Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation

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Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics
                                                                                       Cheng Chi1 and Dmitry Berenson1

                                           Abstract— Estimating the state of a deformable object is
                                        crucial for robotic manipulation, yet accurate tracking is
                                        challenging when the object is partially-occluded. To address
                                        this problem, we propose an occlusion-robust RGBD sequence
                                        tracking framework based on Coherent Point Drift (CPD). To
                                        mitigate the effects of occlusion, our method 1) Uses a combina-
arXiv:2101.00733v1 [cs.RO] 4 Jan 2021

                                        tion of locally linear embedding and constrained optimization
                                        to regularize the output of CPD, thus enforcing topological
                                        consistency when occlusions create disconnected pieces of the
                                        object; 2) Reasons about the free-space visible by an RGBD
                                        sensor to better estimate the prior on point location and to
                                        detect tracking failures during occlusion; and 3) Uses shape
                                        descriptors to find the most relevant previous state of the object
                                        to use for tracking after a severe occlusion. Our method does
                                        not rely on physics simulation or a physical model of the object,
                                        which can be difficult to obtain in unstructured environments.        Fig. 1. Illustration of tracking results for deformable objects. Yellow dots
                                        Despite having no physical model, our experiments demonstrate         and white lines represent vertices and edges of the tracked model. Top:
                                        that our method achieves improved accuracy in the presence of         Tracking a rope under occlusion with our method. Time proceeds left to
                                        occlusion as compared to a physics-based CPD method while             right. Bottom: Our method recovering from a tracking failure caused by
                                        maintaining adequate run-time.                                        self-occlusion.
                                                                                                              as homes, where physical and geometric models of obstacles
                                                              I. I NTRODUCTION                                may not be available.
                                           Tracking the geometry of deformable objects such as rope              Our method extends the literature on using CPD for de-
                                        and cloth is difficult due to the continuous nature of the            formable object tracking, making the following contributions
                                        object (i.e. an infinite number of degrees of freedom), the           to better handle occlusion: 1) We use a combination of
                                        lack of knowledge of the physical parameters of the object,           locally linear embedding and constrained optimization to
                                        and often a lack of visual features to track. In addition to          regularize the output of CPD, thus enforcing topological
                                        these challenges, to be useful for robotic manipulation of            consistency when occlusions create disconnected pieces of
                                        deformable objects, a tracking algorithm must operate within          the object; 2) We reason about the free-space visible by an
                                        a small computational budget and must be able to handle               RGBD sensor to better estimate the prior on point location
                                        object self-occlusion (e.g. folding) and occlusion by objects         and to detect tracking failures during occlusion; and 3) We
                                        in the environment (including the robot itself) (see Fig. 1).         use shape descriptors to find the most relevant previous state
                                        This paper thus focuses on producing an accurate estimate of          of the object to use for tracking after a severe occlusion.
                                        the deformable object geometry during and after occlusion.               In our experiments we compare our method with CPD [6]
                                           Tracking of deformable objects has been studied in the             and CPD+Physics [11] for tracking rope and cloth manipu-
                                        graphics [1] [2] [3], computer vision [4] [5] [6] [7], surgical       lated by a human or robot. Our results on both simulated and
                                        [8] [9], and robotics [10] [11] fields. Most relevant to our          real data suggest that our method provides better accuracy
                                        domain is the work of [11], which uses Coherent Point Drift           than [6] and [11] when tracking deformable objects in the
                                        (CPD) [6] to track the movement of points on the object               presence of occlusion while maintaining a fast run-time.
                                        and post-processes the output with a physics simulator to                                    II. R ELATED W ORKS
                                        ensure that the predictions are physically-plausible. When an
                                                                                                                 Driven by the need to track human bodies and facial
                                        accurate physical model of the deformable object (including
                                                                                                              expressions, the graphics community has developed several
                                        friction parameters) and all geometry in the environment is
                                                                                                              related methods. White et al. [1] demonstrated tracking fine
                                        known, this method can be very effective. However, we seek
                                                                                                              motion of a cloth. However, this requires a color-coded cloth
                                        a tracking method that does not require knowing this infor-
                                                                                                              and inverse kinematics of the mesh. Li et al. [2] and Zollhofer
                                        mation in order to make deformable object tracking practical
                                                                                                              et al. [3] developed purely geometric methods of tracking
                                        for robotic manipulation in unstructured environments such
                                                                                                              arbitrary deformable objects. However, these methods are not
                                          1 Cheng Chi and Dmitry Berenson are with the University of Michi-
                                                                                                              robust against occlusion.
                                        gan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. {chicheng, dmitryb}@umich.edu.
                                        This work was supported in part by NSF grants IIS-1656101 and IIS-       Computer vision researchers have shown promising results
                                        1750489 and ONR grant N000141712050.                                  for deformable object reconstruction [4], [5]. By performing
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
reconstruction in real-time, these methods avoid the occlu-
sion problem by dynamically changing the tracked model.
However, these methods do not satisfy the model consistency
assumption required by the visual-servoing algorithms used
for deformable object manipulation [12] [13] [14].
   Researchers in surgical robots are also interested in de-
formable object tracking. [8] and [9] have shown impressive
results for tracking soft tissues in surgical scenarios, but these
methods are specialized to the surgical domain and may not
generalize to more flexible objects such as rope or cloth.
   Prior work in robotics uses physics simulation to track
deformable objects in the presence of occlusions [15] [10]. A
                                                                      Fig. 2. The input for each time step. TL: RGB image. TR: depth image.
more recent approach [11] [16] also uses Gaussian Mixture             BL: Mask image. BR: The input model for first time step, where yellow
Model (GMM) and CPD algorithms to produce the input                   dots are vertices and white lines are edges.
for its physics simulation engine. However, these algorithms
must be given the physical model of the deformable object             between X t and Y t−1 using a Gaussian Mixture Model
and the environment geometry, which we do not assume is               (GMM) Expectation-Maximization (EM) (§IV-A). We en-
available. However, as a baseline, we compare our method              hance GMM EM to better handle occlusions by using a novel
to [11] in our experiments.                                           visibility prior (§IV-B). The GMM EM is then regularized
                                                                      using existing methods [6] [7] (§IV-C, §IV-D). The output of
                         III. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT
                                                                      the GMM EM loop is adjusted by our proposed constrained
   We define the problem of deformable object tracking                optimization approach, in which we enforce stretching con-
as follows: Given a sequence of RGBD images I t (Fig.                 straints and can incorporate known correspondences, such
2TL,TR) for each time step t, also called a frame, and                as robot gripping points (§IV-E). Finally, a novel tracking
a connectivity model of the object with respect to the                failure detection and recovery algorithm is executed to re-
first RGBD image (Fig. 2BR) < Y 0 , E >, where Y 0 =                  cover tracking after a large occlusion (if necessary) (§V).
                      0 T
[y10 , y20 , . . . , yM ] ∈ RM ×D is a set of vertices and E =        The overall algorithm is shown in Algorithm 2.
[e0 , e1 , . . . , eK ]T ∈ IK×2 is a set of edges; each ek ∈ E
holds two integer indices i, j of Y 0 , representing an edge
                                                                      A. GMM-Based point Set Registration
between vertices yi0 and yj0 . Our goal is to produce a state
Y t for each time step that is consistent with the geometry of           Between two consecutive time steps t and t + 1, the
the deformable object. While segmenting pixels in an RGBD             change in appearance of the deformable object is relatively
image that belong to our object of interest is an important           small. Thus, it is reasonable to formulate this frame-to-
step to solve this problem, it is beyond the scope of this            frame tracking problem as a point-set registration problem,
paper, so we also assume that each RGBD image has an                  i.e. to estimate Y t+1 by aligning Y t to X t+1 . Following
associated object mask Mt with the same size as I t (Fig.             the formulation in [6] [7], we will formulate this point-
2BL). Mask images have value 1 for all pixels belonging to            set registration problem using a GMM. For readability, the
the object of interest, and 0 otherwise. Using I t and Mt ,           rest of this section will use Y instead of Y t , Y 0 instead of
along with the camera parameters, we can convert the input            Y t+1 and X instead of X t+1 . We consider each xn ∈ X
to a point cloud X t = [xt1 , xt2 , . . . , xtN ]T ∈ RN ×D . In our   as a sample generated from a mixture of independently
case, D = 3. We assume the topology of the object remains             distributed Gaussian distributions, where each ym ∈ Y
constant so we can represent the state of the object at time t        is the mean of a Gaussian distribution. We assume these
simply as Y t , where yit and yit correspond to the same point        Gaussian distributions share the same isotropic variance σ 2
on the object for frames t and t0 .                                   and membership probability of M    1
                                                                                                           . Thus, the probability
   If we denote the true state of the object at time t as             distribution of point xn can be written as:
Y ∗t , then our output should minimize kY ∗t − Y t k2 . The
high-dimensional state space combined with the difficulty of                       X   1    1             kxn − ym k
establishing correspondences between frames makes dealing                 p(xn ) =                D exp −                              (1)
                                                                                       M (2πσ 2 ) 2           2σ 2
with occlusions especially difficult. Later in this paper, we
will discuss when the assumption that the provided Y 0
corresponds to the true initial state is violated. We will also          To account for noise and outliers in X, a uniformly
discuss how to leverage additional knowledge when prior               distributed component with index M + 1 is added to the
correspondence, such as robot gripping points, are available.         mixture model with weight ω, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 1. Thus, the joint
                                                                      probability density function of our GMM can be written as:
   Our proposed algorithm for deformable object tracking                                N
                                                                                        Y                N M
                                                                                                         Y X +1
first pre-processes the given model < Y 0 , E >. Then, for                    p(X) =          p(xn ) =             p(m)p(xn |m)        (2)
each I t and Mt we generate X t and perform registration                                n=1              n=1 m=1
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
where                                                                                   and depth value zm   using camera parameters. We can then
                (                                                                     approximate p(m ) as:
                    (2πσ 2 ) D
                                 exp − kx−y mk
                                         2σ 2  ,             m = 1, . . . , M
 p(x|m) =                    2                                                                                       t
                                                                                                                         (ut−1 t−1      t−1 t   t−1 t−1
                      ,                                      m=M +1                     pvis (mt ) = µvis e−kvis D         m ,vm )·max(zm −Id (um ,vm ),0)
                                                                              (3)                                                                      (7)
                    1−ω                                                                 where     µvis is a normalization factor such that
     p(m) =          M ,     m = 1, . . . , M
                                                                                        PM              t
                    ω,       m=M +1                                                        m=1 vis (m ) = 1 and kvis is a parameter that controls
                                                                                        the influence of visibility information. We formulate Eq. 7
Then, our goal is to find the Y 0 and σ 2 that maximizes the                            so that vertices below the visible point cloud are more likely
log-likelihood of Eq. 2, with values of Y 0 initialized from                            to be penalized (the max(·) term), and points farther away
Y . We can solve this problem following the Expectation                                 from the object are more likely to be penalized (the Dt (·)
Maximization algorithm described in [6] [7] [11]. In the E-                             term). We intentionaly do not consider self-occlusion in
step, we find the posterior probabilities using the current                             this estimate because inaccurate estimation of Y t−1 created
GMM parameters based on Bayes rule:                                                     false positives in practice. Combining this formula with our
                                                                                      uniform distribution component, we get:
                           exp − 12 xn −yσ
                                            m                                                             (
 pcur (m|xn ) = P                                                                                   t       (1 − ω)pvis (mt ), m = 1, . . . , M
                                                 (2πσ 2 ) D                                     p(m ) =                                            (8)
                   M          1 xn −ym 2                  2 ωM
                   i=1 exp − 2       σ        + (1−ω)N                                                      ω,                  m=M +1
                                                                                        We can then derive our new expression for posterior proba-
Then, in the M-step, we obtain the optimal Y 0 and σ 2 by                               bilities in the E-step:
minimizing the following cost function:
                                                                                          pcur (m|xn ) =
Q(ym , σ 2 ) =                                                                                                                  
     N X
                                                                                  !                  pvis (m) exp − 21 xn −ym
     X                                       1−ω                 kxn − ym k                                               σ
 −             pcur (m|xn ) log                     D        −                                                                           D             (9)
                                                                     2σ 2
                                          M (2πσ 2 ) 2                                                           1 xn −ym 2           2) 2 ω
     n=1 m=1
                                                                                              i=1 pvis (m) exp − 2     σ       + (2πσ
     X                           ω
 −         p(M + 1|xn ) log
                                  N                                                     C. Coherent Point Drift
                                                                                  (6)      In the aforementioned GMM registration method, we
 We iterate the E- and M-steps until convergence.                                       assume that all Gaussian distributions are independent. How-
   However, we found that the above algorithm is not suffi-                             ever, this assumption is not accurate in our setting. For a
cient for solving the deformable object tracking problem.                               deformable object, we can often observe that points residing
When parts of the object are occluded, the GMM EM                                       near each other tend to move similarly [6]. We thus use
algorithm will overfit to visible points, breaking smoothness                           the Coherent Point Drift (CPD) [6] regularization which
and local topology properties of the original model (Fig. 3L).                          preserves local motion coherence to better represent the true
This problem suggests that proper regularization is needed.                             motion. Instead of modeling each point y tm as an indepen-
                                                                                        dently moving Gaussian centroid, CPD embeds the frame-to-
B. Addressing Occlusion by Exploiting Visibility Information                            frame change in a spatial transformation ym  t
                                                                                                                                        = T (ymt−1
                                                                                                                                                   , W t)
    Previously, we assumed that the membership probabilities                            that maps every point in the space around our object of
of all Gaussian distributions are p(m) = M              , i.e. it is                    interest at time t−1 to another point at time t using parameter
equally possible for each Gaussian distribution to generate                             matrix W t ∈ RM ×D .
an xn . In practice, especially under occlusion, we found                                  More specifically, CPD represents this spatial transforma-
the above assumption does not hold. For example, if we                                  tion as a Gaussian Radial Basis Function Network (GRBFN):
knew with certainty that ym        had been occluded at time t,                                        t−1
we should not expect to observe any sample generated from                                          T (ym   , W t ) = ym
                                                                                                                      t−1      t−1
                                                                                                                          + v(ym   )                 (10)
ym  , i.e. p(mt ) = 0. While it is impossible to directly derive                                                           M
                                                                                                                                   t          t−1
p(mt ) without knowing ym     t
                                , we can still approximate p(mt )                                            v(z) =               wm 0 g(z − ym0 )   (11)
          t−1                                                                                                             m0 =1
using ym      and visibility information. Since the movement of
                                                                                                                                  t−1           2!
the deformable object is usually small between consecutive                                                   t−1             z − ym  0

frames, if ym t−1
                   is occluded in I t , it should be less likely to                                 g(z −   ym 0 )   = exp −                         (12)
                                                                                                                                2β 2
generate observation samples than other Gaussian distribu-
tions. Let Idt (u, v) denote the depth value at the u, v location                       Where wm  t
                                                                                                    0 ∈ R
                                                                                                             is the m0 th row of W t . In this deformation
of I t . Let Dt denote the image generated by a distance                                field v, for every z ∈ R3 , v(z) output a vector that represent
transform of Mt (Fig. 4), where the value of each pixel in                              the displacement for position z. GRBFN has several desirable
Dt denotes the Euclidean distance from (u, v) to the nearest                            properties: it is smooth and differentiable everywhere, and is
pixel in Mt that has value 1. For any ym       t−1
                                                   , we can obtain                      linear except for the radial basis function itself. Here, β is a
its coordinates in the image coordinate frame (ut−1            t−1
                                                         m , vm )                       hyper-parameter that controls the widths of Gaussian kernels,
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
Fig. 4. Distance image (right) generated by L2 distance transform of mask
                                                                           image (left).
Fig. 3. Left: occluded scene tracked with GMM. Right: tracking result of   ECP D will be used as a energy term in the M-step of our
GMM with CPD and LLE regularization.
                                                                           GMM EM algorithm, where W will become the parameters
                                                                           to be optimized (shown below).
Algorithm 1 Track(X t , Y t−1 , H, Y 0 , E)
                                                                           D. Preserving Topology using Locally Linear Embedding
 1:   Compute pvis (mt ) for all ym
                                      ∈ Y t−1 using Eq. 7
 2:   σ 2 ← V ar(X t )                                                        In practice, we found that simply adding CPD regular-
 3:   W ←0                                                                 ization is not sufficient. Since CPD only enforces motion
 4:   while σ 2 >  do                                                     coherence between consecutive frames, the error between the
 5:       Compute P using Eq. 2                                            shape of the current tracking state and the true state will
 6:       Compute G using Eq. 13                                           accumulate. This will cause the topology of the tracking
 7:       Solve for W using Eq. 18                                         result to drift away from the original model, even though
 8:       Compute new σ 2 using Eq. 19                                     the tracking result is statistically correct when viewed as a
                                                                           point set registration problem. To solve this problem, we
 9:   Y t ← Y t−1 + GW
                                                                           will use a regularization term proposed in [7], which is
10:   Solve for Y ∗t using Eq. 21
                                                                           based on Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) [17], to enforce
11:   return Y ∗t
                                                                           topological consistency with respect to the original model.
                                                                              LLE performs non-linear dimensional reduction while
Algorithm 2 Main Loop                                                      preserving local neighborhood structure. We found that the
 1: Data: Y 0 , Vertices of the initial model                              assumption of LL, that the data lies on a low dimensional
 2: Data: E, Edges of the initial model                                    manifold, holds true for our deformable object tracking
 3: F ← ∅, Set of VFH shape descriptors                                    setting. When tracking an object such as a rope, X t and
 4: for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , } do                                            Y t mostly reside on a 1D curve. When tracking a cloth, X t
 5:     Input: I t , Mt                                                    and Y t reside on a 2D surface. Thus, we will generate a
 6:     Compute X t from I t , Mt                                          LLE of our model Y 0 before the tracking starts, and use
 7:     Y t ← Track(X t , Y t−1 , H, Y 0 , E)                              this embedding as part of our regularization.
 8:     Compute Jf ree (Y t ) with Eq. 22                                     More specifically, we first represent every point in our
 9:     f (X t ) ← VFH shape descriptor of X t                             model as a linear combination of its k-nearest neighbors.
10:     if Jf ree (Y t ) < τ then                                          We can obtain linear weights L by minimizing the following
11:         F ← F ∪ f (X t )                                               cost function:
12:         Output: Y t                                                                             M                                 2
                                                                                                    X                X
13:     else                                                                              J(L) =             0
                                                                                                            ym   −          Lmi yi0               (15)
14:         K ← Query kNN of f (X t ) in F                                                          m=1              i∈Km
15:         for k in K do
                                                                           where Km is a set of indices for the k nearest neighbors
16:              Y 0k ← Track(X t , Y k , H, Y 0 , E)
                                                                           of y0m , and L is a M × M adjacency matrix where Lij
17:              Compute Jf ree (Y 0k ) using Eq. 22
                                                                           represent a edge between yi0 and yj0 with their corresponding
18:         Y t ← Y 0k with minimum Jf ree (Y 0k )                         linear weight if j ∈ Ki and 0 otherwise. We then define
19:         Output: Y t                                                    a regularization term that penalize the deviation from the
                                                                           original local linear relationship (for readability, we will drop
which affects the rigidity of the deformation field. CPD puts              the time index t for subsequent appearance of W ):
centroids of Gaussian kernels at every ym  . We can represent
                                                                                             M              K                 2
the spatial transformation in matrix-vector form:                                            X              X
                                                                                                    t                   t
                                                                           ELLE (W ) =             ym   −          Lmi ym
           Y t = T (Y t−1 , W t ) = Y t−1 + Gt−1 W t               (13)                      m=1            i∈Km
                                                                                             M                           K                             2
                                                                                             X                           X
where    Gt−1
          M ×M is a Guassian kernel
                                    matrix with element                                 =         T     t−1
                                                                                                       (ym   ,W)     −          Lmi T   (yit−1 , W )
                             t−1 2
                  1   t−1
      = exp − 2β 2 yi − yj          . We can then regular-                                   m=1                         i∈Km
ize the weight matrix W to enforce the motion coherence:
                                                                             Note that, unlike [7], we only compute L once on Y 0
                   ECP D (W ) = Tr (W T GW )                       (14)    and use this matrix for all subsequent regularized GMM EM
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
operations in the following frames. Replacing ym   in Eq. 6
                            t−1    t
with the expression of T (ym , W ) and adding CPD and
LLE regularization terms, we now have our new cost function
for the M-step:
                   M,N                                                   2
                   X                      kxtn − (ym
                                                     + G(m, ·)W )k
Q(W, σ 2 ) =              pcur (m|xtn )
                                                     2σ 2
                Np D            α               γ                             Fig. 5. Left: tracking result of GMM with CPD and LLE regularization.
               +     ln (σ 2 ) + ECP D (W ) + ELLE (W )                       Right: tracking result of GMM with CPD, LLE regularization, and con-
                  2             2               2                             strained optimization post processing.
               PN,M                                                           where Ym∗t is the mth row of Y ∗t and λ ≥ 1 is a parameter
where Np = n,m=1 pcur (m|xn ), α and γ are parameters                         that controls the flexibility of our constraints. This step
that trade off between GMM matching, frame-to-frame mo-                       restricts the length of any edge in the tracking result to
tion coherence, and local topological consistency. Note that                  be at most λ times the length of the same edge in the
we removed terms in Eq. 6 that are independent of W and σ 2 ,                 original model. We used the Gurobi Package [18] to solve
as we will only optimize with respect to these two variables.                 this optimization problem. Fig. 5 shows the tracking result
   Using the process described in [7], we can perform the                     with constrained optimization added.
E-step by first obtaining W by solving a system of linear                        1) Incorporating Prior Correspondence: When de-
equations:                                                                    formable object tracking is being used as part of a robotic
                                                                              manipulation system, we can often obtain partial but reliable
  (d(P 1)G + σ 2 αI + σ 2 λHG)W                                               knowledge about correspondence. For example, when a rope
                                 = P X − (d(P 1) + σ 2 λH)Y            (18)   is being dragged by a robot gripper, we know exactly where
                                                                              the gripping point on the rope should be in 3D space
where each entry of P ∈ RM ×N contains pcur (m|xtn ), where                   given the robot’s configuration and forward kinematics. Such
1 is a column vector of ones, I denotes the identity matrix,                  information can be easily incorporated into our constrained
and d(v) represent the diagonal matrix formed by vector v,                    optimization framework.
and H ∈ RM ×M = (I − L)T (I − L). We then obtain σ 2 :                           We represent a set of known correspondences as <
           1                                                                  Z t , C t >, where Z t = [z1t , z2t , . . . , zK
                                                                                                                             t T
                                                                                                                               ] ∈ RK×D is a set
  σ2 =        (Tr (X T d(P T 1)X)) − 2 Tr (Y T P X)                           of known points, and C = [c0 , c1 , . . . , cK ]t ∈ IK×2 , where
        Np D
                                                                              each c ∈ C t contain a pair of indices m, k that represent a
      − 2 Tr (W T GT P X) + Tr (Y T d(P 1)Y )
                                                                              correspondence between a known point and a model vertex.
      + 2 Tr (W T GT d(P 1)Y ) + Tr (W T GT d(P 1)GW )                        Our constrained optimization formulation then becomes:
                                                                                                  X                  2
After the EM algorithm converges, we set Y t+1 = Y t +                         Y ∗t = arg min           Ym∗ − Ymt
Gt W t . We can see the improvement as compared to the                                           m=1                                          (21)
original GMM algorithm in Fig. 3R.                                             subject to Yi∗t − Yj∗t ≤ λ Yi0 − Yj0 ∀(i, j) ∈ E
E. Enforcing Stretching Limits via Constrained Optimization                    and Ym∗t = Zkt ∀(m, k) ∈ C t
   Within the GMM Expectation-Maximization loop, the                          Incorporating this constraint guarantees Y ∗t satisfies our
added ELLE regularization term mitigated the topological                      known correspondences.
consistency problem. However in practice, we found that                                   V. T RACKING FAILURE R ECOVERY
ELLE is not sufficient to address anisotropic effects in                        The above methods allow us to track the object with
deformable object motion. Many deformable objects, such as                    moderate occlusion. However, there are cases where track-
rope and cloth are less deformable when being stretched than                  ing becomes impossible. Imagine the object is temporarily
being compressed or being bent. However, ELLE , using the                     completely blocked by something in front of the RGBD
locally linear assumption, will treat stretching, compression,                camera, while the object itself moves. In this case, we
and bending almost the same. The artifact created by stretch-                 have no information with which to infer the state of the
ing can be seen in Fig. 5. Thus, we introduced a constrained                  object, and tracking will fail. However, a problem arises
optimization method to post-process the output of the GMM                     when the occlusion disappears. Since we initialize tracking
EM loop so that the output allows bending and compression                     and regularize deformation from the last time step, if the
while keeping the distance between points below a threshold.                  object deformed too much while being completely occluded,
Specifically,                                                                 we might never be able to track correctly again. Thus, we
                      M                                                       propose a novel tracking failure recovery system.
                      X                    2
 Y ∗t = arg min              Ym∗ − Ymt                                        A. Tracking Failure Detection
              Y∗      m=1
                                                                                Since there will be an additional computational cost as-
 subject to    Yi∗t   −   Yj∗t    ≤λ   Yi0     −   Yj0   ∀(i, j) ∈ E          sociated with tracking failure recovery, we will first detect
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
whether a tracking failure has occured, and only apply                We can use a shape descriptor library generated offline and
recovery when needed. We will infer tracking failure based            perform the kNN retry routine described above. To obtain
on free-space information: For each ray emanating from the            such a shape descriptor library, we can set up a training
camera, we know that the space between 0 to the depth value           scenario where the object starts from a simple, known state.
of the visible point along that ray will not contain another          We can then manipulate the deformable object to obtain
visible object. Thus, if vertex of Y t lies in that space, we         various other states and their shape descriptors, and perform
know the position for that vertex is wrong. Similar to our            k-means down-sampling before using the library for a new
visibility prior (Eq. 7), we construct an energy function that        scene.
indicates the percentage of vertices that are in free space and                                VI. R ESULTS
how far away they are from non-free space:
                                                                         We conducted several experiments tracking rope and cloth
         Jf ree (Y t ) =                                              to test the performance of our algorithm both quantitatively
                                                              (22)    and qualitatively. These experiments, using both simulation
          1 X −kDt (utm ,vm
                            ) max(Idt (utm ,vm
                                             t    t
                                               )−zm ,0)
                e                                                     and real-world data, focused on demonstrating the improved
          M m=1                                                       robustness against occlusion, as compared to CPD+Physics
   When Jf ree (Y t ) > τ , we will treat Y t as failing to track,    [11], and the original CPD algorithm [6].
and invoke tracking failure recovery (described below). τ is             Across all data sets and all three algorithms, we used
a threshold we set manually.                                          λ = 3.0, β = 1.0, γ = 1.0, τ = 0.7, kvis = 10.0,
                                                                      kf ree = 100.0, and  = 0.0001. Point clouds of all rope
B. kNN Template retry                                                 data sets were down-sampled to 300 points, and cloth data
   We assume that the new state of the deformable object              set were down-sampled to 600 points. All masks were
is similar to some state we have seen before and correctly            generated by color filtering. Our algorithm1 and original CPD
tracked. This assumption might not always hold, but we                were implemented in python, while CPD+Physics, which is
found it often works in practice when tracking fails. If track-       originally implemented in C++, was bridged to python code
ing fails at time t0 , we re-initialize our tracking algorithm        using the ctypes package. All algorithms were tested on an
with a Y t where t < t0 . Since our time and computation              Intel i7-6700 @ 3.4GHz and 16 GB of RAM.
resources are limited, and the number of Y t s grows linearly         A. Experiments with Simulated Data
with time, we will only retry tracking on previous states
                                                                         Since the ground truth state of deformable objects is
that we think are the most similar to our current state. We
                                                                      difficult to obtain, we decided to conduct quantitative ex-
will measure this similarity using a 3D shape descriptor:
                                                                      periments with a synthetic dataset generated by simulation.
Viewpoint Feature Histogram (VFH) [19]. VFH computes
                                                                      We created a virtual table-top with a red rope in 3D modeling
a histogram of the angle between viewpoint ray and object
                                                                      software Blender. To compare with CPD+Physics, we tested
surface normals estimated from a point cloud. For each time
                                                                      using a 1-meter-long rope, allowing us to use the same
t where Jf ree (Y t ) ≤ τ we compute a VFH descriptor from
                                                                      parameters used in [11]. In the Bullet simulator used by
X t , which is then stored in a library. When a tracking
                                                                      CPD+Physics the virtual rope was modeled with 50 linked
failure is detected at time t0 , we compute another VFH
                     0                                                capsules with density 1.5g/cm3 , joint stiffness 0.5N m/rad,
descriptor from X t , and query the k nearest neighbors from
                                                                      stiffness gain Kp = 10N/m, and damping gain KD =
our descriptor library, measured in Euclidean distance, using
                                                                      0.5N s/m. In the CPD+Physics method, a CPD registration
Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (FLANN)
                                                                      was executed after a each RGBD image arrived, yet the
[20]. We run all k neighbors through the tracking method
                                                                      physics simulation steps were executed continuously until
and select the result with the lowest Jf ree .
                                                                      the next RGBD image arrived. We executed the physics
   The shape descriptor library will grow as tracking pro-
                                                                      simulation with a constant 100 steps per frame to fit with
ceeds, which may creates two problems for long sequences.
                                                                      our testing framework.
First, as the set of descriptors becomes more and more
                                                                         In the test the rope is dragged by one end with a virtual
dense, the result of the kNN query results will become
                                                                      manipulator (Fig. 7(TL)). The rope is approximated with
increasingly similar, and the output of each tracking result
                                                                      a 48 segment NURBS path and simulated using Blender’s
will also be similar. Second, the kNN query itself will
                                                                      internal physics engine. A floating metallic object moves
become increasingly time-consuming. The sequences used
                                                                      along a predefined path, acting as an occlusion (Fig. 7(TR)).
in our experiments were not long, so we did not encounter
                                                                      The scene is rendered with EEVEE render engine as 960 ×
these issues. However, for longer sequences it would be
                                                                      540 RGB images, with additional z-buffer output acting as
straightforward to cluster the shape descriptors using the k-
                                                                      a virtual depth image. A point cloud is then reconstructed
means algorithm and only preserve a single shape descriptor
                                                                      using the virtual camera parameters. A Gaussian noise with a
from each cluster.
                                                                      standard deviation of 0.002m was added to the virtual depth
C. Tracking without true state in the first frame                     image to better approximate real-world sensors. The error
   For many robotic manipulation applications, we are not             plot (Fig. 7(BR)) is generated by executing each algorithm
given the true state of the object at the first frame. It is useful      1 An implementation of our algorithm is available on GitHub
to view this problem as a special case of tracking failure.           https://github.com/UM-ARM-Lab/cdcpd/tree/v0.1.0
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
(a)                       (b)                       (c)                        (d)                          (e)                         (f)

                    (g)                       (h)                       (i)                        (j)                          (k)                         (l)

   Before folding                 Folded                  Unfolded              Before occlusion            During occlusion              After occlusion
Fig. 6. Results for folding cloth and occluding rope. For cloth, tracking failure recovery engaged for our algorithm after folding. For rope, our algorithm
(top row) is not sensitive to the occlusion while CPD+Physics (bottom row) is.

                                                                               Fig. 8. Results for the overlapping rope test. Vertices have been color-
Fig. 7. Simulated rope experiment. Note that the rope continues moving         coded to show correspondences. Red and yellow vertices correspond to the
during occlusion. (TL),(TR) Before and during occlusion. (BL) Tracking         left and right half of the rope, respectively, in the initial state (TL). (TR) Our
output of our method, CPD+Physics, and CPD. (BR) Plot of mean distance         tracking result during overlap. (BL) Output of CPD+Physics after overlap.
error of all three methods.                                                    (BR) Output of our method using gripper correspondences after overlap.
10 times on the data set, and recording the mean of error                      also deliberately waved a green box in front of the rope,
for each time step across each run. Error is measured by the                   creating a changing occlusion. Fig. 6(d-f) shows three frames
mean distance of a vertex and corresponding ground truth                       of our tracking results while the box moved from right to left.
position.                                                                      The tracking results in Fig. 6(e-f) maintained the shape of
   As seen in Fig. 7(BR), our algorithm is less affected by                    the rope despite occlusion. However, Fig. 6(k-l) shows that
the introduction of occlusion, as compared to the other two                    the tracking results of CPD+Physics is heavily significantly
algorithms. Between time steps 30 and 60, the time span of                     disrupted by the occlusion.
occlusion, a clear spike in error is seen for the two compar-                       We also tested tracking rope as manipulation was per-
ison algorithms, yet our algorithm is less affected. In Fig.                   formed by our dual-arm robot to gauge the effect of gripper
7(BL), we can see that the tracking result for CPD around                      constraints. The robot folded the rope such that the left and
the occluded region is very sparse, and bunched points are                     right half overlap with each other. In this case, differentiating
visible in the lower right corner for CPD+Physics, indicating                  the left and right half of the rope is difficult (Fig. 8(TR)).
that, using these two algorithms,points are "repelled" by the                  The location of gripped points was calculated using forward
occluded object toward the visible region. The improved                        kinematics and used in the constrained optimization. As
performance of our algorithm comes from our visibility-                        shown in Fig. 8(BL), CPD+Physics failed to track the rope
informed membership prior pvis (m). At around the 55th                         because it chose incorrect correspondences for the endpoints
time step, CPD’s tracking result on the previously-occluded                    when the rope was overlapping. Our algorithm correctly
part of the rope is over-stretched. The distance constraint in                 tracked the rope (Fig. 8(BR)) due to the inclusion of known
our algorithm pulls vertices closer together, yielding better                  correspondences for gripper points.
consistency but also slightly-higher mean squared error.                          Our algorithm also generalizes to cloth. Here we compare
B. Experiments with Real Data                                                  our method only to the original CPD algorithm because
   An experiment of a human manipulating a rope was                            Physics+CPD is limited to only use rope. We conducted an
conducted to demonstrate our algorithm’s robustness to oc-                     experiment with a human manipulator folding and unfolding
clusion. While continuously moving the rope, the human                         a piece of cloth (Fig. 6). Cloth is inherently harder to track,
Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
TABLE I                               prior to our GMM, using constrained optimization for post-
    E XECUTION T IME FOR E ACH C OMPONENTS IN O UR M ETHOD        processing, and recovering from failed tracking by leveraging
            τ    Pre-      CPD       Gurobi    Recovery   FPS     free-space information. Our experiments suggest that we im-
                 Proc.                                            proved robustness to occlusion as compared to CPD+Physics
           1.0   10ms      11ms      16ms      4ms           24
 Rope      0.7   10ms      11ms      16ms      9ms           21
                                                                  and the original CPD algorithm on both simulated and real-
           0.0   9ms       14ms      12ms      263ms          3   world data. In future work, we seek to integrate 3D recon-
           1.0   14ms      27ms      39ms      12ms          12   struction methods to generate a model of the deformable
 Cloth     0.7   14ms      27ms      40ms      19ms          10
           0.0   14ms      34ms      41ms      465ms          2
                                                                  object online and to generalize to cases where the topology
                                                                  of the deformable object changes (e.g. cutting).
due to more significant self-occlusion. From Fig. 6(i), it
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Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation Occlusion-robust Deformable Object Tracking without Physics Simulation
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