Noise and climate impacts of an unconstrained commercial supersonic network

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Noise and climate impacts of an unconstrained
commercial supersonic network
Authors: Dan Rutherford, Ph.D.; Brandon Graver, Ph.D.; Chen Chen
Date: 30 January 2019
Keywords: supersonic, aviation, noise, CO2

SUMMARY                                              Los Angeles, Singapore, San Francisco,               and climate impacts of commercial
                                                     New York-JFK, Frankfurt, and Bangkok.                SSTs. Aspiring manufacturers could
Three U.S.-based startups, strongly
                                                     The aircraft could double the area                   boost the public acceptability of their
supported by the current U.S. admin-
                                                     around airports exposed to substantial               designs by committing to meet existing
istration, are working to develop new
                                                     noise pollution compared to existing                 environmental standards for subsonic
commercial supersonic transport
                                                     subsonic aircraft of the same size.                  aircraft and by supporting new en route
(SST) aircraft. This paper estimates the
                                                                                                          noise standards that would mandate
environmental impacts of reintroduc-                 Substantial parts of the world would                 low-boom technology.
ing commercial SSTs at scale into the                experience disruptive sonic booms from
global aviation fleet. Using an open                 the new SST aircraft. Canada, Germany,
source emissions model developed                     Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Romania, Turkey,              INTRODUCTION
at Stanford University, we model the                 and parts of the United States would
                                                                                                          In this paper, we analyze the LTO
landing and takeoff (LTO) noise, sonic               experience frequent sonic booms; the
                                                                                                          noise, sonic boom, and CO2 implica-
boom, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emis-                 most heavily impacted regions could be
                                                                                                          tions of manufacturer goals to sell
sions from a new, unconstrained SST                  exposed to between 150 and 200 inci-
                                                                                                          2,000 new commercial SST aircraft
network of 2,000 aircraft linking 500                dents per day, or up to one boom every
                                                                                                          serving 500 city-city pairs in 2035. We
city-city pairs in 2035.                             five minutes over a hypothetical 16-hour
                                                                                                          start by introducing recent efforts to
                                                     flight day. The SST fleet would emit an
Reintroducing SSTs at this scale would                                                                    revive supersonic flight along with the
                                                     estimated 96 (88 to 114) million metric
have substantial noise and climate                                                                        existing noise and climate impacts of
                                                     tons (MMT) of CO2 per year, roughly
impacts. This fleet would support                                                                         commercial aviation. Next, we describe
                                                     the combined emissions of American,
approximately 5,000 flights per day                                                                       the methodology we used to identify
                                                     Delta, and Southwest Airlines in 2017,
at 160 airports located predominately                                                                     future commercial SST routes, map the
                                                     and an additional 1.6 to 2.4 gigatonnes
in Europe, North America, the Middle                 of CO2 over their 25-year lifetime. That             associated sonic booms, and model
East, Asia, and Oceana. Of these                     would consume about one-fifth of the                 the fuel burn and CO2 of that network.
flights, 87% are expected to be inter-               entire carbon budget afforded inter-                 Then, we identify the markets, airports,
national, with one-third (33%) being                 national aviation under a 1.5°C climate              and countries that would be most
transoceanic. The two busiest airports,              trajectory, assuming that aviation main-             affected by noise pollution from these
Dubai and London Heathrow, could                     tains its current share of emissions.                aircraft and their annual and lifetime
each see more than 300 operations                                                                         CO2 emissions. Finally, we close with
per day. Other airports that could see               The findings highlight the need for                  some policy implications and areas of
100 or more daily SST LTOs include                   robust standards to manage the noise                 future research.

Acknowledgements: We thank Anastasia Kharina and Tim MacDonald for help with sonic boom mapping and fuel burn modeling for this paper. Tim Johnson,
Vera Pardee, Clare Lakewood, Ben Rubin, Dale Hall, Andrew Murphy, Darren Rhodes, Bryan Comer, Amy Smorodin, and Joe Schultz provided constructive
input and feedback on an initial draft. Airline Data Inc kindly provided the dataset used to identify future SST routes. The research was generously funded
through the support of the ClimateWorks Foundation.

© INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2019                                                                               WWW.THEICCT.ORG

BACKGROUND                                          changes in flight paths under the FAA’s               States in 1973, to ban commercial
                                                    NextGen program (Aratani, 2018).                      aircraft from operating at supersonic
Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollu-
                                                                                                          speeds over land.
tion from commercial aircraft are rapidly           Three U.S.-based startups are working to
increasing. If the global aviation sector           develop new SST aircraft. One aspiring                The development efforts of emerging
was treated as a country, it would have             manufacturer, Boom Supersonic, is                     SST manufacturers are strongly sup-
been the sixth largest source of CO2 from           working to bring a 55-seat commercial                 ported by the Trump administration,
energy use in 2015, emitting more than              jet dubbed “Overture” into service by                 which is advocating for permissive
Germany (Air Transport Action Group,                2025.1 Boom aims to sell up to 2,000                  international environmental standards
2017; Olivier, Janssens-Maenhout,                   jets serving a network of 500 city-city               for SSTs (Lampert & Freed, 2018). Since
Muntean & Peters, 2016). If current                 pairs (Morris, 2018; Bellamy, 2018). If               2016, advocates of supersonic flight
trends hold, CO2 emissions from interna-            successful, Boom’s aircraft would be                  have pushed to lift existing bans on
tional aviation are expected to approx-             the first commercial supersonic jet                   overland flight in the United States
imately triple by 2050 (International               since the Concorde and the Tu-144,                    (Weigel, 2016; Hammond, 2017b;
Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO],                 developed by Aerospatiale/BAC and                     Snead, 2018). These advocates won
2013), potentially accounting for 18% of            Tupolev, respectively. Only Concorde                  a partial victory in October 2018
global anthropogenic emissions if the               reached commercial service; it flew its               when Trump signed the 2018 FAA
rest of the world decarbonizes consis-              first scheduled supersonic passenger                  Reauthorization Act into law. The act
tent with a 1.5°C emissions trajectory              service in 1976 and was retired in 2003.              includes several provisions related to
(International Coalition for Sustainable
                                                                                                          U.S. domestic standard setting, includ-
Aviation, 2019).                                    Concorde was powered by turbojet                      ing a periodic review of whether the
                                                    engines with afterburners, which led                  overland flight ban can be lifted, but
Low fuel prices have accelerated                    to high fuel burn and takeoff noise.
increases in air travel. CO2 emissions                                                                    it did not clarify the exact environ-
                                                    Concorde failed commercially due to                   mental standards that new SSTs would
from U.S. domestic aviation increased               its high operational costs and operat-
7% from 2014 to 2016 in response to                                                                       need to meet (Rutherford, 2018b). By
                                                    ing restrictions linked to its explosive              2025, the International Civil Aviation
low fuel prices and increased demand                sonic boom, which could reach up to
(Olmer & Rutherford, 2017), and hit an                                                                    Organization (ICAO), the specialized
                                                    109 perceived level decibels (PLdB).2                 United Nations agency that regulates
all-time peak of 162 MMT in 2017 (Graver            Sonic boom, which propagates for tens
& Rutherford, 2018). Similar increases                                                                    international aviation, could develop a
                                                    of miles on either side of a supersonic
are observed globally, with CO2 emis-                                                                     full set of environmental standards for
                                                    flight path, is an explosive, double-tap
sions increasing to 859 MMT in 2017,                                                                      SSTs, including for en route noise (sonic
                                                    shock wave that follows an aircraft
up 10% from 2015 levels (Air Transport                                                                    boom) and cruise CO2.
                                                    whenever it flies faster than the speed
Action Group, 2017; International Air
                                                    of sound. Sonic boom was linked to                    Because emerging SSTs are still under
Transport Association, 2018).
                                                    significant community disturbance in                  development, relatively little is known
Aircraft noise—which is mainly associ-              testing over Oklahoma City in 1964                    about their likely environmental per-
ated with LTO today but will include                (Borsky, 1965), along with a success-                 formance. Kharina, McDonnell, and
sonic booms over most of the flight                 ful class action lawsuit against the U.S.             Rutherford (2018) assessed the aircraft-
path if SSTs are reintroduced—poses a               government over the testing. This led                 level environmental performance of
serious risk to public health. Exposure             many countries, including the United                  emerging SSTs using Boom’s design as
to aircraft noise has been linked                                                                         a reference point. That work concluded
                                                    1   See Two other                 that emerging commercial SSTs could
to sleep disturbance, learning delay
                                                        manufacturers—Aerion (https://www.
in children, mental health problems,           and Spike (www.             emit 5 to 7 times as much CO2 per pas-
heart disease, and annoyance (World           —are aiming to produce         senger as comparable subsonic aircraft
                                                        supersonic business jets. These are expected      on equivalent routes, while failing all
Health Organization, 2018; Aviation
                                                        to be less noisy, have fewer deliveries, and be
E nv i ro n m e n t Fe d e rat i o n , 2 01 6 ) .       operated fewer hours than commercial SSTs,        applicable environmental standards for
Evidence suggest that the public is                     and so are beyond the scope of this analysis.     new subsonic jets. Subsequent analysis
increasingly sensitive to airport noise             2   See Nickol (2018). Another way of expressing      concluded that new SSTs are unlikely
                                                        sonic boom intensities is via the metric of
(UK Civil Aviation Authority, 2017). For                atmospheric overpressure measured in
                                                                                                          to achieve fuel burn parity compared
example, Washington, D.C., metro area                   pounds per square foot (psf). Relative to a       with current subsonic business class
airport noise complaints more than                      baseline atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psf,        (Rutherford, 2018a). The sonic boom
                                                        Concorde recorded an overpressure of 1.94
doubled from 2016 to 2017, in part due                  psf. See National Aeronautics and Space           characteristics of emerging SSTs have
to greater noise exposure linked to                     Administration (2017).                            not yet been assessed.

2   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                          WORKING PAPER 2019-02

METHODOLOGY                                         taken to identify premium traffic most               range of the aircraft, corresponding
                                                    suitable for commercial SSTs. First,                 to 4,050 nautical miles (7,500 km).5
In this paper, we model the noise and
                                                    flights with a distance of less than                 This principle identified 236 routes
CO 2 impacts of an unconstrained
                                                    1,500 nm (2,800 km) were filtered                    requiring refueling stops. Refueling
network of 2,000 new commercial
                                                    out because supersonic flights would                 airports were identified using Great
SST aircraft operating over 500 city-
                                                    provide only modest (less than 1 hour)               Circle Mapper (2019) with the goal of
city pairs in 2035. As advocated by
                                                    time savings. Second, 12 city-city pairs             minimizing diversion from great-circle
one manufacturer (Dourado, 2017)
                                                    with flights over 8,100 nautical miles               distance and, therefore, dilution of
and other proponents of supersonic
                                                    (15,000 km), including Hong Kong to                  time savings.6
flight (Hammond, 2017a), we assume
                                                    Los Angeles and Singapore to San
that overland flight bans are lifted and                                                                 LTO noise, sonic boom mapping, and
                                                    Francisco, were removed because
replaced by en route noise standards                                                                     CO 2 emissions of these flights were
                                                    they would require multiple refueling
that allow the operation of near-term                                                                    estimated using the reference SST
                                                    stops. Third, regional jets and small,
SST designs throughout the globe.                                                                        aircraft developed in Kharina et al.
                                                    single-aisle aircraft (Airbus A320 and
Similarly, we assume sufficient capacity                                                                 (2018) and modeled using SUAVE,
                                                    smaller) flights were removed to focus
for designated airports for these flights,                                                               an open source aircraft performance
                                                    on flat-bed premium seating and to
either by increasing throughput or by                                                                    software developed at Stanford
                                                    exclude airports with runways too
replacing subsonic flights with SSTs.                                                                    U n i ve r s i t y ( St a n fo rd Ae ro s p a ce
                                                    short for supersonic service. 4 These
                                                    filters left in place a dataset of flights           Design Lab, 2017). That reference
Because no commercial SSTs are cur-
                                                    with a total of 4.8 million premium                  aircraft was developed from publicly
rently in service, future supersonic
                                                    seats flown over 2,967 city-city pairs               available data on Boom’s “Overture,”
routes are identified using existing
                                                    for further analysis.                                summarized in Table 1. Full details
subsonic operations after taking into
                                                                                                         of the reference aircraft specifica-
consideration factors such as seating
                                                    The second step was to identify 500                  tion, including the best case, most
class (premium vs. economy), flight
                                                    city-city pairs using this traffic. Those            likely, and worse case engine and
distance (stage length), required
                                                    pairs were sorted by total number of                 airframe configurations, can be found
runway (takeoff field) length, and
                                                    seats offered, ranking from the busiest              in Kharina et al. (2018). The SST
refueling stops needed for supersonic
                                                    (London Heathrow to New York-JFK)                    aircraft were assumed to be delivered
aircraft to serve long-haul routes.
                                                    to the least busy (Delhi to Jeddah)                  at a rate of 200 per year starting in
Routes suitable for a 500 city-city
                                                    routes. One-way flights between the                  2025, and operated an average of
pair network were identified using
                                                    two city-city pairs were combined                    2,777 hours per year, equivalent to a
a global set of subsonic operations
                                                    to provide a round-trip total. Direct                typical subsonic single-aisle aircraft
data for November 2018 provided by
                                                    flights under 4,050 nautical miles                   internationally (Rutherford, Singh, &
Airline Data Inc (2018). That data set,
                                                    (7,500 km) were modeled without                      Zeinali, 2011).
which included information on airport
                                                    modification—flights over this length
of departure and arrival, carrier name,                                                                  We consider two types of noise pol-
                                                    were analyzed further to identify
number of departures, number of                                                                          lution from supersonics: LTO noise
                                                    airports for refueling. This is necessary
seats by cabin class, aircraft type,                                                                     at airports, and en route noise from
                                                    because our reference aircraft has
and flight distance, covered 782,000                                                                     sonic boom. Communities claim noise
                                                    a substantially shorter design range
flights over 24,000 city-city and                                                                        impacts from aircraft operating up to
                                                    than existing long-haul subsonic
aircraft combination pairs.                                                                              7,000 feet (2,134 meters), although
                                                    aircraft and would require refueling
                                                    stops for longer transoceanic flights.               this study examines the impact on the
The top 596 city-city pairs by premium
seat count were used to identify 500
                                                    To integrate the effect of winds, we                 5   The effect of winds may be that refueling stops
potential SST routes after accounting                                                                        are needed in one direction (e.g., westbound
                                                    assumed that refueling stops would
for refueling stops needed for trans-                                                                        flights from California to Japan) between
                                                    be needed at 90% of the design                           90% and 100% of design range but not on
oceanic service.3 Several steps were
                                                                                                             the return (in this case, eastbound back from
                                                                                                             Japan). A detailed treatment of this effect is
                                                    4   Our reference aircraft has a balanced                beyond the scope of this study. The overall
3   Approximately 600 original subsonic routes          takeoff field length of 10,000 ft (Kharina et        noise and CO2 impacts of a new SST network
    were required to identify a network of 500          al., 2018). This is comparable to a twin-aisle       should not be sensitive to this assumption.
    distinct city-city pairs after accounting for       aircraft but considerably longer than that of    6   Great-circle distance is the shortest distance
    refueling stops. These additional routes            small single-aisle aircraft (e.g., Airbus A320       linking two points on the surface of a sphere.
    were needed because the addition of                 at 6,900 ft) and regional jets (e.g., Embraer        Aircraft will typically fly as close as possible
    refueling stops creates duplicate city-city         E175 at 4,100 ft) See (2018)           to great-circle distance between airports in
    pairs in the analysis.                              and Embraer (n.d.).                                  order to minimize travel time and fuel use.

WORKING PAPER 2019-02                                                                      INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                  3

Table 1. Airframe parameters for the reference SST (Kharina et al., 2018)

                  Parameter                                                    Value                                                                                Source
    Maximum takeoff mass (kg)                                    77,000
    Design range (km)                                                       8,300                                      
    Maximum passengers                                                                                          55     
    Design speed (Mach number)                                                                           2.2           
    Length (ft)                                                                                      170               
    Wingspan (ft)                                                                                         60           
    Reference geometric factora (m2)                                                                       80                    Estimated
    Balanced field length (ft)                                    10,000                                               
    Cruise altitude (ft)b                                   60,000
                                               turbofan, no afterburner                                                          a4e05943b101
  Reference geometric factor, which approximates an aircraft’s pressurized floor area, is used to calculate the CO2 standard metric value. The metric value is
  used to demonstrate compliance with ICAO’s CO2 standard (see below).
   We reduced the cruise altitude slightly in our analysis to meet a lower average altitude more consistent with a cruise-climb to 60,000 ft.

LTO phase of operations up to 3,000
                                                       Cumulative margin relative to Chapter 3 limits (EPNdB)

feet (915 meters). International LTO                                                                            -30
                                                                                                                                                                          Regional jets
noise standards for aircraft are set by                                                                                   Chapter 2                                       Short/Medium Range 2-engine
ICAO. Subsonic aircraft are certified in                                                                        -20
                                                                                                                                                                          Long Range aircraft
accordance with the latest noise stan-                                                                                                                                    Predicted subsonic aircraft
dards issued periodically by ICAO,                                                                              -10
but there are currently no applicable                                                                                                                  Chapter 3
standards for supersonic aircraft.                                                                                   0

One way to understand the noise                                                                                                                                                Chapter 4
intensity of emerging SSTs is to                                                                                                                                                             Chapter 14
consider existing subsonic aircraft
standards. Existing noise standards
for commercial jets are contained
in Annex 16 to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, also
known as the Chicago Convention.

Standards denoted as Chapter 3,                                                                                  50
Chapter 4, and Chapter 14 apply                                                                                   1960         1970          1980         1990       2000       2010         2020         2030
to larger subsonic aircraft certi-                                                                                                              Year of aircraft type certification
fied after December 31 in the years                          Figure 1. Subsonic aircraft noise performance vs. year of type certification (adapted from
1977, 2006, and 2017, respectively                           EASA, EEA, and EUROCONTROL, 2016)
(European Aviation Safety Agency,
the European Environment Agency,                             sum of noise at three points: fly-over,                                                             Figure 1 introduces the relative strin-
& EUROCONTROL [EASA, EEA, and                                sideline, and approach.8                                                                            gency levels of each of these noise
E U R O CO N T R O L ] , 2 0 1 6 ) . 7 T h e s e                                                                                                                 limits versus existing and predicted
standards are set based on “effec-
                                                             8                                                  Fly-over, measured under the takeoff flight      subsonic jets. Each aircraft type’s
                                                                                                                path 6.5 km from the takeoff point, and
tive perceived noise in decibels,”                                                                              sideline, the noisiest point recorded within
                                                                                                                                                                 LTO noise performance is shown as a
or EPNdB, calculated as the simple                                                                              450 meters from the runway axis, are both        margin to Chapter 3 limits, which vary
                                                                                                                meant to characterize takeoff noise. Approach,   by aircraft size but range between 280
                                                                                                                measured 2 km from the runway under the
7     These standards are referred to as Stage 3, 4,                                                            approach flight path, is meant to approximate    and 314 EPNdB. Note the trend in over-
      and 5 in the United States respectively.                                                                  noise at landing. See Dickson (2013).            compliance: Many subsonic aircraft

4     INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                                                  WORKING PAPER 2019-02

certified as early as 1980 could already               2019). Great-circle distance routes were            ongoing (NASA, 2018) but will not be
meet or exceed Chapter 4 noise limits,                 identified using GPS Visualizer in GPX              deployed for near-term SST designs.14
while larger aircraft certified after 2010             format for analysis (Schneider, 2019).
were quiet enough to comply with                       We assumed boom corridors of 100                    For a detailed introduction of the refer-
Chapter 14 noise requirements.                         km in width (50 km on either side of                ence aircraft and operational assump-
                                                       the SST aircraft), or roughly one mile              tions used for fuel burn modeling, see
The exact LTO noise footprint of                       for every 1,000 feet in cruise altitude,            Kharina et al. (2018). Most likely, best,
emerging commercial SSTs will vary by                  consistent with National Aeronautics                and worst case configurations cor-
design and cannot be estimated pre-                    and Space Administration (NASA,                     responding to a derivative turbofan,
cisely given that the designs are still                2017), starting at 970 km from the                  a clean sheet turbofan, and a deriva-
in the early development stages. Still,                origin airport and ending 570 km from               tive turbojet, respectively, were used
some general observations can be                       the destination airport. This approxi-              to estimate fuel burn on 500 routes.
made. Early design studies (Welge                      mates Concorde’s operational profile                Improvements in the lift-to-drag ratio
et al., 2010) and recent aircraft-level                and somewhat underestimates areas                   (L/D) were assumed to be +10%, +20%,
modeling (Kharina et al., 2018) suggest                experiencing sonic boom since some of               and no change relative to the Concorde
that emerging commercial SSTs would                    the aircraft’s climb and descent would              for the most likely, best, and worst
need to adopt special measures, namely                 also be operated at supersonic speeds.              configurations, respectively. Takeoff
modified LTO procedures and engine                     Sonic booms for the 500 city-city pairs             weights were estimated assuming that
derating strategies, to meet Chapter 4                 were aggregated into a heat map based               60% of available seats were filled with
noise limits. Those aircraft are unlikely              upon the Robinson projection.                       no belly freight carriage.15 To stream-
to meet the current Chapter 14 noise                                                                       line modeling, existing SUAVE models
standard for subsonics because doing                   The precise intensity of the sonic boom             were parameterized into an Excel
so would require new, more expensive                   from the reference aircraft cannot be               format by curve fitting 10 coefficients
clean sheet engines rather than the                    predicted without detailed acoustical               around three parameters: stage length,
derivative engines that are currently                  modeling. Based upon manufacturer                   payload, and percentage of time in
under consideration (Norris, 2018). 9                  claims11 and preliminary design work                supersonic flight. The Excel model was
Recent U.S. SST policy assessments                     completed by Boeing on an aircraft                  found to have minimal (~1%) deviations
(Dourado & Hammond, 2016) and public                   with similar capabilities,12 a sonic boom           from the initial representative SUAVE
statements from one manufacturer                       intensity on the order of 95 PLdB and 1             model and therefore determined to be
(Dourado, 2017) indicate a preference                  pound per square foot (psf) overpres-               fit for the purposes of this calculation.
that Chapter 3 noise limits be applied to              sure might be expected. This would
emerging commercial SSTs; we assume                    be experienced as two explosive, low-               To compare the estimated SST CO 2
in this unconstrained analysis that our                frequency impulsive sounds akin to                  inventory with existing or future
representative SSTs meets those limits.10              artillery fire or an explosion.13 NASA
                                                       research to develop a low-boom dem-                 14 Lockheed-Martin is developing a Quiet
Sonic boom corridors were modeled                      onstrator aircraft with sonic booms                    Supersonic Transport (QueSST) for NASA to
for the 500 routes using ArcGIS (ESRI,                                                                        begin collecting data on community response
                                                       as quiet as 75 PLdB, equivalent to                     to sonic boom starting in 2023. Separately,
                                                       the volume of a car door slamming, is                  preliminary design work completed for NASA
9  This finding may only be appropriate for                                                                   by Boeing suggests a fuel burn penalty on the
   aircraft aiming for higher supersonic cruise                                                               order of 10% for a 5db reduction in perceived
   speeds (e.g., above Mach Number 2.0), which                                                                boom (Welge et al., 2010). This indicates a
   will require very high thrust, low bypass ratio     11 Boom claims that its aircraft will produce a        tradeoff between en route noise and fuel
   engines, making them disproportionately                sonic boom “at least 30 times quieter than          burn that may limit the uptake of low-boom
   noisy in landing and takeoff. Aerion and Spike,        Concorde’s” (Boom, n.d.). Assuming this refers      technologies unless mandated.
   which are developing business SSTs with                to sound intensity, which doubles with every     15 Historical load factor data for supersonics is
   lower supercruise speeds (MN 1.4 to 1.6), have         3 dB increase, that suggests a sonic boom           limited. Concorde’s load factors were highest
   committed to meeting Chapter 14 noise limits.          intensity about 15 dB below that of Concorde,       between London and New York and between
   See Trautvetter (2018) and Phelps (2018).              which peaked at 109 PLdB.                           Paris and New York for British Airways and Air
10 Most recently, Boom has stated that its             12 Boeing estimated the sonic boom of a modeled        France, respectively. BA’s load factors between
   Overture aircraft “will be as quiet as the             smaller configuration (765-076E), which would       JFK and LHR were reported to be between
   subsonic aircraft flying similar routes today”         carry 30 passengers at MN 1.6 to 1.8, to be         50% and 60% in 2002 (Kingsley-Jones, 2002)
   (Boom Supersonic, 2019). This statement                between 91 and 100 PLdB with overpressures          and as high as 73% in the first six months of
   references the noise performance of in-service,        of about 1 psf. Boeing also estimated that          operations in 1978 (Witkin, 1978). Air France
   rather than new, subsonic aircraft. In-service         the 765-076E should be able to provide ~91          achieved load factors above 60% on its Paris–
   aircraft are currently subject to Chapter 3 noise      PLdB through non-linear CFD-based boom              New York and Paris–Rio de Janeiro routes
   limits in the United States, Europe, and Japan,        optimization. See Welge et al. (2010).              (ibid.). Other routes, including Paris–Caracas
   making this statement consistent with the           13 Indoors, the boom could lead to a noticeable        and London–Bahrain, experienced load factors
   assumption that future commercial SSTs will            rattle of windows and doors due to effective        well below 60%. SST fuselage design and high
   meet Chapter 3 noise limits.                           outdoor to indoor transmission (Rhodes, 2018).      fuel burn will strictly limit belly freight carriage.

WORKING PAPER 2019-02                                                                        INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                       5

                                              North                           Europe-Asia
                                             Atlantic           Intra
                                                               Europe             360
                                                                   Europe-Middle                    East-Asia        Pacific
                                                                     East 570                         310             260
                                 US domestic
          Intra North                            Europe-Africa
                                     590                                                          Intra Asia
            America                                  220
              430                                                         Middle                     360
                                                                          Africa Middle East-             Asia-
                                                                 Intra             Oceana
                        North-South                                         70                           Oceana
                                                     South       Africa              90
                          America                                 40                                      340
                                                      100                                        Intra

Figure 2. Daily commercial supersonic flights by market

emissions from the subsonic fleet,           of the routes and markets identified,      majority of these domestic flights (12%
assumptions needed to be made                identify key airports where SST aircraft   of total SST flights) would be in the
regarding whether the modeled SST            could be operated, present sonic boom      United States. Of the remaining 4,300
flights represented completely new           intensity maps from those operations,      (87%) international flights, roughly one-
(induced) flights, if the passengers are     and close with an estimation of annual     third are expected to be intracontinen-
diverted completely from subsonic            and lifetime CO 2 emissions from the       tal (e.g., intra-Europe), with the remain-
business class, or some combination of       network identified.                        ing two-thirds being intercontinental or
the two. Two scenarios are considered                                                   transoceanic. Overall, one-third (33%)
here: a “lower impact” scenario where                                                   of projected flights would operate pre-
new supersonic trips replace equivalent
                                             MARKETS AND COUNTRIES
                                                                                        dominately over an ocean.
subsonic trips on a one-to-one basis,        SERVED
and a “higher impact” scenario where         Two thousand new SSTs serving a            Three routes—U.S. domestic, Europe
all SST flights are assumed to be addi-      network of 500 city-city pairs are         to the Middle East, and North
tional to existing subsonic business class   expected to generate about 5,000           Atlantic,—would each account for
demand. Previous work (Kharina et al.,       flights per day. Figure 2 summarizes       about 12% of total SST flights, with
2018) found that emerging commer-            17 markets representing about 98% of       intra-North America, intra-Europe,
cial SSTs could be three times as fuel       all projected SST movements. Traffic       intra-Asia, and Asian to Oceana routes
intensive per passenger as comparable        flows shown by the red lines are region-   also being major markets. Smaller
subsonic aircraft in a best case scenario.   level and do not represent operations      markets, including Intra-Africa, North
Thus, under the “lower impact” scenario,     between two specific airports.             to South America, Middle East to
two-thirds of SST CO2 is estimated to be                                                Africa, Middle East to Oceana, South
additional to the subsonic inventory; for    Figure 2 highlights the highly interna-    Atlantic, Intra-Oceana, and Europe to
the “higher impact” scenario assuming        tional nature of expected SST opera-       Africa, are each expected to account
all induced demand, 100% of the inven-       tions, which would link 160 airports       for between 1% and 4% of the pre-
tory is assumed to be additional.            located predominately in Europe,           dicted traffic.
                                             North America, the Middle East, Asia,
                                             and Oceana. About 650 (13%) of the         Table 2 summarizes the annual SST
RESULTS                                      daily flights would be domestic flights    movements by country of depar-
This section summarizes the key results      departing and landing at airports in       ture, both for individual countries
of this study. We start with an overview     the same country. The overwhelming         and cumulative share. The top five

6   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                         WORKING PAPER 2019-02

countries—the United States, United                 Table 2. Commercial supersonic transport movements by departure country in 2035
Kingdom, United Arab Emirates,
                                                                                                               Share of       Cumulative share
China, and Russia16—would represent                   Rank              Country           Movements/day       Movements        of Movements
about one-half of all movements.
                                                        1      United States                    1317               27%                 27%
More than a quarter of all SST flights
                                                       2       United Kingdom                   351                 7%                 34%
would depart from U.S. airports. Other
major countries include Japan (about                   3       United Arab Emirates             322                 7%                40%
4% of movements), India (also 4%),                     4       China                            237                 5%                 45%
and Germany, Singapore, and France,                    5       Russia                           215                 4%                 49%
each with about 3% of all flights.                     6       Japan                            183                 4%                 53%
                                                       7       India                            183                 4%                 57%
AIRPORTS AND LTO NOISE                                 8       Germany                          158                 3%                60%
                                                       9       Singapore                        140                 3%                 63%
Table 3 summarizes the 25 busiest
airports by flights in this network. Daily             10      France                           132                 3%                 65%
movements (landings and takeoffs)                      11      Thailand                          121                2%                 68%
by airport, along with the cumulative                  12      Canada                            119                2%                 70%
share, are shown. “Transit” airports,                  13      Australia                         118                2%                 73%
defined as airports where more than                    14      Qatar                             92                 2%                 74%
75% of available seats would come
                                                       15      South Korea                       86                 2%                 76%
from refueling stops, are not broken
                                                       16      Turkey                            85                 2%                 78%
out given the uncertainty about
exactly where those refueling opera-                   17      Netherlands                       74                  1%                79%
tions would occur.17                                   18      Malaysia                          66                  1%                81%
                                                       19      Indonesia                         62                  1%                82%
Dubai and London Heathrow are
                                                       20      Switzerland                       50                  1%                83%
expected to be the two busiest
                                                               Other                            844                 17%               100%
airports, accounting for 7% and 6%,
                                                                                  Total       4,954               100%
respectively, of daily SST movements.
Following those would be Los Angeles,
with about 180 daily movements,                                            0                     10                   20km
or about 4% of the global total. The
next busiest airports—Singapore, San
Francisco, New York-JFK, Frankfurt,
and Bangkok—are each expected to
field less than half as many flights as
those two major hubs. In total, the                 LANDING                           RUNWAY                                        TAKING OFF
25 busiest airports shown in Table 3
would account for more than half of all
                                                            Chapter 3 (1977), cumulative level: 285.2 EPNdB, 80 dB SEL contour area: 67 km2
supersonic operations. Five of the top                      Chapter 4 (2006), cumulative level: 275.2 EPNdB, 80 dB SEL contour area: 34 km2
25 busiest airports, and 12 of the top                      Chapter 14 (2017), cumulative level: 268.2 EPNdB, 80 dB SEL contour area: 21 km2
50, would be in the United States.
                                                    Figure 3. 80 dB Sound exposure level contours for 75-tonne aircraft just meeting the
                                                    various ICAO chapter limits (adapted from EASA, EEA, and EUROCONTROL, 2016).

16 Russian flights would be attributable in large   These movements, combined with the                 m axim u m take off mass ( MTOM)
   part to its airports becoming key supersonic     large noise footprint of emerging SSTs,            Chapter 3-compliant aircraft (blue)
   refueling stops between Europe and Asia.         could substantially increase perceived             compares with an aircraft complying
17 Examples include Ted Stevens Anchorage
   International Airport in Alaska; Moscow’s
                                                    noise at high-volume airports. Figure 3            with Chapter 4 (green), and Chapter 14
   Sheremetyevo International Airport; and          provides an illustrative example of how            (red) noise limits. The area exposed to
   Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport     the noise footprint, in terms of area              this level of aircraft noise by a typical
   in Minnesota. Refueling stops would account
   for 100%, 90%, and 94% of available seats for
                                                    exposed to 80 dB sound exposure                    Chapter 3 aircraft is twice that of a
   those airports, respectively.                    levels (SEL), of a typical 75-tonne                Chapter 4 aircraft, and more than three

WORKING PAPER 2019-02                                                                    INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION          7

times as much area as a Chapter 14                  Table 3. Commercial supersonic transport movements by airport in 2035
compliant aircraft.
                                                                                                         Movements/         Share of        Cumulative share
                                                     Rank                    Airport                        day            Movements         of movements
T h e re l a t i ve m a g n i t u d e o f t h i s
                                                       1      Dubai International (DXB)                         322               7%                   7%
increased noise exposure on local
communities will vary by airport.                      2      London Heathrow (LHR)                             314              6%                   13%
As an example, in 2017, our second                     3      Los Angeles (LAX)                                  181             4%                   16%
busiest potential SST airport, London                  4      Singapore Changi (SIN)                            140               3%                  19%
Heathrow, had a total of 1,273 subsonic                5      San Francisco (SFO)                               140               3%                 22%
movements per day (UK Civil Aviation                   6      New York (JFK)                                    126               3%                 25%
Authority, 2018). Of those, 730 (57%)                  7      Frankfurt (FRA)                                   125               3%                 27%
were single-aisle variants of the
                                                       8      Bangkok International (BKK)                        113              2%                 29%
A320 family comparable in size to
                                                       9      Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG)                      97               2%                  31%
our reference SST (60 to 97 tonnes
                                                      10      Hamad International (DOH)                          92               2%                 33%
MTOM). The large majority (87%) of
those certified variants are Chapter                   11     Indira Gandhi International (DEL)                   91              2%                 35%
4 aircraft (European Aviation Safety                  12      Hong Kong (HKG)                                    89               2%                 37%
Administration, n.d.). In 2015, Chapter               13      Istanbul Atatürk (IST)                             85               2%                 39%
3 compliant aircraft represented about                14      Tokyo Narita (NRT)                                 84               2%                 40%
1% of total operations in Heathrow                    15      Seoul Incheon (ICN)                                84               2%                 42%
(GreenAir Communications, 2017), and                  16      Amsterdam Schiphol (AMS)                           74               1%                 44%
the airport has the goal of making all
                                                       17     Beijing Capital (PEK)                              73               1%                 45%
operations Chapter 4 noise compliant
                                                      18      Kuala Lumpur (KUL)                                 66               1%                 46%
by 2020 (Heathrow Airport Limited,
                                                      19      Sydney (SYD)                                       63               1%                 48%
2016). The addition, or substitution, of
more than 300 Chapter 3 compliant                     20      Shanghai Pudong (PVG)                              62               1%                 49%
SST operations per day at Heathrow                     21     Mumbai (BOM)                                       62               1%                 50%
would clearly conflict with this goal.                22      Tokyo Haneda (HND)                                 58               1%                  51%
                                                      23      Chicago O’Hare (ORD)                               56               1%                 52%

SONIC BOOM                                            24      Newark International (EWR)                         52               1%                 53%
                                                      25      Toronto Pearson (YYZ)                              50               1%                 55%
The 500 city-city pairs were used
                                                     Other1                                                   2255              45%                 100%
to identify sonic boom corridors
                                                                                                Total        4,954
a ss u m i n g a 1 0 0 k m w i d e b o o m
carpet (50 km on either side of the
                                                    [1]: Other includes “transit” airports, defined as 75% or more of available seats being from refueling stops.
SST aircraft), assuming that existing
overland SST flight bans are lifted.                Several clarifications are in order. Blank               because aircraft might be operated
The resulting global map is shown                   areas in the map surrounding some of                     at subsonic speeds to avoid sonic
in Figure 4. Airports served in the                 airports served are due to the distances                 boom over certain areas. The latter
network are depicted as red dots,                   needed to accelerate to and decelerate                   would reduce the absolute incidence
with the number of sonic booms                      from supersonic speeds. Furthermore,                     of sonic boom while diluting SST time
experienced per day indicated by                    the map represents an approximation                      savings and commercial advantages;
the colors in the heat map. The 25                  of actual operations because some                        the former effect would reduce the fre-
busiest airports by SST movements                   flights are likely to deviate from great-                quency of booms experienced along
summarized in Table 3 are labeled by                circle distance tracks due to weather                    direct flight paths but expand the total
their airport codes.                                and airspace constraints and also                        area affected.

8   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                     WORKING PAPER 2019-02

Figure 4 highlights that significant
areas of the world would be impacted
by en route noise pollution. Countries                                                                                              LHR AMS

most impacted by sonic boom could
                                                                                                JFK EWR                                            IST                                           PEK
                                                                          SFO                                                                                                                          ICN
include Canada, Germany, Iraq, Ireland,                                    LAX                 ATL
                                                                                                                                                              DOH DXB
Israel, Romania, Turkey, and the United                HNL

States. The most heavily impacted                                                                                                                                                              BKK

regions could be exposed to between                                                                                                                                                        KUL SIN

150 and 200 distinct booms per day,
or up to one boom every five minutes
over a hypothetical 16-hour flight day.                                                                                                                                                                            SYD

This equals about 20 times the number
of booms that Oklahoma City resi-
dents experienced each day during the
1964 supersonics testing campaign
(Borsky, 1965).
                                                                                                              5 - 15                      25 - 40                      60 - 100                        150 - 200
Figures 5 and 6 provide regional maps             Boom incidents per day
                                                                                                              15 - 25                     40 - 60                      100 - 150                       > - 200
of sonic boom incidence for Europe
and North America, respectively.           Figure 4: Global sonic boom incidence
Airports served are indicated by their

airplane symbol; those falling within
the top 25 in terms of SST movements
                                                             Z Iceland
are labelled with their airport code.
As shown in Figure 5, Europe would
be heavily impacted by sonic boom
if 2,000 new SSTs are brought into                                                                                Norway                              Z
                                                                                                                                                                       Russian Federation
service. Operations departing or landing                                                                                                Z          Estonia
in London Heathrow, particularly to                                                                                                                       Latvia

and from Dubai, would expose parts                                                 Z
of Ireland, Germany, Austria, Hungary,                              Ireland Z
                                                                                United Kingdom                         Denmark
Romania, and Turkey to between 150                                                     Z
                                                                                       Z              AMS
and 200 sonic booms per day after                                                      LHR
                                                                                                       Z Z Germany                                                            Ukraine
combining with other cross-European                                                                  Belgium      FRA
                                                                                                                   Z                Z
                                                                                                CDG                         Czech Republic
traffic. Average frequency would be                                                              Z Luxembourg
                                                                                                 Z                                    Slovakia                          Moldova
                                                                                                                            Z             Z
about one boom every 5 minutes over                                                        France
                                                                                                                   Z             Austria Hungary
                                                                                                           Switzerland                                       Romania
a typical day. More moderate but still                                                                    Z
                                                                                                                   Z Slovenia Croatia

substantial impacts, on Zthe order of                                                                               Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia
                                                                                                              Z                                                    Bulgaria
at least one boom everyZ20 minutes,                                                                                         Italy             Montenegro                            IST
                                                                                                                                                                                    Z                   Turkey
would be experienced throughout                        Portugal         Z                  Z                                 Z                    Albania
                                                       Z              Spain
most of Germany and Eastern Europe.                                                                                                                       Greece
Scandinavian and southern European                                                                                                                                 5 - 15        25 - 40             60Cyprus
                                                                                                                                                                                                        - 100    150 - 200
                                           0       305        610                  1,220 km                        Boom incidents per day
countries, including Spain, Portugal,                                                                                   Z                                          15 - 25
                                                                                                                                                                                 40 - 60             100 - 150   Z   > 200

and Italy, would be less affected.         Coordinate System: ETRS 1989 LAEA
                                           Projection: Lambert
                                                          Z Azimuthal Equal Area                                                                                                                                 Z
                                           Datum: ETRS 1989

Significant sonic boom exposure
                                           Figure 5: Sonic boom incidence in Europe
would also be felt in North America
(Figure 6). Newfoundland and Nova          Utah plus Western Alaska would expe-                                                             intervals (50 times per day). Other
Scotia in Canada, and coastal Maine        rience sonic booms about every six to                                                            states, including California, Florida,
in the United States, would expe-          10 minutes (100 to 150 times daily),                                                             and Hawaii, would experience little or
rience the largest impacts. In the         while much of the Midwest, Oregon,                                                               no sonic boom, although exposure to
Mountain West and Great Plains, parts      and western Alaska would experience                                                              LTO noise at their airports could be
of Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, and        a sonic boom at roughly 20-minute                                                                significant (see Table 3).

WORKING PAPER 2019-02                                                                                            INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                9

                               Z    Z

       Z  CO2                                                                                                                                                                                           Z
Two thousand commercial SSTs would
emit an estimated 96 MMT of CO2 per                                                         AK
year in 2035 (88 MMT CO2 to 114 MMT
CO2 for best and worst configurations,                                                           YT
respectively). Compare that with the
162 MMT CO2 emitted by U.S. airlines
in 2017 (Graver & Rutherford, 2018).                                                                                                                                                NL
Under the “higher impact” induced                                                                                     AB
                                                                                                                                SK    MB
demand scenario, all of these emissions                                                                Z              Z                                                                    NS
                                                                                                                                                         ON                           NB
would be in addition to the emissions                                                                   Z WA                                                                     ME
                                                                                                       Z                   MT        ND                        Z
from the existing subsonic fleet; under                                                                OR                                  MN                   VT NH
                                                                                                                                     SD         Z WI MI Z NYEWR ZMA
the “lower impact” scenario, which                                                                                         WY
                                                                                                                                                    Z    Z  PA ZZ
                                                                                                                                                                Z JFK

                                                                                                                      Z              NE        IA                NJ
                                                                                                 SFO                                                     OH
assumes complete substitution from              Z HNL
                                                 Z                                               Z          NV        UT
                                                                                                                                Z                  IL IN      Z
                                                                                                                                                           WV VA
                                                                                                   CA                                 KS        MO
                                               HI Z                                                                                                     KY
subsonic business class, SSTs would               Z                                                  LAX     Z
                                                                                                                  AZ                                   TNATL Z
                                                                                                       ZZ                                 OK
add 64 MMT CO2 (59 to 76 MMT CO2)                                                                       Z        Z         NM                    AR       Z SC
                                                                                                                                          Z         MS AL  GA
to the existing subsonic inventory.                                                                                                  TX
                                                                                                                                          Z Z
                                                                                                                                                 LA                 FL
To put this into perspective, 64 MMT
roughly equals the combined CO 2                                                                                                                                                                                 ZZ
                                                                                                                                                                Z                                                   Z
emissions of American and Southwest                                                                                                   Z
Airlines in 2017 (red planes, Figure 7);   0        750       1,500                  3,000 km                                                  5 - 15          25 - 40        60 - 100      150 - 200
                                                                                                     Boom incidents per day                                                                             Z
adding Delta (pink planes) approxi-                                                                                                            15 - 25         40 - 60        100 - 150     > 200

mates the 96 MMT projected under           Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 Kansas LCC
                                           Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
                                           Datum: NAD 1983 2011
the “higher impact” scenario. As                                                                                                                                                                Z
another point of reference, Lufthansa      Figure 6: Sonic boom incidence in North America
Group—Europe’s largest combination
of carriers representing Lufthansa,
                                                                    2017 CO2 emissions from US passenger airlines: 162 MMT
Lufthansa Cargo, SWISS, Austrian,
Eurowings, Brussels Airlines, and their                            American                                Southwest                                          Other Airlines
subsidiaries—emitted about 30 MMT
CO2 in 2017 (Lufthansa, 2018).

Table 4 shows the breakdown of CO2
emitted by country of departure,
taking into account those airports that
the aircraft will be operated from.

As shown in the table, one-quarter
(24%) of SST CO 2 emissions would
be attributable to flights departing
from U.S. airports. Other major CO 2
emitters by country of departure
would include the United Kingdom,                                                 Delta
United Arab Emirates, China, and
Russia; collectively, those five coun-     Figure 7. 2035 commercial supersonic transport aircraft vs. 2017 U.S. aviation CO2 emissions
tries would be responsible for about
half of all supersonic CO 2 emitted.       and Australia, would each be respon-                                  rounded out by Indonesia and Brazil,
Other countries, including India,          sible for about 3% of supersonic                                      would account for more than 80% of
Japan, Singapore, France, Germany,         CO 2 emitted. The top 20 countries,                                   total supersonic CO2 produced.

10   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                       WORKING PAPER 2019-02

These increased emissions would be                 Table 4. Commercial supersonic transport aircraft CO2 by country of departure, 2035
significant. A new fleet of emerging
SST could emit an estimated 1.6 to 2.4               Rank            Country              CO2 (MMT)          Share of CO2      share of CO2
gigatonnes of CO2 over their 25-year
                                                       1    United States                    23.4                 24%               24%
lifetime, depending on assumptions
about induced versus substituted                      2     United Kingdom                    7.6                  8%               32%
demand. This would make even more                     3     United Arab Emirates              6.9                  7%               40%
challenging industry’s goal of halving                4     China                             5.1                  5%               45%
net CO2 emissions from aviation from                  5     Russia                            3.8                  4%               49%
2005 levels by 2050 (International Air                6     India                             3.6                  4%               53%
Transport Association, 2018), let alone               7     Japan                             3.5                  4%               56%
meeting the wider societal challenge
                                                      8     Singapore                         2.9                  3%               59%
of getting global emissions to net
                                                      9     France                            2.8                  3%               62%
zero of the second half of the century
                                                      10    Germany                           2.7                  3%               65%
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [IPCC], 2018). This range                      11    Australia                         2.6                  3%               68%
of emissions represents about one-                    12    Thailand                          2.2                  2%               70%
fifth of a proportional carbon budget                 13    Canada                            2.1                  2%               72%
afforded international aviation under                 14    Qatar                             1.9                  2%               74%
a 1.5°C carbon budget consistent with                 15    South Korea                       1.9                  2%               76%
the Paris climate accord.18                           16    Netherlands                       1.6                  2%               78%
                                                      17    Turkey                            1.4                  1%               79%
CONCLUSIONS AND                                       18    Malaysia                          1.4                  1%               81%
NEXT STEPS                                            19    Indonesia                         1.3                  1%               82%
                                                      20    Brazil                            1.0                  1%               83%
This analysis highlights the need for
robust environmental standards to                                                            16.1                 17%              100%
manage the expected noise and CO2                                              Total          96                 100%
impacts of reintroducing commercial
SSTs. The estimated 5,000 SST flights              of projected flights would depart one            manufacturers may find it difficult to
per day in 2035 could lead to more                 country and land in another.                     access additional capital to finalize
than 100 Chapter 3 noise flights being                                                              their aircraft designs: to date, Boom
                                                   ICAO is initiating work on SST stan-             has raised about $141 million (Bogaisky,
introduced at each of eight airports
                                                   dards for LTO noise, air pollution, sonic        2019), or about 2% of the $6 billion
globally. Large regions of the globe
                                                   boom, and cruise CO2. A full set of stan-        it estimates will be needed to fully
could be exposed to sonic booms at
                                                   dards may be finalized by 2025 and               develop its aircraft (Adams, 2018).
a frequency of more than once per
                                                   take effect before 2030. Regulators
hour. Increasing CO2 emissions from
                                                   are faced with two choices: either to            Additional research is needed to improve
these aircraft could make it even more
                                                   develop new SST standards that would             our understanding of the environmen-
challenging for industry to achieve
                                                   allow those aircraft to produce more             tal implications of reintroducing super-
its climate goals. International stan-
                                                   noise, air pollution, and climate pol-           sonic flight. This analysis represents an
dards will be needed given that 87%
                                                   lution than new subsonic designs, or             initial, unconstrained modeling approach
                                                   to apply existing subsonic standards             assuming no overland flight bans or local
18 According to Olivier et al. (2016),
   international aviation emitted 503 MMT of       to SSTs. Aspiring SST manufacturers              airport restrictions. If those restrictions
   CO2 in 2015, or 1.42% of the global energy-     could boost public acceptance for                instead remain in place, some fraction of
   related total. IPCC’s recommended carbon        their designs by committing to meet              the actual noise and pollution impacts of
   budget to allow a 66% chance of meeting a
   1.5 degree climate target after 2015 is about   existing LTO noise and cruise CO2 stan-          new SST designs will be mitigated, for
   620 gigatonnes (IPCC, 2018; simple average      dards for subsonic aircraft and by sup-          several reasons. First, as noted above,
   of the AR5 and GMST global temperature          porting new en route noise standards             noise-constrained airports may be
   approaches). A simple multiplication of
   these factors equals international aviation’s   that would mandate low-boom tech-                unable to absorb the indicated flights.
   proportional share of 8.8 gigatonnes.           nology. Lacking these commitments,               Second, overland flight bans would limit

WORKING PAPER 2019-02                                                                 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION          11

the viability of some routes, leading to     Other work is also needed to fill in    Teterboro) that may host supersonic
lower overall market share. Related, the     our understanding of these aircraft.    business jets. Likewise, a comprehen-
need to refuel longer flights, for example   This includes economic analysis         sive analysis of the climate impacts
between East Asia and North America,         to determine expenses, fares, and       of these aircraft is recommended.
may reduce time savings enough to            yields on representative routes.        Non-CO 2 climate forcers, including
make those routes unviable commer-           High-fidelity noise and emissions       water vapor, nitrogen oxides, black
cially. Further work to test these assump-   modeling at key airports is recom-      carbon, and aviation-induced cloudi-
tions for robustness, and also to refine     mended, both at the commercial          ness are expected to be significant
assumptions about induced versus sub-        hubs highlighted in this paper but      given the high cruise altitude of SSTs
stituted demand, is needed.                  also general aviation airports (e.g.,   (IPCC, 1999).

12   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                   WORKING PAPER 2019-02

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