardening environment, produce free from synthetic
                                    Organic label.
                                                                                 pesticide residues, and gardens that can increase in fertility and
                                                                                 natural pest control over time. However, reaping the benefits of
                                                                                 organic management requires planning, observation, and thinking
                                                                                 about the garden as an interconnected system of soils, plants, pests,
                                                                                 and beneficial organisms. Principles and practices include:
                                                                                 • Building long-term soil fertility with composts, manures, and
                                               Figure 2.
                                               OMRI label.
                                                                                 • Rotating crops
                                                                                 • Using good planning practices to avoid insect, disease, and
                                                                                    weed pests and using biological or mechanical controls when

                         Agriculture and Natural Resources • Family and Consumer Sciences • 4-H Youth Development • Community and Economic Development
278 • Organic Gardening                                                                                                 Chapter 18

                          Planning Your Organic Garden                         (primarily nitrogen) requirements have
                                                                               been described as heavy feeders, those with
                          Crop Rotation                                        moderate fertility requirements as medium
                                                                               or light feeders, and crops that contribute
                              Crop rotation is alternating crops grown
                                                                               nutrients are “givers.” (See Jeavons’ book in
                          in a particular bed or field between grow-
                                                                               Additional Resources.) Crops are rotated
                          ing seasons. By rotating crops, you can
                                                                               in a cycle from heavy givers to light feeders
                          avoid buildup of certain pests and also
                                                                               to heavy feeders and back to heavy givers.
                          enable nutrients in the soil to be used more
                                                                               Examples of crops in these categories are:
                                                                               • Heavy givers: Beans (snap, pole, bush),
                              The most popular type of rotation is
                                                                                  peas, green manure crops such as clo-
                          alternating crops by botanical family. For
                                                                                  vers, and field peas
                          example, diseases that affect tomatoes can
                                                                               • Light feeders: Beets, carrots, garlic, onions,
                          also affect other members of the Solanaceae
                                                                                  sweet potatoes, turnips
                          family, including peppers, potatoes, and
                                                                               • Heavy feeders: Broccoli, cabbage, corn,
                                                                                  cucumbers, squash, tomatoes
                              Rotating crops in the Solanaceae family
                          with crops in other families can minimize
                                                                                  If you plan to practice rotation, it’s
                          losses from these diseases. Similarly, rotat-
                                                                               important to keep records and a year-
                          ing among crops that have different growth
                                                                               by-year map of your garden. Flashcards
                          habits can help deter pests. For example, if
                                                                               also can be useful in the garden planning
                          root crops such as sweet potatoes or car-
                                                                               process. Using this technique, flashcards
                          rots are planted in the same location year
                                                                               are made for each crop, with a copy of the
                          after year, soil-dwelling insect pests, such as
                                                                               flashcard for that crop for every year in
                          white grubs, wireworms, and some nema-
                                                                               the rotation (e.g., three potato flashcards
                          todes, may proliferate. Rotating among
                                                                               for three years of potatoes). You can then
                          plants with different root architecture may
                                                                               manipulate the cards for a three-to-five-year
                          prevent proliferation or help break these
                                                                               timeline for the entire garden. This exercise,
                          pest cycles.
                                                                               using the botanical family as the guide to
                              One common rotation method is based
                                                                               the rotation. is outlined in The New Organic
                          on the fertility requirements for each
                                                                               Grower by Eliot Coleman (see Additional
                          crop. With this method, you categorize
                          crops by whether they “feed” or “give”
                                                                                  Common vegetables and their botanical
                          nutrients to the soil over the course of the
                                                                               families are listed in Table 1.
                          growing season. Crops with high fertility

                          Table 1. Common garden vegetables and their botanical families.
                          Botanical             Common
                          Family              Family Name      Crop
                          Solanaceae           Nightshade      Tomato, pepper, potato, eggplant, tomatillo
                          Brassicaceae          Cole crop      Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, radish,
                                                               rutabaga, turnip
                          Cucurbitaceae           Gourd        Winter squash, summer squash, melons, cucumber, pumpkin
                          Apiaceae                Carrot       Carrot, parsley, celery, parsnip
                          Chenopodiaceae        Goosefoot      Beet, chard, spinach
                          Fabaceae               Legume        Pea, bean
                          Asteraceae            Sunflower      Lettuce
                          Liliaceae                Lily        Onion, garlic, shallot, leek
                          Poaceae                 Grass        Corn
Chapter 18                                                                                                      Organic Gardening • 279

                              Soil Fertility and                                            Table 2 shows the nutrient contents
                                                                                         (N-P-K) of several common sources of
                              Organic Fertilizers                                        fertility in organic gardens.
                                 A central tenet in sustainable and                         Organic fertilizers rarely contain the
                              organic agriculture is to “feed the soil to                N-P-K ratios to match recommendation
                              feed the crop”—restoring and maintaining                   from a soil test report. However, you can
                              the soil organic matter that ultimately feeds              use the steps below to figure out how much
                              crop plants. Soil organic matter accumu-                   fertilizer you need, whether you use the val-
                              lates through use of organic amendments                    ues in Table 2 or those listed in the nutrient
                              such as composts, manures, cover crops,                    analysis of a purchased amendment.
                              and mulches. Over time, these amend-                          A soil test report recommends 2-3 lb
                              ments sustain fertility, relieve compaction,               of N, 1-2 lb of P2O5, and 3-5 lb of K2O per
                              improve both drainage and water holding                    1,000 square feet of garden. To calculate
                              capacity, and improve nutrient retention.                  the organic fertilizer required from several
                              However, organic amendments are deliv-                     sources, complete the following steps:
                              ered more slowly and less consistently than                1. Calculate the nitrogen (N) recommenda-
                              standard synthetic fertilizers because they                   tion first.
                              become available as microbes and other soil                2. Calculate the phosphorus (P205) recom-
                              organisms decompose.                                          mendation next.
                                                                                         3. Calculate the potassium (K2O) recom-
                                                                                            mendation next.
Table 2. Nutrient content and release rates of organic fertilizers.
                                                                                            An example of these calculations is pro-
                                                                      Relative           vided in Figure 3.
Materials                  N (%)       P2O5 (%)      K2O (%)        Availability
Alfalfa meal                 3.0          1.0           2.0        Medium-Slow
                                                                                            It’s fairly easy to use organic sources to
Blood meal                  12.0          1.5           0.6        Medium-Rapid
Bone meal                  0.7-4.0     11.0-34.0        0.0        Slow-Medium
                                                                                         meet your garden’s fertility requirements,
Feather meal              11.0-15.0       0.0           0.0            Slow              and organic fertilizers are increasingly
Fertrell “Super N”           4.0          2.0           4.0            Slow              accessible. However, it is important to
Fish meal                   10.0          4.0           0.0            Slow              understand that for nutrients to become
Fish emulsion                5.0          1.0           2.0        Medium-Rapid          available from most organic sources (other
Greensand                    0.0        1.0-2.0         5.0            Slow              than minerals and rock powders), they must
Kelp1                        0.9          0.5         1.0-4.0          Slow              be decomposed by soil organisms. Thus, it is
Manure2 (fresh)                                                                          important to understand how temperature,
Cattle                       0.25         0.15          0.25         Medium              moisture, and other environmental factors
Horse                        0.3          0.15          0.5          Medium              affect soil organisms and the decomposition
Poultry (50% water)          2.0          2.0           1.0        Medium-Rapid          process. The effects of pH and temperature
Poultry (15% water)          6.0          4.0           3.0        Medium-Rapid          are described briefly below. For addi-
Manure2 (dry)                                                                            tional information, Jeff Lowenfel’s book,
Dairy                         0.7          0.3          0.6           Medium
                                                                                         Teaming with Microbes, is an excellent
Steer                         2.0          0.5          1.9           Medium
                                                                                         gardener-friendly primer on soil ecology
Horse                         0.7          0.3          0.5           Medium
Marl                          0.0          2.0          4.5          Very Slow
                                                                                         and the activity of soil microorganisms (see
Mushroom compost              0.7          0.9          0.6           Medium
                                                                                         Additional Resources).
Sulfate of potash             0.0          0.0          22.0       Rapid-Medium
magnesia (K-Mag)
Soybean meal                  6.7          1.6          2.3             Slow
Wood ashes3                   0.0        1.0-2.0      3.0-7.0           Rapid
Source: Adapted from How to Convert an Inorganic Fertilizer Recommendation to
an Organic One, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Adapted from Boyhan,
2009. See Additional Resources.
1 Kelp also contains common salt, sodium carbonates, and sodium and potassium
2 Manure contents may vary with amount of straw/bedding included, feed quality, and
  method of storage. (See the health and safety questions in the Cooperative Extension
  Publication Composting (ID-192).
3 Potash content depends on the tree species burned. Wood ashes are alkaline and
  contain approximately 32% CaO.
280 • Organic Gardening                                                                                                      Chapter 18

                           Figure 3. Example calculation to determine organic fertilizer required to meet soil test report recom-
                           mendations for 1,000 square feet of garden space.

                           1. Calculate the nitrogen (N) recommendation first. In this example, we will use blood meal for
                           the nitrogen source (12-1.5-0.6, see Table 2). For the 3 lb of N recommended, the quantity of blood
                           meal required to meet the nitrogen recommendation can be calculated as:

                                       (3 lb N ÷ 1000 ft2) x (1 lb blood meal ÷ 0.12 lb N) = (25 lb blood meal ÷ 1000 ft2)

                           2. Calculate the phosphorus (P205) recommendation next. Subtract the amount of P supplied by
                           the N source (blood meal):

                                              25 lb blood meal x (0.015 lb P2O5 ÷ 1 lb blood meal) = 0.375 lb P2O5

                           Use bone meal (approx. 1-11-0) for the phosphorus source to fulfill the remaining P requirement.

                                                 1.5 lb P2O5 – 0.375 lb P2O5 from blood meal = 1.125 lb P2O5

                                  (1.125 lb P2O5 ÷ 1000 ft2) x (1 lb bone meal ÷ 0.11 lb P2O5) = (10 lb bone meal ÷ 1000 ft2)

                           3. Calculate the potassium (K20) recommendation next. The quantity of K supplied in the bone
                           and blood meal is negligible, so the K recommendation can be calculated without subtracting the
                           K present in the N and P sources. Using K-mag (sulfate of potash magnesia) to complete the fertility

                                         (4 lb K2O ÷ 1000 ft2) x (1 lb K-Mag ÷ 0.22 lb K2O) = (18 lb K-Mag ÷ 1000ft2)

                           Based on these calculations, meeting the soil test report fertilizer recommendations will
                           require 25 lb blood meal, 10 lb bone meal, and 18 lb K-Mag for 1000 square feet of garden

                          pH and liming                                           Temperature
                              Garden plants typically grow best in a                  Cool temperatures in early spring also
                          pH from 6.0 to 6.5, and microbial activity              limit microbial activity. Soils must be warm
                          is restricted when pH is less than 5.5. Soil            enough to stimulate microbial activity in
                          testing and adjusting pH according to lime              order to decompose organic fertilizers and
                          recommendations helps ensure that soil                  make nutrients available to crop plants.
                          organisms are operating under optimal                   Growth may be stunted early in the season
                          conditions. Calcium, the neutralizing agent             if plants don’t get enough nutrients or those
                          in agricultural lime, will not spread quickly           nutrients are immobilized by decomposing
                          throughout the soil profile. For that reason,           microbes (also known as “N rob”).
                          it must be thoroughly incorporated before                   To avoid stunted growth, use a readily-
                          planting—ideally two to three months                    available organic fertilizer such as fish
                          before planting—throughout the root-                    emulsion or other liquid organic fertilizer
                          ing zone, at a depth of 6 to 8 inches. If you           when you transplant, and use it weekly for
                          can’t apply lime this early, it will still help if      one to two weeks after transplant. Using
                          you can apply and incorporate it at least a             healthy transplants with enough fertility in
                          month before seeding or transplanting.                  the transplant mix to carry some nutrient
                                                                                  forward into the garden bed will also help
                                                                                  make up for insufficient soil nutrients early
                                                                                  in the season.
Chapter 18                                                                                                             Organic Gardening • 281

                              Organic Transplants                                         Pest Management: Weeds,
                              and Seed Sources                                            Insects, Diseases
                                 Organic seedling mix can be expen-                           One of the main differences between
                              sive, and nutrient delivery tends to be                     organic gardening and conventional
                              less consistent than with conventional                      gardening is the use of pesticides. Organic
                              seedling mixes (though there are notable                    gardeners choose not to use any synthetic
                              exceptions). Add fertilizer once the first                  chemicals to control weeds, insects, or
                              set of true leaves appear. Typically, organic               diseases. Instead, they use a combination of
                              gardeners use a liquid, fish emulsion-based                 cultural, physical, and biological controls.
                              organic fertilizer. To avoid burning plants,                The philosophy behind organic pest control
                              follow dilution directions on the packaging.                is that using “many little hammers” allow
                                 The cost of organic seedling mixes                       the organic gardener to beat back pests to
                              increases rapidly with soil or compost-                     a manageable threshold even though these
                              based mixes, so many organic gardeners                      techniques lack the chemical strength of
                              and farmers make their seedling mix.                        many conventional garden inputs.
                              Several common recipes used in organic                          Cultural controls, used to prevent pests
                              seedling production are listed in Table                     from ever becoming a threat, are the first
                              3. For additional information on organic                    line of defense in the garden. They include
                              seedling mix ingredients, nutrient release                  proper plant selection, fertility manage-
                              rates, and additional recipes, see the                      ment, crop rotation, and physical exclusion.
                              publication Potting Mixes for Certified                     Physical or mechanical controls manually
                              Organic Production at http://attra.ncat.                    remove pests from the garden. Biological
                              org/attra-pub/potmix.html. Note that one                    controls, which can be organic pesticides
                              recipe is intended for use with “soil block-                or beneficial organisms, are used to man-
                              ers,” which are hand tools designed to form                 age an existing insect or disease problem.
                              free-standing blocks of potting soil that                   It is a common misconception that organic
                              substitute for peat pots, seedling flats, etc.              gardening prohibits the use of pesticides
                              Soil blockers have been popular among                       in any form. A number of pesticides that
                              small-scale producers, and are readily avail-               are derived directly from biological or
                              able through some garden suppliers special-                 mineral sources are organically approved.
                              izing in organic production (see Additional                 They may be highly toxic, but they typi-
                              Resources).                                                 cally break down much more quickly in the

Table 3. Common recipes for organic potting and germination mixes.
Organic substitute       Classic soil-based                                                                              Vegetable
for Cornell Mix          mix1                     Soil blocking mix                  Organic potting mix                 transplant recipe
• ½ cu. yd sphagnum      • 1⁄3 mature com-        • 3 buckets2                       • 1 part sphagnum peat              Equal parts by
  peat                     post or leaf mold,     • brown peat                       • 1 part peat humus (short          volume of: compost,
• ½ cu. yd                 screened               • ½ cup lime (mix well)              fiber)                            peat moss, and per-
  vermiculite            • 1⁄3 garden topsoil     • 2 buckets coarse sand or         • 1 part compost                    lite or vermiculite
• 10 lb bone meal        • 1⁄3 sharp sand           perlite                          • 1 part sharp sand (builder’s)
• 5 lb ground                                     • 3 cups base fertilizer (blood    To every 80 qt of this add:
  limestone                                         meal, colloidal phosphate,       • 1 cup greensand
• 5 lb blood meal                                   and green sand mixed             • 1 cup colloidal phosphate
                                                    together in equal parts)         • 1½ to 2 cups crabmeal, or
                                                  • 1 bucket soil                      blood meal
                                                  • 2 buckets compost                • ½ cup lime
Sources: For the blocking and organic potting mixes, Coleman’s The New Organic Grower: A Master’s Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and
Market Gardener. For the vegetable transplant recipe, Rynk’s On-Farm Composting Handbook. (See Additional Resources.)
1 This mix is heavier than modern peat mixes but still has good drainage. Compost promotes a healthy soil mix that can reduce root diseases.
  Vermiculite or perlite can be used instead of sand. Organic fertilizer may be added to this base.
2 Standard 10-qt bucket.
282 • Organic Gardening                                                                                        Chapter 18

                          environment than their synthetic coun-           the mulch. Direct-seeded crops such as
                          terparts. Organic management of weeds,           root vegetables and lettuces can be planted
                          insects, and diseases integrating cultural,      through a thin layer of mulch and still
                          physical/mechanical, and biological con-         emerge. To promote crop emergence while
                          trols is discussed below.                        minimizing weeds between the crop rows,
                                                                           you also can mulch with a thicker layer
                          Weeds                                            around the planting furrow and leave the
                                                                           furrow exposed.
                             Cultural controls for preventing weeds            Straw mulch is commonly used in
                          include                                          home gardens, and it is effective in con-
                          • crop rotation and spacing                      trolling weeds and conserving moisture.
                          • physical barriers on the soil                  However, if it’s not clean, straw may import
                          • bringing into the garden only materials        weed seeds and create more weeds than
                             that you know to be free of weed seed         it reduces. Mulches and hay and manures
                          • not allowing existing weeds to go to seed      from animals eating them can contain her-
                             Crops and cover crops planted in tight        bicide residue, but most herbicides break
                          succession compete with weeds for light,         down rapidly in the environment. However,
                          nutrients, and water. The more these             picloram, clopyralid, and aminopyralid do
                          resources are in use by crop plants, the less    not break down quickly, and, in concentra-
                          available they are for weeds.                    tions as low as 1 ppb (parts per billion), they
                             In addition, planting vigorous transplants    can be lethal to sensitive garden plants such
                          on relatively tight spacing closes the plant     as peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes,
                          canopy rapidly, helping crop plants out-         and potatoes. These herbicides are used
                          compete weeds for light, water, and avail-       to control broadleaf, persistent weeds
                          able nutrients. Techniques such as French        such as Canada thistle in pastures, under
                          biointensive gardening (Jeavons, 2004) and       power transmission lines, and in hay and
                          square-foot gardening (Bartholomew, 2005)        wheat crops. They are used because they
                          emphasize close plant spacing and arrang-        are long-lived, effective, and low in toxicity
                          ing plants by vertical size to produce a         to humans and other animals. They can,
                          dense canopy that maximizes crop produc-         however, persist in the garden for several
                          tion and minimizes weed pressure.                years. If you are buying hay or straw mulch
                                                                           from a local farm, you can avoid bringing in
                          Mulches and Other Physical Barriers              contaminated mulches by asking whether
                             Physical barriers such as mulches, plastic,   the field in which the crop was grown has
                          landscape fabric, and even cardboard block       been sprayed with picloram, clopyralid, or
                          light to germinating weeds. They greatly         aminopyralid in the past two to three years.
                          reduce weed emergence and also conserve          These herbicides are sold under the follow-
                          water. When these barriers are plant-based,      ing trade names:
                          they add organic matter to the soil as well.     • Picloram: Tordon, Access, Surmount,
                          Typically, a 1-to-2-inch layer of straw or hay       Grazon, and Pathway
                          mulch, with some additional hand weed-           • Clopyralid: Curtail, Confront, Clopyr
                          ing, will suppress weeds for much of the             AG, Lontrel, Stinger, Millennium Ultra,
                          season. More mulch can lead to outbreaks             Millenium Ultra Plus, Reclaim, Redeem,
                          of fungal and bacterial disease in warm, wet         Transline
                          years. To minimize diseases, keep mulches        • Aminopyralid: Milestone, Forefront,
                          off crop plant stems. Also, on long-season,          Pharaoh, Banish.
                          disease-sensitive crops such as tomatoes
                          and peppers, remove lower leaves touching
Chapter 18                                                                                           Organic Gardening • 283

Figure 4. Specialty garden hoes.                                            light weeding in tight garden spaces or in
                                                                            fine seed beds, use a colinear hoe. It is a
                                                                            small, light tool that is dragged along the soil
                                            grub hoe                        surface or slightly below it to kill weeds. For
                                                                            larger weeds or larger areas, a standard gar-
                                                                            den hoe is most commonly used. A stirrup
                                                                            hoe, or “hula hoe,” is an alternative to the
                                                                            garden hoe. It has a spring-steel blade that
                                                                            cuts in both directions for high efficiency.
                                                                            Unlike a fixed-blade garden hoe, the head of
    collinear hoe          stirrup hoe
                                                                            a stirrup hoe has a limited swivel joint at the
                                                                            top that allows the blade to remove weeds
                                                                            by pushing and pulling the hoe without
                                                                            having to lift the hoe. The ability to move
                          Weeding techniques                                the hoe back and forth without having to
                             Once weed pressure begins to mount—            lift the hoe has also led to stirrup hoes also
                          and it generally does—physically removing         being called “scuffle hoes.” The stirrup hoe
                          weeds is the organic gardener’s only option.      can work the soil deeper than a garden hoe
                          No consistently effective, approved organic       in loose and light soils. To chop out larger or
                          herbicides are available at this time. The fol-   deeply-rooted weeds, a “chop” or “grub” hoe
                          lowing methods are most commonly used.            is an aggressive tool that quickly unearths
                             Hand weeding—The oldest method of              weeds. Although grub hoes are effective,
                          weed control is hand weeding, and it is still     they can be heavy and physically demand-
                          the most effective for commonly occurring         ing to operate.
                          weed species in Kentucky. Hand weed-                  Mechanical cultivation—Mechanical
                          ing is particularly effective for removing        cultivation is generally used in large gardens
                          annual weeds with shallow root systems.           that have wide spacing between rows. On a
                          With hand weeding, you can remove weeds           large scale, it can be much faster than hand
                          growing in the row without harming grow-          weeding. Garden tillers are set at as shallow
                          ing crop plants. If you regularly hand-weed       a depth as possible to so nearby crop plants
                          while performing other gardening tasks,           won’t be damaged and soil disturbance at
                          you can do so rapidly and keep weed pres-         deeper depths will be minimized. Extensive,
                          sure low. Hand-weeding is also the easiest        regular mechanical cultivation destroys
                          method to use when weeding in garden              soil structure and leads to increased
                          beds with mulches. However, if you’re             breakdown of soil organic matter and
                          weeding on a large scale or have high weed        organic amendments such as composts and
                          pressure, you may need to use tools.              manures. Mechanical cultivation should
                             Hoeing—Hoeing can be both efficient            be conducted under proper soil moisture
                          and effective for removing small weeds or         conditions to help minimize damage to soil
                          chopping out larger ones. It is most effective    structure. Soils that are too wet will stick
                          for weeding between rows of crop plants           to tillage implements and “smear” the soil
                          that have a wide spacing between plants           and create compacted conditions when the
                          so the crop plants won’t be damaged. Hoe          soil dries. In general, soil moisture can be
                          shallowly near plants so you do not damage        estimated by taking a handful of soil and
                          their roots; hoe deeply when you need to          forming a ball by gently squeezing it. If the
                          unearth roots of persistent weeds such as         ball readily holds it shape, it may be too wet
                          curly dock, Johnson grass, nut sedges, etc.       to till. Soils that crumble gently but still have
                          A sharp hoe makes hoeing much easier, as          some tangible moisture are in better condi-
                          does having the right hoe for the job. For        tion for tillage.
284 • Organic Gardening                                                                                        Chapter 18

                          Insects                                          for whiteflies and other insects but are best
                                                                           used for monitoring for insect pressure, not
                              Insect control in the organic garden         control. Japanese beetle traps, which rely
                          begins with growing healthy plants. Weak         on a synthetic lure or a sex pheromone to
                          plants, which have nutrient deficiencies,        attract the beetles, are also available in gar-
                          tend to be the first to succumb to insect        den shops. These traps are highly effective,
                          pressure. Nutrient excesses (particularly        even from long distances. However, beetles
                          nitrogen) can lead to outbreaks of insects       may linger and feed on crop plants, doing
                          such as aphids. Soil testing and proper fer-     more damage than would have occurred
                          tility management can help minimize both         without the traps. For that reason, these
                          nutrient deficiencies and excesses.              traps are not widely recommended. Instead,
                              Timing is also important. For pests          you might consider removing beetles and
                          that increase throughout the season, such        other insects by hand.
                          as corn earworms, tobacco hornworms,                 Trap crops are grown to lure pests away
                          cucumber beetles, etc., early plantings can      from more desirable crop plants. For exam-
                          minimize pest pressure. For pests such as        ple, flea beetles will feed on giant mustard
                          flea beetles that subside with onset of sum-     over kales and other Brassica crops, and
                          mer heat, delaying plantings of eggplant and     blue hubbard squashes are used as traps for
                          other summer crops that are sensitive to         cucumber beetles, which feed on a variety
                          flea beetles can minimize their damage.          of cucurbit crops. Insect pests on the trap
                              Row covers of lightweight fabric can be      crop can either be left alone or destroyed by
                          used as insect barriers to exclude insect        hand picking or with an organic insecticide.
                          pests from crop plants. When using row           if you have to use pesticide to get rid insect
                          covers in the summer, the fabric should be       pests, trap cropping helps limit how much
                          of “insect-barrier” thickness so that temper-    you have to spray in addition to protect-
                          atures under the fabric don’t get too hot and    ing crop plants. For a summary of effective
                          maximum light penetrates the fabric. The         trap crop studies, see http://www.oisat.
                          fabric can be removed after the threat of        org/control_methods/cultural__practices/
                          pest damage has passed. For crops that bear      trap_cropping.html
                          fruit, the insect barrier should be removed
                          during flowering to allow for pollination.       Beneficial Insects
                          Row covers are particularly effective in pre-       Beneficial insects, or “natural enemies,”
                          venting imported cabbageworms and cab-           are used in the organic garden to con-
                          bage looper moths from laying their eggs on      trol pests biologically. A number of spe-
                          Brassica crops. Use wire hoops, which are        cies of beetles, parasitic wasps, flies, and
                          available commercially, or homemade PVC          nematodes are predators or parasitoids
                          frames to support row covers during the          of pest insects. (Parasitoids are organisms
                          summer. Both hoops and frames will allow         that lay their eggs or larvae in the body
                          air to circulate around the plants. These        of a host [pest] organism. The immature
                          supports can also be used with thicker           parasitoid feeds on the body fluids and
                          fabrics and/or plastic to extend the grow-       organs of the host and evenutally emerges
                          ing season into spring or fall. Avoid pinning    and kills the host.) A number of ben-
                          plants to plastic mulches, where they can be     eficial insects are available commercially.
                          damaged by excessive heat.                       Sources can be found online and in the UK
                              A wide variety of traps can be made or       Cooperative Extension publication Vendors
                          purchased. For example, slugs and snails         of Beneficial Organisms in North America
                          can be attracted to a shallow container filled   (ENTFACT-125) at
                          with beer and buried level with the soil.        entomology/entfacts/ef125.asp. Common,
                          The slugs and snails drown in the beer. (The     commercially available beneficial insects
                          beer must be changed every several days, as      and the insect pests they control are listed
                          the trap fills and/or becomes foul.) Prepared    in Table 4.
                          sticky traps are available in garden shops
Chapter 18                                                                                                Organic Gardening • 285

             Table 4. Guide to insects as biocontrols.
             Beneficial Insect                                             Pest Insect Controlled
             Green lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris)1                      Aphids, mealybugs, immature scales and white-
                                                                           flies, thrips, spider mites
             Lady beetle                                                   Aphids, Colorado potato beetles (egg stage), and
                                                                           other insect pests
             Beneficial nematodes (various species)                        Root knot nematodes, flea larvae, grubs
             Praying mantis (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis)1                Foliar feeding insects
             Mealybug destroyer (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri)                Mealybug larvae
             Trichogramma wasp                                             Over 200 species of moth eggs, including tomato
                                                                           hornworm, loopers, etc.
             Spined soldier bug (Podisus maculiventris)1                   Larvae of Mexican bean beetle, European corn
                                                                           borer, corn earworm, cabbage looper, cabbage-
                                                                           worm, Colorado potato beetle, and flea beetles.
             1   These beneficial insects are general predators, shown with the pest insects against which they are particularly

                In general, you can expect a delay                           scouting and removal while you take care of
             between the time of beneficial insects’                         other garden tasks. Physical removal is less
             release and effective control of the pest.                      effective for small or fast-moving insects,
             Effective control can be difficult if you                       which will likely require some of the other
             release them after you notice a major pest                      techniques explained above.
             outbreak, because a sufficient population                          Although organic insecticides, which are
             has to build up to control the outbreak. You                    derived from botanical or mineral sources,
             should release a large number of them at                        do not persist as long as their conventional
             the first sight of the pests. Most importantly,                 counterparts, a number of them are used
             you should create a habitat in which the                        in organic gardening. In general, an organic
             beneficial insects can overwinter and per-                      insecticide requires that the pest insect
             sist in your garden or yard. Ideally, a year-                   ingest it directly or at least come in contact
             round habitat for beneficial populations will                   with it. For example, organic gardeners can
             limit outbreaks of pest insects. Typically,                     use Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to control cat-
             perennial vegetation, woody shrubs, crop                        erpillars. It should be applied as a spray or
             residues, and even boards will provide over-                    powder every three to five days as needed
             wintering habitat for beneficial insects and                    during periods of caterpillar pressure.
             their offspring.                                                   Several general insecticides, such as pyr-
                The most reliable way to control insect                      ethins, are approved for organic production.
             pests is to physically remove them from                         These insecticides should be sprayed just
             the plant by hand and drop them into a                          before sunset, when pest insects are active
             container of soapy water. Adding a squirt                       but pollinators are not, in order to prevent
             of dish soap to an empty quart jar then                         contact with bees and other pollinators.
             adding water creates a solution that effec-                     Examples of insecticides approved for
             tively traps insects placed in the jar. The                     organic production and the organisms they
             soap breaks the surface tension of the water,                   control are listed in Table 5. Organically-
             which prevents the insects from gaining                         approved insecticides are available at some
             traction and climbing out of the jar. This                      garden supply stores but are also available
             method works particularly well for beetles                      online in home garden quantities from
             and caterpillars, which can generally be                        commercial organic nursery and horticul-
             controlled at the garden scale by daily                         tural suppliers (see Additional Resources).
286 • Organic Gardening                                                                                                          Chapter 18

Table 5. Insecticides approved for use in organic production.
Ingredient              Origin of Active Ingredient                            Pest Insects Controlled
Bacillus thuringi-      A toxin produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus        Caterpillars, such as cabbage looper, hornworm, imported
ensis (Bt)              thuringiensis                                          cabbageworm, corn ear worm, etc.
Diatomaceous            Fossilized remains of diatoms, algae with a silica-    Particularly effective on soft-bodies insects but also deters
earth                   based hard shell                                       beetle, flea, and ant activity on plants
Insecticidal soaps      Salts of fatty acids derived from coconut and other    Soft-bodies insects such as aphids, thrips, whiteflies, etc.
Kaolin clay             A naturally occurring clay mineralogy ground into a    Numerous. Kaolin clay is sprayed on crop plants, deterring
                        fine powder                                            pests from landing, feeding, and depositing eggs.
Neem                    The neem tree (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen       Gypsy moths, leaf miners, whiteflies, thrips, loop-
                        native to the Indian subcontinent                      ers, caterpillars, and mealybugs (disrupts feeding and
Pyrethrins              Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora)               Numerous. Pyrethrins are general insectides and affect
                        flowers                                                beetles, caterpillars, and various sucking insects.
Sabadilla               Seeds of a tropical lily plant Schoenocaulon offici-   Sap-feeding insects, caterpillars, and thrips.1
                        nale, native to Central and South America
Spinosads               Soil actinomycete, Saccharopolyspora spinosa           Numerous. Disrupts nuerotransmittors and feeding pat-
                                                                               terns in moths, caterpillars, leaf miners, thrips, Colorado
                                                                               potato beetles, and fire ants
Sulfur                  The mineral sulfur                                     Spider mites, psyllids, and thrips
1   Highly toxic to honeybees, so application at sunset is recommended.

                                Diseases                                                region are key to proper cultivar selec-
                                                                                        tion. It should be noted that treated and/or
                                   Cultural controls are the best way to                genetically modified seeds are prohibited in
                                prevent disease in organic gardening,                   USDA-certified organic production.
                                since few options exists for biological                    Disease organisms are spread by moving
                                control of diseases. Gardeners can best                 infected materials from plant to plant. To
                                control diseases from the outset through                help avoid such spread, remove diseased
                                cultural practices that deter buildup of                plants when leaves are dry and place them
                                disease organisms. Crop rotation is espe-               in sealed plastic bags. This practice will help
                                cially important in controlling diseases of             prevent bacteria or fungal spores spread-
                                Solanaceous crops (tomato, pepper, potato,              ing to healthy plants. To minimize disease
                                etc.) as bacterial and fungal diseases are              transfer between plants, avoid harvesting
                                particularly problematic when these crops               or pruning tomato plants while the leaves
                                are produced organically. It is also best to            are wet. Use a bleach-treated cloth to wipe
                                avoid composting residue of diseased plants             down pruners between working tomato or
                                of any Solanaceous crops so that disease                tree crops, which will also help minimize
                                organisms won’t build up in the compost                 disease spread.
                                pile. Instead, dispose of residue of diseased              Many diseases spread by insect vectors—
                                plants or any Solanaceous crops in sealed               insects transporting disease from plant
                                garbage bags and burn it or throw it away               to plant as they feed. In Kentucky, bacte-
                                with municipal garbage.                                 rial wilt of cucurbits is a classic example
                                   It’s also important to select disease-               of this method of disease spread. Spotted
                                resistant cultivars. There are a number of              and striped cucumber beetles carry bacte-
                                sources for high-quality, untreated and/or              rial wilt of cucurbits between cucumbers
                                organic seed. Knowing disease issues that               and other cucurbit plants as they feed.
                                are problematic in your garden and in your
Chapter 18                                                                          Organic Gardening • 287

             Therefore, this disease is controlled through
             the beetle vector, not the bacteria (Erwinia
                                                              Additional Resources
             tracheophila) that causes the disease. This      Bartholomew, Mel. 2005. Square Foot
             example highlights an important principle           Gardening: A New Way to Garden in
             for the organic gardener: knowing the root          Less Space with Less Work. Rodale Press,
             cause of a disease or other problem in the          Emmaus, PA. 352 pp.
             garden requires understanding the entire         Boyhan, George. E. 2009. Growing
             garden as a system. One might view the dis-         Vegetables Organically. University of
             ease as the problem because it may be the           Georgia Cooperative Extension Bulletin
             final fatal blow to the plant. However, if the      1011. Athens, GA. 10 pp. http://www.
             root cause is insect or soil related, treating
             the disease is ineffective if the underlying        files/pdf/B%201011_4.PDF
             condition or cause is not resolved.              Caldwell, Brian. 2005. Resource Guide
                Very few sprays are designed to control          for Organic Insect and Disease
             diseases organically. Copper-based products         Management. New York State
             are considered synthetic but are allowed in         Agricultural Experiment Station,
             USDA-certified organic production with              Geneva, NY. 169 pp. http://www.nysaes.
             certain restrictions. These products are  
             restricted because they can accumulate in        Coleman, Eliot. 1989. The New Organic
             soil and create copper toxicity problems;           Grower: A Master’s Manual of Tools and
             are highly toxic to fish; and can also harm         Techniques for the Home and Market
             bees, beneficial soil bacteria and fungi,           Gardener. Chelsea Green Publishing,
             and earthworms. Copper-based products               White River Junction, VT. 340 pp.
             have been shown to somewhat effective in         Gershuny, Grace, and Deborah L. Martin
             controlling downy and powdery mildews,              (eds). 1992 (Revised Edition). The Rodale
             bean anthracnose, and tomato early blight.          Book of Composting: Easy Methods for
             Bordeaux mix (a blend of copper sulfate             Every Gardener. Rodale Press, Emmaus,
             mixed with hydrated lime) is considered             PA. 278 pp.
             a synthetic substance and is restricted in       Jeavons, John. 2004 (Sixth Edition). How to
             organic production due to its long residual         Grow More Vegetables (and Fruits, Nuts,
             activity and high toxicity to bees. Sulfur          Berries, Grains and Other Crops than
             that is mined (elemental sulfur) rather than        You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land
             extracted through manufacturing/power               than You Can Imagine). Ten Speed Press,
             generation can be used in certified organic         Berkeley, CA. 240 pp.
             production. In addition to serving as a trace    Kuepper, George. Potting Mixes for
             mineral, sulfur has fungicidal effects.             Certified Organic Production. 2010
                Research and development of organi-              (reviewed edition).
             cally-approved disease controls is occurring        ATTRA Publication #IP112. National
             rapidly. Up-to-date information and new             Sustainable Agriculture Information
             products can be found eXtension’s eOr-              Service, Butte, MT. 20 pp. http://attra.
             ganic website (  
             organic_production) as well as Caldwell’s        Lowenfels. Jeff, and Wayne Lewis. 2006.
             Resource Guide for Organic Insect and               Teaming with Microbes: A Gardener’s
             Disease Management listed below.                    Guide to the Soil Food Web. Timber
                                                                 Press, Portland, OR. 196 pp.
288 • Organic Gardening                                                                                                                                          Chapter 18

                                    National Sustainable Agriculture                                        Organic Materials Review Institute. www.
                                      Information Service (also known as                             
                                      ATTRA). An excellent source of infor-                                 Riotte, Louise. 1998. Carrots Love
                                      mation on all kinds of sustainable and                                   Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion
                                      organic agricultural practices, marketing,                               Planting for Successful Gardening. Storey
                                      etc.                                                      Books, North Adams, MA. 224 pp.
                                    Online Information Service for Non-                                     Rynk, Robert. 1992. On-Farm Composting
                                      Chemical Pest Management in the                                          Handbook. Natural Resource,
                                      Tropics. Trap Cropping. Hamburg,                                         Agriculture and Engineering Service.
                                      Germany.                                Stephens, James M. 2003. Organic
                                      methods/cultural__practices/trap_crop-                                   Vegetable Gardening. Florida
                                      ping.html                                                                Cooperative Extension Service Circular
                                    Oregon State University Extension Service.                                 375. University of Florida, Gainesville,
                                      Organic Gardening Fundamentals.                                          FL. 12 p.
                                      10-Minute University Series. http://                                     VH/VH01900.pdf
                                                              United States Department of Agriculture
                                      mg/metro/sites/default/files/Organic_                                    Agricultural Marketing Service. The
                                      gardening.pdf                                                            National Organic Program. http://www.
                                    Organic Gardening Magazine. Published                             Last modi-
                                      by Rodale Press since the 1940s. Now                                     fied: 11/09/2010.
                                      available online at: www.organicgarden-

                                    Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in text or figures does not constitute an
                                    endorsement and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or firms.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Issued in furtherance of
Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director of Cooperative Extension
Programs, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Kentucky State University, Frankfort. Copyright © 2012 for materials developed by University of
Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give
credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World Wide Web at
Issued 5-2012
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