Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns

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Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns

                                                                     Yixin Zhuang1 , Yunzhe Liu1 , Yujie Wang2 , Baoquan Chen1
                                                                                Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University
                                                                                                     Shandong University
arXiv:2106.03087v2 [cs.CV] 2 Oct 2021

                                                                    Abstract                                    models have shown impressive performance compared to the
                                          3D shape reconstruction from a single image has been a long-             Implicit field-based networks take a set of 3D samplings as
                                          standing problem in computer vision. Recent advances have
                                                                                                                input, and predict corresponding values in accordance with
                                          led to 3D representation learning, wherein pixel-aligned 3D re-
                                          construction methods show impressive performance. However,            varying representations (e.g., occupancy, signed distance,
                                          it is normally hard to exploit meaningful local image features        etc.). Once the network is trained, with meshing methods such
                                          to describe 3D point samplings from the aligned pixels when           as Marching Cubes (Lorensen and Cline 1987), 3D shapes
                                          large variations of occlusions, views, and appearances exist.         are identified as the iso-surfaces of the predicted scalar fields.
                                          In this paper, we study a general kernel to encode local im-          By directly conditioning the 3D shape generation on the ex-
                                          age features with considering geometric relationships of point        tracted global feature of input image (Mescheder et al. 2019;
                                          samplings from the underlying surfaces. The kernel is derived         Chen and Zhang 2019), the implicit networks are well-suited
                                          from the proposed spatial pattern, in a way the kernel points         to reconstruct 3D shapes from single images. However, this
                                          are obtained as the 2D projections of a number of 3D pattern          trivial combination often fails to reconstruct fine geometric
                                          points around a sampling. Supported by the spatial pattern, the
                                                                                                                details and produces overly smoothed surfaces.
                                          2D kernel encodes geometric information that is essential for
                                          3D reconstruction tasks, while traditional 2D kernels mainly             To address this issue, DISN (Xu et al. 2019) proposes a
                                          consider appearance information. Furthermore, to enable the           pixel-aligned network where each input point sampling is de-
                                          network to discover more adaptive spatial patterns for further        scribed by a learned local image feature obtained by project-
                                          capturing non-local contextual information, the spatial pattern       ing the sampling to the image plane using predicted camera
                                          is devised to be deformable. Experimental results on both syn-        pose. With local image features, the network predicts a recti-
                                          thetic datasets and real datasets demonstrate the superiority of      fying field for refining the final predicted field. However, the
                                          the proposed method. Pre-trained models, codes, and data are          strategy of associating 3D point samplings with learned local
                                          available at                       image features would become less effective when samplings
                                                                                                                are occluded from the observation view. Hence, to represent
                                                                                                                each point sampling with meaningful local image feature,
                                                                Introduction                                    Ladybird (Xu et al. 2020) also utilizes the feature extracted
                                        3D shape reconstruction from a single image has been one                from the 2D projection of its symmetric point obtained from
                                        of the central problems in computer vision. Empowering the              the self-reflective symmetry of the object. By associating a
                                        machines with the ability to perceive the imagery and infer             pair of local features for 3D samplings, the reconstruction
                                        the underlying 3D shapes can benefit various downstream                 quality is significantly improved upon DISN. Nevertheless,
                                        tasks, such as augmented reality, robot navigation, etc. How-           the strategy used in Ladybird is not sufficiently generic as
                                        ever, the problem is overly ambiguous and ill-posed, and thus           the feature probably would have no intuitive meaning in the
                                        remains highly challenging, due to the information loss and             situation where the symmetric points are non-visible or the
                                        occlusion occurred during the imagery capture.                          symmetry assumption does not hold.
                                           In recent years, many deep learning based methods have                  In this paper, we investigate a more general point structure,
                                        been proposed to infer 3D shapes from single images. In gen-            the spatial pattern, from which a kernel operating in image
                                        eral, these methods rely on learning shape priors from a large          space is derived to better encode local image features of 3D
                                        amount of shape collections, for reasoning the underlying               point samplings. Specifically, the pattern is formed by a fixed
                                        shape of unseen images. To this end, various learning frame-            number of affinities around a point sampling, for which the
                                        works have been proposed that exploit different 3D shape                corresponding 2D projections are utilized as the operation
                                        representations, including point sets (Fan, Su, and Guibas              positions of the kernel.
                                        2017; Achlioptas et al. 2018), voxels (Wu et al. 2016, 2018),              Although a traditional 2D convolution is also possible to
                                        polygonal meshes (Groueix et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2018),               encode contextual information for the central point, it ignores
                                        and implicit fields (Mescheder et al. 2019; Park et al. 2019;           the underlying geometric relations in original 3D space be-
                                        Chen and Zhang 2019). In particular, implicit field-based               tween pixels and encounters the limitations brought by the
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
Figure 1: Illustration of the pipeline of spatial pattern guided kernel. (a) shows that each 3D point sampling (colored differently)
of the depicted shape is aligned to a 2D pixel by the given camera pose. Compared with a 2D convolution kernel (b) that only
considers neighbors located within a 2D regular local patch, the kernels in (d) derived from the proposed spatial patterns (c)
explicitly exploit the underlying geometric relations for each pixel. As a result, the kernels in (d) encode the local image features
for capturing both image contextual information and point geometry relations.

regular local area. A 2D deformable kernel (Dai et al. 2017)         and primitives (Niu, Li, and Xu 2018; Tang et al. 2019; Wu
is able to operate on irregular neighborhoods, but it is still       et al. 2020). The representation can also be learned with-
not able to explicitly consider the underlying 3D geometric          out knowing the underlying ground truth 3D shapes (Kato,
relations, which are essential in 3D reconstruction tasks.           Ushiku, and Harada 2018; Liu et al. 2019, 2020a; Yan et al.
   Figure 1 shows the pipeline of the 3D spatial pattern guided      2016; Insafutdinov and Dosovitskiy 2018; Lin, Kong, and
2D kernel. As shown in Figure 1 (c-d), the kernels operate           Lucey 2018). In this line of research, AtlasNet (Groueix et al.
on points determined by spatial patterns for different point         2018) represents 3D shapes as the union of several surface
samplings. Specifically, the proposed kernel finds kernel            elements that are generated from the learned multilayer per-
points adaptively for each pixel, which consider its geometric-      ceptrons (MLPs). Pixel2Mesh (Wang et al. 2018) generates
related positions (e.g., symmetry locations) in the underlying       genus-zero shapes as the deformations of ellipsoid template
3D space, rather than only relying upon the appearance in-           meshes. The mesh is progressively refined with higher resolu-
formation. Furthermore, the spatial pattern is devised to be         tions using a graph convolutional neural network conditioned
deformable to enable the network to discover more adaptive           on the multi-scale image features. 3DN (Wang et al. 2019)
geometric relations for point samplings. In the experiments          also deforms a template mesh to the target, trained with a dif-
section, we analyze the learned 3D spatial pattern with visu-        ferentiable mesh sampling operator pushing sampled points
alization and statistics.                                            to the target position.
   To demonstrate the effectiveness of spatial pattern guided           The explicit 3D representations are usually limited by
kernel, we integrate it into a network based on a deep im-           fixed shape resolution or topology. Alternatively, implicit
plicit network (Xu et al. 2019), and extensively evaluate our        functions for 3D objects have shown the advantages at repre-
model on the large collection of 3D shapes – the ShapeNet            senting complicated geometry (Mescheder et al. 2019; Chen
Core dataset (Chang et al. 2015) and Pix3D dataset (Sun et al.       and Zhang 2019; Xu et al. 2019, 2020; Li and Zhang 2020;
2018). The experiments show that our method can produce              Niemeyer et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020b; Jiang et al. 2020; Saito
state-of-the-art 3D shape reconstruction results from single         et al. 2019). ImNet (Chen and Zhang 2019) uses an MLP-
images compared to previous works. Ablation experiments              based neural network to approximate the signed distance field
and analyses are conducted to show the performance of differ-        (SDF) of 3D shapes and shows improved results in contrast
ent spatial pattern variants and the importance of individual        to the explicit surface representations. OccNet (Mescheder
points within the spatial pattern.                                   et al. 2019) generates an implicit volumetric shape by in-
                                                                     ferring the probability of each grid cell being occupied or
                                                                     not. The shape resolution is refined by repeatedly subdivid-
                      Related Work                                   ing the interest cells. While those methods are capable of
There has been a lot of research on single image reconstruc-         capturing the global shape structure, the geometric details
tion task. Recent works involve 3D representation learning,          are usually missing. In addition to the holistic shape descrip-
including points (Fan, Su, and Guibas 2017; Lin, Kong, and           tion, DISN (Xu et al. 2019) adds a local image feature for
Lucey 2018; Mandikal et al. 2018), voxels (Choy et al. 2016;         each 3D point computed by aligning the image to the 3D
Wu et al. 2018; Xie et al. 2019), meshes (Groueix et al. 2018;       shape using an estimated camera pose. With global and local
Wang et al. 2018, 2019; Gkioxari, Malik, and Johnson 2019)           features, DISN recovers much better geometric details and
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
Figure 2: The overview of our method. Given an image, our network predicts the signed distance field (SDF) for the underlying
3D object. To predict the SDF value for each point p, except for utilizing the global feature encoded from the image and the
point feature directly inferred from p, local image features are fully exploited. Particularly, the local feature of a 3D point is
encoded with a kernel in the image space whose kernel points are derived from a spatial pattern. *, © and ⊕ denote convolution,
concatenation and sum operations respectively.

outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
   The local image feature of each 3D point sampling can
be further augmented with its self-symmetry point in the
situation of self-occlusion, as shown in Ladybird (Xu et al.
2020). Compared to Ladybird, we investigate a more general
point structure, the spatial pattern, along with a deformable
2D kernel derived from the pattern, to encode geometric
relationships for local image features.                             Figure 3: Illustration of spatial pattern generator. For an input
                                                                    point sampling, a pattern is initialized from n nearby points
                          Method                                    around it, and the offsets of each surrounding points is pre-
Overview                                                            dicted by an MLP network. The final pattern is created as the
                                                                    sum of initial points and the corresponding offsets.
Given an RGB image of an object, our goal is to reconstruct
the complete 3D shape of the object with high-quality geomet-
ric details. We use signed distance fields (SDF) to represent       where pixels a1 , are the 2D projections of the 3D points
the 3D objects and approximate the SDFs with neural net-            p1 , ..., pn belonging to the spatial pattern of the point sam-
work. Our network takes 3D points p = (x, y, z) ∈ R3 and            pling p. The encoding kernel h is an MLP network that fuses
an image I as input and outputs the signed distance s at each       the local image features. n is the number of the pattern points.
input location. With an SDF, the surface of an object can           Points p1 , ..., pn are generated by a spatial pattern generator
be extracted as the isosurface of SDF (·) = 0 through the           which is addressed in the following subsection.
Marching Cubes algorithm. In general, our network consists             In general, our pipeline is designed to achieve better ex-
of a fully convolutional image encoder m and a continuous           ploitation of contextual information from local image features
implicit function f represented as multi-layer perceptrons          extracted according to the predicted 3D spatial patterns, re-
(MLPs), from which the SDF is generated as                          sulting in geometry-sensitive image feature descriptions for
                f (p, Fl (a), Fg ) = s, s ∈ R,              (1)     3D point samplings, ultimately improve the 3D reconstruc-
                                                                    tion from single-view images. A schematic illustration of the
where a = π(p) is the 2D projection for p, Fl (a) = m(I(a))         proposed model is given in Figure 2.
is the local feature at image location a, and Fg represents the
global image feature. Feature Fl (a) integrates the multi-scale     Spatial Pattern Generator
local image features from the feature maps of m, from which         Our spatial pattern generator takes as input a 3D point sam-
the local image features are localized by aligning the 3D           pling p, and outputs n 3D coordinates, i.e., p1 , ..., pn . Like
points to the image pixels via estimated camera c.                  previous deformable convolution networks (Dai et al. 2017),
   By integrating with a spatial pattern at each 3D point sam-      the position of a pattern point is computed as the sum of the
pling, the feature Fl (a) of the sampling is modified by the        initial location and a predicted offset. A schematic illustration
local image features of the pattern points. We devise a fea-        of the spatial pattern generator is shown in Figure 3.
ture encoding kernel h attaching to the image encoder m to             With proper initialization, the pattern can be learned effi-
encode a new local image feature from the features extracted        ciently and is highly effective for geometric reasoning.
from the image feature map. Then our model is reformulated
as                                                                  Initialization. We consider two different sampling meth-
         f (p, h(Fl (a), Fl (a1 ), ..., Fl (an )), Fg ) = s, (2)    ods for spatial pattern initialization, i.e, uniform and non-
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
                                                                    In this section, we show qualitative and quantitative results on
                                                                    single-view 3D reconstruction from our method, and compar-
                                                                    isons with state-of-the-art methods. We also conduct a study
                                                                    on the variants of spatial patterns with quantitative results.
                                                                    To understand the effectiveness of the points in the spatial
                                                                    pattern, we provide an analysis of the learned spatial pattern
                                                                    with visualization and statistics.
                                                                    Implementation Details. We use DISN (Xu et al. 2019) as
                                                                    our backbone network, which consists of a VGG-style fully
Figure 4: Examples of spatial pattern initialization obtained
                                                                    convolutional neural network as the image encoder and multi-
by non-uniform sampling (I) and uniform sampling (II) strate-
                                                                    layer perceptrons (MLPs) to represent the implicit function.
gies. In (I), a non-uniform pattern is formed by 3D points
                                                                    Our spatial pattern generator and local feature aggregation
(in black) that are symmetry to input point p along x, y, z
                                                                    kernel are based on MLPs. The parameters of our loss func-
axis and xy, yz, xz planes; and in (II), an uniform pattern
                                                                    tion in Equation 3 are set to ω1 = 4, ω2 = 1, and δ = 0.01.
is created by 3D points (in black) ling at centers of the side
faces of a cube centered at point p.                                Dataset and Training Details. We use the ShapeNet Core
                                                                    dataset (Chang et al. 2015) and Pix3D dataset (Sun et al.
                                                                    2018) for evaluation. The proposed model is trained across
                                                                    all categories. In testing, for the ShapeNet dataset, the camera
uniform 3D point samplings. For simplicity, the input shapes        parameters are estimated from the input images, and we use
are normalized to a unified cube centered at the origin.            the trained camera model from DISN (Xu et al. 2019) for
For uniform pattern, we uniformly sample n points from              fair comparisons. For the Pix3D dataset, ground truth camera
a cube centered at point p = (x, y, z) with edge length             parameters and image masks are used for evaluations.
of l. For example, we set n = 6 and l = 0.2, then the
pattern points pi can be drawn from the combinations of             Evaluation Metrics. The quantitative results are obtained
pi = (x ± 0.1, y ± 0.1, z ± 0.1), such that the pattern points      by computing the similarity between generated surfaces and
lie at the center of the six side faces of the cube.                ground truth surfaces. We use the standard metrics including
   Unlike the uniform sampling method, the non-uniform              Chamfer Distance (CD), Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD), and
sampling method does not have a commonly used strategy,             Intersection over Union (IoU).
except for random sampling. Randomly sampled points al-                Please refer to the supplemental materials for more details
ways do not have intuitive geometric meaning and are hardly         on data processing, network architecture, training procedures,
appeared in any kernel point selection methods. As to capture       and spatial pattern computation.
non-local geometric relations, we design pattern points as
the symmetry points of p along global axes or planes that           Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluations
go through the origin of the 3D coordinate frame. Since the         Impact of Spatial Pattern Configuration. To figure out
shape is normalized and centered at the origin, the symmetry        the influence of different spatial patterns, we designed several
points also lie within the 3D shape space. Similarly, we let        variants of the pattern. Specifically, two factors are consid-
n = 6, and we use x, y, z axes and xy, yz, xz planes to com-        ered, including the initialization and the capacity, i.e., the
pute the symmetry points, then the pattern points pi can be         pattern point sampling strategy and the number of the points
drawn from the combinations of pi = (±x, ±y, ±z).                   in a pattern. As described before, we considers non-uniform
   The two different types of spatial pattern initialization are    and uniform sampling methods for pattern initialization and
shown in Figure 4. After initialization, the pattern points,        set the number of points to three to six for changing the ca-
along with input sampling, are passed to an MLP network to          pacity. The methods derived from the combinations of the
generate the offset of each pattern point, and the final pattern    aforementioned two factors are denoted as
is the sum of the initial pattern positions and the predicted        • Oursunif orm−6p , in which six points are uniformly sam-
offsets.                                                                pled on a cube l centered at point sampling.
                                                                     • Oursnon−unif orm−6p , in which six points are non-
Loss Function. Given a collection of 3D shapes and the                  uniformly sampled at the symmetry locations in the shape
generated implicit fields from images I, the loss is defined            space along xy, yz and xz planes and x, y and z axes.
with L1 distance:                                                    • Oursnon−unif orm−3p , in which three points are non-
               XX                                                       uniformly sampled at the symmetry locations in the shape
    LSDF =               ω|f (p, FlI , FgI ) − SDF I (p)|,   (3)        space along xy, yz and xz planes.
               I∈I   p                                                 In Table 1, we report the numerical results of the
                                                                    methods using ground truth camera pose. In general,
where SDF I denotes the ground truth SDF value correspond-          Oursnon−unif orm−6p achieves best performance. By reduc-
ing to image I and f (·) is the predicted field. ω is set to ω1 ,   ing the capacity to the number of three points, the perfor-
if SDF I (p) < δ, and ω2 , otherwise.                               mance decreases, as shown by Oursnon−unif orm−3p . This
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
CD(x1000)↓          plane bench cabinet car chair display lamp speaker rifle sofa table phone watercraft mean
 Oursunif orm−6p     3.72 3.73    7.09 3.93 4.59    4.78   7.77   9.19  2.02 4.64 6.71 3.62      4.17     5.07
 Oursnon−unif orm−6p 3.27 3.38    6.88 3.93 4.40    5.40   6.77   8.48  1.58 4.38 6.49 4.02      4.01     4.85
 Oursnon−unif orm−3p 3.33 3.51    6.88 3.87 4.38    4.58   7.22   8.76  3.00 4.45 6.66 3.63      4.11     4.95
 EMD(x100)↓          plane bench cabinet car chair display lamp speaker rifle sofa table phone watercraft mean
 Oursunif orm−6p     2.07 2.02    2.60 2.38 2.19    2.11   2.86   2.85  1.55 2.16 2.41 1.78      2.01     2.23
 Oursnon−unif orm−6p 1.91 1.90    2.58 2.36 2.17    2.08   2.66   2.75  1.52 2.11 2.36 1.77      1.99     2.17
 Oursnon−unif orm−3p 1.96 1.94    2.58 2.35 2.16    2.07   2.81   2.81  1.58 2.13 2.39 1.78      2.00     2.20
 IOU(%)↑             plane bench cabinet car chair display lamp speaker rifle sofa table phone watercraft mean
 Oursunif orm−6p     66.1 59.5    59.6 80.0 65.8    66.7   53.8   63.7  74.7 74.1 60.8 79.6      68.0     67.1
 Oursnon−unif orm−6p 68.2 63.1    61.4 80.7 66.8    67.9   55.9   65.0  75.0 75.2 62.6 81.0      68.9     68.6
 Oursnon−unif orm−3p 67.4 62.0    60.5 80.5 66.8    67.5   54.1   64.2  73.6 75.1 61.8 80.2      68.7     67.9

Table 1: Quantitative results of the variants of our method using different configurations of spatial pattern. Metrics include CD
(multiply by 1000, the smaller the better), EMD (multiply by 100, the smaller the better), and IoU (%, the larger the better). CD
and EMD are computed on 2048 points.

 CD(x1000)↓     plane   bench   cabinet     car   chair   display   lamp    speaker   rifle    sofa   table   phone   watercraft   mean
 AtlasNet        5.98    6.98    13.76    17.04   13.21     7.18    38.21    15.96    4.59     8.29   18.08    6.35    15.85       13.19
 Pixel2Mesh      6.10    6.20    12.11    13.45   11.13    6.39     31.41    14.52    4.51    6.54    15.61    6.04    12.66       11.28
 3DN             6.75    7.96     8.34    7.09    17.53     8.35    12.79    17.28    3.26    8.27    14.05    5.18    10.20       9.77
 IMNET          12.65   15.10    11.39    8.86    11.27    13.77    63.84    21.83    8.73    10.30   17.82    7.06    13.25       16.61
 3DCNN          10.47   10.94    10.40    5.26    11.15    11.78    35.97    17.97    6.80     9.76   13.35    6.30     9.80       12.30
 OccNet          7.70    6.43     9.36    5.26     7.67     7.54    26.46    17.30    4.86     6.72   10.57    7.17     9.09       9.70
 DISN            9.96    8.98    10.19     5.39    7.71    10.23    25.76    17.90    5.58     9.16   13.59    6.40    11.91       10.98
 Ladybird        5.85    6.12     9.10    5.13     7.08     8.23    21.46    14.75    5.53     6.78    9.97    5.06     6.71       8.60
 Ourscam         5.40    5.59     8.43    5.01     6.17    8.54     14.96    14.07    3.82     6.70    8.97    5.42     6.19       7.64
 Ours            3.27    3.38     6.88    3.93     4.40     5.40     6.77     8.48    1.58     4.38    6.49    4.02     4.01       4.85
 EMD(x100)↓     plane   bench   cabinet    car    chair   display   lamp    speaker   rifle   sofa    table   phone   watercraft   mean
 AtlasNet       3.39     3.22    3.36     3.72    3.86     3.12     5.29      3.75    3.35    3.14    3.98     3.19     4.39       3.67
 Pixel2Mesh     2.98     2.58    3.44     3.43    3.52     2.92     5.15      3.56    3.04    2.70    3.52     2.66     3.94       3.34
 3DN            3.30     2.98    3.21     3.28    4.45     3.91     3.99      4.47    2.78    3.31    3.94     2.70     3.92       3.56
 IMNET          2.90     2.80    3.14     2.73    3.01     2.81     5.85      3.80    2.65    2.71    3.39     2.14     2.75       3.13
 3DCNN          3.36     2.90    3.06     2.52    3.01     2.85     4.73      3.35    2.71    2.60    3.09     2.10     2.67       3.00
 OccNet         2.75     2.43    3.05     2.56    2.70     2.58     3.96      3.46    2.27    2.35    2.83     2.27     2.57       2.75
 DISN           2.67     2.48    3.04     2.67    2.67     2.73     4.38      3.47    2.30    2.62    3.11     2.06     2.77       2.84
 Ladybird       2.48     2.29    3.03     2.65    2.60     2.61     4.20      3.32    2.22    2.42    2.82     2.06     2.46       2.71
 Ourscam        2.35     2.15    2.90     2.66    2.49     2.49     3.59      3.20    2.04    2.40    2.70     2.05     2.40       2.57
 Ours           1.91     1.90    2.58     2.36    2.17     2.08     2.66      2.75    1.52    2.11    2.36     1.77     1.99       2.17
 IOU(%)↑        plane   bench   cabinet    car    chair   display   lamp    speaker   rifle   sofa    table   phone   watercraft   mean
 AtlasNet       39.2     34.2    20.7     22.0    25.7     36.4     21.3      23.2    45.3    27.9    23.3     42.5     28.1       30.0
 Pixel2Mesh     51.5     40.7    43.4     50.1    40.2     55.9     29.1      52.3    50.9    60.0    31.2     69.4     40.1       47.3
 3DN            54.3     39.8    49.4     59.4    34.4     47.2     35.4      45.3    57.6    60.7    31.3     71.4     46.4       48.7
 IMNET          55.4     49.5    51.5     74.5    52.2     56.2     29.6      52.6    52.3    64.1    45.0     70.9     56.6       54.6
 3DCNN          50.6     44.3    52.3     76.9    52.6     51.5     36.2      58.0    50.5    67.2    50.3     70.9     57.4       55.3
 OccNet         54.7     45.2    73.2     73.1    50.2     47.9     37.0      65.3    45.8    67.1    50.6     70.9     52.1       56.4
 DISN           57.5     52.9    52.3     74.3    54.3     56.4     34.7      54.9    59.2    65.9    47.9     72.9     55.9       57.0
 Ladybird       60.0     53.4    50.8     74.5    55.3     57.8     36.2      55.6    61.0    68.5    48.6     73.6     61.3       58.2
 Ourscam        60.6     54.4    52.9     74.7    56.0     59.2     38.3      56.1    62.9    68.8    49.3     74.7     60.6       59.1
 Ours           68.2     63.1    61.4     80.7    66.8     67.9     55.9      65.0    75.0    75.2    62.6     81.0     68.9       68.6

                        Table 2: Quantitative results on the ShapeNet Core dataset for various methods.

indicates that some critical points in Oursnon−unif orm−6p             This implies that optimizing the pattern position in the contin-
that have high responses to the query point do not ap-                 uous 3D space is challenging, and with proper initialization,
pear in Oursnon−unif orm−3p . Notably, the sampling strat-             the spatial pattern can be learned more efficiently. To bet-
egy is more important. Both Oursnon−unif orm−6p and                    ter understand the learned spatial pattern and which pattern
Oursnon−unif orm−3p outperforms Oursunif orm−6p with                   points are preferred by the network, we provide analysis with
large margins. Thus, initialization with non-uniform sam-              visualization and statistics in the next section. Before that,
pling makes the learning of effective spatial patterns easier.         we evaluate the performance of our method by comparing
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
it with several state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, we use
Oursnon−unif orm−6p as our final method for comparison.
Comparison with Various Methods. We compare our
method with the state-of-the-art methods on the single-image
3D reconstruction task. All the methods, including Atlas-
Net (Groueix et al. 2018), Pixel2Mesh (Wang et al. 2018),
3DN (Wang et al. 2019), ImNet (Chen and Zhang 2019),
3DCNN (Xu et al. 2019), OccNet (Mescheder et al. 2019),
DISN (Xu et al. 2019), Ladybird (Xu et al. 2020), are trained
across all 13 categories. The method of Ours uses ground
truth cameras while Ourscam denotes the version of Ours
using estimated camera poses.                                      Figure 5: Visualization of spatial pattern points with differ-
   A quantitative evaluation on the ShapeNet dataset is re-        ent shapes and colors. From the examples in (I) and (II),
ported in Table 2 in terms of CD, EMD, and IOU. CD and             the learned pattern points (i.e., pink cones) from the non-
EMD are evaluated on the sampling points from the generated        uniform initialization (i.e., pink balls) are relative stationary,
triangulated mesh. IOU is computed on the solid voxeliza-          while points (i.e., blue cones) learned from uniform initializa-
tion of the mesh. In general, our method outperforms other         tion (i.e., blue balls) have much larger deviations from their
methods. Particularly, among the methods including DISN,           original positions. Some stationary points p1 , p2 and p6 are
Ladybird, and Ours, which share a similar backbone network,        highlighted in dash circles.
Ours achieves much better performance.
   In Figure 7, we show qualitative results generated by
Mesh R-CNN (Gkioxari, Malik, and Johnson 2019), Occ-
Net (Mescheder et al. 2019), DISN (Xu et al. 2019) and
Ladybird (Xu et al. 2020). We use the pre-trained models
from the Mesh R-CNN, OccNet, and DISN. For Ladybird,
we re-implement their network and carry out training accord-
ing to the specifications in their paper. All the methods are
able to capture the general structure of the shapes, shapes
generated from DISN, Ladybird and Ours are more aligned
with the ground truth shapes. Specifically, our method is vi-
sually better at the non-visible regions and fine geometric
           CD(x1000)↓    EMD(x100)↓      IOU(%)↑                   Figure 6: Statistics on the offsets of spatial pattern points.
          Ladybird Ours Ladybird Ours Ladybird Ours                The offset of individual pattern point is computed as the mean
 bed        9.84   8.76   2.80   2.70   70.7   73.2                distance between the initial and predicted position. Among
 bookcase  10.94 14.70    2.91   3.32   44.3   41.8                all points, p1 , p2 and p6 have smallest learned offsets from the
 chair     14.05   9.81   2.82   2.72   57.3   57.3                non-uniform initialization (i.e., pink bars), while for uniform
 desk      18.87 15.38    3.18   2.91   51.2   60.7                initialization (i.e., blue bars), all the predicted points have
 misc      36.77 30.94    4.45   4.00   29.8   44.0                much larger deviations from their original locations.
 sofa       4.56   3.77   2.02   1.92   86.7   87.6
 table     21.66 14.04    2.96   2.78   56.9   58.8
 tool       7.78   16.24  3.70   3.57   41.3   38.2
 wardrobe   4.80   5.60   1.92   2.01   87.5   87.5                ternatives, and the experiments on different variants of the
 mean      14.36 13.25    2.97   2.88   58.4   61.0                spatial pattern show the influence of initialization and capac-
                                                                   ity. To better understand the importance of individual pattern
       Table 3: Quantitative results on Pix3D dataset.             points, we visualize several learned patterns in Figure 5 and
                                                                   calculate the mean offsets of the predicted pattern points
                                                                   visualized in Figure 6.
   The quantitative evaluation of the Pix3D dataset is pro-           From Figure 5, we can see that some learned pattern
vided in Table 3. Both Ours and Ladybird are trained and           points from the non-uniform initialization are almost sta-
evaluated on the same train/test split, during which ground        tionary, e.g., points p1 , p2 and p6 that are highlighted by
truth camera poses and masks are used. Specifically, 80%           dash circles. Also, as shown in Figure 6, the mean offsets
of the images are randomly sampled from the dataset for            of points p1 , p2 and p6 are close to zero. To figure out the
training while the rest images are used for testing. In general,   importance of these stationary pattern points, we train the
our method outperforms Ladybird on the used metrics.               network using the points p1 , p2 , and p6 as a spatial pattern
                                                                   and keep their positions fixed during training. As shown in
Analysis of Learned Spatial Patterns                               Table 4, the performance of the selected rigid pattern is better
We have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed spa-        than Oursnon−unif orm−3p and Oursunif orm−6p and slightly
tial pattern via achieving better performance than other al-       lower than Oursnon−unif orm−6p . This reveals that the pat-
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
plane   bench   cabinet    car   chair   display   lamp   speaker   rifle   sofa   table   phone   watercraft   mean
 CD(x1000)      3.38     3.44    7.06     3.87   4.50     4.57     7.30     8.98    1.66    4.53   6.61     3.45     4.17       4.89
 EMD(x100)      1.97     1.92    2.58     2.37   2.16     2.07     2.77     2.82    1.52    2.12   2.35     1.80     2.01       2.19
 IOU(%)         67.4     62.8    60.5     80.5   66.6     67.4     54.9     64.5    74.9    75.0   62.5     80.1     68.5       68.1

Table 4: Quantitative results of a rigid spatial pattern formed by three pattern points selected from the stationary points of the
learned spatial pattern.

                                  Figure 7: Qualitative comparison results for various methods.

tern points discovered by the network are useful, which finally       samplings. Using spatial pattern enables the 2D kernel point
lead to a better reconstruction of the underlying geometry.           selection explicitly to consider the underlying 3D geometry
   Even though consuming more time and memory, utilizing              relations, which are essential in 3D reconstruction task, while
the auxiliary contextual information brought by other points          traditional 2D kernels mainly consider the appearance infor-
p3 , p4 , and p5 only achieve slight improvement on the per-          mation. To better understand the spatial pattern, we study
formance. The analysis shows that the position of individual          several variants of spatial pattern designs in regard to the
pattern point is important than the number of points. Further-        pattern capacity and the way of initialization, and we ana-
more, it also proves that encoding geometric relationships            lyze the importance of individual pattern points. Results on
with the 2D kernel derived by the proposed spatial pattern is         large synthetic and real datasets show the superiority of the
effective for the single-image 3D reconstruction task.                proposed method on widely used metrics.
                                                                         A key limitation is that the model is sensitive to camera
                        Conclusion                                    parameters. As shown in Table 2, when camera parameters
In this paper, we propose a new feature encoding scheme               are exactly correct, the performance is significantly improved.
working on deep implicit field regression models for the task         One possible direction to investigate is to incorporate the
of 3D shape reconstruction from single images. We present             camera estimation process in the loop of 3D reconstruction
spatial pattern, from which a kernel operating in image space         pipeline, such as jointly optimize the camera pose and the
is derived to better encode local image features of 3D point          implicit field within a framework with multiple objectives.
Neural Implicit 3D Shapes from Single Images with Spatial Patterns
Data Processing
Datasets. The ShapeNet Core dataset (Chang et al. 2015)
includes 13 object categories, and for each object, 24 views
are rendered with resolution of 137×137 as in (Choy et al.
2016). Pix3D Dataset (Sun et al. 2018) contains 9 object
categories with real-world images and the exact mask images.
The number of views and the image resolution varies from
different shapes.We process all the shapes and images in the
same format for the two datasets. Specifically, all shapes are
normalized to the range of [-1,1] and all images are scaled to
the resolution of 137×137.
3D Point Sampling. For each shape, 2048 points are sam-
pled for training. We firstly normalize the shapes to a unified
cube with their centers of mass at the origin. Then we uni-
formly sample 2563 grid points from the cube and compute
the sign distance field (SDF) values for all the grid samples.
Following the sampling process of Ladybird (Xu et al. 2020),          Figure 8: The data processing workflow, including 3D point
the 2563 points are downsampled with two stages. In the               sampling, image preparation and 3D-to-2D camera projec-
first stage, 32,768 points are randomly sampled from the              tion.
four SDF ranges [-0.10,-0.03], [-0.03,0.00], [0.00,0.03], and
[0.03,0.10], with the same probabilities. In the second stage,
2048 points are uniformly sampled from the 32,768 points               • For Oursnon−unif orm−6p , the pattern configuration pa-
using the farthest points sampling strategy.                             rameters are set to n = 6, and the pattern points are
   In testing, 653 grid points are sampled are fed to the net-           p1 = (x, y, −z), p2 = (−x, y, z), p3 = (x, −y, z), p4 =
work, and output the SDF values. The object mesh is ex-                  (−x, −y, z), p5 = (x, −y, −z), and p6 = (−x, y, −z).
tracted as the zero iso-surface of the generated SDF using the         • For Oursnon−unif orm−3p , the pattern configuration pa-
Marching Cube algorithm.                                                 rameters are set to n = 3, and the pattern points are
                                                                         p1 = (x, y, −z), p2 = (−x, y, z), and p3 = (x, −y, z).
3D-to-2D Camera Projection. The pixel coordinate a of
a 3D point sampling p is computed as two stages. Firstly, the            As introduced in the analysis section, the rigid spa-
point is converted from the world coordinate system to the            tial pattern formed by the selected stationary points
local camera coordinate system c based on the rigid transfor-         uses points p1 , p2 and p6 from the pattern points of
mation matrix Ac , such that pc = Ac p. Then in the camera            Oursnon−unif orm−6p .
space, point pc = (xc , y c , z c ) is projected to the 2D can-
                                                         c   c        Network and Training Details
vas via perspective transformation, i.e., π(pc ) = ( xzc , yzc ).
The projected pixel whose coordinate lies out of an image             Traning Policy. We implement our method based on the
will reset to 0 or 136 (the input image resolution is fixed as        framework of Pytorch. For training on the ShapeNet dataset,
137×137 in our experiment).                                           we use the Adam optimizer with a learning rate 1e-4, a decay
                                                                      rate of 0.9, and a decay step size of 5 epochs. The network
   We show the data processing workflow with an example               was trained for 30 epochs with batch size 20. For training
from the Pix3D dataset in Figure 8. For the ShapeNet dataset,         on the Pix3D dataset, we use the Adam optimizer with a
the images are already satisfied.                                     constant learning rate 1e-4, and smaller batch size 5. For the
                                                                      ShapeNet dataset, at each epoch, we randomly sample a sub-
Spatial Pattern Computation                                           set of images from each category. Specifically, a maximum
For a 3D point sampling p = (x, y, z), the pattern points             number of 36000 images are sampled for each category. The
of p are drawn from pi = (x ± l/2, y ± l/2, z ± l/2)                  total number of images in an epoch is 411,384 resulting in
when using the uniform initialization, and are computed by            20,570 iterations. Our model is trained across all categories.
pi = (±x, ±y, ±z) if adopting the non-uniform initializa-
                                                                      Network Architecture. We introduce the details of the
tion, where i is the point index, such that i = 1, ..., n, and n is
                                                                      image encoder m, spatial pattern generator g, feature aggre-
the number of pattern points. Specifically, the spatial patterns
                                                                      gation module h, and the SDF regression network f in our
for the variants of our methods are computed as follows
 • For Oursunif orm−6p , the pattern configuration parameters            We use the convolution network of VGG-16 as our image
   are set to n = 6 and l = 0.2, and the pattern points               encoder, which generates multi-resolution feature maps. Sim-
   are p1 = (x, y, z + 0.1), p2 = (x + 0.1, y, z), p3 =               ilar to DISN (Xu et al. 2019), we reshape the feature maps to
   (x, y + 0.1, z), p4 = (x, y, z − 0.1), p5 = (x − 0.1, y, z),       the original image size with bilinear interpolation and collect
   and p6 = (x, y − 0.1, z).                                          the local image features of a pixel from all scales of feature
maps. Specifically, the local feature contains six sub-features    3D coordinate is firstly promoting to a 512-dim point feature
from the six feature maps, with the dimension of {64, 128,         by three fully connected layers. Then the point feature Pf and
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                                                                   fully connected layers to generate the SDF value. The SDF
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