No. G 16 Thursday 23 April 2020 - - reglii

Page created by Louis Contreras
Victoria Government Gazette
      By Authority of Victorian Government Printer

   No. G 16 Thursday 23 April 2020

748     G 16    23 April 2020                                    Victoria Government Gazette

                                 TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Private Advertisements                          Government and Outer Budget Sector
                                                Agencies Notices                        755
Dissolution of Partnership
    Ivanhoe Medical Clinic                749   Orders in Council                       778
                                                   Crown Land (Reserves);
Estates of Deceased Persons
    A. B. Natoli Pty                      749
                                                   Land Acquisition and Compensation;
    Argent Law                            749
                                                   Local Government
	Australian Unity Trustees
    Legal Services                        749   Obtainables		                           796
    Beaumaris Law                         749
    Brendan Holland & Michael Cahir       750
    David Davis & Associates              750
    Devenish Lawyers                      750
    Erica Strugnell & Co.                 751
    Henderson & Ball                      751
    Hunt & Hunt                           751
    James Higgins & Co.                   751
    Keith A. Elliott Pty Ltd              751
    Kingston Lawyers Pty Ltd              751
    Kirby & Co.                           752
    McCluskys Lawyers                     752
    Maurice Blackburn Lawyers             752
    Melling Legal                         753
    Moores		                              753
    Rowson Brasse & Co.                   753
    Russo Pellicano Carlei                753
    Tragear & Harris Lawyers              753
    Warren, Graham & Murphy Pty Ltd       754

                                   Advertisers Please Note
                                    As from 23 April 2020
                  The last Special Gazette was No. 202 dated 21 April 2020.
                  The last Periodical Gazette was No. 1 dated 29 May 2019.

                                     How To Submit Copy
                         •   See our webpage
                         •   or contact our office on 8523 4601
                             between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday
Victoria Government Gazette                                       G 16     23 April 2020            749

                               PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS
     DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP                       Maher, to send particulars to the trustees, care of
   Notice is hereby given that the partnership        the undermentioned solicitors, by a date not later
between Decazeville Pty Ltd, as trustee of the        than two months from the date of publication
Smith Family Trust, Humeny Pty Ltd, as trustee        hereof, after which date the trustees may convey
of the Doig Family Trust, and Christine Joy           or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
Thornton Hand, as trustee of the Fejes Family         claims of which they have notice.
Trust, under the name Ivanhoe Medical Clinic,         A. B. NATOLI PTY, solicitors,
was dissolved on and from 20 April 2020.              24 Cotham Road, Kew 3101.

    Re: DEREK CHRISTIAN, also known as                    GWYNEDD MABEL THORNTON, late
Derek Bentley Sandow, late of 319 Geelong             of 6/164 Mount Dandenong Road, Croydon,
Road, Kingsville, Victoria, hospitality, deceased.    Victoria 3136, school teacher, deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed
who died on 17 January 2020, are required by          deceased, who died on 25 December 2019,
the trustee, Marie Ryan, to send particulars to the   are required by the trustee, John Richard
trustee, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by    Thornton, to send particulars of their claims
a date not later than two months from the date of     to the undermentioned firm, by 30 June 2020,
publication hereof, after which date the trustee      after which date the said trustee may convey or
may convey or distribute the assets, having           distribute the estate, having regard only to the
regard only to the claims of which she has notice.    claims of which he then has notice. Probate was
A. B. NATOLI PTY, solicitors,                         granted in Victoria on 3 April 2020.
24 Cotham Road, Kew 3101.                             Dated 16 April 2020
                                                      ARGENT LAW,
    Re: ANTONIA GEREMIA, late of                      2 Stawell Street, Richmond, Victoria 3121.
376 Warrigal Road, Cheltenham, Victoria,              Ph: (03) 9571 7444. Ref: 20203170.
gentlelady, deceased.                                 Contact Helen Adoranti.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,          RUPEN KUMAR DATTA, late of 8 Palmyra
who died on 23 October 2019, are required by          Avenue,      Torrensville,     South      Australia,
the trustees, Frank Geremia and Tony Geremia,         restaurateur, deceased.
to send particulars to the trustees, care of the          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
undermentioned solicitors, by a date not later        claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
than two months from the date of publication          who died on 27 January 2016, are required
hereof, after which date the trustees may convey      by Rupali Datta and Uravashee Kumar, the
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the   administrators, being the siblings of the deceased,
claims of which they have notice.                     to send particulars to it by 23 June 2020, after
A. B. NATOLI PTY, solicitors,                         which date it may convey or distribute the assets,
24 Cotham Road, Kew 3101.                             having regard only to the claims of which it then
                                                      has notice.
1100 Burke Road, Balwyn North, Victoria,              LEGAL SERVICES,
gentlelady, deceased.                                 15/271 Spring Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,          Re: The estate of LOIS LILIAN EDWARD,
who died on 21 November 2019, are required by         late of The George, Unit 230/15–20 George
the trustees, John Patrick Maher and Glenn Joseph     Street, Sandringham, Victoria.
750     G 16     23 April 2020                                          Victoria Government Gazette

    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          to him, care of the undersigned solicitors, by a
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      date not later than two months from the date of
who died on 29 December 2019, are required by         publication hereof, after which date the trustee
the executors, Peter Gary Edward and Richard          may convey or distribute the assets, having
Warren Edward, to send particulars to them, care      regard only to the claims of which the trustee
of the undersigned solicitors, by a date not later    then has notice.
than two months from the date of publication          BEAUMARIS LAW, legal practitioners,
hereof, after which date the trustees may convey      6/1 North Concourse, Beaumaris 3193.
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
claims of which the trustees then have notice.
BEAUMARIS LAW, legal practitioners,                       Re: ALLAN LAWRENCE HILL, also
6/1 North Concourse, Beaumaris 3193.                  known as Allan Laurence Hill, late of Unit 2,
                                                      5 Cherbourg Avenue, Beaumaris, Victoria,
                                                      accounts manager, deceased.
    Re: The estate of ELSIE FERGUSON,                     Creditors, next-of-kin or others having
late of Nellie Melba Retirement Village,              claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
Apartment 432/242 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill,          who died on 24 September 2018, are required
Victoria.                                             by the trustee, Francis George Hill, to send
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          particulars of their claims to the trustee, care
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      of the undermentioned legal practitioners, by
who died on 3 February 2020, are required by          a date not later than two months from the date
the executor, Claire Susan Ferguson, to send          of publication of this notice, after which date
particulars to her, care of the undersigned           the trustee may convey or distribute the assets,
solicitors, by a date not later than two months       having regard only to the claims of which he
from the date of publication hereof, after which      then has notice.
date the trustee may convey or distribute the         BRENDAN HOLLAND & MICHAEL CAHIR,
assets, having regard only to the claims of which     legal practitioners,
the trustee then has notice.                          130 Balcombe Road, Mentone 3194.
BEAUMARIS LAW, legal practitioners,
6/1 North Concourse, Beaumaris 3193.
                                                          Re: NOLA CLAIRE BROOKE, late of
                                                      Sapphire Care Oakleigh, 1055 Centre Road,
    Re: The estate of MARK WILLIAM FOX,               Oakleigh, Victoria, retired business owner,
late of 6/18 Barrett Street, Cheltenham, Victoria.    deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 25 September 2019, are required           who died on 13 January 2020, are required by
by the executor, Philip Andrew Strong, to send        the executor, Equity Trustees Limited, ACN
particulars to him, care of the undersigned           004 031 298, of Level 1, 575 Bourke Street,
solicitors, by a date not later than two months       Melbourne, Victoria, to send particulars to it by
from the date of publication hereof, after which      23 June 2020, after which date it may convey or
date the trustee may convey or distribute the         distribute the assets, having regard only to the
assets, having regard only to the claims of which     claims of which it then has notice.
the trustee then has notice.                          DAVID DAVIS & ASSOCIATES, lawyers,
BEAUMARIS LAW, legal practitioners,                   Suite 2, 733 High Street, Thornbury,
6/1 North Concourse, Beaumaris 3193.                  Victoria 3071.

    Re: The estate of DOROTHY RUTH SEAL,                  LYNETTE ALICE DONALD, late of
late of 143/317 Wells Road, Aspendale Gardens,        67A Cherry Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, retired,
Victoria.                                             deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 20 December 2019, are required by         who died on 16 November 2019, are required
the executor, David Alan Seal, to send particulars    by the executors, Julie Galea and Christie
Victoria Government Gazette                                       G 16    23 April 2020            751

Borg, to send particulars of their claims to the      Street, Melbourne, Victoria, the executor of the
undermentioned solicitors within 60 days from         estate of the deceased, to send particulars of
the date of publication of this notice, after which   their claim by 23 June 2020, after which date
date the executors may convey or distribute the       the executor may convey or distribute the assets,
assets, having regard only to the claims of which     having regard only to the claims of which it then
                                                      has notice.
the executors have notice.
                                                      HUNT & HUNT,
DEVENISH LAWYERS,                                     Level 5, 114 William Street, Melbourne,
23 Ringwood Street, Ringwood, Victoria 3134.          Victoria 3000.
                                                      Ref: 9631330.
    Re: BRIAN FOSTER BOGLE, late of Gables
Aged Care, 629 Riversdale Road, Camberwell,               Re: HEATHER ADELL HOMFRAY, late
deceased.                                             of ‘Aurrum Brunswick’, 17 Egginton Street,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          Brunswick West, Victoria, retired, deceased.
claims on the estate of BRIAN FOSTER                      Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
BOGLE, who died on 29 December 2019,                  claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
must send particulars of their claims to the          who died on 12 November 2019, are required by
                                                      the executors, Emma Louise Homfray and Fiona
executors, Maureen Jessie Bogle, Vanessa              Leila Humphreys, care of James Higgins & Co.,
Catherine Bogle and Philip Lachlan Bogle, care        90 William Street, Melbourne 3000, to send
of the undersigned solicitors, by 16 June 2020,       particulars of their claims to the executors, care
after which date the executors may convey or          of the undermentioned solicitors, by 22 June
distribute assets, having regard only to claims of    2020, after which date the executors will convey
which the executors then have notice.                 or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
ERICA STRUGNELL & CO., solicitors,                    claims of which they then have notice.
737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn 3122.                      JAMES HIGGINS & CO., solicitors.

    Re: ROBERT IAN MUNRO, deceased.                       PETER THOMAS SPENCER, late of
                                                      4 Moore Street, Mount Martha, Victoria 3934,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          retired, deceased.
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
who died on 28 November 2019, are required            claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed
by the trustees, David Ian Munro and Michael          deceased, who died on 18 May 2019, are required
Robert Charles Munro, care of Henderson &             by the executor, Dominique Alice Christine
Ball Lawyers, 1/5 Wellington Street, Kew, to          Morgan, care of PO Box 6113, Vermont South,
send particulars to the trustees by 22 June 2020,     Victoria 3133, to send particulars of their claims
after which date the trustees may convey or           to her by 23 June 2020, after which date the
distribute the assets, having regard only to the      executor may convey or distribute the assets,
claims of which the trustees have notice.             having regard only to the claims of which she
                                                      then has notice. Probate was granted in Victoria
HENDERSON & BALL,                                     on 31 December 2019.
1/5 Wellington Street, Kew 3101.                      Dated 15 April 2020
                                                      KEITH A. ELLIOTT PTY LTD,
               Trustee Act 1958                       PO Box 6113, Vermont South, Victoria 3133.
                                                      Ph: (03) 9887 8136, Fax: (03) 9887 8436.
            SECTION 33 NOTICE                         KAE:RLE:0577/19.
              Notice to Claimants                     Contact Keith Alexander Elliott.
54 Coolabah Drive, Churchill, Victoria, retired           Re: MARGARET HELEN COOK, also
educator, deceased.                                   known as Helen Cook, late of 23 Forest Drive,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          Frankston North, Victoria 3200, retired, deceased.
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
who died on 31 October 2019, are required by          claims in the respect of the estate of MARGARET
Equity Trustees Limited, of Level 1, 575 Bourke       HELEN COOK, also known as Helen Cook,
752     G 16     23 April 2020                                           Victoria Government Gazette

deceased, who died on 17 February 2020, are           after which date the executor may convey or
required by the trustee, Sarah Dale Cook, in the      distribute the estate, having regard only to the
Will called Sarah Dale Clarke, to send particulars    claims of which he has notice.
of their claim to the undermentioned firm, by a       McCLUSKYS LAWYERS,
date not later than two months from the date of       111 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207.
publication hereof, after which date the trustee
will convey or distribute assets, having regard           Re: ANTHONY ELLIS BOARDMAN, late
only to the claims of which she then has notice.      of 46 Hanmer Street, Williamstown, Victoria.
KINGSTON LAWYERS PTY LTD,                                 Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
barristers and solicitors,                            claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
8 Station Road, Cheltenham, Victoria 3192.            who died on 1 August 2019, are required
                                                      by the executor, Malcolm Graeme Edgar, to
                                                      send particulars of such claims to him at the
    ILONA CECILY HILL, late of 7 Centre               undermentioned address by 23 June 2020, after
Road, Brighton East, Victoria, retired, deceased.     which date the executor may convey or distribute
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          the assets, having regard only to the claims of
                                                      which he then has notice.
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 24 November 2019, are required            Malcolm Graeme Edgar, care of
by Maria Ilona Maude Legg and Arthur Jozef            MAURICE BLACKBURN LAWYERS,
                                                      Level 21, 380 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000.
Machen Hill, the executors of the Will of the         Tel: (03) 9605 2700. Ref: AQM/5479245.
deceased, to send particulars of their claims to
them, care of the undermentioned solicitor, by
3 July 2020, after which date they will convey            Re: PETER JOHN BOARDMAN, late of
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the   29 Campbell Street, Castlemaine, Victoria.
claims of which they then have notice.                    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
KIRBY & CO.,                                          claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
                                                      who died on 12 June 2018, are required by the
Level 4, 488 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000.           substitute executor, Malcolm Graeme Edgar,
                                                      to send particulars of such claims to him at the
    RUTH BARBARA FENTON, late of 619                  undermentioned address by 23 June 2020, after
                                                      which date the substitute executor may convey
St Kilda Road, St Kilda, Victoria, retired,           or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
deceased.                                             claims of which he then has notice.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          Malcolm Graeme Edgar, care of
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      MAURICE BLACKBURN LAWYERS,
who died on 4 December 2019, are required by          Level 21, 380 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000.
the executor to send particulars of their claims      Tel: (03) 9605 2700. Ref: AQM/5490795.
to the undermentioned lawyers by 22 June 2020,
after which date the executor may convey or               Re: ANTONIO MORABITO, late of
distribute the estate, having regard only to the      11 Whalley Drive, Wheelers Hill, Victoria.
claims of which he has notice.
                                                          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
McCLUSKYS LAWYERS,                                    claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
111 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207.        who died on 11 May 2019, are required by the
                                                      executor, Vincenzo Morabito, to send particulars
                                                      of such claims to him at the undermentioned
    RITA MARY REYNOLDS, late of 2 Octavia             address by 23 June 2020, after which date the
Crescent, St Kilda, Victoria 3182, retired,           executor may convey or distribute the assets,
deceased.                                             having regard only to the claims of which he
                                                      then has notice.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      Vincenzo Morabito, care of
who died on 11 February 2020, are required by         MAURICE BLACKBURN LAWYERS,
                                                      Level 21, 380 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000.
the executor to send particulars of their claims
                                                      Tel: (03) 9605 2700. Ref: AEJ/5507920.
to the undermentioned lawyers by 22 June 2020,
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 16     23 April 2020            753

    JOHN GRAHAM LEONARD, late of                         Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
87/155 Warrigal Road, Burwood, Victoria,             claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
deceased.                                            who died on 18 January 2020, are required by
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         the administrator/trustee, Serge Felix Hedley
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,     Labutte, to send particulars, care of the solicitors
who died on 5 October 2019, are required by          below, within two months from the publication
the executor, Equity Trustees Limited, to send       hereof, after which date the trustee may convey
particulars of their claims to it, care of the       or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
undermentioned solicitors, by 1 July 2020,           claims of which he then has notice.
after which date the executor may convey or          ROWSON BRASSE & CO., lawyers,
distribute the assets, having regard only to the
                                                     Suite 2, No. 37 Princes Highway,
claims of which it then has notice.
                                                     Dandenong, Victoria 3175.
1/486 Lower Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg,
Victoria 3084.                                           Re: ELIZABETH MARGARET SMART, late
                                                     of Waverley Valley Aged Care, 29 Chesterville
                                                     Road, Glen Waverley, pensioner.
    MARGARET           LEONARD,        late   of
87/155 Warrigal Road, Burwood, Victoria,                 Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
deceased.                                            claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         who died on 2 June 2019, are required by Helen
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,     Carswell Smart and William Robert Smart, the
who died on 19 September 2019, are required          trustees of the estate of the deceased, to send
by the executor, Equity Trustees Limited, to         particulars of their claims to them, care of the
send particulars of their claims to it, care of      undermentioned lawyers, by 23 June 2020, by
the undermentioned solicitors, by 1 July 2020,       which date the trustees may convey or distribute
after which date the executor may convey or          the assets, having regard only to the claims of
distribute the assets, having regard only to the     which the trustees have notice.
claims of which it then has notice.                  RUSSO PELLICANO CARLEI, lawyers,
MELLING LEGAL,                                       43 Atherton Road, Oakleigh, Victoria 3166.
1/486 Lower Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg,
Victoria 3084.
                                                         Re: BERNARD MICHAEL JOHNSTON,
                                                     late of Blue Cross Oakleigh Aged Care
    Re: LANBEN PTY LTD, ACN 005 634 122,             Residential Facility, 1055 Centre Road,
as trustee of the Krelle Family Trust 1980.          Oakleigh, Victoria 3166, retired accountant,
    Creditors and others having claims in respect    deceased.
of LANBEN PTY LTD, ACN 005 634 122, in                   Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
its capacity as trustee of the Krelle Family Trust   claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
1980, are required by the trustee, Lanben Pty        who died 16 January 2020, are required by
Limited, to send particulars to the trustee, care    the executors, Bernadette Therese Griersmith,
of Moores, Level 1, 5 Burwood Road, Hawthorn,
                                                     Michael Andrew Johnston and Mary Catherine
Victoria by 23 June 2020, after which date the
directors may convey or distribute the assets,       McGeoch, to send particulars to them, care of
having regard only to the claims of which the        the undermentioned solicitors, by 29 June 2020,
trustee has had notice.                              after which date the executors may convey and
                                                     distribute the assets, having regard only to the
                                                     claims of which they then have notice.
Level 1, 5 Burwood Road, Hawthorn,
Victoria 3122.                                       TRAGEAR & HARRIS LAWYERS,
                                                     1/23 Melrose Street, Sandringham 3191.
LABUTTE, late of Bupa Berwick, 359 Narre                 Re: KAREN MARY MAY, late of Unit 1,
Warren North Road, Narre Warren North,               10 Monash Street, Bentleigh East 3165, school
Victoria, teacher, deceased.                         teacher, deceased.
754     G 16     23 April 2020                      Victoria Government Gazette

    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died 15 January 2020, are required by the
administrator, Patrick Noel Mitten, to send
particulars to him, care of the undermentioned
solicitors, by 29 June 2020, after which date
the administrator may convey and distribute the
assets, having regard only to the claims of which
he then has notice.
1/23 Melrose Street, Sandringham 3191.

late of 70 King Street, Paynesville, Victoria,
visual merchandiser, deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 20 August 2019, are required by
the executor, Brian George Lightfoot, to send
particulars to them, care of Warren, Graham &
Murphy Pty Ltd, 119 Main Street, Bairnsdale,
Victoria, by 22 June 2020, by which date the
executor may convey or distribute the assets,
having regard only to the claims of which he
then has notice.
119 Main Street, Bairnsdale, Victoria 3875.
Victoria Government Gazette                                  G 16   23 April 2020         755

                          GOVERNMENT AND OUTER BUDGET
                            SECTOR AGENCIES NOTICES

    In accordance with section 206 and Schedule 10, Clause 3 of the Local Government Act
1989, East Gippsland Shire Council at its special Council meeting on 18 February 2020, resolved
to discontinue and close a portion of unused road reserve shown cross-hatched on the plan below,
for the area of Limestone Road shown hatched on the plan below and exchange the land by private
treaty with the adjoining owner at 81 Limestone Road, Benambra.

                                                                        ANTHONY BASFORD
                                                                        Chief Executive Officer
756     G 16    23 April 2020                                         Victoria Government Gazette

     Planning and Environment Act 1987                 The planning authority must make a copy
      BANYULE PLANNING SCHEME                      of every submission available for any person to
   Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment       inspect, free of charge, for two months after the
                                                   Amendment comes into operation or lapses. As
             Amendment C159bany                    Council offices are closed during the Covid-19
    The Banyule City Council has prepared          State of Emergency, please contact the Strategic
Amendment C159 to the Banyule Planning             Planning team for a copy to be posted or
Scheme.                                            emailed to you.
    The Amendment applies to land affected by                                         FAZA FAUZI
Schedule 1 (Greensborough Activity Centre) of                                      Strategic Planner
the Parking Overlay.                                                           Banyule City Council
    The Amendment seeks to:
    delete Schedule 1 to Clause 45.09 (Parking
                                                       Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
                                                   claims against the estate of any of the
    remove the Parking Overlay from                undermentioned deceased persons are required to
    Greensborough Activity Centre by deleting      send particulars of their claims to State Trustees
    Planning Scheme Overlay Map 3PO and            Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab
    7PO;                                           Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal
    amend Schedule to Clause 72.03.                representative, on or before 23 June 2020, after
    You may inspect the Amendment, any             which date State Trustees Limited may convey
documents that support the Amendment and           or distribute the assets, having regard only to
the explanatory report about the Amendment,        the claims of which State Trustees Limited then
free of charge, at the following locations: on     has notice.
the Shaping Banyule Page of Banyule City           HAYSOM, Gregory Thomas, late of Estia
Council’s website: https://shaping.banyule.            Health Aged Care Facility, 879 Plenty Road,; and on                South Morang, Victoria 3752, deceased, who
the Department of Environment, Land, Water             died on 4 January 2019.
and Planning website:
public-inspection                                  JOSEPH, Sylvia Rose, late of Unit 4,
                                                       63–65 Staughton Street, Melton South,
    Council’s offices will be closed during the
Covid-19 State of Emergency. If you require a          Victoria 3338, deceased, who died on
hard copy, please contact the Strategic Planning       30 November 2019.
team on 9457 9870.                                 NAGRADIC, Ljubomir also known as Lou
    Any person who may be affected by the              Ljubomir Nagradic, late of Unit 5, 20 Ashby
Amendment may make a submission to the                 Way, Kilsyth, Victoria 3137, deceased, who
planning authority about the Amendment.                died on 14 June 2018.
Submissions must be made in writing giving the     SELAKOVIC, Leontije, late of Merv Irvine
submitter’s name and contact address, clearly          ACF, 1231 Plenty Road, Bundoora, Victoria
stating the grounds on which the Amendment             3083, deceased, who died on 9 September
is supported or opposed and indicating what            2019.
changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.     SHACKLETON, Ian Robert Alexander, late of
    Name and contact details of submitters are         Campbell Place Aged Care, 131 Coleman
required for Council to consider submissions           Parade, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150, retired,
and to notify such persons of the opportunity to       deceased, who died on 12 January 2020.
attend Council meetings and any public hearing
held to consider submissions. The closing date     SMITH, Joshua Vincent Tratford, late of
for submissions is 5 pm on 18 June 2020. A             21 Vincent Road, Wangaratta, Victoria 3677,
submission must be sent to: Strategic Planning         deceased, who died on 6 August 2019.
– Amendment C159, Banyule City Council,            TRINDER, Grace, late of Room 225, Salford
PO Box 94, Greensborough, Victoria 3088;               Park Aged Care, 100 Harold Street, Wantirna,
or online:         Victoria 3152, retired, deceased, who died on
GreensboroughParking                                   27 November 2019.
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 16    23 April 2020            757

VANOPOULOU, Vicky, late of Fronditha Care,           Ararat YMCA Youth & Community Services
   335 Station Street, Thornbury, Victoria 3071,     Inc.; Australian Chinese Jing-Ying Women’s
   deceased, who died on 14 December 2019.           Association Inc.; Bannockburn Senior
WARD, Dawn Marian, late of 57 Churchill              Citizens Centre Inc.; Bluebird House Inc.;
                                                     Community First Inc.; Creative Ballarat Inc.;
   Avenue, Ararat, Victoria 3377, deceased,
                                                     Drouin Kindergarten Association Inc.; Druze
   who died on 3 December 2019.                      Aid Inc.; East Gippsland Dance Festival Inc.;
Dated 14 April 2020                                  Face the Music Conference Inc.; Institution of
                                                     Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)-Australia Inc.; It
                                                     Takes A Village Compassionate Communities
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         Incorporated; Koondrook/Barham T.O.W.N.
claims against the estate of any of the              Club Inc.; Kung Fu – Wushu Victoria
undermentioned deceased persons are required to      Incorporated; Longbeach Petanque Club
send particulars of their claims to State Trustees   Incorporated; Maryville Aged Care Inc.; Old
Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab              Drouin Butter Factory Incorporated; Outstretch
Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal       Inc.; Rover P5 & P6 Owners Australia
representative, on or before 26 June 2020, after     Incorporated; Southlands College Past Pupils
which date State Trustees Limited may convey         Association Australia Inc.; Spirit of Carlton Past
or distribute the assets, having regard only to      and Present Inc.; St. Albans Melita Band Inc.;
the claims of which State Trustees Limited then      Stop Child Sex Travel Incorporated; Tandara
has notice.                                          & District Tennis Association Inc.; The Rotary
                                                     Club of South Mildura Inc.; Victorian Social
BROWN, Francis Allan, late of 58 Kelp Street,        Sports Club Inc.
    Warrnambool, Victoria 3280, deceased, who
                                                         I further advise that unless a person makes a
    died on 2 December 2015.                         written objection to cancellation to the Registrar
COMERFORD, Richard Charles, late of Unit 2,          within 28 days of the date of this notice, I intend
    372 Stephensons Road, Mount Waverley,            to cancel the incorporation of the incorporated
    Victoria 3149, other professional, deceased,     associations mentioned above.
    who died on 14 July 2019.                        Dated 23 April 2020
GATHERCOLE, Robert Harold, late of Unit 2,                                           DAVID JOYNER
    114–122 Westall Road, Springvale, Victoria                                     Deputy Registrar of
    3171, retired, deceased, who died on                                     Incorporated Associations
    27 November 2019.                                                                   GPO Box 4567
HOLLANDS, Darren James, late of 1 Tilton                                     Melbourne, Victoria 3001
    Street, Shepparton, Victoria 3630, deceased,
    who died on 22 January 2020.                     Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012
WELSH, Yvonne Helen, late of Sumner House,                            SECTION 134
    128 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065,          I, David Joyner, under delegation provided by
    deceased, who died on 25 July 2019.              the Registrar, hereby give notice that, pursuant
Dated 17 April 2020                                  to section 134(1) of the Act, the registration of
                                                     the incorporated association mentioned below
                                                     will be cancelled at the date of this notice:
Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012           Australian Shared Services Benchmarking
                  SECTION 138                        Association Inc.
    I, David Joyner, Deputy Registrar of
                                                     Dated 23 April 2020
Incorporated Associations, under delegation
provided by the Registrar, hereby give notice                                      DAVID JOYNER
that an application for the voluntary cancellation                                Deputy Registrar of
                                                                            Incorporated Associations
of incorporation, pursuant to section 136 of the
                                                                                        PO Box 4567
Act, has been received by the Registrar from                                Melbourne, Victoria 3001
each of the associations mentioned below:
758     G 16     23 April 2020                                        Victoria Government Gazette

                               Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003
                                          SECTION 41(1)
                      Notice of Approval of Cemetery Trust Fees and Charges
    I, Bryan Crampton, as Delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human
Services for the purposes of section 40(2) of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003, give notice
that I have approved the scales of fees and charges fixed by the following cemetery trusts.
    The approved scales of fees and charges will take effect from the date of publication of this
notice in the Victoria Government Gazette and will be published on the internet.
    The fees will be published on the internet at
The Chinkapook and Merbein Cemetery Trusts
Dated 19 March 2020
                                                                             BRYAN CRAMPTON
                                                              Cemetery Sector Governance Support

                                 Country Fire Authority Act 1958
                            VARIATION OF FIRE DANGER PERIOD
    In pursuance of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Country Fire Authority Act 1958, I,
Steven Warrington, Chief Officer of the Country Fire Authority, after consultation with the Secretary
to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, hereby vary the declaration of the
Fire Danger Periods previously published in the Government Gazette by declaring that such Fire
Danger Periods shall end in respect of the undermentioned Municipal Districts of Municipalities or
parts of Municipalities specified.
    To terminate from 0100 hours on 27 April 2020:
    Colac Otway Shire Council
    Corangamite Shire Council.
                                                                         STEVEN WARRINGTON
                                                                                       Chief Officer

                             Essential Services Commission Act 2001
                              ESSENTIAL SERVICES COMMISSION
                    Notice of Determination: Taxi Non-cash Payment Surcharge
    The Essential Services Commission has made a determination of the maximum non-cash
payment surcharge for taxis. Taxis are allowed to collect a surcharge from passengers who pay
using debit card, credit card and other forms of non-cash payment.
    This determination sets the maximum surcharge at:
       four per cent (including GST) for all non-cash payment methods except commercial
       passenger vehicle specific payment instruments and
       six per cent (no GST payable) for commercial passenger vehicle specific payment
       instruments (such as Cabcharge payment instruments).
    The determination takes effect from 1 July 2020.
    View the determination at
    The commission has published this notice of the determination in accordance with section 35 of
the Essential Services Commission Act 2001.
Victoria Government Gazette                                                                                   G 16        23 April 2020                         759

                                       Electoral Act 2002
    In accordance with section 51(5)(e) of the Electoral Act 2002, I hereby give notice of the
following changes to the Register of Political Parties.

Former name of party: Sustainable Australia (VIC)

Former abbreviation of name: Sustainable Australia

Former logo:

New name of party: Sustainable Australia – Stop overdevelopment. Stop corruption.

New abbreviation of name: Sustainable Australia

New logo:

Dated 20 April 2020
                                                                                                                       WARWICK GATELY, AM
                                                                                                                  Victorian Electoral Commission

                                 Development Victoria Act 2003
   Notice is given under section 54 of the Development Victoria Act 2003 (Act) of Development
Victoria’s decision under section 53(1) of the Act, to permanently close the road located between
Swords Street and Cadle Street and shown hatched on the plan below.
   The decision takes effect from the date of publication of this notice.
   For more information, contact Development Victoria on (03) 8317 3400 or

                           97°35'20"                                          278°16'
                                       61.74                                                                                       NOT TO SCALE
                                                            99°17'             2.20



                                                            5.14                                                                    278°11'40
                                                                     15.40                      278°11'40                                       "
                                                  534m²                                                   "
                                               278°03'30                                          30.39
                                                                                                                                                                  MGA2020 ZONE 55

                                                        "   114.92

                                                                                                SEE ENLARGEMENT                               0.09



                     E STR

                                                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT VICTORIA
760     G 16     23 April 2020                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                                           Forests Act 1958
    I, Andrew Morrow, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Barwon South West Region, Department of
Environment, Land, Water and Planning, make the following determination under section 57U of
the Forests Act 1958.
    In this determination and with reference to a numbered item in the table in the determination:
(a)     closing date, being the date of revocation of the determination of a firewood collection area,
        means the date specified in column 6 of the item;
(b)     opening date, being the date on which the determination of a firewood collection area comes
        into operation, means the date specified in column 5 of the item or, if no date is specified,
        the date on which this determination is published in the Government Gazette.
    Each area of State forest shown hatched on a plan lodged in the Central Plan Office of the
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, the number of which is shown in column 1
of an item in the table in this determination, is a firewood collection area for the purposes of
section 57U of the Forests Act 1958, effective from the opening date for that area until the closing
date for that area (inclusive).
                                 Table – Firewood collection areas
          Column 1    Column 2 Column 3        Column 4                     Column 5 Column 6
  no.                 DELWP      DELWP      Name  of firewood               Opening     Closing
         LEGL no.      region    district    collection area                  date       date
   1    LEGL./20-095 Barwon     Otway     East Wormbete                    24/04/2020 30/06/2020
                     South West           Creek Road Ground
   2    LEGL./20-096 Barwon     Otway     Paddys Swamp Road                24/04/2020 30/06/2020
                     South West           Ground Firewood
   3    LEGL./20-097 Barwon     Far South Hotspur – Simkin                 24/04/2020 30/06/2020
                     South West West      Road
   4    LEGL./20-181 Barwon     Far South Gorae – Portland                 24/04/2020 30/06/2020
                     South West West      Nelson Road
   5    LEGL./20-182 Barwon     Far South Casterton – Nangeela             24/04/2020 30/06/2020
                     South West West      – Hurdle Swamp
1.    The information in columns 2, 3 and 4 of the table is for information only.
2.    DELWP means Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
3.    The legal plan of any firewood collection area may be obtained from the Central Plan Office
      of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – see
Victoria Government Gazette                                   G 16   23 April 2020          761

                              Geographic Place Names Act 1998
   The Registrar of Geographic Names hereby gives notice of the registration of the undermentioned
place names.
Feature Naming:
  Change       Place Name                 Naming Authority and Location
   129626      Foundation Park            Hume City Council
                                          Located at the corner of St Georges Boulevard and
                                          Balmain Road in Mickleham.
                                          For further details see map at
   130396      Brian Weightman Oval       Mildura Rural City Council
                                          Located at the Mildura Recreation Reserve,
                                          Number 1 Oval, Eleventh Street, Mildura.
                                          For further details see map at

Road Naming:
  Change       Road Name             Locality        Naming Authority and Location
   129956      Wattlebird Street,    St Leonards     Greater Geelong City Council
               Sheerwater Circuit,                   (private roads – retirement village)
               Lorikeet Circuit,                     Located at 511–529 Ibbotson Street.
               Swift Street,
               Rosella Street,
               Galah Street.
Geographic Names Victoria
Land Use Victoria
2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
                                                                              CRAIG L. SANDY
                                                                  Registrar of Geographic Names
762     G 16     23 April 2020                                          Victoria Government Gazette

                                     Health Complaints Act 2016
                                               Section 90
                                  INTERIM PROHIBITION ORDER
    This Interim Prohibition Order is made pursuant to section 90 of the Health Complaints Act
    The Health Complaints Commissioner (the Commissioner) has made this Interim Prohibition
Order because the Commissioner reasonably believes that the general health service provider
named below has contravened a code of conduct applying to the general health service being
provided and is satisfied that it is necessary to make this order to avoid a serious risk to the health,
safety or welfare of the public.
 Name of the general health       Si Chen of Melbourne, Victoria
 service provider on whom
 the Interim Prohibition
 Order is imposed:
 Date this Interim                15 March 2020
 Prohibition Order is made:
 Date on which this Interim      An Interim Prohibition Order can remain in force for up to
 Prohibition Order expires:      12 weeks. This Interim Prohibition Order will remain in force
                                 until 7 June 2020 while an investigation is conducted unless it is
                                 varied or revoked before that date.
 Effect of this Interim          1. The general health service provider named above must not:
 Prohibition Order:                      advertise or cause to be advertised, or
                                         offer or cause to be offered, or
                                         provide or cause to be provided
                                     any general health service (paid or otherwise, in a clinical
                                     or non-clinical capacity), where the health service involves
                                     any cosmetic surgical and medical procedure, including any
                                     cosmetic surgical procedure that involves cutting the skin and
                                     any cosmetic medical procedure that involves piercing the
                                     skin, including injectable cosmetic treatments.
                                 2. The general health service provider named above must not be
                                     in possession of or store any Schedule 4 poison, including but
                                     not limited to, Botulinum toxin (Botox) and hyaluronic acid
                                     injection preparations (dermal fillers).
                                 3. The general health service provider named above must not
                                     administer or cause to be administered to any person any
                                     unregistered therapeutic good or scheduled medicine.
                                 4. The general health service provider named above must
                                     display a copy of this Interim Prohibition Order at Shop 101R/
                                     228 A’Beckett Street, Melbourne, Victoria, or any other
                                     premises from which the general health service provider
                                     named above operates, and ensure that it is easily visible to
                                     the public.
    This Interim Prohibition Order takes effect on the service of the order on the general health
service provider to whom it applies.
    This Order will be published in the Victoria Government Gazette and on the internet site of the
Health Complaints Commissioner,
                                                                                 KAREN CUSACK
                                                                   Health Complaints Commissioner
Victoria Government Gazette                                       G 16    23 April 2020           763

                                     Health Complaints Act 2016
                                               Section 90
                                  INTERIM PROHIBITION ORDER
    This Interim Prohibition Order is made pursuant to section 90 of the Health Complaints Act
    The Health Complaints Commissioner (the Commissioner) has made this Interim Prohibition
Order because the Commissioner reasonably believes that the general health service provider
named below has contravened a code of conduct applying to the general health service being
provided and is satisfied that it is necessary to make this order to avoid a serious risk to the health,
safety or welfare of the public.
 Name of the general health       Snow Skincare Center Pty Ltd (ACN 615 324 859) of
 service provider on whom         Melbourne, Victoria, also trading as:
 the Interim Prohibition          L. Young Skincare of Korea
 Order is imposed:                L. Young
                                  L. Young Skincare
                                  L. Young Skincare Center (sic)
                                  L.young Liyang Korean Skin Care Centre (sic)
 Date this Interim                15 March 2020
 Prohibition Order is made:
 Date on which this Interim      An Interim Prohibition Order can remain in force for up to
 Prohibition Order expires:      12 weeks. This Interim Prohibition Order will remain in force
                                 until 7 June 2020 while an investigation is conducted unless it is
                                 varied or revoked before that date.
 Effect of this Interim          1. The general health service provider named above must not:
 Prohibition Order:                      advertise or cause to be advertised, or
                                         offer or cause to be offered, or
                                         provide or cause to be provided
                                     any general health service (paid or otherwise, in a clinical
                                     or non-clinical capacity), where the health service involves
                                     any cosmetic surgical and medical procedure, including any
                                     cosmetic surgical procedure that involves cutting the skin and
                                     any cosmetic medical procedure that involves piercing the
                                     skin, including injectable cosmetic treatments.
                                 2. The general health service provider named above must not be
                                     in possession of or store any Schedule 4 poison, including but
                                     not limited to, Botulinum toxin (Botox) and hyaluronic acid
                                     injection preparations (dermal fillers).
                                 3. The general health service provider named above must not
                                     administer or cause to be administered to any person any
                                     unregistered therapeutic good or scheduled medicine.
                                 4. The general health service provider named above must display
                                     a copy of this Interim Prohibition Order at Shop 101R/228
                                     A’Beckett Street, Melbourne, Victoria, or any other premises
                                     from which the general health service provider named above
                                     operates, and ensure that it is easily visible to the public.
    This Interim Prohibition Order takes effect on the service of the order on the general health
service provider to whom it applies.
    This Order will be published in the Victoria Government Gazette and on the internet site of the
Health Complaints Commissioner,
                                                                                   KAREN CUSACK
                                                                   Health Complaints Commissioner
764     G 16     23 April 2020                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                          Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986
                                            FORM 7
                                                                                             S. 21(a)
                                                                                             Reg. 16
                                         Notice of Acquisition
                             Compulsory Acquisition of Interest in Land
    The Minister for Education declares that by this notice it acquires the following interest in the
land described in Certificates of Title Volume 12013 Folio 806 and Volume 12201 Folio 369, being
the whole of Crown Allotment 21 Section A and Crown Allotment 7 Section A, Township of Miners
Rest Parish of Dowling Forest, depicted on Title Plan 963129K.
    Interests acquired: That of Margaret Ann Walsh and all other interests.
    Published with the authority of the Minister for Education.
For and on behalf of the Hon. James Merlino, MP, Minister for Education:
Name	Nicole Pope
         Senior Manager, Property, Victorian School Building Authority,
         Department of Education and Training
Dated 23 April 2020

                                    Local Government Act 2020
                                               Section 13
                                 CONSTITUTION OF COUNCILS
    I, Adem Somyurek MP, Minister for Local Government –
(a)     under section 13(5) of the Local Government Act 2020, specify that the Councils listed in
        the Schedule to this notice, may be constituted so that it consists of all Councillors elected
        to represent the municipal district as a whole; or
(b)     under section 13(5A) of the Local Government Act 2020, specify that the Councils listed
        in the Schedule to this notice, may be constituted so that it consists of an equal number of
        Councillors elected to represent each ward into which the municipal district is divided.
       Alpine Shire Council                           Macedon Ranges Shire Council
       Ararat Rural City Council                      Mansfield Shire Council
       Bass Coast Shire Council                       Mitchell Shire Council
       Baw Baw Shire Council                          Moira Shire Council
       Benalla Rural City Council                     Moorabool Shire Council
       Borough of Queenscliffe                        Mount Alexander Shire Council
       Buloke Shire Council                           Moyne Shire Council
       Campaspe Shire Council                         Murrindindi Shire Council
       Central Goldfields Shire Council               Northern Grampians Shire Council
       Colac Otway Shire Council                      Pyrenees Shire Council
       Corangamite Shire Council                      South Gippsland Shire Council
       East Gippsland Shire Council                   Southern Grampians Shire Council
       Gannawarra Shire Council                       Strathbogie Shire Council
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 16    23 April 2020           765

       Glenelg Shire Council                           Surf Coast Shire Council
       Golden Plains Shire Council                     Swan Hill Rural City Council
       Hepburn Shire Council                           Towong Shire Council
       Hindmarsh Shire Council                         Wellington Shire Council
       Indigo Shire Council                            West Wimmera Shire Council
       Loddon Shire Council                            Yarriambiack Shire Council
   This notice takes effect on the date it is published in the Government Gazette.
Dated 7 April 2020
                                                                          ADEM SOMYUREK MP
                                                                     Minister for Local Government

                         Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
                                            (Section 10)
    I, Daniel Andrews, Premier of the State of Victoria, under section 10(1)(b) of the Major
Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (the Act) declare the Bendigo and Echuca Line Upgrade
to be a declared project to which the Act (other than Parts 3 and 8) applies.
    This declaration comes into effect on the date it is published in the Government Gazette.
Dated 25 February 2020
                                                                    HON. DANIEL ANDREWS MP
                                                                                Premier of Victoria

                         Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
                                            (Section 14)
                                 FOR A DECLARED PROJECT
    I, Daniel Andrews, Premier of the State of Victoria, in accordance with section 14 of the Major
Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 appoint the Minister for Transport Infrastructure to be
the Project Minister for the Bendigo and Echuca Line Upgrade.
    This declaration comes into effect on the date it is published in the Government Gazette.
Dated 25 February 2020
                                                                    HON. DANIEL ANDREWS MP
                                                                                 Premier of Victoria

                         Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
                                             (Section 15)
                          APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT PROPONENT
    I, Jacinta Allan MP, Minister for Transport Infrastructure, as Project Minister for the Hurstbridge
Line Upgrade 2020, being a project to which the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
(other than Parts 3 and 8) applies (‘the Act’), give notice pursuant to section 15 of the Act that I
have appointed the Secretary to the Department of Transport to be the project proponent for the
Hurstbridge Line Upgrade 2020.
Dated 9 April 2020
                                                                                 Responsible Minister
                                                                        HON. JACINTA ALLAN MP
                                                                  Minister for Transport Infrastructure
766     G 16     23 April 2020                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                          Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
                                             (Section 15)
                           APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT PROPONENT
    I, Jacinta Allan MP, Minister for Transport Infrastructure, as Project Minister for the Robinsons
Road, Deer Park Level Crossing Removal Project, being a project to which the Major Transport
Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (other than Parts 3 and 8) applies (‘the Act’), give notice pursuant
to section 15 of the Act that I have appointed the Secretary to the Department of Transport to be the
project proponent for the Robinsons Road, Deer Park Level Crossing Removal Project.
Dated 20 April 2020
                                                                                Responsible Minister
                                                                       HON. JACINTA ALLAN MP
                                                                 Minister for Transport Infrastructure

                          Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009
                                             (Section 15)
                           APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT PROPONENT
    I, Jacinta Allan MP, Minister for Transport Infrastructure, as Project Minister for the Fitzgerald
Road, Ardeer Level Crossing Removal Project, being a project to which the Major Transport
Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (other than Parts 3 and 8) applies (‘the Act’), give notice pursuant
to section 15 of the Act that I have appointed the Secretary to the Department of Transport to be the
project proponent for the Fitzgerald Road, Ardeer Level Crossing Removal Project.
Dated 20 April 2020
                                                                                Responsible Minister
                                                                       HON. JACINTA ALLAN MP
                                                                 Minister for Transport Infrastructure

                                       Monetary Units Act 2004
                                    NOTICE UNDER SECTION 6,
    I, Tim Pallas, Treasurer of the State of Victoria, under section 6 of the Monetary Units Act
2004, by notice fix the value of a fee unit and a penalty unit for the financial year commencing
1 July 2020 as follows:
a)      the value of a fee unit is $14.81; and
b)      the value of a penalty unit is $165.22.
Dated 20 April 2020
                                                                                TIM PALLAS MP
Victoria Government Gazette                                          G 16    23 April 2020            767

                                       Plant Biosecurity Act 2010
    I, Rosa Crnov, as delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, being of the reasonable suspicion
that the exotic disease annual ryegrass toxicity exists within Australia but outside Victoria, make
the following Order.
1.      Objective
        The objective of this Order is to prohibit, restrict or impose conditions upon the entry or
        importation into Victoria of materials which are hosts of annual ryegrass toxicity.
2.      Authorising provision
        This Order is made under section 36(1) of the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 (the Act).
3.      Commencement
        This Order comes into force on the day of making.
4.      Revocation
        The Order entitled Order prohibiting or restricting the entry or importation into Victoria of
        materials which are hosts of annual ryegrass toxicity made under section 36(1) of the Plant
        Biosecurity Act 2010, and published in Victoria Government Gazette G18 on 2 May 2019 at
        pages 785–786 is revoked.
5.      Definitions
        In this Order –
        ‘annual ryegrass toxicity’ means the disease of livestock caused by eating annual ryegrass
        plant material infected jointly with the nematode (Anguina funesta) and the bacterium
        (Rathayibacter toxicus).
        ‘host material’ means any plant or plant product on or in which annual ryegrass seeds may be
        present, including cereal grain, lucerne hay (except second or subsequent cut for the season),
        pasture hay, stockfeed or plant waste and used agricultural equipment and used packaging
        associated with any annual ryegrass toxicity host plants or plant products.
6.      Prohibitions, restrictions and conditions
        The following prohibitions, restrictions and conditions are specified in relation to the entry
        or importation of host material.
        (a)     The entry or importation into Victoria of any host material is prohibited.
        (b)     Sub-clause (a) does not apply if the host material –
                (i)    originates from an area for which there is currently in place an area freedom
                       certificate issued by an officer responsible for agriculture in the State or Territory
                       from which the material originated, certifying that the area from which the
                       material originated is known to be free of annual ryegrass toxicity; or
                (ii)   is accompanied by a plant health certificate, assurance certificate or plant
                       health declaration, certifying or declaring that the material has been treated in
                       a manner described in the Schedule to this Order; or
                (iii) enters Victoria under and in accordance with a permit issued by an inspector
                       and there is compliance with any conditions or requirements set out in the
768       G 16      23 April 2020                                                 Victoria Government Gazette

7.      Verification of consignments
        Where requested by an inspector, host material imported into Victoria which is required by
        clause 6(b)(ii) to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration must be –
        (a)    presented to an Inspector for inspection; or
        (b)    verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and
8.      Expiry
        This Order remains in force for a period of 12 months after the date of making.
(1)     Cereal grain must be –
        (a)    sampled at the rate of –
               (i)     100 g from every tenth bag, up to a maximum of 400 bags; or
               (ii)    in the case of bulk loads, 100 g from 4 sample points per 25 t, up to a maximum
                       of 500 t; and
        (b)    analysed for the presence of annual ryegrass seeds; and
               (i)     no annual ryegrass seeds are detected; or
               (ii)    where annual ryegrass seeds are detected, the seeds are examined for the
                       presence of galls, and
                       (A) in the case of seed for processing, less that one gall per kilogram of
                               sample is detected; and
                       (B)     in the case of seed for planting, no galls detected.
(2)     Hay must be –
        (a)    sampled at the rate of 80–100 g per each 10 bales, up to a maximum of 400 bales; and
        (b)    analysed for the presence of annual ryegrass seeds; and
               (i)     no annual ryegrass seeds are detected; or
               (ii)    where annual ryegrass seeds are detected, the seeds are examined for the
                       presence of galls, and less than one gall per kilogram of sample is detected.
(3)     Agricultural equipment must be –
        (a)    cleaned by –
               (i)     brushing; or
               (ii)    high pressure hot water; or
               (iii) steam; and
        (b)    inspected and found free of soil and organic matter.
(4)     Used packaging must be disinfected by dipping or spray rinsing for one minute with –
        (a)    a solution of phenolic disinfectant (e.g. Biogram or Phensol) followed by rinsing with
               water; or
        (b)    a solution of at least 50 ppm available chlorine, where the pH is maintained between
               6.5 and 7.0.
Section 38 of the Act provides that it is an offence for a person to cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product,
plant vector, used equipment, used package, earth material or beehive to enter Victoria in contravention of an
importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty of 60 penalty units applies in the case of a natural
person, and 300 penalty units in the case of a body corporate.
Terms in this Order that are defined in the Act have that meaning.
Dated 14 April 2020
                                                                                                ROSA CRNOV
                                                                                      Chief Plant Health Officer
Victoria Government Gazette                                       G 16    23 April 2020            769

                                       Plant Biosecurity Act 2010
    I, Rosa Crnov, as delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, being of the reasonable suspicion that
the exotic pest citrus red mite exists within Australia but outside Victoria, make the following Order.
1.      Objective
        The objective of this Order is to prohibit, restrict or impose conditions upon the entry or
        importation into Victoria of materials which are hosts of citrus red mite.
2.      Authorising provision
        This Order is made under section 36(1) of the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 (the Act).
3.      Commencement
        This Order comes into force on the day of making.
4.      Revocation
        The Order entitled Order prohibiting or restricting the entry or importation into Victoria of
        materials which are hosts of citrus red mite made under section 36(1) of the Plant Biosecurity
        Act 2010, and published in Victoria Government Gazette G18 on 2 May 2019 at pages
        783–784 is revoked.
5.      Definitions
        In this Order –
        ‘citrus red mite’ means the exotic pest Panonychus citri (McGregor).
        ‘host material’ means any plant or plant product, excluding fruit, of Poncirus trifoliata,
        hybrids of Poncirus species, or species of Fortunella or Citrus.
6.      Prohibitions, restrictions and conditions
        The following prohibitions, restrictions and conditions are specified in relation to the entry
        or importation of host material.
        (a)     The entry or importation into Victoria of any host material is prohibited.
        (b)     Sub-clause (a) does not apply if the host material –
                (i)     originates from an area for which there is currently in place an area freedom
                        certificate issued by an officer responsible for agriculture in the State or
                        Territory from the material originated, certifying that the area from which the
                        material originated is known to be free of citrus red mite; or
                (ii)    is accompanied by a plant health certificate, assurance certificate or plant
                        health declaration, certifying or declaring that the material has been treated in
                        a manner described in the Schedule to this Order; or
                (iii) enters Victoria under and in accordance with a permit issued by an inspector
                        and there is compliance with any conditions or requirements set out in the
7.      Verification of consignments
        Host material imported into Victoria which is required by clause 6(b)(ii) to be accompanied
        by a certificate or declaration, must be –
        (a)     presented to an Inspector for inspection; or
        (b)     verified by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and
8.      Expiry
        This Order remains in force for a period of 12 months after the date of making.
770       G 16      23 April 2020                                                 Victoria Government Gazette

    Host material must –
(1)    be grown on a property inspected by an officer of the department responsible for agriculture
       in the State or Territory where the host material is grown, and found free from citrus red mite;
(2)    in the case of bare-rooted or potted plants, be treated within the previous 12 months with a
       drenching spray using mixture containing 25 mL of 18 g/L of Abamectin per 100 L water;
       (a)     30 mL of 500 g/L of Clofentezine per 100 L water; or
       (b)     5 mL of 200 g/L of Amitraz per 100 L water; or
(3)    in the case of budwood, be treated within the previous 12 months by dipping for at least
       2 minutes in mixture containing 25 mL of 18 g/L of Abamectin per 100 L water; and
       (a)     30 mL of 500 g/L of Clofentezine per 100 L water; or
       (b)     5 mL of 200 g/L of Amitraz per 100 L water.
Section 38 of the Act provides that it is an offence for a person to cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product,
plant vector, used equipment, used package, earth material or beehive to enter Victoria in contravention of an
importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty of 60 penalty units applies in the case of a natural
person, and 300 penalty units in the case of a body corporate.
Terms in this Order that are defined in the Act have that meaning.
Dated 14 April 2020
                                                                                                ROSA CRNOV
                                                                                      Chief Plant Health Officer
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