New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke

Page created by Doris Hoffman
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
New Energy
Power Plus
April 2022
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Editorial: Power PLUS
                                                   Editorial                                                          iii   Authors: Matt Baumgurtel, Adriaan van der Merwe
                                                   Watt’s happened                                                    3     First published: 13 April 2022

                                                   Watt’s new in the Market                                           3
                                                   Watt’s new at Hamilton Locke                                       4
                                                   Market Recognition                                                 4
                                                                                                                            Is Energy Generation enough to Future Proof                   While this predicament erodes profits for some generators,
                                                                                                                            your Business?                                                it does lead to lower electricity prices benefitting parts of
                                                   Watt’s next                                                        4                                                                   an economy. It also holds a tremendous opportunity for
                                                   Spotlight - Adriaan van der Merwe                                  5     Traditionally economic growth and energy demand went          generators willing to innovate. To a large extent we are
                                                                                                                            hand in hand. This means that the wealthier a country, the    still operating in an energy market where generators were
                                                   New Energy Predictions 2022                                        6
                                                                                                                            more electricity it generated and the more CO2 it emitted.    designed to follow load, but we are transitioning to a market
                                                   Watt is being funded                                               7     This culminates in the world’s two energy problems.           where load can follow generation. In such a market the
                                                   Hamilton Locke New Energy Team                                     8     Firstly, that the bulk of our energy generation produce       ability to shift one’s demand profile is key, and possible due
                                                                                                                            carbon dioxide emissions, with Asia Pacific accounting for    to technological advances and storage solutions.
                                                   Power PLUS Agriculture
                                                                                                                            52% of global emissions in 2030. And secondly that about
                                                     Agrivoltaics: The Future of Australian Farming?                  9     770 million people still lack access to electricity, which    Interestingly we are also beginning to see a decoupling
                                                     Panel your Canal                                                 11    means that we will see an 80% increase in generation          of economic growth and energy demand. This does not
                                                                                                                            capacity by 2040.                                             mean that the world requires less energy, but rather that
                                                     Soil carbon                                                      13
                                                                                                                                                                                          the growth in electricity demand will be flatter as efficient
                                                   Power PLUS mining                                                        Addressing these seemingly opposing energy dilemmas of        technologies require less energy to undertake the same
                                                     Renewing the Mining Industry                                     15    increasing electricity supply and decreasing CO2 emissions    work.
                                                                                                                            creates a tremendous opportunity for business, especially
                                                   Power PLUS industry                                                      as the cost of renewable generation technology have           The message to generators is clear – there will be a point in
                                                     C&I Solar – the Rooftop Race has Begun, and the First            17    decreased significantly in recent years. For example, the     time for some where the business of generating electricity
                                                     to Scale Will Win                                                      cost of solar generation has fallen by a staggering 80%       alone will not be enough. Generators will have to explore
                                                                                                                            since 2010. This has accelerated the uptake of renewable      the synergies that their generation facility has with other
                                                     Is C&I Solar the next big generator?                             21                                                                  industries, determine what opportunities exist beyond their
                                                                                                                            energy by generators in large scale generation, and also by
                                                   Power PLUS hydrogen                                                      households installing rooftop generation.                     core business and find their Power PLUS.
                                                     Fifty shades of Green                                            25                                                                  The starting point when finding your Power PLUS is the
                                                                                                                            The realisation of business opportunity in renewable energy
                                                     Offshore wind to H2                                              27    is evident. The NSW New England Renewable Energy              realisation that electricity is the central input to making our
                                                   Power PLUS digital                                                       Zone for instance attracted 4 times more applications than    lives modern. It is a necessary input to our food, water,
                                                                                                                            it can accommodate, and the NSW hydrogen hub scheme           transport and materials. And as examined in this Quarterly –
                                                     Digital Power – Green Crypto Miners and Data Centres             29                                                                  it can play an even bigger and more profitable role. This role
                                                                                                                            eight times the state’s target.
                                                     Digital Power – Powering Greener Pastures, Can Crypto Help?      31                                                                  sees an abundance energy move an economy from selling
                                                     Energy Crypto Part I                                                   The effect of this high uptake of renewable technologies      electrons to selling tomatoes, from selling iron ore to selling
                                                     Digital Power – How to Tokenise Your New Energy Project          33    have however caused a substantial shift in the NEM’s          steel and from selling wool to selling cloth.
                                                     – Energy Crypto Part II                                                energy demand profile. As explored in our article on the
                                                                                                                            electricity duck curve, there is now a time of day when
                                                     Digital Power – Data Centres and Crypto Mining                   35    electricity is, for all practical purposes, free.
                                                     – How to be green?
                                                     Digital Power – Experts Insights with Guy Dickinson              37
                                                     from BetaCarbon
                                                     A Crypto Grid?                                                   39
                                                     Expert insights: How to stack your BESS                          41
                                                     What are the Barriers to Batteries? New Energy Expert Insights   43
                                                     with Marija Petkovic of Energy Synapse
                                                   Power PLUS mobility
                                                     Driving it Home: How Australia Can Make the Switch               45
                                                     to Electric Vehicles
                                                   Power PLUS Market Developments
                                                     There’s a New Duck in Town – Part I                              47
                                                     There’s a New Duck in Town – Part 2                              49
                                                     The ‘Business’ of Australia’s Green Recovery                     51
                                                     – Key Drivers and Risks for 2022 – Part 1
                                                     The ‘Business’ of Australia’s Green Recovery                     53
                                                     – Key Drivers and Risks for 2022 – Part 2
                                                   Key Contacts                                                       55

ii   New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                                                                              New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022   iii
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
The role of energy security in international                      This quarterly includes a three-part series addressing the     Power PLUS mining
relations                                                         drivers of economic recovery, as well as demystifying the
                                                                  Australian carbon market and focusing on the distinction       The Australian mining sector is definitely alive to the
In recent weeks the world has seen how international              between net zero and carbon neutral, greenwashing and          necessity to have a greener approach to resource
diplomacy is limited by a country’s dependence on energy.         Australia’s potential as a carbon sink.                        extraction and beneficiation. To this end we have seen
One can only speculate how the international response                                                                            various commitments to use renewable generation
to the Russian invasion of Ukraine would have been                                                                               to power mining operations. Not only does his make
different if countries were not reliant on Russian oil and
                                                                  This Quarterly                                                 sense from an ESG perspective, but it also utilises the
gas. In a world where cheap, decentralised solar and wind         The purpose of this New Energy Quarterly is to inspire you     opportunities of declining generation costs, decentralised
generation can be coupled with storage solutions and              to think broader than your current business and provide        generation technologies, the rise of storage technologies
hydrogen transport, the sanctions countries are willing to        a platform from which you can benefit from the energy          and potential of additional revenue streams.
impose may be different in future.                                transition. To aid in this, we carved up this edition in the   In this article we discuss the greening drivers of the
                                                                  following categories:                                          mining industry and available technologies to realise this.
After the invasion we have seen various announcements
to decrease European reliance on Russian oil and gas by                                                                          We also touch on the opportunities for the beneficiation
increasing hydrogen terminal capacity. When coupled               Power PLUS agriculture                                         industry through initiatives such as green steel and green
with COVID recovery measures which heavily invested in                                                                           aluminium.
                                                                  Future proofing agriculture and securing additional revenue
renewable generation, this may be the coming to fruition of       streams are at the forefront of every farmer’s mind. The
an offtake market.                                                solution to these dilemmas may be the generation of            Power PLUS industry
It is clear that the first mover advantage will benefit various   electricity alongside existing operations. The sharp           The market has realised that traditional commercial and
projects in development in Australia. How this global             decline in generation cost has made the electricity            industrial electricity customers can now play a role in
shift in energy dependence will play out remains to be            generation business an attractive opportunity for anyone       generation by simply installing PV panels on the roofs of
seen. The message is however clear: greater energy                with sufficient space to locate generation facilities. The     their premises. We ask if C&I is the next big generator,
independence and energy security is possible. And as we           electricity generated can then be used to cut down on          but also what other opportunities exist. Options like
explore in this quarterly – with that independence come           electricity bills, be sold in the market or used to venture    lampposts for EV charging, covering water canals with PV
water and food security as well.                                  into new industries such as vertical closed loop farming or    panels and retrofitting high-rises and greenhouses with
                                                                  production.                                                    transparent PV panels all provide exciting opportunities.
Business driving the Green Economic                               To this end we explore how Agrivoltaics can reduce the
Recovery                                                          competition between farmland and energy generation,            Power PLUS market developments
                                                                  mitigate severe weather events and increase production
Australia’s climate commitments have come under                   seasons. We highlight the opportunities that come from         We outline the some of the more recent dramas in the
intense scrutiny once again following the recent floods in        installing solar panels over irrigation canals and shed        market, such as the ever-increasing duck curve and the
Queensland and New South Wales. This came on the                  light on the benefits of using floating solar facilities in    misalignment between the ISP and AEMO, and show
back of COP26 (the UN Climate Change Conference in                conjunction with aquaculture. We also explore how farmers      how not planning for an energy transition means having to
Glasgow) in October and November 2021, at which the               can expand into the adjacent industry of carbon farming        accept the market created by market participants.
Australian Government, despite setting a target of net zero       and how evaporation of irrigation canals can be reduced        We also introduce our three-part series on the business
emissions by 2050, received criticism from many nations           by the installation of solar panels.                           drivers for Australia’s green economic recovery.
for declining to revise its existing interim target of reducing
emissions by 26-28% by 2030 to a level necessary to               In the coming months we will also be publishing on vertical    We hope you enjoy reading this edition as much as we did
meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming          closed loop farming in office buildings and the creation of    writing it.
to 1.5°C by the end of this century.                              water with dehumidifying technology and desalination –
                                                                  all which are only possible with an abundance of cheap
While important, the reality is that the commitment to            energy.                                              
net zero emissions and the transition to a lower carbon
economy is no longer primarily driven by governments.
                                                                  Power PLUS digital
This has been a distinct shift which has occurred largely
in the last 24 months – a hidden transition as COVID-19           The market value of the global digital asset ecosystem
has dominated global attention. At the same time,                 is approximately AUD$2.8 trillion, with over 221 million
however, the pandemic has itself accelerated this shift,          users having engaged with cryptocurrencies or used a
as governments and businesses collectively focus on               blockchain based application. We focus on the deep
‘building back better’ in a new world.                            connection between power and the digital economy.
                                                                  Throughout the series, we explore the opportunities that
We attribute the role of business in the green economic           data centres and crypto miners bring to the National
recovery to:                                                      Electricity Market (NEM), important digital security
1. environmental, social and governance concerns (ESG);           considerations for energy asset holders, the ‘tokenisation’
2. decreased cost of generation; and                              of energy related projects and relevant ESG considerations
3. energy security.                                               when acquiring a digital assets business.

1   New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                                                                         New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022   2
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Watt’s happened                                                                                                                                         Watt’s new at Hamilton Locke
                      The New Energy Team                             Lawyer’s weekly featured                           New Energy Team                Hamilton Locke Launches Perth
                      published their energy                          insights of our New Energy                         attended the Smart
                      predictions for 2022                            Quarterly – Hydrogen’s                             Energy Virtual Conference
                                                                                                                                                        Office and Expands Firm with
                                                                      Green Horizon                                      and Exhibition                 Six New Partners
                          View Article                                    View Article                                    View Article                   Read More

Watt’s new in the Market                                                                                                                                New starters                                                                             Market Recognition

New Energy Bulletins:                                     The Clean Energy Council published its 2022 Clean Energy Australia                                         Brett Heading                     Adriaan van der Merwe
                                                          Report. Some of the key findings of the report includes:                                                   Partner and                       Senior Associate
                                                          •     32.5% of Australia’s total electricity generation came from clean energy in                          Chairman of Partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AFR Features Hamilton Locke –
                                                                2021, an increase of 4.8% in 2020.                                                                     View Profile                    View Profile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 One of the Largest Increases to
                                                          •     27 large-scale projects were completed in 2021, adding 2955 MW of new                                                                                                            Law Firm Partnerships in Australia
                                                                large-scale renewable energy capacity to the grid.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Read More
                                                          •     68 large-scale projects were under construction at the end of 2021,      		                          Grant Parker                      Cedric von Duering
                                                                representing more than 9 GW of new capacity and employing over                                       Partner                           Lawyer
ARENA launched the           Funding Boost for                  35,000 Australian workers.
second round of its          Queensland Green
Future Fuels Program,        Hydrogen                     •     Australia’s largest battery was commissioned in 2021 and a further 30                                 View Profile                     View Profile

allocating $127.9            Demonstration Plant.               large-scale batteries were under construction at the end of the year with
million in funding to                                           a combined capacity and storage duration of 921 MW/1169 MWh.
support fleets to shift        View Article                                                                                                                                                                                                      Legal 500 Recognises Hamilton
to new zero emissions
                                                              Read More                                                                                              Chris Hood                        Nasreen Jahan                             Locke in 2022 Asia-Pacific Guide
vehicles over the next                                                                                                                                               Partner                           Lawyer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Read More
four years.                                                        A new deal between Fortescue Future Industries and E.ON will see the
                                                                   Australian company deliver 5 million tons of green hydrogen to Germany,                             View Profile                    View Profile
    View Article
                                                                   the Netherlands, and multiple cities in Europe by 2030.
                                                                   Greenpeace launches its Green Electricity Guide, indicating which retailers
                                                                   provide the greenest energy.
                                                                                                                                                                     Michael Boyce                     John Hibbard                              Hamilton Locke Recognised In
                                                                   USA Department of Energy establishes Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s                              Partner                           Lawyer                                    Doyle’s 2021 NSW Guide
                                                                   $9.5 Billion Clean Hydrogen Initiatives.
                                                                   Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, Eraring, to close in 2025, seven                                                                                                  Read More
                                                                                                                                                                      View Profile                     View Profile
                                                                   years early.
                                                                   The conflict in Ukraine sees fuel prices soaring and Europe scrambling to
EOI for NSW’s 700MW          Australian government’s               ensure its energy security.
Waratah Super Battery.       Critical Minerals Strategy            Australian researchers claim its patented capillary-fed electrolysis cells achieve                Catherine Johns                   Claudia Bertone
                             Announcement                          95% efficiency, adding to the competitiveness of hydrogen.                                        Special Counsel                   Lawyer                                    Chambers and Partners Recognises
    View Article
                               View Article                        The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its sixth                                                                                                      Hamilton Locke in 2022 Global Guide
                                                                   assessment report The report highlighted                              View Profile                     View Profile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Read More
                                                                   some key risks for Australia:
                                                                   • Disruption and decline in agricultural production.
                                                                   • Cascading, compounding and aggregate impacts on cities, settlements,
                                                                     infrastructure, supply-chains and services due to wildfires, floods,
                                                                     droughts, heatwaves, storms and sea-level rise.                                        Watt’s next
                                                                   • Inability of institutions and governance systems to manage climate risks.
                                                                   $100million of the 2022 Federal Budget being invested in the Port of Newcastle to
AEMC publishes draft         The Federal                           ensure it is hydrogen ready.
report on changes            Government has                                                                                                                          Announcements by Origin and        All things mobility will be the                     Australian Energy Week
                                                                   Applications for the ARENA Large Scale Solar Battery Storage Funding                              AGL on sooner than expected        topic of our next quarterly                         2022: 7 to 9 June 2022
to energy and gas            announced the                         Round closed on 31 March 2022.
retail rules to allow for    introduction of                                                                                                                         coal-fired power plant closures    publication.
hydrogen and renewable       concessional tax                      AEMO Quarterly Energy Dynamics for Q4 2021 observations:                                          makes one wonder if more
gases.                       treatment, which                      • Average renewable penetration levels for the quarter increased from 31.6%                       such announcements are
                             will apply to revenue                   in Q3 to 34.9% in Q4.                                                                           to follow.
    View Article             generated by primary                  • Black coal-fired generation fell to its lowest Q4 average since NEM start, with
                             producers from the sale
                                                                     both Queensland and New South Wales contributing to the decline.
                             of Australian Carbon                                                                                                                    Connecting Green Hydrogen          Solar Energy Future Australia                       Australian Clean Energy
                             Credits (ACCUs) and                   • Record uptake of distributed PV capacity (estimated to be approximately 3.2 GW
                                                                                                                                                                     APAC 2022: 25 to 26 July 2022      2022: 25 to 26 July 2022                            Summit 2022: 19 to 20
                             biodiversity certificates.              in 2021) drove quarterly output to new highs in Q4, contributing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 2022
                                                                     to substantial daytime demand reductions.
                               View Article
                                                                   AGL rejected the takeover bid from Mike Cannon-Brookes and Brookfield.
                                                                   While not going ahead, the bid did send a strong market signal that the
                                                                   private sector is driving the renewable economy and that the days of
                                                                   business as usual at coal generators have come to an end.
3     New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                                                                                                         New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022   4
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Spotlight - Adriaan van der Merwe                                                                              New Energy Predictions 2022

Adriaan is a senior associate in Hamilton Locke’s New Energy team. He advises the public and private sector
                                                                                                                 The New Energy team at Hamilton Locke                    5. EV Uptake
on infrastructure development, power projects, construction, regulatory matters and energy related disputes.     has a front seat to the energy transition.               Global sales of EVs are likely to increase drastically.
He has extensive experience advising on the technologies of wind, solar PV, CSP, landfill, biomass, nuclear      Relevant insight and knowledge of the                    Whilst Australia may be behind its Western
and hydro. Adriaan’s other work includes battery storage, transmission, distribution and procurement             sector has allowed us to advise on the                   counterparts, we should expect record electric car
related assignments.                                                                                             development, financing, construction and                 sales in 2022.
                                                                                                                 operation of solar, wind, hydrogen and
                                                                                                                 storage projects across the Asia Pacific                 6. Behind the meter PPA’s
Journey to becoming a lawyer                                                                                     region.                                                  Expect an increase in the co-location of industrial
                                                                                                                                                                          energy off takers and energy generation assets.
I always knew that I wanted to be involved in building                                                                                                                    We especially expect to see an increase in the
infrastructure. Part of this is due to the unintended conditioning                                               Here are our 2022 New Energy predictions. You can        construction of data centers and crypto mining
of my father (an electrical engineer) who revelled in explaining                                                 also access the video here.                              assets, as well as accompanying regulatory
transmission losses and electricity pricing structures to me
from an early age. I started as a graduate in the Projects and                                                   1. Large energy storage
Infrastructure team at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc in South Africa
at a time when the renewable industry was taking off. I moved
                                                                                                                 Large energy storage is key to solving the               7. Electric Vehicle Charging
to Australia in 2019 to expand my construction experience and                                                    intermittency problem associated with renewable          An increase in EV charging stations can be expected
joined MinterEllison in Sydney.                                                                                  energy. As such 2022 will see a strong push towards      to address the increase in EV usage. A rollout of
                                                                                                                 gigawatt scale pumped hydro projects.                    publicly accessible EV charging stations will be seen,
Proudest career moment                                                                                                                                                    as well as an increase in EV charging stations on
                                                                                                                 2. Commercial & Industrial Rooftop Solar                 private properties.
Without a doubt I am proudest of being part of the team that                                                     Following heavy investment in 2021, we are
advised Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (the South African energy                                                         expecting to see the deployment of commercial            8. Renewable Energy Zones
utility) as buyer, national transmission company and system
                                                                                                                 and industrial rooftop solar. This is driven on the      The development of Renewable Energy Zones in
operator in its participation in the South African Renewable
Energy IPP Procurement Program (REIPPPP). The REIPPPP is
                                                                                                                 supply side by cost reductions in these systems          New South Wales will create an increased demand
a flagship public-private partnership program that was designed                                                  and regulatory change that allow systems to be           for construction contractors. As this will occur in
to contribute towards socio-economic and environmentally                                                         aggregated in wholesale markets. From a customer’s       a construction market with a decreased appetite
sustainable growth, and to start and stimulate the renewable                                                     demand perspective, the significant increase in retail   for renewable energy projects, developers should
energy industry in South Africa.                                                                                 energy costs lead to rooftop solar being a competitive   expect a more stringent contractual risk allocation
                                                                                                                 alternative that provide significant savings.            compared to that encountered in the past.
The program included the following technologies: onshore wind,
CSP, solar PV, biomass, biogas, landfill gas and small hydro.
Part of this mandate included contract and claims management                                                     3. Green Hydrogen                                        9. Offshore Wind Industry
for 94 renewable energy projects, as well as the resolution of                                                   After seeing significant public and private investment   Australia’s nascent offshore wind industry will
disputes and all ancillary processes contemplated under the                                                      in green hydrogen projects in 2021, this year will       continue to grow after the heavy regulatory
project documents.                                                                                               see green hydrogen focused on the mobility market.       changes introduced in 2021. If an AEMO hydrogen
                                                                                                                 Expect growth in hydrogen heavy haulage trucks and       superpower scenario plays out, the offshore wind
Why I joined Hamilton Locke                                                                                      trains, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.                 industry will play a massive role in contributing 256
The New Energy team’s focus on renewable energy aligns                                                                                                                    GW of wind.
                                                                                                                 4. Global Supply Chain Issues
perfectly with my world view. I resonated with the idea of
working in new and innovative ways and doing the kind of work                                                    Global supply chains for renewables will continue        10. Floating Solar PV
that will leave the world better than we found it. It is a privilege                                             to tighten. Given the rise of new COVID variants,        Expect an increased uptake in floating solar PV.
to be part of a firm that has as its foundation a focus to serve its                                             and China’s COVID Zero policy, we are likely to see      Benefits of this technology include an increased
clients, its employees and its community.                                                                        workforce shortages in China. This will have knock       electricity yield due to the cooling effect of water on
                                                                                                                 on effects for renewable projects in Australia and       solar PV panels, a reduction in water evaporation,
The Halo Group mentality                                                                                         worldwide, as the Chinese supply of renewables           a reduction in algal growth and an improvement in
                                                                                                                 equipment will continue to be delayed.                   water quality.
At Hamilton Locke the sense of collaboration is palpable and
very real. It is not strange to see colleagues walk across the
floor to spit ball ideas and discuss adjacent areas of law. It
adds a collegial element to work which means that we can add
that extra nuance to all our matters. In the end - if our clients
succeed, we succeed.

                                                                                                                Missed our previous quarterlies?                             Hydrogen’s Green Horizon >>
                                                                                                                No dramas – read them here:                                  The Rise of Dispatchable Renewables >>

55   New
     New Energy
         Energy Quarterly:
                Quarterly: Power
                           Power PLUS
                                 PLUS April
                                      April 2022
                                            2022                                                                                                                                             New
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PLUS April
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022   66
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Watt is ARENA funding?                                                                                                       Hamilton Locke New Energy Team
     Program                     Summary                                            Funding available    Closing Date                                                                                                                  Partners
                                                                                                                                   Matt Baumgurtel                                           Veno Panicker
                                                                                                                                   Partner – Energy, Infrastructure and Resources            Partner – Construction and Infrastructure
     Ultra Low Cost              ULCS is split into two Streams:                     AUD 40 million       11 April 2022            Sydney                                                    Sydney
     Solar PV Research                                                                                                             +61 459 900 080                                           +61 409 495 242
                                 1. cells and modules; and                                                                                                                         
     and Development                                                                                                     
     Round (ULCS)                2. balance of system, operations                                                           
                                    and maintenance.
                                                                                                                                   Grant Parker                                              Brit Ibanez
                                 ULCS aims to support the cost-effective                                                           Partner – Construction and Infrastructussre               Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution -
                                 production of green hydrogen and low                                                              Sydney                                                    Practice Lead
                                 emissions steel and aluminium.                                                                    0402 855 728                                              Sydney
                                                                                                                                                  +61 421 355 503
                                 Includes funding for research groups.                                                         

                                                                                                                                   Michael Boyce
     German-Australian           HyGATE is an initiative to support                  € 50 million         3 May 2022               Partner – Corporate, M&A and Private Equity;
     Hydrogen                    real-world pilot, trial and demonstration                                                         Energy and Resources
     Innovation and              projects along the hydrogen supply chain.                                                         Sydney
     Technology                                                                      AUD 50 million                                +61 400 142 494
                                 The objective of HyGATE is to strengthen                                                
                                 Australian-German cooperation on reducing                                               
                                 hydrogen production costs and stimulate
                                 the innovation process in both countries.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Special Counsel
                                                                                                                                   Sandra Taran
                                                                                                                                   Special Counsel - Capital Markets; Corporate,
     Regional Australia          RAMPP aims to improve the resilience                AUD 50 million       31 December 2026         M&A and Private Equity
     Microgrid Pilots            and reliability of power supply for regional                                                      Sydney
     Program (RAMPP)             and remote communities.                                                                           +61 2 8072 8271
                                 Grants between $1 million and $5 million                                                
                                 are available to projects that have successfully
                                 completed a feasibility study.
                                 This is an open, non-competitive funding                                                                                                                                                  Senior Associates
                                                                                                                                   Adriaan van der Merwe                                     Hannah Jones
                                 ound, with funds available in two stages:                                                         Senior Associate – Energy, Infrastructure and Resources   Senior Associate – Corporate, M&A and Private Equity
                                                                                                                                   Sydney                                                    Sydney
                                 1. $30m until CY2022; and                                                                         +61 2 8072 8271                                           +61 2 8072 8271
                                 2. $20m until CY2023.                                                                           

     Future Fuels                FFP is designed to drive co-investment              AUD 177.7 million    ongoing                                                                                                                   Associates
     Program (FFP)               in charging and refuelling infrastructure                                                         David O’Carroll
                                 projects for future transport needs.                                                              Associate - Energy, Infrastructure and Resources
                                                                                                                                   +61 2 8072 8271
                                 Intended to fund demonstration and                                                      
                                 deployment projects.                                                                    
                                 Funding is available for:
                                 1. light vehicle fleet operators - charging                                                                                                                                                            Lawyers
                                 and electrical infrastructure; and                                                                Andrew Smith                                              Beatrice Drumore
                                 2. heavy fleet operators - enabling                                                               Lawyer – Energy, Infrastructure and Resources             Lawyer – Corporate, M&A and Private Equity
                                                                                                                                   Sydney                                                    Sydney
                                 infrastructure and some vehicle costs.
                                                                                                                                   +61 2 8072 8271                                           +61 2 8072 8271

    Check your eligibility here:                                                                                                   Cedric von Duering                                        John Hibbard
    If one of the programs sparked your interest you can check your eligibility here.                                              Lawyer – Energy, Infrastructure and Resources             Lawyer – Construction and Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                   Sydney                                                    Sydney
                                                                                                                                   +61 411 320 631                                           +61 2 8072 8271

                                                                                                                                   Nasreen Jahan
                                                                                                                                   Lawyer - Construction
                                                                                                                                   +61 2 8072 8271
7   New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                                                                  New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022    8
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Power PLUS agriculture

    Agrivoltaics: The Future of
    Australian Farming?
    Authors: Matt Baumgurtel
    First published: 10 March 2022

    The pressures on the Australian agriculture sector are           Advantages                                                         Various projects are in different phases of development
    increasing, not least so due to the effects of climate                                                                              across the European Union. For example, the Domaine de
    change. In order to ensure that this vital sector remains        While the benefits of deriving an additional income stream         Nidolères vineyard in France uses an Agrivoltaic system in
    profitable, and therefore sustainable, new ways of land          from agricultural land is self-evident, the benefits go even       which PV panels are installed above grapevines to create
    utilisation need to be explored.                                 further:                                                           a drip irrigation system, optimise light exposure, protect
                                                                     •   The competition for flat, well-located land for agriculture    crops against weather variations and power 650 homes.
    Agrivoltaics, being the simultaneous use of land for both            or energy generation is eliminated by co-locating
    solar photovoltaic power generation and agriculture,                 activities.                                                    Australia
    was first proposed back in 1981. In its original form, it        •   Providing shade coverage leads to water efficiency and
    envisaged installing solar panels above crops or on the              the creation of microclimates that extend growing 		           The Australian energy transition, decreased cost of
    roofs of greenhouses, and by 2019 developed to also                  seasons and mitigate the impact of heatwaves, 		               electricity generation, vast land mass, limited transmission
    mean agricultural activity between solar panels, such as             droughts, frost and storms.                                    network, reliance on agriculture, exposure to severe
    grazing.                                                         •   Increased PV panel performance due to lower soil 		            weather events and abundance of sun could mean that
                                                                         temperatures.                                                  Australia is uniquely positioned to benefit from Agrivoltaics.
    While there is still a lot of groundwork to be done, Australia                                                                      The Australian government has however not voiced
    seems to be uniquely positioned to benefit from, and             •   Decentralised electricity generation.
                                                                     •   Increased land value and risk mitigation through 		            its support for Agrivoltaic projects in the same way as
    pioneer, this method of co-location farming.                                                                                        other countries. Some industry players have however
                                                                         diversification of income streams.
                                                                     •   Increased energy security.                                     recognised the potential synergies, and test projects are
    How does it work?                                                                                                                   being developed around Australia.
    The scientific premise of Agrivoltaics is that different crops   Disadvantages
    have different light saturation points, meaning that there       •   Agrivoltaics is not suited for crops that require high light   The Future of Australian Farming?
    is a maximum amount of light that plants can absorb. The             intensity and may lead to decreased yields for some 		         It is clear that there are benefits in crop diversification,
    light not being used by crops can therefore be used for              shade tolerant crops.                                          and farming energy through Agrivoltaics may be the cash
    other purposes, such as electricity generation.                  •   Slightly higher installation costs for arrays and 			          crop the agriculture industry needs. The advances in panel
    Facility construction generally entails photovoltaic solar           greenhouses.                                                   technology and crop management could mean that the
    panels being spaced in-between crops, installed on arrays        •   Excessive crop shading leads to a greater risk of 		           elusive goal of living in greater balance with nature may be
    above crops (allowing machine access and crop growing),              bacterial pathogens developing, which causes a 		              closer than we thought – and what an exciting prospect
    installed on top of greenhouses or installed in such a way           reduced shipping and shelf life for products.                  that is.
    that grazing is possible underneath.
                                                                     International uptake
    While panels were originally installed with space in-
    between to allow optimum light access, advances in panel         The Italian government is investing €1.1 billion to support 2
    transparency, sun tracking and crop monitoring means             GW’s of Agrivoltaics as part of its post-COVID recovery plan.
    that panel placing options are ever increasing.                  French president, Emmanuel Macron, recently announced
                                                                     that Agrivoltaics will become one of the main pillars of
                                                                     France’s energy system. The German federal government
                                                                     is also supportive of Agrivoltaics and have released plans
                                                                     to support the co-location of photovoltaic systems and
                                                                     agricultural land.

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New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Power PLUS agriculture

Panel your Canal

Authors: Matt Baumgurtel, Brett Heading, Peter Williams , Andrew Smith
First published: 29 March 2022

In a world that is shifting away from the use of fossil fuels,   potentially play host to approximately 40 MW of solar PV
a top priority is finding new, innovative ways to conserve       capacity.[1]
and create energy in the renewable energy space. Solar
                                                                 In India, the Jharkhand Energy Development Agency is
canals are one of the latest innovations driving positive
                                                                 tendering for a MW scale solar canal project with the
change in the race to net-zero by 2050, and various
                                                                 successful proponent expected to conduct site surveys
countries are eagerly getting on board.
                                                                 for canals that can be utilised for grid-connected solar PV.
                                                                 In 2012, Gujarat State Electricity Corporation and Sardar
The case for Solar Canals                                        Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited commissioned a solar
In response to what is shaping up to be the worst                canal project that included a 1 MW plant covering 750
megadrought in the U.S for the last 1,200 years,                 metres of the Narmada canal. It was projected that the solar
researchers at the University of California have developed       PV panels would prevent the evaporation of approximately 9
the ‘solar-canal solution’. Project Nexus is a $20 million       million litres of water per year.[2]
project to build solar panel canopies over the Turlock
Irrigation District canals, expected to be complete in 2024.     Australia’s irrigation canal system
Described as “covering canals with solar panels”, the            The World Resources Institute ranks Australia as a country
University’s 2021 study found solar canals can result            with medium to high water stress.[3] One does not have
in multiple benefits for water and energy infrastructure.        to look far to see the devastating effects of water scarcity
Most notably, in the context of California, solar canals         that parts of Australia has endured during certain periods
may reduce evaporation of water canals by up to 82%,             in our history. Water scarcity can have a significant impact
or approximately 286 billion litres of water a year. This        on our agricultural sector, much of which is reliant upon the
is enough water to irrigate 50,000 acres of farmland or          health of our water systems and the major irrigation areas
provide 2 million people with an adequate water supply.          that such systems feed. Australia is home to extensive
At the same time, the solar panels can generate enough           canal systems that supply water to Australia’s largest
energy to account for a sixth of the state’s total energy        irrigation areas. The Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area has about
needs.                                                           3,500km of canals, the Murray Irrigation includes 3,000km
                                                                 of canals and the Goulburn Murray Water area in Victoria
While a potential disadvantage of solar panels is the cost
                                                                 has about 7,000km of canals.[4] Leakage, seepage, and
of installation and upkeep, the design of solar canals
                                                                 evaporation from delivery canals all contribute to significant
ensure they are a long-term investment. The canal creates
                                                                 amounts of off-farm water losses, which is estimated to be
a cooler microclimate for the solar panels, allowing them
                                                                 130 billion litres per year in the Murrumbidgee valley alone.
to perform at maximum capacity for a longer period.
                                                                 [5] Investment in piping or lining canals could help prevent
Solar canals may also relieve concerns that renewable            off-farm evaporation, but the costs of undertaking such
energy infrastructure takes up land that may be used for         improvements are prohibitively expensive. This provides an
other purposes, such as farming or residential homes.            opportunity to implement proven solar canal technology to
Instead of separate solar farms, panels are installed            reduce canal water evaporation and improve solar PV panel
directly over canals, thus maximising efficient use of           efficiency.
                                                                 The development of solar canals marks the newest chapter
                                                                 of innovative renewable energy solutions and demonstrates
International context                                            the world’s capacity and resilience to innovate our way to
Countries such as India and France, and even companies           net-zero by 2050. The message is clear – Australia should
such as Coca-Cola have implemented solar canals as part          draw on international experience in solar canal development
of their renewable energy schemes and infrastructure.            and capitalise on the vastness of our in-land waterways to
                                                                 increase renewable generation and conserve scare water
The French are buying into the solar canal innovation with       resources.
Societe du Canal de Province and the energy provider
Sergies signing a partnership agreement to jointly finance,
build and operate four solar PV systems with an aggregate
capacity of 12 MW on the Provence Canal. The Provence            [2]
Canal provides water to 110 municipalities in the southern              Australian-water-sector.pdf page 5
French regions of Bouches-du-Rhone and the Var which
                                                                 [4] CSIRO, “Water – Science and Solutions for Australia”, page 113
include major cities such as Marseille and Toulon. The two       [5] Ibid
companies have estimated that the Provence Canal could

11 New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                        New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022   12
New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Power PLUS agriculture

    Soil carbon

    Authors: Matt Baumgurtel, Grant Parker, Andrew Smith, Ally Frizelle
    First published: 08 April 2022

    The profit margins of utility-scale solar farms continue to       Can solar farm projects participate in soil                         It is possible that the land between and under solar
    shrink, putting financial pressure on an industry that has        carbon projects that generate ACCUs?                                PV panels would be considered to have been used for
    a critical role to play in the race to net-zero. To alleviate                                                                         pasture, cropping or bare fallow during the whole baseline
    this financial pressure, it is important for developers of        Whether project land may qualify to be an “eligible offsets         period. The baseline period is defined as the 5 year period
    solar farms to access new revenue streams. Solar farm             project” and be entitled to generate ACCUs is governed by           immediately before the application to be an eligible offsets
    developers should consider implementing carbon farming            the following Federal legislation:                                  project is made.
    projects that utilise the land under and between solar PV             1. Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 		       The Methodology defines “structure” as an object that is
    panels to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs)                (Cth) (the Act);                                             made of several parts, that prevents pasture or cropping
    under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). These ACCUs
                                                                          2. Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations       from occurring underneath more than 5% of the ground
    could then be sold to generate additional revenue for solar
                                                                             2011 (Cth) (the Regulation)                                  area of the object. The Explanatory Memorandum for the
    farm projects.
                                                                                                                                          Methodology makes it clear that the term “structures” in
                                                                          3. Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Rule 2015 		      limb (b) is not intended to include “fences, solar panels or
    What is carbon farming and soil carbon?                                  (the Rule); and                                              other structures under which agricultural activities may still
    Carbon farming is an approach to optimising carbon                    4. Carbon Credits (Carbon Farm Initiative – Estimation          occur and soil sampling can take place.”
    capture on working landscapes by implementing farming                    of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Using
    practices that are known to improve the rate at which                    Measurement and Models) Methodology Determination            Status of ACCU market
    CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and stored in                         2021 (the Methodology).
                                                                                                                                          It is estimated that the total value of the secondary market
    plant material and/or soil organic matter. In short, carbon       The Act, the Regulation, the Rule and the Methodology               grew to $150 million during 2021 which was a 170%
    farming is farming in a way that reduces GHG emissions or         all set out a number of eligibility criteria and processes          increase on 2020 and a 120% increase on 2019.2 This is
    captures and holds carbon in vegetation and soils.                that must be followed by a soil carbon project. First, to be        a positive signal for solar developers as the Regulator has
    Soil carbon projects remove carbon from the atmosphere            entitled to ACCUs, the project proponent must apply to the          historically been the largest purchaser of ACCUs, under
    by storing it in soil. The soil carbon method is one of           Clean Energy Regulator (the Regulator) for a declaration            ERF contracts.
    the many accredited methods under the ERF that can                that the soil carbon project is an “eligible offsets project”.
                                                                      The Act sets out a number of criteria that must be satisfied        It is important that solar farm project developers do not
    be implemented to offset or remove CO2 from the
                                                                      before the Regulator can declare that a soil carbon project         “self-select” themselves out of being an “eligible offsets
    atmosphere. This can be achieved by increasing the
                                                                      is an “eligible offsets project”. Careful consideration of these    project”. Therefore, we strongly recommend solar farm
    amount of decomposing plant material and microbes in
                                                                      criteria must be had to ensure that any potential soil carbon       project developers seek out professional advisors to help
    the soil. A soil carbon project will involve the establishment
                                                                      project that proposes to use the land between and under             assess their carbon farming project’s suitability under
    of specific project management activities and management
                                                                      solar PV panels is declared an “eligible offsets project”.          Federal legislation. We at Hamilton Locke are already
    actions that change agricultural soil conditions to improve
                                                                                                                                          engaging with our clients in relation to co-locating carbon
    crop and pasture growth.1                                         One of these criteria is that a soil carbon project satisfies the   farming and solar farm projects. Please get in touch with
    The below diagram sets out how plants and soil sequester          requirements of the Methodology. The Methodology sets out           our New Energy lead, Matt Baumgurtel, should you wish
    carbon from the atmosphere:                                       a number of threshold criteria that a project must meet to be       to discuss.
                                                                      an “eligible offsets project”.
                                                                      The Methodology sets out what is “eligible land”. To be
                                                                      eligible land the project area must satisfy the following
                                                                            1 the land must have been used for pasture, cropping
                                                                              or bare fallow during the whole baseline period;
                                                                            2. there must be no dwellings or structures on
                                                                               the land;
                                                                        3.     as at the end of the baseline period, it was
                                                                      		       reasonable to expect that carrying out eligible
                                                                      		       management activities proposed by the relevant
                                                                      		       land management strategies will increase
                                                                      		       the carbon sequestered in the land; and
                                                                            4. it is possible to sample the soil on the land
                                                                              consistent with the requirements of the Methodology.

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New Energy Quarterly: Power Plus - April 2022 - Hamilton Locke
Power PLUS Mining

  Renewing the Mining
  Authors: Matt Baumgurtel, Michael Boyce, Adriaan van der Merwe,
  David O’Carroll, Alexandra Frizelle
  First published: 07 April 2022

  In this article, we examine the greening drivers in the           others to implement similar solutions as they too target          As adding renewable generation to a mine site is an
  mining industry and discuss why renewable generation              net-zero operations.                                              upfront capex costs, the operational costs of these
  technologies are well placed to realise these goals.                                                                                facilities are drastically lower than diesel powered sites.
                                                                    Not only does this make sense from an ESG perspective,
                                                                                                                                      This is because sunlight and wind are free and the design
                                                                    but it also utilises the opportunities of declining generation
  The old ways are no longer fit for purpose                                                                                          life of renewable generation facilities can often exceed 25
                                                                    costs, decentralised generation technologies, the rise of
                                                                                                                                      years with relatively minimal maintenance costs. Batteries
  Mines play a crucial role in the domestic and global              storage technologies and potential additional revenue
                                                                                                                                      have a comparatively shorter service design life and mining
  economy, providing the raw materials necessary to                 streams.
                                                                                                                                      companies can expect to change batteries twice during
  produce many different products. However, the nature of                                                                             the service life of the solar or wind farm. However, batteries
  mining operations is that they are often found in remote          Switching to renewable technologies                               are a less mature technology and cost reductions and
  places with little or no access to the electricity grid. Mining                                                                     service life increases can be expected in the short term.
                                                                    Australia is fortunate to have world leading solar and wind
  operations consume large amounts of electricity and,
                                                                    resources. Solar PV or wind turbines, when coupled with
  since a reliable power supply is critical, mining companies
  have traditionally relied on diesel and gas generation as
                                                                    storage technology, can be deployed to provide low-               The Role of Green Hydrogen
                                                                    cost zero emissions power to sites that would otherwise
  the baseload power supply.                                                                                                          Mining projects are well placed to provide an important
                                                                    need significant capital expenditure to connect to the
                                                                                                                                      demand side industry for green hydrogen (GH2). GH2 can
  Whilst gas and diesel generators are reliable, they can be        grid or be forced to rely on fossil fuelled generators.
                                                                                                                                      be used to store renewable energy to generate electricity.
  very expensive to operate and market conditions cause             Rapid advancements in energy storage technologies
                                                                                                                                      It can also power equipment and trucks and cars, and
  gas and diesel costs to be highly variable - the current          are improving efficiency and providing the solution to
                                                                                                                                      it can even be used in certain traditionally hard-to-abate
  environment is an excellent example of this. There are            the renewable intermittency problem (i.e. that renewable
                                                                                                                                      sectors such as steelmaking as a reducing agent. At the
  also additional costs with companies spending significant         energy is only generated when the sun shines or the wind
                                                                                                                                      moment, hydrogen is only used as a part-replacement for
  capital to build infrastructure and on logistics, not to          blows).
                                                                                                                                      coal or coke in steel operations, but in these large-scale
  mention the various health and environmental impacts.
                                                                    Take for instance the development of mineshaft energy             undertakings, even a partial replacement of a large amount
  The mining industry is also facing other significant              storage by companies such as Green Gravity, which                 of carbon can make a significant impact.
  challenges. For example, diesel generators can produce            deploy super-heavy weights in legacy unused mine
                                                                                                                                      The cost of electrolysers is currently the main issue when
  around 1kg of CO2 for every kWh generated. Increasing             shafts (estimated at nearly 100,000 across Australia) to
                                                                                                                                      it comes to scaling up and utilising GH2 economically.
  pressure from activists to stop projects harmful to the           capture and release energy. The weights are raised at
                                                                                                                                      While electrolysers are not yet at a price point where they
  environment and the abandonment of coal stocks from               times of the day when energy prices are cheap (or on-
                                                                                                                                      can be deployed at scale to produce the amount of GH2
  investment portfolios, therefore, come as no surprise. In         site surplus generation is available) and then lowered at
                                                                                                                                      required for these large mining projects, as the technology
  addition, stakeholders and directors of companies are             the precise moment the power is wanted - either for an
                                                                                                                                      advances and demand through industries the resources
  requiring an increased focus on ESG and, in particular,           industrial purpose or simply because energy prices in the
                                                                                                                                      sector grows, electrolysers costs are expected to reduce
  ESG issues are often a critical part of the assessment            grid make it an attractive time to dispatch. Importantly,
  process of financiers that provide the capital that enables       the environmental footprint of such an operation is very
  mining projects to be funded and developed.                       small even when compared to alternative energy storage
                                                                    technologies such as lithium-ion batteries.                       Carbon Neutrality by 2050
  The infrastructure required for the renewables revolution
  to proceed is however heavily reliant on the mining               While becoming fully independent from diesel or gas is            As Australia pivots towards carbon neutrality by 2050,           Woodside, have unveiled plans to spend billions of dollars
  industry to provide the necessary raw minerals for its            difficult for a mine, energy costs can be reduced drastically     resource companies are already eyeing energy as an area          on wind turbines and solar panels as they seek to go green.
  construction and continued operation. This means that             when renewable generation is added to the energy mix              where relatively easy gains can be made. Efforts are well
                                                                                                                                                                                                       It is clear that the mining and renewable energy industries
  sustainable solutions are required to offset the deleterious      and various other ESG related benefits can be derived.            underway to decarbonise operations and supply chains
                                                                                                                                                                                                       have and will continue to have a very close relationship.
  environmental impacts of the mining industry while                Crucially, renewable generation is not linked to the volatile     across Australia. In Western Australia alone, almost half
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ultimately, mines and resource projects will need to have
  remaining economically viable and attractive to investors.        prices of diesel and gas, making it easier to budget for          of all electricity generated in the state is used outside of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a holistic approach when it comes to decarbonising,
                                                                    energy costs.                                                     power grids by resources companies operating in remote
  The Australian mining sector is alive to the necessity                                                                                                                                               namely one that combines electrification, energy efficiency,
  to have a greener approach to resource extraction                 Mining companies can also combine different energy                                                                                 batteries and green hydrogen in order to make the best use
  and beneficiation. To this end, we have seen various              generation technologies in microgrids, improving resilience       As referenced above, along with a solar farm and a               of potential synergies.
  commitments to use renewable generation to power                  while reducing electricity costs and meeting ESG                  battery, five giant wind turbines are powering much of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We will be examining the opportunities for the beneficiation
  mining operations. For instance, Fortescue Metals Group           objectives. For instance, the Agnew Renewable Energy              the operations at the Agnew gold project, about 1,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                       industry through initiatives such as green steel and green
  has committed to build the multi-billion-dollar Uaroo             Microgrid project will consist of five wind turbines delivering   kilometres north-east of Perth. Energy company EDL,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       aluminium in a follow up to this article.
  Renewable Energy Hub in the state’s Pilbara region                an 18 MW wind farm, a 10,000 panel 4 MW solar farm and            which built the Agnew power system, estimates there is
  in Western Australia which will use alternative energy            a 13 MW / 4 MWh battery storage system with security              about 2 gigawatts of “off-grid” power demand in Australia.
  sources to power its Pilbara mining operations. The               and reliability of the microgrid underpinned by a 16 MW           And other major players, including Rio Tinto, BHP and
  company has said that it hopes the project will inspire           gas engine power station.

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Power PLUS Industry

   C&I Solar – the Rooftop Race has Begun,
   and the First to Scale Will Win
   Authors: Matt Baumgurtel, Hannah Jones, Beatrice Drumore
   First published: 08 December 2021

   In our previous article, we looked at the increasing                                                                             For many customers, navigating the changing landscapes            Hence a high level of customer service using scalable
   potential for investment in the C&I solar market, with                                                                           in terms of pricing, energy security, and environmental           systems, including remote monitoring and artificial
   CBRE IM’s investment into Green Peak Energy highlighting                                                                         impact can be quite disruptive to business operations. By         intelligence is critical to continued growth in a fragmented
   the rapidly progressing nature of the C&I sector both in                                                                         outsourcing that part of their business to forward focused        and competitive market. Innovative commercial structures
   Australia and internationally.                                                                                                   developers such as Green Peak Energy, when market                 to meet evolving customer requirements also differentiates
                                                                                                                                    conditions and economics change, customers can trust              competitors in a crowded market.
   Matt Baumgurtel - New Energy lead at law firm Hamilton
                                                                                                                                    that their provider will make those choices and come back
   Locke, sat down with the key individuals who lead the                                                                                                                                              Consequently, generating scale requires developers to
                                                                                                                                    to them with appropriate solutions.
   CBRE | Green Peak Energy transaction; CBRE Investment                                                                                                                                              address several key requirements including:
   Management (“CBRE”) Managing Director, Direct Private
                                                                                                                                                                                                      •   originating a strong customer base;
   Infrastructure Investments Asif Hussain and Director David                                                                       Developers
                                                                                                                                                                                                      •   delivering a cost-effective solution; and
   Xu, Green Peak Energy (“GPE”) CEO Myles Carrucan and                                                                             Solar energy businesses looking to capitalize on the              •   having flexibility in commercial and economic project
   General Counsel Anthony Headlam, and Pottinger CEO                                                                               opportunities that are developing in the C&I solar sector             structuring - offering different solutions to meet different
   John Sheehy and Senior Vice President Rodrigo Arias.           Consequently, C&I solar developers are now focused                will need to follow Green Peak Energy’s lead to address               customer needs.
   In this second half of our discussion with GPE, CBRE           on providing a tailored, bespoke service to customers,            the main barrier to success in this sector – scale.
                                                                  including increased system design, product development                                                                              GPE’s development over the last four years is a case study
   IM and Pottinger we explore the opportunities currently                                                                          Every C&I solar developer will tell you scale is key, and
                                                                  and better after-sales service.                                                                                                     in these requirements. Myles Carrucan notes, “much of
   available in the C&I solar market, map how the sector is                                                                         that it will be scale that drives efficiencies, which reduces     the last four years of our journey has just been educating
   evolving (both in Australia and internationally) and discuss   “It’s that depth of familiarity across all of those               costs, resulting in further scale and increased efficiencies.     our customers on the attractiveness of the PPA product
   how investors and developers can stay ahead of the curve       stakeholders, and as that familiarity grows, you can jump         However, successfully achieving C&I scale is challenging.         and the benefits to their business,” he says, “You’ve got
   to capitalise on the impending growth of the sector.           to the important commercial issues and system design              Whereas utility scale solar developers can generate               to have the ability to build a flexible, competitively-priced
   Power prices, regulatory change, ESG goals, energy             issues without needing to talk through the fundamentals           substantial revenue with only one or two large volume             product, develop a distribution network to get it in front of
   security, equipment and installation costs (including large    of solar energy,” says Anthony Headlam, “When people              PPAs, C&I solar developers may need to enter over 400             potential customers and then be able explain it to them in a
   batteries), all point in one direction – the C&I market        understand what we’re doing we can jump straight to               individual PPAs to generate the same revenue.                     compelling way.”
   is primed for exponential growth to become the next            what we should be talking about - how do we make this
                                                                  deal, and how do we tailor it for you?”                           Similarly, it is much easier to manage a single 200-acre          A roof top solar transaction can be inherently quite
   dominant influence in the National Electricity Market.                                                                           piece of land with a single solar farm that has been              complex, so developers need to build a flexible product
                                                                  Increased familiarity with the solar market can also assist       designed and built to operate as a single plant. To achieve       that can be adapted to the various property and
   So how can you get into the C&I solar                          customers in their negotiations with landlords. “Customer”        the same scale, a C&I solar owner may be managing 6000            commercial arrangements that might arise. By offering
                                                                  often includes tenants and their landlords, both with             geographically spread roof top sites with different installed
   market?                                                        external legal advisors, and in trying to tailor discussions to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a flexible product, tailoring it to a particular customer’s
                                                                                                                                    equipment or varying age, and then some roofs are                 unique circumstances and thereby presenting a compelling
   Investors, developers, and customers alike can take            one party, it is possible to alienate another.                    sunnier than others…                                              customer solution, C&I solar developers can capitalise on
   advantage of the rapidly developing opportunities that                                                                                                                                             a broader customer base and begin to generate the scale
                                                                  By educating landlords as to the benefits of C&I solar,           Being able to negotiate PPAs with hundreds of different
   are arising in the C&I solar sector. Where C&I solar has                                                                                                                                           needed to offer a more bespoke service.
                                                                  Anthony Headlam proposes, “a lot of your issues with the          counterparties, install solar products of high quality on
   previously lagged behind residential and utility scale
                                                                  customers fall away because ultimately, you’re developing         to hundreds of different roofs and continually operate,           Presenting this product to customers can be a challenge
   solar, a shifting perception of clean energy, uncertainty
                                                                  a good renewable energy product.”                                 maintain, and manage that portfolio efficiently, and              though. C&I solar takes all the elements of a sophisticated
   in wholesale electricity prices and a lack of resources
   available to build larger PV projects is driving investors     According to Myles Carrucan, discussions can vary                 regularly (even in real time) report to those customers is the    utility scale deal with financing, PPAs and long-term
   (and customers) towards C&I solar.                             depending on the complexity of a customer’s business,             key to success. Process, systems and automation are also          commercial contracts but needs to be presented and
                                                                  however, increased knowledge of solar roof top products           key, and data management and analytics are fundamental            packaged in a simple way to customers who don’t have
                                                                  is benefitting all stakeholders, with customer engagement         to success. Scale requires systems, but systems are only          energy at the core of their business. C&I customers
   Customers                                                                                                                        economic at scale.                                                aren’t buying energy every day, so developers need to
                                                                  becoming less educational and more commercial. Myles
   Much of the C&I solar journey over the last four years         notes “We recently signed our biggest project to date in          Myles Carrucan attributes Green Peak Energy’s success             understand the inherent information asymmetry and
   has been focused on educating customers on the                 three weeks from our initial conversation to signatures on        in this regard to several factors including product offering,     present straightforward offerings which make the long-term
   attractiveness of roof top solar and selling the benefits.     a page, so that open-to close window is definitely trending       project execution and operational capabilities “having the        benefits of a roof top solar system easily understood and
   Now that customers generally understand the benefits           down.”                                                            right people with the right market knowledge and the right        simple to measure over time.
   and want to have a system installed, the customer “sale”                                                                         market connections” is critical. Deploying roof top systems
                                                                  And potential customers interested in the benefits that                                                                             Anthony Headlam, General Counsel for GPE, is confident
   can focus on designing the best system for the customer                                                                          at scale is key; however, managing and maintaining those
                                                                  solar can provide are encouraged to take advantage of the                                                                           that GPE has excelled in this regard, “I think that’s where
   at the best price, in the best contractual and commercial                                                                        systems so that they continue to save customers money
                                                                  economic savings now. “Green Peak Energy is a true long                                                                             GPE, over the journey that we’ve been on over last four
   structure. The competition between providers is fierce                                                                           (and make the owner money) is critical. Happy customers
                                                                  term energy partner,” says Myles Carrucan, “Electricity                                                                             years, have succeeded. We’ve refined our product into one
   making the customer experience and supplier reputation                                                                           are repeat customers (i.e. system deployment across
                                                                  should be boring, from a customer perspective – it’s been                                                                           that simplifies the process for customers. But that’s one of
   and experience key factors for customers when choosing                                                                           multiple sites) and customer referral is a critical origination
                                                                  around for a while, it’s not a new invention.”                                                                                      the inherent difficulties in this space.”
   the best supplier partner for them.                                                                                              stream.

    17 New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022                                                                                                                                                                        New Energy Quarterly: Power PLUS April 2022   18
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