Nonspecific orbital inflammation and thyroid eye disease, a rare comorbidity: report of two cases and review of literature

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Nonspecific orbital inflammation and thyroid eye disease, a rare comorbidity: report of two cases and review of literature
Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology      (2021) 21:251

 CASE REPORT                                                                                                                                         Open Access

Nonspecific orbital inflammation and
thyroid eye disease, a rare comorbidity:
report of two cases and review of literature
Bahram Eshraghi1, Amin Dehghan2, Niloofar Javadi2 and Mohammadreza Fazel1*

  Background: To present the very rare comorbidity of developing non-specific orbital inflammation (NSOI) in two
  patients with histories of definite thyroid eye disease (TED).
  Case presentation: Both patients complained of new-onset progressive proptosis although their thyroid disease
  was controlled and computed tomography scan revealed an intraorbital inflammatory mass. The pathological
  assessment indicated that both patients had developed fibrosing NSOI. Therefore, intravenous corticosteroids were
  administered. The mass regressed and the amount of proptosis was decreased in both patients.
  Conclusions: We reviewed all related cases in the literature and extracted their clinical and radiological
  characteristics for this paper. Ophthalmologists should consider TED and NSOI in patients with a new-onset
  complaint of proptosis. Despite rare comorbidity of TED and NSOI, it should be considered especially in patients
  with refractory proptosis, and lead to its further evaluation and prompt management.
  Keywords: Non-specific orbital inflammation, thyroid eye disease, comorbidity, orbital mass, prednisolone

Background                                                                              several rigid bones, the events mentioned causing in-
Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune orbital in-                                  creased intraorbital pressure [1]. Orbital imaging, particu-
flammatory disorder associated with thyroid inflammatory                                larly computed tomography scan (CT-Scan) and magnetic
diseases. Sight-threatening TED occurs in 3-7 % of cases                                resonance imaging (MRI), may be necessary to confirm
due to optic nerve compression or corneal exposure, but                                 the diagnosis. Treatment strategy includes medical inter-
the majority of the cases are mild and self-limiting. The                               ventions to normalize the thyroid function tests and sup-
most common ocular sign of TED is upper eyelid retrac-                                  press orbital inflammation in the active phase of the
tion, occurring in 90 % of the patients, followed by prop-                              disease. Surgical procedures are performed only under
tosis and ocular motility restriction. Shan et al. reported                             specific conditions [2, 3].
that deposition of hyaluronan (a hydrophilic glycosamino-                                 Idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease, also known as
glycan) between extraocular muscle fibers as the main his-                              non-specific orbital inflammation (NSOI), is a benign,
topathologic findings in TED, which may cause proptosis                                 non-infectious inflammatory orbital disorder that is not
and ocular motility restriction. Besides, infiltration of in-                           associated with any systemic or local etiologies. This
flammatory cells and their cytokines are responsible for                                disease accounts for about 8 % to10 % of orbital masses,
soft tissue enlargement. Since the orbital walls consist of                             proving it to be one of the most common causes of
                                                                                        proptosis in adults. NSOI may have various presenta-
* Correspondence:                                                  tions, such as inflammation of the lacrimal gland in its
 Isfahan Eye Research Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
                                                                                        most common form- known as dacryoadenitis, myositis
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article                  of one or more extraocular muscles (EOMs), and some
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                                         which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
                                         appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if
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Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology        (2021) 21:251                                                                                    Page 2 of 7

other rare presentations [4]. There are rare case reports                   underwent surgical procedures for medial and inferior
of concomitant occurrence of an NSOI presentation                           wall orbital decompression OD and biopsy of the orbital
with TED [5–10].                                                            mass OS in one session. Pathological assessments con-
  In the present study, we report two cases presenting                      firmed the diagnosis of simultaneous TED and chronic
with simultaneous NSOI and TED in their clinical                            fibrosing NSOI, so 1 gr intravenous methylprednisolone
courses. In addition, we review previous investigations                     per day was administered for three consecutive days.
that reported comorbidity of TED and any form of                               Further rheumatologic investigations revealed normal
NSOI.                                                                       antibody profile. Examination of the patient five-month
                                                                            post-operative revealed resolution of the orbital mass as
Case presentation                                                           well as a normal visual field.
Case 1                                                                         One month later, the patient underwent decompres-
A 50-year-old man with a history of hyperthyroidism                         sion surgery in the inferior wall OD and medial wall
and smoking presented to our clinic with bilateral prop-                    OS to manage the remained proptosis. After the sec-
tosis for the past year. He received a single-dose iodine                   ond surgery, the patient was visited at regular inter-
therapy after Graves’ disease was diagnosed for him 10                      vals for four years, and Hertel exophthalmometer
years ago, and he had been on anti-thyroid medication                       revealed proptosis of 21.5 mm in both eyes with no
(methimazole) ever since. He was otherwise healthy.                         ocular motility restriction bilaterally. No mass was ob-
   The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/20,                       served in CT-scan (Fig. 1C).
and the relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) was
1 + positive in the left eye (OS). He had developed 2 mm                    Case 2
superior eyelid retraction OS, with a clinical activity                     A 23-year-old woman was referred to the oculoplastic
score (CAS) of 0 out of 7 on both sides. The degree of                      clinic of Feiz Eye Hospital, Isfahan, Iran with the chief
proptosis measured by the Hertel exophthalmometer                           complaint of gradual progressive proptosis that had
was 26 mm and 27 mm in his right eye (OD) and OS,                           started in her left eye a year before the visit. Despite be-
respectively. Ocular motility was mildly restricted in su-                  ing euthyroid, the anti-TPO antibody was positive in the
perior gazes on both sides. Anterior segment examin-                        patient’s laboratory tests and she had a history of thyroid
ation, color vision, intraocular pressure (IOP) and                         inflammation during the previous four years. She did
dilated fundus examination were all within normal limits                    not take any anti-thyroid medications, and the smoking
in both eyes. A generalized depression visual field defect                  history was negative.
was detected in his left side.                                                BCVA was 20/20 and RAPD was negative bilaterally.
   CT-Scan revealed an intraorbital infiltrative mass that                  Furthermore, she had 1 mm superior eyelid retraction
expanded to intraconal and extraconal spaces with no                        OD and 3 mm superior eyelid retraction OS, and CAS
EOM enlargement (Fig. 1A). MRI with gadolinium-                             of 0 out of 7 bilaterally. The degree of proptosis mea-
based contrast agents revealed a hyper-intense infiltra-                    sured by the Hertel exophthalmometer was 20 mm OD
tive lesion in T1- weighted with fat suppression images                     and 22 mm OS. Anterior and posterior segments did not
(Fig. 1B). Based on the clinical findings, the patient                      have remarkable findings and IOP was normal in both

 Fig. 1 A Baseline CT-scan, revealed an infiltrative mass with intraconal and extraconal expansion in the 1st patient. B Baseline T1- weighted with
 fat suppression MRI with gadolinium-based contrast agents showed a hyper-intense infiltrative lesion in the left orbit in addition to EOM
 enlargement in the 1st patient. C Mass resolution was determined in the CT-Scan performed four years after intravenous corticosteroid injection
 followed by orbital decompression in the 1st patient. D Baseline CT-scan revealed a very small infratemporal mass as indicated by the arrow
 which remained undiagnosed until its progression in the 2nd patient. E six months’ post decompression surgery CT-scan, showed infiltrative
 mass enlargement in the 2nd patient. F The lesion was resolved after intravenous corticosteroid administration in the 2nd patient.
Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology   (2021) 21:251                                                              Page 3 of 7

eyes. CT-scan findings were also unremarkable. Based          previously reported patients, respectively. However, the
on the clinical findings, we decided to perform a medial      thyroid status was not determined in patients reported by
wall decompression OS to resolve the proptosis.               Detorakis et al. and Shieh et al. [6, 9].
   The amount of proptosis was not significantly reduced         According to review of the literature, comorbidity of
during the 6-month postoperative visits, and severe ocu-      NSOI and TED occurs almost equally among men and
lar motility restriction and pain were also detected in all   women with a ratio of 6:5. The median age of the previ-
superior directions OS. The previous CT-scan was re-          ously reported patients was 47, ranging between 22 and
examined, and a small infratemporal infiltrative mass         68 years [5–10]. Both our cases presented with the chief
was detected (Fig. 1D). A new CT-scan was performed           complaint of a new-onset proptosis. As described in
to evaluate the condition and it revealed the enlarge-        Table 1, proptosis was reported in all but two of the pre-
ment of the previously undiagnosed lesion (Fig. 1E).          vious patients [7, 10]. For example, Tachibana et al. de-
Based on the clinical and radiologic findings, the diagno-    scribed a patient presenting with severe ocular motility
sis of NSOI associated with TED was highly suspected,         restriction and pain without proptosis. Their radiologic
and the patient underwent orbital biopsy. The patho-          assessment revealed the superior rectus muscle enlarge-
logical assessment revealed that the orbital mass was a       ment, which led to the diagnosis of TED associated with
fibrous NSOI, confirming our clinical diagnosis, and          myositis [7].
further rheumatologic assessments were normal. To sup-           Patients with orbital involvement and a history of
press the inflammation, 500 mg intravenous methylpred-        any thyroid inflammation are highly suspected of
nisolone was administered for 3 consecutive days and          TED. In addition, certain clinical manifestations and
the mass was completely resolved (Fig. 1F). The patient       specific radiological findings may help differentiate
was followed for two years when she developed a mass          TED from other orbital lesions [2, 3]. Upper eyelid
in the left sub-brow area extending to the forehead. The      retraction, which is the most frequent sign in patients
pathology report of the surgical biopsy sample con-           with TED [2], was detected in both our cases. This
firmed chronic NSOI. Oral methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg          finding is not usually observed in NSOI. When
was administered and gradually tapered over three             extraocular muscles are involved, tendons are usually
months. In addition, mycophenolate mofetil 500 mg             spared in TED but not in NSOI [2, 11, 12]. The pres-
every 12 h was also administered for four months. The         ence of orbital masses are highly associated with
proptosis was not increased and her clinical condition        NSOI or other orbital malignancies but not with TED
remained stable.                                              [4, 11–13].
                                                                 Shen et al. reported three hyperthyroid patients
Discussion                                                    with CT-scan reports of extraocular muscle enlarge-
Described for the first time in 1905, NSOI refers to or-      ment, tendon sparing and intraorbital inflammatory
bital inflammation without any specific local or systemic     masses, which resulted in the diagnosis of simultan-
underlying pathologies. It is diagnosed if other similar      eous TED and NSOI [9].
conditions are ruled out including TED, orbital lympho-          Corticosteroids are the first-line treatment for the ac-
proliferative diseases, and other systemic inflammations      tive phase of NSOI and TED [2, 4]. Except for the scler-
involving the orbit [11, 12].                                 osing form, other types of NSOI dramatically respond to
   Both of the cases presented in this report had a defin-    intravenous or oral steroids, and some researchers be-
ite diagnosis of TED, and NSOI was subsequently diag-         lieve that the response rate to corticosteroids is a prom-
nosed for them following new clinical manifestations.         ising way to differentiate between TED and NSOI [11,
TED and NSOI can occur in the same patient at differ-         12]. The molecular mechanism of action in corticoster-
ent times. For example, Kubota et al. reported a patient      oid therapy in these patients is not completely known
with a history of Grave’s ophthalmopathy presenting           yet. Future molecular studies should address how corti-
with an upper eyelid mass, for which pathological and         costeroids therapy resolves orbital inflammatory masses,
serological assessments revealed the diagnosis of IgG4-       possibly through RNA-Seq experiments, like the studies
related ocular disorder [7].                                  on the genes involved in retinal dystrophies and retinitis
   To date, only six patients with simultaneous NSOI and      pigmentosa [14–16]. As in the previous reports, we tried
TED have been reported in the literature [7–10]. This co-     corticosteroids as the first line treatment to manage our
morbidity can occur in any thyroid function status, for ex-   patients. The diagnosis of fibrosing NSOI associated
ample, hyperthyroidism as seen in our first patient. The      with TED was confirmed in both our patients. As ex-
second reported case here was euthyroid with positive         pected, the orbital inflammatory masses were resolved in
anti-TPO antibodies before the new-onset left proptosis.      both cases.
Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and euthyroidism have           New clinical manifestations in patients with controlled
been observed in six [5, 7, 8, 10], two [5], and one [5]      thyroid status and TED suggests the need for new
Table 1 Demographic, clinical and laboratory data and outcomes of previous reported cases with simultaneous NSOI and TED
Year First       Number Age Sex    History              Thyroid status       1st CC[1]                       Examinations                   Radiologic findings                      Diagnosis          Treatment          Outcome
2010 Bijlsma     1      47   F[2] NR[3]                 Autoimmune           Progressive painless            NR                             A posterior superior orbital mass        NSOI[4]            Oral prednisone    Complete
     WR.                                                hypothyroidism       proptosis (OS)                                                 (OS)                                                                           resolution
                 2      35   F     NR                   Primary              Subacute eyelid swelling +      NR                             lacrimal gland enlargement (OD)          NSOI               Methyl             NR
                                                        hypothyroidism       proptosis + eyeball motility                                                                            (dacryoadenitis)   prednisolone IV
                                                                             restriction + pain (OD)
                 3      30   M[8] Diabetes mellitus     Hyperthyroidism      Painless proptosis + eyeball    NR                             EOM enlargement (OU)                     GO                 -                  Complete
                                  +                                          motility restriction + upper                                                                            (Positive ATA)                        resolution without
                                  Crohn disease                              eyelid retraction                                                                                                                             therapy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology

                 4      22   M     NR                   Euthyroidism         Proptosis + eyeball motility    NR                             Medial superior orbital mass (OS)        NSOI               Radiotherapy +     NR
                                                                             restriction + pain (OS)                                                                                 (Fibrosing)        Oral prednisone
2011 Kubota T.   5      64   F     NR                   GO associated with   Upper eyelid mass               NR                             Anterior superior orbital infiltrative   NSOI               Oral prednisone    Partial resolution
                                                        hyperthyroidism      (OS)                                                           lesions (OU)                             (Ocular adnexal    30 mg/day with
                                                        (Positive ATA)                                                                                                               IgG4-related       slow tapering
2012 Tachibana   6      52   M     Hyperuricemia       Hyperthyroid          Eye pain + Severe motility      VA[9]: 20/20 (OD)              SR[11]enlargement with tendon            Simultaneous       Methyl             Dramatic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (2021) 21:251

     S.                            Partial hepatectomy - Under treatment     restriction                     20/40 (OS)                     involvement                              TED 12 and         prednisolone IV    improvement after
                                   Smoker                with Methimazol     (OS)                            CAS[10]: 6/7 (OS)                                                       NSOI               1 gr 3 times/      2 months:
                                                       - Subclinical         +                               Ptosis + Lid retraction                                                                    week               VA: 20/25 (OD)
                                                         hypothyroidism at   Diplopia                        (OS)                                                                                                          20/22 (OS)
                                                         the time of                                         Exophthalmometer:                                                                                             CAS: 0/7 (OS)
                                                         complaint                                           17 mm (OD) + 17 mm                                                                                            Exophthalmometer:
                                                                                                             (OS)                                                                                                          17 mm (OD) + 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           mm (OS)
2014 Detorakis   7      46   M     Testicular           NR                   Proptosis (OU)                  VA; 20/25 (OD)                 Fusiform EOM enlargement                 Simultaneous       Oral prednisone    Reduction in size
     E.                            seminoma                                  +                               20/20 (OS)                     Specially in IR[13](OD)                  TED and            1 mg/kg (6         and vascularity
                                   surgically removed                        Ocular hypertension (OD)        IOP:32 mmHg (OD)               +                                        Sclerosing NSOI    weeks)             after 6 months
                                   20 years ago                                                              17 mmHg (OS).                  Infratemporal intraorbital tumor                                               IOP: 17 (OD)
                                                                                                             Exophthalmometer:              in apposition with the posterior
                                                                                                             28 mm (OD) + 26 mm             aspect of the globe (OD)
2015 Shen T.     8      42   M     NR                   Hyperthyroidism      Proptosis for 2 years +         VA: 25/30 (OD)                 MR [15] + LR[16]enlargement with         Simultaneous       Methyl             Complete
                                                        (5 years)            Moderate upper eyelid           25/20 (OS)                     tendon sparing (OD)                      TED and NSOI       prednisolone IV    resolution
                                                                             retraction +                    IOP: normal (OU)               +                                                           500 mg (5 days)    No recurrence after
                                                                             Moderate motility restriction   Exophthalmometer : 24          Ambiguous soft tissue mass of                               + oral             6 months
                                                                             (OD)                            mm (OD) + 17 mm (OS)           1.8 × 1.5 cm in retro bulbar cone                           prednisone
                                                                                                                                            region (OD).                                                50 mg (5 days)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        + tapering
                                                                                                                                                                                                        during 2 months
                 9      49   M     NR                   Hyperthyroidism      Proptosis for 8 years (OU)      VA: Normal (OU)                SR and IR enlargement                    Simultaneous       Methyl             Complete
                                                        (8 years)            +                               Severe motility restriction    with tendon sparing (OU)                 TED and NSOI       prednisolone IV    resolution
                                                        - Under treatment    Eye redness for 2 months        (OU)                           +                                                           500 mg (5 days)
                                                          with PTU           (OU)                            Exophthalmometer:              Inferior orbital soft tissue mass of                        + oral
                                                                             +                               27 mm (OD) + 28 mm             2.1 × 1.4 cm (OD)                                           prednisone
                                                                             Mild diplopia for 2 months      (OS)                           +                                                           50 mg (5 days)
                                                                                                                                            Inferior orbital soft tissue mass of                        + tapering
                                                                                                                                            1.5 × 1.2 cm (OS)                                           during 1 months
                 10     48   F     NR                   Hyperthyroidism      Proptosis (OU)                  VA: Normal (OU)                LR & MR enlargement with tendon          Simultaneous       Dexamethasone      Complete
                                                        (3 years)                                            Orbital masses in lacrimal     sparing (OS)                             TED and NSOI       IV 10 mg (5days)   resolution
                                                                                                             area (OU) + Inferior orbital   Inferior orbital soft tissue mass of                        + oral
                                                                                                             mass (OS)                      1.5 × 1.2 cm (OS)                                           prednisone
                                                                                                             Mild motility restriction in   MR enlargement (OD)                                         40 mg (5 days)
                                                                                                             medial & lateral gaze          2 well-defined homogeneous soft
                                                                                                             (OS) + lateral gaze (OD)       tissue masses of 1.1 × 1.0 cm and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 4 of 7
Table 1 Demographic, clinical and laboratory data and outcomes of previous reported cases with simultaneous NSOI and TED (Continued)
                                                                                                            Exophthalmometer:           0.9 × 0.6 cm in lacrimal gland
                                                                                                            17 mm (OD) + 20 mm          areas (OU)
2017 Shieh WS.    11        68   F     Well controlled     NR                  Progressive proptosis (OD)   VA: 20/40 (OD)              SR & IR & MR enlargement with         Simultaneous       Endoscopic sinus   Partial resolution of
                                       hypertension                                                         20/25 (OS0                  tendon sparing (OD)                   TED and NSOI       drainage surgery   proptosis
                                       Smoker                                                               Inferior & lateral gaze     well circumscribed superior orbital   (dacryoadenitis)   &
                                                                                                            restriction (OD)            mass (OD)                             +                  endoscopic
                                                                                                            Upper eyelid retraction +   lacrimal gland enlargement (OD)       Silent sinus       medial orbital
                                                                                                            lagophthalmos (OD)          Maxillary sinus opacification &       syndrome           decompression
                                                                                                                                        orbital floor bowing & bony erosion                      (OD)
                                                                                                                                        (OU)                                                     &
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oral prednisone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology

1- Chief complaint 2- Female 3- Not reported in the article 4- Nonspecific orbital inflammation 5- Extraocular muscles 6- Grave’s ophthalmopathy 7- Anti-thyroid antibodies 8- Male 9- Visual acuity 10- Clinical activity
score 11- Superior rectus muscle 12- Thyroid eye disease 13- Inferior rectus muscle 14- Medial rectus muscle 15- Lateral rectus muscle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (2021) 21:251
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 5 of 7
Table 1 Demographic, clinical and laboratory data and outcomes of previous reported cases with simultaneous NSOI and TED (Continued)
Year Outcome                 Interval 2nd CC          Examinations Radiological    Diagnosis        Treatment      Outcome     Interval 3rd CC          Examinations Radiological       Diagnosis       Treatment       Outcome
                                                                   findings                                                                                          findings
2010 Complete                11        NR             NR           Diffuse retro   NSOI (OD)        Oral           NR          4 years   Eyelid         NR           EOM[5]enlargement GO[6]            Surgical        Complete
     resolution              months                                bulbar mass                      prednisone                           retraction +                (OU)              (Positive        correction of   resolution
                                                                                                                                         proptosis                                     ATA[7])          eyelid
                                                                                                                                         (OD)                                                           retraction
       NR                    4         Diplopia       NR           EOM             Unilateral GO    Radiotherapy   NR          4 years   NR             NR           NR                 NSOI             Methyl         NR
                             months    +                           enlargement     (Positive ATA)                                                                                       (Dacryoadenitis) prednisolone
                                       Upper eyelid                (OS)                                                                                                                                  IV
       Complete              9 years   Proptosis +    NR           Lacrimal        NSOI             Oral           NR          2         Proptosis +    NR           Lacrimal gland     NSOI             Oral           NR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology

       resolution without              eyeball                     gland           (Dacryoadenitis) prednisone                 months    eyeball                     enlargement        (Dacryoadenitis) prednisone
       therapy                         motility                    enlargement                                                           motility                    (OD)
                                       restriction                 (OS)                                                                  restriction
                                       (OS)                                                                                              (OD)
       NR                    5 years   Progressive    NR           EOM             GO               Surgical      Complete     -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
                                       proptosis                   enlargement     (Positive ATA)   decompression resolution
                                       (OS)                        (OD)            (Normal TFT)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2021) 21:251

2011 Partial resolution      -         -              -            -               -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
2012 Dramatic          -               -              -            -               -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
     improvement after
     2 months:
     VA: 20/25 (OD)
     20/22 (OS)
     CAS: 0/7 (OS)
     17 mm (OD) + 17
     mm (OS)
2014 Reduction in size       -         -              -             -              -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
     and vascularity
     after 6 months
     IOP: 17 (OD)
2015 Complete            -             -              -             -              -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
     No recurrence after
     6 months
       Complete              1 year    NR             NR           NR              IOID             Oral           NR          -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
       resolution                                                                                   prednisone
       Complete              -         -              -             -              -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
2017 Partial resolution of   -         -              -             -              -                -              -           -         -              -            -                  -               -               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 6 of 7
Eshraghi et al. BMC Ophthalmology             (2021) 21:251                                                                                         Page 7 of 7

imaging and even surgical biopsies if a mass is reported.                       Author details
Rheumatologic assessments appear to be mandatory in                              Isfahan Eye Research Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Isfahan
                                                                                University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. 2Student Research Committee,
those with NSOI in the histopathological reports. Finally,                      School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
TED and NSOI should be treated as independent dis-
eases, however their pathophysiology and treatments                             Received: 18 January 2021 Accepted: 24 May 2021

may overlap.
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The authors would like to express their gratitude to the study patients for         Prog Retin Eye Res. 2020:100885.
signing an informed consent which allowed us to publish their clinical          13. Bagaglia SA, Meduri A, Inferrera L, Gennaro P, Gabriele G, Polito E, et al.
information and imaging modalities.                                                 Intraconal Retro-Orbital B-Type Antoni Neurinoma Causing Vision Loss. J
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                                                                                14. Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Pitruzzella A, Scalia F, D’Angelo R, et al.
Authors' contributions                                                              Possible A2E Mutagenic Effects on RPE Mitochondrial DNA from Innovative
B.E. and M.F. contributed to the design of the study. B.E. M.F. A.D. and N.J.       RNA-Seq Bioinformatics Pipeline. Antioxidants. 2020;9(11):1158.
contributed to the data gathering. M.F, A.D. and N.J. contributed to the        15. Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Scalinci SZ, Trovato Battagliola E, D’Angelo R, Sidoti
writing of the manuscript and B.E. and M.F. contributed to the revising of          A, et al. Expression of Pro-Angiogenic Markers Is Enhanced by Blue Light in
the manuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.               Human RPE Cells. Antioxidants. 2020;9(11):1154.
                                                                                16. Donato L, Scimone C, Alibrandi S, Abdalla EM, Nabil KM, D’Angelo R, et al.
Funding                                                                             New Omics-Derived Perspectives on Retinal Dystrophies: Could Ion
No funding or financial support was received for the study.                         Channels-Encoding or Related Genes Act as Modifier of Pathological
                                                                                    Phenotype? Int J Mol Sci. 2020;22(1).
Availability of data and materials
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this           Publisher’s Note
published article.                                                              Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
                                                                                published maps and institutional affiliations.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The research was conducted in full compliance with ethical principles and in
accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. The
patients signed written informed consents for participation.

Consent for publication
The patients signed written informed consents for publication of their
clinical information and photos.

Competing interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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