Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM

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Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM

                                              Netanyahu personally
                                                  thanks MDA
                                                     PAGE 3

                                                The Effect of the
                                               Vaccine & Immunity
                                                     PAGE 5
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
Holiday greetings from Joseph Amzallag, National President
                                                                            Although Purim and                    volunteers, entrepreneurs, young children,
NATIONAL                                                                    Passover are a month apart            start-ups and anyone who can help us scale up
Joseph Amzallag                                                             and seem to bear different            our overall operations, activities, and cement
National President                                                          meanings, there are                   our longstanding foundations.
Sidney Benizri                                                              actually some significant             Thanks to virtual conferencing platforms and
National Executive Director
                                                                            links between the two.                social media channels, many families,
6900 Decarie Blvd., Suite 3155,
Montreal, QC H3X 2T8                                                        Both holidays symbolize               businesses, congregations, volunteers, board
T: 514-731-4400 | F: 514-731-2490 | E:                       our common resilience;                members, et al., have been able to leverage
TOLL FREE: 1-800-731-2848
                                                                            Purim is about deliverance            new technology resources to raise more funds
EASTERN REGION                                          from the fear of annihilation during the Jewish           or awareness about the health crisis, and come
Leslie Lenetsky, President                              exodus in old Persia, while Passover is about             up with innovative ideas or solutions to cope
T: 514-731-4400 | E:                     the long journey to freedom from years of                 with the ripple effect of the pandemic on many
Samuel Moyal                                            servitude.                                                lives and businesses around the globe.
Eastern Region Director
T: 514-731-4400 | E:                   While these holidays are not celebrated                   May the spirit of Purim & Passover bring each
OTTAWA                                                  together, both events are happening within the            and every one of you better health, more
Seymour Eisenberg, Chair                                pandemic times and continuing lockdowns. As               prosperity and, hopefully, more determination
95 Beaver Ridge, Ottawa, ON K2E 6E5                     a result, we must bridge the physical barriers            to embrace the challenges of the New Normal
T: 613-224-2500 | E:                    that impede us from being in direct contact with          era with serenity; challenges that Magen David
CENTRAL REGION                                          our close friends, collaborators, board                   Adom has always been able to overcome year
Hershel Recht, Central Region Director, Major Gifts
                                                        associates, generous donors and frontline                 in and year out with equal strength and
E:                                     workers. In fact, not only do we need to                  resilience.
Iris Ehrent, Administrative Coordinator                 leverage all digital channels to foster more
E:                                    resilience by sharing our sacred values across            We shall prevail as we always have
TORONTO                                                 the spectrum; we also need to harness                     throughout history...
4580 Dufferin St., Suite 508                            grassroot leadership thinking among the new
Toronto, ON M3H 5Y2
T: 416-780-0034 | F: 416-780-0343
TOLL FREE IN ONTARIO: 1-888-858-2632
HAMILTON                                                Vœux de bonnes fêtes Joseph Amzallag, Président national
Debbie Strub, Chair
E:                                Nous célébrons Pourim et Pessah au cours                  pour stimuler le leadership en herbe parmi les
TOLL FREE: 1-888-858-2632
                                                        d’une année ou les défis sont inédits. Bien que           nouveaux bénévoles, les entrepreneurs, les
                                                        ces fêtes semblent avoir des sens disparates,             jeunes pousses et tous ceux qui peuvent
Thomas Casler, Co-Chair                                 il existe en fait des liens significatifs et très forts   épouser et adhérer aux principes fondamentaux
Hazel Friedman, Co-Chair
                                                        entre ces deux célébrations. Les deux fêtes               et sacro- saints de notre mission.
T: 519-642-2078
E:                                    symbolisent notre résilience commune; si                  Que l’esprit de Pourim nous apporte à tous et
WINDSOR                                                 Pourim concerne la délivrance pendant l'exil              à chacun de nous plus de joie, de prospérité et
Ruth Liebman, Chair                                     des Juifs dans la dans la Perse ancienne, la fête         d'endurance         pour      entamer       les
Unit 1, 321 Tecumseh Road East                          de Pessah marque quant à elle la fin du joug de           commémorations de Pessah, avec autant de
Windsor, ON N8X 2R5                                     la servitude et le début de l’émergence du                plaisir et suffisamment de détermination pour
T: 519-819-7249 | C: 519 819-7249
E:                                peuple juif.                                              braver les défis de la Nouvelle Ère que Magen
                                                        Bien que la commémoration des deux fêtes en               David Adom a su relever bon an, mal an, ici ou
                                                        communauté soit plus restreinte que souhaitée,            ailleurs, en personne ou à distance, et sans
Sharon Fraiman
Western Region Director                                 nous allons devoir surmonter les barrières                relâche.
C: 587-435-5808 | E:                 physiques qui nous empêchent d'être en                    Comme dans le passé, nous sortirons plus forts
CALGARY                                                 contact direct avec nos collaborateurs, nos               de ces épreuves transformationnelles d’où
Leonard Shapiro, Chair                                  associés, nos généreux donateurs et ceux qui              l’importance symbolique des prochaines
WINNIPEG                                                sont sur la ligne de front.                               célébrations. En dernier et non le moindre,
Ami Bakerman                                            A vrai dire, nous devrions, plus que jamais, tirer        Pourim et Pessah seront tout sauf virtuels, car
                                                        parti du virage numérique et transformationnel            les liens solidaires que nous cultivons et
                                                        pour favoriser une plus grande résilience; en             partageons depuis des millénaires sont plus
TOLL FREE: 1-800-731-2848
E:                                       partageant nos valeurs sacrées sur tous les               profonds et plus soudés que jamais…
VANCOUVER                                               canaux de communication digitale; mais aussi
TOLL FREE: 1-800-731-2848
Jack Shalinsky, Chair
805 - 1020 View Street, Victoria, BC V8V 4Y4
T: 250-477-1012 | E:
                                                        Joseph Amzallag,
                                                        National President / Président national                                             | 2 | CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA

Prime     Minister    Benjamin
Netanyahu arrived at the MDA
Vaccination Drive in Acre on
February 3. The complex
operates as part of the national
vaccination campaign "Lend a
Shoulder". During his visit, the
Prime Minister met with MDA
Director General Eli Bin, MDA
vaccination staff, and the
citizens who came to be

Eli Bin took the Prime Minister
for a tour of the complex and
gave him detailed explanations
of the organization’s unique
approach in vaccinating as
                                       “Thank you to the MDA Director General and the excellent staff.
efficiently as possible. The                              Thank you very much!”
Prime Minister got an inside                                     – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
look     at    MDA's    special
vaccination trailer which
increases accessibility to the
vaccine and contributes greatly
to the efficiency of MDA’s
efforts. In addition, Eli Bin
thanked the Prime Minister for
the great trust that MDA
receives from the government.

"I congratulate the Prime
Minister for dedicating his time
and effort to visiting our
vaccination complex in Acre. We
are pleased with the support
and assistance from Prime
Minister Netanyahu and the
Israeli government and we will
continue      to     fight      the
Coronavirus. In order to return
to a blessed routine of life, I call
on all Israeli citizens to come        more than 35 percent had           age of 16 by the end of March.       pandemic but we are still in
and get vaccinated.” – MDA             already received both doses. In    He argues that this will allow for   competition with the virus and
Director General Eli Bin               other words, out of a population   a post-pandemic reopening of         the mutation. We will be the first
                                       of 9.3 million, more than 4.5      the country in April.                country in the world to come out
According to Health Minister           million have received the first                                         of corona. An additional effort,
Yuli Edelstein, as of March 1,         dose and over 3.25 million have    “We must make the extra effort       and we will come out of it
Israel had already administered        received both. Prime Minister      to vaccinate the 50+ age group       together and come back to life.
the first vaccine dose to over 50      Benjamin Netanyahu aims to         first, but also the young people.    Go get vaccinated!” – Prime
percent of its population, while       vaccinate all Israelis over the    We are about to defeat the           Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

                                                                                                       CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 3 |
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM

By Alex Hartman
Rolling her eyes, she answered
"Sure!...Believe that if you want!"
With that, Tova, my wife of 40 years, left the
room snickering.
Well...that wasn't polite.
I had just told her that Hershel Recht from
Canadian Magen David Adom had called to
ask if I would write a short article for an
upcoming newsletter. We had just
contributed another ambulance to CMDA. I
then simply wondered if I was being asked
because I might have actually become
"popular" at 63?
Of course not.
Hershel is a pro and he realizes that one of
                                                       Is Giving...Therapy?
the best ways to get people to give is to         Alex and Tova Hartman & family                    40 years ago, my father-in-law told me that
get those who DO give, to tell others                                                               a major reason he gave was that it made
their reasons.                                    Fortunately, in addition to an interest in        him feel good. He was right. Material
I was raised in a modest bungalow in the          medicine, my sons, Jason, Mike and Brian,         possessions can be fun to acquire and
Bathurst Manor section of Toronto, with my        also inherited a love of giving and of Israel.    possess. The satisfaction that having
twin brother, Gerald, by our parents, Leslie      My son Mike is now continuing this legacy         “things” can give is, however, often fleeting
and Gabriella Hartman. My 105-year-old            with his daughters, Lesley and Danielle.          and empty of substance. Giving to others,
mother still lives in that house and continues                                                      on the other hand, can give you
                                                  Why CMDA? Since 1930, MDA has grown to            extraordinary satisfaction. It can give you
to give. They were Holocaust survivors who        become Israel’s national emergency
had lost almost everything. What they                                                               peace and balance that no material
                                                  medical, disaster, ambulance and blood            possession can duplicate. Giving can be an
imprinted upon us was a love of Judaism           bank service. It is staffed by more than
and their desire to assist their fellow Jews.                                                       important stabilizer, akin to effective
                                                  10,000 people, mostly volunteers. They are        therapy. For those of you who have a
There were no fancy houses, cottages, or          the figurative life’s blood of Israel and world
luxury cars in our lives. That didn't matter.                                                       religious background, you know that human
                                                  renowned in the area of first-aid training.       kindness and giving elevate you and truly
When they could scrape together the
necessary funds, they bought and donated          Aren’t other organizations worthwhile? Sure       represent behaving “in G-d’s image”.
a Torah to the local shul, to honour those        they are…I won’t be hoodwinked into               For a more scholarly discourse on the
who had been lost. Later, they saved up           believing that any one of heart, liver, kidney,   psychology, philosophy and halacha
and purchased an ambulance for Magen              lung, etc., is more important than the others.    involved in giving, feel free to speak to my
David Adom.                                       Therefore, I go with the organization or          brother, Gerald. In addition to a lively
                                                  cause that I feel is vital and well-run. My       discussion, he may additionally grace you
Tova's parents, Nachum and Lea Shore,             friends in Israel, who are well-connected
served in the Israeli War of Independence.                                                          with a glass of fine Scotch. Otherwise, try
                                                  politically and medically, encourage their        your therapist, Rabbi, Rebbetzin, friend, or
They came to Canada, via the USA, and             own family members to volunteer and
shared my parents’ belief in the importance                                                         Labradoodle.
                                                  associate with MDA. I can’t think of a better
of helping our Jewish brethren. My dad had        testimonial than that.                            Why give again? That’s easy. Who doesn’t
great fondness and respect for Tova’s                                                               want to repeat a pleasant and fulfilling
father, Nachum….despite his being Polish          Why give? This is the most important              experience? If we could have a life-altering
and not Hungarian.                                question. The most basic answer is because        pleasure only once in a lifetime, then there
                                                  they desperately deserve and need our             would be lots of delicious pizza left uneaten
Tova and I donated an ambulance years ago         assistance. As a physician, I know that the
because we wanted to do something                                                                   in the world.
                                                  difference between life and death is often
worthwhile to assist our fellow Jews in Israel.   timely, state-of-the-art medical care.            In summary, give and keep giving to CMDA.
This time, I had pledged to myself (a neder in                                                      Give because Magen David Adom needs it
Hebrew) that if all three of my sons finished     If simply wanting “to do the right thing” isn’t   and will make great use of your gift. Give
med school and their residencies, I would         enough, let me give you another reason to         because ultimately you may be the one who
contribute another ambulance to CMDA.             donate…Do it for yourself!                        benefits most from your giving.

Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM

The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity
What it Takes to Beat COVID-19

In February, CMDA
launched      a    new
Exclusive Webinar Series
to keep Canadians
informed on the amazing
work Magen David Adom
is doing to combat the
The first webinar was
held on February 2 and
addressed the question
so many people are
asking: How effective is
the COVID-19 vaccine on
immunity? The event
                                   that MDA, in addition to playing      the pandemic and how the          According to Uri, the key is to
featured Professor Nadav
                                   a major role in trying to control     Israeli government, the Health    understand the people first and
Davidovitch, an epidemiologist
                                   the spread of the virus, must still   Ministry, and Magen David         then come up with solutions that
and Director of the School of
                                   deal with emergencies on a            Adom have all worked together     address the issues directly. The
Public Health at Ben Gurion
                                   daily basis.                          to tackle them. She outlined      vaccines are given at least
University, as well as Yonatan
                                                                                                           21 days apart, depending on
(Yoni) Yagodovsky, Director of
                                       Israelis a leader and at the forefront                              the brand. Once an individual
International Relations at Magen
                                                                                                           has received the second
David Adom. Moderating the                of the vaccination cam paign and,                                vaccination, he/she is con-
webinar was Dr. Stanley              w ith help,w e w illdefeat the coronavirus                            sidered to be fully immune and
Herman, a physician with the
International Unit of Magen
                                            and return to our daily lives.                                 is given a green passport for six
                                                                                                           months. At the present, it is not
David Adom.
                                   On March 3, CMDA held a               important differences between     known how long immunity will
Professor           Davidovitch                                                                            last.
                                   second webinar that focused on        Canada and Israel and how
acknowledged MDA’s efforts in
                                   Israel’s innovative approach to       there are major factors in        Eli Bin, MDA Director General
mitigating the spread of the
                                   tackling the virus. The event         acquiring     vaccines     and    said, “We have taken a
virus through its “Covid
                                   featured      Professor      Ilana    immunizing the population.        significant step in eradicating
Ambassadors”, a group of
                                   Belmaker, Associate Professor         Uri Shacham explained that the    the pandemic. It is an important
citizens who educate individuals
                                   of Public Health at Ben Gurion        focus on the human element        day when the elderly, parents,
in their community about safety
                                   University of the Negev and           must be considered when           grandparents who are at high
measures related to the
                                   former Chief Physician for            carrying out such a large-scale   risk and a top priority in terms of
coronavirus. In response to a
                                   Israel’s     Health      Ministry,    operation. “There is a lot of     vaccinations, can breathe a sigh
question about immunizing
                                   Southern District. As well, the       news circulating regarding the    of relief and see the light at the
children under 12, the professor
                                   event featured Uri Shacham,           vaccine and many people have      end of the tunnel. Israel is a
explained that at the present
                                   Chief of Staff and Director of the    fears. By properly educating      leader and at the forefront of the
time, vaccinations are only
                                   COVID-19 Vaccination Program          staff and volunteers, MDA has     vaccination campaign and, with
being given to those aged 16
                                   at Magen David Adom.                  been able to vaccinate many       help, we will defeat the
and up. Pregnant women are
                                   Professor Belmaker spoke in           Israelis in a short time.”        coronavirus and return to our
being vaccinated, as are those
                                   detail of the unique challenges                                         daily lives.”
who have previously had the
virus. Yoni Yagodovsky stressed    that Israel faces in dealing with
                                                                                                   CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 5 |
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
An Interview with Lenny Shapiro
                                         CMDA Chair, Calgary Chapter
CALGARY                                                                                           every day. That takes a toll on the staff, both
Lenny Shapiro, and his wife, Faigel, have                                                         mentally and physically.
supported Canadian Magen David Adom for                                                           CMDA: Why is the work of CMDA so vital?
many years. Recently, they generously                                                             Mr. Shapiro: Let us remember that MDA is
donated an ambulance and an Emergency                                                             Israel’s national emergency medical service
Medi Cycle. The following is an interview                                                         but it is funded through donations and the
with Mr. Shapiro.                                                                                 generosity of supporters. The money we
CMDA: Thank you for your many years of                                                            raise in Canada is used to purchase
support. Why did you select CMDA?                                                                 ambulances, emergency medical scooters,
Mr. Shapiro: Magen David Adom is a                                                                and countless other pieces of essential
remarkable organization, founded 90 years                                                         medical equipment.
ago with the mandate to save the lives of all                                                     CMDA: What is the focus for you
citizens of Israel, regardless of race, colour,                                                   this Passover?
or social-economic group. MDA is there for
all Israelis.                                                                                     Mr. Shapiro: The need is always growing but
                                                  CMDA:While Israel has been a world              this Passover we are asking people to
CMDA: The organization relies on the work         leader in getting its citizens vaccinated       support CMDA by contributing to the
and efforts of volunteers like yourself.          against COVID-19, for MDA the challenge         purchase of life-saving defibrillators. We
Mr. Shapiro: There are dozens of Canadians        continues.                                      know how effective these devices are at
doing their part for CMDA, but what is            Mr. Shapiro: That’s right. MDA has been on      saving lives.
amazing is the story in Israel. Most people       the front lines in the fight against COVID-19   CMDA: What other things is CMDA doing
do not realize that MDA has more than             from the very beginning. Of course, as first    in Western Canada?
27,000 volunteers helping to run the              responders to most emergency medical
organization. Without these volunteers,                                                           Mr. Shapiro: We are reaching out to the
                                                  incidents, the staff and volunteers come        community as often as we can. I am so
MDA could not function.                           face-to-face with many COVID-19 patients
                                                                                                  proud of the efforts of Sharon Fraiman,
                                                                                                  CMDA Western Canada Director, and Don
                                                                                                  Sharpe, Alberta Health Services paramedic,
                                                                                                  for their dedication in presenting the “First 7
                                                                                                  Minutes” program to community leaders
                                                                                                  and supporters in the west. While COVID-19
                                                                                                  has slowed things down, this program has
                                                                                                  been presented to leaders in dozens of
                                                                                                  CMDA: Is there anything you would like
                                                                                                  to add?
                                                                                                  Mr. Shapiro: On behalf of Faigel and myself,
                                                                                                  I want to wish everyone a Happy Pesach. It
                                                                                                  looks like this will be another year of virtual
                                                                                                  Seders, but things are looking better.
                                                                                                  I would also like to encourage both past and
                                                                                                  new donor to find out more about CMDA
                                                                                                  and to support our efforts in Israel.
                                                                                                  CMDA: Thank you, Mr. Shapiro.
                                                                                                  Chag Pesach Sameach to you, Faigel and
                                                                                                  your family.

Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM

By Mark Halpern
                       Passover is a
                       very      special
                       holiday, when
                       families gather
                       to celebrate                                                                  Benefits to consider:
                       their flight from                                                             • You can fulfill your charitable goals and support the
                       bondage         in                                                              life-saving work of Canadian Magen David Adom
                       Egypt        after                                                              for generations to come.
   Mark Halpern,
 CEO & Founder of      more than 400®   years of slavery.                                                             • A gift of Life Insurance will allow you to make a
                                                                                                       larger gift than you could make from your current
Led by Moses, our forefathers                                                                          disposable income.
escaped the darkness of Pharaoh,
so the Jewish people could shine
their light on the world. You can
                                            There are several ways to make                           • Canadian Magen David Adom issues you official tax
                                                                                                       receipts for premiums paid on the policies it owns.
increase the light this year by              a gift through Life Insurance.                          • Your gift will not be reduced due to taxes, fees,
considering a planned giving                                                                           costs of probate or administration.
legacy gift for Canadian Magen              1. Purchase a new policy: You can purchase a new
                                               policy and name Canadian Magen David Adom             • There is no minimum gift level for gifts of Life
David Adom.
                                               as the owner and beneficiary. You will receive a
I have been a friend and supporter
of Canadian Magen David Adom
                                               tax receipt for premiums paid each year.              Considerations for Singles,
                                               Canadian Magen David Adom will receive the
for many years and have
                                               proceeds of the Life Insurance policy upon your       Widows and Divorcees:
personally witnessed its amazing
work saving lives in Israel when I             death and use the funds to support its important      The tax department is biased against singles, widows
lived there. When Hershel Recht,               programs. Many policies will provide an annual        and divorcees.
CMDA Central Regional Director,                dividend payment to Canadian Magen David              If you have a spouse and you pass away, then all of
approached me about writing this               Adom while you are alive, so the Life Insurance       your assets roll over tax-free to the surviving spouse.
article about donating life                    policy can help them each year and not                Taxes would be due only upon the death of
insurance to this vital organization,          just at death.                                        both spouses.
I jumped at the chance to help.
And here’s how you can help.                2. Designate Canadian Magen David Adom as the            However, if you are single, widowed or divorced then,
                                               beneficiary of your policy: You can name              upon your death, your estate will pay taxes on your
“Planned Giving,” often described              Canadian Magen David Adom as a beneficiary of         assets of between 27% and 54%, depending on the
as leaving a legacy, is about                  a new or existing insurance policy. Upon your         type of asset.
leaving a gift for Canadian Magen              death, Canadian Magen David Adom will receive         This includes registered assets (e.g., RRSP and RRIF),
David Adom in your will through a              the proceeds of the Life Insurance, and your          which are taxed at 54% (in Ontario) for any amounts
bequest, making Canadian Magen                 estate will receive a charitable tax receipt equal    over $220,000. That means your $1 million RRIF
David Adom the beneficiary of                                                                        would reduce by $540,000 of tax, leaving only
                                               to the policy’s death benefit. The substantial tax
highly       taxed      registered                                                                   $460,000 to your named beneficiaries.
                                               savings would reduce or eliminate other estate
investments (e.g., RRSP, RRIF) or
                                               taxes owed to the CRA.
by donating a Life Insurance                                                                         So what can you do?
policy. By making a planned gift to         3. Donate an existing policy: Often individuals
Canadian Magen David Adom, you                                                                       1. Consider naming Canadian Magen David Adom as
                                               own Life Insurance that they purchased for               the beneficiary for all or part of the registered
can help to support its important              financial security when they were younger.
mission, fulfill your charitable                                                                        funds in your will. Now the entire amount would go
                                               Circumstances have changed so that the Life              to a charity you care about and none would go to
goals, and create a legacy for your            Insurance policy is no longer needed. If you are
family.                                                                                                 the tax department.
                                               in this category, you can donate the ownership
A gift of Life Insurance can have far                                                                2. If you don’t want to change your will, get a multiple
                                               of your Life Insurance policy to Canadian Magen
greater influence than you may                                                                          beneficiary form from your investment company and
                                               David Adom today. In this case, you receive a tax
think. For a relatively small                                                                           indicate a percentage or dollar amount that you
                                               receipt for the fair market value of your policy at
investment today, you will have a                                                                       would like to leave for Canadian Magen David Adom.
                                               the time of your gift (likely between 20% and
considerable impact for Canadian               60% of the death benefit amount of the policy).       If you donate personally, for every $2 you leave to
Magen David Adom in the future.                If the premiums are still being paid on the           Canadian Magen David Adom, you will save $1 in tax.
                                               policy, you will receive tax receipts for all         A corporation making the donation will save $1 of tax
                                               future premiums.                                      for every $1 donated.

                                                                                                                CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 7 |
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
2 0 2 1 N AT I O N A L C A M PA I G N
    Israel has been hit hard by the
    pandemic and Magen David
                                             ISRAEL NEEDS US
    Adom (MDA), Israel’s only                Please answer the call
    National Emergency Rescue &
    Blood Services organization,             by supporting CMDA’s
    needs us more than ever.                 NATIONAL CAMPAIGN
                                             Your donations will replenish urgently
                                             needed supplies of vital medical equipment
                                             for MDA’s lifesavers who are on the
                                             frontlines each and every day.
                                             MDA is not a government agency and it is
                                             not funded by the State of Israel. It relies on
                                             contributions from generous donors in the
                                             diaspora. Simply put, your donations have
                                             the power to change millions of lives in Israel
                                             and beyond.
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
MDA paramedics and EMTs depend on
your generosity for the equipment and
supplies that allow them to save lives
       in those critical minutes.

Blood Saves Lives | $180/unit
One unit of blood enables MDA to save up to three lives

Emergency Respiratory System | $720
Used by MDA Paramedics for air accessibility when
oxygen levels are critical

Paramedic Life-Pack & O2 Tank | $1,800
The most vital equipment used by MDA Paramedics             In Israel, an MDA ambulance arrives on the scene
during emergency calls                                      of an emergency in an average of seven minutes.
                                                             In comparison to global response times, MDA is
Emergency Defibrillator Unit | $3,600                        among the quickest in the world. Nevertheless,
                                                               what happens in those first seven minutes is
During a cardiac arrest, this unit means the difference
                                                                critical to a patient’s survival and recovery.
between life and death

RESCUE | $18,000                                          LIFEBLOOD | $72,000
MDA Paramedic Rescue Gear – Life-Pack & Oxygen            Blood Plasma Exchange Equipment & Supplies
Tank | Head & Neck Immobilizers | Trauma Spinal           – Apheresis Sets for the removal of disease-
Board | Transport Ventilators | Rescue Splints &          provoking elements in the blood | Cuvettes
Bandages                                                  (for hemoglobin testing) | Glycerolization Device
                                                          (for adding antifreeze solution to red blood cells) |
REVIVAL | $36,000                                         Blood Shaker & Scale Machine | Double Bags |
Advanced Reanimation Gear – EKG Monitor &                 Sterile gloves
Defibrillator | Heart Monitor | EKG Monitor |
Pulse Oximeter | Chest Compressor
                                                          LEGACY | $90,000
VITALITY | $52,000                                        Commemorating MDA’s 90th Anniversary
Intensive Care Equipment for MDA Ambulance –              Adopt a Magen David Adom Paramedic Team in the
CPR Ventilator | Suction Machine | Adult/Child            Israeli city of your choice. Your donation will provide
Resuscitators | Intraosseous Infusion System |            them with the vital mobile lifesaving supplies they
Infusion & Syringe Pumps                                  need for an entire year.
                                                                               CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 9 |
Netanyahu personally thanks MDA The Effect of the Vaccine & Immunity - CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
LO N D O N C H A P T E R A N N UA L C A M PA I G N 2 0 2 1

                                                    Nothing Can Stop Us
                                                    Despite COVID-19 restrictions which            These life-saving devices are being placed
                                                    resulted in the cancellation of their 2020     throughout the country, in small
                                                    annual event, the members of the London        communities and in public crowded areas.
                                                    Chapter continue to raise funds for Magen      Thanks to MDA technology, these AEDs are
                                                    David Adom. “Nothing can stop us,” said        easy to operate and resuscitation can begin
                                                    Hazel Friedman, Co-Chair. “Through hard        before MDA teams arrive on the scene.
                                                    work and determination, we are proud to be
                                                    able to donate an Emergency Medi-Cycle to      “In the case of an emergency where every
                                                    the people of Israel.”                         second is critical, we are happy to be able to
                                                                                                   support the life-saving efforts of Magen
                                                    This year’s annual campaign is no              David Adom,” remarked Hazel Friedman.
                                                    exception. Although an actual event cannot
                                                    take place, coordinators Roslyn Caplan,        For further information and to participate
                                                    Thomas Casler and Hazel Friedman, in           in this year’s campaign, please call Hazel
                                                    consultation with the members of the           Friedman at 519-642-2078.
                                                    chapter, have chosen to raise funds for
                                                    automatic external defibrillators (AEDs).

Making Sufganiyot the ‘Chanie’ Way
YOUNG LEADERSHIP                                “delighted” to host Chef Chanie Apfelbaum,
                                                Instagram food sensation and best-selling
The current restrictions on social gatherings   author, for an exciting virtual Sufganiya-
didn’t stop CMDA’s Young Leaders from           making event in honour of Hanukkah.
staying connected with their peers
and spreading the word about Magen              The evening began with some important
David Adom. On December 9, 2020,                words from Young Leadership Chair,
CMDA’s Young Leaders                            Philippe Mamane, and a gripping video of
were genuinely                                      MDA paramedics in action. We were
                                                        then transported to Chef Chanie’s
                                                                                                        Chef Chanie Apfelbaum
                                                           home kitchen where she had a
                                                             wide            variety         of
                                                                                                  In an hour’s time, our viewers learned how
                                                               ingredients and toppings
                                                                                                  to make three of Chanie’s signature donuts
                                                                 ready for her much-awaited
                                                                                                  with some fillings and trimmings you never
                                                                  demonstration. Chanie
                                                                                                  pictured in or on a donut. From roasted
                                                                   went           step-by-step
                                                                                                  pistachios and rosewater to peanut butter
                                                                   as our viewers followed
                                                                                                  and Oreos, it was an exquisite and tasty
                                                                   in their home kitchens.
                                                                                                  event with lots to take away.
                                                                   Making Sufganiyot is a
                                                                   very tricky and delicate       Best of all, the event benefitted Magen
                                                                  art, so getting all the steps   David Adom’s COVID-19 relief efforts.
                                                                 just right is crucial.
Building Bridges and Friendships

Networking and outreach are very important elements of any                   whom we bridge differences and build friendships, all in support of
organization’s fundraising abilities. CMDA is proud to have an               Magen David Adom in Israel.
excellent rapport with Christian communities across Canada with

Rev. Peter Fast                                                                 Robert Gottselig
Rev. Peter Fast is the National                                                 Robert Gottselig is the
Director of Bridges for Peace Canada,                                           Canadian Director for the
a Christian organization supporting                                             Friends of Israel Ministry
Israel and building relationships                                               (FOI). Friends of Israel began
between Christians and Jews in Israel                                           more than 82 years ago in
and around the world. For years, as                                             1938 when a group of
an international organization based in                                          Christian men and women in
Jerusalem with national offices in                                              Philadelphia knew they had
eight countries, Bridges for Peace has                                          to act to save the Jewish
stood by Magen David Adom (MDA) in                                              people        in       Europe.
Israel, contributing ambulances,                                                Immediately, they began to
Medi-Cycles and vital medical equipment.                                        work with like-minded
“Here in Canada, it is an honour to partner with CMDA and collaborate           European organizations to help as many Jews as possible with
with our good friend, Sharon Fraiman, the Western Region Director. In           food, clothing, shelter, and even passports. Today, FOI
supporting Israel and standing with CMDA, Canadians across this                 continues to support the Jewish nation and Israel and it is a
country are able to contribute to the stability, health, and well-being         good friend of Canadian Magen David Adom.
of the State of Israel and the light that they are in our world. I highly       “We are thrilled to work with Canadian Magen David Adom and
value the relationship between Bridges for Peace and CMDA and it is             Sharon Fraiman, CMDA’s Western Region Director. Israel and
a blessing to contribute to the life-saving project of raising funds for a      the Jewish people will always have a place in our hearts and
New Defibrillator Station. Shalom Shalom Friends!”                              together we can help make a difference to Israel’s many
                                                                                growing needs. Blessings!”

                                                 Giving Back Through Leadership
                                                 likely be home,” he said. “It also gave           member of the local CMDA Chapter. She
                                                 me the opportunity to reconnect with              suggested to Rebeca, a journalist, that they
                                                 people I have not been able to see for            form a Winnipeg chapter.
                                                 many months.”                                     “Since then, we have had a number of
                                                 Ami extended his thanks to Daniel, Ari and        events to raise both funds and awareness.
                                                 Martin Glikman for their help during the          Unfortunately, COVID-19 has gotten in the
                                                 telethon. Ari had just returned after having      way and certain events had to be
                                                 spent eight months studying at Hebrew             cancelled,” said Ami.
                                                 University and volunteering with Magen
WINNIPEG                                                                                           Despite COVID-19, CMDA has provided Ami
                                                 David Adom in Ashdod.                             with a way to give back to Israel, the land of
(Original story: Myron Love)                     Ami became involved with CMDA                     his birth. “MDA is something that I really
Ami Bakerman, Chairman of CMDA’s                 approximately eight years ago through his         cherish. It’s all about saving lives, not only
Winnipeg Chapter, describes the Chapter’s        wife, Rebeca Kuropatwa, and his mother-in-        in Israel, but in other countries when
recent telethon as a “mixed bag”. “While it      law, Miriam Kuropatwa. Miriam and her             called upon.”
was harder to recruit volunteers because of      husband, Ralph, divide their time between
COVID-19, it meant that more people would        Winnipeg and Vancouver where Miriam is a
                                                                                                        CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 11 |
                                              CMDA’s National Board of Directors extends grateful appreciation to
                                              all the donors who have supported CMDA through the purchase of
                                              Mobile Intensive Care Units, Ambulances, Emergency Medi-Cycles,
                                              All Terrain Ambulances, AED Defibrillators and vital medical equipment.

Presented to the People of Israel by
                  In loving memory of
                                                            Hyman Smith
                  Jacob Fajner z’l                in loving memory of my beloved wife,
              from Andre and Gisella Sipos
                                                            Erika Smith z’l
               MONTREAL, CANADA 2020                    OTTAWA, CANADA 2020


Highly efficient advanced touch-screen technologies for easy cycle
control access, designed to meet strict requirements for the storage
of blood and blood components as it allows for a very fast
temperature rise/drop, homogenous and reproducible freezing.
Uses up to 40% less energy than conventional Freezer models.

                                             CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 13 |

     MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT                              AMBULANCE                                       “TRAXTER” –                                      EMERGENCY
                 (MICU)                                       In Memory of                            ALL TERRAIN AMBULANCE                                   MEDI-CYCLE
        Alex and Tova Hartman                                Phil Wynn z”l                               Bill and Judy Mahon                                The Community of
    In Honour of Jason, Mike, Brian,                         By his children                              Winnipeg, Manitoba                                   London, ON
      Lesley and Danielle Hartman,                         Paul, Jeff and Les
              Toronto, ON                                Toronto, Canada, 2020
         The Reinitz Family
            Montreal, QC                                                                        Elizabeth & Steven Rubin – Ottawa, ON           Marilyn Edelstein – Montreal West, QC
                                                First Responder Life-Pack
                                                                                                Vivian Segall and Family – Cote St. Luc, QC       In memory of Stanley Edelstein z’l
                                                Neill and Linda Judelman – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                  In memory of Avrum (Avie) Bercovitch z’l      Faye Firestone – Toronto, ON
                                                Alex Eisen – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                Goldie Sigal – Cote St. Luc, QC                 Mel and Marlyn Horowitz Fund – Toronto, ON
                                                Ed Glina and Debbie Tessler – Toronto, ON
                                                  In memory of Gideon Grundland z’l             Manya Stendel – Montreal, QC                    The Badner Family Fund – Toronto, ON
Therapeutic Blood Plasma                                                                         In honour of Wolf Bronet                       Keith Miller – Saskatoon, Sask.
                                                Anonymous – 2 bags
Exchange (TPE) Equipment                        Gary and Alyse Saltz – Thornhill, ON                                                            Lorne and Linda Greenwald – Toronto, ON
                                                Perry Foster – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                Respiratory System                                In honour of our Grandchildren
Laura Finsten – Ancaster, ON                                                                                                                    Ozrower Mutual Benefit Society
                                                Samuel and Renata Galperin – Toronto, ON        Eli and Ellen Turkienicz Family Fnd.
Sylvia Shahin – Ottawa, ON                                                                       – Toronto, ON                                  –Toronto, ON
  In memory of Albert Shahin z’l                Goldstein Family Fund – Toronto, ON                                                             Leon Weaverman – Toronto, ON
  Jack Mayer and Selma Linzer – Victoria, BC    Wilensky Family Fund – Toronto, ON              Bryan and Angela Gransden – Toronto ON
                                                                                                Mark and Heather Waldman – Thornhill, ON        Anna Kremer – Toronto, ON
The Sydney & Florence Cooper Fnd.               Dr. Brian Warshafsky – Toronto, ON                                                              Ruth and Randee Korman – Thornhill, ON
– Toronto, ON                                   Hillel and Donna Kagan – Toronto, ON            Torkin Family Fund – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                Marc Hunter – Sidney, BC                        Marsha Kazman and David Hager
Leslie and Iris Lenetsky – Cote St. Luc, QC     Zahava Lambert – Toronto, ON                                                                    – Toronto, ON
The Israel Goldgrub Charitable Fnd.             Leighton and Edith Zook – Seguin, ON            Albert and Sandra Page – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                David and Venessa Cohen – Thornhill, ON         Doug Kimelman – Winnipeg, MB
 – Toronto, ON                                  Queenie Teichman – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                Frances Saltzman – Toronto, ON                  Sharon and Louis Goelman – Toronto, ON
Naomi Fund – Toronto, ON                        David and Deborah Weinstein – Ottawa, ON
                                                                                                Fred and Lionella Ullman – Westmount, QC        Jack Reiter – Toronto, ON
Gilda Whyne – Toronto, ON                       Roz and Bill Halman – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                Lloyd Hoffer – Toronto, ON                      Irene Cohen – London, ON
                                                Ron Savlov – Markham, ON                                                                          In honour of Liora Tal and Daniel Tal
Emergency CPR Ventilator                        Justin Pertman – Edmonton, AB                   Norman and Cynthia Camerman
                                                                                                                                                Bernie and Jennie Goldberger – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                – Toronto, ON
Seymour Saitowitz z’l – Toronto, ON             Goldy Rosenberg – Concord, ON                                                                   Malcolm Goldberg – Thornhill, ON
                                                                                                Stephen and Vicky Haber – Thornhill, ON
Aaron Waxman and Associates – Toronto, ON         In memory of Jacob Rosenberg z’l                                                              Maurice Rabinovitch – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                  In loving memory of Rachel Keter z’l
                                                Marc and Michelle Moll – Toronto, ON                                                            Judy Hoenich – London, ON
                                                                                                Gale and Allan Garber – Maple, ON
Emergency Suction Pump                          Simon and Rachel Weisman – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                David and Francine Shields – Toronto, ON        Jeff and Aviva Shiff and Family – Toronto, ON
Herman Frances celebrating his                  Alex and Tova Hartman & Family                                                                  Ruth Chippen – Fredericton, NB
                                                – Toronto, ON                                   Tom and Susan Jutcovich – Toronto, ON
80th Birthday                                                                                                                                   Joan Goldstein – Edmonton, AB
                                                  Celebrating Nachum Shore’s 91st Birthday      Dorothy & Shelly Grostern and Family
                                                                                                – Hampstead, QC
Emergency Oxygen Tank                           Martin and Sandra Karp – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                  In memory of Jackeline Grostern Sheiner z’l
                                                                                                                                                Sphygmomanometer and
with Regulator                                  David and Joyce Lawee – Toronto, ON                                                             Stethoscope
                                                                                                Victor Grostern – Ottawa, ON
                                                Sandra Blitstein – Toronto, ON                                                                  Gary and Judy Neinstein – Toronto, ON
Jerry and Sandra Genesove – Toronto, ON                                                         Michael and Nikki Shapiro – Ottawa, ON
                                                Dr. Philip Seltzer – Toronto, ON                  In memory of his dear mother                  Steven Heitner – Thornhill, ON
Ian and Heather Ringel – Toronto, ON
                                                W Donald and Irene W Bean – Toronto, ON           Carol-Sue Shapiro z’l                         Alan and Sharon Kaplan – Stouffville, ON
Gary and Alyse Saltz – Thornhill, ON
                                                Peter Godfrey – Toronto, ON                     Arthur Toft – Vancouver, BC                     Seymour Prince – Toronto, ON
Mark and Heather Waldman – Thornhill, ON
                                                Dr. Fred and Karen Leitner – Toronto, ON        Betty Valinsky – London, ON                     Alan Kreidstein – Toronto, ON
Interwide Investments Ltd. – Toronto, ON
                                                Sandy & David Galet – Toronto, ON                 In memory of her daughter Ruth Bourne z’l     Beverly and Elliott Lyons – Toronto, ON
Laura Finsten – Ancaster, ON
                                                  In honour of their granddaughter
Peter Ekstein Fund – Toronto, ON                  Lily Bender’s graduation                      Defibrillator Pad                               Edward and Helen Sheffman – Toronto, ON
Ladislao & Margaret Bergmo – Thornhill, ON                                                                                                      David Amoils – Thornhill, ON
Kevin and Ariane Greenspan – Thornhill ON
                                                Sandy & David Galet – Toronto, ON               and Accessories Kit                             Morris and Feiga Freedman – Toronto, ON
                                                  In honour of their grandson                   Mark and Anne Mandell – Toronto, ON
  In memory of Deborah Tobe-Greenspan z’l         Sam Bender’s graduation                                                                       Neal and Rhoda Inhaber – Thornhill, ON
Alan and Michelle Abrams – Toronto, ON                                                          Stanley and Jacqueline Reznick                  Jerry Rosenbloom – Toronto, ON
                                                Sandy & David Galet – Toronto, ON               – Abbotsford, BC
Judy Shane – Vancouver, BC                        In honour of their granddaughter                                                              Asher and Bonnie Saben – Thornhill, ON
HLC Consultants Ltd. – Richmond Hill, ON                                                        Daniel and Cindy Lichtman – Thornhill, ON
                                                  Dr. Jordana Wynn’s achievement                                                                Liliana Tannenbaum – Toronto, ON
  Friends and Family in memory of               Carolyn Goldberg – Montreal, QC                 Murray and Ellen Blankstein – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                                                                Dr. Steven Fishman & Henza Miller
  Andrew Raab z’l – Toronto, ON                   In honour of her brother                      Dan Pasca – Kitchener, ON                       – Toronto, ON
Dorothy & Shelly Grostern and Family              Stephen Goldberg’s 70th Birthday              Hillel and Donna Kagan – Toronto, ON            Jordan and Abby Minuk – Toronto, ON
– Hampstead, QC                                 Victor Grostern – Ottawa, ON                    Dr. Steven Fishman & Henza Miller               Gary and Jeanette Hyde – Thornhill, ON
  In memory of Jackeline Grostern Sheiner z’l   Edna Johnson – Winnipeg, MB                     – Toronto, ON
                                                                                                                                                Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Karen Katz – Toronto, ON                        Dr. R. S. Margolis – FamiTaz Community Fund     Leonard and Judith Direnfeld – Toronto, ON      of Windsor
  In memory of her parents                      – Vancouver, BC                                 Hilton and Aura Greenberg – Thornhill, ON
  Dr. Eli and Mrs. Grace Katz z’l               Avis Miller – Ottawa, ON and Trudy Miller       Benjamin Korobkin – Jerusalem, Israel
                                                – Toronto, ON                                   David and Vanessa Cohen – Thornhill, ON
                                                  In memory of their parents Marcia and Pacel   Bev Stone – Toronto, ON
                                                  Miller z’l on their yarzheits                 Shel and Cylia Bercovich – Calgary, AB
                                                            SPECIAL GIFTS                               SPECIAL DONATIONS                           MEMORIAL TRIBUTES FROM FAMILY
                                                                                                     Kaila & Mundek Gross Fund
                                                                                                                                                          AND FRIENDS OF:
                                                         Jonathan Levine and
                                                          Rafeena Levin-Turner                        Dollard des Ormeaux, QC                        Dr. Stanley Venis z’l – Toronto, ON.
                                                             Brampton, ON                                        •••                                  Beloved Father, Brother and Zedie
          AED DEFIBRILLATOR                          11 Paramedic ‘Life Pack’ Bags                  Harry & Judith Rossdeutscher
               SYSTEMS                                            •••                                      Cote St. Luc, QC                              Ann Rubin z’l – Toronto, ON.
                                                                                                                                                        Beloved Mother, Mother-in-law
                                                    Graham and Audrey Rosenberg                                                                                   and Bubbie
   In loving Memory of our treasured                           Family Fund
              Daniel Wolfe z’l                                Toronto, ON                              SPECIAL BIRTHDAY &                            Esther Glickman z’l – Toronto, ON.
       From The Wolfe Family and                    Emergency Medical Equipment                        ANNIVERSARYWISHES                             Beloved Mother, Sister, Grandmother
                                                                  •••                                                                                       and Great-Grandmother
              Canada and USA                            Grant and Janie Parson                    Judy Goldberg – London, ON                        Chana Cymerman z’l – Toronto, ON.
                                                               La Salle, MB                      On the occasion of her 90th Birthday               Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother
                                                                                                                •••                                    Daniel Wolfe z’l – Toronto, ON.
        In memory of my late wife                                                                  Ricky Mandel – London, ON                           Beloved Father and Grandfather
               Molly Pines z’l                                                                  On the occasion of her 80th Birthday                   Andrew Raab z’l – Toronto ON.
     From your husband Ray Pines               Ben Katz – Calgary, AB                                                                                    Beloved Father, Father-in-law,
                 Toronto, ON                   Anita Morris – Hampstead, QC                                                                           Grandfather and Great-Grandfather
                      •••                      The Mozeson Family – Edmonton, AB                                                                       Ruth Bourne z’l – London, ON.
            In Loving memory of                                                             Gail & Elliot Berzan – Montreal, QC                                Beloved Daughter
                                                 In honour of Debbie Rozenberg’s
           Julius Needleman z’l                  70th Birthday                                In memory of: Guta Fleising z’l, Morris Bibi z’l,     Kenneth Golden z’l – Vancouver, BC.
     May his memory be a blessing.                                                            Dr. Robert Bibi z’l, Neil Uditsky z’l                        Beloved Husband, Father,
                                               Elizabeth & Steven Rubin – Ottawa, ON
                                                                                              and Linda Cohen z’l                                          Father-in-law, Grandfather
            Annette Needleman                  Michel Siritsky – Montreal, QC                                                                                and Great-Grandfather
                                                                                            Suzanne & Barry Borer – Cote St. Luc, QC
  Cheryl, Alvin, Josh & Noah Einhorn           Szporer Family – Montreal, QC                                                                            Margrit and Steven Stenge z’l
                                                                                            Sara & Leslie Breiner – Nepean, ON
        Daniella & Yehuda Eklove                 In memory of Leon Szporer z’l                                                                                  – Montreal, QC.
                                                                                              In memory of Malka & Shmuel Feig z’l
                 Toronto, ON                   Sylvain Uzan – Westmount, QC                                                                            Beloved, Parents, Grandparents
                                                                                            Ben, Simone, Jacqui, Harry & Myles Cohen                        and Great-Grandparents
                      •••                                                                   – Winnipeg, MB
         In memory of his parents,             Emergency Tourniquets Device                   In honour of Dan Cohen’s 90th Birthday                    Hadassa & Theodore Wald z’l
                                                                                                                                                                – Montreal, QC.
        Laszlo and Ethel Sipos z’l             Meir and Alisa Schwartz – Toronto, ON        Esther & Michael Deitcher & Family                        Beloved Parents and Grandparents
             From André Sipos                  The Fuhrer Family Fnd. – Toronto, ON         – Hampstead, QC                                            Helen Atnikov z’l – Calgary, AB.
              Cote St. Luc, QC                 Farokh and Dalya Hakimi – Toronto, ON          In honour of Beryl Deitcher’s                             Beloved Mother, Mother-in-law,
                      •••                      Gary and Karen Levy – Thornhill, ON            90th & 91st Birthday                                   Grandmother and Great Grandmother
           In memory of his wife,              Irene L Clark-Wolfson – Fenwick, ON          Marlene Franks – Vancouver, BC
               Erika Smith z’l                 Martin & Phyllis Bernbaum Endowment Fund     Irwin Fried – Cote St. Luc, QC
            From Hyman Smith                   – Toronto, ON                                  In memory of Nancy Fried z’l
                 Ottawa, ON                    Rita Greenberg – Thornhill, ON               Eva Friedman – Cote St. Luc, QC                       Friends of Ricky Mandel – London, ON
                      •••                        In honour of Joy Groll                     Sandy & David Galet – Toronto, ON                       In honour of her 80th Birthday
                In Memory of                   Irving and Barbara Green Family Fnd.           In honour of their granddaughter                    Lena Markel – Montreal, QC
      Michael and Bridget Collins              – Toronto, ON                                  Charlotte Wynn’s birthday                             In memory of Isroel z’l
               Friends of Israel               Harold and Joan Somer Family                 Susan Karmazyn – Dollard des Ormeaux, QC              Larry & Tyla Meyer – Richmond, BC
        by Paul and Karen Collins              – Toronto, ON                                Dr. Lorna Katz – Cote St. Luc, QC                     Sid Milech – Montreal West, QC
                Edmonton, AB                     In honour of Dr. Ian Cohen                 Frances Kolinsky – Calgary, AB                        MVA Power Inc. – Hampstead, QC
                      •••                      Murray and Sandy Levine – Toronto, ON        Elaine & Martin Labow – Cote St. Luc, QC              David Rosner – Winnipeg, MB
              Dedicated to the                 Hyman Beckerstein – Richmond Hill, ON          In honour of Alex Benedek’s 70th Birthday           Szporer Family – Montreal, QC
             People of Israel by               Harold & Joan Somer Family Charitable Fund   Evelyne Landau – Dollard des Ormeaux, QC                In memory of Leon Szporer z’l
          Ira and Shirley Marder               Michael and Josephene Cole – Toronto, ON       In honour of Susan Kaplan’s special birthday        Allan Wolfsohn – Ottawa, ON
                 Toronto, ON                   Sonja Vogelsang – Midland, ON
                                               Simon and Ellen Gulden – Markham, ON                         CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM
                                               Alvin Zipursky – Toronto, ON
Michael & Sally Deverett & Family
– Thornhill, ON
  In loving memory of Roman and
                                               Wendy Radzinski – Toronto, ON
                                               Peter and Audrey Diamant – Thornhill, ON
                                                                                                 Tribute Cards & Certificates
  Fay Lichtblau z’l                            Sheldon and Florence Miller – Montreal, QC                           FOR ALL OCCASIONS
Irving and Sandra Raskin – Toronto, ON         Dr. and Mrs. Ari Eisen – Toronto, ON
Gerald Katz – Toronto, ON                      Eric and Nelle Lakien – Thornhill, ON
Howard and Riva Shein – Edmonton, AB           Martin & Phyllis Bernbaum Endowment Fund
John and Haiva Derrick – Montreal, QC          Mervin & Myrna Lass Fund – Toronto, ON
Raquel Castiel – Cote St. Luc, QC
Liliana Tannenbaum – Toronto, ON               Intraosseous gun
Sons of Jacob Shalom Lodge                     HLC Consultants Ltd. – Richmond Hill, ON
– Richmond Hill, ON                            Interwide Investments Ltd. – Toronto, ON
Marlene Rattner – Toronto, ON                  Torkin Family Fund – Toronto, ON
  In honour of Ian Rattner
Doron Schaffer and Family – Toronto, ON
                                               Brian Steinhart and Valerie Rakow
                                               – Toronto, ON                                                       Show them you care!
  In honour of David Schaffer’s birthday       Helene and Debbie Bauer – Toronto, ON
Marion Caplan – Montreal, QC
  In honour of Shelly and Dorothy Grostern’s
                                                 In memory of Sylvia Walt z’l                    Send us your list – We will do the rest!
                                               Joel & Annette Bermack – Lethbridge, AB
  Birthdays and 60th Wedding Anniversary
Friends of Nicki Ishai – London, ON
                                                 In memory of Norman Wolk z’l                       Please contact our office: 1-800-731-2848

                                                                                                                                       CANADIAN MAGEN DAVID ADOM FOR ISRAEL | 15 |
Eastern Region                      Central Region                         Western Region
6900 Decarie Blvd., Suite 3155,     4580 Dufferin St., Suite 508           208 Woodbrook Mews SW
Montreal, QC H3X 2T8                Toronto, ON M3H 5Y2                    Calgary, AB T2W 4P8
T: 514-731-4400 | F: 514-731-2490   T: 416-780-0034                        T: 587-435-5808
Toll Free: 1-800-731-2848           Toll Free in Ontario: 1-888-858-2632            

                                                     @ CanadianM DA
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