No Time to Lose for the EU - Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans - German Council on Foreign Relations
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German Council on Foreign Relations No. 8 December 2019 POLICY BRIEF No Time to Lose for the EU Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans Theresia Töglhofer is associate fellow at DGAP’s Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies EU enlargement policy toward the Western Balkans has never been as contested as today. French President Emmanuel Macron has made reform of the EU accession process a precondition to open- ing membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia. While the current stalemate severely undermines the EU’s reform and stabilization agenda in the region, it also offers an opportunity for an overhaul of the accession process, which is long overdue. – In March 2020, the European Council should give the green light to accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia while simultaneously spelling out guiding principles for reform. – Dividing the accession process into seven successive stages, as suggested by a recent non-paper from France, bears the risk of slowing it to stalemate and losing EU leverage on candidate countries. – Reform of the EU accession process should deliver a revision of monitoring and assessment mechanisms, an increase in the cost of non-reform for political leaders in the region, and a raised scale of EU action to achieve a systematic impact on the ground. – The initial Conference on the Future of Europe in 2020 would be an ideal occasion for inviting political and civil society representatives from the Western Balkans to take an active part and reinvigorate political dialogue about their long-term perspectives in the EU.
2 No. 8 | December 2019 Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans POLICY BRIEF The EU’s starting position on enlarge- sus on whether, how, and how fast to have also stemmed from a strict inter- ment policy in its new institutional integrate aspiring members. It funda- pretation of accession conditionality, cycle is tricky. How can EU actors over- mentally undermines previous com- such as the Netherlands’ insistence on come the stalemate that the accession mitments and initiatives to reinvigo- Serbia’s cooperation with the Hague process is currently experiencing? How rate the EU integration of the Western Tribunal. The current stalemate, how- should they respond to the recently Balkans, such as the Berlin Process, ever, is qualitatively different. At the circulated non-paper specifying French under which regular summits have October Council, the most principled demands for reform? Any redesign of been held since 2014, or the EU’s new opposition to the opening of acces- the current accession process will need enlargement strateg y, which was sion negotiations with two additional to address three central challenges launched in February 2018. 3 At stake candidates was voiced by France. Re- that are spelled out below along with is no less than the question of wheth- garding Albania, France was backed by concrete measures for the EU to finally er membership for the Western Bal- Denmark and the Netherlands, but it pull its weight in the Western Balkans. kans is still on the table – and thus al- stood alone with its veto against North so the EU’s credibility and leverage in Macedonia. President Macron turned the region. down all compromise solutions, in- CONTENTIONS ON cluding a German proposal that would ENLARGEMENT On a more positive note, President have opted for a conditioned opening Emmanuel Macron’s demand for an of accession negotiations. When Athens and Skopje resolved their overhaul of current accession method- 27-year name dispute by reaching the ology, which accompanied France’s re- First, this latest episode revealed the Prespa Agreement in June 2018, hopes jection of fresh membership talks, has blatant lack of a common understand- were high that the rebaptized “Repub- fueled EU debate on reform. This re- ing among EU actors about the re- lic of North Macedonia” would finally form is long overdue as it has become quirements for reforms the two Bal- be able to start EU accession talks. In- evident that the accession process, kan countries were told to make and deed, for the first time since the Eu- as it is currently designed and imple- whether or not they had been met. In ropean Commission recommended mented, has not delivered on its prom- September 2019, the German Bunde- opening negotiations ten years ago, ise to foster democracy and prosperi- stag followed the Commission’s rec- Greece lifted its veto. But it was France ty throughout the region. At the same ommendation to open accession talks that denied its approval and continued time, fundamental bilateral disputes with North Macedonia and Albania to do so at the latest European Coun- and state-building issues still linger. A – only after it formulated a number cil meeting on October 17–18, 2019. reform is thus vital for ending the cur- of conditions for the latter that sur- This, in turn, incited strong reactions rent blockade of the accession process passed previous EU requirements.4 The by both EU institutions1 and numerous and erasing its shortcomings. Dutch parliament came to the conclu- member states – among them Germa- sion that North Macedonia, but not Al- ny, Italy, and Poland – showing that the bania, was ripe for opening negoti- camp of supporters of the accession THE ACCESSION ations, while France abruptly voiced process is still large and vocal. Outgo- PROCESS ON ICE concerns at the October Council that ing Commission President Jean-Claude neither country was prepared enough. Juncker went as far as to call the re- Blockades of EU accession candidates This cacophony of assessments raises jection of North Macedonia, as well as from the Western Balkans have a long serious questions about the objectivity its neighbor Albania, “a grave historic tradition. In the past, such blockades of the process. mistake.”2 have originated from bilateral disputes between member states and accession Second, Paris has made the continua- The stalemate resulting from the Oc- aspirants – for example, between Slo- tion of the enlargement process con- tober summit is the latest and most venia and Croatia and, after the latter tingent on prior reform of the EU. At flagrant expression of a fading consen- joined the EU, Croatia and Serbia. They the October Council, France made it 1 See, for instance, the joint letter by Presidents Donald Tusk, David Sassoli, Jean-Claude Juncker, and President-Elect Ursula von der Leyen on the opening of accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania from October 3, 2019: auto&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Joint+letter+by+Presidents+Tusk%2c+Sassoli%2c+Juncker+and+President-elect+von+der+Leyen+on+the+opening+of+accession+t alks+with+North+Macedonia+and+Albania (accessed November 3, 2019). 2 Andrew Gray, “Juncker: EU’s North Macedonia, Albania Rebuff is ‘Historic Mistake,’” Politico, October 18, 2019: (accessed November 3, 2019). 3 European Commission, “A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans,” COM(2018) 65 final, Strasbourg, February 6, 2018: (accessed November 3, 2019). 4 German Bundestag, “Einvernehmensherstellung von Bundestag und Bundesregierung zum Beitrittsantrag der Republik Albanien zur Europäischen Union und zur Empfehlung von Europäischer Kommission und Hoher Vertreterin vom 29. Mai 2019 zur Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen,” Drucksache 19/13509, September 21, 2019: (accessed November 12, 2019).
No. 8 | December 2019 3 POLICY BRIEF Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans clear that it wants to see a change in implementation of the Prespa Agree- the modalities of the accession process ment, and the fight against state cap- before negotiations can be opened ture across the region. with prospective members. Conse- quently, the actual admission of new It would be ill-advised to assert that entrants could only take place once France threw a wrench into the ma- the EU as a whole has been reformed. chinery of EU integration that was oth- France’s two comprehensive demands erwise functioning perfectly. Still, the are addressed to member states, not current stalemate risks making things candidate countries. Therefore, it worse as it appears to be leading the may take months or – in the case of a EU to deliberately and unnecessarily far-reaching reform of the workings of renounce its capacity to shape devel- the Union – even years to meet them. opments in the region. EU leaders are well aware that they face fierce com- Third, there are strong indications that petition by Russia, China, Turkey, and domestic motives – specifically uneas- the Gulf states, which have stepped up iness on migration – are driving states that are skeptical of enlargement. Na- tional populists should not be given any ammunition for stirring anti-mi- Figure 1: Citizens Migrating from the Western Balkans gration and anti-EU sentiment before to the EU 2018 (First Permits of Residence) key elections. It is thus no coincidence that France insisted on postponing the 52.049 62.525 presentation of 2019’s enlargement package until after European elections. Similarly, in May this year, the Dutch government asked the European Com- mission to suspend visa-free travel for Albanian citizens after parliament vot- Albania ed in favor of such a measure. Bosnia-H. 230.635 Kosovo These concerns are related neither to Montenegro a candidate country nor its bilater- 24.442 N. Macedonia al relations, but rather to the domes- Serbia tic affairs of member states and the future of the EU integration project. When considering accession, it is fre- 3.077 quently stressed that hopefuls should advance “ on the basis of their own 34.778 53.764 merits,” but such developments effec- tively suspend this formula. This not only affects Albania and North Mace- their political and economic, as well as Source: Eurostat database. First permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship (last updated 28.10.2019) donia – where Prime Minister Zoran their cultural and religious presence in Zaev already called early parliamenta- the region. Thus, then-designated Eu- ry elections – but also the region as a ropean Commission President Ursu- whole. The prospect of not advancing la von der Leyen noted in her mission on their EU path, regardless of their letter to the then-designated Commis- achievements, is likely to undermine sioner for Neighborhood and Enlarge- the candidate countries’ reform ef- ment that “ external influence in the forts, including the EU-mediated dia- region has been growing significantly.”5 logue between Kosovo and Serbia, the To prevent the Western Balkans from 5 European Commission, “Mission letter by Ursula von der Leyen to László Trócsányi, Commissioner-designate for Neighbourhood and Enlargement,” Brussels, September 10, 2019: political/files/mission-letter-laszlo-trocsanyi_en.pdf (accessed November 3, 2019).
4 No. 8 | December 2019 Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans POLICY BRIEF further drifting away from the EU’s related to the rule of law, have already With the French veto overshadowing fold, it is therefore crucial to overcome been part of the current enlargement the reform process, the pro-enlarge- the current blockade and, at the same strategy, but – as shown below – have ment bloc among member states has time, address the dysfunctionalities of not always been translated from paper an interest in ending the current stale- the accession process. into practice. mate as soon as possible. Paris, howev- er, will most likely insist on not open- REFORMING ENLARGE- France’s proposal, however, also trig- ing accession negotiations with any MENT – OR PUTTING IT gers many questions about practi- further candidates before a new meth- ON HOLD? cal implementation and its effects, odology has been introduced. The for example: How advanced would re- process, thus, faces two risks. On the The French veto at the October Coun- forms related to rule of law need to be one hand, disagreement among mem- cil – accompanied by president Ma- in the first stage of accession negotia- ber states on the path to reform could cron’s request to overhaul the current tions before a country could move to prolong the detrimental blockade of methodology of accession – has cat- the next level? What benefits would the Western Balkans’ perspective for apulted enlargement policy and de- be offered to candidates in the ini- entering the EU. On the other, a hasty bate on its reform to a top spot on the tial four stages? And why would ac- overhaul of the highly complex acces- EU’s agenda. France specified its de- cess to the single market only follow sion procedure might not lead to the mands in a short non-paper distribut- in a fifth – rather late – stage in the reduction in dysfunctionality that is ed to EU partners in November 2019.6 accession process? Also, which solu- sought, but rather its increase. The At its core, it proposes to replace the tion should be applied to Montenegro ball is now in the court of the Europe- 35 negotiating chapters with seven and Serbia, countries which already an Commission. It is expected to pres- successive stages along thematic pol- find themselves in the midst of “tra- ent its own proposal for a reform of icy blocs, in which candidate coun- ditional” membership talks structured the accession process in January 2020, tries would gradually be included. The by the 35 chapters? The most import- which will then serve as a basis for fur- non-paper contains a number of ele- ant caveat to the French model, how- ther discussion. ments that could considerably advance ever, concerns its consecutive charac- the integration of the Western Balkans ter. Accession preparations in a given into the EU, in particular a gradual in- area often need many years to be ac- THREE KEY CHALLENGES clusion in sectoral policies even be- complished. Treating each area one af- TO REFORMING THE fore accession,7 an increase of financial ter the other – rather than conducting ACCESSION PROCESS means, and the demand for reversibil- them in parallel – might prolong nego- ity in cases of backsliding. Other prin- tiations to an extent that keeps even- Despite happening under unfavorable ciples, such as the respect of precise tual EU accession out of sight for can- circumstances, an overhaul of the ac- criteria and the front-loading of issues didate countries.8 cession process constitutes a unique opportunity to eradicate a number of substantial shortcomings that have hampered its effectiveness. Three paths for reform would allow the EU A hasty overhaul of the to better pull its weight in the West- ern Balkans. Rather than offering one highly complex accession specific model, the proposed measures point to a number of challenges that procedure might not reduce its need to be addressed in any redesign of the accession process. dysfunctionality The discussion of reform proposals departs from the assumption that the 6 “Non-paper: Reforming the European Union accession process,” November 2019: (accessed November 26, 2019). 7 The concept of sectoral integration reflected in the French non-paper had recently been suggested by Milica Delevic and Tena Prelec. See: Milica Delevic and Tena Prelec, “Flatter and faster: New Western Balkans pathways to the EU,” Views from the Council, European Council on Foreign Relations, October 24, 2019: commentary_flatter_and_faster_new_western_balkans_pathways_to_the_eu (accessed November 3, 2019). 8 This also appears to be a major concern voiced by a joint non-paper from Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, and Slovenia that, in reaction to the French non-paper, requests “it should be possible to open groups of chapters in parallel and not consecutively.” See: Barigazzi, Jacopo, “9 EU countries push back on French enlargement revamp,” Politico, December 13, 2019: (accessed December 16, 2019).
No. 8 | December 2019 5 POLICY BRIEF Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans goal of a gradual accession process needs to be full membership – provid- ed that EU conditionality is genuinely fulfilled by candidate countries. In the region, a withdrawal of the accession The accession process in its current perspective would be clearly perceived as a rejection and renouncement of the design rewards politicians for EU’s previous commitments. Any light- er form of association would consid- maintaining the status quo erably decrease the EU’s leverage on reform, in particular with regard to democratic standards and the rule of law. It would also hardly be enough to ground. The reports do not allow cit- that were supposed to be “living doc- counter the influence of other foreign izens from the region to grasp at a uments” stimulating the reform pro- actors and may turn out to be detri- glance whether their government per- cess have not been subject to regular mental to long-term stabilization in formed well in bringing the country updates, thus outliving current reform the region. Any makeover of the acces- closer to the EU. Due to their vague needs and leading to very selective im- sion process thus needs to be based on and coded language, they require “in- plementation.9 The “new approach” on a credible membership perspective. terpretation” by government officials the rule of law still allows the govern- or experts, which, in turn, leaves plen- ments of the Western Balkans to put Improve Monitoring and Assessment ty of room to distort the picture. Thus, thorny measures on the backburner. It Mechanisms there is a fundamental need to re- is thus high time to establish a moni- form the EU reporting system in order toring and benchmarking system with A fundamental stumbling block that to deliver an unambiguous and trans- clear priorities and timelines. This has impeded the accession process for parent overall assessment. The Coun- would also facilitate applying the over- years is the lack of trust expressed by cil and the Commission need to pri- all balance clause in case of a severe member states in the assessments de- oritize clarifying how the latter can deviation. The application of the clause livered by the European Commission. undertake future assessments of can- would lead to the freezing of negotia- Member states favoring strict con- didates’ progress in a way that allows tions on other chapters if progress un- ditionality have repeatedly contest- all member states to rally behind them. der chapters 23 and 24 significantly ed the criteria for (potential) candi- A greater role in this could also fall to lags behind. dates to move to the next level in the the European Parliament, for example accession process and their actual ful- by linking the work of rapporteurs to Enhance the Cost of Non-Reform filment. This has already been the case European Commission reports. in the opening of accession talks with The accession process in its current Montenegro and Serbia, and, more re- In addition, analysts from Montene- design rewards politicians for main- cently, as shown above, with Albania gro and Serbia underline that acces- taining the status quo. It brings a large and North Macedonia. In addition, al- sion talks on rule of law chapters lack number of benefits to ruling elites in though the European Commission efficient monitoring and clear guide- the Western Balkans by opening eco- concluded in July 2018 that Kosovo met lines. This is despite the fact that the nomic opportunities and the constant all benchmarks set out in its Visa Lib- EU introduced a detailed rule of law inflow of pre-accession funds. Politi- eralization Roadmap, the Council has mechanism in 2012 that provides for cians obtain positive media coverage not yet granted the long-awaited visa opening chapter 23 on judiciary and when shaking hands with their coun- free travel to Kosovar citizens. fundamental rights and chapter 24 on terparts from Brussels and EU capitals justice, freedom, and security at the and can impress voters with the prom- A similar problem arises with regard very beginning of accession negotia- ise of EU accession, which is still – in to the annual country reports issued tions. The political front-loading of re- spite of everything – attractive. Po- by the European Commission. Across forms related to the rule of law should litical leaders across the region enjoy EU capitals, they are perceived to be consequently allow for the establish- these advantages, regardless of politicized, often painting a too rosy ment of a track-record of implementa- or blurred picture of events on the tion. In practice, however, action plans 9 Jovana Marovic, Tena Prelec, and Marko Kmezic, “Strengthening the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans: Call for a Revolution against Particularism,” Policy Study, Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group, January 2019: (accessed November 3, 2019).
6 No. 8 | December 2019 Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans POLICY BRIEF whether they conduct genuine reforms up to this task. In addition to regu- or are merely pretending to. What is lar reporting, Brussels needs to speak more, the EU has turned a blind eye to up every time the violation of funda- backsliding on democratic standards mental principles gives rise to con- and the rule of law in many instanc- cern. This applies not only to infringe- es in recent years. The losers here are ments of democratic standards, the the citizens of the Western Balkans, rule of law, and fundamental rights, for whom – as the current mass exo- but also to agitations and provocations dus and street protests show – living against neighbors or other national conditions are becoming less and less groups within a given country. While bearable. interventions by member states might be perceived as biased, the European Commission would be the right body to voice criticism based on objective criteria that apply to all six Western There is a need to already step up Balkan candidates. In practical terms, such an approach would be an ultimate funding considerably within the challenge for the new Commission- er for Neighborhood and Enlargement pre-accession period Olivér Várhelyi to prove his indepen- dence. He was nominated by Hungary, which itself has been under criticism for hollowing out rule of law standards and provides political asylum to for- Holding decision-makers account- mer Macedonian Prime Minister Niko- able for preventing reform requires la Gruevski who fled his country in No- inflicting a cost on them that should vember 2018 to escape a jail sentence be as painstakingly high as that for for corruption. ordinary citizens. One way to achieve this would be to make the disburse- Move from Symbolic to Systematic ment of pre-accession funds strongly Impact dependent on a country’s actual per- formance in key areas of the integra- Monitoring reforms and sanctioning tion process – for example, on the their non-implementation is only one rule of law and fundamental rights, on side of the coin. The other is the need good relations with its neighbors, and to create both comprehensive and socio-economic development. The concrete incentives. Having in mind current proposal of an IPA III regu- that actual accession is a medium- to lation is a first positive step in this long-term goal, accession candidates direction 10. To make it more effec- already need to be tied more closely to tive, it also needs to contain a robust EU institutions, programs, and stan- suspension clause that allows for the dards now. This includes – but does (temporary) withdrawal of funds in not rely solely upon – more financial cases of backsliding or a prolonged resources. standstill of reforms. A special role could fall to the year- Second, the EU needs a clear and out- ly Western Balkans summits, better spoken form of communication about known as the Berlin Process. It reached a country’s performance in approach- its goal insofar as it gave new momen- ing (or drifting away) from the acces- tum and visibility to the EU enlarge- sion criteria. As discussed above, cur- ment agenda, particularly to issues of rent EU country reports do not live regional cooperation. Nevertheless, af- 10 European Commission, “Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III),” COM(2018) 465 final, Brussels, June 14, 2018.
No. 8 | December 2019 7 POLICY BRIEF Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans ter six rounds of high-level summits, Croatia alone has access to 10.7 billion interim stocktaking suggests that in euros of structural funds and has en- many areas the outcomes remain at countered serious problems in absorb- a symbolic level, instead of achiev- ing this sudden cash inflow. To achieve ing real impact on the ground. Take, a gradual increase in funding and bet- for instance, the establishment of the ter support cost-intensive EU approx- Regional Youth Cooperation Office imation, experts have repeatedly pro- (RYCO), which is frequently praised as posed opening structural funds to the one of the most important achieve- Western Balkans. 11 Ideally, the pro- ments of the Berlin Process. While the visions to include the region in the very existence of RYCO is a success in structural funds scheme would be in- itself, its annual budget amounts to no tegrated in current negotiations on the more than two million euros to sup- Multiannual Financial Framework for port projects in six countries. With 2021–2027. If this fails, funds could also these limited resources, the number of be contributed by member states sup- young people that youth exchange ac- portive of the Western Balkans’ acces- tivities throughout the region can ef- sion agenda, for instance in the frame fectively reach remains small. Other of the Berlin Process. matters – such as the establishment of a common economic area, the res- Addressing the enormous brain drain olution of bilateral disputes, reconcili- that currently affects the region is ation, and the issue of missing persons another issue that may prove to be a – have floundered. In a new enlarge- game changer. In 2018 alone, 230,000 ment architecture, the Berlin Process citizens from the Western Balkans could be embedded in a more institu- tionalized setting that provides conti- nuity above the yearly changing chairs. It would cover all areas of regional co- Figure 2: Comparison of Allocations under the Instrument operation for which bilateral negoti- for Pre-Accession (IPA II) and European Structural & Invest- ations between the EU and accession ment Funds for selected EU /Candidate Countries 2014-2020 aspirants do not provide a platform. (in Millions of Euros) This would also ensure that thorny is- sues remain on the agenda and do not 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 have to give way to ever new priorities. Albania Given the low levels of economic de- Bosnia-H. velopment and strained budgetary re- sources, there is a need to already step Kosovo up funding considerably within the Montenegro pre-accession period. Currently, there is a blatant gap between the financial N. Macedonia support given to member states and Serbia accession candidates. For example, un- der the instrument for pre-accession Bulgaria (IPA II), the six countries of the West- Croatia ern Balkans have received 3.9 billion euros from 2014 to 2020. During the Slovenia same period, the new member state 11 See, for instance, these two texts: Matteo Bonomi and Dušan Reljić, “The EU and the Western Balkans: So Near Sources: Cohesion Data eu/countries. and Yet So Far,” SWP Comment 53 (December 2017), p. 4: European Commission, comments/2017C53_rlc_Bonomi.pdf (accessed November 3, 2019); hood-enlargement/instruments/funding-by-country/ (both accessed 18.12.2019) Pierre Mirel, “European Union-Western Balkans: For a Revised Membership Negotiation Framework,” European Issue n°529, Fondation Robert Schuman (September 30, 2019): issues/0529-european-union-western-balkans-for-a-revised-membership-negotiation-framework (accessed November 3, 2019).
8 No. 8 | December 2019 Overcoming the Accession Stalemate in the Western Balkans POLICY BRIEF obtained first permits of residence that the future not only of the EU, but spective for the Western Balkans is within the EU (see Figure 1, p. 3). also of Europe as a whole will be at the one of its core European policy inter- Among them, around 62,000 Albanians center of discussion. ests: The EU’s broader reputation as left their country for the EU, which an international partner is at stake if it is roughly two percent of the popu- cannot even fulfil the ambition of re- lation.12 The current exodus not only ESCAPING THE DILEMMA liably shaping relations with (poten- negatively affects the economies of the tial) candidate countries in its imme- region, but it also deprives it of young, With enlargement skepticism paralyz- diate neighborhood. In fact, a number highly educated, and open-minded ing the accession process and multi- of aspects of the French reform agen- people who could sustainably anchor ple crises facing the EU from within, it da – in particular the need for strin- the conducted reforms within state in- may sound tempting and even reason- gent and precise accession criteria, the stitutions and society. While mobili- able to slow down or suspend the inte- political front-loading of issues relat- ty is currently a one-way street that gration of the Western Balkans into the ed to the rule of law, and the creation leads from the region to the EU, spe- EU. As French President Macron put it, of tangible benefits for citizens in the cific programs promoting circular mi- the EU needs to bring its own house Western Balkans – resonate well with gration13 could encourage the return of in order before inviting new friends.15 long-standing German demands and a highly skilled workforce. However, time matters. Reforming the could thus serve as common ground EU and preparing candidates for their for reform. However, it needs to be en- sured that a redesigned accession con- ditionality serves as an effective tool for transformation and not as a tool for preventing the integration of the Germany should clearly signal that Western Balkans into the EU. To this end, it will be crucial to link it to at- an end to the current blockade is one tractive (financial) incentives and an early integration of accession aspirants of its core European policy interests in EU structures. To start with, in March 2020, the Euro- pean Council could give the green light to accession talks with Albania and More imminently, the Conference on eventual accession are two endeavors North Macedonia, which are sure to be the Future of Europe announced by that can run in parallel and are even lengthy. At the same time, it could spell Commission President von der Ley- required to do so. This is not only due out initial guidelines for a makeover of en to be launched in 2020 would be to the large amount of time that both the accession process that could sub- an ideal occasion to invite represen- processes need. Addressing the seri- sequently be refined at the EU-West- tatives, including civil society actors, ous consequences of the roll-back of ern Balkans summit in May 2020. EU from all six (potential) candidate coun- domestic reform, open state-building member states could thus escape the tries.14 EU leaders could thus build on issues, and disillusioned citizens – not dilemma of having to choose between the example of the Convention on the to mention of external actors yielding a hasty reform and a prolonged block- Future of Europe in the early 2000s to expand their own political and eco- ade of the accession process, while si- that included the prospective member nomic influence – cannot wait until multaneously sending a strong sig- states from Central and Eastern Eu- the EU is again ready to invest atten- nal to candidate countries that their rope. This would give members-to-be tion and resources to the region. achievements are being honored. the chance to not only take, but also shape the outcome of discussions. An Germany should clearly signal that invitation would be even more appro- an end to the current blockade and a priate as the conference title implies reconfirmation of a credible EU per- 12 Calculations based on the Eurostat database “First permits by reason, length of validity, and citizenship,” last updated October 28, 2019 (accessed November 11, 2019). 13 See, for instance: Alida Vračić, “Luck like the Irish: How emigration can be good for the Western Balkans,” ECFR Policy Brief, January 31, 2019: publications/summary/luck_like_the_irish_how_emigration_can_be_good_for_the_western_balkans (accessed November 3, 2019). 14 Proposal discussed at the Western Balkans Reflection Forum, Zagreb, October 16, 2019. The demand also figures in the joint non-paper circulated by nine member states in December 2019. See: Barigazzi, Jacopo, “9 EU countries push back on French enlargement revamp,” see note 8. 15 Rym Momtaz and Andrew Gray, “Macron urges reform of ‘bizarre’ system for EU hopefuls,” Politico, October 16, 2019: reform-of-bizarre-system-for-eu-hopefuls/ (accessed November 3, 2019).
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