ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

ON NEWS - Ontario Northland
ISSUE 2 | 2021


                                                                                           Michael Rennie,
                                                                                           Manager of Signals
                                                                                           and Communications

 Working Together for Safer Crossings and Savings
 A few members of Ontario Northland’s Rail               Michael Rennie guided the City of Temiskaming
 Infrastructure department met with the City of          Shores to Transport Canada’s Rail Safety
 Temiskaming Shores to discuss concerns with the         Improvement Program as a possible source of
 safety of some of the rail crossings within the City.   funding, and the group committed to staying in
                                                         touch and collaborating to see what progress
 As with many municipalities, the City’s road            they could make.
 improvement budget was tight and making changes
 would be a challenge. While everyone agreed that        Little did they know at the time, they had arranged
 the areas identified needed work, the City could not    the perfect partnership.
 make the necessary improvements without
 significant capital.
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

Working Together for Safer Crossings and Savings
Michael’s department is responsible for the safety and         road and crossing surface and little cash available to the
integrity of 72 active warning systems, 22 wayside             Municipality, Michael had an idea—he suggested that they
inspection systems, and 15 train radio installations           submit a joint application for funding to Canada’s Rail
along Ontario Northland’s 700 miles of track. In recent        Safety Improvement Program. The application included
years, Ontario Northland has received capital funding          upgrades to the road surface, drainage, crossing surface,
for some much needed updates to the rail infrastructure.       warning system and advance lights. Because of his
Since there hadn’t been upgrades to crossings in many          previous experience with the program, the City happily
years due to lack of funding, Michael set an ambitious         agreed to Michael’s offer of applying for the funding on
goal to completely replace five Grade Crossing Warning         behalf of Temiskaming Shores.
Systems a year, which includes updates to meet the latest
standards. “It was an aggressive goal, but we have the         It wasn’t long before Michael once again lived up to
right processes and people in place at Ontario Northland.      Ontario Northland’s reputation as a solid partner, as
We are fortunate to be able to put together a plan and         the City received confirmation this April on the funding
have the resources available to get the job done while         needed for the upgrades from Transport Canada’s Rail
producing significant savings for each crossing upgrade,”      Safety Improvement Program.
Michael explains.
                                                               We are pleased to inform you that the Grade Crossing
How much savings? “By working with the Procurement             Improvement Project by the City of Temiskaming Shores
team, we identified which materials and equipment              has received approval for funding under the Rail Safety
Ontario Northland could order ahead or in bulk,                Improvement Program (RSIP). Federal funding of the
significantly reducing the markup paid out as compared         Project from the RSIP will be up to a maximum of 80% of
to contracting out the entire replacement of the grade         total eligible project costs.
crossing warning systems. We then selected installation
contractors through a competitive bidding process for          Having to pay only 20% of the crossing upgrade costs
additional savings,” Michael says. “This added up to           was a huge win for the City, and for Ontario Northland,
savings of $50,000 to $60,000 per crossing.” In addition       and meant the improvements could move ahead and the
to the savings this approach provided, Michael also began      residents of Temiskaming Shores would have the safer
submitting numerous applications to the Rail Safety            crossing they needed.
Improvement Program for every upgrade he was planning,
in the hopes they might be approved and allow for more         Ontario Northland depends on a productive and strong
infrastructure upgrades.                                       relationship with communities. And here, once again,
                                                               is the proof that these relationships can be incredibly
With the dilemma of massive structural improvements            successful—when the goal is true collaboration.
required from advance warning lights and upgrades to

  Best Wishes in Your Retirement
   Pensioner                         Last Position                                              Location
   Jeff Sayer                        Trainman                                                   North Bay
   Chris James                       Pipefitter-Electrical                                      Ramore
   Ann Savage                        Program Manager, Transformation                            North Bay
   Pierre Touzin                     Track Technician                                           Temagami
   Arnold Bailey                     Trainman                                                   Englehart
   Steven Acourt                     Electrician                                                North Bay
   Jerry Miller Jr.                  Trainman                                                   Englehart
   Wade Nelson                       Track Technician                                           Island Falls
   Bill Pennell                      Track Technician                                           North Bay
   Robert Collette                   Track Inspect                                              Island Falls
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

  From left to right: Brian Malherbe, Marc Ruel, Craig
  Crawford, Leith Beadman-Farquhar, and Scott Murphy

Cochrane Hoesch Crew Ready to Roll
Lonnie Little, Director of Rail Mechanical, snapped this              This particular truck was purchased as a regular
picture as our Cochrane Rail Maintenance team was                     Freightliner four-door truck and was equipped with
heading out to respond to an incident. The Hoesch truck               specialized equipment by a company who specializes
is a vital vehicle that is used when rail cars or locomotives         in this type of outfitting.
need onsite maintenance or repair. Hoesch is a German
company that makes these specialized transportation                   It is frequently used for wheel changes, re-railing
vehicles, hydraulic re-railing equipment that can lift heavy          locomotives and so much more - the Hoesch Crew
equipment, between 400,000 – 500,000 lbs.                             does it all.

                                                                          CEO Delivers Diversity
                                                                          and Inclusivity Training to
                                                                          Military Audience
                                                                          Our CEO and President, Corina Moore, also serves
                                                                          as the Honorary Colonel of 21 Aerospace and Control
                                                                          Squadron. In May, she delivered “Choose to Change”
                                                                          a presentation about the benefits of embracing
                                                                          diversity and attracting women to non-traditional
                                                                          roles like the skilled trades.

                                                                          “We have made great progress at Ontario Northland
                                                                          in the area of diversity, and we still have a lot of work
                                                                          to do.

                                                                          By sharing what we have learned we can help others
                                                                          see the values in diversity and inclusion.”
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

 Shawn Stevenson                         Brandon Norwick
 Pipefitter Apprentice                   Painter Apprentice

Apprenticeship Programs Provide
Opportunities for Growth
Apprenticeships might sound like they    “Similar to apprenticeship programs
are for those who come straight from     for electricians and pipefitters, the
high-school or college.                  Painter Apprentice can work alongside
                                         experienced painters to get hands-on
At Ontario Northland apprenticeships     and Ontario Northland customized
provide opportunities for growth and     training while getting paid.”
diversification of skills. “We rely on
our apprenticeship programs as a tool    This initiative benefits employees who
to develop highly-skilled employees,”    are interested in learning a trade while
says Mark Roelcke, Director of           strengthening Ontario Northland’s skill
Remanufacturing and Repair.              set and helping to meet the demand
                                         for skilled painters.
An apprenticeship is a job where
employees are paid to learn a new set    “We’re positive that creating
of skills through on-the-job training.   opportunities to gain a new skill within
While the bulk of apprenticeships at     our workforce will reduce employee
Ontario Northland are for Railway Car    turnover and improve productivity,”
Technicians, there have also been        continues Roelcke.
opportunities for electricians and
pipe fitters.                            “The apprenticeships help us address
                                         critical and expected shortages of
When the recruitment of experienced      skilled labour at a time when it’s
and skilled Painters became a            difficult to find skilled workers to
challenge, Mark and Stan Lonsdale        fill jobs.”
decided to think outside of the box
and for the first time ever, create an   Ontario Northland’s two newest
apprenticeship program for a Painter.    apprenticeships are Brandon Norwick
                                         (Painter Apprentice) and Shawn
“We decided to apply the concept         Stevenson (Pipefitter Apprentice).
of a formal paid training program
for a Painter,” says Stan, Supervisor    In the last 6 years, 43 Ontario
of Remanufacturing and Repair at         Northland employees have completed
Ontario Northland.                       an apprenticeship and there are
                                         currently 13 enrolled.
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

 Bill Groves,
 Operations Supervisor

Thunder Bay Bus Depot Ready to Welcome Passengers
The new Thunder Bay Bus Depot is ready to welcome                  “We were able to quickly and smoothly get the Thunder
passengers with an inviting space. The Thunder Bay                 Bay Bus Depot renovated with minimal inconvenience
Bus Depot will be a transportation hub for northwestern            to passengers,” says Bill Groves, Operations Supervisor,
Ontario passengers. Providing much needed bus parcel               Northwest Region. “As the Province starts to
express services and connections to passengers in the              re-open, we’re ready to serve bus passengers and parcel
northwest.                                                         customers. Ontario Northland is new to the Northwest,
                                                                   and this Bus Depot will be sure to have a positive
The renovation took place over the past year. The                  impression on passengers and parcel customers. The
thoughtful design includes a waiting space, public                 Northwest is now ready to grow our business.”
washroom, storage for parcels and ticket counter. A bus
service facility is also located at a separate location just a
short drive away.

                                                                   Bus Driver Offers ASL
                                                                   to Passenger
                                                                   Motor Coach Operator in Thunder Bay, Sammy Mukungu
                                                                   has a hidden talent that he used to communicate with
                                                                   a hearing impaired passenger during a trip between
                                                                   Marathon and Thunder Bay.

                                                                   Sammy Mukungu noticed the passenger had a hearing
                                                                   impairment when initially communicating with him. Without
                                                                   skipping a beat, Sammy switched to sign language and a
                                                                   passenger snapped a photo of him doing so.

                                                                   Sammy took it a step further and reached out to the
                                                                   Passenger Operations management team to provide
                                                                   a suggestion on how to improve the experience for
                                                                   passengers with hearing impairments, his suggestions of
                                                                   having a laminated sheet with announcements and safety
                                                                   information will be implemented.

                                                                   Thank you Sammy for your suggestion, abilities and
                                                                   willingness to provide this next level service to passengers.
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

Creating a Respectful Workplace is Everyone’s Job
As much as starting a new job can        it was to not only make sure that        and programs. Sure, everyone
be exciting, it can also be stressful.   Blair felt welcome, but to take steps    knows what it means to respect
We’ve all experienced that nervous       to create as positive and respectful     our coworkers, but we don’t always
feeling when we think about getting      a workplace as possible for all          know exactly how to make sure that
used to new responsibilities, meeting    employees. “You have to start from       our words and actions help everyone
new people, and fitting into a new       where you are and take action,”          feel comfortable, included, and
corporate culture. For someone           she says. So Danielle took the           supported. It helps to know what
in the 2SLGBTQ+ community,               opportunity to get the wheels turning    tools are available—because the
these feelings can be intense,           on a more proactive approach to          fact is, it’s not always intuitive, even
overwhelming, and even debilitating.     equity, diversity, and inclusion at      when we have the best of intentions.
                                         Ontario Northland.                       So she reached outside of Ontario
“You don’t know what you’re getting                                               Northland for help.
into, even when you get hired,” says     A few of the initiatives put into
Ontario Northland employee, Blair        place—some of which you may
Carmichael. Blair identifies as non-     recognize—include updating the
binary, and uses pronouns “they/         workplace harassment and violence
them”. Blair was happy to return         policy, changing social media
to work after a short-leave, but         profiles to a Pride theme for the
says it was “nerve-wracking” to not      month of June; raising a Pride flag at
know if they’d feel welcome and be       locations with flagpoles throughout
respected. Blair says that the idea of   organization; an 2SLGBTQ+ article
sharing that they were transgender       in ON News; and appointing an HR
was “a major fear”.                      Champion to highlight a variety of
                                         Pride topics.
Danielle Baker, Chief Human
Resources Officer at Ontario             But Danielle also knew that this
Northland, realized how important        issue was bigger than internal policy
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

With Blair’s blessing, Danielle
contacted the Ontario Public Service
Pride Network for help and training.
The OPS offers a training program
aimed at creating Positive Space
Champions within the workplace.
A Positive Space Champion is
someone who creates a 2SLGBTQ+
welcoming place within the
workplace; is open to questions
related to 2SLGBTQ+ from work
colleagues; can provide referrals to
additional resources; and posts a
sign to indicate that their workstation
is a Positive Space for people in the
2SLGBTQ+ community.

In other words, they’re caring people
who value diversity, and are trained   this for some time,” Danielle says,                                                “Everyone at Ontario Northland has
to support a positive and inclusive    and she’s proud that the training is                                               been great, and I’ve had no bad
workplace for 2SLGBTQ+ staff.          now available. To be a part of this                                                experience here,” Blair says. “To me
             Your guide to CAA Rewardsinclusive program, and help ensure                                                  it’s about my freedom to be who
Want to help?
                savings and discounts. a 2SLGBTQ+-friendly workplace,                                                     I am and to do what I want to do.
                                       speak to your supervisor or contact a                                              It’s an incredible feeling to see the
Then become a Positive Space           member of the Human                                                                Positive Space stickers and Pride
Champion yourself! Ontario             Resources team.                                                                    Flag at Ontario Northland.” Ontario
Northland will partner with the OPS                                                                                       Northland has a reputation for being
Pride Network to hold further training As far as Blair is concerned, these                                                a wonderful place to work. We can all
sessions and include any employee      proactive programs and policies have                                               help make sure that continues to be
who’s committed to helping provide     made all the difference, and they’re                                               the case—for everyone.
a safe and welcoming workplace.        feeling welcome and respected at
“I know employees have wanted          work as they hoped to be.

                                                       Driving Security and Safety with CAA Membership
                                                       9 CAA Members benefi t from Emergency Road Side Assistance 24/7.

                                                       9 A CAA Membership is unique: Membership covers you no matter what vehicle you
                                                         are driving in — even if you are the passenger.

                                                       9 CAA Members can save on hotels, dining, and retailers such as The Source,

CAA Memberships                                          Dulux Paints, VIA Rail, East Side Mario’s and more!

for Employees                                           ONTARIO NORTHLAND EMPLOYEE PREFERRED RATES

                                                       CAA Plus® Membership                                   CAA Plus® Associate Membership

and Pensioners
Our Procurement team recently renewed the
                                                       $     90
                                                       /year + HST
                                                       Reg. $139.00 + HST
                                                                                                              $      68
                                                                                                              /year + HST
                                                                                                              Reg. $106.00 + HST                                     *Premier Level Coverage
                                                                                                                                                                      Including extra-long tow
CAA discount for employees and pensioners.                                                                                                                                     of up to
                                                       Corporate Code:                #ONTNRT
CAA Members benefit caaneo.ca
                       from emergency road side                                                                                                                          320km available for
                                                                                                                                                                        additional $20 + HST
assistance, as well as discounts at hotels, dining     Corporate Sales
                                                       Corporate Line: 866.220.1205
and retailers.                                         Email: groups@caaneo.on.ca

                                                       *Offer available only through a CAA Corporate Representative. Offer valid to residents of North & East
                                                       Ontario. Offer not available on a previously purchased or renewed Membership. Offer cannot be combined
                                                       with any other promotion or discount. Renewing CAA North & East Ontario Members are eligible. All associate
                                                       drivers must reside at the same address as the Primary Member. Other restrictions may apply. ® CAA, CAA
                                                       Emblem, CAA Dollars and CAA Rewards trademark are owned by, and their use is authorized by, the Canadian
                                                       Automobile Association. Trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

Another Step Forward for the
Return of Northern Passenger Rail
Over our 120-year history, Ontario Northland has had a           Minister Mulroney highlighted how this step dovetails with
long, proud record of connecting Northerners to the places       the government’s priorities for the North and responds to
they need to reach. We’ve helped people keep in close            the needs of the community.
touch with loved ones, get to classrooms and workplaces
and access specialized medical care in larger cities.            “People, businesses and Indigenous communities in
And while signature features like the Northlander may now        northern Ontario rely on a safe, convenient transportation
be a part of our past, our team is constantly looking to the     network to keep goods moving and to get people where
future — working to enhance and improve our service to           they need to go,” said Minister Mulroney.
meet the evolving needs of our region.
                                                                 “That’s why as part of our government’s 2021 Budget, we
In mid-May, we took an important step towards building           committed $5 million to move forward with planning and
on that track record even further.                               design work for passenger rail in the North.”

Ontario Northland President and CEO Corina Moore                 The announcement comes at an important time: with
joined the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, the Government          COVID-19 vaccination rates climbing and reopening plans
of Ontario’s Minister of Transportation, to announce the         getting underway, more and more Canadians are once
completion of the Initial Business Case (IBC) for the return     again starting to think about how they travel. According to
of a modern and sustainable passenger rail service.              Corina, better access to transportation will be vital for the
                                                                 long-term future prosperity of the North.
At the virtual announcement, Corina underlined the
historical significance of the day’s news. “We understand        “A connected northern Ontario means more opportunities
the unique transportation needs of Northerners, and we’ll        for businesses, more students choosing rural Colleges and
ensure our revitalized service is designed to meet both the      Universities, more people accessing medical appointments
personal and business needs of our passengers.”                  in comfort, and more tourists visiting northern Ontario.
                                                                 The future is bright for northern Ontario with the return of a
The business case is the latest milestone in Ontario             passenger rail service, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be
Northland’s ongoing work with Metrolinx and the Ministry         a part of it.”
of Transportation on the planning of the proposed 13-stop
route, which would connect the North to Toronto.                 The target completion date for the next stage of planning
                                                                 and design work is 2022, with a possible in-service date in
                                                                 the mid 2020s.
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland

Welcome New Employees
Since March 2021, 41 employees have joined us.
Be sure to introduce yourself and personally welcome them to Ontario Northland!

Melissa Butler                 Josef Viscek                     Christopher Dalcourt   Melanie Brown
Cleaner                        Environmental Specialist         Machinist Ramp         Project Manager
North Bay                      Enlgehart                        North Bay              North Bay

Darlene Orton                  Tyson Gardner                    Glen McAnaul           Jayden Lonsdale
Access & Diversity             Cleaner                          Machinist Ramp         Production Worker
Specialist                     Cochrane                         North Bay              North Bay
North Bay
                               Donna Groves                     Jeremy Poeta           Dyann Jackson
Michael Hayes                  BPX & Agency Rep                 Machinist Ramp         Bus Operator
Manager Train Service          Thunder Bay                      North Bay              North Bay
                               Jayson Demeester                 Jayde Wolfe            Victoria Hutchinson
Matthew Boisvenue              RRC Electrical                   Production Worker      Housekeeper/Front Desk
Transporation Manager          North Bay                        North Bay              Cochrane
                               Aaron Kennedy                    Ethan Huff             Taylor Nakogee-Naveau
Gregory Malicki                Production Worker                Track Labourer         Spare Warehouseman
Manager Enterprise Asset       North Bay                        Englehart              Moosonee
North Bay                      Hunter Birtch                    Jake Ritchie           Jeffrey Paquette
                               Production Worker                Track Labourer         Track Labourer
Comfort Olabisi                North Bay                        Englehart              Englehart
Financial Accountant
North Bay                      Ryan Dubeault                    Bailey Mousseau        Cortland Saunders
                               Cleaner                          Track Labourer         Track Labourer
Christopher Cavezza            Cochrane                         Englehart              Englehart
Bus Operator
Thunder Bay                    David R Landry                   Mathieu Ouellette      Noble Stow-Gore
                               RRC Electrical                   Track Labourer         Track Labourer
Patrick Dow                    North Bay                        Englehart              Englehart
Leadhand Mechanic
Thunder Bay                    Micheal C Boissonneault          Emmett Anderson        Paul Fleury
                               Painter                          Track Labourer         Painter
Ashley Commanda                North Bay                        Englehart              North Bay
Legal Assistant
North Bay                      Tanner Lafrance                  Curtis Robillard
                               Structures Supervisor            Track Labourer
Daniel Rogerson                Englehart                        Englehart
North Bay                      Ryan Liard                       Harry Dillaway
                               Spare CSSA                       Track Labourer
                               North Bay                        Englehart
ON NEWS - Ontario Northland
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The Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Program is ON!
What comes to mind when you think of an asset?                    include the processes and technology we use to support
For many, we think of physical, fixed, and “big” things like      asset decision making.
our trains, buses and real-estate. Some may also think
of more day-to-day items like our office furniture, tools,        Since our announcement in ON News in December, we
or technology. You might even think of assets as our              have progressed the EAM journey significantly. Greg
experience and reputation – and that’s certainly true as          Malicki, Manager of Enterprise Asset Management, has
these are among the most important and powerful                   been hired and a third-party company has been selected
assets of all.                                                    and together they have begun the planning process.

The Institute of Asset Management, a global leader in             Project Sponsor and VP of Corporate Services, Chad
defining standards for the discipline of enterprise asset         Evans is excited about the “real time, dynamic and
management, defines an asset as “anything that has                accurate inventory and stores information that will allow
actual or potential value to an organization”. When you           on-time provision of the inventory to maintenance and
hear it put that way, assets take on a much larger and            project teams” as well as empowered decision-making
strategic scope.                                                  through “dashboard views of current asset status for
                                                                  supervisors and managers” and a “single-source of truth
Assets are at the heart of the services we deliver to our         for the organization’s assets”. Chad is also keen to launch
customers. Each time a customer interacts with Ontario            “new, modern technology that is user and mobile-device
Northland, they trust and depend on your knowledge and            friendly.”
experience to make their journey reliable and safe.
In a high-functioning asset management organization,              Drew Duquette, Project Sponsor and VP of Transportation,
everyone contributes. Whether you plan, design, procure,          also sees critical wins because “asset management
operate, maintain, report on, or refurbish an asset we all        is integral in creating a realistic, achievable process
have an important part to play.                                   and schedule to meet your customer commitments.
                                                                  Upgrading our technology allows accurate measuring of
The EAM program scope includes all people, processes,             Key Performance Indicators to identify and constantly
technology, and information that supports how we                  improve…employees, the company, and customers
manage assets every day. Beginning first with our asset           all benefit from safety, cost control, efficiencies in the
management policies, plans, and data standards, the               process, employee morale and growth potential.”
program will evolve over a multi-year journey to also
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                                                                Father and Son Duo
                                                                Get Their Diplomas
                                                                In a 2016 study which used data from the Labour Force
                                                                Survey, the Canadian Income Survey and the Canadian
                                                                Survey on Disability about 340,000 young Canadians
                                                                (between ages of 25-34) had less than a high school
                                                                diploma. (*source statcan)

                                                                Jim (James Sr.) dropped out of high school at 16 years
                                                                old in 1986. He’d always wanted to go back and finish
                                                                it, but when his wife completed her Grade 12 along with
“Our team produces at a high level of quality, but we           additional courses in Administration and Social Work,
all know there are inefficiencies in the system that can        he was inspired to get back to it. He was off on leave
prevent on time delivery. Upgrading our systems will            and decided to try to use some of that time to further his
allow us to identify and correct the issues that prevent        education and successfully completed his Grade 12.
us from achieving what we are capable of,” Drew
commented recently when each were asked about                   His son James had dropped out of high school at 19
why EAM is so critical to Ontario Northland. Chad also          years old and started working with Ontario Northland and
cites the competitive need to shift our thinking: “to           had always wanted to finish up his last few courses. He
keep passengers, communities, and employees safe                watched his parents, brothers and sisters completing their
we must conduct, maintain, and follow a preventative            educations and they put the pressure on him to get his
maintenance routine for all assets. We will all benefit         done as well. Jim has worked at Ontario Northland for 24
from a transition from a reactive mindset to a proactive        years as of this month, and James for ten.
Program Management mindset.”
                                                                “You’re never too old to go for it.” says Jim. He hopes
                                                                to inspire others who believe their age is an obstacle to
“Watch for further communications as the                        pursuing their dreams.
program ramps up. Your leadership team, and also
EAMprogram@ontarionorthland.ca, is available to                 Congratulations Iserhoffs!
address any questions or feedback.”
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Two New Stops in
Toronto Making
Connections Easier                                    Employee Profile:
                                                      Darlene Orton, Accessibility and
Starting on July 4th, 2021 passengers will be able    Diversity Specialist
to stop at Union Station Bus Terminal and King City
Go Station. As the Province continues to re-open,     Darlene Orton joined the Passenger Services team in March
Ontario Northland is resuming all regular scheduled   2021, in the newly created role of Accessibility and Diversity
motor coach routes in addition to adding two new      Specialist.
                                                      A Registered Social Worker, with a Master of Social Work
These new stops will provide easy connections to      from the University of Waterloo, she has experience in leading
rail, subway and regional transit.                    and developing programs and policies specific to Indigenous
                                                      health having worked with Mushkegowuk Health Council,
“We’re always looking for ways to enhance the         Northeast LHIN, School Boards, the Ministry of Children and
customer experience for our passengers,” says         Youth Services, and the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
Tracy MacPhee, Senior Director of Passenger
Services at Ontario Northland. “A King City GO        “I’m proud of the meaningful relationships and partnerships
Station stop and a Union Station Bus Terminal stop    I’ve developed with with rural Indigenous and First Nations
compliments the existing stops we have in Toronto,    communities,” says Darlene. “I’m most looking forward to
which include direct stops at many of the major       providing culturally safe and appropriate education and
downtown hospitals.” Ontario Northland will no        training for employees who work with Indigenous populations.”
longer be stopping at the Toronto Coach Terminal      As part of her role, she’ll be ensuring accessibility policies and
on Bay Street, as it is closing on July 7.            processes are appropriate and adhere to federal and provincial
                                                      legislation, and lead a new Accessibility Committee at Ontario
“The new stop at Union Station Bus Terminal will      Northland.
be especially welcome by passengers travelling
with accessibility needs,” continues MacPhee. “The    Darlene is a proud Anishinaabe Kwe and member of Dokis
terminal provides direct access to easy connections   First Nation. She received her first eagle feather in 2018 in
with Go Trains, the TTC, VIA Rail and UP Express      recognition and honor of her work within the community. She
located at Union Station.”                            is a mother of three and together with her husband, they will
                                                      celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary in September. During
Ontario Northland motor coaches have a total of       her free time she enjoys hiking, camping, fishing and spending
14 daily trips between North Bay and Toronto and      quality time with her family.
Sudbury and Toronto. Stops include Highway 407
Terminal (Vaughan), Yorkdale, four major hospitals    You can reach Darlene at extension 399 or by email at darlene.
in downtown Toronto and now King City GO Station      orton@ontarionorthland.ca. Her office location is at the North
and Union Station Bus Terminal                        Bay Bus Garage.
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In Memoriam
We would like to extend our condolences to the families and friends of our pensioners who have passed away.

Employee                    Last Position Held                          Department                Years Worked
Raymond St. Martin          Engineering Clerk                           Engineering                 1954-1990
Julius Holtz                Bench Carpenter                             B&B                         1971-1990
James Simpson               Sectionman                                  Infrastructure              1944-1970
William Vaillancourt        General Clerk                               Transportation              1951-1986
Frederick Gowan             Marketing Supervisor Local Telephone Svc    Telecommunications          1962-1996
William Workman             Transmission Engineer                       Telecommunications          1956-1988
Harold Croft                Coach Cleaner                               Mechanical                  1956-1989
Marcel Lizotte              Storekeeper                                 Administration              1966-1997

Our condolences and sincere sympathies go out to the
family and friends of our colleague Aaron Montminy who
passed away Friday, May 14th.

Aaron has worked as a Rail Traffic Controller and later
as Relieving Manager in Englehart. He was a kind,
community-minded, and proud family man. Aaron was
a dedicated railroader with a strong work ethic, positive
attitude, and attention to detail second to none. Our
sincere condolences are extended to Aaron’s wife,
children and family. Aaron will be missed by all who were
fortunate enough to know him.
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                                                                                New Swag
                                                                                Available in the
                                                                                Promo Store
                                                                                There are lots of new and exciting
                                                                                items that have been added to
                                                                                our line of Ontario Northland
                                                                                merchandise including cardigans,
                                                                                new hats, vests, a long-sleeve
                                                                                t-shirt featuring our vintage
                                                                                Temiskaming & Northern Ontario
                                                                                Railway logo and even some light
                                                                                Under Armour® long-sleeves.

Rail Safety Message Proudly Displayed
on Infrastructure Vehicles
It’s not uncommon to travel throughout northern Ontario and see an
Ontario Northland work truck. Whether it be a Maintenance of Way, Work
Equipment or Signals vehicle, there are over 80 track vehicles travelling the
system on any given day.

“Our vehicles are a blank canvas for safety messages,” explains Shawn
Harman, Signals Maintainer and employee of 34 years. “Safety is so
important to me, I want to make sure that my colleagues get home safe
every day and that the communities that we live and work in are safe too.”
Shawn shared his idea of a safety message displayed on the back of the
signals truck with Cindy Bradley, Manager, Standards Compliance and
Training and also a Rail Safety Ambassador for Operation Lifesaver, who
got in touch with Operation Lifesaver and the Marketing team to see how
we could implement the idea.

As an Ambassador with Operation Lifesaver, Cindy contacted Operation
Lifesaver who provided the Look.Listen.Live. designs and shared the idea
with their network and included the idea in their annual report.
These decals were then printed and are being placed on all Rail
Infrastructure Department vehicles as they’re cycled through for
inspections and maintenance.

Another Rail Safety Program involves encouraging municipalities to partner      Check out our promo store at:
with Ontario Northland and Operation Lifesaver by placing decals at             https://merch.ontarionorthland.ca/
crossing roadways / pathways in “hotspots” within their communities while       to pick up your Ontario Northland
sharing the cost of decals and installation.                                    swag today!

Rail safety is everyone’s business but according to Harman, he feels an         Don’t forget to use your employee
even greater sense of responsibility to share rail safety messaging as he       promo code: EMPDISCOUNT25
and other railroaders are often at crossings and have a golden opportunity
to share the importance of staying away from tracks, looking and listening
and never being complacent.

Thank you Shawn and Cindy for making safety your top priority!
- 15 -

What in the World is FOI?
The term Freedom of Information (FOI) refers to public            So what does all of this mean to ONTC employees?
access to general records relating to the activities of
government and access to records of your own personal             The following best practices will help you, as an ONTC
information that government institutions may hold.                employee, create records that limit the efforts involved to
Everyone has a right to request access to records held by         process and respond to access requests:
Ontario’s public institutions including those records that
contain personal and confidential information.                    •   Remember that any record that you create is subject
                                                                      to an access request. A record is information in any
In Ontario, Freedom of Information laws apply to all                  form including a letter, report, voicemail, videotape,
provincial ministries and most provincial agencies, boards            sound recording, electronic document, social media
and commissions, municipalities, as well as to universities           message or email.
and colleges. Ontario Northland is no exception.                  •   Refrain from adding personal details to business-
                                                                      related records (i.e. if you receive an email from a
Ontario Northland is governed by the Ontario Freedom                  colleague about an overdue report, don’t include your
of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).                 plans for the weekend in your reply. Instead, send a
Complying with FIPPA means striking a balance between                 separate email)
the public’s right to access information held by Ontario          •   Rather than using someone’s name, consider using
Northland while protecting personal information and                   their initials or alternative identifiers such as “the
certain confidential information.                                     person we spoke about today”
                                                                  •   Mark items as confidential
It is important for you to know that communications               •   Include a “Cc” to Ontario Northland’s Legal counsel
relating to Ontario Northland’s business that are sent                on any potential litigation or claims matters
or received through personal accounts or on personal              •   Securely destroy records according to Ontario
devices are also subject to access requests, including:               Northland’s retention schedule.
• texting using a personal phone
      (i.e. a non-ONTC provided phone)                            Questions?
• messaging using a personal social media account                 Please reach out to Carrie Girard, Manager of Governance
      (i.e. FaceBook, Instagram)                                  and Privacy at Carrie.Girard@ontarionorthland.ca or
• sending an email using a personal email account                 705.472.4500, ext. 244.
      (i.e. Gmail, Outlook)
Stock Starting to Fill Up New Road Stores Warehouse
The McIntyre Street Road Stores warehouse in North          Stores employees worked hard to move the inventory
Bay demolition that began last fall has progressed          from the McIntyre Warehouse to the Gormanville
quickly. Employees have now begun to take the stock         Warehouse, all while carrying out their day-to-day
from the Gormanville warehouse back into the new            duties. “It was a true team effort, everyone pitched
McIntyre Street warehouse.                                  in to help to ensure we could continue to serve our
                                                            customers with minimal impact,” says Baker.
“It was essential to provide a safe working
environment for employees,” says Jason Baker,               Racking has been installed in the new warehouse,
Manager of Strategic Procurement. “The new                  and is filling up quickly with inventory. “Not having to
energy efficient building will provide a modern             lease a space for our inventory will provide additional
work space that will serve our organization for many        savings to the organization,” continues Baker.
years to come.”

   The project is set to be complete by the Fall of 2021.
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