Page created by Barry Deleon
 September 2021
 ISSN 2767-3758
 ©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021


Dilorom Adilova
 Researcher Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan


 The rich spiritual and moral heritage of Eastern thinkers, their pedagogical views, especially the ideas of
 morality, honesty, religion, conscience, diligence, science, humanity serve as a key tool in the comprehensive
 development of man. In this regard, the importance of the ideas of patriotism, diligence, generosity, courage,
 decency and kindness, which played a key role in the spiritual and moral views of the 15th century thinker
 Z.M. Bobur, is given in the education of a harmoniously developed person.

 KEYWORDS: - System, analysis, systematic analysis, systematic approach, higher education, pedagogical
 process, Spiritual and moral values, diligence, science, humanity, generosity, courage, courtesy, kindness,

                                                                   Doctor     of    Pedagogical      Sciences     Oynisa
 INTRODUCTION                                                      Musurmonova in her book "Spiritual values and
                                                                   education of youth" states that "... spiritual values
 Uzbekistan is entering a new stage of development                 are created intelligently on the basis of human
 on the basis of the principle "From national revival              needs and desires, embodying their imagination,
 to national progress" and is carrying out huge                    thinking, future dreams, beliefs, morals, practical is
 strategic work. Increasing attention to science and               a social phenomenon that is tested in life, important
 education, which is an integral part of such strategic            in social development, passed down from
 activities, is more important than ever.                          generation to generation. Spiritual values are the
 Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan                basis of the development of society, a powerful
 on Education defines: "Education is a systematic                  factor that represents and preserves all the
 process aimed at the full development of the                      achievements of the people in their historical
 younger generation, the formation of their                        development. ”
 consciousness, spiritual and moral values and
 worldview, the development of their abilities on the              He described moral values as follows: “Ethical
 basis of purposeful and socio-historical experience".             values activate the mind and activity of the student,
                                                                   lead to the provision of work and unity of speech.
                                                                   Such values include: humanity, enlightenment, love,
 THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS                                     purity, respect for adults, parents, love, kindness,
                                                                   friendship, generosity, generosity, childhood,

SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 sweetness, and more. At the heart of these values is         all peoples."
 the idea of encouraging students to consciously              Abu Ali ibn Sina described modesty and chastity as
 follow the highest human qualities in society, in the        beauty and grace that are always preserved in a
 family and at school”.                                       person.

 Today, the use of the wise teachings of our                  Indeed, the enjoyment of the spiritual and moral
 ancestors plays an important role in strengthening           values of our thinkers in education is the basis for
 the spiritual and moral education of our students. In        their future growth as a harmoniously developed
 particular, the study of the rich and unique heritage        generation. An important factor in the development
 of our scholars such as Yusuf Khas Hajib, Ahmad              of society is the deep respect for its national history,
 Yugnaki, Ibn Sino, Beruni, Ahmad Yassavi, Amir               culture, intellectual and spiritual potential, which is
 Temur, Alisher Navoi, Babur serves as an important           the greatest wealth in the world, and the upbringing
 source for the education and upbringing of our               of the younger generation in the spirit of spiritual
 youth.                                                       and moral values.

 In Amir Temur's work "Temur's rules" to                      In his book “The consent of our people is the
 friendship, which is one of the moral values, "A loyal       highest value given to our activities,” President
 and faithful friend is a great man, he does not resent       Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, “We have a great history
 his friend, he considers his friend's enemy as his           worthy of envy. We have great ancestors worth
 enemy." He will not spare his life for his friend if         envying. We have incomparable riches that are
 necessary. ”He also spoke about not being                    worth envying. And I believe that if we are lucky, we
 indifferent to the fate of the Motherland, doing good        will have a great future, great literature and art. ”
 and helping the poor. Look at the weak, do not leave         Therefore, the history of Uzbek national pedagogy,
 the poor to the oppression of the rich. Let justice          the literary heritage left by its great
 and freedom be your program, your leader. ”                  representatives, still serves to raise our spirituality,
 Hazrat Navoi, the sultan of the realm of words,              educate our youth in the spirit of spiritual and
 considered spiritual morality to be a precious               moral values and ensure the further development of
 garment of man:                                              education and science set out in the Action Strategy
 Odami ersang demagil odami,                                  for Uzbekistan[1].
 Oniki yoʼq xalq gʼamidin gʼami.
 Throughout his life, Navoi sang and glorified                In the history of mankind, the Renaissance was a
 humanity. Being in the care of people, doing good,           time of great discoveries, unprecedented
 showing kindness is the meaning of this great                constructions, global changes, and genius. In his
 person's life. Navoi was a unique man in generosity          speech at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the
 and kindness, and spent all the proceeds from his            Day of Teachers and Coaches, President Islam
 land and property on charity. In Herat alone, he             Karimov said: During this period, such unique
 built many buildings, madrasas and hospitals at the          scientists as Rumi, Mirzo Ulugbek, Giyosiddin Kashi,
 expense of his own fund. He provided the poor with           Ali Kushchi, classic poets and thinkers such as Lutfi,
 free clothing, headgear, and food. It is also a proof of     Sakkoki, Hafiz Khorezmi, Abdurahmon Jami, Alisher
 his respect for the spiritual and moral qualities of         Navoi, Babur Mirzo appeared in Qazizada.
 man when he says in Mahbub-ul Qulub, "A virtuous
 person is the best of all people and is acceptable to        Indeed, the works of Z.M.Babur played an important

SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 role in building the 3rd Renaissance with our                crisis ...
 intellectually gifted youth, and his personal life is a
 model school for all. Bobur's courage, bravery,              “THE THIRD IS TO GET A REGION”… This is one of
 courage, ingenuity and wisdom, confidence in the             the qualities that makes Zahiriddin Babur look
 future, not losing himself in any situation,                 more like his grandfather Amir Temur. As Babur
 demanding of himself and others, devotion to the             conquered Kabul, he lost sight of the region's
 people, the homeland, a clear sense of belonging to          climate, wealth, and material resources. If the state
 them, special attention to the upbringing of                 governs only on the basis of economic
 children. attention is among them.                           opportunities, it will feel the inevitability of a
                                                              financial crisis and a crisis. For Babur, who knew
 The anonymous scribe, who copied the Boburnoma,              that the income from this country would be
 mentions the following eight original qualities of           insufficient for the expenses and other expenses of
 Babur as king, namely, his inequality in courage and         the soldiers, it became a dream to occupy, expand
 kindness: “The first is that his achievements were           and preserve the lands under the rule of Amir
 high; the second was Himmati arjumand (dear                  Temur ...
 Himmatli); the third is to take the province; the
 fourth is to keep the province; the fifth is                 "FOURTH - PRESERVE THE REGION"… Historical
 administration; the sixth is the intention of the            facts and "Boburnoma" show that the Timurid
 servants of God to have a good life; the seventh is to       kingdom, re-established by Babur, was responsible
 capture the heart of the army; the eighth is to do           for the observance of its customs, rules, law,
 justice. ”[2]                                                economy,       accounting,    maintenance    and
                                                              maintenance of a strong army. He knew that the
 Doctor of Philology, Professor, Bobur scholar Hasan          main factor of management ...
 Qudratullaev made a unique analysis of the above
 eight qualities of Bobur:                                    "THE FIFTH - ADMINISTRATION" ... The statehood
 "THE FIRST SHUKI - HIS SUCCESS WAS HIGH" ...                 of Zahiriddin Bobur and the fact that he followed
 This definition implies Bobur's high prestige. In fact,      the path of Amir Temur in this regard is a topic
 when Babur began to rule the country at the age of           worthy of special research. However, the Babur
 twelve, his main goal was to preserve the whole              administration, the issue of citizens' consent to the
 kingdom of Amir Temur, to establish friendship and           state system has been a leading problem not only of
 solidarity among the Temurids instead of discord ...         the period of Timurid rule, but of the stability of all
 "THE SECOND - HIMMATI ARJUMAND (AZIZ                         times and states. According to Babur, fair
 HIMMATLI) WAS" ... Zahiriddin Babur was one of               administration is the basis of any administration.
 the most loyal Timurid princes in the reign. In his          Only a just system creates a real administrative
 opinion, one of the main qualities of the kingdom is         basis.
 the ability to act with justice ... Babur considers
 generosity not only with the economy, but also with          "SIXTH - THE INTENTION OF THE WELL-BEING OF
 friendliness and tolerance as one of the main factors        GOD'S SERVANTS" Forgiveness, obedience to Islam,
 of public administration. In his opinion, the king           Sharia law are the basis of his character and public
 should always be surrounded by loyal people.                 policy ...
 Insecurity, disloyalty to them, acting without their
 advice is tantamount to leading the kingdom to               "THE SEVENTH IS TO CATCH THE HEART OF THE

SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 ARMY" ... The secret of Babur's conquest of the              values and traditions for future generations, and at
 lands is probably connected with this notion ...             the same time has a direct impact on how the next
                                                              generation develops.
 "EIGHTH - TO DO JUSTICE" ... Babur's views on
 justice should be approached from the point of view          Babur's courage is, first of all, the courage of the
 of the king, as a successor of the medieval unified          heart, and his devotion is the spiritual devotion.
 feudal state ... He has always adhered to this belief.       Every man of thought who reads his poems on his
 Both Babur's achievements as a ruler and his                 desk will quickly perceive it in his own way.
 success as a poet, writer, and scholar were in fact
 due to his courage and devotion. After all, it is            According to scholars who have studied Babur's
 impossible to imagine Bobur's other beautiful                work, the best work that reflects his personality is
 qualities and characteristics in isolation from these        undoubtedly Devon. Indeed, most of the ghazals,
 two qualities. Because he considered generosity and          rubais, fards, and masnavis in his divan are unlike
 courage to be the basis of all the noble qualities in        any other poet in terms of meaning and expression.
 man. Therefore, both when reading Babur's poems              Since almost all of them are written with Babur's
 and when he reads "Boburnoma", the reader is                 heartache and blood, the reader draws attention to
 convinced that all the spiritual, moral, spiritual           the peculiar mood of the king and poet Babur Mirza.
 success in human destiny is achieved through                 Like all mature poets and writers, Babur was
 courage and diligence in a way that he did not               interested not only in the fate of an individual, but
 expect.                                                      also in the spiritual life of the whole nation. At the
                                                              same time, the poet seeks to evaluate ideas and
 Babur's works, which are considered to be an                 concepts of national content in terms of spiritual
 inexhaustible spiritual treasure, should be passed           and moral values. In doing so, the poet pays close
 on to today's generations in simple and                      attention to the theme of love. And it deeply
 understandable, attractive forms, that is, in order to       interprets love as the highest of human qualities. He
 gradually form in them such important qualities as           even said this in a rubai, putting true love above
 devotion,    entrepreneurship,        will,  kindness,       kingship:
 responsibility, tolerance, diligence.
                                                              Sen gulsenu men haqir bulbuldurmen,
 If we look at the life of Boburmirzo, he paid special        Sen shuʼlasen ul shuʼlagʼa men kuldurmen,
 attention to the upbringing of children in the family.       Nisbat yoʼqtur deb ijtinob aylamakim,
 From an early age, Humayun was brought up on                 Shahmen elga, vale senga quldurmen.
 this basis, saying that he was the mainstay of the
 Motherland. Unfortunately, in our society today,             While Babur discusses love over and over again in
 this principle is a little out of step? ... In some          his rubai, on the basis of this feeling, dozens of
 families, the role and place of the father seems to          qualities such as nobility, generosity, generosity,
 have diminished. At this point, we must not forget           devotion also emphasize the fact that they are
 the belief that if the father does not provide for the       deeply rooted in the human heart. In Babur's view,
 family, the upbringing of the children will be               devotion to the land has the same meaning as
 disrupted. The family is the source of education that        devotion to the most sincere, purest feelings in the
 ensures the eternity of life, the health and                 heart. In addition, an extremely exemplary and
 continuity of generations, preserves our national            important aspect of Babur's rubai is that they depict

SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 the love of the homeland, that is, the love of the                  Borgʼonni kel emdi yod qilmay, ey doʼst,
 homeland in harmony.                                                 Borish – kelishingni lutf etib oʼksutma.
         Koʼpdin berikim yoru diyorim yoʼqtur.                 – he says. The simple statement of meaning in these
         Bir lahzau bir nafas qarorim yoʼqdur.                verses is: O brother! Do not forget the poor or the
            Keldim bu sori oʼz ixtiyorim birla                needy, even when you become rich and your wealth
           Lekin borurimda ixtiyorim yoʼqtur                  increases. Don't be proud of this world for four or
 The poet also describes this "involuntaryness" as a          five days. If your friends ask you questions, ask
 "cage of exile" and describes in pain and sorrow the         them, and never insult them. These words have not
 hardships and tortures of the human soul:                    lost their meaning and educational significance
         Hijron qafasida jon qushi dam qiladur,               even today. In one of his rubai, Babur states that the
          Gʼurbat bu aziz umrni kam qiladur.                  frequent gathering of friends is not only a spoil, but
                           Or:                                also a great state:
            Hijron gʼamidan zaif jonim soʼldi,                     Chun gardishi charx budurur, tengri uchun,
      Gʼurbat alami birla ichim qon toʼldi. (p. 167)                 Bir – birni necha kun gʼanimat tutungiz!
 Sometimes it is difficult to separate it in the rubai,       Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of the fact that man
 whether it is about hijrah or loss of homeland. The          is dear and precious to man. Therefore, when a
 poet wrote many rubai, especially in distant lands,          person strives, the hand of goodness to the world,
 longing for his homeland. An important aspect is             especially goodness, will be so high. There is no
 that the poet is also inspired by Alisher Navoi's            nation that doubts the power of goodness and its
 quartets in expressing his inner pain and suffering.         position in the world of life. In this sense, it would
 In a rubai of Navoi:                                         not be a mistake to say that goodness is a source of
                        A hundred hardships and               light that illuminates the hearts of the peoples of the
 sorrows touched my heart.                                    world. Just like Islam, the promotion of goodness is
                        The pain and anguish hit me           given a wide place in the classical literature of the
 , When he complained of separation and emigration,           East. Almost all of the poets and writers who
 Babur seemed to continue:                                    mentored Bobur shook their pens on the subject of
        Аndin berikim qasdim uchun turdi firoq,               goodness and put forward influential opinions from
        Yuz dardu alamni menga yetkurdi firoq,                each other. From this point of view, if we look at
 he writes.                                                   Babur's poetry, we have to admit that there is a
 It is well known that friendship is one of the main          wonderful closeness and similarity in between. The
 qualities that adorn a person's morality and                 poet comes to a firm conclusion in his ghazal, which
 enhance his dignity. The deeper a person                     begins with the verse, "Who has seen, O soul, the
 understands the meaning of friendship and the                good of the world?":
 more he can put it into practice, the more he can be            Bori elgʼa yaxshiligʼ qilgʼilki, mundin yaxshi yoʼq
 an example to others. Babur, like love, prioritizes             Kim, degaylar dahr aro qoldi falondin yaxshiligʼ
 the feeling of friendship over many things, including                                (Page 66).
 wealth and the state. He is also one of the rubai            These words, which call for good on a large scale
 because he believes that the good deeds of the               ("Do good to all people ..."), are in themselves the
 world are advancing and developing because of                words of Alisher Navoi:
 friendship:                                                      Bu gulshan ichraki yoʼqdir baqo guliga sabot,
          Davlatqa yetib, mehnat elin unutma,                     Аjab saodat erur, chiqsa, yaxshiligʼ birla ot [4].
        Bu besh kun uchun oʼzungni asru tutma                 It reminds me of the wise saying. Babur studied not

SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

 only Navoi's, but also the advanced literary                 Babur also confessed that he had bravely
 traditions of Persian-Tajik literature and was               surrendered to this enemy:
 inspired by the works of such thinkers as Jalaliddin                   Umr gʼaflat bila oʼtkarmish men,
 Rumi, Saadi Sherozi, Abdurahman Jami. There is                 Nafs buyrugʼi bila bormish men, he says. In one of
 ample evidence in the Boburnoma that he was                     Babur's Masnawis, Babur discusses in detail the
 devoted to Saadi. It is impossible not to admit that          enmity and actions of the nafs and draws attention
 these artists influenced Babur’s work in one way or                         to the following words:
 another. In a Roman poem:                                              Nafs dushman durur yaqin bilgil,
     Mol az hama mondu, az tu ham xoxad mond,                             Doʼstum, bu soʼzni chin bilgil.
            On beh, ki ba joi mol neki mond.                           Dushmanedur agarchi oʼtru emas,
 that is, the wealthy state remains above all people.                    Lek bir lahza sendin ayru emas.
 Therefore, do not give in to the lust of wealth, it is                 Garchi zohirda toʼgʼridintur nafs,
 better to have good things left for you instead of                      Jamʼing uyida oʼgʼridintur nafs.
 wealth. Or Saadi Sherozi in Boston:                                     Burnogʼilar soʼzini nazar qilgʼil,
         Ulugʼ boʼlsa – yu, qolmasa yaxshi nom,                           Uning oʼgʼrisidin hazar qilgʼil.
       Nishonsiz oʼlib ketdi, u, vassalom, he says.                      Nafs tavsanini rom qil oʼzungga,
 Just as Babur was not indifferent to such words of                   Qodir oʼl harna soʼz desang soʼzingga.
 advice, he was convinced that good would prevail                       Necha nafs iligida zabun boʼlmoq.
 over evil in life. When he did not live with this                        Sahrai zumrai junun boʼlmoq,
 confidence, both as a king and as a poet, such simple                   Ne desang nafsning rizosi bila,
 but sincere lines would never have appeared.                             Neki qilsang aning havosi bila,
          Har kimki vafo qilsa, vafo topqusidur,                        Fisq qilmoqdin oʼzga fikring yoʼq.
           Har kimki jofo qilsa jafo topqusidur.                       Fahsh demakdin oʼzga zikring yoʼq.
        Yaxshi kishi koʼrmagay yomonlik hargiz,
       Har kimki yomon boʼlsa jazo topqusidur.”
 Why does a good man not see evil? Because he may             CONCLUSION
 have surrendered the nafs, which leads man to evil
 and sin, to reason.                                          So, it is clear from the above that the work of our
 When Babur thinks about moral and spiritual                  thinkers had a positive impact on the life, work and
 upbringing, he does not ignore the attitude to lust,         thoughts of Babur in all respects.
 just like his teachers. According to his confession,
 there is nothing worse than the nafs that destroys
 and destroys a person's spirituality, and there is
 nothing that destroys his character and morals, as
 well as his spirituality. That is why Alisher Navoi          1.    Shavkat Mirziyoev. The consent of our people
 says so:                                                           is the highest value given to our activities.
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September 2021
ISSN 2767-3758
©2021 Master Journals

Accepted25thSeptember, 2021 & Published 30thSeptember, 2021

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SCIENCES ISSN – 2767-3758
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