N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder

Page created by Cynthia Lewis
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
               FOR EUROPEAN
               CAPITAL OF CULTURE

PAST FORWARD                                   BID BOOK II
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
                                   GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS                                  2

                               0.1 	Changes between Preselection and                      3
                                     Selection Stage

                               1. 	CONTRIBUTION TO THE
                                    LONG-TERM STRATEGY                                     6

                               1.1 	Changes to the Cultural Strategy                     7
                               1.2   Changes in Intended Impacts                          8
                               1.3   Monitoring and Evaluation                           10

                               2.       CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC CONTENT                     16

                               2.1 	Artistic Vision and Strategy                         17
                               2.2   Structure of the Cultural Programme                  17
                               2.3 	How will the Events and Activities be Chosen?        58
                               2.4 	Combining Local Cultural Heritage with               55
                                     new Cultural Expressions
                               2.5 	Involving Local Artists & Cultural Organisations     59
                                     in the Programme
                               2.6 	Cooperation with Local Artists and Cultural          59

                               3.       EUROPEAN DIMENSION                               60

                               3.1   Scope and Quality of European Dimension              61
                               3.2 	Strategy to Attract European &                       66
                                     International Public
                               3.3   Cooperation with other ECoCs                         68

                               4.       OUTREACH                                          72

                               4.1   Civic Involvement                                    73
                               4.2 	Audience Development and Sustainable                 75
                                     Participatory Opportunities across Society
                               4.3.  Education and Participation of Schools               78

                               5.       MANAGEMENT                                        80

                               5.1      Finance	                                          81
                               5.2      Organisational Structure                          86
                               5.3      Contingency Planning                              89
                               5.4      Marketing and Communication                       90

                               6.       CAPACITY TO DELIVER                               96

                               6.1      Political Support                                 97
                               6.2      Timeline of Infrastructure Projects               97

                               7.       ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                           100

David Häuser, Pilar Schacher
Der Kuss 2020
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
Q 0.1                                       The concept of the European Capital of       rethought in order to meet 21st century
               Changes between Preselection                Culture must be more European than           reality.
               and Selection Stage                         ever, in a world with and after Covid-19.
                                                           We have to create a new common               If the legacy we leave behind is to be a
                                                           future for Europe, based on common           decent and fair world for the genera-
               Il n’y a rien de plus                       European action beyond mere eco-             tions to come, history must be ques-
                                                           nomic unity – a future that embraces         tioned, scrutinised, and revisited time
               ignoble que la maladie.                     not only a new understanding of soli-        and again.
               Nothing is more                             darity among the people of Europe but
                                                           also intangible necessities of life such     And this is precisely what we will be do-
               ignoble than illness.                       as the arts and culture.                     ing in 2025.
               Albert Camus

               On December 1, 2019 Wuhan witnessed         A EUROPEAN CITY                              PAST FORWARD
               the first confirmed case of Covid-19. On                                                 IS OUR LEITMOTIF
               March 11, 2020, WHO adjusted their first

               assessment of the Covid-19 outbreak,        Nürnberg is a European city shaped by
               characterising it as a pandemic. Two        medieval gothic churches reaching to-        PAST. We are not turning our back on
               days earlier, Italy had imposed a nation-   wards the heavens. A city of interwoven      history but facing it head on. But that’s
               wide quarantine. In the next few weeks,     pilgrim trails. Of skilled craftsmanship     not all.
               country after country would follow. Ger-    and an insatiable thirst for knowledge       FORWARD. Human societies are often
               many went into lockdown with strict so-     that heralded the transition to the Mod-     so held back by ritual and remnants of

               cial distancing rules on March 22.          ern Age around 1500 and later to the         the past that the new has a hard time
                                                           age of industrialisation.                    overcoming the old and is forever in
               Europe is experiencing the unexpected                                                    search of new paths to a better future.

      UC       and unimaginable, with no common
               concept holding us together in the fight
               against the Covid-19 pandemic. And
               within no time Europe saw the develop-
               ment of a new appetite for unilateral-
               ism: the role of the state became in-
                                                           A city in which the power of National
                                                           Socialism in the 1920s and 1930s was
                                                           effectively set in scene at the annual
                                                           Nazi Party Rallies and horrifically man-
                                                                                                        What we want is what in the heyday in
                                                                                                        the Modern Age was called a sense of
                                                                                                        new beginnings. An awakening.

                                                           ifested through the cruel and ruthless Or as Bob Dylan puts it:
                                                           Nuremberg Race Laws.
                                                                                                        Your old road is rapidly agin’
               creasingly important and greater focus
               was placed on action at the national        The city that is known for the landmark      Please get out of the new one
               level. Borders were closed, and the         Nuremberg Trials, which became the
               whole world was caught up in wran-          cornerstone of international criminal
                                                                                                        if you can’t lend your hand
               gling over personal protective equip-       law.                                         For the times they are
               ment. Some saw the pandemic as a

               welcome excuse to transcend the bor-          History is omnipresent. This is true of
               ders of discourse into a blatantly na-        any city, whether in Europe or else-
                                                                                                        Nürnberg needs to engage – so much
               tionalist narrative. Public awareness for     where in the world. And of Nürnberg
                                                                                                        more than is the case today – in Euro-
               what was happening on the EU’s exter-         quite particularly so.
                                                                                                        pean and global discourses, in diverg-
               nal borders was no more.                      History is ambivalent. It pushes us for-
                                                                                                        ing histories, and challenging political

                                                             ward while holding us back at the same
                                                                                                        and artistic positions. The many collab-
               The Covid-19 outbreak exposed time. History is something you can be
                                                                                                        orations will evolve into bold new net-
               deep-rooted weaknesses in the EU’s in- proud of. In Nürnberg, we’re proud of
                                                                                                        works, safeguarded in our minds, in the
               stitutions and the political union in Europe. our great Renaissance artist Albrecht
                                                                                                        Cultural Strategy, and on the institu-
                                                             Dürer, our world-famous Christmas
                                                                                                        tional level. For the huge transforma-
               And amidst this unfathomable crisis, Market and the century old recipe for
                                                                                                        tion Nürnberg so urgently needs, the
               amidst Europe coming almost to a Nürnberg’s world-famous ginger bread.
                                                                                                        ECoC2025 title is indispensable – and
               standstill, amidst cultural events being
                                                                                                        cities like Nürnberg are indispensable
               cancelled most notably the biggest part Our history is also filled with guilt, guilt
                                                                                                        to Europe.
               of the programme of the European about the atrocities committed by Ger-
               Capitals of Culture 2020 Galway and mans in the 1930s and 1940s and for
                                                                                                        The Nürnberg of the future is a city that
               Rijeka – it seemed almost absurd to the role that Nürnberg played in paving
                                                                                                        – because we have not forgotten our
               continue planning a European Capital the way for the totalitarian regime of the
                                                                                                        history – looks forward with radically
               of Culture for the year 2025. How Nazis.
                                                                                                        new perspectives. We see our bid as
               should we continue with our bid?
                                                                                                        European Capital of Culture 2025 as a
                                                             But history can also make us blind to
                                                                                                        unique opportunity to elicit change, in a
               We found ourselves in a state of momen- the present. Take, for example, the Ear-
                                                                                                        city that, despite being stuck in routine
               tary paralysis. But after talking to our ly Modern Age description of Nürnberg
                                                                                                        and habit, has every chance of becom-
               many partners from Nürnberg and abroad, as “Quasi Centrum Europae” or its 19th
                                                                                                        ing a vibrant European city, a true Eu-
               we soon realised that the European Cap- and 20th century portrayal as the “most
                                                                                                        ropean metropolis.
               ital of Culture project is exactly what Nürn- German city of all”. These old-fash-
               berg, indeed what Europe needs at this ioned clichés still stick to the city.
               moment. We said to ourselves: How-ever But, what it takes to be an innovator
               ignoble, illness cannot and indeed must for Europe or what actually defines
               not stop us from moving forward!              a “German City” needs to be radically

                                                           0. Introduction                                                                    3
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
2   22
    B              P
          fig. 1        REGIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS (MUNICIPALITIES AND DISTRICTS)                                                                              fig. 2     SELECTED EUROPEAN PROGRAMME PARTNERS
                        signed Letter of Intent with financial commitment 2021–2025                                                                                          Chapter 3
                                                                                                                             09 Bamberg (district)                                                                                                           14 	Ensemble Intercontemporain
                                                                                                                             10 Wunsiedel                                                                                                                         Paris
                                                                                                                             11 Bamberg                                                                                                                      15 Clermont-Ferrand 2028
                                                                       02                                                    12 Bayreuth                                                                                                                     16 	Luigi Nono Archive
                                                                                 03                                          13 Marktredwitz                                                                                                                      Foundation Venice
                                                                                        04                                   14 Waldsassen                                                                                                                   17 	International Institute of
                                              05                                                                             15 Tirschenreuth                                                                                       04                            Political Murder Bern
                                                                                                                             16 Forchheim (district)                                                       02                                                18 	Akademie Schloss Solitude
                                                                                       07                                    17 Weiden                                                                                   03                                       Stuttgart
                                                            06                                                                                                                                                                           05
                                                                                             10                              18 Herzogenaurach                                       06                                                                      19 A Soul for Europe Berlin
                                08                                                                                  CZ
                                                                                                  13                         19 Erlangen                                    07                            10                                                 20 	European Solidarity Centre
                                                                                                             14                                                                     08
                                          09                                                                                 20 Schnaittach                                                                                                                       Gdańsk
                                                                                                                                                                                                   11                     20                  21
                                                                             12                                              21 Langenzenn                                                09                                                                 21 Goethe-Institut Minsk
                                             11                                                         15                   22 Fürth                                                            12                                                          22 	Polish Games Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                               19              22
                                                                                                                             23 Lauf a.d. Pegnitz                                               13                                                                Warsaw
                                                                                                                             24	Amberg-                                                                            23                                  32   23 	Muzeum Krakówa (Płaszów)
                                                                                                                                                                                           14           18 N        24
                                                                                                                                 Sulzbach (district)                                                              25                                         24 Jewish Museum Prague
                                                            16                                     17                        25 Amberg                                                                     26 27    28                                       25 	Museum of Považie Žilina
                                                                                                                                                                                                  17                                      31
                                                                       20                                                    26 Oberasbach                                                15                33 29                                            26 	Future Lab
                                                  19                                                                                                                                                     16 34 35  30
                                        18                       23                                                          27 Stein                                                                                                                             (Ars Electronica) Linz
                   30                                                                                                        28 Nürnberger Land                                                                      36                                      27 	Ludovico Landesludothek Graz
                                21           22
                                                                  28              24                                         29 Altdorf                                            38                                                                        28 Veszprém 2023
                                             26 27 N              29                    25
                                                                                                                             30 Rothenburg o.d.T.                                                                              37                            29 Trafó House Budapest
                                                            33 34                                                                                                         39
                                31                32                                                                         31 Mittelfranken (district)                                                                                                     30 Lenau Verein Pécs
                              35                                                                                             32 Schwabach                                                                                                                    31 	Teatrul Tineretului Piatra Neamț
                                                                            37                                               33 Wendelstein                                                                                          40                      32 	Literature Museum Kharkiv
                                                       36                                                                    34	Röthenbach                                                                                                        41        33 En-Knap Ljubljana
                                                       38                                                                        a.d. Pegnitz                                                                                                                34 	University of Primorska Koper
                                                                                                                             35 Ansbach                         01 	LUMO Light Festival Oulu                   07 	Galway Early Music Festival             35 POGON Zagreb
                                                                                        01   Sonneberg                       36 Roth                            02 	New International Encounter                08 	Foxdog Studios Manchester               36 Nova Iskra Belgrade
                                             40                                         02   Kronach (district)              37 Neumarkt                             Asker                                      09 	Now Play This London                    37 Skopje 2028
                                                                                        03   Hof (district)                  38 Roth (district)                 03 Teater Pero Stockholm                        10 City of Aarhus                            38 	Distributed Design Market
                                             41                                         04   Hof                             39 Feuchtwangen                    04 Tampere 2026                                 11 Leeuwarden (LF2028)                            Platform Barcelona
                                                                                        05   Coburg                          40 Weißenburg                      05 Tartu 2024                                   12 	ArtEZ University of the Arts            39 Museums of Córdoba
                                                                                        06   Lichtenfels                     41 Solnhofen                       06 	Birds of Paradise Theatre                       Arnhem                                  40 Eleusis 2021 (2023)
                                                                                        07   Münchberg                                                               Company Glasgow                            13 	BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts              41 	Antalya Golden Orange Film
              20 km
                                                                                        08   Haßfurt                                                                                                                 Brussels                                     Festival

         OUR REGION:                                         however, has given rise to something                 After all, Europeans are characterised        EUROPE FORWARD                                  But we do have a hunch: If we go about
         A MINIATURE EUROPE                                  truly unique. We have driven and fos-                by the blend and mutual influences of                                                         deconstructing all of this, carefully and
                                                             tered cooperation across the region. A               cultural texts and styles, multiculturality   But what about a common picture, a              tentatively, we will not find ourselves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             We invite Europe to turn
         Nürnberg`s bid for European Capital of              total of 41 towns, cities and administra-            in the literal sense of the word, our abil-   common notion of what Europe is and             empty handed. Quite the opposite: We         the wheel of time, to explore
         Culture is a bid by a city and a whole              tive districts in the region have already            ity to grapple with all manner of mater-      should be? Is this something we can             will have a profound understanding and
         region: the Europäische Metropolre-                 submitted a Letter of Intent and made                ial and subjects, transformation beyond       claim to have? Or is that the whole point       a reliable consensus over what it is to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the Europe of the past, to
         gion Nürnberg (henceforth: the region).             financial pledges confirming their par-              the confines of borders and restraints.       of the “idea of Europe”? Do we not have         European. E pluribus multum – and a bit      debate the Europe of today
                                                             ticipation in the European Capital of                Learning from the strengths of others.        to lay to rest some of the notions we           of E pluribus unum. We are searching for     and to create the Europe
         This region, inhabited by 3.6 million               Culture project. What’s more, we have                The century-old, direct proximity of          have of the European idea because they          a new “us”. A new Europe. A transcultural,
         people, is fragmented, to some degree               also seen an unprecedented degree of                 what is unfamiliar and foreign. Chal-         also contain dark chapters of history,          cooperative, just and democratic Europe.     of tomorrow.
         with a history of insular local-level pa-           collaboration in the transregional work-             lenging certainties by confronting them       about the self-proclaimed “higher civil-        Like many cities all over Europe, Nürn-
         triotism and mutual exclusion. Finding              ing groups, with people from the re-                 with new perspectives.                        isations” and their sense of superiority,       berg is facing momentous decisions:
         common ground is by no means easy.                  gion’s many towns and cities, cultural                                                             for example? Given the conditions of            Are we ready to venture down new and
         This fragmented culture is the after-ef-            establishments, universities, tourist as-                                                          diversity, we can all but feel our way to-      bold paths towards a more diverse,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PAST FORWARD!
         fect of the many schisms resulting from             sociations, museums, trade unions etc.
                                                                                                                  Turning conflicts of the past                 wards an answer to this question.               more open and, in many areas, unfa-
         shifting borders and the late creation of           working on joint projects in a spirit of             into collaboration, replacing                                                                 miliar Europe? Or do we long to return
         the German Nation. What was left was                cooperation that has never been seen                                                                                                               to a supposedly familiar past based on
         a patchwork of political and religious              before in this region.
                                                                                                                  parochial thinking with syn-                                                                  national narratives?
         microstates and regions.                                                                                 ergies and inviting Europe
                                                             We think that this striving for more co-             to join us: That is the region-                                                               We have to address these questions
         To put it bluntly: History has left behind          operation between neighbouring cities                                                                                                              openly and honestly. In doing so, arts
         a very strong albeit ambivalent legacy              could be mutually reinforced by sharing              al approach of this bid.                                                                      and culture will be our agent provoca-
         in the region. A lack of trust and hidden           experiences with other regions in Europe.                                                                                                          teur, but also a grand enabler and facili-
         conflict among the neighbouring towns                                                                                                                                                                  tator, repairing the future.
         and cities in the region are part and
         parcel of our daily lives. The bid process,

         4                                                                                                                                                                                                      0. Introduction                                                                  5
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
That is the nature of emergencies.                                                         to the city’s Cultural Strategy in a posi-
                                                                                                      tive light. The Covid-19 pandemic mag-
           They fast-forward historical processes.                                                    nified the need for an overhaul of cul-
           Decisions that in normal times                                                             tural policy and the need for increased
           could take years of deliberation                                                           participation, as identified in the Cultural
                                                                                                      Strategy. Once the full force of lockdown
           are passed in a matter of hours.                                                           began to subside, we were able to con-
                                                                                                      centrate on implementing the strategy,
           YUVAL NOAH HARARI                                                                          fully incorporating the panel’s feedback
           The World After Coronavirus, Financial Times March 20, 2020                                and making good progress with the Cul-
                                                                                                      tural Strategy especially in the areas of
                                                                                                      capacity development and diversity.

           Q 1.1                                          THE THREE AREAS OF ACTION
           Changes to the                                 OF THE CULTURAL STRATEGY                    CULTURAL STRATEGY IMPLEMEN-
           Cultural Strategy                                                                          TATION MEASURES 2019/2020
                                                          Area of Action 1

                                                          Creating foundations for
           Stuck at a standstill, moving backwards,
                                                          sustainable cultural policy and             More Creative Spaces
           or being fast-forwarded into a new fu-
                                                          cultural development                        for the Arts and Culture
                                                          Area of Action 2                            Artists and creative professionals
                                                          Strengthening diversity and                 struggle to find production and

           In spring 2020, these three fundamen-
                                                          participation                               presentation venues.
           tal questions, metaphorically encapsu-
                                                          Area of Action 3
           lated by the PAST FORWARD motto,
                                                          Creating new narratives for                   January 2020: Launch of interim use
           once again came to the fore in the
                                                          Nürnberg                                        app and development of cooperative
           wake of the Covid-19 pandemic – as
                                                                                                          partnerships to provide cultural pro-
           reality collided head-on with the bid
                                                                                                          fessionals with better access to cre-
                                                          THE TEN KEY CULTURAL                            ative spaces
                                                          STRATEGY OBJECTIVES UNDER-                     F
                                                                                                          rom April 2020: Preparation and
           BEGINNER’S FEELING                             PINNING CULTURAL URBAN                          kick-off of the participatory process
                                                          DEVELOPMENT IN NÜRNBERG                         to develop the Kongresshalle and
                                                                                                        The Garage Project (Centre for the
           Suddenly everyone’s main priority was
                                                   1. 	To foster a sustainable cultural                  Cultural and Creative Industries)
           their health and staying safe. In our spe-
                                                         policy stance and cultural policy               From August 2020: Implementation
           cific context, however, concerns over
                                                         discourse formats                                of the “Kulturoase” format: City of

           the survival of cultural establishments
                                                   2. 	To replace outdated cultural policy               Nürnberg provides additional out-
           and existential worries of many cultural
                                                         approaches and segmentation                      door spaces for artists and event
           operators had a deep impact on this bid
                                                   3. 	To facilitate forward-looking, bind-              organisers to compensate for in-
           process. Experiencing something akin
                                                         ing cultural policy priorities                   come losses due to Covid-19 restric-
           to the “simultaneity of the non-simulta-

                                                   4. 	To strengthen the cultural sector                 tions
           neous”, we saw the crisis delay pro-
                                                         as a key driver of sustainable
           gress on the projects that are part of the
                                                         urban development
           future cultural strategy, yet, at the same
                                                   5. 	To enrich the cultural scene by               Cultural Funding and Empowerment
           time throw a harsh light on the precari-
                                                         providing opportunities for experi-          For cultural funding approaches to

           ous circumstances of those working in
                                                         mentation in both analogue and               be improved and adapted for
           the arts and culture. It also left us no
                                                         digital environments                         the future, we have to take stock of
           choice but to abruptly abandon long-es-
                                                   6. 	To cultivate transcultural and in-            existing funding schemes.
           tablished routines. Those cultural oper-
                                                         tergenerational approaches as
           ators who were hardest hit by the lock-

                                                         well as opportunities for dialogue           Given the financial constraints that the
           down measures and continuing
                                                   7. 	To invigorate arts and culture                Covid-19 pandemic inevitably brought
           restrictions (in the events industry, for
                                                         through new narratives and con-              in its wake, the development of new
           instance) carried out a needs analysis.
                                                         temporary modes of expression                approaches to funding and financing
           This and other sometimes painfully hon-
                                                   8. 	To strengthen Nürnberg’s profile              became a matter of urgency. Experi-
           est debates on cultural funding were
                                                         as a city of culture at both Euro-           ences and insights were incorporated
           translated into tangible action by the city.
                                                         pean and international level                 in the evaluation of the existing funding
           The experiences this year will undoubt-
                                                   9. 	To support knowledge-based                    framework outlined in the Cultural
           edly have a profound impact on the
                                                         processes of transformation and              Strategy.
           transformation of culture in our city.
                                                         collaborative approaches
                                                   10. 	To actively engage stakeholders
           Following its adoption in January 2018,
                                                         through inclusion, dialogue and
           Nürnberg’s Cultural Strategy moved
           into the implementation phase.

                                                          These priorities have served as a flexi-
                                                          ble, adaptive guiding principle, with the
                                                          ECoC expert panel report also referring

                                                          1. Contribution to the Long-Term Strategy                                            7
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
berg’s Cultural Strategy is the            Q 1.2                                        fig. 3  	   NÜRNBERG2025 THEORY OF CHANGE
    March 2020: STREAM FORWARD.                    creation of the Nürnberg Cultural          Changes in Intended Impacts
        Development of an online platform to        Council, which will help to shape the                                                    WHAT WE DO                                                WHAT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE
        give cultural operators more opportu-       city’s cultural policy from 2021. Any
                                                                                               As the ECoC project evolved, our vision        18                                                       17          15       10
        nities to perform, present and create       artist or cultural operator who lives in
                                                                                               took shape, its essence gradually be-          ACTIVITIES                                               OUTPUTS     OUTCOMES IMPACTS
        more visibility during lockdown             Nürnberg can become a member of
                                                                                               coming increasingly clear to everyone
      arch 2020: Bündnis für Kultur                the Cultural Council, which will play
                                                                                               involved:                                       A1 Implementation of community development                                        Nürnberg and the region are more
    (Alliance for Culture); private-public          a supportive advisory role in cultural
                                                                                                                                              projects in Nürnberg and the region

        crowdfunding action to support the          administration as well as in the de-                                                                                                                                         inclusive with increased equality
        local cultural scene                        velopment of the city’s cultural policy.   After 2025, Nürnberg’s cul-                      A2 Development of digital concepts to                                            of opportunity and greater cultural
     May 2020: Municipal financial res-            The Cultural Council will increase                                                                                                                                           participation among the citizens
        cue package worth 100,000 euros             opportunities for cultural profession-
                                                                                               tural scene will be stronger,                  increase participation of disadvantaged groups
                                                                                                                                              in cultural life                                                                   A1 A2 A3
        to promote projects and structures          als to participate in cultural policy      more diverse, more experi-                      A3 Development of a concept for the improve-
        in the arts and culture that will be        decision-making, thus fostering par-       mental and will involve far                    ment of the public transport network to meet the                                   Nürnberg’s cultural operators and
        granted in addition to funding from         ticipation and embracing diversity.
                                                                                               more interaction with the                      needs of Nürnberg2025 and its target groups                                        cultural institutions are strength-
        the federal state and national gov-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ened (capacity development)
        ernments                                 Regional Development                          city’s people than it does                      A4 Implementation of measures to improve
      From May 2020: Establishment of a         Cooperation and synergies within                                                             cultural management and marketing skills in the                                    A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A15
        roundtable with creative profession-     the region should be expanded.                now.                                           city and the region
        als representing the independent                                                                                                                                                                                         Collaborative cultural projects
                                                                                                                                               A5 Implementation of measures to promote
        scenes and night-time culture along      The region is fragmented, with no clear       And today’s society, at once both di-                                                                                             create a more synergetic region
        with representatives from the City       shared identity. Nonetheless, since we        verse, fragmented and heterogenous             regional, international and intersectoral cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A5 A6 A12
        Council and the Bavarian Ministry of     submitted the first bid book, we have         will have developed a deeper sense of           A6 Creation of physical and digital platforms
        Science and the Arts. A needs analy-     seen the people in the region enthusias-      community and transculturality. This           for regional and international exchange                                            Nürnberg and the region are
        sis was conducted and strategies for     tically forging ahead with cooperative        idea is ambitious but, if successful,
                                                                                                                                                A7 Creation or opening up of cultural                                            more European and more
        emergency assistance developed in        partnerships in the context of the appli-     Nürnberg can make an important
                                                                                                                                              infrastructure as part of urban development                                        international
        the context of the Covid-19 pandem-      cation process. And we have watched           contribution to the self-perception of
        ic                                       as a spirit of solidarity centred on a        Europe’s future societies. Nürnberg is           A8 Establishment of a centre to connect estate                                   A5 A6 A10 A11
       Autumn 2020: Start of evaluation of      shared project and its goals has evolved      to become a laboratory of progress:            agents, cultural professionals and the city admin-
        cultural funding. Large-scale online     – something truly unprecedented in this       a heterogenous society in the shape            istration                                                                          Public space in Nürnberg and the
        survey on cultural funding, the re-      region. The development of the region         of a permeable, fluid community. The                                                                                              region is used more intensively
                                                                                                                                               A9 Advancement and funding of participatory
        sults of which will be used to put to-   through culture is at the heart of the        essence of our vision has not changed:                                                                                            and more sustainably for culture

                                                                                                                                              art and cultural projects
        gether recommendations for action        PAST FORWARD programme.                       it has simply become clearer.                                                                                                     A7 A8 A9
                                                                                                                                               A10 Facilitation of discourse platforms and
                                                    October 2019 – July 2020: Nürn-           We have also given substantial thought         learning spaces centred on the Nürnberg2025                                        Nürnberg is shaped by heightened
More Participation and Diversity                     berg2025 is the big opportunity for       to the best way of making sure we don’t        themes, especially transculturality and diversity                                  transcultural awareness and
Cultural institutions and audiences                  the region to leave past frictions be-    stray from our vision, how to ensure we
                                                                                                                                               A11 Establishment of European formats for                                         increased transcultural everyday
at cultural events are not a true                    hind and to grow together in unity.       learn from our mistakes and, if neces-
                                                                                                                                              exchange and encounter between artists,                                            practice
reflection of our society’s diversity.              The ECoC expert panel’s report             sary, tackling them head on. In the first
                                                                                                                                              cultural professionals and citizens                                               A10 A11
                                                     gave us the confidence to weave           bid book, we outlined 13 target impacts.
It is primarily this aspect of the Cultural          Nürnberg’s Cultural Strategy and the      Over the past year we have worked               A12 Creation of a service centre as a contact
Strategy that Nürnberg2025 is seeking                regional orientation of the ECoC ap-      closely with local cultural operators to       point for citizen scientists and cultural institutions                             Nürnberg is an innovator for
to address by initiating, supporting and             plication even more closely together.     develop these objectives further, priori-      across the region to assist with the digitalisation                                artistic practice, discourse about
accelerating change, a process to                    Between October 2019 and May              tising them in order of relevance and sig-     of and access to cultural heritage in Nürnberg and                                 European democracy, society and
which Nürnberg’s Cultural Strategy and               2020, more than 250 cultural opera-       nificance. The report from the ECoC ex-        the region                                                                         humanity
the ECoC Strategy are inextricably                   tors from across the region worked        pert panel was particularly useful here,                                                                                         A10 A11
                                                                                                                                               A13 Implementation of formats reappraising and
linked.                                              together in online and offline work-      guiding and steering us along the right
                                                                                                                                              combining the concepts of work, learning and play
                                                     shops, meeting in small groups            path. Particularly those areas of the cul-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nürnberg and the region preserve
   Spring/Summer 2020: Cultural out-                across the region to work on joint        tural scene whose precarious conditions         A14 Provision of support to facilitate cultural and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 regional and European cultural herit-
     reach. As a result of the Covid-19 pan-         projects for the European Capital of      were laid bare by the Covid-19 pandem-         social entrepreneurship and sustainopreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 age more effectively, making it more
     demic, people were physically cut off           Culture bid. The result was an excit-     ic must now be able to benefit more
                                                                                                                                              A15 Establishment of a service centre for                                          visible and conveying it in a more
     from established cultural venues. The           ing, open and inclusive process the       from Nürnberg2025. Therefore, for the
                                                                                                                                              European collaborative projects in the cultural                                    contemporary way
     people of Nürnberg and creative pro-            likes of which has never been seen        second phase of the bid, as we moved
                                                                                                                                              and creative industries                                                           A12
     fessionals quickly discovered new               in this region, a process driven by       forward with the arts and culture pro-
     ways to re-establish contact in the dig-        cultural operators. Regionally initiat-   gramme, the main focus has shifted              A16 Development and implementation of sus-
     ital space or in the form of backyard           ed projects are the fruits of this pro-   more and more on sustainability and ca-        tainable tourism concepts                                                          Nürnberg and the region are
     concerts. In 2021, we will be evaluat-          cess. Those are already fostering         pacity development for the cultural oper-                                                                                         strengthened as a hub for the
                                                                                                                                               A17 Establishment of platforms for an exchange
     ing (as part of the Outreach Strategy           networks between cultural profes-         ators in Nürnberg and the region, as well                                                                                         cultural and creative industries
                                                                                                                                              of ideas on sustainable models of work among
     of the ECoC initiative) whether these           sionals from the region. As a result,     as European discourse.                                                                                                            and there is increased intersec-

                                                                                                                                              actors from the business community, civil society,
     new formats have boosted participa-             there is clear regional ownership of                                                                                                                                        toral cooperation
                                                                                                                                              cultural operators and citizens
     tion in cultural activities. Drawing on         the projects.                             The upshot: In the run-up to 2030 and                                                                                            A12 A13 A14 A15 A17 A18
     this, we will be putting together recom-                                                  beyond, we have our sights firmly set          A18 Development of facilities for the cultural
     mendations for action.                                                                    on achieving ten long-term impacts at          and creative industries.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The cultural and creative industries
    Autumn 2020: Establishment of the                                                         the social, cultural and economic level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and cultural tourism in Nürnberg
  “Kulturrat Nürnberg” (Nürnberg Cul-                                                          that are at the heart of the Nürnberg-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and the region are more sustainable
     tural Council). An important mile-                                                        2025 Theory of Change.
     stone in the implementation of Nürn-                                                         fig. 3                                                                                                                        A13 A14 A15 A16 A17

8                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Contribution to the Long-Term Strategy                                         9
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
Q 1.3                                       The PAST FORWARD approach to                 Something else that is especially im-       fig. 4    NÜRNBERG2025 IMPACT CHAINS (EXAMPLES)
Monitoring and Evaluation                   evaluation is theory driven. We have         portant to us is making sure that the
                                            created a Theory of Change fig. 3            Nürnberg2025 monitoring and evalua-
                                                                                                                                     What we do         A1 Implementation of community development projects in Nürnberg and the region
                                            that defines the links between the           tion (M&E) system is compatible with
                                            Nürnberg2025 activities/projects and         systems that are already in place at the
                                            the changes we seek to implement with        local and European level as well as in-     What we want      OUTPUTS                     OUTCOMES                               IMPACTS
                                            a view to developing coherent impact         ternational agendas. At the local level,    to achieve
MONITORING AND EVALUATION?                                                                                                                            Barriers preventing ac-     Nürnberg’s cultural production,        Nürnberg and the region are more
                                            hypotheses. The planning of the arts         we employed existing systems in the         (Success)
                                                                                                                                                       cess to cultural life are   presentation and participation         inclusive with increased equality of
                                            and cultural programme thus went             region for data collection and analysis.
                                                                                                                                                       reduced                     are more representative of the         opportunity and greater cultural par-
                                            hand-in-hand with the development of         For the development of our impact
We strongly believe that continuous                                                                                                                                                diversity of its population            ticipation among the citizens
                                            the Nürnberg2025 evaluation system.          model, we took our lead from the
monitoring, quality-oriented cultural
                                                                                        “Guidelines for the cities‘ own evalua-
management and evaluation are key to
                                            The Nürnberg2025 Theory of Change            tions of the results of their ECoC”, with
the success of a European Capital of
                                            developed as part of a participatory         a view to also contributing to impact       How we            Number of projects im-      Social structure of and demo-          Share of respondents in a representa-
Culture year. The Nürnberg of 2025 will
                                            process is used as the basis for a com-      assessment at the level of the Euro-        measure it        plemented to eliminate      graphic information on users of        tive household survey (20,000 peo-
be a destination for visitors and crea-
                                            prehensive evaluation of the arts and        pean Capital of Culture as a policy in-     (Indicator)       barriers to access          cultural institutions (KulMon);        ple) who report that inclusion has
tive professionals, a home for cultural
                                            cultural programme and other PAST            strument. Moreover, within the Nürn-                                                      Analysis of cultural centres’ staff    improved. Survey based on indicators
institutions, a place that leaves lasting
                                            FORWARD interventions. Activities re-        berg2025 M&E system, we also make                                                         diversity regarding gender, age,       for EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income
impressions and changes the owner-
                                            sult in outputs which, in turn, lead to      use of existing mechanisms at the Eu-                                                     and international background           and Living Conditions) for Nürnberg
ship of cultural production, presenta-
                                            medium-term outcomes and long-term           ropean level, including the Cultural and
tion and participation towards a more                                                                                                Data collection   2021–2026                   2021–2026                              2026, 2030
                                            impacts. The impact model is based on        Creative Cities Monitor and the Euro-
adequate representation of the diverse
                                            impact assumptions: Why does the             pean Union Statistics on Income and         What we do          A5 Implementation of measures to promote regional,
society. Through art and culture, play
                                            adoption of a measure/the successful         Living Conditions (EU-SILC). In the         (Activity)        international and intersectoral cooperation
and discourse, local artists and all peo-
                                            implementation of a project result in a      process of developing the Theory of
ple of Nürnberg will join forces with                                                                                                What we want      OUTPUTS                     OUTCOMES                               IMPACTS
                                            positive change/impact? These causal         Change, we also considered the role of
people from all over the world in the                                                                                                to achieve
                                            relationships can be modelled using          the UN Sustainable Development                                Formats for exchange        Cultural operators are in a stronger Collaborative cultural projects create
search for gateways to new opportuni-                                                                                                (Success)
                                            impact chains. Indicators are devel-         Goals (SDGs), which are a blueprint for                       and cooperation are         position to work locally, regionally,  a more synergetic region
ties and prospects, uncovering path-
                                            oped for all levels of the impact chains,    a better and more sustainable future,                         used                        nationally and internationally as well
ways to transformation and a bright
                                            which we will use to assess the imple-       and which are already being imple-                                                        as intersectorally
new future for both Nürnberg and Eu-
                                            mentation of measures and the                mented in Nürnberg as part of a city-
rope.                                                                                                                                How we            Number of cultural opera-   Share of cultural operators who are Density and intensity of regional
                                            achievement of their objectives as well      wide initiative.
                                                                                                                                     measure it        tors involved in Nürnberg   part of local, regional, national and network of cultural operators. Survey
                                            as their effectiveness and contribution
                                                                                                                                     (Indicator)       2025 formats for ex-        international as well as intersec-    as part of a network analysis
To be able to create such a                 to larger, overarching impacts.
                                                                                                                                                       change and cooperation      toral networks. Qualitative survey
laboratory of progress, we                  Working with the Theory of Change ap-                                                    Data Collection   2025                        2022, 2026                             2019, 2022, 2026
must constantly question                    proach has various advantages. The
                                                                                                                                     What we do        A14 Provision of support to facilitate cultural and social entrepreneurship
ourselves and reflect on                    first thing we do is put our heads to-
                                                                                                                                     (Activity)        and sustainopreneurship (CSS entrepreneurship)
                                            gether with our partners in the city and
and evaluate our own                        from across the region to reflect on                                                     What we want      OUTPUTS                     OUTCOMES                               IMPACTS
actions realistically.                      what the PAST FORWARD programme                                                          to achieve
                                                                                                                                                       Business models based       Citizens, members of the business      Nürnberg and the region are
                                            is in fact seeking to achieve and how                                                    (Success)
                                                                                                                                                       on the economy for the      community, and self-employed           strengthened as a hub for the cultur-
                                            suitable the measures planned really
                                                                                                                                                       common good are tri-        cultural professionals fully exploit   al and creative industries and there
                                            are in terms of accomplishing this. This
                                                                                                                                                       alled with local compa-     the potential of sustainable man-      is increased intersectoral coopera-
                                            is important to ensure that the objec-
                                                                                                                                                       nies and civil society      agement                                tion
                                            tives developed are tangible and the
                                            contributions plausible – for this is the                                                How we            Number of companies       Turnover of cultural and creative  Nürnberg’s score in the Cultural and
                                            only way to verify, for evaluation pur-                                                  measure it        and employees in cultural industries and share of CSS entre- Creative Cities Monitor (Creative
                                            poses, whether or not they have actu-                                                    (Indicator)       and creative industries preneurship                          Economy sub-index)
                                            ally been achieved. Here, we assume
                                                                                                                                     Data Collection   2018, 2022, 2026, 2030      2018, 2022, 2026, 2030                 2019, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2030
                                            that Nürnberg2025 will be able to make
                                            an important contribution to the                                                         What we do        A15 Establishment of a service centre for European collaborative projects in the cultural
                                            achievement of the objectives we have                                                    (Activity)        and creative industries
                                            defined at the impact level. We will also
                                                                                                                                     What we want      OUTPUTS                     OUTCOMES                               IMPACTS
                                            conduct a contribution analysis that will
                                                                                                                                     to achieve
                                            enable us to capture the unintended                                                                        Capacity and skills of      Cultural and creative industries are Nürnberg’s cultural operators and
                                            impacts of the Capital of Culture pro-                                                                     cultural and creative       better integrated in pan-European cultural institutions are strengthened
                                            ject, both positive and negative.                                                                          industries regarding        networks and more projects are       (capacity development)
                                                fig. 4                                                                                                 networking and applica-     implemented as European collabo-
                                                                                                                                                       tions for EU funding are    rations within EU programmes
                                                                                                                                     How we            Number of Europe for        Number/volume of (successful and Nürnberg’s score in the Cultural and
                                                                                                                                     measure it        Festivals, Festivals for    unsuccessful) applications for EU Creative Cities Monitor (Cultural
                                                                                                                                     (Indicator)       Europe (EFFE) Labels        funding from Creative Europe and Vibrancy dimension)
                                                                                                                                                       in the Metropolitan Re-     other funding programmes submit-
                                                                                                                                                       gion                        ted in Nürnberg and the region
                                                                                                                                     Data Collection   2020, 2026                  2020, 2026, 2030                       2019, 2022, 2024, 2026, 2030

10                                                                                                                                                                          1. Contribution to the Long-Term Strategy                                       11
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
fig. 5     MONITORING & EVALUATION TIMELINE 2021–2030                                                              fig. 6    REGIONAL NETWORK OF CULTURAL OPERATORS
                                                                                                                             PAST FOWARD NETWORK ANALYSIS 2019
Phase                Milestones                                           21    22   23   24   25   26   27   30
                     Development of Monitoring & Evaluation staff unit

DEVELOPMENT          Establishment of processes and procedures

                     Engagement of stakeholders

                     Development of monitoring and evaluation concept

PLANNING             Tendering for external evaluation services

                     International symposium for impact assessment of
                     ECoCs and cultural strategy implementation

                     Collection of baseline data

                     Support for impact-oriented planning of
                     Nürnberg2025 programmes and projects
                     Monitoring of preparation and implementation
                     of Nürnberg2025
                     Implementation of accompanying research pro-
                     gramme and evaluations

                     Ex-post evaluation of Nürnberg2025
AND                  Transfer of ECoC services to long-term structures
                     Long-term evaluation: PAST FORWARD 2030

TIMELINE:                                 independent review of the achievement
PAST FORWARD MONITORING                   of our objectives and impact with a fo-
AND EVALUATION 2018–2030                 cus on collaborative learning. A long-
                                          term evaluation is planned for 2030 to
   fig. 5                                 assess the legacy of Nürnberg2025
The ongoing monitoring process begins and to place the project in the context
as soon as the ECoC title is awarded. of the SDGs, which will expire and un-
This regular monitoring process accom- dergo performance evaluation in 2030.
panies project implementation and is
ultimately what makes the impact as- All of those indicators and targets will
sessment possible. At the same time, be fleshed out in detail once the Nürn-
monitoring is designed to systemati- berg2025 gGmbH has been estab-
cally collect data for implementation, to lished. When evaluating whether we
feed this data into decisions over the have reached our objectives, baseline
management of Nürnberg2025, in other data describing the current situation
words to help us achieve our objectives. is of the essence. We already started
Monitoring reports based on data analy- to collect baseline data in 2018 and will
sis is processed and passed on to the be conducting more baseline studies
artistic and business directors to assist from 2021. fig. 6
their decision making. Any adjustments
                                                                                                                       Educational institution
are factored into the monitoring plans
and systematic checks conducted to
                                                                                                                       Cultural institution
ensure that these adjustments have in
                                                                                                                       Cultural association
fact been made and fulfilled their
                                                                                                                       Networks and umbrella organisation
intended purpose. When it comes to
                                                                                                                       Cultural policy and administration
implementing the ex-post evaluation,
we are planning to commission an
                                                                                                                       Temporary event/festival
                                                                                                                       Cultural and creative industry
                                                                                                                       No information given

12                                                                                                                                                          1. Contribution to the Long-Term Strategy   13
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder

                                                                         ADMINISTRATIVE & POLITICAL STAKEHOLDERS

           Nürnberg City Administration                                             Metropolitan Region Nürnberg            Nürnberg2025 Supervisory Board

COLLABORATIVE                                                            Close cooperation, regular coordination and reporting
AND RESEARCH                     Data exchange, advice and involvement

                                                                                                                                 Commissioning and management
Statistics Office

Universities in                                                                          Nürnberg2025                                                           EVALUATORS
Nürnberg and
the region
                                                                                            gGmbH                                                               AND

Bavarian State
Office for Statistics

DG Joint Research
Centre Cultural
Creative Cities
Monitor team                                                                     Regular consultation and information

                                                                         EUROPEAN COMMISSION & ECOC EXPERT PANEL

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                    To ensure maximum possible inde-            LEGACY: HOW WILL WE ENSURE
WHO WILL BE DOING THE                                                          pendence, the interim, ex-post and          SUSTAINABILITY AND
EVALUATING?                                                                   long-term evaluation will be conducted      COLLABORATIVE LEARNING? 
                                                                               by an external evaluator. The call for
A rule of thumb when it comes to man-                                          tender will take place as soon as Nürn-     The Nürnberg2025 M&E system sees
agement is that clearly defined roles                                          berg2025 gGmbH goes live. This              the transition to a sharper focus on im-
and responsibilities are the key to suc-                                       means that continuous evaluation will       pact in the region that will continue be-
cess. The same applies to monitoring                                           be in place as early as 2021.               yond 2025. The ex-post evaluations
and evaluation. A M&E staff unit                                               We will also draw on the specific exper-    scheduled to be conducted in 2026 and
   Chapter 5      will be responsible for                                      tise of local, regional and international   2030 will be financed from the operat-
tracking the outputs, outcomes and im-                                         actors, depending on the data we are        ing budget for the European Capital of
pacts of the PAST FORWARD project,                                             looking to obtain. Relevant actors have     Culture. Capacity development is just
using defined indicators, baselines and                                        already been involved in the develop-       as important when it comes to evalua-
targets as well as various data collec-                                        ment of the M&E system (e.g. DG Joint       tion and we are keen to tap into the po-
tion methods. As quality management                                            Research, Friedrich-Alexander Univer-       tential for collaborative learning at Eu-
and audience feedback is essential for                                         sität Erlangen-Nürnberg, and the            ropean level. With this in mind, we will
projects in the arts and cultural pro-                                         Statistics Office Nürnberg-Fürth).          closely align our capacity development
gramme, the staff unit will advise all                                            fig. 7                                   tools, such as the connected creatives
project managers on how to implement                                                                                       dashboard,       Chapter 4       with the
culture-oriented project evaluation. It                                                                                    M&E system. In the spirit of transparency,
will support the project partners by pro-                                                                                  all evaluation reports will be published
viding them with toolkits for evaluation                                                                                   shortly after completion in English and
including culturally sensitive methods                                                                                     German on Nürnberg2025’s online and
and templates for visitor surveys.                                                                                         offline channels. In the run-up to the
                                                                                                                           ECoC year, in cooperation with the Cul-
                                                                                                                           ture Next network, in 2022, we will be
                                                                                                                           organising a symposium on impact as-
                                                                                                                           sessment of ECoCs and cultural strat-
                                                                                                                           egy implementation of cities that are
                                                                                                                           currently bidding for the ECoC title or
                                                                                                                           that have done so in the past.

14                                                                                                                                                                            David Häuser, Time Capsule   Sculptures of Quarantine, Nürnberg 2020
N2025.EU - Kulturstiftung der Länder
Q 2.1 + 2.2                                                         PAST FORWARD grasps the roots of Nürnberg with both
           Artistic Vision, Strategy and Structure of                          hands, taking a radical new perspective on the development
           the Cultural Programme of Nürnberg2025                              of the city into what it is today, a place that is bound to its past
                                                                               and the human rights abuses of a totalitarian regime. A city
                                                                               that is striving towards the respect for humanity and interna-
           Our vision is to work with the people in                            tional law. Our bid shakes up all of our routines and estab-
                                                                               lished practices, asking: Who owns the city? We catapult
           Nürnberg, the region and our international                          ourselves FORWARD into the future, a future that should, and
           partners to develop a new concept of the                            indeed will be, shaped by equal opportunities, transculturality,
           city and of Europe – a place of humanity                            diversity and post-national configurations. A worthy city in a
                                                                               strong, democratic Europe – that is the vision that has driven
           and togetherness, a place to experiment,                            us forward and filled us with inspiration as we developed our
           a laboratory for culture and the arts.                              PAST FORWARD programme. This process of creative re-
                                                                               flection has led to a bid based on three core themes.

           1. HUMANITY                                  2. ACTIVITY                                   3. COMMUNITY
           History never ends. We are inextricably     Activity allows us to interpret and en-        Many European cities are confronted
           linked with history. And nowhere else is    gage with the world, to give it structure      with fragmentation, have to cope with
           this more true than in the city of Nürn-    and produce the conditions in which we         social divides and conflict, inequalities

           berg. Nürnberg has a brilliant history in   can flourish, refine our talents, develop      and injustices, frustration, and now, on
           the Middle Age and early modern times.      our potential, and create our identities.      top of everything else, have to work out
           But our history is also a terrible one,     In the increasingly technology and da-         how to deal with the new threats of pop-
           fraught with the atrocities committed by    ta-driven early 21st century world we          ulism and right-wing extremism. Re-
           the Nazi regime. We feel the burden of      live in, a world faced with the encroach-      sentment and growing discontent, po-
           the past, dragged down by the heavy         ing threat of ecological disaster, we          larisation, online hate such as hate
           weight of a present dominated by en-        have to be all the more certain of what        speech on social media as well as real-
           trenched traditions, routines and un-       defines us as human beings or what             life violence are poisoning peaceful co-
           challenged certainties, or of localism      constitutes our culture. Over the cen-         existence in the world today. And Nürn-

           and a desire for national homogeneity.      turies, Nürnberg has been a city of            berg is no exception. What we take
           At the same time, the interpretation        humanists, of craftsmen and crafts-            from this is the duty to join forces with
           of past stories is backward-looking         women, in the heart of a region of glob-       partners from all over Europe in the
           prophecy that gives meaning to the          al toy manufacturers and creative en-          search for possible sources of social
           chaos of past events. Culture and the       terprises. How we live in the future,          cohesion in the 21st century. PAST
           arts give us the means to conceive of       how we define work and play in the             FORWARD.
           and shape the space for creative and        future, will be examined through the           Starting from the specificities of Nürn-
           reflective freedom.                         arts and culture, in the spirit of PAST        berg and the path Nürnberg has to
                                                       FORWARD.                                       tread, we believe action has to be taken
                                                                                                      beyond that in order to master the chal-
                                                                                                      lenges of the 21st century. What poten-
                                                                                                      tial is there in cities like Nürnberg and
                                                                                                      in the arts and culture for deep transfor-


           Post-2025 Nürnberg is an open European city whose cul-            will develop New Creative Spaces, spaces that are so crucial

           tural life is characterised by transculturality, equal opportuni- to the broad spectrum of themes in the bid and will help
           ty, sustainability and internationality. Post-2025 Nürnberg is    ensure sustainable impact into the future. The New Creative
           a metropolitan city – transformed through arts and culture.       Spaces will become places where local artists and actors
           Nürnberg’s cultural scenes and creative industries have           can renegotiate and re-navigate international positions – on
           made a giant leap forward and are competitive, both nation-       Nürnberg’s Nazi heritage, the political challenges of today
           ally and internationally.                                         and the future of work and play – Kongresshalle, Haus des
                                                                             Spielens, Museum Industriekultur and The Garage Project.
           Early in the application process, it became clear that a two-        Chapter 6
           pronged approach would be required: we needed to develop
           an exceptional arts and cultural programme, on the one
           hand, and provide the necessary, state-of-the-art infrastruc-
           ture, on the other. It goes without saying that the city of Nürn-
           berg already has its institutional beacons and cultural cen-
           tres. What’s missing, however, is a dedicated space for
           creative processes to unfold. And while there may be no
           shortage of ideas, there are no real incubators for radical
           cultural innovation. Armed with this knowledge, Nürnberg

                                                       2. Cultural and Artistic Content                                                      17
fig. 8  	   PROGRAMME STRUCTURE FOR 2025                                                                                            LIGHTS ON                                      COMMUNITY OPERA                              THE ROCKET
                                                                                                                                    OPENING CEREMONIES                             AND CITY DANCE NÜRNBERG                      Yearning for space –
                                                                                                                                    JANUARY 3–6, 2025                              A whole city dancing!                        a vision in public space

                                                                                                                                                                                   Under the curation of Frances Pappas,      Albrecht Dürer created celestial maps,
                          THE FUTURE OF                                                  WHOSE                                      2025 will see Nürnberg really come             the Bridging Arts initiative of the organ- Martin Behaim gave his world-famous
                          REMEMBRANCE                                                    HISTORY                                    alive: The ECoC year will kick off with a      isation Kammer Musik Theater Interna-      globe in order, and Central Europe’s
                                                                                                                                    huge four day music, theatre and dance         tional will be creating a new community    first ever passenger train went between
                                                                                                                                    festival that welcomes every facet of          opera for the opening. It will involve     Nürnberg and Fürth. In the ECoC year,
                                                                                                                                    our city with open arms – choirs and           children, adolescents and young adults     our Mapping the World platform will see
                                                                                                                                    associations, local community organi-          with different abilities. Another equally  us delve into this fascinating area,
                                                                                                                                    sations and activists, the fans of our         exciting highlight is the initiative City  mapping the world for the future. A defi-
                                                                                                        DIGNITY                     local football club 1. FCN, the many           Dance Nürnberg which will be in the        nite fixed point for the 21st century is
                                                                                                          AND                       students from the city’s academies, col-       hands of curator Stephanie Thiersch.       Stanley Kubrick’s epic “2001: A Space
            THE MASSES
                                                                                                       EQUALITY                     leges and universities, children and           City Dance – developed in 1970s by         Odyssey” – the infinite expanse of
                                                             HUMANITY                                                               youth clubs, senior citizen’s clubs and        legendary dance pioneer Anne Halprin       space, forever out of reach to mankind,
                                                                                                                                    associations, religious groups, orches-        – is a collective celebration of humanity  and yet an infinite galaxy of fantasy and
                                                                                                                                    tras and ensembles, Nürnberg Sym-              and reconciliation; through diverse ar-    imagination.
                                                                                                                                    phony Orchestra and the State Philhar-         tistic expression, unfolding democratic    Polish-British artist Goshka Macuga
                                                              D        PA
                                                                         S                                                          monic, the Altstadtfreunde – advocates         power.                                     will create an artistic representation on
                                                                                                                                    of the historic association preservation                                                  this topic. At the end of the opening



                                                                                                                                    of the old town, and the friends of the             Frances Pappas,                      event, we will be unveiling her rocket
                                                PAST FO

        AS A

    PLAYGROUND                                               NÜRNBERG                                                               Kirchweih (town fair). We will be cele-             Stephanie Thiersch                    sculpture, which will challenge the con-
                                                               TIME                                            CULTURE              brating a local and European “Volks-              	Bridging Arts (Nürnberg)              cept of public space, literally speaking,

                                                              MACHINE                                           IN FLUX             fest”, a festival by and for the people,       — Mouvoir (Cologne)                        by moving the viewer’s imagination be-
                                                                                                                                    immersed in an international spirit, a                                                    yond an Earth-bound perspective to-
                                                                                                                                    celebration of solidarity, community and                                                  wards outer space. The rocket sculp-
                                                              ST FORWARD                                                            Europeanness, and of gratitude to citi-        HEMISPHERES                                ture will be installed in public space in
                                 ACTIVITY                                        COMMUNITY                                          zens and partners alike, unveiling the         Sounds, songs and lights –                 Nürnberg to create a dialogue with the
                                                                                                                                    wealth of potential for all of Europe and      the whole city as a stage                  history of the site, in a shift towards hu-
        MASTER-                                                                                                                     the world to see – a preview of what we                                                   mankind’s connection to the cosmos
         PIECES                                                                                                                     have in store throughout the ECoC              The Songlines project has been under- and the Earth as a global environment.
                                                                                                                                    year.                                          way since 2018. And at the opening Partner of the project is the ESA (Euro-
                                                                                                                                    We will be inviting people from our twin       festival in 2025 we will be bringing this pean Space Agency) which has devel-
                                                                                                                                    towns to come to Nürnberg for what will        project to you in the form of a musical oped projects essential for human-
                                                                                                         THE ME’S,                  be a huge celebration of cultures. It          fusion of all the concerts and work- kind’s preparation and survival for the
                                                                                                       THE WE’S AND                 goes without saying that Capital of Cul-       shops that this project has given rise to, future. The spirit of such collaborations
                                                                                                          THE US                    ture 2024 Bad Ischl in Austria is invited,     transforming Nürnberg and beyond into manifests our progress and commit-
                                                                                                                                    as is the Slovenian European Capital of        a dynamic space of sound, songs and ment to ongoing positive social change.
                LANDSCAPES                                                                                                          Culture 2025. Also on the guest list is        lights – Hemispheres. Composer Brig-
                 OF LABOUR                                                                                                          the Finnish ECoC 2026 which we will            itta Muntendorf and French visual artist         Goshka Macuga
                                                                                                                                    be passing the baton to at our closing         Bertrand Planes will be creating a pul-       	European Space Agency (Paris)
                                            MAPPING                          LOCAL LAB                                              ceremony at the end of the ECoC year.          sating light and sound show on the
                                           THE WORLD                          EUROPE                                                A huge festival of light and dark, a fes-      roofs of Nürnberg. On the opening
                                                                                                                                    tival of contrasts is currently in the plan-   night and after sunset every night for
                                                                                                                                    ning with candidate city Oulu and the          two whole weeks, this extravaganza
                                                                                                                                    Lumo Light Festival Oulu.                      will transform the skies above the city
                                                                                                                                                                                   into a vast open space of light and
                                                                                                                                                                                   sound that will then disappear into the
                                                                                                                                                                                   firmament. Spoken words and singing
THE ARTS AND CULTURAL PROGRAMME                                    We consider this structure a useful framework to quickly                                                        will also fill the air like the music of a
                                                                   access and visualise the Nürnberg2025 programme. We                                                             surreal choir. The whole city will be
The Nürnberg2025 arts and cultural programme outlined in           also consider all the projects of Nürnberg2025 highly com-                                                      transformed into a stage, its performers
this bid book consists of more than 60 projects that revolve       patible and interrelated, and there are multiple synergies                                                      are the people of Nürnberg themselves.
around our Leitmotif: PAST FORWARD.                                between the projects that we will make use of.                                                                  For it is their voices, their messages
It goes without saying that many more projects are to follow                                                                                                                       that will fill the skies. Albrecht Dürer’s
if Nürnberg is awarded the ECoC title.                             For example, we will explore the dark, inhumane sides of                                                        celestial maps of the hemispheres will
                                                                   play, connecting the Humanity and Activity themes, and ex-                                                      be transformed into a new work of art
The programme mirrors the superdiversity of the city and           plore the role of Activity (work and play) in creating a sense                                                  that is both contemporary and visionary.
Europe in the sense that it combines and transcends artistic       of Community in the city, the region, and in Europe. In addi-
genres and forms of cultural expression. Regarding the             tion, Nürnberg Time Machine is the overarching initiative and                                                       Bertrand Planes,
structure of the artistic and cultural programme, we have          service hub that all Nürnberg2025 projects can access to                                                            Brigitta Muntendorf
developed a clear-cut yet fluid structure that is built on the     present all forms of cultural heritage in a brand-new guise.                                                      	Lucid Dream (Cologne)
three levels: themes, platforms and projects. Each of the             fig. 8
themes Humanity – Activity – Community is divided into
three to four thematic platforms. Each platform, in turn, pools                                                                          CURATORS/PROJECT LEAD
several projects.                                                                                                                        PARTNERS

18                                                                                                                                                                                 2. Cultural and Artistic Content                                                19
fig. 9  	    ARTS AND CULTURAL PROGRAMME TIMELINE (SELECTED PROJECTS)                                                          DOORYTELLING                                CULINARY ART                                  LIGHTS OFF
                               21 22 23 24 25            25         25                                 25              26      The region opens its doors to               Prost! Na zdravje!                            Closing Ceremony
                                             Opening     Spring     Summer                             Autumn                  the world in 2025
                                             Season      Season     Season                             Season                                                               Across Europe, you will be hard pushed       The Lights Off Closing Ceremony is
                                                                                                                               Those who build fences to keep others        to find a region with such culinary diver-    something of a challenge for us in
HUMANITY                                                                                                                       out are essentially fencing themselves       sity: Upper Franconia has the highest         Nürnberg. For every December in
Lights On                                                                                                                      in. Our region has been divided. Only a      brewery density per capita in Europe,         Nürnberg is dedicated to the traditional
                                                                                                                               generation ago barbed wire reinforced        there are carp ponds aplenty, bread           Christmas market, the Christ-
Doing Ground
                                                                                                                               borders within the area that is now the      and sausage in every possible variety,        kindlesmarkt, drawing more than two
Remembrance and the                                                                                                            Metropolregion Nürnberg. And during          excellent wines in Lower Franconia, as-       million people to the city. Bringing the
Strategies of Institutional Critique                                                                                           the Covid-19 lockdown, borders that          paragus, traditional dishes like the juicy    European Capital of Culture 2025 to a
Memory Lab                                                                                                                     we thought long gone suddenly be-            roast-pork Schäufele, delicious Leb-          close on top of this will be no mean feat.
A New Morning &                                                                                                                came insurmountable once again. The          kuchen biscuits – and much, much              But fortunately for us, we’re quite the
PEN Congress                                                                                                                   project Door(y)telling – border experi-      more. The region is an example of culi-       experts in the art of bringing the year to
                                                                                                                               ences in 2025 is a transregional project     nary finesse, and you can relish the          a close – our New Year’s celebration
Broken Aesthetics
                                                                                                                               that will be showcased at the opening        delights wherever you go. Since the          “Silvestival” has proven to be a resound-
A different view                                                                                                               in 2025. We will pinpoint different bor-     Middle Ages, global trade in spices and       ing success over the years. This
                                                                                                                               ders in the region and show that these       other key ingredients has been instru-        uniquely Nürnberg format is a festival of
Big little Rights
                                                                                                                               can be overcome. Stories both connect        mental in the development of the rich         classical, hip-hop, rock and electronic
EveryBody                                                                                                                      and divide people – and this will be         culinary culture in the region.               music held in theatres, churches, bars,
                                                                                                                               symbolised by doors placed throughout        At our opening ceremony, we will be           clubs and discos around the city and
ACTIVITY                                                                                                                       the city and in the surrounding rural ar-    bringing this impressive culinary diver-      with a little tweaking, it will be a fitting
Archipelagos of Play                                                                                                           eas. Doors are passageways and, as           sity alive. But we will venture beyond        event to ring out 2025 and ring in the
                                                                                                                               much as they divide and connect, are         the safe terrain of traditional culinary      Capital of Culture Year 2026 in Finland.
Toys of Tomorrow
                                                                                                                               also permeable, to one degree or an-         delights, into new territory. New culi-
Locomotion 200                                                                                                                 other. To represent the different physi-     nary cultures have been taking shape
                                                                                                                               cal borders, doors will be installed at      over the years, forgotten foods are be-
                                                                                                                               select boundary points across the re-        ing re-discovered, old cooking tradi-
Through the Mill                                                                                                               gion as well as in our European twin         tions and those from all over the world
Nürnberg Trials 2025
                                                                                                                               towns. The result will be a map of bor-      are being fused; great new things will       TOTAL BUDGET FOR
                                                                                                                               ders, doors and related stories. The         be created by new masters who revel          OPENING CEREMONY &
Meister Fair                                                                                                                   project will involve places with a histo-    in experimentation, turning eating and       CLOSING CEREMONY:
                                                                                                                               ry of border divides, for example Möd-       drinking into an extraordinary experi-       EUR 3,000,000
Bridging the Past and the Future
                                                                                                                               lareuth, the village that was once divid-    ence. Culinary Art will be a delicious
Konstrukt                                                                                                                      ed by the Iron Curtain. The project will    “side dish” complementing the EcoC
                                                                                                                               culminate in a “Day without borders”,        year. We look forward to welcoming
COMMUNITY                                                                                                                      where the doors and their creators will      people from near and far to go on their
Talk Forward                                                                                                                   travel and meet in Nürnberg.                 very own journey of gastronomic dis-
                                                                                                                                                                            covery. Top chefs from all over Europe
                                                                                                                                  City of Coburg                           will be showing their skills in Franconian
Arena Europe                                                                                                                   — Haßberge (district)                        restaurants; culinary excellence from
                                                                                                                               —	Fichtelgebirgsmuseen                      our partner towns and region will be
Boule Europa                                                                                                                      (Wunsiedel)                               showcased – from Slovenia, for exam-
Youth United                                                                                                                   — Nürnberger Land (district)                 ple, we will be taking a cutting of the
                                                                                                                               — Mödlareuth                                 Stara Trta, the oldest actively produc-
Hello Pegnitz. Here to stay                                                                                                                                                 ing grapevine in the world, and bringing
Songlines                                                                                                                                                                   it to Nürnberg. This is our contribution
                                                                                                                                                                            to the Farm-to-Fork Strategy of the EU
M.I.L.K.                                                                                                                                                                    Commission’s Green Deal.
                                                                                                                                                                               Andree Köthe
Lights Off                                                                                                                                                                   	Društvo GERIS (Slovenian
Contemporary Dürer                                                                                                                                                             Cultural Society Nürnberg)

MAY 8, 2025                               of those highlights will be the Interna-   And it goes without saying that we will
                                          tional Festival A New Morning that will    be inviting the Federal Government of
May 8, 2025 marks the 80th anniver-       build a bridge between the end of WWII     Germany and the EU institutions to join
sary of the end of WWII in Europe.        and global conflicts today. Also, guests   the commemorations to mark the end
May 9, 2025 marks the 75th anniversa-     from across Europe will be invited to      of WWII in Europe.
ry of the Schuman Plan, which was the     the national PEN Congress in May           Our arts and cultural programme, in
cornerstone of the establishment of the   2025; the participatory formats Talk       particular the projects from the Human-
European Community. The Nürnberg-         Forward, the EYP2025, Arena Europe         ity theme, will be reflecting and com-
2025 programme will include a host of     and Boule Europa will be hosting their     menting on historical events, creating
highlights that will be dedicated to      pinnacle events in May 2025.               the perfect backdrop for the celebra-
these crucial moments in history. One                                                tions. fig. 9

20                                                                                                                                                                         2. Cultural and Artistic Content                                                     21
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