MyHome Protect Policy Wording - POSB

Page created by Lori Juarez
myHome Protect
                                                         myHome Protect

                                                         Policy Wording

         © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
1        and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

myHome Protect                                          Important Customer
                                                                                                                               insurance, including if You do not
                                                                                                                               meet Your obligations, We may be
                                                                                                                               able to cancel the insurance or
                                                        About Our Policy Wording                                               reduce Our liability in respect of
                                                        This document (which is Our                                            a claim to the extent permitted by
                                                        policy wording) contains important                                     law;
                                                        information to help You understand
                                                                                                                         •     Section 8 Claims - what You need to
                                                        Your myHome Protect policy. Before
                                                                                                                               do when a claim arises; and
                                                        You decide whether to purchase it, You
                                                        need to read this document carefully                             •     any other document(s) We provide
                                                        to understand its features, benefits and                               to You about the insurance which
                                                        risks.                                                                 may change the standard cover.
                                                        The Insurer                                                      Applying for cover
                                                        The insurer is Chubb Insurance                                   When You apply for this insurance, You
                                                        Singapore Limited (Chubb). Their                                 will need to complete an application
                                                        contact details are on the back page of                          form. We will use the information
                                                        this Policy Wording.                                             supplied on that form to decide the
                                                                                                                         terms of cover We will provide. We
                                                        What You need to read
                                                                                                                         provide cover to You on the terms
                                                        To determine if this insurance is                                contained in this document, the
                                                        appropriate for You, it is important that                        application form and any other
                                                        You read:                                                        document, including the most recent
                                                        •      this Important Customer                                   Schedule that We issued to You.
                                                               Information Section - it contains                         All of these make up Your Policy with
                                                               information on important matters                          Us. You need to keep these documents
                                                               You need to be aware of before                            in a safe place together with receipts
                                                               applying for this insurance;                              and other evidence of ownership and
                                                        •      the Definitions Section - it sets out                     value of items You insure.
                                                               what We mean by certain defined                           Summary of cover and other
                                                               terms in this insurance;                                  significant matters
                                                        •      the Defined Events Section – it                           By way of summary, the principal
                                                               sets out the specific perils We will                      covers available are:
                                                               provide cover for under Section 1;
                                                                                                                         •     cover for loss of or damage to
                                                        •      Sections 1,2 and 3 - set out the                                Your insured Contents including
                                                               cover available for Contents,                                   Renovations, Fixtures and Fittings,
                                                               Personal Liability and Accidental                               caused by one of the Defined
                                                               Death Protection;                                               Events occurring during the Period
                                                                                                                               of Insurance,
                                                        •      Section 4 Chubb 24-Hour Home
                                                               Assist – it sets out the scope of                         •     cover for legal liability for You and
                                                               services available under the Chubb                              any member Your Household for
                                                               24-Hour Home Assist;                                            Accidental damage to any other
                                                                                                                               person’s property, and
                                                        •      Section 5 No Claim Bonus
                                                               Provision – it sets out the                               •     cover for Accidental Death for You,
                                                               provisions for no claim bonus                                   Your Partner, or your Child(ren).
                                                        •      Section 6 General Exclusions - it                               Refer to each Section for details of
                                                               sets out what We do not cover                                   the basis on which We settle any
                                                               under any of the Cover Sections;                                claim.
                                                        •      Section 7 General Conditions - it                               We only provide cover up to the
                                                               contains details of Your and Our                                amount(s) and limit(s) and Sum(s)
                                                               rights and obligations under this                               Insured specified in Your Policy

         © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
2        and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

    and subject to its other term(s),                          You will be advised of the total amount                         require evidence as to the extent of loss
    condition(s) and exclusion(s). All                         payable. You can choose to pay Your                             or damage. Please ensure that, where
    Sum(s) Insured include GST.                                premium on a monthly basis or on an                             possible, You keep any photograph(s)
                                                               annual basis. The amounts due will be                           or other documentation in respect of
•   An Excess may apply when You
                                                               clearly set out in Your Schedule.                               loss or damage to make the process as
    make a claim. An Excess is the
    part of a claim You must bear and                          Duty of Disclosure                                              easy as possible.
    is payable for each occurrence                             Before You enter into Your Policy                               Any claim settlements, up to the total
    covered by this insurance where                            with Us, You must disclose fully and                            of all amounts insured, will include
    applicable. An occurrence is                               faithfully all the facts which You know
    one (1) or a series of occurrences                                                                                         GST.
                                                               or ought to know, otherwise the Policy
    arising out of one (1) cause. When                         issued may be void.                                             For any claims submission or inquiry,
    an Excess applies, We will reduce                                                                                          kindly contact Us at our Claim
    the amount We pay by the amount                            The insurance cover under this Policy
                                                                                                                               Assistance (+65 6398 8028 - Monday
    of the Excess or We will ask You to                        is based on the information submitted
                                                               by You to Us, in the application form. If                       to Sunday, 8.30am to 10.00pm) or via our
    pay it.
                                                               You provided us with any information                            online portal
•   The type and amount of Excess is                           that is incorrect, please notify Us                             Our contact details
    shown in Your Policy (usually in                           immediately, otherwise You may
    this document and the Schedule).                                                                                           If You need to contact Us, have any
                                                               receive no benefit in the event of a valid
    If You do not adequately insure                                                                                            questions or would like any further
    Yourself for Your potential loss, You                                                                                      information regarding this insurance,
    may have to bear the uninsured                             If the information, which You                                   contact Us using the contact details
    proportion of any loss Yourself.                           subsequently provide Us, differs                                provided in this document.
                                                               materially from the information set out
    We only cover Your interest in the                                                                                         Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited
                                                               in the application form, We may offer
    insured property. We may refuse                                                                                            Co Regn. No.: 199702449H
                                                               cover on different terms or decline it
    to pay or reduce the amount                                                                                                138 Market Street
    We pay under a claim in certain                                                                                            #11-01 CapitaGreen
    circumstances. In particular:                              If We do not hear from You within                               Singapore 048946
                                                               fourteen (14) days from the date of issue                       O +65 6398 8797
    •      where an exclusion applies; or
                                                               of this Policy, We will take it that the                        F +65 6298 1055
    •      if You do not comply with the                       information is complete and correct.                  
           term(s) and condition(s) of
                                                               Please be reminded that You must fully                          The Agreement Between You And Us
           Your Policy; or
                                                               and faithfully declare to Us the facts as                       (Your Policy)
    •      if You do not comply with Your                      You know or ought to know, otherwise                            In return for Your payment of the
           Duty of Disclosure or make a                        You may receive no benefit from the                             premium or Your agreement to pay it
           misrepresentation; or                               Policy.                                                         to Us within the time We require, We
    •      if You make a fraudulent claim.                     Free Look Period                                                agree to indemnify You against loss,
                                                                                                                               damage or liability caused by a covered
    		     We also may cancel Your Policy                      Even after You make a decision to
                                                                                                                               claimable event occurring during the
           due to failure to comply with                       purchase this insurance, You still
                                                                                                                               Period of Insurance, subject to the
           a condition, a breach in Your                       have free look rights. You can return
                                                                                                                               terms, conditions and exclusions of
           Duty of Disclosure or in certain                    Your insurance by notifying Us in
                                                                                                                               Your Policy.
           circumstances permitted by                          writing within thirty (30) days of cover
           law.                                                commencing and We will refund the
                                                               premium paid unless something has                               General Definitions
Cost of the insurance
                                                               occurred for which a claim may be                               In Your Policy some words have a
The insurance provided is subject to                           payable. Even after this Free Look                              special meaning (whether expressed
You paying the premium We require by                           period ends You still have cancellation                         in the singular or the plural) and We
the agreed time.                                               rights (See Section 6 General                                   define them below. They begin with a
Your premium also includes amounts                             Conditions).                                                    capital letter (e.g. You, We).
payable in respect of compulsory                               How to make a claim                                             Accident or Accidental means a
government charges (GST).
                                                               Section 8 Claims tells You what You                             sudden, unforeseen, fortuitous and
When You apply for this insurance,                             need to do before We pay any claim, We                          unintended event.

         © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
         and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                           3
myHome Protect

Accidental Death means death                                     Chubb including any Defence Costs.                        on that date.
occurring as a result of an Accidental
                                                           Compensation does not include:                                  Household means all members of Your
Injury during the Policy Year.
                                                                                                                           family including Your Partner, Children
                                                           (a) aggravated, punitive or exemplary
Accidental Injury means a bodily                                                                                           and any other persons permanently
                                                               damages; or
injury resulting from an Accident and                                                                                      living with You in Your Premises,
which is not an illness and which:                         (b) fines or penalties imposed by law                           excluding tenants, boarders, lodgers or
                                                               (including civil penalties); or                             paying guests.
(a) is caused by violent external and
    visible means; and                                     (c) any matters which are deemed                                Landlord means the Insured who
                                                               uninsurable under the law.                                  leases the Premises to the Tenant and is
(b) occurs during the Period of
                                                                                                                           expressly named as the landlord in the
    Insurance; and                                         Contents means Your:
                                                                                                                           Tenancy Agreement.
(c) results solely and independently of                    (a) movable furniture, furnishings,
                                                                                                                           Malicious Damage or Vandalism
    any causes other than:                                     kitchen utensils, domestic
                                                                                                                           means a wrongful act motivated by
                                                               appliances, personal computers,
(d) the Accident; and/or                                                                                                   malice, vindictiveness or spite with the
                                                               audio and video equipment
                                                                                                                           intention of damaging the property.
(e) sickness directly resulting from                           (other than those mentioned in
                                                                                                                           This does not include:
    medical or surgical treatment                              (b)), clothing and other movable
    rendered necessary by the                                  personal belongings;                                        (a) tenant neglect, carelessness, poor
    Accident; and                                                                                                              housekeeping or unhygienic living
                                                           (b) films, tapes, cassettes, cartridges,
(f ) may include a bodily injury                               discs and diskettes up to their
     caused by You being directly                              value as unused material or where                           (b) damage occurring during
     and unavoidably exposed to the                            purchased pre- recorded at maker’s                              maintenance operations carried out
     elements as a result of an Accident.                      latest list price,                                              by the tenant or anyone acting on
                                                                                                                               their behalf;
Building means:                                                  all of which You or members of
                                                                 Your Household own or are legally                         (c) damage as a result of repairs, or
(a) the physical structure of the house,
                                                                 responsible for.                                              attempted repairs, carried out by
    apartment or flat; and
                                                                                                                               the tenant or anyone acting on their
                                                           Contents are not:
(b) any wall, gates, fence, footpath,                                                                                          behalf;
    swimming pool; and                                     (a) Motor Vehicles, caravans, trailers,
                                                                                                                           (d) damage caused by the failure
                                                               aircraft, watercraft or spare parts
(c) all other permanent fixtures and                                                                                           of Your tenant to control their
                                                               and accessories while attached to
    fittings;                                                                                                                  children;
                                                               or in any part of them;
which were originally part of the                                                                                          (e) damage caused by pets belonging to
                                                           (b) items belonging to the Landlord (if
Premises when it was transferred by the                                                                                        Your tenant;
                                                               any) in Your Premises
developer or builder to the first owner
                                                                                                                           (f ) Accidental damage or Accidental
of the Premises.                                           (c) any part of the Building;
                                                                                                                                loss; or
Child, Children means any of Your                          (d) animals;
                                                                                                                           (g) scratching, denting, chipping,
children who is:
                                                           (e) securities, certificates and                                    rubbing or chaffing.
(a) living at the Premises with You;                           documents;
                                                                                                                           Motor Vehicles means any electrically
(b) under 18 years of age; and                             (f ) Money and Credit Cards; or                                 or mechanically powered vehicle
                                                                                                                           including models and toys (excluding
(c) unmarried.                                             (g) property held or used for business
                                                                                                                           gardening implements and pedestrian
Commencement Date means the                                                                                                controlled models and toys).
original inception date of cover under                     Credit Card means any credit card,
                                                                                                                           Money means cash, bank and currency
this Policy as shown in the Schedule.                      debit card, charge card, cash card or
                                                                                                                           notes, cheques, bills of exchange,
                                                           ATM card.
Compensation means monies paid or                                                                                          promissory notes, deeds, bonds,
payable by You for Accidental Death or                     Disappearance means when your                                   postal orders, money orders, crossed
Accidental Injury pursuant to:                             body has not been found within twelve                           bankers’ drafts, current postage
                                                           (12) months from the date of the                                stamps, securities and travel tickets all
(a) court judgment; or
                                                           disappearance, sinking or wrecking of a                         belonging to You or for which You have
(b) settlement with the consent of                         conveyance in which you were traveling                          accepted responsibility, and all held for

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
4          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

personal purposes.                                           but does not include any part of the                            that renders the Premises to be not
                                                             Building.                                                       safely inhabited and will require a
Nominated Account means the credit
card account or bank account (DBS/                           Rent means the monthly rental amount                            period of time
POSB only) designated by You, which                          payable by the Tenant to the Landlord                           necessary, minimally exceeding twenty-
is not a Medisave account, to which                          as specified in the Tenancy Agreement.                          four (24) hours, for the reinstatement of
premiums are to be charged.                                                                                                  the Premises to be inhabitable.
                                                             Schedule means the Schedule
Partner means Your husband or wife,                          containing details of the Insured,                              Unoccupied means when Your
de-facto or life Partner with whom You                       type of cover selected and Period of
                                                                                                                             Premises is not being lived in by
have been living permanently for at                          Insurance. The Schedule forms part of
least three (3) months or more at the                        the Policy.
time of occurrence of an event leading                                                                                       Valuables means jewellery, watches,
                                                             Sum Insured means the amount for
to a claim.                                                                                                                  furs, curios, works of art, antiques,
                                                             which You are insured as shown in Your
                                                                                                                             stamp or coin collections and other
Period of Insurance means:                                   current Schedule or any subsequent
                                                             endorsements.                                                   collectable property, manuscripts,
(a) If You are paying a monthly                                                                                              medals, items of gold, silver or other
    premium, one (1) month from the                          Tenancy Agreement means the                                     precious metals or precious stones.
    Commencement Date or the latest                          written, signed, stamped and legally
    renewal date whichever is later; or                      enforceable contract between the                                We, Us, Our, Chubb means Chubb
                                                             Landlord and the Tenant. Provided                               Insurance Singapore Limited
(b) If You are paying an annual
                                                             always that this contract relates to the
    premium, one (1) year from the                                                                                           You, Your, Insured means the
    Commencement Date or the latest                                                                                          person(s) named as Insured in the
    renewal date whichever is later.                         Tenant(s) means the person named as                             Schedule.
                                                             the Tenant as specified in the Tenancy
Policy Year means a period of 12
                                                             Agreement.                                                      Section 1: Contents and
consecutive months starting from the
Commencement Date of this Policy and                         Terrorism means an act, including                               Renovations
each consecutive period of 12 months                         but not limited to, the use of or threat
for which this Policy remains in force.                      of, force or violence by any person
                                                             or group(s) of persons, whether                                 We will cover You or members of Your
Pre-Existing Medical Condition                                                                                               Household for loss of or damage to Your
                                                             acting alone or on behalf of or in
                                                             connection with any organisation(s) or                          Contents or Renovations which You or
(a) any condition for which a                                government(s) which from its nature                             members of Your Household own or
    doctor was consulted or for                              or context is committed for, or in                              are legally responsible for, which are
    which treatment or medication                            connection with, political, religious,                          in the Premises and where the loss or
    was prescribed prior to the                              deological, ethnic or similar purposes                          damage is caused by any of the Defined
    Commencement Date; or                                    or reasons, including the intention to                          Events occurring during the Period
                                                             coerce, influence or intimidate any                             of Insurance. Cover is provided up
(b) a condition, the manifestation or
                                                             government and/or the public or any                             to the Sum Insured specified in Your
    symptoms of which a reasonable
                                                             section of the public.                                          Schedule.
    person in the circumstances would
    be expected to be aware of at the                        Theft means the unlawful and
                                                                                                                             Defined Events:
    Commencement Date.                                       unauthorised taking of property with
                                                             the intention to permanently deprive                            The following are the Defined Events
Premises means the area described                                                                                            for which cover is provided under
                                                             the owner of it.
in the title deeds situated at the                                                                                           Section 1:
address(es) shown in Your Schedule,                          Total Loss means the condition of the
which is Your private residence used                         Contents in the Insured property after it                       1.     Fire, explosion, lightning or
solely for domestic purposes.                                is damaged or destroyed being to such                                  thunderbolt
                                                             an extent that it cannot be repaired to                                Excluding loss or damage caused by
Renovations means improvements
                                                             equal its condition prior to the loss and                              arcing, sparking, scorching or heat
and additions within Your Premises
                                                             for which We decide to pay You the full                                damage where there is no flame; or
made by You as owner or by any former
                                                             Sum Insured for the relevant insured                                   irregularities in the power supply
owner of Your Premises in the form of
fixtures and fittings (including flooring,                                                                                          unless there is visible evidence of a
built-in wardrobes and air-conditioners),                    Uninhabitable means loss occurring                                     lightning strike

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                           5
myHome Protect

2.   Storm, hurricane, typhoon,                                         the damage to the television                        1.    more than thirty percent (30%)
     cyclone, flood                                                     or radio masts or aerials or                              of the Sum Insured on Contents
     We will not pay the first one                                      antennae.                                                 in the aggregate in respect of
     hundred (100) Singapore dollars of                                                                                           Valuables.
                                                            6. Riot or civil commotion
     each and every loss.                                                                                                   2.    more than five percent (5%) of the
                                                                  We will pay for loss or damage
3.   Bursting, leaking, discharging                               caused by acts of riot or civil                                 Sum Insured on Contents for
     or overflowing                                               commotion including any lawfully                                any one article (except furniture,
                                                                  constituted authority in connection                             personal computers, audio and
     We will pay for loss or damage
                                                                  with these events where the                                     video equipment, pianos or
     caused by the bursting, leaking,
                                                                  resulting loss or damage is directly                            organs).
     discharging or overflowing of fixed
     guttering, fixed tanks, fixed pipes,                         caused thereby notwithstanding the                        3.    loss or damage while Your
     waterbeds or other fixed apparatus                           provisions of General Exclusions.                               Premises is Unoccupied for more
     used to hold or carry liquid of any                                                                                          than 60 consecutive days.
                                                            7.    Acts of Malicious Damage or
                                                                  Vandalism                                                 4.    consequential loss or damage of
     We will not pay for:                                         Excluding Malicious Damage or                                   any kind.
     (a) loss or damage to the fixed                                  Vandalism caused by:
         guttering, fixed tanks, fixed                                                                                      Additional Benefits
                                                                  (a) an explosion; or
         pipes, waterbeds or other fixed
                                                                  (b) Theft or attempted Theft, other                       Limits specified are limits for each
                                                                      than that already covered                             Policy Year.
     (b) the first one hundred (100)
                                                                      under Defined Event 8; or                             1.    Alternative Accommodation or
         Singapore dollars of each and
         every loss.                                              (c) You or any person who is living                             Loss of Rent
                                                                      with You at the Premises; or                                If Your Premises becomes
4. Earthquake
                                                                                                                                  uninhabitable as a result of a
     You are covered for loss or damage                           (d) tenants, roomers, boarders or
                                                                                                                                  Defined Event claim covered under
     caused by earthquake. This loss or                               paying guests and their visitors;
                                                                                                                                  Section 1, We will pay you:
     damage must occur to Your Building                               or
     and/or Contents within seventy-two                                                                                           (a) the additional cost of
                                                                  (e) any person who entered the
     (72) hours of the earthquake to be                                                                                               reasonable temporary
                                                                      Premises with Your consent
     considered the one (1) occurrence.                                                                                               alternative accommodation;
                                                                      or the consent of any person
5.   Impact                                                           who is living with You at the                               (b) for the loss of Rent You
                                                                      Premises.                                                       sustain as the Landlord of the
     We will pay for loss or damage
                                                                                                                                      Premises. All claims payments
     caused by the impact of:                               8. Theft, attempted Theft or                                              for loss of Rent will be reduced
     (a) aircraft or space debris or                           burglary                                                               by deducting the security
         debris from an aircraft, rocket                          Excluding Theft, attempted Theft or                                 deposit paid to you. The
         or satellite; or                                         burglary:                                                           security deposit in this instance
     (b) any road vehicle or watercraft                           (a) by You or any person who is                                     will be as stated in the Tenancy
         not operated by You, member                                  living with You at the Premises;                                Agreement;
         of Your family or Your                                       or                                                          (c) The cost of temporarily storing
         employee, except impact on                                                                                                   Your furniture;
                                                                  (b) which is not a result of actual
         paving, paths, driveways or any
                                                                      forcible or violent break in.                               (d) The cost of Rent payable by You
         services, whether underground
         or not; or                                                                                                                   to Your Landlord.
                                                                  (Please also refer to the other
                                                                  exclusions of Your Policy as they                               Cover is provided up to the Sum
     (c) a falling tree or branch but not
         when caused by the lopping or                            affect the definitions of the above                             Insured specified in Your Schedule.
         felling of trees at the Premises;                        Defined Events).
                                                                                                                            2.    Removal of Debris
                                                                                                                                  We will cover the reasonable
                                                            Exclusions Applicable to this
     (d) television or radio masts or                                                                                             expenses to remove debris
         aerials or antennae that have                                                                                            following loss or damage as a result
         broken or collapsed but not                        We will not pay for:                                                  of a Defined Event covered under

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
6           and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

     Section 1 up to the Sum Insured                               damage to Your Contents as a                              9.     Loss of Money
     specified in Your Schedule.                                   result of a Defined Event covered                                In the event of Theft of Your Money
                                                                   under Section 1 for up fourteen (14)                             with visible evidence of actual
3.   Cost of Temporary Protection
                                                                   days whilst temporarily removed                                  violent and forcible entry to Your
     We will pay You for the costs of
                                                                   from Your Premises to any other                                  Premises, during the Period of
     temporarily boarding up and/
                                                                   residential building or storage                                  Insurance, when the Premises is
     or other protection reasonably
                                                                   facility within Singapore due                                    owned or tenanted by You as Your
     and necessarily incurred f o r
                                                                   to cleaning, renovation, repair,                                 principal residence, We will pay
     safeguarding Your Premises and/or
                                                                   modification, or dyeing. The                                     for loss of Money up to the limit
     Contents if there has been damage
                                                                   maximum amount We will pay for                                   specified in Your Schedule.
     as a result of a Defined Event
                                                                   any one item is five hundred (500)
     covered under Section 1.                                                                                                       We will not pay for:
                                                                   Singapore dollars and in total the
4.   Emergency Cash Allowance                                      Sum Insured specified in Your                                    (a) losses which are not reported
     If the Premises is owned and                                  Schedule.                                                            to the police; or
     occupied by You as Your principal                                                                                              (b) Money losses other than in
                                                                   We will not pay for loss of or
     place of residence and it becomes                                                                                                  circumstances involving actual
                                                                   damage to Your Contents:
     Uninhabitable for more than five (5)                                                                                               violent and forcible entry to
     days following loss or damage as a                            (a) whilst in transit;
                                                                                                                                        Your Premises; or
     result of a Defined Event covered
                                                                   (b) when being loaded or
     under Section 1, We will pay up to                                                                                             (c) Money belonging to Your
     the limit specified in Your Schedule.                                                                                              employer, any member of the
                                                                   (c) which has been removed for                                       Your Household’s employer
5.   Emergency Replacement of
                                                                       sale or exhibition;                                              or relating to any business or
     Personal Computer
                                                                                                                                        commercial venture.
     Following a loss of a personal                                left in any vehicle; or
     computer as a result of a Defined                                                                                       10. Accidental Breakage of Mirrors
                                                                   (d) due to Theft. Except from a
     Event covered under Section 1                                                                                               and Glass
                                                                       residential building or storage
     and upon Your request, advance                                    facility where the offender has                              We will pay for the Accidental
     payment of up to the Sum Insured                                                                                               breakage of Your fixed mirrors,
                                                                       gained entry by forcible and
     in Your Schedule will be made to                                                                                               fixed glass and glass when forming
                                                                       violent means.
     You. In order to receive this payment,                                                                                         part of an item of furniture
     You must produce a statement                            8.    Accidental Death of Domestic                                     including fixed and unfixed glass
     of claim certified by the assessor                            Pet                                                              table tops . We will only pay up to
     appointed by Us. The amount of                                We will pay You up to the Sum                                    the limit specified in Your Schedule.
     advance payment will be deducted                              Insured in the Schedule for the                                  We will not pay for:
     from the final claim settlement                               Accidental Death of a cat or dog
     amount.                                                       that the You keep as a domestic                                  (a) glassware, crystal, ornaments,
                                                                   pet in Your Premises. In the event                                   vases, lamps, crockery or
6.   Replacement of Locks and Keys
                                                                   of a claim You must provide                                          china; or
     If the keys to external doors or
                                                                   proof of ownership and any other                                 (b) a picture tube or screen in a
     window locks are stolen or locks
                                                                   documentation We may request.                                        television or electronic visual
     are damaged due to an attempted
     or actual violent and forcible entry                          We will not pay for death of the                                     display unit; or
     or break in at the Premises, during                           domestic pet due to:                                             (c) a ceramic or glass cooking top;
     the Period of Insurance, when the                                                                                                  or
                                                                   (a) anything other than an
     Premises is owned or tenanted by
                                                                       Accident                                                     (d) glass in a picture frame, hand
     You as Your principal residence,
     We will pay the reasonable and                                                                                                     held mirror, painting, radio set
                                                                   (b) an intentional act by or under
     necessary costs of replacing the                                                                                                   or clock; or
                                                                       the order of any government or
     external locks, keys or cylinders                                 public authority,                                            (e) any item of travertine whether
     with similar items up to the limit                                                                                                 fixed or unfixed, tiles, bench
     specified in Your Schedule.                                   (c) an intentional act of You,
                                                                                                                                        tops, spas or hot tubs; or
                                                                       anyone living with You
7.   Contents Temporarily Removed                                      or anyone acting on Your                                     (f ) glass in any glasshouse,
     We will pay You for the loss or                                   direction.                                                        conservatory or greenhouse; or

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                           7
myHome Protect

    (g) mobile cellular telephones; or                     How we settle any valid claim                                                      in the world during a Policy
    (h) any items which were wholly or                     We will pay the cost of repairing each
        partly in a defective condition                    item that is partially damaged, or                                           ii.   Accidental damage to
        at the time of the breakage; or                    replacing each item that is totally lost                                           property belonging to third
                                                           or destroyed, provided that the repairs                                            parties occurring anywhere
    (i) any porcelain or marble or                         or replacement are done within a                                                   in the world during a Policy
        granite or fibreglass whilst in a                  reasonable time. I f the Sum Insured                                               Year.
        fixed shower base, basin, sink,                    on Contents and Renovations do not
        bath, lavatory pan or cistern.                     represent their full value as new at the                              (b) We will also pay the costs and
                                                           time of the loss or damage, payment                                       expenses of:
11. Deterioration of Frozen Food                           will only be made after deduction for
                                                           any wear and tear or depreciation.                                           i.    litigation recovered by a
    We will pay for the cost of
                                                                                                                                              third party from You or any
    replacing deteriorated frozen food                     If a damaged item was not repaired                                                 member of the Household;
    at Your Premises, provided that                        when it could have been, We will pay
    the deterioration resulted from                        the difference between the estimated
    a mechanical breakdown of the                          cost of the repair and the reduced value                                     ii.   legal defence incurred by
    freezer and Your refrigerating unit                    of the item as a result of the loss or                                             You or any member of the
    is not more than 5 years old. We                       damage.                                                                            Household
    will only pay up to the Sum Insured                    If a replacement was not carried out for                              provided always that You must
    stated in Your Schedule.                               an item that is totally lost, destroyed or                            obtain Our written consent for each
    We will not pay for loss or damage                     cannot be satisfactorily repaired , We                                of (a) and (b) above.
                                                           will pay the value of the item at the time
    caused:                                                                                                                      (c) Limit of Liability
                                                           of the loss or damage.
    (a) by a deliberate act of You                                                                                               		     In one Policy Year, the
                                                           We will not pay for any costs relating
        or any member of Your                                                                                                           maximum amount We will
                                                           to undamaged or remaining items
        Household.                                                                                                                      pay arising from any one
                                                           which formed part of a set, suite, group
                                                                                                                                        occurrence or series of
    (b) by a deliberate act of any                         or collection of articles of a similar
                                                                                                                                        occurrences attributable to
        electricity authority / supplier                   nature, colour, pattern or design.
                                                                                                                                        one source or cause, regardless
        or by the exercise of such
                                                           For insured items that come in a pair                                        of the number of claimants
        authority / supplier of its power
                                                           or set, We will only pay the value of                                        or number of members of the
        to withhold or restrict supply.                    any particular part or parts which are                                       Household involved is the
    (c) while Your Premises remains                        lost or damaged, without reference to                                        Sum Insured stated in Your
        unoccupied for more than 60                        any special value which the pair or set                                      Schedule.
        consecutive days.                                  of items may have and only up to the
                                                           proportionate part of the Sum Insured                           2.2 Liability as Tenant
    (d) consequential loss of any kind.                    of the pair or set.                                                    (a) Chubb agrees to indemnify
12. Automatic Reinstatement of Sum                                                                                                    You against all sums but up
    Insured                                                Section 2: Legal Liability                                                 to a maximum amount stated
                                                                                                                                      in Your Schedule which You
    When We pay a claim under Your                         Benefit                                                                    become legally liable to pay as
    Policy for partial loss or damage
                                                           2.1 Personal Liability for the Whole                                       compensation as a Tenant of
    to the Contents, the Sum Insured
                                                               Household                                                              Your Premises in respect of:
    will be reduced by the loss amount
    for each and every claim and shall                           (a) Chubb agrees to indemnify                                          i.    the Premises
    not exceed the maximum Sum                                       You against all sums but up to
                                                                                                                                        ii.   any item while contained in
    Insured as stated in Your Schedule.                              a maximum amount stated in
                                                                                                                                              the Premises which belongs
    We may at Our option reinstate                                   Your Schedule which You or
                                                                                                                                              to the Landlord and is in
    the Sum Insured from the date of                                 any member of Your Household
                                                                                                                                              Your responsibility during
    loss. However, We reserve the right                              has become legally liable to pay
                                                                                                                                              the Policy Year.
                                                                     as compensation in respect of:
    to charge an additional premium
                                                                                                                                 (b) We will also pay the costs and
    which will be pro-rated from the                                   i.    Accidental Death or
                                                                                                                                     expenses of:
    date of the loss to the expiry date as                                   Accidental Injury to third
    shown in Your Schedule.                                                  parties occurring anywhere                                 i.    litigation recovered by

           © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
8          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

                  a third party from You                                    firearms.                                           with 365 days of the Accidental Injury.
                  or any member of Your
                                                                      •     arising out of You or Your
                  Household; and                                                                                                Exclusions applicable to this
                                                                            Household’s own employment,
            ii.   legal defence incurred by                                 business or profession.                             Section
                  You or or any member of                                                                                       We will not pay any claims arising
                                                                      •     suffered by anyone under a
                  Your Household                                                                                                directly or indirectly out of
                                                                            contract of service or employed
     		     provided always that You must                                   with You or Your Household.                         (a) deliberate self-inflicted injury,
            obtain Our written consent for                                                                                          suicide or, criminal or illegal act;
                                                                      •     arising from a contract or
            each of a and b above.
                                                                            agreement which would not
                                                                                                                                (b) You being under the influence of
     (c) Limit of Liability                                                 have arisen in the absence of
                                                                                                                                    intoxicating liquor, including having
                                                                            such contract or agreement.
In one Policy Year the maximum                                                                                                      a blood alcohol content over the
amount We will pay arising from any                                   •     arising from the use of any                             prescribed legal limit whilst driving,
one occurrence or series of occurrences                                     horse for the purpose of racing                         or being under the influence
attributable to one source or cause,                                        or polo.                                                of any other drug unless it was
regardless of the number of claimants                                                                                               prescribed by a doctor and taken
                                                                      •     arising solely from Your
or number of members of the                                                                                                         in accordance with the doctor’s
                                                                            ownership of the Premises
Household involved is the Sum Insured                                                                                               advice;
stated in Your Schedule.                                              •     arising from the ownership
                                                                                                                                (c) illness, disease, bacterial or viral
                                                                            or possession of any land
We will not pay for the first one hundred                                   or Building by You or Your                              infection, even if contracted by
(100) Singapore dollars of each and                                         Household.                                              Accident, other than bacterial
every claim.                                                                                                                        infection that is the direct result
                                                                3.    fines, penalties, exemplary or                                of an Accidental cut or wound or
Conduct of Defence of Claim                                           punitive damages.                                             Accidental food poisoning;
Chubb has the right to negotiate,                               4.    any claim or loss arising out of                          (d) any condition which is, results from
defend or settle in Your name and on                                  any activities and/or business                                or is a complication of infection
Your behalf any claim brought against                                 conducted via the internet,                                   with a venereal disease;
You and will have full discretion in the                              intranet, extranet and/or a n y
conduct of any proceedings or in the                                  website, internet site, web address                       (e) any condition which is, results from
settlement of any claim.                                              owned by You or Your Household                                or is a complication of congenital
                                                                      and/or via the transmission of                                conditions or deformities;
Exclusions applicable to this                                         documents or electronic mail by                           (f ) any condition which is, results from
Section                                                               electronic means.                                              or is a complication of geriatric
We will not pay for:                                            5.    claims and losses that in any way                              or psycho-geriatric or psychiatric
                                                                      involve asbestos, including any                                condition, stress, anxiety and
1.   liability in respect of loss or damage
                                                                      actual or alleged injury or damage                             depression;
     to property belonging to or in the
                                                                      involving the use, presence,                              (g) any condition which is, results from
     charge of You or any member of
                                                                      detection, removal, or avoidance of
     Your Household (with the exception                                                                                             or is a complication of pregnancy,
                                                                      asbestos or exposure or potential
     of the cover provided under Section                                                                                            childbirth, miscarriage or abortion;
                                                                      exposure to asbestos.
     2.2 – Liability As A Tenant).                                                                                                  or

2.   liability for death, injury, illness                       Section 3: Family Accidental                                    (h) Pre-Existing Medical Conditions;
     or disease or loss of or damage to                         Death Protection                                                (i) any consequences of, or You taking
                                                                Benefit                                                             part in, any war (whether declared
     •      arising from any deliberate or                                                                                          or not), invasion, civil war, riot or
                                                                In the event that You, Your Partner or
            malicious act.                                                                                                          civil commotion;
                                                                Your Child dies as a result of Accidental
     •      arising from the ownership,                         Injury from an event occurring                                  (j) You engaging in any motor sports as
            possession or use of lifts,                         anywhere in the world, We will pay                                  a rider, driver and/or a passenger;
            Motor Vehicles and any                              You or your estate the Sum Insured                                  or air travel except as a fare-paying
            trailers or caravans attached,                      specified in Your Schedule. Provided                                passenger in a fully licensed
            aircrafts, marine crafts or                         always that the Accidental Death occurs                             passenger carrying aircraft;

          © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                          9
myHome Protect

(k) any trade, technical or sporting                              well as their costs. Chubb 24-Hour                        A claim is considered to have been
    activity or as crew, all in connection                        Home Assist will also assist You                          made in the preceding twelve (12)
    with an aircraft;                                             in arranging for a house call, if                         months if any Event falls within this
                                                                  necessary.                                                period, regardless of the date of
(l) any kind of race (other than on foot
                                                                                                                            submission of the claim.
    or swimming) or trial of speed or                       (d) Air Conditioner Engineer
    reliability;                                                Referral                                                    You must pay back to Us the No Claim
                                                                  In the event that You require repair                      Bonus:
(m) You engaging in any professional
    sport meaning Your livelihood is                              in relation to air conditioners,                          (a) should a claim for the preceding
    substantially dependent on income                             Chubb 24-Hour Home Assist                                     twelve (12) months be reported
    received as a result of Your playing                          will provide You with referral                                after We paid the refund; or
    sport; or                                                     information regarding air
                                                                                                                            (b) if the Nominated Account is in
                                                                  conditioner engineers and if
(n) the deceased being over 70 years of                                                                                         arrears with regards to payment of
                                                                  possible, their costs. Chubb 24-
    age.                                                                                                                        premium for the preceding twelve
                                                                  Hour Home Assist will assist You
                                                                                                                                (12) months or any month thereof.
                                                                  in arranging for a house call, if
Section 4: Emergency Home                                         necessary.
Assist                                                                                                                      Section 6: General Exclusions
                                                            (e) Pest Control Referral
Chubb 24-Hour Home Assistance                                                                                               These General Exclusions apply to the
                                                                  In the event that You require
Services (6836 2922)                                                                                                        whole of Your Policy unless otherwise
                                                                  assistance with pest control, Chubb
                                                                                                                            stated. Your Policy does not cover:
The services provided under Parts (a) to                          24-Hour Home Assist will provide
(f ) of this Section are by way of referral                       You with referral information                             6.1 loss or damage to Your property
and arrangement only, and all expenses                            regarding pest control, pest                                  which is caused by, arising from or
actually incurred are to be borne by                              prevention, soil treatment and/or                             in anyway connected with:
You. We may, at our option, change                                mosquito control services. Chubb
                                                                                                                                  (a) wear and tear, rust, corrosion,
the scope of services provided under                              24-Hour Home Assist will assist
                                                                                                                                      gradual deterioration and
Parts (a) to (f ) of this Section and/or                          You in arranging for a house call, if
the provider of such services by giving                           necessary.
                                                                                                                                  (b) mechanical, electrical or
You at least one month’s prior notice in                    (f ) General Repair Assistance
                                                                                                                                      electronic breakdown including
writing to Your address on file.
                                                                  In the event that You require                                       when caused by any power
(a) Emergency Nurse Assistance                                    information to the nearest available                                supply irregularity including
     In the event of an emergency and                             repair services, Chubb 24-Hour                                      power surge except when
     when requested by You, Chubb                                 Home Assist will provide You with                                   caused by a Defined Event,
     24-Hour Home Assist will assist You                          such information where possible.
                                                                                                                                  (c) mildew and atmospheric or
     by arranging for a registered nurse                                                                                              climatic conditions other than
     to be at the Premises.                                 Section 5: No Claim Bonus                                                 by rain sleet and hail,
(b) Locksmith Referral                                      At the end of every twelve (12)                                       (d) domestic animals,
     In the event that You are locked out                   consecutive months, a No Claim Bonus
                                                            of twenty-five percent (25%) of the                                   (e) vermin, insects or by the
     of Your Premises, Chubb 24-Hour
                                                            preceding twelve (12) months’ premium                                     pecking, clawing, chewing,
     Home Assist will provide You with
                                                            will be refunded (without interest and                                    eating or nesting by birds and
     referral information regarding
                                                            any statutory tax) to You if:                                             other wildlife,
     locksmiths and if possible, their
     costs. Chubb 24-Hour Home Assist                       (a) no claim for an Event that occurred                               (f ) any process of cleaning,
     will also assist You in arranging for                                                                                             repairing, restoring or
                                                                in the preceding twelve (12) months
     a house call, if necessary.                                                                                                       retouching of any item,
                                                                has been paid under Your Policy in
(c) Plumber Referral                                            the preceding twelve (12) months;                                 (g) any process involving the
                                                                and                                                                   application of heat or the use of
     In the event that the plumbing at
     Your Premises is clogged or a leak                     (b) no claim for an Event that occurred
     has sprung, Chubb 24-Hour Home                             in the preceding twelve (12) months                               (h) Tenants, roomers, boarders or
     Assist will provide You with referral                      has been submitted under Your                                         paying guests and their visitors
     information regarding plumbers as                          Policy and is pending adjustment,                                     arising from or due to larceny,

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
10          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

         Theft, Malicious Damage or                                data and embedded chips to                                       commencement of the Policy
         Vandalism or deliberate or                                recognise correctly, to interpret                                must be notified by You to Chubb
         intentional acts,                                         correctly or to process correctly                                in writing immediately after such
                                                                   any date or to function correctly                                change in risk comes to Your
    (i) settlement, shrinkage,
                                                                   beyond any time when that item,                                  notice. Alterations that You must
        vibration or expansion in
                                                                   equipment or computer software                                   notify Chubb of include:
        buildings, foundations, walls or
                                                                   has not recognised, interpreted or
        pavements,                                                                                                                  •     alteration of Your Premises;
                                                                   processed correctly any date.
    (j) faulty workmanship, inherent                                                                                                •     the Premises being left
                                                             6.8 loss or damage to Your property
        defect, errors or omissions in                                                                                                    unoccupied for a period
                                                                 when Your Building is undergoing
        design, structural defects and                                                                                                    of more than sixty (60)
                                                                 any process of construction,
        faulty design,                                                                                                                    consecutive days;
                                                                 demolition, alteration or repair.
    (k) water seeping or otherwise                                                                                                  •     Your interest in any Premises
                                                             6.9 loss or damage or liability resulting
        percolating through a wall,                                                                                                       ceasing;
                                                                 from or in connection with any
        floor or roof,                                           error in computer programming or                                   •     where the nature of the
    (l) the roots of trees, shrubs,                              instructions to the computer.                                            occupation of or other
        plants and grass,                                    6.10loss or damage or liability when                                         circumstances affecting the
                                                                 intentionally caused by You or a                                         Premises are changed in such
    (m) erosion, or
                                                                 person acting with Your consent,                                         a way to increase any risk
    (n) mould, mildew, fungi, fungus,                                                                                                     insured under this Policy; or
                                                                 including losses resulting from the
        wet or dry rot or bacteria.                              taking or other misappropriation of                                •     You being placed into
6.2 consequential loss of any kind.                              the Contents or Valuables.                                               bankruptcy, receivership,
                                                             6.11 loss or damage to property when                                         administration or liquidation.
6.3 loss or damage or liability arising
    from the consequences of war,                                 sent by courier or by post.                                       If Chubb accepts the altered risk,
    undeclared war, rebellion, civil war,                    6.12 asbestos or asbestos products or                                  You must pay Chubb any additional
    insurrection, revolution, invasion,                           any materials containing asbestos                                 premium it requires.
    war like acts of military forces or                           in whatever form or quantity.                              7.2 Applicable Law
    personnel, or the destruction or
    seizure of property for military                         6.13 loss or damage or liability caused                         •      Notwithstanding anything
    purposes.                                                     by or in connection with Your                                     contained herein to the contrary
                                                                  failure to use all reasonable means                               it is agreed that the indemnity
6.4 loss or damage or liability caused                            to protect and maintain the insured                               provided by this PolicyPolicy shall
    by the confiscation, destruction                              property before, at, or after the                                 not apply in respect of judgements
    or seizure of property by any                                 time of any loss or damage.                                       which are not in the first instance
    government or public authority                                                                                                  delivered by or obtained from a
    or other authority except when in                        6.14 loss, damage, cost or expense of
                                                                                                                                    court of competent jurisdiction
    connection with any riot or civil                             any nature directly or indirectly
                                                                                                                                    within Singapore.
    commotion.                                                    caused by, resulting from, or in
                                                                  connection with:                                           •      This Policy shall be governed by
6.5 loss or damage or liability caused                                                                                              and interpreted in accordance with
                                                                   (a) any act of Terrorism; or
    by or arising from nuclear or                                                                                                   Singapore law.
    radioactive contamination.                                     (b) any action taken in controlling,
                                                                       preventing, suppressing,                              7.3 Arbitration
6.6 loss or damage or liability
                                                                       retaliating against or in any way                            If any dispute or disagreement
    caused by or in connection with
                                                                       responding to or relating to an                              arises regarding any matter
    contamination and pollution
                                                                       act of Terrorism regardless of                               pertaining to or concerning this
    and the removal of any resultant
                                                                       any other contributing cause or                              Policy, the dispute or disagreement
    pollutants and contaminants.
                                                                       event.                                                       must be referred to arbitration in
6.7 loss or damage or liability arising                                                                                             accordance with the provisions
    out of the failure or inability of                       Section 7: General Conditions                                          of the Arbitration Act (Cap. 10)
    any item, equipment, computer                                                                                                   and any statutory modification or
    or computer software including                           7.1 Alteration to Risk                                                 re-enactment thereof then in force,
    but not limited to firmware,                                   Any alteration to the risk after                                 such arbitration to be commenced

       © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
       and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                          11
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     within three (3) months from the                                   Your Policy.                                        7.8 Duty of Disclosure
     day such parties are unable to                                                                                               Before You enter into Your Policy
                                                                  (f ) failed to tell Us about any
     settle the dispute or difference. If                                                                                         with Us, You must disclose fully and
                                                                       changes in the circumstances
     You fail to commence arbitration                                                                                             faithfully all the facts which You
                                                                       of the risk during the Period of
     in accordance with this clause, it is                                                                                        know or ought to know, otherwise
     agreed that any cause of action and                               Insurance.
                                                                                                                                  the policy issued may be void.
     any right to make a claim that You                           After cancellation and subject to
     have or may have against Us shall                                                                                      7.9 Excess
                                                                  Your Free Look period rights (See
     be extinguished completely. Where                            Important Customer Information                                  You must pay the amount of any
     there is a dispute or disagreement,                          section), We will keep the premium                              applicable excess shown in the
     the issuance of a valid arbitration                          for the period that Your Policy was                             Schedule or in this Policy in respect
     award shall also be a condition                                                                                              of each claim You make under the
                                                                  in force and refund any unused
     precedent to our liability under this                                                                                        Policy. The Excess is payable by You
                                                                  premium paid provided no claims
     Policy. In no case shall You seek to                                                                                         at such time required by Chubb.
                                                                  have been made. There is no refund
     recover on this Policy before the
                                                                  if You have been paying Your                                    If any event leads to a claim under
     expiration of sixty (60) days after
                                                                  premium on a monthly basis or                                   more than one Section of the
     written proof of claim has been
                                                                  when there is a Total Loss.                                     Policy, You must pay the highest
     submitted to Us in accordance with
                                                                                                                                  applicable Excess.
     the provisions of this Policy.                         7.6 Conditions Precedent To The
                                                                Company’s Liability                                         7.10 Inspection and Salvage
7.4 Assignment
                                                                  The liability of the Company for                                If You make a claim, Chubb may
     You must not assign this Policy or
                                                                  any benefit under this Policy is                                inspect the property or item.
     any of Your rights under this Policy,
                                                                  conditional upon:                                               While Chubb has no obligation to
     without the prior written consent of
                                                                                                                                  take possession of any damaged
     Chubb.                                                       (a) the truth of the statements and                             property or item, Chubb reserves
7.5 Cancellation                                                      information as provided to                                  the right to do so.
     You may cancel this Policy at the                                Chubb by You; and
                                                                                                                                  Chubb is entitled to obtain and
     end of any Period of Insurance by                            (b) the due observance and                                      retain any property or items that
     giving Us at least thirty (30) days                              fulfillment of the terms and                                are salvaged or recovered after it
     prior written notice.                                            conditions of this Policy insofar                           pays a claim by replacing or paying
     We may cancel the Policy at the end                              as they relate to anything to be                            to replace such property or items.
     of any Period of Insurance by giving                             done or complied with by You.                               Chubb may sell the property or
     You at least thirty (30) days prior                                                                                          items and keep the proceeds.
                                                            7.7 Changes in Policy
     notice in writing to Your address on                                                                                   7.11 Interpretation
     file, and in accordance with the law,                        No change in this Policy will be
                                                                  valid unless agreed to in writing by                            This Policy and the Schedule
     including where You have:
                                                                  Chubb. The requirements of any                                  with attaching Sections and any
     (a) made a misrepresentation to Us                           Section of the Policy may not be                                amendments or endorsements shall
         before the Policy was entered                                                                                            be read together as one contract
                                                                  deemed to be waived unless Chubb
         into                                                                                                                     and any word or expression to
                                                                  agrees to waive them in writing.
     (b) failed to comply with Your Duty                                                                                          which a specific meaning has been
                                                                  Any changes, amendments or                                      attached in any part of this Policy
         of Disclosure
                                                                  variations to Your Policy, and any                              or the Schedule shall bear such
     (c) failed to comply with a                                  changes to the applicable premium                               specific meaning wherever it may
         provision of Your Policy                                 will be notified by Us to You at least                          appear.
         including failure to pay the                             thirty (30) days in advance of them
         premium,                                                                                                           7.12 Modification
                                                                  taking effect.
                                                                                                                                  We reserve the right to modify the
     (d) made a fraudulent claim under                            If you are not agreeable to the                                 terms and conditions of Your Policy
         Your Policy or any other Policy                          changes, amendments or variations                               within the Period of Insurance
         during the time Your Policy has                          proposed to Your Policy, You may                                by giving You prior notice of at
         been in effect,
                                                                  exercise Your right to cancel the                               least thirty (30) days, and such
     (e) failed to notify Us of a specific                        Policy in accordance with Clause                                modification shall be applicable
         act or omission as required by                           7.5.                                                            from the effective date as stated in

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
12          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
myHome Protect

   Our written notice to Your address                             issued. All policies not recognised                              Scheme which is administered by
   on file.                                                       by Us shall be cancelled.                                        the Singapore Deposit Insurance
                                                                                                                                   Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for
   No modification of Your Policy                                 Except as specifically stated in Your
                                                                                                                                   Your Policy is automatic and no
   shall be valid unless approved                                 Policy, benefit amounts are payable
                                                                                                                                   further action is required from You.
   in writing by Our authorised                                   in addition to any other insurance
                                                                                                                                   For more information on the types
   representative, and such approval                              benefits to which You may be
                                                                                                                                   of benefits that are covered under
   shall be evidenced by way of an                                entitled.
   endorsement to Your Policy issued                                                                                               the scheme as well as the limits of
                                                            7.15 Payment of Benefits Upon Death                                    coverage, where applicable, please
   by Us. No broker or agent has the
   authority to modify or to waive any                            Upon death of the Insured, all                                   contact Us or visit the GIA / LIA or
   of the terms and conditions of Your                            benefits which are payable to the                                SDIC websites ( or
   Policy.                                                        Insured under this Policy shall be                      or
                                                                  made to the estate of such person.                        7.17 Renewal of Your Policy
7.13 Notice Of Trust Or Assignment
     And Third Party Rights                                 7.15 Personal Data Protection                                          In the case of a Monthly Policy:
   Chubb shall not be bound or be                                 You are deemed to give Your                                      (a) If either party wishes not to
   affected by any notice of any trust,                           consent and authorisation to                                         renew the Policy at the end of
   charge, lien, assignment or other                              Chubb to collect, use, disclose,
                                                                                                                                       any Period of Insurance, notice
   dealing with or in relation to this                            and/or process Your personal data
                                                                                                                                       of cancellation must be given in
   Policy.                                                        or information supplied to Chubb
                                                                                                                                       accordance with Clause 6.5. If
                                                                  without further notification to You
   A person who is not a party to this                                                                                                 no such notice has been given
                                                                  confidentially with its affiliated
   Policy contract shall have no right                                                                                                 by either party, Your Policy
                                                                  companies, third party service
   under the Contracts (Rights of                                                                                                      will be renewed automatically
                                                                  providers, business partners
   Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce                                                                                                  for one (1) month from the
                                                                  and/or other parties, which may
   any of its terms.                                                                                                                   Renewal Date upon Your
                                                                  be sited outside Singapore, for
                                                                                                                                       payment of the premium due
7.14 Other Insurance                                              administering policies taken out
                                                                                                                                       on each Renewal Date.
   To the extent permitted by law,                                with Chubb, customer services and
   when other insurance applies to                                marketing and related activities,                                In the case of a Yearly Policy:
   a covered loss, We will pay only                               until Chubb receives Your written                                (b) If either party wishes not to
   in excess of the other insurance,                              instruction to the contrary. Upon                                    renew the Policy at the end of
   limited to the indemnity being                                 Your written request, Chubb shall,                                   any Period of Insurance, notice
   provided under Your Policy,                                    without charge, cease to use Your
                                                                                                                                       of cancellation must be given in
   unless that other insurance was                                personal information for purposes
                                                                                                                                       accordance with Clause 6.5. If
   specifically written to be excess                              other than those directly related
                                                                                                                                       no such notice has been given
   over the indemnity provided in                                 to Your Policy. A copy of Chubb’s
                                                                                                                                       by either party, Your Policy will
   Your Policy.                                                   Personal Data Protection Policy can
                                                                                                                                       be renewed automatically for
                                                                  be found at
   Should You make a claim under                                                                                                       one (1) year from the Renewal
                                                                  privacy-policy and You are deemed
   Your Policy, You must advise Chubb                                                                                                  Date upon Your payment of the
                                                                  to have read the same.
   of any other insurance which                                                                                                        premium due on each Renewal
   may cover the loss or damage or                                You may write to Chubb’s Data                                        Date.
   Accident.                                                      Protection Officer at 138 Market
                                                                                                                            7.18 Payment before Cover Warranty
                                                                  Street #11-01 CapitaGreen,
7.15 Payment of Benefits                                                                                                           (a) The total premium due
                                                                  Singapore 048946 for any request
   You cannot be covered under                                    for access to and/or correction of                                   must be paid to and actually
   more than one (1) myHome Protect                               any information supplied to Chubb                                    received in full by Chubb or the
   Policy. If You are covered under                               and Chubb may reserve the right to                                   intermediary through whom
   more than one (1) such Policy, We                              charge a reasonable fee to offset the                                the Policy was effected (‘the
   will consider You to be covered                                administrative costs in complying                                    intermediary’) on or before
   under the Policy which provides                                with access requests.                                                the Commencement Date of
   the highest benefits. Where the                                                                                                     coverage under the Policy,
   benefits under any additional Policy                     7.16 Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme                                      Renewal Certificate, Cover
   are identical, We will consider You                            This Policy is protected under                                       Note and/or Endorsement (the
   to be insured under the Policy first                           the Policy Owners’ Protection                                        Commencement Date’).

      © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
      and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.                                                                                          13
myHome Protect

     (b) If the total premium is not                                    compensation, cost or expense                             agreement for this Policy to
         paid and received in full by                                   covered by this Policy; and                               continue beyond that period.
         Chubb or the intermediary on
                                                                  •     comply with all obligations and
         or before the Commencement                                                                                         Section 8: Claims
                                                                        regulations imposed by any
         Date, the Policy, Renewal
                                                                        authority.                                          We will act in good faith in all our
         Certificate, Cover Note and/or
         Endorsement shall be deemed                        7.21 Sanctions                                                  dealings with You. Equally, the payment
         to be cancelled immediately,                                                                                       of claims is dependent on:
                                                                  This insurance does not apply
         and no benefits shall be payable                         to the extent that trade or                               Claims Conditions Applicable To All
         by Chubb. Any payment                                    economic sanctions or other laws                          Sections
         received thereafter shall have                           or regulations prohibit us from
         no effect whatsoever on the                                                                                        What You must do:
                                                                  providing insurance, including,
         deemed cancellation.                                     but not limited to, the payment                           On the happening of any event which
                                                                  of claims. All other terms and                            could lead to a claim, You must, at Your
     (c) This Payment Before Cover
                                                                  conditions of the policy remain                           own expense:
         Warranty provision shall
         prevail over any inconsistent                            unchanged.                                                •     take all reasonable precautions to
         terms (if any) in the Policy.                      7.22 Subrogation                                                      prevent further loss or damage or
     (d) In respect of insurance                                  If Chubb makes a payment under
         coverage with Free Look                                  this Policy, Chubb is subrogated                          •     immediately inform Chubb at the
         provision, You may return the                            to all Your rights of contribution,                             address and contact details listed at
         original policy document to                              indemnity or recovery. You must                                 the beginning of this Policy;
         Chubb or the intermediary                                not surrender any right to or
                                                                                                                            •     immediately inform the police
         within the Free Look period if                           settle any claim for contribution,
                                                                                                                                  if any property insured under
         You decide to cancel the cover                           indemnity or recovery without
                                                                                                                                  this Policy is lost, stolen or of the
         during the Free Look period. In                          Chubb’s prior written consent. You                              occurrence of Malicious Damage or
         such an event, You will receive                          must do all things and execute all                              Vandalism;
         a full refund of the premium                             documents to enable Chubb to sue
         paid to Chubb provided that no                           in Your name for such contribution,                       •     take all reasonable precautions to
         claim has been made under the                            indemnity or recovery.                                          recover lost or stolen property and
         insurance.                                                                                                               minimise the claim;
                                                                  Where You have agreed with
7.19 Policy Reinstatement after                                   another person or company (who                            •     not dispose of any damaged
     Partial Loss                                                 would otherwise be liable to                                    property without Chubb’s consent;

     When We pay a claim under Your                               compensate You for any loss or                            •     not arrange for the repair or
     Policy for partial loss or damage to                         damage which is covered by the                                  replacement of any property
     the Contents, the Sum Insured will                           contract of insurance) that You will                            insured under this Policy, in
     be reduced by the loss amount for                            not seek to recover such loss or                                connection with any claim, without
                                                                  damage from that person, Chubb                                  Chubb’s consent;
     each and every claim and shall not
                                                                  will not cover You, to the extent
     exceed the aggregate Sum Insured.                                                                                      •     complete and lodge a claim
                                                                  permitted by law, for such loss or
     We may at Our option reinstate the                                                                                           form as reasonably possible
     Sum Insured and reserve the right                                                                                            with all necessary supporting
     to charge an additional premium.                       7.23 Total loss                                                       documentation that Chubb
7.20Reasonable Care                                               If We pay Your claim for a Total                                may reasonably require for the
                                                                  Loss then the cover provided under                              investigation and verification of the
     You must:
                                                                  this Policy will end.                                           claim including but not limited to:
     •   take all reasonable measures to
                                                            7.24 Unoccupied Property                                        •     full written details of the loss or
         maintain all property insured
                                                                  The covers provided by this Policy                              damage or Accidental Injury;
         under this Policy in sound
                                                                  shall cease if Your Premises is left
         condition;                                                                                                         •     any relevant receipts, certificates
                                                                  unoccupied for a period exceeding
                                                                                                                                  and other proofs of ownership;
     •   take all reasonable precautions                          sixty (60) consecutive days, unless
         to prevent or minimise loss,                             You have informed Chubb of this                           •     all valuations relating to lost or
         damage, destruction, liability,                          fact and obtained Chubb’s written                               damaged property;

            © 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages available in all jurisdictions. Chubb® and its respective logos,
14          and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb. Published 02/2018.
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