Nonuniform Chain-Length-Dependent Diffusion of Short 1 Alcohols in SAPO-34 in Liquid Phase

Nonuniform Chain-Length-Dependent Diffusion of Short 1 Alcohols in SAPO-34 in Liquid Phase


Nonuniform Chain-Length-Dependent Diffusion of Short 1‑Alcohols
in SAPO-34 in Liquid Phase
Julien Cousin Saint Remi, Gino V. Baron, and Joeri F. M. Denayer*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
  S Supporting Information

  ABSTRACT: Liquid-phase diffusion of 1-alcohols in SAPO-34 was
  explored by batch experimentation. The uptake of pure and binary
  mixtures of 1-alcohols, dissolved in tert-butanol, was obtained for C1−C8
  1-alcohols at temperatures between 25 and 80 °C, concentrations varying
  between 0.5 and 10 wt %, and crystal sizes between 7.5 and 20 μm. The
  experimental uptake data were fitted with an intracrystalline diffusion
  model and a linear driving force model. The intracrystalline diffusion
  coefficient showed a nonuniform stepwise decrease with chain length,
  ranging from 10−12 m2/s for methanol to 10−20 m2/s for 1-pentanol. No
  effect of the external concentration on the intracrystalline diffusion
  coefficient was observed. Variation of the crystal size showed that the
  intracrystalline diffusion is the rate-limiting step. On the basis of the
  Arrhenius equation, the activation energies of diffusion of ethanol, 1-
  propanol, and 1-butanol were determined, being, respectively, 27.8, 47.8,
  and 47.2 kJ/mol. Co-diffusion occurred in the uptake of binary mixtures of methanol/ethanol, methanol/1-propanol, and
  ethanol/1-propanol, where mutual effects could be noticed. From this experimental work, it could be concluded that the small
  dimensions of the SAPO-34 framework generate a very sterically hindered diffusion of 1-alcohols into the crystals, resulting in a
  chain-length-dependent behavior, interesting to obtain efficient kinetic-based separations.

The depletion of fossil reserves makes our petroleum-based
                                                                           with a low adsorption capacity. Activated carbons and carbon
                                                                           molecular sieves show a better adsorption capacity, but the
society search and invest in alternative processes to produce              desorption of 1-butanol from the adsorbent after adsorption
energy and transport fuels and chemicals. Fermentation is an               remains a problem.3 The effect of the fermentation substrates
example of such a process because it can be executed with                  and side-products on the adsorption of 1-alcohols has been
renewable feedstocks while generating a wide range of                      studied by Nielsen5 Bowen and Vane.6 During the past decade
products, like organic acids and 1-alcohols.1 Because of its               new adsorbents have become available. There has been an
favorable properties, including low hygroscopicity, large-energy           enormous growth of interest in metal−organic frameworks
density, easy transportation, and minor volatility and viscosity,          (MOFs) because of their unprecedented capacities and
1-butanol obtained in fermentation forms a very promising                  chemical and structural tunability.7 The literature concerning
molecule as an alternative chemical and fuel. Nevertheless,                the adsorption of hydrocarbon and alcohols on MOFs is well-
significant improvements are still needed to make the                       reviewed by Wu, Kärger, and coworkers.8,9 For applications in
fermentative production of 1-butanol economically viable.                  an adsorption technology, chemically stable MOFs are desired.
One of the major challenges for the production of 1-butanol                Although most MOFs cannot meet this requirement, the
is its recovery from the fermentation medium. This                         zeolitic-imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) have attracted much
fermentation produces acetone, 1-butanol, and ethanol, with a              attention due to their high chemical and hydrothermal
productivity of only 20 g/L 1-butanol diluted in the aqueous               stability.10
fermentation medium. Acetone, 1-butanol, and ethanol (the                     Recently, we studied adsorption and separation of butanol on
“ABE” products) are formed at a ratio of 3:6:1.2 The huge                  ZIF-8, a member of the family of zinc-imidazolate frameworks,
amount of water, the higher boiling point of 1-butanol, and the            and compared it with silicalite-1 and active carbon.11 It was
formation of a water-1-butanol azeotrope makes distillation                found that ZIF-8 is a promising adsorbent for this application
cost- and energy-intensive to recover pure 1-butanol. Among                because of its high adsorption capacity, selectivity, and easy
the alternative recovery techniques, like gas-stripping, pervapo-          desorption of 1-butanol. In older work, we also studied the
ration, and extraction, adsorption was identified as the process
with the lowest energy consumption.3,4                                     Received: December 13, 2012
   Previous studies have shown that among the zeolites,                    Revised: March 4, 2013
silicalite-1 has the best selectivity toward 1-butanol, however,           Published: April 15, 2013

                             © 2013 American Chemical Society       9758          | J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 9758−9765
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C                                                                                                                      Article

separation and adsorption of 1-alcohols with chabazite-type                System, FID detector, HP-5 column). This procedure was
adsorbents. Liquid-phase batch adsorption equilibrium experi-              repeated at different adsorbate concentrations (1, 2, 4, and 10
ments of 1-alcohols on K-CHA and on SAPO-34 clearly show                   wt %) and at different temperatures (25, 40, 55, and 70 °C).
that the short 1-alcohols, methanol and ethanol, have higher               The vessels were placed in an oil bath, and the temperature was
adsorption capacities than the longer 1-alcohols.12,13 Binary              controlled by a RCT basic IKAMAG system (IKA, Germany).
mixtures isotherms indicate a full exclusion of the longer 1-              The uptake measurements were done for pure compounds
alcohol at equilibrium, in exception of the methanol−ethanol               (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-
mixture, where no clear selectivity appears. This was also                 hexanol, 1-heptanol, and 1-octanol) and also for mixtures of
observed by molecular simulations on the adsorption and                    these components: methanol/ethanol, methanol/1-propanol,
separation of 1-alcohols with CHA zeolite.14 Furthermore,                  and ethanol/1-propanol. The following equation, derived from
SAPO-34 could efficiently separate short 1-alcohols from 1-                  the total and component mass balance, was used to calculate
butanol,13 which is of great interest for the separation and               the amount adsorbing for each time interval (t − 1, t), between
purification of biobutanol − fermentative produced 1-butanol.15             two sampling events:
   SAPO-34, a member of the silicon aluminophosphates
                                                                                                                              t                 t
minerals, exhibits the same framework structure as the naturally                      (xi , t − 1 − xi , t ). (ml,0 − mads,0 ∑1 qt − 1 − yl . ∑1 msample, t − 1)
occurring chabazite. The chabazite topology consists of a 3D                  qt* =
                                                                                                                (1 − xi , t ). mads,0
pore system of ellipsoidal cages (6.8 × 10 Å2) interconnected
by eight-membered windows (3.8 × 3.8 Å2), where each cage                  where q*t is the amount adsorbing between time t − 1 and t, xi,t
possesses six windows. Because of this small pore system and its           is the fraction of component i at time t, ml,0 is the initial total
catalytic properties, SAPO-34 is a very interesting material for
                                                                           mass of fluid, mads,0 is the initial adsorbent mass, ∑t1qt−1 is the
molecular sieve separations and selective catalysis. Much
                                                                           total amount of adsorbed phase at time t − 1, yl is the fraction
attention has been given to the potential of SAPO-34 to
                                                                           of liquid phase in the system, and ∑t1msample,t−1 is total amount
separate small gaseous molecules16,17 and to catalyze the MTO
                                                                           of sample removed from system at time t − 1
process,18,19 but a study of the transport properties of larger
                                                                              This equation incorporates the change of total mass of the
alcohol molecules is missing.
                                                                           system and the change of concentration of the fluid due to
   Therefore, this work focuses on the liquid phase uptake of 1-
                                                                           adsorption (Supporting Information). By summing qt* for each
alcohols in SAPO-34. Single compound and binary mixture
                                                                           time interval, the total amount adsorbed is determined as a
uptake experiments of C1−C8 alcohols in liquid phase were
                                                                           function of time, generating the uptake curves.
performed for different concentrations, temperatures, and
                                                                              Linear Driving Force and intracrystalline Diffusion
crystal sizes. The corresponding mass-transfer coefficients
                                                                           Model. The overall mass transfer and intracrystalline diffusion
were determined by fitting a linear driving force (LDF)
                                                                           coefficient were determined by fitting the experimental uptake
model and an intracrystalline diffusion model to the data.

                                                                           curves to both the LDF model and the intracrystalline diffusion
      MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                model using Athena Visual Studio v14.2.
                                                                              The LDF model, also called the pseudo-first-order (PFO) or
   Materials. Tianjin Scientific provided two SAPO-34                       Lagergren first-order (LFO) model, was introduced by
samples with different crystal sizes. The average crystal size              Lagergren in 1898 for the adsorption of oxalate and malonate
was calculated from a set of SEM (scanning electron                        on active carbon.21 This equation describes the adsorption rate
microscope) pictures as an average of 150 different crystals                of liquid−solid systems by an overall mass transfer coefficient:
(Supporting Information). The unit cell formula of SAPO-34 is
Si4.02Al18.32P14.58O72, as obtained by inductively coupled plasma             ∂q(t )
atomic emission spectroscopy.13 The nitrogen adsorption                              = kLDF. [q∞ − q(t )]
isotherms were determined with a Quantasorb Autosorb AS-1                      ∂t
(Quantachrome Instruments) at 77 K. Micropore volume was                   where q(t), kLDF, and q∞ are, respectively, the concentration of
determined from the intercept of a standard t plot,20 assuming             the adsorbed phase at time t, the overall mass transfer
adsorbed nitrogen to have the density of liquid nitrogen (808              coefficient, and the adsorption capacity at equilibrium for the
kg/m3) (Supporting Information).                                           given concentration.
   Uptake Measurements. All 1-alcohols and tert-butanol                       The intracrystalline diffusion model was derived from Fick’s
were bought from Sigma Aldrich as ACS reagent grade. tert-                 second law of diffusion. The diffusion of the adsorbate into the
Butanol was used as a nonadsorbing solvent (because it is too              adsorbent for a step change in adsorbate concentration,
large to pass through the windows of SAPO-34), wherein the 1-              assuming that the adsorbent crystals are spherical and the
alcohols were dissolved for 1, 2, 4, and 10 wt %. The uptake               diffusion coefficient is constant and working isothermally, can
measurements were carried out in VWR borosilicate 3.3 glass                be written as follows:
vessels of 250 mL. whereupon a polypropylene (PP) cap (VWR
International, USA) combined with a Versilic silicone stop
                                                                              ∂q        ⎛ 2 ∂q  ∂ 2q ⎞
(Saint-Gobain, France) was placed. About 10 g adsorbent, in                      = Dc . ⎜ .    + 2⎟
powder form, was added to the vessel after activation in a                    ∂t        ⎝ r ∂r  ∂r ⎠
Carbolite furnace (Analis SA, Belgium) at 1 °C/min to 550 °C
for 20 h and cooled in a N2-chamber. Then, the vessel with the             where q is the concentration of the adsorbed phase, Dc is the
activated adsorbent was filled with a 1-alcohol solution (about             intracrystalline diffusion coefficient, and r is the radius. The
250 g) and stirred at 360 rpm during all measurements. The                 equation was solved with the approximation that the effect of
uptake curves were obtained by taking samples (ca. 1g each                 the external concentration change due to adsorption was
sample) at different moments and by determining the 1-alcohol               negligible, such that the next initial and boundary conditions
concentration of the samples via GC analysis (Agilent 6890                 could be used:
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C                                                                                                                         Article

                                        ⎛ ∂q ⎞                                   ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, and 1-pentanol. 1-Alcohols
    q(r , 0) = 0    q(rc , t ) = qmax   ⎜ ⎟ =0                                   longer than 1-pentanol did not show any measurable
                                        ⎝ ∂r ⎠r = 0
                                                                                 adsorption after 1 day, so the diffusion rate should be at least
where rc is the average radius of the adsorbent crystals and qmax                as slow as 1-propanol or even slower.
is the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbed phase                              The correct determination of diffusion coefficients from

   Single-Component Diffusion. In this study, linear 1-
                                                                                 uptake curves of macroscopic experimental methods is always a
                                                                                 challenge. Because each system behaves differently and various
                                                                                 resistances (bulk phase diffusion, film diffusion, intraparticle
alcohols have been used to investigate the adsorption behavior                   diffusion), heat effects, and crystal size distribution effects are
of the cage-window system of SAPO-34 in liquid phase. The                        potentially present, careful analysis is required. In a first
dimensions of the studied 1-alcohols were determined using                       approach, we fitted the LDF model and the intracrystalline
Chemdraw, where the molecules were surrounded by the                             diffusion model to the experimental data of the uptake
“Connolly surface”, which is a good measure of the accessible                    measurements. (See Figures S5A and S5B in the Supporting
surface of the molecule (Table 1). These values are to be                        Information). The so-obtained parameters are shown in Figure
compared with the size of the windows and the cages of SAPO-                     2.
34, which correspond to, respectively, 3.8 × 3.8 and 6.8 × 10

Table 1. Length and Width of Linear 1-Alcohols
     molecule           formula          length (Å)        width (Å)
    methanol           CH3OH                 5.2              4.0
    ethanol            C2H5OH                6.3              4.5
    1-propanol         C3H7OH                7.6              4.5
    1-butanol          C4H9OH                8.8              4.5
    1-pentanol         C5H11OH              10.1              4.5

   Figure 1 shows the uptake of the different 1-alcohols, diluted
in tert-butanol, as a function of time. Clear differences between

                                                                                 Figure 2. Intracrystalline diffusion coefficient (Dc) and LDF rate
                                                                                 constant (k) as a function of carbon number Nc of 1-alcohols, obtained
                                                                                 from fitting intracrystalline diffusion and LDF models to the uptake
                                                                                 curves (Figure 1).

                                                                                    Although both models fit efficiently to the experimental data
                                                                                 for methanol, ethanol, and 1-propanol, the fitting is less good
                                                                                 for 1-butanol and 1-pentanol (Figures S5A and S5B in the
                                                                                 Supporting Information). This is due to the very slow uptake of
                                                                                 these two 1-alcohols, such that during a long time the amount
                                                                                 adsorbed is too low to be detected accurately, which makes it
                                                                                 very difficult to fit the data to a model. The best fitting was
                                                                                 obtained with the intracrystalline diffusion model derived from
                                                                                 the second law of Fick. Therefore, the further discussion of the
Figure 1. Single-component uptake curves of (●) methanol, (○)                    results will be based on the intracrystalline diffusion coefficient
ethanol, (■) 1-propanol, (◇) 1-butanol, and (▲) 1-pentanol at room               obtained with the latter model. Because microporous crystals
temperature and an external concentration of 0.02 g/g (diluted in tert-          were used and no film diffusion can generate such alcohol chain
butanol) on SAPO-34 (crystal size of 20 μm).
                                                                                 length dependence, neither a macropore diffusion model nor a
                                                                                 film diffusion model was fitted to the experimental data.
the 1-alcohols are observed. Methanol fills up the pore volume                       The intracrystalline diffusion coefficients of 1-alcohols on
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C                                                                                                                   Article

Figure 3. Uptake curves at different concentrations for (a) methanol, (b) ethanol, (c) 1-propanol, and (d) 1-butanol at room temperature on SAPO-
34 (crystal size of 20 μm).

propanol on SAPO-34 in vapor phase observed by Remy et                      suggests that the cutoff is dictated by a change in intracage
al.13 were similar to this study. By fitting an appropriate model            mechanism. The longer molecules typically interact more
to their uptake curves, the diffusion coefficient matched                      strongly with the framework.31 Because of more specific
perfectly with those obtained in this research. These previous              packing and configuration inside the cages, the longer
studies consolidate the magnitude of the obtained intracrystal-             molecules are more likely to follow a preferential path through
line diffusion coefficients and the nonuniform stepwise decrease               the crystal. This anisotropic diffusion was also observed by Bär
as a function of the chain length of the 1-alcohols. This                   et al. in a PFG NMR study of water in chabazite.32 An even
behavior should not be confounded with the window effect,                    more drastic effect that could arise is that some cages of SAPO-
which arises at a longer chain length, as demonstrated by                   34 could never be reached by the longer molecules due to the
molecular simulations on the diffusion of nC8 and nC12                       combination of a preferential diffusion path with internal and
alkanes in chabazite.25 The oscillatory relation between the                surface barriers that makes some parts of the crystal
intracrystalline diffusion coefficient and the chain length,                   unavailable.33 Consequently, a less efficient filling of the
introduced as the “window effect” by Gorring in 1973,26 is                   crystals for the longer molecules could influence the adsorption
still under debate. Although this was later attributed to an                equilibrium.
experimental artifact,27 other studies support this nonmono-                   Furthermore, the adsorption capacities of the different 1-
tonic chain-length-dependent diffusion of molecules in porous                alcohols have been compared with those found in the literature
media.25,28,29 Further work should be devoted to the diffusion               (Figure S6 in the Supporting Information). The adsorption
of longer 1-alcohols into SAPO-34 to investigate if window                  capacities of C1−C5 1-alcohols obtained in this study are in
effects occur, as proposed by molecular simulations.25                       better agreement with the theoretical capacity obtained in
   The intracrystalline diffusion rate is affected by two mass-               molecular simulations14 than those determined in previous
transfer processes: first the entry of the adsorbed molecules                experimental work.12,13 The difference in adsorption capacity
through the windows (intercage motion) and second the                       for methanol can be attributed to the fact that in this study the
configurational or intracage diffusion.30 The tight passage                   external concentration is too low to reach maximal capacity. For
formed by the window exhibits a strong steric hindrance that                1-alcohols longer than ethanol, the adsorption capacities from
must be overcome for the diffusion of the molecules. When the                previous experimental studies are underestimated. The amount
diameter of the molecules becomes similar or even bigger than               adsorbed was calculated after only 24 h, while the uptake curves
the diameter of the window, diffusion becomes extremely                      of the present study evidenced that equilibrium is reached
slow.22 Ethanol is a little wider than methanol; therefore,                 much later. Although the diffusion into the cages of SAPO-34 is
passage through the window is more difficult, leading to slower               very slow for 1-propanol and 1-butanol, our experimental
diffusion. For molecules longer than ethanol, a clear cutoff in               results prove that long 1-alcohols can adsorb with two
uptake rate occurs. Comparing the dimensions of the 1-alcohols              molecules per cage, as previously determined by Krishna et
with those of the SAPO-34 cages, the shorter 1-alcohols                     al.14 Besides, the curve of the adsorption capacity as a function
methanol and ethanol can fit in any direction in the cage, while             of the chain length follows the same trend as that observed for
the longer 1-alcohols fit only in the longitudinal axis. This                the diffusivities. A clear cutoff between ethanol and 1-propanol
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occurs. When the molecule is longer than ethanol, it is forced to                             obtained at higher temperature was in better agreement with
adsorb along the longitudinal axis of the cages, suggesting a                                 the theoretical capacity obtained in molecular simulations.14
radical change in intracage mobility and packing inside the cage,                               On the basis of the Arrhenius equation, the activation
resulting in a nonuniform stepwise decrease in, respectively, the                             energies and pre-exponential factors were determined for the
intracrystalline diffusivities as well as the adsorption capacities                            different 1-alcohols (Figure 4, Table 4).
as a function of chain length.
   Effect of Concentration. Figure 3 shows the different
uptake curves of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, and 1-butanol
for concentrations from 0.5 to 10 wt % (diluted in tert-butanol).
It can be seen that in this concentration range the different
uptake curves vary in concentration of the adsorbed phase at a
particular time, but no change of shape of the uptake curves
occurs. The difference in concentration of adsorbed phase at a
particular time is only the expression of the adsorption
isotherm. By dividing the concentration of the adsorbed
phase by the equilibrium concentration it can be seen that the
different uptake curves clearly superpose (Figure S7 in the
Supporting Information), indicating that the external concen-
tration has no influence on the uptake rate. Therefore, the
intracrystalline diffusion coefficient does not vary with the
concentration of the 1-alcohol in the bulk fluid (Table 2). This
is attributed to the fact that the pores of the adsorbent are close
to saturation at all experimental concentrations.
                                                                                              Figure 4. Arrhenius representation of intracrystalline diffusion
Table 2. Intracrystalline Diffusivities as a Function of Liquid-                               coefficients for (□) ethanol, (▲) 1-propanol, and (○) 1-butanol at
Phase Concentration                                                                           a liquid phase concentration of 0.02 g/g (diluted in tert-butanol) on
                                                                                              SAPO-34 (crystal size of 7.5 μm).
                                          Dc (m2/s)
  C (g/g)         methanol                  ethanol                1-propanol                 Table 4. Activation Energies (Ea) and Pre-Exponential
   0.005         1.7 × 10−12                                                                  Factors (Do) for C2−C4 1-Alcohols
   0.01          1.4 × 10−12              7.2   ×   10−14                                            adsorbate                   Ea (kJ/mol)                        Do (m2/s)
   0.02          1.6 × 10−12              6.3   ×   10−14          8.5 × 10−18
                                                                                                    ethanol                           27.8                          1.6 × 10−9
   0.04                                   7.1   ×   10−14          1.1 × 10−17
                                                                                                    1-propanol                        47.8                          8.4 × 10−10
   0.1                                    4.7   ×   10−14          7.5 × 10−18
                                                                                                    1-butanol                         47.2                          5.5 × 10−12

   Effect of Temperature. The adsorption and transport
parameters obtained from the uptake curves of ethanol, 1-                                        The observed activation energies are high compared with
propanol, and 1-butanol at temperatures of 25, 40, 55, and 70                                 those determined for much less polar molecules like ethane,
°C (Figure S8A−C in the Supporting Information) on SAPO-                                      propane, n-alkanes, and n-alkenes in SAPO-34, ranging from
34 (crystal size 7.5 μm) at an external alcohol concentration of                              4.2 to 11.71 kJ/mol.34,35 However, other similar eight-
0.02 g/g are given in Table 3.                                                                membered ring window materials, like LTA or DDR materials,
  The intracrystalline diffusion coefficients (Dc) exhibit a                                     also show high activation energies for linear hydrocarbons.9 ter
temperature dependency for all 1-alcohols. For the equilibrium                                Horst et al. stipulated that the energy barrier for the diffusion of
adsorbed phase concentration (q∞) the 1-alcohols behave                                       C3 and C4 hydrocarbons from cage to cage, passing through an
differently. At this external concentration, ethanol shows no                                  8M-ring window in a cage-window type adsorbent, can be
variation of the equilibrium adsorbed phase concentration as a                                written as the difference between the energy of a molecule in
function of temperature, whereas a decrease was observed for 1-                               the cage and the energy in the ring.36 Because ethanol, 1-
propanol with increasing temperature. For 1-butanol, an                                       propanol, and 1-butanol have a similar diameter (Table 1), the
increase in the diffusion rate was noticed together with an                                    energy barrier from passing through the window of a SAPO-34
increase in the adsorption capacity. The uptake of 1-butanol is                               cage is affected by the chain length. Beside that, the intracage
so slow at room temperature that equilibrium was never                                        behavior also influences the activation energy. Ethanol is small
reached. By increasing the temperature, a better assessment of                                enough to move in any direction in the cage. The longer 1-
the adsorption capacity could be obtained. The capacity                                       alcohols can only arrange themselves in the longitudinal axis

Table 3. Parameters Obtained from the Uptake Curves of 1-Alcohols at Different Temperatures

                                         ethanol                                               1-propanol                                               1-butanol
    T (°C)              Dc (m2/s)                       q∞ (g/g)                 Dc (m2/s)                  q∞ (g/g)                    Dc (m2/s)                      q∞ (g/g)
                                   −14                                                       −18                                                  −20
       25              1.6   ×   10                         0.14                 3.5   ×   10                    0.12                  3.0 × 10                           0.06
       40              5.3   ×   10−14                      0.14                 9.5   ×   10−18                 0.09
       55              6.8   ×   10−14                      0.14                 1.8   ×   10−17                 0.08
       70              7.4   ×   10−14                      0.14                 4.7   ×   10−17                 0.08                  3.6 × 10−19                        0.11

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and interact more with the adsorbent surface.31 These                           by the second type of molecules that diffuses more slowly.37
differences could result in a different temperature dependency                    This behavior within crystals is governed by a combination of
of the diffusion coefficient.                                                      mixture adsorption thermodynamics and mixture diffusion.25
   Effect of Crystal Size. In Figure 5 the uptake of ethanol                     For all binary mixtures, the fastest molecule is the shortest
and 1-propanol by SAPO-34 can be viewed for two different                        molecule, which is consistent with the differences in diffusion
                                                                                coefficients obtained via the single-component uptake measure-
                                                                                  The mutual effect of the molecules on their intracrystalline
                                                                                diffusion has also been investigated (Figure 7). In a first

Figure 5. Uptake curves of ethanol and 1-propanol at room
temperature and liquid phase concentration of 0.02 g/g for two
different SAPO-34 crystal sizes (filled symbols: crystal size of 7.5 μm,
empty symbols: 20 μm).                                                          Figure 7. Comparison of time constants kFD of single-component
                                                                                uptake (from Figure 2) and binary mixture uptake in SAPO-34 at
                                                                                room temperature.
crystals sizes. By decreasing the crystal size the equilibrium of
adsorption is reached more quickly. Even the small molecule
ethanol exhibits a clear dependence of crystal size, showing that               approach, time-constants kFD have been determined by fitting
the diffusion through the framework of SAPO-34 is a slow and                     the intracrystalline diffusion model to the uptake curves of both
hindered process. No change in magnitude of intracrystalline                    mixture components separately and compared with the pure
diffusion coefficient was observed. These experiments prove                        component uptake. The time constant of the fastest diffusing
that intracrystalline diffusion is the rate-limiting step in the                 molecule was obtained by fitting the model until the maximum
diffusion of 1-alcohols in SAPO-34.                                              of the uptake curve. This approach implies that no mixture
   Binary Mixture Diffusion. The uptake of binary alcohol                        thermodynamics have been incorporated and no mixture
mixtures, ethanol/1-propanol (Figure 6), methanol/ethanol,                      diffusivities have been determined but only time constants.
and methanol/1-propanol (Figure S9A,B in the Supporting                         The correct determination of mixture diffusivities would also
Information), was studied. For all mixtures, codiffusion was                     require, besides the uptake curves, the complete binary
observed. In other words, a first type of molecules diffuses into                 isotherm combined with a data analysis based on a Maxwell−
the adsorbent crystal, reaches a maximum, and is then replaced                  Stefan approach, as proposed by Krishna et al.38 Such an
                                                                                analysis goes beyond the scope of this study.
                                                                                   Depending on the mixture, different scenarios take place.
                                                                                When methanol is present in the binary mixture, the uptake of
                                                                                the longer 1-alcohol is enhanced as compared with the single-
                                                                                component uptake. Especially for 1-propanol, the time
                                                                                constants increase by almost two orders of magnitude. As
                                                                                methanol adsorbs first, its interactions with the cage-window
                                                                                surface can affect the intraporous environment, making it easier
                                                                                and more favorable for the slower molecules to diffuse into
                                                                                SAPO-34. The presence of methanol in the cages can reduce
                                                                                the available space and interactions for 1-propanol, such that
                                                                                the latter molecule will retain a higher mobility. As pure
                                                                                component, 1-propanol fills up the SAPO-34 in such an
                                                                                effective way that it loses a large part of its mobility. To
                                                                                determine whether the mixture diffusion is enhanced compared
                                                                                with pure component diffusion or if this is only an effect of
                                                                                mixture thermodynamics, a more detailed analysis as
Figure 6. Uptake curves of a binary mixture of ethanol and 1-propanol           mentioned above should be carried out.
(diluted in tert-butanol) compared with single component uptake at                 In the case of an ethanol/1-propanol mixture, a mutual slow
room temperature and an external concentration of 0.02 g/g (with                down of the uptake takes place. The dimensions of the 1-
(○) pure ethanol, (●) ethanol in binary mixture, (△) pure 1-                    alcohols are probably the determining factor for both
propanol, and (▲) 1-propanol in binary mixture).                                phenomena (Table 1). The smaller the molecule, the higher
                                                                         9763          | J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 9758−9765
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


the chance the molecule can visit all of the spaces in a cavity.                         ASSOCIATED CONTENT
Therefore, if a larger molecule like 1-propanol is already present
in a cavity, then the motion through the spaces left could be
                                                                                    * Supporting Information

more difficult for ethanol than for methanol. Consequently a                          Additional information on the crystal size distributions and
decrease in uptake of ethanol is observed, while this is not the                    nitrogen isotherms of the two SAPO-34 samples used in this
case for methanol. Equivalent effects have been noticed for                          study. A detailed development of the equation used for the
different adsorbate−adsorbent systems.37,39−43 Molecular sim-                        calculation of the adsorbed phase concentration as a function of
ulations highlighted that this mutual slowdown emerges from                         time is given. The fitting of the LDF model and the
hydrogen-bonding effects in the uptake of water−alcohol                              intracrystalline diffusion model to the uptake curves can be
mixtures in zeolites.44                                                             found herein. The comparison between the adsorption
  Although all different binary systems behave differently in                         equilibrium of this study and those found in the literature.
their uptake, they converge to similar equilibrium selectivity                      Finally, the effects of the external concentration and temper-
(Figure 8). The systems shows a coadsorption of both                                ature on the uptake curves are presented as well as the uptake
                                                                                    of the binary mixtures of methanol/ethanol and methanol/1-
                                                                                    propanol. This material is available free of charge via the
                                                                                    Internet at

                                                                                    ■    AUTHOR INFORMATION
                                                                                    Corresponding Author
                                                                                    *E-mail: Tel: +32.2.629.17.98. Fax:
                                                                                    The authors declare no competing financial interest.

                                                                                    ■    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                                    J.C.S.R. is grateful to the Agency for Innovation by Science and
                                                                                    Technology in Flanders (IWT) for the financial support.

Figure 8. Selectivity for the shorter 1-alcohol in function of time in the
uptake of binary mixtures at room temperature (■ ethanol/1-
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