Page created by Eddie Palmer


                     FA B I A N I D E A S N O. 658
Fabian Society
61 Petty France
London SW1H 9EU

Fabian Ideas 658

First published April 2022
ISBN 13 978-0-7163-0658-0

Editorial director: Kate Murray
Assistant editor: Vanesha Singh

This pamphlet was kindly supported by Durham Law School
and Unbound Philanthropy.

This pamphlet, like all publications of the Fabian Society,
represents not the collective views of the society but only the
views of the author. The responsibility of the society is limited
to approving its publications as worthy of consideration within
the labour movement. This publication may not be reproduced
without express permission of the Fabian Society.

© The Fabian Society 2022

The moral rights of the author has been asserted.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication data. A catalogue
record for this book is available from the British Library.
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INTRODUCTION: A NEW APPROACH                        2

PART ONE: PROSPERITY                              10

   CHAPTER 1    Open for business                  11

   CHAPTER 2    Supporting students                17

PART TWO: RESPECT                                 20

   CHAPTER 3    Family-friendly                    21

   CHAPTER 4    Knowing English                    27

   CHAPTER 5    Celebrating citizenship            30

PART THREE: SECURITY                              36

   CHAPTER 6    Smarter borders, better controls   37

   CHAPTER 7    Money matters                      43

   CHAPTER 8    Safe sanctuary                     48

CONCLUSION: A FAIRER FUTURE                        55

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                   57

ENDNOTES                                           58
                             A NEW APPROACH

The sight of millions of refugees               stay to three years under pressure from
streaming out of war-torn Ukraine               its backbenchers and Labour.4 At every
has shone the spotlight once more on            step, the UK government dithered and
the UK’s asylum policy. Our response            delayed, following others rather than
to the devastating human tragedy was            leading the way. Its response lacked
shockingly slow and inadequate. While           both competence and compassion.
the EU announced it would allow entry               Asylum is only one area where
to any Ukrainian national for up to three       the government is getting it wrong
years, the Conservative government              on immigration. Today, the UK is faced
imposed several conditions, significantly       by the great migration dilemmas of our
limiting the support available. Only            time. The first is that our immigration
the immediate family of Ukrainians              system has been needlessly slow to react
already settled here were told they             to major events, such as in Afghanistan,
could have sanctuary.1 Many desperate           Hong Kong and now in Ukraine.
families were left exhausted and                    A second dilemma is Brexit.
distraught as they struggled to make            The British public voted to end EU
sense of the rules.2                            free movement and ‘take back control’
   Unlike the EU which waived                   of the UK’s borders, but there was no
visa requirements, the UK required              clear plan for how a post-Brexit system
Ukrainians to obtain visas.3 Hundreds           would work. A third problem is the
of people who had escaped the war found         steep rise in English Channel crossings
themselves stranded in Calais trying to         by refugees linked to the Europe-wide
secure the right paperwork, with many           migration challenge. This has caught
of them being told to travel to Paris           the government off guard, and it has
or Brussels to apply. And originally,           been unable to implement a clear,
the government said visas would be              workable strategy to address the issue.
valid for only 12 months, only to have              In the face of all of these challenges,
to extend the period applicants could           the Conservatives make promises they


do not keep. The government’s ‘new’            paid since April 2019 and over 14,500 of
points-based system was meant to put           those affected have received documents
‘Global Britain’ on the world stage and        confirming they are British citizens.10 It is
put rocket boosters under the economy,         shameful that the pursuit of enforcing
but it has yet to make its mark.5 For          a hostile environment for unlawful
nearly a decade, the Tories said repeat-       migration became hell for so many
edly that they would cut net migration –       of our fellow citizens.11
the difference between immigration and            Recent months have seen a rollcall of
emigration – to under 100,000 annually.        further errors, from the failure to reduce
Yet, the annual figure was never               English Channel crossings to the delayed
higher than under the Conservatives,           Afghan citizens resettlement scheme,
reaching a peak of 329,000 in 2015 and         and from denying any recourse to public
consistently sitting at twice or more          funds so condemning some migrants to
their target.6 By 2019, this manifesto         destitution to today’s limited and chaotic
pledge commitment was finally dropped          support for Ukrainians fleeing war. The
when simply nobody believed they had           Conservatives inherited a system which
any ability to deliver it.7                    Labour had attempted to make fairer.
    To help reduce migration, the              After more than a decade, they have left
Conservatives promised to create               us with an immigration system that is
a ‘hostile environment’ for unlawful           dysfunctional and uncompassionate.
migration. But this approach has proven
as ineffectual as it is cruel. Enforced        LABOUR’S OPPORTUNITY
removals have dropped annually since           With so much going badly wrong,
2012 and returns generally have fallen         it is no surprise that the public have
substantially since 2015 to record lows        lost confidence in the Conservatives
pre-Covid.8 Tough talk was matched             on immigration. In an opinion poll in
with little action in practice. And what       December last year, Ipsos MORI found
action there was too often turned out          that the policy area where the Con-
to be plain wrong, notably in the case         servatives scored worst was ‘managing
of the Windrush scandal, when some of          migration’. A mere 14 per cent of the
those threatened with deportation were         public thought the Tories were doing
the children of Commonwealth citizens          a good job on the issue, while 73 per cent
who had lived and worked in the UK for         said they were doing a bad job. Con-
decades. According to Oxford’s Migration       servatives are no longer the most trusted
Observatory, one of several key problems       on immigration.
with the government’s approach was                 Labour’s best opportunity to win
the ‘absence of a strong evidence base’        back public confidence is right now.
on both the impact of enforcement              We cannot expect to build a sustainable
policies and “the potential unintended         foundation of support simply because
consequences for legal residents”, such        the Conservatives have lost theirs. When
as their unlawful deportation.9 More           I ask our members and supporters about
than £35m in compensation has been             immigration, their response is often to


talk about the Tory policies they want to             In her book Beyond the Red Wall,
end, such as the hostile environment or           Deborah Mattinson found the public
indefinite detention for asylum seekers.          were turned off by the perception that
They are right to want these changes.             Labour’s immigration policies offered
But we must focus on what we propose.             overly generous support to migrants
Voters need to believe Labour could do            that was unavailable to working families.
better if it won the next general election.       They felt further squeezed by a system
    A new Labour plan for immigration             that seemed to encourage low-paid
must spell out a positive and practical           migrants to undercut their wages. Immi-
vision of what a fit for purpose system           grants were perceived disproportionately
would look like under a future Labour             to receive benefits beyond the reach of
government. It must be a plan rooted in           contributing working communities, even
progressive values and it must deliver            if this view of migration was not backed
what it promises. We must move away               up by the evidence.15 Perceptions matter
from talking about how the Conserva-              and the public has perceived our policies
tives have got immigration wrong and,             as unfair. To win voters back – and attract
instead, focus on the ways we will get it         the new supporters we will require –
right with new Labour policies that we            Labour needs to send a clear signal that
can be proud of. This is key to winning           we offer immigration policies that speak
trust – and it is critical for our future         to this concern and that are backed
electoral success.12                              by evidence.
    When in government, Labour                        The watchword for Labour’s new plan
recorded several key achievements.                for immigration must be fairness. Fair-
It became easier for parents to register          ness is at the heart of our fundamental
their children as British, we set new             British values like democracy, the rule
English standards for permanent                   of law, individual liberty and a mutual
residency, we launched a citizenship test         respect for and tolerance of others;
aimed at fostering integration, we created        it connects them like a golden thread.16
citizenship ceremonies to celebrate               To be fair is to respect our democratic
those becoming British and we even                governance, uphold the rule of law
started an Australian-style points-based          and oppose self-righteous populism;
system.13 Nevertheless, part of Labour’s          it is to defend our freedoms and show
past difficulty on immigration is that            compassion towards others. In the
the system overall did not appear fair            famous words of philosopher John Rawls
to much of the public. In studies of              ‘justice is fairness’.17 A just immigration
what went wrong for Labour in the                 system represents a fairer approach.
so-called ‘Red Wall’ in 2019, Labour’s            It is exactly what is needed now to reset
‘weak policies on immigration’ were               the narrative about immigration and
identified as a key factor.14 I understand        champion a compelling new approach to
these findings as I live in the Red Wall          what a Labour government will deliver.
constituency of Sedgefield that turned                A new fair immigration plan must be
blue at the last election.                        underpinned by four aims. The first is


it should be pro-prosperity. The system             security.19 He has talked of forming
must better enable economic growth and              a government where everyone will
take advantage of new opportunities.                feel safe in their communities, have
A second is it must be more compassion-             opportunities to realise their ambitions
ate, especially towards those seeking               and to feel valued for who they are and
sanctuary. Britain should be a welcoming            what they do.
friend to those most in need and no                    As I lay out what a new Labour
longer a hostile environment. The third             immigration system might look like,
aim is flexibility. A new immigration               I have used the notion of fairness and
system should not manage numbers by                 these three principles of prosperity,
raising costs or making procedures more             respect and security. I therefore divide
burdensome. It should be easier to use              the pamphlet into three parts. The first
and adaptable to circumstances whether              part focuses on prosperity. These chapters
that is to support Ukrainians in need or            look at how Britain’s points-based system
to help businesses. Finally, the fourth aim         could be improved to make the most of
is the new system should be underpinned             opportunities for business, education and
by robust enforcement. Rules should                 developing skills. It also considers new
not be created that are never used. The             policies about work and study. The second
public must have confidence in how                  part is on respect. These chapters consider
the system works.                                   how the system could be improved to
                                                    support families, promote integration and
OUR ROAD AHEAD                                      celebrate citizenship. The third and final
In his recent Fabian Society pamphlet               part concerns security, including asylum
The Road Ahead, Keir Starmer set out                and refugee policy. These chapters
a vision for what a Labour government               cover how the immigration system can
under his leadership would look like.               raise standards, deliver better value for
He rightly said that ‘the future will               money, improve integrated data about
belong to those who do not just mitigate            border crossings and construct a more
against change but grasp the opportuni-             humane asylum policy.
ties it provides’.18 His Labour party must             Overall, there are more than 60 dif-
seize opportunities when they arise,                ferent policy recommendations covering
setting the agenda, not merely reacting             everything from entry to deportation,
to it. Given that the public rates the Tories       work to family reunions, temporary
worst on immigration, the moment has                residency to becoming British and support
come to inject leadership into the debate           for refugees. These recommendations
and show how another, more compelling,              outline how Labour can take advantage
future is possible.                                 of post-Brexit opportunities, restore the
    The importance of fairness takes                public’s confidence in our handling of
shape in Starmer’s notion of a new                  immigration and make the system fairer.
contract with the British people, with              Most importantly, Labour’s new plan must
a government based on the three simple              be clearly communicated and deliverable.
principles of prosperity, respect and               We must say what we will do – and then


do what we say. We have to convince                 more evidence-based, engagement with
voters that we can be trusted to deliver the        immigrants’ first-hand experiences rather
transformation our country so desperately           than the divisive opining we have become
needs. Labour has an opportunity to                 all too accustomed to. Such rhetoric has
create a new, fairer system rooted in               contributed to many of the problems the
our values. If we inject competence and             immigration system has today.
compassion into immigration policy we                   Over the last 20 years, I have spoken
can make it fit for purpose to deal with            with hundreds of migrants about their
the great challenges of our time.                   experiences. They often reveal new
                                                    insights into problems that do not always
AN IMMIGRANT ON IMMIGRATION                         make it into the news reports or scholarly
This pamphlet’s subject matter is deeply            textbooks. The failure of governments to
personal to me. I am an immigrant.                  consult with the public can make these
I know about acquiring study and work               problems worse over time.20
visas in multiple countries, passing                    I have been privileged to have met
the citizenship test and becoming                   and discussed immigration with several
British because I experienced all of this           former Home Secretaries, immigration
first-hand. Originally from the United              ministers and shadow ministers as well
States, I lived in the Republic of Ireland          as numerous special advisors. It is worth
before moving to the United Kingdom                 highlighting how enormously grateful
in 2001 and am proud to have become                 I have been, as an immigrant, to have
a citizen in 2011. Along the way, I have            a voice in Labour’s thinking about
applied and sat interviews for work or              immigration – although all recommen-
study visas from fixed-term to permanent            dations suggested in this pamphlet are
residency and citizenship. I know what it           mine alone.
is like to sit on the other side of the glass           The freedom to have the time and
from a border agent because I have been             resources to make these contacts,
there myself several times – even though            conduct research and develop proposals
I enjoyed the privileges that come with             is thanks to my day job as a professor
being a white American with a PhD.                  of law and government. I owe much
    Since arriving in Britain, I have been          to my students, many of whom are from
disappointed to find that virtually all             overseas like me, and have a talent for
contributors in the immigration debate              helping spot gaps and inconsistencies.
are non-immigrants attempting to                    I have sought to combine these insights
talk about what should be done about                from first-hand experience, numerous
people who, like me, are immigrants.                interviews with members of the
Immigrant voices are too rarely heard.              public, policy discussions with various
Since becoming a British citizen, I have            Labour politicians drawn from both
become passionate about ensuring this               the Commons and the Lords and their
imbalance is corrected. Whatever else               staff as well as my academic research to
we do about immigration, there must be              recommend this new immigration plan.


A new immigration plan for Labour: key recommendations
Part 1 – Prosperity
Chapter 1
1.  Consult annually on the points-based system with employers and work
    visa holders
2. Retain the power to cap the number of work visas but only use
    it in exceptional circumstances
3. Make work visa rules nationality neutral
4. End tier 1 (investor) visas
5. Reduce work visa fees
6. Standardise work visa processing times
7. Give people more time to enter the UK with a new work visa
8. Replace standard minimum salary threshold with occupation-specific
9. Consider use of short-stay business visas
10. Launch region-linked visas
11. Develop a longer-term strategy for seasonal workers

Chapter 2
12. Allow students who are awarded indefinite leave to remain during their
    studies to access UK student finance
13. Ensure universities maintain comparable overall satisfaction for both
    British and overseas students during their degrees
14. Maintain the graduate visa with a review to consider extending scheme
15. Expand the Turing scheme to support overseas student exchanges, year
    abroad exchanges for British students and academic staff exchanges
16. Reduce the health surcharge for the youth mobility visa

Part 2 – Respect
Chapter 3
17. Review the salary threshold for spousal visas and for caring for elderly
    or dependent family
18. Allow anyone on the family route to receive recourse to public funds,
    if approved by the Home Office, without the additional residency required
    for settlement
19. Allow EU citizens with pre-settled status to become settled in five years
    without reapplying
20. Grant a transition period of no more than six months for ex-spouses
    to apply for permanent residency, if they met all requirements before
    the relationship ended


21. Reduce residency requirement from seven to five years for overseas parents
    of British children to stay permanently
22. End use of the ex-spousal reporting form
23. Require the courts to notify the Home Office when a divorce or dissolution
    is finalised
24. Prevent the Home Office calling those receiving Windrush compensation
    ‘customers’ and instead say ‘victims’
25. Ensure more systematic evidence gathering, consult with users of the
    immigration system, produce more policy-relevant data and commission
    systematic independent evaluations of major policies before implementation
    to avoid a future Windrush scandal

Chapter 4
26. End exemptions from English language tests based on nationality
    or qualifications to ensure standards are met
27. Ensure equal recognition of native British languages like Welsh, Scots Gaelic
    and Cornish
28. End the postcode lottery of English language teaching

Chapter 5
29. Launch a citizenship advisory group to consult the public and create a new
    Life in the UK citizenship test that is fit for purpose
30. Encourage the teaching of the citizenship test handbook’s content
    in secondary schools
31. Introduce a contribution test based on volunteering that expedites citizenship
32. Make citizenship ceremonies more publicly visible
33. Introduce a new bank holiday called UK Day
34. Create a minister for citizenship and civic participation

Part 3 – Security
Chapter 6
35. End the ‘hostile environment’
36. Support the eVisa programme with a revised electronic travel
    authorisation (ETA) system
37. Incorporate ETA data into the Office for National Statistics’ RAPID database
    to improve the evidence base informing immigration policy
38. Implement the Law Commission’s recommendations for simplifying
    the immigration rules in full
39. Invite the Law Commission (or a Royal Commission) to draft a new
    immigration bill harmonising primary legislation in one simplified Act
    that would become the new legislative foundation for the future

40. End inclusion of minor traffic offences in considering good character
41. Automatically refuse permanent residency or citizenship to anyone on a sex
    offenders register in the past or present
42. Launch a hate crime offender register
43. Automatically refuse permanent residency or citizenship to anyone
    convicted of a hate crime
44. Automatically refuse permanent residency or citizenship to anyone
    convicted of murder

Chapter 7
45. Update and improve the costings for the immigration health surcharge
46. Review the immigration health surcharge for immigrants working and
    paying taxes
47. Ringfence the income and expenditure for the immigration system
    ensuring it is entirely self-funded and self-sustaining without public funds
48. Review and reduce immigration-related application fees
49. End fees for children to register as British citizens
50. Launch a migration contribution fund to share the benefits of migration
    with communities
51. Include any bankruptcies when living abroad in considering good character
52. Require that all taxes have been paid and any NHS debts cleared to meet
    the good character requirement

Chapter 8
53. Clearly signpost support for asylum seekers at all air, ferry and rail
    international terminals
54. Work with organisations like City of Sanctuary UK to more widely share
    information and support to asylum seekers
55. Ban outsourcing of vetting asylum applications to third countries
56. Allow asylum seekers to find work after six months
57. Review financial support for asylum seekers, including the circumstances
    where recourse to public funds is permitted
58. Require the Home Secretary to certify that the continuation of all immigration
    detentions are in the interest of national security at least every 60 days
59. Agree an extradition arrangement with the European Union to replace the
    Dublin regulation or rejoin it
60. Review the availability of a safe legal route for claiming asylum in Britain,
    including reinstating the Dubs amendment
61. Create a new emergencies asylum programme to plan for future
    crisis situations
62. End the use of indefinite detention


     Keir Starmer’s proposed contract with the British people is built on three
      principles – prosperity, security and respect. This part considers ways
in which the principle of prosperity could be applied to immigration. Prosperity
   is defined in this contract as ensuring everyone has opportunities to thrive,
 realise their ambitions and possess the skills needed to prosper. The chapters
       below show how prosperity can become embedded in immigration
    policies relating to rules for workers and students that support businesses,
         foster innovation, create opportunities and better develop skills.

                             OPEN FOR BUSINESS

Britain must be open for business.                delivering greater prosperity for all that
Immigrants play an important role in              the public can support.
supporting our economy and its growth.21
Each year there were nearly 190,000 work          A BETTER POINTS-BASED SYSTEM
visas granted pre-pandemic and before             A points-based system is where individ-
the end of the Brexit transition period,          uals can gain a visa if they have enough
but this has dropped since to 145,000.22          points for it. The current system requires
This is despite strong public support for         someone to have 70 points or more to be
economic migration generally.                     able to receive a temporary work visa.25
   While the Conservatives boasted their          Some of the requirements are manda-
new plan for immigration would provide            tory: everyone must have a sponsored job
a significant boost to businesses, the            offer (20 points), a skilled job (20 points)
economic benefits from Brexit have yet            and sufficient English (10 points). The
to materialise.23 While most EU nationals         remaining 20 points to qualify for a visa
already in the UK remained after free             can be gained in a variety of ways, such
movement ended, fewer new arrivals are            as if the job is in a preferential ‘shortage
applying for work under the new rules –           occupancy’ list, the job pays a higher rate
EU citizens made up only 8 per cent of all        or if individuals hold higher degrees.
work visa applications between January               The idea is that such a system
to end of September 2021.24                       can maintain control (eg ensuring
   Labour needs a new points-based                English standards, limiting the range
immigration system for our post-Brexit            or number of available jobs) while
world that provides a combination of              strategically incentivising immigrant
stability – so businesses can plan for            labour to desired areas (eg the use of
the future – and greater agility, allowing        shortage occupancy lists) and allowing
them to explore new opportunities.                appropriate flexibility in how individuals
These policies would underline Labour             might qualify (eg trade-offs in salary
as the party of business as well as               or education and skills).


    Labour can improve the points-based             demand. A hard cap holds the UK back.
system that it launched back in 2008 –              Nonetheless, the cap should not be
that the Tories have since stifled – by             scrapped so that this immigration control
giving greater certainty, clarity and               can be maintained should circumstances
flexibility to make it more pro-business            change. The public is especially support-
in a controlled way.26 Points-based                 ive of controlled economic migration and
immigration systems are a popular way               suspending the cap, but not scrapping it,
to attract skilled workers to Britain,              allows for this.
especially to help strategically target
occupational needs to support the                   LEVEL PLAYING FIELD IS NOT
economy. They provide consistency                   FOR SALE
with flexibility, but a significant drawback        The government proclaimed its new
is they can be complex to navigate for              plan for immigration would provide
prospective workers and their employers.            greater simplicity and equality, treating
A recent report by the all-party parlia-            all non-UK citizens the same. This policy
mentary group on migration found about              was highlighted as a cornerstone of the
half of respondents surveyed did not                ‘new’ points-based system to be intro-
sponsor work visas at all because of legal          duced post-Brexit. The Home Secretary
complexity and high costs.27                        was clear: ‘The UK now decides who
    Labour should look to simplify                  comes to our country based on the skills
the form and content of a renewed                   people offer, not where their passport is
points-based system, keeping this under             from’.28 The different treatment between
annual review. It should consider public            EU and non-EU citizens was supposedly
feedback from users, most especially                an example of how the Tories would
employers and those on work visas.                  make immigration fairer for all.
It is important to control how the system               The problem was that what they
operates at a high level, but this should           announced in press releases was not
be informed through the experiences                 written into the actual policy documents.
of people on the ground. If users have              The new plan for immigration describes
difficulties in finding information                 how the government intends to
or making an application, this will                 implement its earlier White Paper. On
undermine the potential of the system               its first page, the White Paper claims the
overall to promote prosperity.                      government intends to grant ‘different
    The Tories used to have a cap on                treatment for certain migrants’. This will
the number of work visas they would                 be based, in part, on any international
grant, but this has been suspended for              agreements made, such as offering more
several years. Labour should consider               favourable migration arrangements
continuing this policy of a suspended               in return for a better trade deal.29 The
cap on work visas. It should be reviewed            government was intending to create
annually. We want to attract the best and           an immigration system applying to
brightest as well as essential workers to           all – unless departing from the rules
support our economy and meet employer               would help grease the wheels for a new


trade deal. There have already been                   I have been recommending this visa
reports that efforts are underway to              should be stopped since 2014. But it
obtain a more beneficial trade deal with          was not until a review over concerns
India. Part of this deal could involve            that this fast-track route to settlement
easing rules for Indian nationals to live         can attract dirty money that the Home
and work in the UK although no such               Secretary – at the time of writing –
arrangements have been agreed yet.30              finally decided to end this investor visa
The Tories have put our system up for             scheme.34 It would not be in Britain’s
sale offering different standards to the          interest either economically or for its
highest bidders.                                  security to bring the investor visa back.
   Labour should consider an alternative          It is contrary to any fair immigration
way forward by ensuring the work                  system to allow the wealthiest to
visa route is the same for all nation-            leapfrog over others to obtain residency
alities as part of a fair play approach.          or citizenship on account of their
When it comes to supporting the                   affluence. Instead, Labour should
ever-changing needs of our economy,               investigate new alternatives to attracting
we should not become fettered by                  overseas investment more securely and
past deals. Nor should we make our                for greater benefit.
immigration system more complex by
increasing the diversity of pathways              SWIFTER SERVICE AS LOWER COST
for different nationalities.                      Most of the available work visas are
   Fair play also means that some visa            too expensive – and especially for work
routes should be discontinued. The                purposes. Some work visas can cost
Home Office has offered a problematic             more than £1,000. Not all are paid by
special ‘tier 1’ visa specifically aimed          employers, with employees left to cover
at attracting investors. In return for            the bill so that they can continue to do
investing millions in the UK, individuals         the job they have been hired for. Work
could fast track applications for perma-          visa fees are far higher than the costs
nent residency.31 Investing £5m could             of administering them – and are often
allow for an application within three             set at levels that are unfair bordering
years or £10m an application in two               on exploitative. A Labour government
years – all much swifter than the usual           should consider reducing the fees for
five-year residency wait. 32 It is unclear        skilled workers. We must ensure the
how much this stream has benefited the            UK is more competitive in attracting
UK economy, with only 12,000 visas                the brightest and the best. While a fee
awarded since 2008. The independent               reduction would mean less income
Migration Advisory Committee’s 2014               for the Home Office, this could be
analysis was that any such benefits were          partly offset by attracting increased
limited and, if they existed, derived             visa applications.
more indirectly from the visa holder’s               Labour should consider stand-
spending than directly through whatever           ardising the time for visa processing.
investment was made.33                            For example, it can take about three


weeks to issue a decision on a creative            GREATER FLEXIBILITY
worker’s visa, but eight weeks if the              AND RESPONSIVENESS
application comes from inside the                  The main benefit of a points-based
country. Individuals can use a priority            system comes in its ability to strategi-
service to get decisions made in days              cally target and attract global talent in
for a premium fee and this shows that              a transparent way to support economic
a quicker service is workable. Perhaps             growth and prosperity. There are several
the longer waits are designed to avoid             new possibilities for Labour to explore.
in-country applications or incentivise                 The points-based system could
premium fees through a priority service.           become more flexible yet controlled to
Either way, applications within the UK             fill labour shortages. I recommend that
should not need to take more than twice            Labour abandons the one-size-fits-all
as long as those from overseas (indeed,            salary threshold in favour of a more fit
we might expect in-country applications            for purpose alternative. The problem
to be the fastest). The unnecessarily              with a universal threshold is that it is
large gaps in waiting times can restrict           too inflexible, as some occupations can
people’s ability to do business in Britain.        meet it more easily than others. This
This is neither fair on employers nor              can be irrespective of the skills required
those they seek to employ and should               or the demand for workers in a particular
be reviewed.                                       sector, but rather down to the higher
    Labour should also plan to end                 costs of living in some parts of the
the current rule that the great majority           country. These different and overlapping
of work visas – which are sponsored                issues of occupations and their varied
by employers – must commence                       earnings by region are another reason
within 28 days of the start date or                for greater flexibility. The shortage of
the visa is rendered invalid and must              social and health workers, including
be reapplied – and repaid – for. This              home carers, is a pressing reminder that
is unfair. There can be unavoidable                where the income threshold for all is set
problems with starting work on time,               too high it severely hampers the ability
for example as a result of travel cancel-          to recruit vital jobs.
lations or unplanned medical treatment.                The system works by setting
Sadly, such difficulties have become               a general salary threshold at a minimum
more common during the pandemic,                   £25,600. This is set at the 25th percentile
but the government has taken no notice.            of full-time annual earnings for
It is also worth noting that this is a rule        workers, drawn from the annual survey
the Home Office has not been enforcing             of hours and earnings.36 However, this
anyway.35 This highlights the need for             figure can shoot up if the ‘going rate’
an audit of immigration regulations                for an occupation is much higher than
to identify all those rarely or never              this threshold. For example, a head
used to assess whether they should                 teacher would be required to earn at
be retained in future.                             least £39,000 and a marketing or sales


director would need to be offered                   or for a maximum of six months in
a minimum of £54,000. Occupations                   Mexico.41 If a system like these were
on a government-approved list of job                in place, it could have supported swifter
shortages can have a much lower salary              recruitment to sectors such as HGV
so long as it is at least 80 per cent of the        driving and abattoir work – boosting
‘going rate’ for that occupation.                   businesses when we needed it most.
    The government says it uses                     The failure of the government to pull
minimum salary thresholds ‘to ensure                this off had a serious impact across
migrants make a positive net fiscal                 the economy.42
contribution and are able to support
themselves while in the UK’.37 Of course,           REGIONAL VISAS
anyone on a work visa would be earning              Labour should consider introducing
a living wage or higher, paying taxes and           a more regional approach to visas.43
often ineligible to have ‘recourse to public        At present, any visa allows a migrant
funds’ including in-work benefits (we               to work, live or study anywhere in the
will return to this in chapters 3 and 8).           UK, with a strong pull to London and
Ensuring working migrants support                   the South East. With higher wages
themselves should not be an issue.                  and existing opportunities, jobs can
    Labour should scrap the Tories’ inflex-         more easily meet salary thresholds than
ible one-size-fits-all approach. It could           those in less affluent and less populous
be replaced by relying on a new system              parts of the country.
of occupation-specific thresholds only                  Labour could better unlock the full
instead. This would create a fairer system          potential of the country – and support
that would better prevent the undercut-             ‘left-behind’ communities – by ensuring
ting of wages especially for those new to           some work visas are tied to working
a profession and it would provide added             in specific areas, such as the devolved
protection for migrant workers against              governments or in regions like the
exploitation or unfair treatment.38                 North East. These visas would require
At the same time, Labour would be                   workers to be employed in a locality,
able to use the points-based system in              although they might be permitted to
a more targeted way to help recruitment             reside elsewhere. A regionally linked
to occupations where there are critical             work visa would benefit communities
shortages or strategic interests.                   outside London and the South East
    Labour might also improve the                   helping to boost all sectors of the
flexibility of the points-based system              economy across all regions.
by launching new visa schemes. We have                  Some areas will undoubtedly have
examples to consider on our doorstep.               greater demand for migrant labour than
For example, Ireland offers a range                 others. The problem is they currently
of work visas including a short stay                compete directly with each other,
business visa costing about £50 for up to           benefiting some regions over others.
14 days.39 There are also work visas for            A regional approach could better reach
up to 90 days offered by Switzerland40              areas in need of added support. There


are models to consider, such as Canada’s           our agricultural sector functioning makes
immigration system where immigrants                the problems abundantly clear. Labour
have the ability to apply for work visas           should consider setting out a review for
that may be connected to a specific                creating a sustainable pathway that best
province.44 This is part of a larger system        delivers prosperity. Seasonal work must be
whereby most obtain visas not tied                 controlled and local economies protected.
to a province. The benefits are that               But clearly there is a role for government
immigration can be directed better to              in developing a strategy to support sectors
regional and national needs, for example           reliant on seasonal work, even if it is to
through different salary thresholds,               plan for ensuring any seasonal migrant
regional occupancy shortage lists and              work is kept to a minimum.
a cap on numbers. This would improve
the points-based system’s agility and              CONCLUSION
make it more pro-business.                         Labour has rightly said it wants to make
                                                   Britain open for business again. We
SEASONAL WORKERS                                   can improve the current points-based
Seasonal work, including unskilled                 system by revisiting fees for work visas
labour, is too often missing in most               with a view to reducing them overall.
immigration strategies. We need to                 We can make the system better tap the
have a fit for purpose approach to sea-            full potential of the country by scrapping
sonal work, not only for skilled labour.           a one-size-fits-all minimum salary
In 2019, the government offered 2,500              threshold that has a discriminatory effect
places on a pilot seasonal work scheme.            on different parts of the country in favour
This rose to 7,236 visas the following             of a more inclusive occupation-specific
year and 30,000 places available for               threshold with carefully managed
2021. The pilot under-recruited by                 regional visas. Labour can create a more
several thousand each year with more               controlled and responsive system
than a quarter of places left unfilled.            that businesses have been calling for,
Eighty-seven per cent of the seasonal              bringing benefits for us all.
workers were Ukrainian nationals.                     Labour is the party of business and
   What these figures show is a lack               these reforms would make that clearer,
of any credible plan for controlled                supporting greater prosperity for all
immigration of seasonal workers. The               through a more flexible points-based
large gap between the number of visas              system – and in a way that maintains
offered, prompted by employer demand,              control while seeking to find new ways
and places filled as well as the fact that         to support economic migration. This
the system has become overly reliant on            will better help businesses explore new
nationals from a single country to keep            opportunities to boost the economy.

                           SUPPORTING STUDENTS

Boosting the UK’s share of international          IMPROVED ACCESS
students is a central part of the                 We can improve access to education
government’s plans for a ‘global Britain’.        for migrants who come to the UK in
This has been a generally positive story.         childhood. University fees are a barrier.
New study entry visas have grown from             Under current rules, a non-UK citizen
334,735 in 2012 to 395,067 by 2019                might obtain student loans if they are
and are expected to rise further still.45         granted indefinite leave to remain before
This has brought many benefits to the             their university course starts. But this
UK for schools, further education and             means that someone who is granted
universities in particular, but also to           permanent settlement the day after
the economy and local communities.                a university term starts will be ineligible
    As an academic for two decades and            for the whole of their degree. Students
former law school dean, I have seen many          can lose out where there are Home
of these benefits first-hand. A diverse           Office delays confirming their status or
classroom brings different perspectives           if they are unable to pay the high costs
into conversation that can expose                 of a premium priority service.
unwarranted assumptions and deepen                    Labour should close this loophole.
understanding for all. We learn more              If non-British students would have
from each other. A diverse environment            been allowed to obtain support if they
improves graduate employability, the              were a permanent resident, then they
research environment and the student              should be able to apply for these student
experience. These are all good things.            loans after permanent residency is
    Labour should consider supporting             granted and even if their course has
the current direction of travel for               already started. These students are not
further managed growth, but should                new arrivals and will have spent all of
introduce several key changes to make             their secondary school years in the UK,
this sector – a world-leading success             making their future here. What matters
story – even better.                              is when a student acquires permanent


residency, not the date a course happens            Overseas university students can
to start. It should not be the case that         apply for a graduate visa on completion
one student who becomes a permanent              of their degrees. This visa is normally
resident the day before a course begins          for two years, although students with
can access student loans while someone           a PhD or doctorate can receive one for
at the same university receiving their           three years. This visa route is important
permanent status confirmation two                as it attracts overseas students to Britain
days later receives nothing at all. While        with the possibility of beginning careers
relatively few are likely to benefit from        after graduation. Plus, the locally trained
a change to the system, this is about            highly skilled labour is in demand. This
fairness and the arbitrariness in the            route has been a success and Labour
current rules must end.                          should consider continuing it with a view
                                                 to reviewing its possible extension to best
OVERSEAS STUDENTS                                promote prosperity.
We need to better manage the place
of non-UK students in our educational            STUDY ABROAD
institutions. As these students can pay          After 1987, UK citizens were able to
fees twice or more than British citizens,        participate in the Erasmus programme
there are concerns that institutions are         allowing student exchanges across the
incentivised to become overly reliant on         European Union supported by a modest
international fees to maximise income.           supplement. Following Brexit, the
This might be more of an issue for               UK left Erasmus and the government
the Department of Education than                 launched a replacement Turing scheme
the Home Office.                                 in 2021. Although it created a student
   Nevertheless, there must be a balance         exchange programme including more
struck to ensure all students are treated        countries and providing some welcome
similarly regardless of whether they             subsidies for students, it was a step
are British or not. The primary means            backwards overall. For example, this new
of assessing satisfaction for non-UK             programme has reduced opportunities
pupils is the number who apply and               for foreign students to come on exchange
take a place. Studies like the National          to the UK – and it has stopped funding
Student Survey consider course cohorts           academic staff exchanges.46 These
as a monolithic group. This is too               shortcomings stifle academic and cultural
limited. Survey results for UK and               opportunities to engage in research
non-UK students should be compared,              networks and develop collaborations.
with potential consequences if the gap               Labour should consider boosting
between UK and non-UK students                   the Turing scheme in three ways. First,
becomes too great. Institutions should           it should look at funding for non-UK
have freedom in how they use resources           students to come to Britain on exchange.
to maintain excellence, but no group             This would promote their continuing
should be exploited to benefit another.          further study in the UK, benefiting our


further and higher education sector.                 While visitors should continue to
Second, any student on exchange can              have no recourse to public funds like
currently only visit for six months.             social security and housing assistance,
Labour should consider extending                 the health surcharge applied is far too
this to a maximum of one year for                high. This surcharge is £470 for children,
exchange students to allow stronger              students and youth mobility visas.
engagement both for non-UK students              (Otherwise, it is £624 for others and it
coming here and British students                 is discussed in chapter 7.) The funding
travelling abroad, making the UK                 raised from the surcharge supports the
a more popular destination.47                    NHS and is meant, in part, to offset the
   Finally, the Turing scheme should be          costs that might be incurred by the NHS
expanded to provide some opportunities           from migration. However, the figures
for academic staff to go on educational          used are ‘guestimates’ and do not reflect
exchanges abroad. This would be an               the actual impact on the NHS which is
invaluable experience connecting our             likely to be much lower given younger
institutions globally while supporting           people tend to rely on NHS services less.
crucial academic development for staff           Labour should assess which health and
which they could use to enrich their             care services are genuinely accessed by
British classrooms on their return.              young people using this scheme, and fix
                                                 the fees accordingly to avoid constrain-
YOUTH MOBILITY                                   ing this welcome visa scheme.
The youth mobility visa allows individu-
als between 18 to 30 to work, start a new        CONCLUSION
business or study in the UK for up to            Students have been fortunate to receive
two years. This visa should be expanded          significant government support broadly
and improved. The quotas should                  and educational migration is less of
be increased, the list of participating          a problem area than others. Nonetheless,
countries should be extended, and all            Labour can make several reforms to
should be subject to the same terms and          improve how the immigration rules work
conditions. For example, people from             for students, so enabling greater pros-
Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and                perity for Britain. These changes should
Taiwan must be selected through a ballot         include improving access to education
with a 48-hour window while nationals            for students with permanent residence
from Australia, Canada, Monaco, New              who, but for bad luck, should normally
Zealand, San Marino and Iceland face no          qualify for funding support; monitoring
such restriction. The scheme should be           the satisfaction of UK versus non-UK
simplified, with the same terms applied          students during their studies ensuring
for all and the scheme should be opened          their comparability and developing a more
to any country that wants a reciprocal           extensive Turing scheme to facilitate
arrangement so that in practice the              educational exchanges. Labour is the
migration flows can be made to be                party of ‘education, education, education’.
fairly equal.                                    These reforms will help us deliver this.


      The second principle in Keir Starmer’s contract with the British people
is respect. This section of the pamphlet considers ways in which the principle
of respect could be applied to immigration. The Labour leader defines respect
 as ensuring everyone has the right to live in places we care for, to have our
   lives and ambitions taken seriously and to be valued for who we are and
what we do. The chapters overleaf show how respect can become embedded
    in immigration policies relating to families, the integration of immigrants
                 in our communities and the path to citizenship.


Our immigration system is not family-​               raises serious concerns about equality
friendly. The total number of family visas           detailed below.
has grown modestly from 89,412 in 2010                  Keir Starmer’s Labour has rightly
to 108,029 in 2019.48 But these figures              focused on the importance of families
obscure the problems in a system so                  and an ambition to make the UK ‘the
confusing that it has been described as              best place to grow up in and the best
‘a system that puts Kafka to shame’.49               place to grow old in’. This chapter
    Family visas fit somewhat awkwardly              recommends several policies to ensure
within a points-based system and the                 a greater respect for families.
government’s independent Migration
Advisory Committee advised against                   KEEPING BRITISH FAMILIES
including them in a points-based format.             IN BRITAIN
The reason is that a points-based system             Falling in love should not mean
is supposed to provide a list of different           living apart. Yet this is the fate that our
factors that earn points to be added up –            family visas rules inflict on too many
and if you earn enough points, then you              British families.
can be entitled to obtain a visa. As the                Whether a family visa is granted is
Migration Advisory Committee claimed,                more a matter of how deep your pockets
asking that everyone meets all of the                than your love for your family. For
same requirements – such as being in                 example, a couple must make at least
a marriage or civil partnership, knowing             £18,600 combined, or earn even more
English and the couple meeting a salary              with any dependents, rising to £24,800
threshold – makes the system operate as              for a family of four. This salary mini-
a tick-box exercise. It is points-based in           mum is set at a level where the family
name only as there is no flexibility in how          would likely not require any tax credits
you can acquire tradeable points to get              or housing benefit – and it is a standard
a visa.50 This inflexibility creates barriers        condition that recipients of spousal visas
that can separate British families and               do not have recourse to public funds


anyway. It would seem unnecessary                  dependent relatives. This is because there
to ensure individuals cannot claim                 are further income requirements, such
benefits that they are ineligible to               as meeting all costs of maintenance,
receive – unless the primary motive                accommodation and care for at least five
is exclusion and breaking families                 years.53 This seems a clear effort to deter
up. Oxford’s Migration Observatory                 older family members from being cared
estimates the income requirement has               for by their relatives in the UK, including
prevented about 15,000 British families            by British citizens. The Conservatives’
from settling in the UK. 51                        income rules break up British families
    The salary threshold in most cases             rather than bringing them together.
must be met by one in the couple                   Their priorities are wrong.
alone – the British spouse. This is                   Labour should review the salary
because the income must be earned                  requirement for families. The review
in the UK – and the other partner may              should consider whether the salary
be unable to work until after receiving            threshold is in the national interest
a spousal visa. Nearly 20 per cent of              and, if it is not, it should be scrapped
British working households would be                immediately. Labour should also consider
excluded from living in Britain with               granting short-term family visas for
a non-UK spouse because their salary is            a set period of time such as six months
too low for immigration requirements.52            to British families looking to settle to
While many of us take for granted that             allow them to obtain a salary instead of
we can live and grow old with our family           requiring it before entering the country.
whether rich or poor, this is not a luxury         This would prevent families being split
a sizeable minority enjoys.                        up and enable both the British and
    And British citizens seeking to                non-British partner to work immediately.
relocate to their home country with                At present, a British citizen’s family can
a non-UK spouse or children are put                only enter on tourist visas and are then
at a further disadvantage. Not only must           expected to leave the country pending
they earn an income above the salary               approval of new family visas allowing
threshold, but they must secure a job              them to return.
paying this amount before they arrive                 Spousal visas normally come with
at the border with their family. They do           no recourse to public funds. However,
not have an opportunity to get settled             circumstances can change and where
and find work after returning to the UK.           the Home Office accepts someone is
In practice, this necessitates a separation        facing or at serious risk of destitution
so that the British partner can secure             then it may lift this ban, for example
work at £18,600 or more for at least six           because of family separation or abuse.
months before being able to apply for              But this comes at a cost of having to wait
a visa to bring a spouse to the UK.                10 years before they are able to apply
    The situation worsens when it comes            for permanent settlement. The Home
to reunifications with older family                Office has suspended this automatic
members, such as elderly parents or other          requirement temporarily pending


a review.54 Individuals approved to                should be honoured. We should support
receive recourse to public funds to avoid          EU citizens living in the UK under
destitution should not be punished with            the terms that were agreed and shared,
a decade-long wait. This is unfair and             as they are our family, friends and
lacks compassion. Labour should allow              neighbours. EU citizens with pre-settled
anyone on the family route to receive              status should receive settled status
recourse to public funds, if approved              without the need to reapply. This has
by the Home Office, without additional             the further benefit of helping to conclude
residency required for settlement.                 the transition of EU citizens in the UK
                                                   to permanent residents.
Circumstances have changed signif-                 A ROBUST AND HUMANE SYSTEM
icantly for families which include EU              The family rules for migrants discrimi-
citizens, as there are now fresh hurdles           nate against women who are immigrants.
to their continuing to live and work in the        For example, most spousal visas are held
UK. One example is a recent government             by women. They can cost £1,523 – or
U-turn. EU citizens already living in              more if including dependents – a cost
Britain before Brexit had to obtain either         higher than most work visas. The visa
‘pre-settled status’ or ‘settled status’ in        lasts for 30 or 33 months depending on
order to stay post-Brexit. The main differ-        whether it was applied for applied within
ence between the two is that pre-settled           the UK or from elsewhere. The rules
status is designed for EU citizens resident        require five years’ residency prior to being
continuously for less than five years in           able to apply for permanent residency.
the UK before Brexit and settled status            In addition to the spousal visa cost,
is for those continuously resident for five        individuals need to pay an annual health
years or more.                                     surcharge of £624. These costs add up
    After five years is completed,                 fast and many families spend thousands
EU citizens with pre-settled status                on immigration-related fees so that
qualify for settled status allowing                British citizens can live with their loved
permanent residency. However, the                  ones in their country. These costs are
Home Secretary has recently imposed                incurred for the spouses or partners for
a new requirement for these individuals            non-UK citizens on work visas as well,
who will have to reapply before their              meaning they pay twice over through
five-year residency is completed.                  both the health surcharge and taxation.
If they do not, then they will lose                   Labour should review this.
their current rights to work, access               Permanent residency is a way out with
to housing and benefits and be liable              a one-off fee and no further health
to removal. 55 This change will impact             surcharges to pay afterwards. But the
about 2.3 million people.                          costs of £2,389 are prohibitive and
    This U-turn is irresponsible and               much more than some can afford even
unfair. Promises made only relatively              though they would be entitled to acquire
recently impacting so many people                  permanent residency if they paid.

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